Bimodal dendritic processing in basket cells drives distinct memory-related oscillations.
Tzilivaki, A., Larkum, M.E. and Schmitz, D.
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21 February 2025
Sequential visual stimuli increase high frequency power in the visual cortex.
Keil, J., Hernandez-Urbina, V., Vassiliou, C., Dean, C., Schmitz, D., Kremkow, J. and Sibille, J.
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16 January 2025
Distinct roles of cortical layer 5 subtypes in associative learning.
Moberg, S., Garibbo, M., Mazo, C., Gilad, A., Schmitz, D., Costa, R.P., Larkum, M.E. and Takahashi, N.
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9 January 2025
PinkyCaMP a mScarlet-based calcium sensor with exceptional brightness, photostability, and multiplexing capabilities.
Fink, R., Imai, S., Gockel, N., Lauer, G., Renken, K., Wietek, J., Lamothe-Molina, P.J., Fuhrmann, F., Mittag, M., Ziebarth, T., Canziani, A., Kubitschke, M., Kistmacher, V., Kretschmer, A., Sebastian, E., Schmitz, D., Terai, T., Gründemann, J., Hassan, S., Patriarchi, T., Reiner, A., Fuhrmann, M., Campbell, R.E. and Masseck, O.A.
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17 December 2024
Simultaneous spectral illumination of microplates for high-throughput optogenetics and photobiology.
Vogt, A., Paulat, R., Parthier, D., Just, V., Szczepek, M., Scheerer, P., Xu, Q., Möglich, A., Schmitz, D., Rost, B.R. and Wenger, N.
Biological Chemistry 405
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17 December 2024
The functional impact of LGI1 autoantibodies on human CA3 pyramidal neurons.
Monni, L., Kornau, H.C., Podestà, A., Stumpf, A., Kalbhenn, T., Simon, M., Sauvigny, T., Onken, J., Prüss, H., Alle, H., Geiger, J.R.P., Holtkamp, M., Schmitz, D. and Fidzinski, P.
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28 October 2024
Transcriptomic mapping of the 5-HT receptor landscape.
de Filippo, R. and Schmitz, D.
Patterns 5
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11 October 2024
Propagation of sharp wave-ripple activity in the mouse hippocampal CA3 subfield in vitro.
Schieferstein, N., Del Toro, A., Evangelista, R., Imbrosci, B., Swaminathan, A., Schmitz, D., Maier, N. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Physiology 602
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1 October 2024
Social play behavior is driven by glycine-dependent mechanisms.
Dvorzhak, A., Brecht, M. and Schmitz, D.
Current Biology 34
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19 August 2024
Ultraslow serotonin oscillations in the hippocampus delineate substates across NREM and waking.
Cooper, C., Parthier, D., Sibille, J., Tukker, J.J., Tritsch, N.X. and Schmitz, D.
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13 July 2024
A bistable inhibitory optoGPCR for multiplexed optogenetic control of neural circuits.
Wietek, J., Nozownik, A., Pulin, M., Saraf-Sinik, I., Matosevich, N., Gowrishankar, R., Gat, A., Malan, D., Brown, B.J., Dine, J., Imambocus, B.N., Levy, R., Sauter, K., Litvin, A., Regev, N., Subramaniam, S., Abrera, K., Summarli, D., Goren, E.M., Mizrachi, G., Bitton, E., Benjamin, A., Copits, B.A., Sasse, P., Rost, B.R., Schmitz, D., Bruchas, M.R., Soba, P., Oren-Suissa, M., Nir, Y., Wiegert, J.S. and Yizhar, O.
Nature Methods 21
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July 2024
The lack of synapsin alters presynaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibers in male mice.
Bruentgens, F., Velasquez, L.M., Stumpf, A., Parthier, D., Breustedt, J., Benfenati, F., Milovanovic, D., Schmitz, D. and Orlando, M.
eNeuro 11
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July 2024
Genetic identification of medullary neurons underlying congenital hypoventilation.
Cui, K., Xia, Y., Patnaik, A., Salivara, A., Lowenstein, E.D., Isik, E.G., Knorz, A.L., Airaghi, L., Crotti, M., Garratt, A.N., Meng, F., Schmitz, D., Studer, M., Rijli, F.M., Nothwang, H.G., Rost, B.R., Strauß, U. and Hernandez-Miranda, L.R.
