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Analysis of immune-related loci identifies 48 new susceptibility variants for multiple sclerosis.

Nature Genetics 45 (11): 1353-1360. November 2013

KCNQ1, KCNE2, and Na(+)-coupled solute transporters form reciprocally regulating complexes that affect neuronal excitability.
Abbott, G.W, Tai, K.K., Neverisky, D.L., Hansler, A., Hu, Z., Roepke, T.K., Lerner, D.J., Chen, Q., Liu, L., Zupan, B., Toth, M., Haynes, R., Huang, X., Demirbas, D., Buccafusca, R., Gross, S.S., Kanda, V.A. and Berry, G.T.
Science Signaling 7 (315): ra22. 4 March 2014

Impact of ancillary subunits on ventricular repolarization.
Abbott, G.W., Xu, X. and Roepke, T.K.
Journal of Electrocardiology 40 (6 Suppl): S42-S46. November 2007

Neurofilament light chain elevation and disability progression in multiple sclerosis.
Abdelhak, A., Benkert, P., Schaedelin, S., Boscardin, W.J., Cordano, C., Oechtering, J., Ananth, K., Granziera, C., Melie-Garcia, L., Montes, S.C., Beaudry-Richard, A., Achtnichts, L., Oertel, F.C., Lalive, P.H., Leppert, D., Müller, S., Henry, R.G., Pot, C., Matthias, A., Salmen, A., Oksenberg, J.R., Disanto, G., Zecca, C., D’Souza, M., Du Pasquier, R., Bridel, C., Gobbi, C., Kappos, L., Hauser, S.L., Cree, B.A.C., Kuhle, J. and Green, A.J.
JAMA Neurology 80 (12): 1317-1325. December 2023

Plasma neurofilament light chain levels suggest neuroaxonal stability following therapeutic remyelination in people with multiple sclerosis.
Abdelhak, A., Cordano, C., Boscardin, W.J., Caverzasi, E., Kuhle, J., Chan, B., Gelfand, J.M., Yiu, H.H., Oertel, F.C., Beaudry-Richard, A., Condor Montes, S., Oksenberg, J.R., Lario Lago, A., Boxer, A., Rojas-Martinez, J.C., Elahi, F.M., Chan, J.R. and Green, A.J.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93 (9): 972-977. 12 August 2022

Retinal arteriolar parameters as a surrogate marker of intracranial vascular pathology.
Abdelhak, A., Solomon, I., Montes, S.C., Saias, A., Cordano, C., Asken, B., Fonseca, C., Oertel, F.C., Arfanakis, K., Staffaroni, A.M., Kramer, J.H., Geschwind, M., Miller, B.L., Elahi, F.M. and Green, A.J.
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring 14 (1): e12338. 2022

Sensor macrophages derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells to assess pyrogenic contaminations in parenteral drugs.
Abdin, S.M., Mansel, F., Rafiei Hashtchin, A., Ackermann, M., Hansen, G., Becker, B., Kick, B., Pham, N., Dietz, H., Schaniel, C., Martin, U., Spreitzer, I. and Lachmann, N.
Biofabrication 16 (3): 035017. July 2024

The patient-reported outcomes for the new brand-generic teriflunomide in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Abolfazli, R., Nabavi, S.M., Azimi, A., Nahayati, M., Gharagozli, K., Torabi, H., Ghazaeian, M., Rezagholi, Z. and Samadzadeh, S.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 246 : 108552. November 2024

Safety and discontinuation rate of dimethyl fumarate (Zadiva®) in patients with multiple sclerosis: an observational retrospective study.
Abolfazli, R., Sahraian, M.A., Tayebi, A., Kafi, H. and Samadzadeh, S.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (15): 4937. 27 July 2023

