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Distinct regulation of IL-8 and MCP-1 by LPS and interferon-gamma-treated human peritoneal macrophages.
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The role of CD95 (APO-1/Fas) mutations in lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphatic malignancies.
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The reliability and specificity of c-kit for the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemias and undifferentiated leukemias.
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A new role for neurotrophin-3: Involvement in the regulation of hair follicle regression (catagen).
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The ErbB2 and ErbB3 receptors and their ligand, neuregulin-1, are essential for development of the sympathetic nervous system.
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Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme and Angiotensinogen Gene Polymorphisms and Heart Rate Variability in Twins.
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Calcium-activated potassium channels and nitrate-induced vasodilation in human coronary arteries.
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1 January 1998
Changes of blood pressure and aortic strip contractile responses to ET-1 of heterozygous female transgenic rats, TGR(mRen2)27.
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1 May 1998
B2 kinin receptor upregulation by cAMP is associated with BK- induced PGE2 production in rat mesangial cells.
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29 September 1998
An Essential Role for Retinoid Receptors RARbeta and RXRgamma in Long-Term Potentiation and Depression.
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Use of abciximab in interventional cardiology.
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1 January 1998
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1 January 1998
Systematic genomic screening and analysis of mRNA in untranslated regions and mRNA precursors: combining experimental and computational approaches.
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Conservation of gene order: a fingerprint of proteins that physically interact.
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1 January 1998
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1 January 1998
Retroviral B7.1 gene transfer in cancer cells protects cytotoxic T cells from deletion by "veto" apoptosis.
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1 January 1998
Dendritic cells prevent CD95 mediated T lymphocyte death through costimulatory signals.
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1 January 1998
Immunotherapy of B-cell lymphoma with CD3x19 bispecific antibodies: costimulation via CD28 prevents "Veto" apoptosis of antibody-targeted cytotoxic T cells.
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15 December 1998
Pressure-natriuresis and -diuresis in transgenic rats harboring both human renin and human angiotensinogen genes.
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Gene-modified dendritic cells by receptor-mediated transfection.
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1 January 1998
Angiotensin II and coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and sudden cardiac death.
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1 January 1998
Intravenous and intra-arterial oxygen-15-labeled water and fluorine-18-labeled fluorouracil in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
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1 March 1998
Fluorine-18-fluorouracil to predict therapy response in liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.
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1 July 1998
NK1 receptor antagonist blocks angiotensin II responses in renin transgenic rat medulla oblongata.
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1 January 1998
Protein annotation: detective work for function prediction.
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1 January 1998
Down's syndrome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in four consecutive BFM trials.
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1 May 1998
Electrical coupling underlies high-frequency oscillations in the hippocampus in vitro.
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9 July 1998
ICAM-1 antisense oligodesoxynucleotides prevent reperfusion injury and enhance immediate graft function in renal transplantation.
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1 August 1998
Inhibition of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 with antisense deoxynucleotides prolongs renal isograft survival in the rat.
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1 December 1998
Temporal and regional changes during focal ischemia in rat brain studied by proton spectroscopic imaging and quantitative diffusion NMR imaging.
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MLL and CALM are fused to AF10 in morphologically distinct subsets of acute leukemia with translocation t(10;11): both rearrangements are associated with a poor prognosis.
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15 June 1998
The 80S rat liver ribosome at 25 angstrom resolution by electron cryomicroscopy and angular reconstitution.
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15 March 1998
The Jak/Stat pathway and urokinase receptor signaling inhuman aortic vascular smooth muscle cells.
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2 January 1998
Antiendothelial cell antibodies in thromboangiitis obliterans.
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1 January 1998
Sequence properties of GPI-anchored proteins near the omega-site: constraints for the polypeptide binding site of the putative transamidase.
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1 December 1998
Immunochemical and functional characterization of an agonist- like monoclonal antibody against the M2 acetylcholine receptor.
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1 January 1998
Sequence analysis of the first HTLV-I infection in Germany without relations to endemic areas-short communication.
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1 September 1998
Laminar difference in GABA uptake and GAT-1 expression in rat CA1.
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1 November 1998
Leptomycin B-sensitive nuclear export of MAPKAP kinase 2 is regulated by phosphorylation.
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1 January 1998
The development of a non-competitive immunoenzymometric assay of cocaine.
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1 January 1998
Selective NMR experiments on macromolecules: Implementation and analysis of QUIET-NOESY.
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1 January 1998
PTEN/MMAC1 ist wahrscheinlich kein relevantes Tumorsuppressorgen bei der Genese des hereditaeren Mammakarzinoms.
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1 January 1998
Divergent immunohistochemical E48 and CD44-V6 antigen expression patterns between lymph node metastases and primary aquamous cell carcinomas in the head and neck region.
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1 January 1998
Pattern selection by gene expression in Dictyostelium discoideum.
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Assessment of the size, position, and optical properties of breast tumors in vivo by noninvasive optical methods.
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1 January 1998
Treatment of high blood pressure in Germany.
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1 January 1998
Unified nomenclature for subunits of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteasome regulatory particle.
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1 July 1998
A chemical dosimeter for the determination of the photodynamic activity of photosensitizers.
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1 January 1998
Intracellular and surface expression of the HIV-1 coreceptor CXCR4/fusin on various leukocyte subsets: rapid internalization and recycling upon activation.
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1 January 1998
Cytochrome c oxidase from eucaryotes but not from procaryotes is allosterically inhibited by ATP.
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1 August 1998
Determinants of slow gating in ClC-0, the voltage-gated chloride channel of Torpedo marmorata.
Fong, P., Rehfeldt, A. and Jentsch, T.J.
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April 1998
Genetic heterogeneity and penetrance analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in breast cancer families.
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March 1998
Growth hormone therapy in dilated cardiomyopathy monitored with MRI.
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1 January 1998
Contrast media-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging visualizes myocardial changes in the course of viral myocarditis.
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12 May 1998
Microdomains of GPI-anchored proteins in living cells revealed by crosslinking.
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20 August 1998
Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin II receptors (AT1) in the heart with anti-peptide antibodies showing a positive chronotropic effect.
Fu, M.L., Schulze, W., Wallukat, G., Elies, R., Eftekhari, P., Hjalmarson, K. and Hoebeke, J.
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1 January 1998
A bienzyme electrode for L-malate based on a novel and general design.
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1 January 1998
Das "Wie" und "Wozu" der klinischen Forschung.
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1 January 1998
Blick nach vorn. Ein Interview.
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1 January 1998
Compactness of the kinetic molten globule of bovine alpha-lactalbumin: a dynamic light scattering study.
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1 September 1998
A short DNA methyltransferase isoform restores methylation in vivo.
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4 December 1998
Biological warfare - not in Hitler's arsenal. An author's summary.
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1 January 1998
Huntingtin aggregation monitored by dynamic light scattering.
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26 May 1998
Quantifizierung der Zellproliferation mittels des Proliferationsmarkers MIB-1 in endomyokardialen Biopsien nach Herztransplantation. Eine Hilfe bei der Diagnostik der therapiebeduerftigen Abstossungsreaktion? [Quantification of cell proliferation in the inflammatory infiltrate of endomyocardial biopsies after cardiac transplantation. An aid in diagnosis of severe acute rejection?].
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1 August 1998
A rapid protocol for cardiac troponin T gene mutation detection in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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1 January 1998
Advanced small cell pancreatic cancer: Relevance of laparoscopic staging.
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1 July 1998
Tumormetastasierung. Molekulare Grundlagen und therapeutische Optionen.
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1 December 1998
Bipolar clamping improves the sensitivity of mutation detection by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis.
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1 June 1998
Interaction between superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus in normal and epileptic temporal lobe.
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Impact of the presequence of a mitochondrium-targeted precursor, preadrenodoxin, on folding, catalytic activity, and stability of the protein in vitro.
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1 November 1998
Mammalian mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. N-terminal amino acid sequencing, characterization, and identification of corresponding gene sequencing.
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25 December 1998
L-type calcium channel expression depends on the differentiated state of vascular smooth muscle cells.
Gollasch, M., Haase, H., Ried, C., Lindschau, C., Morano, I., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
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1 January 1998
EDG6, a novel G-protein-coupled receptor related to receptors for bioactive lysophospholipids, is specifically expressed in lymphoid tissue.
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15 October 1998
Antibodies TC-12 ("unique") and TH-111 (CD96) characterize T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a subgroup of acute myeloid leukemia.
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1 December 1998
Synthese und Transportuntersuchungen von Dioxapolyazacalix(4)arenen und Triazino-Kronenethern.
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1 January 1998
Ostial renal artery stent placement for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease.
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1 September 1998
Effects of daily sodium intake and ANG II on cortical and medullary renal blood flow in conscious rats.
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1 January 1998
Cortical and medullary hemodynamics in deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive mice.
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1 January 1998
Preparation and characterization of a new lipospermine for gene delivery into various cell lines.
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1 January 1998
Transfection assay for dual determination of toxicity and gene expression.
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1 January 1998
Detection of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene PvuII intron 15 polymorphism using the polymerase chain reaction: association with plasma lipid traits in healthy men and women.
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1 January 1998
ClC-5, the chloride channel mutated in Dent's disease, colocalizes with the proton pump in endocytotically active kidney cells.
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7 July 1998
Functional involvement of CD44, a family of cell adhesion molecules, in immune responses, tumour progression and haematopoiesis.
Guenthert, U., Schwaerzler, C., Wittig, B., Laman, J., Ruiz, P., Stauder, R., Bloem, A., Smadja-Joffe, F., Zoeller, M. and Rolink, A.
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Platelet inhibition: new agents, new strategies, new trials.
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1 September 1998
Differential response of oxygen radical metabolism in rat heart, liver and kidney to cyclosporine A treatment.
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1 January 1998
CpG-DNA-specific activation of antigen-presenting cells requires stress kinase activity and is preceded by non-specific endocytosis and endosomal maturation.
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EMBO Journal 17
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2 November 1998
Endothelial-cell permeability and protein kinase C in pre-eclampsia.
Haller, H., Hempel, A., Homuth, V., Mandelkow, A., Busjahn, A., Maasch, C., Drab, M., Lindschau, C., Juepner, A., Vetter, K., Dudenhausen, J. and Luft, F.C.
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28 March 1998
Integrin-induced protein kinase Calpha and Cepsilon translocation to focal adhesions mediates vascular smooth muscle cell spreading.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Maasch, C., Olthoff, H., Kurscheid, D. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 82
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1 February 1998
Endothelial cell markers in vasculitis.
Haller, H., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1998
The clinical importance of postprandial glucose.
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1 July 1998
Angiotensin II acts intracellularly in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1998
Antisense oligodesoxynucleotide strategies in renal and cardiovascular disease.
Haller, H., Maasch, C., Dragun, D., Wellner, M., von Janta-Lipinski, M. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1998
Intracellular targeting and protein kinase C in vascular smooth muscle cells: specific effects of different membrane-bound receptors.
Haller, H., Maasch, C., Lindschau, C., Brachmann, M., Buchner, K. and Luft, F.C.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
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1 December 1998
Overexpression of the sarcolemmal calcium pump in the myocardium of transgenic rats.
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2 November 1998
POPSIM: a general population simulation program.
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1 January 1998
Aldosterone synthase gene in patients suffering from hyperaldosteronism.
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1 January 1998
Existence of striatal nerve cells coexpressing CCKB and D2 receptor mRNAs.
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22 June 1998
A substrate of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella typhimurium is encoded by a cryptic bacteriophage.
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3 March 1998
Effects of multidisciplinary case management in patients with chronic renal insufficiency.
Harris, L.E., Luft, F.C., Rudy, D.W., Kesterson, J.G. and Tierney, W.M.
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1 December 1998
Engineered mutants of HGF/SF with reduced binding to heparan sulphate proteoglycans, decreased clearance and enhanced activity in vivo.
Hartmann, G., Prospero, T., Brinkmann, V., Ozcelik, O., Winter, G., Hepple, J., Batley, S., Bladt, F., Sachs, M., Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W. and Gherardi, E.
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29 January 1998
Relations between intracellular Ca2+ stores and store-operated Ca2+ entry in primary cultured human glioblastoma cells.
Hartmann, J. and Verkhratsky, A.
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1 December 1998
Is continuous 24-Hour Infusion of 5-fluorouracil plus high-dose folinic acid effective in patients with progressive or recurrent colorectal cancer? A phase II study.