Science Advances 10
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21 June 2024
Directed and acyclic synaptic connectivity in the human layer 2-3 cortical microcircuit.
Peng, Y., Bjelde, A., Aceituno, P.V., Mittermaier, F.X., Planert, H., Grosser, S., Onken, J., Faust, K., Kalbhenn, T., Simon, M., Radbruch, H., Fidzinski, P., Schmitz, D., Alle, H., Holtkamp, M., Vida, I., Grewe, B.F. and Geiger, J.R.P.
Science 384
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26 April 2024
Sub-type specific connectivity between CA3 pyramidal neurons may underlie their sequential activation during sharp waves.
Sammons, R.P., Masserini, S., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Metodieva, V.D., Cano, G., Sannio, A., Orlando, M., Maier, N., Kempter, R. and Schmitz, D.
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22 April 2024
Structure and function of the hippocampal CA3 module.
Sammons, R.P., Vezir, M., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Cano, G., Orlando, M., Sievers, M., Grasso, E., Metodieva, V.D., Kempter, R., Schmidt, H. and Schmitz, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121
(6): e2312281120.
6 February 2024
Gamma oscillation plasticity is mediated via parvalbumin interneurons.
Hadler, M.D., Tzilivaki, A., Schmitz, D., Alle, H. and Geiger, J.R.P.
Science Advances 10
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2 February 2024
Synthetic surprise as the foundation of the psychedelic experience.
de Filippo, R. and Schmitz, D.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 157
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February 2024
Oligodendrocyte-derived LGI3 and its receptor ADAM23 organize juxtaparanodal Kv1 channel clustering for short-term synaptic plasticity.
Miyazaki, Y., Otsuka, T., Yamagata, Y., Endo, T., Sanbo, M., Sano, H., Kobayashi, K., Inahashi, H., Kornau, H.C., Schmitz, D., Prüss, H., Meijer, D., Hirabayashi, M., Fukata, Y. and Fukata, M.
Cell Reports 43
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23 January 2024
Efficient generation of a self-organizing neuromuscular junction model from human pluripotent stem cells.
Urzi, A., Lahmann, I., Nguyen, L.V.N., Rost, B.R., García-Pérez, A., Lelievre, N., Merritt-Garza, M.E., Phan, H.C, Bassell, G.J., Rossoll, W., Diecke, S., Kunz, S., Schmitz, D. and Gouti, M.
Nature Communications 14
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19 December 2023
Chimeric autoantibody receptor T cells deplete NMDA receptor-specific B cells.
Reincke, S.M., von Wardenburg, N., Homeyer, M.A., Kornau, H.C., Spagni, G., Li, L.Y., Kreye, J., Sánchez-Sendín, E., Blumenau, S., Stappert, D., Radbruch, H., Hauser, A.E., Künkele, A., Edes, I., Schmitz, D. and Prüss, H.
Cell 186
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9 November 2023
Hippocampal GABAergic interneurons and memory.
Tzilivaki, A., Tukker, J.J., Maier, N., Poirazi, P., Sammons, R.P. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 111
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18 October 2023
Play and tickling responses map to the lateral columns of the rat periaqueductal gray.
Gloveli, N., Simonnet, J., Tang, W., Concha-Miranda, M., Maier, E., Dvorzhak, A., Schmitz, D. and Brecht, M.
Neuron 111
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4 October 2023
Microglia actively remove NR1 autoantibody-bound NMDA receptors and associated post-synaptic proteins in neuron microglia co-cultures.
Rahman, K.A., Orlando, M., Boulos, A., Andrzejak, E., Schmitz, D., Ziv, N.E., Prüss, H., Garner, C.C. and Ichkova, A.
Glia 71
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August 2023
Mutations in plasticity-related-gene-1 (PRG-1) protein contribute to hippocampal seizure susceptibility and modify epileptic phenotype.
Knierim, E., Vogt, J., Kintscher, M., Ponomarenko, A., Baumgart, J., Beed, P., Korotkova, T., Trimbuch, T., Panzer, A., Steinlein, O.K., Stephani, U., Escayg, A., Koko, M., Liu, Y., Lerche, H., Schmitz, D., Nitsch, R. and Schuelke, M.
Cerebral Cortex 33
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15 June 2023
Preclinical safety and efficacy of a therapeutic antibody that targets SARS-CoV-2 at the sotrovimab face but is escaped by Omicron.
