Implications for dorsoventral axis determination from the zebrafish mutation janus.
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11 August 1994
Improved in situ beta-galactosidase staining for histological analysis of transgenic mice.
Aguzzi, A. and Theuring, F.
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1 January 1994
Immunizing and curative potential of replicating and nonreplicating murine mammary adenocarcinoma cells engineered with interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL- 10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and gamma-interferon gene or admixed with conventional adjuvants.
Allione, A., Consalvo, M., Nanni, P., Lollini, P.L., Cavallo, F., Giovarelli, M., Forni, M., Gulino, A., Colombo, M.P., Dellabona, P., Hock, H., Blankenstein, T., Rosenthal, F.M., Gansbacher, B., Bosco, M.C., Musso, T., Gusella, L. and Forni, G.
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1 January 1994
Prognostic implications of novel beta cardiac myosin heavy chain gene mutations that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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January 1994
Molecular pathway for presynaptic calcium signaling.
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1 January 1994
The protective effect of free and membrane-bound cryoprotectants during freezing and freeze-drying of liposomes.
Ausborn, M., Schreier, H., Brezesinski, G., Fabian, H., Meyer, H.W. and Nuhn, P.
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1 January 1994
The role of the renin-angiotensin system in cardiovascular disease.
Bader, M., Wagner, J., Lee, M.A. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension Research 17
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1 January 1994
Essential role of c-myc in ara-C-induced differentiation of human erythroleukemia cells.
Baker, S.J., Pawlita, M., Leutz, A. and Hoelzer, D.
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August 1994
Cardiac troponin I and tension generation of skinned fibres in the developing rat heart.
Bartel, S., Morano, I., Hunger, H.D., Katus, H., Pask, H., Karczewski, P. and Krause, E.G.
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1 January 1994
Cyclin D1 protein expression and function in human breast cancer.
Bartkova, J., Lukas, J., Mueller, H., Luetzhoft, D., Strauss, M. and Bartek, J.
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1 January 1994
The PRAD-1/cyclin D1 oncogene product accumulates aberrantly in a subset of colorectal carcinomas.
Bartkova, J., Lukas, J., Strauss, M. and Bartek, J.
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15 August 1994
Transcriptional repression and activation in the same cell type of the human c-MYC promoter by the retinoblastoma gene protein: antagonisation of both effects by SV40 T antigen.
Batsche, E., Lipp, M. and Cremisi, C.
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August 1994
Differential display reverse transcription PCR.
Bauer, D., Mueller, H., Reich, J., Riedel, H., Ahrenkiel, V., Warthoe, P. and Strauss, M.
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1 January 1994
Neovascularization and the appearance of morphological characteristics of the blood-brain-barrier in the embryonic mouse central nervous system.
Bauer, H.C., Bauer, H., Lametschwandtner, A., Amberger, A., Ruiz, P. and Steiner, M.
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1 January 1994
Laparoscopic surgery panel.
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Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 37
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1 January 1994
Purification of human big endothelin 1 derived through cleavage with collagenase and dipeptidylpeptidase IV from a fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli.
Becker, A., Theuring, F., Gottwald, M., Kauser, K., Schleuning, W.D. and Donner, P.
Protein Expression and Purification 5
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1 January 1994
Mutations of tyrosine 82 in bovine adrenodoxin that affect binding to cytochromes P45011A1 and P45011B1 but not electron transfer.
Beckert, V., Dettmer, R. and Bernhardt, R.
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28 January 1994
Differential nuclear localization of protein kinase C isoforms in neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells.
Beckmann, R., Lindschau, C., Haller, H., Hucho, F. and Buchner, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 222
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1 January 1994
Analysis of interaction of the small heat shock protein hsp25 with actin by analytical ultracentrifugation.
Behlke, J., Ristau, O. and Knespel, A.
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1 January 1994
Cell contacts, differentiation, and invasiveness of epithelial cells.
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1 January 1994
Biochemical genetics of methylglyoxal dehydrogenases in the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus).
Bender, K., Seibert, R.T., Wienker, T.F., Kren, V., Pravenec, M. and Bissbort, S.
Biochemical Genetics 32
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1 January 1994
Phosphorylation and supramolecular organization of murine small heat shock protein HSP25 abolish its actin polymerization- inhibiting activity.
Benndorf, R., Hayess, K., Ryazantsev, S., Wieske, M., Behlke, J. and Lutsch, G.
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1 January 1994
Multiple effects of antitumor alkyl-lysophospholipid analogs on the cytosolic free Ca2+concentration in a normal and a breast cancer cell line.
Bergmann, J., Junghahn, I., Brachwitz, H. and Langen, P.
Anticancer Research 14
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1 January 1994
Investigation of protein-protein interactions in mitochondrial steroid hydroxylase systems using site- directed mutagenesis.
Bernhardt, R., Kraft, R., Uhlmann, H. and Beckert, V.
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1 January 1994
Molecular characterization of the cellular receptor for poliovirus.
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1 January 1994
The poliovirus receptor: identification of domains and amino acid residues critical for virus binding.
Bernhardt, G., Harber, J., Zibert, A., deCrombrugghe, M. and Wimmer, E.
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1 January 1994
Cleavage site of the poliovirus receptor signal sequence.
Bibb, J.A., Bernhardt, G. and Wimmer, E.
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1 January 1994
The human poliovirus receptor-�s a serine phosphoprotein.
Bibb, J.A., Bernhardt, G. and Wimmer, E.
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1 January 1994
Interaction of poliovirus with its cell surface binding site.
Bibb, J.A., Witherell, G., Bernhardt, G. and Wimmer, E.
Virology 201
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1 January 1994
Nature and recurrence of AVPR2 mutations in X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
Bichet, D.G., Birnbaumer, M., Lonergan, M., Arthus, M.F., Rosenthal, W., Goodyer, P., Nivet, H., Benoit, S., Giampietro, P., Simonetti, S., Fish, A., Whitley, C.B., Jaeger, P., Gertner, J., New, M., DiBona, F.J., Kaplan, B.S., Robertson, G.L., Hendy, G.N., Fujiwara, T.M. and Morgan, K.
American Journal of Human Genetics 55
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August 1994
Induction of the small stress protein, Hsp25, in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells by anticancer drugs.
Bielka, H., Hoinkis, G., Oesterreich, S., Stahl, J. and Benndorf, R.
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1 January 1994
Integrated optical immunosensor for s-Triazine determination - regeneration, calibration and limitations.
Bier, F.F., Jockers, R. and Schmid, R.D.
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1 January 1994
Real time analysis of competitive binding using grating coupler immunosensors for pesticide detection.
Bier, F.F. and Schmid, R.D.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 9
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1 January 1994
Mesenchymal-epithelial transitions.
Birchmeier, W. and Birchmeier, C.
BioEssays 16
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1 January 1994
An extracellular congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus mutation of the vasopressin receptor reduces cell surface expression, affinity for ligand, and coupling to the Gs/adenylyl cyclase system.
Birnbaumer, M., Gilbert, S. and Rosenthal, W.
Molecular Endocrinology 8
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July 1994
Analysis of the puromycin finding site in the 70 S ribosome of Escherichia coli at the peptide level.
Bischof, O., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
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15 July 1994
Investigation of protein-antibiotic cross-links in prokaryotic ribosomes by sequence analysis and mass spectroscopy.
Bischof, O., Hechenberger, M., Thiede, B., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13
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1 January 1994
Expression of MUC2-mucin in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas of different histological types.
Blanke, M., Klussmann, E., Krueger-Krasagakes, S., Schmitt-Graeff, A., Stolte, M., Bornhoeft, G., Stein, H., Xing, P.X., McKenzie, I.F., Verstijnen, C.P., Riecken, E.O. and Hanski, C.
International Journal of Cancer 59
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1 November 1994
Increasing tumour immunogenicity by genetic modification.
Blankenstein, T.
European Journal of Cancer 30A
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1 January 1994
Observations with tumour necrosis factor gene-transfected tumours.
Blankenstein, T.
Folia Biologica Prague 40
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1 January 1994
Cardiac norepinephrine, beta-adrenoceptors, and Gialpha- proteins in prehypertensive and hypertensive spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Boehm, M., Castellano, M., Paul, M. and Erdmann, E.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 23
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1 January 1994
Coupling of M-cholinoceptors and A1 adenosine receptors in human myocardium.
Boehm, M., Gierschik, P., Schwinger, R.H.G., Uhlmann, R. and Erdmann, E.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 266
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1 January 1994
beta-adrenergic neuroeffector mechanisms in cardiac hypertrophy of renin transgenic rats.
Boehm, M., Moll, M., Schmid, B., Paul, M., Ganten, D., Castellano, M. and Erdmann, E.
Hypertension 24
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1 January 1994
Differences of E-cadherin expression levels and patterns in primary and metastatic human lung cancer.
Boehm, M., Totzeck, B., Birchmeier, W. and Wieland, I.
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1 January 1994
Structure and expression of the chicken retinoblastoma gene.
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1 January 1994
Bioelectrocatalysis by immobilized peroxidase - the reaction-mechanism and the possibility of electroanalytical detection of both inhibitors and activators of enzyme.
Bogdanovskaya, V.A., Fridman, V.A., Tarasevich, M.R. and Scheller, F.W.
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1 January 1994
Translational regulation of the mammalian growth-related protein P23: involvement of eIF-4E.
Bommer, U.A., Lazaris-Karatzas, A., De Benedetti, A., Nuernberg, P., Benndorf, R., Bielka, H. and Sonenberg, N.
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1 January 1994
Photinus pyralis luciferase: vectors that contain a modified luc coding sequence allowing convenient transfer into other systems.
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8 April 1994
Long-lasting anti-adrenergic effect of 7-oxo-prostacyclin in the heart: a cycloheximide sensitive increase of phosphodiesterase isoform I and IV activities.
Borchert, G., Bartel, S., Beyerdoerfer, I., Kuettner, I., Szekeres, L. and Krause, E.G.
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1 January 1994
AMPA/kainate receptor activation in murine oligodendrocyte precursor cells leads to activation of a cation conductance, calcium influx and blockade of delayed rectifying K+ channels.
Borges, K., Ohlemeyer, C., Trotter, J. and Kettenmann, H.
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1 November 1994
Drosophila kelch motif is derived from a common enzyme fold.
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1 January 1994
A new family of carbon-nitrogen hydrolases.
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1 January 1994
A p-loop-like motif in a widespread ATP pyrophosphatase domain: implications for the evolution of motifs and enzyme activity.
Bork, P. and Koonin, E.V.
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1 January 1994
From genome sequences to protein function.
Bork, P., Ouzounis, C. and Sander, C.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 4
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1 January 1994
The WW domain: a signalling site in dystrophin.
Bork, P. and Sudol, M.
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1 December 1994
Adeno-associated virus type 2 interferes with early development of mouse embryos.
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1 January 1994
Functional aspects of B-Myb in early Xenopus development.
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April 1994
Localization of mammary-derived growth inhibitor in capillary endothelial cells of the bovine mammary gland.
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1 January 1994
Human brain imidazoline receptors: further characterization with [3H]clonidine.
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1 January 1994
Sodium kinetics in white and black normotensive subjects: possible relevance to salt-sensitive hypertension.
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1 January 1994
Estrogen augments the contribution of nitric oxide to blood pressure regulation in transgenic hypertensive rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Brosnihan, K.B., Moriguchi, A., Nakamoto, H., Dean, R.H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
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1 January 1994
Mapping of transcriptional start and capping points by a modified 5' RACE technique.
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1 January 1994
Chemical turbulence and standing waves in a surface reaction model: The influence of global coupling and wave instabilities.
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September 1994
A simple-model for finitely extensible polymers.
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1 January 1994
Familial adenomatous polyposis: mutation at codon 1309and early onset of colon cancer.
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1 January 1994
Extension of incomplete cDNAs (ESTs) by biotin/streptavidin- mediated walking using the polymerase chain reaction.
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1 January 1994
Selective chemical modification of Cys264 with diiodofluorescein iodoacetamide as a tool to study the membrane topology of cytochrome P450 SCC (CYP11A1).
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1 January 1994
Apoptotic cell death induced by a mouse-human anti-APO-1 chimeric antibody leads to tumor regression.
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1 January 1994
Echocardiographic manifestations of mediastinal masses compressing or encroaching on the heart.
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1 September 1994
Redox activity and alcohol-mediated energization of the plasma membrane of plant cells.
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1 January 1994
Activation induces sensitivity toward APO-1 (CD95)- mediated apoptosis in human B cells.
Daniel, P.T. and Krammer, P.H.
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1 January 1994
HLA-B27 binding peptides derived from the 57 kD heat shock protein of Chlamydia trachomatis: novel insights into the peptide binding rules.
Daser, A., Urlaub, H. and Henklein, P.
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1 January 1994
Imidazoline receptors, non-adrenergic idazoxan binding sites and alpha2-adrenoceptors in the human central nervous system.
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1 April 1994
Effects of low-molecular weight and high-molecular weight heparin on the intrinsic and extrinsic endogenous fibrinolytic system.
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Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 8 Suppl. 2
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1 January 1994
Fragmentation pattern of fibrinogen during thrombolysis in acute myocardial infaction with fibrin-specific plasminogen activators - detection of high-molecular weight fibrinogen degradation products.
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1 January 1994
Treatment of portal vein thrombosis by thrombectomy and regional thrombolysis.
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1 January 1994
APO-1-mediated apoptosis in normal and malignant lymphocytes.
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1 January 1994
Endoskopische Drainage von Pankreas-Pseudozysten - Alternative zur operativen Therapie.
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1 January 1994
Endoscopic management of pancreatic pseudocysts.
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1 January 1994
A 32-bp deletion (2991DEL32) in the cystic-fibrosis gene associated with CFTR messenger-RNA reduction.
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1 January 1994
Induction of c-fos gene expression by urokinase-type plasminogen activator in human ovarian cancer cells.
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25 April 1994
Synthesis of the four possible stereoisomeric 5'-nor carbocyclic nucleotides from one common enantiomeritally pure starting material.
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1 January 1994
Induction of differentiation of human myeloid leukemic K562 cells by 3'-deoxy-3'-fluorothymidine (comparison with arabinosylcytosine).
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1 January 1994
Cloning, nucleotide sequence, and expression of the Escherichia coli gene encoding carnitine dehydratase.
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1 January 1994
Transmembrane topology of the lymphocyte-specific G- protein- coupled receptor BLR1: analysis by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry.
Emrich, T., Foerster, R. and Lipp, M.
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1 January 1994
Cytokine efficiency in the treatment of high-grade malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: results of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with intensified COP-BLAM +/- rhGM-CSF.