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1 January 1998
Absence of hypertensive retinopathy in a Turkish kindred with autosomal dominant hypertension and brachydactyly.
Hattenbach, L.O., Toka, H.R., Toka, O., Schuster, H. and Luft, F.C.
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1 December 1998
Mammalian protein homologous to VAT-1 of torpedo californica: isolation from Ehrlich Ascites Tumor cells, biochemical characterization and organization of its gene.
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1 January 1998
The modelling of metabolic systems. Structure, control and optimality.
Heinrich, R. and Schuster, S.
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1 January 1998
Atrial natriuretic peptide clearance receptor participates in modulating endothelial permeability.
Hempel, A., Noll, T., Bach, C., Piper, H.M., Willenbrock, R., Hohnel, K., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
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1 November 1998
CD40 ligand on activated platelets triggers an inflammatory reaction of endothelial cells.
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1 January 1998
Genetic and immunohistochemical detection of mutations inactivating the keratinocyte transglutaminase in patients with lamellar ichthyosis.
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1 January 1998
Genotype/phenotype correlation in autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyosis.
Hennies, H.C., Kuester, W., Wiebe, V., Krebsova, A. and Reis, A.
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Folding of firefly (photinus pyralis) luciferase: aggregation and reactivation of unfolding intermediates.
Herbst, R., Gast, K. and Seckler, R.
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1 January 1998
Unique expression pattern of a novel mosaic receptor in the developing cerebral cortex.
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January 1998
Detection of tumor cells in peripheral blood samples from patients with germ cell tumors using immunocytochemical and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction techniques.
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1 October 1998
Angiotensinases restrict locally generated angiotensin II to the blood vessel wall.
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1 January 1998
IRS-PCR-based genetic mapping of the huntingtin interacting protein gene (HIP1) on mouse chromosome 5.
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1 January 1998
Alternative splicing variants of IkappaBbeta establish differential NF-kappaB signal responsiveness in human cells.
Hirano, F., Chung, M.R., Tanaka, H., Maruyama, N., Makino, I., Moore, D.D. and Scheidereit, C.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 18
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May 1998
Functional interference of Sp1 and NF-kappaB through the same DNA binding site.
Hirano, F., Tanaka, H., Hirano, Y., Hiramoto, M., Handa, H., Makino, I. and Scheidereit, C.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 18
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March 1998
Inhibition of NF-kappaB-dependent transcription of human immunodeficiency virus 1 promoter by a phosphodiester compound of vitamin C and vitamin E, EPC-K1.
Hirano, F., Tanaka, H., Miura, T., Hirano, Y., Okamoto, K., Makino, Y. and Makino, I.
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1 March 1998
Differentiation-dependent expression of cardiac delta-CaMKII isoforms.
Hoch, B., Haase, H., Schulze, W., Hagemann, D., Morano, I., Krause, E.G. and Karczewski, P.
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1 January 1998
Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene polymorphisms are not associated with susceptibility to mood disorders: Brief Research Communication.
Hoehe, M.R., Wendel, B., Grunewald, I., Chiaroni, P., Levy, N., Morris-Rosendahl, D., Macher, J.P., Sander, T. and Crocq, M.A.
American Journal of Medical Genetics 81
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7 February 1998
Automatic detection of conserved RNA structure elements in complete RNA virus genomes.
Hofacker, I.L., Fekete, M., Flamm, C., Huynen, M.A., Rauscher, S., Stolorz, P.E. and Stadler, P.F.
Nucleic Acids Research 26
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15 August 1998
Remote suturing for percutaneous closure of popliteal artery access.
Hoffmann, K., Schott, U., Erb, M., Albes, J., Claussen, C.D. and Duda, S.H.
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1 April 1998
Nearby stop codons in exons of the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene are disparate splice effectors.
Hoffmeyer, S., Nuernberg, P., Ritter, H., Fahsold, R., Leistner, W., Kaufmann, D. and Krone, W.
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6 February 1998
Baculovirus-mediated gene transfer in the presence of human serum or blood facilitated by inhibition of the complement system.
Hofmann, C. and Strauss, M.
Gene Therapy 5
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1 April 1998
Genetische Praedisposition beim Mammakarzinom.
Hofmann, W., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Onkologe 4
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1 January 1998
Chirurgische Technik und chirurgisch-onkologische Taktik bei Tumoren der Weichgewebe und Extremitaeten mit Gefaessbeteiligung.
Hohenberger, P.
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1 January 1998
Tumor oxygenation correlates with molecular growth determinants in breast cancer.
Hohenberger, P., Felgner, C., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
"Sentinel node detection" beim Mammacarcinom.
Hohenberger, P., Reuhl, T., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 July 1998
Acute coronary syndromes: recent achievements and future aspects.
Huber, K., Nikfardjam, M., Christ, G., Gottsauner-Wolf, M., Muellner, M. and Gulba, D.
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1 September 1998
Transesophageal biopsy of mediastinal and pulmonary tumors by means of endoscopic ultrasound guidance.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 October 1998
The role of staging laparoscopy for multimodal therapy of gastrointestinal cancer.
Huenerbein, M., Rau, B., Hohenberger, P. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 12
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July 1998
Endosonography-guided biopsy of mediastinal and pancreatic tumors.
Huenerbein, M., Dohmoto, M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Endoscopy 30
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1 January 1998
Transendoscopic ultrasound of esophageal and gastric cancer using miniaturized ultrasound catheter probes.
Huenerbein, M., Ghadimi, B.M., Haensch, W. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 October 1998
Three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasound of the esophagus. Preliminary experience.
Huenerbein, M., Gretschel, S., Ghadimi, B.M. and Schlag, P.M.
Surgical Endoscopy 11
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1 January 1998
Homology-based fold predictions for Mycoplasma genitalium proteins.
Huynen, M., Doerks, T., Eisenhaber, F., Orengo, C., Sunyaev, S.R., Yuan, Y.P. and Bork, P.
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1 January 1998
Differential genome analysis applied to the species-specific features of Helicobacter pylori.
Huynen, M., Dandekar, T. and Bork, P.
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1 January 1998
The frequency distribution of gene family sizes in complete genomes.
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1 May 1998
Measuring genome evolution.
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26 May 1998
Functional characterization of renal chloride channel, CLCN5, mutations associated with Dent'sJapan disease.
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December 1998
Melting points of lysozyme and ribonuclease A crystals correlated with protein unfolding: a Raman spectroscopic study.
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1 January 1998
Isolation and molecular characterization of a surface-bound proteinase of Entamoeba histolytica.
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January 1998
Pleiotropic effects of hepatocyte growth factor in proximal tubule involve different signaling pathways.
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Kidney International 54
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1 September 1998
The linked human elongation initiation factor 4A1 (EIF4A1) and CD68 genes map to chromosome 17p13.
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15 October 1998
Intraocular pressure and baroreflex failure.
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6 June 1998
Red cell membrane skeletal changes in marathon runners.
Jordan, J., Kiernan, W., Merker, H.J., Wenzel, M. and Beneke, R.
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1 January 1998
Contrasting actions of pressor agents in severe autonomic failure.
Jordan, J., Shannon, J.R., Biaggioni, I., Norman, R., Black, B.K. and Robertson, D.
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1 August 1998
NN-nicotinic blockade as an acute human model of autonomic failure.
Jordan, J., Shannon, J.R., Black, B.K., Lance, R.H., Squillante, M.D., Costa, F. and Robertson, D.
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1 May 1998
Raised cerebrovascular resistance in idiopathic orthostatic intolerance: evidence for sympathetic vasoconstriction.
Jordan, J., Shannon, J.R., Black, B.K., Paranjape, S.Y., Barwise, J. and Robertson, D.
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1 October 1998
Homocysteine levels and coronary heart disease in Syria.
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1 January 1998
Strong immunogenic potential of a B7 retroviral expression vector: Generation of HLA-B7-restricted CTL response against selectable marker genes.
Jung, D., Jaeger, E., Cayeux, S., Blankenstein, T., Hilmes, C., Karbach, J., Moebius, U., Knuth, A., Huber, C. and Seliger, B.
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1 January 1998
Stability of water-soluble and lipid-soluble paramagnetic probes in Bacillus subtilis.
Jung, K., Ristori, S., Gallori, E. and Martini, G.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1425
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23 October 1998
Identification of mouse crystallins in 2D protein patterns by sequencing and mass spectrometry. Application to cataract mutants.
Jungblut, P.R., Otto, A., Favor, J., Loewe, M., Mueller, E.C., Kastner, M., Sperling, K. and Klose, J.
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18 September 1998
MAGE-11 protein is highly conserved in higher organisms and located predominantly in the nucleus.
Jurk, M., Kremmer, E., Schwarz, U., Foerster, R. and Winnacker, E.L.
International Journal of Cancer 75
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1 January 1998
Regulation of energy transduction and electron transfer in cytochrome c oxidase by adenine nucleotides.
Kadenbach, B., Napiwotzki, J., Frank, V., Arnold, S., Exner, S. and Huettemann, M.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 30
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1 February 1998
Biochemical defects and genetic abnormalities in cytochrome c oxidase of patients with Leigh syndrome.
Kadenbach, B., Possekel, S., Huettemann, M. and Arnold, S.
Biofactors 7
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1 January 1998
Significant role of the increase in renin-angiotensin system in cardiac hypertrophy and renal glomerular sclerosis in double transgenic Tsukuba hypertensive mice carrying both human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Kai, T., Kino, H., Sugimura, K., Shimada, S., Kurooka, A., Akamatsu, K., Takenaka, T., Fukamizu, A., Murakami, K., Ishikawa, K. and Katori, R.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 20
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1 January 1998
Total iron-binding capacity-estimated transferrin correlates with the nutritional subjective global assessment in hemodialysis patients.
Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Kleiner, M., Dunne, E., Ahern, K., Nelson, M., Koslowe, R. and Luft, F.C.
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1 February 1998
Phosphorylation of phospholamban correlates with relaxation of coronary artery induced by nitric oxide, adenosine, and prostacyclin in the pig.
Karczewski, P., Hendrischke, T., Wolf, W.P., Morano, I., Bartel, S. and Schrader, J.
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1 January 1998
Enhanced binding of antibodies to the DTR motif of MUC1 tandem repeat peptide is mediated by site-specific glycosylation.
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15 June 1998
Environmental stimulation of 129/SvJ mice causes increased cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus.
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30 July 1998
Experience-induced neurogenesis in the senescent dentate gyrus.
Kempermann, G., Kuhn, H.G. and Gage, F.H.
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1 May 1998
Superiority of high-dose over intermediate-dose cytosine arabinoside in the treatment of patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia: results of an age-adjusted prospective randomized comparison.
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Leukemia 12
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1 July 1998
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor shortens duration of critical neutropenia and prolongs disease-free survival after sequential high-dose cytosine arabinoside and mitoxantrone (S-HAM) salvage therapy for refractory and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia.
Kern, W., Aul, C., Maschmeyer, G., Kuse, R., Kerkhoff, A., Grote-Metke, A., Eimermacher, H., Kubica, U., Woermann, B., Buechner, T. and Hiddemann, W.
Annals of Hematology 77
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1 September 1998
Randomized multicentre trial of the influence of recombinant human erythropoietin on intraoperative and postoperative transfusion need in anaemic patients undergoing right hemicolectomy for carcinoma.
Kettelhack, C., Hoenes, C., Messinger, D. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
Strategie multimodaler Therapie bei Weichgewebssarkomen des Stammes und der Extremitaeten.
Kettelhack, C., Tunn, U. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
Interleukin-8 delays spontaneous and tumor necrosis factor-alpha- mediated apoptosis of human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Gaido, M.L., Haller, H., Luft, F.C., Jennette, C.J. and Falk, R.J.
Kidney International 53
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1 January 1998
Spontaneous splenic hemorrhage in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Kettritz, R., Anders, S., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W., Goebel, U. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 31
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1 January 1998
Conformational stability studies of the pleckstrin DEP domain: definition of the domain boundaries.
Kharrat, A., Millevoi, S., Baraldi, E., Ponting, C.P., Bork, P. and Pastore, A.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1385
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1 January 1998
Control analysis of metabolic systems involving quasi- equilibrium reactions.
Kholodenko, B.N., Schuster, S., Garcia, J., Westerhoff, H.V. and Cascante, M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1379
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1 January 1998
Genomic organization of a 225-kb region in Xq28 containing the gene for X-linked myotubular myopathy (MTM1) and a related gene (MTMR1).
