Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


High Impact Publications (Impact Factor > 10)

Group by: Date | Item Type | Divisions
Jump to: Abdelilah-Seyfried, Salim | Akalin, Altuna (BIMSB) | Altmüller, Janine (BIMSB/BIH) | Andrade Navarro, Miguel | Bader, Michael | Bargou, Ralf C. | Behlke, Joachim | Bergmann, Martin W. | Besser, Daniel | Beule, Dieter (MDC/BIH) | Birchmeier, Walter | Birchmeier-Kohler, Carmen | Blankenstein, Thomas | Boschmann, Michael (ECRC) | Britsch, Stefan | Bullinger, Lars | Böttcher, Chotima (ECRC) | Calkhoven, Cornelis F. | Cardoso, Cristina | Chekulaeva, Marina (BIMSB) | Chen, Wei (BIMSB/BIH) | Coscia, Fabian | Daniel, Peter | Daumke, Oliver | De la Rosa, Kathrin | Deubzer, Hedwig (ECRC) | Di Virgilio, Michela | Diebolder, Christoph | Diecke, Sebastian (MDC/BIH) | Dieterich, Christoph (BIMSB) | Dietz, Rainer | Dittmar, Gunnar | Doerken, Bernd (MDC/ECRC) | Dörr, Jan Rafael (ECRC) | Falcke, Martin | Falk, Kirsten | Fichtner, Iduna | Fielitz, Jens (ECRC) | Forslund, Sofia (MDC/ECRC) | Ganten, Detlev | Gargiulo, Gaetano | Garratt, Alistair N. | Geier, Christian (ECRC) | Gerhardt, Holger | Gerull, Brenda | Gollasch, Maik (ECRC) | Gossen, Manfred | Gotthardt, Michael | Gouti, Mina | Großwendt, Stefanie (MDC/BIH) | Haas, Simon (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Haghverdi, Laleh (BIMSB) | Hammes-Lewin, Annette | Harrington, Kyle | Hedtrich, Sarah (BIH/MDC) | Heinemann, Udo | Henssen, Anton (MDC/ECRC) | Heuser, Arnd | Hirsch, Christian | Hoepken, Uta | Huebner, Norbert | Huppa, Johannes | Hörnberg, Hanna | Ibanez-Tallon, Ines | Infante-Duarte, Carmen (ECRC) | Ivics, Zoltan | Izsvak, Zsuzsanna | Janz, Martin / Mathas, Stephan (MDC/ECRC) | Jentsch, Thomas | Jordan, Jens | Junker, Jan Philipp (BIMSB) | Kainmüller, Dagmar | Kaminski, Michael (BIMSB) | Kaplan, Oktay | Keller, Ulrich | Kemmner, Wolfgang | Kempa, Stefan (BIMSB) | Kempermann, Gerd | Kettenmann, Helmut | Kettritz, Ralph (ECRC) | Kirwan, Jennifer (MDC/BIH) | Klaassen, Sabine (ECRC) | Klussmann, Enno | Koehler, Matthias | Krappmann, Daniel | Krause, Ernst-Georg | Kudryashev, Mikhail | Kuehn, Ralf (MDC/BIH) | Kunz, Severine | Lacadie, Scott | Landthaler, Markus (BIMSB) | Le Noble, Ferdinand | Lee, Young-Ae (MDC/ECRC) | Leonhardt, Heinrich | Leutz, Achim | Lewin, Gary | Lipp, Martin | Loewer, Alexander (BIMSB) | Lohse, Martin | Ludwig, Leif (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Luft, Friedrich C. (MDC/ECRC) | Lupianez, Dario (BIMSB) | Meier, Jochen | Mertins, Philipp (MDC/BIH) | Metzger, Jakob (BIMSB) | Meyer, Irmtraud (BIMSB) | Morano, Ingo | Mueller, Dominik N. / Dechend, Ralph (MDC/ECRC) | Mähler, Anja (ECRC) | Na, Il-Kang (ECRC) | Niendorf, Thoralf | Nuernberg, Peter | Obermayer, Benedikt | Ohler, Uwe (BIMSB) | Panakova, Daniela | Paul, Friedemann (ECRC) | Peters, Oliver (ECRC) | Pezzutto, Antonio | Piazza, Ilaria | Pischon, Tobias | Pombo, Ana (BIMSB) | Poole, Kathryn | Potente, Michael (MDC/BIH) | Poulet, James | Poy, Matthew | Preibisch, Stephan (BIMSB) | Preissner, Robert | Prigione, Alessandro | Purfuerst, Bettina | Rahn, Hans-Peter | Rajewsky, Klaus | Rajewsky, Nikolaus (BIMSB) | Rathjen, Fritz G. | Rehm, Armin | Reich, Jens | Reszka, Regina | Robson, Michael (BIMSB) | Rocks, Oliver | Roetzschke, Olaf | Rosenbauer, Frank | Rosenthal, Walter | Rybak-Wolf, Agnieszka (BIMSB) | Sander, Maike | Sanders, Ashley (MDC/BIMSB/BIH) | Sattentau, Quentin James | Sauer, Sascha (BIMSB/BIH) | Sawamiphak, Suphansa | Scheidereit, Claus | Scherneck, Siegfried | Schiattarella, Gabriele G. | Schmidt, Deborah | Schmidt-Ott, Kai | Schmitt, Clemens | Schmitz, Dietmar | Schreiber, Adrian (ECRC) | Schroeder, Bjoern Christian | Schuetz, Anja | Schulz-Menger, Jeanette (ECRC) | Schwarz, Roland (BIMSB) | Selbach, Matthias | Sieweke, Michael | Siffrin, Volker (ECRC) | Sigal, Michael (BIMSB) | Simon, Katja | Sklenar, Heinz | Sommer, Thomas | Spagnoli, Francesca | Sperling, Silke (ECRC) | Sporbert, Anje | Spranger, Joachim (ECRC) | Spuler, Simone (ECRC) | Staroßom, Sarah-Christin (ECRC) | Stein, Ulrike (MDC/ECRC) | Sugimoto, Yoichiro | Thierfelder, Ludwig | Treier, Mathias | Tursun, Baris (BIMSB) | Uckert, Wolfgang | Von Kries, Jens Peter / Nazaré, Marc | Wallukat, Gerd | Walther, Wolfgang | Wang, Jichang | Wanker, Erich | Welfle, Heinz | Wilck, Nicola (ECRC) | Willnow, Thomas E. | Wittmann-Liebold, Brigitte | Woehler, Andrew (BIMSB) | Wolf, Jana | Wolf, Susanne | Zampieri, Niccolo | Zenke, Martin | Ziebold, Ulrike | Zinzen, Robert (BIMSB) | Zipp, Frauke

Abdelilah-Seyfried, Salim

Unilateral dampening of Bmp activity by Nodal generates cardiac left-right asymmetry.
Veerkamp, J., Rudolph, F., Cseresnyes, Z., Priller, F., Otten, C., Renz, M., Schaefer, L. and Abdelilah-Seyfried, S.
Developmental Cell 24 (6): 660-667. 25 March 2013

Bmp signaling exerts opposite effects on cardiac differentiation.
de Pater, E., Ciampricotti, M., Priller, F., Veerkamp, J., Strate, I., Smith, K., Lagendijk, A.K., Schilling, T.F., Herzog, W., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Hammerschmidt, M. and Bakkers, J.
Circulation Research 110 (4): 578-587. 17 February 2012

Regulation of muscle development by DPF3, a novel histone acetylation and methylation reader of the BAF chromatin remodeling complex.
Lange, M., Kaynak, B., Foerster, U.B., Toenjes, M., Fischer, J.J., Grimm, C., Schlesinger, J., Just, S., Dunkel, I., Krueger, T., Mebus, S., Lehrach, H., Lurz, R., Gobom, J., Rottbauer, W., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S. and Sperling, S.
Genes & Development 22 (17): 2370-2384. 1 September 2008

Akalin, Altuna (BIMSB)

Herpesviruses mimic zygotic genome activation to promote viral replication.
Neugebauer, E., Walter, S., Tan, J., Drayman, N., Franke, V., van Gent, M., Pennisi, S., Veratti, P., Stein, K.S., Welker, I., Tay, S., Verjans, G.M.G.M., Timmers, H.T.M., Akalin, A., Landthaler, M., Ensser, A., Wyler, E. and Full, F.
Nature Communications 16 (1): 710. 16 January 2025

Pathogenic mutations of human phosphorylation sites affect protein–protein interactions.
Rrustemi, T., Meyer, K., Roske, Y., Uyar, B., Akalin, A., Imami, K., Ishihama, Y., Daumke, O. and Selbach, M.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 3146. 11 April 2024

The SPOC proteins DIDO3 and PHF3 co-regulate gene expression and neuronal differentiation.
Benedum, J., Franke, V., Appel, L.M., Walch, L., Bruno, M., Schneeweiss, R., Gruber, J., Oberndorfer, H., Frank, E., Strobl, X., Polyansky, A., Zagrovic, B., Akalin, A. and Slade, D.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 7912. 30 November 2023

Transcriptional reprogramming by mutated IRF4 in lymphoma.
Schleussner, N., Cauchy, P., Franke, V., Giefing, M., Fornes, O., Vankadari, N., Assi, S.A., Costanza, M., Weniger, M.A., Akalin, A., Anagnostopoulos, I., Bukur, T., Casarotto, M.G., Damm, F., Daumke, O., Edginton-White, B., Gebhardt, J.C.M., Grau, M., Grunwald, S., Hansmann, M.L., Hartmann, S., Huber, L., Kärgel, E., Lusatis, S., Noerenberg, D., Obier, N., Pannicke, U., Fischer, A., Reisser, A., Rosenwald, A., Schwarz, K., Sundararaj, S., Weilemann, A., Winkler, W., Xu, W., Lenz, G., Rajewsky, K., Wasserman, W.W., Cockerill, P.N., Scheidereit, C., Siebert, R., Küppers, R., Grosschedl, R., Janz, M., Bonifer, C. and Mathas, S.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 6947. 7 November 2023

The SPOC domain is a phosphoserine binding module that bridges transcription machinery with co- and post-transcriptional regulators.
Appel, L.M., Franke, V., Benedum, J., Grishkovskaya, I., Strobl, X., Polyansky, A., Ammann, G., Platzer, S., Neudolt, A., Wunder, A., Walch, L., Kaiser, S., Zagrovic, B., Djinovic-Carugo, K., Akalin, A. and Slade, D.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 166. 11 January 2023

A multimorphic mutation in IRF4 causes human autosomal dominant combined immunodeficiency.
Fornes, O., Jia, A., Kuehn, H.S., Min, Q., Pannicke, U., Schleussner, N., Thouenon, R., Yu, Z., de Los Angeles Astbury, M., Biggs, C.M., Galicchio, M., Garcia-Campos, J.A., Gismondi, S., Gonzalez Villarreal, G., Hildebrand, K.J., Hönig, M., Hou, J., Moshous, D., Pittaluga, S., Qian, X., Rozmus, J., Schulz, A.S., Staines-Boone, A.T., Sun, B., Sun, J., Uwe, S., Venegas-Montoya, E., Wang, W., Wang, X., Ying, W., Zhai, X., Zhou, Q., Akalin, A., André, I., Barth, T.F.E., Baumann, B., Brüstle, A., Burgio, G., Bustamante, J.C., Casanova, J.L., Casarotto, M.G., Cavazzana, M., Chentout, L., Cockburn, I.A., Costanza, M., Cui, C., Daumke, O., Del Bel, K.L., Eibel, H., Feng, X., Franke, V., Gebhardt, J.C.M., Götz, A., Grunwald, S., Hoareau, B., Hughes, T.R., Jacobsen, E.M., Janz, M., Jolma, A., Lagresle-Peyrou, C., Lai, N., Li, Y., Lin, S., Lu, H.Y., Lugo-Reyes, S.O., Meng, X., Möller, P., Moreno-Corona, N., Niemela, J.E., Novakovsky, G., Perez-Caraballo, J.J., Picard, C., Poggi, L., Puig-Lombardi, M.E., Randall, K.L., Reisser, A., Schmitt, Y., Seneviratne, S., Sharma, M., Stoddard, J., Sundararaj, S., Sutton, H., Tran, L.Q., Wang, Y., Wasserman, W.W., Wen, Z., Winkler, W., Xiong, E., Yang, A.W.H., Yu, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, Q., Zhen, X., Enders, A., Kracker, S., Martinez-Barricarte, R., Mathas, S., Rosenzweig, S.D., Schwarz, K., Turvey, S.E. and Wang, J.Y.
Science Immunology 8 (79): eade7953. January 2023

Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements.
Baranasic, D., Hörtenhuber, M., Balwierz, P.J., Zehnder, T., Mukarram, A.K., Nepal, C., Várnai, C., Hadzhiev, Y., Jimenez-Gonzalez, A., Li, N., Wragg, J., D'Orazio, F.M., Relic, D., Pachkov, M., Díaz, N., Hernández-Rodríguez, B., Chen, Z., Stoiber, M., Dong, M., Stevens, I., Ross, S.E., Eagle, A., Martin, R., Obasaju, O., Rastegar, S., McGarvey, A.C., Kopp, W., Chambers, E., Wang, D., Kim, H.R., Acemel, R.D., Naranjo, S., Łapiński, M., Chong, V., Mathavan, S., Peers, B., Sauka-Spengler, T., Vingron, M., Carninci, P., Ohler, U., Lacadie, S.A., Burgess, S.M., Winata, C., van Eeden, F., Vaquerizas, J.M., Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L., Onichtchouk, D., Brown, B.J., Bogdanovic, O., van Nimwegen, E., Westerfield, M., Wardle, F.C, Daub, C.O., Lenhard, B. and Müller, F.
Nature Genetics 54 (7): 1037-1050. July 2022

Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning.
Dohmen, J., Baranovskii, A., Ronen, J., Uyar, B., Franke, V. and Akalin, A.
Genome Biology 23 (1): 123. 30 May 2022

Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and integration for single-cell ATAC-seq data using deep learning.
Kopp, W., Akalin, A. and Ohler, U.
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (2): 162-168. February 2022

The SEQC2 epigenomics quality control (EpiQC) study.
Foox, J., Nordlund, J., Lalancette, C., Gong, T., Lacey, M., Lent, S., Langhorst, B.W., Ponnaluri, V.K.C., Williams, L., Padmanabhan, K.R., Cavalcante, R., Lundmark, A., Butler, D., Mozsary, C., Gurvitch, J., Greally, J.M., Suzuki, M., Menor, M., Nasu, M., Alonso, A., Sheridan, C., Scherer, A., Bruinsma, S., Golda, G., Muszynska, A., Łabaj, P.P., Campbell, M.A., Wos, F., Raine, A., Liljedahl, U., Axelsson, T., Wang, C., Chen, Z., Yang, Z., Li, J., Yang, X., Wang, H., Melnick, A., Guo, S., Blume, A., Franke, V., Ibanez de Caceres, I., Rodriguez-Antolin, C., Rosas, R., Davis, J.W., Ishii, J., Megherbi, D.B., Xiao, W., Liao, W., Xu, J., Hong, H., Ning, B., Tong, W., Akalin, A., Wang, Y., Deng, Y. and Mason, C.E.
Genome Biology 22 (1): 332. 6 December 2021

Cell-type specialization is encoded by specific chromatin topologies.
Winick-Ng, W., Kukalev, A., Harabula, I., Zea-Redondo, L., Szabó, D., Meijer, M., Serebreni, L., Zhang, Y., Bianco, S., Chiariello, A.M., Irastorza-Azcarate, I., Thieme, C.J., Sparks, T.M., Carvalho, S., Fiorillo, L., Musella, F., Irani, E., Triglia, E.T., Kolodziejczyk, A.A., Abentung, A., Apostolova, G., Paul, E.J., Franke, V., Kempfer, R., Akalin, A., Teichmann, S.A., Dechant, G., Ungless, M.A., Nicodemi, M., Welch, L., Castelo-Branco, G. and Pombo, A.
Nature 599 (7886): 684-691. 25 November 2021

PHF3 regulates neuronal gene expression through the Pol II CTD reader domain SPOC.
Appel, L.M., Franke, V., Bruno, M., Grishkovskaya, I., Kasiliauskaite, A., Kaufmann, T., Schoeberl, U.E., Puchinger, M.G., Kostrhon, S., Ebenwaldner, C., Sebesta, M., Beltzung, E., Mechtler, K., Lin, G., Vlasova, A., Leeb, M., Pavri, R., Stark, A., Akalin, A., Stefl, R., Bernecky, C., Djinovic-Carugo, K. and Slade, D.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 6078. 19 October 2021

Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson's disease severity: the Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge.
Sieberts, S.K., Schaff, J., Duda, M., Pataki, B.Á., Sun, M., Snyder, P., Daneault, J.F., Parisi, F., Costante, G., Rubin, U., Banda, P., Chae, Y., Chaibub Neto, E., Dorsey, E.R., Aydın, Z., Chen, A., Elo, L.L., Espino, C., Glaab, E., Goan, E., Golabchi, F.N., Görmez, Y., Jaakkola, M.K., Jonnagaddala, J., Klén, R., Li, D., McDaniel, C., Perrin, D., Perumal, T.M., Rad, N.M., Rainaldi, E., Sapienza, S., Schwab, P., Shokhirev, N., Venäläinen, M.S., Vergara-Diaz, G., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Guan, Y., Brunner, D., Bonato, P., Mangravite, L.M. and Omberg, L.
NPJ Digital Medicine 4 (1): 53. 19 March 2021

Transcriptional repression of NFKBIA triggers constitutive IKK- and proteasome-independent p65/RelA activation in senescence.
Kolesnichenko, M., Mikuda, N., Höpken, U.E., Kärgel, E., Uyar, B., Tufan, A.B., Milanovic, M., Sun, W., Krahn, I., Schleich, K., von Hoff, L., Hinz, M., Willenbrock, M., Jungmann, S., Akalin, A., Lee, S., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Schmitt, C.A. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 40 (6): e104296. 15 March 2021

Single-nucleus transcriptomics reveals functional compartmentalization in syncytial skeletal muscle cells.
Kim, M., Franke, V., Brandt, B., Lowenstein, E.D., Schöwel, V., Spuler, S., Akalin, A. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature Communications 11 : 6375. 11 December 2020

Single-cell analyses of aging, inflammation and senescence.
Uyar, B., Palmer, D., Kowald, A., Escobar, H.M., Barrantes, I., Möller, S., Akalin, A. and Fuellen, G.
Ageing Research Reviews 64 : 101156. December 2020

PDGFA-associated protein 1 protects mature B lymphocytes from stress-induced cell death and promotes antibody gene diversification.
Delgado-Benito, V., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Altwasser, R., Winkler, W., Sundaravinayagam, D., Balasubramanian, S., Caganova, M., Graf, R., Rahjouei, A., Henke, M.T., Driesner, M., Keller, L., Prigione, A., Janz, M., Akalin, A. and Di Virgilio, M.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 217 (10): e20200137. 5 October 2020

Single-molecule analysis reveals agonist-specific dimer formation of µ-opioid receptors.
Möller, J., Isbilir, A., Sungkaworn, T., Osberg, B., Karathanasis, C., Sunkara, V., Grushevskyi, E.O., Bock, A., Annibale, P., Heilemann, M., Schütte, C. and Lohse, M.J.
Nature Chemical Biology 16 (9): 946-954. September 2020

Deep learning for genomics using Janggu.
Kopp, W., Monti, R., Tamburrini, A., Ohler, U. and Akalin, A.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 3488. 13 July 2020

Functional interplay of Epstein-Barr virus oncoproteins in a mouse model of B cell lymphomagenesis.
Sommermann, T., Yasuda, T., Ronen, J., Wirtz, T., Weber, T., Sack, U., Caeser, R., Zhang, J., Li, X., Chu, V.T., Jauch, A., Unger, K., Hodson, D.J., Akalin, A. and Rajewsky, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (25): 14421-14432. 23 June 2020

Single-cell RNA-sequencing of herpes simplex virus 1-infected cells connects NRF2 activation to an antiviral program.
Wyler, E., Franke, V., Menegatti, J., Kocks, C., Boltengagen, A., Praktiknjo, S., Walch-Rückheim, B., Bosse, J., Rajewsky, N., Grässer, F., Akalin, A. and Landthaler, M.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 4878. 25 October 2019

HOT or not: examining the basis of high-occupancy target regions.
Wreczycka, K., Franke, V., Uyar, B., Wurmus, R., Bulut, S., Tursun, B. and Akalin, A.
Nucleic Acids Research : gkz460. 20 June 2019

Global identification of functional microRNA-mRNA interactions in Drosophila.
Wessels, H.H., Lebedeva, S., Hirsekorn, A., Wurmus, R., Akalin, A., Mukherjee, N. and Ohler, U.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 1626. 9 April 2019

Autocrine LTA signaling drives NF-κB and JAK-STAT activity and myeloid gene expression in Hodgkin lymphoma.
von Hoff, L., Kärgel, E., Franke, V., McShane, E., Schulz-Beiss, K.W., Patone, G., Schleussner, N., Kolesnichenko, M., Hübner, N., Daumke, O., Selbach, M., Akalin, A., Mathas, S. and Scheidereit, C.
Blood 133 (13): 1489-1494. 28 March 2019

Alternative 3' UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments.
Ciolli Mattioli, C., Rom, A., Franke, V., Imami, K., Arrey, G., Terne, M., Woehler, A., Akalin, A., Ulitsky, I. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (5): 2560-2573. 18 March 2019

Reproducible inference of transcription factor footprints in ATAC-seq and DNase-seq datasets using protocol-specific bias modeling.
Karabacak Calviello, A., Hirsekorn, A., Wurmus, R., Yusuf, D. and Ohler, U.
Genome Biology 20 (1): 42. 21 February 2019

Deciphering human ribonucleoprotein regulatory networks.
Mukherjee, N., Wessels, H.H., Lebedeva, S., Sajek, M., Ghanbari, M., Garzia, A., Munteanu, A., Yusuf, D., Farazi, T., Hoell, J.I., Akat, K.M., Akalin, A., Tuschl, T. and Ohler, U.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (2): 570-581. 25 January 2019

Long non-coding RNAs defining major subtypes of B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
James, A.R., Schroeder, M.P., Neumann, M., Bastian, L., Eckert, C., Gökbuget, N., Tanchez, J.O., Schlee, C., Isaakidis, K., Schwartz, S., Burmeister, T., von Stackelberg, A., Rieger, M.A., Göllner, S., Horstman, M., Schrappe, M., Kirschner-Schwabe, R., Brüggemann, M., Müller-Tidow, C., Serve, H., Akalin, A. and Baldus, C.D.
Journal of Hematology & Oncology 12 (1): 8. 14 January 2019

The IκB kinase complex is a regulator of mRNA stability.
Mikuda, N., Kolesnichenko, M., Beaudette, P., Popp, O., Uyar, B., Sun, W., Tufan, A.B., Perder, B., Akalin, A., Chen, W., Mertins, P., Dittmar, G., Hinz, M. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 37 (24): e98658. 14 December 2018

Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs.
Meyer, K., Kirchner, M., Uyar, B., Cheng, J.Y., Russo, G., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Szymborska, A., Zauber, H., Rudolph, I.M., Willnow, T.E., Akalin, A., Haucke, V., Gerhardt, H., Birchmeier, C., Kühn, R., Krauss, M., Diecke, S., Pascual, J.M. and Selbach, M.
Cell 175 (1): 239-253. 20 September 2018

Widespread activation of antisense transcription of the host genome during herpes simplex virus 1 infection.
Wyler, E., Menegatti, J., Franke, V., Kocks, C., Boltengagen, A., Hennig, T., Theil, K., Rutkowski, A., Ferrai, C., Baer, L., Kermas, L., Friedel, C., Rajewsky, N., Akalin, A., Dölken, L., Grässer, F. and Landthaler, M.
Genome Biology 18 (1): 209. 31 October 2017

RNA localization is a key determinant of neurite-enriched proteome.
Zappulo, A., van den Bruck, D., Ciolli Mattioli, C., Franke, V., Imami, K., McShane, E., Moreno-Estelles, M., Calviello, L., Filipchyk, A., Peguero-Sanchez, E., Müller, T., Woehler, A., Birchmeier, C., Merino, E., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U., Mazzoni, E.O., Selbach, M., Akalin, A. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nature Communications 8 (1): 583. 19 September 2017

The RNA workbench: best practices for RNA and high-throughput sequencing bioinformatics in Galaxy.
Grüning, B.A., Fallmann, J., Yusuf, D., Will, S., Erxleben, A., Eggenhofer, F., Houwaart, T., Batut, B., Videm, P., Bagnacani, A., Wolfien, M., Lott, S.C., Hoogstrate, Y., Hess, W.R., Wolkenhauer, O., Hoffmann, S., Akalin, A., Ohler, U., Stadler, P.F. and Backofen, R.
Nucleic Acids Research 45 (W1): W560-W566. 3 July 2017

RCAS: an RNA centric annotation system for transcriptome-wide regions of interest.
Uyar, B., Yusuf, D., Wurmus, R., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U. and Akalin, A.
Nucleic Acids Research 45 (10): e91. 2 June 2017

Altmüller, Janine (BIMSB/BIH)

Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4(+) T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
Horn, V., Cancino, C.A., Steinheuer, L.M., Obermayer, B., Fritz, K., Nguyen, A.L., Juhran, K.S., Plattner, C., Bösel, D., Oldenburg, L., Burns, M., Schulz, A.R., Saliutina, M., Mantzivi, E., Lissner, D., Conrad, T., Mashreghi, M.F., Zundler, S., Sonnenberg, E., Schumann, M., Haag, L.M., Beule, D., Flatz, L., Trjanoski, Z., D'Haens, G., Weidinger, C., Mei, H.E., Siegmund, B., Thurley, K. and Hegazy, A.N.
Gastroenterology 168 (2): 327-343. February 2025

TERT expression and clinical outcome in pulmonary carcinoids.
Werr, L., Bartenhagen, C., Rosswog, C., Cartolano, M., Voegele, C., Sexton-Oates, A., Di Genova, A., Ernst, A., Kahlert, Y., Hemstedt, N., Höppner, S., Mansuet Lupo, A., Pelosi, G., Brcic, L., Papotti, M., George, J., Bosco, G., Quaas, A., Tang, L.H., Robzyk, K., Kadota, K., Roh, M.S., Fanaroff, R.E., Falcon, C.J., Büttner, R., Lantuejoul, S., Rekhtman, N., Rudin, C.M., Travis, W.D., Alcala, N., Fernandez-Cuesta, L., Foll, M., Peifer, M., Thomas, R.K. and Fischer, M.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 43 (2): 214-225. 10 January 2025

Circulating tumor DNA sequencing for biologic classification and individualized risk stratification in patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Heger, J.M., Mammadova, L., Mattlener, J., Sobesky, S., Cirillo, M., Altmüller, J., Kirst, E., Reinke, S., Klapper, W., Bröckelmann, P.J., Ferdinandus, J., Kaul, H., Schneider, G., Schneider, J., Schleifenbaum, J.K., Ullrich, R.T., Freihammer, M., Awerkiew, S., Lohmann, M., Klein, F., Nürnberg, P., Hallek, M., Rossi, D., Mauz-Körholz, C., Gattenlöhner, S., Bräuninger, A., Borchmann, P., von Tresckow, B. and Borchmann, S.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 (35): 4218-4230. 10 December 2024

Diagnosing recipient- vs. donor-derived posttransplant myelodysplastic neoplasm via targeted single-cell mutational profiling.
Ihlow, J., Penter, L., Vuong, L.G., Bischoff, P., Obermayer, B., Trinks, A., Blau, O., Behnke, A., Conrad, T., Morkel, M., Wu, C.J., Westermann, J., Bullinger, L., von Brünneck, A.C., Blüthgen, N., Horst, D. and Praktiknjo, S.D.
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Spatiotemporal transcriptomic mapping of regenerative inflammation in skeletal muscle reveals a dynamic multilayered tissue architecture.
Patsalos, A., Halasz, L., Oleksak, D., Wei, X., Nagy, G., Tzerpos, P., Conrad, T., Hammers, D.W., Sweeney, H.L. and Nagy, L.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 134 (20): e173858. 15 October 2024

Intramyocardial sprouting tip cells specify coronary arterialization.
Cano, E., Schwarzkopf, J., Kanda, M., Lindberg, E.L., Hollfinger, I., Pogontke, C., Braeuning, C., Fischer, C., Hübner, N. and Gerhardt, H.
Circulation Research 135 (6): 671-684. 30 August 2024

Pathogen dynamics and discovery of novel viruses and enzymes by deep nucleic acid sequencing of wastewater.
Wyler, E., Lauber, C., Manukyan, A., Deter, A., Quedenau, C., Teixeira Alves, L.G., Wylezich, C., Borodina, T., Seitz, S., Altmüller, J. and Landthaler, M.
Environment International 190 : 108875. August 2024

XPF interacts with TOP2B for R-loop processing and DNA looping on actively transcribed genes.
Chatzinikolaou, G., Stratigi, K., Siametis, A., Goulielmaki, E., Akalestou-Clocher, A., Tsamardinos, I., Topalis, P., Austin, C., Bouwman, B.A.M., Crosetto, N., Altmüller, J. and Garinis, G.A.
Science Advances 9 (45): eadi2095. 10 November 2023

Spatial and single-cell profiling of the metabolome, transcriptome and epigenome of the aging mouse liver.
Nikopoulou, C., Kleinenkuhnen, N., Parekh, S., Sandoval, T., Ziegenhain, C., Schneider, F., Giavalisco, P., Donahue, K.F., Vesting, A.J., Kirchner, M., Bozukova, M., Vossen, C., Altmüller, J., Wunderlich, T., Sandberg, R., Kondylis, V., Tresch, A. and Tessarz, P.
Nature Aging 3 (11): 1430-1445. November 2023

Long-read sequencing identifies a common transposition haplotype predisposing for CLCNKB deletions.
Tschernoster, N., Erger, F., Kohl, S., Reusch, B., Wenzel, A., Walsh, S., Thiele, H., Becker, C., Franitza, M., Bartram, M.P., Kömhoff, M., Schumacher, L., Kukat, C., Borodina, T., Quedenau, C., Nürnberg, P., Rinschen, M.M., Driller, J.H., Pedersen, B.P., Schlingmann, K.P., Hüttel, B., Bockenhauer, D., Beck, B. and Altmüller, J.
Genome Medicine 15 (1): 62. 23 August 2023

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects the kidney from hypertension-induced damage.
Sholokh, A., Walter, S., Markó, L., McMurray, B.J., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Xu, M., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Langanki, R., Qadri, F., Heuser, A., Patzak, A., Forslund, S.K., Bähring, S., Borodina, T., Persson, P.B., Maass, P.G., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Kidney International 104 (2): 388-393. August 2023

Oncogenic role and target properties of the lysine-specific demethylase KDM1A in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Jiang, Q., Stachelscheid, J., Bloehdorn, J., Pacholewska, A., Aszyk, C.M., Grotenhuijs, F., Müller, T.A., Onder, O., Wagle, P., Herling, C.D., Kleppe, M., Wang, Z., Coombes, K.R., Robrecht, S., Dalvi, P.S., Plosnita, B., Mayer, P., Abruzzo, L.V., Altmüller, J., Gathof, B.S., Persigehl, T., Fischer, K., Jebaraj, B.M.C., Rienhoff, H.Y., Ecker, R.C., Zhao, Y., Bruns, C.J., Stilgenbauer, S., Elenitoba-Johnson, K.S.J., Hallek, M., Schweiger, M.R., Odenthal, M., Vasyutina, E. and Herling, M.
Blood 142 (1): 44-61. 6 July 2023

iPSC-derived reactive astrocytes from patients with multiple-sclerosis protect cocultured neurons in inflammatory conditions.
Kerkering, J., Muinjonov, B., Rosiewicz, K.S., Diecke, S., Biese, C., Schiweck, J., Chien, C., Zocholl, D., Conrad, T., Paul, F., Alisch, M. and Siffrin, V.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 133 (13): e164637. 3 July 2023

A local subset of mesenchymal cells expressing the transcription factor Osr1 orchestrates lymph node initiation.
Vallecillo-García, P., Orgeur, M., Comai, G., Poehle-Kronnawitter, S., Fischer, C., Gloger, M., Dumas, C.E., Giesecke-Thiel, C., Sauer, S., Tajbakhsh, S., Höpken, U.E. and Stricker, S.
Immunity 56 (6): 1204-1219. 13 June 2023

Establishment of gastrointestinal assembloids to study the interplay between epithelial crypts and their mesenchymal niche.
Lin, M., Hartl, K., Heuberger, J., Beccaceci, G., Berger, H., Li, H., Liu, L., Müllerke, S., Conrad, T., Heymann, F., Woehler, A., Tacke, F., Rajewsky, N. and Sigal, M.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 3025. 25 May 2023

Parallel sequencing of extrachromosomal circular DNAs and transcriptomes in single cancer cells.
Chamorro González, R., Conrad, T., Stöber, M.C., Xu, R., Giurgiu, M., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Kasack, K., Brückner, L., van Leen, E., Helmsauer, K., Dorado Garcia, H., Stefanova, M.E., Hung, K.L., Bei, Y., Schmelz, K., Lodrini, M., Mundlos, S., Chang, H.Y., Deubzer, H.E., Sauer, S., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Schwarz, R.F., Haase, K., Koche, R.P. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Genetics 55 (5): 880-890. May 2023

The genomic landscape across 474 surgically accessible epileptogenic human brain lesions.
López-Rivera, J.A., Leu, C., Macnee, M., Khoury, J., Hoffmann, L., Coras, R., Kobow, K., Bhattarai, N., Pérez-Palma, E., Hamer, H., Brandner, S., Rössler, K., Bien, C.G., Kalbhenn, T., Pieper, T., Hartlieb, T., Butler, E., Genovese, G., Becker, K., Altmüller, J., Niestroj, L.M., Ferguson, L., Busch, R.M., Nürnberg, P., Najm, I., Blümcke, I. and Lal, D.
Brain 146 (4): 1342-1356. April 2023

Distinct tissue niches direct lung immunopathology via CCL18 and CCL21 in severe COVID-19.
Mothes, R., Pascual-Reguant, A., Koehler, R., Liebeskind, J., Liebheit, A., Bauherr, S., Philipsen, L., Dittmayer, C., Laue, M., von Manitius, R., Elezkurtaj, S., Durek, P., Heinrich, F., Heinz, G.A., Guerra, G.M., Obermayer, B., Meinhardt, J., Ihlow, J., Radke, J., Heppner, F.L., Enghard, P., Stockmann, H., Aschman, T., Schneider, J., Corman, V.M., Sander, L.E., Mashreghi, M.F., Conrad, T., Hocke, A.C., Niesner, R.A., Radbruch, H. and Hauser, A.E.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 791. 11 February 2023

Npl3 functions in mRNP assembly by recruitment of mRNP components to the transcription site and their transfer onto the mRNA.
Keil, P., Wulf, A., Kachariya, N., Reuscher, S., Hühn, K., Silbern, I., Altmüller, J., Keller, M., Stehle, R., Zarnack, K., Sattler, M., Urlaub, H. and Sträßer, K.
Nucleic Acids Research 51 (2): 831-851. 25 January 2023

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects from hypertension-induced cardiac damage.
Ercu, M., Mücke, M.B., Pallien, T., Markó, L., Sholokh, A., Schächterle, C., Aydin, A., Kidd, A., Walter, S., Esmati, Y., McMurray, B.J., Lato, D.F., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Dierks, P.H., Flores, B.I.M., Walker-Gray, R., Gong, M., Merticariu, C., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Liu, T., Batolomaeus, T.U.P., Pautz, S., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Napieczynska, H., Heuser, A., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Miller, D.C., Diecke, S., Qadri, F., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Movsesian, M.A., Herberg, F.W., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Borodina, T., Maass, P.G., Bähring, S., Hübner, N., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 146 (23): 1758-1778. 6 December 2022

Integrated genomic surveillance enables tracing of person-to-person SARS-CoV-2 transmission chains during community transmission and reveals extensive onward transmission of travel-imported infections, Germany, June to July 2021.
Houwaart, Torsten, Belhaj, S., Tawalbeh, E., Nagels, D., Fröhlich, Y., Finzer, P., Ciruela, P., Sabrià, A., Herrero, M., Andrés, C., Antón, A., Benmoumene, A., Asskali, D., Haidar, H., von Dahlen, J., Nicolai, J., Stiller, M., Blum, J., Lange, C., Adelmann, C., Schroer, B., Osmers, U., Grice, C., Kirfel, P.P., Jomaa, H., Strelow, D., Hülse, L., Pigulla, M., Kreuzer, P., Tyshaieva, A., Weber, J., Wienemann, T., Kohns Vasconcelos, M., Hoffmann, K., Lübke, N., Hauka, S., Andree, M., Scholz, C.J., Jazmati, N., Göbels, K., Zotz, R., Pfeffer, K., Timm, J., Ehlkes, L., Walker, A. and Dilthey, A.T.
Eurosurveillance 27 (43): 2101089. 27 October 2022

Mutations in TAF8 cause a neurodegenerative disorder.
Wong, K.M., Jepsen, W.M., Efthymiou, S., Salpietro, V., Sanchez-Castillo, M., Yip, J., Kriouile, Y., Diegmann, S., Dreha-Kulaczewski, S., Altmüller, J., Thiele, H., Nürnberg, P., Toosi, M.B., Akhondian, J., Ghayoor Karimiani, E., Hummel-Abmeier, H., Huppke, B., Houlden, H., Gärtner, J., Maroofian, R. and Huppke, P.
Brain 145 (9): 3022-3034. September 2022

Claudin-10a deficiency shifts proximal tubular Cl(-) permeability to cation selectivity via claudin-2 redistribution.
Breiderhoff, T., Himmerkus, N., Meoli, L., Fromm, A., Sewerin, S., Kriuchkova, N., Nagel, O., Ladilov, Y., Krug, S., Quintanova, C., Stumpp, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Westernströer, U., Merkel, C., Brinkhus, M., Altmüller, J., Schweiger, M., Mueller, D., Mutig, K., Morawski, M., Halbritter, J., Milatz, S., Bleich, M. and Günzel, D.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (4): 699-717. April 2022

Characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection clusters based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis and contact tracing in an urban setting.
Walker, A., Houwaart, T., Finzer, P., Ehlkes, L., Tyshaieva, A., Damagnez, M., Strelow, D., Duplessis, A., Nicolai, J., Wienemann, T., Tamayo, T., Kohns Vasconcelos, M., Hülse, L., Hoffmann, K., Lübke, N., Hauka, S., Andree, M., Däumer, M.P., Thielen, A., Kolbe-Busch, S., Göbels, K., Zotz, R., Pfeffer, K., Timm, J. and Dilthey, A.T.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 74 (6): 1039-1046. 15 March 2022

A growth factor-expressing macrophage subpopulation orchestrates regenerative inflammation via GDF-15.
Patsalos, A., Halasz, L., Medina-Serpas, M.A., Berger, W.K., Daniel, B., Tzerpos, P., Kiss, M., Nagy, G., Fischer, C., Simandi, Z., Varga, T. and Nagy, L.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 219 (1): e20210420. 3 January 2022

Chromothripsis followed by circular recombination drives oncogene amplification in human cancer.
Rosswog, C., Bartenhagen, C., Welte, A., Kahlert, Y., Hemstedt, N., Lorenz, W., Cartolano, M., Ackermann, S., Perner, S., Vogel, W., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Hertwig, F., Göhring, G., Lilienweiss, E., Stütz, A.M., Korbel, J.O., Thomas, R.K., Peifer, M. and Fischer, M.
Nature Genetics 53 (12): 1673–1685. December 2021

Early IFN-α signatures and persistent dysfunction are distinguishing features of NK cells in severe COVID-19.
Krämer, B., Knoll, R., Bonaguro, L., ToVinh, M., Raabe, J., Astaburuaga-García, R., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Kaiser, K.M., Rieke, G.J., Bischoff, J., Monin, M.B., Hoffmeister, C., Schlabe, S., De Domenico, E., Reusch, N., Händler, K., Reynolds, G., Blüthgen, N., Hack, G., Finnemann, C., Nischalke, H.D., Strassburg, C.P., Stephenson, E., Su, Y., Gardner, L., Yuan, D., Chen, D., Goldman, J., Rosenstiel, P., Schmidt, S.V., Latz, E., Hrusovsky, K., Ball, A.J., Johnson, J.M., Koenig, P.A., Schmidt, F.I., Haniffa, M., Heath, J.R., Kümmerer, B.M., Keitel, V., Jensen, B., Stubbemann, P., Kurth, F., Sander, L.E., Sawitzki, B., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Schultze, J.L. and Nattermann, J.
Immunity 54 (11): 2650-2669. 9 November 2021

A comparison of metabolic labeling and statistical methods to infer genome-wide dynamics of RNA turnover.
Boileau, E., Altmüller, J., Naarmann-de Vries, I.S. and Dieterich, C.
Briefings in Bioinformatics 22 (6): bbab219. November 2021

Increased risk of severe clinical course of COVID-19 in carriers of HLA-C*04:01.
Weiner, J., Suwalski, P., Holtgrewe, M., Rakitko, A., Thibeault, C., Müller, M., Patriki, D., Quedenau, C., Krüger, U., Ilinsky, V., Popov, I., Balnis, J., Jaitovich, A., Helbig, E.T., Lippert, L.J., Stubbemann, P., Real, L.M., Macías, J., Pineda, J.A., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Wang, X., Karadeniz, Z., Saccomanno, J., Doehn, J.M., Hübner, R.H., Hinzmann, B., Salvo, M., Blueher, A., Siemann, S., Jurisic, S., Beer, J.H., Rutishauser, J., Wiggli, B., Schmid, H., Danninger, K., Binder, R., Corman, V.M., Mühlemann, B., Arjun Arkal, R., Fragiadakis, G.K., Mick, E., Calfee, C.S., Erle, D.J., Hendrickson, C.M., Kangelaris, K.N., Krummel, M.F., Woodruff, P.G., Langelier, C.R., Venkataramani, U., García, F., Zyla, J., Drosten, C., Braun, A., Jones, T.C., Suttorp, N., Witzenrath, M., Hippenstiel, S., Zemojtel, T., Skurk, C., Wolfgang, P., Borodina, T., Ripke, S., Sander, L.E., Beule, D., Landmesser, U., Guettouche, T., Kurth, F. and Heidecker, B.
EClinicalMedicine 40 : 101099. October 2021

Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning.
Warnat-Herresthal, S., Schultze, H., Shastry, K.L., Manamohan, S., Mukherjee, S., Garg, V., Sarveswara, R., Händler, K., Pickkers, P., Aziz, N.A., Ktena, S., Tran, F., Bitzer, M., Ossowski, S., Casadei, N., Herr, C., Petersheim, D., Behrends, U., Kern, F., Fehlmann, T., Schommers, P., Lehmann, C., Augustin, M., Rybniker, J., Altmüller, J., Mishra, N., Bernardes, J.P., Krämer, B., Bonaguro, L., Schulte-Schrepping, J., De Domenico, E., Siever, C., Kraut, M., Desai, M., Monnet, B., Saridaki, M., Siegel, C.M., Drews, A., Nuesch-Germano, M., Theis, H., Heyckendorf, J., Schreiber, S., Kim-Hellmuth, S., Nattermann, J., Skowasch, D., Kurth, I., Keller, A., Bals, R., Nürnberg, P., Rieß, O., Rosenstiel, P., Netea, M.G., Theis, F., Mukherjee, S., Backes, M., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Ulas, T., Breteler, M.M.B., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J., Kox, M., Becker, M., Cheran, S., Woodacre, M.S., Goh, E.L. and Schultze, J.L.
Nature 594 (7862): 265-270. 10 June 2021

Transcriptome of iPSC-derived neuronal cells reveals a module of co-expressed genes consistently associated with autism spectrum disorder.
Griesi-Oliveira, K., Fogo, M.S., Pinto, B.G.G., Alves, A.Y., Suzuki, A.M., Morales, A.G., Ezquina, S., Sosa, O.J., Sutton, G.J., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Bueno, A.P., Seabra, G., Sardinha, L., Costa, S.S., Rosenberg, C., Zachi, E.C., Sertie, A.L., Martins-de-Souza, D., Reis, E.M., Voineagu, I. and Passos-Bueno, M.R.
Molecular Psychiatry 26 (5): 1589-1605. May 2021

Disease severity-specific neutrophil signatures in blood transcriptomes stratify COVID-19 patients.
Aschenbrenner, A.C., Mouktaroudi, M., Krämer, B., Oestreich, M., Antonakos, N., Nuesch-Germano, M., Gkizeli, K., Bonaguro, L., Reusch, N., Baßler, K., Saridaki, M., Knoll, R., Pecht, T., Kapellos, T.S., Doulou, S., Kröger, C., Herbert, M., Holsten, L., Horne, A., Gemünd, I.D., Rovina, N., Agrawal, S., Dahm, K., van Uelft, M., Drews, A., Lenkeit, L., Bruse, N., Gerretsen, J., Gierlich, J., Becker, M., Händler, K., Kraut, M., Theis, H., Mengiste, S., Domenico, E., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Seep, L., Raabe, J., Hoffmeister, C., ToVinh, M., Keitel, V., Rieke, G., Talevi, V., Skowasch, D., Aziz, N.A., Pickkers, P., van de Veerdonk, F.L., Netea, M.G., Schultze, J.L., Kox, M., Breteler, M.M.B., Nattermann, J., Koutsoukou, A., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J. and Ulas, T.
Genome Medicine 13 (1): 7. 13 January 2021

Viral cGAMP nuclease reveals the essential role of DNA sensing in protection against acute lethal virus infection.
Hernáez, B., Alonso, G., Georgana, I., El-Jesr, M., Martín, R., Shair, K.H.Y., Fischer, C., Sauer, S., Maluquer de Motes, C. and Alcamí, A.
Science Advances 6 (38): eabb4565. 18 September 2020

Intronic CRISPR repair in a preclinical model of Noonan syndrome-associated cardiomyopathy.
Hanses, U., Kleinsorge, M., Roos, L., Yigit, G., Li, Y., Barbarics, B., El-Battrawy, I., Lan, H., Tiburcy, M., Hindmarsh, R., Lenz, C., Salinas, G., Diecke, S., Müller, C., Adham, I., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Paul, T., Zimmermann, W.H., Hasenfuss, G., Wollnik, B. and Cyganek, L.
Circulation 142 (11): 1059-1076. 15 September 2020

Resolving fates and single-cell transcriptomes of hematopoietic stem cell clones by PolyloxExpress barcoding.
Pei, W., Shang, F., Wang, X., Fanti, A.K., Greco, A., Busch, K., Klapproth, K., Zhang, Q., Quedenau, C., Sauer, S., Feyerabend, T.B., Höfer, T. and Rodewald, H.R.
Cell Stem Cell 27 (3): 383-395. 3 September 2020

Benchmarking single-cell RNA-sequencing protocols for cell atlas projects.
Mereu, E., Lafzi, A., Moutinho, C., Ziegenhain, C., McCarthy, D.J., Álvarez-Varela, A., Batlle, E., Sagar, Grün, D., Lau, J.K., Boutet, S.C., Sanada, C., Ooi, A., Jones, R.C., Kaihara, K., Brampton, C., Talaga, Y., Sasagawa, Y., Tanaka, K., Hayashi, T., Braeuning, C., Fischer, C., Sauer, S., Trefzer, T., Conrad, C., Adiconis, X., Nguyen, L.T., Regev, A., Levin, J.Z., Parekh, S., Janjic, A., Wange, L.E., Bagnoli, J.W., Enard, W., Gut, M., Sandberg, R., Nikaido, I., Gut, I., Stegle, O. and Heyn, H.
Nature Biotechnology 38 (6): 747-755. June 2020

Self-organizing 3D human trunk neuromuscular organoids.
Faustino Martins, J.M., Fischer, C., Urzi, A., Vidal, R., Kunz, S., Ruffault, P.L., Kabuss, L., Hube, I., Gazzerro, E., Birchmeier, C., Spuler, S., Sauer, S. and Gouti, M.
Cell Stem Cell 26 (2): 172-186. 6 February 2020

Effects of diets high in animal or plant protein on oxidative stress in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial.
Pivovarova-Ramich, O., Markova, M., Weber, D., Sucher, S., Hornemann, S., Rudovich, N., Raila, J., Sunaga-Franze, D., Sauer, S., Rohn, S., Pfeiffer, A.F.H. and Grune, T.
Redox Biology 29 (2): 101397. January 2020

R-spondin-3 induces secretory, antimicrobial Lgr5(+) cells in the stomach.
Sigal, M., Del Mar Reinés, M., Müllerke, S., Fischer, C., Kapalczynska, M., Berger, H., Bakker, E.R.M., Mollenkopf, H.J., Rothenberg, M.E., Wiedenmann, B., Sauer, S. and Meyer, T.F.
Nature Cell Biology 21 (7): 812-823. July 2019

A virus-encoded type I interferon decoy receptor enables evasion of host immunity through cell-surface binding.
Hernáez, B., Alonso-Lobo, J.M., Montanuy, I., Fischer, C., Sauer, S., Sigal, L., Sevilla, N. and Alcamí, A.
Nature Communications 9 (1): 5440. 21 December 2018

Multiancestry association study identifies new asthma risk loci that colocalize with immune-cell enhancer marks.
Demenais, F., Margaritte-Jeannin, P., Barnes, K.C., Cookson, W.O.C., Altmüller, J., Ang, W., Barr, R.G., Beaty, T.H., Becker, A.B., Beilby, J., Bisgaard, H., Bjornsdottir, U.S., Bleecker, E., Bonnelykke, K., Boomsma, D.I., Bouzigon, E., Brightling, C.E., Brossard, M., Brusselle, G.G., Burchard, E., Burkart, K.M., Bush, A., Chan-Yeung, M., Chung, K.F., Couto Alves, A., Curtin, J.A., Custovic, A., Daley, D., de Jongste, J.C., Del-Rio-Navarro, B.E., Donohue, K.M., Duijts, L., Eng, C., Eriksson, J.G., Farrall, M., Fedorova, Y., Feenstra, B., Ferreira, M.A., Freidin, M.B., Gajdos, Z., Gauderman, J., Gehring, U., Geller, F., Genuneit, J., Gharib, S.A, Gilliland, F., Granell, R., Graves, P.E., Gudbjartsson, D.F., Haahtela, T., Heckbert, S.R., Heederik, D., Heinrich, J., Helioevaara, M., Henderson, J., Himes, B.E., Hirose, H., Hirschhorn, J.N., Hofman, A., Holt, P., Hottenga, J., Hudson, T.J., Hui, J., Imboden, M., Ivanov, V., Jaddoe, V.W.V., James, A., Janson, C., Jarvelin, M.R., Jarvis, D., Jones, G., Jonsdottir, I., Jousilahti, P., Kabesch, M., Kähönen, M., Kantor, D.B., Karunas, A.S., Khusnutdinova, E., Koppelman, G.H., Kozyrskyj, A.L., Kreiner, E., Kubo, M., Kumar, R., Kumar, A., Kuokkanen, M., Lahousse, L., Laitinen, T., Laprise, C., Lathrop, M., Lau, S., Lee, Y.A., Lehtimaeki, T., Letort, S., Levin, A.M., Li, G., Liang, L., Loehr, L.R., London, S.J., Loth, D.W., Manichaikul, A., Marenholz, I., Martinez, F.J., Matheson, M.C., Mathias, R.A., Matsumoto, K., Mbarek, H., McArdle, W.L., Melbye, M., Melen, E., Meyers, D., Michel, S., Mohamdi, H., Musk, A.W., Myers, R.A., Nieuwenhuis, M.A.E., Noguchi, E., O'Connor, G.T., Ogorodova, L.M., Palmer, C.D., Palotie, A., Park, J.E., Pennell, C.E., Pershagen, G., Polonikov, A., Postma, D.S., Probst-Hensch, N., Puzyrev, V.P., Raby, B.A., Raitakari, O.T., Ramasamy, A., Rich, S.S., Robertson, C.F., Romieu, I., Salam, M.T., Salomaa, V., Schluenssen, V., Scott, R., Selivanova, P.A., Sigsgaard, T., Simpson, A., Siroux, V., Smith, L.J., Solodilova, M., Standl, M., Stefansson, K., Strachan, D.P., Stricker, B.H., Takahashi, A., Thompson, P.J., Thorleifsson, G., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Tiesler, C.M.T., Torgerson, D.G., Tsunoda, T., Uitterlinden, A.G., van der Valk, R.J.P., Vaysse, A., Vedantam, S., von Berg, A., von Mutius, E., Vonk, J.M., Waage, J., Wareham, N.J., Weiss, S.T., White, W.B., Wickman, M., Widén, E., Willemsen, G., Williams, L.K., Wouters, I.M., Yang, J.J., Zhao, J.H., Moffatt, M.F., Ober, C. and Nicolae, D.L.
Nature Genetics 50 (1): 42-53. January 2018

Polylox barcoding reveals haematopoietic stem cell fates realized in vivo.
Pei, W., Feyerabend, T.B., Rössler, J., Wang, X., Postrach, D., Busch, K., Rode, I., Klapproth, K., Dietlein, N., Quedenau, C., Chen, W., Sauer, S., Wolf, S., Höfer, T. and Rodewald, H.Re.
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Andrade Navarro, Miguel

Stepwise reprogramming of liver cells to a pancreas progenitor state by the transcriptional regulator Tgif2.
Cerdá-Esteban, N., Naumann, H., Ruzittu, S., Mah, N., Pongrac, I.M., Cozzitorto, C., Hommel, A., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Bonifacio, E. and Spagnoli, F.M.
Nature Communications 8 : 14127. 13 February 2017

Systematic interaction network filtering identifies CRMP1 as a novel suppressor of huntingtin misfolding and neurotoxicity.
Stroedicke, M., Bounab, Y., Strempel, N., Klockmeier, K., Yigit, S., Friedrich, R.P., Chaurasia, G., Li, S., Hesse, F., Riechers, S.P., Russ, J., Nicoletti, C., Boeddrich, A., Wiglenda, T., Haenig, C., Schnoegl, S., Fournier, D., Graham, R.K., Hayden, M.R., Sigrist, S., Bates, G.P., Priller, J., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Futschik, M.E. and Wanker, E.E.
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Identification of LRRC8 heteromers as an essential component of the volume-regulated anion channel VRAC.
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Mutually exclusive signaling signatures define the hepatic and pancreatic progenitor cell lineage divergence.
Rodríguez-Seguel, E., Mah, N., Naumann, H., Pongrac, I.M., Cerdá-Esteban, N., Fontaine, J.F., Wang, Y., Chen, W., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Spagnoli, F.M.
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Bio++: efficient extensible libraries and tools for computational molecular evolution.
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CXCL5 limits macrophage foam cell formation in atherosclerosis.
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A role for GPx3 in activity of normal and leukemia stem cells.
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Aversion to nicotine is regulated by the balanced activity of beta4 and alpha5 nicotinic receptor subunits in the medial habenula.
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Loss of fish actinotrichia proteins and the fin-to-limb transition.
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DNA methylation protects hematopoietic stem cell multipotency from myeloerythroid restriction.
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Mitochondrial vesicles: an ancient process providing new links to peroxisomes.
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Cargo-selected transport from the mitochondria to peroxisomes is mediated by vesicular carriers.
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Systematic association of genes to phenotypes by genome and literature mining.
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Association of genes to genetically inherited diseases using data mining.
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XplorMed: a tool for exploring MEDLINE abstracts.
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Heat repeats in Huntington's disease protein.
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Challenging times for bioinformatics.
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Bader, Michael

Transgenic angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 overexpression in the rat vasculature protects kidneys from ageing-induced injury.
Sanad, A.M., Qadri, F., Popova, E., Rodrigues, A.F., Heinbokel, T., Quach, S., Schulz, A., Bachmann, S., Kreutz, R., Alenina, N. and Bader, M.
Kidney International 104 (2): 293-304. August 2023

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects the kidney from hypertension-induced damage.
Sholokh, A., Walter, S., Markó, L., McMurray, B.J., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Xu, M., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Langanki, R., Qadri, F., Heuser, A., Patzak, A., Forslund, S.K., Bähring, S., Borodina, T., Persson, P.B., Maass, P.G., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Kidney International 104 (2): 388-393. August 2023

Quantifying the impact of gut microbiota on inflammation and hypertensive organ damage.
Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, H., Rauch, A., Chen, C.Y., N'Diaye, G., Löber, U., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Rodrigues, A.F., Yarritu, A., Zhong, C., Fei, L., Tsvetkov, D., Todiras, M., Park, J.K., Markó, L., Maifeld, A., Patzak, A., Bader, M., Kempa, S., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N. and Wilck, N.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (6): 1441-1452. May 2023

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects from hypertension-induced cardiac damage.
Ercu, M., Mücke, M.B., Pallien, T., Markó, L., Sholokh, A., Schächterle, C., Aydin, A., Kidd, A., Walter, S., Esmati, Y., McMurray, B.J., Lato, D.F., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Dierks, P.H., Flores, B.I.M., Walker-Gray, R., Gong, M., Merticariu, C., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Liu, T., Batolomaeus, T.U.P., Pautz, S., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Napieczynska, H., Heuser, A., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Miller, D.C., Diecke, S., Qadri, F., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Movsesian, M.A., Herberg, F.W., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Borodina, T., Maass, P.G., Bähring, S., Hübner, N., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 146 (23): 1758-1778. 6 December 2022

Crosstalk between the renin-angiotensin, complement and kallikrein-kinin systems in inflammation.
Bekassy, Z., Lopatko Fagerström, I., Bader, M. and Karpman, D.
Nature Reviews Immunology 22 (7): 411-428. July 2022

Evidence in favor of the essentiality of human cell membrane-bound ACE2 and against soluble ACE2 for SARS-CoV-2 infectivity.
Batlle, D., Monteil, V., Garreta, E., Hassler, L., Wysocki, J., Chandar, V., Schwartz, R.E., Mirazimi, A., Montserrat, N., Bader, M. and Penninger, J.M.
Cell 185 (11): 1837-1839. 26 May 2022

Serotonin limits generation of chromaffin cells during adrenal organ development.
Kameneva, P., Melnikova, V.I., Kastriti, M.E., Kurtova, A., Kryukov, E., Murtazina, A., Faure, L., Poverennaya, I., Artemov, A.V., Kalinina, T.S., Kudryashov, N.V., Bader, M., Skoda, J., Chlapek, P., Curylova, L., Sourada, L., Neradil, J., Tesarova, M., Pasqualetti, M., Gaspar, P., Yakushov, V.D., Sheftel, B.I., Zikmund, T., Kaiser, J., Fried, K., Alenina, N., Voronezhskaya, E.E. and Adameyko, I.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 2901. 25 May 2022

Targeting angiotensin type 2 receptors located on pressor neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract to relieve hypertension in mice.
Mohammed, M., Johnson, D.N., Wang, L.A., Harden, S.W., Sheng, W., Spector, E.A., Elsaafien, K., Bader, M., Steckelings, U.M., Scott, K.A., Frazier, C.J., Sumners, C., Krause, E.G. and de Kloet, A.D.
Cardiovascular Research 118 (3): 883-896. 21 February 2022

Inhibition of the NLRP3/IL-1β axis protects against sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy.
Busch, K., Kny, M., Huang, N., Klassert, T.E., Stock, M., Hahn, A., Graeger, S., Todiras, M., Schmidt, S., Chamling, B., Willenbrock, M., Groß, S., Biedenweg, D., Heuser, A., Scheidereit, C., Butter, C., Felix, S.B., Otto, O., Luft, F.C., Slevogt, H. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 12 (6): 1653-1668. December 2021

Diabetic pregnancy as a novel risk factor for cardiac dysfunction in the offspring-the heart as a target for fetal programming in rats.
Schütte, T., Kedziora, S.M., Haase, N., Herse, F., Alenina, N., Müller, D.N., Bader, M., Schupp, M., Dechend, R., Golic, M. and Kräker, K.
Diabetologia 64 (12): 2829-2842. December 2021

The continued need for animals to advance brain research.
Homberg, J.R., Adan, R.A.H., Alenina, N., Asiminas, A., Bader, M., Beckers, T., Begg, D.P., Blokland, A., Burger, M.E., van Dijk, G., Eisel, U.L.M., Elgersma, Y., Englitz, B., Fernandez-Ruiz, A., Fitzsimons, C.P., van Dam, A.M., Gass, P., Grandjean, J., Havekes, R., Henckens, M.J.A.G., Herden, C., Hut, R.A., Jarrett, W., Jeffrey, K., Jezova, D., Kalsbeek, A., Kamermans, M., Kas, M.J., Kasri, N.N., Kiliaan, A.J., Kolk, S.M., Korosi, A., Korte, S.M., Kozicz, T., Kushner, S.A., Leech, K., Lesch, K.P., Lesscher, H., Lucassen, P.J., Luthi, A., Ma, L., Mallien, A.S., Meerlo, P., Mejias, J.F., Meye, F.J., Mitchell, A.S., Mul, J.D., Olcese, U., González, A.O., Olivier, J.D.A., Pasqualetti, M., Pennartz, C.M.A., Popik, P., Prickaerts, J., de la Prida, L.M., Ribeiro, S., Roozendaal, B., Rossato, J.I., Salari, A.A., Schoemaker, R.G., Smit, A.B., Vanderschuren, L.J.M.J., Takeuchi, T., van der Veen, R., Smidt, M.P., Vyazovskiy, V.V., Wiesmann, M., Wierenga, C.J., Williams, B., Willuhn, I., Wöhr, M., Wolvekamp, M., van der Zee, E.A. and Genzel, L.
Neuron 109 (15): 2374-2379. 4 August 2021

Knockout of aminopeptidase A in mice causes functional alterations and morphological glomerular basement membrane changes in the kidneys.
Marahrens, B., Schulze, A., Wysocki, J., Lin, M.H., Ye, M., Kanwar, Y.S., Bader, M., Velez, J.C.Q., Miner, J.H. and Batlle, D.
Kidney International 99 (4): 900-913. April 2021

Sepsis induces interleukin 6, gp130/JAK2/STAT3, and muscle wasting.
Zanders, L., Kny, M., Hahn, A., Schmidt, S., Wundersitz, S., Todiras, M., Lahmann, I., Bandyopadhyay, A., Wollersheim, T., Kaderali, L., Luft, F.C., Birchmeier, C., Weber-Carstens, S. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 13 (1): 713-727. February 2021

Relevance of Angiotensin-(1-7) and its receptor Mas in pneumonia caused by Influenza virus and post-influenza pneumococcal infection.
Melo, E.M., Del Sarto, J., Vago, J.P., Tavares, L.P., Rago, F., Gonçalves, A.P.F., Machado, M.G., Aranda-Pardos, I., Valiate, B.V.S., Cassali, G.D., Pinho, V., Sousa, L.P., A-Gonzalez, N., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Bader, M., Santos, R.A.S., Machado, A.V., Ludwig, S. and Teixeira, M.M.
Pharmacological Research 163 : 105292. January 2021

Importin α3 regulates chronic pain pathways in peripheral sensory neurons.
Marvaldi, L., Panayotis, N., Alber, S., Dagan, S.Y., Okladnikov, N., Koppel, I., Di Pizio, A., Song, D.A., Tzur, Y., Terenzio, M., Rishal, I., Gordon, D., Rother, F., Hartmann, E., Bader, M. and Fainzilber, M.
Science 369 (6505): 842-846. 14 August 2020

The dual role of serotonin in colorectal cancer.
Kannen, V., Bader, M., Sakita, J.Y., Uyemura, S.A. and Squire, J.A.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 31 (8): 611-625. August 2020

Age-related shift in LTD is dependent on neuronal adenosine A(2A) receptors interplay with mGluR5 and NMDA receptors.
Temido-Ferreira, M., Ferreira, D.G., Batalha, V.L., Marques-Morgado, I., Coelho, J.E., Pereira, P., Gomes, R., Pinto, A., Carvalho, S., Canas, P.M., Cuvelier, L., Buée-Scherrer, V., Faivre, E., Baqi, Y., Müller, C.E., Pimentel, J., Schiffmann, S.N., Buée, L., Bader, M., Outeiro, T.F., Blum, D., Cunha, R.A., Marie, H., Pousinha, P.A. and Lopes, L.V.
Molecular Psychiatry 25 (8): 1876-1900. August 2020

Phosphodiesterase 3A and arterial hypertension.
Ercu, M., Markó, L., Schächterle, C., Tsvetkov, D., Cui, Y., Maghsodi, S., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Maass, P.G., Zühlke, K., Gregersen, N., Hübner, N., Hodge, R., Mühl, A., Pohl, B., Molé-Illas, R., Geelhaar, A., Walter, S., Napieczynska, H., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Heuser, A., Anistan, Y.M., Qadri, F., Todiras, M., Plehm, R., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Wiesner, B., Russwurm, M., Forslund, S.K., Kamer, I., Müller, D.N., Gollasch, M., Aydin, A., Bähring, S., Bader, M., Luft, F.C. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 142 (2): 133-149. 14 July 2020

The (pro)renin receptor: what's in a name?
Simons, M., Bader, M. and Müller, D.N.
Nature Reviews Nephrology 16 (5): 304. May 2020

Serum amyloid A1 mediates myotube atrophy via Toll-like receptors.
Hahn, A., Kny, M., Pablo-Tortola, C., Todiras, M., Willenbrock, M., Schmidt, S., Schmoeckel, K., Jorde, I., Nowak, M., Jarosch, E., Sommer, T., Bröker, B.M., Felix, S.B., Scheidereit, C., Weber-Carstens, S., Butter, C., Luft, F.C. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 11 (1): 103-119. February 2020

Inhibition of serotonin synthesis: a novel therapeutic paradigm.
Bader, M.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 205 : 107423. January 2020

Ang II (angiotensin II) conversion to angiotensin-(1-7) in the circulation is POP (prolyloligopeptidase)-dependent and ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2)-independent.
Serfozo, P., Wysocki, J., Gulua, G., Schulze, A., Ye, M., Liu, P., Jin, J., Bader, M., Myöhänen, T., García-Horsman, J.A. and Batlle, D.
Hypertension 75 (1): 173-182. January 2020

Histone serotonylation is a permissive modification that enhances TFIID binding to H3K4me3.
Farrelly, L.A., Thompson, R.E., Zhao, S., Lepack, A.E., Lyu, Y., Bhanu, N.V., Zhang, B., Loh, Y.H.E., Ramakrishnan, A., Vadodaria, K.C., Heard, K.J., Erikson, G., Nakadai, T., Bastle, R.M., Lukasak, B.J., Zebroski, H., Alenina, N., Bader, M., Berton, O., Roeder, R.G., Molina, H., Gage, F.H., Shen, L., Garcia, B.A., Li, H., Muir, T.W. and Maze, I.
Nature 567 (7749): 535-539. 28 March 2019

Peripheral serotonin synthesis as a new drug target.
Matthes, S. and Bader, M.
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 39 (6): 560-572. June 2018

Distinguishing features of microglia- and monocyte-derived macrophages after stroke.
Kronenberg, G., Uhlemann, R., Richter, N., Klempin, F., Wegner, S., Staerck, L., Wolf, S., Uckert, W., Kettenmann, H., Endres, M. and Gertz, K.
Acta Neuropathologica 135 (4): 551. April 2018

The ACE2/angiotensin-(1-7)/MAS axis of the renin-angiotensin system: focus on angiotensin-(1-7).
Santos, R.A.S., Sampaio, W.O., Alzamora, A.C., Motta-Santos, D., Alenina, N., Bader, M. and Campagnole-Santos, M.J.
Physiological Reviews 98 (1): 505-553. January 2018

Atypical chemokine receptor 1 on nucleated erythroid cells regulates hematopoiesis.
Duchene, J., Novitzky-Basso, I., Thiriot, A., Casanova-Acebes, M., Bianchini, M., Etheridge, S.L., Hub, E., Nitz, K., Artinger, K., Eller, K., Caamano, J., Ruelicke, T., Moss, P., Megens, R.T.A., von Andrian, U.H., Hidalgo, A., Weber, C. and Rot, A.
Nature Immunology 18 (7): 753-761. July 2017

The role of kinin B1 receptor and the effect of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibition on acute gout attacks in rodents.
Silva, C.R., Oliveira, S.M., Hoffmeister, C., Funck, V., Guerra, G.P., Trevisan, G., Tonello, R., Rossato, M.F., Pesquero, J.B., Bader, M., Oliveira, M.S., McDougall, J.J. and Ferreira, J.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75 (1): 260-268. January 2016

PDE3A mutations cause autosomal dominant hypertension with brachydactyly.
Maass, P.G., Aydin, A., Luft, F.C., Schächterle, C., Weise, A., Stricker, S., Lindschau, C., Vaegler, M., Qadri, F., Toka, H.R., Schulz, H., Krawitz, P.M., Parkhomchuk, D., Hecht, J., Hollfinger, I., Wefeld-Neuenfeld, Y., Bartels-Klein, E., Mühl, A., Kann, M., Schuster, H., Chitayat, D., Bialer, M.G., Wienker, T.F., Ott, J., Rittscher, K., Liehr, T., Jordan, J., Plessis, G., Tank, J., Mai, K., Naraghi, R., Hodge, R., Hopp, M., Hattenbach, L.O., Busjahn, A., Rauch, A., Vandeput, F., Gong, M., Rüschendorf, F., Hübner, N., Haller, H., Mundlos, S., Bilginturan, N., Movsesian, M.A., Klussmann, E., Toka, O. and Bähring, S.
Nature Genetics 47 (6): 647-653. June 2015

Reply to Lrp5 regulation of bone mass and gut serotonin synthesis.
Cui, Y., Niziolek, P.J., MacDonald, B.T., Alenina, N., Matthes, S., Jacobsen, C.M., Conlon, R.A., Brommage, R., Powell, D.R., He, X., Bader, M., Williams, B.O., Warman, M.L. and Robling, A.G.
Nature Medicine 20 (11): 1229-1230. 6 November 2014

Mas and its related G protein-coupled receptors, Mrgprs.
Bader, M., Alenina, N., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Santos, R.A.
Pharmacological Reviews 66 (4): 1080-1105. October 2014

Stretch-activation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors contributes to the myogenic response of mouse mesenteric and renal arteries.
Schleifenbaum, J., Kassmann, M., Szijártó, I.A., Hercule, H.C., Tano, J.Y., Weinert, S., Heidenreich, M., Pathan, A.R., Anistan, Y.M., Alenina, N., Rusch, N.J., Bader, M., Jentsch, T.J. and Gollasch, M.
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Discovery and characterization of alamandine, a novel component of the renin-angiotensin system.
Lautner, R.Q., Villela, D.C., Fraga-Silva, R.A., Silva, N.C., Verano-Braga, T., Costa-Fraga, F., Jankowski, J., Jankowski, V., De Sousa, F.B., Alzamora, A.C., Soares, E.R., Barbosa, C.M., Kjeldsen, F., Oliveira, A.C., Braga, J.F., Savergnini, S.Q., Etelvino, G.M., Bastos Peluso, A.A., Passos-Silva, D.G., Ferreira, A.J., Alves, F., Martins, A.S., Raizada, M.K., Paula, R.D., Motta-Santos, D., Klempin, F., Pimenta, A.M.C., Alenina, N., Sinisterra, R.D.M., Bader, M., Campagnole-Santos, M.J. and Santos, R.A.S.
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CXCL5 limits macrophage foam cell formation in atherosclerosis.
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Novel insights into the critical role of bradykinin and the kinin B2 receptor for vascular recruitment of circulating endothelial repair-promoting mononuclear cell subsets: alterations in patients with coronary disease.
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Lrp5 functions in bone to regulate bone mass.
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Platelet-derived serotonin links vascular disease and tissue fibrosis.
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Tissue renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems: Targets for pharmacological therapy.
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Central control of fever and female body temperature by RANKL/RANK.
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Intracellular serotonin modulates insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells by protein serotonylation.
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Activation of kinin receptor B1 limits encephalitogenic T lymphocyte recruitment to the central nervous system.
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Regulatory T cells ameliorate angiotensin II-induced cardiac damage.
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Loss of myocardial ischemic postconditioning in adenosine A1 and bradykinin B2 receptors gene knockout mice.
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Aggravation of viral hepatitis by platelet-derived serotonin.
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Converging evidence in support of the serotonin hypothesis of dexfenfluramine-induced pulmonary hypertension with novel transgenic mice.
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Novel role for inhibitor of differentiation 2 in the genesis of angiotensin II-induced hypertension.
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Normal brain development in importin-alpha5 deficient-mice.
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Serotonin mediates oxidative stress and mitochondrial toxicity in a murine model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
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Platelets and platelet-derived serotonin promote tissue repair after normothermic hepatic ischemia in mice.
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Accelerated mitochondrial adenosine diphosphate/adenosine triphosphate transport improves hypertension-induced heart disease.
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Platelet-derived serotonin mediates liver regeneration.
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Apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical and ischemic stress.
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Serotonin regulates mammary gland development via an autocrine-paracrine loop.
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Angiotensin-(1-7) is an endogenous ligand for the G protein-coupled receptor Mas.
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Synthesis of serotonin by a second tryptophan hydroxylase isoform.
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Serotonylation of small GTPases is a signal transduction pathway that triggers platelet α-granule release.
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In vivo bradykinin B2 receptor activation reduces renal fibrosis.
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Preimplantation-stage stem cells induce long-term allogeneic graft acceptance without supplementary host conditioning.
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Smooth-muscle contraction without smooth-muscle myosin.
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Blood pressure reduction and diabetes insipidus in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
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An endocytic pathway essential for renal uptake and activation of the steroid 25-(OH) vitamin D-3.
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Neuronal sorting protein-related receptor sorLA/LR11 regulates processing of the amyloid precursor protein.
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Structure of palmitoylated BET3: insights into TRAPP complex assembly and membrane localization.
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A colorectal cancer expression profile that includes transforming growth factor beta inhibitor BAMBI predicts metastatic potential.
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Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4(+) T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
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Diagnosing recipient- vs. donor-derived posttransplant myelodysplastic neoplasm via targeted single-cell mutational profiling.
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Microenvironmental acidification by pneumococcal sugar consumption fosters barrier disruption and immune suppression in the human alveolus.
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The proteogenomic landscape of multiple myeloma reveals insights into disease biology and therapeutic opportunities.
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REEV: review, evaluate and explain variants.
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Increased β(2)-adrenergic signaling promotes fracture healing through callus neovascularization in mice.
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Clinically used broad-spectrum antibiotics compromise inflammatory monocyte-dependent antibacterial defense in the lung.
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Prdm16 mutation determines sex-specific cardiac metabolism and identifies two novel cardiac metabolic regulators.
Kühnisch, J., Theisen, S., Dartsch, J., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kirchner, M., Obermayer, B., Bauer, A., Kahlert, A.K., Rothe, M., Beule, D., Heuser, A., Mertins, P., Kirwan, J.A., Berndt, N., MacRae, C.A., Hubner, N. and Klaassen, S.
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Leveraging large language models for decision support in personalized oncology.
Benary, M., Wang, X.D., Schmidt, M., Soll, D., Hilfenhaus, G., Nassir, M., Sigler, C., Knödler, M., Keller, U., Beule, D., Keilholz, U., Leser, U. and Rieke, D.T.
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Frequent ZNF217 mutations lead to transcriptional deregulation of interferon signal transduction via altered chromatin accessibility in B cell lymphoma.
Briest, F., Noerenberg, D., Hennch, C., Yoshida, K., Hablesreiter, R., Nimo, J., Sasca, D., Kirchner, M., Mansouri, L., Inoue, Y., Wiegand, L., Staiger, A.M., Casadei, B., Korkolopoulou, P., Weiner, J., Lopez-Guillermo, A., Warth, A., Schneider, T., Nagy, Á., Klapper, W., Hummel, M., Kanellis, G., Anagnostopoulos, I., Mertins, P., Bullinger, L., Rosenquist, R., Vassilakopoulos, T.P., Ott, G., Ogawa, S. and Damm, F.
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Mutational topography reflects clinical neuroblastoma heterogeneity.
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Loss of microglial MCT4 leads to defective synaptic pruning and anxiety-like behavior in mice.
Monsorno, K., Ginggen, K., Ivanov, A., Buckinx, A., Lalive, A.L., Tchenio, A., Benson, S., Vendrell, M., D'Alessandro, A., Beule, D., Pellerin, L., Mameli, M. and Paolicelli, R.C.
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SODAR: managing multiomics study data and metadata.
Nieminen, M., Stolpe, O., Kuhring, M., Weiner, J., Pett, P., Beule, D. and Holtgrewe, M.
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A proteomics analysis of 5xFAD mouse brain regions reveals the lysosome-associated protein Arl8b as a candidate biomarker for Alzheimer's disease.
Boeddrich, A., Haenig, C., Neuendorf, N., Blanc, E., Ivanov, A., Kirchner, M., Schleumann, P., Bayraktaroğlu, I., Richter, M., Molenda, C.M., Sporbert, A., Zenkner, M., Schnoegl, S., Suenkel, C., Schneider, L.S., Rybak-Wolf, A., Kochnowsky, B., Byrne, L.M., Wild, E.J., Nielsen, J.E., Dittmar, G., Peters, O., Beule, D. and Wanker, E.E.
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Distinct tissue niches direct lung immunopathology via CCL18 and CCL21 in severe COVID-19.
Mothes, R., Pascual-Reguant, A., Koehler, R., Liebeskind, J., Liebheit, A., Bauherr, S., Philipsen, L., Dittmayer, C., Laue, M., von Manitius, R., Elezkurtaj, S., Durek, P., Heinrich, F., Heinz, G.A., Guerra, G.M., Obermayer, B., Meinhardt, J., Ihlow, J., Radke, J., Heppner, F.L., Enghard, P., Stockmann, H., Aschman, T., Schneider, J., Corman, V.M., Sander, L.E., Mashreghi, M.F., Conrad, T., Hocke, A.C., Niesner, R.A., Radbruch, H. and Hauser, A.E.
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Human lungs show limited permissiveness for SARS-CoV-2 due to scarce ACE2 levels but virus-induced expansion of inflammatory macrophages.
Hönzke, K., Obermayer, B., Mache, C., Fathykova, D., Kessler, M., Dökel, S., Wyler, E., Baumgardt, M., Löwa, A., Hoffmann, K., Graff, P., Schulze, J., Mieth, M., Hellwig, K., Demir, Z., Biere, B., Brunotte, L., Mecate-Zambrano, A., Bushe, J., Dohmen, M., Hinze, C., Elezkurtaj, S., Tönnies, M., Bauer, T.T., Eggeling, S., Tran, H.L., Schneider, P., Neudecker, J., Rückert, J.C., Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Busch, J., Klauschen, F., Horst, D., Radbruch, H., Radke, J., Heppner, F., Corman, V.M., Niemeyer, D., Müller, M.A., Goffinet, C., Mothes, R., Pascual-Reguant, A., Hauser, A.E., Beule, D., Landthaler, M., Ludwig, S., Suttorp, N., Witzenrath, M., Gruber, A.D., Drosten, C., Sander, L.E., Wolff, T., Hippenstiel, S. and Hocke, A.C.
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Inflammation in children with chronic kidney disease linked to gut dysbiosis and metabolite imbalance.
Holle, J., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Behrens, F., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Anandakumar, H., Wimmer, M., Vu, D.L., Kuhring, M., Brüning, U., Maifeld, A., Geisberger, S., Kempa, S., Schumacher, F., Kleuser, B., Bufler, P., Querfeld, U., Kitschke, S., Engler, D., Kuhrt, L.D., Drechsel, O., Eckardt, K.U., Forslund, S., Thürmer, A., McParland, V., Kirwan, J., Wilck, N. and Mueller, D.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (12): 2259-2275. December 2022

Non-redundant functions of group 2 innate lymphoid cells.
Jarick, K.J., Topczewska, P.M., Jakob, M.O., Yano, H., Arifuzzaman, M., Gao, X., Boulekou, S., Stokic-Trtica, V., Leclère, P.S., Preußer, A., Rompe, Z.A., Stamm, A., Tsou, A.M., Chu, C., Heinrich, F.R., Guerra, G.M., Durek, P., Ivanov, A., Beule, D., Helfrich, S., Duerr, C.U., Kühl, A.A., Stehle, C., Romagnani, C., Mashreghi, M.F., Diefenbach, A., Artis, D. and Klose, C.S.N.
Nature 611 (7937): 794-800. 24 November 2022

EBAG9-silencing exerts an immune checkpoint function without aggravating adverse effects.
Wirges, A., Bunse, M., Joedicke, J.J., Blanc, E., Gudipati, V., Moles, M.W., Shiku, H., Beule, D., Huppa, J.B., Höpken, U.E. and Rehm, A.
Molecular Therapy 30 (11): 3358-3378. 2 November 2022

Immune phenotypes and target antigens of clonally expanded bone marrow T cells in treatment-naïve multiple myeloma.
Welters, C., Lammoglia Cobo, M.F., Stein, C.A., Hsu, M.T., Ben Hamza, A., Penter, L., Chen, X., Buccitelli, C., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Dietze, K., Bullinger, L., Moosmann, A., Blanc, E., Beule, D., Gerbitz, A., Strobel, J., Hackstein, H., Rahn, H.P., Dornmair, K., Blankenstein, T. and Hansmann, L.
Cancer Immunology Research 10 (11): 1407-1419. 1 November 2022

Single-cell transcriptomics reveals common epithelial response patterns in human acute kidney injury.
Hinze, C., Kocks, C., Leiz, J., Karaiskos, N., Boltengagen, A., Cao, S., Skopnik, C.M., Klocke, J., Hardenberg, J.H., Stockmann, H., Gotthardt, I., Obermayer, B., Haghverdi, L., Wyler, E., Landthaler, M., Bachmann, S., Hocke, A.C., Corman, V., Busch, J., Schneider, W., Himmerkus, N., Bleich, M., Eckardt, K.U., Enghard, P., Rajewsky, N. and Schmidt-Ott, K.M.
Genome Medicine 14 (1): 103. 9 September 2022

C/EBPβ regulates lipid metabolism and Pparg isoform 2 expression in alveolar macrophages.
Dörr, D., Obermayer, B., Weiner, J.M., Zimmermann, K., Anania, C., Wagner, L.K., Lyras, E.M., Sapozhnikova, V., Lara-Astiaso, D., Prósper, F., Lang, R., Lupiáñez, D.G., Beule, D., Höpken, U.E., Leutz, A. and Mildner, A.
Science Immunology 7 (75): eabj0140. September 2022

Highly multiplexed immune repertoire sequencing links multiple lymphocyte classes with severity of response to COVID-19.
Dannebaum, R., Suwalski, P., Asgharian, H., Du Zhipei, G., Lin, H., Weiner, J., Holtgrewe, M., Thibeault, C., Müller, M., Wang, X., Karadeniz, Z., Saccomanno, J., Doehn, J.M., Hübner, R.H., Hinzmann, B., Blüher, A., Siemann, S., Telman, D., Suttorp, N., Witzenrath, M., Hippenstiel, S., Skurk, C., Poller, W., Sander, L.E., Beule, D., Kurth, F., Guettouche, T., Landmesser, U., Berka, J., Luong, K., Rubelt, F. and Heidecker, B.
EClinicalMedicine 48 : 101438. June 2022

Adolescence is a sensitive period for prefrontal microglia to act on cognitive development.
Schalbetter, S.M., von Arx, A.S., Cruz-Ochoa, N., Dawson, K., Ivanov, A., Mueller, F.S., Lin, H.Y., Amport, R., Mildenberger, W., Mattei, D., Beule, D., Földy, C., Greter, M., Notter, T. and Meyer, U.
Science Advances 8 (9): eabi6672. 4 March 2022

Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19.
Georg, P., Astaburuaga-García, R., Bonaguro, L., Brumhard, S., Michalick, L., Lippert, L.J., Kostevc, T., Gäbel, C., Schneider, M., Streitz, M., Demichev, V., Gemünd, I., Barone, M., Tober-Lau, P., Helbig, E.T., Hillus, D., Petrov, L., Stein, J., Dey, H.P., Paclik, D., Iwert, C., Mülleder, M., Aulakh, S.K., Djudjaj, S., Bülow, R.D., Mei, H.E., Schulz, A.R., Thiel, A., Hippenstiel, S., Saliba, A.E., Eils, R., Lehmann, I., Mall, M.A., Stricker, S., Röhmel, J., Corman, V.M., Beule, D., Wyler, E., Landthaler, M., Obermayer, B., von Stillfried, S., Boor, P., Demir, M., Wesselmann, H., Suttorp, N., Uhrig, A., Müller-Redetzky, H., Nattermann, J., Kuebler, W.M., Meisel, C., Ralser, M., Schultze, J.L., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Thibeault, C., Kurth, F., Sander, L.E., Blüthgen, N. and Sawitzki, B.
Cell 185 (3): 493-512. 3 February 2022

