Exocytosis from permeabilized bovine adrenal chromaffin cells is differently modulated by guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate and guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate. Evidence for the involvement of various guanine nucleotide-binding proteins.
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Effects of nifedipine and mononidine on cardiac structure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Stereological studies on myocytes, capillaries, arteries, and cardiac interstitium.
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1 January 1992
Transgenic rats carrying the mouse renin gene - morphological characterization of a low-renin hypertension model.
Bachmann, S., Peters, J., Engler, E., Ganten, D. and Mullins, J.J.
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1 January 1992
Sexueller Dimorphismus des Blutdrucks bei TGR(mREN2)27: Einfluss von Androgenen.
Bachmann, J., Ganten, U., Stock, G. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
Role of tissue renin in the pathophysiology of hypertension in TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
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1 June 1992
Dispersion-relation and spiral rotation in an excitable surface-reaction.
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1 September 1992
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15 May 1992
KorB protein of promiscuous plasmid RP4 recognizes inverted sequence repetitions in regions essential for conjugative plasmid transfer.
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25 April 1992
Identification of a negative regulatory domain in the human papillomavirus type 18 promoter: interaction with the transcriptional repressor YY1.
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December 1992
Cell adhesion in invasion and metastasis.
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1 January 1992
Bispecific IgA/IgM antibodies and their use in enzyme immunoassay.
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1 January 1992
Cell-free phosphorylation of the murine small heat-shock protein hsp25 by an endogenous kinase from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.
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1 January 1992
GABA- and glutamate-activated currents in glial cells of the mouse corpus callosum slice.
Berger, T., Walz, W., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1992
Sodium and calcium currents in glial cells of the mouse corpus callosum slice.
Berger, T., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J., Orkand, M. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1992
Identification of cross-linked amino acids in ribosomal protein pairs by combining N-terminal protein sequencing and mass spectrometry. (Short communication).
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1 January 1992
Reconstitution of cytochrome P450 2B4 (LM2) activity with camphor and linalool monooxygenase electron donors.
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1 January 1992
Hormonal induction of functional differentiation and mammary-derived growth inhibitor expression in cultured mouse mammary gland explants.
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September 1992
Molecular cloning of the receptor for human antidiuretic hormone.
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28 May 1992
An immortalized cell line expresses properties of activated microglial cells.
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1 April 1992
Acylation of hydroxyl groups in polymers with carbonic acid derivatives in the presence of tertiary amines.
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1 January 1992
Hormone-regulated v-rel estrogen receptor fusion protein: reversible induction of cell transformation and cellular gene expression.
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December 1992
Amino acid sequence analysis of the beta- and gamma-subunits of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2. Identification of regions interacting with GTP.
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1 January 1992
Mobile modules and motifs.
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1 January 1992
The modular architecture of vertebrate collagens.
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1 January 1992
Proposed acquisition of an animal protein domain by bacteria.
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1 January 1992
Comprehensive sequence analysis of the 182 predicted ORFs of yeast chromosome III.
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1 January 1992
A large domain common to sperm receptors (Zp2 and Zp3) and TGF-beta type III receptor.
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1 January 1992
An ATPase domain common to prokaryotic cell cycle proteins, sugar kinases, actin, and hsp70 heat shock proteins.
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15 August 1992
A module of DnaJ heat shock proteins found in malaria parasites.
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1 January 1992
The development of a C-terminal sequencer. (Short communication).
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1 January 1992
Purification of a mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) related polypeptide expressed during pregnancy.
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1 January 1992
The general mitochondrial processing peptidase from potato is an integral part of cytochrome c reductase of the respiratory chain.
Braun, H.P., Emmermann, M., Kruft, V. and Schmitz, U.K.
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1 January 1992
Cytochrome c1 from potato: a protein with a presequence for targeting to the mitochondrial intermembrane space.
Braun, H.P., Emmermann, M., Kruft, V. and Schmitz, U.K.
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1 January 1992
Properties of protein kinase C associated with nuclear membranes.
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1 January 1992
Combined effect of very early intensification and prolonged post- remission chemotherapy in patients with AML.
Buechner, T., Hiddemann, W., Schaefer, U.W., Loeffler, H., Maschmeyer, G., Ludwig, W.D., Aul, C., Lathan, B. and Heinecke, A.
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1 January 1992
Longterm effects of prolonged maintenance and of very early intensification chemotherapy in AML: data from AMLCG.
Buechner, T., Hiddemann, W., Woermann, B., Loeffler, H., Maschmeyer, G., Hossfeld, D., Ludwig, W.D., Nowrousian, M., Aul, C. and Schaefer, U.W.
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1 January 1992
Adjuvant beta-interferon therapy for gastric cancer - a randomized pilot study.
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1 January 1992
The brain renin-angiotensin system - localization and general significance.
Bunnemann, B., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
The semi-quantitative distribution and cellular localization of angiotensinogen messenger RNA in the rat brain.
Bunnemann, B., Fuxe, K., Metzger, R., Bjelke, B. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
The distribution of angiotensin II AT1 receptor subtype messenger RNA in the rat brain.
Bunnemann, B., Iwai, N., Metzger, R., Fuxe, K., Inagami, T. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
Patterns of cytokeratins and lamins in rat liver and in rat liver cell lines as shown by immunoblotting using the monoclonal antibodies A 45-B/B3 and A 51-B/H4.
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1 January 1992
Prevalence of cystic fibrosis mutations in the east german population.
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1 January 1992
Die molekularbiologische Analyse der Cystischen Fibrose - ein Modellbeispiel fuer die Strategie der "Reversen Genetik".
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1 January 1992
Streptokinase is a flexible multi-domain protein.
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1 January 1992
Spectral analysis of the protein-derived tyrosyl radicals from prostaglandin H synthase.
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25 November 1992
Kardioreparative Effekte der ACE-Hemmer.
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1 January 1992
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and renal function in heart failure.
Dietz, R., Nagel, F. and Osterziel, K.J.
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1 January 1992
Kardiales Renin-Angiotensin-System als Ziel therapeutischer Interventionen.
Dietz, R. and Osterziel, K.J.
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1 January 1992
Differentiation-specific expression of a novel G protein-coupled receptor from Burkitt's lymphoma.
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1 November 1992
Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.
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1 January 1992
Selective oral antimicrobial prophylaxis for the prevention of infection in acute leukaemia-ciprofloxacin versus co-trimoxazole plus colistin.
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1 January 1992
Rezidivfreie Ueberlebenszeit unter aktiv spezifischer Immuntherapie (ASI) bei Patienten nach Resektion kolorektaler Lebermetastasen.
Dueck, M., Schlag, P.M., Liebrich, W., Hohenberger, P. and Schirrmacher, V.
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1 January 1992
Genetic mapping in hypertension.
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1 January 1992
Kinetic analysis of cytokine gene expression in the livers of naive and immune mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes. The immediate early phase in innate resistance and acquired immunity.
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1 November 1992
Monte Carlo simulation of the hydration shell of double-helical amylose: a left-handed antiparallel double helix fits best into liquid water structure.
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1 January 1992
Cis and transregulation of issue-specific transcription.
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1 January 1992
Epidermal growth factor stimulates Ca2+ uptake of human erythrocytes.
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1 January 1992
First clinical experiences with a new angioscopic system for diagnosing peripheral vascular changes.
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1 February 1992
DNA structures and radiation injury.
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1 January 1992
Secondary structure of streptokinase in aqueous solution - a fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study.
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21 July 1992
Traveling waves in the CO oxidation on Pt(110) - Theory.
Falcke, M., Baer, M., Engel, H. and Eiswirth, M.
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15 September 1992
A self peptide naturally presented by both H-2Kb and H-2Kbm1 molecules demonstrates MHC restriction of self tolerance at the molecular level.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O. and Rammensee, H.G.
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1 March 1992
Specificity of antigen processing for MHC class I restricted presentation is conserved between mouse and man.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O. and Rammensee, H.G.
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1 January 1992
A new monoclonal antibody for detection of EGF-receptors in western blots and paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
Fernandez, A., Spitzer, E., Perez, R., Boehmer, F.D., Eckert, K., Zschiesche, W. and Grosse, R.
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1 January 1992
Mechanisms of cardiac growth. The role of the renin-angiotensin system.
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1 January 1992
Measurements of carbon clearance in mice as toxicity parameter for liposomal preparations.
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1 January 1992
Treatment of relapsed or refractory adult acute lymphocytic leukemia.
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1 January 1992
Dephosphorylation of the small heat shock protein HSP 25 by calcium/calmodulin-dependent (type 2B) protein phosphatase.
Gaestel, M., Benndorf, R., Hayess, K., Priemer, E. and Engel, K.
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1 January 1992
Species specificity of renin kinetics in transgenic rats harboring the human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Ganten, D., Wagner, J., Zeh, K., Bader, M., Michel, J.B., Paul, M., Zimmermann, F., Ruf, P., Hilgenfeldt, U., Ganten, U., Kaling, M., Bachmann, S., Fukamizu, A., Mullins, J.J. and Murakami, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89
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August 1992
Molekulargenetische Marker sollen Hochdruck-Forschung vorantreiben. Das Renin-Gen hat eine pathophysiologische Relevanz fuer die Hypertonie.
Ganten, D., Kreutz, R. and Lindpaintner, K.
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1 January 1992
Regulation der Herzmuskelzelle auf molekularer Ebene : Pharmakologische und klinische Bedeutung. Franz-Gross-Hypertonie-Symposium Kronberg, 5. - 7. Maerz 1992.
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Fortschritte der Medizin 110
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1 January 1992
Molekulare Genetik der Hypertonie.
Ganten, D., Pfaff, G.M. and Kreutz, R.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
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1 January 1992
The brain renin-angiotensin system: a model for the synthesis of peptides in the brain (Commentary).
Ganten, D. and Speck, G.
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1 January 1992
Application of dynamic light scattering to studies of protein folding kinetics.
Gast, K., Damaschun, G., Misselwitz, R. and Zirwer, D.
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1 January 1992
Effects of lisinopril on brain atrial natriuretic factor in uremic rats.
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8 October 1992
Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in diabetic rats with reduced renal function.
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1 December 1992
A global surveillance program might solve several serious problems.
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1 January 1992
Vaccines for peace : an international program of development and use of vaccines against dual-threat agents.
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1 January 1992
Bradykinin receptors in primary cultures of astrocytes from neonatal rat brain are linked to physiological responses.
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1 January 1992
A protein of the endoplasmic reticulum involved early in polypeptide translocation.
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1 January 1992
A mammalian homolog of SEC61p and SECYp is associated with ribosomes and nascent polypeptides during translocation.
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30 October 1992
Investigations of droloxifene and other hormonal manipulations on N-nitrosomethylurea- induced rat mammary tumors. 2. Influence on estrogen receptor.
Goerlich, M., Winterfeld, G., Hauff, P., Arnold, W., Fichtner, I. and Staab, H.J.
