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15 December 2006
Direct evidence for endothelial vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 function in nitric oxide-mediated angiogenesis.
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29 September 2006
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28 February 2006
Elucidation of megalin/LRP2-dependent endocytic transport processes in the larval zebrafish pronephros.
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15 May 2006
Role of the kinin B1 receptor in insulin homeostasis and pancreatic islet function.
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April 2006
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ErbB2 signaling in Schwann cells is mostly dispensable for maintenance of myelinated peripheral nerves and proliferation of adult Schwann cells after injury.
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Chromatin signatures of pluripotent cell lines.
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May 2006
Renal gene expression profiling using kinin B1 and B2 receptor knockout mice reveals comparable modulation of functionally related genes.
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January 2006
First steps towards effective methods in exploiting high-throughput technologies for the determination of human protein structures of high biomedical value.
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October 2006
Global analysis of host tissue gene expression in the invasive front of colorectal liver metastases.
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1 January 2006
Concordant association of lipid gene variation with a combined HDL/LDL-cholesterol phenotype in two European populations.
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August 2006
Constitutive upregulations of titin-based signalling proteins in KY deficient muscles.
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July 2006
Robust Salmonella metabolism limits possibilities for new antimicrobials.
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16 March 2006
A new possibility to recognize the concentration dependence of sedimentation coefficients.
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March 2006
Mutations in the gene encoding the Wnt-signaling component R-spondin 4 (RSPO4) cause autosomal recessive anonychia.
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December 2006
Anthropometry, physical activity, and the risk of pancreatic cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition.
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May 2006
Proteomics of xenografted human breast cancer indicates novel targets related to tamoxifen resistance.
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February 2006
Conformation and stability of the Streptococcus pyogenes pSM19035-encoded site-specific beta recombinase, and identification of a folding intermediate.
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May 2006
DNA damage-induced expression of p53 suppresses mitotic checkpoint kinase hMps1: the lack of this suppression in p53MUT cells contributes to apoptosis.
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31 March 2006
Equivalent effect of DNA damage-induced apoptotic cell death or long-term cell cycle arrest on colon carcinoma cell proliferation and tumour growth.
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12 January 2006
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7 March 2006
Crystal structure of NblA from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, a small protein playing a key role in phycobilisome degradation.
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24 February 2006
Negative regulation of CD8 expression via Cd8 enhancer-mediated recruitment of the zinc finger protein MAZR.
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April 2006
GeneChip microarrays-signal intensities, RNA concentrations and probe sequences.
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10 May 2006
Beta-adrenergic and atrial natriuretic peptide interactions on human cardiovascular and metabolic regulation.
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December 2006
A nuclear receptor corepressor-dependent pathway mediates suppression of cytokine-induced C-reactive protein gene expression by liver X receptor.
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8 December 2006
The gene encoding R-spondin 4 (RSPO4), a secreted protein implicated in Wnt signaling, is mutated in inherited anonychia.
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November 2006
The translocation motif of hepatitis B virus improves protein vaccination.
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March 2006
Dysregulation of the peripheral and adipose tissue endocannabinoid system in human abdominal obesity.
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1 November 2006
Structural biology and bioinformatics in drug design: opportunities and challenges for target identification and lead discovery.
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29 March 2006
An arginine/lysine-rich motif is crucial for VCP/p97-mediated modulation of ataxin-3 fibrillogenesis.
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5 April 2006
Intake of fruits and vegetables and risk of cancer of the upper aero-digestive tract: the prospective EPIC-study.
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19 May 2006
Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to interstitial angiotensin II in normal weight and obese men.
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Influences of AT1 receptor blockade on tissue metabolism in obese men.
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1 January 2006
The effect of oral glucose loads on tissue metabolism during angiotensin II receptor and beta-receptor blockade in obese hypertensive subjects.
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A novel X-linked recessive mental retardation syndrome comprising macrocephaly and ciliary dysfunction is allelic to oral-facial-digital type I syndrome.
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6 April 2006
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Enhanced isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
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Altered circadian rhythm reentrainment to light phase shifts in rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
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1 April 2006
Polymorphisms of genes coding for insulin-like growth factor 1 and its major binding proteins, circulating levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and breast cancer risk: results from the EPIC study.
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24 January 2006
Functional domains of human tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (hTPH2).
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22 September 2006
Effects of genetic deletion of angiotensin-(1-7) receptor Mas on cardiac function during ischemia/reperfusion in the isolated perfused mouse heart.
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23 December 2006
Systematic functional assessment of human protein-protein interaction maps.
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1 December 2006
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Forebrain-specific knockout of B-raf kinase leads to deficits in hippocampal long-term potentiation, learning, and memory.
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Interaction between autoantibodies against the beta(1)-adrenoceptor and isoprenaline in enhancing L-type Ca(2+) current in rat ventricular myocytes.
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Toward automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life.
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3 March 2006
Snail controls differentiation of hepatocytes by repressing HNF4alpha expression.
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Increased activity of coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) causes hereditary angioedema type III.
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PankoMab: a potent new generation anti-tumour MUC1 antibody.
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Dorsal-ventral pattern of Delta trafficking is established by a Snail-Tom-Neuralized pathway.
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Multiple imprinted and stemness genes provide a link between normal and tumor progenitor cells of the developing human kidney.
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15 June 2006
Novel valproic acid derivatives with potent differentiation-inducing activity in myeloid leukemia cells.
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September 2006
Comparative promoter analysis in vertebrate genomes with the CORG workbench.
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Role of endogenous neural stem cells in neurological disease and brain repair.
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Cysteine engineering of polyproteins for single-molecule force spectroscopy.
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Apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical and ischemic stress.
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7 March 2006
Temporal and spatial dynamics of brain structure changes during extensive learning.
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7 June 2006
Paradoxical effects of learning the Morris water maze on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice may be explained by a combination of stress and physical activity.
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February 2006
Green tea (-)-epigallocatechin-gallate modulates early events in huntingtin misfolding and reduces toxicity in Huntington's disease models.
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15 September 2006
Histone deacetylase inhibitors have antitumor activity in two NOD/SCID mouse models of B-cell precursor childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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August 2006
13C isotopologue perturbation studies of Listeria monocytogenes carbon metabolism and its modulation by the virulence regulator PrfA.
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14 February 2006
The endocannabinoid anandamide protects neurons during CNS inflammation by induction of MKP-1 in microglial cells.
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5 January 2006
A novel locus for dilated cardiomyopathy, diffuse myocardial fibrosis, and sudden death on chromosome 10q25-26.
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4 July 2006
SNPSplicer: systematic analysis of SNP-dependent splicing in genotyped cDNAs.
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November 2006
Influence of salt intake on renin-angiotensin and natriuretic peptide system genes in human adipose tissue.
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December 2006
The endocannabinoid system: Body weight and metabolic regulation.
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Complex loci in human and mouse genomes.
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28 April 2006
Investigation of the HLA-DRB1 locus in alopecia areata.
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July 2006
Impact of low copy repeats on the generation of balanced and unbalanced chromosomal aberrations in mental retardation.
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November 2006
Pillars article: allele-specific motifs revealed by sequencing of self-peptides eluted from MHC molecules. Nature 1991. 351: 290-296.
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1 September 2006
Loss of proapoptotic Bcl-2-related multidomain proteins in primary melanomas is associated with poor prognosis.
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June 2006
Confirmation of association of the GABRA2 gene with alcohol dependence by subtype-specific analysis.
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February 2006
Renal function in transgenic rats expressing an angiotensin-(1-7)-producing fusion protein.
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10 December 2006
Anti-tumor activity of Titanocene Y in xenografted Caki-1 tumors in mice.
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March 2006
Polymorphisms in human connexin40 gene promoter are associated with increased risk of hypertension in men.
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February 2006
Cardiac magnetic resonance and cardiac magnetic field mapping in a patient with stress-induced cardiomyopathy (tako-tsubo).
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December 2006
Long-lasting remission of pulmonary metastases of renal cell cancer under IFN-beta therapy in a patient with multiple sclerosis.
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September 2006
Comparative analysis of environmental sequences: potential and challenges.
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29 March 2006
Rosuvastatin may be more effective than atorvastatin in African-Americans with hypercholesterolemia.
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June 2006
Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris: executive summary.
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August 2006
GENOMIZER: an integrated analysis system for genome-wide association data.
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June 2006
The phosphotyrosine peptide binding specificity of Nck1 and Nck2 Src homology 2 domains.
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30 June 2006
Physical activity and risk of colon and rectal cancers: the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition.
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December 2006
Nuclear localization signal and protein context both mediate importin α specificity of nuclear import substrates.
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December 2006
Structural basis for the substrate specificity of a Bacillus 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase.
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7 April 2006
Perivascular adipose tissue and mesenteric vascular function in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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June 2006
SNP array-based homozygosity mapping reveals MCPH1 deletion in family with autosomal recessive mental retardation and mild microcephaly.
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February 2006
Luminal particles within cellular microtubules.
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11 September 2006
A complex of Yos9p and the HRD ligase integrates endoplasmic reticulum quality control into the degradation machinery.
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August 2006
The Hrd1p ligase complex forms a linchpin between ER-lumenal substrate selection and Cdc48p recruitment.
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3 May 2006
Proteome survey reveals modularity of the yeast cell machinery.
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30 March 2006
Ribosomal protein S24 gene is mutated in Diamond-Blackfan anemia.
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December 2006
Magnetic resonance-guided biopsy of suspicious breast lesions with a handheld vacuum biopsy device.
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November 2006
Towards characterization of palmoplantar keratoderma caused by gain-of-function mutation in loricrin: analysis of a family and review of the literature.
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December 2006
Calcium-sensing receptor abrogates secretagogue- induced increases in intestinal net fluid secretion by enhancing cyclic nucleotide destruction.
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20 June 2006
Identification of a novel frameshift mutation in the giant muscle filament titin in a large Australian family with dilated cardiomyopathy.
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June 2006
Chemokine receptor CCR6 expression level and liver metastases in colorectal cancer.
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20 April 2006
The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells.
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1 September 2006
Low stability of huntington muscle mitochondria against Ca2+ in R6/2 mice.
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February 2006
Characterization of the recombinant adenovirus vector AdYB-1: implications for oncolytic vector development.
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15 April 2006
Lymphomas are sensitive to perforin-dependent cytotoxic pathways despite expression of PI-9 and overexpression of bcl-2.
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15 April 2006
Psychosozialer Betreuungsbedarf bei stationaeren Tumorpatienten. Untersuchungen an einer chirurgisch-onkologischen Schwerpunktklinik [Need for psychosocial care in in-patients with tumour disease. Investigations conducted in a clinic specializing in tumour surgery.].
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Endogenous KCNE subunits govern Kv2.1 K+ channel activation kinetics in Xenopus oocyte studies.
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15 February 2006
The road much traveled: trafficking in the cell nucleus.
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June 2006
Analysis of neuroendocrine differentiation and the p53/BAX pathway in UICC stage III colorectal carcinoma identifies patients with good prognosis.
