Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Jump to: Abdelilah-Seyfried, Salim | Akalin, Altuna (BIMSB) | Alexander, Christiane | Altmüller, Janine (BIMSB/BIH) | Andrade Navarro, Miguel | Bader, Michael | Bargou, Ralf C. | Behlke, Joachim | Bergmann, Martin W. | Besser, Daniel | Beule, Dieter (MDC/BIH) | Bielka, Heinz | Bimmler, Marion | Birchmeier, Walter | Birchmeier-Kohler, Carmen | Blankenstein, Thomas | Boschmann, Michael (ECRC) | Bullinger, Lars | Bunina, Daria | Böttcher, Chotima (ECRC) | Calkhoven, Cornelis F. | Cardoso, Cristina | Chekulaeva, Marina (BIMSB) | Chen, Wei (BIMSB/BIH) | Coscia, Fabian | Damaschun, Gregor | Daniel, Peter | Daumke, Oliver | De la Rosa, Kathrin | Deubzer, Hedwig (ECRC) | Di Virgilio, Michela | Diebolder, Christoph | Diecke, Sebastian (MDC/BIH) | Dietz, Rainer | Dittmar, Gunnar | Doerken, Bernd (MDC/ECRC) | Dörr, Jan Rafael (ECRC) | Falcke, Martin | Falk, Kirsten | Fichtner, Iduna | Fielitz, Jens (ECRC) | Fischer, Christian (ECRC) | Forslund, Sofia (MDC/ECRC) | Ganten, Detlev | Gargiulo, Gaetano | Garratt, Alistair N. | Geier, Christian (ECRC) | Gerhardt, Holger | Gerull, Brenda | Gollasch, Maik (ECRC) | Gossen, Manfred | Gotthardt, Michael | Großwendt, Stefanie (MDC/BIH) | Haas, Simon (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Haghverdi, Laleh (BIMSB) | Hammes-Lewin, Annette | Heinemann, Udo | Henssen, Anton (MDC/ECRC) | Heuser, Arnd | Hirsch, Christian | Hoepken, Uta | Huebner, Norbert | Huppa, Johannes | Hörnberg, Hanna | Ivics, Zoltan | Izsvak, Zsuzsanna | Janz, Martin / Mathas, Stephan (MDC/ECRC) | Jentsch, Thomas | Jung, Christiane | Junker, Jan Philipp (BIMSB) | Kainmüller, Dagmar | Kaminski, Michael (BIMSB) | Karsten, Uwe | Keller, Ulrich | Kemmner, Wolfgang | Kempa, Stefan (BIMSB) | Kempermann, Gerd | Kettenmann, Helmut | Kettritz, Ralph (ECRC) | Kirwan, Jennifer (MDC/BIH) | Klaassen, Sabine (ECRC) | Klussmann, Enno | Koehler, Matthias | Krappmann, Daniel | Kudryashev, Mikhail | Kuehn, Ralf (MDC/BIH) | Kunz, Severine | Lacadie, Scott | Landthaler, Markus (BIMSB) | Leutz, Achim | Lewin, Gary | Lipp, Martin | Loewer, Alexander (BIMSB) | Lohse, Martin | Ludwig, Leif (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Luft, Friedrich C. (MDC/ECRC) | Lupianez, Dario (BIMSB) | Matthes, Eckart | Mertins, Philipp (MDC/BIH) | Metzger, Jakob (BIMSB) | Meyer, Irmtraud (BIMSB) | Morano, Ingo | Mueller, Dominik N. / Dechend, Ralph (MDC/ECRC) | Na, Il-Kang (ECRC) | Niendorf, Thoralf | Obermayer, Benedikt | Ohler, Uwe (BIMSB) | Panakova, Daniela | Paul, Friedemann (ECRC) | Peters, Oliver (ECRC) | Pezzutto, Antonio | Pischon, Tobias | Pombo, Ana (BIMSB) | Poole, Kathryn | Potente, Michael (MDC/BIH) | Poulet, James | Poy, Matthew | Preibisch, Stephan (BIMSB) | Preissner, Robert | Prigione, Alessandro | Purfuerst, Bettina | Rahn, Hans-Peter | Raile, Klemens (ECRC) | Rajewsky, Klaus | Rajewsky, Nikolaus (BIMSB) | Rathjen, Fritz G. | Rehm, Armin | Reich, Jens | Reszka, Regina | Robson, Michael (BIMSB) | Rocks, Oliver | Roepke, Torsten Kai (ECRC) | Roetzschke, Olaf | Rosenbauer, Frank | Ruckpaul, Klaus | Rybak-Wolf, Agnieszka (BIMSB) | Sander, Maike | Sanders, Ashley (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Sauer, Sascha (BIMSB/BIH) | Saumweber, Harald | Sawamiphak, Suphansa | Scheidereit, Claus | Scherneck, Siegfried | Schmidt-Ott, Kai | Schmitt, Clemens | Schmitz, Dietmar | Schreiber, Adrian (ECRC) | Schuetz, Anja | Schulz-Menger, Jeanette (ECRC) | Schunck, Wolf-Hagen | Schwarz, Roland (BIMSB) | Selbach, Matthias | Sieweke, Michael | Siffrin, Volker (ECRC) | Sigal, Michael (BIMSB) | Simon, Katja | Sklenar, Heinz | Sommer, Thomas | Spagnoli, Francesca | Sperling, Silke (ECRC) | Sporbert, Anje | Spuler, Simone (ECRC) | Stade, Katrin | Stein, Ulrike (MDC/ECRC) | Tannert, Christof | Thierfelder, Ludwig | Treier, Mathias | Tursun, Baris (BIMSB) | Uckert, Wolfgang | Vaegler, Martin (ECRC) | Von Kries, Jens Peter / Nazaré, Marc | Waiczies, Sonia (ECRC) | Walther, Wolfgang | Wang, Jichang | Wanker, Erich | Welfle, Heinz | Wilck, Nicola (ECRC) | Willnow, Thomas E. | Wittmann-Liebold, Brigitte | Woehler, Andrew (BIMSB) | Wolf, Jana | Wolf, Susanne | Wunderlich, Volker | Zampieri, Niccolo | Zenke, Martin | Ziebold, Ulrike | Zinzen, Robert (BIMSB)

Abdelilah-Seyfried, Salim

Macrophage development from hematopoietic stem cells requires PU.1 coordinated microRNA expression.
Ghani, S., Riemke, P., Schoenheit, J., Lenze, D., Stumm, J., Hoogenkamp, M., Lagendijk, A., Heinz, S., Bonifer, C., Bakkers, J., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Hummel, M. and Rosenbauer, F.
Blood 118 (8): 2275-2284. 25 August 2011

Akalin, Altuna (BIMSB)

Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements.
Baranasic, D., Hörtenhuber, M., Balwierz, P.J., Zehnder, T., Mukarram, A.K., Nepal, C., Várnai, C., Hadzhiev, Y., Jimenez-Gonzalez, A., Li, N., Wragg, J., D'Orazio, F.M., Relic, D., Pachkov, M., Díaz, N., Hernández-Rodríguez, B., Chen, Z., Stoiber, M., Dong, M., Stevens, I., Ross, S.E., Eagle, A., Martin, R., Obasaju, O., Rastegar, S., McGarvey, A.C., Kopp, W., Chambers, E., Wang, D., Kim, H.R., Acemel, R.D., Naranjo, S., Łapiński, M., Chong, V., Mathavan, S., Peers, B., Sauka-Spengler, T., Vingron, M., Carninci, P., Ohler, U., Lacadie, S.A., Burgess, S.M., Winata, C., van Eeden, F., Vaquerizas, J.M., Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L., Onichtchouk, D., Brown, B.J., Bogdanovic, O., van Nimwegen, E., Westerfield, M., Wardle, F.C, Daub, C.O., Lenhard, B. and Müller, F.
Nature Genetics 54 (7): 1037-1050. July 2022

Alternative 3' UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments.
Ciolli Mattioli, C., Rom, A., Franke, V., Imami, K., Arrey, G., Terne, M., Woehler, A., Akalin, A., Ulitsky, I. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (5): 2560-2573. 18 March 2019

PDGFA-associated protein 1 protects mature B lymphocytes from stress-induced cell death and promotes antibody gene diversification.
Delgado-Benito, V., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Altwasser, R., Winkler, W., Sundaravinayagam, D., Balasubramanian, S., Caganova, M., Graf, R., Rahjouei, A., Henke, M.T., Driesner, M., Keller, L., Prigione, A., Janz, M., Akalin, A. and Di Virgilio, M.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 217 (10): e20200137. 5 October 2020

A multimorphic mutation in IRF4 causes human autosomal dominant combined immunodeficiency.
Fornes, O., Jia, A., Kuehn, H.S., Min, Q., Pannicke, U., Schleussner, N., Thouenon, R., Yu, Z., de Los Angeles Astbury, M., Biggs, C.M., Galicchio, M., Garcia-Campos, J.A., Gismondi, S., Gonzalez Villarreal, G., Hildebrand, K.J., Hönig, M., Hou, J., Moshous, D., Pittaluga, S., Qian, X., Rozmus, J., Schulz, A.S., Staines-Boone, A.T., Sun, B., Sun, J., Uwe, S., Venegas-Montoya, E., Wang, W., Wang, X., Ying, W., Zhai, X., Zhou, Q., Akalin, A., André, I., Barth, T.F.E., Baumann, B., Brüstle, A., Burgio, G., Bustamante, J.C., Casanova, J.L., Casarotto, M.G., Cavazzana, M., Chentout, L., Cockburn, I.A., Costanza, M., Cui, C., Daumke, O., Del Bel, K.L., Eibel, H., Feng, X., Franke, V., Gebhardt, J.C.M., Götz, A., Grunwald, S., Hoareau, B., Hughes, T.R., Jacobsen, E.M., Janz, M., Jolma, A., Lagresle-Peyrou, C., Lai, N., Li, Y., Lin, S., Lu, H.Y., Lugo-Reyes, S.O., Meng, X., Möller, P., Moreno-Corona, N., Niemela, J.E., Novakovsky, G., Perez-Caraballo, J.J., Picard, C., Poggi, L., Puig-Lombardi, M.E., Randall, K.L., Reisser, A., Schmitt, Y., Seneviratne, S., Sharma, M., Stoddard, J., Sundararaj, S., Sutton, H., Tran, L.Q., Wang, Y., Wasserman, W.W., Wen, Z., Winkler, W., Xiong, E., Yang, A.W.H., Yu, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, Q., Zhen, X., Enders, A., Kracker, S., Martinez-Barricarte, R., Mathas, S., Rosenzweig, S.D., Schwarz, K., Turvey, S.E. and Wang, J.Y.
Science Immunology 8 (79): eade7953. January 2023

Reproducible inference of transcription factor footprints in ATAC-seq and DNase-seq datasets using protocol-specific bias modeling.
Karabacak Calviello, A., Hirsekorn, A., Wurmus, R., Yusuf, D. and Ohler, U.
Genome Biology 20 (1): 42. 21 February 2019

Transcriptional repression of NFKBIA triggers constitutive IKK- and proteasome-independent p65/RelA activation in senescence.
Kolesnichenko, M., Mikuda, N., Höpken, U.E., Kärgel, E., Uyar, B., Tufan, A.B., Milanovic, M., Sun, W., Krahn, I., Schleich, K., von Hoff, L., Hinz, M., Willenbrock, M., Jungmann, S., Akalin, A., Lee, S., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Schmitt, C.A. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 40 (6): e104296. 15 March 2021

FACT sets a barrier for cell fate reprogramming in Caenorhabditis elegans and human cells.
Kolundzic, E., Ofenbauer, A., Bulut, S.I., Uyar, B., Baytek, G., Sommermeier, A., Seelk, S., He, M., Hirsekorn, A., Vucicevic, D., Akalin, A., Diecke, S., Lacadie, S.A. and Tursun, B.
Developmental Cell 46 (5): 611-626. 10 September 2018

Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and integration for single-cell ATAC-seq data using deep learning.
Kopp, W., Akalin, A. and Ohler, U.
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (2): 162-168. February 2022

Deep learning for genomics using Janggu.
Kopp, W., Monti, R., Tamburrini, A., Ohler, U. and Akalin, A.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 3488. 13 July 2020

Single-cell-resolved dynamics of chromatin architecture delineate cell and regulatory states in zebrafish embryos.
McGarvey, A.C., Kopp, W., Vučićević, D., Mattonet, K., Kempfer, R., Hirsekorn, A., Bilić, I., Gil, M., Trinks, A., Merks, A.M., Panáková, D., Pombo, A., Akalin, A., Junker, J.P., Stainier, D.Y.R., Garfield, D., Ohler, U. and Lacadie, S.A.
Cell Genomics 2 (1): 100083. 13 January 2022

Lymphocyte access to lymphoma is impaired by high endothelial venule regression.
Menzel, L., Zschummel, M., Crowley, T., Franke, V., Grau, M., Ulbricht, C., Hauser, A., Siffrin, V., Bajénoff, M., Acton, S.E., Akalin, A., Lenz, G., Willimsky, G., Höpken, U.E. and Rehm, A.
Cell Reports 37 (4): 109878. 26 October 2021

Degrons in cancer.
Meszaros, B., Kumar, M., Gibson, T.J., Uyar, B. and Dosztanyi, Z.
Science Signaling 10 (470): eaak9982. 14 March 2017

Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs.
Meyer, K., Kirchner, M., Uyar, B., Cheng, J.Y., Russo, G., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Szymborska, A., Zauber, H., Rudolph, I.M., Willnow, T.E., Akalin, A., Haucke, V., Gerhardt, H., Birchmeier, C., Kühn, R., Krauss, M., Diecke, S., Pascual, J.M. and Selbach, M.
Cell 175 (1): 239-253. 20 September 2018

The IκB kinase complex is a regulator of mRNA stability.
Mikuda, N., Kolesnichenko, M., Beaudette, P., Popp, O., Uyar, B., Sun, W., Tufan, A.B., Perder, B., Akalin, A., Chen, W., Mertins, P., Dittmar, G., Hinz, M. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 37 (24): e98658. 14 December 2018

Deciphering human ribonucleoprotein regulatory networks.
Mukherjee, N., Wessels, H.H., Lebedeva, S., Sajek, M., Ghanbari, M., Garzia, A., Munteanu, A., Yusuf, D., Farazi, T., Hoell, J.I., Akat, K.M., Akalin, A., Tuschl, T. and Ohler, U.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (2): 570-581. 25 January 2019

The conserved histone chaperone LIN-53 is required for normal lifespan and maintenance of muscle integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Müthel, S., Uyar, B., He, M., Krause, A., Vitrinel, B., Bulut, S., Vasiljevic, D., Marchal, I., Kempa, S., Akalin, A. and Tursun, B.
Aging Cell 18 (6): e13012. December 2019

Herpesviruses mimic zygotic genome activation to promote viral replication.
Neugebauer, E., Walter, S., Tan, J., Drayman, N., Franke, V., van Gent, M., Pennisi, S., Veratti, P., Stein, K.S., Welker, I., Tay, S., Verjans, G.M.G.M., Timmers, H.T.M., Akalin, A., Landthaler, M., Ensser, A., Wyler, E. and Full, F.
Nature Communications 16 (1): 710. 16 January 2025

Pathogenic mutations of human phosphorylation sites affect protein–protein interactions.
Rrustemi, T., Meyer, K., Roske, Y., Uyar, B., Akalin, A., Imami, K., Ishihama, Y., Daumke, O. and Selbach, M.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 3146. 11 April 2024

Transcriptional reprogramming by mutated IRF4 in lymphoma.
Schleussner, N., Cauchy, P., Franke, V., Giefing, M., Fornes, O., Vankadari, N., Assi, S.A., Costanza, M., Weniger, M.A., Akalin, A., Anagnostopoulos, I., Bukur, T., Casarotto, M.G., Damm, F., Daumke, O., Edginton-White, B., Gebhardt, J.C.M., Grau, M., Grunwald, S., Hansmann, M.L., Hartmann, S., Huber, L., Kärgel, E., Lusatis, S., Noerenberg, D., Obier, N., Pannicke, U., Fischer, A., Reisser, A., Rosenwald, A., Schwarz, K., Sundararaj, S., Weilemann, A., Winkler, W., Xu, W., Lenz, G., Rajewsky, K., Wasserman, W.W., Cockerill, P.N., Scheidereit, C., Siebert, R., Küppers, R., Grosschedl, R., Janz, M., Bonifer, C. and Mathas, S.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 6947. 7 November 2023

Oncogene inactivation-induced senescence facilitates tumor relapse.
Schmitt, P., Hönig, K., Milojkovic, A., Anders, K., Schröck, E., Sauer, S., Uyar, B., Akalin, A., Martínez-Reyes, I. and Blankenstein, T.
bioRxiv : 2024.07.13.603369. 17 July 2024

Disintegration of the NuRD complex in primary human muscle stem cells in critical illness myopathy.
Schneider, J., Sundaravinayagam, D., Blume, A., Marg, A., Grunwald, S., Metzler, E., Escobar, H., Müthel, S., Wang, H., Wollersheim, T., Weber-Carstens, S., Akalin, A., Di Virgilio, M., Tursun, B. and Spuler, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (3): 2772. 1 February 2023

Functional interplay of Epstein-Barr virus oncoproteins in a mouse model of B cell lymphomagenesis.
Sommermann, T., Yasuda, T., Ronen, J., Wirtz, T., Weber, T., Sack, U., Caeser, R., Zhang, J., Li, X., Chu, V.T., Jauch, A., Unger, K., Hodson, D.J., Akalin, A. and Rajewsky, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (25): 14421-14432. 23 June 2020

DNA virus infections shape transposable elements activity in vitro and in vivo.
Tan, J., Franke, V., Neugebauer, E., Lagisquet, J., Kuderna, A.K., Walter, S., Landthaler, M., Ensser, A., Stamminger, T., Gramberg, T., Akalin, A., Wyler, E. and Full, F.
bioRxiv : 2024.04.18.589901. 19 April 2024

RCAS: an RNA centric annotation system for transcriptome-wide regions of interest.
Uyar, B., Yusuf, D., Wurmus, R., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U. and Akalin, A.
Nucleic Acids Research 45 (10): e91. 2 June 2017