Kreye, J., Reincke, S.M., Edelburg, S., Jeworowski, L.M., Kornau, H.C., Trimpert, J., Hombach, P., Halbe, S., Nölle, V., Meyer, M., Kattenbach, S., Sánchez-Sendin, E., Schmidt, M.L., Schwarz, T., Rose, R., Krumbholz, A., Merz, S., Adler, J.M., Eschke, K., Abdelgawad, A., Schmitz, D., Sander, L.E., Janssen, U., Corman, V.M. and Prüss, H.
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21 April 2023
Differential ripple propagation along the hippocampal longitudinal axis.
de Filippo, R. and Schmitz, D.
eLife 12
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13 April 2023
Branch point strength controls species-specific CAMK2B alternative splicing and regulates LTP.
Franz, A., Weber, A.I., Preußner, M., Dimos, N., Stumpf, A., Ji, Y., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Voigt, A., Schulz, F., Neumann, A., Kuropka, B., Kuehn, R., Urlaub, H., Schmitz, D., Wahl, M.C. and Heyd, F.
Life Science Alliance 6
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March 2023
Brain blood vessel autoantibodies in patients with NMDA and GABAA receptor encephalitis: identification of unconventional Myosin-X as target antigen.
Li, L.Y., Kreye, J., Burek, M., Cordero-Gomez, C., Barthel, P.C., Sánchez-Sendín, E., Kornau, H.C., Schmitz, D., Scharf, M., Meybohm, P., Reincke, S.M., Prüss, H. and Höltje, M.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 17
30 January 2023
Cellular and synaptic diversity of layer 2-3 pyramidal neurons in human individuals.
Planert, H., Mittermaier, F.X., Grosser, S., Fidzinski, P., Schneider, U.C., Radbruch, H., Onken, J., Holtkamp, M., Schmitz, D., Alle, H., Vida, I., Geiger, J.R.P. and Peng, Y.
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24 January 2023
Calcium-permeable channelrhodopsins for the photocontrol of calcium signalling.
Fernandez Lahore, R.G., Pampaloni, N.P., Schiewer, E., Heim, M.M., Tillert, L., Vierock, J., Oppermann, J., Walther, J., Schmitz, D., Owald, D., Plested, A.J.R., Rost, B.R. and Hegemann, P.
Nature Communications 13
(1): 7844.
21 December 2022
Cell-type specific inhibition controls the high-frequency oscillations in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Gurgenidze, S., Bäuerle, P., Schmitz, D., Vida, I., Gloveli, T. and Dugladze, T.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23
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15 November 2022
Optogenetics at the presynapse.
Rost, B.R., Wietek, J., Yizhar, O. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Neuroscience 25
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August 2022
Temperature elevations can induce switches to homoclinic action potentials that alter neural encoding and synchronization.
Hesse, J., Schleimer, J.H., Maier, N., Schmitz, D. and Schreiber, S.
Nature Communications 13
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8 July 2022
Interneuron switching on and off across memory rhythms.
Tzilivaki, A., Maier, N. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 110
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15 June 2022
Effects of spermidine supplementation on cognition and biomarkers in older adults with subjective cognitive decline: a randomized clinical trial.
Schwarz, C., Benson, G.S., Horn, N., Wurdack, K., Grittner, U., Schilling, R., Märschenz, S., Köbe, T., Hofer, S.J., Magnes, C., Stekovic, S., Eisenberg, T., Sigrist, S.J., Schmitz, D., Wirth, M., Madeo, F. and Flöel, A.
JAMA Network Open 5
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26 May 2022
Brain-wide interactions during hippocampal sharp wave ripples.
Nitzan, N., Swanson, R., Schmitz, D. and Buzsáki, G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119
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17 May 2022
GABAergic interneurons with nonlinear dendrites: from neuronal computations to memory engrams.
Tzilivaki, A., Kastellakis, G., Schmitz, D. and Poirazi, P.
Neuroscience 489
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1 May 2022
Microcircuits for spatial coding in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Tukker, J.J., Beed, P., Brecht, M., Kempter, R., Moser, E.I. and Schmitz, D.
Physiological Reviews 102
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1 April 2022
The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABA(A) receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses.
Schmerl, B., Gimber, N., Kuropka, B., Stumpf, A., Rentsch, J., Kunde, S.A., von Sivers, J., Ewers, H., Schmitz, D., Freund, C., Schmoranzer, J., Rademacher, N. and Shoichet, S.A.