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1 December 1998
Branched phosphatidylcholines stimulate activity of cytochrome P450SCC (CYP11A1) in phospholipid vesicles by enhancing cholesterol binding, membrane incorporation, and protein exchange.
Kisselev, P., Wessel, R., Pisch, S., Bornscheuer, U., Schmid, R.D. and Schwarz, D.
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16 January 1998
High-affinity RNA as a recognition element in a biosensor.
Kleinjung, F., Klussmann, S., Erdmann, V.A., Scheller, F.W., Fuerste, J.P. and Bier, F.F.
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1 January 1998
Selective disactivation of neurofibromin GAP activity in neurofibromatosis type 1.
Klose, A., Ahmadian, M.R., Schuelke, M., Scheffzek, K., Hoffmeyer, S., Gewies, A., Schmitz, F., Kaufmann, D., Peters, H., Wittinghofer, A. and Nuernberg, P.
Human Molecular Genetics 7
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August 1998
Raltitrexed (Tomudex): an alternative drug for patients with colorectal cancer and 5-fluorouracil associated cardiotoxicity.
Koehne, C.H., Thuss-Patience, P., Friedrich, M., Daniel, P.T., Kretzschmar, A., Benter, T., Bauer, B., Dietz, R. and Doerken, B.
British Journal of Cancer 77
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1 January 1998
Effective biomodulation by leucovorin of high-dose infusion fluorouracil given as a weekly 24-hour infusion: results of a randomized trial in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
Koehne, C.H., Schoeffski, P., Wilke, H., Kaeufer, C., Andreesen, R., Ohl, U., Klaasen, U., Westerhausen, M., Hiddemann, W., Schott, G., Harstick, A., Bade, J., Horster, A., Schubert, U., Hecker, H., Doerken, B. and Schmoll, H.J.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 16
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February 1998
Purification and characterization of the constitutive form of laccase from the basidiomycete Coriolus hirsutus and effect of inducers on laccase synthesis.
Koroljova-Skorobogatko, O.V., Stepanova, E.V., Gavrilova, V.P., Morozova, O.V., Lubimova, N.V., Dzchafarova, A.N., Jaropolov, A.I. and Makower, A.
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 28
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1 August 1998
A new efficient method for transfection of neonatal cardiomyocytes using histone H1 in combination with DOSPER liposomal transfection reagent.
Kott, M., Haberland, A., Zaitsev, S., Buchberger, B., Morano, I. and Boettger, M.
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July 1998
Raman spectroscopic analysis of Tet repressor - operator DNA interaction in deuterium oxide.
Krafft, C., Hinrichs, W., Orth, P., Saenger, W. and Welfle, H.
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1 January 1998
Interaction of Tet repressor with operator DNA and with tetracycline studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopy.
Krafft, C., Hinrichs, W., Orth, P., Saenger, W. and Welfle, H.
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January 1998
Influence of single amino acid exchanges in epitope generation by 20S proteasome.
Kraft, R., Kostka, S., Grelle, G., Henklein, P., Kloetzel, P.M. and Kuckelkorn, U.
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1 August 1998
The laminarinase from thermophilic eubacterium Rhodothermus marinus - Conformation, stability, and identification of active site carboxylic residues by site-directed mutagenesis.
Krah, M., Misselwitz, R., Politz, O., Thomsen, K.K., Welfle, H. and Borriss, R.
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1 October 1998
ClC-1 chloride channel mutations in myotonia congenita: variable penetrance of mutations shifting the voltage dependence.
Kubisch, C., Schmidt-Rose, T., Fontaine, B., Bretag, A.H. and Jentsch, T.J.
Human Molecular Genetics 7
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October 1998
Molecular diagnosis of McArdle disease: revised genomic structure of the myophosphorylase gene and identification of a novel mutation.
Kubisch, C., Wicklein, E.M. and Jentsch, T.J.
Human Mutation 12
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Membrane covered carbon paste electrode for the electrochemical determination of peroxidase and microperoxidase in a flow system.
Kulys, J., Drungiliene, A., Wollenberger, U. and Scheller, F.W.
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1 January 1998
Polymorphism in promoter region of inducible nitric oxide synthase gene and protection against malaria.
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24 January 1998
Identification of a tRNA-specific nuclear export receptor.
Kutay, U., Lipowsky, G., Izaurralde, E., Bischoff, F.R., Schwarzmaier, P., Hartmann, E. and Goerlich, D.
Molecular Cell 1
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1 January 1998
Functional GABA(A) receptors on human glioma cells.
Labrakakis, C., Patt, S., Hartmann, J. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10
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1 January 1998
Glutamate receptor activation can trigger electrical activity in human glioma cells.
Labrakakis, C., Patt, S., Hartmann, J. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10
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1 January 1998
Heat stress-induced B1 receptor synthesis in the rat: an ex vivo study.
Lagneux, C., Innocenti-Francillard, P., Godin-Ribuot, D., Bader, M. and Ribuot, C.
British Journal of Pharmacology 125
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1 October 1998
Multifactorial analysis of differences between sporadic breast cancers and cancers involving BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.
Lakhani, S.R., Jacquemier, J., Sloane, J.P., Gusterson, B.A., Anderson, T.J., Vandevijver, M.J., Farid, L.M., Venter, D., Antoniou, A., Storferisser, A., Smyth, E., Steel, C.M., Haites, N., Scott, R.J., Goldgar, D., Neuhausen, S., Daly, P.A., Ormiston, W., Mcmanus, R., Scherneck, S., Ponder, B.A.J., Ford, D., Peto, J., Stoppa-Lyonnet, D., Bignon, Y.J., Struewing, J.P., Spurr, N.K., Bishop, D.T., Klijn, J.G.M., Devilee, P., Cornelisse, C.J., Lasset, C., Lenoir, G., Barkardottir, R.B., Egilsson, V., Hamann, U., Changclaude, J., Sobol, H., Weber, B., Stratton, M.R. and Easton, D.F.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 90
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5 August 1998
Interleukin 4 gene-defective mice reconstituted with wild-type bone marrow fail to produce normal immunoglobulin E levels.
Lange, C., Schueler, T. and Blankenstein, T.
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4 May 1998
Action of insulin on the surface morphology of hepatocytes: role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in insulin-induced shape change of microvilli.
Lange, K., Brandt, U., Gartzke, J. and Bergmann, J.
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1 January 1998
Stomatherapie. Versorgung von IIeo-und Colostomiepatienten.
Lange, D. and Schlag, P.M.
Chirurg 69
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1 January 1998
Discrimination of conformational states of mitochondrial cytochrome p-450scc by selective modification of several Lys residues.
Lapko, A.G. and Ruckpaul, K.
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1 August 1998
Discrimination between conformational states of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450scc by selective modification with pyridoxal 5-phosphate.
Lapko, A.G. and Ruckpaul, K.
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1 May 1998
Role of manganese in the pathogenesis of portal-systemic encephalopathy.
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1 December 1998
An agonist-like monoclonal antibody against the human beta2- adrenoceptor.
Lebesgue, D., Wallukat, G., Mijares, A., Granier, C., Argibay, J. and Hoebeke, J.
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1 January 1998
Pharmacological stimulation of arterial chemoreceptors in conscious rats produces differential responses in renal cortical and medullary blood flow.
Ledderhos, C., Gross, V. and Cowley, A.W.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 25
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1 January 1998
Vasoactive intestinal peptide, forskolin, and genistein increase apical CFTR trafficking in the rectal gland of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias. Acute regulation of CFTR trafficking in an intact epithelium.
Lehrich, R.W., Aller, S.G., Webster, P., Marino, C.R. and Forrest, J.N. .J.r.
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15 February 1998
Intranuclear targeting of DNA replication factors.
Leonhardt, H., Rahn, H.P. and Cardoso, M.C.
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1 January 1998
Hyperleptinaemia in chronic heart failure. Relationships with insulin.
Leyva, F., Anker, S.D., Egerer, K., Stevenson, J.C., Kox, W.J. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 19
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1 October 1998
Uric acid in chronic heart failure: A marker of chronic inflammation.
Leyva, F., Anker, S.D., Godsland, I.F., Teixeira, M., Hellewell, P.G., Kox, W.J., Poole-Wilson, P.A. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 19
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1 December 1998
Uric acid in chronic heart failure: a measure of the anaerobic threshold.
Leyva, F., Chua, T.P., Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.
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1 January 1998
Cardiovascular, endocrine and body fluid-electrolyte responses to salt loading in mRen-2 transgenic rats.
Li, P., Morris, M., Ferrario, C.M., Barrett, C., Ganten, D. and Callahan, M.F.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 44
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1 January 1998
Transcriptional regulation of endothelin-1 by erythropoietin in endothelial cells.
Liefeldt, L., Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Orzechowski, H.D., Distler, A. and Paul, M.
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Competition for DNA binding sites between the short and long forms of E2 dimers underlies repression in bovine papillomavirus type 1 DNA replication control.
Lim, D.A., Gossen, M., Lehman, C.W. and Botchan, M.R.
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1 March 1998
C-met activation is necessary but not sufficient for liver colonization by B16 murine melanoma cells.
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1 January 1998
Trienzyme amplification system for the detection of catechol and catecholamines using internal co-substrate regeneration.
Lisdat, F. and Wollenberger, U.
Analytical Letters 31
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1 January 1998
Sensitive catecholamine measurement using a monoenzymatic recycling system.
Lisdat, F., Wollenberger, U., Paeschke, M. and Scheller, F.W.
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1 January 1998
Reactivation of the previously silenced cytomegalovirus major immediate-early promoter in the mouse liver: Involvement of NFkappaB.
Loeser, P., Jennings, G.S., Strauss, M. and Sandig, V.
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1 January 1998
A pilot study on intensive weekly 24-hour intra-arterial infusion with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid for colorectal liver metastases.
Lorenz, M., Staib-Sebler, E., Gog, C., Petrowsky, H., Koehne, C.H. and Encke, A.
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1 January 1998
Multi-locus nonparametric linkage analysis of complex trait loci with neural networks.
Lucek, P., Hanke, J., Reich, J., Solla, S.A. and Ott, J.
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1 September 1998
Immunophenotypic and genotypic features, clinical characteristics, and treatment outcome of adult pro-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Results of the German multicenter trials GMALL 03/87 and 04/89.
Ludwig, W.D., Rieder, H., Bartram, C.R., Heinze, B., Schwartz, S., Gassmann, W., Loeffler, H., Hossfeld, D., Heil, G., Handt, S., Heyll, A., Diedrich, H., Fischer, K., Weiss, A., Voelkers, B., Aydemir, U., Fonatsch, C., Goekbuget, N., Thiel, E. and Hoelzer, D.
Blood 92
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15 September 1998
Molecular genetics of human hypertension.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Hypertension 16
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1 December 1998
Monogenic syndromes that affect blood pressure.
Luft, F.C.
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 7
: 21-24.
1 January 1998
When connective tissues lay it on a bit too thick: systemic sclerosis, autoantibodies, and fibrous tissue proliferation.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 1-2.
1 January 1998
The versatility of RNA: let's shoot the deputy.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 791-793.
1 November 1998
FISHing for complements on chromosome 12p.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 601-603.
1 August 1998
Aging beats the alternative.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 293-294.
1 January 1998
Making sense out of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide delivery: getting there is half the fun.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 75-76.
1 January 1998
On the road to understanding addiction.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 461-463.
1 January 1998
Will LRP take the ''RAP'' as a mechanism for atherosclerosis?
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 546-547.
1 January 1998
Hypothermia enhances the biological activity of lipopolysaccharide by altering its fluidity state.
Luhm, J., Schromm, A.B., Seydel, U., Brandenburg, K., Wellinghausen, N., Riedel, E., Schumann, R.R. and Rink, L.
European Journal of Biochemistry 256
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1 September 1998
Potential modelling of acrylic acid copolymer nanoparticles by small angle X-ray scattering.
Lukowski, G. and Mueller, J.J.
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1 January 1998
Chromosomal transposition of a Tc1/mariner-like element in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Luo, G., Ivics, Z., Izsvak, Z. and Bradley, A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95
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1 September 1998
Characterization of naturally occurring myosin heavy chain antisense mRNA in rat heart.
Luther, H.P., Haase, H., Hohaus, A., Beckmann, G., Reich, J. and Morano, I.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 70
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1 January 1998
Oligodendrocytes and microglia are selectively vulnerable to combined hypoxia and hypoglycemia injury in vitro.
