Which definition for echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy?
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1 January 1995
Increased vasopressor actions of intraventricular neuropeptide Y-(13-36) in spontaneously hypertensive versus normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats. Possible relationship to increases in Y2 receptor binding in the nucleus tractus solitarius.
Aguirre, J.A., Hedlund, P.B., Narvaez, J.A., Bunnemann, B., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 684
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1 January 1995
Phosphorylation of elongation factor Tu prevents ternary complex formation.
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16 June 1995
Two signaling pathways can lead to Fas ligand expression in CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones.
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December 1995
Remembrances of Amico Bignami.
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1 January 1995
The human ribosomal protein S7-encoding gene: isolation, structure and location in 2p25.
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1 January 1995
Alkylphosphocholines and alkylphosphocholine liposomes.
Arndt, D., Zeisig, R., Eue, I. and Fichtner, I.
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1 January 1995
Erkennung und Behandlung von Fettstoffwechselstoerungen. Aktuelle Empfehlungen fuer die Betreuung von Patienten in der Praxis.
Assmann, G., Cullen, P., Berg, A., Breithardt, G., Faulhaber, H.D., Gleichmann, U., Gohlke, H., Hahmann, W., Halhuber, M., Hanefeld, M., Jaross, W., Keil, U., Schaefer, H.E., Schwandt, P. and Wieland, H.
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1 January 1995
Antiviral immune responses in mice deficient for both interleukin-2 and interleukin-4.
Bachmann, M.F., Schorle, H., Kuehn, R., Mueller, W., Hengartner, H., Zinkernagel, R.M. and Horak, I.
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August 1995
Temperature-jump induced unfolding of ribonuclease A: a time-resolved FTIR spectroscopic study.
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1 January 1995
Angiotensin II-induced hypertension: effects on central and peripheral atrial natriuretic peptide.
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1 December 1995
The cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phospholamban kinase is a distinct delta-CaM kinase isozyme.
Baltas, L.G., Karczewski, P. and Krause, E.G.
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1 January 1995
Induction of Bax-alpha precedes apoptosis in a human B lymphoma cell line: potential role of the bcl-2 gene family in surface IgM-mediated apoptosis.
Bargou, R.C., Bommert, K., Weinmann, P., Daniel, P.T., Wagener, C., Mapara, M.Y. and Doerken, B.
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1 January 1995
Expression of the bcl-2 gene family in normal and malignant breast tissue: low bax-alpha expresssion in tumor cells correlates with resistance to apoptosis.
Bargou, R.C., Daniel, P.T., Mapara, M.Y., Bommert, K., Wagener, C., Kallinich, B., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
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1 January 1995
Co-regulation of two gene activities by tetracycline via a bidirectional promoter.
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11 September 1995
Function of C-protein and troponin I phosphorylation in the heart.
Bartel, S., Karczewski, P., Morano, I. and Krause, E.G.
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27 March 1995
Cyclic GMP-mediated phospholamban phosphorylation in intact cardiomyocytes.
Bartel, S., Willenbrock, R., Haase, H., Karczewski, P., Wallukat, G., Dietz, R. and Krause, E.G.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 214
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1 January 1995
The thymidine kinase/ganciclovir-mediated "suicide" effect is highly variable in different tumor cells.
Beck, C., Cayeux, S., Lupton, S., Doerken, B. and Blankenstein, T.
Human Gene Therapy 6
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1 January 1995
Mutational effects on the spectroscopic properties and biological activities of oxidized bovine adrenodoxin, and their structural implications.
Beckert, V., Schrauber, H., Bernhardt, R., Vandijk, A.A., Kakoschke, C. and Wray, V.
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1 January 1995
Bradykinin induces rise of free calcium in nuclei of neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid NG 108-15 cells.
Beckmann, R., Lindschau, C., Haller, H. and Buchner, K.
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1 April 1995
Complex formation and crystallization of adrenodoxin-reductase with adrenodoxin.
Behlke, J., Ristau, O. and Marg, A.
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1 January 1995
Supramolecular structure of the small heat shock protein Hsp25.
Behlke, J., Dube, P., van Heel, M., Wieske, M., Hayess, K., Benndorf, R. and Lutsch, G.
Progress Colloid Polymers Science 99
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1 January 1995
Aerosol amphotericin b inhalations for prevention of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in neutropenic cancer patients.
Behre, G.F., Schwartz, S., Lenz, K., Ludwig, W.D., Schilling, E., Heinemann, V., Link, H., Boenisch, O., Treder, W., Siegert, W., Wandt, H., Trittin, A., Hiddemann, W. and Beyer, J.
Annals of Hematology 71
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1 January 1995
Proposals for the immunological classification of acute leukemias.
Bene, M.C., Castoldi, G., Knapp, W., Ludwig, W.D., Matutes, E., Orfao, A. and Vantveer, M.B.
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1 October 1995
Interleukin-10 is a central regulator of the response to LPS in murine models of endotoxic shock and the Shwartzman reaction but not endotoxin tolerance.
Berg, D.J., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K., Müller, W., Menon, S., Davidson, N., Grünig, G. and Rennick, D.
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November 1995
Interleukin 10 but not interleukin 4 is a natural suppressant of cutaneous inflammatory responses.
Berg, D.J., Leach, M.W., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K., Müller, W., Davidson, N.J. and Rennick, D.
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1 July 1995
Developmental regulation of ion channels and receptors on glial cells.
Berger, T., Mueller, T. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1995
Elucidation of a signaling pathway induced by FGF-2 leading to uPA gene expression in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.
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August 1995
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene regulation by polyomavirus middle-T antigen.
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7 December 1995
CD 69 antigen of human lymphocytes is a calcium-dependent carbohydrate-binding protein.
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1 January 1995
Epithelial proliferation and differentiation in the mammary gland do not correlate with cFABP gene expression during early pregnancy.
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1 January 1995
E-cadherin as a tumor (invasion) suppressor gene.
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1 January 1995
Adherens junction proteins in tumour progression.
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1 January 1995
E-cadherin as an invasion suppressor.
Birchmeier, W., Huelsken, J. and Behrens, J.
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1 January 1995
Peptide environment of the peptidyl transferase center from Escherichia coli 70 S ribosomes as determined by thermoaffinity labeling with dihydrospiramycin.
Bischof, O., Urlaub, H., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
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29 September 1995
Essential role for the c-met receptor in the migration of myogenic precursor cells into the limb bud.
Bladt, F., Riethmacher, D., Isenmann, S., Aguzzi, A. and Birchmeier, C.
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31 August 1995
European school of oncology position paper - gene therapy for the medical oncologist.
Blaese, M., Blankenstein, T., Brenner, M., Cohenhaguenauer, O., Gansbacher, B., Sorrentino, B. and Velu, T.
European Journal of Cancer 31A
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1 January 1995
Lymphocyte traffic through lymph nodes and peyers patches of the rat: B- and T-cell-specific migration patterns within the tissue, and their dependence on splenic tissue.
Blaschke, V., Micheel, B., Pabst, R. and Westermann, J.
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1 January 1995
The capacity of human malignant B-lymphocytes to disseminate in SCID-mice is correlated with functional expression of the fibronectin receptor alpha5beta1 (CD49e/CD29).
Blase, L., Daniel, P.T., Koretz, K., Schwartz-Albiez, R. and Moeller, P.
International Journal of Cancer 60
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1 January 1995
Partial amino acid sequence of an L-amino acid oxidase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC6301, cloning and DNA sequence analysis of the aox A gene.
Bockholt, R., Masepohl, B., Kruft, V., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Pistorius, E.
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1 January 1995
Angiotensin II receptor blockade in TGR(mREN2)27: effects of renin-angiotensin-system gene expression and cardiovascular functions.
Boehm, M., Lee, M.A., Kreutz, R., Kim, S., Schinke, M., Djavidani, B., Wagner, J., Kaling, M., Wienen, W., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1995
Dendritic cell progenitor is transformed by a conditional v-rel estrogen receptor fusion v-relER.
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27 January 1995
Blockade of K+ channels induced by AMPA kainate receptor activation in mouse oligodendrocyte precursor cells is mediated by Na+ entry.
Borges, K. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1995
Adult rat optic nerve oligodendrocyte progenitor cells express a distinct repertoire of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels.
Borges, K., Wolswijk, G., Ohlemeyer, C. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience Research 40
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1 January 1995
Divergent evolution of a beta/alpha-barrel subclass: detection of numerous phosphate-binding sites by motif search.
Bork, P., Gellerich, J., Groth, H., Hooft, R. and Martin, F.
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1 January 1995
The cytidylyltransferase superfamily: identification of the nucleotide-binding site and fold prediction.
Bork, P., Holm, L., Koonin, E.V. and Sander, C.
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1 January 1995
Ready for a motif submission? A proposed checklist.
Bork, P., Ouzounis, C. and McEntyre, J.
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1 January 1995
The SEA module - a new extracellular domain associated with o-glycosylation.
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1 January 1995
More WW domains.
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1 January 1995
Exploring the Mycoplasma capricolum genome: a small bacterium reveals its physiology.
Bork, P., Ouzounis, C., Casari, G., Schneider, R., Sander, C., Dolan, M., Gilbert, W. and Gillevet, P.M.
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1 January 1995
TP53 mutations and breast cancer prognosis - particularly poor survival rates for cases with mutations in the zinc-binding domains.
Borresen, A.L., Andersen, T.I., Eyfjord, J.E., Cornelis, R.S., Thorlacius, S., Borg, A., Johansson, U., Theillet, C., Scherneck, S., Hartman, S., Cornelisse, C.J., Hovig, E. and Devilee, P.
Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 14
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September 1995
ClC-6 and ClC-7 are two novel broadly expressed members of the CLC chloride channel family.
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11 December 1995
Pharmacodynamics of atrial natriuretic peptide in isolated perfused Dahl rat kidneys.
Brier, M.E., Lathon, P.V., Aronoff, G.R. and Luft, F.C.
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1 September 1995
Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor induces a variety of tissue-specific morphogenic programs in epithelial cells.
Brinkmann, V., Foroutan, H., Sachs, M., Weidner, K.M. and Birchmeier, W.
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December 1995
The receptor tyrosine kinase p185HER2 is expressed on a subset of B-lymphoid blasts from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia.
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1 September 1995
Reconstruction after gastrectomy and quality of life.
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1 July 1995
Expression of the chemokine receptor BLR2/EBI1 is specifically transactivated by Epstein-Barr Virus nuclear antigen 2.
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13 October 1995
Conformational stability of bovine holo and apo adrenodoxin - a scanning calorimetric study.
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1 January 1995
Querschnitts-Studie zur saisonalen Blutdruckvariation im ambulanten 24-Stunden-Blutdruckprofil.
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1 January 1995
New monoclonal antibodies recognizing phosphorylated proteins in mitotic cells.
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1 January 1995
Steroid-hormone regulation of myosin subunit expression in smooth and cardiac muscle.
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1 January 1995
Angiotensin and bradykinin peptides in the TGR(mREN-2)27 rat.
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1 May 1995
Expression of Thomsen-Friedenreich-related antigens in primary and metastatic colorectal carcinomas: a reevaluation.
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1 January 1995
Configurational and rheological properties of cyclic polymers.
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1 January 1995
Perturbation expansion of polymers in shear flow.
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1 January 1995
1H NMR spectroscopy reveals that mouse Hsp25 has a flexible C-terminal extension of 18 amino acids.
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1 January 1995
Tumor cells cotransfected with interleukin-7 and B7.1 genes induce CD25 and CD28 on tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes and are strong vaccines.
Cayeux, S., Beck, C., Aicher, A., Doerken, B. and Blankenstein, T.
European Journal of Immunology 25
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1 January 1995
Klonierung des Brustkrebsgens BRCA1. Stellungnahme erarbeitet durch eine adhoc-Gruppe im Rahmen des "Gesamtprogramms zur Krebsbekaempfung".
Chang-Claude, J., Hundsdoerfer, G., Jonat, W., Scherneck, S. and Wienker, T.F.
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1 January 1995
Klonierung des Brustkrebsgens BRCA1. Konsequenzen fuer Diagnostik und Klinik.