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1 January 1992
Tight control of gene expression in mammalian cells by tetracycline-responsive promoters.
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15 June 1992
YmL9, a nucleus-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein of yeast, is homologous to L3 ribosomal proteins from all natural kingdoms and photosynthetic organelles.
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1 January 1992
Einfluss einer akuten Volumenbelastung auf die Kinetik der Na+/K+-Pumpe von Rattenerythrozyten.
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1 January 1992
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24 December 1992
Multicenter dose-finding trial for thrombolysis with urokinase preactivated pro-urokinase (TCL 598) in acute myocardial infarction. German Preactivated Pro-Urokinase Study Group.
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1 July 1992
Thrombolysetherapie des Herzinfarkts.
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1 April 1992
Constitutive monocyte-restricted activity of NF-M, a nuclear factor that binds to a C/EBP motif.
Haas, J.G., Stroebel, M., Leutz, A., Wendelgass, P., Mueller, C., Sterneck, E., Riethmueller, G. and Ziegler-Heitbrock, H.W.
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1 July 1992
Purification, charactrization and partial amino acid sequences of a xylanase produced by Penicillium chrysogenum.
Haas, H., Herfurth, E., Stoeffler, G. and Redl, B.
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1 January 1992
Circular extrachromosomal DNA codes for a surface protein in the (+) mating type of the zygomycete Absidia glauca.
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1 January 1992
Potentielle Kardiotonika. 14. Mitteilung: Synthese und positiv inotrope Wirkungen in vitro von 2-Morpholino-5-(pyrid-4-yl)pyridin-Derivaten.
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1 January 1992
Protein phosphorylation and intracellular free calcium in platelets of patients with essential hypertension.
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1 January 1992
Muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding in rat hindlimb somatosensory cortex following partial deafferentation by sciatic nerve transection.
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1 October 1992
A functional domain in the heavy chain of scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor binds the c-Met receptor and induces cell dissociation but not mitogenesis.
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1 January 1992
Ansatz der Biogerontologie: das Altern verlangsamen.
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1 January 1992
Immune control of mammalian aging: a T-cell model.
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1 January 1992
Probing DNA superstructure in human quiescent lymphocytes by X-ray-induced double-strand breakage.
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1 January 1992
The ankyrin repeat domains of the NF-kappa B precursor p105 and the protooncogene bcl-3 act as specific inhibitors of NF-kappaB DNA binding.
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1 January 1992
Histological investigations of lymphomas, leukaemias and skin tumors in hamsters and HaPV-transgenic mice.
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1 January 1992
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1 July 1992
TNFalpha therapy activates human B-lymphoma cells in vivo and may protect myelopoiesis.
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1 January 1992
Pharmacokinetics of isometronidazole. Basic model and estimation of the kinetic parameters from experimental data.
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1 January 1992
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1 January 1992
Synchrone Resektion von Lebermetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome.
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1 January 1992
Probing the surface of the ribosome with antipeptide-antibodies. (Short communication).
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1 January 1992
Structural wall tissues alterations of the microvasculature in the course of spontaneous hypertension of rats.
Herrmann, H.J., Moritz, V. and Kuehne, C.
International Journal of Microcirculation, Clinical and Experimental 11
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1 January 1992
Causative role of coronary microvessels for the development and progression of chronic myocardial lesions in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
Herrmann, H.J. and Muehlig, P.
Basic Research in Cardiology 87
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1 January 1992
Histomorphometry of focal myocardial lesions by means of the automatic image analysis.
Herrmann, H.J., Muehlig, P., Bloedner, R. and Kuehne, C.
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 44
: 108-110.
1 January 1992
Primary structures of ribosomal proteins L3 and L4 from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
Herwig, S., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 207
: 877-885.
1 January 1992
Determination of cross-linked amino acids in the protein pairs L3-L19 and L23-L29 of Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosomes after treatment with diepoxybutane. (Short communication).
Herwig, S. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11
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1 January 1992
Differential responsiveness of cultured rat myocardial cells to isoprenaline and phenylephrine after incubation with hydrogen peroxide.
Heydeck, D., Wallukat, G., Papies, B. and Schimke, I.
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1 January 1992
GM-CSF in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia.
Hiddemann, W., Maschmeyer, G., Ludwig, W.D., Koenigsmann, M., Zuehlsdorf, M., Woermann, B., Boeckmann, A., Agion-Freire, E., Innig, G. and Reuter, C.
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1 November 1992
Increased vascular angiotensin formation in female rats harboring the mouse ren-2 gene.
Hilgers, K.F., Peters, J., Veelken, R., Sommer, M., Rupprecht, G., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Mann, J.F.
Hypertension 19
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1 June 1992
Hypertonie als Risikofaktor fur die Progression der Niereninsuffizienz.
Hilgers, K.F., Veelken, R., Luft, F.C., Geiger, H. and Mann, J.
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1 August 1992
The German multicentre trials for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults. The German Adult ALL Study Group.
Hoelzer, D., Thiel, E., Ludwig, W.D., Loeffler, H., Buechner, T., Freund, M., Heil, G., Hiddemann, W., Maschmeyer, G., Voelkers, B. and Aydemir, U.
Leukemia 6
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Assessment of perfusion of liver and metastatic lesions by means of H215O.
Hohenberger, P., Frohmueller, S., Dimitrakopoulou, A., Strauss, L.G., Herfarth, C. and Schlag, P.M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 18
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1 January 1992
Reoperation beim colorectalen Carcinom mit kurativer Zielsetzung.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
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1 January 1992
Individualisierte regionale und systemische 5-FU Chemotherapie durch PET und MRS Monitoring.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M., Semmler, W., Hull, W. and Strauss, L.G.
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 23
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1 January 1992
Vergleich des Ansprechens auf eine Chemotherapie mit in-vivo Befunden von Aufnahme und Abbau des 5-FU in Leber und Metastasen beobachtet durch 19F-MR-Spektroskopie.
Hohenberger, P., Schlemmer, H., Frohmueller, S., Semmler, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie
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1 January 1992
Application of colloidal gold for characterization of supports used in size-exclusion chromatography.
Holtzhauer, M. and Rudolph, M.
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1 January 1992
Untersuchungen zur prognostischen und differentialtherapeutischen Bedeutung einer eingeschraenkten Blutdruckamplitude bei Hypertonie in der Schwangerschaft.
Homuth, V., Juepner, A., Rueckert, E., Schneider, M. and Faulhaber, H.D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
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1 January 1992
Case report: acute presentation of pseudo myocardial infarction secondary to metastatic cancer.
Houghton, J.L., Sinden, J.R. and Gross, C.M.
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1 March 1992
Wertigkeit von Szintigraphie und Laser-Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie zum Nachweis der Verteilung von Photosensibilisatoren in Organen und Geweben.
Huenerbein, M., Stern, J., Graschew, G., Sinn, H., Friedrich, E.A. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1992
33Nukleotide in Western-blot.
Hunger, H.D.
Dupont News 42
1 January 1992
Purification and characterization of CeqI restriction endonuclease.
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1 November 1992
Steroid 11beta-hydroxylation by a fungal microsomal cytochrome P450.
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Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 43
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1 January 1992
Positive co-operative interaction between the subunits of CeqI restriction endonuclease.
Jobbagy, Z., Izsvak, Z. and Duda, E.
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15 August 1992
The role of elongation factors in protein synthesis rate variation in white teleost muscle.
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1 January 1992
Substrate analogue induced changes of the CO-stretching mode in cytochrome P-450cam carbon monoxide complex.
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29 December 1992
Identification of tissue proteins by amino acid analysis after purification two-dimensional electrophoresis.
Jungblut, P., Dzionara, M., Klose, J. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
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1 January 1992
Identification of human myocard proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis.
Jungblut, P., Otto, A., Regitz, V., Fleck, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
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1 January 1992
Role of phospholamban in NO/EDRF-induced relaxation in rat aorta.
Karczewski, P., Kelm, P., Hartmann, M. and Schrader, J.
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1 January 1992
Steroid-1-dehydrogenase of Rhodococcus erythropolis: purification and N-terminal amino acid sequence.
Kaufmann, G., Thole, H., Kraft, R. and Atrat, P.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 43
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1 January 1992
Regional adoptive immunotherapy with IL-2 and LAK-Cells for liver metastases.
Keilholz, U., Scheibenbogen, C., Schlag, P.M., Goerich, J., Kauffmann, G.W., Tilgen, W. and Hunstein, W.
Onkologie 15
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1 January 1992
Regional administration of lymphokine-activated killer cells can be superior to intravenous application.
Keilholz, U., Schlag, P.M., Tilgen, W., Brado, B., Galm, F., Goerich, J., Kauffmann, G.W., Moeller, P., Schneider, S. and Hunstein, W.
Cancer 69
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1 January 1992
Separation of tumor cells from a suspension of dissociated human colorectal carcinoma tissue by means of monoclonal antibody- coated magnetic beads.
Kemmner, W., Moldenhauer, G., Schlag, P.M. and Brossmer, R.
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1 January 1992
Alterations in cell surface carbohydrate composition of a human colon carcinoma cell line affect adhesion to extracellular matrix components.
Kemmner, W., Morgenthaler, J. and Brossmer, R.
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1 January 1992
Homotypic aggregation and terminal glycosylation of cells from dissociated human colorectal tumor tissue.
Kemmner, W., Schlag, P.M., Moeller, P. and Brossmer, R.
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1 January 1992
High blood pressure in transgenic mice carrying the rat angiotensinogen gene.
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1 January 1992
Differences in the biological activity of TNFalpha and TNFbeta correlate with their different abilities for binding to the target cells.
Kircheis, R., Milleck, J., Korobko, V.G., Shingarova, L.N. and Schmidt, H.E.
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1 January 1992
Biological activity of mutants of human tumour necrosis factor-alpha.
Kircheis, R., Milleck, J., Korobko, V.G., Shingarova, L.N., Behnke, D. and Schmidt, H.E.
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1 January 1992
GABA triggers a [Ca2+]i increase in murine precursor cells of the oligodendrocyte lineare.
Kirchhoff, F. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4
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1 January 1992
A fast perfusion system for single cell physiology optimized for microscopes with water immersion objectives.
Kirchhoff, F., Ohlemeyer, C. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 January 1992
Praeoperative kardiopulmonale Funktionsdiagnostik und Operationsrisiko.
Kleinau, H.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HUB Berlin,Reihe Medizin 41
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1 January 1992
Inhibition of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels via alpha 2-adrenergic and opioid receptors in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells.
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June 1992
Regulation of hepatic angiotensinogen synthesis and secretion by steroid hormones.
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1 January 1992
Over-expression of the small heat shock protein, hsp25, inhibits growth of Ehrlich Ascites tumor cells.
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14 September 1992
Ssp5230I, a novel isoschizomer of AatII from Streptomyces recognizing 5'-GACGT/C-3'.
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11 May 1992
The skeletal muscle chloride channel in dominant and recessive human myotonia.