Engelhard, M., Gerhartz, H., Brittinger, G., Engert, A., Fuchs, R., Geiseler, B., Gerhartz, D., Haunauske, A.R., Hartlapp, H.J., Huhn, D., Ludwig, W.D., Meusers, P., Mueller, P., Pees, H.W., Peschel, C., Radtke, H., Schadeck-Gressel, C., Schlimok, G., Siegert, W., Spann, W., Terhardt, E., Thiel, E., Wilmanns, W., Brandmaier, R., Ehrlich, H.J., Faerber, L., Parwaresch, M., Tiemann, M. and Lennert, K.
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1 January 1994
Immunocytochemical localization of heterologously expressed adrenodoxin and its electron acceptor cytochrome P45011B1 in Escherichia coli.
Erdmann, B., Henning, M., Uhlmann, H., Beckert, V., Grunau, C. and Bernhardt, R.
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1 January 1994
Immunmodyfying properties of free and liposomal alkylphosphocholines.
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1 January 1994
Impact of point mutations on the structure and thermal stability of ribonuclease T1 in aqueous solution probed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Fabian, H., Schultz, C., Backmann, J., Hahn, U., Saenger, W., Mantsch, H.H. and Naumann, D.
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6 September 1994
Tyrosine- versus serine-phosphorylation leads to conformational changes in a synthetic tau peptide.
Fabian, H., Otvos, L., Szendrei, G.I., Lang, E. and Mantsch, H.H.
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1 January 1994
Synthetic post-translationally modified human Abeta peptide exhibits a markedly increased tendency to form beta-pleated sheets in vitro.
Fabian, H., Szendrei, G.I., Mantsch, H.H., Greenberg, B.D. and Oetvoes, L.
European Journal of Biochemistry 221
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1 January 1994
Vergleichende Untersuchungen des Klostridien-Tumor-Testes an Hunden und Pferden.
Fabricius, E.M., Dietz, O., Schneeweiss, U., Schmidt, W., Wildner, G.P., Baumann, G., Benedix, A. and Weisbrich, C.
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1 January 1994
K+-, hypoosmolarity-, and NH4+-induced taurine release from cultured rabbit Muller cells: role of Na+ and Cl- ions and relation to cell volume changes.
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1 January 1994
Pattern-formation during the CO oxidation on Pt(110) surfaces under global coupling.
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
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October 1994
Influence of global coupling through the gas phase on the dynamics of CO oxidation on Pt(110).
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
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August 1994
Pool sequencing of natural HLA-DR, DQ, and DP ligands reveals detailed peptide motifs, constraints of processing, and general rules.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
Immunogenetics 39
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1 January 1994
Peptide motifs of HLA-A1, -A11, -A31, and -A33 molecules.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Takiguchi, M., Grahovac, B., Gnau, V., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G. and Rammensee, H.G.
Immunogenetics 40
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Analysis of a naturally occurring HLA class I-restricted viral epitope.
Falk, K., Roetzschke, O., Stevanovic, S., Gnau, V., Sparbier, K., Jung, G., Rammensee, H.G. and Walden, P.
Immunology 82
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1 July 1994
The renin-angiotensin system in the heart and vascular wall: New therapeutic aspects.
Falkenhahn, M., Gohlke, P., Paul, M., Stoll, M. and Unger, T.
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1 January 1994
Analysis of 133 meioses places the genes for nevoid basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin) syndrome and Fanconi anemia group C in a 2.6- cM interval and contributes to the fine map of 9q22.3.
Farndon, P.A., Morris, D.J., Hardy, C., McConville, C.M., Weissenbach, J., Kilpatrick, M.W. and Reis, A.
Genomics 23
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1 January 1994
MHC class I expression in mice lacking the proteasome subunit LMP-7.
Fehling, H.J., Swat, W., Laplace, C., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K., Müller, U. and von Boehmer, H.
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26 August 1994
Differential regulation of vascular angiotensin I-converting enzyme in hypertension.
Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Kreutz, R., Zeh, K., Liu, Y., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Hypertension 24
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1 January 1994
Stimulation of hematopoiesis by carboplatin-liposomes.
Fichtner, I., Reszka, R., Becker, M., Lemm, M., Richter, J. and Rudolph, M.
Journal of Liposome Research 4
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March 1994
Characterization of four drug resistant P388 sublines: resistance/sensitivity in vivo, resistance- and proliferation-markers, immunogenicity.
Fichtner, I., Stein, U., Hoffmann, J., Winterfeld, G., Pfeil, D. and Hentschel, M.
Anticancer Research 14
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1 January 1994
Antineoplastic activity of alkylphosphocholines (APC) in human breast carcinomas in vivo and in vitro: use of liposomes.
Fichtner, I., Zeisig, R., Naundorf, H., Jungmann, S., Arndt, D., Asongwe, G., Double, J.A. and Bibby, M.C.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 32
: 269-279.
1 January 1994
Expression of the G-protein-coupled receptor BLR1 defines mature, recirculating B cells and a subset of T-helper memory cells.
Foerster, R., Emrich, T., Kremmer, E. and Lipp, M.
Blood 84
(3): 830-840.
1 August 1994
Selective expression of the murine homologue of the G- protein- coupled receptor BLR1 in B cell differentiation, B cell neoplasia and defined areas of the cerebellum.
Foerster, R., Wolf, I., Kaiser, E. and Lipp, M.
Cellular and Molecular Biology 40
: 381-387.
1 January 1994
Correlation of cytogenetic findings with clinical features in 18 patients with inv(3)(q21q26) or t(3;3)(q21;q26).
Fonatsch, C., Gudat, H., Lengfelder, E., Wandt, H., Silling-Engelhardt, G., Ludwig, W.D., Thiel, E., Freund, M., Bodenstein, H., Schwieder, G., Gruenelsen, A., Aul, C., Schnittger, S., Rieder, H., Haase, D. and Hild, F.
Leukemia 8
(8): 1318-1326.
1 August 1994
Identification of novel ubiquitous and cell type-specific factors that specifically recognize immunoglobulin heavy and light chain promoters.
Franke, S., Scholz, G. and Scheidereit, C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269
(31): 20075-20082.
5 August 1994
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen ambulanter Tumortherapie.
Frohmueller, S., Boehner, A. and Schlag, P.M.
Pflegezeitschrift 47
: 98-101.
1 January 1994
Displacement of housekeeping proteasome subunits by MHC-encoded LMPs: a newly discovered mechanism for modulating the multicatalytic proteinase complex.
Fruh, K., Gossen, M., Wang, K., Bujard, H., Peterson, P.A. and Yang, Y.
EMBO Journal 13
: 3236-3244.
15 July 1994
Functional autoimmune epitope on alpha1- adrenergic receptors in patients with malignant hypertension.
Fu, M.L.X., Herlitz, H., Wallukat, G., Hilme, E., Hedner, T., Hoebeke, J. and Hjalmarson, A.
Lancet 344
(8938): 1660-1663.
17 December 1994
Immunocytochemical localization of M2 muscarinic receptors in rat ventricles with anti-peptide antibodies.
Fu, M., Schulze, W., Wolf, W.P., Hjalmarson, A. and Hoebeke, J.
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 42
: 337-343.
1 January 1994
Agonist-like activity of anti-peptide antibodies directed against an autoimmune epitope on the heart muscarinic acethylcholine receptor.
Fu, M., Wallukat, G., Hjalmarson, A. and Hoebeke, J.
Receptors & Channels 2
: 121-130.
1 January 1994
Characterization of anti-peptide antibodies directed against an extracellular immunogenic epitope on the human alpha1-adrenergic receptor.
Fu, M., Wallukat, G., Hjalmarson, A. and Hoebeke, J.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 97
: 146-151.
1 January 1994
Molecular phenotype of simian virus 40 large T antigen-induced primitive neuroectodermal tumors in four different lines of transgenic mice.
Fung, K.M., Chikaraishi, D.M., Suri, C., Theuring, F., Messing, A., Albert, D.M., Lee, V.M. and Trojanowski, J.Q.
Laboratory Investigation 70
: 114-124.
1 January 1994
Temporal control of gene expression in transgenic mice by a tetracycline-responsive promoter.
Furth, P.A., Onge, S.T., Boger, H., Gruss, P., Gossen, M., Kistner, A., Bujard, H. and Hennighausen, L.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91
(20): 9302-9306.
27 September 1994
Mutation analysis of the THRA1 gene in breast cancer: deletion/fusion of the gene to a novel sequence on 17q in the BT474 cell line.
Futreal, P.A., Cochran, C., Marks, J.R., Iglehart, J.D., Zimmerman, W., Barrett, J.C. and Wiseman, R.W.
Cancer Research 54
(7): 1791-1794.
1 April 1994
Chronic continuous infusion of nicotine increases the disappearance of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the cholinergic cell bodies of the medial septal nucleus following a partial unilateral transection of the fimbria fornix.
Fuxe, K., Rosen, L., Lippoldt, A., Andbjer, B., Hasselrot, U., Finnman, U.B. and Agnati, L.F.
Clinical Investigator 72
: 262-268.
1 January 1994
Molekulargenetische Grundlagen und Perspektiven fuer die Diagnostik und Therapie des Bluthochdrucks.
Ganten, D.
Laboratory Medicine 18
: 351-352.
1 January 1994
Genetics of primary hypertension.
Ganten, D., Schmidt, S. and Paul, M.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 24
: S45-S50.
1 January 1994
Kraft fuer den Aufschwung. Biomedizinische Forschung in den neuen Bundeslaendern.
Ganten, D.
Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft 3
: 38-44.
1 January 1994
Neue Strategien zur Praevention und Therapie der Hypertonie (Gespraech anlaesslich des 6th European Meeting on Hypertension, Mailand 4.-7. Juni 1993).
Ganten, D.
Herz Kreislauf 26
: IV-VI.
1 January 1994
The thermostability of natural variants of bacterial plasminogen- activator staphylokinase.
Gase, A., Birch-Hirschfeld, E., Guehrs, K.H., Hartmann, M., Vetterman, S., Damaschun, G., Damaschun, H., Gast, K., Misselwitz, R., Zirwer, D., Collen, D. and Schlott, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 223
: 303-308.
1 January 1994
Compactness of protein molten globules: temperature-induced structural changes of the apomyoglobin folding intermediate.
Gast, K., Damaschun, H., Misselwitz, R., Mueller-Frohne, M., Zirwer, D. and Damaschun, G.
European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 23
(4): 297-305.
Neurovaskulaere Kompression im Hirnstammbereich bei Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie.
Geiger, H., Naraghi, R., Crnac, J., Engels, G., Huk, W., Fahlbusch, R. and Luft, F.C.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 23
: S519-S521.
1 January 1994
Phospholipid analogues - side chain- and polar head group- dependent effects on phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis.
Geilen, C.C., Haase, A., Wieder, T., Arndt, D., Zeisig, R. and Reutter, W.
Journal of Lipid Research 35
: 625-632.
1 January 1994
Anmerkungen zur Situation in der Molekularbiologie in Berlin-Buch vor und nach der Wende.
Geissler, E.
(2): 82-89.
Anmerkungen zur Situation in der Molekularbiologie in Berlin-Buch vor und nach der Wende.
Geissler, E.
Das Hochschulwesen 2
: 82-89.
1 January 1994
Towards a system of global biological security, Part I.
Geissler, E.
ASA Newsletter 94-1
: 12-13.
1 January 1994
Towards a system of global biological security, Part II.
Geissler, E.
ASA Newsletter 94-2
: 10-11.
1 January 1994
Anti-Endothelzell-Antikoerper als Marker der Krankheitsaktivitaet bei der Wegenerschen Granulomatose [Anti-endothelial cell antibody as a marker of disease activity in Wegener's granulomatosis].
Goebel, U., Sima, D., Briedigkeit, L., Kettritz, R., Soennichsen, N. and Natusch, R.
Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Fortbildung 88
(7-8): 541-544.
August 1994
Isolation of a protein that is essential for the first step of nuclear protein import.
Goerlich, D., Prehn, S., Laskey, R.A. and Hartmann, E.
Cell 79
(5): 767-778.
2 December 1994
Increased expression of endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase in rat aorta during pregnancy.
Goetz, R.M., Morano, I., Calovini, T., Studer, R. and Holtz, J.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 205
(1): 905-910.
30 November 1994
Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Gentherapie.
Gotthardt, M. and Strauss, M.
Monatsschrift fuer Kinderheilkunde 142
: 930-940.
1 January 1994
The formation of glutamatergic synapses in cultured central neurons: selective increase in miniature synaptic currents.
Gottmann, K., Pfrieger, F.W. and Lux, H.D.
Brain Research Developmental Brain Research 81
: 77-88.
1 January 1994
Identification of three novel mutations in the CFTR gene using temperature-optimized non-radioactive conditions for SSCP analysis.
Grade, K., Grunewald, I., Graupner, I., Behrens, F. and Coutelle, C.
Human Genetics 94
: 154-158.
1 January 1994
Diagnostics and screening of cystic fibrosis.
Grade, K., Grunewald, I., Urner, U., Coutelle, C., Graupner, I., Jung, U., Bittner, P., Nebelung, W. and Leucht, B.
Bulletin of the Polish Acadmy of Sciences Biological Sciences 41
: 363-365.
1 January 1994
The critical region for Angelman syndrome lies between D15S122 and D15S113.
Greger, V., Reis, A. and Lalande, M.
American Journal of Medical Genetics 53
: 396-398.
1 January 1994
Characterization of imidazoline binding protein(s) solubilized from human brainstem: Studies with [3H]idazoxan and [3H]clonidine.
Greney, H., Bricca, G., Dontenwill, M., Stutzmann, J., Bousquet, P. and Belcourt, A.
Neurochemistry International 25
: 183-191.
1 January 1994
Detection of HRX-FEL fusion transcripts in pre-pre-B-ALL with and without cytogenetic demonstration of t(4;11).
Griesinger, F., Elfers, H., Ludwig, W.D., Falk, M., Rieder, H., Harbott, J., Lampert, F., Heinze, B., Hoelzer, D., Thiel, E., Riehm, H., Woermann, B., Fonatsch, C. and Hiddemann, W.
Leukemia 8
: 542-548.
1 January 1994
Nonsense and missense mutations in the muscular chloride channel gene Clc-1 of myotonic mice.
Gronemeier, M., Condie, A., Prosser, J., Steinmeyer, K., Jentsch, T.J. and Jockusch, H.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269
(8): 5963-5967.
25 February 1994
Pleiotropic effects of the CD30 ligand on CD30 expressing cells and lymphoma cell lines.