Lyons, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 18
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1 January 1998
Renovascular hypertension in bradykinin B2-receptor knockout mice.
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1 September 1998
Duale Sequenzmethode zur Analyse der spontanen Barorezeptorsensitivitaet.
Malberg, H., Wessel, N., Hasart, A., Osterziel, K.J. and Voss, A.
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1 January 1998
Genomic difference analysis by two-dimensional DNA fingerprinting reveals typical changes in human low-grade gliomas.
Marczinek, K., Hampe, J., Uhlmann, K., Thiel, G., Barth, I., Mrowka, R., Vogel, S. and Nuernberg, P.
Glia 23
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1 June 1998
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1 January 1998
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1 January 1998
Influence of dietary salts on the cardiovascular effects of low- dose combination of ramipril and felodipine in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1998
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1 February 1998
A glucose-containing ether lipid (Glc-PAF) as an antiproliferative analogue of the platelet-activating factor.
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16 February 1998
Point mutation in trkB causes loss of NT4-dependent neurons without major effects on diverse BDNF responses.
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1 August 1998
Contrast features of breast cancer in frequency-domain laser scanning mammography.
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1 January 1998
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1 September 1998
Effects of anti-C5a monoclonal antibodies on oxygen use in a porcine model of severe sepsis.
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1 January 1998
YAC transgenic analysis reveals Wilms' Tumour 1 gene activity in the proliferating coelomic epithelium, developing diaphragm and limb.
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1 December 1998
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1 April 1998
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1 September 1998
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14 August 1998
Cerebral tuberculoma 11 years after renal transplantation.
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1 November 1998
New aspects of electron transfer revealed by the crystal structure of a truncated bovine adrenodoxin, Adx(4-108).
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15 March 1998
Crystal structure of barley 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase at 2.0-A resolution and comparison with Bacillus 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase.
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6 February 1998
Crystal structure of an eight-base pair duplex containing the 3'-DNA-RNA-5' junction formed during initiation of minus-strand synthesis of HIV replication.
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1 September 1998
The renin-angiotensin system in the vessel wall.
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1 January 1998
Expression and regulation of phospholipase D in the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT.
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27 March 1998
VEGF and the Fab fragment of a humanized neutralizing antibody: crystal structure of the complex at 2.4 angstrom resolution and mutational analysis of the interface.
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15 September 1998
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1 January 1998
Hinge bending within the cytokine receptor superfamily revealed by the 2.4 A crystal structure of the extracellular domain of rabbit tissue factor.
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1 January 1998
Gene localization for an autosomal dominant familial periodic fever to 12p13.
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April 1998
Local angiotensin II generation in the rat heart: role of renin uptake.
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9 January 1998
Evidence for a hsp25-specific mechanism involved in transcriptional activation by heat shock.
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1 January 1998
Distinct C/EBP functions are required for eosinophil lineage commitment and maturation.
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1 August 1998
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January 1998
Repression of cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E2 release by dexamethasone occurs by transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms involving loss of polyadenylated mRNA.
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27 November 1998
Deficient insulin-like growth factor I in chronic heart failure predicts altered body composition, anabolic deficiency, cytokine and neurohormonal activation.
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August 1998
Mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C and late-onset familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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30 April 1998
Functional evidence for alternative ANG II-forming pathways in hamster cardiovascular system.
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1 October 1998
Depressor role of angiotensin AT2 receptors in the (mRen-2)27 transgenic rat.
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1 January 1998
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August 1998
Angiotensinogen gene and hypertension in Chinese.
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1 January 1998
Initial hydrophobic collapse is not necessary for folding RNase A.
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June 1998
Neutrophils but not eosinophils are involved in growth suppression of IL-4-secreting tumors.
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1 January 1998
Paternity assessment in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): multilocus DNA fingerprinting and PCR marker typing.
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1 January 1998
Expression of a p16INK4a-specific ribozyme downmodulates p16INK4a abundance and accelerates cell proliferation.
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25 September 1998
Isozyme function of n-alkane-inducible cytochromes P450 in Candida maltosa revealed by sequential gene disruption.
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13 February 1998
Folding and cell surface expression of the vasopressin V2 receptor: requirement of the intracellular C-terminus.
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6 March 1998
Assignment of the gene encoding the core promoter element binding protein (COPEB) to human chromosome 10p15 by somatic hybrid analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization.
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1 January 1998
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of human recombinant growth hormone in patients with chronic heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy.
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25 April 1998
High performance two dimensional gel electrophoresis and nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry as powerful tool to study apoptosis-associated processes in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line.
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1 August 1998
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15 November 1998
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Molecular biology of the kallikrein-kinin system: from structure to function.
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1 September 1998
Increased formation of reactive oxygen species after permanent and reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat.
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1 January 1998
Constitutive IL-10 production accounts for the high NK sensitivity, low MHC class I expression, and poor transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-1/2 function in the prototype NK target YAC-11.
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1 September 1998
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1 January 1998
Chymase gene locus is not associated with myocardial infarction and is not linked to heart size or blood pressure.
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15 October 1998
Consortium study on 1280 breast carcinomas: Allelic loss on chromosome 17 targets subregions associated with family history and clinical parameters.
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1 March 1998
Novel muscle chloride channel (CLCN1) mutations in myotonia congenita with various modes of inheritance including incomplete dominance and penetrance.
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1 November 1998
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1 December 1998
Cutting edge of cardiomyopathy.
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7 November 1998
Tumorregression im Langzeitverlauf bai Gabe von liposomal verkapselten 5-FU. Eine tierexperimentelle Studie an CC-531 lebertumortragenden WAG-Ratten.
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1 January 1998
Ventilatory Response to Exercise Correlates With Impaired Heart Rate Variability in Patients With Chronic Congestive Heart Failure.
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1 August 1998
Secretory Type II Phospholipase A2 (PLA2G2A) expression status in colorectal carcinoma derived cell lines and in normal colonic mucosa.
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15 October 1998
Phosphorylation is not essential for protection of L929 cells by Hsp25 against H2O2-mediated disruption actin cytoskeleton, a protection which appears related to the redox change mediated by Hsp25.
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1 September 1998
Analysis of the role of Hsp25 phosphorylation reveals the importance of the oligomerization state of this small heat shock protein in its protective function against TNFalpha- and hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death.
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1 January 1998
Summary report on the ISOBM TD-4 Workshop: analysis of 56 monoclonal antibodies against the MUC1 mucin.
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Alternative splicing of mouse IL-15 is due to the use of an internal splice site in exon 5.
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10 December 1998
B cells inhibit induction of T cell-dependent tumor immunity.
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1 January 1998
A novel in situ method for the detection of deficient transglutaminase activity in the skin.
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1 November 1998
The asymmetric exclusion process: Comparison of update procedures.
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July 1998
Immunophenotype and clinical characteristics of CD45-negative and CD45-positive childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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1 September 1998
Preoperative hyperthermia combined with radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a phase II clinical trial.
Rau, B., Wust, P., Hohenberger, P., Loeffel, J., Huenerbein, M., Below, C., Gellermann, J., Speidel, A., Vogl, T., Riess, H., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 March 1998
Thorakoskopische Diagnostik und Therapie von Lungenmetastasen.
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1 January 1998
Video-assisted thoracic surgery. Staging and management of thoracic tumors.
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1 February 1998
Increased autologous blood donation in rectal cancer by recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO).
Rau, B., Schlag, P.M., Willeke, F., Herfarth, C., Stephan, P. and Franke, W.
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1 June 1998
Phase-II-Studie zur praeoperativen Radio-Chemo-Thermo-Therapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektum-Karzinom. [Phase II study on preoperative radio-chemo-thermotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma].
Rau, B., Wust, P., Gellermann, J., Tilly, W., Huenerbein, M., Loeffel, J., Stahl, H., Riess, H., Budach, V., Felix, R. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 November 1998
Monozygotic twins concordant for Cayler syndrome - Brief clinical report.
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1 January 1998
Myocardial angiotensin receptors in human hearts.
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Dose-intensive chemotherapy with ifosfamide, epirubicin, and filgrastim for adult patients with metastatic or locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma: A phase II study.
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April 1998
Discovery of steroid glycosides with selective inotropic action using Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms expressed in 'receptor blasts' . Selective inhibition of a1-isoform of Na+/-K+-transporting ATPase (Na+-/K+-ATPase) in cardiac muscle man.
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1 January 1998
Die Sentinel Lymphknoten-Detektion bei Patienten mit Mammakarzinom. [Sentinel lymph node detection in patients with breast carcinoma].
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1 January 1998
Axillaausraeumung bei klinisch nodal-negativem Mammakarzinom. Kann die Indikation durch "sentinel node"-Nachweis individualisiert werden?
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1 January 1998
Inhibition of CPP32 blocks surface IgM-mediated apoptosis and D4-GDI cleavage in human BL 60 Burkitt lymphoma cells.
Rickers, A., Brockstedt, E., Mapara, M.Y., Otto, A., Doerken, B. and Bommert, K.
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1 January 1998
High rate of chromosome abnormalities detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization using BCR and ABL probes in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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1 September 1998
Loss of laminin and of the laminin receptor integrin subunit � in situ correlates with cytokine induced down regulation of alpha 6 on fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis.
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1 September 1998
Role of non-compatible osmolytes in the stabilization of proteins during heat stress.
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1 January 1998
Detection of hyperdiploid karyotypes (>50 chromosomes) in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
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1 March 1998
Spiral-CT. Besseres Aufloesungsvermoegen durch groesseren Pitch?
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1 November 1998
Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against urea derivatives.
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1 October 1998
Inducible inactivation of hepatic LRP gene by Cre-mediated recombination confirms role of LRP in clearance of chylomicron remnants.
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1 February 1998
L-ornithine-L-aspartate in experimental portal-systemic encephalopathy: therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of action.
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1 June 1998
Markedly reduced bile acid synthesis but maintained levels of cholesterol and vitamin D metabolites in mice with disrupted sterol 27-hydroxylase gene.
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June 1998
The plakoglobin knock-out mouse: A paradigm for the molecular analysis of cardiac cell junction formation.
Ruiz, P. and Birchmeier, W.
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April 1998
Impaired vasorelaxant responses to natriuretic peptides in the stroke-prone phenotype of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1998
Permeation and block of the skeletal muscle chloride channel, ClC-1, by foreign anions.
Rychkov, G.Y., Pusch, M., Roberts, M.L., Jentsch, T.J. and Bretag, A.H.
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May 1998
Systematic gain-of-function genetics in Drosophila.
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1 March 1998
The monoclonal antibody AS02 recognizes a protein on human fibroblasts being highly homologous to Thy-1.
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1 July 1998
Localisation of a Fanconi anaemia gene to chromosome 9p.
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1 September 1998
Human mu-opioid receptor variation and alcohol dependence.
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December 1998
Serotonin transporter gene variants in alcohol-dependent subjects with dissocial personality disorder.
Sander, T., Harms, H., Dufeu, P., Kuhn, S., Hoehe, M.R., Lesch, K.P., Rommelspacher, H. and Schmidt, L.G.
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15 June 1998
The gene encoding the alpha1A-voltage-dependent calcium channel (CACN1A4) is not a candidate for causing common subtypes of idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Sander, T., Peters, C., Janz, D., Bianchi, A., Bauer, G., Wienker, T.F., Hildmann, T., Epplen, J.T. and Riess, O.
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1 January 1998
A novel glucose-responsive element in the human insulin gene functions uniquely in primary cultured islets.
Sander, M., Griffen, S.C., Huang, J. and German, M.S.
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29 September 1998
Possible allelic association of a tyrosine hydroxylase polymorphism with vulnerability to alcohol-withdrawal delirium.
Sander, T., Harms, H., Rommelspacher, H., Hoehe, M. and Schmidt, L.G.
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An interstitial tandem duplication of 9p23-24 coexists with a mutation in the BRCA2 gene in the germ line of three brothers with breast cancer.
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1 March 1998
Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein is present in effluents of patients with Gram-negative and Gram-positive CAPD peritonitis.
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1 January 1998
The B1-agonist [des-Arg10]-kallidin activates transcription factor NF-kappaB and induces homologous upregulation of the bradykinin B1-receptor in cultured human lung fibroblasts.
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15 May 1998
Multiple roles for the Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1 genitourinary development.
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1 January 1998
Oxygenation cascade in conversion of n-alkanes to alpha,omega-dioic acids catalyzed by cytochrome P450 52A3.