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7 August 1992
Thyroid control of contractile function and calcium handling in neonatal rat heart.
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1 January 1992
Transcriptional regulation of the HIV-1 promoter by NF-kappa B in vitro.
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May 1992
Molecular genetics of hypertension.
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1 January 1992
Oskar and Cecile Vogt, Lenin's brain and the bumble-bees of the black forest.
Kreutzberg, G.W., Klatzko, I. and Kleihues, P.
Brain Pathology 2
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October 1992
Structure of the phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase genes from Thermus thermophilus HB8 and their expression in Escherichia coli.
Kreutzer, R., Kruft, V., Bobkova, E.V., Lavrik, O.I. and Sprinzl, M.
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25 August 1992
Probing the ribosomal surface by limited proteolysis. (Short communication).
Kruft, V., Bischof, O., Gaenge, H. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11
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1 January 1992
VIP21, a 21-kD membrane protein is an integral component of trans-golgi-network-derived transport vesicles.
Kurzchalia, T.V., Dupree, P., Parton, R.G., Kellner, R., Virta, H. and Simson, K.
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1 January 1992
Radioiodination of S-type lipopolysaccharide. Possibilities and limitations of labelling of the carbohydrate chain by periodate oxidation.
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1 January 1992
Reduction of dioxygen to superoxide photosensitized by anthraquinone-2-sulphonate.
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1 January 1992
Cytostatic effects of various alkyl phospholipid analoques on different cells in vitro.
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1 January 1992
Adherent-cell-dependent stimulation of CFU-GM by nucleobases, nucleosides, their analogues, and the hemoregulatory peptide dimer.
Langen, P., Schunck, H., Hunger, B., Schuett, M. and Laerum, O.D.
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1 January 1992
EPR stopped-flow studies of the reaction of the tyrosyl radical of protein R2 from ribonucleotide reductase with hydroxyurea.
Lassmann, G., Thelander, L. and Graeslund, A.
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30 October 1992
A targeting sequence directs DNA methyltransferase to sites of DNA replication in mammalian nuclei.
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27 November 1992
A new peptide (1150Da) selectively activates the calcium-calmodulin sensitive isoform of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from human myometrium.
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30 April 1992
On the role of nerve growth factor in the development of myelinated nociceptors.
Lewin, G.R., Ritter, A.M. and Mendell, L.M.
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May 1992
Neonatal Anit-Ngf treatment reduces the Adelta-and c-fibre evoked vasodilator responses in rat skin: evidence that nociceptor afferents mediate antidromic vasodilatation.
Lewin, G.R., Lisney, S.J.W. and Mendell, L.M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4
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1 January 1992
Regulation of afferent connectivity in the adult spinal-cord by nerve growth factor.
Lewin, G.R., Winter, J. and McMahon, S.B.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4
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1 January 1992
Identification of chromosomal loci associated with genetic hypertension in the rat.
Lindpaintner, K., Hilbert, P., Ganten, D., Georges, M. and Lathrop, M.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
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1 January 1992
Genetic variation in hypertensive and control strains - what are we controlling for anyway (editorial).
Lindpaintner, K., Kreutz, R. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 19
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1 January 1992
Left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction - does the cardiac renin angiotensin system play a role?
Lindpaintner, K., Niedermaier, N., Drexler, H. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
Contributions of animal models for understanding hypertension.
Linz, W. and Ganten, D.
Progress in Cardiology 5
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1 January 1992
Novel antibody coating of a magnetizable solid phase for use in enzyme immunoassays.
Loester, K., Seidel, S., Kirstein, D., Schneider, F. and Noll, F.
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1 January 1992
Koerperliches Training und Hypertonie.
Luft, F.C.
Arzt + Sport 4
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1 January 1992
Nierenschaeden bei essentieller Hypertonie.
Luft, F.C.
Therapiewoche 42
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1 January 1992
The influence of age on renal function and renin and aldosterone responses to sodium-volume expansion and contraction in normotensive and mildly hypertensive humans.
Luft, F.C., Fineberg, N.S. and Weinberger, M.H.
American Journal of Hypertension 5
: 520-528.
1 August 1992
Are calcium antagonists of value in ameliorating the course of chronic renal disease?
Luft, F.C. and Johnston, C.I.
Kidney International 41
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1 January 1992
New classes of antihypertensive drugs and new findings with established agents.
Luft, F.C. and Mann, J.F.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 1
: 91-99.
1 January 1992
Kochsalzkonsum und arterielle Hypertonie.
Luft, F.C., Weber, M. and Mann, J.F.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 89
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1 January 1992
Effect of antihypertensive therapy on the progression of non-diabetic renal disease.
Mann, J.F., Hilgers, K.F., Veelken, R., Geiger, H., Schmieder, R.E. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1992
Baroreceptor-mediated release of vasopressin in patients with chronic congestive heart failure and defective sympathetic responsiveness.
Manthey, J., Dietz, R., Opherk, D., Osterziel, K.J., Leinberger, H. and Kubler, W.
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1 January 1992
Crystallization and x-ray examination of bovine adrenodoxin.
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1 January 1992
AMSA combination chemotherapy in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia unsuitable for standard antileukemic treatment.
Maschmeyer, G., Willborn, K. and Heit, W.
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1 January 1992
Inhibition of hepatitis B virus production by modified 2',3'-dideoxy-thymidine and 2',3'-dideoxy-5-methylcytidine derivatives. In vitro and in vivo studies.
Matthes, E., von Janta-Lipinski, M., Will, M., Schroeder, C., Merz, H., Steffen, R. and Mueller, W.E.G.
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1 January 1992
Substrate specificity and stereoselectivity of fatty alcohol oxidase from the yeast Candida maltosa.
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1 January 1992
BSB-Kurzzeitmessung mit Biosensor.
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1 January 1992
Human ribosomal protein S3a: cloning of the cDNA and primary structure of the protein.
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1 January 1992
Limited proteolysis of streptokinase and properties of some fragments.
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1 January 1992
Expression of myosin heavy and light chains and phosphorylation of the phosphorylatable myosin light chain in the heart ventricle of the European hamster during hibernation and in summer.
Morano, I., Adler, K., Agostini, B. and Hasselbach, W.
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 13
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1 February 1992
Introducing foreign genes into fish eggs with electroporated sperm as a carrier.
Mueller, F., Ivics, Z., Erdelyi, F., Papp, T., Varadi, L., Horvath, L. and Maclean, N.
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1 August 1992
The database BIOSCAT: a tool for structure research by scattering and hydrodynamic methods.
Mueller, J.J., Pankow, H., Poppe, B. and Damaschun, G.
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1 December 1992
The inertia-equivalent ellipsoid: a link between atomic structure and low-resolution models of small globular proteins determined by small-angle x-ray scattering.
Mueller, J.J. and Schrauber, H.
Journal of Applied Crystallography 25
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1 April 1992
Calcium entry through kainate receptors and resulting potassium- channel blockade in Bergmann glial cells.
Mueller, T., Moeller, T., Berger, T., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J. and Kettenmann, H.
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12 June 1992
Yeast Sec-proteins interact with polypeptides traversing the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Muesch, A., Wiedmann, M. and Rapoport, T.A.
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1 January 1992
Expression of nitric oxide synthase in kidney macula densa cells.
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1 October 1992
Cloning of a gene from Bacillus cereus with homology to the mreb gene of Echerichia coli.
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1 January 1992
Extracellular proteolytic cleavage by urokinase is required for activation of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor.
Naldini, L., Tamagnone, L., Vigna, E., Sachs, M., Hartmann, G., Birchmeier, W., Daikuhara, Y., Tsubouchi, H., Blasi, F. and Comoglio, P.M.
EMBO Journal 11
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1 December 1992
Establishment and characterization of a new human oestradiol- and progesteron-receptor-positive mammary carcinoma serially transplantable in nude mice.
Naundorf, H., Fichtner, I., Buettner, B. and Frege, J.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 119
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1 January 1992
Characterization of two human mammary carcinomas, MT-1 and MT-3, suitable for in vivo-testing of ether lipids and their derivatives.
Naundorf, H., Rewasowa, E.C., Fichtner, I., Buettner, B., Becker, M. and Goerlich, M.
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1 January 1992
Elektrochemische Biosensoren.
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1 January 1992
Use of an in vitro absorption model system for predicting sustained release of verapamil.
Neubert, R., Fahr, F., Maeder, C., Luecke, L., Fries, G. and Rostock, G.
Arzneimittelforschung 42
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1 January 1992
Amelioration of ischemic acute renal failure by dietary fish oil administration in conscious dogs1,2.
Neumayer, H.H., Heinrich, M., Schmissas, M., Haller, H., Wagner, K. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 3
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December 1992
Multichannel circular dichroism investigations of the structural stability of bacterial cytochrome P-450.
Noelting, B., Jung, C. and Snatzke, G.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1100
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1 January 1992
The chicken neural extracellular matrix molecule restrictin: similarity with EGF-, fibronectin type III-, and fibrinogen-like motifs.
Noerenberg, U., Wille, H., Wolff, J.M., Frank, R. and Rathjen, F.G.
Neuron 8
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May 1992
Immunocytochemical localization of the L1 and N-CAM cell adhesion molecules and their shared carbohydrate epitope L2/HNK-1 in the developing and differentiated gustatory papillae of the mouse tongue.
Nolte, C. and Martini, R.
Journal of Neurocytology 21
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1 January 1992
Successful autologous transplantation of immunomagnetic bead purged bone marrow in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Ogniben, E., Hohaus, S., Kvalheim, G., Doerken, B. and Haas, R.
Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 377
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1 January 1992
Assessment of complement activation in vivo.
Oppermann, M., Höpken, U. and Götze, O.
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September 1992
Comparison of captopril with enalapril in the treatment of heart failure: influence on hemodynamics and measures of renal function.
Osterziel, K.J., Dietz, R., Harder, K. and Kuebler, W.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 6
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1 January 1992
Comparison of the first-dose effect of captopril and lisinopril in heart failure.
Osterziel, K.J., Karr, M., Busch, C. and Dietz, R.
American Journal of Cardiology 70
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1 January 1992
Effect of captopril and lisinopril on circadian blood pressure rhythm and renal function in mild-to-moderate heart failure.
Osterziel, K.J., Karr, M., Lemmer, B. and Dietz, R.
American Journal of Cardiology 70
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1 January 1992
Vergleich des 24-Stunden-Blutdruckprofils unter Lisinopril und Captopril bei der Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz.
Osterziel, K.J., Lemmer, B., Karr, M., Willenbrock, R. and Dietz, R.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
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1 January 1992
Interactions between IL-2 activated lymphocytes and vascular endothelium: binding to and migration across specialized and non-specialized endothelia.
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1 January 1992
An analysis of autologous T-cell anti-tumour responses in colon- carcinoma patients following active specific immunization (ASI).
Patel, B.T., Lutz, M.B., Schlag, P.M. and Schirrmacher, V.