Mitogen-activated protein kinase activity drives cell trajectories in colorectal cancer.
Uhlitz, F., Bischoff, P., Peidli, S., Sieber, A., Trinks, A., Lüthen, M., Obermayer, B., Blanc, E., Ruchiy, Y., Sell, T., Mamlouk, S., Arsie, R., Wei, T.T., Klotz-Noack, K., Schwarz, R.F., Sawitzki, B., Kamphues, C., Beule, D., Landthaler, M., Sers, C., Horst, D., Blüthgen, N. and Morkel, M.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 13 (10): e14123. 7 October 2021

Increased risk of severe clinical course of COVID-19 in carriers of HLA-C*04:01.
Weiner, J., Suwalski, P., Holtgrewe, M., Rakitko, A., Thibeault, C., Müller, M., Patriki, D., Quedenau, C., Krüger, U., Ilinsky, V., Popov, I., Balnis, J., Jaitovich, A., Helbig, E.T., Lippert, L.J., Stubbemann, P., Real, L.M., Macías, J., Pineda, J.A., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Wang, X., Karadeniz, Z., Saccomanno, J., Doehn, J.M., Hübner, R.H., Hinzmann, B., Salvo, M., Blueher, A., Siemann, S., Jurisic, S., Beer, J.H., Rutishauser, J., Wiggli, B., Schmid, H., Danninger, K., Binder, R., Corman, V.M., Mühlemann, B., Arjun Arkal, R., Fragiadakis, G.K., Mick, E., Calfee, C.S., Erle, D.J., Hendrickson, C.M., Kangelaris, K.N., Krummel, M.F., Woodruff, P.G., Langelier, C.R., Venkataramani, U., García, F., Zyla, J., Drosten, C., Braun, A., Jones, T.C., Suttorp, N., Witzenrath, M., Hippenstiel, S., Zemojtel, T., Skurk, C., Wolfgang, P., Borodina, T., Ripke, S., Sander, L.E., Beule, D., Landmesser, U., Guettouche, T., Kurth, F. and Heidecker, B.
EClinicalMedicine 40 : 101099. October 2021

Temporal omics analysis in Syrian hamsters unravel cellular effector responses to moderate COVID-19.
Nouailles, G., Wyler, E., Pennitz, P., Postmus, D., Vladimirova, D., Kazmierski, J., Pott, F., Dietert, K., Muelleder, M., Farztdinov, V., Obermayer, B., Wienhold, S.M., Andreotti, S., Hoefler, T., Sawitzki, B., Drosten, C., Sander, L.E., Suttorp, N., Ralser, M., Beule, D., Gruber, A.D., Goffinet, C., Landthaler, M., Trimpert, J. and Witzenrath, M.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 4869. 11 August 2021

YAP and β-catenin cooperate to drive oncogenesis in basal breast cancer.
Quinn, H.M., Vogel, R., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Lan, L., Messerschmidt, C., Landshammer, A., Lisek, K., Château-Joubert, S., Marangoni, E., Koren, E., Fuchs, Y. and Birchmeier, W.
Cancer Research 81 (8): 2116-2127. April 2021

Protein synthesis in the developing neocortex at near-atomic resolution reveals Ebp1-mediated neuronal proteostasis at the 60S tunnel exit.
Kraushar, M.L., Krupp, F., Harnett, D., Turko, P., Ambrozkiewicz, M.C., Sprink, T., Imami, K., Günnigmann, M., Zinnall, U., Vieira-Vieira, C.H., Schaub, T., Münster-Wandowski, A., Bürger, J., Borisova, E., Yamamoto, H., Rasin, M.R., Ohler, U., Beule, D., Mielke, T., Tarabykin, V., Landthaler, M., Kramer, G., Vida, I., Selbach, M. and Spahn, C.M.T.
Molecular Cell 81 (2): 304-322. 21 January 2021

VarFish: comprehensive DNA variant analysis for diagnostics and research.
Holtgrewe, M., Stolpe, O., Nieminen, M., Mundlos, S., Knaus, A., Kornak, U., Seelow, D., Segebrecht, L., Spielmann, M., Fischer-Zirnsak, B., Boschann, F., Scholl, U., Ehmke, N. and Beule, D.
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (W1): W162-W169. 2 July 2020

Heart-specific immune responses in an animal model of autoimmune-related myocarditis mitigated by an immunoproteasome inhibitor and genetic ablation.
Bockstahler, M., Fischer, A., Goetzke, C.C., Neumaier, H.L., Sauter, M., Kespohl, M., Müller, A.M., Meckes, C., Salbach, C., Schenk, M., Heuser, A., Landmesser, U., Weiner, J., Meder, B., Lehmann, L., Kratzer, A., Klingel, K., Katus, H.A., Kaya, Z. and Beling, A.
Circulation 141 (23): 1885-1902. 9 June 2020

Tracing tumorigenesis in a solid tumor model at single-cell resolution.
Praktiknjo, S.D., Obermayer, B., Zhu, Q., Fang, L., Liu, H., Quinn, H., Stoeckius, M., Kocks, C., Birchmeier, W. and Rajewsky, N.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 991. 20 February 2020

Extrachromosomal circular DNA drives oncogenic genome remodeling in neuroblastoma.
Koche, R.P., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Helmsauer, K., Burkert, M., MacArthur, I.C., Maag, J., Chamorro, R., Munoz-Perez, N., Puiggròs, M., Dorado Garcia, H., Bei, Y., Röefzaad, C., Bardinet, V., Szymansky, A., Winkler, A., Thole, T., Timme, N., Kasack, K., Fuchs, S., Klironomos, F., Thiessen, N., Blanc, E., Schmelz, K., Künkele, A., Hundsdörfer, P., Rosswog, C., Theissen, J., Beule, D., Deubzer, H., Sauer, S., Toedling, J., Fischer, M., Hertwig, F., Schwarz, R.F., Eggert, A., Torrents, D., Schulte, J.H. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Genetics 52 (1): 29-34. January 2020

MetExplore: collaborative edition and exploration of metabolic networks.
Cottret, L., Frainay, C., Chazalviel, M., Cabanettes, F., Gloaguen, Y., Camenen, E., Merlet, B., Heux, S., Portais, J.C., Poupin, N., Vinson, F. and Jourdan, F.
Nucleic Acids Research 46 (W1): W495-W502. 2 July 2018

Tumour ischaemia by interferon-γ resembles physiological blood vessel regression.
Kammertoens, T., Friese, C., Arina, A., Idel, C., Briesemeister, D., Rothe, M., Ivanov, A., Szymborska, A., Patone, G., Kunz, S., Sommermeyer, D., Engels, B., Leisegang, M., Textor, A., Fehling, H.J., Fruttiger, M., Lohoff, M., Herrmann, A., Yu, H., Weichselbaum, R., Uckert, W., Hübner, N., Gerhardt, H., Beule, D., Schreiber, H. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature 545 (7652): 98-102. 4 May 2017

DNA copy number changes define spatial patterns of heterogeneity in colorectal cancer.
Mamlouk, S., Childs, L.H., Aust, D., Heim, D., Melching, F., Oliveira, C., Wolf, T., Durek, P., Schumacher, D., Blaeker, H., von Winterfeld, M., Gastl, B., Moehr, K., Menne, A., Zeugner, S., Redmer, T., Lenze, D., Tierling, S., Moebs, M., Weichert, W., Folprecht, G., Blanc, E., Beule, D., Schaefer, R., Morkel, M., Klauschen, F., Leser, U. and Sers, C.
Nature Communications 8 : 14093. 25 January 2017

Birchmeier, Walter

Impaired Plakophilin-2 in obesity breaks cell cycle dynamics to breed adipocyte senescence.
Lluch, A., Latorre, J., Serena-Maione, A., Espadas, I., Caballano-Infantes, E., Moreno-Navarrete, J.M., Oliveras-Cañellas, N., Ricart, W., Malagón, M.M., Martin-Montalvo, A., Birchmeier, W., Szymanski, W., Graumann, J., Gómez-Serrano, M., Sommariva, E., Fernández-Real, J.M. and Ortega, F.J.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 5106. 22 August 2023

Oxidized LDL-dependent pathway as new pathogenic trigger in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy.
Sommariva, E., Stadiotti, I., Casella, M., Catto, V., Dello Russo, A., Carbucicchio, C., Arnaboldi, L., De Metrio, S., Milano, G., Scopece, A., Casaburo, M., Andreini, D., Mushtaq, S., Conte, E., Chiesa, M., Birchmeier, W., Cogliati, E., Paolin, A., König, E., Meraviglia, V., De Musso, M., Volani, C., Cattelan, G., Rauhe, W., Turnu, L., Porro, B., Pedrazzini, M., Camera, M., Corsini, A., Tondo, C., Rossini, A. and Pompilio, G.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 13 (9): e14365. 7 September 2021

High Yap and Mll1 promote a persistent regenerative cell state induced by Notch signaling and loss of p53.
Heuberger, J., Grinat, J., Kosel, F., Liu, L., Kunz, S., Vidal, R.O., Keil, M., Haybaeck, J., Robine, S., Louvard, D., Regenbrecht, C., Sporbert, A., Sauer, S., von Eyss, B., Sigal, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (22): e2019699118. 1 June 2021

YAP and β-catenin cooperate to drive oncogenesis in basal breast cancer.
Quinn, H.M., Vogel, R., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Lan, L., Messerschmidt, C., Landshammer, A., Lisek, K., Château-Joubert, S., Marangoni, E., Koren, E., Fuchs, Y. and Birchmeier, W.
Cancer Research 81 (8): 2116-2127. April 2021

The epigenetic regulator Mll1 is required for Wnt-driven intestinal tumorigenesis and cancer stemness.
Grinat, J., Heuberger, J., Vidal, R., Goveas, N., Kosel, F., Berenguer-Llergo, A., Kranz, A., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Behrens, D., Melcher, B., Sauer, S., Vieth, M., Batlle, E., Stewart, A. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 6422. 21 December 2020

Instability of circular RNAs in clinical tissue samples impairs their reliable expression analysis using RT-qPCR: from the myth of their advantage as biomarkers to reality.
Rochow, H., Franz, A., Jung, M., Weickmann, S., Ralla, B., Kilic, E., Stephan, C., Fendler, A. and Jung, K.
Theranostics 10 (20): 9268-9279. 23 July 2020

Tracing tumorigenesis in a solid tumor model at single-cell resolution.
Praktiknjo, S.D., Obermayer, B., Zhu, Q., Fang, L., Liu, H., Quinn, H., Stoeckius, M., Kocks, C., Birchmeier, W. and Rajewsky, N.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 991. 20 February 2020

Inhibiting WNT and NOTCH in renal cancer stem cells and the implications for human patients.
Fendler, A., Bauer, D., Busch, J., Jung, K., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Kunz, S., Song, K., Myszczyszyn, A., Elezkurtaj, S., Erguen, B., Jung, S., Chen, W. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 929. 17 February 2020

Decreased microglial Wnt/β-catenin signalling drives microglial pro-inflammatory activation in the developing brain.
Van Steenwinckel, J., Schang, A.L., Krishnan, M.L., Degos, V., Delahaye-Duriez, A., Bokobza, C., Csaba, Z., Verdonk, F., Montané, A., Sigaut, S., Hennebert, O., Lebon, S., Schwendimann, L., Le Charpentier, T., Hassan-Abdi, R., Ball, G., Aljabar, P., Saxena, A., Holloway, R.K., Birchmeier, W., Baud, O., Rowitch, D., Miron, V., Chretien, F., Leconte, C., Besson, V.C., Petretto, E.G., Edwards, A.D., Hagberg, H., Soussi-Yanicostas, N., Fleiss, B. and Gressens, P.
Brain 142 (12): 3806-3833. December 2019

Spatially restricted stromal Wnt signaling restrains prostate epithelial progenitor growth through direct and indirect mechanisms.
Wei, X., Zhang, L., Zhou, Z., Kwon, O.J., Zhang, Y., Nguyen, H., Dumpit, R., True, L., Nelson, P., Dong, B., Xue, W., Birchmeier, W., Taketo, M.M., Xu, F., Creighton, C.J., Ittmann, M.M. and Xin, L.
Cell Stem Cell 24 (5): 753-768. 2 May 2019

Shp-2 is critical for ERK and metabolic engagement downstream of IL-15 receptor in NK cells.
Niogret, C., Miah, S.M.S., Rota, G., Fonta, N.P., Wang, H., Held, W., Birchmeier, W., Sexl, V., Yang, W., Vivier, E., Ho, P.C., Brossay, L. and Guarda, G.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 1444. 29 March 2019

The tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 controls TGFβ-induced STAT3 signaling to regulate fibroblast activation and fibrosis.
Zehender, A., Huang, J., Györfi, A.H., Matei, A.E., Trinh-Minh, T., Xu, X., Li, Y.N., Chen, C.W., Lin, J., Dees, C., Beyer, C., Gelse, K., Zhang, Z.Y., Bergmann, C., Ramming, A., Birchmeier, W., Distler, O., Schett, G. and Distler, J.H.W.
Nature Communications 9 (1): 3259. 14 August 2018

Mutant KRAS-driven cancers depend on PTPN11/SHP2 phosphatase.
Ruess, D.A., Heynen, G.J., Ciecielski, K.J., Ai, J., Berninger, A., Kabacaoglu, D., Görgülü, K., Dantes, Z., Wörmann, S.M., Diakopoulos, K.N., Karpathaki, A.F., Kowalska, M., Kaya-Aksoy, E., Song, L., Zeeuw van der Laan, E.A., López-Alberca, M.P., Nazaré, M., Reichert, M., Saur, D., Erkan, M.M., Hopt, U.T., Sainz, B., Birchmeier, W., Schmid, R.M., Lesina, M. and Algül, H.
Nature Medicine 24 (7): 954-960. July 2018

New Wnt/β-catenin target genes promote experimental metastasis and migration of colorectal cancer cells through different signals.
Qi, J., Yu, Y., Akilli Öztürk, Ö., Holland, J.D., Besser, D., Fritzmann, J., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Eckert, K., Fichtner, I. and Birchmeier, W.
Gut 65 (10): 1690-1701. October 2016

Orchestrating Wnt signalling for metabolic liver zonation.
Birchmeier, W.
Nature Cell Biology 18 (5): 463-465. May 2016

Wnt-Fzd signaling sensitizes peripheral sensory neurons via distinct noncanonical pathways.
Simonetti, M., Agarwal, N., Stösser, S., Bali, K.K., Karaulanov, E., Kamble, R., Pospisilova, B., Kurejova, M., Birchmeier, W., Niehrs, C., Heppenstall, P. and Kuner, R.
Neuron 83 (1): 104-121. 2 July 2014

Activation of MAPK overrides the termination of myelin growth and replaces Nrg1/ErbB3 signals during Schwann cell development and myelination.
Sheean, M.E., McShane, E., Cheret, C., Walcher, J., Müller, T., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Hoelper, S., Garratt, A.N., Krüger, M., Rajewsky, K., Meijer, D., Birchmeier, W., Lewin, G.R., Selbach, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 28 (3): 290-303. 1 February 2014

Loss of epidermal Evi/Wls results in a phenotype resembling psoriasiform dermatitis.
Augustin, I., Gross, J., Baumann, D., Korn, C., Kerr, G., Grigoryan, T., Mauch, C., Birchmeier, W. and Boutros, M.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 210 (9): 1761-1777. 26 August 2013

Wnt/β-catenin signalling induces MLL to create epigenetic changes in salivary gland tumours.
Wend, P., Fang, L., Zhu, Q., Schipper, J.H., Loddenkemper, C., Kosel, F., Brinkmann, V., Eckert, K., Hindersin, S., Holland, J.D., Lehr, S., Kahn, M., Ziebold, U. and Birchmeier, W.
EMBO Journal 32 (14): 1977-1989. 17 July 2013

Neocortical dendritic complexity is controlled during development by NOMA-GAP-dependent inhibition of Cdc42 and activation of cofilin.
Rosario, M., Schuster, S., Juettner, R., Parthasarathy, S., Tarabykin, V. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 26 (15): 1743-1757. 1 August 2012

Targeting MET in cancer: rationale and progress.
Gherardi, E., Birchmeier, W., Birchmeier, C. and Woude, G.V.
Nature Reviews Cancer 12 (2): 89-103. February 2012

BCL9-2 promotes early stages of intestinal tumor progression.
Brembeck, F.H., Wiese, M., Zatula, N., Grigoryan, T., Dai, Y., Fritzmann, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Gastroenterology 141 (4): 1359-1370. October 2011

Stem cells: Orphan receptors find a home.
Birchmeier, W.
Nature 476 (7360): 287-288. 18 August 2011

Reciprocal requirements for EDA/EDAR/NF-κB and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways in hair follicle induction.
Zhang, Y., Tomann, P., Andl, T., Gallant, N.M., Huelsken, J., Jerchow, B., Birchmeier, W., Paus, R., Piccolo, S., Mikkola, M.L., Morrisey, E.E., Overbeek, P.A., Scheidereit, C., Millar, S.E. and Schmidt-Ullrich, R.
Developmental Cell 17 (1): 49-61. 21 July 2009

A colorectal cancer expression profile that includes transforming growth factor beta inhibitor BAMBI predicts metastatic potential.
Fritzmann, J., Morkel, M., Besser, D., Budczies, J., Kosel, F., Brembeck, F.H., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Birchmeier, W.
Gastroenterology 137 (11): 165-175. July 2009

MACC1, a newly identified key regulator of HGF-MET signaling, predicts colon cancer metastasis.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Arlt, F., Schwabe, H., Smith, J., Fichtner, I., Birchmeier, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Nature Medicine 15 (1): 59-67. January 2009

Deciphering the function of canonical Wnt signals in development and disease: conditional loss- and gain-of-function mutations of beta-catenin in mice.
Grigoryan, T., Wend, P., Klaus, A. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 22 (17): 2308-2341. 1 September 2008

Wnt signalling and its impact on development and cancer.
Klaus, A. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature Reviews Cancer 8 (5): 387-398. May 2008

Cutaneous cancer stem cell maintenance is dependent on beta-catenin signalling.
Malanchi, I., Peinado, H., Kassen, D., Hussenet, T., Metzger, D., Chambon, P., Huber, M., Hohl, D., Cano, A., Birchmeier, W. and Huelsken, J.
Nature 452 (7187): 650-653. 3 April 2008

Long-term, multilineage hematopoiesis occurs in the combined absence of beta-catenin and gamma-catenin.
Jeannet, G., Scheller, M., Scarpellino, L., Duboux, S., Gardiol, N., Back, J., Kuttler, F., Malanchi, I., Birchmeier, W., Leutz, A., Huelsken, J. and Held, W.
Blood 111 (1): 142-149. 1 January 2008

The metastasis-associated gene S100A4 is a novel target of beta-catenin/T-cell factor (TCF) signaling in colon cancer.
Stein, U., Arlt, F., Walther, W., Smith, J., Waldman, T., Harris, E.D., Mertins, S.D., Heizmann, C.W., Allard, D., Birchmeier, W., Schlag, P.M. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Gastroenterology 131 (5): 1486-1500. November 2006

Hematopoietic stem cell and multilineage defects generated by constitutive beta-catenin activation.
Scheller, M., Huelsken, J., Rosenbauer, F., Taketo, M.M., Birchmeier, W., Tenen, D.G. and Leutz, A.
Nature Immunology 7 (10): 1037-1047. October 2006

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: moving toward mechanism.
MacRae, C.A., Birchmeier, W. and Thierfelder, L.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116 (7): 1825-1828. July 2006

Balancing cell adhesion and Wnt signaling, the key role of beta-catenin.
Brembeck, F.H., Rosario, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 16 (1): 51-59. February 2006

A human protein-protein interaction network: a resource for annotating the proteome.
Stelzl, U., Worm, U., Lalowski, M., Haenig, C., Brembeck, F.H., Goehler, H., Stroedicke, M., Zenkner, M., Schoenherr, A., Koeppen, S., Timm, J., Mintzlaff, S., Abraham, C., Bock, N., Kietzmann, S., Goedde, A., Toksoez, E., Droege, A., Krobitsch, S., Korn, B., Birchmeier, W., Lehrach, H. and Wanker, E.E.
Cell 122 (6): 957-968. 23 September 2005

Canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling prevents osteoblasts from differentiating into chondrocytes.
Hill, T.P., Spaeter, D., Taketo, M.M., Birchmeier, W. and Hartmann, C.
Developmental Cell 8 (5): 727-738. 1 May 2005

The neuronal scaffold protein Shank3 mediates signaling and biological function of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret in epithelial cells.
Schuetz, G., Rosario, M., Grimm, J., Boeckers, T.M., Gundelfinger, E.D. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 167 (5): 945-952. 6 December 2004

Mutations in the desmosomal protein plakophilin-2 are common in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
Gerull, B., Heuser, A., Wichter, T., Paul, M., Basson, C.T., McDermott, D.A., Lerman, B.B., Markowitz, S.M., Ellinor, P.T., MacRae, C.A., Peters, S., Grossmann, K.S., Drenckhahn, J., Michely, B., Sasse-Klaassen, S., Birchmeier, W., Dietz, R., Breithardt, G., Schulze-Bahr, E. and Thierfelder, L.
Nature Genetics 36 (11): 1162-1164. November 2004

Requirement of plakophilin 2 for heart morphogenesis and cardiac junction formation.
Grossmann, K.S., Grund, C., Huelsken, J., Behrend, M., Erdmann, B., Franke, W.W. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 167 (1): 149-160. 11 October 2004

Essential role of BCL9-2 in the switch between beta-catenin's adhesive and transcriptional functions.
Brembeck, F.H., Schwarz-Romond, T., Bakkers, J., Wilhelm, S., Hammerschmidt, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 18 (18): 2225-2230. 15 September 2004

Making tubes: Step by step.
Rosario, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Developmental Cell 7 (1): 3-5. 1 July 2004

Met, metastasis, motility and more.
Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W., Gherardi, E. and Vande Woude, G.F.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 4 (12): 915-925. December 2003

Role of β-catenin in synaptic vesicle localization and presynaptic assembly.
Bamji, S.X., Shimazu, K., Kimes, N., Huelsken, J., Birchmeier, W., Lu, B. and Reichardt, L.F.
Neuron 40 (4): 719-731. November 2003

How to make tubes: signaling by the Met receptor tyrosine kinase.
Rosario, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Trends in Cell Biology 13 (6): 328-335. June 2003

Helicobacter pylori CagA protein targets the c-Met receptor and enhances the motogenic response.
Churin, Y., Al Ghoul, L., Kepp, O., Meyer, T.E., Birchmeier, W. and Naumann, M.
Journal of Cell Biology 161 (2): 249-255. 28 April 2003

Genetic interaction between Wnt/β-catenin and BMP receptor signaling during formation of the AER and the dorsal-ventral axis in the limb.
Soshnikova, N., Zechner, D., Huelsken, J., Mishina, Y., Behringer, R.R., Taketo, M.M., Crenshaw, E.B. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 17 (16): 1963-1968. 1 January 2003

Deletion of beta-catenin impairs T cell development.
Xu, Y., Banerjee, D., Huelsken, J., Birchmeier, W. and Sen, J.M.
Nature Immunology 4 (12): 1177-1182. 1 January 2003

The ankyrin repeat protein Diversin recruits Casein kinase Iepsilon to the beta-catenin degradation complex and acts in both canonical Wnt and Wnt/JNK signaling.
Schwarz-Romond, T., Asbrand, C., Bakkers, J., Kuehl, M., Schaeffer, H.J., Huelsken, J., Behrens, J., Hammerschmidt, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 16 (16): 2073-2084. 15 August 2002

Hakai, a c-Cbl-like protein, ubiquitinates and induces endocytosis of the E-cadherin complex.
Fujita, Y., Krause, G., Scheffner, M., Zechner, D., Leddy, H.E.M., Behrens, J., Sommer, T. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature Cell Biology 4 (3): 222-231. 1 March 2002

New aspects of Wnt signaling pathways in higher vertebrates.
Huelsken, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 11 (5): 547-553. 1 October 2001

Novel p62dok family members, dok-4 and dok-5, are substrates of the c-Ret receptor tyrosine kinase and mediate neuronal differentiation.
Grimm, J., Sachs, M., Britsch, S., Di Cesare, S., Schwarz-Romond, T. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 154 (2): 345-354. 23 July 2001

beta-Catenin controls hair follicle morphogenesis and stem cell differentiation in the skin.
Huelsken, J., Vogel, R., Erdmann, B., Cotsarelis, G. and Birchmeier, W.
Cell 105 (4): 533-545. 18 May 2001

Negative regulation of Ros receptor tyrosine kinase signaling: An epithelial function of the SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
Keilhack, H., Mueller, M., Boehmer, S.A., Frank, C., Weidner, K.M., Birchmeier, W., Ligensa, T., Berndt, A., Kosmehl, H., Gunther, B., Mueller, T., Birchmeier, C. and Boehmer, F.D.
Journal of Cell Biology 152 (2): 325-334. 22 January 2001

E-cadherin and adenomatous polyposis coli mutations are synergistic in intestinal tumor initiation in mice.
Smits, R., Ruiz, P., Diaz-Cano, S., Luz, A., Jagmohan-Changur, S., Breukel, C., Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W. and Fodde, R.
Gastroenterology 119 (4): 1045-1053. 1 October 2000

Essential role of Gab1 for signaling by the c-Met receptor in vivo.
Sachs, M., Brohmann, H., Zechner, D., Mueller, T., Huelsken, J., Walther, I., Schaeper, U., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 150 (6): 1375-1384. 18 September 2000

Coupling of Gab1 to c-Met, Grb2, and Shp2 mediates biological responses.
Schaeper, U., Gehring, N.H., Fuchs, K.P., Sachs, M., Kempkes, B. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 149 (7): 1419-1432. 26 June 2000

Requirement for beta-catenin in anterior-posterior axis formation in mice.
Huelsken, J., Vogel, R., Brinkmann, V., Erdmann, B., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 148 (3): 567-578. 7 February 2000

Hot spots in beta-catenin for interactions with LEF-1, conductin and APC.
von Kries, J.P., Winbeck, G., Asbrand, C., Schwarz-Romond, T., Sochnikova, N., Dell'Oro, A., Behrens, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature Structural Biology 7 : 800-807. 1 January 2000

Reconstitution of mammary gland development in vitro: Requirement of c-met and c-erbB2 signaling for branching and alveolar morphogenesis.
Niemann, C., Brinkmann, V., Spitzer, E., Hartmann, G., Sachs, M., Naundorf, H. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 143 (2): 533-545. 19 October 1998

Functional interaction of an axin homolog, conductin, with beta-catenin, APC, and GSK3beta.
Behrens, J., Jerchow, B.A., Wuertele, M., Grimm, J., Asbrand, C., Wirtz, R., Kuehl, M., Wedlich, D. and Birchmeier, W.
Science 280 (5363): 596-599. 24 April 1998

From totipotent embryonic stem cells to spontaneously contracting smooth muscle cells: a retinoic acid and db-cAMP in vitro differentiation model.
Drab, M., Haller, H., Bychkov, R., Erdmann, B., Lindschau, C., Haase, H., Morano, I., Luft, F.C. and Wobus, A.M.
FASEB Journal 11 (11): 905-915. September 1997

Interaction between Gab1 and the c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase is responsible for epithelial morphogenesis.
Weidner, K.M., Dicesare, S., Sachs, M., Brinkmann, V., Behrens, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature 384 (6605): 173-176. 14 November 1996

Targeted mutation of plakoglobin in mice reveals essential functions of desmosomes in the embryonic heart.
Ruiz, P., Brinkmann, V., Ledermann, B., Behrend, M., Grund, C., Thalhammer, C., Vogel, F., Birchmeier, C., Guenthert, U., Franke, W.W. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 135 (1): 215-225. October 1996

Functional interaction of beta-catenin with the transcription factor LEF-1.
Behrens, J., von Kries, J.P., Kuehl, M., Bruhn, L., Wedlich, D., Grosschedl, R. and Birchmeier, W.
Nature 382 (6592): 638-642. 15 August 1996

Motogenic and morphogenic activity of epithelial receptor tyrosine kinases.
Sachs, M., Weidner, K.M., Brinkmann, V., Walther, I., Obermeier, A., Ullrich, A. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 133 (5): 1095-1107. 3 June 1996

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor induces a variety of tissue-specific morphogenic programs in epithelial cells.
Brinkmann, V., Foroutan, H., Sachs, M., Weidner, K.M. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 131 (6 Pt. 1): 1573-1586. December 1995

V-src kinase shifts the cadherin-based cell adhesion from the strong to the weak state and beta-catenin is not required for the shift.
Takeda, H., Nagafuchi, A., Yonemura, S., Tsukita, S., Behrens, J., Birchmeier, W. and Tsukita, S.
Journal of Cell Biology 131 (6 Pt. 2): 1839-1847. December 1995

Sequential requirement of hepatocyte growth factor and neuregulin in the morphogenesis and differentiation of the mammary gland.
Yang, Y., Spitzer, E., Meyer, D., Sachs, M., Niemann, C., Hartmann, G., Weidner, K.M., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 131 (1): 215-226. October 1995

Mutation of juxtamembrane tyrosine residue 1001 suppresses loss-of-function mutations of the met receptor in epithelial cells.
Weidner, K.M., Sachs, M., Riethmacher, D. and Birchmeier, W.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 : 2597-2601. 1 January 1995

E-cadherin and APC compete for the interaction with beta-catenin and the cytoskeleton.
Huelsken, J., Birchmeier, W. and Behrens, J.
Journal of Cell Biology 127 (6 Pt. 2): 2061-2069. December 1994

E-cadherin gene mutations in human gastric carcinoma cell lines.
Oda, T., Kanai, Y., Oyama, T., Yoshiura, K., Shimoyama, Y., Birchmeier, W., Sugimura, T. and Hirohashi, S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (5): 1858-1862. 1 March 1994

Birchmeier-Kohler, Carmen

Genetic identification of medullary neurons underlying congenital hypoventilation.
Cui, K., Xia, Y., Patnaik, A., Salivara, A., Lowenstein, E.D., Isik, E.G., Knorz, A.L., Airaghi, L., Crotti, M., Garratt, A.N., Meng, F., Schmitz, D., Studer, M., Rijli, F.M., Nothwang, H.G., Rost, B.R., Strauß, U. and Hernandez-Miranda, L.R.
Science Advances 10 (25): eadj0720. 21 June 2024

Precise CRISPR-Cas9 gene repair in autologous memory T cells to treat familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
Li, X., Wirtz, T., Weber, T., Lebedin, M., Lowenstein, E.D., Sommermann, T., Zach, A., Yasuda, T., de la Rosa, K., Chu, V.T., Schulte, J.H., Müller, I., Kocks, C. and Rajewsky, K.
Science Immunology 9 (92): eadi0042. 2 February 2024

Prox2 and Runx3 vagal sensory neurons regulate esophageal motility.
Lowenstein, E.D., Ruffault, P.L., Misios, A., Osman, K.L., Li, H., Greenberg, R.S., Thompson, R., Song, K., Dietrich, S., Li, X., Vladimirov, N., Woehler, A., Brunet, J.F., Zampieri, N., Kühn, R., Liberles, S.D., Jia, S., Lewin, G.R., Rajewsky, N., Lever, T.E. and Birchmeier, C.
Neuron 111 (14): 2184-2200.e7. 19 July 2023

Regulation of developmental tempo in different vertebrate species.
Birchmeier, C.
Cell Stem Cell 30 (7): 907-908. 6 July 2023

Molecular identity of proprioceptor subtypes innervating different muscle groups in mice.
Dietrich, S., Company, C., Song, K., Lowenstein, E.D., Riedel, L., Birchmeier, C., Gargiulo, G. and Zampieri, N.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 6867. 11 November 2022

Mafa-dependent GABAergic activity promotes mouse neonatal apneas.
Lecoin, L., Dempsey, B., Garancher, A., Bourane, S., Ruffault, P.L., Morin-Surun, M.P., Rocques, N., Goulding, M., Eychène, A., Pouponnot, C., Fortin, G. and Champagnat, J.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 3284. 7 June 2022

A medullary centre for lapping in mice.
Dempsey, B., Sungeelee, S., Bokiniec, P., Chettouh, Z., Diem, S., Autran, S., Harrell, E.R., Poulet, J.F.A., Birchmeier, C., Carey, H., Genovesio, A., McMullan, S., Goridis, C., Fortin, G. and Brunet, J.F.
Nature Communications 12 : 6307. 2 November 2021

Oscillations of Delta-like1 regulate the balance between differentiation and maintenance of muscle stem cells.
Zhang, Y., Lahmann, I., Baum, K., Shimojo, H., Mourikis, P., Wolf, J., Kageyama, R. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 1318. 26 February 2021

Sepsis induces interleukin 6, gp130/JAK2/STAT3, and muscle wasting.
Zanders, L., Kny, M., Hahn, A., Schmidt, S., Wundersitz, S., Todiras, M., Lahmann, I., Bandyopadhyay, A., Wollersheim, T., Kaderali, L., Luft, F.C., Birchmeier, C., Weber-Carstens, S. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 13 (1): 713-727. February 2021

Single-nucleus transcriptomics reveals functional compartmentalization in syncytial skeletal muscle cells.
Kim, M., Franke, V., Brandt, B., Lowenstein, E.D., Schöwel, V., Spuler, S., Akalin, A. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature Communications 11 : 6375. 11 December 2020

EHD2-mediated restriction of caveolar dynamics regulates cellular fatty acid uptake.
Matthaeus, C., Lahmann, I., Kunz, S., Jonas, W., Melo, A.A., Lehmann, M., Larsson, E., Lundmark, R., Kern, M., Blüher, M., Olschowski, H., Kompa, J., Brügger, B., Müller, D.N., Haucke, V., Schürmann, A., Birchmeier, C. and Daumke, O.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (13): 7471-7481. 31 March 2020

Self-organizing 3D human trunk neuromuscular organoids.
Faustino Martins, J.M., Fischer, C., Urzi, A., Vidal, R., Kunz, S., Ruffault, P.L., Kabuss, L., Hube, I., Gazzerro, E., Birchmeier, C., Spuler, S., Sauer, S. and Gouti, M.
Cell Stem Cell 26 (2): 172-186. 6 February 2020

Human muscle-derived CLEC14A-positive cells regenerate muscle independent of PAX7.
Marg, A., Escobar Fernandez, H., Karaiskos, N., Grunwald, S.A., Metzler, E., Kieshauer, J., Sauer, S., Pasemann, D., Malfatti, E., Mompoint, D., Quijano-Roy, S., Boltengagen, A., Schneider, J., Schülke, M., Kunz, S., Carlier, R., Birchmeier, C., Amthor, H., Spuler, A., Kocks, C., Rajewsky, N. and Spuler, S.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 5776. 18 December 2019

Defining orphan conditions in the context of the European orphan regulation: challenges and evolution.
O'Connor, D.J., Sheean, M.E., Hofer, M.P., Tsigkos, S., Mariz, S., Fregonese, L., Larsson, K., Hivert, V., Westermark, K., Naumann-Winter, F., Stoyanova-Beninska, V., Barišić, I., Capovilla, G., Magrelli, A. and Sepodes, B.
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 18 (7): 479-480. July 2019

Alternative 3' UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments.
Ciolli Mattioli, C., Rom, A., Franke, V., Imami, K., Arrey, G., Terne, M., Woehler, A., Akalin, A., Ulitsky, I. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (5): 2560-2573. 18 March 2019

Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs.
Meyer, K., Kirchner, M., Uyar, B., Cheng, J.Y., Russo, G., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Szymborska, A., Zauber, H., Rudolph, I.M., Willnow, T.E., Akalin, A., Haucke, V., Gerhardt, H., Birchmeier, C., Kühn, R., Krauss, M., Diecke, S., Pascual, J.M. and Selbach, M.
Cell 175 (1): 239-253. 20 September 2018

Neuregulin 3 promotes excitatory synapse formation on hippocampal interneurons.
Müller, T., Braud, S., Jüttner, R., Voigt, B.C., Paulick, K., Sheean, M.E., Klisch, C., Gueneykaya, D., Rathjen, F.G., Geiger, J.R.P., Poulet, J.F.A. and Birchmeier, C.
EMBO Journal 37 (17): e98858. 3 September 2018

Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function.
Piwecka, M., Glažar, P., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Memczak, S., Wolf, S.A., Rybak-Wolf, A., Filipchyk, A., Klironomos, F., Cerda Jara, C.A., Fenske, P., Trimbuch, T., Zywitza, V., Plass, M., Schreyer, L., Ayoub, S., Kocks, C., Kühn, R., Rosenmund, C., Birchmeier, C. and Rajewsky, N.
Science 357 (6357): eaam8526. 22 September 2017

RNA localization is a key determinant of neurite-enriched proteome.
Zappulo, A., van den Bruck, D., Ciolli Mattioli, C., Franke, V., Imami, K., McShane, E., Moreno-Estelles, M., Calviello, L., Filipchyk, A., Peguero-Sanchez, E., Müller, T., Woehler, A., Birchmeier, C., Merino, E., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U., Mazzoni, E.O., Selbach, M., Akalin, A. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nature Communications 8 (1): 583. 19 September 2017

Touch receptor-derived sensory information alleviates acute pain signaling and fine-tunes nociceptive reflex coordination.
Arcourt, A., Gorham, L., Dhandapani, R., Prato, V., Taberner, F.J., Wende, H., Gangadharan, V., Birchmeier, C., Heppenstall, P.A. and Lechner, S.G.
Neuron 93 (1): 179-193. 4 January 2017

Neuregulin-1 controls an endogenous repair mechanism after spinal cord injury.
Bartus, K., Galino, J., James, N.D., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Dawes, J.M., Fricker, F.R., Garratt, A.N., McMahon, S.B., Ramer, M.S., Birchmeier, C., Bennett, D.L.H. and Bradbury, E.J.
Brain 139 (Pt 5): 1394-1416. May 2016

Bcl11a (Ctip1) controls migration of cortical projection neurons through regulation of Sema3c.
Wiegreffe, C., Simon, R., Peschkes, K., Kling, C., Strehle, M., Cheng, J., Srivatsa, S., Liu, P., Jenkins, N.A., Copeland, N.G., Tarabykin, V. and Britsch, S.
Neuron 87 (2): 311-325. 15 July 2015

Neuregulin-3 in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex regulates impulsive action.
Loos, M., Mueller, T., Gouwenberg, Y., Wijnands, R., van der Loo, R.J., Birchmeier, C., Smit, A.B. and Spijker, S.
Biological Psychiatry 76 (8): 648-655. 15 October 2014

Human satellite cells have regenerative capacity and are genetically manipulable.
Marg, A., Escobar, H., Gloy, S., Kufeld, M., Zacher, J., Spuler, A., Birchmeier, C., Izsvák, Z. and Spuler, S.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 124 (10): 4257-4265. 1 October 2014

Parasympathetic neurons originate from nerve-associated peripheral glial progenitors.
Dyachuk, V., Furlan, A., Shahidi, M.K., Giovenco, M., Kaukua, N., Konstantinidou, C., Pachnis, V., Memic, F., Marklund, U., Müller, T., Birchmeier, C., Fried, K., Ernfors, P. and Adameyko, I.
Science 345 (6192): 82-87. 4 July 2014

TSHZ1-dependent gene regulation is essential for olfactory bulb development and olfaction.
Ragancokova, D., Rocca, E., Oonk, A.M.M., Schulz, H., Rohde, E., Bednarsch, J., Feenstra, I., Pennings, R.J.E., Wende, H. and Garratt, A.N.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 124 (3): 1214-1227. 3 March 2014

Activation of MAPK overrides the termination of myelin growth and replaces Nrg1/ErbB3 signals during Schwann cell development and myelination.
Sheean, M.E., McShane, E., Cheret, C., Walcher, J., Müller, T., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Hoelper, S., Garratt, A.N., Krüger, M., Rajewsky, K., Meijer, D., Birchmeier, W., Lewin, G.R., Selbach, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 28 (3): 290-303. 1 February 2014

BMP signaling controls muscle mass.
Sartori, R., Schirwis, E., Blaauw, B., Bortolanza, S., Zhao, J., Enzo, E., Stantzou, A., Mouisel, E., Toniolo, L., Ferry, A., Stricker, S., Goldberg, A.L., Dupont, S., Piccolo, S., Amthor, H. and Sandri, M.
Nature Genetics 45 (11): 1309-1318. November 2013

Bace1 and Neuregulin-1 cooperate to control formation and maintenance of muscle spindles.
Cheret, C., Willem, M., Fricker, F.R., Wende, H., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Tahirovic, S., Nave, K.A., Saftig, P., Haass, C., Garratt, A.N., Bennett, D.L. and Birchmeier, C.
EMBO Journal 32 (14): 2015-2028. 17 July 2013

Axonal neuregulin 1 is a rate limiting but not essential factor for nerve remyelination.
Fricker, F.R., Antunes-Martins, A., Galino, J., Paramsothy, R., La Russa, F., Perkins, J., Goldberg, R., Brelstaff, J., Zhu, N., McMahon, S.B., Orengo, C., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C. and Bennett, D.L.
Brain 136 (Pt 7): 2279-2297. July 2013

A validated regulatory network for Th17 cell specification.
Ciofani, M., Madar, A., Galan, C., Sellars, M., Mace, K., Pauli, F., Agarwal, A., Huang, W., Parkurst, C.N., Muratet, M., Newberry, K.M., Meadows, S., Greenfield, A., Yang, Y., Jain, P., Kirigin, F.K., Birchmeier, C., Wagner, E.F., Murphy, K.M., Myers, R.M., Bonneau, R. and Littman, D.R.
Cell 151 (2): 289-303. 12 October 2012