Chang-Claude, J. and Scherneck, S.
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1 January 1995
High prevalence of antibodies against beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors in patients with primary electrical cardiac abnormalities.
Chiale, P.A., Rosenbaum, M.B., Elizari, M.V., Hjalmarson, A., Magnusson, Y., Wallukat, G. and Hoebeke, J.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 26
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1 January 1995
Immediate effects of reversible HTLV-I tax function: T-cell activation and apoptosis.
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Oncogene 10
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19 January 1995
Distinct populations of identified glial cells in the developing rat spinal cord slice: ion channel properties and cell morphology.
Chvatal, A., Pastor, A., Mauch, M., Sykova, E. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 7
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1 January 1995
High allele loss rates at 17q12-q21 in breast and ovarian tumors from BRCA1-linked families.
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Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 13
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1 July 1995
Clinical significance of surface antigen expression in children with acute myeloid leukemia: results of study AML-BFM-87.
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1 October 1995
Akute myeloische Leukaemie bei Kindern mit Down-Syndrom.
Creutzig, U., Ritter, J., Ludwig, W.D., Niemeyer, C., Reinisch, I., Stollmann-Gibbels, B., Zimmermann, M. and Harbott, J.
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1 January 1995
The problem of reocclusion and restenosis - clinical aspects.
Dechend, R., Gulba, D., Hauck, S. and Dietz, R.
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1 January 1995
Vectorcardiographic monitoring to assess early vessel patency after reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction.
Dellborg, M., Steg, P.G., Simoons, M., Dietz, R., Sen, S., van den Brand, M., Lotze, U., Hauck, S., van den Wieken, R., Himbert, D., Svensson, A.M. and Swedberg, K.
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1 January 1995
Micelle stabilized phosphorescent immunoassay based on bispecific antibodies against label and antigen.
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1 January 1995
Cloning of CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 from normal human adrenals and their functional expression in COS-7 and V79 chinese hamster cells.
Denner, K., Doehmer, J. and Bernhardt, R.
Endocrine Research 21
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1 January 1995
Cloning and stable expression of the human mitochondrial cytochrome P45011B1 cDNA in V79 chinese hamster cells and their application for testing of potential inhibitors.
Denner, K., Vogel, R., Schmalix, W., Doehmer, J. and Bernhardt, R.
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1 January 1995
The BTB/POZ domain targets the LAZ3/BCL6 oncoprotein to nuclear dots and mediates homomerisation in vivo.
Dhordain, P., Albagli, O., Ansieau, S., Koken, M., Deweindt, C., Quief, S., Lantoine, D., Leutz, A., Kerckaert, J.P. and Leprince, D.
Oncogene 11
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21 December 1995
Global cerebral ischemia in the rat: online monitoring of oxygen free radical production using chemiluminescence in vivo.
Dirnagl, U., Lindauer, U., Them, A., Schreiber, S., Pfister, H.W., Koedel, U., Reszka, R., Freyer, D. and Villringer, A.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 15
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1 November 1995
Chronic dexamethasone treatment suppresses hypertension development in the transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Djavidani, B., Sander, M., Kreutz, R., Zeh, K., Bader, M., Mellon, S.H., Vecsei, P., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 13
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1 January 1995
Endoskopische Therapie von Pankreaspseudozysten [Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts].
Dohmoto, M., Rupp, K.D.R., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Pancreas divisum imitating malignancy in a patient with a cystadenoma.
Dohmoto, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Terminal differentiation of normal chicken erythroid progenitors: shortening of G1 correlates with loss of D-cyclin/cdk4 expression and altered cell size control1.
Dolznig, H., Bartunek, P., Nasmyth, K., Muellner, E.W. and Beug, H.
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1 January 1995
Dimer structure as a minimum cooperative subunit of small heat- shock proteins.
Dudich, I.V., Zav`yalov, V.P., Pfeil, W., Gaestel, M., Zav`yalova, G.A., Denesyuk, A.I. and Korpela, T.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1253
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1 January 1995
Stereocontrolled synthesis of the four stereoisomeric diphosphorylphosphonates of carbocyclic 2',3'-dideoxy-2', 3'- didehydro-5'-noradenosine.
Dyatkina, N.B., Theil, F. and von Janta-Lipinski, M.
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1 January 1995
Synthesis of four stereoisomers of carbocyclic 5'-NOR D4A and evaluation of their triphosphates as substrates for DNA polymerases.
Dyatkina, N., Semizarov, D., Victorova, L., Krayevsky, A., Theil, F. and von Janta-Lipinski, M.
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1 January 1995
Separation of origin recognition complex functions by cross-species complementation.
Ehrenhofer-Murray, A.E., Gossen, M., Pak, D.T., Botchan, M.R. and Rine, J.
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8 December 1995
Electrophysiology and morphology of a new type of cell within layer II of the rat lateral entorhinal cortex in vitro.
Empson, R.M., Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
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7 July 1995
Constitutive activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 by mutation of phosphorylation sites and an A-helix motif.
Engel, K., Schultz, H., Martin, F., Kotlyarov, A., Plath, K., Hahn, M., Heinemann, U. and Gaestel, M.
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10 November 1995
Amino acid sequence of the ribosomal protein HS23 from the halophilic Haloarcula marismortui and homology studies to other ribosomal proteins.
Engemann, S., Herfurth, E., Briesemeister, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 14
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1 January 1995
Cartography of ribosomal proteins of the 30S subunit from the halophilic Haloarcula marismortui and complete sequence analysis of protein HS26.
Engemann, S., Noelle, R., Herfurth, E., Briesemeister, U., Grelle, G. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 234
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1 January 1995
Human adrenal CYP11B1: localization by in situ-hybridization and functional expression in cell cultures.
Erdmann, B., Denner, K., Gerst, H., Lenz, D. and Bernhardt, R.
Endocrine Research 21
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1 January 1995
Zone-specific localization of cytochrome P45011B1 in human adrenal tissue by PCR-derived riboprobes.
Erdmann, B., Gerst, H., Buelow, H., Lenz, D., Baehr, V. and Bernhardt, R.
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1 January 1995
Alkylphosphocholine-induced production of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor alpha by U 937 cells.
Eue, I., Zeisig, R. and Arndt, D.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 121
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1 January 1995
Alkylphosphocholines - A new class of synthetic phospholipids causing macrophage activation.
Eue, I., Zeisig, R. and Arndt, D.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 14, Suppl.
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1 January 1995
A comparative infrared spectroscopic study of human breast tumors and breast tumor cell xenografts.
Fabian, H., Jackson, M., Murphy, L., Watson, P.H., Fichtner, I. and Mantsch, H.H.
Biospectroscopy 1
: 37-45.
1 January 1995
Ribonuclease A revisited: Infrared spectroscopic evidence for lack of native-like secondary structures in the thermally denatured state.
Fabian, H. and Mantsch, H.H.
Biochemistry 34
: 13651-13655.
1 January 1995
Impact of point mutations and amino acid modifications on the structure and stability of peptides and proteins probed by FT-IR spectroscopy.
Fabian, H., Naumann, D., Otvos, L., Schultz, C., Backmann, J., Szendrei, G.I., Hahn, U., Saenger, W. and Mantsch, H.H.
Journal of Molecular Structure 348
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1 January 1995
Cluster formation, standing waves, and stripe patterns in oscillatory active media with local and global coupling.
Falcke, M., Engel, H. and Neufeld, M.
Physical Review E 52
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July 1995
Peptide motifs of HLA-B51, -B52 and -B78 molecules, and implications for Behcet's disease.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Takiguchi, M., Gnau, V., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
International Immunology 7
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1 February 1995
Peptide motifs of HLA-B38 and B39 molecules.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Takiguchi, M., Gnau, V., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
Immunogenetics 41
: 162-164.
1 January 1995
Peptide motifs of HLA-B58, B60, B61, and B62 molecules.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Takiguchi, M., Gnau, V., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
Immunogenetics 41
: 165-168.
1 January 1995
A high-resolution integrated physical, cytogenetic, and genetic map of human chromosome 11: distal p13 to proximal p15.1.
Fantes, J.A., Oghene, K., Boyle, S., Danes, S., Fletcher, J.M., Bruford, E.A., Williamson, K., Seawright, A., Schedl, A., Hanson, I., Zehetner, G., Bhogal, R., Lehrach, H., Gregory, S., Williams, J., Little, P.F.R., Sellar, G.C., Hoovers, J., Mannens, M., Weissenbach, J., Junien, C., van Heyningen, V. and Bickmore, W.A.
Genomics 25
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1 January 1995
Die nichtmedikamentoese Therapie im Gesamtkonzept der arteriellen Hypertonie.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Internistische Praxis 35
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1 January 1995
Hochdruckbehandlung in der Praxis.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 92
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1 January 1995
Repeat liver resections from colorectal metastasis.
Fernandez-Trigo, V., Shamsa, F., Sugarbaker, P.H., Schlag, P.M. and Hohenberger, P.
Surgery 117
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1 March 1995
Molecular mimicry between the immunodominant ribosomal protein PO of Trypanosoma cruzi and a functional epitope on the human beta1-adrenergic receptor.
Ferrari, I., Levin, M.J., Wallukat, G., Elies, R., Lebesgue, D., Chiale, P., Elizari, M., Rosenbaum, M. and Hoebeke, J.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 182
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1 July 1995
Carboplatin-liposomes (CPL) in immunodeficient mice: improved antitumor activity for breast carcinomas and stimulationof hematopoiesis.
Fichtner, I., Reszka, R., Goan, S.R. and Naundorf, H.
Medical Oncology 11
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1 January 1995
Derzeitige Bedeutung molekularbiologischer Untersuchungen fuer Diagnostik und operative Therapie kolorektaler Karzinome.
Finke, L.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13
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1 January 1995
Tumorprogressionsassozierte Regulation von Adhaesionsmolekuelen in kolorektalen Karzinomen - Grading, Staging, klinischer Verlauf.
Finke, L.H., Terpe, H.J., Zoerb, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.
: 275-279.
1 January 1995
Evidence for a differential modulation of the alpha-2 adrenoreceptors by angiotensin II in the nucleus tractus solitarii of the spontaneously hypertensive and the wistar kyoto normotensive rats.
Fior, D.R., Yang, S.N., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 679
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1 January 1995
Changes in organic solutes, volume, energy state, and metabolism associated with osmotic stress in a glial cell line: a multinuclear NMR study.
Floegel, U., Niendorf, T., Serkowa, N., Brand, A., Henke, J. and Leibfritz, D.
Neurochemical Research 20
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July 1995
Der Heidelberger-Wachstation-Score (HDWS) . Entwicklung eines computergestuetzten Scoring-Systems zur Dokumentation des Behandlungsverlaufs und zur Einschaetzung der Prognose bei chirurgischen Intensivpatienten.
Foitzik, T., Holle, R., Schall, R., Moesta, K.T., Buhr, H.J. and Herfarth, C.
Chirurg 66
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1 January 1995
GABAA/Benzodiazepine receptors in acutely isolated hippocampal astrocytes.
Fraser, D.D., Duffy, S., Angelidis, K.J., Perezvelazquez, J.L., Kettenmann, H. and MacVicar, B.A.
Journal of Neuroscience 15
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April 1995
High expression level of alpha6 integrin in human breast carcinoma is correlated with reduced survival.
Friedrichs, K., Ruiz, P., Franke, F., Gille, I., Terpe, H.J. and Imhof, B.A.
Cancer Research 55
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15 February 1995
Functional epitope analysis of the second extracellular loop of the human heart muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.
Fu, M.L.X., Schulze, W., Wallukat, G., Hjalmarson, A. and Hoebeke, J.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 27
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1 January 1995
A novel multienzyme electrode for the determination of citrate.
Gajovic, N., Warsinke, A. and Scheller, F.W.
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1 January 1995
Hormones, autacoids, neurotransmitters, and growth factors.
Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Kurokawa, K.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 4
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1 January 1995
Diagnostik und Therapie des Bluthochdrucks.
Ganten, D.
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1 January 1995
Vom Gen zur Therapie: Paradigmenwechsel in der Klinischen Pharmakologie.