PLoS Biology 20
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21 March 2022
SARS-CoV-2 Beta variant infection elicits potent lineage-specific and cross-reactive antibodies.
Reincke, S.M., Yuan, M., Kornau, H.C., Corman, V.M., van Hoof, S., Sánchez-Sendin, E., Ramberger, M., Yu, W., Hua, Y., Tien, H., Schmidt, M.L., Schwarz, T., Jeworowski, L.M., Brandl, S.E., Rasmussen, H.F., Homeyer, M.A., Stöffler, L., Barner, M., Kunkel, D., Huo, S., Horler, J., von Wardenburg, N., Kroidl, I., Eser, T.M., Wieser, A., Geldmacher, C., Hoelscher, M., Gänzer, H., Weiss, G., Schmitz, D., Drosten, C., Prüss, H., Wilson, I.A. and Kreye, J.
Science 375
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18 February 2022
Uncoupling the excitatory amino acid transporter 2 from its C-terminal interactome restores synaptic glutamate clearance at corticostriatal synapses and alleviates mutant huntingtin-induced hypokinesia.
Hirschberg, S., Dvorzhak, A., Rasooli-Nejad, S.M.A., Angelov, S., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Harms, C., Schmitz, D. and Grantyn, R.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 15
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31 January 2022
Automated detection and localization of synaptic vesicles in electron microscopy images.
Imbrosci, B., Schmitz, D. and Orlando, M.
eNeuro 9
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January 2022
In vitro and in vivo anti‐epileptic efficacy of eslicarbazepine acetate in a mouse model of KCNQ2‐related self‐limited epilepsy.
Monni, L., Kraus, L., Dipper‐Wawra, M., Soares‐da‐Silva, P., Maier, N., Schmitz, D., Holtkamp, M. and Fidzinski, P.
British Journal of Pharmacology 179
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January 2022
Local microcircuitry of PaS shows distinct and common features of excitatory and inhibitory connectivity.
Sammons, R.P., Tzilivaki, A. and Schmitz, D.
Cerebral Cortex 32
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January 2022
Encephalitis patient-derived monoclonal GABA(A) receptor antibodies cause epileptic seizures.
Kreye, J., Wright, S.K., van Casteren, A., Stoeffler, L., Machule, M.L., Reincke, S.M., Nikolaus, M., van Hoof, S., Sanchez-Sendin, E., Homeyer, M.A., Gómez, C.C., Kornau, H.C., Schmitz, D., Kaindl, A.M., Boehm-Sturm, P., Mueller, S., Wilson, M.A., Upadhya, M.A., Dhangar, D.R., Greenhill, S., Woodhall, G., Turko, P., Vida, I., Garner, C.C., Wickel, J., Geis, C., Fukata, Y., Fukata, M. and Prüss, H.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 218
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1 November 2021
Aberrant phase separation of FUS leads to lysosome sequestering and acidification.
Trnka, F., Hoffmann, C., Wang, H., Sansevrino, R., Rankovic, B., Rost, B.R., Schmitz, D., Schmidt, H.B. and Milovanovic, D.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9
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22 October 2021
Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons.
Orlando, M., Dvorzhak, A., Bruentgens, F., Maglione, M., Rost, B.R., Sigrist, S.J., Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
PLoS Biology 19
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21 June 2021
Efficient optogenetic silencing of neurotransmitter release with a mosquito rhodopsin.
Mahn, M., Saraf-Sinik, I., Patil, P., Pulin, M., Bitton, E., Karalis, N., Bruentgens, F., Palgi, S., Gat, A., Dine, J., Wietek, J., Davidi, I., Levy, R., Litvin, A., Zhou, F., Sauter, K., Soba, P., Schmitz, D., Lüthi, A., Rost, B.R., Wiegert, J.S. and Yizhar, O.
Neuron 109
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19 May 2021
Subiculum as a generator of sharp wave-ripples in the rodent hippocampus.
Imbrosci, B., Nitzan, N., McKenzie, S., Donoso, J.R., Swaminathan, A., Böhm, C., Maier, N and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 35
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20 April 2021
Somatostatin interneurons activated by 5-HT(2A) receptor suppress slow oscillations in medial entorhinal cortex.
de Filippo, R., Rost, B.R., Stumpf, A., Cooper, C., Tukker, J.J., Harms, C., Beed, P. and Schmitz, D.
eLife 10
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31 March 2021
Expression of a modified astrocytic glutamate transporter alleviates Huntington’s hypokinesia, promotes synaptic glutamate clearance and counteracts potentially adverse EAAT2 interactions.