International Journal of Cancer 51
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1 January 1992
Nikolai W. Timofejew-Ressowski.
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April 1992
Nikolai V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky: Controversy surrounds this Russian-born geneticist, whose major scientific achievements were made in Nazi Germany and who was later convicted of treason by the Soviet Union.
Paul, D.B. and Krimbas, C.B.
Scientific American 266
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February 1992
The tissue renin-angiotensin systems in cardiovascular disease.
Paul, M., Bachmann, J. and Ganten, D.
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 2
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1 January 1992
The molecular basis of cardiovascular hypertrophy: the role of the renin angiotensin system.
Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1992
Gesteigerte Aldosteronbiosynthese in TGR(mREN2)27: Funktionelle Bedeutung eines lokalen intraadrenalen Renin-Angiotensin-Systems.
Peters, J., Djavidani, B., Muenter, K., Bader, M., Sander, M., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
: 545-546.
1 January 1992
Development and characterization of an enzyme-based lactate for probe undiluted media.
Pfeiffer, D., Setz, K., Schulmeister, T., Scheller, F.W. and Lueck, H.B.
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1 January 1992
Pharmacological characterization of calcium currents and synaptic transmission between thalamic neurons in vitro.
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November 1992
Analysis of cytokine mRNA levels in interleukin-4-transgenic mice by quantitative polymerase chain reaction.
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1 January 1992
Interleukin-4-mediated tumor suppression in nude mice involves interferon-gamma.
Platzer, C., Richter, G., Ueberla, K., Hock, H., Diamantstein, T. and Blankenstein, T.
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1 January 1992
Mammary derived growth inhibitor protein and mRNA levels in different physiological states of the gland.
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1 January 1992
Mammary-derived growth inhibitor in lactation and involution.
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1 January 1992
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1 January 1992
Constitutive myc expression impairs hypertrophy and calcification in cartilage.
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1 January 1992
Studies on rye starch properties and modification. Part II: swelling and solubility behaviour of rye starch granules.
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1 January 1992
Transport of proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
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6 November 1992
Components and mechanism of protein translocation across the ER membrane.
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1 January 1992
Review on the physical and technical status of fast neutron therapy in Germany.
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1 January 1992
Glycoproteins implicated in neural cell adhesion and axonal growth.
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1 May 1992
Specific metaphase and interphase detection of the breakpoint region in 8q24 of Burkitt lymphoma cells by triple-color fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Ried, T., Lengauer, C., Cremer, T., Wiegant, J., Raap, A.K., van der Ploeg, M., Groitl, P. and Lipp, M.
Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 4
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1 January 1992
Altered content and distribution of tenascin in colitis, colon adenoma, and colorectal carcinoma.
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1 January 1992
Metastasierendes Haemangioperizytom des Magens. Fallbericht und Literaturuebersicht.
Riedl, S., Mechtersheimer, G. and Schlag, P.M.
Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 30
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1 January 1992
Tolerance of self induced in thymus organ culture.
Robertson, K., Simon, K., Schneider, S., Timms, E. and Mitchison, A.
European Journal of Immunology 22
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January 1992
Peptide motifs of closely related HLA class I molecules encompass substantial differences.
Roetzschke, O., Falk, K., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
European Journal of Immunology 22
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1 September 1992
Molecular identification of the gene responsible for congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
Rosenthal, W., Seibold, A., Antaramian, A., Lonergan, M., Arthus, M.F., Hendy, G.N., Birnbaumer, M. and Bichet, D.G.
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17 September 1992
Blutkulturmedien mit und ohne antibiotikaadsorbierendes Harz. Vergleich zwischen BACTEC NR 16 A und BACTEC NR 6 A.
Rosenthal, E.J.K., Potthoff, H., Obertacke, U. and Maschmeyer, G.
Chemotherapie Journal 1
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1 January 1992
Solid-phase extraction and direct high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of celiprolol in plasma.
Rostock, G., Guenzel, R. and Gloeckl, D.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 11
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1 January 1992
Bioequivalence of a new atenolol formulation.
Rostock, G., Vogel, I., Stulich, M. and Guenzel, R.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 11
: 482-483.
1 January 1992
Langzeitanwendung von Tiracizin - Effektivitaet, Nebenwirkungen und therapeutische Plasmaspiegel.
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1 January 1992
Abnormal TNF production in prediabetic BB rats is linked to defective CD45R expression.
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1 January 1992
The role of the adrenal gland in hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
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1 August 1992
Superoxide anion release induced by platelet-activating factor is increased in human alveolar macrophages from smokers.
Schaberg, T., Haller, H., Rau, M., Kaiser, D., Fassbender, M. and Lode, H.
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1 January 1992
Increased number of alveolar macrophages expressing adhesion molecules of the leukocyte adhesion molecule family in smoking subjects. Association with cell-binding ability and superoxide anion production.
Schaberg, T., Lauer, C., Lode, H., Fischer, J. and Haller, H.
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1 January 1992
Elektrochemische Biosensoren fuer Laboranalysatoren und Taschengeraete.
Scheller, F.W., Hintsche, R., Pfeiffer, D., Wollenberger, U., Renneberg, R., Klimes, N., Neumann, B. and Nentwig, J.
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Enzym- und Zellsensoren - Anwendungen, Trends und Perspektiven.
Scheller, F.W., Schubert, F. and Pfeiffer, D.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
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1 January 1992
In vitro effects of reactive O2 species on the beta-receptor-adenyl cyclase system.
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1 January 1992
Randomized trial of preoperative chemotherapy for squamous cell cancer of the esophagus. The Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Onkologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Chirurgie Study Group.
Schlag, P.M.
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1 December 1992
Active specific immunotherapy with Newcastle-disease-virus modified autologous tumor cells following resection of liver metastases in colorectal cancer. First evaluation of clinical response of a phase II-trial.
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1 May 1992
Randomisierte Studie zur praeoperativen Chemotherapie beim Plattenepithel-Carcinom des Oesophagus.
Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1992
Photodynamische Therapie maligner Tumoren.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Graschew, G.
Aerztliche Praxis 40
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1 January 1992
Photodynamische Therapie: Alternative bei lokal rezidiviertem Mamma-Carcinom.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M., Stern, J., Gahlen, J. and Graschew, G.
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1 January 1992
Photodynamische Therapie - eine Chance gegen den Krebs?
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M., Stern, J. and Graschew, G.
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1 January 1992
Systemic recombinant tissue plasminogen activator lysis for left atrial thrombus formation after single-lung retransplantation.
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1 January 1992
Purification and characterization of seven chloroplast ribosomal proteins: evidence that organelle ribosomal protein genes are functional and that NH2-terminal processing occurs via multiple pathways in chloroplasts.
Schmidt, J., Herfurth, E. and Subramanian, A.R.
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1 January 1992
Pertussis toxin reverses prostaglandin E2- and somatostatin-induced inhibition of rat parietal cell H(+)-production.
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May 1992
Ein neuer Enzymimmunoassay zur quantitativen Bestimmung von antinukleaeren Antikoerpern1).
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1 January 1992
Transplantation of thymic autoimmune microenvironment to severe combined immunodeficiency mice. A new model of myasthenia gravis.
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July 1992
Modulation of normal erythroid differentiation by the endogenous thyroid hormone and retinoic acid receptors: a possible target for v-erbA oncogene action.
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1 February 1992
Organic phase enzyme electrodes for the determination of hydrogen peroxide and phenol.
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1 January 1992
Characterization of GTP-binding proteins in Golgi-associated membrane vesicles from rat adipocytes.
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T helper cell membranes promote IL-4-independent expression of germ-line Cγ1 transcripts in B cells.
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1 July 1992
The influence of interleukin-2 or lymphokin-activated killer cells on normal hematopoietic stem cells.
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1 January 1992
Function of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) and CD14, the receptor for LPS/LBP complexes: a short review.
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1 January 1992
Human Lyb-2 homolog CD72 is a marker for progenitor B-cell leukemias.
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1 January 1992
Structure and chromosomal localization of the human antidiuretic hormone receptor gene.
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November 1992
Bsp423I, a novel isoschizomer of BbvI from Bacillus recognizing 5'-GCAGC-3'.
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11 May 1992
Purification and characterization of DNA polymerases from Bacillus species.
Sellmann, E., Schroeder, K.L., Knoblich, I.M. and Westermann, P.
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1 January 1992
Thyroid control over membrane processes in rat heart.
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1 January 1992
Rat gene mapping using PCR-analyzed microsatellites.
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1 July 1992
Biogenesis of cell-surface polarity in epithelial cells and neurons.
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1 January 1992
Zur iatrogenen Diagnoseverzoegerung beim Rektumkarzinom.
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1 January 1992
Heterogeneity of three electrophoretically distinct Go alpha-subunits in mammalian brain.
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28 July 1992
Tissue restricted expression and chromosomal localization of the YB-1 gene encoding a 42 kD nuclear CCAAT binding protein.
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25 February 1992
The small heat shock protein hsp25 is accumulated in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells and embryonic stem cells on line BLC6 during differentiation.
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1 January 1992
Quantitative reconstitution of isolated influenza hemagglutinin into liposomes by the detergent method and the immunogenicity of hemagglutinin liposomes.
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1 January 1992
Heterogeneity in the membrane current pattern of identified glial cells in the hippocampal slice: a combined patch-clamp and ultrastructural study.
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1 January 1992
Structure of the chicken myelomonocytic growth factor gene and specific activation of its promoter in avian myelomonocytic cells by protein kinases.
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Autocrine growth induced by kinase type oncogenes in myeloid cells requires AP-1 and NF-M, a myeloid specific, C/EBP-like factor.
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Identification of MAPKAP kinase-2 as a major enzyme responsible for the phosphorylation of the small mammalian heat shock proteins.
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1 January 1992
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1 January 1992
The microcirculation and hypertension.
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1 January 1992
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5 March 1992
Adrenal renin is released into the circulation of the hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mRen-2)27.
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1 January 1992
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16 November 1992
ELISA for the quantification of HIV-1 env glycoprotein 120: some practical applications.
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1 January 1992
Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection by human conglutinin-like protein: in vitro studies.
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1 January 1992
Human conglutinin-like protein inhibits infection by the human immunodeficiency virus-1 in vitro.
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1 January 1992
Veraenderungen des retikulaeren Ca2+-Transports im neonatalen Rattenherzmuskel durch Schilddruesenhormone.
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1 January 1992
Role of sulfhydryl groups in phospholipid methylation reactions of cardiac sarcolemma.
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1 January 1992
Immunocytochemical localization of alkane-inducible cytochrome P-450 and its NADPH-dependet reductase in the yeast Candida maltosa.
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1 January 1992
Surgery for congenital malformations of the lung.
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1 January 1992
Structure of the axonal surface recognition molecule neurofascin and its relationship to a neural subgroup of the immunoglobulin superfamily.
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Frequency domain analysis of highly amplified ECG on basis of maximum entropy spectral estimation.