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April 2006
Genes from Chagas susceptibility loci that are differentially expressed in T. cruzi-resistant mice are candidates accounting for impaired immunity.
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20 December 2006
Endothelin A and endothelin B receptors differ in their ability to stimulate ERK1/2 activation.
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June 2006
N-terminal proteolysis of the endothelin B receptor abolishes its ability to induce EGF receptor transactivation and contractile protein expression in vascular smooth muscle cells.
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June 2006
Digital medicine in the virtual hospital of the future.
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June 2006
New trends in the virtualization of hospitals - tools for global e-Health.
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Virtual hospital and digital medicine - Why is the GRID needed?
Graschew, G., Roelofs, T.A., Rakowsky, S., Schlag, P.M., Heinzlreiter, P., Kranzlmueller, D. and Volkert, J.
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Identification of VCP/p97, CHIP and amphiphysin II interaction partners using membrane-based human proteome arrays.
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1 February 2006
Gastric cancer surgery in elderly patients.
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August 2006
Surgical strategies for gastric cancer with synchronous peritoneal carcinomatosis.
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December 2006
Cell cycle-controlled interaction of nucleolin with the retinoblastoma protein and cancerous cell transformation.
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4 August 2006
Direct observation of single protein molecules in aqueous solution.
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10 April 2006
Intranuclear binding kinetics and mobility of single native U1 snRNP particles in living cells.
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1 December 2006
Haplotype block structure is conserved across mammals.
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28 July 2006
Comprehensive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 3.0 Tesla: feasibility and implications for clinical applications.
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Activity-dependent ATP-waves in the mouse neocortex are independent from astrocytic calcium waves.
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February 2006
Minigenes encoding N-terminal domains of human cardiac myosin light chain-1 improve heart function of transgenic rats.
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Proapoptotic activity of Ukrain is based on Chelidonium majus L. alkaloids and mediated via a mitochondrial death pathway.
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17 January 2006
Aberrant Wnt/beta-catenin signaling can induce chromosomal instability in colon cancer.
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11 July 2006
Light-induced reduction of bovine adrenodoxin via the covalently bound ruthenium(II) bipyridyl complex: Intramolecular electron transfer and crystal structure.
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24 January 2006
A protocol for combined Photinus and Renilla luciferase quantification compatible with protein assays.
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1 September 2006
Effect of neurofibromatosis type I mutations on a novel pathway for adenylyl cyclase activation requiring neurofibromin and Ras.
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1 April 2006
32-element receiver-coil array for cardiac imaging.
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May 2006
Recessive missense mutations in LAMB2 expand the clinical spectrum of LAMB2-associated disorders.
Hasselbacher, K., Wiggins, R.C., Matejas, V., Hinkes, B.G., Mucha, B., Hoskins, B.E., Ozaltin, F., Nuernberg, G., Becker, C., Hangan, D., Pohl, M., Kuwertz-Broeking, E., Griebel, M., Schumacher, V., Royer-Pokora, B., Bakkaloglu, A., Nuernberg, P., Zenker, M. and Hildebrandt, F.
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2 September 2006
A genome-wide scan for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 155 german sib-pairs.
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February 2006
Bak functionally complements for loss of Bax during p14(ARF)-induced mitochondrial apoptosis in human cancer cells.
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26 October 2006
Confirmatory evidence for an association of the connexin-36 gene with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Hempelmann, A., Heils, A. and Sander, T.
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October 2006
Myofibrillogenesis regulator 1 gene (MR-1) mutation in an Omani family with paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia.
Hempelmann, A., Kumar, S., Muralitharan, S. and Sander, T.
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10 July 2006
Exploration of the genetic architecture of idiopathic generalized epilepsies.
Hempelmann, A., Taylor, K.P., Heils, A., Lorenz, S., Prud'homme, J.F., Nabbout, R., Dulac, O., Rudolf, G., Zara, F., Bianchi, A., Robinson, R., Gardiner, R.M., Covanis, A., Lindhout, D., Stephani, U., Elger, C.E., Weber, Y.G., Lerche, H., Nuernberg, P., Kron, K.L., Scheffer, I.E., Mulley, J.C., Berkovic, S.F. and Sander, T.
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October 2006
Mice with a targeted disruption of the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger AE3 display a reduced seizure threshold.
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January 2006
A role for T-type Ca2+ channels in mechanosensation.
Heppenstall, P.A. and Lewin, G.R.
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August 2006
Mutant desmocollin-2 causes arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
Heuser, A., Plovie, E.R., Ellinor, P.T., Grossmann, K.S., Shin, J.T., Wichter, T., Basson, C.T., Lerman, B.B., Sasse-Klaassen, S., Thierfelder, L., MacRae, C.A. and Gerull, B.
American Journal of Human Genetics 79
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December 2006
Influence of sibutramine treatment on sympathetic vasomotor tone in obese subjects.
Heusser, K., Tank, J., Diedrich, A., Engeli, S., Klaua, S., Krueger, N., Strauss, A., Stoffels, G., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
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May 2006
SiRNA-mediated selective inhibition of mutant keratin mRNAs responsible for the skin disorder pachyonychia congenita.
Hickerson, R.P., Smith, F.J.D., McLean, W.H.I., Landthaler, M., Leube, R.E. and Kaspar, R.L.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1082
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October 2006
Adjuvant chemotherapy with folinic acid and 5-fluorouracil in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer previously treated by preoperative radiochemotherapy and curative tumor resection.
Hildebrandt, B., Rau, B., Loeffel, J., Wust, P., Nicolaou, A., Gellermann, J., Le Coutre, P., Neuhaus, P., Felix, R., Wernecke, K.D., Doerken, B. and Riess, H.
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September 2006
Multiple roles of mesenchymal beta-catenin during murine limb patterning.
Hill, T.P., Taketo, M.M., Birchmeier, W. and Hartmann, C.
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1 April 2006
Positional cloning uncovers mutations in PLCE1 responsible for a nephrotic syndrome variant that may be reversible.
Hinkes, B., Wiggins, R.C., Gbadegesin, R., Vlangos, C.N., Seelow, D., Nuernberg, G., Garg, P., Verma, R., Chaib, H., Hoskins, B.E., Ashraf, S., Becker, C., Hennies, H.C., Goyal, M., Wharram, B.L., Schachter, A.D., Mudumana, S., Drummond, I., Kerjaschki, D., Waldherr, R., Dietrich, A., Ozaltin, F., Bakkaloglu, A., Cleper, R., Basel-Vanagaite, L., Pohl, M., Griebel, M., Tsygin, A.N., Soylu, A., Mueller, D., Sorli, C.S., Bunney, T.D., Katan, M., Liu, J., Attanasio, M., O'Toole, J.F., Hasselbacher, K., Mucha, B., Otto, E.A., Airik, R., Kispert, A., Kelley, G.G., Smrcka, A.V., Gudermann, T., Holzman, L.B., Nuernberg, P. and Hildebrandt, F.
Nature Genetics 38
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December 2006
Evaluation of the benzothiazole aggregation inhibitors riluzole and PGL-135 as therapeutics for Huntington's disease.
Hockly, E., Tse, J., Barker, A.L., Moolman, D.L., Beunard, J.L., Revington, A.P., Holt, K., Sunshine, S., Moffitt, H., Sathasivam, K., Woodman, B., Wanker, E.E., Lowden, P.A. and Bates, G.P.
Neurobiology of Disease 21
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January 2006
Small organic compounds enhance antigen-loading of class II MHC proteins by targeting the polymorphic P1 pocket.
Hoepner, S., Dickhaut, K., Hofstätter, M., Kraemer, H., Rueckerl, D., Soederhaell, J.A., Gupta, S., Marin-Esteban, V., Kuehne, R., Freund, C., Jung, G., Falk, K. and Roetzschke, O.
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15 December 2006
Developmental stage-specific shift in responsiveness to chemokines during human B-cell development.
Honczarenko, M., Glodek, A.M., Swierkowski, M., Na, I.K. and Silberstein, L.E.
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August 2006
Huntingtin interacts with the receptor sorting family protein GASP2.
Horn, S.C., Lalowski, M., Goehler, H., Droege, A., Wanker, E.E. and Stelzl, U.
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August 2006
Transcriptional repression induces a slowly progressive atypical neuronal death associated with changes of YAP isoforms and p73.
Hoshino, M., Qi, M.L., Yoshimura, N., Miyashita, T., Tagawa, K., Wada, Y.I., Enokido, Y., Marubuchi, S., Arai, P., Arai, N., Oyanagi, K., Blandino, G., Sudol, M., Rich, T., Kanazawa, I., Wanker, E.E., Saitoe, M. and Okazawa, H.
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13 February 2006
A novel Bcl-x splice product, Bcl-xAK, triggers apoptosis in human melanoma cells without BH3 domain.
Hossini, A.M., Geilen, C.C., Fecker, L.F., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
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6 April 2006
Inorganic selenium sensitizes prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through superoxide/p53/Bax-mediated activation of mitochondrial pathway.
Hu, H., Jiang, C., Schuster, T., Li, G.X., Daniel, P.T. and Lue, J.
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July 2006
Mechanosensitive currents in the neurites of cultured mouse sensory neurones.
Hu, J. and Lewin, G.R.
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15 December 2006
Optimized mixed Markov models for motif identification.
Huang, W., Umbach, D.M., Ohler, U. and Li, L.
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2 June 2006
Ductoscopy and intraductal vacuum assisted biopsy in women with pathologic nipple discharge.
Huenerbein, M., Raubach, M., Gebauer, B., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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October 2006
Intraoperative ductoscopy in women undergoing surgery for breast cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Raubach, M., Gebauer, B., Schneider, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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June 2006
Genomic analysis of Xenopus organizer function.
Hufton, A.L., Vinayagam, A., Suhai, S. and Baker, J.C.
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6 June 2006
High-affinity AKAP7delta-protein kinase A interaction yields novel protein kinase A-anchoring disruptor peptides.
Hundsrucker, C., Krause, G., Beyermann, M., Prinz, A., Zimmermann, B., Diekmann, O., Lorenz, D., Stefan, E., Nedvetsky, P., Dathe, M., Christian, F., McSorley, T., Krause, E., McConnachie, G., Herberg, F.W., Scott, J.D., Rosenthal, W. and Klussmann, E.
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1 June 2006
Peptides for disruption of PKA anchoring.
Hundsrucker, C., Rosenthal, W. and Klussmann, E.
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1 August 2006
Continuous tooth generation in mouse is induced by activated epithelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
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5 December 2006
CCR7 is critically important for migration of dendritic cells in intestinal lamina propria to mesenteric lymph nodes.
Jang, M.H., Sougawa, N., Tanaka, T., Hirata, T., Hiroi, T., Tohya, K., Guo, Z., Umemoto, E., Ebisuno, Y., Yang, B.G., Seoh, J.Y., Lipp, M., Kiyono, H. and Miyasaka, M.