Gruss, H.J., Boiani, N., Williams, D.E., Armitage, R.J., Smith, C.A. and Goodwin, R.G.
Blood 83
(8): 2045-2056.
15 April 1994
Expression and function of CD40 on Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells and the possible relevance for hodgkin's disease.
Gruss, H.J., Hirschstein, D., Wright, B., Ulrich, D., Caliguri, M.A., Strockbine, L., Armitage, R.J. and Dower, S.K.
Blood 84
(7): 2305-2314.
1 October 1994
Thrombolysis in thromobembolic disease.
Gulba, D. and Dechend, R.
Annals of Hematology 69 Suppl.
: S41-S57.
1 January 1994
Medical compared with surgical treatment for massive pulmonary embolism.
Gulba, D., Schmid, C., Borst, H.G., Lichtlen, P.R., Dietz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Lancet 343
(8897): 576-577.
5 March 1994
Detection of skeletal muscle calcium channel subunits in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes.
Haase, H., Wallukat, G., Flockerzi, V., Nastainczyk, W. and Hofmann, F.
Receptors & Channels 2
: 41-52.
1 January 1994
Native-like in vivo folding of a circularly permuted jellyroll protein shown by crystal structure analysis.
Hahn, M., Piotukh, K., Borriss, R. and Heinemann, U.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91
: 10417-10421.
1 January 1994
Transrectal ultrasonography of recurrent rectal carcinoma.
Haier, J., Huenerbein, M., Liebeskind, U. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 81
: 29-30.
1 January 1994
Platelet-derived growth factor and angiotensin II induce different spatial distribution of protein kinase C-alpha and -beta in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Haller, H., Quass, P., Lindschau, C., Luft, F.C. and Distler, A.
Hypertension 23
(6 Pt 2): 848-852.
1 June 1994
Angiotensin II infusions elevate blood pressure indepentently of platelet cytosolic calcium concentrations in humans.
Haller, H., Lenz, T., Oelkers, W., Luft, F.C. and Distler, A.
Journal of Human Hypertension 8
: 551-554.
1 January 1994
Role of protein kinase C in intracellular signaling.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C. and Luft, F.C.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 733
: 313-324.
1 January 1994
Nuclear calcium signaling is initiated by cytosolic calcium surges in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Quass, P., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 46
: 1653-1662.
1 January 1994
Effect of endothelium on the phorbol ester response in smooth muscle from spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Haller, H., Park, J.K., Luft, F.C. and Distler, A.
Hypertension Research 17
: 193-197.
1 January 1994
LDL increases (Ca++)i in human endothelial cells and augments thrombin-induced cell signalling.
Haller, H., Rieger, M., Lindschau, C., Kuhlmann, M., Philipp, S. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 124
: 708-714.
1 January 1994
The effect of cyclosporine on calcium, protein kinase C, and sodium-proton exchange in platelets.
Haller, H., Spies, K.P., Lindschau, C., Quass, P. and Distler, A.
Transplantation 57
: 1516-1520.
1 January 1994
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity during chronic central administration of interleukin-2.
Hanisch, U.K., Rowe, W., Sharma, S., Meaney, M.J. and Quirion, R.
Endocrinology 135
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1 January 1994
Cell binding and internalization by filamentous phage displaying a cyclic Arg-Gly-AsP-containing peptide.
Hart, S.L., Knight, A.M., Harbottle, R.P., Mistry, A., Hunger, H.D., Cutler, D.F., Williamson, R. and Coutelle, C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269
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29 April 1994
Evolutionary conservation of components of the protein translocation complex.
Hartmann, E., Sommer, T., Prehn, S., Goerlich, D., Jentsch, S. and Rapoport, T.A.
Nature 367
: 654-657.
1 January 1994
The N-terminal region of the alpha-subunit of the TRAP complex has a conserved cluster of negative charges.
Hartmann, E. and Prehn, S.
FEBS Letters 349
: 324-326.
1 January 1994
The motility signal of scatter factor /hepatocyte growth factor mediated through the receptor tyrosine kinase Met requires intracellular action of Ras.
Hartmann, G., Weidner, K.M., Schwarz, H. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269
: 21936-21939.
1 January 1994
Deficient repair of UV-induced DNA-damage in immature human T-cells.
Hartwig, M.
Zeitschrift fuer Gerontologie 27
: 330-333.
1 January 1994
Der Faktor des Altern in der biomedizinischen Forschung. Der Thymus als `Altersuhr`.
Hartwig, M.
Fortschritte der Medizin 112
: 43-44.
1 January 1994
Principles of control and selection in mammalian aging.
Hartwig, M.
Gerontology 40
: 307-313.
1 January 1994
On a causal mechanisms of chronic thymic involution in man.
Hartwig, M. and Steinmann, G.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 75
: 151-156.
1 January 1994
Crystallographic studies of DNA helix structure.
Heinemann, U., Alings, C. and Hahn, M.
Biophysical Chemistry 50
: 157-167.
1 January 1994
C1 repressor-mediated DNA looping is involved in C1 autoregulation of bacteriophage P1.
Heinzel, T., Lurz, R., Dobrinski, B., Velleman, M. and Schuster, H.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269
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16 December 1994
Keratin 9 gene mutational heterogeneity in patients with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma.
Hennies, H.C., Zehender, D., Kunze, J., Kuester, W. and Reis, A.
Human Genetics 93
: 649-654.
1 January 1994
Local increase ofbeta1-integrin expression in cocultures of immortalized hepatocytes and sinusoidal endothelial cells.
Henning, W., Bohn, W., Nebe, B., Knopp, A., Rychly, J. and Strauss, M.
European Journal of Cell Biology 65
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1 January 1994
Complete amino acid sequence of ribosomal protein S14 from Bacillus stearothermophilus and homology studies to other ribosomal proteins.
Herfurth, E., Briesemeister, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
FEBS Letters 351
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1 January 1994
Effect of noise stress and ethanol intake on hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Herrmann, H.J., Rohde, H.G.E., Schulze, W., Eichhorn, C. and Luft, F.C.
Basic Research in Cardiology 89
: 510-523.
1 January 1994
Functions of the LDL receptor gene family.
Herz, J. and Willnow, T.E.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 737
: 14-19.
10 September 1994
Vascular angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous system: do they interact?
Hilgers, K.F., Veelken, R., Kreppner, I., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C., Geiger, H. and Mann, J.F.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 267
: H187-H194.
1 January 1994
Structure of the Tet repressor-tetracycline complex and regulation of antibiotic resistance.
Hinrichs, W., Kisker, C., Duevel, M., Mueller, A., Tovar, K., Hillen, W. and Saenger, W.
Science 264
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15 April 1994
Renal effects of captopril and nitrendipine in transgenic rats with an extra renin gene.
Hirth-Dietrich, C., Stasch, J.P., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 23
: 626-631.
1 January 1994
Verapamil treatment after coronary angioplasty in patients at high risk of recurrent stenosis.
Hoberg, E., Dietz, R., Frees, U., Katus, H.A., Rauch, B., Schoemig, A., Schuler, G., Schwarz, F., Tillmanns, H., Niebauer, J. and Kuebler, W.
British Heart Journal 71
: 254-260.
1 March 1994
Tumor-cell-targeted cytokine gene transfer in experimental models for cancer therapy.
Hock, H., Dorsch, M., Richter, G., Kunzendorf, U., Krueger-Krasagakes, S., Blankenstein, T., Qin, Z.H. and Diamantstein, T.
Natural Immunity 13
: 85-92.
1 January 1994
Pre- and postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen determination in hepatic resection for colorectal metastasis: predictive value and implications for adjuvant treatment based on multivariate analysis.
Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M., Gerneth, T. and Herfarth, C.
Annals of Surgery 219
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1 February 1994
Crystal structure of chloromuconate cycloisomerase from Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP134 (pJP4) at 3 A resolution.
Hoier, H., Schloemann, M., Hammer, A., Glusker, J.P., Carrell, H.L., Goldmann, A., Stezowski, J.J. and Heinemann, U.
Acta Crystallographica Section D 50
: 75-84.
1 January 1994
Untersuchungen zur Klinik und Differentialtherapie der milden Hypertonie in der Schwangerschaft.
Homuth, V., Juepner, A., Busjahn, A., Rueckert, E., Reichert, S., Faulhaber, H.D. and Luft, F.C.
Zentralblatt fuer Gynaekologie 116
: 267-270.
1 January 1994
Tumor-suppressor gene products in cell contacts: the cadherin-APC-armadillo connection.
Huelsken, J., Behrens, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 6
: 711-716.
1 January 1994
E-cadherin and APC compete for the interaction with beta-catenin and the cytoskeleton.
Huelsken, J., Birchmeier, W. and Behrens, J.
Journal of Cell Biology 127
(6 Pt. 2): 2061-2069.
December 1994
Endosonographisch gesteuerte Aspirationsbiopsie von Tumoren des oberen Gastrointestinaltraktes.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
Minimal Invasive Medicine 3
: 117-120.
1 January 1994
Laparoscopic and endoluminal ultrasound for staging of carcinoma of the cardia.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B. and Schlag, P.M.
British Journal of Surgery 81(S)
: 81-82.
1 January 1994
Increase of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF,FGF-2) messenger RNA and protein following implantation of a microdialysis probe into rat hippocampus.
Humpel, C., Chadi, G., Lippoldt, A., Ganten, D., Fuxe, K. and Olson, L.
Experimental Brain Research 98
: 229-237.
1 January 1994
Human angiotensinogen if highly expressed in astrocytes in human cortical grafts.
Humpel, C., Lippoldt, A., Stroemberg, I., Bygdeman, M., Wagner, J., Hilgenfeldt, U., Ganten, D., Fuxe, K. and Olson, L.
Glia 10
: 186-192.
1 January 1994
Quantitative western blotting by use of [gamma33P] ATP and the ultrasensitive bio-imaging analyzer.
Hunger, H.D., Schmidt, G. and Flachmeier, C.
Analytical Biochemistry 217
: 98-102.
1 January 1994
A post-docking role for synaptobrevin in synaptic vesicle fusion.
Hunt, J.M., Bommert, K., Charlton, M.P., Kistner, A., Haensch, W., Augustine, G.J. and Betz, H.
Neuron 12
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1 January 1994
Fine mapping of human PI 3-kinase associated p85 alpha transcripts in the YAC contig surrounding the spinal muscular atrophy gene.
Huschenbett, J., Gasch, A., Katzer, A. and Speer, A.
Human Genetics 94
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1 January 1994
Unlike human hypertension, blood pressure in a hereditary hypertensive rat strain shows no linkage to the angiotensinogen locus.
Hübner, N., Kreutz, R., Takahashi, S., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Hypertension 23
(6 Pt 1): 797-801.
1 June 1994
Purification and some properties of alcohol oxidase from the yeast Yarrovia lipolytica H-222.
Ilchenko, A.P., Morgunov, I.G., Honeck, H., Mauersberger, S., Vasilkov, N.N. and Mueller, H.G.
Biochemistry Moskau 59
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1 January 1994
Kainate activates Ca2+-permeable glutamate receptors and blocks voltage-gated K+ currents in glial cells of mouse hippocampal slices.
Jabs, R., Kirchhoff, F., Kettenmann, H. and Steinhaeuser, C.
Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 426
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1 February 1994
Pre-pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia: high frequency of alternatively spliced ALL1-AF4 transcripts and absence of minimal residual disease during complete remission.
Janssen, J.W., Ludwig, W.D., Borkhardt, A., Spadinger, U., Rieder, H., Fonatsch, C., Hossfeld, D.K., Harbott, J., Schulz, A.S., Repp, R., Sykora, K.W., Hoelzer, D. and Bartram, C.R.
Blood 84
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1 December 1994
Metabolism and cytotoxicity of aflatoxin B sub(1) in cultured rat hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells: implications for tumorigenesis.
Jennings, G.S., Heck, R., Oesch, F. and Steinberg, P.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 129
: 86-94.
1 January 1994
Molecular physiology of anion channels.
Jentsch, T.J.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 6
(4): 600-606.
August 1994
Structure and function of ClC chloride channels.
Jentsch, T.J.
Japanese Journal of Physiology 44
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Sympathoadrenal and renin-aldosterone reactivity in normotensive subjects with an increased response of blood pressure to exercise.
Jindra, A., Bultas, J., Saulikoua, J. and Horky, K.
Homeostasis in Health and Disease 34
: 313-323.
1 January 1994
Nine porcine polymorphic microsatellites (S0141-S0149).
Jung, M., Chen, Y. and Geldermann, H.
Animal Genetics 25
: 378-378.
1 January 1994
In vitro and in vivo characterisation of glial cells immortalised with a temperature sensitive SV40 T antigen- containing retrovirus.
Jung, M., Crang, A.J., Blakemore, W.F., Hoppe, D., Kettenmann, H. and Trotter, J.
Journal of Neuroscience Research 37
: 182-196.
1 January 1994
Acceptability of carrier screening for cystic fibrosis during pregnancy in a German population.
Jung, U., Urner, U., Grade, K. and Coutelle, C.
Human Genetics 94
: 19-24.
1 January 1994
Protein composition of the human heart: the construction of a myocardial two-dimensional electrophoresis database.
Jungblut, P., Otto, A., Zeindl-Eberhart, E., Pleissner, K.P., Knecht, M., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Fleck, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Electrophoresis 15
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1 May 1994
Protein translocation: common themes from bacteria to man.
Jungnickel, B., Rapoport, T.A. and Hartmann, E.
FEBS Letters 346
: 73-77.
1 January 1994
Hypercalcemia and sarcoidosis in an anephric dialysis patient.
Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Neumayer, H.H., Wuensch, P.H. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 9
: 829-831.
1 January 1994
Binding of ribosomes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum mediated by the sec61p-complex.
Kalies, K.U., Goerlich, D. and Rapoport, T.A.
Journal of Cell Biology 126
(4): 925-934.
August 1994
A flow cytometric long-term cytotoxicity assay.
Karawajew, L., Jung, G., Wolf, H., Micheel, B. and Ganzel, K.
Journal of Immunological Methods 177
: 119-130.
1 January 1994
A simple and sensitive method to study effects mediated by soluble lymphokines as demonstrated by the interaction of CD4+ and CD8+ cell subsets during T cell activation.
Karawajew, L., Micheel, B., Jung, G.R., Wolf, H. and Behrsing, O.
Journal of Immunological Methods 173
: 27-31.
1 January 1994
Type B cholecystokinin receptors on rat glioma C 6 cells. Binding studies and measurements of intracellular calcium mobilization.
Kaufmann, R., Lindschau, C., Schoeneberg, T., Haller, H., Henklein, P., Boomgaarden, M. and Ott, T.