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4 December 1998
Acute and chronic neutral endopeptidase inhibition and the natriuretic response to acute volume expansion.
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1 January 1998
Antiangiogenic chemotherapeutic agents: Characterization in comparison to their tumor growth inhibition in human renal cell carcinoma models1.
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1 January 1998
Telekonferenz und Telechirurgie.
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1 November 1998
A vision of surgery: the concept OP 2000.
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1 January 1998
The importance of staging laparoscopy for the treatment of gastric cancer.
Schlag, P.M., Huenerbein, M. and Rau, B.
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1 January 1998
Dynamische geometrische Konturmodelle zur Segmentierung intravaskularer Ultraschallbildfolgen fur die dreidimensionale Oberflaechenrekonstruktion koronarer Gefaesswaende [Dynamic geometric contour models for segmenting intravascular ultrasound image series in 3-dimensional surface reconstruction of coronary vessel walls].
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1 January 1998
Csk controls antigen receptor-mediated development and selection of T-lineage cells.
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27 August 1998
Mapping of candidate genes for hypertension by fluorescence in situ hybridization on the genome of transgenic rats and mice.
Schmidt, C., Ganten, D., Klenk, A. and Buselmaier, W.
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1 January 1998
Biochemical engineering of neural cell surfaces by the synthetic N-Propanoyl-substituted neuraminic acid precursor.
Schmidt, C., Stehling, P., Schnitzer, J., Reutter, W. and Horstkorte, R.
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24 July 1998
Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences: an algebraic approach.
Schmidt, W.
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1 December 1998
Single-cell characterization of endothelin system gene expression in the cerebellum in situ.
Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Tuschick, S., Kirchhoff, F., Verkhratsky, A., Liefeldt, L., Kettenmann, H. and Paul, M.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 31
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Detection of the DCC gene product in normal and malignant colorectal tissues and its relation to a codon 201 mutation.
Schmitt, C.A., Thaler, K.R., Wittig, B.M., Kaulen, H., Meyer Zum Bueschenfelde, K.H. and Dippold, W.G.
British Journal of Cancer 77
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1 February 1998
Stimulation of cyclin-dependent kinase activity and G1- to S-phase transition in human lymphocytes by the human T-cell leukemia/lymphotropic virus type 1 Tax protein.
Schmitt, I., Rosin, O., Rohwer, P., Gossen, M. and Grassmann, R.
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1 January 1998
Subthreshold membrane potential oscillations in neurons of deep layers of the entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Behr, J., Dugladze, T. and Heinemann, U.
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August 1998
Serotonin reduces synaptic excitation in the superficial medial entorhinal cortex of the rat via a presynaptic mechanism.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M., Draguhn, A. and Heinemann, U.
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1 April 1998
Comparison of the effects of serotonin in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
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December 1998
Serotonin reduces polysynaptic inhibition via 5-HT1A receptors in the superficial entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neurophysiology 80
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September 1998
Peptide design by artificial neural networks and computer-based evolutionary search.
Schneider, G., Schrodl, W., Wallukat, G., Mueller, J., Nissen, E., Roenspeck, W., Wrede, P. and Kunze, R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95
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13 October 1998
Effects of naloxone on hemodynamic and sympathetic nerve responses to pain in normotensive vs. borderline hypertensive men.
Schobel, H.P., Handwerker, H.O., Schmieder, R.E., Heusser, K., Dominiak, P. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1998
Evidence against elevated sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity in borderline hypertension.
Schobel, H.P., Heusser, K., Schmieder, R.E., Veelken, R., Fischer, T. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 9
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1 September 1998
TrkB and neurotrophin-4 are important for development and maintenance of sympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the adrenal medulla.
Schober, A., Wolf, N., Huber, K., Hertel, R., Krieglstein, K., Minichiello, L., Kahane, N., Widenfalk, J., Kalcheim, C., Olson, L., Klein, R., Lewin, G.R. and Unsicker, K.
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15 September 1998
Expansion of autoreactive T cells in multiple sclerosis is independent of exogenous B7 costimulation.
Scholz, C., Patton, K.T., Anderson, D.E., Freeman, G.J. and Hafler, D.A.
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1 February 1998
Immunophenotypic and clinical features of T-cell receptor gammadelta+ T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
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1 January 1998
Moderate loss of function of cyclic-AMP-modulated KCNQ2/KCNQ3 K+ channels causes epilepsy.
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17 December 1998
Cortical areas and the control of self-determined finger movements: an fMRI study.
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5 October 1998
A dileucine sequence and an upstream glutamate residue in the intracellular carboxyl terminus of the vasopressin V2 receptor are essential for cell surface transport in COS.M6 cells.
Schuelein, R., Hermosilla, R., Oksche, A., Dehe, M., Wiesner, B., Krause, G. and Rosenthal, W.
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September 1998
Polarized cell surface expression of the green fluorescent protein-tagged vasopressin V2 receptor in Madin Darby canine kidney cells.
Schuelein, R., Lorenz, D., Oksche, A., Wiesner, B., Hermosilla, R., Ebert, J. and Rosenthal, W.
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18 December 1998
Two-dimensional mid-IR and near-IR correlation spectra of ribonuclease A: Using overtones and combination modes to monitor changes in secondary structure.
Schultz, C.P., Fabian, H. and Mantsch, H.H.
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1 January 1998
SMART, a simple modular architecture research tool: Identification of signaling domains.
Schultz, J., Milpetz, F., Bork, P. and Ponting, C.P.
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26 May 1998
Evidence that glypican is a receptor mediating beta-amyloid neurotoxicity in PC12 cells.
Schulz, J.G., Megow, D., Reszka, R., Villringer, A., Einhaeupl, K.M. and Dirnagl, U.
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1 January 1998
Adenylyl cyclase in the heart: an enzymocytochemical and immunocytochemical approach.
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1 January 1998
Lipopolysaccharide and pneumococcal cell wall components activate the mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) erk-1, erk- 2, and p38 in astrocytes.
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1 March 1998
Lipopolysaccharide activates caspase-1 (interleukin-1-converting enzyme) in cultured monocytic and endothelial cells.
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15 January 1998
DNA Diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
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21 February 1998
Modelling the interrelation between the transmembrane potential and pH difference across membranes with electrogenic proton transport upon build-up of the proton-motive force.
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1 January 1998
A cross-over medication trial for patients with autosomal- dominant hypertension with brachydactyly.
Schuster, H., Toka, O., Toka, H.R., Busjahn, A., Oeztekin, O., Wienker, T.F., Bilginturan, N., Bähring, S., Skrabal, F., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
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1 January 1998
Autosomal dominant hypertension with brachydactyly: an enigmatic form of monogenic hypertension.
Schuster, H.
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1 January 1998
Approaches to the genetics of cardiovascular disease through genetic field work.
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1 January 1998
Golgi localization and functionally important domains in the NH2 and COOH terminus of the yeast CLC putative chloride channel Gef1p.
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12 June 1998
Molekularbiologie des Mammakarzinoms. Aktuelle diagnostische, therapeutische und prognostische Aspekte.
Schwarz, L.E. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
E-Cadherin in human brain tumours: loss of immunoreactivity in malignant meningiomas.
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1 January 1998
Temporally and spatially regulated somatic mutagenesis in mice.
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15 March 1998
Differential gene expression in mammary carcinoma cell lines: identification of DRIM, a new gene down-regulated in metastasis.
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1 May 1998
Chronic nitric oxide inhibition with L-NAME: effects on autonomic control of the cardiovascular system.
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1 January 1998
A novel protein complex involved in signal transduction possessing similarities to 26S proteasome subunits.
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1 April 1998
Adrenal, kidney, and heart angiotensins in female murine Ren-2 transfected hypertensive rats.
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1 January 1998
Mechanisms of thyroid hormone control over sensitivity and maximal contractile responsiveness to beta-adrenergic agonists in atria.
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1 July 1998
Uncoupling of the baroreflex by NN-cholinergic blockade in dissecting the components of cardiovascular regulation.
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1 July 1998
SH3GL3 associates with the Huntingtin exon 1 protein and promotes the formation of polygln-containing protein aggregates.
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October 1998
Comparison of effects of valproate and trans-2-en-valproate on different forms of epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal and temporal cortex slices.
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March 1998
The spread and uptake pattern of intracerebrally administered oligonucleotides in nerve and glial cell populations of the rat brain.
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1 January 1998
Identification of a bipotential precursor cell in hepatic cell lines derived from transgenic mice expressing cyto-Met in the liver.
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16 November 1998
Amyloid myopathy: an underdiagnosed entity.
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June 1998
Unexpected sarcolemmal complement membrane attack complex deposits on nonnecrotic muscle fibers in muscular dystrophies.
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1 January 1998
Multivalent sialyl Lewis x ligands of definite structures as inhibitors of E-selectin mediated cell adhesion.
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1 January 1998
Cytokine-mediated reversal multidrug resistance.
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1 January 1998
Reversal of multidrug resistance by cytokines - evaluation of an alternative therapeutic approach in human tumors.
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1 January 1998
IL-2 gene transfer for chemosensitization of multidrug-resistant human colon carcinoma cells.
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1 January 1998
KCNQ2, the first gene found to be mutated in human generalized idiopathic epilepsy.
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Plasmid pIP501 encoded transcriptional repressor CopR binds to its target DNA as a dimer.
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30 October 1998
Dopamine suppresses stimulus-induced field potentials in layer III of rat medial entorhinal cortex.
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16 October 1998
Detection of C-type natriuretic peptide in normal pregnancy.
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1 January 1998
C-type natriuretic peptide in maternal plasma in spontaneous labour, at elective cesarean section and during puerperium.
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1 January 1998
Diphenylurea hapten sensing with a monoclonal antibody and its Fab fragment: Kinetic and thermodynamic investigations.
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1 January 1998
Differentiating and proliferative effects of HGF in renal proximal tubular cells are mediated via different signalling pathways.
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1 January 1998
Application of a sensitive catechol detector for determination of tyrosinase inhibitors.
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1 January 1998
Correlation of cytogenetic, molecular cytogenetic, and clinical findings in 59 patients with ANLL or MDS and abnormalities of the short arm of chromosome 12.
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1 March 1998
Einsatz der Ga-67-SPECT bei Patienten mit malignen Lymphomen nach primaerer Chemotherapie fuer die weitere Therapieplanung: Vergleich mit einem Spiral-CT.
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1 January 1998
Purification and characterization of cytosolic cytochrome P450 forms from yeasts belonging to the genus Trichosporon.
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1 September 1998
Interaction of the renin-angiotensin system and the endothelin system in cardiac hypertrophy.
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1 January 1998
Alternative splicing of the mRNA coding for the human endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme: a new mechanism for solubilization.
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1 January 1998
Are knowledge-based potentials derived from protein structure sets discriminative with respect to amino acid types?
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1 January 1998
Increased pressor function of central vasopressinergic system in hypertensive renin transgenic rats.
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1 October 1998
Ataxin-3 is transported into the nucleus and associates with the nuclear matrix.
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June 1998
Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of a new type of enantiomerically pure carbocyclic nucleoside analogues with strong inhibitory effects on terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase.
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1 January 1998
Precise determination of RNA-protein contact sites in the 50 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli.
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15 August 1998
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1 January 1998
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1 August 1998
beta-2 adrenoceptor genetic variation is associated with genetic predisposition to essential hypertension: The Bergen Blood Pressure Study.
Timmermann, B., Mo, R., Luft, F.C., Gerdts, E., Busjahn, A., Omvik, P., Li, G.H., Schuster, H., Wienker, T.F., Hoehe, M.R. and Lund-Johansen, P.
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1 June 1998
Novel DNA sequence differences in the beta 2- adrenergic receptor gene promoter region.
Timmermann, B., Li, G.H., Luft, F.C., Lund-Johansen, P., Skrabal, F. and Hoehe, M.R.
Human Mutation 11
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1 January 1998
Long-term activation of capacitative Ca2+ entry in mouse microglial cells.
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Neuroscience 86
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1 January 1998
Families with autosomal dominant brachydactyly type E, short stature, and severe hypertension.
Toka, H.R., Bähring, S., Chitayat, D., Melby, J.C., Whitehead, R., Jeschke, E., Wienker, T.F., Toka, O., Schuster, H. and Luft, F.C.
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1 August 1998
Expression and regulation of c-kit receptor and response to stem cell factor in childhood malignant T-lymphoblastic cells.