Global identification of functional microRNA-mRNA interactions in Drosophila.
Wessels, H.H., Lebedeva, S., Hirsekorn, A., Wurmus, R., Akalin, A., Mukherjee, N. and Ohler, U.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 1626. 9 April 2019

Single-cell RNA-sequencing of herpes simplex virus 1-infected cells connects NRF2 activation to an antiviral program.
Wyler, E., Franke, V., Menegatti, J., Kocks, C., Boltengagen, A., Praktiknjo, S., Walch-Rückheim, B., Bosse, J., Rajewsky, N., Grässer, F., Akalin, A. and Landthaler, M.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 4878. 25 October 2019

Widespread activation of antisense transcription of the host genome during herpes simplex virus 1 infection.
Wyler, E., Menegatti, J., Franke, V., Kocks, C., Boltengagen, A., Hennig, T., Theil, K., Rutkowski, A., Ferrai, C., Baer, L., Kermas, L., Friedel, C., Rajewsky, N., Akalin, A., Dölken, L., Grässer, F. and Landthaler, M.
Genome Biology 18 (1): 209. 31 October 2017

Transcriptomic profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infected human cell lines identifies HSP90 as target for COVID-19 therapy.
Wyler, E., Mösbauer, K., Franke, V., Diag, A., Gottula, L.T., Arsiè, R., Klironomos, F., Koppstein, D., Hönzke, K., Ayoub, S., Buccitelli, C., Hoffmann, K., Richter, A., Legnini, I., Ivanov, A., Mari, T., Del Giudice, S., Papies, J., Praktiknjo, S., Meyer, T.F., Müller, M.A., Niemeyer, D., Hocke, A., Selbach, M., Akalin, A., Rajewsky, N., Drosten, C. and Landthaler, M.
iScience 24 (3): 102151. 19 March 2021

RNA localization is a key determinant of neurite-enriched proteome.
Zappulo, A., van den Bruck, D., Ciolli Mattioli, C., Franke, V., Imami, K., McShane, E., Moreno-Estelles, M., Calviello, L., Filipchyk, A., Peguero-Sanchez, E., Müller, T., Woehler, A., Birchmeier, C., Merino, E., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U., Mazzoni, E.O., Selbach, M., Akalin, A. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nature Communications 8 (1): 583. 19 September 2017

Autocrine LTA signaling drives NF-κB and JAK-STAT activity and myeloid gene expression in Hodgkin lymphoma.
von Hoff, L., Kärgel, E., Franke, V., McShane, E., Schulz-Beiss, K.W., Patone, G., Schleussner, N., Kolesnichenko, M., Hübner, N., Daumke, O., Selbach, M., Akalin, A., Mathas, S. and Scheidereit, C.
Blood 133 (13): 1489-1494. 28 March 2019

Alexander, Christiane

Characterization of protein-binding to the spinach chloroplast psbA mRNA 5' untranslated region.
Alexander, C., Faber, N. and Klaff, P.
Nucleic Acids Research 26 (10): 2265-2272. 15 May 1998

Altmüller, Janine (BIMSB/BIH)

De novo whole genome assembly of the Roborovski dwarf hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) genome, an animal model for severe/critical COVID-19.
Andreotti, S., Altmüller, J., Quedenau, C., Borodina, T., Nouailles, G., Teixeira Alves, L.G., Landthaler, M., Bieniara, M., Trimpert, J. and Wyler, E.
Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (7): evac100. July 2022

Disease severity-specific neutrophil signatures in blood transcriptomes stratify COVID-19 patients.
Aschenbrenner, A.C., Mouktaroudi, M., Krämer, B., Oestreich, M., Antonakos, N., Nuesch-Germano, M., Gkizeli, K., Bonaguro, L., Reusch, N., Baßler, K., Saridaki, M., Knoll, R., Pecht, T., Kapellos, T.S., Doulou, S., Kröger, C., Herbert, M., Holsten, L., Horne, A., Gemünd, I.D., Rovina, N., Agrawal, S., Dahm, K., van Uelft, M., Drews, A., Lenkeit, L., Bruse, N., Gerretsen, J., Gierlich, J., Becker, M., Händler, K., Kraut, M., Theis, H., Mengiste, S., Domenico, E., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Seep, L., Raabe, J., Hoffmeister, C., ToVinh, M., Keitel, V., Rieke, G., Talevi, V., Skowasch, D., Aziz, N.A., Pickkers, P., van de Veerdonk, F.L., Netea, M.G., Schultze, J.L., Kox, M., Breteler, M.M.B., Nattermann, J., Koutsoukou, A., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J. and Ulas, T.
Genome Medicine 13 (1): 7. 13 January 2021

In situ Patch-seq analysis of microglia reveals a lack of stress genes as found in FACS-isolated microglia.
Bakina, O., Conrad, T., Mitic, N., Vidal, R.O., Obrusnik, T., Sai, S., Nolte, C., Semtner, M. and Kettenmann, H.
PLoS ONE 19 (7): e0302376. 11 July 2024

Activation of gp130 signaling in T cells drives T(H)17-mediated multi-organ autoimmunity.
Baumgartner, F., Bamopoulos, S.A., Faletti, L., Hsiao, H.J., Holz, M., Gonzalez-Menendez, I., Solé-Boldo, L., Horne, A., Gosavi, S., Özerdem, C., Singh, N., Liebig, S., Ramamoorthy, S., Lehmann, M., Demel, U., Kühl, A.A., Wartewig, T., Ruland, J., Wunderlich, F.T., Schick, M., Walther, W., Rose-John, S., Haas, S., Quintanilla-Martinez, L., Feske, S., Ehl, S., Glauben, R. and Keller, U.
Science Signaling 17 (824): eadc9662. 20 February 2024

Parallel sequencing of extrachromosomal circular DNAs and transcriptomes in single cancer cells.
Chamorro González, R., Conrad, T., Stöber, M.C., Xu, R., Giurgiu, M., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Kasack, K., Brückner, L., van Leen, E., Helmsauer, K., Dorado Garcia, H., Stefanova, M.E., Hung, K.L., Bei, Y., Schmelz, K., Lodrini, M., Mundlos, S., Chang, H.Y., Deubzer, H.E., Sauer, S., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Schwarz, R.F., Haase, K., Koche, R.P. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Genetics 55 (5): 880-890. May 2023

An autochthonous mouse model of Myd88- and BCL2-driven diffuse large B-cell lymphoma reveals actionable molecular vulnerabilities.
Flümann, R., Rehkämper, T., Nieper, P., Pfeiffer, P., Holzem, A., Klein, S., Bhatia, S., Kochanek, M., Kisis, I., Pelzer, B.W., Ahlert, H., Hauer, J., da Palma Guerreiro, A., Ryan, J.A., Reimann, M., Riabinska, A., Wiederstein, J., Krüger, M., Deckert, M., Altmüller, J., Klatt, A.R., Frenzel, L.P., Pasqualucci, L., Béguelin, W., Melnick, A.M., Sander, S., Montesinos-Rongen, M., Brunn, A., Lohneis, P., Büttner, R., Kashkar, H., Borkhardt, A., Letai, A., Persigehl, T., Peifer, M., Schmitt, C.A., Reinhardt, H.C. and Knittel, G.
Blood Cancer Discovery 2 (1): 70-91. January 2021

Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4(+) T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
Horn, V., Cancino, C.A., Steinheuer, L.M., Obermayer, B., Fritz, K., Nguyen, A.L., Juhran, K.S., Plattner, C., Bösel, D., Oldenburg, L., Burns, M., Schulz, A.R., Saliutina, M., Mantzivi, E., Lissner, D., Conrad, T., Mashreghi, M.F., Zundler, S., Sonnenberg, E., Schumann, M., Haag, L.M., Beule, D., Flatz, L., Trjanoski, Z., D'Haens, G., Weidinger, C., Mei, H.E., Siegmund, B., Thurley, K. and Hegazy, A.N.
Gastroenterology 28 September 2024 (In Press)

Integrated genomic surveillance enables tracing of person-to-person SARS-CoV-2 transmission chains during community transmission and reveals extensive onward transmission of travel-imported infections, Germany, June to July 2021.
Houwaart, Torsten, Belhaj, S., Tawalbeh, E., Nagels, D., Fröhlich, Y., Finzer, P., Ciruela, P., Sabrià, A., Herrero, M., Andrés, C., Antón, A., Benmoumene, A., Asskali, D., Haidar, H., von Dahlen, J., Nicolai, J., Stiller, M., Blum, J., Lange, C., Adelmann, C., Schroer, B., Osmers, U., Grice, C., Kirfel, P.P., Jomaa, H., Strelow, D., Hülse, L., Pigulla, M., Kreuzer, P., Tyshaieva, A., Weber, J., Wienemann, T., Kohns Vasconcelos, M., Hoffmann, K., Lübke, N., Hauka, S., Andree, M., Scholz, C.J., Jazmati, N., Göbels, K., Zotz, R., Pfeffer, K., Timm, J., Ehlkes, L., Walker, A. and Dilthey, A.T.
Eurosurveillance 27 (43): 2101089. 27 October 2022

Single cell RNA-sequencing-based analysis of CD4(+) T-cell subset-specific susceptibility to transcriptional modulation by HIV-1 latency-reversing agents.
Kazmierski, J., Postmus, D., Wyler, E., Fischer, C., Jansen, J., Meixenberger, K., Vitcetz, S.N., Sohn, M., Sauer, S., Bannert, N., Landthaler, M. and Goffinet, C.
bioRxiv : 2020.05.04.075119. 5 May 2020

Early IFN-α signatures and persistent dysfunction are distinguishing features of NK cells in severe COVID-19.
Krämer, B., Knoll, R., Bonaguro, L., ToVinh, M., Raabe, J., Astaburuaga-García, R., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Kaiser, K.M., Rieke, G.J., Bischoff, J., Monin, M.B., Hoffmeister, C., Schlabe, S., De Domenico, E., Reusch, N., Händler, K., Reynolds, G., Blüthgen, N., Hack, G., Finnemann, C., Nischalke, H.D., Strassburg, C.P., Stephenson, E., Su, Y., Gardner, L., Yuan, D., Chen, D., Goldman, J., Rosenstiel, P., Schmidt, S.V., Latz, E., Hrusovsky, K., Ball, A.J., Johnson, J.M., Koenig, P.A., Schmidt, F.I., Haniffa, M., Heath, J.R., Kümmerer, B.M., Keitel, V., Jensen, B., Stubbemann, P., Kurth, F., Sander, L.E., Sawitzki, B., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Schultze, J.L. and Nattermann, J.
Immunity 54 (11): 2650-2669. 9 November 2021

Establishment of gastrointestinal assembloids to study the interplay between epithelial crypts and their mesenchymal niche.
Lin, M., Hartl, K., Heuberger, J., Beccaceci, G., Berger, H., Li, H., Liu, L., Müllerke, S., Conrad, T., Heymann, F., Woehler, A., Tacke, F., Rajewsky, N. and Sigal, M.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 3025. 25 May 2023

Effective inhibitor removal from wastewater samples increases sensitivity of RT-dPCR and sequencing analyses and enhances the stability of wastewater-based surveillance.
Linzner, N., Bartel, A., Schumacher, V., Grau, J.H., Wyler, E., Preuß, H., Garske, S., Bitzegeio, J., Kirst, E.B., Liere, K., Hoppe, S., Borodina, T.A., Altmüller, J., Landthaler, M., Meixner, M., Sagebiel, D. and Böckelmann, U.
Microorganisms 12 (12): 2475. December 2024

Tongue immune compartment analysis reveals spatial macrophage heterogeneity.
Lyras, E.M., Zimmermann, K., Wagner, L.K., Dörr, D., Klose, C.S.N, Fischer, C., Jung, S., Yona, S., Hovav, A.H., Stenzel, W., Dommerich, S., Conrad, T., Leutz, A. and Mildner, A.
eLife 11 : 77490. 24 June 2022

A single-cell RNA labeling strategy for measuring stress response upon tissue dissociation.
Neuschulz, A., Bakina, O., Badillo Lisakowski, V., Olivares-Chauvet, P., Conrad, T., Gotthardt, M., Kettenmann, H. and Junker, J.P.
Molecular Systems Biology 19 (2): e11147. 10 February 2023

Senescent syncytiotrophoblast secretion during early onset preeclampsia.
Nonn, O., Debnath, O., Valdes, D.S., Sallinger, K., Secener, A.K., Fischer, C., Tiesmeyer, S., Nimo, J., Kuenzer, T., Ulrich, J., Maxian, T., Knöfler, M., Karau, P., Bartolomaeus, H., Kroneis, T., Frolova, A., Neuper, L., Haase, N., Malt, A., Müller-Bötticher, N., Kräker, K., Kedziora, S., Forstner, D., Eils, R., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Haider, S., Verlohren, S., Stern, C., Sugulle, M., Jones, S., Thilaganathan, B., Kaitu'u-Lino, T.J., Tong, S., Huppertz, B., El-Heliebi, A., Staff, A.C., Coscia, F., Müller, D.N., Dechend, R., Gauster, M., Ishaque, N. and Herse, F.
Hypertension 23 October 2024 (In Press)

Maternal angiotensin increases placental leptin in early gestation via an alternative renin-angiotensin system pathway: suggesting a link to preeclampsia.
Nonn, O., Fischer, C., Geisberger, S., El-Heliebi, A., Kroneis, T., Forstner, D., Desoye, G., Staff, A.C., Sugulle, M., Dechend, R., Pecks, U., Kollmann, M., Stern, C., Cartwright, J.E., Whitley, G.S., Thilaganathan, B., Wadsack, C., Huppertz, B., Herse, F. and Gauster, M.
Hypertension 77 (5): 1723-1736. May 2021

Single-cell clonal tracking of persistent T-cells in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Obermayer, B., Keilholz, L., Conrad, T., Frentsch, M., Blau, I.W., Vuong, L., Lesch, S., Movasshagi, K., Tietze-Stolley, C., Loyal, L., Henze, L., Penack, O., Stervbo, U., Babel, N., Haas, S., Beule, D., Bullinger, L., Wittenbecher, F. and Na, I.K.
Frontiers in Immunology 14 : 1114368. 10 February 2023

Mutational dynamics between primary and relapse neuroblastomas.
Schramm, A., Köster, J., Assenov, Y., Althoff, K., Peifer, M., Mahlow, E., Odersky, A., Beisser, D., Ernst, C., Henssen, A.G., Stephan, H., Schröder, C., Heukamp, L., Engesser, A., Kahlert, Y., Theissen, J., Hero, B., Roels, F., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Astrahantseff, K., Gloeckner, C., De Preter, K., Plass, C., Lee, S., Lode, H.N., Henrich, K.O., Gartlgruber, M., Speleman, F., Schmezer, P., Westermann, F., Rahmann, S., Fischer, M., Eggert, A. and Schulte, J.H.
Nature Genetics 47 (8): 872-877. August 2015

Exome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas genome editing identify mutations of ZAK as a cause of limb defects in humans and mice.
Spielmann, M., Kakar, N., Tayebi, N., Leettola, C., Nürnberg, G., Sowada, N., Lupiáñez, D.G., Harabula, I., Flöttmann, R., Horn, D., Chan, W.L., Wittler, L., Yilmaz, R., Altmüller, J., Thiele, H., van Bokhoven, H., Schwartz, C.E., Nürnberg, P., Bowie, J.U., Ahmad, J., Kubisch, C., Mundlos, S. and Borck, G.
Genome Research 26 (2): 183-191. February 2016

Intercellular extrachromosomal DNA copy-number heterogeneity drives neuroblastoma cell state diversity.
Stöber, M.C., Chamorro González, R., Brückner, L., Conrad, T., Wittstruck, N., Szymansky, A., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Koche, R.P., Henssen, A.G., Schwarz, R.F. and Haase, K.
Cell Reports 43 (9): 114711. 24 September 2024

A local subset of mesenchymal cells expressing the transcription factor Osr1 orchestrates lymph node initiation.
Vallecillo-García, P., Orgeur, M., Comai, G., Poehle-Kronnawitter, S., Fischer, C., Gloger, M., Dumas, C.E., Giesecke-Thiel, C., Sauer, S., Tajbakhsh, S., Höpken, U.E. and Stricker, S.
Immunity 56 (6): 1204-1219. 13 June 2023

Characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection clusters based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis and contact tracing in an urban setting.
Walker, A., Houwaart, T., Finzer, P., Ehlkes, L., Tyshaieva, A., Damagnez, M., Strelow, D., Duplessis, A., Nicolai, J., Wienemann, T., Tamayo, T., Kohns Vasconcelos, M., Hülse, L., Hoffmann, K., Lübke, N., Hauka, S., Andree, M., Däumer, M.P., Thielen, A., Kolbe-Busch, S., Göbels, K., Zotz, R., Pfeffer, K., Timm, J. and Dilthey, A.T.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 74 (6): 1039-1046. 15 March 2022

Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning.
Warnat-Herresthal, S., Schultze, H., Shastry, K.L., Manamohan, S., Mukherjee, S., Garg, V., Sarveswara, R., Händler, K., Pickkers, P., Aziz, N.A., Ktena, S., Tran, F., Bitzer, M., Ossowski, S., Casadei, N., Herr, C., Petersheim, D., Behrends, U., Kern, F., Fehlmann, T., Schommers, P., Lehmann, C., Augustin, M., Rybniker, J., Altmüller, J., Mishra, N., Bernardes, J.P., Krämer, B., Bonaguro, L., Schulte-Schrepping, J., De Domenico, E., Siever, C., Kraut, M., Desai, M., Monnet, B., Saridaki, M., Siegel, C.M., Drews, A., Nuesch-Germano, M., Theis, H., Heyckendorf, J., Schreiber, S., Kim-Hellmuth, S., Nattermann, J., Skowasch, D., Kurth, I., Keller, A., Bals, R., Nürnberg, P., Rieß, O., Rosenstiel, P., Netea, M.G., Theis, F., Mukherjee, S., Backes, M., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Ulas, T., Breteler, M.M.B., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J., Kox, M., Becker, M., Cheran, S., Woodacre, M.S., Goh, E.L. and Schultze, J.L.
Nature 594 (7862): 265-270. 10 June 2021

Pathogen dynamics and discovery of novel viruses and enzymes by deep nucleic acid sequencing of wastewater.
Wyler, E., Lauber, C., Manukyan, A., Deter, A., Quedenau, C., Teixeira Alves, L.G., Wylezich, C., Borodina, T., Seitz, S., Altmüller, J. and Landthaler, M.
Environment International 190 : 108875. August 2024