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1 January 1992
Primary hypertension in Germany: Epidemiology and treatment.
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1 January 1992
Renale Renin-mRNA-Expression bei Patienten mit Glomerulonephritis und Hypertonie.
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1 January 1992
Maligne Hypertonie: Pathophysiologie - Klinik - Therapie.
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1 January 1992
Gene transfer experiments imply instructive role of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in cellular peptide processing.
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1 March 1992
Autoantikoerper gegen den beta1-adrenergen Rezeptor bei Myokarditis und dilatativer Kardiomyopathie: Lokalisation von zwei Epitopen.
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1 January 1992
Measuring the in-vitro assembly of microtubules by dynamic light scattering.
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1 January 1992
Sporadic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to de novo myosin mutations.
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November 1992
Sodium kinetics in salt-sensitive and salt-resistant normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
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1 January 1992
Definitions and characteristics of salt-sensitivity and resistance of blood pressure: should the diagnosis depend on diastolic blood pressure?
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1 January 1992
Conformational properties of streptokinase - secondary structure and localization of aromatic amino acids.
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1 January 1992
Salt-dependent and protein-concentration-dependent changes in the solution structure of DNA-binding histone-like protein, HBsn, from Bacillus subtilis.
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1 January 1992
Conformational properties of streptokinase - differential scanning calorimetric investigations.
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1 January 1992
Generation of recombinant CHO(dhfr-) cell lines by single selection for dhfr+ transformants.
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1 January 1992
Counting target molecules by exponential polymerase chain reaction: copy number of mitochondrial DNA in rat tissues.
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16 March 1992
Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein and gp330 bind similar ligands, including plasminogen activator-inhibitor complexes and lactoferrin, an inhibitor of chylomicron remnant clearance.
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25 December 1992
Investigations of droloxifene and other hormone manipulations on N-nitrosomethylurea-induced rat mammary tumors. 1. Influence on tumor growth.
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1 January 1992
High-sensitive protein sequence analysis.
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1 January 1992
Polymeric porphyrins as new photocatalysts in photodynamic therapy of cancer.
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1 January 1992
Clinical reinvestigation and linkage analysis in the family with Episkopi blindness (Norrie disease).
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1 January 1992
Biosensor for sensitive phosphate detection.
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1 January 1992
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Blutflussmessung peripherer arterieller Gefaesse mit der MRT unter Anwendung des Phase-Mapping Verfahrens.
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1 January 1992
Candidate proto-oncogene bcl-3 encodes a subunit-specific inhibitor of transcription factor NF-kappaB.
Wulczyn, F.G., Naumann, M. and Scheidereit, C.
Nature 358
(6387): 597-599.
1 January 1992
Zonal distribution and regulation of adrenal renin in a transgenic model of hypertension in the rat.
Yamaguchi, T., Tokita, Y., Franco-Saenz, R., Mulrow, P.J., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Endocrinology 131
: 1955-1962.
1 January 1992
Characterization of human tissue-type plasminogen activator with monoclonal antibodies - mapping of epitopes and binding sites for fibrin and lysine.
Zacharias, U., Fischer, B., Noll, F. and Will, H.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 67
(1): 88-94.
23 January 1992
Expression des Ren-2-Gens der Maus im Duenndarm von DBA/2-Maeusen und transgenen Ratten.
Zhao, Y., Peters, J., Matsuda, T., Mullins, J.J., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21
: 642-643.
1 January 1992
From biology to biotechnology.
Zschiesche, W.
Biopractice 1
: 75-79.
1 January 1992
In vivo distribution and antitumor activity of liposomal 3',5'-0-dipalmitoyl-5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine.
van Borssum Waalkes, M., Fichtner, I., Dontjes, B., Lemm, M., Becker, M., Arndt, D. and Scherphof, G.L.
Journal of Microencapsulation 9
: 335-346.
1 January 1992
Parental origin and germline mosaicism of deletions and duplications of the dystrophin gene - a european study.
van Essen, A.J., Abbs, S., Baiget, M., Bakker, E., Boileau, C., van Broeckhoven, C., Bushby, K., Clarke, A., Claustres, M., Covone, A.E., Ferrari, M., Ferlini, A., Galluzzi, G., Grimm, T., Grubben, C., Jeanpierre, M., Kaariainen, H., Liechtigallati, S., Melis, M.A., van Ommen, G.J.B., Poncin, J.E., Scheffer, H., Schwartz, M., Speer, A., Stuhrmann, M., Verellen-Dumoulin, C., Wilcox, D.E. and Tenkate, L.P.
Human Genetics 88
(3): 249-257.
1 January 1992
Deletions in the short arm of chromosome 8 are present in up to 90% of human colorectal cancer cell lines.
van der Bosch, K., Becker, I., Savelyeva, L., Bruederlein, S., Schlag, P.M. and Schwab, M.
Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 5
: 91-95.
1 January 1992
Ca2+ channel expression in the oligodendrocyte lineage.
von Blankenfeld, G., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4
: 1035-1048.
1 January 1992
Book Section
Neoplastic changes in HPV11 and HPV11 DNA/HGM1 complex infected human foreskin tissues using subrenal capsule technique in nude and scid mice.
Arnold, W., Boettger, M., Hauff, P., Rudolph, M. and Scherneck, S.
Immunodeficient Mice in Oncology.
Karger, Basel, 294-302.
1 January 1992
Sexual dimorphism of blood pressure in transgenic rats TGR(m REN2)27 harboring the murine Ren-2 gene.
Bachmann, J., Ganten, U., Zimmermann, F., Mullins, J.J., Stock, G. and Ganten, D.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Related Studies.
Colloque Inserm ; 218
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 353-355.
1 January 1992
Primary hypertension and the renin angiotensin system - from the laboratory experiment to clinical relevance.
Bader, M., Kreutz, R., Wagner, J., Zeh, K., Boehm, M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, (Colloque Inserm ; 218).
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 359-371.
1 January 1992
Role of endocrine brain in the control of hypertension angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic peptide in the brain.
Badoer, E., Unger, T. and Ganten, D.
Comprehensive Endocrinology : Brain Endocrinology.
Raven Press, New York, 403-430.
1 January 1992
Disaggregation of the membrane protein cytochrome P450 by detergents.
Behlke, J.
Analytical Ultracentrifugation in Biochemistry and Polymer Science.
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 484-493.
1 January 1992
Activation of neurokinin receptors in cultured astrocytes: a role in K+ conductances?
Berger, T. and Kettenmann, H.
Epilepsy and Inhibition.
Urban & Schwarzenberg, Muenchen, 189-198.
1 January 1992
Common mechanism of interaction between cytochrome P450 and electron donors in different monooxygenase systems.
Bernhardt, R., Kraft, R., Alterman, M., Otto, A., Schrauber, H., Gunsalus, I.C. and Ruckpaul, K.
Cytochrome P450. Biochemistry and Biophysics.
INCO-TNC, Moscow, 204-209.
1 January 1992
Independent modulation of differentiation and proliferation in erythroid progenitors.
Beug, H., Doederlein, G. and Zenke, M.
Nuclear Processes and Oncogenes.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Cancer Symp. Ser ; 14
Academic Press, Orlando, 53-84.
1 January 1992
Development of microbial sensors for determination of xenobiotics.
Beyersdorf-Radeck, B., Riedel, K., Neumann, B., Scheller, F.W. and Schmid, R.D.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications (GBF Monographs ; 17).
VCH, Weinheim, 55-60.
1 January 1992
Biographie. Arnold Graffi.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin-Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 106-107.
Biographie. Erwin Negelein.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin-Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 106.
Biographie. Karl Lohmann.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 105-106.
Biographie. Max Delbrueck.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin-Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 107.
Biographie. Nikolai Wladimirovich Timofeeff-Ressovsky.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin-Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 104.
Biographie. Walter Friedrich.
Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin-Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 105.
Biographie. Oskar Vogt.
Bielka, H. and Bielka, H.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute. Berlin Buch 1930 - 1992.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, 104.
Molecular aspects of the invasion of carcinoma cells.
Birchmeier, W., Weidner, K.M. and Behrens, J.
Metastasis : Basic Research and its Clinical Application.
Karger, Basel, 95-107.
1 January 1992
Correct expression of the transgene in the brain of hypertensive transgenic mice carrying the rat angiotensinogen gene.
Bunnemann, B., Kimura, S., Mullins, J.J., Zimmermann, F., Ganten, D. and Kaling, M.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertension Rats and Related Studies.
Colloque Inserm ; 218
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 309-311.
1 January 1992
Trends und Perspektiven der digitalen Projektionsradiographie.
Cobet, H., Richter, K. and Gerst, H.
Digitale und interventionelle Radiologie bei Herz- und Gefaesskrankheiten.
Blackwell, Berlin, 154-157.
1 January 1992
Spin-labeling study of the structure and function of leucine aminopeptidase.
Damerau, W. and Fittkau, S.
Bioactive Spin Labels.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 389-403.
1 January 1992
Aspects moleculaires de la pathogenecite du polyomavirus de hamster.
De La Roche Saint Andre, C., Goutebroze, L., Scherneck, S., Mazur, S., Michiels, F. and Feunteun, J.
Colloque / Societe Francaise de Microbiologie, Section de Microbiologie Alimentaire ; 11.
UNSPECIFIED, Paris, 151-155.
1 January 1992
Enzymatischer Nitrat- und Nitratabbau in Wasser.
Diekmann, S., Ronnenberg, J., Kirstein, D., Beckmann, D. and Gruber, R.
Technische Systeme fuer die Biotechnologie und Umwelt. 6. Heiligenstaedter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt, 02.11. - 04.11.1992.
Institut fuer Bioprozeb- u. Analysenmebtechnik e.V., Heiligenstadt, 151-154.
1 January 1992
Aetiologie und Pathogenese.
Dietz, R.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 17-23.
1 January 1992
Diastolische Dysfunktion.
Dietz, R.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 91-96.
1 January 1992
Therapie -Vasodiolatierende Substanzen.
Dietz, R.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 181-189.
1 January 1992
Evaluation of regional fluorouracil chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
Dimitrakopoulou, A., Strauss, L.G., Haberkorn, U., Knopp, M.V., Schlag, P.M., Ostertag, H., Helus, F. and Lorenz, W.J.
Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning : Advanced Radiation Therapy.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 197-201.
1 January 1992
Posotron emission tomography measurement of fluorouracil uptake prior to therapy and chemotherapy response.
Dimitrakopoulou, A., Strauss, L.G., Knopp, M.V., Haberkorn, U., Hohenberger, P., Wolber, G., Oberdorfer, F. and van Kaick, G.
Advanced Radiation Therapy, Tumor Response and Treatment Planning.
Springer, Heidelberg, 219-222.
1 January 1992
Mitarbeit an der Neubearbeitung.
Fabricius, E.M.
Woerterbuch der Medizin. 15., voellig ueberarbeitete Auflage.
Ullstein Mosby, Berlin.