Hirschberg, S., Dvorzhak, A., Rasooli-Nejad, S.M.A., Angelov, S., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Harms, C., Schmitz, D. and Grantyn, R.
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26 March 2021
Optogenetic silencing of neurotransmitter release with a naturally occurring invertebrate rhodopsin.
Mahn, M., Saraf-Sinik, I., Patil, P., Pulin, M., Bitton, E., Karalis, N., Bruentgens, F., Palgi, S., Gat, A., Dine, J., Wietek, J., Davidi, I., Levy, R., Litvin, A., Zhou, F., Sauter, K., Soba, P., Schmitz, D., Luthi, A., Rost, B.R., Wiegert, J.S. and Yizhar, O.
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18 February 2021
Parvalbumin interneurons are differentially connected to principal cells in inhibitory feedback microcircuits along the dorsoventral axis of the medial entorhinal cortex.
Grosser, S., Barreda, F.J., Beed, P., Schmitz, D., Booker, S.A. and Vida, I.
eNeuro 8
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2 February 2021
SynaptoPAC, an optogenetic tool for induction of presynaptic plasticity.
Oldani, S., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Faiss, L., Stumpf, A., Rosenmund, C., Schmitz, D. and Rost, B.R.
Journal of Neurochemistry 156
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February 2021
Neuronal autophagy regulates presynaptic neurotransmission by controlling the axonal endoplasmic reticulum.
Kuijpers, M., Kochlamazashvili, G., Stumpf, A., Puchkov, D., Swaminathan, A., Lucht, M.T., Krause, E., Maritzen, T., Schmitz, D. and Haucke, V.
Neuron 109
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20 January 2021
A CRISPR-Cas9-engineered mouse model for GPI-anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotypes and exhibits hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions.
Rodríguez de los Santos, M., Rivalan, M., David, F.S., Stumpf, A., Pitsch, J., Tsortouktzidis, D., Velasquez, L.M., Voigt, A., Schilling, K., Mattei, D., Long, M., Vogt, G., Knaus, A., Fischer-Zirnsak, B., Wittler, L., Timmermann, B., Robinson, P.N., Horn, D., Mundlos, S., Kornak, U., Becker, A.J., Schmitz, D., Winter, Y. and Krawitz, P.M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118
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12 January 2021
Local microcircuitry of parasubiculum shows distinct and common features of excitatory and inhibitory connectivity.
Sammons, R.P., Tzilivaki, A. and Schmitz, D.
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19 December 2020
Layer 3 pyramidal cells in the medial entorhinal cortex orchestrate up-down states and entrain the deep layers differentially.
Beed, P., de Filippo, R., Holman, C., Johenning, F.W., Leibold, C., Caputi, A., Monyer, H. and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 33
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8 December 2020
A therapeutic non-self-reactive SARS-CoV-2 antibody protects from lung pathology in a COVID-19 hamster model.
Kreye, J., Reincke, S.M., Kornau, H.C., Sánchez-Sendin, E., Corman, V.M., Liu, H., Yuan, M., Wu, N.C., Zhu, X., Lee, C.C.D., Trimpert, J., Höltje, M., Dietert, K., Stöffler, L., von Wardenburg, N., van Hoof, S., Homeyer, M.A., Hoffmann, J., Abdelgawad, A., Gruber, A.D., Bertzbach, L.D., Vladimirova, D., Li, L.Y., Barthel, P.C., Skriner, K., Hocke, A.C., Hippenstiel, S., Witzenrath, M., Suttorp, N., Kurth, F., Franke, C., Endres, M., Schmitz, D., Jeworowski, L.M., Richter, A., Schmidt, M.L., Schwarz, T., Müller, M.A., Drosten, C., Wendisch, D., Sander, L.E., Osterrieder, N., Wilson, I.A. and Prüss, H.
Cell 183
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12 November 2020
Generation of sharp wave-ripple events by disinhibition.
Evangelista, R., Cano, G., Cooper, C., Schmitz, D., Maier, N. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 40
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7 October 2020
Species-specific differences in synaptic transmission and plasticity.
