Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Jump to: 2009 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2009 | ACS Nano | Abdominal Imaging | Acta Chirurgica Austriaca | Acta Neuropathologica | Acta Radiologica | Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | Aerztliche Praxis | Aktuelle Onkologie | American Journal of Cancer | American Journal of Gastroenterology | American Journal of Pathology | American Journal of Roentgenology | Analytical Biochemistry | Analytical Chemistry | Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae | Annales de Chirurgie | Annali Italiani di Chirurgia | Annals of Oncology | Annals of Surgery | Annals of Surgical Oncology | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Anti-Cancer Drugs | Anticancer Research | Applied Optics | Applied Spectroscopy | Archives of Surgery | BMC Cancer | BMC Genomics | Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer | Biological Chemistry | Biomarker Research | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | Biomedizinische Technik | Biospektrum | Biotechniques | Biotherapy in Cancer | Blood | Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica Information | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | British Journal of Cancer | British Journal of General Practice | British Journal of Surgery | CEUR Workshop Proceedings | CNS drugs | Cancer | Cancer Detection and Prevention | Cancer Gene Therapy | Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics | Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy | Cancer Letters | Cancer Research | Cancer Risk Evaluation: Methods and Trends | Cancer Treatment Reviews | Cancer and Metastasis Reviews | Cancers | Cell Communication and Signaling | Cell Cycle | Cells | Cellular Oncology | Cellular Signalling | Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences | Chirurg | Chirurgische Gastroenterologie | Chirurgische Praxis | Chirurgisches Forum | Chirurgisches Forum 2005 | Chirurgisches Forum 2008 | Clinica Chimica Acta | Clinical Cancer Research | Clinical Immunotherapeutics | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research | Clinical and Experimental Metastasis | Clinical and Translational Medicine | Clinical and Translational Oncology | Critical Care | Critical Care Medicine | Current Opinion in Oncology | Current Pharmaceutical Design | Cytotechnology | DNA-Pharmaceuticals: Formulation and Delivery in Gene Therapy, DNA Vaccination and Immunotherapy | Der deutsche Dermatologe | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift | Deutsches Aerzteblatt | Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy | Digestive Surgery | Diseases of the Colon & Rectum | Drug Resistance Updates | Drugs | Endocrine-Related Cancer | Endoscopy | European Journal of Cancer | European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | European Journal of Pharmacology | European Journal of Surgical Oncology | European Journal of Ultrasound | European Radiology | Experimental Cell Research | Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy | Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets | FASEB Journal | FEBS Journal | FEBS Letters | Forum | Frontiers in Immunology | Frontiers in Oncology | Gastroenterology | Gastrointestinal Disorders | Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | Gene Therapy | General Physiology and Biophysics | Genes Chromosomes & Cancer | Genes and Immunity | Geriatrie Journal | Gut | HEALTHCOM 2007: Ubiquitous Health in Aging Societies - 2007 9th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services | Haematologica | Hautarzt | Heliyon | Hepato-Gastroenterology | Hepatology | Histopathology | History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | Human Gene Therapy | Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development | Human Gene Therapy Part B Methods | Human Molecular Genetics | Human Mutation | IEEE Access | IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | IFMBE Proceedings | Ilco-Praxis | Immunology Letters | Informatics for Health and Social Care | Informatik aktuell | Intensiv | International Conference on Digital Technologies 2013, DT 2013 | International Congress Series | International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology | International Journal of Cancer | International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research | International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery | International Journal of Hyperthermia | International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | International Journal of Oncology | International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics | International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management | Internist | Investigative Radiology | JAMA Neurology | Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Journal of Biomedical Optics | Journal of Cancer | Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology | Journal of Clinical Oncology | Journal of Controlled Release | Journal of Experimental Medicine | Journal of Gene Medicine | Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery | Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry | Journal of Immunological Methods | Journal of Immunology | Journal of Infectious Diseases | Journal of Liposome Research | Journal of Molecular Diagnostics | Journal of Molecular Medicine | Journal of Nuclear Medicine | Journal of Pathology | Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology | Journal of Pediatric Surgery | Journal of Southern Medical University | Journal of Surgical Oncology | Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare | Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | Journal of Translational Medicine | Journal of Virology | Journal of the American College of Surgeons | Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences | Klinische Wochenschrift | Krankenpflege | Lab on a Chip | Laboratory Investigation | Lancet | Lancet Oncology | Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie | Langenbecks Archives of Surgery | Lasers in Surgery and Medicine | Letters in Drug Design & Discovery | Life Science Alliance | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis | MedReview | Medical Physics | Medical Science Monitor | Medizin Aktuell | Methods in Molecular Biology | Minicircle-Based Vectors for Nonviral Gene Therapy | Minimal Invasive Medicine | Modern Pathology | Molecular Biology of the Cell | Molecular Biotechnology | Molecular Cancer | Molecular Cancer Therapeutics | Molecular Carcinogenesis | Molecular Oncology | Molecular Pathology | Molecular Therapy | Molecular and Cellular Biology | Molecules | Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift | Nanomedicine | Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology | Nature Communications | Nature Medicine | Nature Methods | Neoplasia | Neuro-Oncology | Neuroendocrinology | Neuroscience Letters | Nucleic Acids Research | Nuklearmedizin | Nutrients | OncoImmunology | OncoTargets and Therapy | Oncogene | Oncology | Oncotarget | Onkologe | Onkologie | Optics Express | Orthopaede | PLoS Biology | PLoS Genetics | PLoS ONE | Paediatrische Praxis | Pain | Pathologe | Pathology Research and Practice | Personalized Medicine | Pflegezeitschrift | Pharmacology & Therapeutics | Physical Review E | Physics in Medicine and Biology | Praxis : Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin | Proceedings of SPIE | Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education | Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2007 | Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE | RSC Advances | Radiation Research | Radiology | Recent Results in Cancer Research | Regenerative Medicine: Using Non-Fetal Sources of Stem Cells | Review of Scientific Instruments | RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren | Roentgenpraxis | SPACE APPLI 2008 - Space Applications Days | Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin Praxis | Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift | Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum | Science Signaling | Scientific Reports | Seminars in Cancer Biology | Seminars in Oncology | Shock | Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy | Strahlentherapie und Onkologie | Studies in Health Technology and Informatics | Surgery | Surgical Endoscopy | Surgical Oncology | Surgical Technology International | Sustainable Cities and Society | Swiss Surgery | Taegliche Praxis | Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment | The Oncologist | Therapeutische Umschau | Thyroid | Translational Oncology | Tumori | Ultraschall in der Medizin | Verdauungskrankheiten | Virchows Archiv | Visceral Medicine | Viszeralchirurgie | World Journal of Gastroenterology | World Journal of Surgery | Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie | Zeitschrift fuer Orthopaedie und Ihre Grenzgebiete | Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie | aerzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt

2009 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2009

Exploiting scientific workflows for large-scale gene expression data analysis.
de Stasio, A., Ertelt, M., Kemmner, W., Leser, U. and Ceccarelli, M.
In: 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2009, 14-16 Sept 2009, Guzelyurt . 2009

ACS Nano

Quantification of mRNA expression using single-molecule nanopore sensing.
Rozevsky, Y., Gilboa, T., van Kooten, X.F., Kobelt, D., Huttner, D., Stein, U. and Meller, A.
ACS Nano 14 (10): 13964-13974. 27 October 2020

Abdominal Imaging

Three-dimensional endoluminal ultrasound: a new method for the evaluation of gastrointestinal tumors.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Abdominal Imaging 24 (5): 445-448. September 1999

MRI diagnosis and staging of rectal carcinoma.
Pegios, W., Vogl, T.J., Mack, M.G., Huenerbein, M., Hintze, H., Balzer, J.O., Lobeck, H., Wust, P., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Abdominal Imaging 21 : 211-218. 1 January 1996

Acta Chirurgica Austriaca

Das pT4-Rektumkarzinom [The pT4 rectal cancer].
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M., Tilly, W., Riess, H., Wust, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 31 (1): 13-16. January 1999

Surgical therapy of advanced (pT4) colon cancer.
Kettelhack, C., Friedemann, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 31 (1): 9-12. January 1999

The management of locally advanced (pT4) esophageal carcinoma.
Benhidjeb, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 31 (1): 5-8. January 1999

Surgical resection of metastatic cancer to the liver.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Hohenberger, P.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 28 : 27-32. 1 January 1996

Treatment of melanoma in-transit metastases confined to the limb.
Eggermont, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 28 : 9-13. 1 January 1996

Isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion for extremity soft tissue sarcoma.
Kettelhack, C., Willecke, F., Kraus, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 25 : 257-259. 1 January 1993

Weichteilsarkome: nicht Diversifizierung, sondern Differenzierung der Therapie tut Not.
Schlag, P.M.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 4 : 240-240. 1 January 1993

Individualisierte regionale und systemische 5-FU Chemotherapie durch PET und MRS Monitoring.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M., Semmler, W., Hull, W. and Strauss, L.G.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 23 : 196-210. 1 January 1992

Acta Neuropathologica

BTK inhibition limits microglia‑perpetuated CNS inflammation and promotes myelin repair.
Geladaris, A., Torke, S., Saberi, D., Alankus, Y.B., Streit, F., Zechel, S., Stadelmann-Nessler, C., Fischer, A., Boschert, U., Häusler, D. and Weber, M.S.
Acta Neuropathologica 147 (1): 75. 24 April 2024

Acta Radiologica

Magnetic resonance-guided biopsy of suspicious breast lesions with a handheld vacuum biopsy device.
Gebauer, B., Bostanjoglo, M., Moesta, K.T., Schneider, W., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Acta Radiologica 47 (9): 907-913. November 2006

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

Heat-responsive gene expression for gene therapy.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 61 (7-8): 641-649. 2 July 2009

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

In vivo evaluation of a drug-inducible vector system for the combined gene- and chemotherapy of cancer.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Naundorf, H., Alexander, M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 451 : 139-144. 1 January 1998

Aerztliche Praxis

Photodynamische Therapie maligner Tumoren.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Graschew, G.
Aerztliche Praxis 40 : 5. 1 January 1992

Aktuelle Onkologie

Therapeutische Moeglichkeiten durch photodynamische Lasertherapie.
Huenerbein, M., Stern, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Aktuelle Onkologie 74 : 9-15. 1 January 1995

American Journal of Cancer

Reversal of ABC transporter-dependent multidrug resistance in cancer: A realistic option?
Stein, U. and Walther, W.
American Journal of Cancer 5 (5): 285-297. September 2006

American Journal of Gastroenterology

Three-dimensional ultrasound cholangiography: a new noninvasive technique for evaluation of biliary obstruction (Comment on: Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Jul;96(7):1959-60, Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Jul;96(7):2074-80).
Huenerbein, M., Stroszczynski, C., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
American Journal of Gastroenterology 97 (2): 500-501. February 2002

American Journal of Pathology

H-REV107-1 stimulates growth in non-small cell lung carcinomas via the activation of mitogenic signaling.
Nazarenko, I., Kristiansen, G., Fonfara, S., Guenther, R., Gieseler, C., Kemmner, W., Schaefer, R., Petersen, I. and Sers, C.
American Journal of Pathology 169 (4): 1427-1439. October 2006

Down-regulation of caveolin-1, a candidate tumor suppressor gene, in sarcomas.
Wiechen, K., Sers, C., Agoulnik, A., Arlt, K., Dietel, M., Schlag, P.M. and Schneider, U.
American Journal of Pathology 158 (3): 833-839. March 2001

American Journal of Roentgenology

Accuracy of staging rectal tumors with contrast-enhanced transrectal MR imaging.
Vogl, T.J., Pegios, W., Mack, M.G., Huenerbein, M., Hintze, R., Adler, A., Lobbeck, H., Hammerstingl, R., Wust, P., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
American Journal of Roentgenology 168 : 1427-1434. 1 June 1997

Analytical Biochemistry

Stability analysis for long-term storage of naked DNA: impact on nonviral in vivo gene transfer.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Voss, C., Schmidt, T., Schleef, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Analytical Biochemistry 318 (2): 230-235. 15 July 2003

In vivo gene transfer by low-volume jet injection.
Cartier, R., Ren, S.V., Walther, W., Stein, U., Lewis, A., Schlag, P.M., Li, M. and Furth, P.A.
Analytical Biochemistry 282 (2): 262-265. 1 July 2000

Analytical Chemistry

Amperometric immunosensor for carcinoembryonic antigen in colon cancer samples based on monolayers of dendritic bipodal scaffolds.
Laboria, N., Fragoso, A., Kemmner, W., Latta, D., Nilsson, O., Luz Botero, M., Drese, K. and O'Sullivan, C.K.
Analytical Chemistry 82 (5): 1712-1719. 1 March 2010

Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae

Cancer of unknown primary site.
Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae 83 : 8-12. 1 January 1994

Annales de Chirurgie

Surgery for congenital malformations of the lung.
Vogt-Moykopf, I., Rau, B. and Branscheid, D.
Annales de Chirurgie 46 : 141-156. 1 January 1992

Annali Italiani di Chirurgia

Active specific immunotherapy in hepatic metastasis.
Schlag, P.M., Milleck, J. and Liebrich, W.
Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 67 : 783-791. 1 November 1996

Annals of Oncology

Prognostic value of MACC1 and proficient mismatch repair status for recurrence risk prediction in stage II colon cancer patients: the BIOGRID studies.
Rohr, U.P., Herrmann, P., Ilm, K., Zhang, H., Lohmann, S., Reiser, A., Muranyi, A., Smith, J., Burock, S., Osterland, M., Leith, K., Singh, S., Brunhoeber, P., Bowermaster, R., Tie, J., Christie, M., Wong, H.L., Waring, P., Shanmugam, K., Gibbs, P. and Stein, U.
Annals of Oncology 28 (8): 1869-1875. 1 August 2017

Five-day continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil and pulsed folinic acid in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma: an effective second-line regimen.
Streit, M., Jaehde, U., Stremetzne, S., Ridwelski, K., Kerz, H., Strohbach, F., Hohenberger, P., Zwiebel, F., Hebart, H., Boethig, R., Kairies, M., Zillig, D., Schuchmann, S., Warnecke, S., Thiel, E. and Kreuser, E.
Annals of Oncology 8 : 1163-1165. 1 January 1997

Detection and management of advanced gastric cancer.
Hohenberger, P. and Huenerbein, M.
Annals of Oncology 7 : 197-203. 1 January 1996

Annals of Surgery

Integrative marker analysis allows risk assessment for metastasis in stage II colon cancer.
Nitsche, U., Rosenberg, R., Balmert, A., Schuster, T., Slotta-Huspenina, J., Herrmann, P., Bader, F.G., Friess, H., Schlag, P.M., Stein, U. and Janssen, K.P.
Annals of Surgery 256 (5): 763-771. November 2012

Predictive factors for the benefit of perioperative FOLFOX for resectable liver metastasis in colorectal cancer patients (EORTC Intergroup trial 40983).
Sorbye, H., Mauer, M., Gruenberger, T., Glimelius, B., Poston, G.J., Schlag, P.M., Rougier, P., Bechstein, W.O., Primrose, J.N., Walpole, E.T., Finch-Jones, M., Jaeck, D., Mirza, D., Parks, R.W., Collette, L., Cutsem, E.V., Scheithauer, W., Lutz, M.P. and Nordlinger, B.
Annals of Surgery 255 (3): 534-539. March 2012

Alternative perspective on the rationale for lymphatic mapping for sentinel node identification in colon cancer.
Bembenek, A.E. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 247 (5): 904. May 2008

Feasibility of navigated resection of liver tumors using multiplanar visualization of intraoperative 3-dimensional ultrasound data.
Beller, S., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Lange, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 246 (2): 288-294. August 2007

Sentinel lymph node biopsy in colon cancer: A prospective multicenter trial.
Bembenek, A.E., Rosenberg, R., Wagler, E., Gretschel, S., Sendler, A., Siewert, J.R., Naehrig, J., Witzigmann, H., Hauss, J., Knorr, C., Dimmler, A., Groene, J., Buhr, H.J., Haier, J., Herbst, H., Tepel, J., Siphos, B., Kleespies, A., Koenigsrainer, A., Stoecklein, N.H., Horstmann, O., Gruetzmann, R., Imdahl, A., Svoboda, D., Wittekind, C., Schneider, W., Wernecke, K.D. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 245 (6): 858-863. June 2007

Ductoscopic biopsy of papillary tumors in women with nipple discharge.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 245 (1): 154-155. January 2007

Treatment of thoracic anastomotic leaks after esophagectomy with self-expanding plastic stents.
Huenerbein, M., Stroszczynski, C., Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 240 : 801-807. 1 January 2004

Comparison of quality of life in patients undergoing abdominoperineal extirpation or anterior resection for rectal cancer.
Grumann, M.M., Noack, E.M., Hoffmann, I.A. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 233 (2): 149-156. February 2001

Preoperative evaluation of colorectal neoplasms by colonoscopic miniprobe ultrasonography.
Huenerbein, M., Totkas, S., Ghadimi, B.M. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 232 : 46-50. 1 July 2000

Preoperative hyperthermia combined with radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a phase II clinical trial.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Hohenberger, P., Loeffel, J., Huenerbein, M., Below, C., Gellermann, J., Speidel, A., Vogl, T., Riess, H., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 227 (3): 380-389. 1 March 1998

Three-dimensional endosonography for staging of rectal cancer.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgery 225 : 432-438. 1 April 1997

Isolated limb perfusion with tumor necrosis factor and melphalan for limb salvage in 186 patients with locally advanced soft tissue extremity sarcomas: The cumulative multicenter European experience.
Eggermont, A.M.M., Schraffordt-Koops, H., Klausner, J.M., Kroon, B.B.R., Schlag, P.M., Lienard, D., van Geel, A.N., Hoekstra, H.J., Meller, I., Nieweg, O.E., Kettelhack, C., Ben-Ari, G., Pector, J.C. and Lejeune, F.
Annals of Surgery 224 (6): 756-764. December 1996

Pre- and postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen determination in hepatic resection for colorectal metastasis: predictive value and implications for adjuvant treatment based on multivariate analysis.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M., Gerneth, T. and Herfarth, C.
Annals of Surgery 219 (2): 135-143. 1 February 1994

Endorectal ultrasound for control of preoperative radiotherapy of rectal cancer.
Glaser, F., Kuntz, C., Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
Annals of Surgery 217 : 64-71. 1 January 1993

Annals of Surgical Oncology

Sentinel node biopsy for the individualization of surgical strategy for cure of early-stage colon cancer.
Cahill, R.A., Bembenek, A., Sirop, S., Waterhouse, D.F., Schneider, W., Leroy, J., Wiese, D., Beutler, T., Bilchik, A., Saha, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 16 (8): 2170-2180. August 2009

Efficacy of Different Technical Procedures for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Gastric Cancer Staging.
Gretschel, S., Bembenek, A., Huenerbein, M., Dresel, S., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 14 (7): 2028-2035. July 2007

Prognostic value of cytokeratin-positive bone marrow cells of gastric cancer patients.
Gretschel, S., Schick, C., Schneider, U., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 14 : 373-380. February 2007

Refined staging by sentinel lymph node biopsy to individualize therapy in anal cancer.
Ulmer, C., Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S., Markwardt, J., Koswig, S., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 11 (Supplement 3): 259S-262S. March 2004

Pentoxifyllin attenuates the systemic inflammatory response induced during isolated limb perfusion with recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-α and melphalan.
Hohenberger, P., Latz, E., Kettelhack, C., Rezaei, A.H., Schumann, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 10 (5): 562-568. June 2003

Body mass index does not affect systematic D2 lymph node dissection and postoperative morbidity in gastric cancer patients.
Gretschel, S., Christoph, F., Bembenek, A., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 10 (4): 363-368. May 2003

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Specific immunotherapy of colorectal carcinoma with Newcastle-disease virus modified autologous tumor cells prepared from resected liver metastasis.
Schirrmacher, V., Schlag, P.M., Liebrich, W., Patel, B.T. and Stoeck, M.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 690 : 364-366. 1 January 1993

Anti-Cancer Drugs

In-vitro and in-vivo investigations into the carbene-gold anticancer drug candidates NHC*-Au-SCSNMe(2) and NHC*-Au-S-GLUC against advanced prostate cancer PC3.
Walther, W., Althagafi, D., Curran, D., O'Beirne, C., Mc Carthy, C., Ott, I., Basu, U., Büttner, B., Sterner-Kock, A., Müller-Bunz, H., Sánchez-Sanz, G., Zhu, X. and Tacke, M.
Anti-Cancer Drugs 31 (7): 672-683. August 2020

Anticancer Research

Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer of tumor necrosis factor alpha into colon carcinoma cells generates a growth inhibition.
Walther, W., Fichtner, I. and Uckert, W.
Anticancer Research 13 : 1565-1574. 1 January 1993

Applied Optics

Time-domain optical mammography: initial clinical results on detection and characterization of breast tumors.
Grosenick, D., Moesta, K.T., Wabnitz, H., Mucke, J., Stroszczynski, C., Macdonald, R., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Applied Optics 42 (16): 3170-3186. 1 June 2003

Development of a time-domain optical mammograph and first in vivo applications.
Grosenick, D., Wabnitz, H., Rinneberg, H.H., Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Applied Optics 38 : 2927-2943. 1 May 1999

Assessment of the size, position, and optical properties of breast tumors in vivo by noninvasive optical methods.
Fantini, S., Walker, S.A., Franceschini, M.A., Kaschke, M., Schlag, P.M. and Moesta, K.T.
Applied Optics 37 : 1982-1989. 1 January 1998

Applied Spectroscopy

Characterization of colorectal adenocarcinoma sections by spatially resolved FT-IR microspectroscopy.
Lasch, P., Haensch, W., Lewis, E.N., Kidder, L.H. and Naumann, D.
Applied Spectroscopy 56 (1): 1-9. January 2002

Archives of Surgery

Telemedicine: the new must for surgery.
Schlag, P.M., Moesta, K.T., Rakovsky, S. and Graschew, G.
Archives of Surgery 134 (11): 1216-1221. 1 November 1999

Randomized trial of preoperative chemotherapy for squamous cell cancer of the esophagus. The Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Onkologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Chirurgie Study Group.
Schlag, P.M.
Archives of Surgery 127 (12): 1446-1450. 1 December 1992

BMC Cancer

Prognostic impact of activin subunit inhibin beta A in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas.
Staudacher, J.J., Arnold, A., Kühl, A.A., Pötzsch, M., Daum, S., Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Rau, B., Stein, U. and Treese, C.
BMC Cancer 22 (1): 953. 5 September 2022

Alectinib treatment improves photodynamic therapy in cancer cell lines of different origin.
Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Essmann, F. and Kemmner, W.
BMC Cancer 21 (1): 971. 30 August 2021

Phase II trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of orally applied niclosamide in patients with metachronous or sychronous metastases of a colorectal cancer progressing after therapy: the NIKOLO trial.
Burock, S., Daum, S., Keilholz, U., Neumann, K., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
BMC Cancer 18 (1): 297. 15 March 2018

Rapid eradication of colon carcinoma by Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin suicidal gene therapy.
Pahle, J., Menzel, L., Niesler, N., Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Rivera, M. and Walther, W.
BMC Cancer 17 (1): 129. 13 February 2017

Heterogeneity analysis of Metastasis Associated in Colon Cancer 1 (MACC1) for survival prognosis of colorectal cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study.
Koelzer, V.H., Herrmann, P., Zlobec, I., Karamitopoulou, E., Lugli, A. and Stein, U.
BMC Cancer 15 (1): 160. 21 March 2015

Concerted down-regulation of immune-system related genes predicts metastasis in colorectal carcinoma.
Fehlker, M., Huska, M.R., Joens, T., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Kemmner, W.
BMC Cancer 14 (1): 64. 5 February 2014

Wdr66 is a novel marker for risk stratification and involved in epithelial-mesenchymal transition of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Wang, Q., Ma, C. and Kemmner, W.
BMC Cancer 13 (1): 137. 21 March 2013

Preoperative short-course radiotherapy versus combined radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a multi-centre prospectively randomised study of the Berlin Cancer Society.
Siegel, R., Burock, S., Wernecke, K.D., Kretzschmar, A., Dietel, M., Loy, V., Koswig, S., Budach, V. and Schlag, P.M.
BMC Cancer 9 (1): 50. 6 February 2009

Genetic dissection of apoptosis and cell cycle control in response of colorectal cancer treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
Sturm, I., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M., Wust, P., Hildebrandt, B., Riess, H., Hauptmann, S., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
BMC Cancer 6 : 124. 10 May 2006

BMC Genomics

Verification of predicted alternatively spliced Wnt genes reveals two new splice variants (CTNNB1 and LRP5) and altered Axin-1 expression during tumour progression.
Pospisil, H., Herrmann, A., Butherus, K., Pirson, S., Reich, J.G. and Kemmner, W.
BMC Genomics 7 : 148. 13 June 2006

Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology

Resection and local therapy for liver metastases.
Schlag, P.M., Benhidjeb, T. and Stroszczynski, C.
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology 16 (2): 299-317. April 2002

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Cloning and initial analysis of the human multidrug resistance-related MVP/LRP gene promoter.
Lange, C., Walther, W., Schwabe, H. and Stein, U.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 278 (1): 125-133. 11 November 2000

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta

Altered mRNA expression of glycosyltransferases in human gastric carcinomas.
Petretti, T., Schulze, B., Schlag, P.M. and Kemmner, W.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1428 : 209-218. 5 August 1999

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects

Glycosyltransferase expression in human colonic tissue examined by oligonucleotide arrays.
Kemmner, W., Roefzaad, C., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects 1621 (3): 272-279. 11 June 2003

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease

Imaging of colorectal adenocarcinoma using FT-IR microspectroscopy and cluster analysis.
Lasch, P., Haensch, W., Naumann, D. and Diem, M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease 1688 : 176-186. 1 January 2004

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer

Approaches and techniques to characterize cancer metabolism in vitro and in vivo.
Zaimenko, I., Lisec, J., Stein, U. and Brenner, W.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer 1868 (2): 412-419. December 2017

Biological Chemistry

Expression of the protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor KEPI is downregulated in breast cancer cell lines and tissues and involved in the regulation of the tumor suppressor EGR1 via the MEK-ERK pathway.
Wenzel, K., Daskalow, K., Herse, F., Seitz, S., Zacharias, U., Schenk, J.A., Schulz, H., Huebner, N., Micheel, B., Schlag, P.M., Osterziel, K.J., Ozcelik, C., Scherneck, S. and Jandrig, B.
Biological Chemistry 388 (5): 489-495. May 2007

Hepatocyte-specific binding of L/S-HBV particles expressed in insect cells.
Hofmann, C., Sandig, V., Kirillova, I., Jennings, G., Rudolph, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Biological Chemistry 376 : 173-178. 1 January 1995

Biomarker Research

MACC1 revisited - an in-depth review of a master of metastasis.
Schöpe, P.C., Torke, S., Kobelt, D., Kortüm, B., Treese, C., Dumbani, M., Güllü, N., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Biomarker Research 12 (1): 146. 23 November 2024

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Discovery of tetrazolo-pyridazine-based small molecules as inhibitors of MACC1-driven cancer metastasis.
Yan, S., Schöpe, P.C., Lewis, J., Putzker, K., Uhrig, U., Specker, E., von Kries, J.P., Lindemann, P., Omran, A., Sanchez-Ibarra, H.E., Unger, A., Zischinsky, M.L., Klebl, B., Walther, W., Nazaré, M., Kobelt, D. and Stein, U.
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 168 : 115698. December 2023