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15 January 2006
Retinol-binding protein 4 in human obesity.
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October 2006
Adipose tissue and circulating endothelial cell specific molecule-1 in human obesity.
Janke, J., Engeli, S., Gorzelniak, K., Feldpausch, M., Heintze, U., Boehnke, J., Wellner, M., Herse, F., Lassalle, P., Luft, F.C. and Sharma, A.M.
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January 2006
Angiotensin type 1 receptor antagonists induce human in-vitro adipogenesis through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activation.
Janke, J., Schupp, M., Engeli, S., Gorzelniak, K., Boschmann, M., Sauma, L., Nystrom, F.H., Jordan, J., Luft, F.C. and Sharma, A.M.
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September 2006
Reprogramming of B lymphoid cells in human lymphoma pathogenesis.
Janz, M., Doerken, B. and Mathas, S.
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15 May 2006
Classical Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by high constitutive expression of activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) which promotes viability of Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells.
Janz, M., Hummel, M., Truss, M., Wollert-Wulf, B., Mathas, S., Joehrens, K., Hagemeier, C., Bommert, K., Stein, H., Doerken, B. and Bargou, R.C.
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15 March 2006
Binding site structure of one LRP/RAP complex - implications for a common ligand/receptor binding motif.
Jensen, G.A., Andersen, O.M., Bonvin, A.M.J.J., Bjerrum-Bohr, I., Etzerodt, M., Thogersen, H.C., O'Shea, C., Poulsen, F.M. and Kragelund, B.B.
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29 September 2006
Co-evolution of transcriptional and post-translational cell-cycle regulation.
Jensen, L.J., Jensen, T.S., de Lichtenberg, U., Brunak, S. and Bork, P.
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4 October 2006
Binding of galectin-1 (gal-1) to the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen on trophoblast cells and inhibition of proliferation of trophoblast tumor cells in vitro by gal-1 or an anti-TF antibody.
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October 2006
Potassium channel dysfunction and depolarized resting membrane potential in a cell model of SCA3.
Jeub, M., Herbst, M., Spauschus, A., Fleischer, H., Klockgether, T., Wuellner, U. and Evert, B.O.
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1 September 2006
Research highlights from the literature.
Jordan, J.
Clinical Autonomic Research 16
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December 2006
Research highlights from the literature.
Jordan, J.
Clinical Autonomic Research 16
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August 2006
Research highlights from the literature.
Jordan, J.
Clinical Autonomic Research 16
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April 2006
Vascular endothelial growth factor-D and its receptor VEGFR-3: Two novel independent prognostic markers in gastric adenocarcinoma.
Juettner, S., Wissmann, C., Joens, T., Vieth, M., Hertel, J., Gretschel, S., Schlag, P.M., Kemmner, W. and Hoecker, M.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 24
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10 January 2006
Mutations in the lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 5 (LHFPL5) gene cause autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss.
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Human Mutation 27
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July 2006
Rats with low brain angiotensinogen do not exhibit insulin resistance during early aging.
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October 2006
Natural variation and genetic covariance in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Kempermann, G., Chesler, E.J., Lu, L., Williams, R.W. and Gage, F.H.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103
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17 January 2006
Ligand-dependent cleavage of the P75 neurotrophin receptor is necessary for NRIF nuclear translocation and apoptosis in sympathetic neurons.
Kenchappa, R.S., Zampieri, N., Chao, M.V., Barker, P.A., Teng, H.K., Hempstead, B.L. and Carter, B.D.
Neuron 50
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20 April 2006
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric analysis of DNA on microarrays.
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July 2006
Complexes of syndapin II with dynamin II promote vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi network.
Kessels, M.M., Dong, J., Leibig, W., Westermann, P. and Qualmann, B.
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15 April 2006
Fever-like temperatures affect neutrophil NF-kappaB signaling, apoptosis, and ANCA-antigen expression.
Kettritz, R., Choi, M., Salanova, B., Wellner, M., Rolle, S. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17
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May 2006
Apoptosis, proliferation and inflammatory infiltration in ANCA-positive glomerulonephritis.
Kettritz, R., Wilke, S., von Vietinghoff, S., Luft, F. and Schneider, W.
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May 2006
Mice with altered KCNQ4 K+ channels implicate sensory outer hair cells in human progressive deafness.
Kharkovets, T., Dedek, K., Maier, H., Schweizer, M., Khimich, D., Nouvian, R., Vardanyan, V., Leuwer, R., Moser, T. and Jentsch, T.J.
EMBO Journal 25
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8 February 2006
Factors influencing subcellular localization of the human papillomavirus L2 minor structural protein.
Kieback, E. and Mueller, M.
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5 February 2006
The life-extending gene Indy encodes an exchanger for Krebs-cycle intermediates.
Knauf, F., Mohebbi, N., Teichert, C., Herold, D., Rogina, B., Helfand, S., Gollasch, M., Luft, F.C. and Aronson, P.S.
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1 July 2006
Cytokeratin profiles identify diagnostic signatures in colorectal cancer using multiplex analysis of tissue microarrays.
Knoesel, T., Emde, V., Schluens, K., Schlag, P.M., Dietel, M. and Petersen, I.
Cellular Oncology 28
: 167-175.
Cardiac function and remodeling is attenuated in transgenic rats expressing the human kallikrein-1 gene after myocardial infarction.
Koch, M., Spillmann, F., Dendorfer, A., Westermann, D., Altmann, C., Sahabi, M., van Linthout, S., Bader, M., Walther, T., Schultheiss, H.P. and Tschoepe, C.
European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section 550
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21 November 2006
The solution structure of the core of mesoderm development (MESD), a chaperone for members of the LDLR-family.
Koehler, C., Andersen, O.M., Diehl, A., Krause, G., Schmieder, P. and Oschkinat, H.
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December 2006
Mutations in the tight-junction gene claudin 19 (CLDN19) are associated with renal magnesium wasting, renal failure, and severe ocular involvement.
Konrad, M., Schaller, A., Seelow, D., Pandey, A.V., Waldegger, S., Lesslauer, A., Vitzthum, H., Suzuki, Y., Luk, J.M., Becker, C., Schlingmann, K.P., Schmid, M., Rodriguez-Soriano, J., Ariceta, G., Cano, F., Enriquez, R., Jueppner, H., Bakkaloglu, S.A., Hediger, M.A., Gallati, S., Neuhauss, S.C.F., Nuernberg, P. and Weber, S.
American Journal of Human Genetics 79
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1 November 2006
Welchen Stellenwert hat die neoadjuvante und die adjuvante Therapie im Behandlungskonzept des Magenkarzinoms? [Efficacy of current adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapeutic concepts in gastric cancer?].
Kretzschmar, A. and Schlag, P.M.
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13 April 2006
Physical exercise prevents age-related decline in precursor cell activity in the mouse dentate gyrus.
Kronenberg, G., Bick-Sander, A., Bunk, E., Wolf, C., Ehninger, D. and Kempermann, G.
Neurobiology of Aging 27
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October 2006
Unique self-palmitoylation activity of the transport protein particle component Bet3: A mechanism required for protein stability.
Kuemmel, D., Heinemann, U. and Veit, M.
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22 August 2006
Structure of the Bet3-Tpc6B core of TRAPP: two Tpc6 paralogs form trimeric complexes with Bet3 and Mum2.
Kuemmel, D., Mueller, J.J., Roske, Y., Henke, N. and Heinemann, U.
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4 August 2006
Structural studies of the human tethering complex TRAPP involved in vesicular transport.
Kuemmel, D., Turnbull, A.P., Mueller, J.J., Roske, Y. and Heinemann, U.
Contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging of right ventricular infarction.
Kumar, A., Abdel-Aty, H., Kriedemann, I., Schulz-Menger, J., Gross, C.M., Dietz, R. and Friedrich, M.G.
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21 November 2006
Pre- and postoperative cytokine release after in vitro whole blood lipopolysaccharide stimulation and frequent toll-like receptor 4 polymorphisms.
Kumpf, O., Hamann, L., Schlag, P.M. and Schumann, R.R.
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February 2006
Proliferative response of distinct hippocampal progenitor cell populations after cortical infarcts in the adult brain.
Kunze, A., Grass, S., Witte, O.W., Yamaguchi, M., Kempermann, G. and Redecker, C.
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February 2006
GAP1 family members constitute bifunctional Ras and Rap GTPase-activating proteins.
Kupzig, S., Deaconescu, D., Bouyoucef, D., Walker, S.A., Liu, Q., Polte, C.L., Daumke, O., Ishizaki, T., Lockyer, P.J., Wittinghofer, A. and Cullen, P.J.
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14 April 2006
CCR7-dependent cortex-to-medulla migration of positively selected thymocytes is essential for establishing central tolerance.
Kurobe, H., Liu, C., Ueno, T., Saito, F., Ohigashi, I., Seach, N., Arakaki, R., Hayashi, Y., Kitagawa, T., Lipp, M., Boyd, R.L. and Takahama, Y.
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February 2006
Structure of the synthetase domain of human CTP synthetase, a target for anticancer therapy.
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1 July 2006
Heparan sulphate requirement in platelet-derived growth factor B-mediated pericyte recruitment.
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1 June 2006
In vivo commitment to yeast cotranscriptional splicing is sensitive to transcription elongation mutants.
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1 August 2006
A genome-wide map of conserved microRNA targets in C. elegans.
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Current Biology 16
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7 March 2006
Human adipocytes attenuate cardiomyocyte contraction: characterization of an adipocyte-derived negative inotropic activity.
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August 2006
I-BasI and I-HmuI: two phage intron-encoded endonucleases with homologous DNA recognition sequences but distinct DNA specificities.
Landthaler, M., Shen, B.W., Stoddard, B.L. and Shub, D.A.
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12 May 2006
ClC-7 requires Ostm1 as a beta-subunit to support bone resorption and lysosomal function.
Lange, P.F., Wartosch, L., Jentsch, T.J. and Fuhrmann, J.C.
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9 March 2006
Development of navigation systems for image-guided laparoscopic tumor resections in liver surgery.
Lange, T., Huenerbein, M., Eulenstein, S., Beller, S. and Schlag, P.M.
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Cardiac hypertrophy in transgenic rats expressing a dominant-negative mutant of the natriuretic peptide receptor B.
Langenickel, T.H., Buttgereit, J., Pagel-Langenickel, I., Lindner, M., Monti, J., Beuerlein, K., Al-Saadi, N., Plehm, R., Popova, E., Tank, J., Dietz, R., Willenbrock, R. and Bader, M.
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21 March 2006
Artificial neural networks as supervised techniques for FT-IR microspectroscopic imaging.
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May 2006
ELA2 is regulated by hematopoietic transcription factors, but not repressed by AML1-ETO.
Lausen, J., Liu, S., Fliegauf, M., Luebbert, M. and Werner, M.H.
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2 March 2006
Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of transcription factor expression in Arabidopsis roots.