Beed, P., Ray, S., Velasquez, L.M., Stumpf, A., Parthier, D., Swaminathan, A., Nitzan, N., Breustedt, J., Las, L., Brecht, M. and Schmitz, D.
Scientific Reports 10
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6 October 2020
Initiating a new national epilepsy surgery program: experiences gathered in Georgia.
Dugladze, T., Bäuerle, P., Kasradze, S., Lomidze, G., Gzirishvili, N., Tsikarishvili, Vl., Khurtsidze, G., Vida, I., Schmitz, D., Schneider, U.C., Holtkamp, M. and Gloveli, T.
Epilepsy & Behavior 111
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October 2020
Increased and synchronous recruitment of release sites underlies hippocampal mossy fiber presynaptic potentiation.
Orlando, M., Dvorzhak, A., Bruentgens, F., Maglione, M., Rost, B.R., Sigrist, S.J., Breustedt, Jm and Schmitz, D.
: 2020.08.21.260638.
21 August 2020
A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody protects from lung pathology in a COVID-19 hamster model.
Kreye, J., Reincke, S.M., Kornau, H.C., Sanchez-Sendin, E., Corman, V.M., Liu, H., Yuan, M., Wu, N.C., Zhu, X., Lee, C.C.D., Trimpert, J., Hoeltje, M., Dietert, K., Stoeffler, L., von Wardenburg, N., van Hoof, S., Homeyer, M.A., Hoffmann, J., Abdelgawad, A., Gruber, A.D., Bertzbach, L.D., Vladimirova, D., Li, L.Y., Barthel, P.C., Skriner, K., Hocke, A.C., Hippenstiel, S., Witzenrath, M., Suttorp, N., Kurth, F., Franke, C., Endres, M., Schmitz, D., Jeworowski, L.M., Richter, A., Schmidt, M.L., Schwarz, T., Mueller, M.A., Drosten, C., Wendisch, D., Sander, L.E., Osterrieder, N., Wilson, I.A. and Pruess, H.
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16 August 2020
Serotonin suppresses slow oscillations by activating somatostatin interneurons via the 5-HT(2A) receptor.
de Filippo, R., Rost, B., Stumpf, A., Cooper, C., Tukker, J.J., Harms, C., Beed, P. and Schmitz, D.
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26 May 2020
Up and down states and memory consolidation across somatosensory, entorhinal, and hippocampal cortices.
Tukker, J.J., Beed, P., Schmitz, D., Larkum, M.E. and Sachdev, R.N.S.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 14
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8 May 2020
Circuit-specific dendritic development in the piriform cortex.
Moreno-Velasquez, L., Lo, H., Lenzi, S., Kaehne, M., Breustedt, J., Schmitz, D., Rüdiger, S. and Johenning, F.W.
eNeuro 7
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May 2020
Propagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathway.
Nitzan, N., McKenzie, S., Beed, P., English, D.F., Oldani, S., Tukker, J.J., Buzsáki, G. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Communications 11
(1): 1947.
23 April 2020
A CRISPR-Cas9-engineered mouse model for GPI anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotype and shows hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions.
Rodríguez de los Santos, M., Rivalan, M., David, F.S., Knaus, A., Stumpf, A., Velasquez, L.M., Voigt, A., Mattei, D., Long, M., Vogt, G., Wittler, L., Timmermann, B., Robinson, P.N., Horn, D., Mundlos, S., Kornak, U., Schmitz, D., Winter, Y. and Krawitz, P.M.
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21 April 2020
Loss of Piccolo function in rats induces cerebellar network dysfunction and Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia type 3-like phenotypes.
Falck, J., Bruns, C., Hoffmann-Conaway, S., Straub, I., Plautz, E.J., Orlando, M., Munawar, H., Rivalan, M., Winter, Y., Izsvák, Z., Schmitz, D., Hamra, F.K., Hallermann, S., Curtis Garner, C. and Ackermann, F.
Journal of Neuroscience 40
(14): 2943-2959.
1 April 2020
Human cerebrospinal fluid monoclonal LGI1 autoantibodies increase neuronal excitability.
Kornau, H.C., Kreye, J., Stumpf, A., Fukata, Y., Parthier, D., Sammons, R.P., Imbrosci, B., Kurpjuweit, S., Kowski, A.B., Fukata, M., Prüss, H. and Schmitz, D.
Annals of Neurology 87
(3): 405-418.
March 2020
Could electrical coupling contribute to the formation of cell assemblies?