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Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell 6
: 35-36.
1 January 1995
Verbund Klinische Pharmakologie Berlin/Brandenburg. Gentherapie, Pharmakogenetik, Pharmakoepidemiologie.
Ganten, D., Engler, E. and Ruckpaul, K.
Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell 6
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1 January 1995
The world hypertension league: goals and perspectives.
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1 January 1995
Prothymosin alpha: a biologically active protein with random coil conformation.
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10 October 1995
Cold denaturation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase which domain is more stable?
Gast, K., Damaschun, G., Desmadril, M., Minard, P., Mueller-Frohne, M., Pfeil, W. and Zirwer, D.
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1 January 1995
Entwicklung von Impfstoffen gegen biologische Waffen forcieren. Schutz vor "Atomwaffen des kleinen Mannes".
Geissler, E.
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1 January 1995
ProCEID: Program for controlling emering infectious diseases.
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1 January 1995
ProCEID: Programme for countering emerging infectious diseases (ProCEID) by prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic measures.
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1 January 1995
ProcCEID-Program for controlling emerging infectious diseases: mission statement. ProCEID Steering Commitee , Island of Vilm, Germany.
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1 January 1995
Growing support for ProCEID.
Geissler, E. and Pearson, G.
ASA Newsletter 95-4
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1 January 1995
Amino acid substitution R384P in aldosterone synthase causes corticosterone methyloxidase type I deficiency.
Geley, S., Joehrer, K., Peter, M., Denner, K., Bernhardt, R., Sippel, W.G. and Kofler, R.
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1 January 1995
Do band 3 protein conformational changes mediate shape changes of human erythrocytes?
Gimsa, J. and Ried, C.
Molecular Membrane Biology 12
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1 July 1995
Regulated expression of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene in mammary carcinoma cells restores cyclin d1 expression and G1- phase control.
Gjetting, T., Lukas, J., Bartek, J. and Strauss, M.
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1 January 1995
4-(4-Guanidinobenzoyl)-2-imidazolones and related compounds: phosphodiesterase inhibitors and novel cardiotonics with combined histamine H2 receptor agonist and PDE III inhibitor activity.
Glass, D., Buschauer, A., Tenor, H., Bartel, S., Will-Shahab, L. and Krause, E.G.
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1 January 1995
Polycystic kidney disease: the complete structure of the PKD1 gene and its protein.
Gluecksmann-Kuis, M.A., Tayber, O., Woolf, E.A., Bougueleret, L., Deng, N.H., Alperin, G.D., Iris, F., Hawkins, F., Munro, C., Lakey, N., Duyk, G., Schneider, M.C., Geng, L., Zhang, F., Zhao, Z.H., Torosian, S., Zhou, J., Reeders, S.T., Bork, P., Pohlschmidt, M., Lohning, C., Kraus, B., Nowicka, U., Leung, A.L.S. and Frischauf, A.M.
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21 April 1995
The severe combined immunodeficient-human peripheral blood stem cell (SCID-huPBSC) mouse: a xenotransplant model for huPBSC-initiated hematopoiesis.
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1 July 1995
Wegener`s granulomatosis masquerading as breast cancer.
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Kettritz, U., Thieme, U., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1995
Two different subunits of importin cooperate to recognize nuclear localization signals and bind them to the nuclear envelope.
Goerlich, D., Kostka, S., Kraft, R., Dingwall, C., Laskey, R.A., Hartmann, E. and Prehn, S.
Current Biology 5
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1 January 1995
Distinct functions for the two importin subunits in nuclear protein import.
Goerlich, D., Vogel, F., Mills, A.D., Hartmann, E. and Laskey, R.A.
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1 January 1995
Pinacidil relaxes porcine and human coronary arteries by activating atp-dependent potassium channels in smooth muscle cells.
Gollasch, M., Bychkov, R., Ried, C., Behrendt, F., Scholze, S., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 275
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1 January 1995
Multiple pathways for ATP-induced intracellular calcium elevation in pheochromocytoma (PC 12) cells.
Gollasch, M. and Haller, H.
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1 January 1995
Transcriptional activation by tetracyclines in mammalian cells.
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23 June 1995
A Drosophila homolog of the yeast origin recognition complex.
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8 December 1995
Multiple octamer-binding proteins are targets for the cell cycle-regulated nuclear inhibitor I-92.
Grinstein, E. and Royer, H.D.
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1 January 1995
The human poliovirus receptor. Receptor-virus interaction and parameters of disease specificity.
Gromeier, M., Lu, H.H., Bernhardt, G., Harber, J.J., Bibb, J.A. and Wimmer, E.
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25 May 1995
Effect of captopril and angiotensin II receptor blockade on pressure natriuresis in transgenic TGR(mRen-2)27 rats.
Gross, V., Lippoldt, A., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1995
Bovine adrenodoxin - a mitochondrial iron-sulphur protein - binds to chaperonin GroEl.
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1 January 1995
DSPA alpha - properties of the plasminogen activators of the vampire bat desmodus rotundus.
Gulba, D., Praus, M. and Witt, W.
Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 9
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1 January 1995
Nierenarterien-Embolie - Thrombloyse mit rt-RA.
Gulba, D.C.
Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 3
: 15-17.
1 January 1995
Risikopradiktion und Sekundarpraevention nach PTCA und Bypassoperationen.
Gulba, D.C., Waigand, J., Osterziel, K.J. and Dietz, R.
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1 September 1995
Crystal and molecular structure at 0.16-nm resolution of the hybrid Bacillus endo-1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase H(A16-M).
Hahn, M., Keitel, T. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 232
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1 January 1995
Crystal structure and site-directed mutagenesis of Bacillus macerans endo-1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase.
Hahn, M., Olsen, O., Politz, O., Borriss, R. and Heinemann, U.
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17 February 1995
Crystal structure of Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase at 1.8A resolution.
Hahn, M., Pons, J., Planas, A., Querol, E. and Heinemann, U.
FEBS Letters 374
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1 January 1995
Kontinuierliches Monitoring kardiozirkulatorischer Effekte der isolierten hyperthermen Extremitaetenperfusion mit rhTNFalpha . Continuous monitoring of cardiocirculatory effects during isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion using rhTNFalpha.
Haier, J., Hohenberger, P., Beck, K. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
High glucose concentrations and protein kinase C isoforms in vascular smooth muscle cells.
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1 April 1995
Differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the regulation of protein kinase C-alpha.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Quass, P., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
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January 1995
Cellular effects of calcium channel blockers on vascular cells.
Haller, H.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10 Suppl.
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1 January 1995
Look who's talking - intracellular communication in chronic vascular disease.
Haller, H.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10
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1 January 1995
Monocyte infiltration and c-fms expression in hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Haller, H., Behrend, M., Park, J.K., Schaberg, T., Luft, F.C. and Distler, A.
Hypertension 25
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1 January 1995
Effect of exogenous mineralocorticoid on platelet cytosolic calcium in normal humans.
Haller, H., Bock, A., Harwig, S., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of Human Hypertension 9
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1 January 1995
Low-density lipoprotein induces vascular adhesion molecule expression on human endothelial cells.
Haller, H., Schaper, D., Ziegler, W., Philipp, S., Kuhlmann, M., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 25
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1 January 1995
Transforming growth factor beta1 expression and phenotypic modulation in the kidney of hypertensive rats.
Hamaguchi, A., Kim, S., Ohta, K., Yagi, K., Yukimura, T., Miura, K., Fukuda, T. and Iwao, H.
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1 January 1995
Expression cloning and chromosomal mapping of the leukocyte activation antigen CD97, a new seven-span transmembrane molecule of the secretin receptor superfamily with an unusual extracellular domain.
Hamann, J., Eichler, W., Hamann, D., Kerstens, H.M.J., Poddighe, P.J., Hoovers, J.M.N., Hartmann, E., Strauss, M. and Van Lier, R.A.W.
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August 1995
Canyon rim residues, including antigenic determinants, modulate serotype specific binding of polioviruses to mutants of the poliovirus receptor.
Harber, J., Bernhardt, G., Lu, H.H., Sgro, J.Y. and Wimmer, E.
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1 January 1995
Correlates of health care satisfaction in inner-city patients with hypertension and chronic renal insufficiency.
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1 December 1995
A novel Ca2+ -dependent step in exocytosis subsequent to vesicle fusion.
Hartmann, J. and Lindau, M.
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1 January 1995
Regulation of granule size in human and horse eosinophils by number of fusion events among unit granules.
Hartmann, J., Scepek, S. and Lindau, M.
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1 January 1995
Immune ageing and Alzheimer's disease.
Hartwig, M.
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1 January 1995
Accelerated apoptosis of cultured lymphocytes in Alzheimer's disease.
Hartwig, M., Ketel, B., Schulz, J., Zoerner, C. and Cervos-Navarro, J.
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1 January 1995
Continuous 3-dimensional vectorcardiography, a valuable tool for online ischemia monitoring.
Hauck, S., Friedrich, M., Dechend, R., Gulba, D. and Dietz, R.
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1 January 1995
Palmoplantar keratoderma in association with carcinoma of the esophagus maps to chromosome 17q distal to the keratin gene cluster.
Hennies, H.C., Hagedorn, M. and Reis, A.
Genomics 29
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20 September 1995
Localization of a locus for the striated form of palmoplantar keratoderma to chromosome 18q near the desmosomal cadherin gene cluster.
Hennies, H.C., Kuester, W., Mischke, D. and Reis, A.
Human Molecular Genetics 4
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1 January 1995
Progression of carcinoma cells is associated with alterations in chromatin structure and factor binding at the E-cadherin promoter in vivo.
Hennig, G., Behrens, J., Truss, M., Frisch, S., Reichmann, E. and Birchmeier, W.
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1 January 1995
Determination of peptide regions exposed at the surface of the bacterial ribosome with antibodies against synthetic peptides.
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1 January 1995
Pathogenesis of myocardial fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
Herrmann, H.J., Fiedler, U., Bloedner, R. and Meyer, R.
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1 January 1995
Regulation of the major histocompatibility complex class I mRNA expression by bile acids in cultured human hepatoma cells.
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1 January 1995
Parameter der Beurteilung anhaltender Remission vs. Tumorrezidiv von Weichteilsarkomen nach hyperthermer Extremitaetenperfusion mittels der31P-MR-Spektroskopie.
Hochmuth, K., Hohenberger, P., Vogl, T., von Wickede, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.
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1 January 1995
Genetic mapping of adrenergic receptor genes in humans.
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1 January 1995
Efficient gene transfer into human hepatocytes by baculovirus vectors.
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24 October 1995
Hepatocyte-specific binding of L/S-HBV particles expressed in insect cells.
Hofmann, C., Sandig, V., Kirillova, I., Jennings, G., Rudolph, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
The role of autoimmune T lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.
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June 1995
Thrombolysis - a rapidly moving target of antithrombotic therapy: a preface.
Huber, K., Bode, C. and Gulba, D.
Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 9
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1 January 1995
Altered angiotensinogen amino acid sequence and plasma angiotensin II levels in genetically hypertensive rats: a study on cause and effects.
Huebner, N., Kreutz, R., Takahashi, S., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Hypertension 26
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1 January 1995
Laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound for staging of upper gastrointestinal tumours.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 21
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1 January 1995
Die 3D-transrektale Endosonographie verbessert die Therapieplanung beim Rektumkarzinom.
Huenerbein, M., Below, C., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Prae- und intraoperative Tumordiagnostik. Einfluesse auf die Therapiewahl.
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1 January 1995
Therapeutische Moeglichkeiten durch photodynamische Lasertherapie.
Huenerbein, M., Stern, J. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Biologische Waffen - Wirkung, Bedeutung und Kontrolle.
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1 January 1995
Mapping of a human rRNA gene in the YAC contig surrounding the sma candidate gene.
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1 January 1995
Genetics in arterial hypertension - clinical and experimental aspects.
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1 January 1995
The gene encoding endothelial nitric oxide synthase, Nos3, maps to rat chromosome 4.
Hübner, N., Kreutz, R., Rubattu, S., Lee, Y.A., Ganten, D., Allen, P.D. and Lindpaintner, K.