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11 April 2006
Familial chilblain lupus, a monogenic form of cutaneous lupus erythematosus, maps to chromosome 3p.
Lee-Kirsch, M.A., Gong, M., Schulz, H., Rüschendorf, F., Stein, A., Pfeiffer, C., Ballarini, A., Gahr, M., Hubner, N. and Linne, M.
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October 2006
Platelet-derived serotonin mediates liver regeneration.
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7 April 2006
SMART 5: domains in the context of genomes and networks.
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Nucleic Acids Research 34
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1 January 2006
Cilnidipine, a slow-acting Ca(2+) channel blocker, induces relaxation in porcine coronary artery: role of endothelial nitric oxide and [Ca(2+)]i.
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Coordination between CCR7- and CCR9-mediated chemokine signals in pre-vascular fetal thymus colonization.
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15 October 2006
Stability and homogeneity of transgene expression in isogenic cells.
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January 2006
Polymorphisms in the genes encoding chemokine receptor 5, interleukin-10, and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 contribute to cytomegalovirus reactivation and disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
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May 2006
Variations in the vesicular monoamine transporter 1 gene (VMAT1/SLC18A1) are associated with bipolar I disorder.
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Tangential neuronal migration controls axon guidance: a role for neuregulin-1 in thalamocortical axon navigation.
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7 April 2006
Candidate gene analysis of the succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH5A1) in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy and photosensitivity.
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24 April 2006
Association of BRD2 polymorphisms with photoparoxysmal response.
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29 May 2006
Recurrent paroxysms of metabolic acidosis in a haemodialysis patient.
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Achieving the goal of optimised renin system suppression: preclinical experience with a direct renin inhibitor.
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November 2006
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15 July 2006
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Crystal structure of Homo sapiens PTD012 reveals a zinc-containing hydrolase fold.
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1 April 2006
Filaggrin loss-of-function mutations predispose to phenotypes involved in the atopic march.
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24 August 2006
Kidney-specific upregulation of vitamin D3 target genes in ClC-5 KO mice.
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1 July 2006
Intrinsic inhibition of transcription factor E2A by HLH proteins ABF-1 and Id2 mediates reprogramming of neoplastic B cells in Hodgkin lymphoma.
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February 2006
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14 July 2006
Influences of norepinephrine transporter function on the distribution of sympathetic activity in humans.
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1 June 2006
Spatial organisation of AKAP18 and PDE4 isoforms in renal collecting duct principal cells.
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5 July 2006
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue protection by lipophilic calcium channel blockers.
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Anti-cancer effects of bortezomib against chemoresistant neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro and in vivo.
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Composite polymorphisms in the ryanodine receptor 2 gene associated with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
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1 August 2006
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The rototoxin lynx1 acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to balance neuronal activity and survival in vivo.
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7 September 2006
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24 October 2006
Inducible gene deletion in astroglia and radial glia--a valuable tool for functional and lineage analysis.
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19 July 2006
Unusual clinical presentation and possible rescue of a novel Claudin-16 mutation.
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August 2006
Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis: blocking endocytosis restores surface expression of a novel Claudin-16 mutant that lacks the entire C-terminal cytosolic tail.
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1 April 2006
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15 July 2006
H-REV107-1 stimulates growth in non-small cell lung carcinomas via the activation of mitogenic signaling.
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February 2006
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1 April 2006
Epstein-Barr viral load in whole blood of adults with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder after solid organ transplantation does not correlate with clinical course.
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Mutations in the EGF-CFC gene Cryptic are an infrequent cause of congenital heart disease.
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Identification of core promoter modules in Drosophila and their application in accurate transcription start site prediction.
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1 November 2006
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15 December 2006
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20 October 2006
Genetic and phenotypic analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction system disease: Demand for strategies in the management of presymptomatic lamin A/C mutant carriers.
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Spatiotemporal dynamics of p21CDKN1A protein recruitment to DNA-damage sites and interaction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
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15 April 2006
Genetically altered animal models in the kallikrein-kinin system.
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9 February 2006
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Heritability and tissue specificity of expression quantitative trait loci.
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20 October 2006
Integrated gene expression profiling and linkage analysis in the rat.
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Diabetic endothelin B receptor-deficient rats develop severe hypertension and progressive renal failure.
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Stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor rather than modulation of collagen metabolism improves cardiac function after acute myocardial infarction in rats.
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Body size and risk of colon and rectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
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5 July 2006
Body size and risk of renal cell carcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
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1 February 2006
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9 November 2006
Variability of doublecortin-associated dendrite maturation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis is independent of the regulation of precursor cell proliferation.
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15 November 2006
Lysosomal storage disease upon disruption of the neuronal chloride transport protein ClC-6.
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27 January 2006
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28 March 2006
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Diagnostic yield of various genetic approaches in patients with unexplained developmental delay or mental retardation.
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1 October 2006
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Physical and functional interaction of the p14ARF tumor suppressor with ribosomes.
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8 December 2006
Discussion: A purinergic dialogue between glia and neurons in the retina.
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15 October 2006
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April 2006
Lymphoid cell growth and transformation are suppressed by a key regulatory element of the gene encoding PU.1.
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11 October 2006
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April 2006
Neurogenic mechanisms contribute to hypertension in mice with disruption of the K-Cl cotransporter KCC3.
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3 March 2006
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25 August 2006
Secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine (SLC/CCL21)/CCR7 signaling regulates fibrocytes in renal fibrosis.
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19 September 2006
Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the Trypanosoma cruzi cysteine protease inhibitor chagasin.
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14 April 2006
A temporal map of transcription factor activity: Mef2 directly regulates target genes at all stages of muscle development.
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June 2006
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22 November 2006
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June 2006
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Hematopoietic stem cell and multilineage defects generated by constitutive beta-catenin activation.
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October 2006
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January 2006
Potent inhibition of local and disseminated tumor growth in immunocompetent mouse models by a bispecific antibody construct specific for Murine CD3.
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July 2006
T-cell activation and B-cell depletion in chimpanzees treated with a bispecific anti-CD19/anti-CD3 single-chain antibody construct.
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May 2006
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1 November 2006
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1 January 2006
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15 January 2006
Bone marrow-derived cells are sufficient and necessary targets to mediate glomerulonephritis and vasculitis induced by anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies.
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December 2006
Norepinephrine transporter inhibition prevents tilt-induced pre-syncope.
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1 August 2006
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July 2006
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Plasmodium motility: actin not actin' like actin.
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April 2006
Left ventricular outflow tract planimetry by cardiovascular magnetic resonance differentiates obstructive from non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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January 2006
Asymmetric dimethylarginine is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease: Results from the multicenter Coronary Artery Risk Determination investigating the Influence of ADMA Concentration (CARDIAC) study.
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1 February 2006
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5 April 2006
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27 September 2006
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Genetic background of different cancer cell lines influences the gene set involved in chromosome 8 mediated breast tumor suppression.
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November 2006
The thalidomide analogue, CC-4047, induces apoptosis signaling and growth arrest in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in vitro and in vivo.
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15 September 2006
Impaired endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-mediated dilations and increased blood pressure in mice deficient of the intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel.
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1 September 2006
Spider toxins activate the capsaicin receptor to produce inflammatory pain.
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9 November 2006
Altered balance of glutamatergic/GABAergic synaptic input and associated changes in dendrite morphology after BDNF expression in BDNF-deficient hippocampal neurons.
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5 July 2006
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Designer T cells by T cell receptor replacement.
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The RNA-binding protein, Vg1RBP, is required for pancreatic fate specification.
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15 April 2006
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Interaction of the cytosolic domains of sorLA/LR11 with the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and beta-secretase beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme.
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11 January 2006
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Essential role of Jun family transcription factors in PU.1 knockdown-induced leukemic stem cells.
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The metastasis-associated gene S100A4 is a novel target of beta-catenin/T-cell factor (TCF) signaling in colon cancer.
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Enriched environment induces cellular plasticity in the adult substantia nigra and improves motor behavior function in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease.
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Relation between circulating AT1 receptor agonistic autoantibodies and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.
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Optimization of cardiac resynchronization guided by Doppler echocardiography: haemodynamic improvement and intraindividual variability with different pacing configurations and atrioventricular delays.
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Selective pharmacologic activation of the p53-dependent pathway as a therapeutic strategy for hematologic malignancies.
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1 January 2006
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1 May 2006
Genetic dissection of apoptosis and cell cycle control in response of colorectal cancer treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
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10 May 2006
Loss of the tissue-specific proapoptotic BH3-only protein Nbk/Bik is a unifying feature of renal cell carcinoma.
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Association of human leukocyte antigen haplotypes with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease after solid organ transplantation.
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27 October 2006
Interaction of huntingtin fragments with brain membranes - clues to early dysfunction in Huntington's disease.
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Surgeon's radiation exposure during percutaneous vertebroplasty.
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Tumor Young Investigator Award: tropism and antitumorigenic effect of endogenous neural precursors for gliomas.
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Probucol inhibits in-stent thrombosis and neointimal hyperplasia by promoting re-endothelialization.
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28 December 2006
Elective percutaneous coronary intervention immediately impairs resting microvascular perfusion assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
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American Heart Journal 151
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April 2006
Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 73
(6 Pt 1): 061923.
June 2006
Extrarenal Na+ balance, volume, and blood pressure homeostasis in intact and ovariectomized deoxycorticosterone-acetate salt rats.
Titze, J., Luft, F.C., Bauer, K., Dietsch, P., Lang, R., Veelken, R., Wagner, H., Eckardt, K.U. and Hilgers, K.F.
Hypertension 47
(6): 1101-1107.
June 2006
Conformational transitions and redox potential shifts of cytochrome P450 induced by immobilization.
Todorovic, S., Jung, C., Hildebrandt, P. and Murgida, D.H.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 11
(1): 119-127.
January 2006
Neurotological and neuroanatomical changes in the connexin-26-related HID/KID syndrome.
Todt, I., Hennies, H.C., Kuester, W., Smolle, J., Rademacher, G., Mutze, S., Basta, D., Eisenschenk, A. and Ernst, A.
Audiology & Neuro-Otology 11
(4): 242-248.
June 2006
Bilaterales Fibulainterponat. Biologische Rekonstruktion nach Resektion primaer maligner Knochentumoren [Bilateral fibula graft. Biological reconstruction following resection of malignant bone tumors].
Tunn, P.U., Moesta, T.K. and Delbrueck, H.
Chirurg 77
: 919-925.
October 2006
Cargo-dependent mode of uptake and bioavailability of TAT-containing proteins and peptides in living cells.
Tünnemann, G., Martin, R.M., Haupt, S., Patsch, C., Edenhofer, F. and Cardoso, M.C.
FASEB Journal 20
(11): 1775-1784.
September 2006
Sutural cataract associated with a mutation in the ferritin light chain gene (FTL) in a family of Indian origin.
Vanita, V., Hejtmancik, J.F., Hennies, H.C., Guleria, K., Nuernberg, P., Singh, D., Sperling, K. and Singh, J.R.
