Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Reaction fronts and pulses in the CO oxidation on Pt: therortical analysis

Item Type:Article
Title:Reaction fronts and pulses in the CO oxidation on Pt: therortical analysis
Creators Name:Baer, M., Falcke, M., Zuelicke, C., Engel, H., Eiswirth, M. and Ertl, G.
Abstract:A set of coupled nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations was formulated for the oxidation of CO on low-index plane Pt surfaces and solved for their spatiotemporal behaviour using continuation techniques and the method of global connections. A 2-variable model for Pt(111), consisting of the CO and O coverages as a function of time and space, gave rise to reaction fronts. In order to model the behaviour of Pt(111) or Pt(100) a third equation describing the respective adsorbate-driven phase transition had to be added. The resulting 3-variable system predicts extended regions of excitability, where pulses can be triggered. The front-respectively pulse - velocities as well as the critical radii for nucleation were computed and compared to experimental data where available.
Keywords:Induced Thermal Desorption, Single Crystal Surfaces, Traveling Waves, Microscopy
Source:Surface Science
Number:Pt A
Page Range:471-475
Date:15 May 1992
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/0039-6028(92)91294-L

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