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1 January 1995
Modulation of potassium currents in cultured murine microglial cells by receptor activation and intracellular pathways.
Ilschner, S., Ohlemeyer, C., Gimpl, G. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1995
A mutation of angiotensinogen in a patent with preeclampsia leads to alteredkinetics of the renin-angiotensin system.
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12 May 1995
Repeated sequence elements in zebrafish and their use in molecular genetic studies (Minireview).
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1 January 1995
Characterization of a Tc1-like transposable element in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
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10 May 1995
The fusion of TEL and ABL in human acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is a rare event.
Janssen, J.W., Ridge, S.A., Papadopoulos, P., Cotter, F., Ludwig, W.D., Fonatsch, C., Rieder, H., Ostertag, W., Bartram, C.R. and Wiedemann, L.M.
British Journal of Haematology 90
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1 January 1995
Properties of voltage-gated chloride channels of the ClC gene family.
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January 1995
Construction and characterization of a multi layer enzyme electrode: covalent binding of quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase onto gold electrodes.
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1 January 1995
A versatile flow cytometry-based assay for the determination of short- and long-term natural killer cell activity.
Johann, S., Bluemel, G., Lipp, M. and Foerster, R.
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1 January 1995
Sulfated polysaccharide anticoagulants suppress natural killer cell activity in vitro.
Johann, S., Zoller, C., Haas, S., Bluemel, G., Lipp, M. and Foerster, R.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 74
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October 1995
Compressibility of the heme pocket of substrate analogue complexes of cytochrome P-450cam-CO: The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Soret band.
Jung, C., Hoa, G.H.B., Davydov, D., Gill, E. and Heremans, K.
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1 January 1995
Protein analysis on a genomic scale.
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1 January 1995
Effect of ALP analogs on inositol trisphosphate formation in H184 mammary epithelial cells before and after transfection with v-erb B oncogene.
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1 January 1995
A posttargeting signal sequence recognition event in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Jungnickel, B. and Rapoport, T.A.
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1 January 1995
Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in renal failure patients during the post-erythropoietin era.
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1 August 1995
Ryanodine receptor-mediated intracellular calcium release in rat cerebellar Purkinje neurones.
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15 August 1995
A new monoclonal antibody (A78-G/A7) to the Thomsen-Friedenreich pan-tumor antigen.
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1 January 1995
Distribution of E-cadherin and Ep-CAM in the human lung during development and after injury.
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1 January 1995
Cholecystokinin induced signaling in rat glioma C6 cells.
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1 January 1995
Phenytoin inhibits expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 and influences cell-viability and neurite growth of cultured cerebellar granule cells.
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31 July 1995
Converting enzyme inhibitors differentially affect expression of genes of the renin-angiotensin system.
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1 January 1995
Implication of mammalian ribosomal protein S3 in the processing of DNA damage.
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9 June 1995
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade inhibits the expression of immediate early genes and fibronectin in rat injured artery.
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1 July 1995
Angiotensin II type I receptor antagonist inhibits the gene expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 and extracellular matrix in cardiac and vascular tissues of hypertensive rats.
Kim, S.K., Ohta, K., Hamaguchi, A., Omura, T., Yukimura, T., Miura, K., Inada, Y., Ishimura, Y., Chatani, F. and Iwao, H.
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April 1995
Angiotensin II induces cardiac phenotypic modulation and remodeling in vivo in rats.
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1 January 1995
Suppression of vascular transforming growth factor-beta1 and extracellular matrix gene expressions by cilazapril and nifedipine in hypertensive rats.
Kim, S., Ohta, K., Hamaguchi, A., Miura, K., Yukimura, T. and Iwao, H.
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1 January 1995
Bacterial expression and refolding of single-chain Fv fragments with C-terminal cysteines.
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1 January 1995
Patch-Clamp und Einzelzell-PCR.
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1 January 1995
Identification of mammalian cell clones exhibiting highly regulated expression from inducible promoters.
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June 1995
Glutamate receptors in glial cells. Glutamaterezeptoren in Gliazellen.
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1 January 1995
ATP-induced cytoplasmic calcium mobilization in Bergmann glial cells.
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December 1995
Preferential localization of active mitochondria in process tips of immature retinal oligodendrocytes.
Kirischuk, S., Neuhaus, J., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1995
Activation of P-2-purinoreceptors triggered Ca2+ release from InsP(3)-sensitive internal stores in mammalian oligodendrocytes.
Kirischuk, S., Scherer, J., Kettenmann, H. and Verkhratsky, A.
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15 February 1995
Subcellular heterogeneity of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in cells of the oligodendrocyte lineage.
Kirischuk, S., Scherer, J., Moeller, T., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1995
Chelate-mediated immobilization of proteins by way of extremely stable complexes.
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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 750
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1 January 1995
Contribution of A 12 kDa protein to the angiotensin II-induced stabilization of angiotensinogen mRNA : interaction with the 3'untranslated mRNA.
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1 January 1995
Failure of orally administered dipyridamole to enhance the antineoplastic activity of fluorouracil in combination with leucovorin in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: a prospective randomized trial.
Koehne, C.H., Hiddemann, W., Schueller, J., Weiss, J., Lohrmann, H.P., Schmitz-Huebner, U., Bodenstein, H., Schoeber, C., Wilke, H., Grem, J. and Schmoll, H.J.
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1 January 1995
Interferon-alpha does not improve the antineoplastic efficacy of highdose infusional 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid in advanced colorectal cancer: First results of a randomized multicenter study by the Association of Medical Oncology of the German Cancer Society (AIO).
Koehne, C.H., Wilke, H., Hecker, H., Schoeffski, P., Kaeufer, C., Rauschecker, H., Andreesen, R., Ohl, U., Lange, H.J., Klaassen, U., Westerhausen, M., Hiddemann, W., Hennemann, B., Schott, G., Bade, J., Strohmeyer, G., Harstrick, A., Schubert, U., Bokemeyer, C. and Schmoll, H.J.
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1 January 1995
Investigation of the phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase gene as a candidate gene for hypertension.
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1 January 1995
Gene regulation by NF-M and Myb during differentiation and leukemic transformation.
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1 January 1995
Ein Rechenansatz zur Bestimmung durchschnittlichen Strahlenbelastungen bei der digitalen Substraktionsangiographie (DSA) in der Neuroradiologie.
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1 January 1995
On the mechanism and possible therapeutic application of delayed adaptation of the heart to stress situations.
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1 January 1995
Genetic linkage of the ACE gene to plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity but not to blood pressure: a quantitative trait locus confers identical complex phenotypes in human and rat hypertension.
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1 November 1995
Dissection of a quantitative trait locus for genetic hypertension on rat chromosome 10.
Kreutz, R., Hübner, N., James, M.R., Bihoreau, M.T., Gauguier, D., Lathrop, G.M., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
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12 September 1995
Induction of cardiac angiotensin I-converting enzyme with dietary NaCL-loading in genetically hypertensive and normotensive rats.
Kreutz, R., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Liu, Y., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
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1 January 1995
Gene expression of brain nitric oxide synthase and soluble guanylyl cyclase in hypothalamus and medulla of two-kidney, one clip hypertensive rats.
Krukoff, T.L., Gehlen, F., Ganten, D. and Wagner, J.
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1 January 1995
Tumefactive megalocytic interstitial nephritis in a patient with Escherichia Coli bacteremia.
Krupp, G., Schneider, W., Goebel, U., Mueller, V., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 25
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1 January 1995
Incorporation of major histocompatibility complex - encoded subunits LMP2 and LMP7 changes the quality of the 20S proteasome polypeptide processing products independent of interferon-gamma.
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1 September 1995
Keratosis plamoplantaris striata Bruenauer-Fuhs-Siemens- Klinische, lipidchemische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen.
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1 January 1995
Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa Voerner: Klinische, formalgenetische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen bei 22 Familien.
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1 January 1995
Serotonin activates phospholipase D in rat mesangial cells.
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1 January 1995
Quantitative analysis of heart rate variability.
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1 January 1995
Guilt by insolubility - does a protein's detergent insolubility reflect a caveolar location?
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1 January 1995
Transport route for synaptobrevin via a novel pathway of insertion into the endoplasmatic reticulum membrane.
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1 January 1995
Inducible gene targeting in mice.
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8 September 1995
Regulation of germinal center B cell differentiation. Role of the human APO-1/Fas (CD95) molecule.
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1 June 1995
Alterations of cardiac contractile function are related to changes in membrane calcium transports in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1995
LPS directly induces oxygen radical production in human monocytes via LPS binding protein and CD14.
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1 January 1995
Interaction of liposomes with the human skin lipid barrier: hSCLLs as model system - DSC of intact Stratum Corneum and in situ CLSM of human skin.
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1 January 1995
Structure of transient radicals from cytostatic-active p-alkoxyphenols using the continous-flow EPR technique.
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1 January 1995
Jumna (junction minimisation of nucleic acids).
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1 January 1995
Differential gene expression of renin and angiotensinogen in the TGR(mREN-2)27 transgenic rat.
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1 January 1995
Substrate interactions in cytochrome P-450: correlation between carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts and C-O vibrational frequencies.
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1 January 1995
Rabbit liver cytochrome P-4502B5: high-level expression of the full-length protein in Escherichia coli, purification, and catalytic activity.
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1 January 1995
NMR studies and restrained-molecular dynamics calculations of a long A+T-rich stretch in DNA: effects of phosphate charge and solvent approximations.
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1 January 1995
Chloride channel 2 gene (Clc2) maps to chromosome 16 of the mouse, extending a region of conserved synteny with human chromosome 3q.
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October 1995
Intrapericardial application of mitoxantrone for treatment of malignant pericardial effusion.
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1 January 1995
Neurotropic Factors and Pain.
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1 January 1995
Antiprogestins inhibit growth and stimulate differentiation in the normal mammary gland.
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1 January 1995
Identification of Rab3-, Rab5a- and synaptobrevin II-like proteins in a preparation of rat kidney vesicles containing the vasopressin-regulated water channel.
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29 May 1995
Selection of efficient cleavage sites in target RNAs by using a ribozyme expression library.
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1 January 1995
Regulation of the endothelin system in transgenic rats expressing the human endothelin-2 gene.
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1 January 1995
Localization of thioredoxin in the rat brain and functional implications.
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October 1995
The brain renin-angiotensin system: molecular mechanisms of cell to cell interactions.
Lippoldt, A., Paul, M., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1995
Marked resistance of RARgamma-deficient mice to the toxic effects of retinoic acid.
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1 January 1995
Daunomycin induces differential phenotypes in cells of a human mammary tumor.
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1 January 1995
Haftung bei klinischen Versuchen aus der Sicht des Klinikers.
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1 November 1995
Treatment and prevention of hypertension: where have we been and where are we going?
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1 August 1995
Die Epidemiologie der primaeren arteriellen Hypertonie.
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1 January 1995
Salt and hypertension: where things stand.
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1 January 1995
"Schaetzen Sie das Aussergewoehnliche". Was wir von autosomal-dominant erblichen Formen der Hypertonie lernen koennen.
Luft, F.C., Schuster, H., Bilginturan, N. and Wienker, T.
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1 January 1995
Treasure your exceptions: what we can learn from autosomal-dominant inherited forms of hypertension.
Luft, F.C., Schuster, H., Bilginturan, N. and Wienker, T.F.
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1 January 1995
Signal sequence processing in rough microsomes.
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25 August 1995
Schwann cell ATP-mediated calcium increases in vitro and in situ are dependent on contact with neurons.
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1 January 1995
Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome maps to a locus on chromosome 7q3.
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September 1995
Expression of angiotensin-converting enzype in renovascular hypertensive rat kidney.
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1 January 1995
Trimeric G protein alpha subunits of the Gs and Gi families localized at the golgi membrane.
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1 January 1995
Interference of new alkylphospholipid analogues with mitogenic signal transduction.
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1 January 1995
Involvement of NAK-1, the human nur77 homologue, in surface IgM-mediated apoptosis in Burkitt lymphoma cell line BL41.
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September 1995
G protein subunit G alpha16 expression is restricted to progenitor B-cells during human B-cell differentiation.