1 January 1992
Tumor diagnosis with the Clostridium tumor test.
Fabricius, E.M., Schneeweiss, U., Benedix, A., Weisbrich, C., Dietz, O., Guetz, H.J., Jacobasch, K.H., Seifart, W., Luebbe, D. and Wildner, G.P.
Tumor Associated Antigens, Oncogenes, Receptors, Cytokines in Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy at the Beginning of the Nineties. Cancer of the Breast - State and Trends in Diagnosis and Therapy.
Zuckerschwerdt Verl., Muenchen, 231-233.
1 January 1992
Antihypertensive Monotherapie und Responderquoten.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Ein neues Therapieprinzip zur Behandlung der Hypertonie.
Schattauer, Stuttgart [u.a.], 125-132.
1 January 1992
Antihypertensive Therapie und Gefaesswandprotektion unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Calcium-Antagonisten.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Organprotektion durch Calcium-Antagonisten.
Barth, Leipzig, 37-48.
1 January 1992
Studies on intratumoral application of 57Co-Bleomycin in nude mouse model of squamous-cell carcinoma of the oral cavity transplanted into nude mice.
Froehlich, M., Henke, E., Arnold, W. and Naundorf, H.
Immunodeficient Mice in Oncology.
Karger, Basel, 457-461.
1 January 1992
Expression and phosphorylation of the small mammalian stress protein hsp 25 in tumor cells.
Gaestel, M., Knauf, U., Oesterreich, S., Stahl, J., Wobus, A.M., Kloetzel, P.M., Benndorf, R. and Bielka, H.
Hyperthermic Oncology 1992, Vol. 1.
Arizona Board of Regents, Tucson, 25.
1 January 1992
Compactness of protein molecules in native and denatured states as revealed by laser light scattering and X-ray scattering.
Gast, K., Damaschun, G., Damaschun, H., Misselwitz, R., Zirwer, D. and Bychkova, V.A.
Laser Light Scattering in Biochemistry.
Thomas Graham House, Cambridge, 209-223.
1 January 1992
Further measures to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention.
Geissler, E.
The Verification of the Biological Weapons Convention: Problems and Perspectives.
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, 39-54.
1 January 1992
Molecular biotechnology and the biological weapons convention.
Geissler, E.
Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s. The Results of the Seventh APES-PRESS Conference.
Apes-Press, Mosbach, 38-39.
1 January 1992
Strengthening of the biological weapons convention through greater transparency.
Geissler, E.
Verification Report 1992: Yearbook on Arms Control and Environmental Agreements.
Apex Press, London, New York, 71-84.
1 January 1992
The spread of biological and toxin weapons: a nightmare of the 1990's?
Geissler, E.
Limiting the Proliferation of Weapons.The Role of Supply-Side Strategies.
Carleton University Press, Canada, 99-110.
1 January 1992
Vaccines for peace. An international program of development and use of vaccines against "Dual-Threat" agents.
Geissler, E.
International Security in a Transformed World : 5th International Amaldi Conference of Academies of Sciences and National Scientific Societies. Report und Documentation, Heidelberg, July 1-3, 1992.
[s.n.], Heidelberg, 247-269.
1 January 1992
Methoden der automatischen Merkmalserfassung und -klassifikation in der dorsoventralen Roentgenthoraxaufnahme.
Gerst, H., Cobet, H., Lemke, H., Lucius, H., Richter, K. and Steinbach, W.R.
Digitale und interventionelle Radiologie bei Herz- und Gefaesskrankheiten.
Blackwell, Berlin, 142-149.
1 January 1992
Autologous bone marrow transplantation in patients wiht acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second or subsequent complete remission.
Haas, R., Doerken, B., Ogniben, F., Hohaus, S., Witt, B. and Hunstein, W.
Acute Leukemias - Pharmacokinetics.
Haematology and Blood Transfusion ; 34
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 549-554.
1 January 1992
Characterization of the dihydropyridine-sensitive, voltage-dependent calcium channel from porcine cardiac sarcolemma.
Haase, H., Vetter, R., Striessnig, J., Holtzhauer, M. and Glossmann, H.
Molecular Biology of the Myocardium.
Japan Sci.Soc.Press, Tokyo, Berlin, 169-180.
1 January 1992
Die Rolle von Calciumantagonisten unter gleichzeitiger Kochsalzeinschraenkung.
Haller, H.
Bedeutung von Natrium und Chlorid fuer den Menschen.
Springer, Berlin, 132-142.
1 January 1992
Molekulare Mechanismen bei kardiovasculaeter Hypertrophie. Proteinkinase C und Protoonkogen-Expression.
Haller, H.
Gefaess- und Herzhypertrophie.
Schattauer, Stuttgart, 55-79.
1 January 1992
Glucose oxidase/lipid mixed LB-films on a PT electrode application as sensor model.
Hanke, T., Wollenberger, U., Ebert, B., Scheller, F.W. and Zaitsev, S.Y.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications (GBF Monographs ; 17).
VCH, Weinheim, 43-46.
1 January 1992
Reduced surgical radicality by new diagnostic procedures and new technological modalities.
Herfarth, C., Hohenberger, P. and Glaeser, F.
Accomplishments in Cancer Research.
Lippincott, Philadelphia, 225-238.
1 January 1992
Integrated enzyme thin film metal electrodes.
Hintsche, R., Moeller, B., Dransfeld, I. and Scheller, F.W.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications (GBF Monographs ; 17).
VCH, Weinheim, 61-63.
1 January 1992
Ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation.
Jentsch, S., Seufert, W., Sommer, T., Reins, H.A., Jungmann, J. and Hauser, H.P.
DNA replication and the cell cycle.
Colloquium der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie ; 43
Springer, Berlin.
ISBN 3-540-54729-0; 0-387-54729-0
1 January 1992
Structural multiplicity in the active center of cytochrome P-450.
Jung, C., Scholl, R., Frauenfelder, H. and Hoa, G.H.B.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference 'Biochemistry & Biophysics of Cytochrome P-450: Structure and Function, Biotechnological & Ecological Aspects', Moscow, July 27 - August 2 1991.
INCO-TNC, Joint Stock Company, Moscow, 33-38.
1 January 1992
Some european neuroscientists: A personal tribute.
Jung, R.
The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery, I.
ISBN 978-0-8176-3621-0
Comparison of PEG-induced and electric field-mediated cell fusion in the generation of monoclonal antibodies against a variety of soluble and cellular antigens.
Karsten, U., Stolley, P. and Seidel, B.
Guide to Electroporation and Electrofusion.
Academic Press, San Diego, 363-369.
1 January 1992
Ion channel expression during the development of oligodendrocytes.
Kettenmann, H., von Blankenfeld, G. and Trotter, J.
Glial-Neuronal Interactions.
Academic Science, New York, 64-77.
1 January 1992
Biosensoren auf der Basis von Mediatoren.
Kirstein, D.
Technische Systeme fuer die Biotechnologie und Umwelt. 6. Heiligenstaedter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt, 02.11. - 04.11.1992.
Institut fuer Bioprozeb- u. Analysenmebtechnik e.V., Heiligenstadt, 237-246.
1 January 1992
Search for genetic determinants of environmental susceptibility in hypertension: effect of heat, immobilization stress and endotoxin.
Kunes, J., Pravenec, M., Kren, V., Klir, P., Ganten, D., Mullins, J.J., Tremblay, J. and Hamet, P.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
Colloque Inserm ; 218
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 333-335.
1 January 1992
Chromosomal mapping of genetic loci associated with hereditary hypertension in the rat.
Lindpaintner, K., Hilbert, P., Ganten, D., Georges, M. and Lathrop, G.M.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Related Studies.
Colloque Inserm ; 218
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 313-315.
1 January 1992
Ernaehrungsmedizinische Aspekte der Hochdruckbehandlung.
Luft, F.C.
Verhaltensmedizinische Aspekte der Hypertonie.
SMV Edition Materia Medica Publ., Graefelfing.
1 January 1992
Kochsalzkonsum und arterielle Hypertonie.
Luft, F.C.
Bedeutung von Natrium und Chlorid fuer den Menschen.
Springer, Berlin, 94-98.
1 January 1992
Salt sensitivity in normal and hypertensive people.
Luft, F.C.
ISH 1992 Hypertension Annual.
Current Science Ltd., London, 19-34.
1 January 1992
Chemical and biological warfare developments in 1991 and arms control developments in 1991.
Lundin, S.J., Stock, T. and Geissler, E.
World Armaments and Disarmament. SIPRI Yearbook 1992.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 147-182.
1 January 1992
Renovascular hypertension.
Mann, J.F., Allenberg, J.R., Reisch, C., Dietz, R., Weber, M. and Luft, F.C.
Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2096-2117.
1 January 1992
The use of AMSA combination chemotherapy in patients with actue myelogenous leukemia unsuitable for anthracycline or mitoxantrone treatment.
Maschmeyer, G., Willborn, K. and Heit, W.
Acute Leukemias - Pharmacokinetics.
Haematology and Blood Transfusion ; 34
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 445-449.
1 January 1992
Characterization of two cytochrome P-450 forms purified from the yeast Candida maltosa.
Mauersberger, S., Persiyanova, T.B., Avetisova, S.M., Sokolov, Y.I., Kaergel, E., Kraft, R., Schunck, W.H., Davidov, E.R. and Mueller, H.G.
Cytochrome P-450: Biochemistry and Biophysics.
INCO-TNC, Joint Stock Company, Moscow, 651-653.
1 January 1992
Inducible high-level expression of cytochromes P-450 CYP52A3 and CYP52A4 from Candida maltosa in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Menzel, R., Scheller, U., Schunck, W.H. and Mueller, H.G.
Cytochrome P-450: Biochemistry and Biophysics.
INCO-TNC, Joint Stock Company, Moscow, 654-656.
1 January 1992
Fractionation treatment planning for sequential half-body irradiation of small-cell lung cancer.
Merkle, K. and Schmidt, W.
Advanced Radiation Therapy Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning.
Springer, Berlin, 447-452.
1 January 1992
Biotechnologie. Sachgebiet Immunologie.
Micheel, B.
Roempp Lexikon Biotechnologie.
Thieme, Stuttgart - New York, [s. p.].
1 January 1992
Individual in vitro sensitivities of human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines to photodynamic therapy.
Moesta, K.T., Dmytriuk, A., Schlag, P.M. and Mang, T.S.
Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy.
S P I E - International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 43-51.
1 January 1992
Intercellular organization determines the differential PDT-sensitivities of two human pancreatic cancer lines in vitro.
Moesta, K.T., Hurley, E.L. and Mang, T.S.
Photodynamic Therapy and Biomedical Lasers.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 292-296.
1 January 1992
Small-angle. Teil 4 - Data evaluation.
Mueller, J.J.
Programmpaket APX 63.
Freiberger Praezisionsmechanik GmbH, Freiberg, 1-147.
1 January 1992
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 5-11.
1 January 1992
Pathophysiologie: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System.