Brain Research 639
: 109-114.
1 January 1994
CCKB receptor signaling in rat pituitary GH3 cells. CCK-8S-induced intracellular calcium mobilization by Ca2+ release and Ca2+ influx.
Kaufmann, R., Lindschau, C., Schoeneberg, T., Henklein, P., Boomgaarden, M., Haller, H. and Ott, T.
Neuropeptides 27
: 211-216.
1 January 1994
Comparative 3H-CCK-8S binding studies on CCKB-type receptors in guinea-pig cortex and continuous cell lines.
Kaufmann, R., Schoeneberg, T., Henklein, P., Boomgaarden, M., Sohr, D. and Ott, T.
Neuropeptides 26
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1 January 1994
Cation binding to a Bacillus (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase. Geometry, affinity and effect on protein stability.
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1 January 1994
Different sialyltransferase activities in human colorectal carcinoma cells from surgical specimens detected by specific glycoprotein and glycolipid accepters.
Kemmner, W., Krueck, D. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1994
Cytochrome P450 in rat astrocytes in vivo and in vitro: intracellular localization and induction by phenytoin.
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1 December 1994
Die isolierte hypertherme Extremitaetenperfusion mit Cytostatica.
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1 January 1994
Serum erythropoietin levels in patients with solid tumours.
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1 January 1994
Electrophysiological behavior of microglia.
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1 January 1994
Anti-Myeloperoxidase-Antikoerper bei Nieren- und Systemerkrankungen [Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies in kidney and systemic diseases].
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August 1994
Two highly homologous members of the ClC chloride channel family in both rat and human kidney.
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19 July 1994
Calcium signalling in oligodendrocytes.
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1 January 1994
Mechanisms of cytoplasmic calcium signalling in cerebellar Bergmann glial cells.
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1 January 1994
Synthesis and Cardiotonic Activity of 6-substituted5-cyano-(3,4'-bipyridine)-1'-oxides and related compounds: molecular structure of 5-cyano-6-morpholino-(3,4'- bipyridine)-1'-oxide (AWD 122-239).
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1 January 1994
Mechanism by which angiotensin II stabilizes messenger RNA for angiotensinogen.
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1 January 1994
The FAR domain defines a new Xenopus laevis zinc finger protein subfamily with specific RNA homopolymer binding activity.
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1 January 1994
Role of innervation, excitability, and myogenic factors in the expression of the muscular chloride channel ClC-1. A study on normal and myotonic muscle.
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4 November 1994
Stress- and mitogen-induced phosphorylation of the small heat shock protein Hsp25 by MAPKAP kinase 2 is not essential for chaperone properties and cellular thermoresistance.
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1 January 1994
A nonisotopic single-strand conformation polymorphism protocol using a direct blotting electrophoresis, a chemiluminescent detection system, and a multiplex approach.
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1 January 1994
Adjuvant therapy for colon adenocarcinoma: current status of clinical investigation.
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1 January 1994
A novel RNA-binding motif in omnipotent suppressors of translation termination, ribosomal proteins and a ribosome modification enzyme?
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11 June 1994
Yeast chromosome III: new gene functions.
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1 January 1994
Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1gamma contains a glutathione transferase domain - study of a diverse ancient class of proteins using motif search and structural modelling.
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Protein Science 3
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1 January 1994
Proteolytic cleavage of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) glycoprotein gB is not necessary for its function in BHV-1 or pseudorabies virus.
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March 1994
Evaluation of the secretory component as a prognostic variable in colorectal carcinoma.
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1 January 1994
Humoral immunity against a tandem repeat epitope of human mucin MUC-1 in sera from breast, pancreatic, and colon cancer patients.
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1 June 1994
Novel mechanism of C/EBPbeta (NF-M) transcriptional control: activation through derepression.
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15 November 1994
Localization of the human beta-catenin gene (CTNNB1) to 3p21: A region implicated in tumor development.
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1 January 1994
Expression of interleukin 10 in human melanoma.
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1 January 1994
The expression pattern of a novel gene encoding brain fatty-acid-binding protein correlates with neuronal and glial-cell development.
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1 January 1994
VIP21-Caveolin, a protein of the trans-Golgi network and caveolae.
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6 June 1994
Transgenic animals as models for human disease - report of an EC study group.
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1 January 1994
The hepatitis B virus preS2/St transactivator utilizes AP-1 and other transcription factors for transactivation.
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1 January 1994
Effects of enalaprilat on circadian profiles in blood pressure and heart rate of spontaneously and transgenic hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1994
Carrier detection in DMD families with point mutations, using PCR-SSCP and direct sequencing.
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1 January 1994
Mutations in the pyruvate kinase L-gene in patients with hereditary hemolytic anemia.
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15 May 1994
Trinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the PKLR locus.
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1 January 1994
NMDA receptors and activity-dependent tuning of the receptive fields of spinal cord neurons.
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9 June 1994
Regulation of cutaneous C-fiber heat nociceptors by nerve growth factor in the developing rat.
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1 March 1994
Peripheral and central mechanisms of NGF-induced hyperalgesia.
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1 December 1994
Three distinct fusion processes during eosinophil degranulation.
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1 January 1994
Grundlagenforschung in der Kardiologie.
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1 January 1994
Interventional antimicrobial therapy in febrile neutropenic patients. Study Group of the Paul Ehrlich Society for Chemotherapy.
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1 January 1994
On the plasticity of the cerebellar renin-angiotensin system: Localization of components and effects of mechanical perturbation.
Lippoldt, A., Bunnemann, B., Ueki, A., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Hasselrot, U., Metzger, R., Hilgenfeldt, U., Brosnihan, K.B., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
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1 January 1994
Tracing the spread of fibronectin type III domains in bacterial glycohydrolases.
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1 January 1994
Genomic organization of the human muscle chloride channel CIC-1 and analysis of novel mutations leading to Becker-type myotonia.
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June 1994
Cell cycle-dependent association of Gag-Mil and hsp90.
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1 January 1994
Chronische B- und T-lymphatische Leukaemien. Klinische Bedeutung der Immunphaenotypisierung.
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1 January 1994
Immunophenotypic classification of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
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1 January 1994
Immunophenotypic features of childhood and adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): experience of the German Multicentre Trials ALL-BFM and GMALL.
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1 January 1994
APO-1 (CD95) mediated apoptosis in human T-ALL engrafted in SCID mice.
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1 January 1994
Antihypertensive Therapie bei aelteren Menschen. Ergebnisse juengerer klinischer Studien.
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1 January 1994
BCL-1/cyclin D1 oncoprotein oscillates and subverts the G1 phase control in B-cell neoplasms carrying the t(11;14) translocation.
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August 1994
DNA tumor virus oncoproteins and retinoblastoma gene mutations share the ability to relieve the cells requirement for cyclin D1 function in G1.
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May 1994
Schwann cells exhibit P2Y purinergic receptors that regulate intracellular calcium and are upregulated by cyclic AMP analogues.
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1 January 1994
An evaluation of ribonuclease protection assays for the detection of beta-cardiac myosin heavy chain gene mutations.
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Autoimmunity in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Characterization of antibodies against the beta1- adrenoceptor with positive chronotropic effect.
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1 January 1994
Cloning and chromosomal organization of a gene encoding a putative amino-acid permease from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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1 January 1994
Peptide motifs of HLA-A3, -A24, and -B7 molecules as determined by pool sequencing.
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Early release of glycogen phosphorylase in patients with unstable angina and transient ST-T alterations.
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1 January 1994
Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB mass relase after coronary artera bypass grafting.
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1 January 1994
Cardiomyocytes differentiated in vitro from embryonic stem cells developmentally express cardiac-specific genes and ionic currents.
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1 August 1994
Arrangement of mRNA at the decoding site of human ribosomes. 18S rRNA nucleotides and ribisomal proteins cross-linked to oligouridylate derivatives with alkylating groups at either the 3' or the 5' termini.
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1 January 1994
Lmphotoxin-alpha/beta heterodimer is expressed on leukemic hairy cells and activated human B lymphocytes.
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1 January 1994
Formation of electronically excited products during oxidation of isoproterenol in darkness.
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1 January 1994
Immunphaenotypisierung haematologischer Neoplasien. Methodische Aspekte.
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1 January 1994
Infections in neutropenic cancer patients.
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1 January 1994
Pulmonary infiltrations in febrile patients with neutropenia. Risk factors and outcome under empirical antimicrobial therapy in a randomized multicenter study.
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1 May 1994
A novel regimen for consolidation chemotherapy in adult acute myeloid leukemia in first remission.
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1 January 1994
Empirische antimikrobielle Therapie bei neutropenischen Patienten. Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Studie der Arbeitsgruppe Infektionen in der Haematologie der Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft.
Maschmeyer, G., Link, H., Hiddemann, W., Meyer, P., Helmerking, M., Eisenmann, E., Schmitt, J. and Adam, D.
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1 January 1994
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu den Wirkungs- und Toxizitaetsunterschieden der HIV-RT Hemmstoffe 3`-Fluor-5-chlordesoxyridin (FCU) und 3`-Fluorthymidin.
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1 January 1994
Comparative analysis of the protein components from 5S rRNA protein complexes of halophilic archaebacteria.
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1 January 1994
Occurrence of the nitrosamide precursor pyrrolidin-(2)-one in food and tobacco.
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1 January 1994
Distinct isoforms of neuregulin are expressed in mesenchymal and neuronal cells during mouse development.
Meyer, D. and Birchmeier, C.
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1 January 1994
Production of monoclonal antibodies against epitopes of the main coat protein of filamentous fd phages.
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1 January 1994
Conformations and stabilities of human Glu1 and Lys78- plasminogen and of the fragments mini- and microplasminogen, analysed by circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry.
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1 January 1994
Wilms' tumour - a case of disrupted development.
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1 January 1994
Fluessigchromatographische Reaktionsfuehrung bei der Staerkehydrolyse.
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1 January 1994
Germ line transmission of yeast artificial chromosomes in transgenic mice.
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1 January 1994
Titin, myosin light chains, and c-protein in the developing and failing human heart.
Morano, I., Haedicke, K., Grom, S., Koch, A., Schwinger, R.H.G., Boehm, M., Bartel, S., Erdmann, E. and Krause, E.G.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 26
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1 March 1994
Mechanisms of hypertension in transgenic rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 gene.
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1 April 1994
Differential regulation of central vasopressin in transgenic rats harboring the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Moriguchi, A., Ferrario, C.M., Brosnihan, K.B., Ganten, D. and Morris, M.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 267
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1 January 1994
The origin of the major cystic fibrosis mutation (delta F508) in European populations.
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1 January 1994
A YAC contig spanning the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, Fanconi anaemia group C, and xeroderma pigmentosum group A loci on chromosome 9q.
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1 January 1994
Mast cells detected in cultures of neonatal rat heart cells.
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1 January 1994
Systematic probing of the environment of a translocating secretory protein during translocation through the ER membrane.
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1 January 1994
Amino acid requirements of the nucleocapsid protein of HIV-1 for increasing catalytic activity of a Ki-ras ribozyme in vitro.
Mueller, G., Strack, B., Dannull, J., Sproat, B.S., Surovoy, A., Jung, G. and Moelling, K.
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30 September 1994
Cyclin D1 expression is regulated by the retinoblastoma protein.
Mueller, H., Lukas, J., Schneider, A., Warthoe, P., Bartek, J., Eilers, M. and Strauss, M.
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12 April 1994
A study of high-resolution x-ray scattering data evaluation by the maximum-entropy method.
Mueller, J.J. and Hansen, S.
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1 June 1994
Acrylic acid copolymer nanoparticles for drug delivery: structural characterization of nanoparticles by small-angle x-ray scattering.
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1 January 1994
Developmental regulation of voltage-gated K+ channel and GABAA receptor expression in Bergmann glial cells.
Mueller, T., Fritschy, J.M., Grosche, J., Pratt, G.D., Moehler, H. and Kettenmann, H.
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May 1994
Posterior fossa neurovascular abnormalities in essential hypertension.
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26 November 1994
Activation of NF-kappaB in vivo is regulated by multiple phosphorylations.
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3 October 1994
Establishment and characteristics of two new human mammary carcinoma lines in nude mice with special reference to the estradiol receptor status and the importance of stroma for in vivo and in vitro-growth.
Naundorf, H., Fichtner, I., Elbe, B., Saul, G.J., Haensch, W., Zschiesche, W. and Reinecke, S.
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1 January 1994
Development of Microglia in Mouse Neopallial Cell Cultures.
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1 January 1994
Kidneys from pediatric donors - risk versus benefit.
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1 January 1994
Detection of apparent restricted diffusion in healthy rat brain at short diffusion times.
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November 1994
Converting enzyme inhibition improves congestion and survival in hypertensive rats with high-output heart failure.
Nishimura, H., Oka, T., Ueyama, M., Kubota, J. and Kawamura, K.
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1 January 1994
Left ventricular function of the heart regressed by nifedipine in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Nishimura, H., Kubota, J., Okabe, M., Ueyama, M., Oka, T. and Kawamura, K.
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1 January 1994
Long-term alpha1 blockade does not reverse cardiac hypertrophy in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Nishimura, H., Kubota, J., Okabe, M., Ueyama, M., Oka, T. and Kawamura, K.
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1 January 1994
Incidence of apparent restricted diffusion in three different models of cerebral infarction.
Norris, D.G., Niendorf, T., Hoehn-Berlage, M., Kohno, K., Schneider, E.J., Hainz, P., Hropot, M. and Leibfritz, D.
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Healthy and infarcted brain tissues studied at short diffusion times: the origins of apparent restriction and the reduction in apparent diffusion coefficient.
Norris, D.G., Niendorf, T. and Leibfritz, D.
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November 1994
Molecular approaches to neurotransmitter release.
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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 733
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1 January 1994
E-cadherin gene mutations in human gastric carcinoma cell lines.
Oda, T., Kanai, Y., Oyama, T., Yoshiura, K., Shimoyama, Y., Birchmeier, W., Sugimura, T. and Hirohashi, S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91
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1 March 1994
Monoclonal antibodies against trypsin-binding domain of human urinary trypsin inhibitor.
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1 January 1994
Haemodynamic and neurohumoral changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats with aortocaval fistulae.
Oka, T., Nishimura, H., Ueyama, M., Kubota, J. and Kawamura, K.
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1 January 1994
Lisinopril reduces cardiac hypertrophy and mortality in rats with aortocaval fistula.
Oka, T., Nishimura, H., Ueyama, M., Kubota, J. and Kawamura, K.