Molecular Vision 12
: 93-99.
21 February 2006
A novel mutation in GJA8 associated with autosomal dominant congenital cataract in a family of Indian origin.
Vanita, V., Hennies, H.C., Singh, D., Nuernberg, P., Sperling, K. and Singh, J.R.
Molecular Vision 12
(136-138): 1217-1222.
18 October 2006
A novel fan-shaped cataract-microcornea syndrome caused by a mutation of CRYAA in an Indian family.
Vanita, V., Singh, J.R., Hejtmancik, J.F., Nuernberg, P., Hennies, H.C., Singh, D. and Sperling, K.
Molecular Vision 12
: 518-522.
22 May 2006
An experimental setup for frequency domain FLIM.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
FLIM measurements and frequency domain FLIM data analysis.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Imaging protein interactions by FRET microscopy: FLIM measurements.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Imaging protein interactions by FRET microscopy: FRET measurements by acceptor photobleaching.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Imaging protein interactions by FRET microscopy: FRET measurements by sensitized emission.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Imaging protein interactions by FRET microscopy: cell preparation for FRET analysis.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Imaging protein interactions by FRET microscopy: labeling proteins with fluorescent dyes.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Measuring FRET by acceptor photobleaching.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Measuring FRET by sensitized emission.
Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O., Harpur, A.G. and Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2006
1 November 2006
Proteasome-mediated degradation of IkappaBalpha and processing of p105 in Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis.
Visekruna, A., Joeris, T., Seidel, D., Kroesen, A., Loddenkemper, C., Zeitz, M., Kaufmann, S.H.E., Schmidt-Ullrich, R. and Steinhoff, U.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116
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December 2006
Management of high-risk patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy in Germany: differences between cardiac specialists in the inpatient and outpatient setting.
Voeller, H., Sonntag, F., Thierry, J., Wegscheider, K., Luft, F.C. and Bestehorn, K.
BMC Public Health 6
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19 October 2006
Dynamic subcompartmentalization of the mitochondrial inner membrane.
Vogel, F., Bornhoevd, C., Neupert, W. and Reichert, A.S.
Journal of Cell Biology 175
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23 October 2006
Das Forscher-Ehepaar Timofeeff-Ressovsky im Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fuer Hirnforschung in Berlin (1925 bis 1945) und in der UdSSR.
Vogt, A.
Acta Historica Leopoldina 46
: 247-266.
Torsemide renal clearance and genetic variation in luminal and basolateral organic anion transporters.
Vormfelde, S.V., Schirmer, M., Hagos, Y., Toliat, M.R., Engelhardt, S., Meineke, I., Burckhardt, G., Nuernberg, P. and Brockmoeller, J.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 62
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September 2006
Absence of the transcription factor CCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha results in loss of myeloid identity in bcr/abl-induced malignancy.
Wagner, K., Zhang, P., Rosenbauer, F., Drescher, B., Kobayashi, S., Radomska, H.S., Kutok, J.L., Gilliland, D.G., Krauter, J. and Tenen, D.G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103
(16): 6338-6343.
18 April 2006
In vivo expression of survivin and its splice variant survivin-2B: Impact on clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia.
Wagner, M., Schmelz, K., Wuchter, C., Ludwig, W.D., Doerken, B. and Tamm, I.
International Journal of Cancer 119
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15 September 2006
Interference with cell cycle progression by parasitic genetic elements: Sleeping Beauty joins the club.
Walisko, O. and Ivics, Z.
Cell Cycle 5
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June 2006
Sleeping Beauty transposase modulates cell-cycle progression through interaction with Miz-1.
Walisko, O., Izsvak, Z., Szabo, K., Kaufman, C.D., Herold, S. and Ivics, Z.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103
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14 March 2006
Uptake, biodistribution, and time course of naked plasmid DNA trafficking after intratumoral in vivo jet injection.
Walther, W., Minow, T., Martin, R., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Human Gene Therapy 17
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15 June 2006
[Effect of cell surface sialic acid and their linkages on adhesion of mammary carcinoma cells].
Wang, X.Y., Lin, S.Q., Li, J.W., Kemmner, W. and Ding, Y.Q.
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June 2006
Polyclonal evolution of multiple secondary KIT mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumors under treatment with imatinib mesylate.
Wardelmann, E., Merkelbach-Bruse, S., Pauls, K., Thomas, N., Schildhaus, H.U., Heinicke, T., Speidel, N., Pietsch, T., Buettner, R., Pink, D., Reichardt, P. and Hohenberger, P.
Clinical Cancer Research 12
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15 March 2006
Essential role for IkappaB kinase beta in remodeling Carma1-Bcl10-Malt1 complexes upon T cell activation.
Wegener, E., Oeckinghaus, A., Papadopoulou, N., Lavitas, L., Schmidt-Supprian, M., Ferch, U., Mak, T.W., Ruland, J., Heissmeyer, V. and Krappmann, D.
Molecular Cell 23
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7 July 2006
The collapsin response mediator protein 1 (CRMP-1) and the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger protein (PLZF) bind to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE), the key enzyme of sialic acid biosynthesis.
Weidemann, W., Stelzl, U., Lisewski, U., Bork, K., Wanker, E.E., Hinderlich, S. and Horstkorte, R.
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11 December 2006
Replication of centromeric heterochromatin in mouse fibroblasts takes place in early, middle, and late S phase.
Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Rahn, H.P., Cardoso, M.C. and Hemmerich, P.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology 125
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January 2006
Fruits and vegetables and renal cell carcinoma: findings from the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC).
Weikert, S., Boeing, H., Pischon, T., Olsen, A., Tjonneland, A., Overvad, K., Becker, N., Linseisen, J., Lahmann, P.H., Arvaniti, A., Kassapa, C., Trichoupoulou, A., Sieri, S., Palli, D., Tumino, R., Vineis, P., Panico, S., van Gils, C.H., Peeters, P.H., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B., Buechner, F.L., Ljungberg, B., Hallmans, G., Berglund, G., Wirfält, E., Pera, G., Dorronsoro, M., Gurrea, A.B., Navarro, C., Martinez, C., Quiros, J.R., Allen, N., Roddam, A., Bingham, S., Jenab, M., Slimani, N., Norat, T. and Riboli, E.
International Journal of Cancer 118
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15 June 2006
M line-deficient titin causes cardiac lethality through impaired maturation of the sarcomere.
Weinert, S., Bergmann, N., Luo, X., Erdmann, B. and Gotthardt, M.
Journal of Cell Biology 173
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22 May 2006
Induction of p21CIP/WAF-1 and G2 arrest by ionizing irradiation impedes caspase-3-mediated apoptosis in human carcinoma cells.
Wendt, J., Radetzki, S., von Haefen, C., Hemmati, P.G., Guener, D., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 25
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16 February 2006
Novel sequence variants in dysferlin-deficient muscular dystrophy leading to mRNA decay and possible C2-domain misfolding.
Wenzel, K., Carl, M., Perrot, A., Zabojszcza, J., Assadi, M., Ebeling, M., Geier, C., Robinson, P.N., Kress, W., Osterziel, K.J. and Spuler, S.
Human Mutation 27
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June 2006
Simultaneous cytokine analysis by cytometric bead array for the detection of leukaemia-reactive T cells in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia.
Westermann, J., Lessen, A., Schlimper, C., Baskaynak, G., Coutre, P., Doerken, B. and Pezzutto, A.
British Journal of Haematology 132
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January 2006
Migration of immature mouse DC across resting endothelium is mediated by ICAM-2 but independent of beta2-integrins and murine DC-SIGN homologues.
Wethmar, K., Helmus, Y., Luehn, K., Jones, C., Laskowska, A., Varga, G., Grabbe, S., Lyck, R., Engelhardt, B., Bixel, M.G., Butz, S., Loser, K., Beissert, S., Ipe, U., Vestweber, D. and Wild, M.K.
European Journal of Immunology 36
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October 2006
Correlation of visinin-like-protein-1 expression with clinicopathological features in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
Wickborn, C., Klein-Szanto, A.J., Schlag, P.M. and Braunewell, K.H.
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August 2006
Consequences of group fission for the patterns of relatedness among rhesus macaques.
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Molecular Ecology 15
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October 2006
Analysis of translation initiation using a translation control reporter system.
Wiesenthal, V., Leutz, A. and Calkhoven, C.F.
Nature Protocols 1
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9 November 2006
A translation control reporter system (TCRS) for the analysis of translationally controlled processes in the vertebrate cell.
Wiesenthal, V., Leutz, A. and Calkhoven, C.F.
Nucleic Acids Research 34
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10 February 2006
dILA neurons in the dorsal spinal cord are the product of terminal and non-terminal asymmetric progenitor cell divisions, and require Mash1 for their development.
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1 June 2006
Control of peripheral nerve myelination by the β-secretase BACE1.
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Science 314
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27 October 2006
A functional hypothesis for adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Avoidance of catastrophic interference in the dentate gyrus.
Wiskott, L., Rasch, M.J. and Kempermann, G.
Hippocampus 16
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A degradation-sensitive anionic trypsinogen (PRSS2) variant protects against chronic pancreatitis.
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Nature Genetics 38
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June 2006
Fate of Chlamydophila pneumoniae in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells: Long lasting infection.
Wittkop, U., Krausse-Opatz, B., Gust, T.C., Kirsch, T., Hollweg, G., Koehler, L., Zenke, M., Gerard, H.C., Hudson, A.P., Zeidler, H. and Wagner, A.D.
Microbial Pathogenesis 40
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March 2006
Asthma families show transmission disequilibrium of gene variants in the vitamin D metabolism and signalling pathway.
Wjst, M., Altmüller, J., Faus-Kessler, T., Braig, C., Bahnweg, M. and André, E.
Respiratory Research 7
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6 April 2006
Medullary cystic kidney disease type 1: mutational analysis in 37 genes based on haplotype sharing.
Wolf, M.T., Mucha, B.E., Hennies, H.C., Attanasio, M., Panther, F., Zalewski, I., Karle, S.M., Otto, E.A., Deltas, C.C., Fuchshuber, A. and Hildebrandt, F.
Human Genetics 119
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July 2006
Cognitive and physical activity differently modulate disease progression in the amyloid precursor protein (APP)-23 model of Alzheimer's disease.
Wolf, S.A., Kronenberg, G., Lehmann, K., Blankenship, A., Overall, R., Staufenbiel, M. and Kempermann, G.
Biological Psychiatry 60
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15 December 2006
Analytical model of peptide mass cluster centres with applications.
Wolski, W.E., Farrow, M., Emde, A.K., Lehrach, H., Lalowski, M. and Reinert, K.
Proteome Science 4
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23 September 2006
Arnold Graffi (1910-2006) : A pioneer of experimental cancer research.
Wunderlich, V. and Bielka, H.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 132
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August 2006
Structural and functional abnormalities of retinal ribbon synapses due to Cacna2d4 mutation.