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1 August 1998
The Gfi-1B Proto-oncoprotein represses p21WAF1 and inhibits myeloid cell differentiation.
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May 1998
Dislocation of type I membrane proteins from the ER to the cytosol is sensitive to changes in redox potential.
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27 July 1998
Colocalization of single ribosomes with intermediate filaments in puromycin-treated and serum-starved mouse embryo fibroblasts.
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Biology of the Cell 90
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1 January 1998
Functional cooperation of beta1-integrins and members of the immunoglobulin superfamily in neurite induction.
Treubert, U. and Bruemmendorf, T.
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1 March 1998
Double suicide gene (cytosine deaminase and herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase) but not single gene transfer allows reliable elimination of tumor cells in vivo.
Uckert, W., Kammertoens, T., Haack, K., Qin, Z., Gebert, J., Schendel, D.J. and Blankenstein, T.
Human Gene Therapy 9
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1 January 1998
RNA levels of human retrovirus receptors Pit1 and Pit2 do not correlate with infectibility by three retroviral vector pseudotypes.
Uckert, W., Willimsky, G., Pedersen, F.S., Blankenstein, T. and Pedersen, L.
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1 January 1998
Functional implications of ribosomal protein L2 in protein biosynthesis as shown by in vivo replacement studies.
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1 January 1998
A heterotrimeric G protein of the Gi family is required for cAMP-triggered trafficking of aquaporin 2 in kidney epithelial cells.
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28 August 1998
Differential expression and association of calcium channel alpha1B and beta subunits during rat brain ontogeny.
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5 June 1998
Nibrin, a novel DNA double-strand break repair protein, is mutated in Nijmegen breakage syndrome.
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1 May 1998
LDLR Database (second edition): new additions to the database and the software, and results of the first molecular analysis.
Varret, M., Rabes, J.P., Thiart, R., Kotze, M.J., Baron, H., Cenarro, A., Descamps, O., Ebhardt, M., Hondelijn, J.C., Kostner, G.M., Miyake, Y., Pocovi, M., Schmidt, H., Schuster, H., Stuhrmann, M., Yamamura, T., Junien, C., Beroud, C. and Boileau, C.
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1 January 1998
Influence of different culture conditions on sarcoplasmic reticular calcium transport in isolated neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.
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1 November 1998
Detection of a monomeric intermediate associated with dimerization of protein HU by mass spectrometry.
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1 January 1998
Murine and human TSPYL genes: Novel members of the TSPY-SET-NAP1L1 family.
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1 January 1998
Ein russisches Forscher-Ehepaar in Berlin-Buch.
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Berlinische Monatsschrift 7
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August 1998
Dissection of complex molecular interactions of neurofascin with axonin-1, F11, and tenascin-R, which promote attachment and neurite formation of tectal cells.
Volkmer, H., Zacharias, U., Noerenberg, U. and Rathjen, F.G.
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24 August 1998
The gene for human fibronectin glomerulopathy maps to 1q32, in the region of the regulation of complement activation gene cluster.
Vollmer, M., Jung, M., Rueschendorf, F., Ruf, R., Wienker, T.F., Reis, A., Krapf, R. and Hildebrandt, F.
American Journal of Human Genetics 63
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December 1998
Dual pathway for angiotensin II formation in human internal mammary arteries.
Voors, A.A., Pinto, Y.M., Buikema, H., Urata, H., Oosterga, M., Roos, G., Grandjean, J.G., Ganten, D. and van Gilst, W.H.
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1 November 1998
Analyse von Kurzzeit-Blutdruck- und Herzfrequenzvariabilitat [Analysis of brief blood pressure and heart rate variability].
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Biomedizinische Technik 43 Suppl.
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1 January 1998
Multiparametric analysis of heart rate variability used for risk stratification among survivors of acute myocardial infarction.
Voss, A., Hnatkova, K., Wessel, N., Kurths, J., Sander, A., Schirdewan, A., Camm, A.J. and Malik, M.
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 21
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21 January 1998
Effects of AT1 receptor blockade on blood pressure and the renin-angiotensin system in spontaneously hypertensive rats of the stroke prone strain.
Wagner, J., Drab, M., Bohlender, J., Amann, K., Wienen, W. and Ganten, D.
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1 January 1998
Decreased susceptibility of contractile function to hypoxia/reoxygenation in chronic infarcted rat hearts.
Wagner, K.D., Geil, D., Schimke, I., Stauss, H.M., Lammerich, A., Theres, H., Pfitzer, G., Vetter, R. and Guenther, J.
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1 November 1998
Elective stenting of carotid artery stenosis in patients with severe coronary artery disease.
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1 September 1998
Febrile seizures and generalized epilepsy associated with a mutation in the Na+-channel beta 1 subunit gene SCN1B.
Wallace, R.H., Wang, D.W., Singh, R., Scheffer, I.E., George, A.L., Phillips, H.A., Saar, K., Reis, A., Johnson, E.W., Sutherland, G.R., Berkovic, S.F. and Mulley, J.C.
Nature Genetics 19
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1 August 1998
Sustained long-term potentiation and anxiety in mice lacking the Mas protooncogene.
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1 January 1998
A simple technique to isolate DNA and supernatant of genital Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
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1 January 1998
Absence of phospholipase A2 activity in genital Mycoplasma hominis.
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1 January 1998
In vivo evaluation of a drug-inducible vector system for the combined gene- and chemotherapy of cancer.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Naundorf, H., Alexander, M., Shoemaker, R.H. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
In vivo evaluation of a cytostatic drug-inducible vector for the expression of TNF-alpha.
Walther, W., Stein, U., Fichtner, I., Shoemaker, R.H., Alexander, M. and Schlag, P.M.
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1 January 1998
Partial synthetic derivatization of canrenone and characterization of its impact on the inhibitory effect on Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity in human heart muscle.
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1 January 1998
p21WAF1/CIP1 mutants deficient in inhibiting cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) can promote assembly of active cyclin D/CDK4(6) complexes in human tumor cells1.
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15 November 1998
Small heat-shock protein family: function in health and disease.
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30 June 1998
The human mu opioid receptor gene: 5' regulatory and intronic sequences.
Wendel, B. and Hoehe, M.R.
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1 January 1998
Symbolische Dynamik - eine eigenstaendige Methode zur Erkennung von nichtlinearen Phaenomenen der Herzschlagregulation [Symbolic dynamics - an independent method for detecting nonlinear phenomena of heart rate regulation].
Wessel, N., Schirdewan, A., Malik, M. and Voss, A.
Biomedizinische Technik 43 Suppl.
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1 January 1998
Dendritic cells for somatic gene therapy.
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1 January 1998
Retroviral interleukin-7 gene transfer into human dendritic cells enhances T cell activation.
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Gene Therapy 5
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1 January 1998
Expression of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain B in cardiac vessels of normotensive and hypertensive rats.
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27 July 1998
Induction of ceramide-mediated apoptosis by the anticancer pPhospholipid analog, hexadecylphosphocholine.
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1 May 1998
The effect of hexadecylphosphocholine on the proliferation of human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo.
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1 December 1998
Identical variant TSG101 transcripts in soft tissue sarcomas and various non-neoplastic tissues.
Willeke, F., Ridder, R., Bork, P., Klaes, R., Mechtersheimer, G., Schwarzbach, M., Zimmer, D., Kloor, M., Lehnert, T., Herfarth, C. and Knebel-Doeberitz, M.
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1 December 1998
A survey of the primary structure and the interspecies conservation of I-band titin's elastic elements in vertebrates.
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1 January 1998
The human small conductance calcium-regulated potassium channel gene (hSKCa3) contains two CAG repeats in exon 1, is on chromosome 1q21.3, and shows a possible association with schizophrenia.
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Neurogenetics 1
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August 1998
Downstream activation of a TATA-less promoter by Oct-2, Bob1, and NF-κB directs expression of the homing receptor BLR1 to mature B cells.
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30 October 1998
Immunocytochemical localization of the G-protein sub-unit, Goalpha in rat heart. Implications for a role of Goalpha in secretion of cardiac hormones.
Wolf, W.P., Spicher, K., Haase, H. and Schulze, W.
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1 January 1998
Ex vivo breast cancer cell purging by adenovirus- mediated cytosine deaminase gene transfer and short-term incubation with 5-Fluorocytosine completely prevents tumor growth after transplantation.
Wolff, G., Koerner, I., Schumacher, A., Arnold, W., Doerken, B. and Mapara, M.Y.
Human Gene Therapy 9
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1 January 1998
Development of a biomimetic alkane sensor.
Wollenberger, U., Neumann, B. and Scheller, F.W.
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1 January 1998
Signal-dependent degradation of IkappaBalpha is mediated by an inducible destruction box that can be transferred to NF-kappaB, bcl-3 or p53.
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1 April 1998
Deletion of long-range regulatory elements upstream of SOX9 causes campomelic dysplasia.
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1 September 1998
Rationale for using invasive thermometry for regional hyperthermia of pelvic tumors.
Wust, P., Gellermann, J., Harder, C., Tilly, W., Rau, B., Dinges, S., Schlag, P.M., Budach, V. and Felix, R.
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15 July 1998
IL-10 regulates liver pathology in acute murine Schistosomiasis mansoni but is not required for immune down-modulation of chronic disease.
Wynn, T.A., Cheever, A.W., Williams, M.E., Hieny, S., Caspar, P., Kühn, R., Müller, W. and Sher, A.
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1 May 1998
Salt susceptibility maps to chromosomes 1 and 17 with sex specificity in the Sabra rat model of hypertension.
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1 January 1998
Converting enzyme determines plasma clearance of angiotensin-(1-7).
Yamada, K., Iyer, S.N., Chappell, M.C., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
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1 September 1998
Receptor tyrosine kinase c-ros knockout mice as a model for the study of epididymal regulation of sperm function.
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1 January 1998
Towards detection of orthologues in sequence databases.
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1 January 1998
The effect of the intersubunit disulfide bond on the structural and functional properties of the small heat shock protein Hsp25.
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1 January 1998
Thiol/disulfide exchange between small heat shock protein 25 and glutathione.
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14 October 1998
Characterization of the mouse Src homology 3 domain gene Sh3d2c on Chr 7 demonstrates coexpression with huntingtin in the brain and identifies the processed pseudogene Sh3d2c-ps1 on Chr 2.
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15 December 1998
Three candidate genes and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-related cough: A pharmacogenetic analysis.
Zee, R.Y.L., Rao, V.S., Paster, R.Z., Sweet, C.S. and Lindpaintner, K.
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1 January 1998
Physical properties and pharmacological activity in vitro and in vivo of optimised liposomes prepared from a new cancerostatic alkylphospholipid.
Zeisig, R., Arndt, D., Stahn, R. and Fichtner, I.
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11 November 1998
The Drosophila LIM-only gene, dLMO, is mutated in Beadex alleles and might represent an evolutionarily conserved function in appendage development.
Zeng, C., Justice, N.J., Abdelilah, S., Chan, Y.M., Jan, L.Y. and Jan, Y.N.
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1 September 1998
Detection of 6q deletions in breast carcinoma cell lines by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
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1 December 1998
A pyrimidine-rich exonic splicing suppressor binds multiple RNA splicing factors and inhibits spliceosome assembly.
Zheng, Z.M., Huynen, M. and Baker, C.C.
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24 November 1998
Mutual conversion of fatty-acid substrate specificity by a single amino-acid exchange at position 527 in P-450Cm2 and P-450Alk3A.
Zimmer, T., Scheller, U., Takagi, M. and Schunck, W.H.
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1 September 1998
Relation between evolutionary distance and enzymatic properties among the members of the CYP52A subfamily of Canadia maltosa.
Zimmer, T., Iida, T., Schunck, W.H., Yoshida, Y., Ohta, A. and Takagi, M.
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9 October 1998
Superoxide radical scavenging by phenolic bronchodilators under aprotic and aqueous conditions.
Zwicker, K., Damerau, W., Dikalov, S., Scholtyssek, H., Schimke, I. and Zimmer, G.
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1 January 1998
Prognostic value of minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in childhood.
van Dongen, J.J., Seriu, T., Panzer-Gruemayer, E.R., Biondi, A., Pongers-Willemse, M.J., Corral, L., Stolz, F., Schrappe, M., Masera, G., Kamps, W.A., Gadner, H., van Wering, E.R., Ludwig, W.D., Basso, G., de Bruijn, M.A., Cazzaniga, G., Hettinger, K., van der Does-van den Berg, A., Hop, W.C., Riehm, H. and Bartram, C.R.