Biomedizinische Technik

Interactive telemedical applications in OP 2000 via satellite.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Biomedizinische Technik 47 (S1 Pt 1): 330-333. 2002


Der Weg zum diagnostischen "Tool" - Entwicklung eines Mikroarrays zur Prognose und Therapie-Praediktion von Darmkrebs [The pathway to diagnostic tool - Development of a microarray for the prognosis and therapy prediction of intestinal cancer].
Kloska, S., Eickhoff, H. and Kemmner, W.
Biospektrum 11 (1): 572-573. 2005


In situ RT-PCR using fluorescence-labeled primers.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Wendt, J. and Schild, T.A.
Biotechniques 23 : 194-198. 1 January 1997

RNA analysis using miniprep RNA in reverse transcriptase PCR.
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Eder, C.
Biotechniques 17 : 674-675. 1 January 1994

Biotherapy in Cancer

Modulation of MDR1 expression by cytokines in human colon carcinoma cells: an approach for reversal of multidrug.
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Biotherapy in Cancer 1 : 53-53. 1 January 1997


Lipopolysaccharide induces the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases erk-1 and p38 in cultured human vascular endothelial cells requiring the presence of soluble CD14.
Schumann, R.R., Pfeil, D., Lamping, N., Kirschning, C., Scherzinger, G., Schlag, P.M., Karawajew, L. and Herrmann, F.
Blood 87 (7): 2805-2814. 1 April 1996

Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica Information

Detektion des P-Glycoproteins mit dem Antikoerper Anti-P-Glycoprotein 170-180 (Klon JSB-1): Modulation der Multidrug Resistenz in Zytokin-Gen-transfizierten Glioblastomzellen.
Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica Information 92 : 22-23. 1 January 1994

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Ductoscopy and intraductal vacuum assisted biopsy in women with pathologic nipple discharge.
Huenerbein, M., Raubach, M., Gebauer, B., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 99 (3): 301-307. October 2006

Tumor oxygenation correlates with molecular growth determinants in breast cancer.
Hohenberger, P., Felgner, C., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 48 : 97-106. 1 January 1998

British Journal of Cancer

Calcium-binding protein S100P is a new target gene of MACC1, drives colorectal cancer metastasis and serves as a prognostic biomarker.
Schmid, F., Dahlmann, M., Röhrich, H., Kobelt, D., Hoffmann, J., Burock, S., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
British Journal of Cancer 127 (4): 675-685. 1 September 2022

Impact of mutant beta-catenin on ABCB1 expression and therapy response in colon cancer cells.
Stein, U., Fleuter, C., Siegel, F., Smith, J., Kopacek, A., Scudiero, D.A., Hite, K.M., Schlag, P.M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Walther, W.
British Journal of Cancer 106 (8): 1395-1405. 10 April 2012

HIF-1alpha determines the metastatic potential of gastric cancer cells.
Rohwer, N., Lobitz, S., Daskalow, K., Joens, T., Vieth, M., Schlag, P.M., Kemmner, W., Wiedenmann, B., Cramer, T. and Hoecker, M.
British Journal of Cancer 100 (5): 772-781. 10 March 2009

Loss of the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor contributes to gastric cancer progression.
Anders, M., Vieth, M., Roecken, C., Ebert, M., Pross, M., Gretschel, S., Schlag, P.M., Wiedenmann, B., Kemmner, W. and Hoecker, M.
British Journal of Cancer 100 (2): 352-359. 27 January 2009

Deletion mapping and linkage analysis provide strong indication for the involvement of the human chromosome region 8p12-p22 in breast carcinogenesis.
Seitz, S., Rohde, K., Bender, E., Nothnagel, A., Pidde, H., Ullrich, O.M., El-Zehairy, A., Haensch, W., Jandrig, B., Koelble, K., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
British Journal of Cancer 76 : 983-991. 1 January 1997

Modulation of mdr1 expression by cytokines in human colon carcinoma cells: an approach for reversal of multidrug resistance.
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Shoemaker, H.
British Journal of Cancer 74 : 1384-1391. 1 January 1996

British Journal of General Practice

Diagnostic work-up of rectal bleeding in general practice.
Heintze, C., Matysiak-Klose, D., Kroehn, T., Wolf, U., Brand, A., Meisner, C., Fischer, I., Wehrmeyer, H. and Braun, V.
British Journal of General Practice 55 (510): 14-19. 1 January 2005

British Journal of Surgery

Authors' reply: Treatment of oesophageal anastomotic leaks by temporary stenting with self-expanding plastic stents (Br J Surg 2009; 96: 887-891).
Dai, Y.Y., Gretschel, S., Dudeck, O., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
British Journal of Surgery 97 (2): 294-295. February 2010

Treatment of oesophageal anastomotic leaks by temporary stenting with self-expanding plastic stents.
Dai, Y.Y., Gretschel, S., Dudeck, O., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
British Journal of Surgery 96 (8): 887-891. August 2009

Image-guided surgery of liver metastases by three-dimensional ultrasound-based optoelectronic navigation.
Beller, S., Huenerbein, M., Lange, T., Eulenstein, S., Gebauer, B. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 94 (7): 866-875. July 2007

Authors' reply: Surgical strategies for gastric cancer with synchronous peritoneal carcinomatosis (Br J Surg 2006; 93: 1530-1535).
Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 94 (5): 642-643. May 2007

Resection of soft tissue sarcoma of the lower limb after evaluation of vascular invasion with intraoperative intravascular ultrasonography.
Huenerbein, M., Hohenberger, P., Stroszczynski, C., Bartelt, N., Schlag, P.M. and Tunn, P.U.
British Journal of Surgery 94 : 168-173. February 2007

Surgical strategies for gastric cancer with synchronous peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Gretschel, S., Siegel, R., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Huenerbein, M., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 93 (12): 1530-1535. December 2006

Randomized multicentre trial of the influence of recombinant human erythropoietin on intraoperative and postoperative transfusion need in anaemic patients undergoing right hemicolectomy for carcinoma.
Kettelhack, C., Hoenes, C., Messinger, D. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 85 : 63-67. 1 January 1998

Radical surgery and postoperative radiotherapy as combined treatment in rectal cancer. Final results of a phase III study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer.
Arnaud, J.P., Nordlinger, B., Bosset, J.F., Boes, G.H., Sahmoud, T., Schlag, P.M. and Pene, F.
British Journal of Surgery 84 (3): 352-357. 1 March 1997

Extended indication for local excision of small distal rectal carcinoma.
Slisow, W., Marx, G. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 81(S) : 36-37. 1 January 1994

Laparoscopic and endoluminal ultrasound for staging of carcinoma of the cardia.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 81(S) : 81-82. 1 January 1994

Transrectal ultrasonography of recurrent rectal carcinoma.
Haier, J., Huenerbein, M., Liebeskind, U. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 81 : 29-30. 1 January 1994

Early gastric cancer.
Hohenberger, P. and Buhl, K.
British Journal of Surgery 80 (1): 131-131. 1 January 1993

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Praeklinische Validierung fuer das US-gestuetzte Navigationssystem Liver Track.
Eulenstein, S., Jentsch, M. and Schlag, P.M.
In: Annual Meeting on CURAC (Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie), 15 Nov 2012, Duesseldorf. 2012

CNS drugs

Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors in multiple sclerosis: pioneering the path towards treatment of progression?
Geladaris, A., Torke, S. and Weber, M.S.
CNS drugs 36 (10): 1019-1030. October 2022


31phosphorus-magnetic resonance spectroscopy to assess histologic tumor response noninvasively after isolated limb perfusion for soft tissue tumors.
Kettelhack, C., Wickede, M.V., Vogl, T., Schneider, U. and Hohenberger, P.
Cancer 94 : 1557-1564. 1 January 2002

Results of surgery and multimodal therapy for patients with soft tissue sarcoma invading to vascular structures.
Hohenberger, P., Allenberg, J.R., Schlag, P.M. and Reichardt, P.
Cancer 85 : 396-408. 15 January 1999

Expression of Thomsen-Friedenreich-related antigens in primary and metastatic colorectal carcinomas: a reevaluation.
Cao, Y., Karsten, U., Liebrich, W., Haensch, W., Springer, G.F. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer 76 : 1700-1708. 1 January 1995

Regional administration of lymphokine-activated killer cells can be superior to intravenous application.
Keilholz, U., Schlag, P.M., Tilgen, W., Brado, B., Galm, F., Goerich, J., Kauffmann, G.W., Moeller, P., Schneider, S. and Hunstein, W.
Cancer 69 : 2172-2175. 1 January 1992

Cancer Detection and Prevention

Preparation and characterization of differently aggregated colorectal carcinoma cell subpopulations from surgical specimens.
Bosch, J., Brossmer, R., Kemmner, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Detection and Prevention 22 : 319-329. 1 January 1998

Cancer Gene Therapy

Lipoplexes with alkylphospholipid as new helper lipid for efficient in vitro and in vivo gene transfer in tumor therapy.
Zeisig, R., Ress, A., Fichtner, I. and Walther, W.
Cancer Gene Therapy 10 (4): 302-311. April 2003

Modulation of the atypical multidrug-resistant phenotype by a hammerhead ribozyme directed against the ABC transporter BCRP/MXR/ABCG2.
Kowalski, P., Stein, U., Scheffer, G.L. and Lage, H.
Cancer Gene Therapy 9 (7): 579-586. July 2002

mdr1 promoter-driven tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression for a chemotherapy-controllable combined in vivo gene therapy and chemotherapy of tumors.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Alexander, M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Gene Therapy 7 (6): 893-900. 1 June 2000

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics

Cytogenetic studies in malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
Walter, T.A., Weh, H.J., Schlag, P.M., Zornig, C. and Hossfeld, D.K.
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 94 : 131-134. 1 January 1997

Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy

Efficiency of adjuvant active specific immunization with Newcastle disease virus modified tumor cells in colorectal cancer patients following resection of liver metastases: results of a prospective randomized trial.
Schulze, T., Kemmner, W., Weitz, J., Wernecke, K.D., Schirrmacher, V. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 58 (1): 61-69. January 2009

In vitro expansion and analysis of T lymphocyte microcultures obtained from the vaccination sites of cancer patients undergoing active specific immunization with autologous Newcastle-disease-virus-modified tumour cells.
Stoeck, M., Marland-Noske, C., Manasterski, M., Zawatzky, R., Horn, S., Moebus, V., Schlag, P.M. and Schirrmacher, V.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 37 : 240-244. 1 January 1993

Active specific immunotherapy with Newcastle-disease-virus modified autologous tumor cells following resection of liver metastases in colorectal cancer. First evaluation of clinical response of a phase II-trial.
Schlag, P.M., Manasterski, M., Gerneth, T., Hohenberger, P., Dueck, M., Herfarth, C., Liebrich, W. and Schirrmacher, V.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 35 (5): 325-330. 1 May 1992

Cancer Letters

MACC1 regulates Fas mediated apoptosis through STAT1/3 - Mcl-1 signaling in solid cancers.
Radhakrishnan, H., Ilm, K., Walther, W., Shirasawa, S., Sasazuki, T., Daniel, P.T., Gillissen, B. and Stein, U.
Cancer Letters 403 : 231-245. 10 September 2017

Identification of brain- and bone-specific breast cancer metastasis genes.
Klein, A., Olendrowitz, C., Schmutzler, R., Hampl, J., Schlag, P.M., Maass, N., Arnold, N., Wessel, R., Ramser, J., Meindl, A., Scherneck, S. and Seitz, S.
Cancer Letters 276 (2): 212-220. 18 April 2009

Enhanced activity of CMP-neuAc:Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc:alpha 2,6- sialyltransferase in metastasizing human colorectal tumor tissue and serum of tumor patients.
Gessner, P., Riedl, S., Quentmaier, A. and Kemmner, W.
Cancer Letters 75 (3): 143-149. 20 December 1993

Cancer Research

Mouse models of human cancer.
Böck, B.C., Stein, U., Schmitt, C.A. and Augustin, H.G.
Cancer Research 74 (17): 4671-4675. 1 September 2014

Overexpression of sialyltransferase CMP-sialic Acid : Galbeta1,3GalNAc-R alpha6-sialyltransferase is related to poor patient survival in human colorectal carcinomas.
Schneider, F., Kemmner, W., Haensch, W., Franke, G., Gretschel, S., Karsten, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Research 61 (11): 4605-4611. 1 June 2001

Constitutional genomic instability with inversions, duplications, and amplifications in 9p23-24 in BRCA2 mutation carriers.
Savelyeva, L., Claas, A., Matzner, I., Schlag, P.M., Hofmann, W., Scherneck, S., Weber, B. and Schwab, M.
Cancer Research 61 : 5179-5185. 1 January 2001

Prognostic significance of activated CD8(+) T cell infiltrations within esophageal carcinomas.
Schumacher, K., Haensch, W., Roefzaad, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Research 61 : 3932-3936. 1 January 2001

Protoporphyrin IX occurs naturally in colorectal cancers and their metastases.
Moesta, K.T., Ebert, B., Handke, T., Nolte, D., Nowak, C., Haensch, W.E., Pandey, R.K., Dougherty, T.J., Rinneberg, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Research 61 : 991-999. 1 January 2001

Two regions of deletion in 9p23-24 in sporadic breast cancer.
An, H.X., Claas, A., Savelyeva, L., Seitz, S., Schlag, P.M., Scherneck, S. and Schwab, M.
Cancer Research 59 : 3941-3943. 15 August 1999

GLI gene expression in bone and soft tissue sarcomas of adult patients correlates with tumor grade.
Stein, U., Eder, C., Karsten, U., Haensch, W., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Research 59 : 1890-1895. 1 January 1999

An interstitial tandem duplication of 9p23-24 coexists with a mutation in the BRCA2 gene in the germ line of three brothers with breast cancer.
Savelyeva, L., Claas, A., Gier, S., Schlag, P.M., Finke, L., Mangion, J., Stratton, M.R. and Schwab, M.
Cancer Research 58 (5): 863-866. 1 March 1998

Microsatellite instability analysis: a multicenter study for reliability and quality control.
Bocker, T., Diermann, J., Friedl, W., Gebert, J., Holinski-Feder, E., Karner-Hanusch, J., von Knebel-Doeberitz, M., Koelble, K., Moeslein, G., Schackert, H.K., Witz, H.C., Fishel, R. and Rueschoff, J.
Cancer Research 57 (21): 4739-4743. 1 November 1997

Cancer Risk Evaluation: Methods and Trends

Transcriptomics and cancer risk assessment.
Kemmner, W.
In: Cancer risk evaluation : methods and trends. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 195-205. ISBN 9783527327539 27 April 2011

Cancer Treatment Reviews

Choosing wisely - Preclinical test models in the era of precision medicine.
Klinghammer, K., Walther, W. and Hoffmann, J.
Cancer Treatment Reviews 55 : 36-45. April 2017

Advantages of laparoscopic palliative surgery in upper gi tract cancer.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Cancer Treatment Reviews 22 Suppl. : 109-111. 1 January 1996

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews

MACC1 - the first decade of a key metastasis molecule from gene discovery to clinical translation.
Radhakrishnan, H., Walther, W., Zincke, F., Kobelt, D., Imbastari, F., Erdem, M., Kortüm, B., Dahlmann, M. and Stein, U.
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 37 (4): 805-820. December 2018


Immune response and metastasis-links between the metastasis driver MACC1 and cancer immune escape strategies.
Torke, S., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Cancers 16 (7): 1330. 28 March 2024

MACC1 regulates LGR5 to promote cancer stem cell properties in colorectal cancer.
Erdem, M., Lee, K.H., Hardt, M., Regan, J.L., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Mokrizkij, M., Regenbrecht, C. and Stein, U.
Cancers 16 (3): 604. 31 January 2024

Establishment and thorough characterization of xenograft (PDX) models derived from patients with pancreatic cancer for molecular analyses and chemosensitivity testing.
Behrens, D., Pfohl, U., Conrad, T., Becker, M., Brzezicha, B., Büttner, B., Wagner, S., Hallas, C., Lawlor, R., Khazak, V., Linnebacher, M., Wartmann, T., Fichtner, I., Hoffmann, J., Dahlmann, M. and Walther, W.
Cancers 15 (24): 5753. 8 December 2023

Metastasis associated in colorectal cancer 1 (MACC1) mRNA expression is enhanced in sporadic vestibular schwannoma and correlates to deafness.
Breun, M., Flock, K., Feldheim, J., Nattmann, A., Monoranu, C.M., Herrmann, P., Ernestus, R.I., Löhr, M., Hagemann, C. and Stein, U.
Cancers 15 (16): 4089. 14 August 2023

The monocyte, a maestro in the tumor microenvironment (TME) of breast cancer.
Amer, H.T., Stein, U. and El Tayebi, H.M.
Cancers 14 (21): 5460. 7 November 2022

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields cause non-temperature-induced physical and biological effects in cancer cells.
Wust, P., Veltsista, P.D., Oberacker, E., Yavvari, P., Walther, W., Bengtsson, O., Sterner-Kock, A., Weinhart, M., Heyd, F., Grabowski, P., Stintzing, S., Heinrich, W., Stein, U. and Ghadjar, P.
Cancers 14 (21): 5349. 30 October 2022

Core-clock genes regulate proliferation and invasion via a reciprocal interplay with MACC1 in colorectal cancer cells.
Basti, A., Malhan, D., Dumbani, M., Dahlmann, M., Stein, U. and Relógio, A.
Cancers 14 (14): 3458. 16 July 2022

MACC1-induced collective migration is promoted by proliferation rather than single cell biomechanics.
Hohmann, T., Hohmann, U., Dahlmann, M., Kobelt, D., Stein, U. and Dehghani, F.
Cancers 14 (12): 2857. 9 June 2022

Elevated MACC1 expression in colorectal cancer is driven by chromosomal instability and is associated with molecular subtype and worse patient survival.
Vuaroqueaux, V., Musch, A., Kobelt, D., Risch, T:, Herrmann, P., Burock, S., Peille, A.L., Yaspo, M.L., Fiebig, H.H. and Stein, U.
Cancers 14 (7): 1749. 1 April 2022

Inhibition of MACC1-induced metastasis in esophageal and gastric adenocarcinomas.
Treese, C., Werchan, J., von Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Timm, L., Rau, B., Daberkow, O., Walther, W., Daum, S., Kobelt, D. and Stein, U.
Cancers 14 (7): 1773. 31 March 2022

Combination of Wnt/β-catenin targets S100A4 and DKK1 improves prognosis of human colorectal cancer.
Dahlmann, M., Monks, A., Harris, E.D., Kobelt, D., Osterland, M., Khaireddine, F., Herrmann, P., Kemmner, W., Burock, S., Walther, W., Shoemaker, R.H. and Stein, U.
Cancers 14 (1): 37. 2022

Effective oncoleaking treatment of pancreatic cancer by claudin-targeted suicide gene therapy with Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE).
Pahle, J., Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Behrens, D., Daberkow, O., Mokritzkij, M., Piontek, J., Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Cancers 13 (17): 4393. 1 September 2021

Systematic identification of MACC1-driven metabolic networks in colorectal cancer.
Lisec, J., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Mokrizkij, M., Grötzinger, C., Jaeger, C., Baum, K., Simon, M., Wolf, J., Beindorff, N., Brenner, W. and Stein, U.
Cancers 13 (5): 978. 26 February 2021

Small ones to fight a big problem-intervention of cancer metastasis by small molecules.
Kobelt, D., Dahlmann, M., Dumbani, M., Güllü, N., Kortüm, B., Vílchez, M.E.A., Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Cancers 12 (6): 1454. 3 June 2020

Circulating MACC1 transcripts in glioblastoma patients predict prognosis and treatment response.
Hagemann, C., Neuhaus, N., Dahlmann, M., Kessler, A.F., Kobelt, D., Herrmann, P., Eyrich, M., Freitag, B., Linsenmann, T., Monoranu, C.M., Ernestus, R.I., Löhr, M. and Stein, U.
Cancers 11 (6): 825. 13 June 2019

S100A4 in cancer metastasis: Wnt signaling-driven interventions for metastasis restriction.
Dahlmann, M., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Mudduluru, G. and Stein, U.
Cancers 8 (6): 59. 20 June 2016

Cell Communication and Signaling

MACC1 driven alterations in cellular biomechanics facilitate cell motility in glioblastoma.
Hohmann, T., Hohmann, U., Kolbe, M.R., Dahlmann, M., Kobelt, D., Stein, U. and Dehghani, F.
Cell Communication and Signaling 18 (1): 85. 5 June 2020

Cell Cycle

MACC1 controls Met: What a difference an Sp1 site makes.
Stein, U., Smith, J., Walther, W. and Arlt, F.
Cell Cycle 8 (15): 2467-2469. 1 August 2009


S100A4 is a strong negative prognostic marker and potential therapeutic target in adenocarcinoma of the stomach and esophagus.
Treese, C., Hartl, K., Pötzsch, M., Dahlmann, M., von Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Timm, L., Rau, B., Walther, W., Daum, S., Kobelt, D. and Stein, U.
Cells 11 (6): 1056. 21 March 2022

Thymoquinone: a tie-breaker in SARS-CoV2-infected cancer patients?
Elgohary, S., Elkhodiry, A.A., Amin, N.S., Stein, U. and El Tayebi, H.M.
Cells 10 (2): 302. 2 February 2021

Saffron crudes and compounds restrict MACC1-dependent cell proliferation and migration of colorectal cancer cells.
Güllü, N., Kobelt, D., Brim, H., Rahman, S., Timm, L., Smith, J., Soleimani, A., Di Marco, S., Bisti, S., Ashktorab, H. and Stein, U.
Cells 9 (8): 1829. 3 August 2020

Cellular Oncology

Latent transforming growth factor binding protein 4 (LTBP4) is downregulated in mouse and human DCIS and mammary carcinomas.
Kretschmer, C., Conradi, A., Kemmner, W. and Sterner-Kock, A.
Cellular Oncology 34 (5): 419-434. 6 October 2011

Cytokeratin profiles identify diagnostic signatures in colorectal cancer using multiplex analysis of tissue microarrays.
Knoesel, T., Emde, V., Schluens, K., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Cellular Oncology 28 : 167-175. 2006

Cellular Signalling

Wnt signalling pathway in bladder cancer.
Wu, G., Weng, W., Xia, P., Yan, S., Zhong, C., Xie, L., Xie, Y. and Fan, G.
Cellular Signalling 79 : 109886. March 2021

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

MACC1 regulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis and receptor recycling of transferrin receptor and EGFR in colorectal cancer.
Imbastari, F., Dahlmann, M., Sporbert, A., Ciolli Mattioli, C., Mari, T., Scholz, F., Timm, L., Twamley, S., Migotti, R., Walther, W., Dittmar, G., Rehm, A. and Stein, U.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 78 (7): 3525-3542. April 2021


Back to the future? Neue Aspekte in der Therapie der peritonealen Karzinose.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 78 (12): 1083-1084. December 2007

[R1 resection in the region of the lower gastrointestinal tract: relevance and therapeutic consequences].
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 78 (9): 810-817. September 2007

Transkutane Sonographie.
Huenerbein, M., Chopra, S.S. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 78 (5): 407-412. May 2007

Minimalresiduale Tumorerkrankung bei gastrointestinalen Karzinomen : Prognoserelevanz und onkologisch-chirurgische Konsequenzen [Minimal residual tumor in gastrointestinal carcinoma: Relevance to prognosis and oncologic surgical consequences].
Gretschel, S., Bembenek, A., Schulze, T., Kemmner, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77 (12): 1104-1117. 1 December 2006

Das Modell der Adenom-Karzinom-Sequenz - ein Zwischenruf. Kommentar zu den Arbeiten von F. Stelzner.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77 (11): 1061-1062. November 2006

Bilaterales Fibulainterponat. Biologische Rekonstruktion nach Resektion primaer maligner Knochentumoren [Bilateral fibula graft. Biological reconstruction following resection of malignant bone tumors].
Tunn, P.U., Moesta, T.K. and Delbrueck, H.
Chirurg 77 : 919-925. October 2006

Abdomineller Vakuumsaugverband beim offenen Abdomen [Abdominal vacuum device with open abdomen].
Oetting, P., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77 (7): 586-593. July 2006

Hat die palliative Resektion bei gastrointestinalen Tumoren noch einen Stellenwert? [Significance of palliative resection of gastrointestinal tumors.].
Beller, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77 : 219-226. March 2006

Psychosozialer Betreuungsbedarf bei stationaeren Tumorpatienten. Untersuchungen an einer chirurgisch-onkologischen Schwerpunktklinik [Need for psychosocial care in in-patients with tumour disease. Investigations conducted in a clinic specializing in tumour surgery.].
Goerling, U., Odebrecht, S., Schiller, G. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77 : 41-46. January 2006

Optimierung des Staging beim Kolonkarzinom durch Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie. Aktuelle Aspekte [Optimization of staging in colon cancer using sentinel lymph node biopsy].
Bembenek, A., Schneider, U., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 76 (1): 58-67. January 2005

Weichteilsakrome. Aktuelle multimodale Diagnostik als Basis einer differenzierten operativen Therapie [Soft tissue sarcoma. Differentiating surgery based on modern multidisciplinary diagnosis].
Tunn, P.U., Gebauer, B., Fritzmann, J., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 75 (12): 1165-1173. 11 September 2004

Operative Interdisziplinaritaet und Telematik [Interdisciplinary surgery and telemedicine].
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M., Ulmer, C. and Graschew, G.
Chirurg 75 (4): 411-417. April 2004

Hans Gummel anlaesslich seines 30. Todesjahres. 1954-1973 Leitender Chirurg und Direktor der Robert-Roessle-Klinik [Hans Gummel on the 30th anniversary of his death. 1954-1973 chief surgeon and director of the Robert-Rossle Clinic].
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 75 (3): 300-301. 1 March 2004

Bildgebende Diagnostik im praeoperativen Staging beim Rektumkarzinom [Imaging modalities in the preoperative staging of rectal carcinoma].
Hohenberger, P., Huenerbein, M., Gebauer, B. and Stroszczynski, C.
Chirurg 75 (1): 3-12. 1 January 2004

Sentinel Lymph Node beim kolorektalen Karzinom [Sentinel lymph node biopsy in colorectal carcinoma].
Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 75 (8): 761-766. 1 January 2004

Lebensqualitaet nach Rektumchirurgie [Quality of life after rectal surgery].
Hoppe de Mamani, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 75 (1): 26-31. January 2004

Synovialsarkome der Extremitaeten - Ergebnisse chirurgischer und multimodaler Therapie [Synovial sarcoma of the extremities. Results of surgical and multimodal therapy].
Ulmer, C., Kettelhack, C., Tunn, P.U., Reichardt, P., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 74 (4): 370-374. April 2003

Therapieverfahren fuer Adenokarzinome des oesophagogastralen Uebergangs [Treatment procedures for adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction].
Moesta, K.T., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 74 (4): 381-393. April 2003

Traumareduktion durch minimal invasive Chirurgie : Gesicherte Daten und neue Strategien [Reducing trauma with minimally invasive surgery. Evidence and new strategies].
Huenerbein, M., Gretschel, S., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 74 (4): 282-289. April 2003