Traub, R.D., Whittington, M.A., Maier, N., Schmitz, D. and Nagy, J.I.
Reviews in the Neurosciences 31
(2): 121-141.
February 2020
Spikelets in pyramidal neurons: generating mechanisms, distinguishing properties, and functional implications.
Michalikova, M., Remme, M.W.H., Schmitz, D., Schreiber, S. and Kempter, R.
Reviews in the Neurosciences 31
(1): 101-119.
January 2020
Spermidine protects from age-related synaptic alterations at hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapses.
Maglione, M., Kochlamazashvili, G., Eisenberg, T., Rácz, B., Michael, E., Toppe, D., Stumpf, A., Wirth, A., Zeug, A., Müller, F.E., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Sammons, R.P., Hofer, S.J., Madeo, F., Maritzen, T., Maier, N., Ponimaskin, E., Schmitz, D., Haucke, V. and Sigrist, S.J.
Scientific Reports 9
(1): 19616.
23 December 2019
Calcium-independent exo-endocytosis coupling at small central synapses.
Orlando, M., Schmitz, D., Rosenmund, C. and Herman, M.A.
Cell Reports 29
(12): 3767-3774.
17 December 2019
Electrophysiological and molecular characterization of the parasubiculum.
Sammons, R.P., Parthier, D., Stumpf, A. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 39
(45): 8860-8876.
6 November 2019
Human gestational N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor autoantibodies impair neonatal murine brain function.
Jurek, B., Chayka, M., Kreye, J., Lang, K., Kraus, L., Fidzinski, P., Kornau, H.C., Dao, L.M., Wenke, N.K., Long, M., Rivalan, M., Winter, Y., Leubner, J., Herken, J., Mayer, S., Mueller, S., Boehm-Sturm, P., Dirnagl, U., Schmitz, D., Kölch, M. and Prüss, H.
Annals of Neurology 86
(5): 656-670.
November 2019
RIM-BP2 primes synaptic vesicles via recruitment of Munc13-1 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Brockmann, M.M., Maglione, M., Willmes, C.G., Stumpf, A., Bouazza, B.A., Velasquez, L.M., Grauel, M.K., Beed, P., Lehmann, M., Gimber, N., Schmoranzer, J., Sigrist, S.J., Rosenmund, C. and Schmitz, D.
eLife 8
: e43243.
19 September 2019
Single synapse indicators of impaired glutamate clearance derived from fast iGlu(u) imaging of cortical afferents in the striatum of normal and Huntington (Q175) mice.
Dvorzhak, A., Helassa, N., Török, K., Schmitz, D. and Grantyn, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 39
(20): 3970-3982.
15 May 2019
Effects of spermidine supplementation on cognition and biomarkers in older adults with subjective cognitive decline (SmartAge)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Wirth, M., Schwarz, C., Benson, G., Horn, N., Buchert, R., Lange, C., Köbe, T., Hetzer, S., Maglione, M., Michael, E., Märschenz, S., Mai, K., Kopp, U., Schmitz, D., Grittner, U., Sigrist, S.J., Stekovic, S., Madeo, F. and Flöel, A.
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 11
(1): 36.
1 May 2019
The cell adhesion protein CAR is a negative regulator of synaptic transmission.
Wrackmeyer, U., Kaldrack, J., Jüttner, R., Pannasch, U., Gimber, N., Freiberg, F., Purfürst, B., Kainmueller, D., Schmitz, D., Haucke, V., Rathjen, F.G. and Gotthardt, M.
Scientific Reports 9
(1): 6768.
1 May 2019
Estrus-cycle regulation of cortical inhibition.
Clemens, A.M., Lenschow, C., Beed, P., Li, L., Sammons, R., Naumann, R.K., Wang, H., Schmitz, D. and Brecht, M.
Current Biology 29
(4): 605-615.
18 February 2019
Chi3l3 induces oligodendrogenesis in an experimental model of autoimmune neuroinflammation.
Starossom, S.C., Campo Garcia, J., Woelfle, T., Romero-Suarez, S., Olah, M., Watanabe, F., Cao, L., Yeste, A., Tukker, J.J., Quintana, F.J., Imitola, J., Witzel, F., Schmitz, D., Morkel, M., Paul, F., Infante-Duarte, C. and Khoury, S.J.
Nature Communications 10
(1): 217.
15 January 2019
A cellular mechanism underlying enhanced capability for complex olfactory discrimination learning.