Colonization of the satellite cell niche by skeletal muscle progenitor cells depends on notch signals.
Broehl, D., Vasyutina, E., Czajkowski, M.T., Griger, J., Rassek, C., Rahn, H.P., Purfürst, B., Wende, H. and Birchmeier, C.
Developmental Cell 23 (3): 469-481. 11 September 2012

The transcription factor c-Maf controls touch receptor development and function.
Wende, H., Lechner, S.G., Cheret, C., Bourane, S., Kolanczyk, M.E., Pattyn, A., Reuter, K., Munier, F.L., Carroll, P., Lewin, G.R. and Birchmeier, C.
Science 335 (6074): 1373-1376. 16 March 2012

Targeting MET in cancer: rationale and progress.
Gherardi, E., Birchmeier, W., Birchmeier, C. and Woude, G.V.
Nature Reviews Cancer 12 (2): 89-103. February 2012

Neural crest cell lineage restricts skeletal muscle progenitor cell differentiation through Neuregulin1-ErbB3 signaling.
Van Ho, A.T., Hayashi, S., Broehl, D., Aurade, F., Rattenbach, R. and Relaix, F.
Developmental Cell 21 (2): 273-287. 16 August 2011

A fresh breeze from the ivory tower.
Birchmeier, C.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 21 (6): 725-726. December 2009

Schwann cell precursors from nerve innervation are a cellular origin of melanocytes in skin.
Adameyko, I., Lallemend, F., Aquino, J.B., Pereira, J.A., Topilko, P., Mueller, T., Fritz, N., Beljajeva, A., Mochii, M., Liste, I., Usoskin, D., Suter, U., Birchmeier, C. and Ernfors, P.
Cell 139 (2): 366-379. 16 October 2009

Synaptic PRG-1 modulates excitatory transmission via lipid phosphate-mediated signaling.
Trimbuch, T., Beed, P., Vogt, J., Schuchmann, S., Maier, N., Kintscher, M., Breustedt, J., Schuelke, M., Streu, N., Kieselmann, O., Brunk, I., Laube, G., Strauss, U., Battefeld, A., Wende, H., Birchmeier, C., Wiese, S., Sendtner, M., Kawabe, H., Kishimoto-Suga, M., Brose, N., Baumgart, J., Geist, B., Aoki, J., Savaskan, N.E., Braeuer, A.U., Chun, J., Ninnemann, O., Schmitz, D. and Nitsch, R.
Cell 138 (6): 1222-12235. 18 September 2009

c-Met confers protection against chronic liver tissue damage and fibrosis progression after bile-duct-ligation in mice.
Giebeler, A., Boekschoten, M.V., Klein, C., Borowiak, M., Birchmeier, C., Gassler, N., Wasmuth, H.E., Mueller, M., Trautwein, C. and Streetz, K.L.
Gastroenterology 137 (1): 297-308. July 2009

Insulinoma-associated 1 has a panneurogenic role and promotes the generation and expansion of Basal progenitors in the developing mouse neocortex.
Farkas, L.M., Haffner, C., Giger, T., Khaitovich, P., Nowick, K., Birchmeier, C., Paeaebo, S. and Huttner, W.B.
Neuron 60 (1): 40-55. 9 October 2008

Neuregulin-1/ErbB signaling serves distinct functions in myelination of the peripheral and central nervous system.
Brinkmann, B.G., Agarwal, A., Sereda, M.W., Garratt, A.N., Mueller, T., Wende, H., Stassart, R.M., Nawaz, S., Humml, C., Velanac, V., Radyushkin, K., Goebbels, S., Fischer, T.M., Franklin, R.J., Lai, C., Ehrenreich, H., Birchmeier, C., Schwab, M.H. and Nave, K.A.
Neuron 59 (4): 581-595. 28 August 2008

A nonclassical bHLH Rbpj transcription factor complex is required for specification of GABAergic neurons independent of Notch signaling.
Hori, K., Cholewa-Waclaw, J., Nakada, Y., Glasgow, S.M., Masui, T., Henke, R.M., Wildner, H., Martarelli, B., Beres, T.M., Epstein, J.A., Magnuson, M.A., Macdonald, R.J., Birchmeier, C. and Johnson, J.E.
Genes & Development 22 (2): 166-178. 15 January 2008

Nociceptive tuning by stem cell factor/c-Kit signaling.
Milenkovic, N., Frahm, C., Gassmann, M., Griffel, C., Erdmann, B., Birchmeier, C., Lewin, G.R. and Garratt, A.N.
Neuron 56 (5): 893-906. 6 December 2007

Notch signaling is essential for ventricular chamber development.
Grego-Bessa, J., Luna-Zurita, L., del Monte, G., Bolos, V., Melgar, P., Arandilla, A., Garratt, A.N., Zang, H., Mukouyama, Y.S., Chen, H., Shou, W., Ballestar, E., Esteller, M., Rojas, A., Perez-Pomares, J.M. and de la Pompa, J.L.
Developmental Cell 12 (3): 415-429. March 2007

Control of peripheral nerve myelination by the β-secretase BACE1.
Willem, M., Garratt, A.N., Novak, B., Citron, M., Kaufmann, S., Rittger, A., Destrooper, B., Saftig, P., Birchmeier, C. and Haass, C.
Science 314 (5799): 664-666. 27 October 2006

The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells.
Gierl, M.S., Karoulias, N., Wende, H., Strehle, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 20 (17): 2465-2478. 1 September 2006

Tangential neuronal migration controls axon guidance: a role for neuregulin-1 in thalamocortical axon navigation.
Lopez-Bendito, G., Cautinat, A., Sanchez, J.A., Bielle, F., Flames, N., Garratt, A.N., Talmage, D.A., Role, L.W., Charnay, P., Marin, O. and Garel, S.
Cell 125 (1): 127-142. 7 April 2006

CXCR4 and Gab1 cooperate to control the development of migrating muscle progenitor cells.
Vasyutina, E., Stebler, J., Brand-Saberi, B., Schulz, S., Raz, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 19 (18): 2187-2198. 15 September 2005

The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord.
Muller, T., Anlag, K., Wildner, H., Britsch, S., Treier, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 19 (6): 733-743. 1 January 2005

A role for E2F6 in the restriction of male-germ-cell-specific gene expression.
Pohlers, M., Truss, M., Frede, U., Scholz, A., Strehle, M., Kuban, R.J., Hoffmann, B., Morkel, M., Birchmeier, C. and Hagemeier, C.
Current Biology 15 (11): 1051-1057. 1 January 2005

Activating Met mutations produce unique tumor profiles in mice with selective duplication of the mutant allele.
Graveel, C., Su, Y., Koeman, J., Wang, L.M., Tessarollo, L., Fiscella, M., Birchmeier, C., Swiatek, P., Bronson, R. and Vande Woude, G.F.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (49): 17198-17203. 7 December 2004

Short- and long-range attraction of cortical GABAergic interneurons by neuregulin-1.
Flames, N., Long, J.E., Garratt, A.N., Fischer, T.M., Gassmann, M., Birchmeier, C., Lai, C., Rubenstein, J.L. and Marin, O.
Neuron 44 (2): 251-261. 14 October 2004

Axonal neuregulin-1 regulates myelin sheath thickness.
Michailov, G.V., Sereda, M.W., Brinkmann, B.G., Fischer, T.M., Haug, B., Birchmeier, C., Role, L., Lai, C., Schwab, M.H. and Nave, K.A.
Science 304 (5671): 700-703. 30 April 2004

Met provides essential signals for liver regeneration.
Borowiak, M., Garratt, A.N., Wuestefeld, T., Strehle, M., Trautwein, C. and Birchmeier, C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (29): 10608-10613. 1 January 2004

Met, metastasis, motility and more.
Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W., Gherardi, E. and Vande Woude, G.F.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 4 (12): 915-925. December 2003

A role for Neuregulin1 signaling in muscle spindle differentiation.
Hippenmeyer, S., Shneider, N.A., Birchmeier, C., Burden, S.J., Jessell, T.M. and Arber, S.
Neuron 36 (6): 1035-1049. 19 December 2002

Conditional mutation of the ErbB2 (HER2) receptor in cardiomyocytes leads to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Özcelik, C., Erdmann, B., Pilz, B., Wettschureck, N., Britsch, S., Hübner, N., Chien, K.R., Birchmeier, C. and Garratt, A.N.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (13): 8880-8885. 25 June 2002

Sensory nerves determine the pattern of arterial differentiation and blood vessel branching in the skin.
Mukouyama, Y., Shin, D., Britsch, S., Taniguchi, M. and Anderson, D.J.
Cell 109 (6): 693-705. 14 June 2002

The homeodomain factor Lbx1 distinguishes two major programs of neuronal differentiation in the dorsal spinal cord.
Müller, T., Brohmann, H., Pierani, A., Heppenstall, P.A., Lewin, G.R., Jessell, T.M. and Birchmeier, C.
Neuron 34 (4): 551-562. 16 May 2002

Genomics boosts mouse molecular genetics.
Birchmeier, C. and Treier, M.
Trends in Genetics 17 (12): 691-692. 1 December 2001

Negative regulation of Ros receptor tyrosine kinase signaling: An epithelial function of the SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
Keilhack, H., Mueller, M., Boehmer, S.A., Frank, C., Weidner, K.M., Birchmeier, W., Ligensa, T., Berndt, A., Kosmehl, H., Gunther, B., Mueller, T., Birchmeier, C. and Boehmer, F.D.
Journal of Cell Biology 152 (2): 325-334. 22 January 2001

The transcription factor Sox10 is a key regulator of peripheral glial development.
Britsch, S., Goerich, D.E., Riethmacher, D., Peirano, R.I., Rossner, M., Nave, K.A., Birchmeier, C. and Wegner, M.
Genes & Development 15 (1): 66-78. 1 January 2001

Patterning of muscle acetylcholine receptor gene expression in the absence of motor innervation.
Yang, X., Arber, S., William, C., Li, L., Tanabe, Y., Jessell, T.M., Birchmeier, C. and Burden, S.J.
Neuron 30 (2): 399-410. 1 January 2001

Genes that control the development of migrating muscle precursor cells.
Birchmeier, C. and Brohmann, H.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 12 (6): 725-730. 1 December 2000

Cell differentiation.
Rosenthal, N. and Birchmeier, C.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 12 : 717-718. 1 December 2000

E-cadherin and adenomatous polyposis coli mutations are synergistic in intestinal tumor initiation in mice.
Smits, R., Ruiz, P., Diaz-Cano, S., Luz, A., Jagmohan-Changur, S., Breukel, C., Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W. and Fodde, R.
Gastroenterology 119 (4): 1045-1053. 1 October 2000

Essential role of Gab1 for signaling by the c-Met receptor in vivo.
Sachs, M., Brohmann, H., Zechner, D., Mueller, T., Huelsken, J., Walther, I., Schaeper, U., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 150 (6): 1375-1384. 18 September 2000

A dual role of erbB2 in myelination and in expansion of the Schwann cell precursor pool.
Garratt, A.N., Voiculescu, O., Topilko, P., Charnay, P. and Birchmeier, C.
Journal of Cell Biology 148 (5): 1035-1046. 6 March 2000

Requirement for beta-catenin in anterior-posterior axis formation in mice.
Huelsken, J., Vogel, R., Brinkmann, V., Erdmann, B., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 148 (3): 567-578. 7 February 2000

Peripheral nervous system defects in erbB2 mutants following genetic rescue of heart development.
Woldeyesus, M.T., Britsch, S., Riethmacher, D., Xu, L., Sonnenberg-Riethmacher, E., Abou-Rebyeh, F., Harvey, R., Caroni, P. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 13 : 2538-2548. 1 October 1999

The role of SF/HGF and c-Met in the development of skeletal muscle.
Dietrich, S., Abou-Rebyeh, F., Brohmann, H., Bladt, F., Yamaai, T., Lumsden, A., Brand-Saberi, B. and Birchmeier, C.
Development 126 : 1621-1629. 1 April 1999

Developmental roles of HGF/SF and its receptor, the c-Met tyrosine kinase.
Birchmeier, C. and Gherardi, E.
Trends in Cell Biology 8 (10): 404-410. 1 October 1998

The ErbB2 and ErbB3 receptors and their ligand, neuregulin-1, are essential for development of the sympathetic nervous system.
Britsch, S., Li, L., Kirchhoff, S., Theuring, F., Brinkmann, V., Birchmeier, C. and Riethmacher, D.
Genes & Development 12 : 1825-1836. 1 January 1998

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor is an axonal chemoattractant and a neurotrophic factor for spinal motor neurons.
Ebens, A., Brose, K., Leonardo, E.D., Hanson, M.G., Bladt, F., Birchmeier, C., Barres, B.A. and Tessierlavigne, M.
Neuron 17 (6): 1157-1172. 1 December 1997

Severe neuropathies in mice with targeted mutations in the ErbB3 receptor.
Riethmacher, D., Sonnenberg-Riethmacher, E., Brinkmann, V., Yamaai, T., Lewin, G.R. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature 389 (6652): 725-730. 16 October 1997

Targeted mutation of plakoglobin in mice reveals essential functions of desmosomes in the embryonic heart.
Ruiz, P., Brinkmann, V., Ledermann, B., Behrend, M., Grund, C., Thalhammer, C., Vogel, F., Birchmeier, C., Guenthert, U., Franke, W.W. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 135 (1): 215-225. October 1996

The c-ros tyrosine kinase receptor controls regionalization and differentiation of epithelial cells in the epididymis.
Sonnenberg-Riethmacher, E., Walter, B., Riethmacher, D., Goedecke, S. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 10 (10): 1184-1193. 1 January 1996

Multiple essential functions of neuregulin in development.
Meyer, D. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature 378 (6555): 386-390. 23 November 1995

Sequential requirement of hepatocyte growth factor and neuregulin in the morphogenesis and differentiation of the mammary gland.
Yang, Y., Spitzer, E., Meyer, D., Sachs, M., Niemann, C., Hartmann, G., Weidner, K.M., Birchmeier, C. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 131 (1): 215-226. October 1995

Essential role for the c-met receptor in the migration of myogenic precursor cells into the limb bud.
Bladt, F., Riethmacher, D., Isenmann, S., Aguzzi, A. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature 376 (6543): 768-771. 31 August 1995

Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor is essential for liver development.
Schmidt, C., Bladt, F., Goedecke, S., Brinkmann, V., Zschiesche, W., Sharpe, M., Gherardi, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature 373 (6515): 699-702. 23 February 1995

Blankenstein, Thomas

Virus-reactive T cells expanded in aplastic anemia eliminate hematopoietic progenitor cells by molecular mimicry.
Ben Hamza, A., Welters, C., Stadler, S., Brüggemann, M., Dietze, K., Brauns, O., Brümmendorf, T.H., Winkler, T.H., Bullinger, L., Blankenstein, T., Rosenberger, L., Leisegang, M., Kammertöns, T., Herr, W., Moosmann, A., Strobel, J., Hackstein, H., Dornmair, K., Beier, F. and Hansmann, L.
Blood 143 (14): 1365-1378. 4 April 2024

Response to: Correspondence on 'H3.3K27M mutation is not a suitable target for immunotherapy in HLA-A2+ patients with diffuse midline glioma' by Chheda et al.
Immisch, L., Papafotiou, G., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Blankenstein, T. and Willimsky, G.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 11 (3): e006784. 14 March 2023

IFNγ binding to extracellular matrix prevents fatal systemic toxicity.
Kemna, J., Gout, E., Daniau, L., Lao, J., Weißert, K., Ammann, S., Kühn, R., Richter, M., Molenda, C., Sporbert, A., Zocholl, D., Klopfleisch, R., Schütz, A., Lortat-Jacob, H., Aichele, P., Kammertoens, T. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature Immunology 24 (3): 414-422. March 2023

Diverse effects of obesity on antitumor immunity and immunotherapy.
Dyck, L. and Lynch, L.
Trends in Molecular Medicine 29 (2): 112-123. February 2023

Generation of TGFβR2(-1) neoantigen-specific HLA-DR4-restricted T cell receptors for cancer therapy.
Plewa, N., Poncette, L. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 11 (2): e006001. February 2023

Immune phenotypes and target antigens of clonally expanded bone marrow T cells in treatment-naïve multiple myeloma.
Welters, C., Lammoglia Cobo, M.F., Stein, C.A., Hsu, M.T., Ben Hamza, A., Penter, L., Chen, X., Buccitelli, C., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Dietze, K., Bullinger, L., Moosmann, A., Blanc, E., Beule, D., Gerbitz, A., Strobel, J., Hackstein, H., Rahn, H.P., Dornmair, K., Blankenstein, T. and Hansmann, L.
Cancer Immunology Research 10 (11): 1407-1419. 1 November 2022

H3.3K27M mutation is not a suitable target for immunotherapy in HLA-A2(+) patients with diffuse midline glioma.
Immisch, L., Papafotiou, G., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Blankenstein, T. and Willimsky, G.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10 (10): e005535. 27 October 2022

IFN-γ-dependent tumor-antigen cross-presentation by lymphatic endothelial cells promotes their killing by T cells and inhibits metastasis.
Garnier, L., Pick, R., Montorfani, J., Sun, M., Brighouse, D., Liaudet, N., Kammertoens, T., Blankenstein, T., Page, N., Bernier-Latamani, J., Tran, N.L., Petrova, T.V., Merkler, D., Scheiermann, C. and Hugues, S.
Science Advances 8 (23): eabl5162. 8 June 2022

"Designer cytokines" targeting the tumor vasculature - think global and act local.
Kammertoens, T., Kemna, J. and Leisegang, M.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 12 (2): e11801. 7 February 2020

Effective NY-ESO-1-specific MHC II-restricted T cell receptors from antigen-negative hosts enhance tumor regression.
Poncette, L., Chen, X., Lorenz, F.K.M. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 129 (1): 324-335. 2 January 2019

Oncogene-specific T cells fail to eradicate lymphoma-initiating B cells in mice.
Hoser, D., Schön, C., Loddenkemper, C., Lohneis, P., Kühl, A.A., Sommermann, T., Blankenstein, T. and Willimsky, G.
Blood 132 (9): 924-934. 30 August 2018

Human TCR-MHC coevolution after divergence from mice includes increased nontemplate-encoded CDR3 diversity.
Chen, X., Poncette, L. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 214 (11): 3417-3433. 6 November 2017

T cell receptors for clinical therapy: in vitro assessment of toxicity risk.
Kunert, A., Obenaus, M., Lamers, C.H.J., Blankenstein, T. and Debets, R.
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (20): 6012-6020. 15 October 2017

Tumour ischaemia by interferon-γ resembles physiological blood vessel regression.
Kammertoens, T., Friese, C., Arina, A., Idel, C., Briesemeister, D., Rothe, M., Ivanov, A., Szymborska, A., Patone, G., Kunz, S., Sommermeyer, D., Engels, B., Leisegang, M., Textor, A., Fehling, H.J., Fruttiger, M., Lohoff, M., Herrmann, A., Yu, H., Weichselbaum, R., Uckert, W., Hübner, N., Gerhardt, H., Beule, D., Schreiber, H. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature 545 (7652): 98-102. 4 May 2017

Recognition but no repair of abasic site in single-stranded DNA by human ribosomal uS3 protein residing within intact 40S subunit.
Grosheva, A.S., Zharkov, D.O., Stahl, J., Gopanenko, Al.V., Tupikin, A.E., Kabilov, M.R., Graifer, D.M. and Karpova, G.G.
Nucleic Acids Research 45 (7): 3833-3843. 20 April 2017

Preventing tumor escape by targeting a post-proteasomal trimming independent epitope.
Textor, A., Schmidt, K., Kloetzel, P.M., Weißbrich, B., Perez, C., Charo, J., Anders, K., Sidney, J., Sette, A., Schumacher, T.N.M., Keller, C., Busch, D.H., Seifert, U. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 213 (11): 2333-2348. 17 October 2016

Thymus-derived regulatory T cells are positively selected on natural self-antigen through cognate interactions of high functional avidity.
Kieback, E., Hilgenberg, E., Stervbo, U., Lampropoulou, V., Shen, P., Bunse, M., Jaimes, Y., Boudinot, P., Radbruch, A., Klemm, U., Kühl, A.A., Liblau, R., Hoevelmeyer, N., Anderton, S.M., Uckert, W. and Fillatreau, S.
Immunity 44 (5): 1114-1126. 17 May 2016

Receptor combinations hone T-cell therapy.
Blankenstein, T.
Nature Biotechnology 34 (4): 389-391. 7 April 2016

Targeting human melanoma neoantigens by T cell receptor gene therapy.
Leisegang, M., Kammertoens, T., Uckert, W. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 126 (3): 854-858. 1 March 2016

Identification of human T-cell receptors with optimal affinity to cancer antigens using antigen-negative humanized mice.
Obenaus, M., Leitão, C., Leisegang, M., Chen, X., Gavvovidis, I., van der Bruggen, P., Uckert, W., Schendel, D.J. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature Biotechnology 33 (4): 402-407. April 2015

MHCII-independent CD4(+) T cells protect injured CNS neurons via IL-4.
Walsh, J.T., Hendrix, S., Boato, F., Smirnov, I., Zheng, J., Lukens, J.R., Gadani, S., Hechler, D., Gölz, G., Rosenberger, K., Kammertöns, T., Vogt, J., Vogelaar, C., Siffrin, V., Radjavi, A., Fernandez-Castaneda, A., Gaultier, A., Gold, R., Kanneganti, T.D., Nitsch, R., Zipp, F. and Kipnis, J.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 125 (2): 699-714. 2 February 2015

High-throughput identification of antigen-specific TCRs by TCR gene capture.
Linnemann, C., Heemskerk, B., Kvistborg, P., Kluin, R.J.C., Bolotin, D.A., Chen, X., Bresser, K., Nieuwland, M., Schotte, R., Michels, S., Gomez-Eerland, R., Jahn, L., Hombrink, P., Legrand, N., Shu, C.J., Mamedov, I.Z., Velds, A., Blank, C.U., Haanen, J.B.A.G., Turchaninova, M.A., Kerkhoven, R.M., Spits, H., Hadrup, S.R., Heemskerk, M.H.M., Blankenstein, T., Chudakov, D.M., Bendle, G.M. and Schumacher, T.N.M.
Nature Medicine 19 (11): 1534-1541. November 2013

It's the peptide-MHC affinity, stupid.
Kammertoens, T. and Blankenstein, T.
Cancer Cell 23 (4): 429-431. 15 April 2013

Virus-induced hepatocellular carcinomas cause antigen-specific local tolerance.
Willimsky, G., Schmidt, K., Loddenkemper, C., Gellermann, J. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 123 (3): 1032-1043. 1 March 2013

The determinants of tumour immunogenicity.
Blankenstein, T., Coulie, P.G., Gilboa, E. and Jaffee, E.M.
Nature Reviews Cancer 12 (4): 307-313. April 2012

Oncogene-targeting T cells reject large tumors while oncogene inactivation selects escape variants in mouse models of cancer.
Anders, K., Buschow, C., Herrmann, A., Milojkovic, A., Loddenkemper, C., Kammertoens, T., Daniel, P., Yu, H., Charo, J. and Blankenstein, T.
Cancer Cell 20 (6): 755-767. 13 December 2011

Heat shock factor 1 ameliorates proteotoxicity in cooperation with the transcription factor NFAT.
Hayashida, N., Fujimoto, M., Tan, K., Prakasam, R., Shinkawa, T., Li, L., Ichikawa, H., Takii, R. and Nakai, A.
EMBO Journal 29 (20): 3459-3469. 20 October 2010

Transgenic mice with a diverse human T cell antigen receptor repertoire.
Li, L.P., Lampert, J.C., Chen, X., Leitao, C., Popovic, J., Mueller, W. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature Medicine 16 (9): 1029-1034. September 2010

Immunogenicity of premalignant lesions is the primary cause of general cytotoxic T lymphocyte unresponsiveness.
Willimsky, G., Czeh, M., Loddenkemper, C., Gellermann, J., Schmidt, K., Wust, P., Stein, H. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 205 (7): 1687-1700. 7 July 2008

The adaptive immune response to sporadic cancer.
Willimsky, G. and Blankenstein, T.
Immunological Reviews 220 (1): 102-112. December 2007

Active MAC-1 (CD11b/CD18) on DC is inhibitory for full T cell activation.
Varga, G., Balkow, S., Wild, M.K., Stadtbaeumer, A., Krummen, M., Rothoeft, T., Higuchi, T., Beissert, S., Wethmar, K., Scharffetter-Kochanek, K., Vestweber, D. and Grabbe, S.
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Sporadic immunogenic tumours avoid destruction by inducing T-cell tolerance.
Willimsky, G. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature 437 (7055): 141-146. 1 September 2005

CCR7 governs skin dendritic cell migration under inflammatory and steady-state conditions.
Ohl, L., Mohaupt, M., Czeloth, N., Hintzen, G., Kiafard, Z., Zwirner, J., Blankenstein, T., Henning, G. and Foerster, R.
Immunity 21 (2): 279-288. 1 August 2004

A cancer immunosurveillance controversy.
Qin, Z.H. and Blankenstein, T.
Nature Immunology 5 (1): 3-4. 1 January 2004

Tumor rejection by modulation of tumor stromal fibroblasts.
Schueler, T., Koernig, S. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 198 (10): 1487-1493. 17 November 2003

The role of IFN-gamma in tumor transplantation immunity and inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis.
Blankenstein, T. and Qin, Z.H.
Current Opinion in Immunology 15 (2): 148-154. April 2003

Nicotine strongly activates dendritic cell-mediated adaptive immunity - Potential role for progression of atherosclerotic lesions.
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Inhibition of methylcholanthrene-induced carcinogenesis by an interferon gamma receptor-dependent foreign body reaction.
Qin, Z., Kim, H.J., Hemme, J. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 195 (11): 1479-1490. 3 June 2002

Cross-priming versus cross-tolerance: are two signals enough?
Blankenstein, T. and Schueler, T.
Trends in Immunology 23 (4): 171-173. 1 April 2002

Generation of tumor-associated cytotoxic T lymphocytes requires interleukin 4 from CD8+ T cells.
Schueler, T., Kammertoens, T., Preiss, S., Debs, P., Noben-Trauth, N. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 194 (12): 1767-1775. 17 December 2001

Tumor rejection by disturbing tumor stroma cell interactions.
Ibe, S., Qin, Z.H., Schueler, T., Preiss, S. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 194 (11): 1549-1559. 3 December 2001

Adoptive tumor therapy with T lymphocytes enriched through an IFN-gamma capture assay.
Becker, C., Pohla, H., Frankenberger, B., Schueler, T., Assenmacher, M., Schendel, D.J. and Blankenstein, T.
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CD4+ T cell-mediated tumor rejection involves inhibition of angiogenesis that is dependent on IFNgamma receptor expression by nonhematopoietic cells.
Qin, Z.H. and Blankenstein, T.
Immunity 12 (6): 677-686. 1 June 2000

Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase/ganciclovir-induced apoptosis involves ligand-independent death receptor aggregation and activation of caspases.
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T helper cell type 1-associated and cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated tumor immunity is impaired in interleukin 4-deficient mice.
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Interleukin 4 gene-defective mice reconstituted with wild-type bone marrow fail to produce normal immunoglobulin E levels.
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B cells inhibit induction of T cell-dependent tumor immunity.
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Treatment of experimental encephalomyelitis with a peptide analogue of myelin basic protein.
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Expression of tumor necrosis factor by different tumor cell lines results either in tumor suppression or augmented metastasis.
Qin, Z., Krueger-Krasagakes, S., Kunzendorf, U., Hock, H., Diamantstein, T. and Blankenstein, T.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 178 (1): 355-360. 1 July 1993

Boschmann, Michael (ECRC)

Quantifying technical confounders in microbiome studies.
Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Birkner, T., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Avery, E.G., Mähler, A., Weber, D., Kochlik, B., Balogh, A., Wilck, N., Boschmann, M., Müller, D.N., Markó, L. and Forslund, S.K.
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Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates T(H)17 axis and disease.
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Immune cells control skin lymphatic electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure.
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Randomized comparison of reduced fat and reduced carbohydrate hypocaloric diets on intrahepatic fat in overweight and obese human subjects.
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The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord.
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Conditional mutation of the ErbB2 (HER2) receptor in cardiomyocytes leads to dilated cardiomyopathy.
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Sensory nerves determine the pattern of arterial differentiation and blood vessel branching in the skin.
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Anti-CD19 CAR T cell therapy induces antibody seroconversion and complete B cell depletion in the bone marrow of a therapy-refractory patient with ANCA-associated vasculitis.
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Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 31 January 2025 (In Press)

Diagnosing recipient- vs. donor-derived posttransplant myelodysplastic neoplasm via targeted single-cell mutational profiling.
Ihlow, J., Penter, L., Vuong, L.G., Bischoff, P., Obermayer, B., Trinks, A., Blau, O., Behnke, A., Conrad, T., Morkel, M., Wu, C.J., Westermann, J., Bullinger, L., von Brünneck, A.C., Blüthgen, N., Horst, D. and Praktiknjo, S.D.
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Single-cell multiomics analysis reveals dynamic clonal evolution and targetable phenotypes in acute myeloid leukemia with complex karyotype.
Leppä, A.M., Grimes, K., Jeong, H., Huang, F.Y., Andrades, A., Waclawiczek, A., Boch, T., Jauch, A., Renders, S., Stelmach, P., Müller-Tidow, C., Karpova, D., Sohn, M., Grünschläger, F., Hasenfeld, P., Benito Garagorri, E., Thiel, V., Dolnik, A., Rodriguez-Martin, B., Bullinger, L., Mrózek, K., Eisfeld, A.K., Krämer, A., Sanders, A.D., Korbel, J.O. and Trumpp, A.
Nature Genetics 56 (12): 2790-2803. December 2024

New cardiovascular biomarkers in patients with advanced cancer – a prospective study comparing MR-proADM, MR-proANP, copeptin, high-sensitivity troponin T and NT-proBNP.
Anker, M.S., Lück, L.C., Khan, M.S., Porthun, J., Hadzibegovic, S., Lena, A., Wilkenshoff, U., Weinländer, P., Evertz, R., Totzeck, M., Mahabadi, A.A., Rassaf, T., Anker, S.D., Bullinger, L., Keller, U., Karakas, M., Landmesser, U., Butler, J. and von Haehling, S.
European Journal of Heart Failure 26 November 2024 (In Press)

Tracking rare single donor and recipient immune and leukemia cells after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation using mitochondrial DNA mutations.
Penter, L., Cieri, N., Maurer, K., Kwok, M., Lyu, H., Lu, W.S., Oliveira, G., Gohil, S.H., Leshchiner, I., Lareau, C.A., Ludwig, L.S., Neuberg, D.S., Kim, H.T., Li, S., Bullinger, L., Ritz, J., Getz, G., Garcia, J.S., Soiffer, R.J., Livak, K.J. and Wu, C.J.
Blood Cancer Discovery 5 (6): 442-459. 1 November 2024

Therapy-related AML: long-term outcome in a large cohort of AML-patients with intensive and non-intensive therapy.
Gross, S., Ihlow, J., Busack, L., Adamiak, K., Schrezenmeier, J., Jesse, J., Schwarz, M., Flörcken, A., Vuong, L.G., Rieger, K., Krönke, J., le Coutre, P., Boldt, V., von Brünneck, A.C., Horst, D., Burmeister, T., Blau, I.W., Keller, U., Bullinger, L. and Westermann, J.
Blood Cancer Journal 14 (1): 160. 16 September 2024

The proteogenomic landscape of multiple myeloma reveals insights into disease biology and therapeutic opportunities.
Ramberger, E., Sapozhnikova, V., Ng, Y.L.D., Dolnik, A., Ziehm, M., Popp, O., Sträng, E., Kull, M., Grünschläger, F., Krüger, J., Benary, M., Müller, S., Gao, X., Murgai, A., Haji, M., Schmidt, A., Lutz, R., Nogai, A., Braune, J., Laue, D., Langer, C., Khandanpour, C., Bassermann, F., Döhner, H., Engelhardt, M., Straka, C., Hundemer, M., Beule, D., Haas, S., Keller, U., Einsele, H., Bullinger, L., Knop, S., Mertins, P. and Krönke, J.
Nature Cancer 5 (8): 1267-1284. August 2024

Dynamics of clonal hematopoiesis under DNA-damaging treatment in patients with ovarian cancer.
Arends, C.M., Kopp, K., Hablesreiter, R., Estrada, N., Christen, F., Moll, U.M., Zeillinger, R., Schmitt, W.D., Sehouli, J., Kulbe, H., Fleischmann, M., Ray-Coquard, I., Zeimet, A., Raspagliesi, F., Zamagni, C., Vergote, I., Lorusso, D., Concin, N., Bullinger, L., Braicu, E.I. and Damm, F.
Leukemia 38 (6): 1378-1389. June 2024

Virus-reactive T cells expanded in aplastic anemia eliminate hematopoietic progenitor cells by molecular mimicry.
Ben Hamza, A., Welters, C., Stadler, S., Brüggemann, M., Dietze, K., Brauns, O., Brümmendorf, T.H., Winkler, T.H., Bullinger, L., Blankenstein, T., Rosenberger, L., Leisegang, M., Kammertöns, T., Herr, W., Moosmann, A., Strobel, J., Hackstein, H., Dornmair, K., Beier, F. and Hansmann, L.
Blood 143 (14): 1365-1378. 4 April 2024

Genetic characterization of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma: pathogenesis and patient outcomes.
Noerenberg, D., Briest, F., Hennch, C., Yoshida, K., Hablesreiter, R., Takeuchi, Y., Ueno, H., Staiger, A.M., Ziepert, M., Asmar, F., Locher, B.N., Toth, E., Weber, T., Amini, R.M., Klapper, W., Bouzani, M., Poeschel, V., Rosenwald, A., Held, G., Campo, E., Ishaque, N., Stamatopoulos, K., Kanellis, G., Anagnostopoulos, I., Bullinger, L., Goldschmidt, N., Zinzani, P.L., Bödör, C., Rosenquist, R., Vassilakopoulos, T.P., Ott, G., Ogawa, S. and Damm, F.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 (4): 452-466. 1 February 2024

Imetelstat-mediated alterations in fatty acid metabolism to induce ferroptosis as a therapeutic strategy for acute myeloid leukemia.
Bruedigam, C., Porter, A.H., Song, A., Vroeg In de Wei, G., Stoll, T., Straube, J., Cooper, L., Cheng, G., Kahl, V.F.S., Sobinoff, A.P., Ling, V.Y., Jebaraj, B.M.C., Janardhanan, Y., Haldar, R., Bray, L.J., Bullinger, L., Heidel, F.H., Kennedy, G.A., Hill, M.M., Pickett, H.A., Abdel-Wahab, O., Hartel, G. and Lane, S.W.
Nature Cancer 5 (1): 47-65. January 2024

Frequent ZNF217 mutations lead to transcriptional deregulation of interferon signal transduction via altered chromatin accessibility in B cell lymphoma.
Briest, F., Noerenberg, D., Hennch, C., Yoshida, K., Hablesreiter, R., Nimo, J., Sasca, D., Kirchner, M., Mansouri, L., Inoue, Y., Wiegand, L., Staiger, A.M., Casadei, B., Korkolopoulou, P., Weiner, J., Lopez-Guillermo, A., Warth, A., Schneider, T., Nagy, Á., Klapper, W., Hummel, M., Kanellis, G., Anagnostopoulos, I., Mertins, P., Bullinger, L., Rosenquist, R., Vassilakopoulos, T.P., Ott, G., Ogawa, S. and Damm, F.
Leukemia 37 (11): 2237-2249. November 2023

Clinical impact of the genomic landscape and leukemogenic trajectories in non-intensively treated elderly acute myeloid leukemia patients.
Jahn, E., Saadati, M., Fenaux, P., Gobbi, M., Roboz, G.J., Bullinger, L., Lutsik, P., Riedel, A., Plass, C., Jahn, N., Walter, C., Holzmann, K., Hao, Y., Naim, S., Schreck, N., Krzykalla, J., Benner, A., Keer, H.N., Azab, M., Döhner, K. and Döhner, H.
Leukemia 37 (11): 2187-2196. November 2023

Cell fate determinant Llgl1 is required for propagation of acute myeloid leukemia.
Eifert, T., Hsu, C.J., Becker, A.L., Graessle, S., Horne, A., Bemmann, F., Zhang, Q., Heuser, M., Vasioukhin, V., Scholl, S., Hochhaus, A., Siegerist, F., Endlich, N., Bullinger, L., Lane, S.W., Haas, S., Schnoeder, T.M and Heidel, F.H.
Leukemia 37 (10): 2027-2035. October 2023

Severe hematotoxicity after CD19 CAR-T therapy is associated with suppressive immune dysregulation and limited CAR-T expansion.
Rejeski, K., Perez, A., Iacoboni, G., Blumenberg, V., Bücklein, V.L., Völkl, S., Penack, O., Albanyan, O., Stock, S., Müller, F., Karschnia, P., Petrera, A., Reid, K., Faramand, R., Davila, M.L., Modi, K., Dean, E.A., Bachmeier, C., von Bergwelt-Baildon, M., Locke, F.L., Bethge, W., Bullinger, L., Mackensen, A., Barba, P., Jain, M.D. and Subklewe, M.
Science Advances 9 (38): eadg3919. 22 September 2023

Cardiovascular health-related quality of life in cancer: a prospective study comparing the ESC HeartQoL and EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire.
Anker, M.S., Potthoff, S.K., Lena, A., Porthun, J., Hadzibegovic, S., Evertz, R., Denecke, C., Fröhlich, A.K., Sonntag, F., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Rosen, S.D., Lyon, A.R., Lüscher, T.F., Spertus, J.A., Anker, S.D., Karakas, M., Bullinger, L., Keller, U., Landmesser, U., Butler, J. and von Haehling, S.
European Journal of Heart Failure 25 (9): 1635-1647. September 2023

Intensive chemotherapy with or without gemtuzumab ozogamicin in patients with NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukaemia (AMLSG 09-09): a randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trial.
Döhner, H., Weber, D., Krzykalla, J., Fiedler, W., Kühn, M.W.M., Schroeder, T., Mayer, K., Lübbert, M., Wattad, M., Götze, K., Fransecky, L., Koller, E., Wulf, G., Schleicher, J., Ringhoffer, M., Greil, R., Hertenstein, B., Krauter, J., Martens, U.M., Nachbaur, D., Samra, M.A., Machherndl-Spandl, S., Basara, N., Leis, C., Schrade, A., Kapp-Schwoerer, S., Cocciardi, S., Bullinger, L., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Paschka, P., Gaidzik, V.I., Saadati, M., Benner, A., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, K. and Ganser, A.
Lancet Haematology 10 (7): e495-e509. July 2023

Clinical and prognostic relevance of cardiac wasting in patients with advanced cancer.
Lena, A., Wilkenshoff, U., Hadzibegovic, S., Porthun, J., Rösnick, L., Fröhlich, A.K., Zeller, T., Karakas, M., Keller, U., Ahn, J., Bullinger, L., Riess, H., Rosen, S.D., Lyon, A.R., Lüscher, T.F., Totzeck, M., Rassaf, T., Burkhoff, D., Mehra, M.R., Bax, J.J., Butler, J., Edelmann, F., Haverkamp, W., Anker, S.D., Packer, M., Coats, A.J.S., von Haehling, S., Landmesser, U. and Anker, M.S.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81 (16): 1569-1586. 25 April 2023

Cre recombinase expression cooperates with homozygous FLT3 internal tandem duplication knockin mouse model to induce acute myeloid leukemia.
Straube, J., Eifert, T., Vu, T., Janardhanan, Y., Haldar, R., von Eyss, B., Cooper, L., Bruedigam, C., Ling, V.Y., Cooper, E., Patch, A.M., Bullinger, L., Schnoeder, T.M., Bywater, M., Heidel, F.H. and Lane, S.W.
Leukemia 37 (4): 741-750. April 2023

Associations of clonal hematopoiesis with recurrent vascular events and death in patients with incident ischemic stroke.
Arends, C.M., Liman, T.G., Strzelecka, P.M., Kufner, A., Löwe, P., Huo, S., Stein, C.M., Piper, S.K., Tilgner, M., Sperber, P.S., Dimitriou, S., Heuschmann, P., Hablesreiter, R., Harms, C., Bullinger, L., Weber, J.E., Endres, M. and Damm, F.
Blood 141 (7): 787-799. 16 February 2023

Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY.
Mansouri, L., Thorvaldsdottir, B., Sutton, L.A., Karakatsoulis, G., Meggendorfer, M., Parker, H., Nadeu, F., Brieghel, C., Laidou, S., Moia, R., Rossi, D., Catherwood, M., Kotaskova, J., Delgado, J., Rodríguez-Vicente, A.E., Benito, R., Rigolin, G.M., Bonfiglio, S., Scarfo, L., Mattsson, M., Davis, Z., Gogia, A., Rani, L., Baliakas, P., Foroughi-Asl, H., Jylhä, C., Skaftason, A., Rapado, I., Miras, F., Martinez-Lopez, J., de la Serna, J., Rivas, J.M.H., Thornton, P., Larráyoz, M.J., Calasanz, M.J., Fésüs, V., Mátrai, Z., Bödör, C., Smedby, K.E., Espinet, B., Puiggros, A., Gupta, R., Bullinger, L., Bosch, F., Tazón-Vega, B., Baran-Marszak, F., Oscier, D., Nguyen-Khac, F., Zenz, T., Terol, M.J., Cuneo, A., Hernández-Sánchez, M., Pospisilova, S., Mills, K., Gaidano, G., Niemann, C.U., Campo, E., Strefford, J.C., Ghia, P., Stamatopoulos, K. and Rosenquist, R.
Leukemia 37 (2): 339-347. February 2023

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody-containing plasma improves outcome in patients with hematologic or solid cancer and severe COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial.
Denkinger, C.M., Janssen, M., Schäkel, U., Gall, J., Leo, A., Stelmach, P., Weber, S.F., Krisam, J., Baumann, L., Stermann, J., Merle, U., Weigand, M.A., Nusshag, C., Bullinger, L., Schrezenmeier, J.F., Bornhäuser, M., Alakel, N., Witzke, O., Wolf, T., Vehreschild, M.J.G.T., Schmiedel, S., Addo, M.M., Herth, F., Kreuter, M., Tepasse, P.R., Hertenstein, B., Hänel, M., Morgner, A., Kiehl, M., Hopfer, O., Wattad, M.A., Schimanski, C.C., Celik, C., Pohle, T., Ruhe, M., Kern, W.V., Schmitt, A., Lorenz, H.M., Souto-Carneiro, M., Gaeddert, M., Halama, N., Meuer, S., Kräusslich, H.G., Müller, B., Schnitzler, P., Parthé, S., Bartenschlager, R., Gronkowski, M., Klemmer, J., Schmitt, M., Dreger, P., Kriegsmann, K., Schlenk, Ri.F. and Müller-Tidow, C.
Nature Cancer 4 (1): 96-107. January 2023