Complete Epstein-Barr virus seropositivity in a large cohort of patients with early multiple sclerosis.
Abrahamyan, S., Eberspächer, B., Hoshi, M.M., Aly, L., Luessi, F., Groppa, S., Klotz, L., Meuth, S.G., Schroeder, C., Grüter, T., Tackenberg, B., Paul, F., Then-Bergh, F., Kümpfel, T., Weber, F., Stangel, M., Bayas, A., Wildemann, B., Heesen, C., Zettl, U., Warnke, C., Antony, G., Hessler, N., Wiendl, H., Bittner, S., Hemmer, B., Gold, R., Salmen, A. and Ruprecht, K.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 91 (7): 681-686. July 2020

Schwann cell precursors from nerve innervation are a cellular origin of melanocytes in skin.
Adameyko, I., Lallemend, F., Aquino, J.B., Pereira, J.A., Topilko, P., Mueller, T., Fritz, N., Beljajeva, A., Mochii, M., Liste, I., Usoskin, D., Suter, U., Birchmeier, C. and Ernfors, P.
Cell 139 (2): 366-379. 16 October 2009

Sox2 and Mitf cross-regulatory interactions consolidate progenitor and melanocyte lineages in the cranial neural crest.
Adameyko, I., Lallemend, F., Furlan, A., Zinin, N., Aranda, S., Kitambi, S.S., Blanchart, A., Favaro, R., Nicolis, S., Luebke, M., Mueller, T., Birchmeier, C., Suter, U., Zaitoun, I., Takahashi, Y. and Ernfors, P.
Development 139 (2): 397-410. 15 January 2012

Synthesis of multiarm star copolymers based on polyglycerol cores with polylactide arms and their application as nanocarriers.
Adeli, M., Namazi, H., Du, F., Hönzke, S., Hedtrich, S., Keilitz, J. and Haag, R.
RSC Advances 5 (20): 14958-14966. 2015

Disrupting TSLP-TSLP receptor interactions via putative small molecule inhibitors yields a novel and efficient treatment option for atopic diseases.
Adhikary, P.P., Idowu, T., Tan, Z., Hoang, C., Shanta, S., Dumbani, M., Mappalakayil, L., Awasthi, B., Bermudez, M., Weiner, J., Beule, D., Wolber, G., Page, B.D. and Hedtrich, S.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 16 (7): 1630-1656. 15 July 2024

COVID-19 highlights the model dilemma in biomedical research.
Adhikary, P.P., Ul Ain, Q., Hocke, A.C. and Hedtrich, S.
Nature Reviews Materials 6 (5): 374-376. 2021

At home e-based physical exercise programs in patients with multiple sclerosis: a scoping review.
Adnan, R., Roikjaer, S.G., Samadzadeh, S., Richter, C.J., Weinshenker, B.G., Paul, F., Skou, S.T., Dalgas, U. and Asgari, N.
Frontiers in Neurology 15 : 1449519. 15 October 2024

SUMOylation of enzymes and ion channels in sensory neurons protects against metabolic dysfunction, neuropathy, and sensory loss in diabetes.
Agarwal, N., Taberner, F.J., Rangel Rojas, D., Moroni, M., Omberbasic, D., Njoo, C., Andrieux, A., Gupta, P., Bali, K.K., Herpel, E., Faghihi, F., Fleming, T., Dejean, A., Lechner, S.G., Nawroth, P.P., Lewin, G.R. and Kuner, R.
Neuron 107 (6): 1141-1159. 23 September 2020

Transcriptomics and proteomics reveal a cooperation between interferon and T-helper 17 cells in neuromyelitis optica.
Agasing, A.M., Wu, Q., Khatri, B., Borisow, N., Ruprecht, K., Brandt, A.U., Gawde, S., Kumar, G., Quinn, J.L., Ko, R.M., Mao-Draayer, Y., Lessard, C.J., Paul, F. and Axtell, R.C.
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Behandlung der Depression bei koronarer Herzerkrankung [Treatment of depression in coronary heart disease].
Agorastos, A., Lederbogen, F. and Otte, C.
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A role for STOML3 in olfactory sensory transduction.
Agostinelli, E., Gonzalez-Velandia, K.Y., Hernandez-Clavijo, A., Maurya, D.K., Xerxa, E., Lewin, G.R., Dibattista, M., Menini, A. and Pifferi, S.
eNeuro 8 (2): ENEURO.0565-20.2021. 26 March 2021