Wycisk, K.A., Budde, B., Feil, S., Skosyrski, S., Buzzi, F., Neidhardt, J., Glaus, E., Nuernberg, P., Ruether, K. and Berger, W.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47
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August 2006
Pericytes limit tumor cell metastasis.
Xian, X., Håkansson, J., Ståhlberg, A., Lindblom, P., Betsholtz, C., Gerhardt, H. and Semb, H.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116
(3): 642-651.
1 March 2006
Splicing speckles are not reservoirs of RNA polymerase II, but contain an inactive form, phosphorylated on serine2 residues of the C-terminal domain.
Xie, S.Q., Martin, S., Guillot, P.V., Bentley, D.L. and Pombo, A.
Molecular Biology of the Cell 17
(4): 1723-1733.
1 April 2006
Distribution of different phosphorylated forms of RNA polymerase II in relation to Cajal and PML bodies in human cells: an ultrastructural study.
Xie, S.Q. and Pombo, A.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology 125
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January 2006
Systemic and regional hemodynamics in pigs with acute liver failure and the effect of albumin dialysis.
Ytrebo, L.M., Sen, S., Rose, C., Davies, N.A., Nedredal, G.I., Fuskevaag, O.M., Ten Have, G.A.M., Prinzen, F.W., Williams, R., Deutz, N.E.P., Jalan, R. and Revhaug, A.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 41
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November 2006
Interorgan ammonia, glutamate, and glutamine trafficking in pigs with acute liver failure.
Ytrebo, L.M., Sen, S., Rose, C., Ten Have, G.A.M., Davies, N.A., Hodges, S., Nedredal, G.I., Romero-Gomez, M., Williams, R., Revhaug, A., Jalan, R. and Deutz, N.E.P.
American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 291
(3): G373-G381.
1 September 2006
Competition and cooperation between tenascin-R, lecticans and contactin 1 regulate neurite growth and morphology.
Zacharias, U. and Rauch, U.
Journal of Cell Science 119
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15 August 2006
Mechanisms of neurotrophin receptor signalling.
Zampieri, N. and Chao, M.V.
Biochemical Society Transactions 34
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1 August 2006
Recognition of T-rich single-stranded DNA by the cold shock protein Bs-CspB in solution.
Zeeb, M., Max, K.E.A., Weininger, U., Loew, C., Sticht, H. and Balbach, J.
Nucleic Acids Research 34
(16): 4561-4571.
Salmonella typhimurium infection triggers dendritic cells and macrophages to adopt distinct migration patterns in vivo.
Zhao, C., Wood, M.W., Galyov, E.E., Höpken, U.E., Lipp, M., Bodmer, H.C., Tough, D.F. and Carter, R.W.
European Journal of Immunology 36
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November 2006
Evaluation of AGR2 and AGR3 as candidate genes for inflammatory bowel disease.
Zheng, W., Rosenstiel, P., Huse, K., Sina, C., Valentonyte, R., Mah, N., Zeitlmann, L., Grosse, J., Ruf, N., Nuernberg, P., Costello, C.M., Onnie, C., Mathew, C., Platzer, M., Schreiber, S. and Hampe, J.
Genes and Immunity 7
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January 2006
Evolution of the ventral midline in insect embryos.
Zinzen, R.P., Cande, J., Ronshaugen, M., Papatsenko, D. and Levine, M.
Developmental Cell 11
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December 2006
Computational models for neurogenic gene expression in the Drosophila embryo.
Zinzen, R.P., Senger, K., Levine, M. and Papatsenko, D.
Current Biology 16
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11 July 2006
Blockade of chemokine signaling in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Zipp, F., Hartung, H.P., Hillert, J., Schimrigk, S., Trebst, C., Stangel, M., Infante-Duarte, C., Jakobs, P., Wolf, C., Sandbrink, R., Pohl, C. and Filippi, M.
Neurology 67
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28 November 2006
Migrainous vertigo: mutation analysis of the candidate genes CACNA1A, ATP1A2, SCN1A, and CACNB4.
von Brevern, M., Ta, N., Shankar, A., Wiste, A., Siegel, A., Radtke, A., Sander, T. and Escayg, A.
Headache 46
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July 2006
Major histocompatibility complex HLA region largely explains the genetic variance exercised on neutrophil membrane proteinase 3 expression.
von Vietinghoff, S., Busjahn, A., Schoenemann, C., Massenkeil, G., Otto, B., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17
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November 2006
Crescentic glomerulonephritis and malignancy - guilty or guilt by association?
von Vietinghoff, S., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21
(11): 3324-3326.
November 2006
Book Section
Geissler, Erhard.
In: Barth, BR, Links, C, Mueller-Enbergs, H and Wielgohs, J, (eds.)
Wer war wer in der DDR - ein biographisches Handbuch.
Fischer, Berlin, 214-215.
Morpholino oligonucleotides, functional genomics by gene 'knock-down'.
Abdelilah-Seyfried, S.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1185-1187.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Bargou, R. and Ludwig, W.D.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 967-974.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
LAMMNUM: A program to study self-associating macromolecules in sedimentation velocity experiments.
Behlke, J. and Ristau, O.
Analytical Ultracentrifugation: Techniques and Methods.
RSC Publishing, Cambridge, U.K., 122-132.
ISBN 0-854-04547-3
Cell division.
Boden, C. and Ziebold, U.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 233-236.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Correlative microscopy using Tokuyasu cryosections: applications for immunogold labelling and in situ hybridisation.
Branco, M.R., Xie, S.Q., Martin, S. and Pombo, A.
Cell Imaging (Methods Express Series).
Methods Express Series
Scion Publishing, Bloxham, 201-217.
ISBN 1-904842-26-7
Transgenic and knock-out animals.
Britsch, S.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1900-1903.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Fluorescence microscopy: spectral imaging vs. filter-based imaging.
Cardoso, M.C.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 583-586.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Cell polarity.
Cibrian-Uhalte, E. and Abdelilah-Seyfried, S.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 237-243.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Recombinant protein production in mammalian cell culture.
Droege, A.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1616-1620.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Proteasomal degradation of misfolded proteins.
Gauss, R., Neuber, O. and Sommer, T.
Topics in Current Genetics ; 16
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 185-220.
ISBN 3-540-32580-8
Personal Essay.
Geissler, E.
SIPRI at forty : 1966-2006.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Stockholm, 70-72.
ISBN 91-85114-55-3
Gene variants, nutritional parameters, and hypertension.
Gong, M. and Hübner, N.
Nutritional Genomics: Impact on Health and Disease.
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 327-354.
ISBN 9783527312948
Cardiac signaling: cellular, molecular and clinical aspects.
Gotthardt, M. and Raddatz, K.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 208-214.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Structural genomics: structure-to-function approaches.
Heinemann, U.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1810-1816.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Ivics, Z., Walisko, O. and Izsvak, Z.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1915-1919.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Adult neurogenesis.
Kempermann, G.
Lifespan Development and the Brain: The Perspective of Biocultural Co-Constructivism.
Cambridge University Press, 82-108.
ISBN 9780521844949
Neural stem cells.
Kempermann, G.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1267-1270.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Mouse models in cancer research.
Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
Apoptosis and Cancer Therapy: From Cutting-edge Science to Novel Therapeutic Concepts.
ISBN 9783527312375
6 February 2006
Mendelian forms of human hypertension and mechanisms of disease.
Luft, F.C.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1053-1058.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Protein kinases and synaptogenesis.
Meier, J.C.
Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptogenesis.
Springer, 311-332.
ISBN 0-387-32560-3
Morano, I.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 743-748.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Muscle contraction.
Morano, I.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1215-1219.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Mass spectrometry: ESI.
Mueller, E.C.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1020-1022.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
MAD phasing.
Mueller, J.J. and Heinemann, U.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1002-1008.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Neural development.
Mueller, T.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1258-1266.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Nuclear import and export.
Pannek, A. and Stade, K.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1320-1324.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Tyrosine kinases.
Schaeper, U. and Grossmann, K.S.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1951-1959.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
NF-κB pathway.
Scheidereit, C. and Krappmann, D.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1286-1292.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Sommer, T. and Dittmar, G.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1964-1968.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Limb development.
Soshnikova, N. and Birchmeier, W.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 976-981.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Multidrug resistance.
Stein, U.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 2.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 1208-1212.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Gene chip technology and its application to molecular medicine.
Zimdahl, H. and Hübner, N.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine ; Vol. 1.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 650-655.
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Walking Molecular Pathways. 8th MDC/FMP PhD Student Retreat / September 7th - 9th 2006, Hotel Residenz, Motzen.
MDC/FMP, Berlin.
September 2006
International symposium: optical analysis of biomolecular machines, July 13th - 16th, 2006: Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine.
Ganten, D. and Ruckpaul, K.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
ISBN 3-540-44244-8
Molekularmedizinische Grundlagen von para- und autokrinen Regulationsstoerungen.
Ganten, D., Ruckpaul, K. and Koehrle, J.
Molekulare Medizin
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
ISBN 3-540-28781-7
Adult neurogenesis. Stem cells and neuronal development in the adult brain.
Kempermann, G.
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.
ISBN 0-19-517971-4
12 January 2006
Gene Therapy: Prospective technology assessment in its societal context.
Niewoehner, J. and Tannert, C.
ISBN 978-0-444-52806-3
Kardiovaskulaere MRT in der Praxis: Anleitungen und Fallbeispiele.
Strohm, O., Bernhardt, P. and Niendorf, T.
Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, Muenchen.
ISBN 978-3-437-24040-9
Stammzellforschung und Zelltherapie. Stand des Wissens und der Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland / Supplement zum Gentechnologiebericht.
Wobus, A.M., Hucho, F., van den Daele, W., Koechy, K., Reich, J., Rheinberger, H.J., Mueller-Roeber, B., Sperling, K., Boysen, M., Koelsch, M., Hauskeller, C. and Taupitz, J.
Forschungsberichte der Interdisziplinaeren Arbeitsgruppen der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. 15
Elsevier, Muenchen.
ISBN 3-8274-1790-2
27 June 2006
Molekulargenetische Identifizierung von Determinanten der photoparoxysmalen Reaktion.
Lorenz, S.
25 July 2006
Funktionelle Analyse von komplexen Hepatitis-B-Virus-Varianten, assoziiert mit Leberzirrhose bei Immunsupprimierten.
Maerschenz, S.
6 October 2006
Funktion und Expression von Kv-Kanaelen und Neurotransmitter-Rezeptoren auf der Mikroglia [Function and expression of Kv channels and neurotransmitter receptors on microglial cells].
Pannasch, U.
14 July 2006
Gene signatures and functional analysis of follicular B helper T cells [Genexpression und funktionelle Analyse von follikulaeren B-Helper T-Zellen].
Rasheed, M.A.U.
12 October 2006
Die Funktion des Transkriptionsfaktors Olig3 in der Entwicklung des Hirnstamms [The function of the transcription factor Olig3 in the development of the hindbrain].