Lymphatic mapping und Sentinel-Lymphknotendiagnostik beim Magenkarzinom [Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy in gastric cancer].
Gretschel, S., Bembenek, A., Ulmer, C., Huenerbein, M., Markwardt, J., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 74 (2): 132-138. February 2003

Prognoserelevanz von biologischen und molekularen Markern in der Onkologie : Kriterien fur Studienplanung und -Interpretation. [Prognostic relevance of biological and molecular markers in oncology. Criteria for planning and interpreting studies].
Bollschweiler, E., Schneider, P.M., Moenig, S.P., Altendorf-Hofmann, A., Mansmann, U., Lehmacher, W., Schlag, P.M., Merkel, S., Hohenberger, W., Izbicki, J.R., Hermanek, P. and Hoelscher, A.H.
Chirurg 74 (2): 139-144. February 2003

T4-Rektumkarzinom : Operative und multimodale Therapie [T4 rectal cancer. Surgery and multimodal therapy].
Rau, B., Hohenberger, P., Gellermann, J., Huenerbein, M., Hildebrandt, B., Schneider, U., Riess, H., Wust, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 73 (2): 147-153. February 2002

Einfluss der Positronenemissionstomographie auf die chirurgische Therapieplanung beim colorectalen Rezidivtumor [Influence of positron emission tomography on surgical therapy planning in recurrent colorectal cancer].
Schlag, P.M., Amthauer, H., Stroszczynski, C. and Felix, R.
Chirurg 72 (9): 995-1002. September 2001

Zum Stellenwert der laparoskopischen Sonographie fuer das Staging gastrointestinaler Tumoren [The role of laparoscopic ultrasound for staging of gastrointestinal tumors].
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 72 (8): 914-919. August 2001

Minimal-invasive Chirurgie. Aspekte der chirurgischen Onkologie des Gastrointestinaltrakts [Minimal invasive surgery. Aspects of surgical oncology of the gastrointestinal tract].
Schlag, P.M., Rau, B., Schnider, A. and Huenerbein, M.
Chirurg 72 (3): 245-251. March 2001

Therapeutische Strategien bei malignen Weichteiltumoren : Ergebnisse der Weichteiltumor-Registerstudie der CAO.
Junginger, T., Kettelhack, C., Schoenfelder, M., Saeger, H.D., Rieske, H., Krummenauer, F. and Hermanek, P.
Chirurg 72 (2): 138-148. February 2001

Die besondere Herausforderung des seltenen Tumors: Chirurgische und multimodale Therapie des Pseudomyxoma peritonei.
Totkas, S., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 71 : 869-876. 1 August 2000

Supportive Massnahmen bei Palliation : Schmerztherapie und Ernaehrung.
Hohenberger, P. and Wuenscher, V.
Chirurg 70 : 1422-1433. 1 December 1999

Fruehergebnisse und Komplikationen der Chirurgie von Lebermetastasen: Kommentar auf Anforderung der Schriftleitung.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 70 : 770. 1 July 1999

Zur Problematik der praeoperativen Klassifikation von boesartigen Magentumoren.
Totkas, S., Stolte, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 70 : 713-717. 1 June 1999

Die fremdkoerperinduzierte thorakale Actinomykose als Differentialdiagnose der mediastinalen Raumforderung [Foreign body-induced thoracic actinomycosis as differential mediastinal space-occupying lesion diagnosis].
Moesta, K.T., Totkas, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 70 : 602-604. 1 May 1999

Kommentar auf Anforderung der Schriftleitung zu: Photodynamische Ablation und Argon-Plasmacoagulation von malignen Laesionen des Oesophagus.
Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 70 : 437-438. 1 April 1999

Prinzipien der kurativen Lebermetastasenresektion : Curative resection of liver metastases.
Schlag, P.M., Benhidjeb, T. and Kilpert, B.
Chirurg 70 : 123-132. 1 February 1999

Tumormetastasierung. Molekulare Grundlagen und therapeutische Optionen.
Ghadimi, B.M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 69 : 1315-1322. 1 December 1998

Telekonferenz und Telechirurgie.
Schlag, P.M., Engel-Murke, F., zur Heyde, M.M., Rakowsky, S. and Graschew, G.
Chirurg 69 : 1134-1140. 1 November 1998

"Sentinel node detection" beim Mammacarcinom.
Hohenberger, P., Reuhl, T., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 69 : 708-716. 1 July 1998

Chirurgische Technik und chirurgisch-onkologische Taktik bei Tumoren der Weichgewebe und Extremitaeten mit Gefaessbeteiligung.
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 69 : 19-27. 1 January 1998

Stomatherapie. Versorgung von IIeo-und Colostomiepatienten.
Lange, D. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 69 : 496-502. 1 January 1998

Strategie multimodaler Therapie bei Weichgewebssarkomen des Stammes und der Extremitaeten.
Kettelhack, C., Tunn, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 69 : 393-401. 1 January 1998

Diagnostisches und therapeutisches Vorgehen bei Weichgewebstumoren.
Schlag, P.M., Tunn, P.U. and Kettelhack, C.
Chirurg 68 : 1309-1317. 1 December 1997

Erfassung regionaler und systematischer Toxizitaet der isolierten, hyperthermen Extremitaetenperfusion mit Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor alpha und Melphalan.
Hohenberger, P., Haier, J., Kettelhack, C., Schulze, G. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 68 : 914-920. 1 January 1997

Hemihepatektomie rechts von frontal - Alternative zum Konventionellen Vorgehen.
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 67 : 944-948. 1 January 1996

Der Heidelberger-Wachstation-Score (HDWS) . Entwicklung eines computergestuetzten Scoring-Systems zur Dokumentation des Behandlungsverlaufs und zur Einschaetzung der Prognose bei chirurgischen Intensivpatienten.
Foitzik, T., Holle, R., Schall, R., Moesta, K.T., Buhr, H.J. and Herfarth, C.
Chirurg 66 : 513-518. 1 January 1995

Resektion von solitaeren Lebermetastasen des malignen Melanoms.
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 66 : 43-44. 1 January 1995

Adjuvante systemische Chemo- oder Immuntherapie beim Coloncarcinom.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 65 : 503-508. 1 January 1994

Laparoskopische Sonographie mit einem Ultraschallendoskop.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 65 : 400-402. 1 January 1994

Thoracoskopische Lokalisation des intraparenchymalen Lungenrundherdes mithilfe des intraoperativen Ultraschalls.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 65 : 880-882. 1 January 1994

Modifizierte Praesentation einer Lungenembolie durch eine seltene Variante der Lungenvenenfehlmuendung.
Huenerbein, M., Huch, K., Brado, M. and Otto, G.
Chirurg 64 (12): 1053-1055. 1 January 1993

Resektion von Lebermetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome: Ergebnisse und prognostische Faktoren.
Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 64 : 288-289. 1 January 1993

Weichteilsarkome: die isolierte hypertherme Extremitaetenperfusion. Technik und Indikation.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Chirurg 64 : 455-460. 1 January 1993

Radikalitaet mit eingeschraenkter Resektion in der Carcinomchirurgie des Gastrointestinaltrakts.
Herfarth, C. and Hohenberger, P.
Chirurg 63 : 235-241. 1 January 1992

Randomisierte Studie zur praeoperativen Chemotherapie beim Plattenepithel-Carcinom des Oesophagus.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 63 : 709-714. 1 January 1992

Operative Moeglichkeiten und therapeutische Chancen bei Lebermetastasen.
Schlag, P.M., Hohenberger, P. and Herfarth, C.
Chirurg 62 : 715-719. 1 January 1991

Chirurgische Gastroenterologie

Exzessive Palliativchirurgie [Excessive palliative surgery].
Link, K.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 23 (4): 330-331. December 2007

Multiviszerale Resektion als Baustein eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts beim lokal fortgeschrittenen oder peritoneal metastasierten Magenkarzinom [Multivisceral resection as part of a multimodal treatment concept in locally progressed or peritoneally metastasized gastric cancer].
Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 23 (4): 353-359. December 2007

Kolon- und Rektumkarzinom [Tumors of the colon and rectum].
Link, K.H., Anthuber, M., Gastinger, I., Heitland, W., Metzger, U., Schnider, A., Schiedeck, T., Schlag, P.M. and Staib, L.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 21 : 177-182. 15 June 2005

Interdisziplinaeres Gespraech: Neoadjuvante und adjuvante Therapie beim Oesophaguskarzinom [Interdisciplinary discussion: Neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy in patients with esophageal cancer].
Petrasch, S., Budach, W., Bamberg, M., Foelsch, U., Stoffregen, C., Halm, U., Moessner, J., Hoelscher, A.H., Kemmeries, G., Schlag, P.M., Siewert, J.R., Wilke, H. and Stahl, M.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 15 (3): 292-299. September 1999

Adjuvante und neoadjuvante Therapie beim Kolon- und Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 13 : 37-44. 1 January 1997

Interdisziplinaeres Gespraech: Tumormarker in Diagnostik und Therapie gastrointestinaler Tumoren.
Izbicki, J.R., Blum, G., Broerig, D.C., Klapdor, R., von Kleist, S., Knoeefel, W.T., Loehr, M., Manns, M., Safi, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 13 : 232-238. 1 January 1997

Chirurgische Praxis

Die Molekuele der Metastasierung [the molecules of metastasis].
Kemmner, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Praxis 61 : 203-212. 1 January 2003

Differenzialtherapie von Lungenmetastasen extrapulmonaler solider Tumoren.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Praxis 60 (2): 203-218. 2002

Strategien zur Gentherapie von Tumorerkrankungen [Gene therapy strategies for tumor diseases].
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgische Praxis 60 : 19-26. 2002

Chirurgisches Forum

In vivo Gentransfer nackter DNA in xenotransplantierte Kolonkarzinome in der Nude Maus mit Hilfe der Jet-Injektion [In vivo gene transfer of naked DNA into xenotransplanted colon carcinoma by jet-injection].
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurgisches Forum 30 : 69-72. 1 January 2001

Chirurgisches Forum 2005

Molecular imaging of breast cancer in a transgene mouse model [Molekulare Bildgebung des Mammakarzinoms in einem transgenen Mausmodell].
Jakob, J., Perlitz, C., Ebert, B., Klamm, U., Kemmner, W., Haensch, W., Macdonald, R., Licha, K., Schirner, M., Schlag, P.M. and Moesta, K.T.
In: Chirurgisches Forum 2005 : fuer experimentelle und klinische Forschung 122. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Chirurgie Berlin, 05.04.-08.04.2005. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chirurgie, 34 . Springer, Berlin, 83-85. 2005

Chirurgisches Forum 2008

Lokale nicht-virale Gentherapie in kutanen Metastasen von Mammakarzinom und Melanom: Ergebnisse einer Phase-I-Studie mittels Jet-Injektion nackter DNA.
Siegel, R., Kobelt, D., Knoesel, T., Stein, U., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Chirurgisches Forum 2008 37 : 131-132. 2008

Clinica Chimica Acta

A chemical dosimeter for the determination of the photodynamic activity of photosensitizers.
Fischer, F., Graschew, G., Sinn, H.J., Maier-Borst, W., Lorenz, W.J. and Schlag, P.M.
Clinica Chimica Acta 274 : 89-104. 1 January 1998

Clinical Cancer Research

MACC1 induces tumor progression in transgenic mice and colorectal cancer patients via increased pluripotency markers Nanog and Oct4.
Lemos, C., Hardt, M.S., Juneja, M., Voss, C., Foerster, S., Jerchow, B., Haider, W., Blaker, H. and Stein, U.
Clinical Cancer Research 22 (11): 2812-2824. 1 June 2016

Novel jet-injection technology for nonviral intratumoral gene transfer in patients with melanoma and breast cancer.
Walther, W., Siegel, R., Kobelt, D., Knoesel, T., Dietel, M., Bembenek, A., Aumann, J., Schleef, M., Baier, R., Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Clinical Cancer Research 14 (22): 7545-7553. 15 November 2008

Clinical Immunotherapeutics

Progress with tumour vaccines.
Schlag, P.M., Milleck, J. and Liebrich, W.
Clinical Immunotherapeutics 2 : 23-31. 1 January 1994

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

Osteosarcoma in children: long-term functional analysis.
Tunn, P.U., Schmidt-Peter, P., Pomraenke, D. and Hohenberger, P.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 421 : 212-217. 1 January 2004

Clinical and Experimental Metastasis

The importance of developing therapies targeting the biological spectrum of metastatic disease.
Zijlstra, A., Von Lersner, A., Yu, D., Borrello, L., Oudin, M., Kang, Y., Sahai, E., Fingleton, B., Stein, U., Cox, T.R., Price, J.T., Kato, Y., Welm, A.L. and Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 36 (4): 305-309. August 2019

Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy and its effect on gastric-cancer-derived peritoneal metastases: an overview.
Alberto, M., Brandl, A., Garg, P.K., Gül-Klein, S., Dahlmann, M., Stein, U. and Rau, B.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 36 (1): 1-14. February 2019

Perspective on the interpretation of research and translation to clinical care with therapy-associated metastatic breast cancer progression as an example.
Fingleton, B., Lange, K., Caldwell, B. and Bankaitis, K.V.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 34 (8): 443-447. December 2017

In vivo imaging of colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by targeting MACC1 with shRNA in xenografted mice.
Pichorner, A., Sack, U., Kobelt, D., Kelch, I., Arlt, F., Smith, J., Walther, W., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 29 (6): 573-583. August 2012

Overexpression of c-erbB-2 protein correlates with chromosomal gain at the c-erbB-2 locus and patient survival in advanced colorectal carcinomas.
Knoesel, T., Yu, Y., Stein, U., Schwabe, H., Schluens, K., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 19 : 401-407. September 2002

Different sialyltransferase activities in human colorectal carcinoma cells from surgical specimens detected by specific glycoprotein and glycolipid accepters.
Kemmner, W., Krueck, D. and Schlag, P.M.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 12 : 245-254. 1 January 1994

Clinical and Translational Medicine

Real-world evidence for preventive effects of statins on cancer incidence: a trans-atlantic analysis.
Gohlke, B.O., Zincke, F., Eckert, A., Kobelt, D., Preissner, S., Liebeskind, J.M., Gunkel, N., Putzker, K., Lewis, J., Preissner, S., Kortüm, B., Walther, W., Mura, K., Bourne, P.E., Stein, U. and Preissner, R.
Clinical and Translational Medicine 12 (2): e726. 20 February 2022

Clinical and Translational Oncology

Prognostic impact of Claudin 18.2 in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas.
Arnold, A., Daum, S., von Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Rau, B., Stein, U. and Treese, C.
Clinical and Translational Oncology 22 (12): 2357-2363. December 2020

Critical Care

Influence of genetic variations in TLR4 and TIRAP/Mal on the course of sepsis and pneumonia and cytokine release: an observational study in three cohorts.
Kumpf, O., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J., Koch, A., Hamann, L., Mouktaroudi, M., Oh, D.Y., Latz, E., Lorenz, E., Schwartz, D.A., Ferwerda, B., Routsi, C., Skalioti, C., Kullberg, B.J., van der Meer, J.W., Schlag, P.M., Netea, M.G., Zacharowski, K. and Schumann, R.R.
Critical Care 14 (3): R103. 3 June 2010

Critical Care Medicine

Induction of systemic serum procalcitonin and cardiocirculatory reactions after isolated limb perfusion with recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha and melphalan.
Kettelhack, C., Hohenberger, P., Schulze, G., Kilpert, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Critical Care Medicine 28 : 1040-1046. 1 April 2000

Current Opinion in Oncology

Current status of gene therapy for cancer.
Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Current Opinion in Oncology 25 (6): 659-664. November 2013

Current Pharmaceutical Design

Anti-metastatic treatment in colorectal cancer: targeting signaling pathways.
Lemos, C., Sack, U., Schmid, F., Juneja, M. and Stein, U.
Current Pharmaceutical Design 19 (5): 841-863. February 2013


Cytokine-mediated reversal multidrug resistance.
Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Cytotechnology 27 : 271-282. 1 January 1998

DNA-Pharmaceuticals: Formulation and Delivery in Gene Therapy, DNA Vaccination and Immunotherapy

Needleless jet injection of naked DNA for nonviral in vivo gene transfer.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
In: DNA-Pharmaceuticals: Formulation and Delivery in Gene Therapy, DNA Vaccination and Immunotherapy. Wiley-VCH, 133-143. ISBN 9783527311873 25 August 2005

Der deutsche Dermatologe

Isolierte Extremitaetenperfusion mit Tumornekrosefaktor und Melphalan.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Der deutsche Dermatologe 42 : 1502-1505. 1 January 1994

Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

Pankreaskarzinom: Kurzfassung der S3-Leitlinie 2007 [Carcinoma of the pancreas: summary of guidelines 2007, issued jointly by 15 German specialist medical societies].
Adler, G., Seufferlein, T., Bischoff, S.C., Brambs, H.J., Feuerbach, S., Grabenbauer, G., Hahn, S., Heinemann, V., Hohenberger, W., Langrehr, J.M., Lutz, M.P., Micke, O., Neuhaus, H., Neuhaus, P., Oettle, H., Schlag, P.M., Schmid, R., Schmiegel, W., Schlottmann, K., Werner, J., Wiedenmann, B. and Kopp, I.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 132 (33): 1696-1700. August 2007

Aneurysma der Vena poplitea als Ursache rezidivierender Lungenarterienembolien mit Reanimationspflichtigkeit.
Schupfner, B., Osterziel, K. and Hohenberger, P.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 127 (24): 1312-1316. 1 January 2002

Axillary dissection in clinically nodal-negative breast cancer - Erwiderung.
Reuhl, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 124 : 305. 12 March 1999

Axillaausraeumung bei klinisch nodal-negativem Mammakarzinom. Kann die Indikation durch "sentinel node"-Nachweis individualisiert werden?
Reuhl, T., Kaisers, H., Markwardt, J., Haensch, W., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 123 : 583-587. 1 January 1998

Die isolierte hypertherme Extremitaetenperfusion beim malignen Melanom mit Melphalan und Tumornekrosefaktor.
Kettelhack, C., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 122 : 177-181. 14 February 1997

Malignes Melanom des Oesophagus und des Anorektums.
Stremmel, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 121 : 1573-1575. 13 December 1996

Diagnostik und Therapie maligner Weichgewebstumoren [Diagnosis and treatment of malignant soft-tissue tumours].
Tunn, P.U. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 121 (6): 175-178. 1 January 1996

Endoskopische Therapie von Pankreaspseudozysten [Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts].
Dohmoto, M., Rupp, K.D.R., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 120 : 1647-1651. 1 January 1995

Deutsches Aerzteblatt

Gastrointestinale Stromatumoren - Tumorentitaet und Therapie mit Imatinib.
Hohenberger, P., Reichardt, P., Stroszczynski, C., Schneider, U. and Hossfeld, D.K.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 100 : 1334-1339. 1 January 2003

Telemedizin: Optimierung von Tumorkonferenzen.
Sychy, B.R., Ulmer, C., Schlag, P.M., Rakowsky, S., Graschew, G., Weiser, H.F., Lange, V. and Buettner, C.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 99 (19): A1278-A1280. 10 May 2002

Photodynamische Therapie: Alternative bei lokal rezidiviertem Mamma-Carcinom.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M., Stern, J., Gahlen, J. and Graschew, G.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 89 : 458-461. 1 January 1992

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy

Endoscopic management of pancreatic pseudocysts.
Dohmoto, M. and Rupp, K.D.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1 : 29-35. 1 January 1994

Digestive Surgery

Is there additional information from laparoscopic ultrasound in tumor staging?
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Digestive Surgery 19 (6): 479-483. 2002

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum

Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 correlates with chromosomal gain at the cyclooxygenase-2 locus and decreased patient survival in advanced colorectal carcinomas.
Knosel, T., Yu, Y.W., Stein, U., Schwabe, H., Schluns, K., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 47 (1): 70-77. January 2004

Evaluation and biopsy of recurrent rectal cancer using three-dimensional endosonography.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 39 : 1373-1378. 1 January 1996

Three dimensional endorectal ultrasonography for staging of obstructing rectal cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Below, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 39 (6): 636-642. 1 January 1996

Laparoscopic surgery panel.
Beart, R.W., Peracchia, A., Croce, E., Carbone, M., Sugarbaker, P.H., Bazan, P., Bachi, V., Gennari, L., Schlag, P.M. and Pemberton, J.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 37 : 144-150. 1 January 1994

Drug Resistance Updates

Repositioning of drugs for intervention in tumor progression and metastasis: Old drugs for new targets.
Mudduluru, G., Walther, W., Kobelt, D., Dahlmann, M., Treese, C., Assaraf, Y.G. and Stein, U.
Drug Resistance Updates 26 : 10-27. May 2016


Viral vectors for gene transfer. A review of their use in the treatment of human diseases.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Drugs 60 (2): 249-271. 1 January 2000

Endocrine-Related Cancer

Impact of the PI3Kalpha inhibitor alpelisib on everolimus resistance and somatostatin receptor expression in an orthotopic pancreatic NEC xenograft mouse model.
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Endocrine-Related Cancer 31 (1): e230041. January 2024


Regression of high-grade gastric B-cell lymphoma after eradication of Helicobacter pylori.
Gretschel, S., Huenerbein, M., Foss, H.D., Krause, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Endoscopy 33 (9): 805-807. September 2001

Endosonography-guided biopsy of mediastinal and pancreatic tumors.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Endoscopy 30 : 32-36. 1 January 1998

Biliary obstruction caused by a multifocal duodenal neurosarcoma in a patient with von Recklinghausens disease.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Endoscopy 28 : 405-405. 1 January 1996

Pancreas divisum imitating malignancy in a patient with a cystadenoma.
Dohmoto, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Endoscopy 27 : 413-413. 1 January 1995

European Journal of Cancer

Prognostic impact of immune response in resectable colorectal liver metastases treated by surgery alone or surgery with perioperative FOLFOX in the randomised EORTC study 40983.
Tanis, E., Julie, C., Emile, J.F., Mauer, M., Nordlinger, B., Aust, D., Roth, A., Lutz, M.P., Gruenberger, T., Wrba, F., Sorbye, H., Bechstein, W., Schlag, P., Fisseler, A. and Ruers, T.
European Journal of Cancer 51 (17): 2708-2717. November 2015

The impact of short-term psycho-oncological interventions on the psychological outcome of cancer patients of a surgical-oncology department - A randomised controlled study.
Goerling, U., Foerg, A., Sander, S., Schramm, N. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 47 (13): 2009-2014. September 2011

Sentinel node biopsy in gastrointestinal-tract cancer.
Schlag, P.M., Bembenek, A. and Schulze, T.
European Journal of Cancer 40 (14): 2022-2032. September 2004

Anticancer drug response and expression of molecular markers in early-passage xenotransplanted colon carcinomas.
Fichtner, I., Slisow, W., Gill, J., Becker, M., Elbe, B., Hillebrand, T. and Bibby, M.
European Journal of Cancer 40 (2): 298-307. January 2004

Outcome analysis of 189 consecutive cancer patients referred to the intensive care unit as emergencies during a 2-year period.
Maschmeyer, G., Bertschat, F.L., Moesta, K.T., Haeusler, E., Held, T.K., Nolte, M., Osterziel, K.J., Papstein, V., Peters, M., Reich, G., Schmutzler, M., Sezer, O., Stula, M., Wauer, H., Woertz, T., Wischnewsky, M. and Hohenberger, P.
European Journal of Cancer 39 : 783-792. 1 April 2003

Colorectal cancer - what is standard surgery?
Hohenberger, P.
European Journal of Cancer 37 (S7) : 173-187. 1 January 2001

Refined deletion mapping in sporadic breast cancer at chromosomal region 8p12-p21 and association with clinicopathological parameters.
Seitz, S., Werner, S., Fischer, J., Nothnagel, A., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
European Journal of Cancer 36 (12): 1507-1513. 1 August 2000

Reduction of chemotherapy-induced side-effects by parenteral glutamine supplementation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
Decker-Baumann, C., Buhl, K., Frohmueller, S., von Herbay, A., Dueck, M. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 35 : 202-207. 1 February 1999

Immunohistological analysis of E-cadherin, alpha-, beta- and gamma-catenin expression in colorectal cancer: Implications for cell adhesion and signaling.
Ghadimi, B.M., Behrens, J., Hoffmann, I., Haensch, W., Birchmeier, W. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 35 (1): 60-65. January 1999

Increased autologous blood donation in rectal cancer by recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO).
Rau, B., Schlag, P.M., Willeke, F., Herfarth, C., Stephan, P. and Franke, W.
European Journal of Cancer 34 : 992-998. 1 June 1998

Rhabdomyolysis and renal function impairment after isolated limb perfusion-comparison between the effects of perfusion with rhTNFalpha 'Triple-drug' regimen.
Hohenberger, P., Haier, J. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 33 : 596-601. 1 January 1997

Is isolated limb perfusion of metastatic malignant melanoma of the extremity worthwhile?
Koops, H.S., Garbe, C. and Hohenberger, P.
European Journal of Cancer 32A : 1633-1640. 1 September 1996

MDR1 gene expression: evaluation of its use as a molecular marker for prognosis and chemotherapy of bone and soft tissue sarcomas.
Stein, U., Shoemaker, R.H. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 32 A : 86-92. 1 January 1996

Palliative endoscopic therapy of rectal carcinoma.
Dohmoto, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 32 (1): 25-29. 1 January 1996

A pilot study of a new therapeutic approach in the treatment of locally advanced stages of rectal cancer - neoadjuvant radiation, chemotherapy and regional hyperthermia.
Riess, H., Loeffel, J., Wust, P., Rau, B., Gremmler, M., Speidel, A. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 31A : 1356-1360. 1 January 1995

Serum erythropoietin levels in patients with solid tumours.
Kettelhack, C., Schoeter, D., Matthias, D. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Cancer 30A : 1289-1291. 1 January 1994

Point mutations in the mdr1 promoter of human osteosarcomas are associated with in vitro responsiveness to multidrug resistance relevated drugs.
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Wunderlich, V.
European Journal of Cancer 30A (10): 1541-1545. 1994

Perfusion of colorectal liver metastases and uptake of fluorouracil assessed by H215O and [18F]uracil positron emission tomography (PET).
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European Journal of Cancer 29A : 1682-1686. 1 January 1993

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Response prediction by FDG-PET after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy and combined regional hyperthermia of rectal cancer: correlation with endorectal ultrasound and histopathology.
Amthauer, H., Denecke, T., Rau, B., Hildebrandt, B., Huenerbein, M., Ruf, J., Schneider, U., Gutberlet, M., Schlag, P.M., Felix, R. and Wust, P.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 31 (6): 811-819. 1 January 2004

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Suicide nanoplasmids coding for ribosome-inactivating proteins.
Mitdank, H., Tröger, M., Sonntag, A., Shirazi, N.A., Woith, E., Fuchs, H., Kobelt, D., Walther, W. and Weng, A.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 170 : 106107. 1 March 2022

Impact of anti-PEG IgM antibodies on the pharmacokinetics of pegylated asparaginase preparations in mice.
Poppenborg, S.M., Wittmann, J., Walther, W., Brandenburg, G., Kraehmer, R., Baumgart, J. and Leenders, F.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91 : 122-130. 25 August 2016