A novel non-invasive method to detect RELM beta transcript in gut barrier related changes during a gastrointestinal nematode infection.
Ahmed, N., Heitlinger, E., Affinass, N., Kühl, A.A., Xenophontos, N., Jarquin, V.H., Jost, J., Steinfelder, S. and Hartmann, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 10 : 445. March 2019

Specific subtypes of cutaneous mechanoreceptors require neurotrophin-3 following peripheral target innervation.
Airaksinen, M.S., Koltzenburg, M., Lewin, G.R., Masu, Y., Helbig, C., Wolf, E., Brem, G., Toyka, K.V., Thoenen, H. and Meyer, M.
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Characterization of OPA1 isoforms isolated from mouse tissues.
Akepati, V.R., Mueller, E.C., Otto, A., Strauss, H., Portwich, M. and Alexander, C.
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The role of TRAIL/TRAIL receptors in central nervous system pathology.
Aktas, O., Schulze-Topphoff, U. and Zipp, F.
Frontiers in Bioscience 12 : 2912-2921. 1 May 2007

Neuronal damage in autoimmune neuroinflammation mediated by the death ligand TRAIL.
Aktas, O., Smorodchenko, A., Brocke, S., Infante-Duarte, C., Schulze Topphoff, U., Vogt, J., Prozorovski, T., Meier, S., Osmanova, V., Pohl, E., Bechmann, I., Nitsch, R. and Zipp, F.
Neuron 46 (3): 421-432. 5 May 2005

Neuronal damage in brain inflammation.
Aktas, O., Ullrich, O., Infante-Duarte, C., Nitsch, R. and Zipp, F.
Archives of Neurology 64 (2): 185-189. February 2007

Serum neurofilament light chain levels at attack predict post-attack disability worsening and are mitigated by inebilizumab: analysis of four potential biomarkers in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Smith, M.A., Rees, W.A., Fujihara, K., Paul, F., Marignier, R., Bennett, J.L., Kim, H.J., Weinshenker, B.G., Pittock, S.J., Wingerchuk, D.M., Cutter, G., She, D., Gunsior, M., Cimbora, D., Katz, E. and Cree, B.A.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 94 (9): 757-768. September 2023

Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein: a neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder biomarker.
Aktas, O., Smith, M.A., Rees, W.A., Bennett, J.L., She, D., Katz, E. and Cree, B.A.C.
Annals of Neurology 89 (5): 895-910. May 2021

Human stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue and skin exhibit differences in molecular phenotype and differentiation potential.
Al-Nbaheen, M., Vishnubalaji, R., Ali, D., Bouslimi, A., Al-Jassir, F., Megges, M., Prigione, A., Adjaye, J., Kassem, M. and Aldahmash, A.
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Fingolimod after a first unilateral episode of acute optic neuritis (MOVING) - preliminary results from a randomized, rater-blind, active-controlled, phase 2 trial.
Albert, C., Mikolajczak, J., Liekfeld, A., Piper, S.K., Scheel, M., Zimmermann, H.G., Nowak, C., Dörr, J., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Chien, C., Brandt, A.U., Paul, F. and Hoffmann, O.
BMC Neurology 20 (1): 75. 3 March 2020