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28 November 1998
Newly synthesized L-enantiomers of 3'-fluoro-modified beta-2'- deoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates inhibit hepatitis B DNA polymerases but not the five cellular DNA polymerases alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon nor HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
von Janta-Lipinski, M., Costisella, B., Ochs, H., Huebscher, U., Hafkemeyer, P. and Matthes, E.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 41
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1 January 1998
Book Section
Functional testing of components of the brain renin-angiotensin system in transgenic animals.
Baltatu, O., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Renin-angiotensin : Proceedings from a Symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Research Institute, Stockholm, in September 1997, honouring Robert Tigerstedt and his Discovery of the Renin-angiotensin System.
Wenner-Gren International Series ; 74
Portland, London, 105-114.
ISBN 1-85578-128-X
1 January 1998
Molekulare Grundlagen des Gentransfers und Anwendung fuer die Gentherapie.
Brand, K. and Strauss, M.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 2
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 110-145.
1 January 1998
Molecular interactions involving immunoglobulin superfamily adhesion proteins.
Bruemmendorf, T. and Rathjen, F.G.
Ig Superfamily Molecules in the Nervous System.
Cell Adhesion and Communication ; 6
Harwood Acad. Publ., Amsterdam [u.a.], 23-56.
ISBN 90-5702-411-X
1 January 1998
Working Group 3: Technological Innovation and Organisational Development.
Buder, E.
SCHIFF-Texte ; 50
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Institut fuer Friedenswissenschaften an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet, Kiel, 46-53.
1 January 1998
Conversion of former BTW facilities - questions and problems.
Buder, E. and Geissler, E.
Conversion of Former BTW Facilities.
Nato Science Series
Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht, 1-10.
1 January 1998
Interaction of plasma proteins with liposomes - influence of surface properties on adsorption patterns and protein conformation.
Diederichs, J.E.
Future Strategies for Drug Delivery with Particulate Systems: based on the lectures of the 1st European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS),Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 14 - 16 March 1997.
CRC Press [u.a.], Boca Raton [u.a.], 53-61.
1 January 1998
Sequence and structure of proteins.
Eisenhaber, F. and Bork, P.
On Recombinant Proteins, Monoclonal Antibodies and Therapeutic Genes.
Biotechnology ; 5
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 43-86.
IR-spectroscopy and IR-microscopy of human breast tumors, xenografted breast tumors, and breast tumor cell lines.
Fabian, H., Wessel, R., Jackson, M., Schwartz, A., Lasch, P., Fichtner, I., Mantsch, H.H. and Naumann, D.
Infrared Spectroscopy: New Tool in Medicine. Proceedings of Infrared Spectroscopy: New Tool in Medicine : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California.
SPIE Proceedings Series ; 3257
SPIE, Bellingham, Wash., [s.p.].
1 January 1998
A transgenic rat model for Alzheimer's disease.
Ganten, D.
Human Genome Analysis.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 450-457.
1 January 1998
Transgene Tiere - ihre Nutzung in der Humanmedizin.
Ganten, D.
Gene und Klone. Moeglichkeiten sowie ethische Grenzen der Bio- und Gentechnologie bei Tieren. (Tagung fuer Fachleute aus Tiermedizin, Tierzucht, Rechtswissenschaft und Ethik. Besonders aber auch fuer Sonst im Tierschutz Engagierte vom 15. bis 17. Mai 1998.
Protokolldienst / Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll; 98,20
Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Bad Boll, 58-64.
1 January 1998
Conversion of BTW facilities: lessons from german history.
Geissler, E.
Conversion of Former BTW Facilities.
Nato Science Series
Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht, 53-66.
1 January 1998
Prevention of biological warfare: What can we learn from history?
Geissler, E.
First Forum of the International Scientific Panel on: Possible Consequences of the Misuse of Biological Sciences, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy 3-6 December 1997.
UNESCO Venice Office, Volta, 155-175.
1 January 1998
Tierische Krankheitserreger als biologische Kampfmittel vor und waehrend des "Dritten Reiches".
Geissler, E.
Veterinaermedizin im Dritten Reich. 5.Tagung der Fachgruppe 'Geschichte der Veterinaermedizin', am 14. und 15. November 1997 in Hannover.
Verlag der Deutschen Veterinaermedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V., Giessen, 158-179.
1 January 1998
Preparation and characterization of new generation of cationic liposomes for gene transfer.
Groth, D., Lehmann, C., Keil, O., Schneider, M. and Reszka, R.
Future Strategies for Drug Delivery with Particulate Systems: based on the lectures of the 1st European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS),Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 14 - 16 March 1997.
CRC Press [u.a.], Boca Raton [u.a.], 132-139.
1 January 1998
Mechanismen der Angiogenese.
Haller, H., Genersch, E., Lenz, T. and Luft, F.C.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 308-321.
1 January 1998
Baculovirus-based vectors for gene delivery into liver cells.
Hofmann, C., Huser, A., Lehnert, W., Sandig, V., Jennings, G., Rudolph, M., Brand, K. and Strauss, M.
Eurocancer 98 : compte rendu du XIe congrès, 3-4-5 juin 1998, Palais des congrès, Paris.
John Libbey eurotext, Paris, 257-258.
1 January 1998
Facilitating the conversion of BTW facilities through international technical cooperation: BTWC implications.
Hunger, I.
Conversion of Former BTW Facilities.
Nato Science Series
Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht, 187-199.
1 January 1998
Questions about RNA secondary structures in HIV and HPV.
Huynen, M.A. and Konings, D.A.M.
Viral Regulatory Structures and their Degeneracy.
Addison Wesley Longman, Massachusetts, 143-162.
1 January 1998
Site-specific phosphorylation of a phospholamban peptide by cyclic nucleotide- and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Karczewski, P., Kuschel, M., Baltas, L.G., Bartel, S. and Krause, E.G.
Alterations of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in the Failing Human Heart.
Steinkopff, Berlin, 55-65.
1 January 1998
Basic properties of calcium release channels in neural cells.
Kostyuk, P. and Verkhratsky, A.
Ion Channel Pharmacology.
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, [s.p.].
1 January 1998
Characterization of gene transfer vesicle by electron microscopy.
Lehmann, C., Groth, D., Keil, O., Schneider, M., Rudolph, M. and Reszka, R.
Future Strategies for Drug Delivery with Particulate Systems: based on the lectures of the 1st European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS),Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 14 - 16 March 1997.
CRC Press [u.a.], Boca Raton [u.a.], 140-145.
1 January 1998
Molekulare Mechanismen der zentralen Regulation von Herz-Kreislauf-Funktionen und klinisch-therapeutische Aspekte.
Lippoldt, A. and Monti, J.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 3-36.
1 January 1998
Luft, F.C.
Nephrologie: Pathophysiologie, Klinik, Praxis.
Thieme, Stuttgart, 369-401.
1 January 1998
Stoerungen der Wasser- und Natriumbilanz.
Luft, F.C.
Nephrologie: Pathophysiologie, Klinik, Praxis.
Thieme, Stuttgart, 143-176.
1 January 1998
Tumorantigene und ihre Nutzung fuer eine Therapie mit Antikoerpern.
Micheel, B.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 2
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 160-185.
ISBN 3-540-62463-5
1 January 1998
Molekularbiologie, Klinik und Therapie steroidbedingter Hypertonien.
Peters, J., Hampf, M., Peters, B. and Bernhardt, R.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 413-452.
1 January 1998
The asymmetric exclusion model with different types of update.
Rajewsky, N.
Traffic and Granular Flow '97.
National University of Singapore, Singapore, 399-418.
ISBN 978-9813083875
December 1998
Liposomes as drug carrier for diagnostics, cytostatics and genetic material.
Reszka, R.
Future Strategies for Drug Delivery with Particulate Systems: based on the lectures of the 1st European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS),Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 14 - 16 March 1997.
CRC Press [u.a.], Boca Raton [u.a.], 127-131.
1 January 1998
Weiblichkeit und Wissenschaft. Das Beispiel der Hirnforscherin Cecile Vogt (1875-1962).
Satzinger, H.
Der Eintritt der Frauen in die Gelehrtenrepublik. Zur Geschlechterfrage im akademischen Selbstverständnis und in der wissenschaftlichen Praxis am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, 84
Matthiesen, Husum, 75-93.
ISBN 3-7868-4084-9
Mechanismen der Entstehung genetisch bedingter Krebsformen.
Scherneck, S. and Koelble, K.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 2
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 3-26.
1 January 1998
Elementary modes analysis ilustrated with human red cell metabolism.
Schuster, S., Fell, D.A., Pfeiffer, T., Dandekar, T. and Bork, P.
Bio Thermokinetics in the Post Genomic Era.
Chalmers, Goeteborg, 332-339.
1 January 1998
Genetische Ursachen der Hypercholesterinaemie und ihre Verknuepfung mit Gefaesserkrankungen.
Schuster, H.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 325-343.
1 January 1998
Influence of calcium binding to proteins on calcium oscillation. A mathematical model.
Schuster, S., Marhl, M., Brumen, M. and Heinrich, R.
Information Processing in Cells and Tissues.
Plenum Press, New York, 137-150.
1 January 1998
Bedeutung peptiderger Systeme bei der Genese kardiovaskulaerer Erkrankungen.
Stula, M., Schott, E. and Paul, M.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 372-400.
1 January 1998
Large and small scale RNA preparations from eukaryotic cells.
Uckert, W., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
RNA Isolation and Characterization Protocols.
Methods in Molecular Biology ; 86
Humana Press, Totowa,NJ, 7-14.
1 January 1998
Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Domdey, H.
Spektrum, Heidelberg, [s.p.].
1 January 1998
Aspekte der somatischen Gentherapie in der Herz- und Kreislaufmedizin.
von Harsdorf, R. and Dietz, R.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 37-60.
1 January 1998
Regulatory RNA.
Dandekar, T. and Sharma, K.
Springer, Heidelberg.
ISBN 3-540-64343-5
1 January 1998
Future Strategies for Drug Delivery with Particulate Systems:the book chapters are based on thelectures of the 1 st European Workshop on Particulate Systems (EWPS) Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 14.-16. March 1997.
Diederichs, J.E. and Mueller, R.H.
medpharm GmbH Scientific Publ. and CRC Press, Stuttgart.
ISBN 3-88763-061-0
1 January 1998
Ganten, D. and Ruckpaul, K.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 3
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
ISBN 3-540-62462-7
1 January 1998
Ganten, D. and Ruckpaul, K.
Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin ; 2
Springer, Berlin [u.a.].
ISBN 3-540-62463-5
1 January 1998
Biologische Waffen - nicht in Hitlers Arsenalen: Biologische und Toxin-Kampfmittel in Deutschland von 1915 bis 1945.
Geissler, E.
Studien zur Friedensforschung; 13
LIT, Muenster.
1 January 1998
Conversion of Former BTW Facilities.
Geissler, E., Gazso, L. and Buder, E.
Nato Science Series
Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht.
1 January 1998
Berliner Gehirne - Gehirne fuer Berlin. Streiflichter aus der Geschichte der Hirnforschung in Berlin [Brains of Berlin - Brains for Berlin. Spotlights on the History of Brain Research in Berlin].
Kettenmann, H. and Rudolph, W.
1 January 1998
Ein graphentheoretischer Ansatz zum paarweisen und multiplen Vergleich von Proteinstrukturen.
Koch, I.
Wissenschaft und Technik, Berlin.
ISBN 3-89685-446-1
1 January 1998
Die Geschichte der genetisch orientierten Hirnforschung von Cecile und Oskar Vogt in der Zeit von 1895 bis ca. 1927.
Satzinger, H.
Braunschweiger Veoeffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Pharmazie und Naturwissenschaften, 41
Dt. Apotheker-Verl., Stuttgart.
ISBN 3-7692-2371-3
Evaluation von Gesundheitsforschung - eine methodische Uebersicht: Projekte, Foerderschwerpunkte, Einrichtungen, Innovationspotential, Effizienz, Qualitaet.
Selbmann, H.K. and Ganten, D.
[s.n.], Bonn.
1 January 1998
Beitraege zur Struktur und Funktion des kleinen Saeuger-Stressproteins HSP25 unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkung mit Actin.
Wieske, M.
22 September 1998
Spezifische Magnetosomen, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung und ihre Verwendung.
Baeuerlein, E., Schueler, D., Reszka, R. and Paeuser, S.
DE19716732A1 ; DE19716732C2 ; US6,251,365.