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 105-107.
1 January 1992
Pathophysiologie; Haemodynamik und Reflexe.
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 99-104.
1 January 1992
Therapie: Diaet.
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 171.
1 January 1992
Therapie: Digitalis.
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 175-177.
1 January 1992
Therapie: Diuretika.
Osterziel, K.J.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 172-175.
1 January 1992
The role of adrenal renin in steroid metabolism and development of hypertension in transgenic rats TGR(Messenger REN2).
Peters, J., Sander, M., Munter, K., Lee, M.A., Djavidani, B., Bader, M., Maser-Gluth, C., Vecsei, P., Ganten, D. and Mullins, J.J.
Genetic Hypertension : 7th International Symposium on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (Colloque Inserm ; 218).
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 345-347.
1 January 1992
Designing and characterization of enzyme probes for different diagnostic relevance.
Pfeiffer, D., Scheller, F.W., Wollenberger, U., Pfeil, D., Goan, S.R., Nentwig, J., Klimes, N. and Setz, K.
2nd Bioelectroanalysis Symposium, Matrafuered Budapest, October 11 - 15, 1992.
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 419-435.
1 January 1992
Enzyme electrodes for medical applications.
Pfeiffer, D., Setz, K., Klimes, N., Makower, A., Schulmeister, T. and Scheller, F.W.
Biosensores: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications.
GBF Monographs ; 17
VCH, Weinheim, 11-18.
1 January 1992
Stoerungen des Volumen-, Elektrolyt- und Saeure-Basen-Haushaltes.
Philipp, T. and Haller, H.
Innere Medizin.
de Gruyter, Berlin, 881-904.
1 January 1992
Tumormarker in der praeoperativen Diagnostik und postoperativen Nachsorge des Pankreaskarzinoms.
Quentmeier, A. and Hohenberger, P.
Pankreas : Diagnose und Therapie.
Karger, Basel, 391-394.
1 January 1992
A biological examination of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, the example of spondylitis ankylopoetica (Bekhterec's Disease).
Regling, G. and Tunn, P.U.
Wolffs Law and Connective Tissue Regulation.
de Gruyter, Berlin, 329-337.
1 January 1992
Properties of immobilized cytochrome P-450 entrapped in polymer polyelectrolyte capsules.
Rein, H., Pommerening, K., Jung, C. and Ristau, O.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference 'Biochemistry & Biophysics of Cytochrome P-450: Structure & Function, Biotechnological & Ecological Aspects', Moscow, July 27 - August 2 1991.
INCO-NC, Joint Stock Company, Moscow, 620-622.
1 January 1992
Digitale Lumineszenzradiographie mit on-line-Einsatz kuenstlicher Intelligenz zur Bildauswertung.
Richter, K., Galanski, M., Cobet, H., Gerst, H., Prokop, M., Oestmann, J.W., Richter, C. and Schaefer, C.
Digitale und interventionelle Radiologie bei Herz- und Gefaesskrankheiten.
Blackwell, Berlin, 131-138.
1 January 1992
A microbial sensor for BOD.
Riedel, K., Neumann, B., Klimes, N., Fahrenbruch, B., Scheller, F.W., Merten, H., Klinger, E. and Stein, H.J.
Biosensores: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications.
GBF Monographs ; 17
VCH, Weinheim, 51-54.
1 January 1992
Induction and altered distribution of tenascin in the basal lamina of colorectal adenomas and carcinomas.
Riedl, S., Moeller, P., Faissner, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Angiogenesis : Key Principles - Science - Technology - Medicine.
Birkenhaeuser, Basel, 277-281.
1 January 1992
A model treating the DNA double-strand break repair inhibition by damage clustering.
Rosemann, M., Abel, H. and Regel, K.
Biophysical Modelling of Radiation Effects : Proceedings of a Workshop Jointly Organized by the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare at Legnaro, Italy, the Office for Health and Environmental Research of the United States Department of Energy and the C.
Adam Hilger, Bristol [u.a.], 155-160.
1 January 1992
Grundlagen der Pharmakokinetik von Antiarrhythmika.
Rostock, K.J. and Rostock, G.
BonnecorR (Tiracizin). Ein neues Antiarrhythmikum.
Akademie Verl., Berlin, 38-54.
1 January 1992
Klinische Erstanwendung am Menschen.
Rostock, K.J. and Rostock, G.
BonnecorR(Tiracizin). Ein neues Antiarrhythmikum.
Akademie Verl., Berlin, 55-69.
1 January 1992
Klinische Studien zur therapeutischen Wertbestimmung bei Antiarrhythmika.
Rostock, K.J. and Rostock, G.
BonnecorR (Tiracizin). Ein neues Antiarrhythmikum.
Akademie Verl., Berlin, 70-87.
1 January 1992
Fifteen years of biosensor research in Berlin-Buch.
Scheller, F.W., Schubert, F., Pfeiffer, D., Wollenberger, U., Renneberg, R., Hintsche, R. and Kuehn, M.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications.
GBF Monographs ; 17
VCH, Weinheim, 3-10.
1 January 1992
Multienzyme sensors.
Scheller, F.W., Warsike, J., Lutter, J., Renneberg, R. and Schubert, F.
Biosensors and Chemical Sensors. Optimizing Performence Through Polymeric Materials. ACR Symposium Series ; 487.
American Chemical Society, Atlanta, 16-21.
1 January 1992
Elektrochemische Biosensoren - Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Perspektive.
Scheller, F.W., Wollenberger, U., Pfeiffer, D., Makower, A., Paeschke, M., Neumann, B., Heyn, S.P. and Riedel, K.
Dechema Monographien.
VCH, Weinheim, 201-217.
1 January 1992
Characterization of two different alkane-inducible P-450 forms from Candida maltosa by means of heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Scheller, U., Schunck, W.H. and Mueller, H.G.
Cytochrome P-450: Biochemistry and Biophysics.
INCO-TNC, Joint Stock Company, Moscow, 662-664.
1 January 1992
Detektivarbeit am Chromosom.
Scherneck, S.
AGF Europabroschuere.
Petersberg, Koenigswinter, 58-59.
1 January 1992
Chirurgische Vorgehensweisen beim rezidivierten und metastasierten Weichteilsarkom.
Schlag, P.M.
Weichteilsarkome : Diagnostik und aktuelle Therapiestrategien.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 102-114.
1 January 1992
Chirurgische und multimodale Therapie des Anal-Karzinoms.
Schlag, P.M.
Aktuelle Therapie gastrointestinaler Tumoren.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 385-395.
1 January 1992
Regionale Chemotherapie - Operative Techniken und Ergebnisse.
Schlag, P.M.
Erhoehung des therapeutischen Index durch Reduktion der Toxizitaet : Fortschritte in der Medikamentoesen Krebsbehandlung.
Zuckschwerdt, Muenchen [u.a.], 125-132.
1 January 1992
Spaeteffekte in der Strahlentherapie: ein mathematisch-statistisches Modell und seine Anwendung in der klinischen Bestrahlungsplanung.
Schmidt, W.
Sammelband: Kolloquium statistische Methoden in der experimentellen Forschung.
Freie Universitaet, Technische Universitaet, Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin, 1-12.
1 January 1992
Biphasic repair and prediction of late effects following lung irradiation.
Schmidt, W. and Merkle, K.
Advanced Radiation Therapy Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning.
Springer, Berlin, 154-157.
1 January 1992
Organic phase biosensors.
Schubert, F., Saini, S., Turner, A.P.F. and Scheller, F.W.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications.
GBF Monographs ; 17
VCH, Weinheim, 47-50.
1 January 1992
Ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of G-proteins (alpha-subunits) in heart tissue.
Schulze, W., Vannauer, M., Will-Shahab, L., Rosenthal, W. and Spicher, K.
Electron Microscopy. EUREM 92 ; 3.
Servicio de Publikationes de la Universidad, Granada, 257-258.
1 January 1992
Rapeseed protein-polyamin interactions.
Schwenke, K.D., Mothes, R., Gast, K. and Zirwer, D.
Protein Interactions.
VCH, Weinheim, 255-267.
ISBN 3-527-28499-8
1 January 1992
Dissociation of 11S globulins from plant seeds after succinylation - a problem of subunit interaction.
Schwenke, K.D., Zirwer, D., Gast, K., Linow, K.J., Goernitz, E., Gueguen, J. and Subirade, M.
Protein Interactions.
VCH, Weinheim, 233-251.
ISBN 3-527-28499-8
1 January 1992
Modelling base sequence effects in DNA and RNA.
Sklenar, H. and Schulz, W.
Structural Tools for the Analysis of Protein-Nucleic Acid Complexes (Advances in Life Sciences).
Birkhaeuser, Basel, 43-52.
1 January 1992
Die molekularen Grundlagen der Muskeldystrophie vom Typ Duchenne und Becker-Kiener.
Speer, A. and Fleischhack, G.
Muskeldystrophie im Kindesalter Typ Duchenne und Becker-Kiener.
Ullstein-Mosby, Berlin [u.a.], 19-35.
1 January 1992
Nukleinsaeureanalyse zur Differential-, Erbanlagetraegerinnen- und Vorgeburtsdiagnostik der DMD/BMD.
Speer, A., Hanke, R., Huschenbett, J., Kraeft, U. and Lenk, U.
Muskeldystrophie im Kindesalter Typ Duchenne und Becker-Kiener.
Ullstein-Mosby, Berlin [u.a.], 53-60.
1 January 1992
Max Delbrueck - Warten auf das Paradoxon: Vom Gen zum Geist : Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin Berlin-Buch. Festschrift anlaesslich der Gruendung 1992.
Stent, G., Bielka, H. and Ganten, D.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum, Berlin-Buch, 36-40.
Advanced analysis of highly amplified ECG.
Voss, A.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference BIOSIGNAL'92.
Faculty group of Moravian Scientific and Technical Society, Faculty of Electrica Engineering,Technical University of Brno, Brno, 98-100.
1 January 1992
Frequency analysis of the highly amplified ST-segment by means of maximum entropy spectral estimation.
Voss, A., Kurths, J. and Fiehring, H.
Computers in Cardiology.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos [u.a.], 63-66.
1 January 1992
Retroviral transduction of the human TNF alpha gene into tumour cells generates a growth inhibitory effect.
Walther, W., Huth, J., Sparmann, G. and Uckert, W.
European Biotechnology Today.
INTERCEPT Ltd., Andover, 209-216.
1 January 1992
Functional status of sympathetic system in cardiovascular disease.
Will-Shahab, L. and Schubert, B.
Catecholamines and Heart Disease.
CRC Press, Boca Raton [et al.], 124-136.
1 January 1992
Biosensors for choline, choline esters and inhibitors of choline esterase.
Wollenberger, U., Loeffler, U., Grubeta, R., Goepel, W. and Scheller, F.W.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications (GBF Monographs ; 17).
VCH, Weinheim, 35-41.
1 January 1992
Biosensin of organic peroxides.