Reversal of P-glycoprotein mediated vincristine resistance of L1210/VCR cells by analogues of pentoxifylline - A QSAR study.
Kupsakova, I., Rybar, A., Docolomansky, P., Drobna, Z., Stein, U., Walther, W., Barancik, M. and Breier, A.
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European Journal of Pharmacology

Thiamine is a substrate of organic cation transporters in Caco-2 cells.
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European Journal of Pharmacology 682 (1-3): 37-42. 5 May 2012

European Journal of Surgical Oncology

A new measure to assess the difficulty of liver resection.
Beller, S., Eulenstein, S., Lange, T., Niederstrasser, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 35 (1): 59-64. January 2009

Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy in epidermoid carcinoma of the anal canal.
Gretschel, S., Warnick, P., Bembenek, A., Dresel, S., Koswig, S., String, A., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (8): 890-894. August 2008

The location of small tumor deposits in the SLN predicts Non-SLN macrometastases in breast cancer patients.
Li, J., Haensch, W., Rudas, M., Kemmner, W., Warnick, P., Fischer, J., Gnant, M., Schlag, P.M. and Bembenek, A.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (8): 857-862. August 2008

Markers of tumour angiogenesis and tumour cells in bone marrow in gastric cancer patients.
Gretschel, S., Astrosini, C.h., Vieth, M., Joens, T., Tomov, T., Hoecker, M., Schlag, P.M. and Kemmner, W.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (6): 642-647. June 2008

Sentinel node biopsy in synovial sarcoma.
Tunn, P.U., Andreou, D., Illing, H., Fleige, B., Dresel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (6): 704-707. June 2008

Presence of mature DC-Lamp(+) dendritic cells in sentinel and non-sentinel lymph nodes of breast cancer patients.
Bembenek, A., Li, J., Loddenkemper, C., Kemmner, W., Stein, H., Wernecke, K.D. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (5): 514-518. May 2008

Development and validation of a three dimensional ultrasound based navigation system for tumor resection.
Chopra, S.S., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Lange, T., Schlag, P.M. and Beller, S.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34 (4): 456-461. April 2008

Hepatic arterial Fotemustine chemotherapy in patients with liver metastases from cutaneous melanoma is as effective as in ocular melanoma.
Siegel, R., Hauschild, A., Kettelhack, C., Kaehler, K.C., Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 33 (5): 627-632. June 2007

Prediction of gastric cancer lymph node status by sentinel lymph node biopsy and the Maruyama computer model.
Gretschel, S., Bembenek, A., Ulmer, C., Huenerbein, M., Markwardt, J., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 31 : 393-400. 1 January 2005

Cholangiocellular carcinoma associated with segmental Caroli's disease.
Totkas, S. and Hohenberger, P.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 26 : 520-521. 1 August 2000

Intracompartmental pressure during hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion for melanoma and sarcoma.
Hohenberger, P., Finke, L.H. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 22 (2): 147-151. 1 January 1996

Laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound for staging of upper gastrointestinal tumours.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 21 : 50-55. 1 January 1995

Assessment of perfusion of liver and metastatic lesions by means of H215O.
Hohenberger, P., Frohmueller, S., Dimitrakopoulou, A., Strauss, L.G., Herfarth, C. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 18 : 407-408. 1 January 1992

European Journal of Ultrasound

EUS-guided fine needle biopsy: minimally invasive access to metastatic or recurrent cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Totkas, S., Balanou, P., Handke, T. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Ultrasound 10 (2-3): 151-157. November 1999

European Radiology

Lymphatic mapping and retrieval of the sentinel lymph node in treatment of early breast cancer.
Bembenek, A., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
European Radiology 11 (7): 1191-1194. July 2001

Experimental Cell Research

Cell surface α2,6-sialylation affects adhesion of breast carcinoma cells.
Lin, S.Q., Kemmner, W., Grigull, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Experimental Cell Research 276 (1): 101-110. 15 May 2002

Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy

Vectors and strategies for nonviral cancer gene therapy.
Pahle, J. and Walther, W.
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 16 (4): 443-461. April 2016

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets

MACC1 - a novel target for solid cancers.
Stein, U.
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 17 (9): 1039-1052. September 2013

FASEB Journal

Loss of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/ N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE) induces apoptotic processes in pancreatic carcinoma cells.
Kemmner, W., Kessel, P., Sanchez-Ruderisch, H., Moeller, H., Hinderlich, S., Schlag, P.M. and Detjen, K.
FASEB Journal 26 (2): 938-946. February 2012

Silencing of human ferrochelatase causes abundant protoporphyrin-IX accumulation in colon cancer.
Kemmner, W., Wan, K., Ruttinger, S., Ebert, B., Macdonald, R., Klamm, U. and Moesta, K.T.
FASEB Journal 22 (2): 500-509. February 2008

Helicobacter pylori stimulates host vascular endothelial growth factor-A (vegf-A) gene expression via MEK/ERK-dependent activation of Sp1 and Sp3.
Strowski, M.Z., Cramer, T., Schaefer, G., Juettner, S., Walduck, A., Schipani, E., Kemmner, W., Wessler, S., Wunder, C., Weber, M., Meyer, T.F., Wiedenmann, B., Joens, T., Naumann, M. and Hoecker, M.
FASEB Journal 18 (1): 218-220. January 2004

FEBS Journal

Tumor suppressor p16INK4a--modulator of glycomic profile and galectin-1 expression to increase susceptibility to carbohydrate-dependent induction of anoikis in pancreatic carcinoma cells.
Andre, S., Sanchez-Ruderisch, H., Nakagawa, H., Buchholz, M., Kopitz, J., Forberich, P., Kemmner, W., Boeck, C., Deguchi, K., Detjen, K.M., Wiedenmann, B., von Knebel Doeberitz, M., Gress, T.M., Nishimura, S., Rosewicz, S. and Gabius, H.J.
FEBS Journal 274 (13): 3233-3256. July 2007

FEBS Letters

Inhibition of Ga1beta1, 4GlcNAc alpha 2,6 sialyltransferase expression by antisense-oligodeoxynucleotides.
Kemmner, W., Hohaus, K. and Schlag, P.M.
FEBS Letters 409 : 347-350. 1 January 1997


Televideo-Tumorkonferenz: Schnittstelle fuer eine optimierte medizinische Versorgung und Dokumentation.
Suchy, B.R., Blanke, M., Ulmer, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Forum 18 : 12-14. 1 January 2003

Frontiers in Immunology

Pro-inflammatory TNF-α and IFN-γ promote tumor growth and metastasis via induction of MACC1.
Kobelt, D., Zhang, C., Clayton-Lucey, I.A., Glauben, R., Voss, C., Siegmund, B. and Stein, U.
Frontiers in Immunology 11 : 980. 27 May 2020

Frontiers in Oncology

Editorial: The MACC1 network in cancer.
Walther, W., Siegel, F. and Stein, U.
Frontiers in Oncology 13 : 1343812. 5 July 2024

GIPC1 regulates MACC1-driven metastasis.
Siegel, F., Schmidt, H., Juneja, M., Smith, J., Herrmann, P., Kobelt, D., Sharma, K., Fichtner, I., Walther, W., Dittmar, G., Volkmer, R., Rathjen, F.G., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Frontiers in Oncology 13 : 1280977. 8 December 2023

Clinically relevant glioblastoma patient-derived xenograft models to guide drug development and identify molecular signatures.
Alcaniz, J., Winkler, L., Dahlmann, M., Becker, M., Orthmann, A., Haybaeck, J., Krassnig, S., Skofler, C., Kratzsch, T., Kuhn, S.A., Jödicke, A., Linnebacher, M., Fichtner, I., Walther, W. and Hoffmann, J.
Frontiers in Oncology 13 : 1129627. 11 April 2023

A molecularly characterized preclinical platform of subcutaneous renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patient-derived xenograft models to evaluate novel treatment strategies.
Gürgen, D., Becker, M., Dahlmann, M., Flechsig, S., Schaeffeler, E., Büttner, F.A., Schmees, C., Bohnert, R., Bedke, J., Schwab, M., Wendler, J.J., Schostak, M., Jandrig, B., Walther, W. and Hoffmann, J.
Frontiers in Oncology 12 : 889789. 21 June 2022

Restoring treatment response in colorectal cancer cells by targeting MACC1-dependent ABCB1 expression in combination therapy.
Dahlmann, M., Werner, R., Kortüm, B., Kobelt, D., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Frontiers in Oncology 10 : 599. 23 April 2020


A colorectal cancer expression profile that includes transforming growth factor beta inhibitor BAMBI predicts metastatic potential.
Fritzmann, J., Morkel, M., Besser, D., Budczies, J., Kosel, F., Brembeck, F.H., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Birchmeier, W.
Gastroenterology 137 (11): 165-175. July 2009

The metastasis-associated gene S100A4 is a novel target of beta-catenin/T-cell factor (TCF) signaling in colon cancer.
Stein, U., Arlt, F., Walther, W., Smith, J., Waldman, T., Harris, E.D., Mertins, S.D., Heizmann, C.W., Allard, D., Birchmeier, W., Schlag, P.M. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Gastroenterology 131 (5): 1486-1500. November 2006

Altered content and distribution of tenascin in colitis, colon adenoma, and colorectal carcinoma.
Riedl, S., Faissner, A., Schlag, P.M., von Herbay, A., Koretz, K. and Moeller, P.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders

Immunohistochemical analysis of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase expression in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinoma (AEG).
Arnold, A., von Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Rau, B., Krenzien, F., Stein, U. and Treese, C.
Gastrointestinal Disorders 4 (4): 333-340. 13 December 2022

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Prospective comparison of transcutaneous 3-dimensional US cholangiography, magnetic resonance cholangiography, and direct cholangiography in the evaluation of malignant biliary obstruction.
Huenerbein, M., Stroszczynski, C., Ulmer, C., Handke, T., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 58 (6): 853-858. December 2003

Transendoscopic ultrasound of esophageal and gastric cancer using miniaturized ultrasound catheter probes.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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Gene Therapy

Novel Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin suicide gene therapy for selective treatment of claudin-3- and -4-overexpressing tumors.
Walther, W., Petkov, S., Kuvardina, O.N., Aumann, J., Kobelt, D., Fichtner, I., Lemm, M., Piontek, J., Blasig, I.E., Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Gene Therapy 19 (5): 494-503. May 2012

Nonviral in vivo gene delivery into tumors using a novel low volume jet-injection technology.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Malcherek, L., Lemm, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Gene Therapy 8 (3): 173-180. 1 January 2001

Employment of the mdr1 promoter for the chemotherapy-inducible expression of therapeutic genes in cancer gene therapy.
Walther, W., Wendt, J. and Stein, U.
Gene Therapy 4 : 544-552. 1 January 1997

General Physiology and Biophysics

Wnt up your mind - intervention strategies for S100A4-induced metastasis in colon cancer.
Sack, U. and Stein, U.
General Physiology and Biophysics 28 (Focus Iss): F55-F64. December 2009

Pentoxifylline influences drug transport activity of P-glycoprotein and decreases mdr1 gene expression in multidrug resistant mouse leukemic L1210/VCR cells.
Drobna, Z., Stein, U., Walther, W., Barancik, M. and Breier, A.
General Physiology and Biophysics 21 (1): 103-109. March 2002

Genes Chromosomes & Cancer

Identification of microsatellite instability and mismatch repair gene mutations in breast cancer cell lines.
Seitz, S., Wassmuth, P., Plaschke, J., Schackert, H.K., Karsten, U., Santibanez-Koref, M.F., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 37 (1): 29-35. May 2003

Deletions in the short arm of chromosome 8 are present in up to 90% of human colorectal cancer cell lines.
van der Bosch, K., Becker, I., Savelyeva, L., Bruederlein, S., Schlag, P.M. and Schwab, M.
Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 5 : 91-95. 1 January 1992

Genes and Immunity

A coding mutation within the first exon of the human MD-2 gene results in decreased lipopolysaccharide-induced signaling.
Hamann, L., Kumpf, O., Mueller, M., Visintin, A., Eckert, J., Schlag, P.M. and Schumann, R.R.
Genes and Immunity 5 (4): 283-288. 1 June 2004

Geriatrie Journal

Chirurgische Aspekte in der Therapie des Oesophaguskarzinoms.
Benhidjeb, T., Lehr, C.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Geriatrie Journal 4 : 41-43. 2002

Chirurgische Behandlung des Rektumkarzinoms im hohen Alter.
Slisow, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Geriatrie Journal 3 (1-2): 35-39. 2001


Altered mRNA expression of glycosyltransferases in human colorectal carcinomas and liver metastases.
Petretti, T., Kemmner, W., Schulze, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Gut 46 (3): 359-366. March 2000

HEALTHCOM 2007: Ubiquitous Health in Aging Societies - 2007 9th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services

Design of satellite-based networks for u-health - GALENOS, DELTASS, MEDASHIP, EMISPHER.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
In: 9th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services, 19-22 June 2007, Taipei, Taiwan. 2007


Differences in the expression pattern of apoptosis-related molecules between childhood and adult de novo acute myeloid leukemia.
Wuchter, C., Richter, S., Oltersdorf, D., Karawajew, L., Ludwig, W.D. and Tamm, I.
Haematologica 89 : 363-364. 1 March 2004


Isolierte Extremitaetenperfusion mit Tumornekrosefaktor und Melphalan. Eine Option zur Behandlung von Satellitosis oder Intrasit-Metastasierung des malignen Melanoms.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Hautarzt 46 : 361-362. 1 January 1995


H4K20me3 upregulated by reactive oxygen species is associated with tumor progression and poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Phoyen, S., Sanpavat, A., Ma-on, C., Stein, U., Hirankarn, N., Tangkijvanich, P., Jindatip, D., Whongsiri, P. and Boonla, C.
Heliyon 9 (12): e22589. December 2023


A rare malformation of the pancreaticobiliary junction long common channel choledochal cyst and pancreas divisum in a patient with pancreatic cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Benhidjeb, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Hepato-Gastroenterology 46 (27): 1647-1649. May 1999

Advanced small cell pancreatic cancer: Relevance of laparoscopic staging.
Ghadimi, B.M., Moesta, K.T., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Hepato-Gastroenterology 45 : 1145-1147. 1 July 1998


Metastasis-associated in colon cancer 1 is an independent prognostic biomarker for survival in klatskin tumor patients.
Lederer, A., Herrmann, P., Seehofer, D., Dietel, M., Pratschke, J., Schlag, P. and Stein, U.
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De novo expression of EphA2 in osteosarcoma modulates activation of the mitogenic signalling pathway.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Noske, A., Ungethuem, U., Kuban, R.J., Schlag, P.M., Tunn, P.U., Karle, J., Krenn, V., Dietel, M. and Sers, C.
Histopathology 57 (6): 836-850. December 2010

Therapeutic potential of CAMPATH-1H in skeletal tumours.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gruetzkau, A., Noske, A., Melcher, I., Schaser, K.D., Schlag, P.M., Kasper, H.U., Krenn, V. and Sers, C.
Histopathology 57 (6): 851-861. December 2010

Genetic imbalances with impact on survival in colorectal cancer patients.
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History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Mitochondrienmorphogenese bei Insekten waehrend Meiose und Spermiogenese: Eine vergleichende Studie zwischen moderner Hochaufloesungsmikroskopie und historischen Daten.
Liebrich, W.
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Human Gene Therapy

Uptake, biodistribution, and time course of naked plasmid DNA trafficking after intratumoral in vivo jet injection.
Walther, W., Minow, T., Martin, R., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Human Gene Therapy 17 (6): 611-624. 15 June 2006

Liposomal encapsulation of ganciclovir enhances the efficacy of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase suicide gene therapy against hepatic tumors in rats.
Engelmann, C., Panis, Y., Bolard, J., Diquet, B., Fabre, M., Nagy, H., Soubrane, O., Houssin, D. and Klatzmann, D.
Human Gene Therapy 10 : 1545-1551. 10 June 1999

Transient expression of SV 40 large T antigen by Cre/LoxP mediated site specific deletion in primary human tumor cells.
Li, L.P., Schlag, P.M. and Blankenstein, T.
Human Gene Therapy 8 : 1695-1700. 1 January 1997

Gene transfer into hepatocytes and human liver tissue by baculovirus vectors.
Sandig, V., Hofmann, C., Steinert, S., Jennings, G., Schlag, P.M. and Strauss, M.
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Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development

A seven-year storage report of good manufacturing practice-grade naked plasmid DNA: stability, topology, and in vitro/in vivo functional analysis.
Walther, W., Schmeer, M., Kobelt, D., Baier, R., Harder, A., Walhorn, V., Anselmetti, D., Aumann, J., Fichtner, I. and Schleef, M.
Human Gene Therapy Clinical Development 24 (4): 147-153. December 2013

Human Gene Therapy Part B Methods

Intratumoral dispersion, retention, systemic biodistribution, and clearance of a small-size tumor necrosis factor-α-expressing MIDGE vector after nonviral in vivo jet-injection gene transfer.
Galling, N., Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Schmidt, M., Wittig, B., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Human Gene Therapy Part B Methods 23 (4): 264-270. August 2012

Human Molecular Genetics

Functional haplotypes of the RET proto-oncogene promoter are associated with Hirschsprung disease (HSCR).
Fitze, G., Appelt, H., Koenig, I.R., Goergens, H., Stein, U., Walther, W., Gossen, M., Schreiber, M., Ziegler, A., Roesner, D. and Schackert, H.K.
Human Molecular Genetics 12 (24): 3207-3214. 1 January 2003

Human Mutation

A novel mutation in the BRCA1 gene in a German early-onset breast cancer family.
Waindzoch, B., Grade, K., Jandrig, B., Mueller, M., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Human Mutation 8 : 393. 1 January 1996

IEEE Access

Taste mapping: navigating the spatiotemporal link between diet and colorectal cancer.
Luo, Q., Liu, Y., Bi, M., Kuai, X., Tian, Q., Sun, Y. and Zhuang, S.
IEEE Access 12 : 17735 - 17747. 30 January 2024

Social media big data-based research on the influencing factors of insomnia and spatiotemporal evolution.
Liu, Y., Luo, Q., Shen, H., Zhuang, S., Xu, C., Dong, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, S. and Deng, H.
IEEE Access 8 : 41516-41529. 28 February 2020

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine

Collaborative work during interventional radiological procedures based on a multicast satellite-terrestrial network.
Gortzis, L.G., Papadopoulos, H., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Karnabatidis, D., Siablis, D., Makropoulos, C., Nikiforidis, G. and Graschew, G.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11 (5): 597-599. September 2007

IFMBE Proceedings

Landmark constrained non-rigid image registration with anisotropic tolerances.
Lange, T., Papenberg, N., Olesch, J., Fischer, B. and Schlag, P.M.
IFMBE Proceedings 25 (4): 2238-2241. 2009

Engineering for health in OP 2000.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
IFMBE Proceedings 22 : 871-874. 2008

Medical GRID and E-learning in the virtual hospital.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
IFMBE Proceedings 20 : 413-416. 2008


Neosphinkterbildung bei oder nach Mastdarmentfernung: Analstoma mit "Ersatzschliessmuskel".
Slisow, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Ilco-Praxis (4): 9-11. 1 January 1995

Schliessmuskelersatz - derzeit eine wirkliche Alternative zum Stoma?
Schlag, P.M.
Ilco-Praxis (4): 8-9. 1 January 1995

Immunology Letters

Detection of circulating tumor-associated antigen depends on the domains recognized by the monoclonal antibodies used: N-terminal trimmed EpCAM-levels are much higher than untrimmed forms.
Schmetzer, O., Moldenhauer, G., Nicolaou, A., Schlag, P., Riesenberg, R. and Pezzutto, A.
Immunology Letters 143 (2): 184-192. 30 April 2012

Informatics for Health and Social Care

Portable biomedical devices: a critical issue during telecare services design.
Gortzis, L.G., Bakettas, I., Makropoulos, C., Graschew, G. and Nikiforidis, G.
Informatics for Health and Social Care 33 (2): 91-98. June 2008

Informatik aktuell

Automatic calibration of 3D ultrasound probes.
Lange, T., Kraft, S., Eulenstein, S., Lamecker, H. and Schlag, P.M.
In: Workshops Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen, BVM 2011, 20-22 Mar 2011, Luebeck, Germany. 13 March 2011

Landmark constrained non-parametric image registration with isotropic tolerances.
Papenberg, N., Olesch, J., Lange, T., Schlag, P.M. and Fischer, B.
Informatik aktuell : 122-126. 2009

Landmark-based 3D elastic registration of pre- and postoperative liver CT data: An experimental comparison.
Lange, T., Woerz, S., Rohr, K. and Schlag, P.M.
Informatik aktuell : 107-111. 2009

A new class of distance measures for registration of tubular models to image data.
Lange, T., Lamecker, H., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Beller, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Informatik aktuell : 101-105. 2007


Grenzen der Intensivtherapie in der onkologischen Chirurgie.
Huenerbein, M., Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Intensiv 1 : 160-163. 1 January 1993

International Conference on Digital Technologies 2013, DT 2013

New medical technologies of the future.
Graschew, G., Rakowsky, S., Roelofs, T.A. and Schlag, P.M.
In: 2013 International Conference on Digital Technologies (DT), 29-31 May 2013, Zilina, Slovakia. 29 May 2013

International Congress Series

Telemedicine in 20 years of CARS.
Graschew, G., Rakowsky, S., Roelofs, T.A. and Schlag, P.M.
International Congress Series 1281 : 175-179. 1 May 2005

International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Colon cancer metastasis: MACC1 and Met as metastatic pacemakers.
Arlt, F. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 41 (12): 2356-2359. December 2009

International Journal of Cancer

Non-invasive metastasis prognosis from plasma metabolites in stage II colorectal cancer patients: the DACHS study.
Zaimenko, I., Jaeger, C., Brenner, H., Chang-Claude, J., Hoffmeister, M., Grötzinger, C., Detjen, K., Burock, S., Schmitt, C.A., Stein, U. and Lisec, J.
International Journal of Cancer 145 (1): 221-231. 1 July 2019

Cardiovascular medications in angiogenesis- how to avoid the sting in the tail.
Ma, C., Wang, Q., Man, Y. and Kemmner, W.
International Journal of Cancer 131 (6): 1249-1259. 15 September 2012

SV40 large T antigen-transformed human primary normal and cancerous mammary epithelial cells are phenotypically similar but can be distinguished in 3D culture with selection medium.
Li, L.P., Willimsky, G., Seitz, S., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Schwarz, L.E., Schlag, P.M. and Blankenstein, T.
International Journal of Cancer 123 (7): 1516-1525. 1 October 2008

REG1A expression is a prognostic marker in colorectal cancer and associated with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Astrosini, C., Roeefzaad, C., Dai, Y.Y., Dieckgraefe, B.K., Joens, T. and Kemmner, W.
International Journal of Cancer 123 (2): 409-413. 15 July 2008

Mutation analysis and mRNA expression of trail-receptors in human breast cancer.
Seitz, S., Wassmuth, P., Fischer, J., Nothnagel, A., Jandrig, B., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
International Journal of Cancer 102 (2): 117-128. 10 November 2002

Impact of BCRP/MXR, MRP1 and MDR1/P-glycoprotein on thermoresistant variants of atypical and classical multidrug resistant cancer.
Stein, U., Lage, H., Jordan, A., Walther, W., Bates, S.E., Litman, T., Hohenberger, P. and Dietel, M.
International Journal of Cancer 97 (6): 751-760. 1 January 2002

Use of the human MDR1 promoter for heat-inducible expression of therapeutic genes.
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Cancer 98 (2): 291-296. 1 January 2002

Hyperthermia for treatment of rectal cancer: evaluation for induction of multidrug resistance gene (mdr1) expression.
Stein, U., Rau, B., Wust, P., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Cancer 80 : 5-12. 1 January 1999

Development and characterisation of novel human multidrug resistant mammary carcinoma lines in vitro and in vivo.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Lemm, M., Naundorf, H. and Fichtner, I.
International Journal of Cancer 72 : 885-891. 1 January 1997

BRCA1 mutations in German breast-cancer families.
Jandrig, B., Grade, K., Seitz, S., Waindzoch, B., Mueller, M., Bender, E., Nothnagel, A., Rohde, K., Schlag, P.M., Kath, R., Hoeffken, K. and Scherneck, S.
International Journal of Cancer 68 : 188-192. 1 January 1996

Gene transfer of human TNFalpha into glioblastoma cells permits modulation of mdr1 expression and potentiation of chemosensitivity.
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Pfeil, D.
International Journal of Cancer 61 (6): 832-839. 1 January 1995

Significance of tenascin serum level as tumor marker in primary colorectal carcinoma.
Riedl, S., Bodenmueller, H., Hinz, U., Holle, R., Moeller, P., Schlag, P.M., Herfarth, C. and Faissner, A.
International Journal of Cancer 64 : 65-69. 1 January 1995

Conditional expression of human TNF-alpha: a system for inducible cytotoxicity.
Sparmann, G., Walther, W., Guenzburg, W.H., Uckert, W. and Salmons, B.
International Journal of Cancer 59 : 103-107. 1 January 1994

Evaluation of the secretory component as a prognostic variable in colorectal carcinoma.
Koretz, K., Schlag, P.M., Quentmeier, A. and Moeller, P.
International Journal of Cancer 57 : 365-370. 1 January 1994

An analysis of autologous T-cell anti-tumour responses in colon- carcinoma patients following active specific immunization (ASI).
Patel, B.T., Lutz, M.B., Schlag, P.M. and Schirrmacher, V.
International Journal of Cancer 51 : 878-885. 1 January 1992

International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research

Novel targets of protoporphyrin-IX determined by gene expression analysis.
Dai, Y. and Kemmner, W.
International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 5 (3): 56-64. September 2020

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

3D ultrasound-CT registration of the liver using combined landmark-intensity information.
Lange, T., Papenberg, N., Heldmann, S., Modersitzki, J., Fischer, B., Lamecker, H. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 4 (1): 79-88. January 2009

Digital medicine in the virtual hospital of the future.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1 (Suppl 7) : 119-121. June 2006

International Journal of Hyperthermia

Literature review: potential non-thermal molecular effects of external radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cancer.
Dieper, A., Scheidegger, S., Füchslin, R.M., Veltsista, P.D., Stein, U., Weyland, M., Gerster, D., Beck, M., Bengtsson, O., Zips, D. and Ghadjar, P.
International Journal of Hyperthermia 41 (1): 2379992. 17 July 2024

Non-thermal membrane effects of electromagnetic fields and therapeutic applications in oncology.
Wust, P., Stein, U. and Ghadjar, P.
International Journal of Hyperthermia 38 (1): 715-731. 28 April 2021

Temperature data and specific absorption rates in pelvic tumours: predictive factors and correlations.
Tilly, W., Wust, P., Rau, B., Harder, C., Gellermann, J., Schlag, P.M., Budach, V. and Felix, R.
International Journal of Hyperthermia 17 : 172-188. 1 March 2001

International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

Registration of different phases of contrast-enhanced CT/MRI data for computer-assisted liver surgery planning: Evaluation of state-of-the-art methods.
Lange, T., Wenckebach, T.H., Lamecker, H., Seebass, M., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Gebauer, B. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 1 : 6-20. 20 September 2005

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Cantharidin and its analogue norcantharidin inhibit metastasis-inducing genes S100A4 and MACC1.
Schöpe, P.C., Zinnow, V., Ishfaq, M.A., Smith, J., Herrmann, P., Shoemaker, R.H., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2): 1179. 7 January 2023