The Wnt-driven Mll1 epigenome regulates salivary gland and head and neck cancer.
Zhu, Q., Fang, L., Heuberger, J., Kranz, A., Schipper, J., Scheckenbach, K., Oliveira Vidal, R., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Müller, M., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Sauer, S. and Birchmeier, W.
Cell Reports 26 (2): 415-428. 8 January 2019

Andrade Navarro, Miguel

Mining the literature: new methods to exploit keyword profiles.
Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Genome Medicine 4 (10): 81. 30 October 2012

A method for cell type marker discovery by high-throughput gene expression analysis of mixed cell populations.
Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Kanji, F., Palii, C.G., Brand, M., Atkins, H. and Perez-Iratxeta, C.
BMC Biotechnology 13 (1): 80. 3 October 2013

Peer2ref: a peer-reviewer finding web tool that uses author disambiguation.
Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Palidwor, G.A. and Perez-Iratxeta, C.
BioData Mining 5 (1): 14. 7 September 2012

PESCADOR, a web-based tool to assist text-mining of biointeractions extracted from PubMed queries.
Barbosa-Silva, A., Fontaine, J.F., Donnard, E.R., Stussi, F., Ortega, J.M. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
BMC Bioinformatics 12 (1): 435. 9 November 2011

PRC1-mediated gene silencing in pluripotent ES cells: function and evolution.
Becker, M., Mah, N., Zdzieblo, D., Li, X., Mer, A.S., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Mueller, A.M.
Epigenetics and Human Health 2015 : 141-166. 18 November 2014

CAFE: an R package for the detection of gross chromosomal abnormalities from gene expression microarray data.
Bollen, S., Leddin, M., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Mah, N.
Bioinformatics 30 (10): 1484-1485. 15 May 2014

DNA methylation protects hematopoietic stem cell multipotency from myeloerythroid restriction.
Broeske, A.M., Vockentanz, L., Kharazi, S., Huska, M.R., Mancini, E., Scheller, M., Kuhl, C., Enns, A., Prinz, M., Jaenisch, R., Nerlov, C., Leutz, A., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Jacobsen, S.E. and Rosenbauer, F.
Nature Genetics 41 (11): 1207-1215. November 2009

Arabidopsis KCBP interacts with AIR9 but stays in the cortical division zone throughout mitosis via its MyTH4-FERM domain.
Buschmann, H., Dols, J., Kopischke, S., Pena, E.J., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Heinlein, M., Szymanski, D.B., Zachgo, S., Doonan, J.H. and Lloyd, C.W.
Journal of Cell Science 28 (11): 2033-2046. 1 June 2015

Stepwise reprogramming of liver cells to a pancreas progenitor state by the transcriptional regulator Tgif2.
Cerdá-Esteban, N., Naumann, H., Ruzittu, S., Mah, N., Pongrac, I.M., Cozzitorto, C., Hommel, A., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Bonifacio, E. and Spagnoli, F.M.
Nature Communications 8 : 14127. 13 February 2017

Identification of 2-[4-[(4-methoxyphenyl)methoxy]-phenyl]acetonitrile and derivatives as potent Oct3/4 inducers.
Cheng, X., Dimou, E., Alborzinia, H., Wenke, F., Goehring, A., Reuter, S., Mah, N., Fuchs, H., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Adjaye, J., Gul, S., Harms, C., Utikal, J., Klipp, E., Mrowka, R. and Woelfl, S.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 58 (12): 4976-4983. 25 June 2015

Ethyl 2-((4-chlorophenyl)amino)thiazole-4-carboxylate and derivatives are potent inducers of Oct3/4.
Cheng, X., Yoshida, H., Raoofi, D., Saleh, S., Alborzinia, H., Wenke, F., Goehring, A., Reuter, S., Mah, N., Fuchs, H.R., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Adjaye, J., Gul, S., Utikal, J., Mrowka, R. and Woelfl, S.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 58 (1): 5742-5750. 13 August 2015

Preimplantation development regulatory pathway construction through a text-mining approach.
Donnard, E., Barbosa-Silva, A., Guedes, R.L., Fernandes, G.R., Velloso, H., Kohn, M.J., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Ortega, J.M.
BMC Genomics 12 (Suppl 4): S3. 22 December 2011

Concerted down-regulation of immune-system related genes predicts metastasis in colorectal carcinoma.
Fehlker, M., Huska, M.R., Joens, T., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Kemmner, W.
BMC Cancer 14 (1): 64. 5 February 2014

Assessment of curated phenotype mining in neuropsychiatric disorder literature.
Fontaine, J.F., Priller, J., Spruth, E., Perez-Iratxeta, C. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Methods 74 : 90-96. March 2015

PDBpaint, a visualization webservice to tag protein structures with sequence annotations.
Fournier, D. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Bioinformatics 27 (18): 2605-2606. 15 September 2011

Emergence and evolution of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Fournier, D., Luft, F.C., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 90 (5): 495-508. May 2012

Functional and genomic analyses of α-solenoid proteins.
Fournier, D., Palidwor, G.A., Shcherbinin, S., Szengel, A., Schaefer, M.H., Perez-Iratxeta, C. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
PLoS ONE 8 (11): e79894. 21 November 2013

mBISON: Finding miRNA target over-representation in gene lists from ChIP-sequencing data.
Gebhardt, M.L., Mer, A.S. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
BMC Research Notes 8 (1): 157. 16 April 2015

Similarity in targets with REST points to neural and glioblastoma related miRNAs.
Gebhardt, M.L., Reuter, S., Mrowka, R. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Nucleic Acids Research 42 (9): 5436-5446. 14 May 2014

Alkemio: association of chemicals with biomedical topics by text and data mining.
Gijon-Correas, J.A., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Fontaine, J.F.
Nucleic Acids Research 42 (W1): W422-W429. 1 July 2014

Bio++: efficient extensible libraries and tools for computational molecular evolution.
Gueguen, L., Gaillard, S., Boussau, B., Gouy, M., Groussin, M., Rochette, N.C., Bigot, T., Fournier, D., Pouyet, F., Cahais, V., Bernard, A., Scornavacca, C., Nabholz, B., Haudry, A., Dachary, L., Galtier, N., Belkhir, K. and Dutheil, J.Y.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (8): 1745-1750. August 2013

Alterations of pre-mRNA splicing in human inflammatory bowel disease.
Haesler, R., Kerick, M., Mah, N., Hultschig, C., Richter, G., Bretz, F., Sina, C., Lehrach, H., Nietfeld, W., Schreiber, S. and Rosenstiel, P.
European Journal of Cell Biology 90 (6-7): 603-611. June 2011

A role for GPx3 in activity of normal and leukemia stem cells.
Herault, O., Hope, K.J., Deneault, E., Mayotte, N., Chagraoui, J., Wilhelm, B.T., Cellot, S., Sauvageau, M., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Hebert, J. and Sauvageau, G.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 209 (5): 895-901. 7 May 2012

DNA microarray and miRNA analyses reinforce the classification of follicular thyroid tumors.
Jacques, C., Guillotin, D., Fontaine, J.F., Franc, B., Mirebeau-Prunier, D., Fleury, A., Malthiery, Y. and Savagner, F.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98 (5): E981-E989. May 2013

Computational approaches to discovering noncoding RNA.
Krzyzanowski, P.M., Muro, E.M. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA 3 (4): 567-579. July 2012

A customized class of functions for modeling and clustering gene expression profiles in embryonic stem cells.
Li, S., Andrade-Navarro, M. and Sankoff, D.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5167 : 92-103. 2008

Tissue specific subnetworks and characteristics of publicly available human protein interaction databases.
Lopes, T.J., Schaefer, M., Shoemaker, J., Matsuoka, Y., Fontaine, J.F., Neumann, G., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Kawaoka, Y. and Kitano, H.
Bioinformatics 27 (17): 2414-2421. 1 September 2011

Prediction of protein secondary structure from circular dichroism using theoretically derived spectra.
Louis-Jeune, C., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Perez-Iratxeta, C.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 80 (2): 374-381. February 2012

In vivo effects on intron retention and exon skipping by the U2AF large subunit and SF1/BBP in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Ma, L., Tan, Z., Teng, Y., Hoersch, S. and Horvitz, H.R.
RNA 17 (12): 2201-2211. December 2011

A conserved PHD finger protein and endogenous RNAi modulate insulin signaling in caenorhabditis elegans.
Mansisidor, A.R., Cecere, G., Hoersch, S., Jensen, M.B., Kawli, T., Kennedy, L.M., Chavez, V., Tan, M.W., Lieb, J.D. and Grishok, A.
PLoS Genetics 7 (9): e1002299. September 2011

Comparative genomics identification of a novel set of temporally regulated hedgehog target genes in the retina.
McNeill, B., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Mazerolle, C., Furimsky, M., Mishina, Y., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Wallace, V.A.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 49 (3): 333-340. March 2012

A novel approach for protein subcellular location prediction using amino acid exposure.
Mer, A.S. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
BMC Bioinformatics 14 (1): 342. 28 November 2013

Estrogen-related receptor alpha modulates lactate dehydrogenase activity in thyroid tumors.
Mirebeau-Prunier, D., Le Pennec, S., Jacques, C., Fontaine, J.F., Gueguen, N., Boutet-Bouzamondo, N., Donnart, A., Malthiery, Y. and Savagner, F.
PLoS ONE 8 (3): e58683. 13 March 2013

Natural antisense transcripts within pseudogenes: an EST survey.
Muro, E.M. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
In: Non-coding RNAs and epigenetic regulation of gene expression : drivers of natural selection. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, 99-108. ISBN 978-1-904455-94-3 February 2012

Functional evidence of post-transcriptional regulation by pseudogenes.
Muro, E.M., Mah, N. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Biochimie 93 (11): 1916-1921. November 2011

The pseudogenes of Mycobacterium leprae reveal the functional relevance of gene order within operons.
Muro, E.M., Mah, N., Moreno-Hagelsieb, G. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Nucleic Acids Research 39 (5): 1732-1738. 1 March 2011

The matrisome: in silico definition and in vivo characterization by proteomics of normal and tumor extracellular matrices.
Naba, A., Clauser, K.R., Hoersch, S., Liu, H., Carr, S.A. and Hynes, R.O.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (4): M111.014647. 1 April 2012

Preliminary evaluation of the CellFinder literature curation pipeline for gene expression in kidney cells and anatomical parts.
Neves, M., Damaschun, A., Mah, N., Lekschas, F., Seltmann, S., Stachelscheid, H., Fontaine, J.F., Kurtz, A. and Leser, U.
Database 2013 (2013): bat020. 18 April 2013

ROMO1 is an essential redox-dependent regulator of mitochondrial dynamics.
Norton, M., Ng, A.C., Baird, S., Dumoulin, A., Shutt, T., Mah, N., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., McBride, H.M. and Screaton, R.A.
Science Signaling 7 (310): ra10. 28 January 2014

Using cited references to improve the retrieval of related biomedical documents.
Ortuno, F.M., Rojas, I., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Fontaine, J.F.
BMC Bioinformatics 14 : 113. 27 March 2013

A reference guide for tree analysis and visualization.
Pavlopoulos, G.A., Soldatos, T.G., Barbosa-Silva, A. and Schneider, R.
BioData Mining 3 : 1. 22 February 2010

Towards completion of the Earth's proteome.
Perez-Iratxeta, C., Palidwor, G. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
EMBO Reports 8 (12): 1135-1141. 1 December 2007

Identification of human proteins that modify misfolding and proteotoxicity of pathogenic ataxin-1.
Petrakis, S., Rasko, T., Russ, J., Friedrich, R.P., Stroedicke, M., Riechers, S.P., Muehlenberg, K., Moeller, A., Reinhardt, A., Vinayagam, A., Schaefer, M.H., Boutros, M., Tricoire, H., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Wanker, E.E.
PLoS Genetics 8 (8): e1002897. 16 August 2012

Aggregation of polyQ-extended proteins is promoted by interaction with their natural coiled-coil partners.
Petrakis, S., Schaefer, M.H., Wanker, E.E. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
BioEssays 35 (6): 503-507. June 2013

Myeloid leukemia with transdifferentiation plasticity developing from T-cell progenitors.
Riemke, P., Czeh, M., Fischer, J., Walter, C., Ghani, S., Zepper, M., Agelopoulos, K., Lettermann, S., Gebhardt, M.L., Mah, N., Weilemann, A., Grau, M., Groening, V., Haferlach, T., Lenze, D., Delwel, R., Prinz, M., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Lenz, G., Dugas, M., Mueller-Tidow, C. and Rosenbauer, F.
EMBO Journal 35 (22): 2399-2416. 15 November 2016

CXCL5 limits macrophage foam cell formation in atherosclerosis.
Rousselle, A., Qadri, F., Leukel, L., Yilmaz, R., Fontaine, J.F., Sihn, G., Bader, M., Ahluwalia, A. and Duchene, J.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 123 (3): 1343-1347. 1 March 2013

The FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) gene codes for a novel member of the non-heme dioxygenase superfamily.
Sanchez-Pulido, L. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
BMC Biochemistry 8 : 23. 8 November 2007

Paired sage-microarray expression data sets reveal antisense transcripts differentially expressed in embryonic stem cell differentiation.
Sandie, R., Porter, C.J., Palidwor, G.A., Price, F., Krzyzanowski, P.M., Muro, E.M., Hoersch, S., Smith, M., Campbell, P.A., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Rudnicki, M.A. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
In: Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells. Bentham, Oak Park, 193-215. ISBN 978-1-608-05025-3 2012

HIPPIE: integrating protein interaction networks with experiment based quality scores.
Schaefer, M.H., Fontaine, J.F., Vinayagam, A., Porras, P., Wanker, E.E. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
PLoS ONE 7 (2): e31826. 14 February 2012

Adding protein context to the human protein-protein interaction network to reveal meaningful interactions.
Schaefer, M.H., Lopes, T.J.S., Mah, N., Shoemaker, J.E., Matsuoka, Y., Fontaine, J.F., Louis-Jeune, C., Eisfeld, A.J., Neumann, G., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Kawaoka, Y., Kitano, H. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
PLoS Computational Biology 9 (1): e1002860. 3 January 2013

Evolution and function of CAG/polyglutamine repeats in protein-protein interaction networks.
Schaefer, M.H., Wanker, E.E. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
Nucleic Acids Research 40 (10): 4273-4287. 1 May 2012

SPON2, a newly identified target gene of MACC1, drives colorectal cancer metastasis in mice and is prognostic for colorectal cancer patient survival.
Schmid, F., Wang, Q., Huska, M.R., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Dahlmann, M., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Smith, J., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncogene 35 (46): 5942-5952. 17 November 2016

PU.1 level-directed chromatin structure remodeling at the Irf8 gene drives dendritic cell commitment.
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A novel recombinant bispecific single-chain antibody, bscWue-1 x CD3, induces T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity towards human multiple myeloma cells.
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PI3-K/AKT/FKHR and MAPK signaling cascades are redundantly stimulated by a variety of cytokines and contribute independently to proliferation and survival of multiple myeloma cells.
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Urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene regulation by polyomavirus middle-T antigen.
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Replicative aging and differentiation potential of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells expanded in pooled human or fetal bovine serum.
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Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs): science and f(r)iction.
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Stat3 activation is required for cellular transformation by v-src.
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Bone morphogenetic protein-7 release from endogenous neural precursor cells suppresses the tumourigenicity of stem-like glioblastoma cells.
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Cooperation of two PEA3/AP1 sites in uPA gene induction by TPA and FGF-2.
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FGF2 signaling in mouse embryonic fibroblasts is crucial for self-renewal of embryonic stem cells.
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12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate activates the Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway upstream of SOS involving serine phosphorylation of Shc in NIH3T3 cells.
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A colorectal cancer expression profile that includes transforming growth factor beta inhibitor BAMBI predicts metastatic potential.
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The tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 (PTPN11) directs neuregulin-1/ErbB signaling throughout schwann cell development.
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Two isoforms of human RNA polymerase III with specific functions in cell growth and transformation.
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Cytoskeleton reorganization induces the urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene via the Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway.
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Transcriptional regulation of the murine urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene in skeletal myoblasts.
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E-cadherin is crucial for embryonic stem cell pluripotency and can replace OCT4 during somatic cell reprogramming.
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Where do you come from; where do you go? Pluripotency, differentiation and malfunction of stem cells.
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Protein kinase B beta/Akt2 plays a specific role in muscle differentiation.
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Primate-specific endogenous retrovirus-driven transcription defines naive-like stem cells.
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TRANCE, a TNF family member, activates Akt/PKB through a signaling complex involving TRAF6 and c-Src.
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State-of-the-art analytical methods of viral infections in human lung organoids.
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Leveraging large language models for decision support in personalized oncology.
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Identification and ranking of recurrent neo-epitopes in cancer.
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The anti-amyloid compound DO1 decreases plaque pathology and neuroinflammation-related expression changes in 5xFAD transgenic mice.
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Neuroblastoma signalling models unveil combination therapies targeting feedback-mediated resistance.
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Gut microbiota dysbiosis is associated with altered tryptophan metabolism and dysregulated inflammatory response in COVID-19.
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Long-term in vitro expansion ensures increased yield of central memory T cells as perspective for manufacturing challenges.
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Inflammation in children with chronic kidney disease linked to gut dysbiosis and metabolite imbalance.
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Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4(+) T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
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Identifying cancer cells from calling single-nucleotide variants in scRNA-seq data.
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Temporal omics analysis in Syrian hamsters unravel cellular effector responses to moderate COVID-19.
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A pulmonologist's guide to perform and analyse cross-species single lung cell transcriptomics.
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Mutations of the Wnt antagonist AXIN2 (Conductin) result in TCF-dependent transcription in medulloblastomas.
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The docking protein Gab1 is an essential component of an indirect mechanism for fibroblast growth factor stimulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt antiapoptotic pathway.
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Cutaneous cancer stem cell maintenance is dependent on beta-catenin signalling.
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Diversin regulates heart formation and gastrulation movements in development.
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From pyrazolones to azaindoles: evolution of active-site SHP2 inhibitors based on scaffold hopping and bioisosteric replacement.
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β-catenin is required for specification of proximal/distal cell fate during lung morphogenesis.
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Mice with renal-specific alterations 1 of stem cell-associated signaling develop symptoms of chronic kidney disease but surprisingly no tumors.
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Inverse relation of E-cadherin and autocrine motility factor receptor expression as a prognostic factor in patients with bladder carcinomas.
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The BCL9-2 proto-oncogene governs estrogen receptor alpha expression in breast tumorigenesis.
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Bmp and Wnt/beta-catenin signals control expression of the transcription factor Olig3 and the specification of spinal cord neurons.
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The tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 controls TGFβ-induced STAT3 signaling to regulate fibroblast activation and fibrosis.
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Reciprocal requirements for EDA/EDAR/NF-κB and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways in hair follicle induction.
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A novel predictor tool of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy based on a five-microRNA tissue signature.
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The Wnt-driven Mll1 epigenome regulates salivary gland and head and neck cancer.
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Birchmeier-Kohler, Carmen