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1 April 1995
Stellenwert von Ceftazidim bei der empirischen antimikrobiellen Therapie neutropenischer Patienten.
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1 January 1995
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone and soft tissue: two different tumour entities? A retrospective study of 45 cases.
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1 January 1995
CD30 ligation induces nuclear factor-kappaB activation in human T cell lines.
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1 January 1995
Acute leukemia coexpressing myeloid, B- and T-lineage associated markers: multiparameter analysis of criteria defining lineage commitment and maturational stage in a case of undifferentiated leukemia.
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1 January 1995
Rodent models for studying steroids and hypertension : from fetal development to cells in culture.
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1 January 1995
Expression of the mouse and rat mas proto-oncogene in the brain and peripheral tissues.
Metzger, R., Bader, M., Ludwig, T., Berberich, C., Bunnemann, B. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1995
Multiple essential functions of neuregulin in development.
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23 November 1995
Spectrum of mutations in the major human skeletal muscle chloride channel gene (CLCN1) leading to myotonia.
Meyer-Kleine, C., Steinmeyer, K., Ricker, K., Jentsch, T.J. and Koch, M.C.
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December 1995
Biochemical characterization of the 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin- reactive hydrogenase from methanosarcina barkeri fusaro.
Michel, R., Massanz, C., Kostka, S., Richter, M. and Fiebig, K.
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1 January 1995
Conformation and stability of recombinant HIV-1 capsid protein p24 (rp24).
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1 January 1995
Stability of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (EcoSSB).
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1 January 1995
Lack of reciprocity in drug and light dose dependence of photodynamic therapy of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in vitro.
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15 July 1995
Laser in der Onkologie.
Moesta, K.T., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
VIP21-Caveolin, a membrane protein constituent of the caveolar coat, oligomerizes in vivo and in vitro.
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July 1995
Myosin light chain-actin interaction regulates cardiac contractility.
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May 1995
Rate of active tension development from rigor in skinned atrial and ventricular cardiac fibres from swine following photolytic release of ATP from caged ATP.
Morano, I., Oesterman, A. and Arner, A.
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1 January 1995
Opposing actions of angiotensin-(1-7) and angiotensin II in the brain of transgenic hypertensive rats.
Moriguchi, A., Tallant, E.A., Matsumura, K., Reilly, T.M., Walton, H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
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1 June 1995
NF-M (chicken C/EBP beta) induces eosinophilic differentiation and apoptosis in a hematopoietic progenitor cell line.
Mueller, C., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Grieser-Ade, S., Graf, T. and Leutz, A.
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1 January 1995
Computer simulations of X-ray scattering curves: Gelation and crystallization process in amylose solutions.
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1 January 1995
Glass-capillary collimator for distance compensation and partial monochromatization at rotating-anode X-ray generators.
Mueller, J.J., Gorny, H.E., Schmalz, J. and Heinemann, U.
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1 December 1995
Multimodal particle size distribution or fractal surface of acrylic acid copolymer nanoparticles: A small-angle X-ray scattering study using direct Fourier and indirect maximum entropy methods.
Mueller, J.J., Hansen, S., Lukowski, G. and Gast, K.
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1 December 1995
AKIMA interpolation: A tool used in direct slit-length desmearing procedures of non-frequency- limited X-ray scattering curves.
Mueller, J.J., Mueller, E.C., Gernat, C. and Kroeber, R.
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1 February 1995
Effects of human renin in the vasculature of rats transgenic for human angiotensinogen.
Mueller, D.N., Hilgers, K.F., Bohlender, J., Lippoldt, A., Wagner, J., Fischli, W., Ganten, D., Mann, J.F.E. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1995
VIP21/caveolin is a cholesterol-binding protein.
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24 October 1995
Influence of liposomes rich in unsaturated or saturated fatty acids on the growth of human xenotransplanted mammary carcinomas and on the levels of heart type fatty acid binding protein.
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1 January 1995
Effects of the phosphatase inhibitor calyculin a on the phosphorylation of c-protein in mammalian ventricularcardiomyocytes.
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1 January 1995
Interaction of beta-adrenoceptor and adenosine receptor agonists on phosphorylation. Identification of target proteins in mammalian ventricles.
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1 January 1995
Characterization of functional domains of the tenascin-R (restrictin) polypeptide: cell attachment site, binding with F11 and enhancement of F11 mediated neurite outgrowth by tenascin-R.
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July 1995
Interpretation of DW-NMR data: dependence on experimental conditions.
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November 1995
Proliferation of intracellular membrane structures upon homologous overproduction of cytochrome P-450 in Candida maltosa.
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1 January 1995
Cardiac hypertrophy related gene expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats: crucial role angiotensin AT(1) receptor.
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1 January 1995
Expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase mRNA in the hypertrophied heart of young spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
Baroreflex sensitivity and cardiovascular mortality in patients with mild to moderate heart failure.
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1 June 1995
A culture system for the development of the preimplantation rat embryo.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
Neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in the baroreceptor reflex arc: connections between the nucleus of the solitary tract and the ventrolateral medulla oblongata in the rat.
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1 January 1995
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19 May 1995
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1 January 1995
The physiological approach to neurooncology.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
Transgenic animal models for hypertension research.
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1 January 1995
Role of the cardiac renin-angiotensin system in human heart failure.
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1 January 1995
Characterization and functional analysis of the rat endothelin-1 promoter.
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1 January 1995
Molecular structure of rat bradykinin B2 receptor gene.
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1 January 1995
Cardioprotective potency of the radical scavenger S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)-ethylphosphorothioic acid in the post-ischaemic rat heart.
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1 January 1995
Characterization of the scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor gene promoter - positive and negative regulatory elements direct gene expression to mesenchymal cells.
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1 January 1995
Reduction of the tyrosyl radical and the iron-center in protein R2 ribonucleotide reductase from mouse, herpes-simplex-virus, and E.coli by p-alkoxyphenols.
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1 January 1995
Communicating through art: experience from the WHL art competition.
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1 January 1995
Differential recognition of alpha1-antitrypsin-elastase and alpha1-antichymotrypsin-cathepsin G complexes by the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein.
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10 February 1995
Homodimers of chromosomal proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17 in nucleosome cores.
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1 January 1995
Deletion mapping defines different regions in 1p34.2-pter that may harbor genetic information related to human colorectal cancer.
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5 October 1995
Gating of the voltage-dependent chloride channel CIC-0 by the permeant anion.
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9 February 1995
Mutations in dominant human myotonia congenita drastically alter the voltage dependence of the CIC-1 chloride channel.
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December 1995
Tumor growth inhibition mediated by lymphotoxin: evidence of B lymphocyte involvement in the antitumor response.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
Immunoenzymometric assay of human glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB in diagnosis of ischemic myocardial injury.
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1 January 1995
A probabilistic cellular-automaton for evolution.
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September 1995
Zur Bedeutung von beta-hCG im Serum als Tumormarker fuer das Magenkarzinom.
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1 January 1995
Laparoskopie und laparoskopische Endosonographie als Staginguntersuchung bei Tumoren des oberen Gastrointestinaltraktes.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 120
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1 January 1995
Effektivitaet der praeoperativen regionalen Hyperthermie in Kombination mit Radio-/Chemotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom bzw. Rektumkarzinomrezidiv.
Rau, B., Loeffel, J., Gremmler, M., Wust, P., Felix, R., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.II
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1 January 1995
Effekt von subcutan appliziertem rekombinantem humanen Erythropoietin (rhEPO) auf die Zahl praeoperativer Eigenblutspenden beim Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B., Willeke, F., Franke, W., Herfarth, C. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Hyperthermie als Teil eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts beim Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Loeffel, J., Felix, R., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13
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1 January 1995
Mueller glial cells of the tree shrew retina.
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1 January 1995
Organization of the alpha-globin promoter and possible role of nuclear factor i in an alpha-globin-inducible and in a noninducible cell line.
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18 August 1995
Improved outcome of rat lung transplantation with modification of the nonsuture external cuff technique.
Reis, A., Giaid, A., Serrick, C. and Shennib, H.
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1 March 1995
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of childhood and adolescence: results of a treatment stratified for biologic subtypes and stage--a report of the Berlin-Frankfurt-Muenster Group.
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1 January 1995
Potential suitability of Na+/K+ -transporting ATPase in pre-screens for anti-cancer agents.
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1 January 1995
Liposome mediated transfer of marker and cytokine genes into rat and human glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
Reszka, R., Zhu, J., Weber, F., Walther, W., Greferath, R. and Dyballa, S.
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1 January 1995
Light- chain-induced renal tubular acidosis: effect of sodium bicarbonate onsodium proton exchange.
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1 January 1995
The rat interleukin-4 receptor: coevolution of ligand and receptor.
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1 January 1995
Microbial sensors for determination of aromatics and their chloro derivatives. III. Determination of chlorinated phenols using a biosensor containing trichosporon beigelli (cutaneum).
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1 January 1995
dic(9;20): a new recurrent chromosome abnormality in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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1 January 1995
Significance of tenascin serum level as tumor marker in primary colorectal carcinoma.
Riedl, S., Bodenmueller, H., Hinz, U., Holle, R., Moeller, P., Schlag, P.M., Herfarth, C. and Faissner, A.
International Journal of Cancer 64
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1 January 1995
A pilot study of a new therapeutic approach in the treatment of locally advanced stages of rectal cancer - neoadjuvant radiation, chemotherapy and regional hyperthermia.
Riess, H., Loeffel, J., Wust, P., Rau, B., Gremmler, M., Speidel, A. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 31A
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1 January 1995
A targeted mutation in the mouse E-cadherin gene results in defective preimplantation development.
Riethmacher, D., Brinkmann, V. and Birchmeier, C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92
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31 January 1995
A novel strategy to identify maternal and paternal inheritance in the mouse.
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1 January 1995
A program using loss-of-constitutional- heterozygosity data to ascertain the location of predisposing genes in cancer families.
Rohde, K., Teare, M.D., Scherneck, S. and Santibanez-Koref, M.F.
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1 January 1995
Analysis of marker genes contributing to coeliac disease susceptibility.
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1 January 1995
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase: Genetic and physical mapping to human chromosome 9q22.3 and evaluation in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Rothschild, C.B., Freedman, B.I., Hodge, R., Rao, P.N., Pettenati, M.J., Anderson, R.A., Akots, G., Qadri, A., Roh, B., Fajans, S.S., Reis, A., Morris, D.J., Usala, A., Hayward, C., Brock, D., Colle, E., Spray, B.J., Rich, S.S. and Bowden, D.W.
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1 September 1995
Animal models of genetic hypertension: what can we learn for human hypertension?
Rubattu, S., Struk, B., Kreutz, R., Volpe, M. and Lindpaintner, K.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 22
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1 December 1995
CD44 isoforms during differentiation and development.
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1 January 1995
alpha6 integrins participate in pro-T cell homing to the thymus.
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European Journal of Immunology 25
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1 January 1995
Cancer of the rectum-palliative endoscopic treatment.
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European Journal of Surgical Oncology 21
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1 January 1995
Dietary medium-chain triglycerides can prevent changes in myosin and SR due to CPT-1 inhibition by etomoxir.
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1 January 1995
Transient free radicals in iron/oxygen reconstition of mutant protein R2 Y122F.
Sahlin, M., Lassmann, G., Poetsch, S., Sjoeberg, A. and Graeslund, A.
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26 May 1995
IL-10 converts mouse lymphoma cells to a CTL-resistant, nk-sensitive phenotype with low but peptide-inducible MHC class I expression.
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1 January 1995
Optimiertes Filtersystem fuer die Entfernung von 50-Hz-Einstreuungen aus dem hochaufgeloesten EKG [An optimized filter system for eliminating 50 Hz interference from high resolution ECG].
Sander, A., Voss, A. and Griessbach, G.
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1 January 1995
Plexus neuropathy following vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis and tetanus due to a sports related altered immune state.
Sander, D., Scholz, C., Eiben, P. and Klingelhoefer, J.
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1 January 1995
The phenotypic spectrum related to the human epilepsy susceptibility gene ejm1.