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP2) is a key molecule in the MACC1-mediated platelet communication and metastasis of colorectal cancer cells.
Haschemi, R., Kobelt, D., Steinwarz, E., Schlesinger, M., Stein, U. and Bendas, G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (22): 12195. 11 November 2021

International Journal of Oncology

Obesity, colorectal cancer and MACC1 expression: a possible novel molecular association.
Bähr, I., Jaeschke, L., Nimptsch, K., Janke, J., Herrmann, P., Kobelt, D., Kielstein, H., Pischon, T. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Oncology 60 (2): 17. February 2022

Chemosensitization by diverging modulation by short-term and long-term TNF-α action on ABCB1 expression and NF-κB signaling in colon cancer.
Walther, W., Kobelt, D., Bauer, L., Aumann, J. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Oncology 47 (6): 2276-2285. December 2015

Influence of retrovirally transduced human tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha on the expression of C-myc, k-ras, C-jun, p53, tgf-alpha, and cea in human colon-carcinoma cell-lines.
Uckert, W., Walther, W. and Hummel, O.
International Journal of Oncology 6 : 1027-1031. 1 January 1995

Amplification of satellite DNA at 16q11.2 in the germ line of a patient with breast cancer.
Savelyeva, L., Schneider, B., Finke, L.H., Schlag, P.M. and Schwab, M.
International Journal of Oncology 4 : 347-351. 1 January 1994

International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics

Clinical use of the hyperthermia treatment planning system HyperPlan to predict effectiveness and toxicity.
Sreenivasa, G., Gellermann, J., Rau, B., Nadobny, J., Schlag, P.M., Deuflhard, P., Felix, R. and Wust, P.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 55 (2): 407-419. 1 February 2003

Preoperative radiochemotherapy in locally advanced or recurrent rectal cancer: regional radiofrequency hyperthermia correlates with clinical parameters.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Tilly, W., Gellermann, J., Harder, C., Riess, H., Budach, V., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 48 (2): 381-391. 6 September 2000

Rationale for using invasive thermometry for regional hyperthermia of pelvic tumors.
Wust, P., Gellermann, J., Harder, C., Tilly, W., Rau, B., Dinges, S., Schlag, P.M., Budach, V. and Felix, R.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 41 (5): 1129-1137. 15 July 1998

International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management

DELTASS - Disaster emergency logistic telemedicine advanced satellites system: Telemedical services for disaster emergencies.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Schlag, P.M., Lieber, A., Muller, U., Czymek, R. and Dusel, W.
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 9 (4): 351-366. 2008


Immunotherapie - Zytokine und Tumorzellvakzine.
Pezzutto, A.
Internist 39 : 1131-1138. 1 November 1998

Investigative Radiology

Histopathological correlation to MRI findings during and after laser-induced thermotherapy in a pig pancreas model.
Stroszczynski, C., Hosten, N., Puls, R., Nagel, S., Scholman, H.J., Wlodarczyk, W., Oettle, H., Moesta, K.T., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Investigative Radiology 36 (7): 413-421. 1 July 2001

JAMA Neurology

Targeting B cells and microglia in multiple sclerosis with Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a review.
Dybowski, S., Torke, S. and Weber, M.S.
JAMA Neurology 80 (4): 404-414. 1 April 2023

Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft

Immunhistochemische Analyse von Bcl-2, nukleärem S100A4, MITF und Ki67 zur Risikostratifizierung von Melanomen im Frühstadium - ein kombinierter immunhistochemischer Score.
Jurmeister, P., Bockmayr, M., Treese, C., Stein, U., Lenze, D., Jöhrens, K., Friedling, F., Dietel, M., Klauschen, F., Marsch, W., Fiedler, E. and von Laffert, M.
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 17 (8): 800-809. August 2019

Immunohistochemical analysis of Bcl-2, nuclear S100A4, MITF and Ki67 for risk stratification of early-stage melanoma - a combined IHC score for melanoma risk stratification.
Jurmeister, P., Bockmayr, M., Treese, C., Stein, U., Lenze, D., Jöhrens, K., Friedling, F., Dietel, M., Klauschen, F., Marsch, W., Fiedler, E. and von Laffert, M.
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 17 (8): 800-808. August 2019

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Oxidative stress regulates vascular endothelial growth factor-A gene transcription through Sp1-and Sp3-dependent activation of two proximal GC-rich promoter elements.
Schaefer, G., Cramer, T., Suske, G., Kemmner, W., Wiedenmann, B. and Hoecker, M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (10): 8190-8198. 7 March 2003

YB-1 as a cell cycle-regulated transcription factor facilitating cyclin A and cyclin B1 gene expression.
Juerchott, K., Bergmann, S., Stein, U., Walther, W., Janz, M., Manni, I., Piaggio, G., Fietze, E., Dietel, M. and Royer, H.D.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (30): 27988-27996. 1 January 2003

Hyperthermia-induced nuclear translocation of transcription factor YB-1 leads to enhanced expression of multidrug resistance-related ABC transporters.
Stein, U., Juerchott, K., Walther, W., Bergmann, S., Schlag, P.M. and Royer, H.D.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (30): 28562-28569. 1 January 2001

Journal of Biomedical Optics

Quantification of optical properties of a breast tumor using random walk theory.
Chernomordik, V., Hattery, D.W., Grosenick, D., Wabnitz, H., Rinneberg, H., Moesta, K.T., Schlag, P.M. and Gandjbakhche, A.
Journal of Biomedical Optics 7 (1): 80-87. 1 January 2002

Near-infrared fluorescent dyes for enhanced contrast in optical mammography: phantom experiments.
Ebert, B., Sukowski, U., Grosenick, D., Wabnitz, H., Moesta, T.K., Licha, K., Becker, A., Semmler, W., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Journal of Biomedical Optics 6 : 134-140. 1 January 2001

Contrast features of breast cancer in frequency-domain laser scanning mammography.
Moesta, K.T., Fantini, S., Jess, H., Totkas, S., Franceschini, M.A., Kaschke, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Biomedical Optics 3 : 129-136. 1 January 1998

Journal of Cancer

Practice and effectiveness of outpatient psycho-oncological counseling for cancer patients.
Goerling, U., Tagmat, D., Muffler, E., Schramm, N., Wernecke, K.D. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Cancer 1 : 112-119. 23 August 2010

Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

BRCA1 and BRCA2 - breast cancer susceptibility genes.
Hofmann, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 126 (9): 487-496. 1 September 2000

Vincristine induction of mutant and wild-type human multidrug-resitance promoters is cell- type-specific and dose-dependent.
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 122 : 275-282. 1 January 1996

Biotherapy of cancer. Perspectives of immunotherapy and genetherapy.
Schirrmacher, V., Hagmueller, E., Lehnert, T., Pomer, S., Ahlert, T., Ockert, D. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 121 : 443-451. 1 January 1995

Influence of cytokines on mdr1 expression in human colon carcinoma cell lines: increased cytotoxicity of MDR relevant drugs.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 120 : 471-478. 1 January 1994

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy compared with surgery alone for locally advanced cancer of the stomach and cardia: European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Randomized Trial 40954.
Schuhmacher, C., Gretschel, S., Lordick, F., Reichardt, P., Hohenberger, W., Eisenberger, C.F., Haag, C., Mauer, M.E., Hasan, B., Welch, J., Ott, K., Hoelscher, A., Schneider, P.M., Bechstein, W., Wilke, H., Lutz, M.P., Nordlinger, B., Van Cutsem, E., Siewert, J.R. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 28 (35): 5210-5218. 10 December 2010

Vascular endothelial growth factor-D and its receptor VEGFR-3: Two novel independent prognostic markers in gastric adenocarcinoma.
Juettner, S., Wissmann, C., Joens, T., Vieth, M., Hertel, J., Gretschel, S., Schlag, P.M., Kemmner, W. and Hoecker, M.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 24 (2): 228-240. 10 January 2006

Dynamic expression profile of p21 WAF1/CIP1 and Ki-67 predicts survival in rectal carcinoma treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
Rau, B., Sturm, I., Lage, H., Berger, S., Schneider, U., Haupfmann, S., Wust, P., Riess, H., Schlag, P.M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 21 (18): 3391-3401. 15 September 2003

Expression of multidrug resistance genes MVP, MDR1, and MRP1 determined sequentially before, during, and after hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion of soft tissue sarcoma and melanoma patients.
Stein, U., Juerchott, K., Schlafke, M. and Hohenberger, P.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 20 (15): 3282-3292. 1 January 2002

Journal of Controlled Release

M01 as a novel drug enhancer for specifically targeting the blood-brain barrier.
Breitkreuz-Korff, O., Tscheik, C., Del Vecchio, G., Dithmer, S., Walther, W., Orthmann, A., Wolburg, H., Haseloff, R.F., Schröder, L., Blasig, I.E. and Winkler, L.
Journal of Controlled Release 330 : 137-148. 10 August 2021

Journal of Experimental Medicine

Suppression of tumorigenicity in breast cancer cells by the microfilament protein profilin 1.
Janke, J., Schlueter, K., Jandrig, B., Theile, M., Koelble, K., Arnold, W., Grinstein, E., Schwartz, A., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Schlag, P.M., Jockusch, B.M. and Scherneck, S.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 191 (10): 1675-1685. 15 May 2000

Journal of Gene Medicine

Use of the nuclease inhibitor aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) for improved non-viral intratumoral in vivo gene transfer by jet-injection.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Siegel, R., Fichtner, I. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Gene Medicine 7 (4): 477-485. 1 January 2005

Non-physiological overexpression of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) gene in the liver induces pathological intracellular lipid and cholesterol storage.
Cichon, G., Willnow, T.E., Herwig, S., Uckert, W., Loeser, P., Schmidt, H.H., Benhidjeb, T., Schlag, P.M., Schnieders, F., Niedzielska, D. and Heeren, J.
Journal of Gene Medicine 6 (2): 166-175. February 2004

Intravenous administration of recombinant adenoviruses causes thrombocytopenia, anemia and erythroblastosis in rabbits.
Cichon, G., Schmidt, H.H., Benhidjeb, T., Loeser, P., Ziemer, S., Haas, R., Grewe, N., Schnieders, F., Heeren, J., Manns, M.P., Schlag, P.M. and Strauss, M.
Journal of Gene Medicine 1 : 360-371. 1 September 1999

Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

Upgrade of an optical navigation system with a permanent electromagnetic position control : A first step towards "navigated control" for liver surgery.
Beller, S., Eulenstein, S., Lange, T., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 16 (2): 165-170. March 2009

Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry

Mucins (MUC1 and MUC3) of gastrointestinal and breast epithelia reveal different and heterogeneous tumor-associated aberrations in glycosylation.
Cao, Y., Blohm, D., Ghadimi, B.M., Stosiek, P., Xing, P.X. and Karsten, U.
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 45 : 1547-1557. 1 January 1997

Journal of Immunological Methods

Separation of tumor cells from a suspension of dissociated human colorectal carcinoma tissue by means of monoclonal antibody- coated magnetic beads.
Kemmner, W., Moldenhauer, G., Schlag, P.M. and Brossmer, R.
Journal of Immunological Methods 147 : 197-200. 1 January 1992

Journal of Immunology

Quality of recombinant protein determines the amount of autoreactivity detected against the tumor-associated epithelial cell adhesion molecule antigen: low frequency of antibodies against the natural protein.
Schmetzer, O., Moldenhauer, G., Riesenberg, R., Pires, J.R., Schlag, P.M. and Pezzutto, A.
Journal of Immunology 174 (2): 942-952. 1 January 2005

Journal of Infectious Diseases

In colon epithelia, Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin causes focal leaks by targeting claudins which are apically accessible due to tight junction derangement.
Eichner, M., Augustin, C., Fromm, A., Piontek, A., Walther, W., Buecker, R., Fromm, M., Krause, G., Schulzke, J.D., Guenzel, D. and Piontek, J.
Journal of Infectious Diseases 217 (1): 147-157. 27 December 2017

Journal of Liposome Research

Liposome mediated transfer of marker and cytokine genes into rat and human glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
Reszka, R., Zhu, J., Weber, F., Walther, W., Greferath, R. and Dyballa, S.
Journal of Liposome Research 5 : 149-167. 1 January 1995

Journal of Molecular Diagnostics

Diagnostic and prognostic value of metastasis inducer S100A4 transcripts in plasma of colon, rectal, and gastric cancer patients.
Stein, U., Burock, S., Herrmann, P., Wendler, I., Niederstrasser, M., Wernecke, K.D. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 13 (2): 189-198. March 2011

Association of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha mutations with gastric primary site and epithelioid or mixed cell morphology in gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Wardelmann, E., Hrychyk, A., Merkelbach-Bruse, S., Pauls, K., Goldstein, J., Hohenberger, P., Losen, I., Manegold, C., Buettner, R. and Pietsch, T.
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Journal of Molecular Medicine

C/EBPβ regulates homeostatic and oncogenic gastric cell proliferation.
Regalo, G., Förster, S., Resende, C., Bauer, B., Fleige, B., Kemmner, W., Schlag, P.M., Meyer, T.F., Machado, J.C. and Leutz, A.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 94 (12): 1385-1395. December 2016

MACC1 - more than metastasis? Facts and predictions about a novel gene.
Stein, U., Dahlmann, M. and Walther, W.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 88 (1): 11-18. January 2010

Cell type specific and inducible promoters for vectors in gene therapy as an approach for cell targeting.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
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Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Fluorine-18-fluorouracil to predict therapy response in liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, A., Strauss, L.G., Schlag, P.M., Hohenberger, P., Moehler, M., Oberdorfer, F. and van Kaick, G.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39 : 1197-1202. 1 July 1998

Intravenous and intra-arterial oxygen-15-labeled water and fluorine-18-labeled fluorouracil in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, A., Strauss, L.G., Schlag, P.M., Hohenberger, P., Irngartinger, G., Oberdorfer, F., Doll, J. and van Kaick, G.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39 : 465-473. 1 March 1998

Studies with positron emission tomography after systemic administration of fluorine-18-uracil in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
Dimitrakopoulou, A., Strauss, L.G., Clorius, J.H., Ostertag, H., Schlag, P.M., Heim, M., Oberdorfer, F., Helus, F., Haberkorn, U. and Vankaick, G.
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Journal of Pathology

Discovery of a novel tumour metastasis-promoting gene, NVM-1.
Thiele, W., Novac, N., Mink, S., Schreiber, C., Plaumann, D., Fritzmann, J., Cremers, N., Rothley, M., Schwager, C., Regiert, T., Huber, P.E., Stein, U., Schlag, P., Moll, J., Abdollahi, A. and Sleeman, J.P.
Journal of Pathology 225 (1): 96-105. September 2011

Detailed deletion mapping in sporadic breast cancer at chromosomal region 17p13 distal to the TP53 gene: association with clinicopathological parameters.
Seitz, S., Poppe, K., Fischer, J., Nothnagel, A., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Haensch, W., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Journal of Pathology 194 (3): 318-326. 1 January 2001

Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology

Isolated limb perfusion with rhTNF-alpha and melphalan for locally recurrent childhood synovial sarcoma of the limb.
Hohenberger, P. and Tunn, P.U.F.
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Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Anomalous pancreatico-biliary junction - report of a new experimental model and review of the literature.
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Journal of Southern Medical University

[Effect of cell surface sialic acid and their linkages on adhesion of mammary carcinoma cells].
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Journal of Southern Medical University 26 : 742-746. June 2006

Journal of Surgical Oncology

Sentinel lymph node biopsy for gastrointestinal cancers.
Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Surgical Oncology 96 (4): 342-352. 15 September 2007

Long-term morbidity of patients with early breast cancer after sentinel lymph node biopsy compared to axillary lymph node dissection.
Schulze, T., Mucke, J., Markwardt, J., Schlag, P.M. and Bembenek, A.
Journal of Surgical Oncology 93 : 109-119. 1 February 2006

Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

Interactive telemedicine in the operating theatre of the future.
Graschew, G., Rakowsky, S., Balanou, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 6 Suppl. 2 : 20-24. 1 January 2000

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Transesophageal biopsy of mediastinal and pulmonary tumors by means of endoscopic ultrasound guidance.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 116 : 554-559. 1 October 1998

Journal of Translational Medicine

Increased MACC1 levels in tissues and blood identify colon adenoma patients at high risk.
Ashktorab, H., Hermann, P., Nouraie, M., Shokrani, B., Lee, E., Haidary, T., Brim, H. and Stein, U.
Journal of Translational Medicine 14 (1): 215. 20 July 2016

Journal of Virology

Characterization of the recombinant adenovirus vector AdYB-1: implications for oncolytic vector development.
Glockzin, G., Mantwill, K., Juerchott, K., Bernshausen, A., Ladhoff, A., Royer, H.D., Gansbacher, B. and Holm, P.S.
Journal of Virology 80 : 3904-3911. 15 April 2006

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge with ductoscopy.
Huenerbein, M., Schwarz, L.E., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 197 (4): 697-698. October 2003

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Novel effect of antihelminthic niclosamide on S100A4-mediated metastatic progression in colon cancer.
Sack, U., Walther, W., Scudiero, D., Selby, M., Kobelt, D., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Stein, U.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103 (13): 1018-1036. 6 July 2011

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and expression of the multidrug resistance-associated genes LRP and MRP.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Laurencot, C.M., Scheffer, G.L., Scheper, R.J. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 89 : 807-813. 1 January 1997

Reversal of multidrug resistance by transduction of cytokine genes into human colon carcinoma cells.
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 88 : 1383-1392. 1 January 1996

Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences

hnRNPA2B1 drives colorectal cancer progression via the circCDYL/EIF4A3/PHF8 axis.
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Klinische Wochenschrift

ACE-Hemmung: Mechanismen einer Kardioprotektion bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz [ACE inhibition: mechanisms of cardioprotection in chronic heart failure].
Dietz, R.
Klinische Wochenschrift 69, Suppl. 24 : 24-27. 1 January 1991


Die isolierte hypertherme Extremitaetenperfusion mit Cytostatica.
Kettelhack, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Krankenpflege 9 : 597-601. 1 January 1994

Lab on a Chip

Integrated microfluidic platform for the electrochemical detection of breast cancer markers in patient serum samples.
Fragoso, A., Latta, D., Laboria, N., von Germar, F., Hansen-Hagge, T.E., Kemmner, W., Gaertner, C., Klemm, R., Drese, K.S. and O'Sullivan, C.K.
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Laboratory Investigation

Microsatellite alterations in serum DNA of patients with colorectal cancer.
Koelble, K., Ullrich, O.M., Pidde, H., Barthel, B., Diermann, J., Rudolph, B., Dietel, M., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Laboratory Investigation 79 : 1145-1150. 1 September 1999


Perioperative chemotherapy with FOLFOX4 and surgery versus surgery alone for resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (EORTC Intergroup trial 40983): a randomised controlled trial.
Nordlinger, B., Sorbye, H., Glimelius, B., Poston, G.J., Schlag, P.M., Rougier, P., Bechstein, W.O., Primrose, J.N., Walpole, E.T., Finch-Jones, M., Jaeck, D., Mirza, D., Parks, R.W., Collette, L., Praet, M., Bethe, U., Van Cutsem, E., Scheithauer, W. and Gruenberger, T.
Lancet 371 (9617): 1007-1016. 22 March 2008

Intrahepatic arterial versus intravenous fluorouracil and folinic acid for colorectal cancer liver metastases: a multicentre randomised trial.
Kerr, D.J., McArdle, C.S., Ledermann, J., Taylor, I., Sherlock, D.J., Schlag, P.M., Buckels, J., Mayer, D., Cain, D. and Stephens, R.J.
Lancet 361 (1): 368-373. 1 February 2003

Gastric cancer.
Hohenberger, P. and Gretschel, S.
Lancet 362 : 305-315. 1 January 2003

Regional hyperthermia for rectal cancer.
Hildebrandt, B., Wust, P., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M. and Riess, H.
Lancet 356 (9231): 771-772. 26 August 2000

Immunohistochemical detection of lymph-node metastases.
Bembenek, A., Haensch, W., Schneider, U., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Lancet 355 : 144-145. 8 January 2000

Three-dimensional ultrasonography: new prospects for ultrasound imaging of bone.
Huenerbein, M., Raschke, M., Haas, N.P. and Schlag, P.M.
Lancet 355 (9198): 116-117. 8 January 2000

Colorectal cancer prognosis and expression of exon-v6-containing CD44 proteins.
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Lancet Oncology

Perioperative FOLFOX4 chemotherapy and surgery versus surgery alone for resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (EORTC 40983): long-term results of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial.
Nordlinger, B., Sorbye, H., Glimelius, B., Poston, G.J., Schlag, P.M., Rougier, P., Bechstein, W.O., Primrose, J.N., Walpole, E.T., Finch-Jones, M., Jaeck, D., Mirza, D., Parks, R.W., Mauer, M., Tanis, E., Van Cutsem, E., Scheithauer, W. and Gruenberger, T.
Lancet Oncology 14 (12): 1208-1215. November 2013

Hyperthermia in combined treatment of cancer.
Wust, P., Hildebrandt, B., Sreenivasa, G., Rau, B., Gellermann, J., Riess, H., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Lancet Oncology 3 (8): 487-497. August 2002

Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie

Angiogenesehemmer in der onkologischen Chirurgie-Diskrepanz zwischen in vitro und vivo-Wirksamkeit. Inhibitors of angiogenesis in surgical oncology efficacy in vitro versus efficacy in vivo.
Engelmann, C., Blot, E., Soria, C., Schlag, P.M. and Panis, Y.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl. 1 : 343-347. 1 January 1999

A vision of surgery: the concept OP 2000.
Schlag, P.M. and Graschew, G.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 383 : 194-197. 1 January 1998

PTEN/MMAC1 ist wahrscheinlich kein relevantes Tumorsuppressorgen bei der Genese des hereditaeren Mammakarzinoms.
Estevez-Schwarz, L., Grasmo-Wendler, U.H., Jandrig, B., Scherneck, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 1 : 271-276. 1 January 1998

02-Utilisation waehrend und nach hyperthermer Extremitaetenperfusion mit rhTNFalpha und Melphalan.
Haier, J., Hohenberger, P., Beck, K. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 382 : 128-133. 1 January 1997

Detektion Mamma-Karzinom-spezifischer Proteine aus dem Serum xenotransplantierter Nacktmaeuse mittels differentieller zweidimensionaler Elektrophorese.
Vogel, T., Dehmel, A., Otto, A., Fichtner, I., Kaisers, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.I : 537-542. 1 January 1996

Expression und prognostische Bedeutung von CD44S und CD44v in kolorektalen Karzinomen [Expression and prognostic value of CD44S and CD44v in colorectal cancer].
Below, C., Seelentag, W., Finke, L.H., Schlag, P.M. and Roth, J.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.I : 357-361. 1 January 1996

Lasermammografie der Brustdruese - Sensitivitaetssteigerung durch Hochfrequenzmodulation.
Moesta, K.T., Kaisers, H., Fantini, S., Toennies, M., Kaschke, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.I : 543-548. 1 January 1996

Lokalisation potentieller Tumorsuppressor-Gene auf Chromosom 1p34,2-pter mittels Deletionsanalyse bei sporadischen kolorektalen Karzinomen [Deletion mapping of potential tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 1p34.2-pter in sporadic colorectal carcinoma].
Finke, L.H., Praml, C., Herfarth, C., Schwab, M., Amler, L. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.I : 429-433. 1 January 1996

Praeparation und Charakterisierung unterschiedlich aggregierender Zellpopulationen in kolorektalen Karzinomen aus Operationsmaterial.
Kemmner, W., Bosch, J., Brossmer, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.I : 363-366. 1 January 1996

Rechtfertigen sich erweiterte Tumorresektion und Rekonstruktion beim Weichgewebesarkom aus Rezidivrate und Ueberlebenszeit?
Hohenberger, P., Mendrik, H., Schmidt-Peter, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.II : 229-231. 1 January 1996

Die 3D-transrektale Endosonographie verbessert die Therapieplanung beim Rektumkarzinom.
Huenerbein, M., Below, C., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.II : 603-605. 1 January 1995

Effekt von subcutan appliziertem rekombinantem humanen Erythropoietin (rhEPO) auf die Zahl praeoperativer Eigenblutspenden beim Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B., Willeke, F., Franke, W., Herfarth, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl. : 259-263. 1 January 1995

Effektivitaet der praeoperativen regionalen Hyperthermie in Kombination mit Radio-/Chemotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom bzw. Rektumkarzinomrezidiv.
Rau, B., Loeffel, J., Gremmler, M., Wust, P., Felix, R., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl.II : 610-612. 1 January 1995

Kontinuierliches Monitoring kardiozirkulatorischer Effekte der isolierten hyperthermen Extremitaetenperfusion mit rhTNFalpha . Continuous monitoring of cardiocirculatory effects during isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion using rhTNFalpha.
Haier, J., Hohenberger, P., Beck, K. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl. : 251-257. 1 January 1995

Parameter der Beurteilung anhaltender Remission vs. Tumorrezidiv von Weichteilsarkomen nach hyperthermer Extremitaetenperfusion mittels der31P-MR-Spektroskopie.
Hochmuth, K., Hohenberger, P., Vogl, T., von Wickede, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl. : 241-245. 1 January 1995

Tumorprogressionsassozierte Regulation von Adhaesionsmolekuelen in kolorektalen Karzinomen - Grading, Staging, klinischer Verlauf.
Finke, L.H., Terpe, H.J., Zoerb, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie Suppl. : 275-279. 1 January 1995

Zur Bedeutung von beta-hCG im Serum als Tumormarker fuer das Magenkarzinom.
Rau, B., Below, C., Haensch, W., Liebrich, W., von Schilling, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 380 (6): 359-364. 1 January 1995

Laparoskopische Endosonografie als Staginguntersuchung beim Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinom: diagnostische Spielerei oder Verbesserung?
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 1 : 238-240. 1 January 1994

Erweiterte Resektion von Lebermetastasen beim kolorektalen Karzinom.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 378 : 110-114. 1 January 1993

Rezidivfreie Ueberlebenszeit unter aktiv spezifischer Immuntherapie (ASI) bei Patienten nach Resektion kolorektaler Lebermetastasen.
Dueck, M., Schlag, P.M., Liebrich, W., Hohenberger, P. and Schirrmacher, V.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie (Suppl I): 247-253. 1 January 1992

Vergleich des Ansprechens auf eine Chemotherapie mit in-vivo Befunden von Aufnahme und Abbau des 5-FU in Leber und Metastasen beobachtet durch 19F-MR-Spektroskopie.
Hohenberger, P., Schlemmer, H., Frohmueller, S., Semmler, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie : 39-44. 1 January 1992

Langenbecks Archives of Surgery

Sentinel lymph node biopsy progress in surgical treatment of cancer.
Schulze, T., Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archives of Surgery 389 (6): 532-550. November 2004

Lymph-node dissection in breast cancer.
Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archives of Surgery 385 (4): 236-245. July 2000

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

Evaluating the role of photodynamic therapy in the management of pancreatic cancer.
Moesta, K.T., Schlag, P.M., Douglass, H.O. and Mang, T.S.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 16 : 84-92. 1 January 1995

