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The APOSTEL recommendations for reporting quantitative optical coherence tomography studies

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Item Type:Review
Title:The APOSTEL recommendations for reporting quantitative optical coherence tomography studies
Creators Name:Cruz-Herranz, A., Balk, L.J., Oberwahrenbrock, T., Saidha, S., Martinez-Lapiscina, E.H., Lagreze, W.A., Schuman, J.S., Villoslada, P., Calabresi, P., Balcer, L., Petzold, A., Green, A.J., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Albrecht, P.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To develop consensus recommendations for reporting of quantitative optical coherence tomography (OCT) study results. METHODS: A panel of experienced OCT researchers (including 11 neurologists, 2 ophthalmologists, and 2 neuroscientists) discussed requirements for performing and reporting quantitative analyses of retinal morphology and developed a list of initial recommendations based on experience and previous studies. The list of recommendations was subsequently revised during several meetings of the coordinating group. RESULTS: We provide a 9-point checklist encompassing aspects deemed relevant when reporting quantitative OCT studies. The areas covered are study protocol, acquisition device, acquisition settings, scanning protocol, funduscopic imaging, postacquisition data selection, postacquisition data analysis, recommended nomenclature, and statistical analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The Advised Protocol for OCT Study Terminology and Elements recommendations include core items to standardize and improve quality of reporting in quantitative OCT studies. The recommendations will make reporting of quantitative OCT studies more consistent and in line with existing standards for reporting research in other biomedical areas. The recommendations originated from expert consensus and thus represent Class IV evidence. They will need to be regularly adjusted according to new insights and practices.
Keywords:Checklist, Optical Coherence Tomography, Research Design, Terminology As Topic
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Page Range:2303-2309
Date:14 June 2016
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000002774
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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