Sander, T., Hildmann, T., Janz, D., Wienker, T.F., Neitzel, H., Bianchi, A., Bauer, G., Sailer, U., Berek, K., Schmitz, B. and Beckmannagetta, G.
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1 January 1995
Refinement of map position of the human GluR6 kainate receptor gene (GRIK2) and lack of association and linkage with idiopathic generalized epilepsies.
Sander, T., Janz, D., Ramel, C., Ross, C.A., Paschen, W., Hildmann, T., Wienker, T.F., Bianchi, A., Bauer, G., Sailer, U., Berek, K., Neitzel, H., Volz, A., Ziegler, A., Schmitz, B. and Beckmannagetta, G.
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1 January 1995
Adequacao de marcapasso com resposta de frequencia por volume-minuto respiratorio em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardiaco. [Adequacy of of pacemakers responsive to the volume-minute ventilation rate in heart transplantation patients].
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1 June 1995
Development of A-type (Axonless) horizontal cells in the rabbit retina.
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1 January 1995
Amplification of immunoglobulin Fv-fragment genes from RNA.
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1 January 1995
The accessibility of thiophosphorylated groups in DNA fragments to the enzymatic activity of ligases and restriction endonuclease Bbs I.
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1 January 1995
Differentiation and maturation of rabbit retinal oligodendrocyte precursor cells in vitro.
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1 January 1995
Clinical significance of e-cadherin as a prognostic marker in thyroid carcinomas.
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1 January 1995
Crystal structure of an RNA dodecamer containing the Escherichia Coli Shine-Dalgarno sequence.
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1 January 1995
Adjuvante Immunotherapie beim Kolonkarzinom.
Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Schliessmuskelersatz - derzeit eine wirkliche Alternative zum Stoma?
Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1995
Frueherkennung von Krebs mit Hilfe von molekularbiologischen Markern.
Schlag, P.M. and Finke, L.H.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Anal cancer: multimodal therapy.
Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
World Journal of Surgery 19
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1 January 1995
Operatives Konzept beim Rektumkarzinom.
Schlag, P.M. and Slisow, W.
Onkologe 1
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1 January 1995
Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor is essential for liver development.
Schmidt, C., Bladt, F., Goedecke, S., Brinkmann, V., Zschiesche, W., Sharpe, M., Gherardi, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Nature 373
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23 February 1995
Association of M235T variant of the angiotensinogen gene with familial hypertension of early onset.
Schmidt, S., Sharma, A.M., Zilch, O., Beige, J., Walla-Friedel, M., Ganten, D., Distler, A. and Ritz, E.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10
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No association of converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism with immunoglobulin a glomerulonephritis.
Schmidt, S., Stier, E., Hartung, R., Stein, G., Bahnisch, J., Woodroffe, A.J., Clarkson, A.R., Ponticelli, C., Campise, M., Mayer, G., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 26
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1 November 1995
Phylogeny reconstruction for protein sequences based on amino acid properties.
Schmidt, W.
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1 January 1995
Serotonin reduces synaptic excitation of principal cells in the superficial layers of rat hippocampal-entorhinal cortex combined slices.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
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28 April 1995
Serotonin and 8-OH-DPAT reduce excitatory transmission in rat hippocampal area CA1 via reduction in presumed presynaptic Ca2+ entry.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Brain Research 701
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1 December 1995
Serotonin reduces inhibition via 5-HT1A receptors in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices in vitro.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neuroscience 15
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November 1995
Effects of losigamone on synaptic potentials and spike frequency habituation in rat entorhinal cortex and hippocampal CA1 neurones.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 200
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17 November 1995
Effects of methysticin on three different models of seizure like events studied in rat hippocampal and entorhinal cortex slices.
Schmitz, D., Zhang, C.L., Chatterjee, S.S. and Heinemann, U.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 351
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April 1995
Effects of bromocriptine on cardiovascular regulation in healthy humans.
Schobel, H.P., Schmieder, R.E., Hartmann, S., Schachinger, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 25
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1 January 1995
Differentiation between isoforms of Na+/K+-transporting ATPase from human guinea pig cardiac muscle through digitalis derivatives as analytical probes.
Schoen, R., Weiland, J., Megges, R. and Repke, K.R.H.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 351
: 282-292.
1 January 1995
C-erbB2, EGF-Rezeptor, p53 und PCNA: die prognostische Bedeutung neuer Faktoren fuer das Lymphknoten-negative Mammakarzinom.
Schoenborn, I., Minguillon, C., Lichtenegger, W., Zschiesche, W. and Spitzer, E.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 55
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1 January 1995
Prognostic value of proliferating cell nuclear antigenand c-erbB-2 compared with conventional histopathological factors in breast cancer.
Schoenborn, I., Zschiesche, W., Minguillon, C., Spitzer, E., Moehner, M., Ebeling, K. and Grosse, R.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 121
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1 January 1995
Prevention of postoperative thromboembolic complications in a patient with budd-chiari syndrome and acquired protein c deficiency by short-term administration of protein c concentrates.
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Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 9
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1 January 1995
Immunocytochemical studies of the Gi protein mediated muscarinic receptor-adenylyl cyclase system.
Schulze, W., Wolf, W.P., Fu, M.L.X., Morwinski, R., Buchwalow, I.B. and Will-Shahab, L.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 147
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1 January 1995
Localization of muscarinic receptors in human heart biopsies using rabbit anti-peptide antibodies.
Schulze, W., Fu, M.L.X., Hoebeke, J. and Hjalmarson, A.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 27
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1 January 1995
Molekulare Analyse des axonalen Wachstums waehrend der Embryonalentwicklung.
Schumacher, S., Hubert, M. and Rathjen, F.G.
Neuroforum 3
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1 January 1995
Endotoxin - structure, recognition, cellular response and septic shock.
Schumann, R.R. and Rietschel, E.T.
Antiinfective Drugs and Chemotherapy 13
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1 January 1995
Ten LDL receptor mutants explain one third of familial hypercholesterolemia in a german sample.
Schuster, H., Keller, C., Wolfram, G. and Zoellner, N.
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1 January 1995
Identification of the valine 408 to methionine mutation in the LDL receptor in a greek patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
Schuster, H., Manke, C., Fischer, J., Keller, C., Wolfram, G. and Zoellner, N.
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1 January 1995
Substrate and product binding sites of yeast fatty acid synthase. Stoichiometry and binding kinetics of wild-type and in vitro mutated enzymes.
Schuster, H., Rautenstrauss, B., Mittag, M., Stratmann, D. and Schweizer, E.
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1 March 1995
An angiotensin-converting enzyme gene variant is associated with acute myocardial infarction in women but not in men.
Schuster, H., Wienker, T.F., Stremmler, U., Noll, B., Steinmetz, A. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1995
Identification of a transactivation function in the progesterone receptor that interacts with the TAFII110 subunit of the TFIID complex.
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8 September 1995
Unchanged protein levels of SERCA II and phospholamban but reduced Ca2+uptake and Ca2+-ATPase activity of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum from dilated cardiomyopathy patients compared with patients with nonfailing hearts.
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1 December 1995
Infertility in a transgenic rat due to impairment of cytoplasmic elimination and sperm release from the sertoli cells.
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1 January 1995
Plasma endothelin-1 levels in human lung transplant recipients.
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1 January 1995
Dual action of thapsigargin on calcium mobilization in sensory neurones: inhibition of Ca2+ uptake by caffeine-sensitive internal pools and blockade of plasmalemmal Ca2+ channels.
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1 January 1995
Several HLA alleles share overlapping peptide specificities.
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1 January 1995
Renaissance of cytochemical localization of membrane ATPases in the myocardium.
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1 January 1995
Erweiterte und verbesserte Moeglichkeiten des Sphinktererhalts beim tiefsitzenden Rektumkarzinom.
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1 January 1995
Neosphinkterbildung bei oder nach Mastdarmentfernung: Analstoma mit "Ersatzschliessmuskel".
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1 January 1995
More rapid, complete, and stable coronary thrombolysis with bolus administration of reteplase compared with alteplase infusion in acute myocardial infarction. RAPID Investigators.
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1 June 1995
A method to detect superoxide radicals using teflon membrane and superoxide dismutase.
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1 January 1995
Clinical, morphologic, cytogenetic and prognostic implications of CD34 expression in childhood and adult de novo AML.
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1 January 1995
Akv murine leukemia virus enhances lymphomagenesis in myc-kappa transgenic and in wild-type mice.
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1 January 1995
EGF and TGFalpha modulate structural and functional differentiation of the mammary gland from pregnant mice in vitro: Possible role of the arachidomic pathway.
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1 January 1995
Lactation is disrupted by alpha-lactalbumin deficiency and can by restored by human alpha-lactalbumin gene replacement in mice.
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28 March 1995
Glycoliposomes - simple preparation and specific binding to lectin.
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1 January 1995
Biosensing of rapeseed glucosinolates using amperometric enzyme electrodes based on membrane-bound glucose oxidase or tyrosinase.
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1 January 1995
Biosensing of tyrosinase inhibitors in nonaqueous solvents.
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1 January 1995
Effects of isoprenaline on force of contraction, cAMP content, and phosphorylation of regulatory proteins in hearts from chronic beta-adrenergic-stimulated rats.
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1 January 1995
Gramicidin S synthease I (phenylalanine racemase), a prototype of amino acid racemases containing the cofactor 4`-phosphopanthetheine.
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1 January 1995
Cloning and functional expression of rat CLC-5, a chloride channel related to kidney disease.
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29 December 1995
Modulation of Ca2+ sensitivity in smooth muscle by genistein and protein tyrosine phosphorylation.
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1 January 1995
Local renin-angiotensin systems in cardiovascular tissues: localization and functional role.
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1 January 1995
The angiotensin AT2-receptor mediates inhibition of cell proliferation in coronary endothelial cells.
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February 1995
Characterization of the mammalian YAP (Yes-associated protein) gene and its role in defining a novel module - the WW domain.
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1 January 1995
Characterization of a novel protein-binding module - the WW domain.
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1 January 1995
A silver stain protocol for proteins yielding high resolution and transparent background in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels.
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1 June 1995
V-src kinase shifts the cadherin-based cell adhesion from the strong to the weak state and beta-catenin is not required for the shift.
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December 1995
Analysis of a family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors: p15/mts2/ink4b, p16/mts1/ink4a, and p18 genes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood.
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1 January 1995
Alterations of cardiac alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors and inotropic responsiveness in hypertensive transgenic rats harbouring the mouse renin gene (TGR(mREN2)27).
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1 January 1995
Suppression of tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells by transfer of human chromosome 17 does not require transferred BRCA1 and p53 genes.
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2 February 1995
Analysis of the human tissue-type plasminogen activator gene promoter activitor gene promoter activity during embryogenesis of transgenic mice and rats.
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1 January 1995
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2 January 1995
Chemical cross-linking and analytical ultracentrifugation study of the histone-like protein HBsu: Quaternary structure and DNA binding.
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1 January 1995
Molecular structure of chromosomal proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17: definition of a transcriptional enhancement domain distinct from the nucleosomal binding domain.
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Protein truncation test: analysis of two novel point mutations at the carboxy-terminus of the human dystrophin gene associated with mental retardation.
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1 January 1995
Frueherkennung von Weichgewebs- und Extremitaetentumoren.
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1 January 1995
Influence of retrovirally transduced human tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha on the expression of C-myc, k-ras, C-jun, p53, tgf-alpha, and cea in human colon-carcinoma cell-lines.
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1 January 1995
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15 December 1995
Structure-function studies on mutants of adrenal ferredoxin.
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1 January 1995
Structural flexibility in extremely stable carrier-bound chymotrypsin.
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1 January 1995
Mechanisms of angiotensin II formation in humans.
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1 January 1995
Activation and nuclear translocation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by polyomavirus middle-T or serum depend on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.
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8 December 1995
Protein-rRNA binding features and their structural and functional implications in ribosomes as determined by cross- linking studies.
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1 January 1995
3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) affects potassium permeability in rat sensory neurones via pathways that are sensitive and insensitive to [Ca2+]in.
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1 January 1995
IBMX induces calcium release from intracellular stores in rat sensory neurones.