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Met, metastasis, motility and more.
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c-Met is essential for wound healing in the skin.
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Alternative 3' UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments.
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Molecular identity of proprioceptor subtypes innervating different muscle groups in mice.
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HDAC4 mutations cause diabetes and induce β-cell FoxO1 nuclear exclusion.
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Wnt/Rspondin/β-catenin signals control axonal sorting and lineage progression in Schwann cell development.
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The tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 in development and cancer.
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The tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 (PTPN11) directs neuregulin-1/ErbB signaling throughout schwann cell development.
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Requirement for beta-catenin in anterior-posterior axis formation in mice.
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Negative regulation of Ros receptor tyrosine kinase signaling: An epithelial function of the SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
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Maf links Neuregulin1 signaling to cholesterol synthesis in myelinating Schwann cells.
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Context-specific regulation of cell survival by a miRNA-controlled BIM rheostat.
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Oscillations of MyoD and Hes1 proteins regulate the maintenance of activated muscle stem cells.
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Technologies for profiling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding.
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Precise CRISPR-Cas9 gene repair in autologous memory T cells to treat familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
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Prox2 and Runx3 vagal sensory neurons regulate esophageal motility.
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Hepatocarcinogenesis in mice with a conditional knockout of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-Met.
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Essential role of Gab1 for signaling by the c-Met receptor in vivo.
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Sequential requirement of hepatocyte growth factor and neuregulin in the morphogenesis and differentiation of the mammary gland.
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Bmp and Wnt/beta-catenin signals control expression of the transcription factor Olig3 and the specification of spinal cord neurons.
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Oscillations of Delta-like1 regulate the balance between differentiation and maintenance of muscle stem cells.
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Blankenstein, Thomas

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Molecular pathways: comparing the effects of drugs and T cells to effectively target oncogenes.
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Oncogene-targeting T cells reject large tumors while oncogene inactivation selects escape variants in mouse models of cancer.
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The immune system prevents recurrence of transplanted but not autochthonous antigenic tumors after oncogene inactivation therapy.
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Early life stress regulates cardiac development through an IL4-glucocorticoid signaling balance.
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Positioning of subdomain IIId and apical loop of domain II of the hepatitis C IRES on the human 40S ribosome.
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Virus-reactive T cells expanded in aplastic anemia eliminate hematopoietic progenitor cells by molecular mimicry.
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Identification and ranking of recurrent neo-epitopes in cancer.
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Visceral leishmaniasis diagnosis and reporting delays as an obstacle to timely response actions in Nepal and India.
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Differences in serum cytokine levels between wild type mice and mice with a targeted mutation suggests necessity of using control littermates.
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Tumor rejection by local interferon gamma induction in established tumors is associated with blood vessel destruction and necrosis.
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In vivo imaging of an inducible oncogenic tumor antigen visualizes tumor progression and predicts CTL tolerance.
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In vivo splenic CD11c cells downregulate CD4 T-cell response thereby decreasing systemic immunity to gene-modified tumour cell vaccine.
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Visualizing the dynamic of adoptively transferred T cells during the rejection of large established tumors.
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Generation of effective and specific human TCRs against tumor/testis antigen NY-ESO-1 in mice with humanized T cell recognition system.
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Apoptosis resistance, mitotic catastrophe, and loss of ploidy control in Burkitt lymphoma.
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Efficient non-viral T cell engineering by Sleeping Beauty minicircles diminishing DNA toxicity and miRNAs silencing the endogenous TCR.
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The immune response to sporadic colorectal cancer in a novel mouse model.
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Costimulatory signals through B7.1/CD28 prevent T cell apoptosis during target cell lysis.
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Thyrotropin receptor-specific lymphocytes in adenovirus-TSHR-immunized native and human leukocyte antigen-DR3-transgenic mice and in Graves' disease patient blood.
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Interleukin-7 modulates anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses via its action on host cells.
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Targeting the recurrent Rac1P29S neoepitope in melanoma with heterologous high-affinity T cell receptors.
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It's the peptide-MHC affinity, stupid.
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CY15, a malignant histiocytic tumor that is phenotypically similar to immature dendritic cells.
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"Designer cytokines" targeting the tumor vasculature - think global and act local.
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IFNγ binding to extracellular matrix prevents fatal systemic toxicity.
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Protein S3 fragments neighboring mRNA during elongation and termination of translation on the human ribosome.
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A safeguard eliminates T cell receptor gene-modified autoreactive T cells after adoptive transfer.
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Establishment of early lymphoid organ infrastructure in transplanted tumors mediated by local production of lymphotoxin alpha and in the combined absence of functional B and T cells.
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Interferon-γ receptor signaling in dendritic cells restrains spontaneous proliferation of CD4(+) T cells in chronic lymphopenic mice.
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Engineering antigen-specific primary human NK cells against HER-2 positive carcinomas.
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A phase I study of MAGE-A1-targeted T1367 T-cell receptor-based cell therapy in patients with advanced multiple myeloma.
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T cell receptors for clinical therapy: in vitro assessment of toxicity risk.
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Overexpression of NPM-ALK induces different types of malignant lymphomas in IL-9 transgenic mice.
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T-cell receptor gene-modified T cells with shared renal cell carcinoma specificity for adoptive T-cell therapy.
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Targeting human melanoma neoantigens by T cell receptor gene therapy.
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Transgenic mice with a diverse human T cell antigen receptor repertoire.
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SV40 large T antigen-transformed human primary normal and cancerous mammary epithelial cells are phenotypically similar but can be distinguished in 3D culture with selection medium.
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CD4+ T cell-mediated HER-2/neu-specific tumor rejection in the absence of B cells.
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High-throughput identification of antigen-specific TCRs by TCR gene capture.
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Fas expression by tumor stroma is required for cancer eradication.
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IL-10 controls ultraviolet-induced carcinogenesis in mice.
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Tumor-infiltrating merkel cell polyomavirus-specific T cells are diverse and associated with improved patient survival.
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Localization-associated immune phenotypes of clonally expanded tumor-infiltrating T cells and distribution of their target antigens in rectal cancer.
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Permissive expansion and homing of adoptively transferred T cells in tumor-bearing hosts.
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Functional and clinical characterization of the alternatively spliced isoform AML1-ETO9a in adult patients with translocation t(8;21)(q22;q22.1) acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
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Patient-reported ability to walk 4 m and to wash: New clinical endpoints and predictors of survival in patients with pre-terminal cancer.
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Cardiovascular health-related quality of life in cancer: a prospective study comparing the ESC HeartQoL and EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire.
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Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with improved survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from the FIRE-3 trial.
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Dynamics of clonal hematopoiesis under DNA-damaging treatment in patients with ovarian cancer.
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Associations of clonal hematopoiesis with recurrent vascular events and death in patients with incident ischemic stroke.
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CXXC5 (Retinoid-Inducible Nuclear Factor, RINF) is a potential therapeutic target in high-risk human acute myeloid leukemia.
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Immune phenotypes and checkpoint molecule expression of clonally expanded lymph node-infiltrating T cells in classical Hodgkin lymphoma.
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Contrasting requirements during disease evolution identify EZH2 as a therapeutic target in AML.
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Monosomal karyotype and chromosome 17p loss or TP53 mutations in decitabine-treated patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
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Virus-reactive T cells expanded in aplastic anemia eliminate hematopoietic progenitor cells by molecular mimicry.
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Multi-platform profiling characterizes molecular subgroups and resistance networks in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Gene expression profiling predicts sensitivity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to dasatinib.
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getITD for FLT3-ITD-based MRD monitoring in AML.
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New targeted agents in acute myeloid leukemia: new hope on the rise.
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Gene expression analysis of decitabine treated AML: high impact of tumor suppressor gene expression changes.
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Comprehensive CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify genetic determinants of drug responsiveness in multiple myeloma.
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Genotype and intensive pretreatment influence outcome of acute myeloid leukemia patients treated with venetoclax in combination with hypomethylating agents or low-dose cytarabine: "real world" data from germany.
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Impact of a specialised palliative care intervention in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma - a single-centre retrospective analysis.
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Relapse of NPM1-mutated AML with extramedullary manifestation 17 years after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
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TIGIT blockade repolarizes AML-associated TIGIT(+) M2 macrophages to an M1 phenotype and increases CD47-mediated phagocytosis.
Brauneck, F., Fischer, B., Witt, M., Muschhammer, J., Oelrich, J., da Costa Avelar, P.H., Tsoka, S., Bullinger, L., Seubert, E., Smit, D.J., Bokemeyer, C., Ackermann, C., Wellbrock, J., Haag, F. and Fiedler, W.
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Frequent ZNF217 mutations lead to transcriptional deregulation of interferon signal transduction via altered chromatin accessibility in B cell lymphoma.
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Telomerase inhibition effectively targets mouse and human AML stem cells and delays relapse following chemotherapy.
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Imetelstat-mediated alterations in fatty acid metabolism to induce ferroptosis as a therapeutic strategy for acute myeloid leukemia.
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PRAME-induced inhibition of retinoic acid receptor signaling-mediated differentiation - a possible target for ATRA response in AML without t(15;17).
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CEBPA mutations in AML: site matters.
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IDH2 inhibition: another piece to the puzzle.
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New avenues for genetics guided therapeutic approaches in AML.
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Genomics of acute myeloid leukemia diagnosis and pathways.
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Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (9): 934-946. 20 March 2017

Making AML fly too close to the sun.
Bullinger, L. and Krönke, J.
Blood 143 (15): 1438-1439. 11 April 2024

The recurrent atypical e8a2 BCR::ABL1 transcript with insertion of an inverted 55 base pair ABL1 intron 1b sequence: a detailed molecular analysis.
Burmeister, T., Bullinger, L. and le Coutre, P.
Acta Haematologica 146 (5): 413-418. October 2023

Managing hematological cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: an ESMO-EHA interdisciplinary expert consensus.
Buske, C., Dreyling, M., Alvarez-Larrán, A., Apperley, J., Arcaini, L., Besson, C., Bullinger, L., Corradini, P., Della Porta, M.G., Dimopoulos, M., D’Sa, S., Eich, H.T., Foà, R., Ghia, P., Gomes da Silva, M., Gribben, J., Hajek, R., Harrison, C., Heuser, M., Kiesewetter, B., Kiladjian, J.J., Kröger, N., Moreau, P., Passweg, J.R., Peyvandi, F., Rea, D., Ribera, J.M., Robak, T., San-Miguel, J.F., Santini, V., Sanz, G., Sonneveld, P., von Lilienfeld-Toal, M., Wendtner, C., Pentheroudakis, G. and Passamonti, F.
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Analysis of the CDK4/6 cell cycle pathway in leiomyosarcomas as a potential target for inhibition by palbociclib.
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Inferior outcomes of EU versus US patients treated with CD19 CAR-T for relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma: association with differences in tumor burden, systemic inflammation, bridging therapy utilization, and CAR-T product use.
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HemaSphere 7 (8): e907. August 2023

Building a Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicine Offensive Against Neoplasms in hematologY added value framework for hematologic malignancies: a comparative analysis of existing tools.
Cerisoli, F., Ali, F., Bereczky, T., Bolaños, N., Bullinger, L., Dhanasiri, S., Gallagher, J., Pérez, S.G., Geissler, J., Guillevic, Y., Harrison, K., Naoum, A., Portulano, C., Rodríguez Vicente, A.E., Schulze-Rath, R., Gómez, G.Y., Sanz, G. and Hernández Rivas, J.M.
Value in Health 25 (10): 1760-1767. October 2022

Modeling clonal hematopoiesis in umbilical cord blood cells by CRISPR/Cas9.
Christen, F., Hablesreiter, R., Hoyer, K., Hennch, C., Maluck-Böttcher, A., Segler, A., Madadi, A., Frick, M., Bullinger, L., Briest, F. and Damm, F.
Leukemia 36 (4): 1102-1110. April 2022

Genomic landscape and clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21): an international study on 331 patients.
Christen, F., Hoyer, K., Yoshida, K., Hou, H.A., Waldhueter, N., Heuser, M., Hills, R.K., Chan, W., Hablesreiter, R., Blau, O., Ochi, Y., Klement, P., Chou, W.C., Blau, I.W., Tang, J.L., Zemojtel, T., Shiraishi, Y., Shiozawa, Y., Thol, F., Ganser, A., Löwenberg, B., Linch, D.C., Bullinger, L., Valk, P.J.M., Tien, H.F., Gale, R.E., Ogawa, S. and Damm, F.
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Simultaneous genetic ablation of PD-1, LAG-3, and TIM-3 in CD8 T cells delays tumor growth and improves survival outcome.
Ciraolo, E., Althoff, S., Ruß, J., Rosnev, S., Butze, M., Pühl, M., Frentsch, M., Bullinger, L. and Na, I.K.
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Low-grade glioma surgery in intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging: Results of a multicenter retrospective assessment of the German Study Group for Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Coburger, J., Merkel, A., Scherer, M., Schwartz, F., Gessler, F., Roder, C., Pala, A., König, R., Bullinger, L., Nagel, G., Jungk, C., Bisdas, S., Nabavi, A., Ganslandt, O., Seifert, V., Tatagiba, M., Senft, C., Mehdorn, M., Unterberg, A.W., Rössler, K. and Wirtz, C.R.
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Clonal evolution patterns in acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 mutation.
Cocciardi, S., Dolnik, A., Kapp-Schwoerer, S., Rücker, F.G., Lux, S., Blätte, T.J., Skambraks, S., Krönke, J., Heidel, F.H., Schnöder, T.M., Corbacioglu, A., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Teleanu, V., Göhring, G., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Weber, D., Sträng, E., Kestler, H.A., Döhner, H., Bullinger, L. and Döhner, K.
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Endothelial damage and dysfunction in acute graft-versus-host disease.
Cordes, S., Mokhtari, Z., Bartosova, M., Mertlitz, S., Riesner, K., Shi, Y., Mengwasser, J., Kalupa, M., McGeary, A., Schleifenbaum, J., Schrezenmeier, J., Bullinger, L., Diaz-Ricart, M., Palomo, M., Carrreras, E., Beutel, G., Schmitt, C.P., Beilhack, A. and Penack, O.
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Early bilirubinemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation - an endothelial complication.
Dai, H., Penack, O., Radujkovic, A., Schult, D., Majer-Lauterbach, J., Blau, I.W., Bullinger, L., Jiang, S., Müller-Tidow, C., Dreger, P. and Luft, T.
Bone Marrow Transplantation 56 (7): 1573-1583. July 2021

Covering hierarchical dirichlet mixture models on binary data to enhance genomic stratifications in onco-hematology.
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GPR56 contributes to the development of acute myeloid leukemia in mice.
Daria, D., Kirsten, N., Muranyi, A., Mulaw, M., Ihme, S., Kechter, A., Hollnagel, M., Bullinger, L., Döhner, K., Döhner, H., Feuring-Buske, M. and Buske, C.
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Recurrent mutations, including NPM1c, activate a BRD4-dependent core transcriptional program in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Leukemia 28 (2): 311-320. February 2014

Ibrutinib- and bortezomib-extended R-CHOP induction in elderly higher-risk patients newly diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - first analysis of toxicity and efficacy signals.
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Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody-containing plasma improves outcome in patients with hematologic or solid cancer and severe COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial.
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HOXA/PBX3 knockdown impairs growth and sensitizes cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia cells to chemotherapy.
Dickson, G.J., Liberante, F.G., Kettyle, L.M., O'Hagan, K.A., Finnegan, D.P.J., Bullinger, L., Geerts, D., McMullin, M.F., Lappin, T.R.J., Mills, K.I. and Thompson, A.
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COVID19-associated cardiomyocyte dysfunction, arrhythmias and the effect of Canakinumab.
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PLoS ONE 16 (8): e0255976. 19 August 2021

Clinical utility of a protein-based oncopanel in patients with end-stage head and neck cancer.
Doescher, J., Weissinger, S.E., Schönsteiner, S.S., Lisson, C., Bullinger, L., Barth, T.F., Leithäuser, F., Mueller-Richter, U., Laban, S., Hoffmann, T.K., Möller, P., Lennerz, J.K. and Schuler, P.J.
Immunotherapy 11 (14): 1193-1203. October 2019

Genome sequencing in myeloid cancers.
Dolnik, A., Schrezenmeier, J. and Bullinger, L.
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Retained functional normal and preleukemic HSCs at diagnosis are associated to good prognosis in DNMT3Amut NPM1mut AMLs.
Donato, E., Correia, N.C., Andresen, C., Karpova, D., Würth, R., Klein, C., Sohn, M., Przybylla, A., Zeisberger, P., Rothfelder, K., Salih, H.R., Bonig, H., Stasik, S., Röllig, C., Dolnik, A., Bullinger, L., Buchholz, F., Thiede, C.D., Hübschmann, D. and Trumpp, A.
Blood Advances 7 (6): 1011-1018. 28 March 2023

Functional classification of TP53 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia.
Dutta, S., Pregartner, G., Rücker, F.G., Heitzer, E., Zebisch, A., Bullinger, L., Berghold, A., Döhner, K. and Sill, H.
Cancers 12 (3): 637. 10 March 2020