17 September 1998
Mittel zur Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen durch Entfernen von B-Lymphozyten der Patienten.
Blankenstein, T. and Qin, Z.
5 November 1998
Verbesserter einschichtiger Biosensor.
Dandekar, T. and Boulin, C.
26 November 1998
Verfahren zum Nachweis der Malignitaet okkulter Tumorzellen in Koerperfluessigkeiten.
Fichtner, I. and Nowak, C.
DE19640328A1 ; DE19640328C2.
12 March 1998
DNA-based transposon system for the introduction of nucleic acid into DNA of a cell [DNS-basiertes Transposon-System fuer die Einfuehrung von Nucleinsaeure in die DNS einer Zelle].
Hackett, B.P., Ivics, Z. and Izsvak, Z.
EP0973928 ; WO9840510.
17 September 1998
Genomische Sequenz des humanen mu-Opioid-Rezeptor Genes sowie seiner Varianten, Polymorphismen und Mutationen.
Hoehe, M. and Wendel, B.
DE19806186A1 ; EP0970123 ; US6,538,120.
26 November 1998
Vakzine gegen Kohlenhydrat-Antigene.
Karsten, U.
DE19627352A1 ; EP0937105.
2 January 1998
Verwendung von Nucleosiden, Nucleobasen und deren Derivaten zum Herabsetzen toxischer Nebenwirkungen von Cytostatika.
Langen, P., Schuett, M., Koberling, A., Ihn, L. and Fichtner, I.
10 June 1998
Chimaere Oligonucleotide und ihre Verwendung [Chimeric oligonucleotides and the use thereof].
Matthes, E. and Janta-Lipinski, M.
DE19720151A1 ; EP0980379A2 ; EP0980379B1 ; WO9850397A2 ; WO9850397A3.
5 November 1998
Verwendung von Dinucleotiden zur Prophylaxe und/oder Behandlung von durch Human Immunodeficiency Viren oder Hepatitis-B Viren verursachten Infektionen.
Matthes, E. and Janta-Lipinski, M.
2 April 1998
Mittel zur Steigerung der Herzkraft [Agent for enhancing the heart force].
Morano, I.
DE19720162A1 ; EP0979094 ; WO9850057A2 ; WO9850057A3.
5 November 1998
Verfahren zum Nachweis einer Hormon- bzw. Antihormonresistenz bei Tumoren [Method for detecting a hormone or antihormone resistance in cancers].
Naundorf, H., Fiebig, C., Neumann, C., Fichtner, I. and Becker, M.
DE19628298A1 ; DE19628298C2 ; EP0923739 ; US6,177,255.
15 January 1998
Carboplatin oder Lobaplatin enthaltende Zubereitungen zur Antitumortherapie und/oder Stimulierung des haematopoetischen Systems.
Reszka, R. and Fichtner, I.
EP0611303 ; US5,620,703.
2 July 1998
Quadratisch-planar koordinierte Platin(II)-Komplexe, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung sowie ihre Verwendung.
Schlueter, R., Reszka, R., Winter, R. and Gust, R.
10 December 1998
Neuartige kationische Amphiphile fuer den liposomalen Gentransfer.
Schneider, M., Keil, O., Reszka, R. and Groth, D.
DE19631189A1 ; EP0923600A2 ; EP0923600B1 ; US6,489,495 ; US6,268,516.
5 February 1998
Retrovirales Vektorsystem zur Optimierung des Gentransfers und der Genexpression in primaeren humanen T-Lymphozyten.
Schroeder, A., Schwenkenbecher, J.M. and Bargou, R.
5 November 1998
Verwendung von Cytokinen und cytotoxischen Substanzen in einem neuen Verfahren zur Tumorbehandlung [Use of cytokines and cytotoxic substances in a new method to treat tumors].
Stein, U., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
EP0832653 ; EP0935468 ; WO9811911.
1 April 1998
Mittel zur radiotherapeutischen Behandlung proliferativer Erkrankungen des kardiovaskulaeren Systems.
Wunderlich, V.
22 January 1998
Predicting function: From genes to genomes and back.
Bork, P., Dandekar, T., Diaz-Lazcoz, Y., Eisenhaber, F., Huynen, M. and Yuan, Y.P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 283
: 707-725.
6 November 1998
Purification and characterization of small heat shock proteins.
Buchner, J., Ehrnsperger, M., Gaestel, M. and Walke, S.
Methods in Enzymology 290
: 339-349.
1 January 1998
Denatured states of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase.
Damaschun, G., Damaschun, H., Gast, K. and Zirwer, D.
Biochemistry Moskau 63
: 259-275.
1 January 1998
Calcium signalling in glial cells.
Deitmer, J.W., Verkhratsky, A.J. and Lohr, C.
Cell Calcium 24
(5-6): 405-416.
1 November 1998
Gene therapy and the kidney: basics and implications.
Dragun, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 27, 3
: 132-136.
1 January 1998
Vascular endothelial growth factor induces endothelial fenestrations in vitro.
Esser, S., Wolburg, K., Wolburg, H., Breier, G., Kurzchalia, T. and Risau, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 140
(4): 947-959.
23 February 1998
Mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRPs) of yeast.
Graack, H.R. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Biochemical Journal 329
(Pt 3): 433-448.
1 February 1998
Thrombolytic agents - an updated overview.
Gulba, D.C., Bode, C., Runge, M.S. and Huber, K.
Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 12
(Suppl 2): 39-58.
1 September 1998
Clinical management and current research in isolated limb perfusion for sarcoma melanoma.
Hohenberger, P. and Kettelhack, C.
Oncology 55
: 89-102.
1 January 1998
The eS-Sence of -SH in the ER.
Huppa, J.B. and Ploegh, H.L.
Cell 92
(2): 145-8.
23 January 1998
Salz- und Wasserhaushalt fuer den klinischen Alltag.
Luft, F.C.
Internist 39
: 804-809.
1 August 1998
Salt and hypertension at the close of the millennium.
Luft, F.C.
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 110
: 459-466.
31 July 1998
Role of morphogenetic factors in metastasis of mammary carcinoma cells.
Meiners, S., Brinkmann, V., Naundorf, H. and Birchmeier, W.
Oncogene 16
: 9-20.
1 January 1998
Reconstitution of mammary gland development in vitro: Requirement of c-met and c-erbB2 signaling for branching and alveolar morphogenesis.
Niemann, C., Brinkmann, V., Spitzer, E., Hartmann, G., Sachs, M., Naundorf, H. and Birchmeier, W.
Journal of Cell Biology 143
(2): 533-545.
19 October 1998
The molecular basis of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
Oksche, A. and Rosenthal, W.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
(5): 326-337.
April 1998
Immunotherapie - Zytokine und Tumorzellvakzine.
Pezzutto, A.
Internist 39
: 1131-1138.
1 November 1998
Stability and co-operative properties of partially folded proteins.
Pfeil, W.
Biochemistry Moskau 63
: 294-302.
1 January 1998
Lessons from rat models of hypertension: from Goldblatt to genetic engineering.
Pinto, Y.M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Cardiovascular Research 39
(1): 77-88.
1 July 1998
Modulation of contractility in human cardiac hypertrophy by myosin essential light chain isoforms.
Schaub, M.C., Hefti, M.A., Zuellig, R.A. and Morano, I.
Cardiovascular Research 37
(2): 381-404.
February 1998
Molecular chaperones and their interactions investigated by analytical unltracentrifugation and other methodologies.
Schoenfeld, H.J. and Behlke, J.
Methods in Enzymology 290
: 269-296.
1 January 1998
Molecular physiology of renal chloride channels.
Steinmeyer, K. and Jentsch, T.J.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 7
(5): 497-502.
September 1998
DNA analysis for phospholipase A2 coding sequences of Mycoplasma hominis isolated from women with a normal pregnancy and women with a pregnancy complicated by preterm labour.
Stepan, H., Faber, R., Retzlaff, C. and Walther, T.
Archiv fuer Gynaekologie 261
: 189-191.
1 August 1998
Glial calcium: Homeostasis and signaling function.
Verkhratsky, A., Orkand, R.K. and Kettenmann, H.
Physiological Reviews 78
(1): 99-141.
January 1998
Neuronal calcium stores.
Verkhratsky, A.J. and Petersen, O.H.
Cell Calcium 24
(5-6): 333-343.
1 November 1998
Receptor-associated protein (RAP): A specialized chaperone for endocytic receptors.
Willnow, T.E.
Biological Chemistry 379
(8-9): 1025-1031.
August 1998
Angiogenesis and hypertension.
le Noble, F.A.C., Stassen, F.R.M., Hacking, W.J.G. and Struijker-Boudier, H.A.J.
Journal of Hypertension 16
(11): 1563-1572.
November 1998
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estradiol and non-protein-bound estradiol serum concentrations in postmenopausal women with and without breast disease.
Dalski, J., Schumann, W. and Goerlich, M.
Tumori 84
: 720-721.
1 November 1998
A man from Surinam..
Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 13
: 2975-2976.
1 November 1998
Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
Moll, S. and Ortel, T.L.
New England Journal of Medicine 339
(15): 1084.
8 October 1998
Monitoring oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with lupus anticoagulants.
Ortel, T.L. and Moll, S.
British Journal of Haematology 101
: 390-392.
1 May 1998
Deletions in the long arm of chromosome 10 in lymphomas with t(14;18): A pathogenetic role of the tumor suppressor genes PTEN/MMAC1 and MXI1?
Siebert, R., Gesk, S., Harder, S., Ploetz, S., Matthiesen, P., Grote, W., Schlegelberger, B., Jandrig, B., Grasmo-Wendler, U.H., Scherneck, S., Rosenwald, A. and Ott, G.
Blood 92
(11): 4487-4489.
1 December 1998
Insulin-like growth factor-I and risk of breast cancer.
Strohm, O., Osterziel, K.J. and Dietz, R.
Lancet 352
(9126): 489-489.
8 August 1998
Reply: On slices, synaptosomes and dissociated neurones to study in vitro ageing physiology.
Verkhratsky, A. and Toescu, E.C.
Trends in Neurosciences 21
: 287-287.
1 January 1998
Cachexia in heart failure is bad for you.
Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.
European Heart Journal 19
: 191-193.
1 February 1998
Sequences and topology deriving biological knowledge from genomic sequences.
Bork, P. and Eisenberg, D.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 8
: 331-332.
1 January 1998
Growth hormone treatment in chronic heart failure: lessons from the first 99 patients.
Cicoira, M., Coats, A.J.S. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 19
: 1605-1607.
1 November 1998
Antisense 98: Work in progress.
Crooke, S.T., Eckstein, F., Christoffersen, R.E., Mehta, V., Cotter, F.E., Bennett, C.F., Agrawal, S., Haller, H., Dorr, F.A. and Grinstead, E.A.
Nature Biotechnology 16
(13): 1319-1321.
December 1998
Wanted: subcellular localization of proteins based on sequence.
Eisenhaber, F. and Bork, P.
Trends in Cell Biology 8
: 169-170.
1 January 1998
Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 27
: 104-106.
1 January 1998
Lessons from glucosylceramide and Gaucher's disease.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 723-724.
1 October 1998
Estrogens and the myth of male privilege.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 657-658.
1 September 1998
Scientific conference on the genome: applications to cardiovascular biology.
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 369-371.
1 January 1998
What can we expect from subtype 2 angiotensin receptors (AT(2))?
Luft, F.C.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 76
: 149-150.
1 January 1998
Signal transduction. Docking IkappaB kinases.
Scheidereit, C.
Nature 395
: 225-226.
17 September 1998
Clinical criteria versus DNA diagnosis in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia - Is molecular diagnosis superior to clinical diagnosis?
Schuster, H. and Luft, F.C.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 18
: 331-332.
1 January 1998
Blood pressure in autonomic failure: drinks, meals and other ordeals.
Shannon, J.R., Jordan, J. and Robertson, D.
Clinical Science 94
: 5-5.
1 January 1998
The site-specific correction of genetic defects.
Strauss, M.
Nature Medicine 4
: 274-275.
1 January 1998
Calcium and neuronal ageing.
Verkhratsky, A. and Toescu, E.C.
Trends in Neurosciences 21
(1): 2-7.
January 1998
The new Berlin : city of opportunities.
Hildebrand, B.
Campus Berlin-Buch.
Lechner, R.
15 February 1998
Stops genejockeys being taken for a ride.
Eisenhaber, F.
1 September 1998
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 13:23:32 2025 UTC.