Targeting cell cycle and apoptosis to overcome chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia.
Ling, V.Y., Straube, J., Godfrey, W., Haldar, R., Janardhanan, Y., Cooper, L., Bruedigam, C., Cooper, E., Tavakoli Shirazi, P., Jacquelin, S., Tey, S.K., Baell, J., Huang, F., Jin, J., Zhao, Y., Bullinger, L., Bywater, M.J. and Lane, S.W.
Leukemia 37 (1): 143-153. January 2023

TIGIT blockade repolarizes AML-associated TIGIT(+) M2 macrophages to an M1 phenotype and increases CD47-mediated phagocytosis.
Brauneck, F., Fischer, B., Witt, M., Muschhammer, J., Oelrich, J., da Costa Avelar, P.H., Tsoka, S., Bullinger, L., Seubert, E., Smit, D.J., Bokemeyer, C., Ackermann, C., Wellbrock, J., Haag, F. and Fiedler, W.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10 (12): e004794. 22 December 2022

Immune phenotypes and target antigens of clonally expanded bone marrow T cells in treatment-naïve multiple myeloma.
Welters, C., Lammoglia Cobo, M.F., Stein, C.A., Hsu, M.T., Ben Hamza, A., Penter, L., Chen, X., Buccitelli, C., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Dietze, K., Bullinger, L., Moosmann, A., Blanc, E., Beule, D., Gerbitz, A., Strobel, J., Hackstein, H., Rahn, H.P., Dornmair, K., Blankenstein, T. and Hansmann, L.
Cancer Immunology Research 10 (11): 1407-1419. 1 November 2022

Genomic landscape of patients with FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated within the CALGB 10603/RATIFY trial.
Jahn, N., Jahn, E., Saadati, M., Bullinger, L., Larson, R.A., Ottone, T., Amadori, S., Prior, T.W., Brandwein, J.M., Appelbaum, F.R., Medeiros, B.C., Tallman, M.S., Ehninger, G., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Pallaud, C., Gathmann, I., Krzykalla, J., Benner, A., Bloomfield, C.D., Thiede, C., Stone, R.M., Döhner, H. and Döhner, K.
Leukemia 36 (9): 2218-2227. September 2022

Precision medicine in myeloid malignancies.
Westermann, J. and Bullinger, L.
Seminars in Cancer Biology 84 : 153-169. September 2022

Longitudinal single-cell transcriptomics reveals distinct patterns of recurrence in acute myeloid leukemia.
Zhai, Y., Singh, P., Dolnik, A., Brazda, P., Atlasy, N., Del Gaudio, N., Döhner, K., Döhner, H., Minucci, S., Martens, J., Altucci, L., Megchelenbrink, W., Bullinger, L. and Stunnenberg, H.G.
Molecular Cancer 21 (1): 166. 19 August 2022

Unified classification and risk-stratification in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Tazi, Y., Arango-Ossa, J.E., Zhou, Y., Bernard, E., Thomas, I., Gilkes, A., Freeman, S., Pradat, Y., Johnson, S.J., Hills, R., Dillon, R., Levine, M.F., Leongamornlert, D., Butler, A., Ganser, A., Bullinger, L., Döhner, K., Ottmann, O., Adams, R., Döhner, H., Campbell, P.J., Burnett, A.K., Dennis, M., Russell, N.H., Devlin, S.M., Huntly, B.J.P. and Papaemmanuil, E.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 4622. 8 August 2022

The retinoic acid receptor co-factor NRIP1 is uniquely upregulated and represents a therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia with chromosome 3q rearrangements.
Grasedieck, S., Cabantog, A., MacPhee, L., Im, J., Ruess, C., Demir, B., Sperb, N., Rücker, F.G., Döhner, K., Herold, T., Pollack, J.R., Bullinger, L., Rouhi, A. and Kuchenbauer, F.
Haematologica 107 (8): 1758-1772. August 2022

Acute myeloid leukemia: negative prognostic impact of early blast persistence can be in part overcome by a later remission prior to post-induction therapy.
Ihlow, J., Gross, S., Busack, L., Flörcken, A., Jesse, J., Schwarz, M., Neuendorff, N.R., von Brünneck, A.C., Anagnostopoulos, I., Türkmen, S., Blau, I.W., Burmeister, T., Horst, D., Bullinger, L. and Westermann, J.
Haematologica 107 (8): 1773-1785. August 2022

The bone marrow niche regulates redox and energy balance in MLL::AF9 leukemia stem cells.
Viñado, A.C., Calvo, I.A., Cenzano, I., Olaverri, D., Cocera, M., San Martin-Uriz, P., Romero, J.P., Vilas-Zornoza, A., Vera, L., Gomez-Cebrian, N., Puchades-Carrasco, L., Lisi-Vega, L.E., Apaolaza, I., Valera, P., Guruceaga, E., Granero-Molto, F., Ripalda-Cemborain, P., Luck, T.J., Bullinger, L., Planes, F.J., Rifon, J.J., Méndez-Ferrer, S., Yusuf, R.Z., Pardo-Saganta, A., Prosper, F. and Saez, B.
Leukemia 36 (8): 1969-1979. August 2022

Application of precision medicine in clinical routine in haematology - challenges and opportunities.
Wästerlid, T., Cavelier, L., Haferlach, C., Konopleva, M., Fröhling, S., Östling, P., Bullinger, L., Fioretos, T. and Smedby, K.E.
Journal of Internal Medicine 292 (2): 243-261. August 2022

Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential-related epigenetic age acceleration correlates with clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential clone size in patients with high morbidity.
Feldkamp, J.D., Vetter, V.M., Arends, C.M., Lang, T.J.L., Bullinger, L., Damm, F., Demuth, I. and Frick, M.
Haematologica 107 (7): 1703-1708. July 2022

Flow cytometry can reliably capture gut microbial composition in healthy adults as well as dysbiosis dynamics in patients with aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Schmiester, M., Maier, R., Riedel, R., Durek, P., Frentsch, M., Kolling, S., Mashreghi, M.F., Jenq, R., Zhang, L., Peterson, C.B., Bullinger, L., Chang, H.D. and Na, I.K.
Gut Microbes 14 (1): e2081475. 29 May 2022

The CAR-HEMATOTOX risk-stratifies patients for severe infections and disease progression after CD19 CAR-T in R/R LBCL.
Rejeski, K., Perez, A., Iacoboni, G., Penack, O., Bücklein, V., Jentzsch, L., Mougiakakos, D., Johnson, G., Arciola, B., Carpio, C., Blumenberg, V., Hoster, E., Bullinger, L., Locke, F.L., von Bergwelt-Baildon, M., Mackensen, A., Bethge, W., Barba, P., Jain, M.D. and Subklewe, M.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10 (5): e004475. 17 May 2022

Antigen presentation safeguards the integrity of the hematopoietic stem cell pool.
Hernández-Malmierca, P., Vonficht, D., Schnell, A., Uckelmann, H.J., Bollhagen, A., Mahmoud, M.A.A., Landua, S.L., van der Salm, E., Trautmann, C., Raffel, S., Grünschläger, F., Lutz, R., Ghosh, M., Renders, S., Correia, N., Donato, E., Dixon, K.O., Hirche, C., Andresen, C., Robens, Cl., Werner, P.S., Boch, T., Eisel, D., Osen, W., Pilz, F., Przybylla, A., Klein, C., Buchholz, F., Milsom, M.D., Essers, M.A.G., Eichmüller, S.B., Hofmann, W.K., Nowak, D., Hübschmann, D., Hundemer, M., Thiede, C., Bullinger, L., Müller-Tidow, C., Armstrong, S.A., Trumpp, A., Kuchroo, V.K. and Haas, S.
Cell Stem Cell 29 (5): 760-775. 5 May 2022

Infectious complications of targeted drugs and biotherapies in acute leukemia. Clinical practice guidelines by the European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL), a joint venture of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the International Immunocompromised Host Society (ICHS) and the European Leukemia Net (ELN).
Maschmeyer, G., Bullinger, L., Garcia-Vidal, C., Herbrecht, R., Maertens, J., Menna, P., Pagano, L., Thiebaut-Bertrand, A. and Calandra, T.
Leukemia 36 (5): 1215-1226. May 2022

Modeling clonal hematopoiesis in umbilical cord blood cells by CRISPR/Cas9.
Christen, F., Hablesreiter, R., Hoyer, K., Hennch, C., Maluck-Böttcher, A., Segler, A., Madadi, A., Frick, M., Bullinger, L., Briest, F. and Damm, F.
Leukemia 36 (4): 1102-1110. April 2022

Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with improved survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from the FIRE-3 trial.
Arends, C.M., Dimitriou, S., Stahler, A., Hablesreiter, R., Strzelecka, P.M., Stein, C.M., Tilgner, M., Saiki, R., Ogawa, S., Bullinger, L., Modest, D.P., Stintzing, S., Heinemann, V. and Damm, F.
Blood 139 (10): 1593-1597. 10 March 2022

Proteomic profiling reveals CDK6 upregulation as a targetable resistance mechanism for lenalidomide in multiple myeloma.
Ng, Y.L.D., Ramberger, E., Bohl, S.R., Dolnik, A., Steinebach, C., Conrad, T., Müller, S., Popp, O., Kull, M., Haji, M., Gütschow, M., Döhner, H., Walther, W., Keller, U., Bullinger, L., Mertins, P. and Krönke, J.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 1009. 23 February 2022

PLCG1 is required for AML1-ETO leukemia stem cell self-renewal.
Schnoeder, T.M., Schwarzer, A., Jayavelu, A.K., Hsu, C.J., Kirkpatrick, J., Döhner, K., Perner, F., Eifert, T., Huber, N., Arreba-Tutusaus, P., Dolnik, A., Assi, S.A., Nafria, M., Jiang, L., Dai, Y.T., Chen, Z., Chen, S.J., Kellaway, S.G., Ptasinska, A., Ng, E.S., Stanley, E.G., Elefanty, A.G., Buschbeck, M., Bierhoff, H., Brodt, S., Matziolis, G., Fischer, K.D., Hochhaus, A., Chen, C.W., Heidenreich, O., Mann, M., Lane, S.W., Bullinger, L., Ori, A., von Eyss, B., Bonifer, C. and Heidel, F.
Blood 139 (7): 1080-1097. 17 February 2022

CEBPA mutations in AML: site matters.
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Blood 139 (1): 6-7. 6 January 2022

Molecular landscape and prognostic impact of FLT3-ITD insertion site in acute myeloid leukemia: RATIFY study results.
Rücker, F.G., Du, L., Luck, T.J., Benner, A., Krzykalla, J., Gathmann, I., Voso, M.T., Amadori, S., Prior, T.W., Brandwein, J.M., Appelbaum, F.R., Medeiros, B.C., Tallman, M.S., Savoie, L., Sierra, J., Pallaud, C., Sanz, M.A., Jansen, J.H., Niederwieser, D., Fischer, T., Ehninger, G., Heuser, M., Ganser, A., Bullinger, L., Larson, R.A., Bloomfield, C.D., Stone, R.M., Döhner, H., Thiede, C. and Döhner, K.
Leukemia 36 (1): 90-99. January 2022

Multi-platform profiling characterizes molecular subgroups and resistance networks in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Nature Communications 12 (1): 5395. 13 September 2021

Genomic and evolutionary portraits of disease relapse in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Genome sequencing in myeloid cancers.
Dolnik, A., Schrezenmeier, J. and Bullinger, L.
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Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3-ITD mutation under treatment with midostaurin.
Schmalbrock, L.K., Dolnik, A., Cocciardi, S., Sträng, E., Theis, F., Jahn, N., Panina, E., Blätte, T.J., Herzig, J.K., Skambraks, S., Rücker, F.G., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Fiedler, W., Salih, H.R., Wulf, G.G., Schroeder, T., Lübbert, M., Schlenk, R.F., Thol, F., Heuser, M., Larson, R.A., Ganser, A., Stunnenberg, H.G., Minucci, S., Stone, R.M., Bloomfield, C.D., Döhner, H., Döhner, K. and Bullinger, L.
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A genetically defined signature of responsiveness to erlotinib in early-stage pancreatic cancer patients: results from the CONKO-005 trial.
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B cell depletion and signs of sepsis-acquired immunodeficiency in bone marrow and spleen of COVID-19 deceased.
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Impact of gemtuzumab ozogamicin on MRD and relapse risk in patients with NPM1-mutated AML: results from the AMLSG 09-09 trial.
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Splicing factor YBX1 mediates persistence of JAK2-mutated neoplasms.
Jayavelu, A.K., Schnöder, T.M., Perner, F., Herzog, C., Meiler, A., Krishnamoorthy, G., Huber, N., Mohr, J., Edelmann-Stephan, B., Austin, R., Brandt, S., Palandri, F., Schröder, N., Isermann, B., Edlich, F., Sinha, A.U., Ungelenk, M., Hübner, C.A., Zeiser, R., Rahmig, S., Waskow, C., Coldham, I., Ernst, T., Hochhaus, A., Jilg, S., Jost, P.J., Mullally, A., Bullinger, L., Mertens, P.R., Lane, S.W., Mann, M. and Heidel, F.H.
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Quantitative proteomics reveals specific metabolic features of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells.
Raffel, S., Klimmeck, D., Falcone, M., Demir, A., Pouya, A., Zeisberger, P., Lutz, C., Tinelli, M., Bischel, O., Bullinger, L., Thiede, C., Flörcken, A., Westermann, J., Ehninger, G., Ho, A.D., Müller-Tidow, C., Gu, Z., Herrmann, C., Krijgsveld, J., Trumpp, A. and Hansson, J.
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Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3a2 protects AML cells from oxidative death and the synthetic lethality of ferroptosis inducers.
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Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of brainstem, cerebellum and olfactory tissues in early- and late-phase COVID-19.
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Store-operated calcium entry controls innate and adaptive immune cell function in inflammatory bowel disease.
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SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations fail to elicit humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving fingolimod.
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Subdiffraction multicolor imaging of the nuclear periphery with 3D structured illumination microscopy.
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Targeting and tracing antigens in live cells with fluorescent nanobodies.
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Methyl CpG-binding proteins induce large-scale chromatin reorganization during terminal differentiation.
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Mechanistic insights into the basis of widespread RNA localization.
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mRNA stability and m(6)A are major determinants of subcellular mRNA localization in neurons.
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First demonstration of miRNA-dependent mRNA decay.
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Massively parallel identification of mRNA localization elements in primary cortical neurons.
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Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning.
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Novel targets, treatments, and advanced models for intracerebral haemorrhage.
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Charcot-Marie-Tooth mutation in glycyl-tRNA synthetase stalls ribosomes in a pre-accommodation state and activates integrated stress response.
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A trans locus causes a ribosomopathy in hypertrophic hearts that affects mRNA translation in a protein length-dependent fashion.
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Alternative 3' UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments.
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RNA localization is a key determinant of neurite-enriched proteome.
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Conservation of miRNA-mediated silencing mechanisms across 600 million years of animal evolution.
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Transcriptional repression of NFKBIA triggers constitutive IKK- and proteasome-independent p65/RelA activation in senescence.
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Long noncoding RNA TYKRIL plays a role in pulmonary hypertension via the p53-mediated regulation of PDGFRβ.
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FAM46B is a prokaryotic-like cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerase essential in human embryonic stem cells.
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Inhibiting WNT and NOTCH in renal cancer stem cells and the implications for human patients.
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The dynamic proteome of influenza A virus infection identifies M segment splicing as a host range determinant.
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Full-length transcriptome reconstruction reveals a large diversity of RNA and protein isoforms in rat hippocampus.
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Genetics of intellectual disability in consanguineous families.
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The IκB kinase complex is a regulator of mRNA stability.
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Structure of Schlafen13 reveals a new class of tRNA/rRNA- targeting RNase engaged in translational control.
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Polylox barcoding reveals haematopoietic stem cell fates realized in vivo.
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Identification and functional characterization of hypoxia-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress regulating lncRNA (HypERlnc) in pericytes.
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Identification of the elementary structural units of the DNA damage response.
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Somatic mutations and progressive monosomy modify SAMD9-related phenotypes in humans.
Buonocore, F., Kuehnen, P., Suntharalingham, J.P., Del Valle, I., Digweed, M., Stachelscheid, H., Khajavi, N., Didi, M., Brady, A.F., Blankenstein, O., Procter, A.M., Dimitri, P., Wales, J.K.H., Ghirri, P., Knoebl, D., Strahm, B., Erlacher, M., Wlodarski, M.W., Chen, W., Kokai, G.K., Anderson, G., Morrogh, D., Moulding, D.A., McKee, S. A., Niemeyer, C.M., Grueters, A. and Achermann, J.C.
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Combining transcription factor binding affinities with open-chromatin data for accurate gene expression prediction.
Schmidt, F., Gasparoni, N., Gasparoni, G., Gianmoena, K., Cadenas, C., Polansky, J.K., Ebert, P., Nordstroem, K., Barann, M., Sinha, A., Froehler, S., Xiong, J., Dehghani Amirabad, A., Behjati Ardakani, F., Hutter, B., Zipprich, G., Felder, B., Eils, J., Brors, B., Chen, W., Hengstler, J.G., Hamann, A., Lengauer, T., Rosenstiel, P., Walter, J. and Schulz, M.H.
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Epigenomic profiling of human CD4(+) T cells supports a linear differentiation model and highlights molecular regulators of memory development.
Durek, P., Nordström, K., Gasparoni, G., Salhab, A., Kressler, C., de Almeida, M., Bassler, K., Ulas, T., Schmidt, F., Xiong, J., Glažar, P., Klironomos, F., Sinha, A., Kinkley, S., Yang, X., Arrigoni, L., Amirabad, A.., Ardakani, F.B., Feuerbach, L., Gorka, O., Ebert, P., Müller, F., Li, N., Frischbutter, S., Schlickeiser, S., Cendon, C., Fröhler, S., Felder, B., Gasparoni, N., Imbusch, C.D., Hutter, B., Zipprich, G., Tauchmann, Y., Reinke, S., Wassilew, G., Hoffmann, U., Richter, A.S., Sieverling, L., Chang, H.D., Syrbe, U., Kalus, U., Eils, J., Brors, B., Manke, T., Ruland, J., Lengauer, T., Rajewsky, N., Chen, W., Dong, J., Sawitzki, B., Chung, H.R., Rosenstiel, P., Schulz, M.H., Schultze, J.L., Radbruch, A., Walter, J., Hamann, A. and Polansky, J.K.
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Kinetic analysis of protein stability reveals age-dependent degradation.
McShane, E., Sin, C., Zauber, H., Wells, J.N., Donnelly, N., Wang, X., Hou, J., Chen, W., Storchova, Z., Marsh, J.A., Valleriani, A. and Selbach, M.
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Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing controls cathepsin S expression in atherosclerosis by enabling HuR-mediated post-transcriptional regulation.
Stellos, K., Gatsiou, A., Stamatelopoulos, K., Perisic Matic, L., John, D., Lunella, F.F., Jae, N., Rossbach, O., Amrhein, C., Sigala, F., Boon, R.A., Fuertig, B., Manavski, Y., You, X., Uchida, S., Keller, T., Boeckel, J.N., Franco-Cereceda, A., Maegdefessel, L., Chen, W., Schwalbe, H., Bindereif, A., Eriksson, P., Hedin, U., Zeiher, A.M. and Dimmeler, S.
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Circular RNAs in brain and other tissues: a functional enigma.
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reChIP-seq reveals widespread bivalency of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in CD4(+) memory T cells.
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X-exome sequencing of 405 unresolved families identifies seven novel intellectual disability genes.
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Identification and characterization of hypoxia-regulated endothelial circular RNA.
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Extensive allele-specific translational regulation in hybrid mice.
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Predominant contribution of cis-regulatory divergence in the evolution of mouse alternative splicing.
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Neural circular RNAs are derived from synaptic genes and regulated by development and plasticity.
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Primate-specific endogenous retrovirus-driven transcription defines naive-like stem cells.
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Natural variation of histone modification and its impact on gene expression in the rat genome.
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MOV10 is a 5' to 3' RNA helicase contributing to UPF1 mRNA target degradation by translocation along 3' UTRs.
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Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 regulates endothelial cell function and vessel growth.
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Differential protein occupancy profiling of the mRNA transcriptome.
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Argonaute2 mediates compensatory expansion of the pancreatic β cell.
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Genome sequencing reveals loci under artificial selection that underlie disease phenotypes in the laboratory rat.
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Ultra-deep profiling of alternatively spliced Drosophila Dscam isoforms by circularization-assisted multi-segment sequencing.
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Widespread splicing changes in human brain development and aging.
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Quantitative analysis of fission yeast transcriptomes and proteomes in proliferating and quiescent cells.
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Extension of cortical synaptic development distinguishes humans from chimpanzees and macaques.
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MicroRNA-driven developmental remodeling in the brain distinguishes humans from other primates.
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Deep sequencing reveals 50 novel genes for recessive cognitive disorders.
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Transcriptional reprogramming by mutated IRF4 in lymphoma.
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MHC-II dynamics are maintained in HLA-DR allotypes to ensure catalyzed peptide exchange.
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A multimorphic mutation in IRF4 causes human autosomal dominant combined immunodeficiency.
Fornes, O., Jia, A., Kuehn, H.S., Min, Q., Pannicke, U., Schleussner, N., Thouenon, R., Yu, Z., de Los Angeles Astbury, M., Biggs, C.M., Galicchio, M., Garcia-Campos, J.A., Gismondi, S., Gonzalez Villarreal, G., Hildebrand, K.J., Hönig, M., Hou, J., Moshous, D., Pittaluga, S., Qian, X., Rozmus, J., Schulz, A.S., Staines-Boone, A.T., Sun, B., Sun, J., Uwe, S., Venegas-Montoya, E., Wang, W., Wang, X., Ying, W., Zhai, X., Zhou, Q., Akalin, A., André, I., Barth, T.F.E., Baumann, B., Brüstle, A., Burgio, G., Bustamante, J.C., Casanova, J.L., Casarotto, M.G., Cavazzana, M., Chentout, L., Cockburn, I.A., Costanza, M., Cui, C., Daumke, O., Del Bel, K.L., Eibel, H., Feng, X., Franke, V., Gebhardt, J.C.M., Götz, A., Grunwald, S., Hoareau, B., Hughes, T.R., Jacobsen, E.M., Janz, M., Jolma, A., Lagresle-Peyrou, C., Lai, N., Li, Y., Lin, S., Lu, H.Y., Lugo-Reyes, S.O., Meng, X., Möller, P., Moreno-Corona, N., Niemela, J.E., Novakovsky, G., Perez-Caraballo, J.J., Picard, C., Poggi, L., Puig-Lombardi, M.E., Randall, K.L., Reisser, A., Schmitt, Y., Seneviratne, S., Sharma, M., Stoddard, J., Sundararaj, S., Sutton, H., Tran, L.Q., Wang, Y., Wasserman, W.W., Wen, Z., Winkler, W., Xiong, E., Yang, A.W.H., Yu, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, Q., Zhen, X., Enders, A., Kracker, S., Martinez-Barricarte, R., Mathas, S., Rosenzweig, S.D., Schwarz, K., Turvey, S.E. and Wang, J.Y.
Science Immunology 8 (79): eade7953. January 2023

Development of selective inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2α.
Lo, W.T., Belabed, H., Kücükdisli, M., Metag, J., Roske, Y., Prokofeva, P., Ohashi, Y., Horatscheck, A., Cirillo, D., Krauss, M., Schmied, C., Neuenschwander, M., von Kries, J.P., Médard, G., Kuster, Be., Perisic, O., Williams, R.L., Daumke, O., Payrastre, B., Severin, S., Nazaré, M. and Haucke, V.
Nature Chemical Biology 19 (1): 18-27. January 2023

Cryo-electron tomography reveals structural insights into the membrane remodeling mode of dynamin-like EHD filaments.
Melo, A.A., Sprink, T., Noel, J.K., Vázquez-Sarandeses, E., van Hoorn, C., Mohd, S., Loerke, J., Spahn, C.M.T. and Daumke, O.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 7641. 10 December 2022

Structural insights into crista junction formation by the Mic60-Mic19 complex.
Bock-Bierbaum, T., Funck, K., Wollweber, F., Lisicki, E., von der Malsburg, K., von der Malsburg, A., Laborenz, J., Noel, J.K., Hessenberger, M., Jungbluth, S., Bernert, C., Kunz, S., Riedel, D., Lilie, H., Jakobs, S., van der Laan, M. and Daumke, O.
Science Advances 8 (35): eabo4946. 2 September 2022

GIMAP6 regulates autophagy, immune competence, and inflammation in mice and humans.
Yao, Y., Du Jiang, P., Chao, B.N., Cagdas, D., Kubo, S., Balasubramaniyam, A., Zhang, Y., Shadur, B., NaserEddin, A., Folio, L.R., Schwarz, B., Bohrnsen, E., Zheng, L., Lynberg, M., Gottlieb, S., Leney-Greene, M.A., Park, A.Y., Tezcan, I., Akdogan, A., Gocmen, R., Onder, S., Rosenberg, A., Soilleux, E.J., Johnson, E., Jackson, P.K., Demeter, J., Chauvin, S.D., Paul, F., Selbach, M., Bulut, H., Clatworthy, M.R., Tuong, Z.K., Zhang, H., Stewart, B.J., Bosio, C.M., Stepensky, P., Clare, S., Ganesan, S., Pascall, J.C., Daumke, O., Butcher, G.W., McMichael, A.J., Simon, A.K. and Lenardo, M.J.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 219 (6): e20201405. 6 June 2022

Structural basis of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2α function.
Lo, W.T., Zhang, Y., Vadas, O., Roske, Y., Gulluni, F., De Santis, M.C., Zagar, A.V., Stephanowitz, H., Hirsch, E., Liu, F., Daumke, O., Kudryashev, M. and Haucke, V.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (3): 218-228. March 2022

SPFH protein cage - one ring to rule them all.
Daumke, O. and Lewin, G.R.
Cell Research 32 (2): 117-118. February 2022

Lysine acetylation regulates the interaction between proteins and membranes.
Okada, A.K., Teranishi, K., Ambroso, M.R., Isas, J.M., Vazquez-Sarandeses, E., Lee, J.Y., Melo, A.A., Pandey, P., Merken, D., Berndt, L., Lammers, M., Daumke, O., Chang, K., Haworth, I.S. and Langen, R.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 6466. 9 November 2021

A simple pressure-assisted method for MicroED specimen preparation.
Zhao, J., Xu, H., Lebrette, H., Carroni, M., Taberman, H., Högbom, M. and Zou, X.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 5036. 19 August 2021

Quantification and demonstration of the collective constriction-by-ratchet mechanism in the dynamin molecular motor.
Ganichkin, O.M., Vancraenenbroeck, R., Rosenblum, G., Hofmann, H., Mikhailov, A.S., Daumke, O. and Noel, J.K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (28): e2101144118. 13 July 2021

Bacterial Vipp1 and PspA are members of the ancient ESCRT-III membrane-remodeling superfamily.
Liu, J., Tassinari, M., Souza, D.P., Naskar, S., Noel, J.K., Bohuszewicz, O., Buck, M., Williams, T.A., Baum, B. and Low, H.H.
Cell 184 (14): 3660-3673. 8 July 2021

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition).
Klionsky, D.J., Abdel-Aziz, A.K., Abdelfatah, S., Abdellatif, M., Abdoli, A., Abel, S., Abeliovich, H., Abildgaard, M.H., Abudu, Y.P., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adamopoulos, I.E., Adeli, K., Adolph, T.E., Adornetto, A., Aflaki, E., Agam, G., Agarwal, A., Aggarwal, B.B., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Agrewala, J.N., Agrotis, A., Aguilar, P.V., Ahmad, S.T., Ahmed, Z.M., Ahumada-Castro, U., Aits, S., Aizawa, S., Akkoc, Y., Akoumianaki, T., Akpinar, H.A., Al-Abd, A.M., Al-Akra, L., Al-Gharaibeh, A., Alaoui-Jamali, M.A., Alberti, S., Alcocer-Gómez, E., Alessandri, C., Ali, M., Alim Al-Bari, M.A., Aliwaini, S., Alizadeh, J., Almacellas, E., Almasan, A., Alonso, A., Alonso, G.D., Altan-Bonnet, N., Altieri, D.C., Álvarez, E.M.C., Alves, S., Alves da Costa, C., Alzaharna, M.M., Amadio, M., Amantini, C., Amaral, C., Ambrosio, S., Amer, A.O., Ammanathan, V., An, Z., Andersen, S.U., Andrabi, S.A., Andrade-Silva, M., Andres, A.M., Angelini, S., Ann, D., Anozie, U.C., Ansari, M.Y., Antas, P., Antebi, A., 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Gaffke, L., Galadari, S., Galasso, A., Galindo, M.F., Gallolu Kankanamalage, S., Galluzzi, L., Galy, V., Gammoh, N., Gan, B., Ganley, I.G., Gao, F., Gao, H., Gao, M., Gao, P., Gao, S.J., Gao, W., Gao, X., Garcera, A., Garcia, M.N., Garcia, V.E., García-Del Portillo, F., Garcia-Escudero, V., Garcia-Garcia, A., Garcia-Macia, M., García-Moreno, D., Garcia-Ruiz, C., García-Sanz, P., Garg, A.D., Gargini, R., Garofalo, T., Garry, R.F., Gassen, N.C., Gatica, D., Ge, L., Ge, W., Geiss-Friedlander, R., Gelfi, C., Genschik, P., Gentle, I.E., Gerbino, V., Gerhardt, C., Germain, K., Germain, M., Gewirtz, D.A., Ghasemipour Afshar, E., Ghavami, S., Ghigo, A., Ghosh, M., Giamas, G., Giampietri, C., Giatromanolaki, A., Gibson, G.E., Gibson, S.B., Ginet, V., Giniger, E., Giorgi, C., Girao, H., Girardin, S.E., Giridharan, M., Giuliano, S., Giulivi, C., Giuriato, S., Giustiniani, J., Gluschko, A., Goder, V., Goginashvili, A., Golab, J., Goldstone, D.C., Golebiewska, A., Gomes, L.R., Gomez, R., Gómez-Sánchez, R., Gomez-Puerto, M.C., Gomez-Sintes, R., Gong, Q., Goni, F.M., González-Gallego, J., Gonzalez-Hernandez, T., Gonzalez-Polo, R.A., Gonzalez-Reyes, J.A., González-Rodríguez, P., Goping, I.S., Gorbatyuk, M.S., Gorbunov, N.V., Görgülü, K., Gorojod, R.M., Gorski, S.M., Goruppi, S., Gotor, C., Gottlieb, R.A., Gozes, I., Gozuacik, D., Graef, M., Gräler, M.H., Granatiero, V., Grasso, D., Gray, J.P., Green, D.R., Greenhough, A., Gregory, S.L., Griffin, E.F., Grinstaff, M.W., Gros, F., Grose, C., Gross, A.S., Gruber, F., Grumati, P., Grune, T., Gu, X., Guan, J.L., Guardia, C.M., Guda, K., Guerra, F., Guerri, C., Guha, P., Guillén, C., Gujar, S., Gukovskaya, A., Gukovsky, I., Gunst, J., Günther, A., Guntur, A.R., Guo, C., Guo, C., Guo, H., Guo, L.W., Guo, M., Gupta, P., Gupta, S.K., Gupta, S., Gupta, V.B., Gupta, V., Gustafsson, A.B., Gutterman, D.D., H B, R., Haapasalo, A., Haber, J.E., Hać, A., Hadano, S., Hafrén, A.J., Haidar, M., Hall, B.S., Halldén, G., Hamacher-Brady, A., Hamann, A., Hamasaki, M., Han, W., Hansen, M., Hanson, P.I., Hao, Z., Harada, M., Harhaji-Trajkovic, L., Hariharan, N., Haroon, N., Harris, J., Hasegawa, T., Hasima Nagoor, N., Haspel, J.A., Haucke, V., Hawkins, W.D., Hay, B.A., Haynes, C.M., Hayrabedyan, S.B., Hays, T.S., He, C., He, Q., He, R.R., He, Y.W., He, Y.Y., Heakal, Y., Heberle, A.M., Hejtmancik, J.F., Helgason, G.V., Henkel, V., Herb, M., Hergovich, A., Herman-Antosiewicz, A., Hernández, A., Hernandez, C., Hernandez-Diaz, S., Hernandez-Gea, V., Herpin, A., Herreros, J., Hervás, J.H., Hesselson, D., Hetz, C., Heussler, V.T., Higuchi, Y., Hilfiker, S., Hill, J.A., Hlavacek, W.S., Ho, E.A., Ho, I.H.T., Ho, P.W.L., Ho, S.L., Ho, W.Y., Hobbs, G.A., Hochstrasser, M., Hoet, P.H.M., Hofius, D., Hofman, P., Höhn, A., Holmberg, C.I., Hombrebueno, J.R., Yi-Ren Hong, C.W.H., Hooper, L.V., Hoppe, T., Horos, R., Hoshida, Y., Hsin, I.L., Hsu, H.Y., Hu, B., Hu, D., Hu, L.F., Hu, M.C., Hu, R., Hu, W., Hu, Y.C., Hu, Z.W., Hua, F., Hua, J., Hua, Y., Huan, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, C., Huang, H., Huang, K., Huang, M.L.H., Huang, R., Huang, S., Huang, T., Huang, X., Huang, Y.J., Huber, T.B., Hubert, V., Hubner, C.A., Hughes, S.M., Hughes, W.E., Humbert, M., Hummer, G., Hurley, J.H., Hussain, S., Hussain, S., Hussey, P.J., Hutabarat, M., Hwang, H.Y., Hwang, S., Ieni, A., Ikeda, F., Imagawa, Y., Imai, Y., Imbriano, C., Imoto, M., Inman, D.M., Inoki, K., Iovanna, J., Iozzo, R.V., Ippolito, G., Irazoqui, J.E., Iribarren, P., Ishaq, M., Ishikawa, M., Ishimwe, N., Isidoro, C., Ismail, N., Issazadeh-Navikas, S., Itakura, E., Ito, D., Ivankovic, D., Ivanova, S., Iyer, A.K.V., Izquierdo, J.M., Izumi, M., Jäättelä, M., Jabir, M.S., Jackson, W.T., Jacobo-Herrera, N., Jacomin, A.C., Jacquin, E., Jadiya, P., Jaeschke, H., Jagannath, C., Jakobi, A.J., Jakobsson, J., Janji, B., Jansen-Dürr, P., Jansson, P.J., Jantsch, J., Januszewski, S., Jassey, A., Jean, S., Jeltsch-David, H., Jendelova, P., Jenny, A., Jensen, T.E., Jessen, N., Jewell, J.L., Ji, J., Jia, L., Jia, R., Jiang, L., Jiang, Q., Jiang, R., Jiang, T., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jimenez-Sanchez, M., Jin, E.J., Jin, F., Jin, H., Jin, L., Jin, L., Jin, M., Jin, S., Jo, E.K., Joffre, C., Johansen, T., Johnson, G.V.W., Johnston, S.A., Jokitalo, E., Jolly, M.K., Joosten, L.A.B., Jordan, J., Joseph, B., Ju, D., Ju, J.S., Ju, J., Juárez, E., Judith, D., Juhász, G., Jun, Y., Jung, C.H., Jung, S.C., Jung, Y.K., Jungbluth, H., Jungverdorben, J., Just, S., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kaganovich, D., Kahana, A., Kain, R., Kajimura, S., Kalamvoki, M., Kalia, M., Kalinowski, D.S., Kaludercic, N., Kalvari, I., Kaminska, J., Kaminskyy, V.O., Kanamori, H., Kanasaki, K., Kang, C., Kang, R., Kang, S.S., Kaniyappan, S., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T.D., Kanthasamy, A.G., Kanthasamy, A., Kantorow, M., Kapuy, O., Karamouzis, M.V., Karim, M.D.R., Karmakar, P., Katare, R.G., Kato, M., Kaufmann, S.H.E., Kauppinen, A., Kaushal, G.P., Kaushik, S., Kawasaki, K., Kazan, K., Ke, P.Y., Keating, D.J., Keber, U., Kehrl, J.H., Keller, K.E., Keller, C.W., Kemper, J.K., Kenific, C.M., Kepp, O., Kermorgant, S., Kern, A., Ketteler, R., Keulers, T.G., Khalfin, B., Khalil, H., Khambu, B., Khan, S.Y., Khandelwal, V.K.M., Khandia, R., Kho, W., Khobrekar, N.V., Khuansuwan, S., Khundadze, M., Killackey, S.A., Kim, D., Kim, D.R., Kim, D.H., Kim, D.E., Kim, E.Y., Kim, E.K., Kim, H.R., Kim, H.S., Kim, H.R., Kim, J.H., Kim, J.K., Kim, J.H., Kim, J., Kim, J.H., Kim, K.I.I., Kim, P.K., Kim, S.J., Kimball, S.R., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A.C., Kimura, T., King, M.A., Kinghorn, K.J., Kinsey, C.G., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L.A., Kiselev, S.L., Kishi, S., Kitamoto, K., Kitaoka, Y., Kitazato, K., Kitsis, R.N., Kittler, J.T., Kjaerulff, O., Klein, P.S., Klopstock, T., Klucken, J., Knævelsrud, H., Knorr, R.L., Ko, B.C.B., Ko, F., Ko, J.L., Kobayashi, H., Kobayashi, S., Koch, I., Koch, J.C., Koenig, U., Kögel, D., Koh, Y.H., Koike, M., Kohlwein, S.D., Kocaturk, N.M., Komatsu, M., König, J., Kono, T., Kopp, B.T., Korcsmaros, T., Korkmaz, G., Korolchuk, V.I., Korsnes, M.S., Koskela, A., Kota, J., Kotake, Y., Kotler, M.L., Kou, Y., Koukourakis, M.I., Koustas, E., Kovacs, A.L., Kovács, T., Koya, D., Kozako, T., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Krämer, H., Krasnodembskaya, A.D., Kretz-Remy, C., Kroemer, G., Ktistakis, N.T., Kuchitsu, K., Kuenen, S., Kuerschner, L., Kukar, T., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, D., Kumar, D., Kumar, S., Kume, S., Kumsta, C., Kundu, C.N., Kundu, M., Kunnumakkara, A.B., Kurgan, L., Kutateladze, T.G., Kutlu, O., Kwak, S.A., Kwon, H.J., Kwon, T.K., Kwon, Y.T., Kyrmizi, I., La Spada, A., Labonté, P., Ladoire, S., Laface, I., Lafont, F., Lagace, D.C., Lahiri, V., Lai, Z., Laird, A.S., Lakkaraju, A., Lamark, T., Lan, S.H., Landajuela, A., Lane, D.J.R., Lane, J.D., Lang, C.H., Lange, C., Langel, Ü., Langer, R., Lapaquette, P., Laporte, J., LaRusso, N.F., Lastres-Becker, I., Lau, W.C.Y., Laurie, G.W., Lavandero, S., Law, B.Y.K., Law, H.K.W., Layfield, R., Le, W., Le Stunff, H., Leary, A.Y., Lebrun, J.J., Leck, L.Y.W., Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., Lee, C., Lee, C.P., Lee, D.H., Lee, E.B., Lee, E.F., Lee, G.M., Lee, H.J., Lee, H.K., Lee, J.M., Lee, J.S., Lee, J.A., Lee, J.Y., Lee, J.H., Lee, M., Lee, M.G., Lee, M.J., Lee, M.S., Lee, S.Y., Lee, S.J., Lee, S.Y., Lee, S.B., Lee, W.H., Lee, Y.R., Lee, Y.H., Lee, Y., Lefebvre, C., Legouis, R., Lei, Y.L., Lei, Y., Leikin, S., Leitinger, G., Lemus, L., Leng, S., Lenoir, O., Lenz, G., Lenz, H.J., Lenzi, P., León, Y., Leopoldino, A.M., Leschczyk, C., Leskelä, S., Letellier, E., Leung, C.T., Leung, P.S., Leventhal, J.S., Levine, B., Lewis, P.A., Ley, K., Li, B., Li, D.Q., Li, J., Li, J., Li, J., Li, K., Li, L., Li, M., Li, M., Li, M., Li, M., Li, M., Li, P.L., Li, M.Q., Li, Q., Li, S., Li, T., Li, W., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y.P., Li, Y., Li, Z., Li, Z., Li, Z., Lian, J., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liang, W., Liang, Y., Liang, Y.T., Liao, G., Liao, L., Liao, M., Liao, Y.F., Librizzi, M., Lie, P.P.Y., Lilly, M.A., Lim, H.J., Lima, T.R.R., Limana, F., Lin, C., Lin, C.W., Lin, D.S., Lin, F.C., Lin, J.D., Lin, K.M., Lin, K.H., Lin, L.T., Lin, P.H., Lin, Q., Lin, S., Lin, S.J., Lin, W., Lin, X., Lin, Y.X., Lin, Y.S., Linden, R., Lindner, P., Ling, S.C., Lingor, P., Linnemann, A.K., Liou, Y.C., Lipinski, M.M., Lipovšek, S., Lira, V.A., Lisiak, N., Liton, P.B., Liu, C., Liu, C.H., Liu, C.F., Liu, C.H., Liu, F., Liu, H., Liu, H.S., Liu, H.F., Liu, H., Liu, J., Liu, J., Liu, J., Liu, L., Liu, L., Liu, M., Liu, Q., Liu, W., Liu, W., Liu, X.H., Liu, X., Liu, X., Liu, X., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Livingston, J.A., Lizard, G., Lizcano, J.M., Ljubojevic-Holzer, S., LLeonart, M.E., Llobet-Navàs, D., Llorente, A., Lo, C.H., Lobato-Márquez, D., Long, Q., Long, Y.C., Loos, B., Loos, J.A., López, M.G., López-Doménech, G., López-Guerrero, J.A., López-Jiménez, A.T., López-Pérez, O., López-Valero, I., Lorenowicz, M.J., Lorente, M., Lorincz, P., Lossi, L., Lotersztajn, S., Lovat, P.E., Lovell, J.F., Lovy, A., Lőw, P., Lu, G., Lu, H., Lu, J.H., Lu, J.J., Lu, M., Lu, S., Luciani, A., Lucocq, J.M., Ludovico, P., Luftig, M.A., Luhr, M., Luis-Ravelo, D., Lum, J.J., Luna-Dulcey, L., Lund, A.H., Lund, V.K., Lünemann, J.D., Lüningschrör, P., Luo, H., Luo, R., Luo, S., Luo, Z., Luparello, C., Lüscher, B., Luu, L., Lyakhovich, A., Lyamzaev, K.G., Lystad, A.H., Lytvynchuk, L., Ma, A.C., Ma, C., Ma, M., Ma, N.F., Ma, Q.H., Ma, X., Ma, Y., Ma, Z., MacDougald, O.A., Macian, F., MacIntosh, G.C., MacKeigan, J.P., Macleod, K.F., Maday, S., Madeo, F., Madesh, M., Madl, T., Madrigal-Matute, J., Maeda, A., Maejima, Y., Magarinos, M., Mahavadi, P., Maiani, E., Maiese, K., Maiti, P., Maiuri, M.C., Majello, B., Major, M.B., Makareeva, E., Malik, F., Mallilankaraman, K., Malorni, W., Maloyan, A., Mammadova, N., Man, G.C.W., Manai, F., Mancias, J.D., Mandelkow, E.M., Mandell, M.A., Manfredi, A.A., Manjili, M.H., Manjithaya, R., Manque, P., Manshian, B.B., Manzano, R., Manzoni, C., Mao, K., Marchese, C., Marchetti, S., Marconi, A.M., Marcucci, F., Mardente, S., Mareninova, O.A., Margeta, M., Mari, M., Marinelli, S., Marinelli, O., Mariño, G., Mariotto, S., Marshall, R.S., Marten, M.R., Martens, S., Martin, A.P.J., Martin, K.R., Martin, S., Martin, S., Martín-Segura, A., Martín-Acebes, M.A., Martin-Burriel, I., Martin-Rincon, M., Martin-Sanz, P., Martina, J.A., Martinet, W., Martinez, A., Martinez, A., Martinez, J., Martinez Velazquez, M., Martinez-Lopez, N., Martinez-Vicente, M., Martins, D.O., Martins, J.O., Martins, W.K., Martins-Marques, T., Marzetti, E., Masaldan, S., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Mashek, D.G., Massa, V., Massieu, L., Masson, G.R., Masuelli, L., Masyuk, A.I., Masyuk, T.V., Matarrese, P., Matheu, A., Matoba, S., Matsuzaki, S., Mattar, P., Matte, A., Mattoscio, D., Mauriz, J.L., Mauthe, M., Mauvezin, C., Maverakis, E., Maycotte, P., Mayer, J., Mazzoccoli, G., Mazzoni, C., Mazzulli, J.R., McCarty, N., McDonald, C., McGill, M.R., McKenna, S.L., McLaughlin, B.A., McLoughlin, F., McNiven, M.A., McWilliams, T.G., Mechta-Grigoriou, F., Medeiros, T.C., Medina, D.L., Megeney, L.Y., Megyeri, K., Mehrpour, M., Mehta, J.L., Meijer, A.J., Meijer, A.H., Mejlvang, J., Meléndez, A., Melk, A., Memisoglu, G., Mendes, A.F., Meng, D., Meng, F., Meng, T., Menna-Barreto, R., Menon, M.B., Mercer, C., Mercier, A.E., Mergny, J.L., Merighi, A., Merkley, S.D., Merla, G., Meske, V., Mestre, A.C., Metur, S.P., Meyer, C., Meyer, H., Mi, W., Mialet-Perez, J., Miao, J., Micale, L., Miki, Y., Milan, E., Milczarek, M., Miller, D.L., Miller, S.I., Miller, S., Millward, S.W., Milosevic, I., Minina, E.A., Mirzaei, H., Mirzaei, H.R., Mirzaei, M., Mishra, A., Mishra, N., Mishra, P.K., Misirkic Marjanovic, M., Misasi, R., Misra, A., Misso, G., Mitchell, C., Mitou, G., Miura, T., Miyamoto, S., Miyazaki, M., Miyazaki, M., Miyazaki, T., Miyazawa, K., Mizushima, N., Mogensen, T.H., Mograbi, B., Mohammadinejad, R., Mohamud, Y., Mohanty, A., Mohapatra, S., Möhlmann, T., Mohmmed, A., Moles, A., Moley, K.H., Molinari, M., Mollace, V., Møller, A.B., Mollereau, B., Mollinedo, F., Montagna, C., Monteiro, M.J., Montella, A., Montes, L.R., Montico, B., Mony, V.K., Monzio Compagnoni, G., Moore, M.N., Moosavi, M.A., Mora, A.L., Mora, M., Morales-Alamo, D., Moratalla, R., Moreira, P.I., Morelli, E., Moreno, S., Moreno-Blas, D., Moresi, V., Morga, B., Morgan, A.H., Morin, F., Morishita, H., Moritz, O.L., Moriyama, M., Moriyasu, Y., Morleo, M., Morselli, E., Moruno-Manchon, J.F., Moscat, J., Mostowy, S., Motori, E., Moura, A.F., Moustaid-Moussa, N., Mrakovcic, M., Muciño-Hernández, G., Mukherjee, A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Mulcahy Levy, J.M., Mulero, V., Muller, S., Münch, C., Munjal, A., Munoz-Canoves, P., Muñoz-Galdeano, T., Münz, C., Murakawa, T., Muratori, C., Murphy, B.M., Murphy, J.P., Murthy, A., Myöhänen, T.T., Mysorekar, I.U., Mytych, J., Nabavi, S.M., Nabissi, M., Nagy, P., Nah, J., Nahimana, A., Nakagawa, I., Nakamura, K., Nakatogawa, H., Nandi, S.S., Nanjundan, M., Nanni, M., Napolitano, G., Nardacci, R., Narita, M., Nassif, M., Nathan, I., Natsumeda, M., Naude, R.J., Naumann, C., Naveiras, O., Navid, F., Nawrocki, S.T., Nazarko, T.Y., Nazio, F., Negoita, F., Neill, T., Neisch, A.L., Neri, L.M., Netea, M.G., Neubert, P., Neufeld, T.P., Neumann, D., Neutzner, A., Newton, P.T., Ney, P.A., Nezis, I.P., Ng, C.C.W., Ng, T.B., Nguyen, H.T.T., Nguyen, L.T., Ni, H.M., Ní Cheallaigh, C., Ni, Z., Nicolao, M.C., Nicoli, F., Nieto-Diaz, M., Nilsson, P., Ning, S., Niranjan, R., Nishimune, H., Niso-Santano, M., Nixon, R.A., Nobili, A., Nobrega, C., Noda, T., Nogueira-Recalde, U., Nolan, T.M., Nombela, I., Novak, I., Novoa, B., Nozawa, T., Nukina, N., Nussbaum-Krammer, C., Nylandsted, J., O'Donovan, T.R., O'Leary, S.M., O'Rourke, E.J., O'Sullivan, M.P., O'Sullivan, T.E., Oddo, S., Oehme, I., Ogawa, M., Ogier-Denis, E., Ogmundsdottir, M.H., Ogretmen, B., Oh, G.T., Oh, S.H., Oh, Y.J., Ohama, T., Ohashi, Y., Ohmuraya, M., Oikonomou, V., Ojha, R., Okamoto, K., Okazawa, H., Oku, M., Oliván, S., Oliveira, J.M.A., Ollmann, M., Olzmann, J.A., Omari, S., Omary, M.B., Önal, G., Ondrej, M., Ong, S.B., Ong, S.G., Onnis, A., Orellana, J.A., Orellana-Muñoz, S., Ortega-Villaizan, M.D.M., Ortiz-Gonzalez, X.R., Ortona, E., Osiewacz, H.D., Osman, A.H.K., Osta, R., Otegui, M.S., Otsu, K., Ott, C., Ottobrini, L., Ou, J.H.J., Outeiro, T.F., Oynebraten, I., Ozturk, M., Pagès, G., Pahari, S., Pajares, M., Pajvani, U.B., Pal, R., Paladino, S., Pallet, N., Palmieri, M., Palmisano, G., Palumbo, C., Pampaloni, F., Pan, L., Pan, Q., Pan, W:, Pan, X., Panasyuk, G., Pandey, R., Pandey, U.B., Pandya, V., Paneni, F., Pang, S.Y., Panzarini, E., Papademetrio, D.L., Papaleo, E., Papinski, D., Papp, D., Park, E.C., Park, H.T., Park, J.M., Park, J.I., Park, J.T., Park, J., Park, S.C., Park, S.Y., Parola, A.H., Parys, J.B., Pasquier, A., Pasquier, B., Passos, J.F., Pastore, N., Patel, H.H., Patschan, D., Pattingre, S., Pedraza-Alva, G., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Pedrozo, Z., Pei, G., Pei, J., Peled-Zehavi, H., Pellegrini, J.M., Pelletier, J., Peñalva, M.A., Peng, D., Peng, Y., Penna, F., Pennuto, M., Pentimalli, F., Pereira, C.M.F., Pereira, G.J.S., Pereira, L.C., Pereira de Almeida, L., Perera, N.D., Pérez-Lara, A., Perez-Oliva, A.B., Pérez-Pérez, M.E., Periyasamy, P., Perl, A., Perrotta, C., Perrotta, I., Pestell, R.G., Petersen, M., Petrache, I., Petrovski, G., Pfirrmann, T., Pfister, A.S., Philips, J.A., Pi, H., Picca, A., Pickrell, A.M., Picot, S., Pierantoni, G.M., Pierdominici, M., Pierre, P., Pierrefite-Carle, V., Pierzynowska, K., Pietrocola, F., Pietruczuk, M., Pignata, C., Pimentel-Muiños, F.X., Pinar, M., Pinheiro, R.O., Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Pinton, P., Pircs, K., Piya, S., Pizzo, P., Plantinga, T.S., Platta, H.W., Plaza-Zabala, A., Plomann, M., Plotnikov, E.Y., Plun-Favreau, H., Pluta, R., Pocock, R., Pöggeler, S., Pohl, C., Poirot, M., Poletti, A., Ponpuak, M., Popelka, H., Popova, B., Porta, H., Porte Alcon, S., Portilla-Fernandez, E., Post, M., Potts, M.B., Poulton, J., Powers, T., Prahlad, V., Prajsnar, T.K., Praticò, D., Prencipe, R., Priault, M., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Promponas, V.J., Proud, C.G., Puertollano, R., Puglielli, L., Pulinilkunnil, T., Puri, D., Puri, R., Puyal, J., Qi, X., Qi, Y., Qian, W., Qiang, L., Qiu, Y., Quadrilatero, J., Quarleri, J., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Ragona, D., Ragusa, M.J., Rahimi, N., Rahmati, M., Raia, V., Raimundo, N., Rajasekaran, N.S., Ramachandra Rao, S., Rami, A., Ramírez-Pardo, I., Ramsden, D.B., Randow, F., Rangarajan, P.N., Ranieri, D., Rao, H., Rao, L., Rao, R., Rathore, S., Ratnayaka, J.A., Ratovitski, E.A., Ravanan, P., Ravegnini, G., Ray, S.K., Razani, B., Rebecca, V., Reggiori, F., Régnier-Vigouroux, A., Reichert, A.S., Reigada, D., Reiling, J.H., Rein, T., Reipert, S., Rekha, R.S., Ren, H., Ren, J., Ren, W., Renault, T., Renga, G., Reue, K., Rewitz, K., Ribeiro de Andrade Ramos, B., Riazuddin, S.A., Ribeiro-Rodrigues, T.M., Ricci, J.E., Ricci, R., Riccio, V., 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Divergent architecture of the heterotrimeric NatC complex explains N-terminal acetylation of cognate substrates.
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Monogenic variants in dystonia: an exome-wide sequencing study.
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EHD2-mediated restriction of caveolar dynamics regulates cellular fatty acid uptake.
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Structure and assembly of the mitochondrial membrane remodelling GTPase Mgm1.
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FIP200 claw domain binding to p62 promotes autophagosome formation at ubiquitin condensates.
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Autocrine LTA signaling drives NF-κB and JAK-STAT activity and myeloid gene expression in Hodgkin lymphoma.
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Structural basis for membrane tethering by a bacterial dynamin-like pair.
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Regulated membrane remodeling by Mic60 controls formation of mitochondrial crista junctions.
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How EF-Tu can contribute to efficient proofreading of aa-tRNA by the ribosome.
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Quantitative interaction mapping reveals an extended UBX domain in ASPL that disrupts functional p97 hexamers.
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Bimodal antagonism of PKA signalling by ARHGAP36.
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Crystal structure of the dynamin tetramer.
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New role for the (pro)renin receptor in T cell development.
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Roquin binding to target mRNAs involves a winged helix-turn-helix motif.
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BAR domain scaffolds in dynamin-mediated membrane fission.
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Structural insights into oligomerization and mitochondrial remodelling of dynamin 1-like protein.
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Structure of myxovirus resistance protein A reveals intra- and intermolecular domain interactions required for the antiviral function.
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Crystal structure of nucleotide-free dynamin.
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Structure of a classical MHC class I molecule that binds "non-classical" ligands.
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Structural basis of oligomerization in the stalk region of dynamin-like MxA.
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Host cell interactome of tyrosine-phosphorylated bacterial proteins.
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Architectural and mechanistic insights into an EHD ATPase involved in membrane remodelling.
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De la Rosa, Kathrin