Cytogenetics and gene mutations influence survival in older patients with acute myeloid leukemia treated with azacitidine or conventional care.
Döhner, H., Dolnik, A., Tang, L., Seymour, J.F., Minden, M.D., Stone, R.M., Del Castillo, T.B., Al-Ali, H.K., Santini, V., Vyas, P., Beach, C L., MacBeth, K.J., Skikne, B.S., Songer, S., Tu, N., Bullinger, L. and Dombret, H.
Leukemia 32 (12): 2546-2557. December 2018

The EHA Research Roadmap: Malignant Myeloid Diseases.
Döhner, H., Malcovati, L., Ossenkoppele, G.J., Hochhaus, A., Maria Vannucchi, A., Bullinger, L., Cervantes, F., Craddock, C., de Witte, T., Döhner, K., Dombret, H., Fenaux, P., Geissler, J., Germing, U., Guilhot, F., Harrison, C., Hellström-Lindberg, E., Passamonti, F., Sierra, J., Skoda, R. and Wierzbowska, A.
HemaSphere 5 (9): e635. September 2021

Intensive chemotherapy with or without gemtuzumab ozogamicin in patients with NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukaemia (AMLSG 09-09): a randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trial.
Döhner, H., Weber, D., Krzykalla, J., Fiedler, W., Kühn, M.W.M., Schroeder, T., Mayer, K., Lübbert, M., Wattad, M., Götze, K., Fransecky, L., Koller, E., Wulf, G., Schleicher, J., Ringhoffer, M., Greil, R., Hertenstein, B., Krauter, J., Martens, U.M., Nachbaur, D., Samra, M.A., Machherndl-Spandl, S., Basara, N., Leis, C., Schrade, A., Kapp-Schwoerer, S., Cocciardi, S., Bullinger, L., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Saadati, M., Benner, A., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, K. and Ganser, A.
Lancet Haematology 10 (7): e495-e509. July 2023

Midostaurin plus intensive chemotherapy for younger and older patients with AML and FLT3 internal tandem duplications.
Döhner, H., Weber, D., Krzykalla, J., Fiedler, W., Wulf, G.G., Salih, H.R., Lübbert, M., Kühn, M., Schroeder, T., Salwender, H., Götze, K.S., Westermann, J., Fransecky, L., Mayer, K., Hertenstein, B., Ringhoffer, M., Tischler, H.J., Machherndl-Spandl, S., Schrade, A., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Theis, F., Thol, F.R., Heuser, M., Schlenk, R.F., Bullinger, L., Saadati, M., Benner, A., Larson, R.A., Stone, R.M., Döhner, K. and Ganser, A.
Blood Advances 6 (18): 5345-5355. 27 September 2022

Effective symptom relief through continuous integration of palliative care in advanced renal cell carcinoma patients: comprehensive measurement using the palliative care base assessment.
Dörr, A., Vogel, I., Wittenbecher, F., Westermann, J., Thuss-Patience, P., Ahn, J., Pelzer, U., Hardt, J., Bullinger, L. and Flörcken, A.
Palliative Care and Social Practice 18 : 26323524241260424. 24 June 2024

Thrombus or tumor? A case report of a rare sarcoma entity: intimal sarcoma of the pulmonary arteries.
Dörr, A., Flörcken, A, Bullinger, L., Capper, D., Von Deimling, A., Kaul, D., Märdian, S., Starck, C., Horst, D., Dragomir, M.P., Schäfer, F.M. and Jarosch, A.
Molecular Biology Reports 51 : 568. 24 April 2024

Genomic alterations in high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia frequently affect cell cycle key regulators and NOTCH1-regulated transcription.
Edelmann, J., Holzmann, K., Tausch, E., Saunderson, E.A., Jebaraj, B.M.C., Steinbrecher, D., Dolnik, A., Blätte, T.J., Landau, D.A., Saub, J., Estenfelder, S., Ibach, S., Cymbalista, F., Leblond, V., Delmer, A., Bahlo, J., Robrecht, S., Fischer, K., Goede, V., Bullinger, L., Wu, C.J., Mertens, D., Ficz, G., Gribben, J.G., Hallek, M., Döhner, H. and Stilgenbauer, S.
Haematologica 105 (5): 1379-1390. May 2020

Cell fate determinant Llgl1 is required for propagation of acute myeloid leukemia.
Eifert, T., Hsu, C.J., Becker, A.L., Graessle, S., Horne, A., Bemmann, F., Zhang, Q., Heuser, M., Vasioukhin, V., Scholl, S., Hochhaus, A., Siegerist, F., Endlich, N., Bullinger, L., Lane, S.W., Haas, S., Schnoeder, T.M and Heidel, F.H.
Leukemia 37 (10): 2027-2035. October 2023

Genotyping of circulating tumor DNA in cholangiocarcinoma reveals diagnostic and prognostic information.
Ettrich, T.J., Schwerdel, D., Dolnik, A., Beuter, F., Blätte, T.J., Schmidt, S.A., Stanescu-Siegmund, N., Steinacker, J., Marienfeld, R., Kleger, A., Bullinger, L., Seufferlein, T. and Berger, A.W.
Scientific Reports 9 (1): 13261. 13 September 2019

CDX2-driven leukemogenesis involves KLF4 repression and deregulated PPARγ signaling.
Faber, K., Bullinger, L., Ragu, C., Garding, A., Mertens, D., Miller, C., Martin, D., Walcher, D., Döhner, K., Döhner, H., Claus, R., Plass, C., Sykes, S.M., Lane, S.W., Scholl, C. and Fröhling, S.
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The genomic landscape of core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemias.
Faber, Z.J., Chen, X., Gedman, A.L., Boggs, K., Cheng, J., Ma, J., Radtke, I., Chao, J.R., Walsh, M.P., Song, G., Andersson, A.K., Dang, J., Dong, L., Liu, Y., Huether, R., Cai, Z., Mulder, H., Wu, G., Edmonson, M., Rusch, M., Qu, C., Li, Y., Vadodaria, B., Wang, J., Hedlund, E., Cao, X., Yergeau, D., Nakitandwe, J., Pounds, S.B., Shurtleff, S., Fulton, R.S., Fulton, L.L., Easton, J., Parganas, E., Pui, C.H., Rubnitz, J.E., Ding, L., Mardis, E.R., Wilson, R.K., Gruber, T.A., Mullighan, C.G., Schlenk, R.F., Paschka, P., Döhner, K., Döhner, H., Bullinger, L., Zhang, J., Klco, J.M. and Downing, J.R.
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Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential-related epigenetic age acceleration correlates with clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential clone size in patients with high morbidity.
Feldkamp, J.D., Vetter, V.M., Arends, C.M., Lang, T.J.L., Bullinger, L., Damm, F., Demuth, I. and Frick, M.
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SCFFbxo9 and CK2 direct the cellular response to growth factor withdrawal via Tel2/Tti1 degradation and promote survival in multiple myeloma.
Fernández-Sáiz, V., Targosz, B.S., Lemeer, S., Eichner, R., Langer, C., Bullinger, L., Reiter, C., Slotta-Huspenina, J., Schroeder, S., Knorn, A.M., Kurutz, J., Peschel, C., Pagano, M., Kuster, B. and Bassermann, F.
Nature Cell Biology 15 (1): 72-81. January 2013

Haploinsufficiency of ETV6 and CDKN1B in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and complex karyotype.
Feurstein, S., Rücker, F.G., Bullinger, L., Hofmann, W., Manukjan, G., Göhring, G., Lehmann, U., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Döhner, K., Schlegelberger, B. and Steinemann, D.
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MYB induces the expression of the oncogenic corepressor SKI in acute myeloid leukemia.
Frech, M., Teichler, S., Feld, C., Bouchard, C., Berberich, H., Sorg, K., Mernberger, M., Bullinger, L., Bauer, U.M. and Neubauer, A.
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Role of donor clonal hematopoiesis in allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation.
Frick, M., Chan, W., Arends, C.M., Hablesreiter, R., Halik, A., Heuser, M., Michonneau, D., Blau, O., Hoyer, K., Christen, F., Galan-Sousa, J., Noerenberg, D., Wais, V., Stadler, M., Yoshida, K., Schetelig, J., Schuler, E., Thol, F., Clappier, E., Christopeit, M., Ayuk, F., Bornhäuser, M., Blau, I.W., Ogawa, S., Zemojtel, T., Gerbitz, A., Wagner, E.M., Spriewald, B.M., Schrezenmeier, H., Kuchenbauer, F., Kobbe, G., Wiesneth, M., Koldehoff, M., Socié, G., Kroeger, N., Bullinger, L., Thiede, C. and Damm, F.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 (5): 375-385. 10 February 2019

Association of an impaired GH‑IGF‑I axis with cardiac wasting in patients with advanced cancer.
Fröhlich, A.K., Porthun, J., Talha, K.M., Lena, A., Hadzibegovic, S., Wilkenshoff, U., Sonntag, F., Nikolski, A., Ramer, L.V., Zeller, T., Keller, U., Bullinger, L., Anker, S.D., Haverkamp, W., von Haehling, S., Doehner, W., Rauch, U., Skurk, C., Cleland, J.G.F., Butler, J., Coats, A.J.S., Landmesser, U., Karakas, M. and Anker, M.S.
Clinical Research in Cardiology 8 April 2024 (In Press)

Clinical impact of DNMT3A mutations in younger adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia: results of the AML Study Group (AMLSG).
Gaidzik, V.I., Schlenk, R.F., Paschka, P., Stölzle, A., Späth, D., Kuendgen, A., von Lilienfeld-Toal, M., Brugger, W., Derigs, H.G., Kremers, S., Greil, R., Raghavachar, A., Ringhoffer, M., Salih, H.R., Wattad, M., Kirchen, H.G., Runde, V., Heil, G., Petzer, A.L., Girschikofsky, M., Heuser, M., Kayser, S., Goehring, G., Teleanu, M.V., Schlegelberger, B., Ganser, A., Krauter, J., Bullinger, L., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
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RUNX1 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia are associated with distinct clinico-pathologic and genetic features.
Gaidzik, V.I., Teleanu, V., Papaemmanuil, E., Weber, D., Paschka, P., Hahn, J., Wallrabenstein, T., Kolbinger, B., Köhne, C.H., Horst, H.A., Brossart, P., Held, G., Kündgen, A., Ringhoffer, M., Götze, K., Rummel, M., Gerstung, M., Campbell, P., Kraus, J.M., Kestler, H.A., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Schlegelberger, B., Ganser, A., Bullinger, L., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, K. and Döhner, H.
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DNMT3A mutant transcript levels persist in remission and do not predict outcome in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Gaidzik, V.I., Weber, D., Paschka, P., Kaumanns, A., Krieger, S., Corbacioglu, A., Krönke, J., Kapp-Schwoerer, S., Krämer, D., Horst, H.A., Schmidt-Wolf, I., Held, G., Kündgen, A., Ringhoffer, M., Götze, K., Kindler, T., Fiedler, W., Wattad, M., Schlenk, R.F., Bullinger, L., Teleanu, V., Schlegelberger, B., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
Leukemia 32 (1): 30-37. January 2018

Precision oncology for acute myeloid leukemia using a knowledge bank approach.
Gerstung, M., Papaemmanuil, E., Martincorena, I., Bullinger, L., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Heuser, M., Thol, F., Bolli, N., Ganly, P., Ganser, A., McDermott, U., Döhner, K., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H. and Campbell, P.J.
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DNA methylation epitypes highlight underlying developmental and disease pathways in acute myeloid leukemia.
Giacopelli, B., Wang, M., Cleary, A., Wu, Y.Z., Schultz, A.R., Schmutz, M., Blachly, J.S., Eisfeld, A.K., Mundy-Bosse, B., Vosberg, S., Greif, P.A., Claus, R., Bullinger, L., Garzon, R., Coombes, K.R., Bloomfield, C.D., Druker, B.J., Tyner, J.W., Byrd, J.C. and Oakes, C.C.
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UTX-mediated enhancer and chromatin remodeling suppresses myeloid leukemogenesis through noncatalytic inverse regulation of ETS and GATA programs.
Gozdecka, M., Meduri, E., Mazan, M., Tzelepis, K., Dudek, M., Knights, A.J., Pardo, M., Yu, L., Choudhary, J.S., Metzakopian, E., Iyer, V., Yun, H., Park, N., Varela, I., Bautista, R., Collord, G., Dovey, O., Garyfallos, D.A., De Braekeleer, E., Kondo, S., Cooper, J., Göttgens, B., Bullinger, L., Northcott, P.A., Adams, D., Vassiliou, G.S. and Huntly, B.J.P.
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The retinoic acid receptor co-factor NRIP1 is uniquely upregulated and represents a therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia with chromosome 3q rearrangements.
Grasedieck, S., Cabantog, A., MacPhee, L., Im, J., Ruess, C., Demir, B., Sperb, N., Rücker, F.G., Döhner, K., Herold, T., Pollack, J.R., Bullinger, L., Rouhi, A. and Kuchenbauer, F.
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The long non-coding RNA Cancer Susceptibility 15 (CASC15) is induced by isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations and maintains an immature phenotype in adult acute myeloid leukemia.
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Personalizing precision medicine: Patients with AML perceptions about treatment decisions.
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Survivin’ acute myeloid leukaemia - a personalised target for inv(16) patients.
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Specific T-cell immune responses against colony-forming cells including leukemic progenitor cells of AML patients were increased by immune checkpoint inhibition.
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Acute myeloid leukemia with mutated nucleophosmin 1: an immunogenic acute myeloid leukemia subtype and potential candidate for immune checkpoint inhibition.
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Therapy-related AML: long-term outcome in a large cohort of AML-patients with intensive and non-intensive therapy.
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Hand grip strength in patients with advanced cancer: a prospective study.
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A phase Ib/IIa trial of 9 repurposed drugs combined with temozolomide for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma: CUSP9v3.
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Genomic characterization of AML with aberrations of chromosome 7: a multinational cohort of 519 patients.
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Refining AML treatment: the role of genetics in response and resistance evaluation to new agents.
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Widely applicable, extended flow cytometric stem cell enumeration panel for quality control of advanced cellular products.
Haussmann, K., Streitz, M., Takvorian, A., Grund, J., Skenderi, Z., Tietze-Bürger, C., Movassaghi, K., Künkele, A., Blum, A. and Bullinger, L.
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CD4+ T cell dependent B cell recovery and function after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Heck, C., Steiner, S., Kaebisch, E.M., Frentsch, M., Wittenbecher, F., Scheibenbogen, C., Hanitsch, L.G., Nogai, A., le Coutre, P., Bullinger, L., Blau, I.W. and Na, I.K.
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Long-term in vitro expansion ensures increased yield of central memory T cells as perspective for manufacturing challenges.
Herda, S., Heimann, A., Obermayer, B., Ciraolo, E., Althoff, S., Ruß, J., Grunert, C., Busse, A., Bullinger, L., Pezzutto, A., Blankenstein, T., Beule, D. and Na, I.K.
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Antigen presentation safeguards the integrity of the hematopoietic stem cell pool.
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Rearrangements involving 11q23.3/KMT2A in adult AML: mutational landscape and prognostic implications - a HARMONY study.
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Recent advances in precision medicine for acute myeloid leukemia.
Hernández-Sánchez, A. and Bullinger, L.
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Lomustine-temozolomide combination therapy versus standard temozolomide therapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with methylated MGMT promoter (CeTeG/NOA-09): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.
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Transitory dasatinib-resistant states in KIT(mut) t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia cells correlate with altered KIT expression.
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Protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 2 (PPP4R2) is recurrently deleted in acute myeloid leukemia and required for efficient DNA double strand break repair.
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Partitioned learning of deep Boltzmann machines for SNP data.
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Posttransplantation MRD monitoring in patients with AML by next-generation sequencing using DTA and non-DTA mutations.
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Identifying prognostic SNPs in clinical cohorts: complementing univariate ynalyses by resampling and multivariable modeling.
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Integrating multiple molecular sources into a clinical risk prediction signature by extracting complementary information.
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Evaluating the impact of genetic and epigenetic aberrations on survival and response in acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving epigenetic therapy.
Hiller, J.K., Schmoor, C., Gaidzik, V.I., Schmidt-Salzmann, C., Yalcin, A., Abdelkarim, M., Blagitko-Dorfs, N., Döhner, K., Bullinger, L., Duyster, J., Lübbert, M. and Hackanson, B.
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Circular RNAs of the nucleophosmin (NPM1) gene in acute myeloid leukemia.
Hirsch, S., Blätte, T.J., Grasedieck, S., Cocciardi, S., Rouhi, A., Jongen-Lavrencic, M., Paschka, P., Krönke, J., Gaidzik, V.I., Döhner, H., Schlenk, R.F., Kuchenbauer, F., Döhner, K., Dolnik, A. and Bullinger, L.
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Response evaluation in head and neck oncology: definition and prediction.
Hoffmann, T.K., Schuler, P.J., Laban, S., Grässlin, R., Beer, M., Beer, A.J., Friebe-Hoffmann, U., Bullinger, L., Möller, P. and Wiegel, T.
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A genetically defined signature of responsiveness to erlotinib in early-stage pancreatic cancer patients: results from the CONKO-005 trial.
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Targeting components of the alternative NHEJ pathway sensitizes KRAS mutant leukemic cells to chemotherapy.
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Risk factors and characteristics influencing humoral response to COVID-19 vaccination in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Hütter-Krönke, M.L., Neagoie, A., Blau, I.W., Wais, V., Vuong, L., Gantner, A., Ahn, J., Penack, O., Schnell, J., Nogai, K.A., Eberspächer, B., Saadati, M., Benner, A., Bullinger, L., Döhner, H., Bunjes, D. and Sala, E.
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Acute myeloid leukemia: negative prognostic impact of early blast persistence can be in part overcome by a later remission prior to post-induction therapy.
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Clinical outcome of older adults with acute myeloid leukemia: an analysis of a large tertiary referral center over two decades.
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B cell depletion and signs of sepsis-acquired immunodeficiency in bone marrow and spleen of COVID-19 deceased.
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Transcription factor 4 (TCF4) expression predicts clinical outcome in RUNX1 mutated and translocated acute myeloid leukemia.
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Jak2V617F and Dnmt3a loss cooperate to induce myelofibrosis through activated enhancer-driven inflammation.
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Clinical impact of the genomic landscape and leukemogenic trajectories in non-intensively treated elderly acute myeloid leukemia patients.
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Incidence and prognostic impact of ASXL2 mutations in adult acute myeloid leukemia patients with t(8;21)(q22;q22): a study of the German-Austrian AML Study Group.
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Genomic landscape of patients with FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated within the CALGB 10603/RATIFY trial.
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Genomic heterogeneity in core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemia and its clinical implication.
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Mutant CEBPA directly drives the expression of the targetable tumor-promoting factor CD73 in AML.
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A randomized open label phase-II clinical trial with or without infusion of plasma from subjects after convalescence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in high-risk patients with confirmed severe SARS-CoV-2 disease (RECOVER): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
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Splicing factor YBX1 mediates persistence of JAK2-mutated neoplasms.
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Bevacizumab in temozolomide refractory high-grade gliomas: single-centre experience and review of the literature.
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Predicting sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with the EASIX biomarker panel.
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Altered NFE2 activity predisposes to leukemic transformation and myelosarcoma with AML-specific aberrations.
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Impact of gemtuzumab ozogamicin on MRD and relapse risk in patients with NPM1-mutated AML: results from the AMLSG 09-09 trial.
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Identifying ischemic stroke associated with cancer: a multiple model derived from a case-control analysis.
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AML with complex karyotype: extreme genomic complexity revealed by combined long-read sequencing and Hi-C technology.
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Conventional amphotericin B elicits markers of immunogenic cell death on leukemic blasts, mediates immunostimulatory effects on phagocytic cells, and synergizes with PD-L1 blockade.
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EASIX and severe endothelial complications after CD19-directed CAR-T Cell therapy-a cohort study.
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Targeted sequencing using a 47 gene multiple myeloma mutation panel (M(3) P) in -17p high risk disease.
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Longitudinal analysis of 25 sequential sample-pairs using a custom multiple myeloma mutation sequencing panel (M(3)P).
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Cell of origin determines clinically relevant subtypes of MLL-rearranged AML.
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MiR-139-5p is a potent tumor suppressor in adult acute myeloid leukemia.
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A high proportion of germline variants in pediatric chronic myeloid leukemia.
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Clonal evolution in relapsed NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia.
Krönke, J., Bullinger, L., Teleanu, V., Tschürtz, F., Gaidzik, V.I., Kühn, M.W.M., Rücker, F.G., Holzmann, K., Paschka, P., Kapp-Schwörer, S., Späth, D., Kindler, T., Schittenhelm, M., Krauter, J., Ganser, A., Göhring, G., Schlegelberger, B., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
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IKZF1 expression is a prognostic marker in newly diagnosed standard-risk multiple myeloma treated with lenalidomide and intensive chemotherapy: a study of the German Myeloma Study Group (DSMM).
Krönke, J., Kuchenbauer, F., Kull, M., Teleanu, V., Bullinger, L., Bunjes, D., Greiner, A., Kolmus, S., Köpff, S., Schreder, M., Mügge, L.O., Straka, C., Engelhardt, M., Döhner, H., Einsele, H., Bassermann, F., Bargou, R., Knop, S. and Langer, C.
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In vitro testing of drug response in primary multiple myeloma cells using a microwell-based technology.
Krüger, J., Blau, I.W., Blau, O., Bettelli, A., Rocchi, L., Bocchi, M., Krönke, J., Bullinger, L., Keller, U. and Nogai, A.
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Genome-wide genotyping of acute myeloid leukemia with translocation t(9;11)(p22;q23) reveals novel recurrent genomic alterations.
Kühn, M.W.M., Bullinger, L., Gröschel, S., Krönke, J., Edelmann, J., Rücker, F.G., Eiwen, K., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Holzmann, K., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
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MYC-containing amplicons in acute myeloid leukemia: genomic structures, evolution, and transcriptional consequences.
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Immuntherapie von Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen - Highlights des ASCO-Kongresses 2015 [Immunotherapy of head and neck tumors: Highlights of the ASCO Meeting 2015].
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Survey of long-term experiences of sperm cryopreservation in oncological and non-oncological patients: usage and reproductive outcomes of a large monocentric cohort.
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Rapid single-cell identification of Epstein-Barr virus-specific T-cell receptors for cellular therapy.
Lammoglia Cobo, M.F., Welters, C., Rosenberger, L., Leisegang, M., Dietze, K., Pircher, C., Penter, L., Gary, R., Bullinger, L., Takvorian, A., Moosmann, A., Dornmair, K., Blankenstein, T., Kammertöns, T., Gerbitz, A. and Hansmann, L.
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Core outcome set measurement for future clinical trials in acute myeloid leukemia: the HARMONY study protocol using a multi-stakeholder consensus-based Delphi process and a final consensus meeting.
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Mechanisms of resistance to small molecules in acute myeloid leukemia.
Lang, T.J.L., Damm, F., Bullinger, L. and Frick, M.
Cancers 15 (18): 4573. 15 September 2023