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1 January 1995
Recurrent nasal polyps as a monosymptomatic form of cystic fibrosis associated with a novel in-frame deletion (591del18) in the CFTR gene.
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1 January 1995
Pancreatic insufficiency and pulmonary disease in German and Slavic cystic fibrosis patients with the R347P mutation.
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1 January 1995
Differential influences of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 inhibition and hyperthyroidism on cardiac growth and sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation.
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1 January 1995
Reciprocal changes in the postnatal expression of the sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+-exchanger and SERCA2 in rat heart.
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1 August 1995
Transcriptional silencer in intron I of the rat renin gene.
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1 January 1995
Different proliferative responses of periportal and pericentral rat hepatocytes to hepatocyte growth factor.
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1 January 1995
Regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis by adrenal renin is mediated through AT1 receptors in renin transgenic rats.
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Improved analysis of heart rate variability by methods of nonlinear dynamics.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
In vivo gene transfer: focus on the kidney.
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1 January 1995
Renin gene expression in human kidney biopsies from patients with glomerulonephritis or graftrejection.
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1 January 1995
Decreased renal haemodynamic response to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase in subtotally nephrectomised rats.
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1 January 1995
The sera of spontaneously hypertensive rats contain agonistic auto-antibodies against the beta1-adrenoceptor.
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1 January 1995
The beta1 adrenoceptor as antigen: functional aspects.
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1 January 1995
Anti-beta1-adrenoceptor autoantibodies with chronotropic activity from the serum of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: mapping ofepitopes in the first and second extracellular loops.
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1 January 1995
Interaction of B and T lymphocyte subsets with high endothelial venules in the rat: binding in vitro does not reflect homing in vivo.
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1 January 1995
Gene transfer of human TNFalpha into glioblastoma cells permits modulation of mdr1 expression and potentiation of chemosensitivity.
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1 January 1995
An effective, direct immunomagnetic procedure for purging acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells from human bone marrow.
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1 January 1995
Functional characterization of the 180-kD ribosome receptor in vivo.
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Purification and characterization of the Bacillus subtilis levanase produced in Escherichia coli.
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Efficient secretion of Bacillus subtilis levanase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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8 August 1995
Expression of Bacillus subtilis levanase gene in Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus casei.
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1 May 1995
Mutations in the genes for cardiac troponin T and alpha-tropomyosin in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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20 April 1995
Mutation of juxtamembrane tyrosine residue 1001 suppresses loss-of-function mutations of the met receptor in epithelial cells.
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1 January 1995
Synthesis of acetates of gomphogenin and gomphoside and evaluation of structure-activity relationships.
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1 January 1995
Influence of Ca2+ on conformation and stability of three bacterial hybrid glucanases.
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1 January 1995
The processing of macronuclear-destined DNA sequences microinjected into the macronuclear anlagen of the hypotrichous ciliate Stylonchia lemnae.
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25 May 1995
cDNA sequence and mRNA tissue distribution of a novel human matrix metalloproteinase with a potential transmembrane segment.
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1 August 1995
Species- and tissue-specific expression of the C-terminal alternatively spliced form of the tumor suppressor p53.
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25 October 1995
Functional expression of low density lipoprotein receptor- related protein is controlled by receptor-associated protein in vivo.
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9 May 1995
Modulation of cytokine patterns of human autoreactive T cell clones by a single amino acid substitution of their peptide ligand.
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1 January 1995
Structural and functional implications in the eubacterial ribosome as revealed by protein-rRNA and antibiotic contact sites.
Wittmann-Liebold, B., Uehlein, M., Urlaub, H., Mueller, E.C., Otto, A. and Bischof, O.
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1 January 1995
Anwendung der hochaufloesenden zwei-dimensionalen Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese in Biochemie, Biotechnologie und Medizin.
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1 January 1995
Reaktion des Redox 5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitors 2-(3,5-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthochinon mit 02 .- und 302 [Reaction of the redox 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor 2-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone with o-2(center-dot-) and o-3(2)].
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1 January 1995
Sequential requirement of hepatocyte growth factor and neuregulin in the morphogenesis and differentiation of the mammary gland.
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October 1995
Thrombin, phorbol ester, and cAMP regulate thrombin receptor protein and mRNA expression by different pathways.
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13 January 1995
Structural and functional homology between periplasmic bacterial molecular chaperones and small heat shock proteins.
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1 January 1995
Influence of hexadecylphosphocholine on the release of tumor necrosis factor and nitroxide from peritoneal macrophages in vitro.
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1 January 1995
Interaction of phosphatidylcholine liposomes with the human stratum corneum.
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1 January 1995
A deviation from the universal genetic code in Canadia maltosa and consequences for heterologous expression of cytochromes P450 52A4 and 52A5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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1 January 1995
In vivo reconstitution of highly active Candida maltosa cytochrome P450 monooxygenase systems in inducible membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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1 January 1995
Regulation des Endothelin-1-Promotors in transfizierten Endothelzellen: Aktivierung durch Angiotensin II.
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1 January 1995
Histochemical localization of heart-type fatty-acid binding protein in human and murine tissues.
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1 January 1995
Transgenic laboratory animals in hypertension research.
van der Giet, M., Hoffmann, S., Urata, H., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
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1 January 1995
Medical treatment to reduce total ischemic burden: total ischemic burden bisoprolol study (TIBBS), a multicenter trial comparing bisoprolol and nifedipine.
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1 January 1995
Expression of functional GABAA-receptors in neuroendocrine gastropancreatic cells.
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Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 430
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1 January 1995
Book Section
Astrocyte-neuron interactions in hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy.
Albrecht, J. and Faff, L.
Cirrhosis, Hyperammonemia and Hepatic Encephalopathy.
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 23-30.
1 January 1995
The thermally induced hydrogen exchange in different proteins as seen by FTIR spectroscopy.
Backmann, J., Fabian, H. and Naumann, D.
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Proceedings of the VI. European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 3-8 September 1995, Villeneuve d Ascq, France.
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 103-104.
1 January 1995
Investigation of protein-protein interactions in mitochondrial steroid hydroxylase systems using site-directed mutagenesis.
Bernhardt, R., Kraft, R., Uhlmann, H. and Beckert, V.
Methods in Protein Structure Analysis.
Plenum Press, New York, 283-293.
1 January 1995
Zellulaere Stressproteine: Biologische und medizinische Bedeutung.
Bielka, H.
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berichte und Abhandlungen. Band 1.
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1 January 1995
Zellulaere Stressreaktionen: Biologische und medizinische Aspekte.
Bielka, H.
Jahrbuch 1994 der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle/Saale).
Leopoldina R. 3
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle/Saale, 193-207.
1 January 1995
Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in development and tumor progression.
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Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions in Cancer.
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1 January 1995
Endothelin and experimental hypertension.
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Experimental Hypertension and Therapeutic Progress: Vasodilation and Beyond.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1-14.
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1 January 1995
v-rel protects transformed chicken bone marrow cells from apoptosis: a study with the conditional v-rel estrogen receptor fusion oncoprotein v-relER.
Boehmelt, G., Stengl, G., Enrietto, P.J. and Zenke, M.
Advances in Avian Immunology Research.
Carfax Publ., Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 65-73.
1 January 1995
Immunofluorescence techniques in cell cycle studies.
Cardoso, M.C. and Leonhardt, H.
Cell Cycle: Materials and Methods.
Springer, Heidelberg, 15-28.
1 January 1995
Use of 13C-labeled molecules in the conformational analysis of proteins by FTIR spectroscopy.
Fabian, H., Reinstaedler, D., Zhang, M., Vogel, H., Naumann, D. and Mantsch, H.H.
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Proceedings of the VI. European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 3-8 September 1995, Villeneuve d Ascq, France.
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 83-84.
1 January 1995
Epidemiologie der arteriellen Hypertonie und kardiovaskulaere Risikofaktoren - Konsequenzen fuer die antihypertensive Therapie.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Aktuelle Aspekte der antihypertensiven Pharmakotherapie mit Betarezeptorenblockern.
Dresdner Aerzteseminare; 10
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1 January 1995
Circadianes Blutdruckverhalten und antihypertensive Therapie.
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Retardformulierungen in der medikamentoesen Therapie.
Dresdner Aerzteseminare; 8
Barth, Leipzig, Heidelberg, 55-69.
1 January 1995
Auf dem Wege zu verbesserter klinischer Forschung.
Ganten, D. and Schnitzer-Ungefug, J.
Community Medicine. 1.Internationaler Workshop in Greifswald.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt /Main, 169-183.
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1 January 1995
Die Genetik der Hypertonie.
Ganten, D., Stolpe, C. and Lindpaintner, K.
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften : Jahrbuch 1994.
Akad.Verl., Berlin, 223-231.
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1 January 1995
Die Genetik des Bluthochdrucks: Molekulare Analyse einer Volkskrankheit.
Ganten, D., Stolpe, C. and Lindpaintner, K.
Wissenschaft in der globalen Herausforderung. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte 118.Versammlung - Hamburg 1994.
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1 January 1995
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1 January 1995
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Lectins: Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry ; 10.
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1 January 1995
Karzinome der Gallenblase und der Gallenwege.
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Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
The endothelium and the pathogenesis of chronic vascular diseases :The protective role of calcium antagonists.
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The endothelium in cardiovascular disease.
Springer, Berlin, 97-107.
1 January 1995
Possibilities and limitations of surgery for liver metastases of renal cell cancer.
Hohenberger, P.
Possibilities and Limitations of Surgery for Liver Metastases.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 10-18.
1 January 1995
Primaere Lebertumoren und Lebermetastasen.
Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
Gastrointestinal lymphoma.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Bailey and Lowe's Textbook of Surgical Oncology.
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1 January 1995
Maligne Tumoren des Duenndarms.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
Kettelhack, C., Guetz, H.J. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
On the mechanism and possible therapeutic application of delayed adaption of the heart to stress situations.
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Cellular Interactions in Cardiac Pathophysiology.
Kluver Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, o.A..
1 January 1995
Complexity measures and their applications.
Kurths, J., Voss, A., Saparin, P. and Witt, A.
Information - New Questions to a Multidisciplinary Concept.
Akademie Verl., Berlin, 128-136.
1 January 1995
Genetische Analyse des Bluthochdrucks.
Lee, Y.A., Hübner, N. and Ganten, D.
Jahrbuch 1995 der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle/Saale).
Leopoldina, R.3, 41
Dt. Akad. d. Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle/Saale, 323-333.
1 January 1995
Liebeskind, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
Springer, Wien [u.a.], 155-170.
1 January 1995
Genetics of hypertension.
Lindpaintner, K., Kreutz, R. and Ganten, D.
Scientific American: Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine.
Scientific American Inc., New York, 243-257.
1 January 1995
Loop diuretics in the treatment of arterial hypertension.
Luft, F.C., Homuth, V. and Faulhaber, H.D.
Diuretics in Hypertension and in Heart Failure.
Fischer, Stuttgart, 47-60.
1 January 1995
Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
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Handbuch Sporttraumatologie Sportorthopaedie. Funktionelle Anatomie, Diagnostik, Therapie.
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1 January 1995
Biopolymer-Modellierung mit erhoehter Strukturaufloesung unter Verwendung von Roentgen-Weitwinkelstreudaten und der Datenbank OBIOSCAT.
Mueller, E.C. and Mueller, J.J.
Strukturuntersuchungen an nichtkristallinen und partiellkristalinen Stoffen.
Universitaet Jena, Jena, 204-216.
The Functional Composition of Living Mashines.
Ouzounis, C., Valencia, A., Tamames, J., Bork, P. and Sander, C.
Advances in Artificial Life.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series ; 929
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1 January 1995
Polymerase chain reaction to quantitate cytokine mRNA.
Platzer, C. and Blankenstein, T.
Cytokines : A Practical Approach.
Oxford University Press, New York, 57-68.
1 January 1995
Plattenepithelkarzinom des Oesophagus.
Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
Springer, Wien [u.a.], 111-128.
1 January 1995
Protein refolding triggered by temperature jump or fast denaturant dilution: An FTIR spectroscopic study.
Reinstaedler, D., Backmann, J., Fabian, H. and Naumann, D.