Wollenberger, U., Wang, J. and Scheller, F.W.
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications (GBF Monographs ; 17).
VCH, Weinheim, 31-34.
1 January 1992
In vivo nitrosation of METAMIZOLOE after peroal, rectal or intramuscular application in man.
Ziebarth, D. and Schramm, T.
Nitroso Compounds: Biological Mechanisms, Exposures and Cancer Etiology.
International Agency for Research on Cancer World Health Organization, Lyon, P13.
1 January 1992
Conference or Workshop Item
Franz-Gross-Hypertonie-Symposium. Regulation der Herzmuskelzelle auf molecularer Ebene. Pharmakologische und klinische Bedeutung. Kronberg, 5-7 Maerz 1992.
In: Franz-Gross-Hypertonie-Symposium , 5-7 Mar 1992, Kronberg, Germany.
Aufgaben, Ziele und Forschungsprogramme des MDC.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch.
1 January 1992
Die Geschichte des Max Delbrueck Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin (MDC).
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch.
1 January 1992
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin. Center for Molecular Medicine. Centre de Medicine Moleculaire: Aufgaben - Struktur - Ziele.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch.
1 January 1992
Cardiovascular hypertrophy: from molecular biology to clinics, therapy, and prevention. Franz Gross Hypertension Symposium. Kronberg, March 7-9, 1991.
Ganten, Detlev, ed.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 20
(Suppl 1).
Raven Press, New York, S1-64.
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Medizinisch-Biologischen Institute.
Bielka, H.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch.
1 January 1992
Lehre und Ausbildung am MDC Berlin-Buch.
Damaschun, G.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum fuer Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch.
1 January 1992
Dietz, R.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Gefaess- und Herzhypertrophie : von der Molekularbiologie zur Therapie : Franz-Gross-Hypertonie-Symposium, Schlosshotel Kronberg, 7. - 9. Maerz 1991.
Ganten, D.
Schattauer, Stuttgart [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Pharmacology of Antihypertensive Therapeutics.
Ganten, D. and Bartsch, W.
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology ; 93
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Electrophysiological Methods: Guide for in Vitro Studies in Vertebrate Neurobiology.
Kettenmann, H. and Grantyn, R.
Wiley-Liss, New York.
1 January 1992
Immunosorption Techniques - Fundamentals and Applications.
Mohr, P., Holtzhauer, M. and Kaiser, G.
Akademie Verl., Berlin.
1 January 1992
C curve fitting and modeling for scientists and engineers.
Reich, J.
McGraw-Hill, New York [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Relationship between Structure and Function of Cytochrome P-450-Experiments, Calculations, Models.
Ruckpaul, K. and Rein, H.
Frontiers in Biotransformation ; 7
Akad. Verl., Berlin.
1 January 1992
Scheller, F.W. and Schubert, F.
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
1 January 1992
Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft - Oeffentlichkeit : Gemeinsames und Trennendes, Bruecken und Huerden in der Forschung. Konferenz der Akademien der Wissenschaften der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Schettler, G., Ganten, D. and Baildon, R.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Weichteilsarkome: Diagnostik und aktuelle Therapiestrategien.
Schlag, P.M. and Winkler, K.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
1 January 1992
Biosensors: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications.
Schmid, R.D. and Scheller, F.W.
VCH, Weinheim,.
1 January 1992
Checkliste Onkologie.
Senn, H.J., Drings, P., Glaus, A., Jungi, W.F., Sauer, R. and Schlag, P.M.
Checklisten der aktuellen Medizin
Thieme, Stuttgart.
1 January 1992
Muskeldystrophie im Kindesalter. Typ Duchenne und Becker-Kiener.
Speer, A.
Ullstein-Mosby, Berlin.
1 January 1992
Monoklonale Antikoerper gegen Trypsininhibitor aus Humanharn. (Dissertation, National Cardiology Center Moscow, Labor fuer spezifische Plasmapherese, 1992).
Beckert, R.
1 January 1992
Charakterisierung der biologischen Eigenschaften des Hamsterpolyomavirus (HaPV) unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung seiner tumorogenen Wirkung im Z3/Bln Syrischen Goldhamster und in der HaPV-transgenen Gat:NMRI Mauszucht (Dissertation, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, 1992).
Hauff, P.
1 January 1992
Modifizierte 2',3'- Didesoxynucleoside als potentielle Hemmstoffe der Replikation des Human Immunodeficiency Virus und des Hepatitis B Virus (Habilitationsschrift, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Fachbereich, Medizin, 1992).
Matthes, E.
1 January 1992
Verfahren zur Substitution von Hydroxy-N-heterocyclen.
Baerwolff, D.
10 September 1992
Verfahren zum Nachweis der Differenzierung und der Invasivitaet von Karzinomzellen.
Birchmeier, W., Frixen, U. and Behrens, J.
DE4110405A1 ; EP0582582A1 ; EP0582582B1.
1 October 1992
Immunenzymometrischer Assay (IEMA) zur immunchemischen Bestimmung von Glykogenisophosphorylase BB (GP-BB), Verfahren zur Herstellung und Verwendung des IEMA.
Noll, F., Handschack, W., Loester, C., Hofmann, U., Rabitzsch, G. and Krause, E.G.
12 March 1992
Sandwich-Enzymmembran fuer Enzymelektroden und -optoden zur Bestimmung von Substraten, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung und ihre Verwendung.
Scheller, F.W., Nentwig, J., Pfeiffer, D. and Abel, P.
DE4104776A1 ; DE4104776C2.
5 March 1992
Verwendung von 6-aminosubstituierten Thyminderivaten.
Treuner, M., Boehmer, F.D., Eckert, K., von Janta-Lipinski, M., Langen, P. and Grosse, R.
27 August 1992
Basic methodology in the molecular characterization of genes.
Bader, M., Kaling, M., Metzger, R., Peters, J., Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 10
: 9-16.
1 January 1992
The role of intraoperative radiotherapy in the management of gastric cancer.
Eble, M.J., Hensley, F.W., Schlag, P.M., Herfarth, C. and Wannenmacher, M.
Onkologie 15
: 92-101.
1 January 1992
Molecular biotechnology and the third review of the Biological Weapons Convention.
Geissler, E.
1 January 1992
Die Differentialdiagnose immunologischer Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung [Differential diagnosis of systemic immunologic diseases with kidney involvement].
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Briedigkeit, L. and Natusch, R.
Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Fortbildung 86
(5): 231-235.
10 March 1992
Indications, results and prospects of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal and genitourinary cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Schlag, P.M., Stern, J., Gahlen, J. and Graschew, G.
Onkologie 15
: 115-122.
1 January 1992
Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on tissue renin angiotensin systems.
Lee, M.A., Paul, M., Boehm, M. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Cardiology 70
: C12-C19.
1 January 1992
Nicht-pharmakologische Faktoren in der Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie. Rolle von Adipositas, Alkoholkonsum und Kochsalzzufuhr.
Luft, F.C., Geiger, H., Schmieder, R. and Mann, J.F.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 117
: 145-149.
1 January 1992
Molecular biology of smooth muscle.
Morano, I.L.
Journal of Hypertension 10
: 411-416.
1 May 1992
Chemistry and energetics of transphosphorylations in the mechanism of NA+/N+ -transporting ATPase: an attempt at a unifying model.
Repke, K.R.H. and Schoen, R.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1154
: 1-16.
1 January 1992
Role of protein conformation changes and transphosphorylations in the function of Na+/K+-transporting adenosine triphosphatase: an attempt at an integration into the Na+/K+ pump mechanism.
Repke, K.R.H. and Schoen, R.
Biological Reviews 67
: 31-78.
1 January 1992
Mikrobielle Sensoren aus Basis von Respirationsmessungen.
Riedel, K., Neumann, B. and Scheller, F.W.
Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik 64
: 518-528.
1 January 1992
Genetic analysis of ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation.
Sommer, T. and Seufert, W.
Experientia 48
: 172-178.
15 February 1992
Regulation of axonal growth in the vertebrate nervous system by interactions between glycoproteins belonging to two subgroups of the immunoglobulin superfamily.
Sonderegger, P. and Rathjen, F.G.
Journal of Cell Biology 119
(6): 1387-1394.
December 1992
Is the mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) related 70 kD antigen, identified in nuclei, a nuclear receptor for MDGI or its hydrophobic ligands?
Vogel, F., Mueller, T. and Grosse, R.
Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
: 159-163.
1 January 1992
What's in a genome?
Bork, P., Ouzounis, C., Sander, C., Scharf, M., Schneider, R. and Sonnhammer, E.
Nature 358
: 287.
1 January 1992
Sind die bisher bei der Thrombolyse-Behandlung des Herzinfarktes bekannt gewordenen Vorteile von rekombinantem t-PA (ACTILYSE) gegenuber Streptokinase so entscheidend, dass trotz der hohen Kosten ein genereller Einsatz von ACTIL YSE gerechtfertigt ist?
Gulba, D.C.
Internist 33
: 364-365.
1 May 1992
Heparin-Therapie bei koronarer Herzkrankheit.
Gulba, D.C.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 117
: 35-36.
3 January 1992
Signal sequence identified.
Hartmann, E., Rapoport, T.A. and Prehn, S.
Nature 358
: 198.
1 January 1992
Correspondence: On age-related autoimmunity.
Hartwig, M.
Autoimmunity 11
: 289-290.
1 January 1992
Successful thrombolysis of an aortic-arch thrombus in a patient after mesenteric embolism.
Hausmann, D., Gulba, D., Bargheer, K., Niedermeyer, J., Comess, K.A. and Daniel, W.G.
New England Journal of Medicine 327
(7): 500-501.
13 August 1992
Molekulargenetik bei arterieller Hypertonie.
Kreutz, R., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 117
: 1461-1461.
1 January 1992
Polymerase chain reaction monitoring shows a high efficacy of clinical immunomagnetic purging in patients with centroblastic- centrocytic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Straka, C., Kroner, C., Doerken, B. and Kvalheim, G.
Blood 80
(10): 2688-2690.
15 November 1992
Report on the Hypertension Summer School (HTSS) Sept. 15-20, 1991.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Human Hypertension 6
: 247-247.
1 January 1992
The Gross, Franz Hypertension Symposium Series - Introduction.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 20
: 5-6.
1 January 1992
International workshop: vaccines for peace - an international program for the development and use of vaccines against dual-threat agents.
Geissler, E.
Biologicals 20
: 319-320.
1 January 1992
Immune ageing and cancer.
Hartwig, M.
European Journal of Cancer 28A
: 1939-1940.
1 January 1992
Membrane transport in multidrug resistance, development, and disease. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research.
Jandrig, B. and Wunderlich, V.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 118
(3): 238-239.
March 1992
Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt?
Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Hypertension 5
: 43S-44S.
1 January 1992
Gastric cancer - looking for therapeutic advancement.
Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 15
: 82-83.
1 January 1992
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 16:42:49 2025 UTC.