Wertigkeit von Szintigraphie und Laser-Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie zum Nachweis der Verteilung von Photosensibilisatoren in Organen und Geweben.
Huenerbein, M., Stern, J., Graschew, G., Sinn, H., Friedrich, E.A. and Schlag, P.M.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 8 : 153-158. 1 January 1992

Letters in Drug Design & Discovery

In vitro and in vivo investigations into the carbene gold chloride and thioglucoside anticancer drug candidates NHC-AuCl and NHC-AuSR.
Walther, W., Dada, O., O’Beirne, C., Ott, I., Sanchez-Sanz, G., Schmidt, C., Werner, C., Zhu, X. and Tacke, M.
Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 14 (2): 125-134. 2017

In vitro and in vivo investigations into the carbene copper bromide anticancer drug candidate WBC4.
Walther, W., Fichtner, I., Hackenberg, F., Streciwilk, W. and Tacke, M.
Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 11 (7): 825-832. August 2014

The activity of titanocene T against xenografted Caki-1 tumors.
Walther, W., Fichtner, I., Deally, A., Hogan, M. and Tacke, M.
Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 10 (5): 375-381. June 2013

Life Science Alliance

A C/EBPα-Wnt connection in gut homeostasis and carcinogenesis.
Heuberger, J., Hill, U., Förster, S., Zimmermann, K., Malchin, V., Kühl, A.A., Stein, U., Vieth, M., Birchmeier, W. and Leutz, A.
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Drug monitoring of 5-fluorouracil: in vivo 19F NMR study during 5-FU chemotherapy in patients with metastases of colorectal adenocarcinoma.
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Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis

MACC1, a novel player in solid cancer carcinogenesis.
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Operative und multimodale Therapieverfahren in Kombination mit Hyperthermie bei Weichgewebssarkomen.
Schlag, P.M.
MedReview 2 (9): 26-27. 2001

Medical Physics

Frequency-domain optical mammography: edge effect corrections.
Fantini, S., Franceschini, M.A., Gaida, G., Gratton, E., Jess, H., Mantulin, W.W., Moesta, K.T., Schlag, P.M. and Kaschke, M.
Medical Physics 23 (1): 149-157. 1 January 1996

Medical Science Monitor

Surgery, surgical education and surgical diagnostic procedures in the digital era.
Wysocki, W.M., Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Medical Science Monitor 9 (3): RA69-RA75. March 2003

Medizin Aktuell

Photodynamische Therapie - eine Chance gegen den Krebs?
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M., Stern, J. and Graschew, G.
Medizin Aktuell 2 : 72-75. 1 January 1992

Methods in Molecular Biology

A brief introduction to current cancer gene therapy.
Kobelt, D., Pahle, J. and Walther, W.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2521 (3): 1-21. 23 June 2022

Capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE) for quality control of plasmid DNA in gene therapy: quality control of 20 years stored GMP-grade plasmid DNA.
Schmeer, M., Schleef, M., Shankar, R., Kobelt, D. and Walther, W.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2521 (3): 317-328. 23 June 2022

Claudin-targeted suicide gene therapy for claudin-overexpressing tumor cells by using modified clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE).
Beier, L.S., Piontek, J., Piontek, A., Protze, J., Kobelt, D. and Walther, W.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2521 (3): 173-188. 23 June 2022

Gene gun Her2/neu DNA vaccination: evaluation of vaccine efficacy in a syngeneic Her2/neu mouse tumor model.
Nguyen-Hoai, T., Hohn, O., Pezzutto, A. and Westermann, J.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2521 (3): 129-154. 23 June 2022

A bioinformatic pipeline to identify biomarkers for metastasis formation from RNA sequencing data.
Dahlmann, M. and Stein, U.S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2294 : 221-238. 2021

From operating table to laboratory bench: the path toward metastasis research from the clinical setting.
Alberto Vilchez, M. and Rau, B.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2294 : 325-333. 2021

Metastasis : methods and protocols.
Stein, U.S., ed.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2294 . Springer / Humana Press, New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-0716-1349-8 2021

Patient-derived xenografts from solid tumors (PDX) for models of metastasis.
Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Hoffmann, J., Becker, M., Brzezicha, B. and Walther, W.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2294 : 43-58. 2021

Stein, U.S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2294 : v. 2021

Real-time cell migration monitoring to analyze drug synergism in the scratch assay using the IncuCyte system.
Kobelt, D., Walther, W. and Stein, U.S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2294 : 133-142. 2021

Oncoleaking: use of the pore-forming clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) for suicide gene therapy.
Pahle, J., Aumann, J., Kobelt, D. and Walther, W.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1317 : 69-85. 2015

RNA interference for antimetastatic therapy.
Dahlmann, M. and Stein, U.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1317 : 153-165. 2015

Jet-injection of short hairpin RNA-encoding vectors into tumor cells.
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Lage, H.
Methods in Molecular Biology 629 : 123-139. 2010

Nonviral jet-injection technology for intratumoral in vivo gene transfer of naked DNA.
Walther, W., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 542 : 195-208. 2009

Minicircle-Based Vectors for Nonviral Gene Therapy

Minicircle-based vectors for nonviral gene therapy: in vitro characterization and in vivo application.
Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Schleef, M., Schmeer, M., Stein, U., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
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Minimal Invasive Medicine

Endoskopische Drainage von Pankreas-Pseudozysten - Alternative zur operativen Therapie.
Dohmoto, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Minimal Invasive Medicine 5 : 161-165. 1 January 1994

Is laparoscopic colorectal surgery a safe procedure for tumor patients.
Schlag, P.M., Rau, B. and Huenerbein, M.
Minimal Invasive Medicine 5 : 64-66. 1 January 1994

Modern Pathology

THBS4, a novel stromal molecule of diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinomas, identified by transcriptome-wide expression profiling.
Foerster, S., Gretschel, S., Joens, T., Yashiro, M. and Kemmner, W.
Modern Pathology 24 (10): 1390-1403. October 2011

Molecular Biology of the Cell

S100A4-induced cell motility and metastasis is restricted by the Wnt/β-catenin pathway inhibitor calcimycin in colon cancer cells.
Sack, U., Walther, W., Scudiero, D., Selby, M., Aumann, J., Lemos, C., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Stein, U.
Molecular Biology of the Cell 22 (18): 3344-3354. September 2011

Molecular Biotechnology

Performance of high quality minicircle DNA for in vitro and in vivo gene transfer.
Kobelt, D., Schleef, M., Schmeer, M., Aumann, J., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Molecular Biotechnology 53 (1): 80-89. January 2013

Activation of the CMV-IE promoter by hyperthermia in vitro and in vivo: biphasic heat induction of cytosine deaminase suicide gene expression.
Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Fichtner, I., Stein, U., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Molecular Biotechnology 46 (2): 197-205. October 2010

Low-volume jet injection for efficient nonviral in vivo gene transfer.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I. and Schlag, P.M.
Molecular Biotechnology 28 (2): 121-128. 1 January 2004

Intratumoral low-volume jet-injection for efficient nonviral gene transfer.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Voss, C., Schmidt, T., Schleef, M., Nellessen, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Molecular Biotechnology 21 (2): 105-115. 1 June 2002

High-copy cDNA amplification of minimal total RNA quantities for gene expression analyses.
Schwabe, H., Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Molecular Biotechnology 14 (2): 165-172. 1 February 2000

Therapeutic genes for cancer gene therapy.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Molecular Biotechnology 13 (1): 21-28. November 1999

Targeted vectors for gene therapy of cancer and retroviral infections.
Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Molecular Biotechnology 6 : 267-286. 1 January 1996

Molecular Cancer

Induction of circulating ABCB1 transcripts under platinum-based chemotherapy indicates poor prognosis and a bone micrometastatic phenotype in ovarian cancer patients.
Schwarz, F.M., Kuhlmann, J.D., Kämpfer, J., Klimova, A., Klotz, D.M., Freitag, L., Herrmann, P., Zinnow, V., Smith, J., Scheller, T., Walther, W., Wimberger, P. and Stein, U.
Molecular Cancer 23 (1): 174. 23 August 2024

Peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer (pmCRC): identification of predictive molecular signatures by a novel preclinical platform of matching pmCRC PDX/PD3D models.
Dahlmann, M., Gambara, G., Brzezicha, B., Popp, O., Pachmayr, E., Wedeken, L., Pflaume, A., Mokritzkij, M., Gül-Klein, S., Brandl, A., Schweiger-Eisbacher, C., Mertins, P., Hoffmann, J., Keilholz, U., Walther, W., Regenbrecht, C., Rau, B. and Stein, U.
Molecular Cancer 20 (1): 129. 21 October 2021

High MACC1 expression in combination with mutated KRAS G13 indicates poor survival of colorectal cancer patients.
Ilm, K., Kemmner, W., Osterland, M., Burock, S., Koch, G., Herrmann, P., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Molecular Cancer 14 (1): 38. 14 February 2015

SNPs in the coding region of the metastasis-inducing gene MACC1 and clinical outcome in colorectal cancer.
Schmid, F., Burock, S., Klockmeier, K., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Molecular Cancer 11 (1): 49. 29 July 2012

Identification of early molecular markers for breast cancer.
Kretschmer, C., Sterner-Kock, A., Siedentopf, F., Schoenegg, W., Schlag, P.M. and Kemmner, W.
Molecular Cancer 10 (1): 15. 11 February 2011

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Heat-inducible in vivo gene therapy of colon carcinoma by human mdr1 promoter-regulated tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression.
Walther, W., Arlt, F., Fichtner, I., Aumann, J., Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 6 (1): 236-243. January 2007

Molecular Carcinogenesis

Microarray meta-analysis defines global angiogenesis-related gene expression signatures in human carcinomas.
Anders, M., Fehlker, M., Wang, Q., Wissmann, C., Pilarsky, C., Kemmner, W. and Hoecker, M.
Molecular Carcinogenesis 52 (1): 29-38. January 2013

Correlation of visinin-like-protein-1 expression with clinicopathological features in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
Wickborn, C., Klein-Szanto, A.J., Schlag, P.M. and Braunewell, K.H.
Molecular Carcinogenesis 45 : 572-581. August 2006

Molecular Oncology

Targeting claudin-overexpressing thyroid and lung cancer by modified Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin.
Piontek, A., Eichner, M., Zwanziger, D., Beier, L.S., Protze, J., Walther, W., Theurer, S., Schmid, K.W., Führer-Sakel, D., Piontek, J. and Krause, G.
Molecular Oncology 14 (2): 261-276. February 2020

Clinical relevance of circulating MACC1 and S100A4 transcripts for ovarian cancer.
Link, T., Kuhlmann, J.D., Kobelt, D., Herrmann, P., Vassileva, Y., Kramer, M., Frank, K., Göckenjan, M., Wimberger, P. and Stein, U.
Molecular Oncology 13 (5): 1268-1279. May 2019

Preclinical study on combined chemo- and nonviral gene therapy for sensitization of melanoma using a human TNF-alpha expressing MIDGE DNA vector.
Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Schmidt, M., Wittig, B., Fichtner, I., Behrens, D., Lemm, M., Freundt, G., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Molecular Oncology 8 (3): 609-619. May 2014

Promoter identification and transcriptional regulation of the metastasis gene MACC1 in colorectal cancer.
Juneja, M., Ilm, K., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Molecular Oncology 7 (5): 929-943. October 2013

Molecular Pathology

The human transcriptome: implications for the understanding of human disease.
Schaefer, R., Kemmner, W. and Sers, C.
In: Molecular pathology: the molecular basis of human disease. Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 123-149. ISBN 978-0-12-374419-7 2009

Molecular Therapy

Efficient non-viral gene delivery into human hematopoietic stem cells by minicircle Sleeping Beauty transposon vectors.
Holstein, M., Mesa-Nuñez, C., Miskey, C., Almarza, E., Poletti, V., Schmeer, M., Grueso, E., Ordóñez Flores, J.C., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Aneja, M.K., Geiger, J,, Bonig, H.B., Izsvák, Z., Schleef, M., Rudolph, C., Mavilio, F., Bueren, J.A., Guenechea, G. and Ivics, Z.
Molecular Therapy 26 (4): 1137-1153. 4 April 2018

Complete in vivo reversal of the multidrug resistance phenotype by jet-injection of anti-MDR1 short hairpin RNA-encoding plasmid DNA.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Stege, A., Kaszubiak, A., Fichtner, I. and Lage, H.
Molecular Therapy 16 (1): 178-186. January 2008

Nonviral jet-injection gene transfer for efficient in vivo cytosine deaminase suicide gene therapy of colon carcinoma.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Kobelt, D., Aumann, J., Arlt, F. and Schlag, P.M.
Molecular Therapy 12 (6): 1176-1184. 29 September 2005

Molecular and Cellular Biology

Negative feedback loop of Wnt signaling through upregulation of conductin/axin2 in colorectal and liver tumors.
Lustig, B., Jerchow, B., Sachs, M., Weiler, S., Pietsch, T., Karsten, U., van de Wetering, M., Clevers, H., Schlag, P.M., Birchmeier, W. and Behrens, J.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 22 (4): 1184-1193. 1 February 2002


Small molecule inhibitors for hepatocellular carcinoma: advances and challenges.
Kamal, M.A., Mandour, Y.M., Abd El-Aziz, M.K., Stein, U. and El Tayebi, H.M.
Molecules 27 (17): 5537. 1 September 2022

Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Weichgewebesarkome. Aktuelle Aspekte der Diagnostik und Therapie.
Hohenberger, P.
Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 138 : 225-230. 1 January 1996


In-vivo tumor imaging using a novel RNAi-based detection mechanism.
Wan, K., Ebert, B., Voigt, J., Wang, Q., Dai, Y., Haag, R. and Kemmner, W.
Nanomedicine 8 (4): 393-398. May 2012

Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Can the presence of micrometastases in patients with colorectal cancer be used to help guide treatment?
Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology 5 (5): 244-245. May 2008

Nature Communications

Proteomic profiling reveals CDK6 upregulation as a targetable resistance mechanism for lenalidomide in multiple myeloma.
Ng, Y.L.D., Ramberger, E., Bohl, S.R., Dolnik, A., Steinebach, C., Conrad, T., Müller, S., Popp, O., Kull, M., Haji, M., Gütschow, M., Döhner, H., Walther, W., Keller, U., Bullinger, L., Mertins, P. and Krönke, J.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 1009. 23 February 2022

Nature Medicine

MACC1, a newly identified key regulator of HGF-MET signaling, predicts colon cancer metastasis.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Arlt, F., Schwabe, H., Smith, J., Fichtner, I., Birchmeier, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Nature Medicine 15 (1): 59-67. January 2009

Nature Methods

Laser microdissection of a colon cancer specimen with subsequent RNA isolation, mRNA amplification and microarray hybridization.
Stoinski-Bungs, E., Seeger, S., Kemmner, W., Scheinert, P. and Krupp, G.
Nature Methods Application Notes : an10-an11. 1 January 2006


Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) as a platform for chemosensitivity and biomarker analysis in personalized medicine.
Rivera, M., Fichtner, I., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Sers, C., Merk, J., Patone, G., Alp, K.M., Kanashova, T., Mertins, P., Hoffmann, J., Stein, U. and Walther, W.
Neoplasia 23 (1): 21-35. January 2021

Intervening in beta-catenin signaling by sulindac inhibits S100A4-dependent colon cancer metastasis.
Stein, U., Arlt, F., Smith, J., Sack, U., Herrmann, P., Walther, W., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Shoemaker, R.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Neoplasia 13 (2): 131-144. February 2011

Chromosomal alterations during lymphatic and liver metastasis formation of colorectal cancer [Erratum in: Neoplasia. vol 6, pg 686, 2004].
Knoesel, T., Schluens, K., Stein, U., Schwabe, H., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Neoplasia 6 (1): 23-28. 1 January 2004


Impact of MACC1 on human malignant glioma progression and patients' unfavorable prognosis.
Hagemann, C., Fuchs, S., Monoranu, C.M., Herrmann, P., Smith, J., Hohmann, T., Grabiec, U., Kessler, A.F., Dehghani, F., Loehr, M., Ernestus, R.I., Vince, G.H. and Stein, U.
Neuro-Oncology 15 (12): 1696-1709. December 2013


Mechanisms of targeting the MDM2-p53-FOXM1 axis in well-differentiated intestinal neuroendocrine tumors.
Briest, F., Grass, I., Sedding, D., Moebs, M., Christen, F., Benecke, J., Fuchs, K., Mende, S., Kaemmerer, D., Saenger, J., Kunze, A., Geisler, C., Freitag, H., Lewens, F., Worpenberg, L., Iwaszkiewicz, S., Siegmund, B., Walther, W., Hummel, M. and Grabowski, P.
Neuroendocrinology 107 (1): 1-23. July 2018

Neuroscience Letters

Perceptual phenomena after unilateral arm amputation: a pre-post-surgical comparison.
Gruesser, S.M., Winter, C., Schaefer, M., Fritzsche, K., Benhidjeb, T., Tunn, P.U., Schlag, P.M. and Flor, H.
Neuroscience Letters 302 (1): 13-16. 1 January 2001

Nucleic Acids Research

Sleeping Beauty transposon-based system for cellular reprogramming and targeted gene insertion in induced pluripotent stem cells.
Grabundzija, I., Wang, J., Sebe, A., Erdei, Z., Kajdi, R., Devaraj, A., Steinemann, D., Szuhai, K., Stein, U., Cantz, T., Schambach, A., Baum, C., Izsvák, Z., Sarkadi, B. and Ivics, Z.
Nucleic Acids Research 41 (3): 1829-1847. 1 February 2013

Rapid method of total RNA mini-preparation from eucaryotic cells.
Walther, W., Stein, U. and Uckert, W.
Nucleic Acids Research 21 (7): 1682. 11 April 1993


Diagnostischer Wert der 123Iod-IBZM-Szintigraphie zum Staging von malignen Melanomen.
Henker, C., Bida, B., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Nuklearmedizin 36 : 1-6. 1 January 1997

Quantitative Leckkontrolle mit Radionukliden bei der isolierten Extremitaetenperfusion.
Sprenger, H.J., Marquardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Nuklearmedizin 33 : 248-253. 1 January 1994


MACC1-dependent antitumor effect of curcumin in colorectal cancer.
Güllü, N., Smith, J., Herrmann, P. and Stein, U.
Nutrients 14 (22): 4792. 12 November 2022

Saffron: The golden spice with therapeutic properties on digestive diseases.
Ashktorab, H., Soleimani, A., Singh, G., Amr, A., Tabtabaei, S., Latella, G., Stein, U., Akhondzadeh, S., Solanki, N., Gondré-Lewis, M.C., Habtezion, A. and Brim, H.
Nutrients 11 (5): 943. 26 April 2019


Conventional amphotericin B elicits markers of immunogenic cell death on leukemic blasts, mediates immunostimulatory effects on phagocytic cells, and synergizes with PD-L1 blockade.
Kofla, G., Radecke, C., Frentsch, M., Walther, W., Stintzing, S., Riess, H., Bullinger, L. and Na, I.K.
OncoImmunology 11 (1): 2068109. 25 April 2022

Better prognosis of gastric cancer patients with high levels of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes is counteracted by PD-1 expression.
Pötzsch, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Stein, U., von Winterfeld, M., Jöhrens, K., Rau, B., Daum, S. and Treese, C.
OncoImmunology 9 (1): 1824632. 30 September 2020

HER2/neu DNA vaccination by intradermal gene delivery in a mouse tumor model: gene gun is superior to jet injector in inducing CTL responses and protective immunity.
Nguyen-Hoai, T., Kobelt, D., Hohn, O., Vu, M.D., Schlag, P.M., Doerken, B., Norley, S., Lipp, M., Walther, W., Pezzutto, A. and Westermann, J.
OncoImmunology 1 (9): 1537-1545. 1 December 2012

OncoTargets and Therapy

Expression of activating transcription factor 5 (ATF5) is increased in astrocytomas of different WHO grades and correlates with survival of glioblastoma patients.
Feldheim, J., Kessler, A.F., Schmitt, D., Wilczek, L., Linsenmann, T., Dahlmann, M., Monoranu, C.M., Ernestus, R.I., Hagemann, C. and Löhr, M.
OncoTargets and Therapy 11 : 8673-8684. 4 December 2018


Combinatorial treatment with statins and niclosamide prevents CRC dissemination by unhinging the MACC1-β-catenin-S100A4 axis of metastasis.
Kortüm, B., Radhakrishnan, H., Zincke, F., Sachse, C., Burock, S., Keilholz, U., Dahlmann, M., Walther, W., Dittmar, G., Kobelt, D. and Stein, U.
Oncogene 41 (39): 4446-4458. 23 September 2022

The newly identified MEK1 tyrosine phosphorylation target MACC1 is druggable by approved MEK1 inhibitors to restrict colorectal cancer metastasis.
Kobelt, D., Perez-Hernandez, D., Fleuter, C., Dahlmann, M., Zincke, F., Smith, J., Migotti, R., Popp, O., Burock, S., Walther, W., Dittmar, G., Mertins, P. and Stein, U.
Oncogene 40 (34): 5286-5301. 26 August 2021

SPON2, a newly identified target gene of MACC1, drives colorectal cancer metastasis in mice and is prognostic for colorectal cancer patient survival.
Schmid, F., Wang, Q., Huska, M.R., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Dahlmann, M., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Smith, J., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncogene 35 (46): 5942-5952. 17 November 2016

A link between inflammation and metastasis: serum amyloid A1 and A3 induce metastasis, and are targets of metastasis-inducing S100A4.
Hansen, M.T., Forst, B., Cremers, N., Quagliata, L., Ambartsumian, N., Grum-Schwensen, B., Klingelhoefer, J., Abdul-Al, A., Herrmann, P., Osterland, M., Stein, U., Nielsen, G.H., Scherer, P.E., Lukanidin, E., Sleeman, J.P. and Grigorian, M.
Oncogene 34 (4): 424-435. 22 January 2015

The immediate early gene Ier2 promotes tumor cell motility and metastasis, and predicts poor survival of colorectal cancer patients.
Neeb, A., Wallbaum, S., Novac, N., Dukovic-Schulze, S., Scholl, I., Schreiber, C., Schlag, P., Moll, J., Stein, U. and Sleeman, J.P.
Oncogene 31 (33): 3796-3806. August 2012

ASAP1 promotes tumor cell motility and invasiveness, stimulates metastasis formation in vivo, and correlates with poor survival in colorectal cancer patients.
Mueller, T., Stein, U., Poletti, A., Garzia, L., Rothley, M., Plaumann, D., Thiele, W., Bauer, M., Galasso, A., Schlag, P., Pankratz, M., Zollo, M. and Sleeman, J.P.
Oncogene 29 (16): 2393-2403. 22 April 2010

Prediction of doxorubicin sensitivity in breast tumors based on gene expression profiles of drug-resistant cell lines correlates with patient survival.
Gyoerffy, B., Serra, V., Juerchott, K., Abdul-Ghani, R., Garber, M., Stein, U., Petersen, I., Lage, H., Dietel, M. and Schaefer, R.
Oncogene 24 (15): 7542-7551. 25 July 2005

YB-1 facilitates basal and 5-fluorouracil-inducible expression of the human major vault protein (MVP) gene.
Stein, U., Bergmann, S., Scheffer, G.L., Scheper, R.J., Royer, H.D., Schlag, P.M. and Walther, W.
Oncogene 24 (22): 3606-3618. 1 January 2005

ST18 is a breast cancer tumor suppressor gene at human chromosome 8q11.2.
Jandrig, B., Seitz, S., Hinzmann, B., Arnold, W., Micheel, B., Koelble, K., Siebert, R., Schwartz, A., Ruecker, K., Schlag, P.M., Scherneck, S. and Rosenthal, A.
Oncogene 23 (57): 9295-9302. 18 October 2004

A rapid bioinformatic method identifies novel genes with direct clinical relevance to colon cancer.
Brett, D., Kemmner, W., Koch, G., Roefzaad, C., Gross, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Oncogene 20 (33): 4581-4585. 27 July 2001

Secretory Type II Phospholipase A2 (PLA2G2A) expression status in colorectal carcinoma derived cell lines and in normal colonic mucosa.
Praml, C., Amler, L.C., Dihlmann, S., Finke, L.H., Schlag, P.M. and Schwab, M.
Oncogene 17 : 2009-2012. 15 October 1998

Strong indication for a breast cancer susceptibility gene on chromosome 8p12-p22: linkage analysis in german breast cancer families.
Seitz, S., Rohde, K., Bender, E., Nothnagel, A., Koelble, K., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Oncogene 14 (6): 741-743. 13 February 1997

A defined chromosome 6q fragment (at D6S310) harbors a putative tumor suppressor gene for breast cancer.
Theile, M., Seitz, S., Arnold, W., Jandrig, B., Frege, R., Schlag, P.M., Haensch, W., Guski, H., Winzer, K.J., Barrett, J.C. and Scherneck, S.
Oncogene 13 (4): 677-685. 15 August 1996

Deletion mapping defines different regions in 1p34.2-pter that may harbor genetic information related to human colorectal cancer.
Praml, C., Finke, L.H., Herfarth, C., Schlag, P.M., Schwab, M. and Amler, L.
Oncogene 11 (7): 1357-1362. 5 October 1995

Suppression of tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells by transfer of human chromosome 17 does not require transferred BRCA1 and p53 genes.
Theile, M., Hartmann, S., Scherthan, H., Arnold, W., Deppert, W., Frege, R., Glaab, F., Haensch, W. and Scherneck, S.
Oncogene 10 (3): 439-447. 2 February 1995


Clinical relevance of sialyltransferases ST6GAL-I and ST3GAL-III in gastric cancer.
Gretschel, S., Haensch, W., Schlag, P.M. and Kemmner, W.
Oncology 65 (2): 139-145. 2003

Sequential trimetrexate, 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid are effective and well tolerated in metastatic colorectal carcinoma. The phase II study group of the AIO.
Szelenyi, H., Hohenberger, P., Lochs, H., Haboubi, N., Berdel, W.E., Thiel, E. and Kreuser, E.D.
Oncology 58 : 273-279. 1 May 2000

Clinical management and current research in isolated limb perfusion for sarcoma melanoma.
Hohenberger, P. and Kettelhack, C.
Oncology 55 : 89-102. 1 January 1998

Homotypic aggregation and terminal glycosylation of cells from dissociated human colorectal tumor tissue.
Kemmner, W., Schlag, P.M., Moeller, P. and Brossmer, R.
Oncology 49 : 63-67. 1 January 1992


Epigenetic silencing of miR-520c leads to induced S100A4 expression and its mediated colorectal cancer progression.
Mudduluru, G., Ilm, K., Fuchs, S. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 8 (13): 21081-21094. 28 March 2017

MACC1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by miR-218 in colorectal cancer.
Ilm, K., Fuchs, S., Mudduluru, G. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 7 (33): 53443-53458. 16 August 2016

Loss of CADM1 expression is associated with poor prognosis and brain metastasis in breast cancer patients.
Wikman, H., Westphal, L., Schmid, F., Pollari, S., Kropidlowski, J., Sielaff-Frimpong, B., Glatzel, M., Matschke, J., Westphal, M., Iljin, K., Huhtala, H., Terracciano, L., Kallioniemi, A., Sauter, G., Mueller, V., Witzel, I., Lamszus, K., Kemming, D. and Pantel, K.
Oncotarget 5 (10): 3076-3087. 30 May 2014