Diversification of antibodies: from V(D)J recombination to somatic exon shuffling.
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Precise CRISPR-Cas9 gene repair in autologous memory T cells to treat familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
Li, X., Wirtz, T., Weber, T., Lebedin, M., Lowenstein, E.D., Sommermann, T., Zach, A., Yasuda, T., de la Rosa, K., Chu, V.T., Schulte, J.H., Müller, I., Kocks, C. and Rajewsky, K.
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Different classes of genomic inserts contribute to human antibody diversity.
Lebedin, M., Foglierini, M., Khorkova, S., Vázquez García, C., Ratswohl, C., Davydov, A.N., Turchaninova, M.A., Daubenberger, C., Chudakov, D.M., Lanzavecchia, A. and de la Rosa, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (36): e2205470119. 6 September 2022

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations fail to elicit humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving fingolimod.
Meyer-Arndt, L., Braun, J., Fauchere, F., Vanshylla, K., Loyal, L., Henze, L., Kruse, B., Dingeldey, M., Jürchott, K., Mangold, M., Maraj, A., Braginets, A., Böttcher, C., Nitsche, A., de la Rosa, K., Ratswohl, C., Sawitzki, B., Holenya, P., Reimer, U., Sander, L.E., Klein, F., Paul, F., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Thiel, A. and Giesecke-Thiel, C.
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Precise CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene repair with minimal off-target and unintended on-target mutations in human hematopoietic stem cells.
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Deubzer, Hedwig (ECRC)

Defining the landscape of circular RNAs in neuroblastoma unveils a global suppressive function of MYCN.
Fuchs, S., Danßmann, C., Klironomos, F., Winkler, A., Fallmann, J., Kruetzfeldt, L.M., Szymansky, A., Naderi, J., Bernhart, S.H., Grunewald, L., Helmsauer, K., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Astrahantseff, K., Suenkel, C., Toedling, J., Meggetto, F., Remke, M., Stadler, P.F., Hundsdoerfer, P., Deubzer, H.E., Künkele, A., Lang, P., Fuchs, J., Henssen, A.G., Eggert, A., Rajewsky, N., Hertwig, F. and Schulte, J.H.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 3936. 4 July 2023

Parallel sequencing of extrachromosomal circular DNAs and transcriptomes in single cancer cells.
Chamorro González, R., Conrad, T., Stöber, M.C., Xu, R., Giurgiu, M., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Kasack, K., Brückner, L., van Leen, E., Helmsauer, K., Dorado Garcia, H., Stefanova, M.E., Hung, K.L., Bei, Y., Schmelz, K., Lodrini, M., Mundlos, S., Chang, H.Y., Deubzer, H.E., Sauer, S., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Schwarz, R.F., Haase, K., Koche, R.P. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Genetics 55 (5): 880-890. May 2023

Mutations in ALK signaling pathways conferring resistance to ALK inhibitor treatment lead to collateral vulnerabilities in neuroblastoma cells.
Berlak, M., Tucker, E., Dorel, M., Winkler, A., McGearey, A., Rodriguez-Fos, E., da Costa, B.M., Barker, K., Fyle, E., Calton, E., Eising, S., Ober, K., Hughes, D., Koutroumanidou, E., Carter, P., Stankunaite, R., Proszek, P., Jain, N., Rosswog, C., Dorado-Garcia, H., Molenaar, J.J., Hubank, M., Barone, G., Anderson, J., Lang, P., Deubzer, H.E., Künkele, A., Fischer, M., Eggert, A., Kloft, C., Henssen, A.G., Boettcher, M., Hertwig, F., Blüthgen, N., Chesler, L. and Schulte, J.H.
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Extrachromosomal circular DNA drives oncogenic genome remodeling in neuroblastoma.
Koche, R.P., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Helmsauer, K., Burkert, M., MacArthur, I.C., Maag, J., Chamorro, R., Munoz-Perez, N., Puiggròs, M., Dorado Garcia, H., Bei, Y., Röefzaad, C., Bardinet, V., Szymansky, A., Winkler, A., Thole, T., Timme, N., Kasack, K., Fuchs, S., Klironomos, F., Thiessen, N., Blanc, E., Schmelz, K., Künkele, A., Hundsdörfer, P., Rosswog, C., Theissen, J., Beule, D., Deubzer, H., Sauer, S., Toedling, J., Fischer, M., Hertwig, F., Schwarz, R.F., Eggert, A., Torrents, D., Schulte, J.H. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Genetics 52 (1): 29-34. January 2020

Di Virgilio, Michela

RIF1 integrates DNA repair and transcriptional requirements during the establishment of humoral immune responses.
Kabrani, E., Rahjouei, A., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Ebeling, S., Saha, T., Altwasser, R., Delgado-Benito, V., Pavri, R. and Di Virgilio, M.
Nature Communications 16 (1): 777. 17 January 2025

RIF1 regulates early replication timing in murine B cells.
Malzl, D., Peycheva, M., Rahjouei, A., Gnan, S., Klein, K.N., Nazarova, M., Schoeberl, U.E., Gilbert, D.M., Buonomo, S.C.B., Di Virgilio, M., Neumann, T. and Pavri, R.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 8049. 11 December 2023

Turning science into cover art.
Dauben, H., Matic, I., Kidmose, R.T., Pedersen, B.P., Saha, T., Di Virgilio, M. and Sung, J.H.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 48 (12): 1009-1011. December 2023

DNA repair and antibody diversification: the 53BP1 paradigm.
Kabrani, E., Saha, T. and Di Virgilio, M.
Trends in Immunology 44 (10): 782-791. October 2023

Therapeutic targeting of ATR in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.
Dorado Garcia, H., Pusch, F., Bei, Y., von Stebut, J., Ibáñez, G., Guillan, K., Imami, K., Gürgen, D., Rolff, J., Helmsauer, K., Meyer-Liesener, S., Timme, N., Bardinet, V., Chamorro González, R., MacArthur, I.C., Chen, C.Y., Schulz, J., Wengner, A.M., Furth, C., Lala, B., Eggert, A., Seifert, G., Hundsoerfer, P., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Selbach, M., Lissat, A., Dubois, F., Horst, D., Schulte, J.H., Spuler, S., You, D., Dela Cruz, F., Kung, A.L., Haase, K., Di Virgilio, M., Scheer, M., Ortiz, M.V. and Henssen, A.G.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 4297. 25 July 2022

Defective metabolic programming impairs early neuronal morphogenesis in neural cultures and an organoid model of Leigh syndrome.
Inak, G., Rybak-Wolf, A., Lisowski, P., Pentimalli, T.M., Jüttner, R., Glažar, P., Uppal, K., Bottani, E., Brunetti, D., Secker, C., Zink, A., Meierhofer, D., Henke, M.T., Dey, M., Ciptasari, U., Mlody, B., Hahn, T., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Karaiskos, N., Di Virgilio, M., Mayr, J.A., Wortmann, S.B., Priller, J., Gotthardt, M., Jones, D.P., Mayatepek, E., Stenzel, W., Diecke, S., Kühn, R., Wanker, E.E., Rajewsky, N., Schuelke, M. and Prigione, A.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 1929. 26 March 2021

Charting a DNA repair roadmap for immunoglobulin class switch recombination.
Saha, T., Sundaravinayagam, D. and Di Virgilio, M.
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PDGFA-associated protein 1 protects mature B lymphocytes from stress-induced cell death and promotes antibody gene diversification.
Delgado-Benito, V., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Altwasser, R., Winkler, W., Sundaravinayagam, D., Balasubramanian, S., Caganova, M., Graf, R., Rahjouei, A., Henke, M.T., Driesner, M., Keller, L., Prigione, A., Janz, M., Akalin, A. and Di Virgilio, M.
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The chromatin reader ZMYND8 regulates Igh enhancers to promote immunoglobulin class switch recombination.
Delgado-Benito, V., Rosen, D.B., Wang, Q., Gazumyan, A., Pai, J.A., Oliveira, T.Y., Sundaravinayagam, D., Zhang, W., Andreani, M., Keller, L., Kieffer-Kwon, K.R., Pękowska, A., Jung, S., Driesner, M., Subbotin, R.I., Casellas, R., Chait, B.T., Nussenzweig, M.C. and Di Virgilio, M.
Molecular Cell 72 (4): 636-649. 15 November 2018

SETD1A protects HSCs from activation-induced functional decline in vivo.
Arndt, K., Kranz, A., Fohgrub, J., Jolly, A., Bledau, A.S., Di Virgilio, M., Lesche, M., Dahl, A., Höfer, T., Stewart, A.F. and Waskow, C.
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A dual role of Caspase-8 in triggering and sensing proliferation-associated DNA damage, a key determinant of liver cancer development.
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PI3 kinase and FOXO1 transcription factor activity differentially control B cells in the germinal center light and dark zones.
Sander, S., Chu, V.T., Yasuda, T., Franklin, A., Graf, R., Calado, D.P., Li, S., Imami, K., Selbach, M., Di Virgilio, M., Bullinger, L. and Rajewsky, K.
Immunity 43 (6): 1075-1086. 15 December 2015

Diebolder, Christoph

Visualizing the modification landscape of the human 60S ribosomal subunit at close to atomic resolution.
Wiechert, F., Unbehaun, A., Sprink, T., Seibel, H., Bürger, J., Loerke, J., Mielke, T., Diebolder, C.A., Schacherl, M. and Spahn, C.M.T.
Nucleic Acids Research 53 (1): gkae1191. 13 January 2025

The proline-rich antimicrobial peptide Api137 disrupts large ribosomal subunit assembly and induces misfolding.
Lauer, S.M., Gasse, J., Krizsan, A., Reepmeyer, M., Sprink, T., Nikolay, R., Spahn, C.M.T. and Hoffmann, R.
Nature Communications 16 (1): 567. 10 January 2025

Transient disome complex formation in native polysomes during ongoing protein synthesis captured by cryo-EM.
Flügel, T., Schacherl, M., Unbehaun, A., Schroeer, B., Dabrowski, M., Bürger, J., Mielke, T., Sprink, T., Diebolder, C.A., Guillén Schlippe, Y.V. and Spahn, C.M.T.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 1756. 26 February 2024

Streamlined structure determination by cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging using TomoBEAR.
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Nature Communications 14 (1): 6543. 17 October 2023

Cryo-electron tomography reveals structural insights into the membrane remodeling mode of dynamin-like EHD filaments.
Melo, A.A., Sprink, T., Noel, J.K., Vázquez-Sarandeses, E., van Hoorn, C., Mohd, S., Loerke, J., Spahn, C.M.T. and Daumke, O.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 7641. 10 December 2022

Diecke, Sebastian (MDC/BIH)

Engineered heart muscle allografts for heart repair in primates and humans.
Jebran, A.F., Seidler, T., Tiburcy, M., Daskalaki, M., Kutschka, I., Fujita, B., Ensminger, S., Bremmer, F., Moussavi, A., Yang, H., Qin, X., Mißbach, S., Drummer, C., Baraki, H., Boretius, S., Hasenauer, C., Nette, T., Kowallick, J., Ritter, C.O., Lotz, J., Didié, M., Mietsch, M., Meyer, T., Kensah, G., Krüger, D., Sakib, M.S., Kaurani, L., Fischer, A., Dressel, R., Rodriguez-Polo, I., Stauske, M., Diecke, S., Maetz-Rensing, K., Gruber-Dujardin, E., Bleyer, M., Petersen, B., Roos, C., Zhang, L., Walter, L., Kaulfuß, S., Yigit, G., Wollnik, B., Levent, E., Roshani, B., Stahl-Henning, C., Ströbel, P., Legler, T., Riggert, J., Hellenkamp, K., Voigt, J.U., Hasenfuß, G., Hinkel, R., Wu, J.C., Behr, R. and Zimmermann, W.H.
Nature 29 January 2025 (In Press)

Reassessment of marker genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells for enhanced quality control.
Dobner, J., Diecke, S., Krutmann, J., Prigione, A. and Rossi, A.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 8547. 2 October 2024

Mutant huntingtin impairs neurodevelopment in human brain organoids through CHCHD2-mediated neurometabolic failure.
Lisowski, P., Lickfett, S., Rybak-Wolf, A., Menacho, C., Le, S., Pentimalli, T.M., Notopoulou, S., Dykstra, W., Oehler, D., López-Calcerrada, S., Mlody, B., Otto, M., Wu, H., Richter, Y., Roth, P., Anand, R., Kulka, L.A.M., Meierhofer, D., Glazar, P., Legnini, I., Telugu, N.S., Hahn, T., Neuendorf, N., Miller, D.C., Böddrich, A., Polzin, A., Mayatepek, E., Diecke, S., Olzscha, H., Kirstein, J., Ugalde, C., Petrakis, S., Cambridge, S., Rajewsky, N., Kühn, R., Wanker, E.E., Priller, J., Metzger, J.J. and Prigione, A.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 7027. 22 August 2024

Efficient generation of a self-organizing neuromuscular junction model from human pluripotent stem cells.
Urzi, A., Lahmann, I., Nguyen, L.V.N., Rost, B.R., García-Pérez, A., Lelievre, N., Merritt-Garza, M.E., Phan, H.C, Bassell, G.J., Rossoll, W., Diecke, S., Kunz, S., Schmitz, D. and Gouti, M.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 8043. 19 December 2023

Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate facilitates axonal vesicle transport and presynapse assembly.
Rizalar, F.S., Lucht, M.T., Petzoldt, A., Kong, S., Sun, J., Vines, J.H., Telugu, N.S., Diecke, S., Kaas, T., Bullmann, T., Schmied, C., Löwe, D., King, J.S., Cho, W., Hallermann, S., Puchkov, D., Sigrist, S.J. and Haucke, V.
Science 382 (6667): 223-230. 12 October 2023

A stem cell zoo uncovers intracellular scaling of developmental tempo across mammals.
Lázaro, J., Costanzo, M., Sanaki-Matsumiya, M., Girardot, C., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, K., Diecke, S., Hildebrandt, T.B., Lazzari, G., Wu, J., Petkov, S., Behr, R., Trivedi, V., Matsuda, M. and Ebisuya, M.
Cell Stem Cell 30 (7): 938-949.e7. 6 July 2023

iPSC-derived reactive astrocytes from patients with multiple-sclerosis protect cocultured neurons in inflammatory conditions.
Kerkering, J., Muinjonov, B., Rosiewicz, K.S., Diecke, S., Biese, C., Schiweck, J., Chien, C., Zocholl, D., Conrad, T., Paul, F., Alisch, M. and Siffrin, V.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 133 (13): e164637. 3 July 2023

Robust induction of primordial germ cells of white rhinoceros on the brink of extinction.
Hayashi, M., Zywitza, V., Naitou, Y., Hamazaki, N., Goeritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Lazzari, G., Galli, C., Stejskal, J., Diecke, S., Hildebrandt, T.B. and Hayashi, K.
Science Advances 8 (49): eabp9683. 9 December 2022

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects from hypertension-induced cardiac damage.
Ercu, M., Mücke, M.B., Pallien, T., Markó, L., Sholokh, A., Schächterle, C., Aydin, A., Kidd, A., Walter, S., Esmati, Y., McMurray, B.J., Lato, D.F., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Dierks, P.H., Flores, B.I.M., Walker-Gray, R., Gong, M., Merticariu, C., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Liu, T., Batolomaeus, T.U.P., Pautz, S., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Napieczynska, H., Heuser, A., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Miller, D.C., Diecke, S., Qadri, F., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Movsesian, M.A., Herberg, F.W., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Borodina, T., Maass, P.G., Bähring, S., Hübner, N., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 146 (23): 1758-1778. 6 December 2022

Serine biosynthesis as a novel therapeutic target for dilated cardiomyopathy.
Perea-Gil, I., Seeger, T., Bruyneel, A.A.N., Termglinchan, V., Monte, E., Lim, E.W., Vadgama, N., Furihata, T., Gavidia, A.A., Arthur Ataam, J., Bharucha, N., Martinez-Amador, N., Ameen, M., Nair, P., Serrano, R., Kaur, B., Feyen, D.A.M., Diecke, S., Snyder, M.P., Metallo, C.M., Mercola, M. and Karakikes, I.
European Heart Journal 43 (36): 3477-3489. 21 September 2022

Defective metabolic programming impairs early neuronal morphogenesis in neural cultures and an organoid model of Leigh syndrome.
Inak, G., Rybak-Wolf, A., Lisowski, P., Pentimalli, T.M., Jüttner, R., Glažar, P., Uppal, K., Bottani, E., Brunetti, D., Secker, C., Zink, A., Meierhofer, D., Henke, M.T., Dey, M., Ciptasari, U., Mlody, B., Hahn, T., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Karaiskos, N., Di Virgilio, M., Mayr, J.A., Wortmann, S.B., Priller, J., Gotthardt, M., Jones, D.P., Mayatepek, E., Stenzel, W., Diecke, S., Kühn, R., Wanker, E.E., Rajewsky, N., Schuelke, M. and Prigione, A.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 1929. 26 March 2021

Endogenous retrovirus-derived lncRNA BANCR promotes cardiomyocyte migration in humans and non-human primates.
Wilson, K.D., Ameen, M., Guo, H., Abilez, O.J., Tian, L., Mumbach, M.R., Diecke, S., Qin, X., Liu, Y., Yang, H., Ma, N., Gaddam, S., Cunningham, N.J., Gu, M., Neofytou, E., Prado, M., Hildebrandt, T.B., Karakikes, I., Chang, H.Y. and Wu, J.C.
Developmental Cell 54 (6): 694-709. 28 September 2020

Intronic CRISPR repair in a preclinical model of Noonan syndrome-associated cardiomyopathy.
Hanses, U., Kleinsorge, M., Roos, L., Yigit, G., Li, Y., Barbarics, B., El-Battrawy, I., Lan, H., Tiburcy, M., Hindmarsh, R., Lenz, C., Salinas, G., Diecke, S., Müller, C., Adham, I., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Paul, T., Zimmermann, W.H., Hasenfuss, G., Wollnik, B. and Cyganek, L.
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Induced pluripotent stem cell-based disease modeling identifies ligand-induced decay of megalin as a cause of Donnai-Barrow syndrome.
Flemming, J., Marczenke, M., Rudolph, I.M., Nielsen, R., Storm, T., Ilsoe Christensen, E., Diecke, S., Emma, F. and Willnow, T.E.
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Activation of PDGF pathway links LMNA mutation to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Lee, J., Termglinchan, V., Diecke, S., Itzhaki, I., Lam, C.K., Garg, P., Lau, E., Greenhaw, M., Seeger, T., Wu, H., Zhang, J.Z, Chen, X., Gil, I.P., Ameen, M., Sallam, K., Rhee, J.W., Churko, J.M., Chaudhary, R., Chour, T., Wang, P.J., Snyder, M.P., Chang, H.Y., Karakikes, I. and Wu, J.C.
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The translational landscape of the human heart.
van Heesch, S., Witte, F., Schneider-Lunitz, V., Schulz, J.F., Adami, E., Faber, A., Kirchner, M., Maatz, H., Blachut, S., Sandmann, C.L., Kanda, M., Worth, C.L., Schafer, S., Calviello, L., Merriott, R., Patone, G., Hummel, O., Wyler, E., Obermayer, B., Mücke, M., Lindberg, E.L., Trnka, F., Memczak, S., Schilling, M., Felkin, L.E., Barton, P.J.R., Quaife, N.M., Vanezis, K., Diecke, S., Mukai, M., Mah, N., Oh, S.J., Kurtz, A., Schramm, C., Schwinge, D., Sebode, M., Harakalova, M., Asselbergs, F.W., Vink, A., de Weger, R.A., Viswanathan, S., Widjaja, A.A., Gärtner-Rommel, A., Milting, H., Dos Remedios, C., Knosalla, C., Mertins, P., Landthaler, M., Vingron, M., Linke, W.A., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E., Rajewsky, N., Ohler, U., Cook, S.A. and Hubner, N.
Cell 178 (1): 242-260. 27 June 2019

Electroconductive biohybrid hydrogel for enhanced maturation and beating properties of engineered cardiac tissues.
Roshanbinfar, K., Vogt, L., Greber, B., Diecke, S., Boccaccini, A.R., Scheibel, T. and Engel, F.B.
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Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs.
Meyer, K., Kirchner, M., Uyar, B., Cheng, J.Y., Russo, G., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Szymborska, A., Zauber, H., Rudolph, I.M., Willnow, T.E., Akalin, A., Haucke, V., Gerhardt, H., Birchmeier, C., Kühn, R., Krauss, M., Diecke, S., Pascual, J.M. and Selbach, M.
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Embryos and embryonic stem cells from the white rhinoceros.
Hildebrandt, T.B., Hermes, R., Colleoni, S., Diecke, S., Holtze, S., Renfree, M.B., Stejskal, J., Hayashi, K., Drukker, M., Loi, P., Göritz, F., Lazzari, G. and Galli, C.
Nature Communications 9 (1): 2589. 4 July 2018

Autologous iPSC-based vaccines elicit anti-tumor responses in vivo.
Kooreman, N.G., Kim, Y., de Almeida, P.E., Termglinchan, V., Diecke, S., Shao, N.Y., Wei, T.T., Yi, H., Dey, De., Nelakanti, R., Brouwer, T.P., Paik, D.T., Sagiv-Barfi, I., Han, A., Quax, P.H.A., Hamming, J.F., Levy, R., Davis, M.M. and Wu, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell 22 (4): 501-513. 5 April 2018

A comprehensive TALEN-based knockout library for generating human induced pluripotent stem cell-based models for cardiovascular diseases.
Karakikes, I., Termglinchan, V., Cepeda, D.A., Lee, J., Diecke, S., Hendel, A., Itzhaki, I., Ameen, M., Shrestha, R., Wu, H., Ma, N., Shao, N.Y., Seeger, T., Woo, N.A., Wilson, K.D., Matsa, E., Porteus, M.H., Sebastiano, V. and Wu, J.C.
Circulation Research 120 (10): 1561-1571. 12 May 2017

Dieterich, Christoph (BIMSB)

MOV10 is a 5' to 3' RNA helicase contributing to UPF1 mRNA target degradation by translocation along 3' UTRs.
Gregersen, L.H., Schueler, M., Munschauer, M., Mastrobuoni, G., Chen, W., Kempa, S., Dieterich, C. and Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 54 (4): 573-585. 22 May 2014

Differential protein occupancy profiling of the mRNA transcriptome.
Schueler, M., Munschauer, M., Gregersen, L.H., Finzel, A., Loewer, A., Chen, W., Landthaler, M. and Dieterich, C.
Genome Biology 15 (1): R15. 13 January 2014

The mRNA-bound proteome and its global occupancy profile on protein-coding transcripts.
Baltz, A.G., Munschauer, M., Schwanhaeusser, B., Vasile, A., Murakawa, Y., Schueler, M., Youngs, N., Penfold-Brown, D., Drew, K., Milek, M., Wyler, E., Bonneau, R., Selbach, M., Dieterich, C. and Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 46 (5): 674-690. 8 June 2012

De novo assembly and validation of planaria transcriptome by massive parallel sequencing and shotgun proteomics.
Adamidi, C., Wang, Y., Gruen, D., Mastrobuoni, G., You, X., Tolle, D., Dodt, M., Mackowiak, S.D., Gogol-Doering, A., Oenal, P., Rybak, A., Ross, E., Alvarado, A.S., Kempa, S., Dieterich, C., Rajewsky, N. and Chen, W.
Genome Research 21 (7): 1193-1200. July 2011

Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus reveals distinct proteome structure of nematode models.
Borchert, N., Dieterich, C., Krug, K., Schuetz, W., Jung, S., Nordheim, A., Sommer, R.J. and Macek, B.
Genome Research 20 (6): 837-486. June 2010

Dietz, Rainer

ARC is a novel therapeutic approach against acetaminophen-induced hepatocellular necrosis.
An, J., Mehrhof, F., Harms, C., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Lee, S.L.L., Endres, M., Li, M., Sellge, G., Mandic, A.D., Trautwein, C. and Donath, S.
Journal of Hepatology 58 (2): 297-305. February 2013

TAT-apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain protein transduction rescues mice from fulminant liver failure.
An, J., Harms, C., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Sellge, G., Mandic, A.D., Malato, Y., Heuser, A., Endres, M., Trautwein, C. and Donath, S.
Hepatology 56 (2): 715-726. August 2012

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
Klionsky, D.J., Abdalla, F.C., Abeliovich, H., Abraham, R.T., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adeli, K., Agholme, L., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Milojkovic, A. and Simon, A.K.
Autophagy 8 (4): 445-544. April 2012

Effect of binge drinking on the heart as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
Zagrosek, A., Messroghli, D., Schulz, O., Dietz, R. and Schulz-Menger, J.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 304 (12): 1328-1330. 22 September 2010

Distinct patterns of autoantibodies against G-protein-coupled receptors in Chagas' cardiomyopathy and megacolon: their potential impact for early risk assessment in asymptomatic Chagas' patients.
Munoz Saravia, S.G., Haberland, A., Bartel, S., Araujo, R., Valda, G., Duchen, D., Diaz Ramirez, I., Borges, A.C., Wallukat, G. and Schimke, I.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 56 (6): 526-527. 3 August 2010

Distinct patterns of autoantibodies against G-protein-coupled receptors in Chagas' cardiomyopathy and megacolon their potential impact for early risk assessment in asymptomatic Chagas' patients.
Wallukat, G., Munoz Saravia, S.G., Haberland, A., Bartel, S., Araujo, R., Valda, G., Duchen, D., Diaz Ramirez, I., Borges, A.C. and Schimke, I.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 55 (5): 463-468. 2 February 2010

Noninvasive detection of fibrosis applying contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance in different forms of left ventricular hypertrophy relation to remodeling.
Rudolph, A., Abdel-Aty, H., Bohl, S., Boye, P., Zagrosek, A., Dietz, R. and Schulz-Menger, J.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53 (3): 284-291. 20 January 2009

Soluble epoxide hydrolase is a susceptibility factor for heart failure in a rat model of human disease.
Monti, J., Fischer, J., Paskas, S., Heinig, M., Schulz, H., Goesele, C., Heuser, A., Fischer, R., Schmidt, C., Schirdewan, A., Gross, V., Hummel, O., Maatz, H., Patone, G., Saar, K., Vingron, M., Weldon, S.M., Lindpaintner, K., Hammock, B.D., Rohde, K., Dietz, R., Cook, S.A., Schunck, W.H., Luft, F.C. and Huebner, N.
Nature Genetics 40 (5): 529-537. May 2008

The salvaged area at risk in reperfused acute myocardial infarction as visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.
Friedrich, M.G., Abdel-Aty, H., Taylor, A.J., Schulz-Menger, J., Messroghli, D. and Dietz, R.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 51 (16): 1581-1587. 22 April 2008

Subacute coronary stent thrombosis in cancer patients.
Gross, C.M., Posch, M.G., Geier, C., Olthoff, H., Kraemer, J., Dechend, R., Dietz, R. and Oezcelik, C.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 51 (12): 1232-1233. 25 March 2008

Protein kinase CK2 links extracellular growth factor signaling with the control of p27(Kip1) stability in the heart.
Hauck, L., Harms, C., An, J., Rohne, J., Gertz, K., Endres, M., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Nature Medicine 14 (3): 315-324. March 2008

Apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical and ischemic stress.
Donath, S., Li, P., Willenbockel, C., Al-Saadi, N., Gross, V., Willnow, T.E., Bader, M., Martin, U., Bauersachs, J., Wollert, K.C., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Circulation 113 (9): 1203-1212. 7 March 2006

Letter regarding article by Sharkey et al. "Acute and reversible cardiomyopathy provoked by stress in women from the United States".
Abdel-Aty, H., Dietz, R. and Schulz-Menger, J.
Circulation 112 : e51. 19 July 2005

Urokinase-induced signaling in human vascular smooth muscle cells is mediated by PDGFR-beta.
Kiyan, J., Kiyan, R., Haller, H. and Dumler, I.
EMBO Journal 24 (10): 1787-1797. 18 May 2005

Requirement of nuclear factor-kappaB in angiotensin II- and isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy in vivo.
Freund, C., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Baurand, A., Dunger, S., Schneider, W., Loser, P., El-Jamali, A., Dietz, R., Scheidereit, C. and Bergmann, M.W.
Circulation 111 (18): 2319-2325. 1 January 2005

Mutations in the desmosomal protein plakophilin-2 are common in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
Gerull, B., Heuser, A., Wichter, T., Paul, M., Basson, C.T., McDermott, D.A., Lerman, B.B., Markowitz, S.M., Ellinor, P.T., MacRae, C.A., Peters, S., Grossmann, K.S., Drenckhahn, J., Michely, B., Sasse-Klaassen, S., Birchmeier, W., Dietz, R., Breithardt, G., Schulze-Bahr, E. and Thierfelder, L.
Nature Genetics 36 (11): 1162-1164. November 2004