Survival differences and associated molecular signatures of DNMT3A-mutant acute myeloid leukemia patients.
Lauber, C., Correia, N., Trumpp, A., Rieger, M.A., Dolnik, A., Bullinger, L., Roeder, I. and Seifert, M.
Scientific Reports 10 (1): 12761. 29 July 2020

Clinical and prognostic relevance of cardiac wasting in patients with advanced cancer.
Lena, A., Wilkenshoff, U., Hadzibegovic, S., Porthun, J., Rösnick, L., Fröhlich, A.K., Zeller, T., Karakas, M., Keller, U., Ahn, J., Bullinger, L., Riess, H., Rosen, S.D., Lyon, A.R., Lüscher, T.F., Totzeck, M., Rassaf, T., Burkhoff, D., Mehra, M.R., Bax, J.J., Butler, J., Edelmann, F., Haverkamp, W., Anker, S.D., Packer, M., Coats, A.J.S., von Haehling, S., Landmesser, U. and Anker, M.S.
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Single-cell multiomics analysis reveals dynamic clonal evolution and targetable phenotypes in acute myeloid leukemia with complex karyotype.
Leppä, A.M., Grimes, K., Jeong, H., Huang, F.Y., Andrades, A., Waclawiczek, A., Boch, T., Jauch, A., Renders, S., Stelmach, P., Müller-Tidow, C., Karpova, D., Sohn, M., Grünschläger, F., Hasenfeld, P., Benito Garagorri, E., Thiel, V., Dolnik, A., Rodriguez-Martin, B., Bullinger, L., Mrózek, K., Eisfeld, A.K., Krämer, A., Sanders, A.D., Korbel, J.O. and Trumpp, A.
Nature Genetics 56 (12): 2790-2803. December 2024

Distinct evolution and dynamics of epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Polatuzumab vedotin as a salvage and bridging treatment in relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphomas.
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Targeting cell cycle and apoptosis to overcome chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia.
Ling, V.Y., Straube, J., Godfrey, W., Haldar, R., Janardhanan, Y., Cooper, L., Bruedigam, C., Cooper, E., Tavakoli Shirazi, P., Jacquelin, S., Tey, S.K., Baell, J., Huang, F., Jin, J., Zhao, Y., Bullinger, L., Bywater, M.J. and Lane, S.W.
Leukemia 37 (1): 143-153. January 2023

Smac mimetic induces cell death in a large proportion of primary acute myeloid leukemia samples, which correlates with defined molecular markers.
Lueck, S.C., Russ, A.C., Botzenhardt, U., Schlenk, R.F., Zobel, K., Deshayes, K., Vucic, D., Döhner, H., Döhner, K., Fulda, S. and Bullinger, L.
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Deregulated expression of circular RNAs in acute myeloid leukemia.
Lux, S., Blätte, T.J., Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Cocciardi, S., Skambraks, S., Schwarz, K., Schrezenmeier, H., Döhner, H., Döhner, K., Dolnik, A. and Bullinger, L.
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Circular RNAs in cancer.
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Tyrosine kinase inhibitor-induced defects in DNA repair sensitize FLT3(ITD)-positive leukemia cells to PARP1 inhibitors.
Maifrede, S., Nieborowska-Skorska, M., Sullivan-Reed, K., Dasgupta, Y., Podszywalow-Bartnicka, P., Le, B.V., Solecka, M., Lian, Z., Belyaeva, E.A., Nersesyan, A., Machnicki, M.M., Toma, M., Chatain, N., Rydzanicz, M., Zhao, H., Jelinek, J., Piwocka, K., Sliwinski, T., Stoklosa, T., Ploski, R., Fischer, T., Sykes, S.M., Koschmieder, S., Bullinger, L., Valent, P., Wasik, M.A., Huang, J. and Skorski, T.
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Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY.
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Mutations in epigenetic regulators including SETD2 are gained during relapse in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
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Infectious complications of targeted drugs and biotherapies in acute leukemia. Clinical practice guidelines by the European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL), a joint venture of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the International Immunocompromised Host Society (ICHS) and the European Leukemia Net (ELN).
Maschmeyer, G., Bullinger, L., Garcia-Vidal, C., Herbrecht, R., Maertens, J., Menna, P., Pagano, L., Thiebaut-Bertrand, A. and Calandra, T.
Leukemia 36 (5): 1215-1226. May 2022

Functional characterization of BRCC3 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22.1).
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The cell fate determinant Scribble is required for maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell function.
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Cellular origin of prognostic chromosomal aberrations in AML patients.
Mora-Jensen, H., Jendholm, J., Rapin, N., Andersen, M.K., Roug, A.S., Bagger, F.O., Bullinger, L., Winther, O., Borregaard, N., Porse, B.T. and Theilgaard-Mönch, K.
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Successful generation of fully human, second generation, anti-CD19 CAR T cells for clinical use in patients with diverse autoimmune disorders.
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Single-cell analysis based dissection of clonality in myelofibrosis.
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Epidemiological, genetic, and clinical characterization by age of newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia based on an academic population-based registry study (AMLSG BiO).
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Proteomic profiling reveals CDK6 upregulation as a targetable resistance mechanism for lenalidomide in multiple myeloma.
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The patients' view: impact of the extent of resection, intraoperative imaging, and awake surgery on health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients-results of a multicenter cross-sectional study.
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Gene expression and mutation-guided synthetic lethality eradicates proliferating and quiescent leukemia cells.
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Genetic characterization of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma: pathogenesis and patient outcomes.
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Genomic landscape and clonal evolution of AML.
Noerenberg, D., Damm, F. and Bullinger, L.
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Aberrant expression of miR-9/9* in myeloid progenitors inhibits neutrophil differentiation by post-transcriptional regulation of ERG.
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Expression of a passenger miR-9* predicts favorable outcome in adults with acute myeloid leukemia less than 60 years of age.
Nowek, K., Sun, S.M., Dijkstra, M.K., Bullinger, L., Döhner, H., Erkeland, S.J., Löwenberg, B. and Jongen-Lavrencic, M.
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Single-cell clonal tracking of persistent T-cells in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Obermayer, B., Keilholz, L., Conrad, T., Frentsch, M., Blau, I.W., Vuong, L., Lesch, S., Movasshagi, K., Tietze-Stolley, C., Loyal, L., Henze, L., Penack, O., Stervbo, U., Babel, N., Haas, S., Beule, D., Bullinger, L., Wittenbecher, F. and Na, I.K.
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Update and European consensus on a patient-centered core outcome set for multiple myeloma in clinical practice and research.
Oerlemans, S., De Rooij, B.H., Bennink, C., Bullinger, L., Broijl, A., D'Agostino, M., Laane, E., Lupo-Stanghellini, M.T., Perrot, A., Wester, R., Cursaru, V., Scheurer, H., Vesseur, J., Dalal, M., Sen, R., Stamm, T., Ludwig, H. and Sonneveld, P.
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58/w mit zunehmender psychomotorischer Verlangsamung und Zephalgien [58/f with increasing psychomotor retardation and headache].
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Targeting inhibitor of apoptosis proteins by Smac mimetic elicits cell death in poor prognostic subgroups of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Opel, D., Schnaiter, A., Dodier, D., Jovanovic, M., Gerhardinger, A., Idler, I., Mertens, D., Bullinger, L., Stilgenbauer, S. and Fulda, S.
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Clinical implications and dynamics of clonal hematopoiesis in anti-CD19 CAR T-cell treated patients.
Panagiota, V., Kerschbaum, J.F., Penack, O., Stein, C.M., Arends, C.M., Koenecke, C., Strzelecka, P.M., Kloos, A., Wiegand, L., Lasch, A., Altwasser, R., Halik, A., Gabdoulline, R., Thomson, J., Weibl, K., Franke, G.N., Berger, C., Hasenkamp, J., Ayuk, F., Na, I.K., Beutel, G., Keller, U., Bullinger, L., Wulf, G.G., Kröger, N., Vucinic, V., Heuser, M. and Damm, F.
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Genomic classification and prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia.
Papaemmanuil, E., Gerstung, M., Bullinger, L., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Roberts, N.D., Potter, N.E., Heuser, M., Thol, F., Bolli, N., Gundem, G., Van Loo, P., Martincorena, I., Ganly, P., Mudie, L., McLaren, S., O'Meara, S., Raine, K., Jones, D.R., Teague, J.W., Butler, A.P., Greaves, M.F., Ganser, A., Döhner, K., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H. and Campbell, P.J.
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Secondary genetic lesions in acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16) or t(16;16): a study of the German-Austrian AML Study Group (AMLSG).
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ASXL1 mutations in younger adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a study by the German-Austrian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group.
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Adding dasatinib to intensive treatment in core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemia-results of the AMLSG 11-08 trial.
Paschka, P., Schlenk, R.F., Weber, D., Benner, A., Bullinger, L., Heuser, M., Gaidzik, V.I., Thol, F., Agrawal, M., Teleanu, V., Lübbert, M., Fiedler, W., Radsak, M., Krauter, J., Horst, H.A., Greil, R., Mayer, K., Kündgen, A., Martens, U., Heil, G., Salih, H.R., Hertenstein, B., Schwänen, C., Wulf, G., Lange, E., Pfreundschuh, M., Ringhoffer, M., Girschikofsky, M., Heinicke, T., Kraemer, D., Göhring, G., Ganser, A., Döhner, K. and Döhner, H.
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Increased abundance of Firmicutes and depletion of Bacteroidota predicts poor outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Identification of gene expression-based prognostic markers in the hematopoietic stem cells of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes.
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Tracking rare single donor and recipient immune and leukemia cells after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation using mitochondrial DNA mutations.
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The VEGF receptor, neuropilin-1, represents a promising novel target for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients.
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Differential methylation in CN-AML preferentially targets non-CGI regions and is dictated by DNMT3A mutational status and associated with predominant hypomethylation of HOX genes.
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Cancer-specific changes in DNA methylation reveal aberrant silencing and activation of enhancers in leukemia.
Qu, Y., Siggens, L., Cordeddu, L., Gaidzik, V.I., Karlsson, K., Bullinger, L., Döhner, K., Ekwall, K., Lehmann, S. and Lennartsson, A.
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BCAT1 restricts αKG levels in AML stem cells leading to IDHmut-like DNA hypermethylation.
Raffel, S., Falcone, M., Kneisel, N., Hansson, J., Wang, W., Lutz, C., Bullinger, L., Poschet, G., Nonnenmacher, Y., Barnert, A., Bahr, C., Zeisberger, P., Przybylla, A., Sohn, M., Tönjes, M., Erez, A., Adler, L., Jensen, P., Scholl, C., Fröhling, S., Cocciardi, S., Wuchter, P., Thiede, C., Flörcken, A., Westermann, J., Ehninger, G., Lichter, P., Hiller, K., Hell, R., Herrmann, C., Ho, A.D., Krijgsveld, J., Radlwimmer, B. and Trumpp, A.
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Quantitative proteomics reveals specific metabolic features of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells.
Raffel, S., Klimmeck, D., Falcone, M., Demir, A., Pouya, A., Zeisberger, P., Lutz, C., Tinelli, M., Bischel, O., Bullinger, L., Thiede, C., Flörcken, A., Westermann, J., Ehninger, G., Ho, A.D., Müller-Tidow, C., Gu, Z., Herrmann, C., Krijgsveld, J., Trumpp, A. and Hansson, J.
Blood 136 (13): 1507-1519. 24 September 2020

The proteogenomic landscape of multiple myeloma reveals insights into disease biology and therapeutic opportunities.
Ramberger, E., Sapozhnikova, V., Ng, Y.L.D., Dolnik, A., Ziehm, M., Popp, O., Sträng, E., Kull, M., Grünschläger, F., Krüger, J., Benary, M., Müller, S., Gao, X., Murgai, A., Haji, M., Schmidt, A., Lutz, R., Nogai, A., Braune, J., Laue, D., Langer, C., Khandanpour, C., Bassermann, F., Döhner, H., Engelhardt, M., Straka, C., Hundemer, M., Beule, D., Haas, S., Keller, U., Einsele, H., Bullinger, L., Knop, S., Mertins, P. and Krönke, J.
Nature Cancer 5 (8): 1267-1284. August 2024

Genomic and evolutionary portraits of disease relapse in acute myeloid leukemia.
Rapaport, F., Neelamraju, Y., Baslan, T., Hassane, D., Gruszczynska, A., de Massy, M.R., Farnoud, N., Haddox, S., Lee, T., Medina-Martinez, J., Sheridan, C., Thurmond, A., Becker, M., Bekiranov, S., Carroll, M., Moses Murdock, H., Valk, P.J.M., Bullinger, L., D’Andrea, R., Lowe, S.W., Neuberg, D., Levine, R.L., Melnick, A. and Garrett-Bakelman, F.E.
Leukemia 35 (9): 2688-2692. September 2021

FIRE-9 - PORT / AIO-KRK-0418: a prospective, randomized, open, multicenter Phase III trial to investigate the efficacy of adjuvant/additive chemotherapy in patients with definitely-treated metastatic colorectal cancer.
Raschzok, N., Stintzing, S., Heinemann, V., Rauch, G., Ricke, J., Guckenberger, M., Kurreck, A., Alig, A.H.S., Stahler, A., Bullinger, L., Schmelzle, M., Schöning, W., Lurje, G., Krenzien, F., Haase, O., Rau, B., Gebauer, B., Sauer, I.M., Pratschke, J. and Modest, D.P.
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Severe hematotoxicity after CD19 CAR-T therapy is associated with suppressive immune dysregulation and limited CAR-T expansion.
Rejeski, K., Perez, A., Iacoboni, G., Blumenberg, V., Bücklein, V.L., Völkl, S., Penack, O., Albanyan, O., Stock, S., Müller, F., Karschnia, P., Petrera, A., Reid, K., Faramand, R., Davila, M.L., Modi, K., Dean, E.A., Bachmeier, C., von Bergwelt-Baildon, M., Locke, F.L., Bethge, W., Bullinger, L., Mackensen, A., Barba, P., Jain, M.D. and Subklewe, M.
Science Advances 9 (38): eadg3919. 22 September 2023