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1 January 1994
Two novel mutations in the vasopressin V2 receptor gene in patients with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
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30 November 1994
Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein is necessary for the internalization of both tissue-type plasminogen activator- inhibitor complexes and free tissue-type plasminogen activator.
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19 August 1994
Should ACE-inhibitors be used for the treatment of heart failure in patients with depressed renal function?
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1 January 1994
Neue Aspekte bei der Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz mit ACE - Hemmern.
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1 January 1994
beta-Rezeptorenblocker bei dilatativer Kardiomyopathie.
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1 January 1994
Interactions between the renin-angiotensin system and the parasympathetic nervous system in heart failure.
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1 January 1994
Therapie mit ACE-Hemmern bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz und eingeschraenkter Nierenfunktion.
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1 January 1994
E2F-dependent regulation of human MYC: trans-activation by cyclins D1 and A overrides tumour suppressor protein functions.
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July 1994
Meningeal involvement in acute-leukemia and high-grade non-hodgkin's-lymphoma is associated with elevated activities of galactosyltransferases in the cerebrospinal-fluid.
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1 January 1994
Identification of proteins on two-dimensional gels for the construction of a human heart 2-DE database.
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1 January 1994
Inverse relation of E-cadherin and autocrine motility factor receptor expression as a prognostic factor in patients with bladder carcinomas.
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15 June 1994
Behavior in vitro of long-term cultured bone marrow or blood cells from chronic myeloid leukemia: adhesion molecules and differentiation antigens as detected by immunocytochemistry.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
Zinc chelation and structural stability of adenylate kinase from Bacillus subtilis.
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1 January 1994
Molecular structure and expression of rat bradykinin B2 receptor gene. Evidence for alterative splicing.
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1 January 1994
Multidrug resistance of murine leukemia cells characterization and correlation with cytochrome P-450 dependent activities, cytosolic calcium and cell cycle state.
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1 January 1994
Kinetics of GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of calcium currents and excitatory synaptic transmission in hippocampal neurons in vitro.
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January 1994
Characterization of the proline-rich region of mouse mapkap kinase 2: influence on catalytic properties and binding to the c-abl sh3 domain in vitro.
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1 January 1994
Crystallographic study of Glu58Ala RNase T1 x·2'-guanosine monophosphate at 1.9-Å resolution.
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1 January 1994
p-Alkoxyphenols, a new class of inhibitors of mammalian R2 ribonucleotide reductase: possible candidates for antimelanotic drugs.
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1 January 1994
C/EBP beta regulation of the tumor necrosis factor alpha gene.
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October 1994
Molecular characterization of illegitimate TCRdelta gene rearrangements in acute myeloid leukaemia.
Przybylski, G., Oettle, H., Ludwig, W.D., Siegert, W. and Schmidt, C.A.
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1 January 1994
Low single channel conductance of the major skeletal muscle chloride channel, ClC-1.
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January 1994
Enhanced Na+-H+ exchanger activity and NHE-1 mRNA levels in human lymphocytes during metabolic acidosis.
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1 January 1994
Laparoskopische Sonographie mit einem Ultraschallendoskop.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1994
Laparoskopische Endosonografie als Staginguntersuchung beim Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinom: diagnostische Spielerei oder Verbesserung?
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie 1
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1 January 1994
Thoracoskopische Lokalisation des intraparenchymalen Lungenrundherdes mithilfe des intraoperativen Ultraschalls.
Rau, B., Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
Development of the rabbit retina .5. The question of 'columnar units'.
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1 January 1994
A set of early-born neurons is distincly labeled by several defined antibodies in the adult rabbit retina.
Reichenbach, A., Kasper, M., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J., Osborne, N.N. and Pritz-Hohmeier, S.
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1 January 1994
Population variation of common cystic fibrosis mutations.
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Human Mutation 4
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1 January 1994
Imprinting mutations suggested by abnormal DNA methylation patterns in familial Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes.
Reis, A., Dittrich, B., Greger, V., Buiting, K., Lalande, M., Gillessen-Kaesbach, G., Anvret, M. and Horsthemke, B.
American Journal of Human Genetics 54
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1 January 1994
Keratin 9 gene mutations in epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (EPPK).
Reis, A., Hennies, H.C., Langbein, L., Digweed, M., Mischke, D., Drechsler, M., Schroeck, E., Royer-Pokora, B., Franke, W.W., Sperling, K. and Kuester, W.
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1 January 1994
Diagnostik des Angelman Syndroms.
Reis, A., Tyler, K., Kunze, J. and Sperling, K.
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1 January 1994
Chemotherapy in 998 unselected childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Results and conclusions of the multicenter trial ALL-BFM 86.
Reiter, A., Schrappe, M., Ludwig, W.D., Hiddemann, W., Sauter, S., Henze, G., Zimmermann, M., Lampert, F., Havers, W., Niethammer, D., Odenwald, E., Ritter, J., Mann, G., Welte, K., Gadner, H. and Riehm, H.
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1 November 1994
Therapiestudie NHL-BFM 90 zur Behandlung maligner Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Teil 1: Klassifikation und Einteilung in strategische Therapiegruppen.
Reiter, A., Tiemann, M., Ludwig, W.D., Wacker, H.H., Yakisan, E., Schrappe, M., Henzler, D., Sykora, K.W., Brandt, A., Odenwald, E., Riehm, H. and Parwaresch, R.
Klinische Paediatrie 206
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1 January 1994
Tamoxifen is a Na+-antagonistic inhibitor of Na+K+-transporting ATPase from tumour and normal cells.
Repke, K.R.H. and Matthes, E.
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1 January 1994
Acceleration of the G1/S phase transition by expression of cyclins D1 and E with an inducible system.
Resnitzky, D., Gossen, M., Bujard, H. and Reed, S.I.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 14
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1 March 1994
Microglia progenitor cells and development of microglia.
Richardson, A., Neuhaus, J. and Fedoroff, S.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 20
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1 January 1994
Skipping of multiple CFTR exons is not a result of single exon omissions.
Rickers, A., Rininsland, F., Osborne, L. and Reiss, J.
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1 January 1994
Biochemical and functional characterization of the murine ros protooncogene.
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Oncogene 9
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December 1994
Astroglia-released factor shows similar effects as benzodiazepine inverse agonists.
Rigo, J.M., Belachew, S., Lefebvre, P.P., Leprince, P., Malgrange, B., Rogister, B., Kettenmann, H. and Moonen, G.
Journal of Neuroscience Research 39
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1 November 1994
Zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland in a transgenic strain of rat: A morphologic and functional study.
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1 January 1994
Dominant aromatic/aliphatic C-terminal anchor in HLA-B*2702 and B*2705 peptide motifs.
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Mutations in the vasopressin V2 receptor gene in families with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and functional expression of the Q-2 mutant.
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May 1994
Bombesin receptor gene expression in rat pancreatic acinar AR42J cells: transcriptional regulation by glucocorticoids.
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July 1994
Rat pancreatic AR42J cells. Amphicrine cells as an in vitro model to study peptide hormone receptor regulation.
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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 733.
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15 September 1994
Gene expression, localization, and characterization of endothelin A and B receptors in the human adrenal cortex.
Rossi, G.P., Albertin, G., Belloni, A., Zanin, L., Biasolo, M.A., Prayer-Galetti, T., Bader, M., Nussdorfer, G.G., Palu, G. and Pessina, A.C.
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September 1994
GM-CSF multiple course priming and long-term administration in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia: comparison of three different GM-CSF routes and schedules with no GM-CSF.
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Onkologie 17
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1 January 1994
Enhanced adrenal renin and aldosterone biosynthesis during sodium restriction in TGR (mREN2)27.
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1 January 1994
Tryptophan radicals formed by iron/oxygen reaction with E.coli ribonucleotide reductase protein R2 mutant Y122F.
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22 April 1994
Role of adrenal renin in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis corticotropin.
Sander, M., Ganten, D. and Mellon, S.H.
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4 January 1994
A cytochrome cd1-type nitrite reductase mediates the first step of denitrification in Alcaligenes eutrophus.
Sann, R., Kostka, S. and Friedrich, B.
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1 January 1994
Structure of the gene coding for the human early lymphocyte activation antigen CD69: a C-type lectin receptor evolutionarily related with the gene families of natural killer cell-specific receptors.
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1 January 1994
Augmented agonist induced Ca2+-sensitization of coronary artery contraction in genetically hypertensive rats - evidence for altered signal transduction in the coronary smooth muscle cells.
Satoh, S., Kreutz, R., Wilm, C., Ganten, D. and Pfitzer, G.
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October 1994
Amplification of satellite DNA at 16q11.2 in the germ line of a patient with breast cancer.
Savelyeva, L., Schneider, B., Finke, L.H., Schlag, P.M. and Schwab, M.
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1 January 1994
Focal overexpression of collagen IV characterizes the initiation of epithelial changes in polycystic kidney disease.
Schaefer, K., Bader, M., Gretz, N., Oberbaeumer, I. and Bachmann, S.
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1 January 1994
Characterization of the Han:SPRD rat model for hereditary polycystic kidney disease.
Schaefer, K., Gretz, N., Bader, M., Oberbaeumer, I., Eckardt, K.U., Kriz, W. and Bachmann, S.
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1 January 1994
Sequence-specific recognition of a repetitive DNA element by a C2H2 zinc-finger protein in Xenopus.
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1 December 1994
Generation of the soluble and functional cytosolic domain of microsomal cytochrome P450 52A3.
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29 April 1994
Growth factor effects on the proliferation of different retinal glial cells in vitro.
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1 January 1994
Identification of defective binding of low density lipoprotein by the U937 proliferation assay in German patients with familial defective apolipoprotein B-100.
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1 January 1994
Crystal structure of CspA, the major cold shock protein of Escherichia coli.
Schindelin, H., Jiang, W., Inouye, M. and Heinemann, U.
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24 May 1994
Adjuvante systemische Chemo- oder Immuntherapie beim Coloncarcinom.
Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1994
Cancer of unknown primary site.
Schlag, P.M. and Huenerbein, M.
Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae 83
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1 January 1994
Isolierte Extremitaetenperfusion mit Tumornekrosefaktor und Melphalan.
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Der deutsche Dermatologe 42
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1 January 1994
Is laparoscopic colorectal surgery a safe procedure for tumor patients.
Schlag, P.M., Rau, B. and Huenerbein, M.
Minimal Invasive Medicine 5
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1 January 1994
Combined immunophenotyping and karyotyping in peripheral T cell lymphomas demonstrating different clonal and nonclonal chromosome aberrations in T helper cells.
Schlegelberger, B., Weber-Matthiesen, K., Sterry, W., Bartels, H., Sonnen, R., Maschmeyer, G., Feller, A.C. and Grote, W.
Leukemia & Lymphoma 15
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1 January 1994
Drug monitoring of 5-fluorouracil: in vivo 19F NMR study during 5-FU chemotherapy in patients with metastases of colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Schlemmer, H.P., Bachert, P., Semmler, W., Hohenberger, P., Schlag, P.M. and Lorenz, W.J.
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1 January 1994
Overexpression of the Raf-1 proto-oncogene in human myeloid leukemia.
Schmidt, C.A., Oettle, H., Ludwig, W.D., Serke, S., Pawlaczyk-Peter, B., Wilborn, F., Binder, L.T., Huhn, D. and Siegert, W.
Leukemia Research 18
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1 January 1994
Ras point mutations occur in acute myeloid leukemia with illegitimate T-cell receptor delta gene rearrangement.
Schmidt, C.A., Przybylski, G., Vogel, D., Ludwig, W.D., Oettle, H., Neubauer, A. and Siegert, W.
Leukemia 8
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1 January 1994
Influence of halothane on the effect of cAMP-dependent and cAMP- independent positive inotropic agents in human myocardium.
Schmidt, U., Schwinger, R.H.G., Mueller-Ehmsen, J., Boehm, S., Meyer, L.V., Ueberfuhr, P., Reichart, B., Erdmann, E. and Boehm, M.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 73
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1 January 1994
Stimulation of rat parietal cell function by histamine and GLP-1-(7-36) amide is mediated by Gs alpha.
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May 1994
IL-9 production of naive CD4+ T cells depends on IL-2, is synergistically enhanced by a combination of TGF-beta and IL-4, and is inhibited by IFN-gamma.
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1 November 1994
Emergency coronary stenting for dissection during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: Angiographic follow-up after stenting and after repeat angioplasty of the stented segment.
Schoemig, A., Kastrati, A., Dietz, R., Rauch, B., Neumann, F.J., Katus, H.H. and Busch, U.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 23
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1 April 1994
C-erB-2 overexpression in primary breast cancer: independent prognostic factor in patients at high risk.
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1 January 1994
Mechanisms of p53 alteration in acute leukemias.
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Leukemia 8
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1 October 1994
Konzeption und Zwischenergebnis der Therapiestudie ALL-BFM 90 zur Behandlung der akuten lymphoblastischen Leukaemie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Die Bedeutung des initialen Therapieansprechens in Blut und Knochenmark.
Schrappe, M., Reiter, A., Sauter, S., Ludwig, W.D., Wormann, B., Harbott, J., Bender-Goetze, C., Doerffel, W., Dopfer, R., Frey, E., Havers, W., Henze, G., Kuehl, J., Richter, T., Ritter, J., Treuner, J., Zintl, F., Odenwald, E., Welte, K. and Riehm, H.
Klinische Paediatrie 206
: 208-221.
1 January 1994
X-ray crystallographic and calorimetric studies of the effects of the mutation Trp59Tyr in ribonuclease T1.
Schubert, W.D., Schluckebier, G., Backmann, J., Granzin, J., Kisker, C., Choe, H.W., Hahn, U., Pfeil, W. and Saenger, W.
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1 January 1994
The carbon monoxide stretching modes in camphor-bound cytochrome P450cam: the effect of solvent conditions, temperature, and pressure.
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1 January 1994
The proton activity at cryogenic temperatures - a possible influence on the spin state of the heme iron of cytochrome P450cam in supercooled buffered solutions.
Schulze, H., Ristau, O. and Jung, C.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1183
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1 January 1994
Comparative immunocytochemical demonstration of G proteins in rat heart tissue.
Schulze, W., Buchwalow, I.B., Wolf, W.P. and Will-Shahab, L.
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1 January 1994
Familiaere Hypercholesterinaemie - neue Diagnostikmoeglichkeit.
Schuster, H.
Fortschritte der Medizin 111
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1 January 1994
Direct visualization of a cardiolipin-dependent cytochrome P450scc-induced vesicle aggregation.
Schwarz, D., Richter, W., Krueger, V., Chernogolov, A., Usanov, S. and Stier, A.