Cross talk between tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein-mediated transport and L1-mediated adhesion.
Alberts, P., Rudge, R., Hinners, I., Muzerelle, A., Martinez-Arca, S., Irinopoulou, T., Marthiens, V., Tooze, S., Rathjen, F., Gaspar, P. and Galli, T.
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MYCN mediates cysteine addiction and sensitizes neuroblastoma to ferroptosis.
Alborzinia, H., Flórez, A.F., Kreth, S., Brückner, L.M., Yildiz, U., Gartlgruber, M., Odoni, D.I., Poschet, G., Garbowicz, K., Shao, C., Klein, C., Meier, J., Zeisberger, P., Nadler-Holly, M., Ziehm, M., Paul, F., Burhenne, J., Bell, E., Shaikhkarami, M., Würth, R., Stainczyk, S.A., Wecht, E.M., Kreth, J., Büttner, M., Ishaque, N., Schlesner, M., Nicke, B., Stresemann, C., Llamazares-Prada, M., Reiling, J.H., Fischer, M., Amit, I., Selbach, M., Herrmann, C., Wölfl, S., Henrich, K.O., Höfer, T., Trumpp, A. and Westermann, F.
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A molecular pathogenesis for transcription factor associated poly-alanine tract expansions.
Albrecht, A.N., Kornak, U., Boeddrich, A., Suering, K., Robinson, P.N., Stiege, A.C., Lurz, R., Stricker, S., Wanker, E.E. and Mundlos, S.
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Pursuing experimental reproducibility: an efficient protocol for the preparation of cerebrospinal fluid samples for NMR-based metabolomics and analysis of sample degradation.
Albrecht, B., Voronina, E., Schipke, C., Peters, O., Parr, M.K., Díaz-Hernández, M.D. and Schlörer, N.E.
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Retinal pathology in idiopathic moyamoya angiopathy detected by optical coherence tomography.
Albrecht, P., Blasberg, C., Lukas, S., Ringelstein, M., Müller, A.K., Harmel, J., Kadas, E.M., Finis, D., Guthoff, R., Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U., Berlit, P., Methner, A. and Kraemer, M.
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Optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis and monitoring of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
Albrecht, P., Blasberg, C., Ringelstein, M., Mueller, A.K., Finis, D., Guthoff, R., Kadas, E.M., Lagreze, W., Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Methner, A.
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Quantification and characterization of radical production in human, animal and 3D skin models during sun irradiation measured by EPR spectroscopy.
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Mitochondrial DNA deletions inhibit proteasomal activity and stimulate an autophagic transcript.
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Improving topical non-melanoma skin cancer treatment: In vitro efficacy of a novel guanosine-analog phosphonate.
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Effects of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on Ca2+ uptake in rat hippocampal slices lesioned by glucose deprivation or by kainate.
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Distinguishing neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders subtypes: a study on AQP4 and C3d epitope expression in cytokine-primed human astrocytes.
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Identification of the gliogenic state of human neural stem cells to optimize in vitro astrocyte differentiation.
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Cell fixation and preservation for droplet-based single-cell transcriptomics.
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Penetration of normal, damaged and diseased skin--an in vitro study on dendritic core-multishell nanotransporters.
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Delineation of functional subdomains of Huntingtin protein and their interaction with HAP40.
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Multimodal retinal vessel analysis in CADASIL patients.
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Cognitive-motor interference in multiple sclerosis and healthy controls: results from single, dual, and triple task posturography.
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A novel investigation method for axonal damage in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: In vivo corneal confocal microscopy.
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Sonic hedgehog lineage in the mouse hypothalamus: from progenitor domains to hypothalamic regions.
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Satb2(Cre/+) mouse as a tool to investigate cell fate determination in the developing neocortex.
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Polarity acquisition in cortical neurons is driven by synergistic action of Sox9-regulated Wwp1 and Wwp2 E3 ubiquitin ligases and intronic miR-140.
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Different impact of gadopentetate and gadobutrol on inflammation-promoted retention and toxicity of gadolinium within the mouse brain.
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Novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci implicated in epigenetic regulation.
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Predicting disease severity in multiple sclerosis using multimodal data and machine learning.
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RNA sequencing of human peripheral blood cells indicates upregulation of immune-related genes in Huntington's disease.
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MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 2: Epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiological and laboratory features, treatment responses, and long-term outcome.
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