Reuter, K.
14 July 2006
Untersuchungen zur Molekularpathologie des Hodgkin-Lymphoms - Klonierung des I kappa B epsilon Gens und Mutationsanalyse in Einzelzellen.
Theurich, S.
24 July 2006
Modulierung der NF-kappaB-Aktivitaet in T-Zellen durch den Carmal1-Bcl10-Malt1 Komplex.
Wegener, E.
4 July 2006
Titin M-line deficiency causes impaired myofibril maturation and cardiac dysfunction.
Weinert, S.
22 September 2006
Neues Verfahren zur Durchfuehrung der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) mittels 18F-haltigen Nukleosiden.
Baerwolff, D.
26 October 2006
Fluorinated 3'-deoxythymidine derivatives, a method for their preparation and their use.
Baerwolff, D., Lindner, R., Munz, D.L. and Michael, R.
2 November 2006
Method for the analysis of multiple sequence alignments of related protein sequences, a system, a computer device and a computer readable medium thereof.
Dittmar, G.A. and Kindl, C.
22 June 2006
Aenderung des Beladungszustandes von MHC-Molekuelen [Change of the load state of MHC molecules].
Falk, K. and Roetzschke, O.
DE102004054545A1 ; WO0629891.
6 April 2006
Shp-2 inhibitors, pharmaceutical compositions comprising them and their use for treating phosphatase-mediated diseases [Shp-2-Inhibitoren, Arzneimittel, die sie enthalten sowie deren Verwendung zur Behandlung von Phosphatasen-vermittelten Krankheiten].
Hellmuth, K. and Birchmeier, W.
EP1728790 ; WO06128909.
6 December 2006
Beta-L-N4-Hydroxycytosin-Desoxynucleoside und ihre Verwendung als pharmazeutische Mittel zur Prophylaxe oder Therapie von viralen Erkrankungen [Beta-L-N4-hydroxycytosine deoxynucleosides and their use as pharmaceutical agents in the prophylaxis or therapy of viral diseases].
Matthes, E., Janta-Lipinski, M., Will, H., Sirma, H. and Funk, A.
DE102004051804A1 ; WO06045616.
27 April 2006
Reconstructed human mariner transposon capable of stable gene transfer into chromosomes in vertebrates [Rekonstruktion eines menschlichen Mariner Transposons, das zum stabilen Gentransfer in Chromosome von Wirbeltieren geeignet ist].
Miskey, C. and Ivics, Z.
EP1710316 ; >WO06108525.
11 October 2006
Acoustic method for synchronization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
Niendorf, T., Frauenrath, T. and Kob, M.
DE 10 2006 061 784.3.
Novel drugs and diagnostic compositions for use in the treatment and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases or amyloid diseases [Neue Arzneimittel und diagnostische Zusammensetzungen fuer die Behandlung und Diagnose von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen und Amyloid-Krankheiten].
Wanker, E.E., Engemann, S., Rautenberg, S., Boeddrich, A., Harjes, P., Litscher, D., Herbst, M. and Walther, J.
EP1713457 ; WO0577343.
25 October 2006
Method for the identification of protein-protein interactions in disease related protein networks [Verfahren zur Identifizierung von Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen in krankheitsbezogenen Proteinnetzwerken].
Wanker, E.E., Lalowski, M., Stelzl, U., Stroedicke, M., Haenig, C., Worm, U. and Goehler, H.
5 July 2006
Insights into social insects from the genome of the honeybee Apis mellifera.
Nature 443
(7114): 931-949.
26 October 2006
Lipoprotein receptors in Alzheimer's disease.
Andersen, O.M. and Willnow, T.E.
Trends in Neurosciences 29
(12): 687-694.
December 2006
Performance assessment of promoter predictions on ENCODE regions in the EGASP experiment.
Bajic, V.B., Brent, M.R., Brown, R.H., Frankish, A., Harrow, J., Ohler, U., Solovyev, V.V. and Tan, S.L.
Genome Biology 7 Suppl 1
: S3.1-13.
Finding sensory neuron mechanotransduction components.
Boensch, R. and Lewin, G.R.
Oncogene-induced senescence: putting the brakes on tumor development.
Braig, M. and Schmitt, C.A.
Cancer Research 66
(6): 2881-2884.
15 March 2006
Balancing cell adhesion and Wnt signaling, the key role of beta-catenin.
Brembeck, F.H., Rosario, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 16
(1): 51-59.
February 2006
Replication and translation of epigenetic information.
Brero, A., Leonhardt, H. and Cardoso, M.C.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 301
: 21-44.
Towards cellular imaging at nanoscale: closer look at biomolecular machines.
Cremer, C. and Cardoso, M.C.
Imaging & Microscopy 3
: 20-21.
31 August 2006
Apoptolidin: Induction of apoptosis by a natural product.
Daniel, P.T., Koert, U. and Schuppan, J.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45
: 872-893.
30 January 2006
Agonistic antibodies directed at the angiotensin II, AT1 receptor in preeclampsia.
Dechend, R., Homuth, V., Wallukat, G., Mueller, D.N., Krause, M., Dudenhausen, J., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 13
: 79-86.
February 2006
Evidence for involvement of the vitamin D receptor gene in idiopathic short stature via a genome-wide linkage study and subsequent association studies.
Dempfle, A., Wudy, S.A., Saar, K., Hagemann, S., Friedel, S., Scherag, A., Berthold, L.D., Alzen, G., Gortner, L., Blum, W.F., Hinney, A., Nuernberg, P., Schaefer, H. and Hebebrand, J.
Human Molecular Genetics 15
(18): 2772-2783.
15 September 2006
Pristionchus pacificus genomics: from genetics to genome sequence.
Dieterich, C., Roeseler, W. and Srinivasan, J.
: 1-14.
Functional role of calcium signals for microglial function.
Faerber, K. and Kettenmann, H.
Glia 54
(7): 656-665.
15 November 2006
Purinergic signaling and microglia.
Faerber, K. and Kettenmann, H.
Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 452
(5): 615-621.
August 2006
A systematic meta-analysis of the efficacy and heterogeneity of disease management programs in congestive heart failure.
Goehler, A., Januzzi, J.L., Worrell, S.S., Osterziel, K.J., Gazelle, G.S., Dietz, R. and Siebert, U.
Journal of Cardiac Failure 12
(7): 554-567.
September 2006
Molecular genetics of human hypertension.
Gong, M. and Hubner, N.
Clinical Science 110
(3): 315-326.
March 2006
Minimalresiduale Tumorerkrankung bei gastrointestinalen Karzinomen : Prognoserelevanz und onkologisch-chirurgische Konsequenzen [Minimal residual tumor in gastrointestinal carcinoma: Relevance to prognosis and oncologic surgical consequences].
Gretschel, S., Bembenek, A., Schulze, T., Kemmner, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77
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1 December 2006
Therapeutic approaches to polyglutamine diseases: combating protein misfolding and aggregation.
Herbst, M. and Wanker, E.E.
Current Pharmaceutical Design 12
(20): 2543-2555.
Coping with stress: cellular relaxation techniques.
Hirsch, C., Gauss, R. and Sommer, T.
Trends in Cell Biology 16
(12): 657-663.
December 2006
Building functional modules from molecular interactions.
Hofmann, K.P., Spahn, C.M.T., Heinrich, R. and Heinemann, U.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 31
(9): 497-508.
September 2006
The high threshold mechanotransducer: A status report.
Hu, J., Milenkovic, N. and Lewin, G.R.
Pain 120
(1-2): 3-7.
January 2006
Novel integrative approaches to the identification of candidate genes in hypertension.
Hubner, N., Yagil, C. and Yagil, Y.
Hypertension 47
(1): 1-5.
January 2006
Transposons for gene therapy!
Ivics, Z. and Izsvak, Z.
Current Gene Therapy 6
(5): 593-607.
October 2006
Use of vibrational spectroscopy to study protein and DNA structure, hydration, and binding of biomolecules: A combined theoretical and experimental approach.
Jalkanen, K.J., Wuertz-Juergensen, V., Claussen, A., Rahim, A., Jensen, G.M., Wade, R.C., Nardi, F., Jung, C., Degtyarenko, I.M., Nieminen, R.M., Herrmann, F., Knapp-Mohammady, M., Niehaus, T.A., Frimand, K. and Suhai, S.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106
(5): 1160-1198.
27 January 2006
Mechanisms underlying helminth- induced Th2 polarization: default, negative or positive pathways?
Jankovic, D., Steinfelder, S., Kullberg, M.C. and Sher, A.
Chemical Immunology and Allergy 90
(90): 65-81.
Literature mining for the biologist: from information retrieval to biological discovery.
Jensen, L.J., Saric, J. and Bork, P.
Nature Reviews Genetics 7
(2): 119-129.
February 2006
What determines blood vessel structure? Genetic prespecification vs. hemodynamics.
Jones, E.A., le Noble, F. and Eichmann, A.
Physiology 21
(6): 388-395.
December 2006
Klussmann, E. and Rosenthal, W.
UCSD Nature Molecule Pages
4 April 2006
Direct renin inhibition with aliskiren in hypertension and target organ damage.
Mueller, D.N. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1
(2): 221-228.
March 2006
Mn2+-DNA interactions in aqueous systems: A Raman spectroscopic study.
Muntean, C.M., Misselwitz, R., Dostal, L. and Welfle, H.
Spectroscopy 20
(1): 29-35.
January 2006
Beschleunigung der kardiovaskulaeren MRT mittels paralleler Bildgebung: Grundlagen, praktische Aspekte, klinische Anwendungen und Perspektiven [Acceleration of cardiovascular MRI using parallel imaging: basic principles, practical considerations, clinical applications and future directions].
Niendorf, T. and Sodickson, D.
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren 178
(1): 15-30.
January 2006
Parallel imaging in cardiovascular MRI: methods and applications.
Niendorf, T. and Sodickson, D.K.
NMR in Biomedicine 19
(3): 325-341.
May 2006
Highly accelerated cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: concepts and clinical applications.
Niendorf, T. and Sodickson, D.K.
Conference Proceedings : Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 1
: 373-376.
Effect of sulfur availability on the integrity of amino acid biosynthesis in plants.
Nikiforova, V.J., Bielecka, M., Gakiere, B., Krueger, S., Rinder, J., Kempa, S., Morcuende, R., Scheible, W.R., Hesse, H. and Hoefgen, R.
Amino Acids 30
(2): 173-183.
March 2006
Pharmacogenetics and cardiac ion channels.
Roepke, T.K. and Abbott, G.W.
Vascular Pharmacology 44
(2): 90-106.
February 2006
Interdisziplinaere Leitlinien zur Diagnostik und Therapie der extrazerebralen Amyloidosen -- Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Amyloid-Krankheiten e.V. ( [Interdisciplinary guidelines on diagnosis and treatment for extracerebral amyloidoses--published by the German Society of Amyloid Diseases (].