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1 January 1994
The failing human heart is unable to use the frank- starling mechanism.
Schwinger, R.H.G., Boehm, M., Koch, A., Schmidt, U., Morano, I., Eissner, H.J., Ueberfuhr, P., Reichart, B. and Erdmann, E.
Circulation Research 74
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1 May 1994
Inotropic effect of the cardioprotective agent 2,3- butanedione monoxime in failing and nonfailing human myocardium.
Schwinger, R.H.G., Boehm, M., Koch, A., Morano, I., Rueegg, J.C. and Erdmann, E.
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1 January 1994
Sympathetic baroreceptor responses after chronic NG-Nitro-L- Arginine methyl ester treatment in conscious rats.
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1 January 1994
Selectivity of DNA polymerases toward alpha and beta nucleotide substrate of D and L series.
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1 January 1994
Increased expression of angiotensin peptides in the brain of transgenic hypertensive rats.
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Different properties of caffeine-sensitive Ca2+ stores in peripheral and central mammalian neurones.
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1 January 1994
Role of caffeine-sensitive Ca2+ stores in Ca2+signal termination in adult mouse DRG neurones.
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1 January 1994
Properties of the caffeine sensitive intracellular calcium stores in mammalian neurones.
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1 January 1994
Divergent T-cell cytokine patterns in inflammatory arthritis.
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30 August 1994
Extended indication for local excision of small distal rectal carcinoma.
Slisow, W., Marx, G. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1994
Conditional expression of human TNF-alpha: a system for inducible cytotoxicity.
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1 January 1994
Quantitative Leckkontrolle mit Radionukliden bei der isolierten Extremitaetenperfusion.
Sprenger, H.J., Marquardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
Nuklearmedizin 33
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1 January 1994
Renal function in hypertensive rats transgenic for mouse renin gene.
Springate, J.E., Feld, L.G. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1994
Myogenesis in thymic transplants in the severe combined immunodeficient mouse model of myasthenia gravis. Differentiation of thymic myoid cells into striated muscle cells.
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October 1994
Detection of 4'-phosphopantetheine at the thioester binding site for L-valine of gramicidineS synthetase 2.
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1 January 1994
Detektion des P-Glycoproteins mit dem Antikoerper Anti-P-Glycoprotein 170-180 (Klon JSB-1): Modulation der Multidrug Resistenz in Zytokin-Gen-transfizierten Glioblastomzellen.
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1 January 1994
Point mutations in the mdr1 promoter of human osteosarcomas are associated with in vitro responsiveness to multidrug resistance relevated drugs.
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1 January 1994
Properties of GABA and glutamate responses in identified glial cells of mouse hippocampal slice.
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1 February 1994
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Multimeric structure of ClC-1 chloride channel revealed by mutations in dominant myotonia congenita (Thomsen).
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15 February 1994
Immunologic identification of Na+, K+ -ATPase isoforms in myocardium. Isoform change in deoxycorticosterone-acetate-salt hypertension.
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1 April 1994
Effects of tamoxifen, droloxifene and 17beta-estradiol on Rauscher mouse leukemogenesis.
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15 July 1994
Aspartate-bond isomerization affects the major conformations of synthetic peptides.
Szendrei, G.I., Fabian, H., Mantsch, H.H., Lovas, S., Nyeki, O., Schoen, I. and Otvos, L.
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1 January 1994
The use of loss of constitutional heterozygosity data to ascertain the location of predisposing genes in cancer families.
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1 January 1994
Increased cytosolic sodium and reduced Na,K-ATPase activity in transgenic rats.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
Wild-Type p53 is not involved in reversion of the tumorigenic phenotype of breast cancer cells after transfer of normal chromosome 17.
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1 January 1994
Detection of a major gene for heterocellular hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin after accounting for genetic modifiers.
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February 1994
Transgenic mice carrying a human t-PA promoter-lacZ reporter gene: A model for the study of pharmacological modulation of fibrinolytic potential.
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1 January 1994
alpha-tropomyosin and cardiac troponin T mutations cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a disease of the sarcomere.
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3 June 1994
Effects of nephrectomy and adrenalectomy on the renin-angiotensin system on transgenic rats TGR(mRen2)27.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
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Purification and characterization of the 30S ribosomal proteins from bacterium Thermus thermophilus.
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1 January 1994
Influence of different promoters on the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha in LS174T human colon carcinoma cells.
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1 January 1994
Overexpression and purification of halophilic ribosomal proteins suitable for crystallization.
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1 January 1994
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9 September 1994
Characterization of the monocyte-specific esterase (MSE) gene.
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1 January 1994
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1 November 1994
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1 January 1994
A comparison of Lp(a) levels in fresh and frozen plasma using ELISAs with either anti-apo(a) or anti-apoB reporting antibodies.
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1 January 1994
Impaired cardiovascular reflexes precede desoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertension.
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1 January 1994
Age-dependent changes in calcium currents and calcium homeostasis in mammalian neurones.
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1 January 1994
Insulin resistance and hypertension: studies in transgenic hypertensive TGR(mREN-2)27 rats.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
Neue Methoden fuer die Erkennung von Hochrisikopatienten in der Kardiologie.
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
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1 January 1994
PCR analysis of human renal biopsies - renin gene regulation in glomerulonephritis.
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1 January 1994
Modulation of the beta-adrenergic response of cardiomyocytes by specific lipoxygenase products involves their incorporation into phosphatidylinositol and activation of protein kinase C.
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18 November 1994
Influence of cytokines on mdr1 expression in human colon carcinoma cell lines: increased cytotoxicity of MDR relevant drugs.
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1 January 1994
RNA analysis using miniprep RNA in reverse transcriptase PCR.
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1 January 1994
Extracellular ATP-induced currents in astrocytes - involvement of a cation channel.
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1 January 1994
Flow-cytometrically monitored chromatin in situ testing in the breast cell line H184A1N4.
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1 January 1994
Use of ELISA to G4 antigen to quantitate neurite outgrowth in the chick both in vivo and in vitro.
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1 January 1994
Structure-activity relationship at the glycosidic moiety of digitalis compounds as found in tests with NA/K-ATPASE isoforms from cardiac muscle of guinea-pig and man.
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1 January 1994
A chimeric transactivator allows tetracycline-responsive gene expression in whole plants.
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April 1994
Microcalorimetric deterimination of the thermostability of three hybrid (1-3,1-4)-beta-glucanases.
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1 January 1994
E-selectin polymorphism and atherosclerosis: an association study.
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1 November 1994
Polymorphism in the human E-selectin gene detected by PCR- SSCP.
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1 January 1994
t(5;14)(q33-34;q11), a new recurring cytogenetic abnormality in childhood acute leukemia.
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1 January 1994
Herpesvirus type 6 in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation: serologic features and detection by polymerase chain reaction.
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15 May 1994
A potential role for human herpesvirus type 6 in nervous system disease.
Wilborn, F., Schmidt, C.A., Brinkmann, V., Jendroska, K., Oettle, H. and Siegert, W.
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1 January 1994
Detection of herpesvirus type 6 by polymerase chain reaction in blood donors: random tests and prospective longitudinal studies.
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1 January 1994
Porcine (GT)n sequences: structure and association with dispersed and tandem repeats.
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1 January 1994
Molecular dissection of ligand binding sites on the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein.
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3 June 1994
Inhibition of hepatic chylomicron remnant uptake by gene transfer of a receptor antagonist.
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3 June 1994
Genetic deficiency in low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein confers cellular resistance to Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Evidence that this protein is required for uptake and degradation of multiple ligands.
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March 1994
Identification and sequence analysis of the soxB gene essential for sulfur oxidation of Paracoccus denitrificans GB17.
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1 January 1994
Modulation of tight junction structure in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells - effects of tissue culture, second messengers and cocultured astrocytes.
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1 January 1994
Isolation of naturally processed peptides recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) on human melanoma cells in association with HLA-A2.1.
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1 May 1994
Enzyme and microbial sensors for phosphate, phenols, pesticides and peroxides.
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1 January 1994
Postischaemischer kardiogener Thromboxan-Efflux - Einflubeta auf myokardiale Erholung, Reperfusionsarrhythmie und postoperative Haemodynamik.
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1 January 1994
Veraenderungen der Konzentration kardiogener Hormone bei herzchirurgischen Eingriffen und ihr Einfluss auf den perioperativen Verlauf.
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1 January 1994
Association between genetic variation at the APO AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster and familial combined hyperlipidaemia.
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1 December 1994
Members of the fatty acid binding protein family are differentiation factors for the mammary gland.
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November 1994
Breakpoints of Burkitt`s lymphoma t(8;22) translocations map within a distance of 300 kb downstream of MYC.
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1 January 1994
Identification of tumor-associated protein variants during rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Aldose reductase.
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20 May 1994
Cytotoxic effects of alkylphosphocholines or alkylphosphocholine-liposomes and macrophages on tumor cells.
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1 January 1994
Isotope-edited Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies of calmodulin's interaction with its target peptides.
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1 January 1994
In Vivo Nitrosierung von Metamizol beim Menschen.
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1 January 1994
Borna disease virus: immunoelectron microscopic characterization of cell-free virus and further information about the genome.
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1 January 1994
Nachweis von Adhaesionsmolekuelen im normalen und neoplastischen Epithel der Kolonschleimhaut: die Expression von alpha3-Integrin, alpha6-Integrin, beta1-Integrin, beta4-Integrin, E-cadherin and CD44 korreliert mit dem histologischen Grading bzw. der Tumorprogression.
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1 January 1994
Significance of immunohistochemical c-erbB-2 product localization pattern for prognosis of primary human breast cancer.
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1 January 1994
Down syndrome and male fertility: PCR-derived fingerprinting, serological and andrological investigations.
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1 January 1994
Dose-escalating induction chemotherapy supported by lenograstim proceding high-dose consolidation chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer. Selection of the most acceptable regimen to induce maximal tumor response andinvestigation of the optimal time to collect peripheral blood progenitor cells for haematological rescue after high-dose consolidation chemotherapy.
van Hoef, A.H.A.M., Baumann, I., Lange, C., Luft, T., De Wynter, E.A., Ranson, M., Morgenstern, G.R., Yvers, A., Dexter, T.M., Testa, N.G. and Howell, A.
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1 January 1994
Screening for familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 with improved U937 monocyte proliferation assay.
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1 January 1994
Alpha A-crystallin confers cellular thermoresistance.
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21 November 1994
Book Section
Max Delbrueck.
Meyers Neues Lexikon.
VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig, 341-342.
Molecular biology and biochemistry of the renin-angiotensin system.
Bader, M., Paul, M., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Kaling, M. and Ganten, D.
Textbook of Hypertension.
Blackwell, Oxford, 214-232.
1 January 1994
Structural requirements for ferredoxin associated electron transfer evaluated by analysis of Tyr-82 and His-56 bovine adrenodoxin mutants.
Beckert, V., Dettmer, R. and Bernhardt, R.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 869-872.
1 January 1994
Cell-cell adhesion in invasion and metastasis of carcinomas.
Behrens, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Mammary Tumorigenesis and Malignant Progression.
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Norwell, MA, 251-266.
1 January 1994
The role of e-cadherin mediated cell adhesion in tumor metastasis.
Behrens, J. and Birchmeier, W.
Molecular Mechanisms of Epithelial Cell Junctions: From Development to Disease.
Landes,R.G., Austin, 229-244.
1 January 1994
Studies on electron transfer pathways in cytochrome P450 systems.
Bernhardt, R., Beckert, V., Uhlmann, H. and Sligar, S.G.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 387-394.
1 January 1994
A systematic search for vulnerability genes in bipolar disorder.
Berrettini, W.H., Detera-Wadleigh, S., Goldin, L.R., Martinez, M., Hsieh, W.T., Hoehe, M.R., Choi, H., Muniec, D., Ferraro, T.N., Guroff, J.J., Harris, N., Kron, E., Nurnberger, J.I., Alexander, R.C. and Gershon, E.S.
New Genetic Approaches to Mental Disorders.
American Psychopathological Assiociation Annual Series
American Psychiatric Press, Washington, 273-289.
1 January 1994
Molecular aspects of the loss of cell adhesion and gain of invasiveness in carcinomas.
Birchmeier, W.
Proceedings of the international symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund.
Princess Takamatsu Symposia ; 24
University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 214-232.
1 January 1994
Rejection of IL-7 gene transfected tumors.
Blankenstein, T., Hock, H., Dorsch, M. and Diamantstein, T.
Cytokine-Induced Tumor Immunogenicity: From Exogenous Molecules to Gene Therapy.
Acad.Press, New York, 217-231.
1 January 1994
Chemotherapy intensity and long-term outcome in AML.
Buechner, T., Hiddemann, W., Maschmeyer, G., Heit, W., Aul, C., Heyll, A., Loeffler, H., Gassmann, H., Fueller, H.H., Hellriegel, K.P. and Ludwig, W.D.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 513-518.
1 January 1994
GM-CSF in chemotherapy for newly diagnosed AML: multiple course priming and longterm administration compared to chemotherapy alone.
Buechner, T., Hiddemann, W., Rottmann, R., Woermann, B., Zuehlsdorf, M., Maschmeyer, G., Ludwig, W.D., Frisch, H. and Schulz, G.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 138-141.
1 January 1994
Biesenthal consensus: Biesenthal vaccine initiative (Vaccines for peace).
Calderon, F., Drozdov, S.G., Fenner, F., Ganten, D., Geissler, E., Horoud, F., Kane, M., L'age-Stehr, J., Langen, P., Leitenberg, M., Melling, J., Morse, S.S., Netesov, S.V., Nixdorff, K., Pearson, G., Sandstroem, G., Subrahmanyam, D., Thraenert, O., Toth, T., Valette, M.L., Wheelis, M.L. and Woodall, J.P.
The Royal Society: Scientific of Control of Biological Weapons.
Royal Society Study Group, London, 121-125.
1 January 1994
Study of the membrane topology and functional importance of the central region of cytochrome P-450SCC (CYP11A1) molecule by selective chemical modification of CYS264.
Chernogolov, A., Usanov, S., Kraft, R. and Schwarz, D.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 327-330.
1 January 1994
Krankheiten - Karten - Gene. Auf dem Wege zu einer molekularen Anatomie des Menschen.
Coutelle, C.
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Methoden.
Konstanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, 123-144.
1 January 1994
Induction by urokinase-type plasminogen activator of c-fos gene expression in human ovarian cancer cells.
Dumler, I., Petri, T. and Schleuning, W.D.
Prospects in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer.
International Congress Series ; 1050
Elsevier Sci. B.V., Amsterdam, 123-129.