The CAR-HEMATOTOX risk-stratifies patients for severe infections and disease progression after CD19 CAR-T in R/R LBCL.
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A robust estimation of exon expression to identify alternative spliced genes applied to human tissues and cancer samples.
Risueño, A., Roson-Burgo, B., Dolnik, A., Hernandez-Rivas, J.M., Bullinger, L. and De Las Rivas, J.
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Prospective identification of resistance mechanisms to HSP90 inhibition in KRAS mutant cancer cells.
Rouhi, A., Miller, C., Grasedieck, S., Reinhart, S., Stolze, B., Döhner, H., Kuchenbauer, F., Bullinger, L., Fröhling, S. and Scholl, C.
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RET-mediated autophagy suppression as targetable co-dependence in acute myeloid leukemia.
Rudat, S., Pfaus, A., Cheng, Y.Y., Holtmann, J., Ellegast, J.M., Bühler, C., Marcantonio, D.D., Martinez, E., Göllner, S., Wickenhauser, C., Müller-Tidow, C., Lutz, C., Bullinger, L., Milsom, M.D., Sykes, S.M., Fröhling, S. and Scholl, C.
Leukemia 32 (10): 2189-2202. October 2018

Measurable residual disease monitoring in AML with FLT3-ITD treated with intensive chemotherapy plus midostaurin.
Rücker, F.G., Bullinger, L., Cocciardi, S., Skambraks, S., Luck, T.J., Weber, D., Krzykalla, J., Pozek, E., Schneider, I.J., Corbacioglu, A., Gaidzik, V.I., Meid, A., Aicher, S., Stegelmann, F., Schrade, A., Theis, F., Fiedler, W., Salih, H.R., Wulf, G.G., Salwender, H.J., Schroeder, T., Götze, K.S., Kühn, M.W.M., Lübbert, M., Schlenk, R.F., Benner, A., Thol, F.R., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
Blood Advances 8 (23): 6067-6080. 10 December 2024

Refinement of the prognostic impact of somatic CEBPA bZIP domain mutations in acute myeloid leukemia: Results of the AML Study Group (AMLSG).
Rücker, F.G., Corbacioglu, A., Krzykalla, J., Cocciardi, S., Lengerke, C., Germing, U., Wulf, G., Samra, M.A., Teichmann, L.L., Lübbert, M., Kühn, M.W.M., Bentz, M., Westermann, J., Bullinger, L., Gaidzik, V.I., Meid, A., Aicher, S., Stegelmann, F., Weber, D., Schrade, A., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Benner, A., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
HemaSphere 8 (7): e123. July 2024

Measurable residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22.1): results from the AML Study Group.
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Chromothripsis is linked to alteration, cell cycle impairment, and dismal outcome in acute myeloid leukemia with complex karyotype.
Rücker, F.G., Dolnik, A., Blätte, T.J., Teleanu, V., Ernst, A., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Döhner, H., Döhner, K. and Bullinger, L.
Haematologica 103 (1): e17-e20. January 2018

Molecular landscape and prognostic impact of FLT3-ITD insertion site in acute myeloid leukemia: RATIFY study results.
Rücker, F.G., Du, L., Luck, T.J., Benner, A., Krzykalla, J., Gathmann, I., Voso, M.T., Amadori, S., Prior, T.W., Brandwein, J.M., Appelbaum, F.R., Medeiros, B.C., Tallman, M.S., Savoie, L., Sierra, J., Pallaud, C., Sanz, M.A., Jansen, J.H., Niederwieser, D., Fischer, T., Ehninger, G., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Bullinger, L., Larson, R.A., Bloomfield, C.D., Stone, R.M., Döhner, H., Thiede, C. and Döhner, K.
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Molecular dissection of valproic acid effects in acute myeloid leukemia identifies predictive networks.
Rücker, F.G., Lang, K.M., Fütterer, M., Komarica, V., Schmid, M., Döhner, H., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, K., Knudsen, S. and Bullinger, L.
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SIRT1 prevents genotoxic stress-induced p53 activation in acute myeloid leukemia.
Sasca, D., Hähnel, P.S., Szybinski, J., Khawaja, K., Kriege, O., Pante, S.V., Bullinger, L., Strand, S., Strand, D., Theobald, M. and Kindler, T.
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NCAM1 (CD56) promotes leukemogenesis and confers drug resistance in AML.
Sasca, D., Szybinski, J., Schüler, A., Shah, V., Heidelberger, J., Haehnel, P.S., Dolnik, A., Kriege, O., Fehr, E.M., Gebhardt, W.H., Reid, G., Scholl, C., Theobald, M., Bullinger, L., Beli, P. and Kindler, T.
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Review of preclinical data on hyperthermia treatment in lymphomas and its potential for clinical application.
Scharr, M.V., Damm, F., Krahl, P., Dieper, A., Veltsista, P.D., Hansch, A., Beck, M., Gerster, D., Giovannelli, A.C., Bullinger, L., Zips, D. and Ghadjar, P.
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IGF1R as druggable target mediating PI3K-δ inhibitor resistance in a murine model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Scheffold, A., Jebaraj, B.M.C., Tausch, E., Bloehdorn, J., Ghia, P., Yahiaoui, A., Dolnik, A., Blätte, T.J., Bullinger, L., Dheenadayalan, R.P., Li, L., Schneider, C., Chen, S.S., Chiorazzi, N., Dietrich, S., Seiffert, M., Tannheimer, S., Döhner, H., Mertens, D. and Stilgenbauer, S.
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Differential impact of allelic ratio and insertion site in FLT3-ITD–positive AML with respect to allogeneic transplantation.
Schlenk, R.F., Kayser, S., Bullinger, L., Kobbe, G., Casper, J., Ringhoffer, M., Held, G., Brossart, P., Lübbert, M., Salih, H.R., Kindler, T., Horst, H.A., Wulf, G., Nachbaur, D., Götze, K., Lamparter, A., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Teleanu, V., Späth, D., Benner, A., Krauter, J., Ganser, A., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
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The value of allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in prognostically favorable acute myeloid leukemia with double mutant CEBPA.
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Netboost: boosting-supported network analysis improves high-dimensional omics prediction in acute myeloid leukemia and Huntington's disease.
Schlosser, P., Knaus, J., Schmutz, M., Döhner, K., Plass, C., Bullinger, L., Claus, R., Binder, H., Lübbert, M. and Schumacher, M.
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Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3-ITD mutation under treatment with midostaurin.
Schmalbrock, L.K., Dolnik, A., Cocciardi, S., Sträng, E., Theis, F., Jahn, N., Panina, E., Blätte, T.J., Herzig, J.K., Skambraks, S., Rücker, F.G., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Fiedler, W., Salih, H.R., Wulf, G.G., Schroeder, T., Lübbert, M., Schlenk, R.F., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Larson, R.A., Ganser, A., Stunnenberg, H.G., Minucci, S., Stone, R.M., Bloomfield, C.D., Döhner, H., Döhner, K. and Bullinger, L.
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GiANT: gene set uncertainty in enrichment analysis.
Schmid, F., Schmid, M., Müssel, C., Sträng, J.E., Buske, C., Bullinger, L., Kraus, J.M. and Kestler, H.A.
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TFE3 activation in a TSC1-altered malignant PEComa: challenging the dichotomy of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms.
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Flow cytometry can reliably capture gut microbial composition in healthy adults as well as dysbiosis dynamics in patients with aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Schmiester, M., Maier, R., Riedel, R., Durek, P., Frentsch, M., Kolling, S., Mashreghi, M.F., Jenq, R., Zhang, L., Peterson, C.B., Bullinger, L., Chang, H.D. and Na, I.K.
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Acute left ventricular insufficiency in a Burkitt Lymphoma patient with myocardial involvement and extensive local tumor cell lysis: a case report.
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Predictive value of DNA methylation patterns in AML patients treated with an azacytidine containing induction regimen.
Schmutz, M., Zucknick, M., Schlenk, R.F., Mertens, D., Benner, A., Weichenhan, D., Mücke, O., Döhner, K., Plass, C., Bullinger, L. and Claus, R.
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Micro-ribonucleic acid-155 is a direct target of Meis1, but not a driver in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Leukemic stem cells of acute myeloid leukemia patients carrying NPM1 mutation are candidates for targeted immunotherapy.
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Leukemic progenitor cells are susceptible to targeting by stimulated cytotoxic T cells against immunogenic leukemia-associated antigens.
Schneider, V., Zhang, L., Rojewski, M., Fekete, N., Schrezenmeier, H., Erle, A., Bullinger, L., Hofmann, S., Götz, M., Döhner, K., Ihme, S., Döhner, H., Buske, C., Feuring-Buske, M. and Greiner, J.
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PLCG1 is required for AML1-ETO leukemia stem cell self-renewal.
Schnoeder, T.M., Schwarzer, A., Jayavelu, A.K., Hsu, C.J., Kirkpatrick, J., Döhner, K., Perner, F., Eifert, T., Huber, N., Arreba-Tutusaus, P., Dolnik, A., Assi, S.A., Nafria, M., Jiang, L., Dai, Y.T., Chen, Z., Chen, S.J., Kellaway, S.G., Ptasinska, A., Ng, E.S., Stanley, E.G., Elefanty, A.G., Buschbeck, M., Bierhoff, H., Brodt, S., Matziolis, G., Fischer, K.D., Hochhaus, A., Chen, C.W., Heidenreich, O., Mann, M., Lane, S.W., Bullinger, L., Ori, A., von Eyss, B., Bonifer, C. and Heidel, F.
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Epo-induced erythroid maturation is dependent on Plcγ1 signaling.
Schnöder, T.M., Arreba-Tutusaus, P., Griehl, I., Bullinger, L., Buschbeck, M., Lane, S.W., Döhner, K., Plass, C., Lipka, D.B., Heidel, F.H. and Fischer, T.
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Novel treatment options in head and neck cancer.
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NEMHESYS - European perspective on the implementation of next-generation sequencing into clinical diagnostics.
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Expression profiling of leukemia patients: key lessons and future directions.
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MicroRNA expression-based outcome prediction in acute myeloid leukemia: novel insights through cross-platform integrative analyses.
Shivarov, V., Dolnik, A., Lang, K.M., Krönke, J., Kuchenbauer, F., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Döhner, H., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, K. and Bullinger, L.
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Aneuploid acute myeloid leukemia exhibits a signature of genomic alterations in the cell cycle and protein degradation machinery.
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Outcomes with intensive treatment for acute myeloid leukemia: an analysis of two decades of data from the HARMONY Alliance.
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Pyjacker identifies enhancer hijacking events in acute myeloid leukemia including MNX1 activation via deletion 7q.
Sollier, E., Riedel, A., Toprak, U.H., Wierzbinska, J.A., Weichenhan, D., Schmid, J.P., Hakobyan, M., Touzart, A., Jahn, E., Vick, B., Brown-Burke, F., Kelly, K., Kelekci, S., Pejkovska, A., Goyal, A., Baehr, M., Breuer, K., Chen, M.J.M., Llamazares-Prada, M., Hartmann, M., Schoenung, M., Correia, N., Trumpp, A., Abdullah, Y., Klingmueller, U., Mughal, S.S., Brors, B., Westermann, F., Schlesner, M., Vosberg, S., Herold, T., Greif, P.A., Pfeifer, D., Luebbert, M., Fischer, T., Heidel, F., Gebhard, C., Walter, W., Haferlach, T., Eisfeld, A.K., Mrozek, K., Nicolet, D., Bullinger, L., Smeenk, L., Erpelinck, C., Mulet-Lazaro, R., Delwel, R., Ernst, A., Scherer, M., Lutsik, P., Jeremias, I., Doehner, K., Doehner, H., Lipka, D.B. and Plass, C.
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Early aberrant DNA methylation events in a mouse model of acute myeloid leukemia.
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The leukemogenicity of Hoxa9 depends on alternative splicing.
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Gene mutations and treatment outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results from the CLL8 trial.
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Comparative analysis of KRAS codon 12, 13, 18, 61, and 117 mutations using human MCF10A isogenic cell lines.
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Cre recombinase expression cooperates with homozygous FLT3 internal tandem duplication knockin mouse model to induce acute myeloid leukemia.
Straube, J., Eifert, T., Vu, T., Janardhanan, Y., Haldar, R., von Eyss, B., Cooper, L., Bruedigam, C., Ling, V.Y., Cooper, E., Patch, A.M., Bullinger, L., Schnoeder, T.M., Bywater, M., Heidel, F.H. and Lane, S.W.
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Sarcoma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU): predictive relevance of common sepsis and performance parameters.
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Combination therapy with Olaratumab/doxorubicin in advanced or metastatic soft tissue sarcoma -a single-Centre experience.
Striefler, J.K., Brandes, F., Baur, A., Pfitzner, B.M., Kaul, D., Rau, D., Dörr, A., Schmiester, M., Koulaxouzidis, G., Bullinger, L., Märdian, S. and Flörcken, A.
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Comorbidities rather than older age define outcome in adult patients with tumors of the Ewing sarcoma family.
Striefler, J.K., Schmiester, M., Brandes, F., Dörr, A., Pahl, S., Kaul, D., Rau, D., Dobrindt, E.M., Koulaxouzidis, G., Bullinger, L., Märdian, S. and Flörcken, A.
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Proteomic profiling of colorectal adenomas identifies a predictive risk signature for development of metachronous advanced colorectal neoplasia.
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Ultra-high sensitivity mass spectrometry quantifies single-cell proteome changes upon perturbation.
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Rapid proteomic analysis for solid tumors reveals LSD1 as a drug target in an end-stage cancer patient.
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Spatially and cell-type resolved quantitative proteomic atlas of healthy human skin.
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Regulated intramembrane proteolysis and degradation of murine epithelial cell adhesion molecule mEpCAM.
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Mesothelial cell HIF1α expression is metabolically downregulated by metformin to prevent oncogenic tumor-stromal crosstalk.
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FAM111 protease activity undermines cellular fitness and is amplified by gain-of-function mutations in human disease.
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Identification of early neurodegenerative pathways in progressive multiple sclerosis.
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Large scale discovery of coronavirus-host factor protein interaction motifs reveals SARS-CoV-2 specific mechanisms and vulnerabilities.
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AHRR and SFRP2 in primary versus recurrent high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma and their prognostic implication.
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AI-driven Deep Visual Proteomics defines cell identity and heterogeneity.
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The IBEX Knowledge-Base: Achieving more together with open science.
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A knowledge graph to interpret clinical proteomics data.
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Daumke, Oliver