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Proceedings of the VI. European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 3-8 September 1995, Villeneuve d Ascq, France.
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 107-108.
1 January 1995
YAC transfer by microinjection.
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Methods in Molecular Biology: Yeast Artificial Chromosomes.
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1 January 1995
The hamster polyomavirus.
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DNA-Tumor Viruses: Oncogenic Mechanisms.
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1 January 1995
The OP 2000 surgical user environment.
Schlag, P.M., Graschew, G., Engel-Murke, F., Hitzler, H., Maier-Borst, W. and Mueller, K.
Computer Assisted Radiology.: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer and Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnostics and Therapy. CAR'95.
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1 January 1995
Surgical and multimodal approaches to liver metastases.
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Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation.
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1 January 1995
Interaction of distinct signal transduction systems in the heart: studies on contractility in isolated rat heart.
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1 January 1995
Interaktion verschiedener Signaltransduktionswege im Herzen und ihre funktionelle Konsequenz.
Schlegel, W.P., Bartel, S., Karczewski, P. and Krause, E.G.
Pharmakologische Auswertung kardioprotektiver Substanzen. Experimentelle Ausloesung und Indikatoren von Myokardschaeden und Myokardprotektion.
Ges.f.Erfahrungstransfer in d.Biomesstechnik, Buchenbach, 72-78.
1 January 1995
Loesliche, membranstaendige und intrazellulaere LPS-Rezeptoren.
Schumann, R.R.
Endotoxin, Infektion, Sepsis.
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1 January 1995
Mechanisms of transcriptional activation of lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP).
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Bacterial Endotoxins: Lipopolysaccharides from Genes to Therapy.
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1 January 1995
Variants of the angiotensin converting enzyme gene are associated with high blood pressure and myocardial infarction.
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1 January 1995
Novel approaches towards the nuclear expression of ribozyme and antisense RNA genes in transgenic mice.
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Mechanisms and Applications of Gene Silencing.
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1 January 1995
Slisow, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Maligne gastrointestinale Tumoren.
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1 January 1995
Chemical and biological arms control.
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SIPRI Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security.
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1 January 1995
Purification scheme for isolation and identfication of peptides cross-linked to the rRNA in ribosomes.
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Methods in Protein Structure Analysis.
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1 January 1995
Influence of low sampling rate on heart rate variability analysis based on non-linear dynamics.
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Computers in Cardiology.
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1 January 1995
Analysis of heart rate variability versus high resolution ECG.
Voss, A., Kurths, J., Kleiner, H.J., Witt, A., Dietz, R., Fiehring, H., Saparin, P. and Wessel, N.
PTB-Bericht Diagnostic Methods to Investigate Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Wirtschaftsverl., Bremerhafen, 43-54.
1 January 1995
Application of methods of non-linear dynamics in comparison to traditional methods in heart rate variability analysis.
Voss, A., Kurths, J., Kleiner, H.J., Witt, A., Dietz, R., Saparin, P. and Wessel, N.
IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing.
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1 January 1995
The behavior of measures of non-linear dynamics in 24 hours heart rate variability analysis.
Wessel, N., Voss, A., Kurths, J., Witt, A. and Osterziel, K.J.
Computers in Cardiology.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 693-696.
1 January 1995
Entwicklung und Integration von Werkzeugen zur Identifizierung regulatorischer Genombereiche.
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1 January 1995
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Gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate receptors.
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Liposomaler Gentransfer in Nierenzellen.
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Pharmazeutisches Mittel zur Tumortherapie.
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Verfahren zur Darstellung von Makromolekuelstrukturen.
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Monoklonale Antikoerper gegen das Thomsen-Friedenreich-Antigen, ihre Herstellung und ihre Verwendung zum Tumornachweis.
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9 March 1995
Mittel gegen Retroviren, insbesondere zur AIDS-Therapie.
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29 June 1995
Gensequenzen von Cellular X Binding Proteinen.
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14 June 1995
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Verfahren zur Diagnose von Herzrhythmus-Stoerungen.
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Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Sammeln von Mikroorganismen und Fermentationsprodukten.
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16 November 1995
Avian hematopoietic cell culture: in vitro model systems to study oncogenic transformation of hematopoietic cells.
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1 January 1995
Factors controlling growth, motility, and morphogenesis of normal and malignant epithelial cells.
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1 January 1995
Vectors in cancer therapy: how will they deliver.
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1 January 1995
Analogs of alkyllysophospholipids: chemistry, effects on the molecular level and their consequences for normal and malignant cells.
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1 April 1995
Cell adhesion molecules 1: Immunoglobulin superfamily.
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Tightly regulated and inducible expression of dominant interfering dynamin mutant in stably transformed HeLa cells.
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Common cytokine receptor gamma chain (gamma c)-dependent cytokines: understanding in vivo functions by gene targeting.
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December 1995
Pharmacological effects of carboplatin-liposomes (CPL) in mice: a review of present knowledge.
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1 January 1995
Muc-1 epithelial tumor mucin-based immunity and cancer vaccines [review].
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1 January 1995
Molecular basis of epithelial Cl channels.
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Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily - involvement in the pathology of malignant lymphomas.
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1 January 1995
Are CD44 variant isoforms involved in human tumour progression.
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Interleukin-2 as a neuroregulatory cytokine.
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1 January 1995
Circular permutation of polypeptide chains: implications for protein folding and stability.
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1 January 1995
Lipoprotein and receptor interactions in vivo.
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Current Opinion in Lipidology 6
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April 1995
Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie mit dem selektiven Beta-1-Rezeptorenblocker Talinolol.
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1 January 1995
Myotonias due to CLC-1 chloride channel mutations.
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Animal models in ANCA-vasculitis.
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July 1995
Targeting and association of proteins with functional domains in the nucleus: the insoluble solution.
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International Review of Cytology 162B
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1 January 1995
Characterization of the signaling interactions that promote the survival and growth of developing retinal ganglion cells in culture.
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1 October 1995
Evaluating the role of photodynamic therapy in the management of pancreatic cancer.
Moesta, K.T., Schlag, P.M., Douglass, H.O. and Mang, T.S.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 16
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1 January 1995
Physiology of Bergmann glial cells.
Mueller, T. and Kettenmann, H.
International Review of Neurobiology 38
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1 January 1995
What the fly's glia tell the fly's brain.
Pfrieger, F.W. and Barres, B.A.
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1 December 1995
Generation of cell lines from embryonic quail retina capable of mature neuronal differentiation.
Pollerberg, G.E., Kuschel, C. and Zenke, M.
Journal of Neuroscience Research 41
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1 January 1995
Digitalis research in Berlin-Buch - Retrospective and perspective views.
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Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 34
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1 January 1995
Location and properties of the digitalis receptor site in Na+/K+-ATPase.
Repke, K.R.H., Megges, R., Weiland, J. and Schoen, R.
FEBS Letters 359
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1 January 1995
Contribution of molecular genetic changes for improved management of breast cancer.
Scherneck, S.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Biotherapy of cancer. Perspectives of immunotherapy and genetherapy.
Schirrmacher, V., Hagmueller, E., Lehnert, T., Pomer, S., Ahlert, T., Ockert, D. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 121
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1 January 1995
Isolated limb perfusion with tumor necrosis factor and melphalan - a new method in the treatment of regional melanoma metastases and locally advanced soft-tissue sarcoma.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Male breast cancer.
Schoen, M., Zaiac, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Impact of CEA determinations as an indicator for adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer.
Vogel, T., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Transgenic animals as models for human disease (Review).
Wagner, J., Thiele, F. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17
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1 January 1995
Animal models for disorders of hepatic lipoprotein metabolism.
Willnow, T.E. and Herz, J.
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May 1995
Radio-thermotherapy in multimodal surgical treatment concepts.
Wust, P., Rau, B., Gremmler, M., Schlag, P.M., Jordan, A., Loeffel, J., Riess, H. and Felix, R.
Onkologie 18
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1 January 1995
Heat repeats in Huntington's disease protein.
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Nature Genetics 11
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1 October 1995
A phosphotyrosine interaction domain.
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1 January 1995
Rationale Substitution mit Blut- und Blutbestandsteilkonserven (Erwiderung auf Leser-Zuschrift).
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1 January 1995
Challenging times for bioinformatics.
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1 January 1995
No evidence for segregation distortion of cystic fibrosis alleles among sibs of cystic fibrosis patients.
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1 January 1995
Safety of calcium antagonists.
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1 January 1995
Colorectal cancer prognosis and expression of exon-v6-containing CD44 proteins.
Finke, L.H., Terpe, H.J., Zorb, C., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Lancet 345
: 583-583.
1 January 1995
Wirkungen verschiedener Cumarin-Derivate.
Gulba, D.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 120
(12): 423-424.
1 January 1995
A ran-binding motif in nuclear pore proteins.
Hartmann, E. and Goerlich, D.
Trends in Cell Biology 5
(5): 192-193.
1 January 1995
Circular permutations of protein sequence: not so rare?
Heinemann, U. and Hahn, M.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 20
(9): 349-350.
1 January 1995
Die vorgelegte Intracutannaht bei Weichteildefekten [Intracutaneous suture for soft-tissue defects].
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 66
(4): 459.
1 January 1995
Renal ammoniagenesis and tubulointerstitial injury in hypertension: reply.
Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10
(12): 2373..
1 January 1995
beta-Rezeptorenblocker nach Revaskularisation bei Koronarsklerose [Beta-blockers following revascularization in coronary sclerosis].
Osterziel, K.J.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 120
(37): 1258-1259.
1 January 1995
A comment on "Can measurement of potential doubling time (TPOT) be compared between laboratories ? A quality control study".
Schmidt, W.
Cytometry 21
: 218-219.
1 January 1995
Immunology of centenarians.
Steinmann, G. and Hartwig, M.
Immunology Today 16
(11): 549-550.
November 1995
The ataxia-telangiectasia-variant genes 1 and 2 are distinct from the ataxia-telangiectasia gene on chromosome 11q23.1.
Stumm, M., Gatti, R.A., Reis, A., Udar, N., Chrzanowska, K., Seemanova, E., Sperling, K. and Wegner, R.D.
American Journal of Human Genetics 57
(4): 960-962.
October 1995
Mutations in the cardiac myosin binding protein-c gene on chromosome 11 cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Watkins, H., Conner, D., Thierfelder, L.H., Jarcho, J.A., MacRae, C., McKenna, W.J., Maron, B.J., Seidman, J.G. and Seidman, C.E.
Nature Genetics 11
(4): 434-437.
1 December 1995
"Tumour suppressor gene" concept of carcinogenesis.
Wunderlich, V. and Rajewsky, M.F.
Lancet 345
(8964): 1570-1571.
17 June 1995
Sense, antisense, nonsense - where's the right way?
Bricca, G.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 73
(8): 417-419.
1 January 1995
Tradition, continuity, and renaissance.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 73
: 1-3.
1 January 1995
Resektion von solitaeren Lebermetastasen des malignen Melanoms.
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 66
: 43-44.
1 January 1995
Hypertension-induced renal injury - is mechanically mediated interstitial inflammation involved.
Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10
: 9-11.
1 January 1995
The thirteenth meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Berlin, Germany, 25. - 28. September, 1994.
Pasternak, G. and Wunderlich, V.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 73
(3): 153-155.
March 1995
Isolierte Extremitaetenperfusion mit Tumornekrosefaktor und Melphalan. Eine Option zur Behandlung von Satellitosis oder Intrasit-Metastasierung des malignen Melanoms.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Hautarzt 46
: 361-362.
1 January 1995
Unrestricted cell cycling and cancer.
Strauss, M., Lukas, J. and Bartek, J.
Nature Medicine 1
(12): 1245-1246.
December 1995
Temporal and tissue-specific expression of the MET ORF driven by the complete transcriptional unit of human A1AT gene in transgenic mice.
Amicone, L., Galimi, M.A., Spagnoli, F.M., Tommasini, C., De Luca, V. and Tripodi, M.
Gene 162
(2): 323-328.
11 September 1995
Fortschritt und Verbrechen: Bucher Hirnforschung in den Jahren 1939 bis 1945.
Aly, G.
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