Delayed enhancement and T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging differentiate acute from chronic myocardial infarction.
Abdel-Aty, H., Zagrosek, A., Schulz-Menger, J., Taylor, A.J., Messroghli, D., Kumar, A., Gross, M., Dietz, R. and Friedrich, M.G.
Circulation 109 (20): 2411-2416. 25 May 2004

Mortality and morbidity reduction with candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Results of the CHARM low-left ventricular ejection fraction trials.
Young, J.B., Dunlap, M.E., Pfeffer, M.A., Probstfield, J.L., Cohen-Solal, A., Dietz, R., Granger, C.B., Hradec, J., Kuch, J., McKelvie, R.S., McMurray, J.J.V., Michelson, E.L., Olofsson, B., Ostergren, J., Held, P., Solomon, S.D., Yusuf, S. and Swedberg, K.
Circulation 110 (17): 2618-2626. 1 January 2004

Regenerative capacity of the myocardium: implications for treatment of heart failure.
von Harsdorf, R., Poole-Wilson, P.A. and Dietz, R.
Lancet 363 : 1306-1313. 1 January 2004

Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibition reduces Chlamydia pneumoniae-induced cell interaction and activation.
Dechend, R., Gieffers, J., Dietz, R., Joerres, A., Rupp, J., Luft, F.C. and Maass, M.
Circulation 108 (3): 261-265. 22 July 2003

AT1 receptor agonistic antibodies from preeclamptic patients stimulate NADPH oxidase.
Dechend, R., Viedt, C., Mueller, D.N., Ugele, B., Brandes, R.P., Wallukat, G., Park, J.K., Janke, J., Barta, P., Theuer, J., Fiebeler, A., Homuth, V., Dietz, R., Haller, H., Kreuzer, J. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation 107 (12): 1632-1639. 1 April 2003

Mutations in the human muscle LIM protein gene in families with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Geier, C., Perrot, A., Ozcelik, C., Binner, P., Counsell, D., Hoffmann, K., Pilz, B., Martiniak, Y., Gehmlich, K., van der Ven, P.F.M., Furst, D.O., Vornwald, A., von Hodenberg, E., Nuernberg, P., Scheffold, T., Dietz, R. and Osterziel, K.J.
Circulation 107 (10): 1390-1395. 18 March 2003

Blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging in patients with stress-induced angina.
Friedrich, M.G., Niendorf, T., Schulz-Menger, J., Gross, C.M. and Dietz, R.
Circulation 108 (18): 2219-2223. 1 January 2003

Management of heart failure in primary care (the IMPROVEMENT of Heart Failure Programme): an international survey.
Cleland, J.G.F., Cohen-Solal, A., Aguilar, J.C., Dietz, R., Eastaugh, J., Follath, F., Freemantle, N., Gavazzi, A., van Gilst, W.H., Hobbs, F.D.R., Korewicki, J., Madeira, H.C., Preda, I., Swedberg, K. and Widimsky, J.
Lancet 360 (9346): 1631-1639. 23 November 2002

Hemodynamic and neurohumoral effects of selective endothelin A (ET(A))receptor blockade in chronic heart failure: the Heart Failure ET(A) Receptor Blockade trial (HEAT).
Luescher, T.F., Enseleit, F., Pacher, R., Mitrovic, V., Schulze, M.R., Willenbrock, R., Dietz, R., Rousson, V., Huerlimann, D., Philipp, S., Notter, T., Noll, G. and Ruschitzka, F.
Circulation 106 (21): 2666-2672. 19 November 2002

Phosphorylation by protein kinase CK2: A signaling switch for the caspase-inhibiting protein ARC.
Li, P.F., Li, J.C., Mueller, E.C., Otto, A., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Molecular Cell 10 (2): 247-258. August 2002

Conditional mutation of the ErbB2 (HER2) receptor in cardiomyocytes leads to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Özcelik, C., Erdmann, B., Pilz, B., Wettschureck, N., Britsch, S., Hübner, N., Chien, K.R., Birchmeier, C. and Garratt, A.N.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (13): 8880-8885. 25 June 2002

Effects of xanthine oxidase inhibition with allopurinol on endothelial function and peripheral blood flow in hyperuricemic patients with chronic heart failure - Results from 2 placebo-controlled studies.
Doehner, W., Schoene, N., Rauchhaus, M., Leyva-Leon, F., Pavitt, D.V., Reaveley, D.A., Schuler, G., Coats, A.J.S., Anker, S.D. and Hambrecht, R.
Circulation 105 (22): 2619-2624. 4 June 2002

Calcineurin in human heart hypertrophy.
Ritter, O., Hack, S., Schuh, K., Roethlein, N., Perrot, A., Osterziel, K.J., Schulte, H.D. and Neyses, L.
Circulation 105 (19): 2265-2269. 14 May 2002

Assessment of survival in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension importance of cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Wensel, R., Opitz, C.F., Anker, S.D., Winkler, J., Hoffken, G., Kleber, F.X., Sharma, R., Hummel, M., Hetzer, R. and Ewert, R.
Circulation 106 (3): 319-324. 1 January 2002

MRI versus 3D echocardiography in postinterventional patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy - Response.
Schulz-Menger, J., Strohm, O., Waigand, J., Uhlich, F., Dietz, R. and Friedrich, M.G.
Circulation 104 : E32-E33. 14 August 2001

Amelioration of angiotensin II-induced cardiac injury by a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor.
Dechend, R., Fiebeler, A., Park, J.K., Muller, D.N., Theuer, J., Mervaala, E., Bieringer, M., Gulba, D., Dietz, R., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Circulation 104 : 576-581. 1 January 2001

In cardiomyocyte hypoxia, insulin-like growth factor-I-induced antiapoptotic signaling requires phosphatidylinositol-3-OH-kinase-dependent and mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent activation of the transcription factor cAMP response element-binding protein.
Mehrhof, F.B., Mueller, F.U., Bergmann, M.W., Li, P.F., Wang, Y.B., Schmitz, W., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Circulation 104 : 2088-2094. 1 January 2001

Enhanced ventilatory response to exercise in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved exercise tolerance - Marker of abnormal cardiorespiratory reflex control and predictor of poor prognosis.
Ponikowski, P., Francis, D.P., Piepoli, M.F., Davies, L.C., Chua, T.P., Davos, C.H., Florea, V., Banasiak, W., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Coats, A.J.S. and Anker, S.D.
Circulation 103 : 967-972. 1 January 2001

Peripheral chemoreceptor hypersensitivity - An ominous sign in patients with chronic heart failure.
Ponikowski, P., Chua, T.P., Anker, S.D., Francis, D.P., Doehner, W., Banasiak, W., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Piepoli, M.F. and Coats, A.J.S.
Circulation 104 (5): 544-549. 1 January 2001

Plasma Cytokine Parameters and Mortality in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure.
Rauchhaus, M., Doehner, W., Francis, D.P., Davos, C., Kemp, M., Liebenthal, C., Niebauer, J., Hooper, J., Volk, H.D., Coats, A.J.S. and Anker, S.D.
Circulation 102 (25): 3060-3067. 19 December 2000

Severe mitral regurgitation after valve replacement as cause of pulmonary venous aneurysm.
Christow, S.P. and Dietz, R.
Circulation 102 (17): 2159-2160. 24 October 2000

The endotoxin-lipoprotein hypothesis.
Rauchhaus, M., Coats, A.J.S. and Anker, S.D.
Lancet 356 (9233): 930-933. 9 September 2000

AT1 receptor agonistic antibodies from preeclamptic patients cause vascular cells to express tissue factor.
Dechend, R., Homuth, V., Wallukat, G., Kreuzer, J., Park, J.K., Theuer, J., Juepner, A., Gulba, D.C., Mackman, N., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation 101 : 2382-2387. 23 May 2000

The value of magnetic resonance imaging of the left ventricular outflow tract in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy after septal artery embolization.
Schulz-Menger, J., Strohm, O., Waigand, J., Uhlich, F., Dietz, R. and Friedrich, M.G.
Circulation 101 : 1764-1766. 18 April 2000

Effects of controlled-release metoprolol on total mortality, hospitalizations, and well-being in patients with heart failure - The metoprolol CR/XL randomized intervention trial in congestive heart failure (MERIT-HF).
Hjalmarson, A., Goldstein, S., Fagerberg, B., Wedel, H., Waagstein, F., Kjekshus, J., Wikstrand, J., El Allaf, D., Vitovec, J., Aldershvile, J., Halinen, M., Dietz, R., Neuhaus, K.L., Janosi, A., Thorgeirsson, G., Dunselman, P.H.J.M., Gullestad, L., Kuch, J., Herlitz, J., Rickenbacher, P., Ball, S., Gottlieb, S. and Deedwania, P.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 283 (10): 1295-1302. 8 March 2000

Increased mortality associated with growth hormone treatment in critically ill adults.
Osterziel, K.J., Dietz, R. and Ranke, M.B.
New England Journal of Medicine 342 : 134-135. 13 January 2000

p53 regulates mitochondrial membrane potential through reactive oxygen species and induces cytochrome c-independent apoptosis blocked by Bcl-2.
Li, P.F., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
EMBO Journal 18 (21): 6027-6036. 1 November 1999

Investigation of a family with autosomal dominant dilated cardiomyopathy defines a novel locus on chromosome 2q14-q22.
Jung, M., Poepping, I., Perrot, A., Ellmer, A.E., Wienker, T.F., Dietz, R., Reis, A. and Osterziel, K.J.
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Coma in a park.
Pilz, B., Mesner, C., Baetgen, S. and Luft, F.C.
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Endotoxin and immune activation in chronic heart failure: a prospective cohort study.
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The cardiac insufficiency bisoprolol study II (CIBIS-II): a randomised trial.
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Insulin-like growth factor-I and risk of breast cancer.
Strohm, O., Osterziel, K.J. and Dietz, R.
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Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of human recombinant growth hormone in patients with chronic heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Osterziel, K.J., Strohm, O., Schuler, J., Friedrich, M., Haenlein, D., Willenbrock, R., Anker, S.D., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Ranke, M.B. and Dietz, R.
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Traumatic ventricular aneurysm.
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Medical compared with surgical treatment for massive pulmonary embolism.
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Lancet 343 (8897): 576-577. 5 March 1994

Dittmar, Gunnar

The IκB kinase complex is a regulator of mRNA stability.
Mikuda, N., Kolesnichenko, M., Beaudette, P., Popp, O., Uyar, B., Sun, W., Tufan, A.B., Perder, B., Akalin, A., Chen, W., Mertins, P., Dittmar, G., Hinz, M. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 37 (24): e98658. 14 December 2018

Senescence-associated reprogramming promotes cancer stemness.
Milanovic, M., Fan, D.N.Y., Belenki, D., Däbritz, J.H.M., Zhao, Z., Yu, Y., Dörr, J.R., Dimitrova, L., Lenze, D., Monteiro Barbosa, I.A., Mendoza-Parra, M.A., Kanashova, T., Metzner, M., Pardon, K., Reimann, M., Trumpp, A., Dörken, B., Zuber, J., Gronemeyer, H., Hummel, M., Dittmar, G., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
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Translation of circRNAs.
Pamudurti, N.R., Bartok, O., Jens, M., Ashwal-Fluss, R., Stottmeister, C., Ruhe, L., Hanan, M., Wyler, E., Perez-Hernandez, D., Ramberger, E., Shenzis, S., Samson, M., Dittmar, G., Landthaler, M., Chekulaeva, M., Rajewsky, N. and Kadener, S.
Molecular Cell 66 (1): 9-21. 6 April 2017

Initiation of acute graft-versus-host disease by angiogenesis.
Riesner, K., Shi, Y., Jacobi, A., Kräter, M., Kalupa, M., McGearey, A., Mertlitz, S., Cordes, S., Schrezenmeier, J.F., Mengwasser, J., Westphal, S., Perez-Hernandez, D., Schmitt, C., Dittmar, G., Guck, J. and Penack, O.
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Resolving lipid mediators maresin 1 and resolvin D2 prevent atheroprogression in mice.
Viola, J.R., Lemnitzer, P., Jansen, Y., Csaba, G., Winter, C., Neideck, C., Silvestre-Roig, C., Dittmar, G., Doering, Y., Drechsler, M., Weber, C., Zimmer, R., Cenac, N. and Soehnlein, O.
Circulation Research 119 (9): 1030-1038. 14 October 2016

Bimodal antagonism of PKA signalling by ARHGAP36.
Eccles, R.L., Czajkowski, M.T., Barth, C., Müller, P.M., McShane, E., Grunwald, S., Beaudette, P., Mecklenburg, N., Volkmer, R., Zühlke, K., Dittmar, G., Selbach, M., Hammes, A., Daumke, O., Klussmann, E., Urbé, S. and Rocks, O.
Nature Communications 7 : 12963. 7 October 2016

Sequential poly-ubiquitylation by specialized conjugating enzymes expands the versatility of a quality control ubiquitin ligase.
Weber, A., Cohen, I., Popp, O., Dittmar, G., Reiss, Y., Sommer, T., Ravid, T. and Jarosch, E.
Molecular Cell 63 (5): 827-839. 1 September 2016

Ubiquitin binding by a CUE domain regulates ubiquitin chain formation by ERAD E3 ligases.
Bagola, K., von Delbrück, M., Dittmar, G., Scheffner, M., Ziv, I., Glickman, M.H., Ciechanover, A. and Sommer, T.
Molecular Cell 50 (4): 528-539. 23 May 2013

The E3 ligase parkin maintains mitochondrial integrity by increasing linear ubiquitination of NEMO.
Mueller-Rischart, A.K., Pilsl, A., Beaudette, P., Patra, M., Hadian, K., Funke, M., Peis, R., Deinlein, A., Schweimer, C., Kuhn, P.H., Lichtenthaler, S.F., Motori, E., Hrelia, S., Wurst, W, Truembach, D., Langer, T., Krappmann, D., Dittmar, G., Tatzelt, J. and Winklhofer, K.F.
Molecular Cell 49 (5): 908-921. 7 March 2013

Two deubiquitylases act on mitofusin and regulate mitochondrial fusion along independent pathways.
Anton, F., Dittmar, G., Langer, T. and Escobar-Henriques, M.
Molecular Cell 49 (3): 487-498. 7 February 2013

Neural precursor cells induce cell death of high-grade astrocytomas through stimulation of TRPV1.
Stock, K., Kumar, J., Synowitz, M., Petrosino, S., Imperatore, R., Smith, E.S.J., Wend, P., Purfürst, B., Nuber, U.A., Gurok, U., Matyash, V., Waelzlein, J.H., Chirasani, S.R., Dittmar, G., Cravatt, B.F., Momma, S., Lewin, G.R., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., Cristino, L., Di Marzo, V., Kettenmann, H. and Glass, R.
Nature Medicine 18 (8): 1232-1238. August 2012

Global quantification of mammalian gene expression control.
Schwanhaeusser, B., Busse, D., Li, N., Dittmar, G., Schuchhardt, J., Wolf, J., Chen, W. and Selbach, M.
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A differential proteome screening system for post-translational modification-dependent transcription factor interactions.
Pless, O., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Dittmar, G. and Leutz, A.
Nature Protocols 6 (3): 359-364. February 2011

A cytoplasmic ATM-TRAF6-cIAP1 module links nuclear DNA damage signaling to ubiquitin-mediated NF-κB activation.
Hinz, M., Stilmann, M., Coel Arslan, S., Khanna, K.K., Dittmar, G. and Scheidereit, C.
Molecular Cell 40 (1): 63-74. 8 October 2010

The CHK2-BRCA1 tumour suppressor pathway ensures chromosomal stability in human somatic cells.
Stolz, A., Ertych, N., Kienitz, A., Vogel, C., Schneider, V., Fritz, B., Jacob, R., Dittmar, G., Weichert, W., Petersen, I. and Bastians, H.
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Crosstalk between C/EBPbeta phosphorylation, arginine methylation, and SWI/SNF/Mediator implies an indexing transcription factor code.
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Ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 is required for pre-mRNA splicing and localization of an essential splicing factor in fission yeast.
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Doerken, Bernd (MDC/ECRC)

Targeting the senescence-overriding cooperative activity of structurally unrelated H3K9 demethylases in melanoma.
Yu, Y., Schleich, K., Yue, B., Ji, S., Lohneis, P., Kemper, K., Silvis, M.S., Qutob, N., van Rooijen, E., Werner-Klein, M., Li, L., Dhawan, D., Meierjohann, S., Reimann, M., Elkahloun, A., Treitschke, S., Dörken, B., Speck, C., Mallette, F.A., Zon, L.I., Holmen, S.L., Peeper, D.S., Samuels, Y., Schmitt, C.A. and Lee, S.
Cancer Cell 33 (2): 322-336. 12 February 2018

Senescence-associated reprogramming promotes cancer stemness.
Milanovic, M., Fan, D.N.Y., Belenki, D., Däbritz, J.H.M., Zhao, Z., Yu, Y., Dörr, J.R., Dimitrova, L., Lenze, D., Monteiro Barbosa, I.A., Mendoza-Parra, M.A., Kanashova, T., Metzner, M., Pardon, K., Reimann, M., Trumpp, A., Dörken, B., Zuber, J., Gronemeyer, H., Hummel, M., Dittmar, G., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
Nature 553 (7686): 96-100. 4 January 2018

Inactivation of the putative ubiquitin-E3 ligase PDLIM2 in classical Hodgkin and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
Wurster, K.D., Hummel, F., Richter, J., Giefing, M., Hartmann, S., Hansmann, M.L., Kreher, S., Köchert, K., Krappmann, D., Klapper, W., Hummel, M., Wenzel, S.S., Lenz, G., Janz, M., Dörken, B., Siebert, R. and Mathas, S.
Leukemia 31 (3): 602-613. March 2017

Anti-CD22 and anti-CD79B antibody drug conjugates are active in different molecular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtypes.
Pfeifer, M., Zheng, B., Erdmann, T., Koeppen, H., McCord, R., Grau, M., Staiger, A., Chai, A., Sandmann, T., Madle, H., Doerken, B., Chu, Y.W., Chen, A.I., Lebovic, D., Salles, G.A., Czuczman, M.S., Palanca-Wessels, M.C., Press, O.W., Advani, R., Morschhauser, F., Cheson, B.D., Lenz, P., Ott, G., Polson, A.G., Mundt, K.E. and Lenz, G.
Leukemia 29 (7): 1578-1586. July 2015

Efficacy of prophylactic low-molecular weight heparin for ambulatory patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: outcomes from the CONKO-004 trial.
Pelzer, U., Opitz, B., Deutschinoff, G., Stauch, M., Reitzig, P.C., Hahnfeld, S., Mueller, L., Grunewald, M., Stieler, J.M., Sinn, M., Denecke, T., Bischoff, S., Oettle, H., Doerken, B. and Riess, H.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 33 (18): 2028-2034. 20 June 2015

The IL-15 cytokine system provides growth and survival signals in hodgkin lymphoma and enhances the inflammatory phenotype of HRS cells.
Ullrich, K., Blumenthal-Barby, F., Lamprecht, B., Koechert, K., Lenze, D., Hummel, M., Mathas, S., Doerken, B. and Janz, M.
Leukemia 29 (5): 1213-1218. May 2015

Essential role of IRF4 and MYC signaling for survival of anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
Weilemann, A., Grau, M., Erdmann, T., Merkel, O., Sobhiafshar, U., Anagnostopoulos, I., Hummel, M., Siegert, A., Hayford, C., Madle, H., Wollert-Wulf, B., Fichtner, I., Dörken, B., Dirnhofer, S., Mathas, S., Janz, M., Emre, N.C.T., Rosenwald, A., Ott, G., Lenz, P., Tzankov, A. and Lenz, G.
Blood 125 (1): 124-132. 1 January 2015

Access to follicular dendritic cells is a pivotal step in murine chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cell activation and proliferation.
Heinig, K., Gätjen, M., Grau, M., Stache, V., Anagnostopoulos, I., Gerlach, K., Niesner, R.A., Cseresnyes, Z., Hauser, A.E., Lenz, P., Hehlgans, T., Brink, R., Westermann, J., Dörken, B., Lipp, M., Lenz, G., Rehm, A. and Höpken, U.E.
Cancer Discovery 4 : 1448-1465. December 2014

Dendritic cell-mediated survival signals in Eμ-Myc B-cell lymphoma depend on the transcription factor C/EBPβ.
Rehm, A., Gätjen, M., Gerlach, K., Scholz, F., Mensen, A., Gloger, M., Heinig, K., Lamprecht, B., Mathas, S., Bégay, V., Leutz, A., Lipp, M., Dörken, B. and Höpken, U.E.
Nature Communications 5 : 5057. 30 September 2014

Second-line oxaliplatin, folinic acid, and fluorouracil versus folinic acid and fluorouracil alone for gemcitabine-refractory pancreatic cancer : outcomes from the CONKO-003 trial.
Oettle, H., Riess, H., Stieler, J.M., Heil, G., Schwaner, I., Seraphin, J., Goerner, M., Moelle, M., Greten, T.F., Lakner, V., Bischoff, S., Sinn, M., Doerken, B. and Pelzer, U.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 32 (23): 2423-2429. 10 August 2014

Pharmacological and genomic profiling identifies NF-κB-targeted treatment strategies for mantle cell lymphoma.
Rahal, R., Frick, M., Romero, R., Korn, J.M., Kridel, R., Chun Chan, F., Meissner, B., Bhang, H.E., Ruddy, D., Kauffmann, A., Farsidjani, A., Derti, A., Rakiec, D., Naylor, T., Pfister, E., Kovats, S., Kim, S., Dietze, K., Doerken, B., Steidl, C., Tzankov, A., Hummel, M., Monahan, J., Morrissey, M.P., Fritsch, C., Sellers, W.R., Cooke, V.G., Gascoyne, R.D., Lenz, G. and Stegmeier, F.
Nature Medicine 20 (1): 87-92. January 2014

Synthetic lethal metabolic targeting of cellular senescence in cancer therapy.
Dörr, J.R., Yu, Y., Milanovic, M., Beuster, G., Zasada, C., Däbritz, J.H.M., Lisec, J., Lenze, D., Gerhardt, A., Schleicher, K., Kratzat, S., Purfürst, B., Walenta, S., Mueller-Klieser, W., Gräler, M., Hummel, M., Keller, U., Buck, A.K., Dörken, B., Willmitzer, L., Reimann, M., Kempa, S., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
Nature 501 (7467): 421-425. 19 September 2013

Pharmacologic inhibition of MALT1 protease by phenothiazines as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of aggressive ABC-DLBCL.
Nagel, D., Spranger, S., Vincendeau, M., Grau, M., Raffegerst, S., Kloo, B., Hlahla, D., Neuenschwander, M., von Kries, J.P., Hadian, K., Doerken, B., Lenz, P., Lenz, G., Schendel, D.J. and Krappmann, D.
Cancer Cell 22 (6): 825-837. 11 December 2012

The sorting receptor sortilin exhibits a dual function in exocytic trafficking of interferon-γ and granzyme A in T cells.
Herda, S., Raczkowski, F., Mittruecker, H.W., Willimsky, G., Gerlach, K., Kuehl, A.A., Breiderhoff, T., Willnow, T.E., Doerken, B., Höpken, U.E. and Rehm, A.
Immunity 37 (5): 854-866. 16 November 2012

The cell-cycle regulator c-Myc is essential for the formation and maintenance of germinal centers.
Calado, D.P., Sasaki, Y., Godinho, S.A., Pellerin, A., Köchert, K., Sleckman, B.P., de Alboran, I.M., Janz, M., Rodig, S. and Rajewsky, K.
Nature Immunology 13 (11): 1092-1100. November 2012

Reduced-intensity chemotherapy and PET-guided radiotherapy in patients with advanced stage Hodgkin's lymphoma (HD15 trial): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 non-inferiority trial.
Engert, A., Haverkamp, H., Kobe, C., Markova, J., Renner, C., Ho, A., Zijlstra, J., Kral, Z., Fuchs, M., Hallek, M., Kanz, L., Doehner, H., Doerken, B., Engel, N., Topp, M., Klutmann, S., Amthauer, H., Bockisch, A., Kluge, R., Kratochwil, C., Schober, O., Greil, R., Andreesen, R., Kneba, M., Pfreundschuh, M., Stein, H., Eich, H.T., Mueller, R.P., Dietlein, M., Borchmann, P. and Diehl, V.
Lancet 379 (9828): 1791-1799. 12 May 2012

Notch is an essential upstream regulator of NF-κB and is relevant for survival of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells.
Schwarzer, R., Doerken, B. and Jundt, F.
Leukemia 26 (4): 806-813. April 2012

NIH-defined graft-versus-host disease after reduced intensity or myeloablative conditioning in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Terwey, T.H., Vega-Ruiz, A., Hemmati, P.G., Martus, P., Dietz, E., le Coutre, P., Massenkeil, G., Doerken, B. and Arnold, R.
Leukemia 26 (3): 536-542. March 2012

Eight cycles of escalated-dose BEACOPP compared with four cycles of escalated-dose BEACOPP followed by four cycles of baseline-dose BEACOPP with or without radiotherapy in patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma: final analysis of the HD12 trial of the German Hodgkin study group.
Borchmann, P., Haverkamp, H., Diehl, V., Cerny, T., Markova, J., Ho, A.D., Eich, H.T., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Kanz, L., Greil, R., Rank, A., Paulus, U., Smardova, L., Huber, C., Doerken, B., Nerl, C., Krause, S.W., Mueller, R.P., Fuchs, M. and Engert, A.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (32): 4234-4342. 10 November 2011

Opposing roles of NF-κB in anti-cancer treatment outcome unveiled by cross-species investigations.
Jing, H., Kase, J., Dörr, J.R., Milanovic, M., Lenze, D., Grau, M., Beuster, G., Ji, S., Reimann, M., Lenz, P., Hummel, M., Doerken, B., Lenz, G., Scheidereit, C., Schmitt, C.A. and Lee, S.
Genes & Development 25 (20): 2137-2146. 15 October 2011

Severe peripheral arterial disease during nilotinib therapy.
Le Coutre, P., Rea, D., Abruzzese, E., Dombret, H., Trawinska, M.M., Herndlhofer, S., Doerken, B. and Valent, P.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103 (17): 1347-1348. 7 September 2011

Genomic loss of the putative tumor suppressor gene E2A in human lymphoma.
Steininger, A., Moebs, M., Ullmann, R., Koechert, K., Kreher, S., Lamprecht, B., Anagnostopoulos, I., Hummel, M., Richter, J., Beyer, M., Janz, M., Klemke, C.D., Stein, H., Doerken, B., Sterry, W., Schrock, E., Mathas, S. and Assaf, C.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 208 (8): 1585-1593. 1 August 2011

Pathogenesis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Nogai, H., Doerken, B. and Lenz, G.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (14): 1803-1811. 10 May 2011

Intensified chemotherapy and dose-reduced involved-field radiotherapy in patients with early unfavorable Hodgkin's lymphoma: final analysis of the German Hodgkin Study Group HD11 trial.
Eich, H.T., Diehl, V., Goergens, H., Pabst, T., Markova, J., Debus, J., Ho, A., Doerken, B., Rank, A., Grosu, A.L., Wiegel, T., Karstens, J.H., Greil, R., Willich, N., Schmidberger, H., Doehner, H., Borchmann, P., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Mueller, R.P. and Engert, A.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 28 (27): 4199-4206. 20 September 2010

Reduced treatment intensity in patients with early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Engert, A., Pluetschow, A., Eich, H.T., Lohri, A., Doerken, B., Borchmann, P., Berger, B., Greil, R., Willborn, K.C., Wilhelm, M., Debus, J., Eble, M.J., Soekler, M., Ho, A., Rank, A., Ganser, A., Truemper, L., Bokemeyer, C., Kirchner, H., Schubert, J., Kral, Z., Fuchs, M., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Mueller, R.P. and Diehl, V.
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (7): 640-652. 12 August 2010

Derepression of an endogenous long terminal repeat activates the CSF1R proto-oncogene in human lymphoma.
Lamprecht, B., Walter, K., Kreher, S., Kumar, R., Hummel, M., Lenze, D., Koechert, K., Bouhlel, M.A., Richter, J., Soler, E., Stadhouders, R., Joehrens, K., Wurster, K.D., Callen, D.F., Harte, M.F., Giefing, M., Barlow, R., Stein, H., Anagnostopoulos, I., Janz, M., Cockerill, P.N., Siebert, R., Doerken, B., Bonifer, C. and Mathas, S.
Nature Medicine 16 (5): 571-579, 1p following 579. May 2010

Tumor stroma-derived TGF-beta limits Myc-driven lymphomagenesis via Suv39h1-dependent senescence.
Reimann, M., Lee, S., Loddenkemper, C., Dörr, J.R., Tabor, V., Aichele, P., Stein, H., Doerken, B., Jenuwein, T. and Schmitt, C.A.
Cancer Cell 17 (3): 262-272. 16 March 2010

C/EBPbetaDeltauORF mice--a genetic model for uORF-mediated translational control in mammals.
Wethmar, K., Bégay, V., Smink, J.J., Zaragoza, K., Wiesenthal, V., Doerken, B., Calkhoven, C.F. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 24 (1): 15-20. 1 January 2010

The dangers of transcription.
Mathas, S. and Misteli, T.
Cell 139 (6): 1047-1049. 11 December 2009

C/EBPβ regulates transcription factors critical for proliferation and survival of multiple myeloma cells.
Pal, R., Janz, M., Galson, D.L., Gries, M., Li, S., Johrens, K., Anagnostopoulos, I., Doerken, B., Mapara, M.Y., Borghesi, L., Kardava, L., Roodman, G.D., Milcarek, C. and Lentzsch, S.
Blood 114 (18): 3890-3898. 29 October 2009

Escalated-dose BEACOPP in the treatment of patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma: 10 years of follow-up of the GHSG HD9 study.
Engert, A., Diehl, V., Franklin, J., Lohri, A., Doerken, B., Ludwig, W.D., Koch, P., Haenel, M., Pfreundschuh, M., Wilhelm, M., Truemper, L., Aulitzky, W.E., Bentz, M., Rummel, M., Sezer, O., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Hasenclever, D. and Loeffler, M.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 (27): 4548-4554. 20 September 2009

The tumor-associated antigen EBAG9 negatively regulates the cytolytic capacity of mouse CD8+ T cells.
Rueder, C., Höpken, U.E., Wolf, J., Mittruecker, H.W., Engels, B., Erdmann, B., Wollenzin, S., Uckert, W., Dörken, B. and Rehm, A.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 119 (8): 2184-2203. August 2009

Aberrant expression of the Th2 cytokine IL-21 in Hodgkin lymphoma cells regulates STAT3 signaling and attracts Treg cells via regulation of MIP-3α.
Lamprecht, B., Kreher, S., Anagnostopoulos, I., Joehrens, K., Monteleone, G., Jundt, F., Stein, H., Janz, M., Doerken, B. and Mathas, S.
Blood 112 (8): 3339-3347. 15 October 2008

The Myc-evoked DNA damage response accounts for treatment resistance in primary lymphomas in vivo.
Reimann, M., Loddenkemper, C., Rudolph, C., Schildhauer, I., Teichmann, B., Stein, H., Schlegelberger, B., Doerken, B. and Schmitt, C.A.
Blood 110 (8): 2996-3004. 15 October 2007

CCR7 deficiency causes ectopic lymphoid neogenesis and disturbed mucosal tissue integrity.
Höpken, U.E., Wengner, A.M., Loddenkemper, C., Stein, H., Heimesaat, M.M., Rehm, A. and Lipp, M.
Blood 109 (3): 886-895. 1 February 2007

Adjuvant chemotherapy with gemcitabine vs observation in patients undergoing curative-intent resection of pancreatic cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
Oettle, H., Post, S., Neuhaus, P., Gellert, K., Langrehr, J., Ridwelski, K., Schramm, H., Fahlke, J., Zuelke, C., Burkart, C., Gutberlet, K., Kettner, E., Schmalenberg, H., Weigang-Koehler, K., Bechstein, W.O., Niedergethmann, M., Schmidt-Wolf, I., Roll, L., Doerken, B. and Riess, H.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 297 (3): 267-277. 17 January 2007

STAT3 and MAPK signaling maintains overexpression of the heat shock proteins 90a and b in multiple myeloma cells, which critically contribute to tumor cell survival.
Chatterjee, M., Jain, S., Stuehmer, T., Andrulis, M., Ungethuem, U., Kuban, R.J., Lorentz, H., Bommert, K., Topp, M., Kramer, D., Mueller-Hermelink, H. K., Einsele, H., Greiner, A. and Bargou, R.C.
Blood 109 (2): 720-728. 15 January 2007

Chromosomal rearrangements involving the BCL3 locus are recurrent in classical Hodgkin and peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
Martin-Subero, J.I., Wlodarska, I., Bastard, C., Picquenot, J.M., Hoeppner, J., Giefing, M., Klapper, W., Siebert, R., Mathas, S., Joos, S., Stein, H. and Doerken, B.
Blood 108 : 401-403. 1 July 2006

Classical Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by high constitutive expression of activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) which promotes viability of Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells.
Janz, M., Hummel, M., Truss, M., Wollert-Wulf, B., Mathas, S., Joehrens, K., Hagemeier, C., Bommert, K., Stein, H., Doerken, B. and Bargou, R.C.
Blood 107 (6): 2536-2539. 15 March 2006

Intrinsic inhibition of transcription factor E2A by HLH proteins ABF-1 and Id2 mediates reprogramming of neoplastic B cells in Hodgkin lymphoma.
Mathas, S., Janz, M., Hummel, F., Hummel, M., Wollert-Wulf, B., Lusatis, S., Anagnostopoulos, I., Lietz, A., Sigvardsson, M., Jundt, F., Joehrens, K., Bommert, K., Stein, H. and Doerken, B.
Nature Immunology 7 (2): 207-215. February 2006

Elevated NF-kappaB p50 complex formation and Bcl-3 expression in classical Hodgkin, anaplastic large cell, and other peripheral T-cell lymphomas.
Mathas, S., Joehrens, K., Joos, S., Lietz, A., Hummel, F., Janz, M., Jundt, F., Anagnostopoulos, I., Bommert, K., Lichter, P., Stein, H., Scheidereit, C. and Doerken, B.
Blood 106 (13): 4287-4293. 25 August 2005

Oncogene-induced senescence as an initial barrier in lymphoma development.
Braig, M., Lee, S., Loddenkemper, C., Rudolph, C., Peters, A.H., Schlegelberger, B., Stein, H., Doerken, B., Jenuwein, T. and Schmitt, C.A.
Nature 436 (7051): 660-665. 4 August 2005

Non-genotoxic activation of the p53 pathway as a therapeutic strategy for multiple myeloma.
Stuehmer, T., Chatterjee, M., Hildebrandt, M., Herrmann, P., Gollasch, H., Gerecke, C., Theurich, S., Cigliano, L., Manz, R.A., Daniel, P.T., Bommert, K., Vassilev, L.T. and Bargou, R.C.
Blood 106 : 3609-3617. 4 August 2005

Erk associates with and primes GSK-3beta for its inactivation resulting in upregulation of beta-catenin.
Ding, Q., Xia, W., Liu, J.C., Yang, J.Y., Lee, D.F., Xia, J., Bartholomeusz, G., Li, Y., Pan, Y., Li, Z., Bargou, R.C., Qin, J., Lai, C.C., Tsai, F.J., Tsai, C.H. and Hung, M.C.
Molecular Cell 19 : 159-170. 1 January 2005

A rapamycin derivative (everolimus) controls proliferation through down-regulation of truncated CCAAT enhancer binding protein beta and NF-kappaB activity in Hodgkin and anaplastic large cell lymphomas.
Jundt, F., Raetzel, N., Mueller, C., Calkhoven, C.F., Kley, K., Mathas, S., Lietz, A., Leutz, A. and Doerken, B.
Blood 106 : 1801-1807. 1 January 2005

Immunomodulatory derivative of thalidomide (IMiD CC-4047) induces a shift in lineage commitment by suppressing erythropoiesis and promoting myelopoiesis.
Koh, K.R., Janz, M., Mapara, M.Y., Lemke, B., Stirling, D., Doerken, B., Zenke, M. and Lentzsch, S.
Blood 105 (10): 3833-3840. 1 January 2005

Stroma-mediated dysregulation of myelopoiesis in mice lacking IkappaBalpha.
Rupec, R.A., Jundt, F., Rebholz, B., Eckelt, B., Weindl, G.N., Herzinger, T., Flaig, M.J., Moosmann, S., Plewig, G., Doerken, B., Foerster, I., Huss, R. and Pfeffer, K.
Immunity 22 : 479-491. 1 January 2005

Docetaxel and continuous-infusion fluorouracil versus epirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil for advanced gastric adenocarcinoma: a randomized phase II study.
Thuss-Patience, P.C., Kretzschmar, A., Repp, M., Kingreen, D., Hennesser, D., Micheel, S., Pink, D., Scholz, C., Doerken, B. and Reichardt, P.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 23 : 494-501. 1 January 2005

c-FLIP mediates resistance of Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells to death receptor-induced apoptosis.
Mathas, S., Lietz, A., Anagnostopoulos, I., Hummel, F., Wiesner, B., Janz, M., Jundt, F., Hirsch, B., Joehrens-Leder, K., Vornlocher, H.P., Bommert, K., Stein, H. and Doerken, B.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 199 (8): 1041-1052. 19 April 2004

Cellular senescence in cancer treatment: friend or foe?
Kahlem, P., Doerken, B. and Schmitt, C.A.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 113 (2): 169-174. January 2004

Extravasations of oxaliplatin.
Kretzschmar, A., Pink, D., Thuss-Patience, P., Doerken, B., Reichert, P. and Eckert, R.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 21 (21): 4068-4069. 1 November 2003

Dynamic expression profile of p21 WAF1/CIP1 and Ki-67 predicts survival in rectal carcinoma treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
Rau, B., Sturm, I., Lage, H., Berger, S., Schneider, U., Haupfmann, S., Wust, P., Riess, H., Schlag, P.M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 21 (18): 3391-3401. 15 September 2003

Inhibition of NF-κB essentially contributes to arsenic-induced apoptosis.
Mathas, S., Lietz, A., Janz, M., Hinz, M., Jundt, F., Scheidereit, C., Bommert, K. and Doerken, B.
Blood 102 (3): 1028-1034. 1 August 2003

Induction of cell death by the BH3-only Bcl-2 homolog Nbk/Bik is mediated by an entirely Bax-dependent mitochondrial pathway.
Gillissen, B., Essmann, F., Graupner, V., Staerck, L., Radetzki, S., Doerken, B., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Daniel, P.T.
EMBO Journal 22 (14): 3580-3590. 15 July 2003

Standard and increased-dose BEACOPP chemotherapy compared with COPP-ABVD for advanced Hodgkins disease.
Diehl, V., Franklin, J., Pfreundschuh, M., Lathan, B., Paulus, U., Hasenclever, D., Tesch, H., Herrmann, R., Doerken, B., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Duehmke, E. and Loeffler, M.
New England Journal of Medicine 348 (24): 2386-2395. 12 June 2003

Macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha (MIP-1alpha) triggers migration and signaling cascades mediating survival and proliferation in multiple myeloma (MM) cells.
Lentzsch, S., Gries, M., Janz, M., Bargou, R., Doerken, B. and Mapara, M.Y.
Blood 101 (9): 3568-3573. 1 May 2003

Acute hypokalemic tetraparesis induced by intravenous methotrexate.
Thuss-Patience, P.C., Peters, U., Jurkat-Rott, K., Pink, D., Kretzschmar, A., Doerken, B. and Reichardt, P.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 21 (9): 1896-1897. 1 May 2003

Chemotherapy response and resistance.
Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 13 (1): 90-96. February 2003

Nuclear factor κB-dependent gene expression profiling of Hodgkins disease tumor cells, pathogenetic significance, and link to constitutive signal transducer and activator of transcription 5a activity.
Hinz, M., Lemke, P., Anagnostopoulos, I., Hacker, C., Krappmann, D., Mathas, S., Doerken, B., Zenke, M., Stein, H. and Scheidereit, C.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 196 (5): 605-617. 2 September 2002

Aberrantly expressed c-Jun and JunB are a hallmark of Hodgkin lymphoma cells, stimulate proliferation and synergize with NF-kappa B.
Mathas, S., Hinz, M., Anagnostopoulos, L., Krappmann, D., Lietz, A., Jundt, F., Bommert, K., Mechta-Grigoriou, F., Stein, H., Dörken, B. and Scheidereit, C.
EMBO Journal 21 (15): 4104-4113. 1 August 2002

A senescence program controlled by p53 and p16INK4a contributes to the outcome of cancer therapy.
Schmitt, C.A., Fridman, J.S., Yang, M., Lee, S., Baranov, E., Hoffman, R.M. and Lowe, S.W.
Cell 109 (3): 335-346. 3 May 2002

Antisense therapy in oncology: new hope for an old idea?
Tamm, I., Doerken, B. and Hartmann, G.
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Signal peptide cleavage of a type I membrane protein, HCMV US11, is dependent on its membrane anchor.
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A role for beta2 integrins (CD11/CD18) in the regulation of cytokine gene expression of polymorphonuclear neutrophils during the inflammatory response.
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Nuclear localization and increased levels of transcription factor YB-1 in primary human breast cancers are associated with intrinsic MDR1 gene expression.
Bargou, R.C., Juerchott, K., Wagener, C., Bergmann, S., Metzner, S., Bommert, K., Mapara, M.Y., Winzer, K.J., Dietel, M., Doerken, B. and Royer, H.D.
Nature Medicine 3 : 447-450. 1 January 1997

Blocking of transcription factor E2F/DP by dominant-negative mutants in a normal breast epithelial cell line efficiently inhibits apoptosis and induces tumor growth in scid mice.
Bargou, R.C., Wagener, C., Bommert, K., Arnold, W., Daniel, P.T., Mapara, M.Y., Grinstein, E., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
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Characterization of a novel Hodgkin cell-line, HD-MyZ, HD-Myr, with myelomonocytic features mimicking Hodgkin's disease in severe combined immunodeficient mice.
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Dörr, Jan Rafael (ECRC)