1 January 1994
Fine differences in structure and stability of bacterial adenylate kinase as revealed by IR difference spectroscopy.
Fabian, H., Gilles, A.M., Barzu, O. and Mantsch, H.H.
9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : 23-27 August 1993, Calgary.
Proceedings of SPIE ; 2089
SPIE, Bellingham, Wash., 356-357.
ISBN 0-8194-1360-7
1 January 1994
Infrared spectroscopic characterization of synthetic Alzheimer peptides.
Fabian, H., Oetvoes, L., Szendrei, G.I. and Mantsch, H.H.
9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : 23-27 August 1993, Calgary.
Proceedings of SPIE ; 2089
SPIE, Bellingham, Wash., 132-133.
ISBN 0-8194-1360-7
1 January 1994
Hypertonie im Alter.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie im Alter.
Urban & Vogel, Muenchen, 6-7.
1 January 1994
Zur Epidemiologie der arteriellen Hypertonie im Alter.
Faulhaber, H.D.
Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie im Alter.
Urban & Vogel, Muenchen, 7-21.
1 January 1994
Repeat liver resections from colorectal metastasis.
Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Shamsa, F., Aldrete, J., Andersson, R., Bergamaschi, R., Cifferri, R., Connolly, D., Coppa, G., Crucitti, F., Dagradi, A., Elias, D., Gazzaniga, M., Herrera, L., Hodgson, K.S., Hughes, K.S., Hohenberger, P., Ilstrup, D.M., Kemeny, M., Margarit, C., Meyers, W., Murio, J.E., Nagorney, D.M., Nicoli, N., Nims, T., Que, F., Scheele, J., Steves, M., Schlag, P.M., Stangl, R., Sugarbaker, P.H., van de Velde, C.J.H. and Vidal-Jove, J.
Hepatobiliary Cancer.
Kluwer, Dortrecht, 184-196.
1 January 1994
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Moeglichkeiten.
Fischer, E.P. and Geissler, E.
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Methoden.
Kontanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, 9-11.
1 January 1994
Human CYP1A2 activity: Relationship between caffeine clearance in vivo and its 3-demethylation in vitro.
Fuhr, U., Engelhardt, R., Sachs, M., Rost, K.L., Schymanski, P., Huschka, C., Liermann, D., Wissing, H. and Staib, A.H.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 849-851.
1 January 1994
The human renin-angiotensin-system in transgenic rats.
Ganten, D. and Wagner, J.
Patenting of Human Genes and Living Organisms.
Springer, Berlin, 185-196.
1 January 1994
Arms control, health care and technology transfer under the vaccines for peace programme.
Geissler, E.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies
University Press, Oxford, 10-37.
1 January 1994
Biological weapon and arms control developments.
Geissler, E.
World Armaments and Disarmament.
SIPRI Yearbook
Universitiy Press, Oxford, 713-738.
1 January 1994
Confidence-building information from the parties to the biological weapons convention.
Geissler, E.
Verification After the Cold War. Broadening the Process.
University Press, Amsterdam, 171-177.
1 January 1994
Genetik zwischen Angst und Hoffnung, ethischen, ideologischen und oekonomischen Zwaengen. Erfahrungen im Umgang mit der Genetik in der DDR.
Geissler, E.
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Methoden.
Konstanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, 43-74.
1 January 1994
From BVI to VFP: towards a system of global biological security.
Geissler, E., Calderon, F. and Woodall, J.P.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies
University Press, Oxford, 219-239.
1 January 1994
Executive summary.
Geissler, E. and Woodall, J.P.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies
University Press, Oxford, 6-9.
1 January 1994
Geissler, E. and Woodall, J.P.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies
University Press, Oxford, 3-5.
1 January 1994
Integration visueller Information in klinische Krebsregister.
Gerneth, T. and Schlag, P.M.
1 January 1994
Detection discrete genes for the susceptibility to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
Gershon, E.S., Goldin, L.R., Martinez, M. and Hoehe, M.R.
New Genetic Approaches to Mental Disorders.
American Psychopathological Assiociation Annual Series
American Psychiatric Press, Washington, 205-230.
1 January 1994
Structure determination, modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies.
Hahn, U. and Heinemann, U.
Concepts in Protein Egineering and Design.
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 109-167.
1 January 1994
Clinical relevance of chromosomal aberrations in childhood ALL: cytogenetic data of the German therapy studies.
Harbott, J., Ritterbach, J., Ludwig, W.D., Bartram, C.R., Borkhardt, A., Reiter, A., Janka-Schaub, G. and Lampert, F.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 317-321.
1 January 1994
Tumor cell targeted IL7 gene transfer reveals T cell-dependent anti-tumor activity in vivo.
Hock, H., Dorsch, M., Blankenstein, T. and Diamantstein, T.
Cytokines in Cancer Therapy.
Contributions to Oncology ; 46
Karger, Basel, 277-280.
1 January 1994
Development and characterization of in vivo and in vitro tumor lines for investigation of the phenomenon of multidrug resistance in human sarcomas.
Hoffmann, J., Stein, U., Schmidt-Peter, P., Haensch, W., Naundorf, H. and Fichtner, I.
Recent Advances in Chemotherapy. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, 885-887.
1 January 1994
Transgenic rats and experimental hypertension.
Hoffmann, S., Paul, M., Urata, H., Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management.
Raven Press, New York, [s.p.].
1 January 1994
Radikalitaetsgewinn durch gefaesschirurgische Technik und Taktik bei Tumoren des Stamms und der Extremitaeten.
Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Vaskulaere Tumorchirurgie.
Urban & Schwarzenberg, Muenchen, 31-40.
1 January 1994
Antihypertensive Differentialtherapie beim aelteren Menschen - Stellung der Betarezeptorenblocker.
Homuth, V.
Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie im Alter.
Urban & Vogel, Muenchen, 39-50.
1 January 1994
Indications and limitations of postoperative intensive care oncologic surgery.
Huenerbein, M., Rombeck, A.R.G. and Schlag, P.M.
7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine.
Monduzzi, Bologna, 1003-1006.
1 January 1994
Human heart chymase.
Husain, A., Kinoshita, A., Sung, S.S., Urata, H. and Bumpus, F.M.
The Cardiac Renin-Angiotensin System.
Futura Medical Publ., New York, 309-331.
1 January 1994
PCR as a diagnostic tool in ALL: comparison between cytogenetic and polymerase chain reaction analysis in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Izraeli, S., Janssen, J.W., Haas, O.A., Harbott, J., Brok Simoni, F., Walther, I., Kovar, H., Henn, T., Ludwig, W.D., Reiter, A., Rechavi, G., Bartram, C.R., Gadner, H. and Lion, T.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 402-404.
1 January 1994
Conformational states and substates of cytochrome P450cam - insight in protein dynamics and folding.
Jung, C., Pfeil, W., Koepke, K., Schulze, H. and Ristau, O.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 543-545.
1 January 1994
In search for the less complex experimental system: development, possibilities and limitations of cell culture.
Karsten, U.
8th Freiburg Focus on Biomeasurement.
Biomesstechnik-Verl., March, 1-10.
1 January 1994
Bedeutung von Gliazellen fuer physiologische Vorgaenge im zentralen Nervensystem.
Kettenmann, H.
Aktuelle Neuropaediatrie.
Ciba-Geigy, Basel, 47-56.
1 January 1994
Pathophysiologie des Renin-Angiotensin-Systems.
Klett, C., Paul, M., Hackenthal, E. and Ganten, D.
ACE-Hemmer : Handbuch. 2., ueberarb. und erw. Aufl.
Schattauer, Stuttgart [u.a.], 9-74.
1 January 1994
Microsequencing of proteins of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) membrane.
Kraft, R., Kostka, S. and Hartmann, E.
Methods in Protein Structure Analysis.
Plenum Corp., New York, 445-454.
1 January 1994
Bluthochdruck. Die beteiligten Gene und ihre Bedeutung.
Kreutz, R., Hübner, N., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch.
Konstanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Univ.-Verl., Konstanz, 239-252.
1 January 1994
Towards ribosomal structure at peptide level: use of crosslinking, antipeptide antibodies and limited proteolysis.
Kruft, V., Bischof, O., Bergmann, U., Herfurth, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
The Translational Apparatus.
Plenum Press, New York, 509-520.
1 January 1994
Structural features of the bovine mitochondrial electron transfer system CYP 11A1.
Kuban, R.J., Marg, A. and Ruckpaul, K.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 421-424.
1 January 1994
Role of Na/Ca exchange for the removal of intracellular calcium in rat myocardium.
Lammerich, A., Guenther, J., Storch, E. and Vetter, R.
XV European Section Meeting of the International Society for Heart Research. Copenhagen, June 8-11, 1994.
Monduzzi, Bologna, 455-458.
1 January 1994
Molecular aspects of the activity and design of antiviral agents.
Langen, P.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warefare Studies ; 15
University Press, Oxford, 163-167.
1 January 1994
Clinical aspects of acute myelogenous leukemias of the FAB-types M3 and M4Eo.
Loeffler, H., Gassmann, H., Juergensen, C., Noak, J., Ludwig, W.D., Thiel, E., Haase, D., Fonatsch, C., Becher, R., Schlegelberger, B., Nowrousian, M.R., Lengfelder, E., Eimermacher, H., Weh, H.J., Braumann, D., Maschmeyer, G., Haferlach, T., Koch, P., Heinecke, A., Sauerland, M.C. and Buechner, T.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 519-524.
1 January 1994
Polymerase chain reaction mediated detection of cytochrome P450 gene in the yeast Candida apicola.
Lottermoser, K., Asperger, O. and Schunck, W.H.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 643-646.
1 January 1994
Incidence, biologic features and treatment outcome of myeloid-antigen-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (My+ ALL).
Ludwig, W.D., Harbott, J., Rieder, H., Bartram, C.R., Becher, R., Heinze, B., Voelkers, B., Grassmann, W., Ritter, J., Fonatsch, C., Loeffler, H., Hoelzer, D., Riehm, H. and Thiel, E.
Acute Leukemias IV. Prognostic Factor and Treatment Strategies.
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 24-32.
1 January 1994
Immunphaenotypisierung akuter Leukaemien und leukaemisch verlaufender niedrig-maligner Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome (Methoden, relevante Antigene, Interpretation).
Ludwig, W.D., Komischke, B. and Boettcher, S.
Durchflusszytometrie in der klinischen Zelldiagnostik.
Schattauer, Stuttgart, 77-104.
1 January 1994
Antihypertensive Therapie mit Diuretika im Alter - Ergebnisse von Interventionsstudien.
Luft, F.C.
Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie im Alter.
Urban & Vogel, Muenchen, 21-29.
1 January 1994
The kidney.
Luft, F.C.
The ABCs of Antihypertensive Therapy.
Raven Press, New York, 47-57.
1 January 1994
Cultivation of hybridomas, human cancer and human primary cells using the miniaturized hollow fiber bioreactor tecnomouse.
Marx, U., Merz, W., Koch, S., Nagel, A., Schlaefke, M., Schlag, P.M., Liebrich, W., Luebbe, L. and von Baehr, R.
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects.
Proc.Jap.Assoc.Anim.Tissue Cult. ; 6
Kluwer, [s.l.], 171-175.
1 January 1994
Therapeutic use of quinolones in oncology.
Maschmeyer, G.
Ciprofloxacin i.v.
Springer, Heidelberg [u.a.], 97-106.
1 January 1994
High level expression of integral membrane proteins induces proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Menzel, R., Kaergel, E., Wolff, C., Vogel, F. and Schunck, W.H.
Cytochrome P450.
Libbey, Paris, 307-310.
1 January 1994
The cardiac renin-angiotensin system and human coronary physiology and pathology.
Osterziel, K.J. and Dietz, R.
The Cardiac Renin-Angiotensin System.
Futura Publishing Company, Inc., Armonk, NY, 333-343.
1 January 1994
Basic methods of molecular biology in cardiovascular research.
Paul, M., Bader, M., Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Molecular Cell Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Mosby, Madrid [u.a.], 41-48.
1 January 1994
Molecular mechanisms of renin expression and regulation: functional relevance for the activity of the renin angiotensin system.
Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Regulation and Control of Complex Biological Processes by Biotransformation.
Frontiers in Biotransformation ; 9
Akademie Verl., Berlin, 1-59.
1 January 1994
Transgenic animal models for hypertension.
Paul, M., Wagner, J., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Textbook of Hypertension.
Blackwell, Oxford, 469-476.
1 January 1994
Transgenic rats expressing components of the renin-angiotensin system : focus on cardiovascular regulation.
Paul, M., Wagner, J., Kreutz, R., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Liu, Y., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
The Cardiac Renin-Angiotensin System.
Futura Publ. Comp., Armonk, [s.p.].
1 January 1994
Native-like intermediates in protein folding.
Pfeil, W.
Statistical Mechanics, Protein Structure, and Protein Substrate Interactions.
Plenum Press, New York [u.a.], 31-38.
1 January 1994
Pattern recognition in genomic and protein sequences: A survey of statistical validation problems.
Reich, J.
Computational Methods in Genome Research.
Plenum Publ., London, 137-152.
1 January 1994
Neuere Entwicklungen bei der Chemotherapie: mehr Wirkung - weniger Nebenwirkungen.
Reichardt, P.
Onkologie fuer den Hausarzt: Themen der Vor-, Nach- und Mitsorge.
Zuckschwerdt, Muenchen, 5-8.
1 January 1994
Detection of cytokines induced by and involved in the anti-tumor response provoked by tumor cell derived interleukin-4.
Richter, G., Platzer, C., Blankenstein, T. and Diamantstein, T.
Cytokines in Cancer Therapy.
Contributions to Oncology ; 46
Karger, Basel, 281-285.
1 January 1994
Clinical significance of tenascin serum levels in colorectal carcinomas.
Riedl, S., Bodenmueller, H., Schlag, P.M. and Faissner, A.
7th Symposium on Tumor Markers Hamburg 1993.
Zuckschwerdt, Muenchen, 70-71.
1 January 1994
Applikationsbericht: Adaption des ROeNTEC-Mikroanalysesystems an einen KEVEX-Detektor am JEOL-REM JSM 25-SX.
Rudolph, M. and Boettcher, N.
Max-Delbrueck-Centrum, Univ. Potsdam, Berlin, Potsdam, 1-2.
1 January 1994
Genequiz: a workbench for sequence analysis.
Scharf, M., Schneider, R., Casari, G., Bork, P., Valencia, A., Ouzounis, C. and Sander, C.
Proceedings of the International Conference Itell.Syst.Mol.Biol.
AAAI Press, California, 348-353.