Röcken, C., Ernst, J., Hund, E., Michels, H., Perz, J., Saeger, W., Sezer, O., Spuler, S., Willig, F. and Schmidt, H.H.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 131
(27 Suppl 2): S45-S66.
7 July 2006
Typing of single nucleotide polymorphisms by MALDI mass spectrometry: principles and diagnostic applications.
Sauer, S.
Clinica Chimica Acta 363
(1-2): 95-105.
January 2006
IkappaB kinase complexes: gateways to NF-kappaB activation and transcription.
Scheidereit, C.
Oncogene 25
(51): 6685-6705.
30 October 2006
The tumour-Clostridium phenomenon: 50 years of developmental research.
Schmidt, W., Fabricius, E.M. and Schneeweiss, U.
International Journal of Oncology 29
(6): 1479-1492.
1 December 2006
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin-mediated iron traffic in kidney epithelia.
Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Mori, K., Kalandadze, A., Li, J.Y., Paragas, N., Nicholas, T., Devarajan, P. and Barasch, J.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 15
(4): 442-449.
July 2006
Regulation of apicomplexan microfilament dynamics by a minimal set of actin-binding proteins.
Schueler, H. and Matuschewski, K.
Traffic 7
(11): 1433-1439.
November 2006
Guiding embryonic stem cells towards differentiation: lessons from molecular embryology.
Spagnoli, F.M. and Hemmati-Brivanlou, A.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 16
(5): 469-475.
October 2006
Adult neurogenesis and neurodegenerative disease.
Steiner, B., Wolf, S.A. and Kempermann, G.
Regenerative Medicine 1
(1): 15-28.
January 2006
The value of high quality protein-protein interaction networks for systems biology.
Stelzl, U. and Wanker, E.E.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 10
(6): 551-558.
December 2006
The development of migrating muscle precursor cells.
Vasyutina, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Anatomy and Embryology 211
(Suppl.): S37-S41.
December 2006
The brain as a target of inflammation: common pathways link inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases.
Zipp, F. and Aktas, O.
Trends in Neurosciences 29
(9): 518-527.
September 2006
Thrombospondin-4 Ala387Pro polymorphism is not associated with vascular function and risk of coronary heart disease in US men and women.
Asselbergs, F.W., Pai, J.K., Pischon, T., Manson, J.E. and Rimm, E.B.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 95
(3): 589-590.
March 2006
Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris: executive summary: The Task Force on the Management of Stable Angina Pectoris of the European Society of Cardiology.
Fox, K., Garcia, M.A., Ardissino, D., Buszman, P., Camici, P.G., Crea, F., Daly, C., De Backer, G., Hjemdahl, P., Lopez-Sendon, J., Marco, J., Morais, J., Pepper, J., Sechtem, U., Simoons, M., Thygesen, K., Priori, S.G., Blanc, J.J., Budaj, A., Camm, J., Dean, V., Deckers, J., Dickstein, K., Lekakis, J., McGregor, K., Metra, M., Morais, J., Osterspey, A., Tamargo, J., Zamorano, J.L., Zamorano, J.L., Andreotti, F., Becher, H., Dietz, R., Fraser, A., Gray, H., Antolin, R.A., Huber, K., Kremastinos, D.T., Maseri, A., Nesser, H.J., Pasierski, T., Sigwart, U., Tubaro, M. and Weis, M.
European Heart Journal 27
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1 June 2006
Hungary's 'reforms' are threatening basic science.
Izsvak, Z., Ivics, Z. and Mates, L.
Nature 443
(7110): 394.
28 September 2006
Association of CYP2D6 genotypes and personality traits in healthy individuals.
Kirchheiner, J., Lang, U., Stamm, T., Sander, T. and Gallinat, J.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 26
(4): 440-442.
August 2006
Chromosomal rearrangements involving the BCL3 locus are recurrent in classical Hodgkin and peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
Martin-Subero, J.I., Wlodarska, I., Bastard, C., Picquenot, J.M., Hoeppner, J., Giefing, M., Klapper, W., Siebert, R., Mathas, S., Joos, S., Stein, H. and Doerken, B.
Blood 108
: 401-403.
1 July 2006
Deletion of Glu at codon 13 in the TCAP gene encoding the Z-disc protein titin-cap/telethonin is a rare non-synonymous polymorphism.
Perrot, A., Posch, M.G. and Osterziel, K.J.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 88
(2): 199-200.
June 2006
Reply to "Normalization procedures and detection of linkage signal in genetical-genomics experiments".
Petretto, E., Mangion, J., Cook, S.A., Aitman, T.J., Pravenec, M., Schulz, H., Fischer, J. and Hubner, N.
Nature Genetics 38
(8): 858-859.
August 2006
High HSP70-membrane expression on leukemic cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia is associated with a worse prognosis.
Steiner, K., Graf, M., Hecht, K., Reif, S., Rossbacher, L., Pfister, K., Kolb, H.J., Schmetzer, H.M. and Multhoff, G.
Leukemia 20
(11): 2076-2079.
November 2006
Clone wars?
Tannert, C.
EMBO Reports 7
(7): 656.
1 July 2006
Successful treatment of thrombocytopenia in primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab-monitoring of antiphospholipid and anti-GP antibodies: a case report.
Trappe, R., Loew, A., Thuss-Patience, P., Doerken, B. and Riess, H.
Annals of Hematology 85
: 134-135.
February 2006
Author reply: Polyclonal resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumor treated with sequential kinase inhibitors.
Wardelmann, E., Biermann, K., Merkelbach-Bruse, S., Thomas, N., Schildhaus, H.U., Heinicke, T., Speidel, N., Pietsch, T., Buettner, R., Pink, D., Reichardt, P. and Hohenberger, P.
Clinical Cancer Research 12
(20): 6206-6207.
15 October 2006
Response: Cellular uptake of sex steroid hormones.
Willnow, T.E. and Nykjaer, A.
Cell 124
(3): 456-457.
10 February 2006
Plant nitric oxide synthase: a never-ending story?
Zemojtel, T., Froehlich, A., Palmieri, M.C., Kolanczyk, M., Mikula, I., Wyrwicz, L.S., Wanker, E.E., Mundlos, S., Vingron, M., Martasek, P. and Durner, J.
Trends Plant Sci 11
(11): 524-525.
November 2006
Prorenin and its ancient receptor.
Burckle, C. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 48
(4): 549-551.
October 2006
"To erb-B or not to erb-B..." Neuregulin-1/ErbB signaling in heart development and function.
Garratt, A.N.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 41
(2): 215-218.
August 2006
Conditional gene expression: Intelligent designs.
Gossen, M.
Gene Therapy 13
(17): 1251-1252.
September 2006
Expressing physiology.
Hubner, N.
Nature Genetics 38
(2): 140-141.
February 2006
Research highlights from the literature.
Jordan, J.
Clinical Autonomic Research 16
(3): 198-201.
June 2006
They are not too excited: the possible role of adult-born neurons in epilepsy.
Kempermann, G.
Neuron 52
(6): 935-937.
21 December 2006
Triggering the brain's pathology sensor.
Kettenmann, H.
Nature Neuroscience 9
(12): 1463-1464.
December 2006
The protean face of sarcoidosis revisited.
Kettritz, R., Goebel, U., Fiebeler, A., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21
(10): 2690-2694.
October 2006
First international meeting on anchored cAMP signaling pathways, Biomedical Campus, Berlin-Buch, Germany, 15-16 October 2005.
Klussmann, E.
European Journal of Cell Biology 85
(7): 581-584.
5 July 2006
Cellular conference call: external feedback affects cell-fate decisions.
Loewer, A. and Lahav, G.
Cell 124
(6): 1128-1130.
24 March 2006
A high mobility group box-containing transcription factor leads to diabetes risk.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
(12): 985-987.
December 2006
On Fever, famine, and war - but mostly fever.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
(10): 799-801.
October 2006
Are human CETP mutations and CETP-inhibiting drugs a good or a bad deal?
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 625-627.
August 2006
Doxorubicin toxicity in the Iron Age.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 529-531.
July 2006
The jolly gentle giant titin explains Frank and Starling.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 443-445.
June 2006
Suicidal erythrocyte death occurs in the hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 347-348.
May 2006
The cathepsins contribute to life and death in the placenta.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
(4): 259-261.
April 2006
Genetic mutation screening for the low-density lipoprotein receptor.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 183-184.
March 2006
Lipoprotein lipase and heart size.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 109-111.
February 2006
A fat attack occurred in fat city.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 84
: 1-3.
January 2006
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: moving toward mechanism.
MacRae, C.A., Birchmeier, W. and Thierfelder, L.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116
(7): 1825-1828.
July 2006
Building interdisciplinarity in research on gene therapy.
Niewoehner, J.D. and Tannert, C.
Gene Therapy: Prospective Technology assessment in its societal context
: xiii-xix.
Matrix reloaded. The matrix metalloproteinase paradox.
Panek, A.N. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 47
(4): 640-641.
April 2006
Adiponectin: a promising marker for cardiovascular disease.
Pischon, T. and Rimm, E.B.
Clinical Chemistry 52
(5): 797-799.
May 2006
L(ou)sy miRNA targets?
Rajewsky, N.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 13
(9): 754-755.
September 2006
Das Modell der Adenom-Karzinom-Sequenz - ein Zwischenruf. Kommentar zu den Arbeiten von F. Stelzner.
Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 77
(11): 1061-1062.
November 2006
Nephrologists sans frontieres: the art and science of branching.
Schmidt-Ott, K.M.
Kidney International 69
(11): 1921-1923.
1 June 2006
Patterns of myocardial inflammation and scarring in sarcoidosis as assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.
Schulz-Menger, J., Wassmuth, R., Abdel-Aty, H., Siegel, I., Franke, A., Dietz, R. and Friedrich, M.G.
Heart 92
(3): 399-400.
March 2006
Does rosuvastatin improve lipid levels in patients with the metabolic syndrome more effectively than atorvastatin?
Schuster, H.
Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 3
: 74-75.
February 2006
Laser microdissection of a colon cancer specimen with subsequent RNA isolation, mRNA amplification and microarray hybridization.
Stoinski-Bungs, E., Seeger, S., Kemmner, W., Scheinert, P. and Krupp, G.
Nature Methods Application Notes
: an10-an11.
1 January 2006
Thou shalt not clone. An ethical argument against the reproductive cloning of humans.
Tannert, C.
EMBO Reports 7
(3): 238-240.
1 March 2006
Comprehensive suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in chronic kidney disease: Covering all of the bases.
Weinberger, M.H. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 70
(12): 2051-2053.
2 December 2006
Pin-pointing APP processing.
Willnow, T.E. and Andersen, O.M.
Molecular Interventions 6
(3): 137-139.
June 2006
Similar gene expression profiles do not imply similar tissue functions.
Yanai, I., Korbel, J.O., Boue, S., McWeeney, S.K., Bork, P. and Lercher, M.J.
Trends in Genetics 22
(3): 132-138.
March 2006
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:53:55 2025 UTC.