RAGE mediates S100A4-induced cell motility via MAPK/ERK and hypoxia signaling and is a prognostic biomarker for human colorectal cancer metastasis.
Dahlmann, M., Okhrimenko, A., Marcinkowski, P., Osterland, M., Herrmann, P., Smith, J., Heizmann, C.W., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 5 (10): 3220-3233. 30 May 2014

Systemic shRNA mediated knock down of S100A4 in colorectal cancer xenografted mice reduces metastasis formation.
Dahlmann, M., Sack, U., Herrmann, P., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 3 (8): 783-797. 7 August 2012


Klinische und epidemiologische Krebsregister : Krebsregister in Deutschland – quo vadis? [Clinical and epidemiological Cancer Registers Cancer Registers in Germany - quo vadis?].
Moeslein, G., Haier, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 19 (12): 1022-1024. December 2013

Paul Ehrlichs "magic bullets" [Paul Ehrlichs "magic bullets"].
Hochhaus, A., Schlag, P.M., Cordes, N. and Hoeffken, K.
Onkologe 19 (10): 806-808. October 2013

Rolle und Aufgaben der chirurgischen Onkologie im Rahmen molekular definierter Therapien [Role and function of surgical oncology in molecular defined therapy].
Gaedcke, J., Schlag, P.M. and Ghadimi, M.
Onkologe 19 (10): 858-862. October 2013

Vom "Stiefkind" zum Paradebeispiel [From "stepchild" to classic example].
Al-Batran, S.E. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 19 (5): 350. May 2013

Wenn Symptome im Vordergrund stehen [When Symptoms are paramount].
Adamietz, I. A. and Schlag, P. M.
Onkologe 19 (4): 262-264. April 2013

Primary malignant tumors of the liver.
Settmacher, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 18 (7): 570-572. July 2012

Interdisziplinaere Tumorkonferenzen : regionale und ueberregionale telemedizinische und teleradiologische Anbindung von Tumorzentren [Interdisciplinary tumor boards : regional and supraregional telemedical and teleradiological links to tumor boards].
Guettler, F.V., Rakowsky, S., Nagel, S.N., Teichgraeber, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 18 (5): 389-397. May 2012

Kommunikationstechnologie, Telematik und Robotik : Spagat zwischen Vision und Realitaet [Communication technology, telematics and robotics : balance between vision and reality].
Feussner, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 18 (5): 386-388. May 2012

Versorgungsforschung – Notwendigkeit und Chancen [Health service research - necessity and opportunity].
Schmitz, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 18 (2): 102-104. February 2012

The liberation of women from the scourge of cervical cancer.
Schneider, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 18 (1): 6-8. January 2012

„Deep sequencing“ und praediktive Modellierung als Konzept therapeutischer Entscheidungsfindungen in der Onkologie [Deep sequencing and predictive modeling as a concept for therapeutic decision-making in oncology].
Lehrach, H., Schaefer, R. and Schlag, P. M.
Onkologe 17 (6): 477-486. June 2011

Integration der Hyperthermie in chirurgisch-onkologische Techniken [Integration of hyperthermia into surgical oncological techniques].
Burock, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 16 (11): 1079-1085. November 2010

Zwischen Hoffen und Bangen [Between hope and fear].
Schlag, P.M. and Bamberg, M.
Onkologe 16 (11): 11038-1040. November 2010

Gallengangskarzinom - Fortschritte und Grenzverschiebungen[Cholangiocarcinoma - Progress and shifting boundaries].
Jonas, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 16 (9): 840. September 2010

Rektumkarzinom - ein Musterbeispiel fuer Interdisziplinaritaet [Rectal carcinoma - a classic example of interdisciplinarity].
Roedel, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 16 (8): 738-740. August 2010

Pankreaskarzinom - auf der therapeutischen Wartebank [Pancreatic cancer - on the therapeutic waiting bench].
Hopt, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 16 (6): 555-556. June 2010

Viel Bewegung in der interdisziplinaeren Therapie des Nierenzellkarzinoms [A lot of movement in the interdisciplinary treatment of renal cell carcinoma].
Wiegel, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 16 (2): 119-120. February 2010

Kolonkarzinom – Es bleibt noch viel zu tun [Colorectal carcinoma - there is still a lot to be done].
Weitz, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (12): 1179. December 2009

"Curt Meyer-Gedaechtnispreis" Forschungspreis der Berliner Krebsgesellschaft 2010 ausgeschrieben.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (11): 1100. November 2009

Regionale Verbuende in der Onkologie. Von der Idee zur Gemeinschaft [Regional associations in oncology. From the concept to a community].
Zuenkeler, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (11): 1070-1077. November 2009

Operative Therapie des malignen Melanoms [Operative treatment of malignant melanomas].
Schneider-Burrus, S., Drecoll, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (8): 750-757. August 2009

Translationale Melanomforschung ist nach wie vor schwer in praktische Erfolge umzumuenzen [Translational melamoma research remains difficult to transform into practical success].
Kleeberg, U.R. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (8): 735-736. August 2009

Tranplantation und Onkologie [Transplantation and oncology].
Settmacher, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (6): 555-556. June 2009

Bildgebende Verfahren in der Primaer- und Rezidivdiagnostik [Imaging procedures for primary and recurrent diagnostics].
Schlag, P.M., Dresel, S. and Gebauer, B.
Onkologe 15 (5): 487-495. May 2009

Weichteilsarkome [Soft part arkome].
Schuette, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (4): 351. April 2009

Peritoneales Mesotheliom – ein seltener Tumor der Bauchhoehle [Peritoneal mesothelioma - rare abdominal tumors].
Tannapfel, A., Bruecher, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (3): 250-260. March 2009

Seltene Tumoren - Vom Seltenen zum Generellen [Rare tumours - From rare to general].
Schlag, P.M., Bamberg, M. and Hoeffken, K.
Onkologe 15 (3): 209-210. March 2009

Why we don't do, what we know?
Hoeffken, K., Bamberg, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 15 (1): 84. January 2009

Nierenzellkarzinom – Neues zu Diagnostik und Therapie? [Renal cell carcinoma - Anything new in diagnosis and therapy?].
Heinzer, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 14 (10): 991. October 2008

The CUP-Syndrome - A quintessential challenge on interdisciplinary approach in oncology.
Flentje, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 14 (9): 859. September 2008

„Der Onkologe“ jetzt zur Listung durch das Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) angenommen! ["The oncology" now accepted for listung through the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)!].
Hoeffken, K., Bamberg, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 14 (7): 657. July 2008

Magenkarzinom – Behandlung im Umbruch [Gastric cancer - treatment in transformation].
Meyer, H.J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 14 (4): 327-328. April 2008

Feuerwehr – Feuermelder – Brandschutz. Auf die Reihenfolge kommt es an [Firefighters Fire alarm Fire protection. The right sequence is the key].
Hoeffken, K. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 14 (2): 111-112. February 2008

Harnblasenkarzinom: Stetiger Behandlungsfortschritt als Antwort auf eine zunehmende Erkrankungsinzidenz [Carcinoma of the urinary bladder: steady progress in treatment as response to an increasing disease incidence].
Wirth, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 13 (12): 1057. December 2007

Den Weg konsequent weitergehen [The path consequently continues].
Clement, J., Hoeffken, K. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 13 (10): 893. October 2007

Symptomorientierte Tumortherapie – eine interdisziplinaere Aufgabe [Symptom-oriented tumor therapy - an interdisciplinary task].
Feyer, P., Kloke, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 13 (7): 575-576. July 2007

Targeted therapies - mehr als nur ein bahnbrechendes therapeutisches Prinzip.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 13 (1): 7. January 2007

Sentinel-Node-Biopsie : Definition, historische Entwicklung und methodisches Vorgehen.
Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C., Bayraktar, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 9 (6): 599-610. June 2003

Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie bei Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts.
Schlag, P.M., Bembenek, A., Bayraktar, S., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C., Huenerbein, M. and Moesta, K.T.
Onkologe 9 (6): 625-631. 1 January 2003

Telemedizinische Visionen.
Feussner, H., Ricke, J., Hufnagl, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 9 (1): 48-51. January 2003

Tumorkonferenz mittels multimedialer Videotelekommunikation.
Schlag, P.M., Ulmer, C. and Graschew, G.
Onkologe 9 (1): 13-22. January 2003

Das Harnblasenkarzinom: interdisziplinaere Zusammenarbeit ist gefragt!
Dunst, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (9): 917. September 2002

Neue Diagnoseverfahren beim Mammakarzinom : Bedeutung fuer die operative Therapie.
Bembenek, A., Stroszczynski, C., Huenerbein, M., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (8): 817-825. August 2002

Eine Tuer wird aufgestossen.
Schuette, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (4): 319. April 2002

Neue Entwicklungen der chirurgischen Therapie von Weichgewebssarkomen.
Hohenberger, P., Kettelhack, C., Tunn, P.U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (4): 342-353. April 2002

Aspekte operativer Therapie gastrointestinaler Karzinome beim alten Patienten.
Schlag, P.M., Gretschel, S., Moesta, T., Ulmer, C., Benhidjeb, T. and Slisow, W.
Onkologe 8 (2): 167-172. February 2002

Besonderheiten chirurgischer Eingriffe bei Patienten mit Leukaemien.
Hohenberger, P. and Schlichting, C.L.
Onkologe 8 : 729-736. 1 January 2002

Paradigmenwechsel in der Therapie gastrointestinaler Stromatumoren.
Reichardt, P., Pink, D. and Hohenberger, P.
Onkologe 8 : 378-383. 1 January 2002

Psychotherapeutische und psychoonkologische Betreuung von Patienten mit Sarkomen.
Hermann, A., Rosenbaum, M., Hoppe, V. and Hohenberger, P.
Onkologe 8 : 366-377. 1 January 2002

Krebsregister - Motor fuer Verbesserungen in der Onkologie.
Michaelis, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (1): 13. January 2002

Mammakarzinom bei maennlichen Patienten.
Estevez-Schwarz, L. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 8 (1): 66-71. January 2002

Tumorprofiling durch Microarray-Technologie [Tumor-profiling by microarray technology].
Lustig, B., Morkel, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (10): 1111-1119. October 2001

Der kommunikative Umgang mit dem Thema "Zukunft" bei Krebspatienten : Dargestellt am Beispiel von Patienten mit Sarkomen waehrend der stationaeren chirurgischen Behandlung.
Hermann, A., Zaumseil, M. and Hohenberger, P.
Onkologe 7 : 167-177. 1 January 2001

Operative Therapie des primaeren und metastasierten Melanoms.
Breuninger, H. and Kettelhack, C.
Onkologe 7 : 36-43. 1 January 2001

"Umdenken" heisst interdisziplinaer denken.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (4): 361. 2001

Bildgebende Diagnostik des Rektumkarzinoms : Moderne Verfahren und zukuenftige Entwicklung.
Stroszczynski, C., Huenerbein, M., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (4): 370-380. 2001

Continuing medical education (CME) in Der Onkologe.
Schlag, P.M. and Roessling, W.
Onkologe 7 (4): 420. 2001

Kein Grund zur Rast.
Hoelscher, A.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (6): 601-602. 2001

Nutzen ohne zu schaden - Auf der Suche nach hoeherer Effizienz.
Tilgen, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (1): 12-13. 2001

Prognosefaktoren beim Magenkarzinom.
Gretschel, S., Kemmner, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 7 (6): 623-631. 2001

Genetische Praedisposition beim Mammakarzinom.
Hofmann, W., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Onkologe 4 : 868-877. 1 January 1998

Laser in der Onkologie.
Moesta, K.T., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologe 1 : 384-396. 1 January 1995

Operatives Konzept beim Rektumkarzinom.
Schlag, P.M. and Slisow, W.
Onkologe 1 : 18-22. 1 January 1995


Multimodale Therapie des Rektumkarzinoms [Multimodality treatment for colorectal cancer].
Roedel, C., Hoehler, T., Sauer, R., Siewczynski, R., Flentje, M., Budach, V. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 31 (Suppl 5): 24-28. November 2008

Therapie des Magenkarzinoms [Treatment of gastric cancer].
Lordick, F., Ridwelski, K., Al-Batran, S.E., Trarbach, T., Schlag, P.M. and Piso, P.
Onkologie 31 (Suppl 5): 32-39. November 2008

Response to Preoperative short-course radiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: Value of F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.
Siegel, R., Dresel, S., Koswig, S., Gebauer, B., Huenerbein, M., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 31 (4): 166-172. April 2008

Limited surgery in early gastric cancer.
Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 28 : 243-244. 1 January 2005

New concepts of staging in gastrointestinal tumors as a basis of diagnosis and multimodal therapy.
Gretschel, S., Moesta, K.T., Huenerbein, M., Lange, T., Gebauer, B., Stroszczinski, C., Bembenek, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 27 (1): 23-30. February 2004

Time for progress.
Adler, G. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 27 (1): 11. February 2004

Sentinel node biopsy in anal cancer - a promising strategy to individualize therapy.
Ulmer, C., Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S., Markwardt, J., Koswig, S., Slisow, W., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 26 (5): 456-460. October 2003

Do we need surgical oncologists?
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 25 (4): 306-307. August 2002

Sentinel lymphonodectomy in gastrointestinal cancer - where are we now?
Bembenek, A., Bayraktar, S., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C., Schulze, T., Markwardt, J., Schneider, U., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 25 (4): 334-340. August 2002

Surgical oncology in the interplay of surgical and nonsurgical disciplines.
Schlag, P.M., Liebeskind, U., Bembenek, A., Slisow, W., Benhidjeb, T., Kettelhack, C. and Tunn, P.U.
Onkologie 25 (4): 309-316. August 2002

Minimal access surgery for cancer treatment.
Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
Onkologie 25 (1): 72-73. February 2002

Hemangiosarcoma of the bone. Problems arising from the heterogeneity of malignant vascular tumors of the bone.
Krause, M., Tunn, P.U. and Schneider, U.
Onkologie 24 : 486-489. 1 October 2001

Assessment of quality of life in cancer patients: complexity, criticism, challenges.
Grumann, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 24 (1): 10-15. February 2001

Postoperative follow-up for colorectal cancer - What is left?
Schlag, P.M., Liebeskind, U. and Gutz, H.J.
Onkologie 23 : 202-206. 1 June 2000

Surgical and multimodality treatment of colorectal liver metastases.
Schlag, P.M., Benhidjeb, T. and Kilpert, B.
Onkologie 22 : 92-97. 1 April 1999

Hyperthermic radiochemotherapy for esophageal cancer - Rationale and concept of a phase III trial.
Schlag, P.M., Benhidjeb, T. and Budach, V.
Onkologie 22 : 48-52. 1 February 1999

The importance of staging laparoscopy for the treatment of gastric cancer.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Rau, B.
Onkologie 21 : 486-491. 1 January 1998

Integrins and e-cadherin expression: a way for the better understanding of the biological behaviour of colorectal cancer.
Terpe, H.J., Zoerb, C., Finke, L.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 20 : 48-52. 1 January 1997

On the threshold of a new medicine.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 20 : 8. 1 January 1997

Advances for sphincter preservation in the surgical therapy of rectal cancer.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 19 : 394-397. 1 January 1996

Organ preservation in malignant tumors - the continuing challenge.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 19 : 208. 1 January 1996

Frueherkennung von Krebs mit Hilfe von molekularbiologischen Markern.
Schlag, P.M. and Finke, L.H.
Onkologie 18 (Sonderheft): 2-7. 1 January 1995

Frueherkennung von Weichgewebs- und Extremitaetentumoren.
Tunn, P.U. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 18 (Sonderheft): 61-63. 1 January 1995

Impact of CEA determinations as an indicator for adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer.
Vogel, T., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 18 (4): 334-338. 1 January 1995

Isolated limb perfusion with tumor necrosis factor and melphalan - a new method in the treatment of regional melanoma metastases and locally advanced soft-tissue sarcoma.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Onkologie 18 : 123-125. 1 January 1995

Male breast cancer.
Schoen, M., Zaiac, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 18 (1): 16-21. 1 January 1995

Radio-thermotherapy in multimodal surgical treatment concepts.
Wust, P., Rau, B., Gremmler, M., Schlag, P.M., Jordan, A., Loeffel, J., Riess, H. and Felix, R.
Onkologie 18 : 110-121. 1 January 1995

Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy in oncology.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Rau, B.
Onkologie 17 : 226-232. 1 January 1994

Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 17 : 384-389. 1 January 1994

Endoluminal and intraoperative ultrasound.
Kleinau, H., Liebeskind, U., Zaiac, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 16 : 425-432. 1 January 1993

Pharmakocinetics of doxorubicin in the heparinized perfusate during isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion.
Kraus, T., Mross, K., Hamm, K., Kettelhack, C., Hossfeld, D.K. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 16 : 16-21. 1 January 1993

Adjuvant beta-interferon therapy for gastric cancer - a randomized pilot study.
Buhl, K., Schlag, P.M., Linder, M.M., Geiger, G., Herfarth, C. and Trede, M.
Onkologie 15 : 300-304. 1 January 1992

Gastric cancer - looking for therapeutic advancement.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 15 : 82-83. 1 January 1992

Indications, results and prospects of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal and genitourinary cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Schlag, P.M., Stern, J., Gahlen, J. and Graschew, G.
Onkologie 15 : 115-122. 1 January 1992

Regional adoptive immunotherapy with IL-2 and LAK-Cells for liver metastases.
Keilholz, U., Scheibenbogen, C., Schlag, P.M., Goerich, J., Kauffmann, G.W., Tilgen, W. and Hunstein, W.
Onkologie 15 : 22-22. 1 January 1992

The role of intraoperative radiotherapy in the management of gastric cancer.
Eble, M.J., Hensley, F.W., Schlag, P.M., Herfarth, C. and Wannenmacher, M.
Onkologie 15 : 92-101. 1 January 1992

Optics Express

Late-fluorescence mammography assesses tumor capillary permeability and differentiates malignant from benign lesions.
Hagen, A., Grosenick, D., Macdonald, R., Rinneberg, H., Burock, S., Warnick, P., Poellinger, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Optics Express 17 (19): 17016-17033. 14 September 2009

In-vivo tissue optical properties derived by linear perturbation theory for edge-corrected time-domain mammograms.
Wassermann, B., Kummrow, A., Moesta, K.T., Grosenick, D., Mucke, J., Wabnitz, H., Moeller, M., Macdonald, R., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Optics Express 13 : 8571-8583. 1 January 2005


Ablative Verfahren bei der operativen Behandlung maligner Knochentumoren [Ablative procedures in surgical treatment of malignant bone tumors].
Tunn, P., Delbrueck, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Orthopaede 32 (11): 955-964. November 2003

PLoS Biology

Statin and rottlerin small-molecule inhibitors restrict colon cancer progression and metastasis via MACC1.
Juneja, M., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Voss, C., Smith, J., Specker, E., Neuenschwander, M., Gohlke, B.O., Dahlmann, M., Radetzki, S., Preissner, R., von Kries, J.P., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
PLoS Biology 15 (6): e2000784. 1 June 2017

PLoS Genetics

Identification of Y-box binding protein 1 as a core regulator of MEK/ERK pathway-dependent gene signatures in colorectal cancer cells.
Juerchott, K., Kuban, R.J., Krech, T., Blüthgen, N., Stein, U., Walther, W., Friese, C., Kielbasa, S.M., Ungethuem, U., Lund, P., Knoesel, T., Kemmner, W., Morkel, M., Fritzmann, J., Schlag, P.M., Birchmeier, W., Krueger, T., Sperling, S., Sers, C., Royer, H.D., Herzel, H. and Schaefer, R.
PLoS Genetics 6 (12): e1001231. 2 December 2010


Circulating MACC1 transcripts in colorectal cancer patient plasma predict metastasis and prognosis.
Stein, U., Burock, S., Herrmann, P., Wendler, I., Niederstrasser, M., Wernecke, K.D. and Schlag, P.M.
PLoS ONE 7 (11): e49249. 14 November 2012

Sensitive detection of colorectal cancer in peripheral blood by septin 9 DNA methylation assay.
Gruetzmann, R., Molnar, B., Pilarsky, C., Habermann, J.K., Schlag, P.M., Saeger, H.D., Miehlke, S., Stolz, T., Model, F., Roblick, U.J., Bruch, H.P., Koch, R., Liebenberg, V., Devos, T., Song, X., Day, R.H., Sledziewski, A.Z. and Lofton-Day, C.
PLoS ONE 3 (11): e3759. 19 November 2008

Paediatrische Praxis

"Multidrug-Resistenz". Zellulaere Transportprobleme und ihre Konsequenzen ["Multidrug resistance". Cellular transport problems and their consequences].
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Paediatrische Praxis 68 : 11-19. 1 January 2006


Phantom phenomena in mastectomized patients and their relation to chronic and acute pre-mastectomy pain.
Rothemund, Y., Gruesser, S.M., Liebeskind, U., Schlag, P.M. and Flor, H.
Pain 107 (1-2): 140-146. 1 January 2004


Auto gegen Pferd - zur Schnellschnitt-Diagnostik per Telepathologie.
Dietel, M., Dierks, C., Hufnagl, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Pathologe 21 (5): 391-393. 1 September 2000

Pathology Research and Practice

Analysis of NTRK expression in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinoma (AGE) with pan-TRK immunohistochemistry.
Arnold, A., Daum, S., von Winterfeld, M., Berg, E., Hummel, M., Horst, D., Rau, B., Stein, U. and Treese, C.
Pathology Research and Practice 215 (11): 152662. November 2019

Personalized Medicine

Identification of unique long non-coding RNAs as putative biomarkers for chromophobe renal cell carcinoma.
Wu, G., Xia, P., Yan, S., Chen, D., Xie, L. and Fan, G.
Personalized Medicine 18 (1): 9-19. January 2021


Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen ambulanter Tumortherapie.
Frohmueller, S., Boehner, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Pflegezeitschrift 47 : 98-101. 1 January 1994

Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Pancreatic cancer models for translational research.
Behrens, D., Walther, W. and Fichtner, I.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 173 : 146-158. May 2017

Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer in cancer therapy.
Uckert, W. and Walther, W.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 63 : 323-347. 1 January 1994

Physical Review E

Evaluation of higher-order time-domain perturbation theory of photon diffusion on breast-equivalent phantoms and optical mammograms.
Grosenick, D., Kummrow, A., Macdonald, R., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Physical Review E 76 (6 Pt 1): 061908. December 2007

Physics in Medicine and Biology

Reconstruction of optical properties of phantom and breast lesion in vivo from paraxial scanning data.
Dierkes, T., Grosenick, D., Moesta, K.T., Moeller, M., Schlag, P.M., Rinneberg, H. and Arridge, S.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 : 2519-2542. 1 January 2005

Time-domain scanning optical mammography: I. Recording and assessment of mammograms of 154 patients.
Grosenick, D., Moesta, K.T., Moeller, M., Mucke, J., Wabnitz, H., Gebauer, B., Stroszczynski, C., Wassermann, B., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 : 2429-2449. 1 January 2005

Time-domain scanning optical mammography: II. Optical properties and tissue parameters of 87 carcinomas.
Grosenick, D., Wabnitz, H., Moesta, K.T., Mucke, J., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 : 2451-2468. 1 January 2005

Concentration and oxygen saturation of haemoglobin of 50 breast tumours determined by time-domain optical mammography.
Grosenick, D., Wabnitz, H., Moesta, K.T., Mucke, J., Moeller, M., Stroszczynski, C., Stoessel, J., Wassermann, B., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 (7): 1165-1181. 18 March 2004

Praxis : Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin

Aspekte chirurgischer Therapie des kolorektalen Karzinoms.
Schlag, P.M.
Praxis : Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin 91 (43): 1806-1810. 23 October 2002

Proceedings of SPIE

Experimental comparison of landmark-based methods for 3D elastic registration of pre- and postoperative liver CT data.
Lange, T., Woerz, S., Rohr, K. and Schlag, P.M.
In: Medical Imaging 2009: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, 07 Febr 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. 13 March 2009

Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education

From e-learning towards u-learning: ICT-enabled ubiquitous learning and training.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
In: 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 8-10 Oct 2007, Beijing, China. 2008

Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2007

Design of networks for real-time tele-education.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
In: 6th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2007, 14-16 Mar 2007, Chamonix, France. 2007

Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research

Expression of multidrug resistance genes MVP, MDR1 and MRP1 determined longitudinally prior to, during, and post hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion for soft tissue sarcoma and melanoma patients.
Stein, U., Juerchott, K., Schlaefke, M. and Hohenberger, P.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 43 : 272. 1 January 2002

In vivo evaluation of a cytostatic drug-inducible vector for the expression of TNF-alpha.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Shoemaker, R.H., Alexander, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 39 : 520. 1 January 1998

Reversal of multidrug resistance by cytokines - evaluation of an alternative therapeutic approach in human tumors.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Rau, B., Kettelhack, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 39 : 509. 1 January 1998

Development and characterization of novel multidrug resistant breast cancer lines.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Lemm, M., Naundorf, H. and Fichtner, I.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 38 : 484. 1 January 1997

Diverse effects of tumor necrosis factor a on expression of the multidrug resistance-associated genes LRP and MRP.
Stein, U., Walther, W., Laurencot, C.M., Scheffer, G.L., Scheper, R.J. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 38 : 480. 1 January 1997

Drug-inducible vector for the conditional expression of the human TNFalpha gene.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Wendt, J. and Shoemaker, R.H.
Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 37 : 350. 1 January 1996

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Frequency-domain techniques enhance optical mammography. Initial clinical results.
Franceschini, M.A., Moesta, K.T., Fantini, S., Gaida, G., Gratton, E., Jess, H., Mantulin, W.W., Seeber, M., Schlag, P.M. and Kaschke, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94 (12): 6468-6473. 10 June 1997

Efficient gene transfer into human hepatocytes by baculovirus vectors.
Hofmann, C., Sandig, V., Jennings, G., Rudolph, M., Schlag, P.M. and Strauss, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (22): 10099-10103. 24 October 1995

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Improved tumour response by laser light treatment.
Graschew, G., Smith, J., Rakowsky, S., Roelofs, T.A., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 6991 : 69911A. 2 May 2008

RSC Advances

Structure-activity relationship study of dendritic polyglycerolamines for efficient siRNA transfection.
Mehrabadi, F.S., Hirsch, O., Zeisig, R., Posocco, P., Laurini, E., Pricl, S., Haag, R., Kemmner, W. and Calderon, M.
RSC Advances 5 (96): 78760-78770. 8 September 2015

Radiation Research

Preoperative treatment of rectal cancer with radiation, chemotherapy and hyperthermia: Analysis of treatment efficacy and heat-shock response.
Rau, B., Gaestel, M., Wust, P., Stahl, J., Mansmann, U., Schlag, P.M. and Benndorf, R.
Radiation Research 151 : 479-488. 1 April 1999


Breast cancer: early- and late-fluorescence near-infrared imaging with indocyanine green a preliminary study.
Poellinger, A., Burock, S., Grosenick, D., Hagen, A., Luedemann, L., Diekmann, F., Engelken, F., Macdonald, R., Rinneberg, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Radiology 258 (2): 409-416. February 2011

Recurrent rectal cancer: diagnosis with dynamic MR imaging.
Mueller-Schimpfle, M., Brix, G., Layer, G., Schlag, P.M., Engenhart, R., Frohmuller, S., Hess, T., Zuna, I., Semmler, W. and van Kaick, G.
Radiology 189 (3): 881-889. 1 December 1993