1 January 1994
The cold shock domain: crystal structures of the major shock protein of Bacillus subtilis.
Schindelin, H., Marahiel, M.A. and Heinemann, U.
Structural Biology: The State of the Art. Proceedings of the Eighth Conversation, State University of New York, Albany.
Adenine Press, New York, 83-92.
1 January 1994
Chirurgische Therapie gastrointestinaler Tumoren bei geriatischen Patienten.
Schlag, P.M.
Der Geriatrische Tumorpatient.
Beitraege zur Onkologie ; 45
Karger, Basel, 146-153.
1 January 1994
Chirurgisch-onkologische Therapie.
Schlag, P.M. and Herfarth, C.
Grundlagen der Chirurgie, Band 2.
Demeter, Graefelfing, 50-53.
1 January 1994
Fuehrt die Vermeidung homologer Bluttransfusionen zur Verbesserung der Prognose maligner Tumoren?
Schlag, P.M. and Kettelhack, C.
Innovative Aspekte der klinischen Medizin - Elektive Chirurgie.
Springer, Berlin, 99-106.
1 January 1994
Towards understanding the molecular mechanism of the inhibitory cardiac glycoside interaction with the receptor enzyme NA+/K+-transporting atpase.
Schoen, R., Weiland, J., Megges, R. and Repke, K.R.H.
The Sodium Pump. Structure Mechanism, Hormonal Control and its Role in Disease.
Steinkopff [u.a.], New York, 381-384.
1 January 1994
Low temperature behaviour of the high-spin/low-spin equilibrium of cytochrome P450cam: the role of the cooling rate and temperature induced changes of the protonic activity.
Schulze, H., Ristau, O. and Jung, C.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 595-598.
1 January 1994
Reconstitution of cytochrome P450scc by octylglucoside dialysis/adsorption into (large) unilamellar phospholipid vesicle. Structural and functional characterization.
Schwarz, D., Chernogolov, A., Gast, K. and Richter, W.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 555-558.
1 January 1994
Membrane topology and complex formation of cytochrome P450SCC in proteoliposomes studied by delayed fluorescence depolarization.
Schwarz, D., Chernogolov, A., Krueger, V., Usanov, S. and Stier, A.
Cytochrome P450. 8th International Conference.
Libbey, Paris, 311-314.
1 January 1994
Analysis of the time course of Ca2+ signals in cardiomyocytes of rat.
Storch, E., Guenther, J., Lammerich, A. and Wallukat, G.
International Society for Heart Research. XV European Section Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark 8-11 June 1994.
Monduzzi Editore S.p.A., Bologna, 475-478.
1 January 1994
Methoden und Chancen der Gentherapie. Der schwierige Weg vom Laboratorium in die Klinik.
Strauss, M.
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Methoden.
Konstanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, 221-238.
1 January 1994
Verification of the BWC.
Toth, T., Geissler, E. and Stock, T.
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies
University Press, Oxford, 67-76.
1 January 1994
Hepatoma registry of the Western World.
Tsao, J.I., Asbun, H.J., Hughes, K.S., Rossi, R.L., Braasch, J.W., Munson, J.L., Holbrook, R.R., Walsh, J., Heatley, G., Glenn, J.D., Schlag, P.M. and Hohenberger, P.
Hepatobiliary Cancer, Gastrointestinal Oncology V.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
1 January 1994
Nonlinear dynamics versus traditional methods of heart rate variability analysis.
Voss, A., Kurths, J., Kleiner, H.J., Witt, A., Saparin, P., Dietz, R., Fiehring, H. and Wessel, N.
Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 125-128.
1 January 1994
Renormalised entropy: a new method of non-linear dynamics for the analysis of heart rate variability.
Wessel, N., Voss, A., Kurths, J., Saparin, P., Witt, A., Kleiner, H.J. and Dietz, R.
Computers in Cardiology.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 137-140.
1 January 1994
Poliovirus receptors.
Wimmer, E., Harber, J.J., Bibb, J.A., Gromeier, M., Lu, H.H. and Bernhardt, G.
Cellular Receptors for Animal Viruses.
Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, Cold Spring Harbor, 101-127.
1 January 1994
Analysis and characterization of proteins.
Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Jungblut, P.
Concepts in Protein Engeneering and Design, an Introduction.
de Gruyter, Berlin [u.a.], 47-107.
1 January 1994
Die Bedeutung von Wachstumsfaktoren fuer die Entwicklung von Struktur und Funktion der Brustdruese.
Zschiesche, W., Spitzer, E. and Yang, Y.
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. Jahrbuch 1993.
Leopoldina Reihe 3, 39
Leopolidina, Halle/Saale, 191-200.
1 January 1994
Wieviel Genetik braucht der Mensch? Die alten Traeume der Genetiker und ihre heutigen Methoden.
Fischer, E.P. and Geissler, E.
Konstanzer Bibliothek ; 23
Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz.
1 January 1994
Experimental and genetic models of hypertension.
Ganten, D.
Handbook of Hypertension ; 16
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
1 January 1994
Malka Biologitsneskaya Encyclopediya.
Geissler, E., Libbert, E., Nitschmann, J. and Thomas-Petersein, G.
Kleine Enzyklopaedie Leben
Naouka I Izkoustvo Publishing House, Sofia.
1 January 1994
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme.
Geissler, E. and Woodall, J.P.
SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Studies ; 15
University Press, Oxford.
1 January 1994
The Cardiac Renin-Angiotensin System.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Futura Publ. Comp., Armonk.
1 January 1994
Regulation and control of complex biological processes by biotransformation.
Ruckpaul, K. and Rein, H.
Frontiers in Biotransformation ; 9
Akademie Verl., Berlin.
1 January 1994
Proteinchemische Charakterisierung und Kristallisation von Komponenten des steroidhydroxylierenden Cytochrom P450scc-systems. (Dissertation, Fachbereich Biologie der Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, 1994).
Marg, A.
1 January 1994
Nukleoside, ihre Herstellung und ihre Verwendung als Therapeutikum und als Baustein fuer synthetische Oligonukleotide.
Baerwolff, D.
1 September 1994
Neue Phospho- bzw. Phosphono-(N-acyl)-serine und ihre Herstellung.
Brachwitz, H., Langen, P. and Vollgraf, C.
17 March 1994
Phospho- bzw. Phosphono-(N-acyl)-serine und ihre Herstellung.
Brachwitz, H., Langen, P. and Vollgraf, C.
17 March 1994
Monoklonale Antikoerper gegen filamentoese Phagen, ihre Herstellung und Verwendung zum Nachweis und zur Isolierung der Phagen.
Micheel, B., Scharte, G., Heymann, S., Vogel, F., Breitling, F., Duebel, S. and Little, M.
10 November 1994
Neuartige Herzglykoside.
Repke, K.R.H., Weiland, J., Megges, R., Schoen, R. and Nitz, M.
DE4221960A1 ; DE4321937A1.
3 February 1994
Lyotrophe Mesophasen und ihre Anwendung in der Pharmazie, der Kosmetik und der Dermatologie.
Reszka, R.
19 May 1994
Vektor zur Expression von therapeutisch relevanten Genen [Vector for the expression of therapy-relevant genes].
Stein, U. and Walther, W.
DE4238778A1 ; DE4238778C2 ; EP0670904 ; US 5,968,735.
19 May 1994
Cadherins as determinants of tissue morphology and suppressors of invasion.
Behrens, J.
Acta Anatomica 149
(3): 165-169.
1 January 1994
Cadherin expression in carcinomas: role in the formation of cell junctions and the prevention of invasiveness.
Birchmeier, W. and Behrens, J.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1198
(1): 11-26.
27 May 1994
The immunoglobulin fold - Structural classification, sequence patterns and common core.
Bork, P., Holm, L. and Sander, C.
Journal of Molecular Biology 242
: 309-320.
1 January 1994
Cell adhesion molecules 1: Immunoglobulin superfamily.
Bruemmendorf, T. and Rathjen, F.G.
Protein Profile 1
: 951-1058.
1 January 1994
Rationale Substitution im Blut- und Blutbestandteilkonserven.
Buente, S. and Ludwig, W.D.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 119
: 1555-1560.
1 January 1994
Liposome in Kosmetika und Arzneimitteln.
Diederichs, J.E. and Mueller, R.H.
Pharmazeutische Industrie 56
: 267-275.
1 January 1994
Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma.
Huenerbein, M. and Schlag, P.M.
Onkologie 17
: 384-389.
1 January 1994
Molecular biology of voltage-gated chloride channels.
Jentsch, T.J.
Current Topics in Membranes 42
: 35-57.
Calcium stores in neurones and glial cells.
Kostyuk, P. and Verkhratsky, A.
Neuroscience 63
: 381-404.
1 January 1994
Regulation of Apoptosis in the Immune System.
Krammer, P.H., Behrmann, I., Daniel, P.T., Dhein, J. and Debatin, K.M.
Current Opinion in Immunology 6
(2): 279-289.
1 April 1994
The role of APO-1-mediated apoptosis in the immune system.
Krammer, P.H., Dhein, J., Walczak, H., Behrmann, I., Mariani, S., Matiba, B., Fath, M., Daniel, P.T., Knipping, E., Westendorp, M.O. and Debatin, K.M.
Immunological Reviews 142
: 175-191.
1 December 1994
Surface display of antibodies.
Little, M., Breitling, F., Micheel, B. and Duebel, S.
Biotechnology Advances 12
: 539-555.
1 January 1994
Immunphaenotypisierung akuter lymphatischer Leukaemien: Diagnostische Aspekte und klinische Relevanz.
Ludwig, W.D., Reiter, A., Schott, G., Schwartz, S. and Thiel, E.
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 106
: 231-2,233-7.
1 January 1994
Transgenic rats: new experimental models for the study of candidate genes in hypertension research.
Paul, M., Wagner, J., Hoffmann, S., Urata, H. and Ganten, D.
Annual Review of Physiology 56
: 811-829.
Molecular physiology of voltage-gated chloride channels.
Pusch, M. and Jentsch, T.J.
Physiological Reviews 74
(4): 813-827.
October 1994
Synthesis of a self-contained concept of the molecular mechanism of energy interconversion by H+- transporting ATP synthase.
Repke, K.R.H. and Schoen, R.
Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 69
: 119-145.
1 January 1994
Origin, structure and motifs of naturally processed MHC class II ligands.
Roetzschke, O. and Falk, K.
Current Opinion in Immunology 6
(1): 45-51.
February 1994
Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy in oncology.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Rau, B.
Onkologie 17
: 226-232.
1 January 1994
Progress with tumour vaccines.
Schlag, P.M., Milleck, J. and Liebrich, W.
Clinical Immunotherapeutics 2
: 23-31.
1 January 1994
The role of CD14 and lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) in the activation of different cell types by endotoxin.
Schumann, R.R., Rietschel, E.T. and Loppnow, H.
Medical Microbiology and Immunology 183
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1 December 1994
Strategien zur Erforschung der Genetik des Bluthochdrucks.
Sharma, A.M., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 119
: 742-746.
20 May 1994
Aktuelle Therapie der multiplen Sklerose: Mitoxantron [Current therapy of multiple sclerosis: mitoxantrone].
Spuler, S. and Hohlfeld, R.
Nervenarzt 65
(2): 136-138.
February 1994
Liver-directed gene therapy: prospects and problems.
Strauss, M.
Gene Therapy 1
(3): 156-164.
1 May 1994
Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer in cancer therapy.
Uckert, W. and Walther, W.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 63
: 323-347.
1 January 1994
Tissue angiotensin II system in the human heart.
Urata, H., Hoffmann, S. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 15
(Suppl D): 68-78.
1 January 1994
Homologous recombination for gene replacement in mouse cell lines.
Willnow, T.E. and Herz, J.
Methods in Cell Biology 43
(Pt A): 305-334.
FMN- or DNA-binding?
Koonin, E. and Bork, P.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 19
: 234-235.
1 January 1994
The birth of a common procedure.
Luft, F.C.
Annals of Internal Medicine 120
(11): 974-974.
1 June 1994
The modular structure of NifU proteins.
Ouzounis, C., Bork, P. and Sander, C.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 19
: 199-200.
1 January 1994
Synergistic effect of tamoxifen and phorbol ester TPA on retrovirus synthesis in a human mammary carcinoma cell line.
Wunderlich, V. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Cancer 56
(4): 615-616.
15 February 1994
Timing of peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections during recovery from chemotherapy supported by haematopoietic growth factor.
van Hoef, M.E., Baumann, I., Lange, C., De Wynter, E.A., Testa, N.G. and Howell, A.
Leukemia 8
: 2020-2021.
1 January 1994
Rapid haematological recovery after high-dose consolidation chemotherapy with peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) as sole source of support collectedat a single apheresis.
van Hoef, M.E., Ranson, M., Morgenstern, G.R., Baumann, I., Lange, C., De Wynter, E.A., Testa, N.G. and Howell, A.
Bone Marrow Transplantation 13
: 839-840.
1 January 1994
Trinity of cation channels.
Jentsch, T.J.
Nature 367
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3 February 1994
Caveat emptor.
Lindpaintner, K. and Kreutz, R.
Hypertension 24
: 251-253.
1 January 1994
Of savoury and less than savoury salty matterns.
Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 9
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1 January 1994
An ultrastructural size principle.
Pierce, J.P. and Lewin, G.R.
Neuroscience 58
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1 February 1994
Genetics of primary hypertension.
Schmidt, S. and Ganten, D.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 9
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1 January 1994
European workshop on LDL receptor defects (Munich, Germany November 1993).
Schuster, H. and Humphries, S.
Clinical Investigator 72
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1 January 1994
Resistance to murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (MAIDS).
Morawetz, R.A., Doherty, T.M., Giese, N.A., Hartley, J.W., Müller, W., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K., Coffman, R. and Morse, H.C.
Science 265
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8 July 1994
Development and proliferation of lymphocytes in mice deficient for both interleukins-2 and -4.
Sadlack, B., Kühn, R., Schorle, H., Rajewsky, K., Müller, W. and Horak, I.
European Journal of Immunology 24
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January 1994
Induction of interleukin 4 (IL-4) expression in T helper (Th) cells is not dependent on IL-4 from non-Th cells.
Schmitz, J., Thiel, A., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K., Müller, W., Assenmacher, M. and Radbruch, A.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 179
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1 April 1994
Nur ein Paar Augen sein : Jeanne Mammen - ein deutsches Kuenstlerschicksal.
Herrmann, L.
11 April 1994
An den Wurzeln der Krankheit : Forscher, Fakten, Visionen.
Jungjohann, D.
7 September 1994
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 01:12:46 2025 UTC.