Coordinated inheritance of extrachromosomal DNAs in cancer cells.
Hung, K.L., Jones, M.G., Wong, I.T.L., Curtis, E.J., Lange, J.T., He, B.J., Luebeck, J., Schmargon, R., Scanu, E., Brückner, L., Yan, X., Li, R., Gnanasekar, A., Chamorro González, R., Belk, J.A., Liu, Z., Melillo, B., Bafna, V., Dörr, J.R., Werner, B., Huang, W., Cravatt, B.F., Henssen, A.G., Mischel, P.S and Chang, H.Y.
Nature 635 (8037): 201-209. 7 November 2024

Passenger gene coamplifications create collateral therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer.
Bei, Y., Brame, Luca, Kirchner, M., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kunz, S., Bhattacharya, A., Rusu, M.C., Gürgen, D., Dubois, F.P.B., Köppke, J.K.C., Proba, J., Wittstruck, N., Sidorova, O.A., Chamorro González, R., Dorado Garcia, H., Brückner, L., Xu, R., Giurgiu, M., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Yu, Q., Spanjaard, B., Koche, R.P., Schmitt, C.A., Schulte, J.H., Eggert, A., Haase, K., Kirwan, J., Hagemann, A.I., Mertins, P., Dörr, J.R. and Henssen, A.G.
Cancer Discovery 14 (3): 492-507. 1 March 2024

H3K9me3-mediated epigenetic regulation of senescence in mice predicts outcome of lymphoma patients.
Schleich, K., Kase, J., Dörr, J.R., Trescher, S., Bhattacharya, A., Yu, Y., Wailes, E.M., Fan, D.N.Y., Lohneis, P., Milanovic, M., Lau, A., Lenze, D., Hummel, M., Chapuy, B., Leser, U., Reimann, M., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
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Senescence-associated reprogramming promotes cancer stemness.
Milanovic, M., Fan, D.N.Y., Belenki, D., Däbritz, J.H.M., Zhao, Z., Yu, Y., Dörr, J.R., Dimitrova, L., Lenze, D., Monteiro Barbosa, I.A., Mendoza-Parra, M.A., Kanashova, T., Metzner, M., Pardon, K., Reimann, M., Trumpp, A., Dörken, B., Zuber, J., Gronemeyer, H., Hummel, M., Dittmar, G., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
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Synthetic lethal metabolic targeting of cellular senescence in cancer therapy.
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Opposing roles of NF-κB in anti-cancer treatment outcome unveiled by cross-species investigations.
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Tumor stroma-derived TGF-beta limits Myc-driven lymphomagenesis via Suv39h1-dependent senescence.
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Cancer Cell 17 (3): 262-272. 16 March 2010

Falcke, Martin

Receptor-associated independent cAMP nanodomains mediate spatiotemporal specificity of GPCR signaling.
Anton, S.E., Kayser, C., Maiellaro, I., Nemec, K., Möller, J., Koschinski, A., Zaccolo, M., Annibale, P., Falcke, M., Lohse, M.J. and Bock, A.
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On the adhesion-velocity relation and length adaptation of motile cells on stepped fibronectin lanes.
Schreiber, C., Amiri, B., Heyn, J.C.J., Rädler, J.O. and Falcke, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (4): e2009959118. 26 January 2021

Proteomic analysis reveals upregulation of ACE2, the putative SARS-CoV-2 receptor in pressure- but not volume-overloaded human hearts.
Stegbauer, J., Kraus, M., Nordmeyer, S., Kirchner, M., Ziehm, M., Dommisch, H., Kelle, S., Kelm, M., Baczko, I., Landmesser, U., Tschope, C., Knosalla, C., Falcke, M., Schapranow, M.P., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Mertins, P. and Kuehne, T.
Hypertension 76 (6): e41-e43. December 2020

The transcriptome dynamics of single cells during the cell cycle.
Schwabe, D., Formichetti, S., Junker, J.P., Falcke, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Systems Biology 16 (11): e9946. 1 November 2020

Optical mapping of cAMP signaling at the nanometer scale.
Bock, A., Annibale, P., Konrad, C., Hannawacker, A., Anton, S.E., Maiellaro, I., Zabel, U., Sivaramakrishnan, S., Falcke, M. and Lohse, M.J.
Cell 182 (6): 1519-1530. 17 September 2020

Phase separation of a PKA regulatory subunit controls cAMP compartmentation and oncogenic signaling.
Zhang, J.Z., Lu, T.W., Stolerman, L.M., Tenner, B., Yang, J.R., Zhang, J.F., Falcke, M., Rangamani, P., Taylor, S.S., Mehta, S. and Zhang, J.
Cell 182 (6): 1531-1544. 17 September 2020

Long-term effects of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger inhibition with ORM-11035 improves cardiac function and remodelling without lowering blood pressure in a model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
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Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity.
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Clustering of InsP3 receptors by InsP3 retunes their regulation by InsP3 and Ca2+.
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Falk, Kirsten

Regulatory T cells ameliorate angiotensin II-induced cardiac damage.
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A xenon-129 biosensor for monitoring MHC-peptide interactions.
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In vivo-activated CD103+ Foxp3+ Tregs: of men and mice.
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CD49d provides access to 'untouched' human Foxp3+ Treg free of contaminating effector cells.
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Hydrolysis of extracellular ATP by CD39+ Treg cells: context matters!
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Expression of ectonucleotidase CD39 by Foxp3+ Treg cells: hydrolysis of extracellular ATP and immune suppression.
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Negative regulation of CD8 expression via Cd8 enhancer-mediated recruitment of the zinc finger protein MAZR.
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CCR6 expression defines regulatory effector/memory-like cells within the CD25+CD4+ T cell subset.
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A pH-sensitive histidine residue as control element for ligand release from HLA-DR molecules.
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The final cut: how ERAP1 trims MHC ligands to size.
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Vaccination, prevention, and treatment of experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) by an oligomerized T cell epitope.
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Fichtner, Iduna

Smac mimetic and glucocorticoids synergize to induce apoptosis in childhood ALL by promoting ripoptosome assembly.
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Novel effect of antihelminthic niclosamide on S100A4-mediated metastatic progression in colon cancer.
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A colorectal cancer expression profile that includes transforming growth factor beta inhibitor BAMBI predicts metastatic potential.
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MACC1, a newly identified key regulator of HGF-MET signaling, predicts colon cancer metastasis.
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Treatment of melanoma cells with the synthetic retinoid CD437 induces apoptosis via activation of AP-1 in vitro, and causes growth inhibition in xenografts in vivo.
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Reversal of multidrug resistance by transduction of cytokine genes into human colon carcinoma cells.
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Journal of the National Cancer Institute 88 : 1383-1392. 1 January 1996

Fielitz, Jens (ECRC)

Inhibition of the NLRP3/IL-1β axis protects against sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy.
Busch, K., Kny, M., Huang, N., Klassert, T.E., Stock, M., Hahn, A., Graeger, S., Todiras, M., Schmidt, S., Chamling, B., Willenbrock, M., Groß, S., Biedenweg, D., Heuser, A., Scheidereit, C., Butter, C., Felix, S.B., Otto, O., Luft, F.C., Slevogt, H. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 12 (6): 1653-1668. December 2021

Sepsis induces interleukin 6, gp130/JAK2/STAT3, and muscle wasting.
Zanders, L., Kny, M., Hahn, A., Schmidt, S., Wundersitz, S., Todiras, M., Lahmann, I., Bandyopadhyay, A., Wollersheim, T., Kaderali, L., Luft, F.C., Birchmeier, C., Weber-Carstens, S. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 13 (1): 713-727. February 2021

Serum amyloid A1 mediates myotube atrophy via Toll-like receptors.
Hahn, A., Kny, M., Pablo-Tortola, C., Todiras, M., Willenbrock, M., Schmidt, S., Schmoeckel, K., Jorde, I., Nowak, M., Jarosch, E., Sommer, T., Bröker, B.M., Felix, S.B., Scheidereit, C., Weber-Carstens, S., Butter, C., Luft, F.C. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 11 (1): 103-119. February 2020

Short-chain fatty acid propionate protects from hypertensive cardiovascular damage.
Bartolomaeus, H., Balogh, A., Yakoub, M., Homann, S., Markó, L., Höges, S., Tsvetkov, D., Krannich, A., Wundersitz, S., Avery, E.G., Haase, N., Kräker, K., Hering, L., Maase, M., Kusche-Vihrog, K., Grandoch, M., Fielitz, J., Kempa, S., Gollasch, M., Zhumadilov, Z., Kozhakhmetov, S., Kushugulova, A., Eckardt, K.U., Dechend, R., Rump, L.C., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Stegbauer, J. and Wilck, N.
Circulation 139 (11): 1407-1421. 12 March 2019

Critical illness myopathy and GLUT4 - significance of insulin and muscle contraction.
Weber-Carstens, S., Schneider, J., Wollersheim, T., Assmann, A., Bierbrauer, J., Marg, A., Al Hasani, H., Chadt, A., Wenzel, K., Koch, S., Fielitz, J., Kleber, C., Faust, K., Mai, K., Spies, C.D., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Spranger, J. and Spuler, S.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 187 (4): 387-396. 15 February 2013

Forslund, Sofia (MDC/ECRC)

Intestinal interstitial fluid isolation provides novel insight into the human host-microbiome interface.
Avery, E.G., Haag, L.M., McParland, V., Kedziora, S.M., Zigra, G.J., Valdes, D.S., Kirchner, M., Popp, O., Geisberger, S., Nonn, O., Karlsen, T.V., N'Diaye, G., Yarritu, A., Bartolomaeus, H., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Tagiyeva, N.A., Wimmer, M.I., Haase, N., Zhang, Y.D., Wilhelm, A., Grütz, G., Tenstad, O., Wilck, N., Forslund, S.K., Klopfleisch, R., Kühl, A.A., Atreya, R., Kempa, S., Mertins, P., Siegmund, B., Wiig, H. and Müller, D.N.
Cardiovascular Research : cvae267. 13 January 2025 (In Press)

Antibiotic-perturbed microbiota and the role of probiotics.
Szajewska, H., Scott, K.P., de Meij, T., Forslund-Startceva, S.K., Knight, R., Koren, O., Little, P., Johnston, B.C., Łukasik, J., Suez, J., Tancredi, D.J. and Sanders, M.E.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology 11 December 2024 (In Press)

Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus probiotics and gut dysbiosis in preterm infants: the PRIMAL randomized clinical trial.
Van Rossum, T., Haiß, A., Knoll, R.L., Marißen, J., Podlesny, D., Pagel, J., Bleskina, M., Vens, M., Fortmann, I., Siller, B., Ricklefs, I., Klopp, J., Hilbert, K., Meyer, C., Thielemann, R., Goedicke-Fritz, S., Kuntz, M., Wieg, C., Teig, N., Körner, T., Kribs, A., Hudalla, H., Knuf, M., Stein, A., Gille, C., Bagci, S., Dohle, F., Proquitté, H., Olbertz, D.M., Schmidt, E., Koch, L., Pirr, S., Rupp, J., Spiegler, J., Kopp, M.V., Göpel, W., Herting, E., Forslund, S.K., Viemann, D., Zemlin, M., Bork, P., Gehring, S., König, I.R., Henneke, P. and Härtel, C.
JAMA Pediatrics 178 (10): 985-995. October 2024

A realistic benchmark for differential abundance testing and confounder adjustment in human microbiome studies.
Wirbel, J., Essex, M., Forslund, S.K. and Zeller, G.
Genome Biology 25 (1): 247. 25 September 2024

Clinically used broad-spectrum antibiotics compromise inflammatory monocyte-dependent antibacterial defense in the lung.
Dörner, P.J., Anandakumar, H., Röwekamp, I., Fiocca Vernengo, F., Millet Pascual-Leone, B., Krzanowski, M., Sellmaier, J., Brüning, U., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Pfannkuch, L., Kurth, F., Milek, M., Igbokwe, V., Löber, U., Gutbier, B., Holstein, M., Heinz, G.A., Mashreghi, M.F., Schulte, L.N., Klatt, A.B., Caesar, S., Wienhold, S.M., Offermanns, S., Mack, M., Witzenrath, M., Jordan, S., Beule, D., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K., Wilck, N., Bartolomaeus, H., Heimesaat, M.M. and Opitz, B.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 2788. 30 March 2024

Rigorous science demands support of transgender scientists.
Aghi, K., Anderson, B.M., Castellano, B.M., Cunningham, A., Delano, M., Dickinson, E.S., von Diezmann, L., Forslund-Startceva, S.K., Grijseels, D.M., Groh, S.S., Guthman, E.M., Jayasinghe, I., Johnston, J., Long, S., McLaughlin, J.F., McLaughlin, M., Miyagi, M., Rajaraman, B., Sancheznieto, F., Scheim, A.I., Sun, S.E.D., Titmuss, F.D., Walsh, R.J. and Weinberg, Z.Y.
Cell 187 (6): 1327-1334. 14 March 2024

Shared and distinct gut microbiota in spondyloarthritis, acute anterior uveitis, and Crohn's disease.
Essex, M., Rios Rodriguez, V., Rademacher, J., Proft, F., Löber, U., Marko, L., Pleyer, U., Strowig, T., Marchand, J., Kirwan, J.A., Siegmund, B., Forslund, S.K. and Poddubnyy, D.
Arthritis & Rheumatology 76 (1): 48-58. January 2024

Evidence of a causal and modifiable relationship between kidney function and circulating trimethylamine N-oxide.
Andrikopoulos, P., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Chakaroun, R., Myridakis, A., Forslund, S.K., Nielsen, T., Adriouch, S., Holmes, B., Chilloux, J., Vieira-Silva, S., Falony, G., Salem, J.E., Andreelli, F., Belda, E., Kieswich, J., Chechi, K., Puig-Castellvi, F., Chevalier, M., Le Chatelier, E., Olanipekun, M.T., Hoyles, L., Alves, R., Helft, G., Isnard, R., Køber, L., Coelho, L.P., Rouault, C., Gauguier, D., Gøtze, J.P., Prifti, E., Froguel, P., Zucker, J.D., Bäckhed, F., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Oppert, J.M., Blüher, M., Nielsen, J., Raes, J., Bork, P., Yaqoob, M.M., Stumvoll, M., Pedersen, O., Ehrlich, S.D., Clément, K. and Dumas, M.E.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 5843. 20 September 2023

The interplay between dietary fatty acids and gut microbiota influences host metabolism and hepatic steatosis.
Schoeler, M., Ellero-Simatos, S., Birkner, T., Mayneris-Perxachs, J., Olsson, L., Brolin, H., Löber, U., Kraft, J.D., Polizzi, A., Martí-Navas, M., Puig, J., Moschetta, A., Montagner, A., Gourdy, P., Heymes, C., Guillou, H., Tremaroli, V., Fernández-Real, J.M., Forslund, S.K., Burcelin, R. and Caesar, R.
Nature Communications 14 (1): 5329. 1 September 2023

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects the kidney from hypertension-induced damage.
Sholokh, A., Walter, S., Markó, L., McMurray, B.J., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Xu, M., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Langanki, R., Qadri, F., Heuser, A., Patzak, A., Forslund, S.K., Bähring, S., Borodina, T., Persson, P.B., Maass, P.G., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Kidney International 104 (2): 388-393. August 2023

Towards monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in the environment: For what reasons, how to implement it, and what are the data needs?
Bengtsson-Palme, J., Abramova, A., Berendonk, T.U., Coelho, L.P., Forslund, S.K., Gschwind, R., Heikinheimo, A., Jarquín-Díaz, V.H., Khan, A.A., Klümper, U., Löber, U., Nekoro, M., Osińska, A.D., Ugarcina Perovic, S., Pitkänen, T., Rødland, E.K., Ruppé, E., Wasteson, Y., Wester, A.L. and Zahra, R.
Environment International 178 : 108089. 5 July 2023

VEGF-B hypertrophy predisposes to transition from diastolic to systolic heart failure in hypertensive rats.
Samuelsson, A.M., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Anandakumar, H., Thowsen, I., Nikpey, E., Han, J., Marko, L., Finne, K., Tenstad, O., Eckstein, J., Berndt, N., Kühne, T., Kedziora, S., Sultan, I., Skogstrand, T., Karlsen, T.V., Nurmi, H., Forslund, S.K., Bollano, E., Alitalo, K., Muller, D.N. and Wiig, H.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (7): 1553-1567. 4 July 2023

Quantifying the impact of gut microbiota on inflammation and hypertensive organ damage.
Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, H., Rauch, A., Chen, C.Y., N'Diaye, G., Löber, U., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Rodrigues, A.F., Yarritu, A., Zhong, C., Fei, L., Tsvetkov, D., Todiras, M., Park, J.K., Markó, L., Maifeld, A., Patzak, A., Bader, M., Kempa, S., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N. and Wilck, N.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (6): 1441-1452. May 2023

The effect of probiotic and synbiotic supplementation on lipid parameters among patients with cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials.
Ghorbani, Z., Kazemi, A., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Martami, F., Noormohammadi, M., Salari, A., Löber, U., Balou, H.A., Forslund, S.K. and Mahdavi-Roshan, M.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (4): 933-956. April 2023

The gut microbiota in multiple sclerosis varies with disease activity.
Thirion, F., Sellebjerg, F., Fan, Y., Lyu, L., Hansen, T.H., Pons, N., Levenez, F., Quinquis, B., Stankevic, E., Søndergaard, H.B., Dantoft, T.M., Poulsen, C.S., Forslund, S.K., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Brix, S., Oturai, A., Sørensen, P.S., Ehrlich, S.D. and Pedersen, O.
Genome Medicine 15 (1): 1. 5 January 2023

Guts within guts: the microbiome of the intestinal helminth parasite Ascaris suum is derived but distinct from its host.
Midha, A., Jarquín-Díaz, V.H., Ebner, F., Löber, U., Hayani, R., Kundik, A., Cardilli, A., Heitlinger, E., Forslund, S.K. and Hartmann, S.
Microbiome 10 (1): 229. 16 December 2022

Mutant phosphodiesterase 3A protects from hypertension-induced cardiac damage.
Ercu, M., Mücke, M.B., Pallien, T., Markó, L., Sholokh, A., Schächterle, C., Aydin, A., Kidd, A., Walter, S., Esmati, Y., McMurray, B.J., Lato, D.F., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Dierks, P.H., Flores, B.I.M., Walker-Gray, R., Gong, M., Merticariu, C., Zühlke, K., Russwurm, M., Liu, T., Batolomaeus, T.U.P., Pautz, S., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Napieczynska, H., Heuser, A., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Miller, D.C., Diecke, S., Qadri, F., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Movsesian, M.A., Herberg, F.W., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Borodina, T., Maass, P.G., Bähring, S., Hübner, N., Bader, M. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 146 (23): 1758-1778. 6 December 2022

Inflammation in children with chronic kidney disease linked to gut dysbiosis and metabolite imbalance.
Holle, J., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Behrens, F., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Anandakumar, H., Wimmer, M., Vu, D.L., Kuhring, M., Brüning, U., Maifeld, A., Geisberger, S., Kempa, S., Schumacher, F., Kleuser, B., Bufler, P., Querfeld, U., Kitschke, S., Engler, D., Kuhrt, L.D., Drechsel, O., Eckardt, K.U., Forslund, S., Thürmer, A., McParland, V., Kirwan, J., Wilck, N. and Mueller, D.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (12): 2259-2275. December 2022

Impairment of gut microbial biotin metabolism and host biotin status in severe obesity: effect of biotin and prebiotic supplementation on improved metabolism.
Belda, E., Voland, L., Tremaroli, V., Falony, G., Adriouch, S., Assmann, K.E., Prifiti, E., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Debédat, J., Le Roy, T., Nielsen, T., Amouyal, C., André, S., Andreelli, F., Blüher, M., Chakaroun, R., Chilloux, J., Coelho, L.P., Dao, M.C., Das, P., Fellahi, S., Forslund, S., Galleron, N., Hansen, T.H., Holmes, B., Ji, B., Krogh Pedersen, H., Le, P., Le Chatelier, E., Lewinter, C., Mannerås-Holm, L., Marquet, F., Myridakis, A., Pelloux, V., Pons, N., Quinquis, B., Rouault, C., Roume, H., Salem, J.E., Sokolovska, N., Søndertoft, N.B., Touch, S., Vieira-Silva, S., Galan, P., Holst, J., Gøtze, J.P., Køber, L., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Hercberg, S., Oppert, J.M., Nielsen, J., Letunic, I., Dumas, M.E., Stumvoll, M., Pedersen, O.B., Bork, P., Ehrlich, S.D., Zucker, J.D., Bäckhed, F., Raes, J. and Clément, K.
Gut 71 (12): 2463-2480. 7 November 2022

Antibiotic resistance genes in river biofilms: a metagenomic approach toward the identification of sources and candidate hosts.
Kneis, D., Berendonk, T.U., Forslund, S.K. and Hess, S.
Environmental Science and Technology 56 (21): 14913-14922. 1 November 2022

Landscape of mobile genetic elements and their antibiotic resistance cargo in prokaryotic genomes.
Khedkar, S., Smyshlyaev, G., Letunic, I., Maistrenko, O.M., Coelho, L.P., Orakov, A., Forslund, S.K., Hildebrand, F., Luetge, M., Schmidt, T.S.B., Barabas, O. and Bork, P.
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (6): 3155-3168. 8 April 2022

Microbiome and metabolome features of the cardiometabolic disease spectrum.
Fromentin, S., Forslund, S.K., Chechi, K., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Chakaroun, R., Nielsen, T., Tremaroli, V., Ji, B., Prifti, E., Myridakis, A., Chilloux, J., Andrikopoulos, P., Fan, Y., Olanipekun, M.T., Alves, R., Adiouch, S., Bar, N., Talmor-Barkan, Y., Belda, E., Caesar, R., Coelho, L.P., Falony, G., Fellahi, S., Galan, P., Galleron, N., Helft, G., Hoyles, L., Isnard, R., Le Chatelier, E., Julienne, H., Olsson, L., Pedersen, H.K., Pons, N., Quinquis, B., Rouault, C., Roume, H., Salem, J.E., Schmidt, T.S.B., Vieira-Silva, S., Li, P., Zimmermann-Kogadeeva, M., Lewinter, C., Søndertoft, N.B., Hansen, T.H., Gauguier, D., Gøtze, J.P., Køber, L., Kornowski, R., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Zucker, J.D., Hercberg, S., Letunic, I., Bäckhed, F., Oppert, J.M., Nielsen, J., Raes, J., Bork, P., Stumvoll, M., Segal, E., Clément, K., Dumas, M.E., Ehrlich, S.D. and Pedersen, O.
Nature Medicine 28 (2): 303-314. 17 February 2022

Metabolomic and microbiome profiling reveals personalized risk factors for coronary artery disease.
Talmor-Barkan, Y., Bar, N., Shaul, A.A., Shahaf, N., Godneva, A., Bussi, Y., Lotan-Pompan, M., Weinberger, A., Shechter, A., Chezar-Azerrad, C., Arow, Z., Hammer, Y., Chechi, K., Forslund, S.K., Fromentin, S., Dumas, M.E., Ehrlich, S.D., Pedersen, O., Kornowski, R. and Segal, E.
Nature Medicine 28 (2): 295-302. February 2022

Towards the biogeography of prokaryotic genes.
Coelho, L.P., Alves, R., Del Río, Á.R., Myers, P.N., Cantalapiedra, C.P., Giner-Lamia, J., Schmidt, T.S., Mende, D.R., Orakov, A., Letunic, I., Hildebrand, F., Van Rossum, T., Forslund, S.K., Khedkar, S., Maistrenko, O.M., Pan, S., Jia, L., Ferretti, P., Sunagawa, S., Zhao, X.M., Nielsen, H.B., Huerta-Cepas, J. and Bork, P.
Nature 601 (7892): 252-256. 13 January 2022

Combinatorial, additive and dose-dependent drug-microbiome associations.
Forslund, S.K., Chakaroun, R., Zimmermann-Kogadeeva, M., Markó, L., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Nielsen, T., Moitinho-Silva, L., Schmidt, T.S.B., Falony, G., Vieira-Silva, S., Adriouch, S., Alves, R.J., Assmann, K., Bastard, J.P., Birkner, T., Caesar, R., Chilloux, J., Coelho, L.P., Fezeu, L., Galleron, N., Helft, G., Isnard, R., Ji, B., Kuhn, M., Le Chatelier, E., Myridakis, A., Olsson, L., Pons, N., Prifti, E., Quinquis, B., Roume, H., Salem, J.E., Sokolovska, N., Tremaroli, V., Valles-Colomer, M., Lewinter, C., Søndertoft, N.B., Pedersen, H.K., Hansen, T.H., Gøtze, J.P., Køber, L., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Zucker, J.D., Hercberg, S., Oppert, J.M., Letunic, I., Nielsen, J., Bäckhed, F., Ehrlich, S.D., Dumas, M.E., Raes, J., Pedersen, O., Clément, K., Stumvoll, M. and Bork, P.
Nature 600 : 500-505. 16 December 2021

Unravelling the collateral damage of antibiotics on gut bacteria.
Maier, L., Goemans, C.V., Wirbel, J., Kuhn, M., Eberl, C., Pruteanu, M., Müller, P., Garcia-Santamarina, S., Cacace, E., Zhang, B., Gekeler, C., Banerjee, T., Anderson, E.E., Milanese, A., Löber, U., Forslund, S.K., Patil, K.R., Zimmermann, M., Stecher, B., Zeller, G., Bork, P. and Typas, A.
Nature 599 : 120-124. 4 November 2021

Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist.
Mirzayi, C., Renson, A., Zohra, F., Elsafoury, S., Geistlinger, L., Kasselman, L.J., Eckenrode, K., van de Wijgert, J., Loughman, A., Marques, F.Z., MacIntyre, D.A., Arumugam, M., Azhar, R., Beghini, F., Bergstrom, K., Bhatt, A., Bisanz, J.E., Braun, J., Bravo, H.C., Buck, G.A., Bushman, F., Casero, D., Clarke, G., Collado, M.C., Cotter, P.D., Cryan, J.F., Demmer, R.T., Devkota, S., Elinav, E., Escobar, J.S., Fettweis, J., Finn, R.D., Fodor, A.A., Forslund, S., Franke, A., Furlanello, C., Gilbert, J., Grice, E., Haibe-Kains, B., Handley, S., Herd, P., Holmes, S., Jacobs, J.P., Karstens, L., Knight, R., Knights, D., Koren, O., Kwon, D.S., Langille, M., Lindsay, B., McGovern, D., McHardy, A.C., McWeeney, S., Mueller, N.T., Nezi, L., Olm, M., Palm, N., Pasolli, E., Raes, J., Redinbo, M.R., Rühlemann, M., Balfour Sartor, R, Schloss, P.D., Schriml, L., Segal, E., Shardell, M., Sharpton, T., Smirnova, E., Sokol, H., Sonnenburg, J.L., Srinivasan, S., Thingholm, L.B., Turnbaugh, P.J., Upadhyay, V., Walls, R.L., Wilmes, P., Yamada, T., Zeller, G., Zhang, M., Zhao, N., Zhao, L., Bao, W., Culhane, A., Devanarayan, V., Dopazo, J., Fan, X., Fischer, M., Jones, W., Kusko, R., Mason, C.E., Mercer, T.R., Sansone, S.A., Scherer, A., Shi, L., Thakkar, S., Tong, W., Wolfinger, R., Hunter, C., Segata, N., Huttenhower, C., Dowd, J.B., Jones, H.E. and Waldron, L.
Nature Medicine 27 (11): 1885-1892. November 2021

Human and preclinical studies of the host-gut microbiome co-metabolite hippurate as a marker and mediator of metabolic health.
Brial, F., Chilloux, J., Nielsen, T., Vieira-Silva, S., Falony, G., Andrikopoulos, P., Olanipekun, M., Hoyles, L., Djouadi, F., Neves, A.L., Rodriguez-Martinez, A., Mouawad, G.I., Pons, N., Forslund, S., Le-Chatelier, E., Le Lay, A., Nicholson, J., Hansen, T., Hyötyläinen, T., Clément, K., Oresic, M., Bork, P., Ehrlich, S.D., Raes, J., Pedersen, O.B., Gauguier, D. and Dumas, M.E.
Gut 70 (11): 2105-2114. 7 October 2021

Ecological factors influence balancing selection on leaf chemical profiles of a wildflower.
Carley, L.N., Mojica, J.P., Wang, B., Chen, C.Y., Lin, Y.P., Prasad, K.V.S.K, Chan, E., Hsu, C.W., Keith, R., Nuñez, C.L., Olson-Manning, C.F., Rushworth, C.A., Wagner, M.R., Wang, J., Yeh, P.M., Reichelt, M., Ghattas, K., Gershenzon, J., Lee, C.R. and Mitchell-Olds, T.
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 : 1135-1144. August 2021

Salt transiently inhibits mitochondrial energetics in mononuclear phagocytes.
Geisberger, S., Bartolomaeus, H., Neubert, P., Willebrand, R., Zasada, C., Bartolomaeus, T., McParland, V., Swinnen, D., Geuzens, A., Maifeld, A., Krampert, L., Vogl, M., Mähler, A., Wilck, N., Marko, L., Tilic, E., Forslund, S.K., Binger, K.J., Stegbauer, J., Dechend, R., Kleinewietfeld, M., Jantsch, J., Kempa, S. and Müller, D.N.
Circulation 144 (2): 144-158. 13 July 2021

STEM pride: perspectives from transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer scientists.
Armada-Moreira, A., Cizauskas, C., Fleury, G., Forslund, S.K., Guthman, E.M., Hanafiah, A., Hope, J.M., Jayasinghe, I., McSweeney, D. and Young, I.D.
Cell 184 (13): 3352-3355. 24 June 2021

Enhanced Ca(2+) signaling, mild primary aldosteronism, and hypertension in a familial hyperaldosteronism mouse model (Cacna1h(M1560V/+)).
Seidel, E., Schewe, J., Zhang, J., Dinh, H.A., Forslund, S.K., Markó, L., Hellmig, N., Peters, J., Muller, D.N., Lifton, R.P., Nottoli, T., Stölting, G. and Scholl, U.I.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (17): e2014876118. 27 April 2021

The gut microbiome in hypertension: recent advances and future perspectives.
Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, H., Maifeld, A., Marko, L., Wiig, H., Wilck, N., Rosshart, S.P., Forslund, S.K. and Muller, D.N.
Circulation Research 128 (7): 934-950. 2 April 2021

Fasting alters the gut microbiome reducing blood pressure and body weight in metabolic syndrome patients.
Maifeld, A., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Avery, E.G., Steckhan, N., Markó, L., Wilck, N., Hamad, I., Šušnjar, U., Mähler, A., Hohmann, C., Chen, C.Y., Cramer, H., Dobos, G., Lesker, T.R., Strowig, T., Dechend, R., Bzdok, D., Kleinewietfeld, M., Michalsen, A., Müller, D.N. and Forslund, S.K.
Nature Communications 12 (1): 1970. 30 March 2021

Quantifying technical confounders in microbiome studies.
Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Birkner, T., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Avery, E.G., Mähler, A., Weber, D., Kochlik, B., Balogh, A., Wilck, N., Boschmann, M., Müller, D.N., Markó, L. and Forslund, S.K.
Cardiovascular Research 117 (3): 863-875. 1 March 2021

S100A8 and S100A9 are important for postnatal development of gut microbiota and immune system in mice and infants.
Willers, M., Ulas, T., Völlger, L., Vogl, T., Heinemann, A.S., Pirr, S., Pagel, J., Fehlhaber, B., Halle, O., Schöning, J., Schreek, S., Löber, U., Essex, M., Hombach, P., Graspeuntner, S., Basic, M., Bleich, A., Cloppenborg-Schmidt, K., Künzel, S., Jonigk, D., Rupp, J., Hansen, G., Förster, R., Baines, J.F., Härtel, C., Schultze, J.L., Forslund, S.K., Roth, J. and Viemann, D.
Gastroenterology 159 (6): 2130-2145. December 2020

Imidazole propionate is increased in diabetes and associated with dietary patterns and altered microbial ecology.
Molinaro, A., Bel Lassen, P., Henricsson, M., Wu, H., Adriouch, S., Belda, E., Chakaroun, R., Nielsen, T., Bergh, P.O., Rouault, C., André, S., Marquet, F., Andreelli, F., Salem, J.E., Assmann, K., Bastard, J.P., Forslund, S., Le Chatelier, E., Falony, G., Pons, N., Prifti, E., Quinquis, B., Roume, H., Vieira-Silva, S., Hansen, T.H., Pedersen, H.K., Lewinter, C., Sønderskov, N.B., Køber, L., Vestergaard, H., Hansen, T., Zucker, J.D., Galan, P., Dumas, M.E., Raes, J., Oppert, J.M., Letunic, I., Nielsen, J., Bork, P., Ehrlich, S.D., Stumvoll, M., Pedersen, O., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Clément, K. and Bäckhed, F.
Nature Communications 11 (1): 5881. 18 November 2020

Phosphodiesterase 3A and arterial hypertension.
Ercu, M., Markó, L., Schächterle, C., Tsvetkov, D., Cui, Y., Maghsodi, S., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Maass, P.G., Zühlke, K., Gregersen, N., Hübner, N., Hodge, R., Mühl, A., Pohl, B., Molé-Illas, R., Geelhaar, A., Walter, S., Napieczynska, H., Schelenz, S., Taube, M., Heuser, A., Anistan, Y.M., Qadri, F., Todiras, M., Plehm, R., Popova, E., Langanki, R., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Wiesner, B., Russwurm, M., Forslund, S.K., Kamer, I., Müller, D.N., Gollasch, M., Aydin, A., Bähring, S., Bader, M., Luft, F.C. and Klussmann, E.
Circulation 142 (2): 133-149. 14 July 2020

Blood pressure changes correlate with short-chain fatty acid production potential shifts under a synbiotic intervention.
Bartolomaeus, H., Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Kozhakhmetov, S., Zhumadilov, Z., Müller, D.N., Wilck, N., Kushugulova, A. and Forslund, S.K.
Cardiovascular Research 116 (7): 1252-1253. June 2020

Statin therapy is associated with lower prevalence of gut microbiota dysbiosis.
Vieira-Silva, S., Falony, G., Belda, E., Nielsen, T., Aron-Wisnewsky, J., Chakaroun, R., Forslund, S.K., Assmann, K., Valles-Colomer, M., Nguyen, T..D., Proost, S., Prifti, E., Tremaroli, V., Pons, N., Le Chatelier, E., Andreelli, F., Bastard, J.P., Coelho, L.P., Galleron, N., Hansen, T.H., Hulot, J.S., Lewinter, C., Pedersen, H.K., Quinquis, B., Rouault, C., Roume, H., Salem, J.E., Søndertoft, N.B., Touch, S., Dumas, M.E., Ehrlich, S.D., Galan, P., Gøtze, J.P., Hansen, T., Holst, J.J., Køber, L., Letunic, I., Nielsen, J., Oppert, J.M., Stumvoll, M., Vestergaard, H., Zucker, J.D., Bork, P., Pedersen, O., Bäckhed, F., Clément, K. and Raes, J.
Nature 581 (7808): 310-315. 21 May 2020

B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 and angiotensin II-induced kidney injury.
Markó, L., Park, J.K., Henke, N., Rong, S., Balogh, A., Klamer, S., Bartolomaeus, H., Wilck, N., Ruland, J., Forslund, S.K., Luft, F.C., Dechend, R. and Müller, D.N.
Cardiovascular Research 116 (5): 1059-1070. 1 April 2020

Propionic acid shapes the multiple sclerosis disease course by an immunomodulatory mechanism.
Duscha, A., Gisevius, B., Hirschberg, S., Yissachar, N., Stangl, G.I., Eilers, E., Bader, V., Haase, S., Kaisler, J., David, C., Schneider, R., Troisi, R., Zent, D., Hegelmaier, T., Dokalis, N., Gerstein, S., Del Mare-Roumani, S., Amidror, S., Staszewski, O., Poschmann, G., Stühler, K., Hirche, F., Balogh, A., Kempa, S., Träger, P., Zaiss, M.M., Holm, J.B., Massa, M.G., Nielsen, H.B., Faissner, A., Lukas, C., Gatermann, S.G., Scholz, M., Przuntek, H., Prinz, M., Forslund, S.K., Winklhofer, K.F., Müller, D.N., Linker, R.A., Gold, R. and Haghikia, A.
Cell 180 (6): 1067-1080. 19 March 2020

Hitchhiker's guide to microbiome studies.
Bartolomaeus, T.U.P. and Forslund, S.K.
Cardiovascular Research 116 (3): e44-e47. 1 March 2020

proGenomes2: an improved database for accurate and consistent habitat, taxonomic and functional annotations of prokaryotic genomes.
Mende, D.R., Letunic, I., Maistrenko, O.M., Schmidt, T.S.B., Milanese, A., Paoli, L., Hernández-Plaza, A., Orakov, A.N., Forslund, S.K., Sunagawa, S., Zeller, G., Huerta-Cepas, J., Coelho, L.P. and Bork, P.
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (D1): D621-D625. 8 January 2020

Elevated aldosterone and blood pressure in a mouse model of familial hyperaldosteronism with ClC-2 mutation.
Schewe, J., Seidel, E., Forslund, S., Marko, L., Peters, J., Muller, D.N., Fahlke, C., Stölting, G. and Scholl, U.
Nature Communications 10 (1): 5155. 14 November 2019

Advances and applications in the quest for orthologs.
Glover, N., Dessimoz, C., Ebersberger, I., Forslund, S.K., Gabaldón, T., Huerta-Cepas, J., Martin, M.J., Muffato, M., Patricio, M., Pereira, C., Sousa da Silva, A., Wang, Y., Sonnhammer, E. and Thomas, P.D.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (10): 2157-2164. October 2019

Antibiotics-induced monodominance of a novel gut bacterial order.
Hildebrand, F., Moitinho-Silva, L., Blasche, S., Jahn, M.T.T., Gossmann, T.I., Heuerta Cepas, J., Hercog, R., Luetge, M., Bahram, M., Pryszlak, A., Alves, R.J., Waszak, S.M., Zhu, A., Ye, L., Costea, P.I., Aalvink, S., Belzer, C., Forslund, S.K., Sunagawa, S., Hentschel, U., Merten, C., Patil, K.R., Benes, V. and Bork, P.
Gut 68 (10): 1781-1790. 9 September 2019

Short-chain fatty acid propionate protects from hypertensive cardiovascular damage.
Bartolomaeus, H., Balogh, A., Yakoub, M., Homann, S., Markó, L., Höges, S., Tsvetkov, D., Krannich, A., Wundersitz, S., Avery, E.G., Haase, N., Kräker, K., Hering, L., Maase, M., Kusche-Vihrog, K., Grandoch, M., Fielitz, J., Kempa, S., Gollasch, M., Zhumadilov, Z., Kozhakhmetov, S., Kushugulova, A., Eckardt, K.U., Dechend, R., Rump, L.C., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N., Stegbauer, J. and Wilck, N.
Circulation 139 (11): 1407-1421. 12 March 2019

eggNOG 5.0: a hierarchical, functionally and phylogenetically annotated orthology resource based on 5090 organisms and 2502 viruses.
Huerta-Cepas, J., Szklarczyk, D., Heller, D., Hernández-Plaza, A., Forslund, S.K., Cook, H., Mende, D.R., Letunic, I., Rattei, T., Jensen, L.J., von Mering, C. and Bork, P.
Nucleic Acids Research 47 (D1): D309-D314. 8 January 2019

A computational framework to integrate high-throughput '-omics' datasets for the identification of potential mechanistic links.
Pedersen, H.K., Forslund, S.K., Gudmundsdottir, V., Petersen, A.Ø., Hildebrand, F., Hyötyläinen, T., Nielsen, T., Hansen, T., Bork, P., Ehrlich, S.D., Brunak, S., Oresic, M., Pedersen, O. and Nielsen, H.B.
Nature Protocols 13 (12): 2781-2800. December 2018

Recovery of gut microbiota of healthy adults following antibiotic exposure.
Palleja, A., Mikkelsen, K.H., Forslund, S.K., Kashani, A., Allin, K.H., Nielsen, T., Hansen, T.H., Liang, S., Feng, Q., Zhang, C., Pyl, P.T., Coelho, L.P., Yang, H., Wang, J., Typas, A., Nielsen, M.F., Nielsen, H.B., Bork, P., Wang, J., Vilsbøll, T., Hansen, T., Knop, F.K., Arumugam, M. and Pedersen, O.
Nature Microbiology 3 : 1255-1265. November 2018

Structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome.
Bahram, M., Hildebrand, F., Forslund, S.K., Anderson, J.L., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Bodegom, P.M., Bengtsson-Palme, J., Anslan, S., Coelho, L.P., Harend, H., Huerta-Cepas, J., Medema, M.H., Maltz, M.R., Mundra, S., Olsson, P.A., Pent, M., Põlme, S., Sunagawa, S., Ryberg, M., Tedersoo, L. and Bork, P.
Nature 560 (7717): 233-237. 9 August 2018

Similarity of the dog and human gut microbiomes in gene content and response to diet.
Coelho, L.P., Kultima, J.R., Costea, P.I., Fournier, C., Pan, Y., Czarnecki-Maulden, G., Hayward, M.R., Forslund, S.K., Schmidt, T.S.B., Descombes, P., Jackson, J.R., Li, Q. and Bork, P.
Microbiome 6 (1): 72. 19 April 2018

Transposase-DNA complex structures reveal mechanisms for conjugative transposition of antibiotic resistance.
Rubio-Cosials, A., Schulz, E.C., Lambertsen, L., Smyshlyaev, G., Rojas-Cordova, C., Forslund, K., Karaca, E., Bebel, A., Bork, P. and Barabas, O.
Cell 173 (1): 208-220. 22 March 2018

Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates T(H)17 axis and disease.
Wilck, N., Matus, M.G., Kearney, S.M., Olesen, S.W., Forslund, K., Bartolomaeus, H., Haase, S., Mähler, A., Balogh, A., Markó, L., Vvedenskaya, O., Kleiner, F.H., Tsvetkov, D., Klug, L., Costea, P.I., Sunagawa, S., Maier, L., Rakova, N., Schatz, V., Neubert, P., Frätzer, C., Krannich, A., Gollasch, M., Grohme, D.A., Côrte-Real, B.F., Gerlach, R.G., Basic, M., Typas, A., Wu, C.,