Recent Results in Cancer Research

Bacterial toxins for oncoleaking suicidal cancer gene therapy.
Pahle, J. and Walther, W.
Recent Results in Cancer Research 209 : 95-110. 2016

Current status of sentinel lymph node biopsy in adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus, gastric cardia, and proximal stomach.
Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Recent Results in Cancer Research 182 : 107-114. 2010

Ductoscopy of intraductal neoplasia of the breast.
Huenerbein, M., Raubach, M., Dai, K. and Schlag, P.M.
In: Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsies. Recent Results in Cancer Research, 173 . Springer, Berlin, 129-136. ISBN 978-3-540-31403-5 2009

PET in colorectal cancer.
Dresel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Recent Results in Cancer Research 170 : 109-124. 2008

Clinical, biological, and molecular aspects of metastasis in colorectal cancer.
Stein, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Recent Results in Cancer Research 176 : 61-80. 2007

Development of navigation systems for image-guided laparoscopic tumor resections in liver surgery.
Lange, T., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Beller, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Recent Results in Cancer Research 167 : 13-36. 2006

Regenerative Medicine: Using Non-Fetal Sources of Stem Cells

Redundant human omentum fat: A leap towards regenerative medicine.
lndumathi, S., Harikrishnan, R. and Dhanasekaran, M.
In: Regenerative Medicine. Springer, 125-133. ISBN 978-1-4471-6541-5 2014

Subcutaneous adipose tissue-derived stem cells: advancement and applications in regenerative medicine.
lndumathi, S., Mishra, R., Harikrishnan, R. and Dhanasekaran, M.
In: Regenerative Medicine. Springer, 91-112. ISBN 978-1-4471-6541-5 2014

Review of Scientific Instruments

A multichannel time-domain scanning fluorescence mammograph: Performance assessment and first in vivo results.
Grosenick, D., Hagen, A., Steinkellner, O., Poellinger, A., Burock, S., Schlag, P.M., Rinneberg, H. and Macdonald, R.
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (2): 1024302. February 2011

RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren

CT-gesteuerte Resektion pulmonaler Metastasen [CT-guided resection of pulmonary metastases].
Gaffke, G., Stroszczynski, C., Rau, B., Liebeskind, U., Huenerbein, M., Bayraktar, S., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 177 : 877-883. 1 January 2005

Teilkoerperhyperthermie mit einem Radiofrequenz-Multiantennen-Applikator unter online Kontrolle in einem 1,5 T MR-Tomographen [Part-body hyperthermia with a radiofrequency multiantenna applicator under online control in a 1.5 T MR-tomograph].
Wust, P., Gellermann, J., Seebass, M., Faehling, H., Turner, P., Wlodarczyk, W., Nadobny, J., Rau, B., Hildebrandt, B., Oppelt, A., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 176 (3): 363-374. 1 March 2004

Vergleich von endorektaler MRT (EMRT) und endorektaler Sonographie (ES) nach operativer Therapie von Rektumkarzinomen zum Ausschluss von Rezidiven oder Residualtumoren [Comparison between endorectal MRI (EMRTI) and endorectal sonography (ES) after surgery or therapy for rectal tumors to exclude recurrent or residual tumor].
Pegios, W., Huenerbein, M., Schroeder, R., Wust, P., Schlag, P.M., Felix, R. and Vogl, T.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 174 (6): 731-737. 13 June 2002

Radiologisch-interventionelle Leberportanlage: Evaluierung, Zugangswege, Intervention und Nachkontrolle.
Puls, R., Stroszczynski, C., Hildebrandt, B., Amthauer, H., Podrabsky, P., Hidajat, N., Riess, H., Schlag, P.M. and Hosten, N.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 173 : 914-919. 1 October 2001

Magnetresonanztomographie und Endosonographie beim praeoperativen Staging fortgeschrittener Rektumkarzinome nach Hyperthermoradiochemotherapie.
Schroeder, R.J., Pegios, W., Huenerbein, M., Vogl, T.J., Hidajat, N., Gellermann, J., Wust, P., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 166 : 199-205. 1 March 1997

Hochaufloesende Magnetresonanztomographie mittels Endorektalspule - Ergebnisse bei Tumoren des Rektums.
Pegios, W., Vogl, T.J., Huenerbein, M., Mack, M.G., Hintze, R., Adler, A., Soellner, O., Lobeck, H., Wust, P., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 164 (2): 132-140. 1 January 1996

Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Blutflussmessung peripherer arterieller Gefaesse mit der MRT unter Anwendung des Phase-Mapping Verfahrens.
Wrazidlo, W., Schneider, S., Lederer, W., Brambs, H.J., Werner, T., Gottschlich, K.W. and Hohenberger, P.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 157 : 175-179. 1 January 1992


Diagnostik von Duenndarmtumoren mit Hilfe des CT-Enteroklysma. Die CT--Sellink ausgewertet bei 63 Patienten [Diagnosis of tumors of the small intestine with the aid of CT contrast enema. Sellink CT technique evaluated in 63 patients].
Gaffke, G., Stroszczynski, C., Schlecht, I., Jost, D., Ludwig, W.D., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Roentgenpraxis 54 (6): 214-219. 1 January 2002

Diagnostik von Duenndarmtumoren mit Hilfe des CT-Entreoklysma : Die CT - Sellink ausgewertet bei 63 Patienten.
Gaffke, G., Stroszczynski, C., Schlecht, I., Jost, D., Ludwig, W.D., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Roentgenpraxis 54 (6): 214-219. 2002

SPACE APPLI 2008 - Space Applications Days

Design and implementation of satellite-based networks for global deployment of U-Health.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
In: 2nd Space Applications Symposium, SPACE APPLI 2008, 22-25 April 2008, Toulouse, France. 2008

Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin Praxis

Radiochemotherapie plus Hyperthermie beim Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Schweizerische Rundschau fuer Medizin Praxis 90 (14): 587-592. 5 April 2001

Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift

Reoperation beim colorectalen Carcinom mit kurativer Zielsetzung.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift 122 : 1079-1086. 1 January 1992

Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum

Chirurgie der Lungenmetastasen extrapulmonaler Primaertumore.
Rau, B., Roth, C., Schnider, A. and Metzger, U.
Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum 49 : 1166-1170. 1 January 2002

Science Signaling

Activation of gp130 signaling in T cells drives T(H)17-mediated multi-organ autoimmunity.
Baumgartner, F., Bamopoulos, S.A., Faletti, L., Hsiao, H.J., Holz, M., Gonzalez-Menendez, I., Solé-Boldo, L., Horne, A., Gosavi, S., Özerdem, C., Singh, N., Liebig, S., Ramamoorthy, S., Lehmann, M., Demel, U., Kühl, A.A., Wartewig, T., Ruland, J., Wunderlich, F.T., Schick, M., Walther, W., Rose-John, S., Haas, S., Quintanilla-Martinez, L., Feske, S., Ehl, S., Glauben, R. and Keller, U.
Science Signaling 17 (824): eadc9662. 20 February 2024

Scientific Reports

Non-thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
Wust, P., Kortüm, B., Strauss, U., Nadobny, J., Zschaeck, S., Beck, M., Stein, U. and Ghadjar, P.
Scientific Reports 10 (1): 13488. 10 August 2020

Seminars in Cancer Biology

Decoding and targeting the molecular basis of MACC1-driven metastatic spread: lessons from big data mining and clinical-experimental approaches.
Budczies, J., Kluck, K., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
Seminars in Cancer Biology 60 : 365-379. February 2020

Seminars in Oncology

Isolation limb perfusion with tumor necrosis factor alpha and chemotherapy for advanced extremity soft tissue sarcomas.
Eggermont, A.M., Schraffordt-Koops, H., Klausner, J.M., Lienard, D., Kroon, B.B., Schlag, P.M., Ben-Ari, G. and Lejeune, F.J.
Seminars in Oncology 24 : 547-555. 1 October 1997


Pre- and postoperative cytokine release after in vitro whole blood lipopolysaccharide stimulation and frequent toll-like receptor 4 polymorphisms.
Kumpf, O., Hamann, L., Schlag, P.M. and Schumann, R.R.
Shock 25 : 123-128. February 2006

Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy

TransTACs: novel heterobispecific antibodies for targeted protein degradation in cancer therapy.
Walther, W., Torke, S. and Stein, U.
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 9 (1): 331. 26 November 2024

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

Einfluss einer praeoperativen (hyperthermen) Radiochemotherapie auf die manometrisch erfasste Analsphinkterfunktion beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom [Influence of preoperative (hyperthermic) radiochemotherapy on manometric anal sphincter function in locally advanced rectal cancer].
Fritzmann, J., Huenerbein, M., Slisow, W., Gellermann, J., Wust, P. and Rau, B.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 180 : 281-288. 1 May 2004

Restaging of locally advanced carcinoma of the rectum with MR imaging after preoperative radio-chemotherapy plus regional hyperthermia.
Hoffmann, K.T., Rau, B., Wust, P., Stroszczynski, C., Huenerbein, M., Schneider, U. and Felix, R.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 7 : 386-392. 1 January 2002

Bedeutung der Wartezeit bei Tumorpatienten am Beispiel der Vorbehandlung des lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom.
Gretschel, S., Rau, B., Wust, P., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 176 (10): 448-451. 1 October 2000

Phase-II-Studie zur praeoperativen Radio-Chemo-Thermo-Therapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektum-Karzinom. [Phase II study on preoperative radio-chemo-thermotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma].
Rau, B., Wust, P., Gellermann, J., Tilly, W., Huenerbein, M., Loeffel, J., Stahl, H., Riess, H., Budach, V., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 174 : 556-565. 1 November 1998

Alteration of tissue oxygen partial pressure during isolated, hyperthermic limb perfusion with cytostatic drugs or recombinant human tumor necrosis factor alpha combined with melphalan.
Hohenberger, P., Bida, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 172 Suppl 2. : 14-15. 1 November 1996

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics

Network design for telemedicine - e-health using satellite technology.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 131 : 67-82. 2008

New trends in the virtualization of hospitals - tools for global e-Health.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Schlag, P.M., Heinzlreiter, P., Kranzlmueller, D. and Volkert, J.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 121 : 168-175. 2006

Virtual hospital and digital medicine - Why is the GRID needed?
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Schlag, P.M., Heinzlreiter, P., Kranzlmueller, D. and Volkert, J.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 120 : 295-304. 2006

VEMH - Virtual Euro-Mediterranean Hospital for global healthcare.
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Schlag, P.M., Kaiser, S. and Albayrak, S.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 114 : 39-45. 1 January 2005


Intraoperative ductoscopy in women undergoing surgery for breast cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Raubach, M., Gebauer, B., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgery 139 : 833-838. June 2006

Palliation of malignant rectal obstruction with self-expanding metal stents.
Huenerbein, M., Krause, M., Moesta, K.T., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgery 137 : 42-47. 1 January 2005

Sentinel lymph node biopsy in rectal cancer - not yet ready for routine clinical use.
Bembenek, A., Rau, B., Moesta, T., Markwardt, J., Ulmer, C., Gretschel, S., Schneider, U., Slisow, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgery 135 (5): 498-505. May 2004

The role of transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy in the postoperative follow-up of patients with rectal cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Totkas, S., Moesta, K.T., Ulmer, C., Handke, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgery 129 (2): 164-169. February 2001

Repeat liver resections from colorectal metastasis.
Fernandez-Trigo, V., Shamsa, F., Sugarbaker, P.H., Schlag, P.M. and Hohenberger, P.
Surgery 117 (3): 296-304. 1 March 1995

Surgical Endoscopy

Construct validity testing of a laparoscopic surgery simulator (Lap Mentor((R))) : Evaluation of surgical skill with a virtual laparoscopic training simulator.
Zhang, A., Huenerbein, M., Dai, Y., Schlag, P.M. and Beller, S.
Surgical Endoscopy 22 (6): 1440-1444. June 2008

Impact of miniprobe ultrasonography on planning of minimally invasive surgery for gastric and colonic tumors.
Huenerbein, M., Handke, T., Ulmer, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 18 (4): 601-605. April 2004

Endosonography of upper gastrointestinal tract cancer on demand using miniprobes or endoscopic ultrasound.
Huenerbein, M., Ulmer, C., Handke, T. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 17 (4): 615-619. April 2003

Wolf in sheep's clothing: spilled gallstones can cause severe complications after endoscopic surgery : Case report and review of literature.
Gretschel, S., Engelmann, C., Estevez-Schwarz, L. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 15 (1): 98. January 2001

Prospective comparison of endorectal ultrasound, three-dimensional endorectal ultrasound, and endorectal MRI in the preoperative evaluation of rectal tumors. Preliminary results.
Huenerbein, M., Pegios, W., Rau, B., Vogl, T.J., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 14 (11): 1005-1009. November 2000

Accuracy of endorectal ultrasound after preoperative radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M., Barth, C., Wust, P., Haensch, W., Riess, H., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 13 : 980-984. 1 October 1999

The role of staging laparoscopy for multimodal therapy of gastrointestinal cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 12 (7): 921-925. July 1998

Video-assisted thoracic surgery. Staging and management of thoracic tumors.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M., Below, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 12 : 133-136. 1 February 1998

Three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasound of the esophagus. Preliminary experience.
Huenerbein, M., Gretschel, S., Ghadimi, B.M. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 11 : 991-994. 1 January 1998

Application of rectal stents for palliation of obstructing rectosigmoid cancer.
Dohmoto, M., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 11 : 758-761. 1 July 1997

Endosonography and endosonography-guided biopsy of upper-GI-tract tumors using a curved-array echoendoscope.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 10 : 1205-1209. 1 December 1996

Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.
Dohmoto, M. and Rupp, K.D.
Surgical Endoscopy 6 (3): 118-124. 1 January 1992

Surgical Oncology

Technique and clinical consequences of sentinel lymph node biopsy in colorectal cancer.
Bembenek, A., String, A., Gretschel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Oncology 17 (3): 183-193. September 2008

Surgical Technology International

Potential applications of microendoscopy in surgery.
Huenerbein, M., Totkas, S., Khodadadyan, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Technology International 9 : 105-110. 2000

Sustainable Cities and Society

Neighborhood-level inequalities and influencing factors of COVID-19 incidence in berlin based on Bayesian spatial modelling.
Zhuang, S., Wolf, K., Schmitz, T., Roth, A., Sun, Y., Savaskan, N. and Lakes, T.
Sustainable Cities and Society 104 : 105301. May 2024

Swiss Surgery

Sentinel lymph node dissection in breast cancer.
Bembenek, A., Reuhl, T., Markwardt, J., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Swiss Surgery 5 (5): 217-221. 1999

Taegliche Praxis

"Multidrug-Resistenz". Zellulaere Transportprobleme und ihre Konsequenzen ["Multidrug resistance". Cellular transport problems and their consequences].
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Taegliche Praxis 46 (1): 125-133. 1 January 2005

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment

Scanning time-domain optical mammography: detection and characterization of breast tumors in vivo.
Rinneberg, H., Grosenick, D., Moesta, K.T., Mucke, J., Gebauer, B., Stroszczynski, C., Wabnitz, H., Moeller, M., Wassermann, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 4 (5): 483-496. 1 October 2005

The Oncologist

Surgical sphincter preservation in rectal cancer.
Schlag, P.M.
The Oncologist 1 : 288-292. 1 January 1996

Therapeutische Umschau

Staging und neoadjuvante Therapie des Plattenepithelkarzinoms des Oesophagus [Staging and neoadjuvant therapy for esophageal cancer].
Benhidjeb, T., Moesta, K.T. and Schlag, P.M.
Therapeutische Umschau 58 (3): 165-173. March 2001


RAGE mediates the pro-migratory response of extracellular S100A4 in human thyroid cancer cells.
Medapati, M.R., Dahlmann, M., Ghavami, S., Pathak, K.A., Lucman, L., Klonisch, T., Hoang-Vu, C., Stein, U. and Hombach-Klonisch, S.
Thyroid 25 (5): 514-527. 4 May 2015

Translational Oncology

Genome-wide analysis of barrett's adenocarcinoma. a first step towards identifying patients at risk and developing therapeutic paths.
Dai, Y., Wang, Q., Gonzalez Lopez, A., Anders, M., Malfertheiner, P., Vieth, M. and Kemmner, W.
Translational Oncology 11 (1): 116-124. February 2018


Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in GI-tract cancer.
Schlag, P.M., Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S. and Rau, B.
Tumori 1 : S22-S23. 2002

Ultraschall in der Medizin

Laser-induzierte Thermotherapie (LITT) bei malignen Lebertumoren: Einsatz der Sonographie zur Katheterplatzierung und Prozessbeobachtung [Laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) for malignant liver tumours: the role of sonography in catheter placement and observation of the therapeutic procedure].
Stroszczynski, C., Gretschel, S., Gaffke, G., Puls, R., Kretzschmar, A., Hosten, N., Schlag, P.M. and Felix, R.
Ultraschall in der Medizin 23 (3): 163-167. 8 August 2002


Adjuvante Immunotherapie beim Kolonkarzinom.
Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13 (4): 143-145. 1 January 1995

Derzeitige Bedeutung molekularbiologischer Untersuchungen fuer Diagnostik und operative Therapie kolorektaler Karzinome.
Finke, L.H. and Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13 (139): 142. 1 January 1995

Erweiterte und verbesserte Moeglichkeiten des Sphinktererhalts beim tiefsitzenden Rektumkarzinom.
Slisow, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13 : 146-147. 1 January 1995

Hyperthermie als Teil eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts beim Rektumkarzinom.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Loeffel, J., Felix, R., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Verdauungskrankheiten 13 : 148-149. 1 January 1995

Virchows Archiv

Incidence of chromosomal imbalances in advanced colorectal carcinomas and their metastases.
Knoesel, T., Petersen, S., Schwabe, H., Schluens, K., Stein, U., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Virchows Archiv 440 (2): 187-194. February 2002

Immunodetection of epithelial mucin (MUC1,MUC3) and mucin-associated glycotopes (TF,Tn, and sialosyl-Tn) in benign and malignant lesions of colon epithelium: apolar localization corresponds tomalignant transformation.
Cao, Y., Schlag, P.M. and Karsten, U.
Virchows Archiv 431 : 159-166. 1 January 1997

Visceral Medicine

Underlying mechanisms for distant metastasis - molecular biology.
Pachmayr, E., Treese, C. and Stein, U.
Visceral Medicine 33 (1): 11-20. February 2017


Stellenwert der Hyperthermie fuer die chirurgische Onkologie.
Rau, B., Benhidjeb, T., Wust, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Viszeralchirurgie 37 (6): 379-384. December 2002

Axillaere Dissektion versus Sentinel-Lymphknotenbiopsie-biopsie - nicht konkurrierende, sondern ergaenzende Verfahren in der Therapie des Mammakarzinoms.
Bembenek, A., Liebeskind, A.U. and Schlag, P.M.
Viszeralchirurgie 37 (2): 127-130. 2002

Bronchoskopie unter Spontanatmung im perioperativen Management pulmonaler Komplikationen.
Moesta, K.T., Ulmer, C., Kumpf, O., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Viszeralchirurgie 37 (3): 237-742. 2002

Multimodale Therapiekonzepte beim Oesophaguskarzinom.
Schlag, P.M. and Benhidjeb, T.
Viszeralchirurgie 36 (1): 6-11. 2001

World Journal of Gastroenterology

Circulating metastasis associated in colon cancer 1 transcripts in gastric cancer patient plasma as diagnostic and prognostic biomarker.
Burock, S., Herrmann, P., Wendler, I., Niederstrasser, M., Wernecke, K.D. and Stein, U.
World Journal of Gastroenterology 21 (1): 333-341. 7 January 2015

World Journal of Surgery

Impact of patient- and disease-specific factors on SLNB in breast cancer patients. Are current guidelines justified?
Bembenek, A., Fischer, J., Albrecht, H., Kemnitz, E., Gretschel, S., Schneider, U., Dresel, S. and Schlag, P.M.
World Journal of Surgery 31 (2): 267-275. February 2007

Gastric cancer surgery in elderly patients.
Gretschel, S., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Huenerbein, M., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
World Journal of Surgery 30 : 1468-1474. August 2006

Ex vivo sentinel lymph node study for rectal adenocarcinoma: Preliminary study - Invited commentary.
Schlag, P.M.
World Journal of Surgery 29 (9): 1171-1171. 25 August 2005

Detection of lymph node micrometastases and isolated tumor cells in sentinel and nonsentinel lymph nodes of colon cancer patients.
Bembenek, A., Schneider, U., Gretschel, S., Fischer, J. and Schlag, P.M.
World Journal of Surgery 29 : 1172-1175. 11 August 2005

Reconstruction after gastrectomy and quality of life.
Buhl, K., Lehnert, T., Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
World Journal of Surgery 19 (4): 558-564. 1 July 1995

Anal cancer: multimodal therapy.
Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
World Journal of Surgery 19 : 282-286. 1 January 1995

Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie

S3-Leitlinie "Magenkarzinom" - Diagnostik und Therapie der Adenokarzinome des Magens und oesophagogastralen Uebergangs (AWMF-Regist.-Nr. 032-009-OL) [German S3-Guideline "Diagnosis and Treatment of Esophagogastric Cancer"].
Moehler, M., Al-Batran, S.E., Andus, T., Anthuber, M., Arends, J., Arnold, D., Aust, D., Baier, P., Baretton, G., Bernhardt, J., Boeing, H., Boehle, E., Bokemeyer, C., Bornschein, J., Budach, W., Burmester, E., Caca, K., Diemer, W.A., Dietrich, C.F., Ebert, M., Eickhoff, A., Ell, C., Fahlke, J., Feußner, H., Fietkau, R., Fischbach, W., Fleig, W., Flentje, M., Gabbert, H.E., Galle, P.R., Geissler, M., Gockel, I., Graeven, U., Grenacher, L., Gross, S., Hartmann, J.T., Heike, M., Heinemann, V., Herbst, B., Herrmann, T., Hoecht, S., Hofheinz, R.D., Hoefler, H., Hoehler, T., Hoelscher, A.H., Horneber, M., Huebner, J., Izbicki, J.R., Jakobs, R., Jenssen, C., Kanzler, S., Keller, M., Kiesslich, R., Klautke, G., Körber, J., Krause, B.J., Kuhn, C., Kullmann, F., Lang, H., Link, H., Lordick, F., Ludwig, K., Lutz, M., Mahlberg, R., Malfertheiner, P., Merkel, S., Messmann, H., Meyer, H.J., Moenig, S., Piso, P., Pistorius, S., Porschen, R., Rabenstein, T., Reichardt, P., Ridwelski, K., Roecken, C., Roetzer, I., Rohr, P., Schepp, W., Schlag, P.M., Schmid, R.M., Schmidberger, H., Schmiegel, W.H., Schmoll, H.J., Schuch, G., Schuhmacher, C., Schuette, K., Schwenk, W., Selgrad, M., Sendler, A., Seraphin, J., Seufferlein, T., Stahl, M., Stein, H., Stoll, C., Stuschke, M., Tannapfel, A., Tholen, R., Thuss-Patience, P., Treml, K., Vanhoefer, U., Vieth, M., Vogelsang, H., Wagner, D., Wedding, U., Weimann, A., Wilke, H. and Wittekind, C.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 49 (4): 461-531. April 2011

S3-guideline "exocrine pancreatic carcinoma" 2007 : Results of an Evidence-Based Consensus Conference (13. - 14.10.2006).
Adler, G., Seufferlein, T., Bischoff, S.C., Brambs, H.J., Feuerbach, S., Grabenbauer, G., Hahn, S., Heinemann, V., Hohenberger, W., Langrehr, J.M., Lutz, M.P., Micke, O., Neuhaus, H., Neuhaus, P., Oettle, H., Schlag, P.M., Schmid, R., Schmiegel, W., Schlottmann, K., Werner, J., Wiedenmann, B. and Kopp, I.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 46 (5): 449-482. May 2008

[S3-Guidelines "Exocrine pancreatic cancer" 2007.] S3-Leitlinie "Exokrines Pankreaskarzinom" 2007.
Adler, G., Seufferlein, T., Bischoff, S.C., Brambs, H.J., Feuerbach, S., Grabenbauer, G., Hahn, S., Heinemann, V., Hohenberger, W., Langrehr, J.M., Lutz, M.P., Neuhaus, H., Neuhaus, P., Oettle, H., Schlag, P.M., Schmid, R., Schmiegel, W., Schlottmann, K., Werner, J., Wiedenmann, B. and Kopp, I.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 45 : 487-523. June 2007

Staging Laparoskopie mit laparoskopischer Ultraschallanwendung - Indikation und Stellenwert im chirurgisch-onkologischen Therapiekonzept [Staging laparoscopy with laparoscopic ultrasound - indications and value in the surgical oncological therapy concept].
Hohenberger, P., Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 39 (Supplement 1): 29-34. 2001

Metastasierendes Haemangioperizytom des Magens. Fallbericht und Literaturuebersicht.
Riedl, S., Mechtersheimer, G. and Schlag, P.M.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 30 : 863-868. 1 January 1992

Zeitschrift fuer Orthopaedie und Ihre Grenzgebiete

Der Riesenzelltumor des Knochens : Eine Analyse von 87 Patienten [Giant cell tumor of bone. An evaluation of 87 patients].
Tunn, P.U. and Schlag, P.M.
Zeitschrift fuer Orthopaedie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 141 (6): 690-698. November 2003

Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie

Welchen Stellenwert hat die neoadjuvante und die adjuvante Therapie im Behandlungskonzept des Magenkarzinoms? [Efficacy of current adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapeutic concepts in gastric cancer?].
Kretzschmar, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 131 : 121-125. 13 April 2006

"Sentinel" Lymphknotenbiopsie beim Mammakarzinom: Aktulle Erfahrungencancer. Recent experiences.
Bembenek, A., Kettelhack, C., Reuhl, T., Markwardt, J., Hohenberger, P., Schneider, U. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 125 (10): 817-821. 1 January 2000

Praeoperative Radio-Chemotherapie des Rektumkarzinoms. Aktueller Stand.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Riess, H. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 125 : 356-364. 1 January 2000

Die Sentinel Lymphknoten-Detektion bei Patienten mit Mammakarzinom. [Sentinel lymph node detection in patients with breast carcinoma].
Reuhl, T., Haensch, W., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 123 Suppl 5 : 72-74. 1 January 1998

Molekularbiologie des Mammakarzinoms. Aktuelle diagnostische, therapeutische und prognostische Aspekte.
Schwarz, L.E. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 123 Suppl. 5 : 6-12. 1 January 1998

Thorakoskopische Diagnostik und Therapie von Lungenmetastasen.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M., Barth, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 123 : 1125-1128. 1 January 1998

Expression von CD44 Isoformen: ein neuer histopathologischer Parameter beim kolorektalen Karzinom?
Finke, L.H., Zoerb, C., Haensch, W., Schlag, P.M. and Terpe, H.J.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 121 : 450-454. 1 January 1996

Laparoskopie und laparoskopische Endosonographie als Staginguntersuchung bei Tumoren des oberen Gastrointestinaltraktes.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie 120 (5): 346-349. 1 January 1995

aerzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt

Neuentwicklungen in der Therapie kolorektaler Karzinome.
Schlag, P.M.
aerzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt 7 (6): 53. 1 January 1996

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