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Dynamics of the ligand binding domain layer during AMPA receptor activation.
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Rap-specific GTPase activating protein follows an alternative mechanism.
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Insight into catalysis of a unique GTPase reaction by a combined biochemical and FTIR approach.
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The pierced lasso topology leptin has a bolt on dynamic domain composed by the disordered loops I and III.
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Fraternal twins at work: Structures of PLD3/4 reveal mechanism for lysosomal nucleic acid breakdown.
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SPFH protein cage - one ring to rule them all.
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Role of nucleotide binding and GTPase domain dimerization in dynamin-like myxovirus resistance protein A for GTPase activation and antiviral activity.
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Structural characterization of Thogoto Virus nucleoprotein provides insights into viral RNA encapsidation and RNP assembly.
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Structural insights into dynamin-mediated membrane fission.
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Oligomerization of dynamin superfamily proteins in health and disease.
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Structural insights into oligomerization and mitochondrial remodelling of dynamin 1-like protein.
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Dynamin-like MxA GTPase: Structural insights into oligomerization and implications for antiviral activity.
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Klionsky, D.J., Abdel-Aziz, A.K., Abdelfatah, S., Abdellatif, M., Abdoli, A., Abel, S., Abeliovich, H., Abildgaard, M.H., Abudu, Y.P., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adamopoulos, I.E., Adeli, K., Adolph, T.E., Adornetto, A., Aflaki, E., Agam, G., Agarwal, A., Aggarwal, B.B., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Agrewala, J.N., Agrotis, A., Aguilar, P.V., Ahmad, S.T., Ahmed, Z.M., Ahumada-Castro, U., Aits, S., Aizawa, S., Akkoc, Y., Akoumianaki, T., Akpinar, H.A., Al-Abd, A.M., Al-Akra, L., Al-Gharaibeh, A., Alaoui-Jamali, M.A., Alberti, S., Alcocer-Gómez, E., Alessandri, C., Ali, M., Alim Al-Bari, M.A., Aliwaini, S., Alizadeh, J., Almacellas, E., Almasan, A., Alonso, A., Alonso, G.D., Altan-Bonnet, N., Altieri, D.C., Álvarez, E.M.C., Alves, S., Alves da Costa, C., Alzaharna, M.M., Amadio, M., Amantini, C., Amaral, C., Ambrosio, S., Amer, A.O., Ammanathan, V., An, Z., Andersen, S.U., Andrabi, S.A., Andrade-Silva, M., Andres, A.M., Angelini, S., Ann, D., Anozie, U.C., Ansari, M.Y., Antas, P., Antebi, A., Antón, Z., Anwar, T., Apetoh, L., Apostolova, N., Araki, T., Araki, Y., Arasaki, K., Araújo, W.L., Araya, J., Arden, C., Arévalo, M.A., Arguelles, S., Arias, E., Arikkath, J., Arimoto, H., Ariosa, A.R., Armstrong-James, D., Arnauné-Pelloquin, L., Aroca, A., Arroyo, D.S., Arsov, I., Artero, R., Asaro, D.M.L., Aschner, M., Ashrafizadeh, M., Ashur-Fabian, O., Atanasov, A.G., Au, A.K., Auberger, P., Auner, H.W., Aurelian, L., Autelli, R., Avagliano, L., Ávalos, Y., Aveic, S., Aveleira, C.A., Avin-Wittenberg, T., Aydin, Y., Ayton, S., Ayyadevara, S., Azzopardi, M., Baba, M.u, Backer, J.M., Backues, S.K., Bae, D.H., Bae, O.N., Bae, S.H., Baehrecke, E.H., Baek, A., Baek, S.H., Baek, S.H., Bagetta, G., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Bai, H., Bai, J., Bai, X., Bai, Y., Bairagi, N., Baksi, S., Balbi, T., Baldari, C.T., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Ballester, M., Balazadeh, S., Balzan, R., Bandopadhyay, R., Banerjee, S., Banerjee, S., Bánréti, A., Bao, Y., Baptista, M.S., Baracca, A., Barbati, C., Bargiela, A., Barilà, D., Barlow, P.G., Barmada, S.J., Barreiro, E., Barreto, G.E., Bartek, J., Bartel, B., Bartolome, A., Barve, G.R., Basagoudanavar, S.H., Bassham, D.C., Bast, R.C., Basu, A., Batoko, H., Batten, I., Baulieu, E.E., Baumgarner, B.L., Bayry, J., Beale, R., Beau, I., Beaumatin, F., Bechara, L.R.G., Beck, G.R., Beers, M.F., Begun, J., Behrends, C., Behrens, G.M.N., Bei, R., Bejarano, E., Bel, S., Behl, C., Belaid, A., Belgareh-Touzé, N., Bellarosa, C., Belleudi, F., Belló Pérez, M., Bello-Morales, R., Beltran, J.S.O., Beltran, S., Benbrook, D.M., Bendorius, M., Benitez, B.A., Benito-Cuesta, I., Bensalem, J., Berchtold, M.W., Berezowska, S., Bergamaschi, D., Bergami, M., Bergmann, A., Berliocchi, L., Berlioz-Torrent, C., Bernard, A., Berthoux, L., Besirli, C.G., Besteiro, S., Betin, V.M., Beyaert, R., Bezbradica, J.S., Bhaskar, K., Bhatia-Kissova, I., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Bhuiyan, M.S., Bhutia, S.K., Bi, L., Bi, X., Biden, T.J., Bijian, K., Billes, V.A., Binart, N., Bincoletto, C., Birgisdottir, A.B., Bjorkoy, G., Blanco, G., Blas-Garcia, A., Blasiak, J., Blomgran, R., Blomgren, K., Blum, J.S., Boada-Romero, E., Boban, M., Boesze-Battaglia, K., Boeuf, P., Boland, B., Bomont, P., Bonaldo, P., Bonam, S.R., Bonfili, L., Bonifacino, J.S., Boone, B.A., Bootman, M.D., Bordi, M., Borner, C., Bornhauser, B.C., Borthakur, G., Bosch, J., Bose, S., Botana, L.M., Botas, J., Boulanger, C.M., Boulton, M.E., Bourdenx, M., Bourgeois, B., Bourke, N.M., Bousquet, G., Boya, P., Bozhkov, P.V., Bozi, L.H.M., Bozkurt, T.O., Brackney, D.E., Brandts, C.H., Braun, R.J., Braus, G.H., Bravo-Sagua, R., Bravo-San Pedro, J.M., Brest, P., Bringer, M.A., Briones-Herrera, A., Broaddus, V.C., Brodersen, P., Brodsky, J.L., Brody, S.L., Bronson, P.G., Bronstein, J.M., Brown, C.N., Brown, R.E., Brum, P.C., Brumell, J.H., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Bruno, D., Bryson-Richardson, R.J., Bucci, C., Buchrieser, C., Bueno, M., Buitrago-Molina, L.E., Buraschi, S., Buch, S., Buchan, J.R., Buckingham, E.M., Budak, H., Budini, M., Bultynck, G., Burada, F., Burgoyne, J.R., Burón, M.I., Bustos, V., Büttner, S., Butturini, E., Byrd, A., Cabas, I., Cabrera-Benitez, S., Cadwell, K., Cai, J., Cai, L., Cai, Q., Cairó, M., Calbet, J.A., Caldwell, G.A., Caldwell, K.A., Call, J.A., Calvani, R., Calvo, A.C., Calvo-Rubio Barrera, M., Camara, N.O., Camonis, J.H., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campbell, E.M., Campbell-Valois, F.X., Campello, S., Campesi, I., Campos, J.C., Camuzard, O., Cancino, J., Candido de Almeida, D., Canesi, L., Caniggia, I., Canonico, B., Cantí, C., Cao, B., Caraglia, M., Caramés, B., Carchman, E.H., Cardenal-Muñoz, E., Cardenas, C., Cardenas, L., Cardoso, S.M., Carew, J.S., Carle, G.F., Carleton, G., Carloni, S., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Carneiro, L.A., Carnevali, O., Carosi, J.M., Carra, S., Carrier, A., Carrier, L., Carroll, B., Carter, A.B., Carvalho, A.N., Casanova, M., Casas, C., Casas, J., Cassioli, C., Castillo, E.F., Castillo, K., Castillo-Lluva, S., Castoldi, F., Castori, M., Castro, A.F., Castro-Caldas, M., Castro-Hernandez, J., Castro-Obregon, S., Catz, S.D., Cavadas, C., Cavaliere, F., Cavallini, G., Cavinato, M., Cayuela, M.L., Cebollada Rica, P., Cecarini, V., Cecconi, F., Cechowska-Pasko, M., Cenci, S., Ceperuelo-Mallafré, V., Cerqueira, J.J., Cerutti, J.M., Cervia, D., Cetintas, V.B., Cetrullo, S., Chae, H.J., Chagin, A.S., Chai, C.Y., Chakrabarti, G., Chakrabarti, O., Chakraborty, T., Chakraborty, T., Chami, M., Chamilos, G., Chan, D.W., Chan, E.Y.W., Chan, E.D., Chan, H.Y.E., Chan, H.H., Chan, H., Chan, M.T.V., Chan, Y.S., Chandra, P.K., Chang, C.P., Chang, C., Chang, H.C., Chang, K., Chao, J., Chapman, T., Charlet-Berguerand, N., Chatterjee, S., Chaube, S.K., Chaudhary, A., Chauhan, S., Chaum, E., Checler, F., Cheetham, M.E., Chen, C.S., Chen, G.C., Chen, J.F., Chen, L.L., Chen, L., Chen, L., Chen, M., Chen, M.K., Chen, N., Chen, Q., Chen, R.H., Chen, S., Chen, W., Chen, W., Chen, X.M., Chen, X.W., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Chen, Y.G., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, Y.J., Chen, Y.Q., Chen, Z.S., Chen, Z., Chen, Z.H., Chen, Z.J., Chen, Z., Cheng, H., Cheng, J., Cheng, S.Y., Cheng, W., Cheng, X., Cheng, X.T., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Z., Chen, Z., Cheong, H., Cheong, J.K., Chernyak, B.V., Cherry, S., Cheung, C.F.R., Cheung, C.H.A., Cheung, K.H., Chevet, E., Chi, R.J., Chiang, A.K.S., Chiaradonna, F., Chiarelli, R., Chiariello, M., Chica, N., Chiocca, S., Chiong, M., Chiou, S.H., Chiramel, A.I., Chiurchiù, V., Cho, D.H., Choe, S.K., Choi, A.M.K., Choi, M.E., Choudhury, K.R., Chow, N.S., Chu, C.T., Chua, J.P., Chua, J.J.E., Chung, H., Chung, K.P., Chung, S., Chung, S.H., Chung, Y.L., Cianfanelli, V., Ciechomska, I.A., Cifuentes, M., Cinque, L., Cirak, S., Cirone, M., Clague, M.J., Clarke, R., Clementi, E., Coccia, E.M., Codogno, P., Cohen, E., Cohen, M.M, Colasanti, T., Colasuonno, F., Colbert, R.A., Colell, A., Čolić, M., Coll, N.S., Collins, M.O., Colombo, M.I., Colón-Ramos, D.A., Combaret, L., Comincini, S., Cominetti, M.R., Consiglio, A., Conte, A., Conti, F., Contu, V.R., Cookson, M.R., Coombs, K.M., Coppens, I., Corasaniti, M.T., Corkery, D.P., Cordes, N., Cortese, K., Costa, M.D.C., Costantino, S., Costelli, P., Coto-Montes, A., Crack, P.J., Crespo, J.L., Criollo, A., Crippa, V., Cristofani, R., Csizmadia, T., Cuadrado, A., Cui, B., Cui, J., Cui, Y., Cui, Y., Culetto, E., Cumino, A.C., Cybulsky, A.V., Czaja, M.J., Czuczwar, S.J., D'Adamo, S., D'Amelio, M., D'Arcangelo, D., D'Lugos, A.C., D'Orazi, G., da Silva, J.A., Dafsari, H.S., Dagda, R.K., Dagdas, Y., Daglia, M., Dai, X., Dai, Y., Dai, Y., Dal Col, J., Dalhaimer, P., Dalla Valle, L., Dallenga, T., Dalmasso, G., Damme, M., Dando, I., Dantuma, N.P., Darling, A.L., Das, H., Dasarathy, S., Dasari, S.K., Dash, S., Daumke, O., Dauphinee, A.N., Davies, J.S., Dávila, V.A., Davis, R.J., Davis, T., Dayalan Naidu, S., De Amicis, F., De Bosscher, K., De Felice, F., De Franceschi, L., De Leonibus, C., de Mattos Barbosa, M.G., De Meyer, G.R.Y., De Milito, A., De Nunzio, C., De Palma, C., De Santi, M., De Virgilio, C., De Zio, D., Debnath, J., DeBosch, B.J., Decuypere, J.P., Deehan, M.A., Deflorian, G., DeGregori, J., Dehay, B., Del Rio, G., Delaney, J.R., Delbridge, L.M.D., Delorme-Axford, E., Delpino, M.V., Demarchi, F., Dembitz, V., Demers, N.D., Deng, H., Deng, Z., Dengjel, J., Dent, P., Denton, D., DePamphilis, M.L., Der, C.J., Deretic, V., Descoteaux, A., Devis, L., Devkota, S., Devuyst, O., Dewson, G., Dharmasivam, M., Dhiman, R., di Bernardo, D., Di Cristina, M., Di Domenico, F., Di Fazio, P., Di Fonzo, A., Di Guardo, G., Di Guglielmo, G.M., Di Leo, L., Di Malta, C., Di Nardo, A., Di Rienzo, M., Di Sano, F., Diallinas, G., Diao, J., Diaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Dickinson, J.M., Diederich, M., Dieudé, M., Dikic, I., Ding, S., Ding, W.X., Dini, L., Dinić, J., Dinic, M., Dinkova-Kostova, A.T., Dionne, M.S., Distler, J.H.W., Diwan, A., Dixon, I.M.C., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dobrinski, I., Dobrovinskaya, O., Dobrowolski, R., Dobson, R.C.J., Đokić, J., Dokmeci Emre, S., Donadelli, M., Dong, B., Dong, X., Dong, Z., Dorn Ii, G.W., Dotsch, V., Dou, H., Dou, J., Dowaidar, M., Dridi, S., Drucker, L., Du, A., Du, C., Du, G., Du, H.N., Du, L.L., du Toit, A., Duan, S.B., Duan, X., Duarte, S.P., Dubrovska, A., Dunlop, E.A., Dupont, N., Durán, R.V., Dwarakanath, B.S., Dyshlovoy, S.A., Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D., Eckhart, L., Edelstein, C.L., Efferth, T., Eftekharpour, E., Eichinger, L., Eid, N., Eisenberg, T., Eissa, N.T., Eissa, S., Ejarque, M., El Andaloussi, A., El-Hage, N., El-Naggar, S., Eleuteri, A.M., El-Shafey, E.S., Elgendy, M., Eliopoulos, A.G., Elizalde, M.M., Elks, P.M., Elsasser, H.P., Elsherbiny, E.S., Emerling, B.M., Emre, N.C.T., Eng, C.H., Engedal, N., Engelbrecht, A.M., Engelsen, A.S.T., Enserink, J.M., Escalante, R., Esclatine, A., Escobar-Henriques, M., Eskelinen, E.L., Espert, L., Eusebio, M.O., Fabrias, G., Fabrizi, C., Facchiano, A., Facchiano, F., Fadeel, B., Fader, C., Faesen, A.C., Fairlie, W.D., Falcó, A., Falkenburger, B.H., Fan, D., Fan, J., Fan, Y., Fang, E.F., Fang, Y., Fang, Y., Fanto, M., Farfel-Becker, T., Faure, M., Fazeli, G., Fedele, A.O., Feldman, A.M., Feng, D., Feng, J., Feng, L., Feng, Y., Feng, Y., Feng, W., Fenz Araujo, T., Ferguson, T.A., Fernández, A.F., Fernandez-Checa, J.C., Fernández-Veledo, S., Fernie, A.R., Ferrante, A.W., Ferraresi, A., Ferrari, M.F., Ferreira, J.C.B., Ferro-Novick, S., Figueras, A., Filadi, R., Filigheddu, N., Filippi-Chiela, E., Filomeni, G., Fimia, G.M., Fineschi, V., Finetti, F., Finkbeiner, S., Fisher, E.A., Fisher, P.B., Flamigni, F., Fliesler, S.J., Flo, T.H., Florance, I., Florey, O., Florio, T., Fodor, E., Follo, C., Fon, E.A., Forlino, A., Fornai, F., Fortini, P., Fracassi, A., Fraldi, A., Franco, B., Franco, R., Franconi, F., Frankel, L.B., Friedman, S.L., Fröhlich, L.F., Frühbeck, G., Fuentes, J.M., Fujiki, Y., Fujita, N., Fujiwara, Y., Fukuda, M., Fulda, S., Furic, L., Furuya, N., Fusco, C., Gack, M.U., Gaffke, L., Galadari, S., Galasso, A., Galindo, M.F., Gallolu Kankanamalage, S., Galluzzi, L., Galy, V., Gammoh, N., Gan, B., Ganley, I.G., Gao, F., Gao, H., Gao, M., Gao, P., Gao, S.J., Gao, W., Gao, X., Garcera, A., Garcia, M.N., Garcia, V.E., García-Del Portillo, F., Garcia-Escudero, V., Garcia-Garcia, A., Garcia-Macia, M., García-Moreno, D., Garcia-Ruiz, C., García-Sanz, P., Garg, A.D., Gargini, R., Garofalo, T., Garry, R.F., Gassen, N.C., Gatica, D., Ge, L., Ge, W., Geiss-Friedlander, R., Gelfi, C., Genschik, P., Gentle, I.E., Gerbino, V., Gerhardt, C., Germain, K., Germain, M., Gewirtz, D.A., Ghasemipour Afshar, E., Ghavami, S., Ghigo, A., Ghosh, M., Giamas, G., Giampietri, C., Giatromanolaki, A., Gibson, G.E., Gibson, S.B., Ginet, V., Giniger, E., Giorgi, C., Girao, H., Girardin, S.E., Giridharan, M., Giuliano, S., Giulivi, C., Giuriato, S., Giustiniani, J., Gluschko, A., Goder, V., Goginashvili, A., Golab, J., Goldstone, D.C., Golebiewska, A., Gomes, L.R., Gomez, R., Gómez-Sánchez, R., Gomez-Puerto, M.C., Gomez-Sintes, R., Gong, Q., Goni, F.M., González-Gallego, J., Gonzalez-Hernandez, T., Gonzalez-Polo, R.A., Gonzalez-Reyes, J.A., González-Rodríguez, P., Goping, I.S., Gorbatyuk, M.S., Gorbunov, N.V., Görgülü, K., Gorojod, R.M., Gorski, S.M., Goruppi, S., Gotor, C., Gottlieb, R.A., Gozes, I., Gozuacik, D., Graef, M., Gräler, M.H., Granatiero, V., Grasso, D., Gray, J.P., Green, D.R., Greenhough, A., Gregory, S.L., Griffin, E.F., Grinstaff, M.W., Gros, F., Grose, C., Gross, A.S., Gruber, F., Grumati, P., Grune, T., Gu, X., Guan, J.L., Guardia, C.M., Guda, K., Guerra, F., Guerri, C., Guha, P., Guillén, C., Gujar, S., Gukovskaya, A., Gukovsky, I., Gunst, J., Günther, A., Guntur, A.R., Guo, C., Guo, C., Guo, H., Guo, L.W., Guo, M., Gupta, P., Gupta, S.K., Gupta, S., Gupta, V.B., Gupta, V., Gustafsson, A.B., Gutterman, D.D., H B, R., Haapasalo, A., Haber, J.E., Hać, A., Hadano, S., Hafrén, A.J., Haidar, M., Hall, B.S., Halldén, G., Hamacher-Brady, A., Hamann, A., Hamasaki, M., Han, W., Hansen, M., Hanson, P.I., Hao, Z., Harada, M., Harhaji-Trajkovic, L., Hariharan, N., Haroon, N., Harris, J., Hasegawa, T., Hasima Nagoor, N., Haspel, J.A., Haucke, V., Hawkins, W.D., Hay, B.A., Haynes, C.M., Hayrabedyan, S.B., Hays, T.S., He, C., He, Q., He, R.R., He, Y.W., He, Y.Y., Heakal, Y., Heberle, A.M., Hejtmancik, J.F., Helgason, G.V., Henkel, V., Herb, M., Hergovich, A., Herman-Antosiewicz, A., Hernández, A., Hernandez, C., Hernandez-Diaz, S., Hernandez-Gea, V., Herpin, A., Herreros, J., Hervás, J.H., Hesselson, D., Hetz, C., Heussler, V.T., Higuchi, Y., Hilfiker, S., Hill, J.A., Hlavacek, W.S., Ho, E.A., Ho, I.H.T., Ho, P.W.L., Ho, S.L., Ho, W.Y., Hobbs, G.A., Hochstrasser, M., Hoet, P.H.M., Hofius, D., Hofman, P., Höhn, A., Holmberg, C.I., Hombrebueno, J.R., Yi-Ren Hong, C.W.H., Hooper, L.V., Hoppe, T., Horos, R., Hoshida, Y., Hsin, I.L., Hsu, H.Y., Hu, B., Hu, D., Hu, L.F., Hu, M.C., Hu, R., Hu, W., Hu, Y.C., Hu, Z.W., Hua, F., Hua, J., Hua, Y., Huan, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, H., Huang, K., Huang, M.L.H., Huang, R., Huang, S., Huang, T., Huang, X., Huang, Y.J., Huber, T.B., Hubert, V., Hubner, C.A., H