Chandra, N., Awasthi, R., Ozdogan, T., Johenning, F.W., Imbrosci, B., Morris, G., Schmitz, D. and Barkai, E.
eNeuro 6
(1): e0198-18.2019.
January 2019
The effect of spermidine on memory performance in older adults at risk for dementia: a randomized controlled trial.
Wirth, M., Benson, G., Schwarz, C., Köbe, T., Grittner, U., Schmitz, D., Sigrist, S.J., Bohlken, J., Stekovic, S., Madeo, F. and Flöel, A.
Cortex 109
: 181-188.
December 2018
Potassium channel-based optogenetic silencing.
Bernal Sierra, Y.A., Rost, B.R., Pofahl, M., Fernandes, A.M., Kopton, R.A., Moser, S., Holtkamp, D., Masala, N., Beed, P., Tukker, J.J., Oldani, S., Bönigk, W., Kohl, P., Baier, H., Schneider-Warme, F., Hegemann, P., Beck, H., Seifert, R. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Communications 9
(1): 4611.
5 November 2018
Glutamate uptake and release at single adult corticostriatal synapses of normal and Huntington mice.
Dvorzhak, A., Helassa, N., Torok, K., Schmitz, D. and Grantyn, R.
: 455758.
30 October 2018
VGLUT2 functions as a differential marker for hippocampal output neurons.
Wozny, C., Beed, P., Nitzan, N., Pössnecker, Y., Rost, B.R. and Schmitz, D.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12
: 337.
2 October 2018
Cannabinoid type 2 receptors mediate a cell type-specific self-inhibition in cortical neurons.
Stumpf, A., Parthier, D., Sammons, R.P., Stempel, A.V., Breustedt, J., Rost, B.R. and Schmitz, D.
Neuropharmacology 139
: 217-225.
1 September 2018
Routes to, from and within the subiculum.
Böhm, C., Peng, Y., Geiger, J.R.P. and Schmitz, D.
Cell and Tissue Research 373
(3): 557-563.
September 2018
Defective synapse maturation and enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice.
Wegener, S., Buschler, A., Stempel, A.V., Kang, S.J., Lim, C.S., Kaang, B.K., Shoichet, S.A., Manahan-Vaughan, D. and Schmitz, D.
eNeuro 5
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29 May 2018
Involvement of mossy cells in sharp wave-ripple activity in vitro.
Swaminathan, A., Wichert, I., Schmitz, D. and Maier, N.
Cell Reports 23
(9): 2541-2549.
29 May 2018
Voltage gated calcium channel activation by backpropagating action potentials downregulates NMDAR function.
Theis, A.K., Rózsa, B., Katona, G., Schmitz, D. and Johenning, F.W.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12
: 109.
23 April 2018
SORCS1 and SORCS3 control energy balance and orexigenic peptide production.
Subkhangulova, A., Malik, A.R., Hermey, G., Popp, O., Dittmar, G., Rathjen, T., Poy, M.N., Stumpf, A., Beed, P.S., Schmitz, D., Breiderhoff, T. and Willnow, T.E.
EMBO Reports 19
(4): e44810.
1 April 2018
Hippocampal ripple oscillations and inhibition-first network models: frequency dynamics and response to GABA modulators.
Donoso, J.R., Schmitz, D., Maier, N. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 38
(12): 3124-3146.
21 March 2018
Mutant Plasticity Related Gene 1 (PRG1) acts as a potential modifier in SCN1A related epilepsy.
Knierim, E., Vogt, J., Kintscher, M., Ponomarenko, A., Baumgart, J., Sanker Beed, P., Korotkova, T., Trimbuch, T., Panzer, A., Stephani, U., Escayg, A., Lerche, H., Nitsch, R., Schmitz, D. and Schuelke, M.
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15 March 2018
Optogenetic tools for subcellular applications in neuroscience.
Rost, B.R., Schneider-Warme, F., Schmitz, D. and Hegemann, Peter
Neuron 96
(3): 572-603.
1 November 2017
SamuROI, a python-based software tool for visualization and analysis of dynamic time series imaging at multiple spatial scales.
Rueckl, M., Lenzi, S.C., Moreno-Velasquez, L., Parthier, D., Schmitz, D., Ruediger, S. and Johenning, F.W.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11
: 44.
29 June 2017
Excitatory microcircuits within superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex.
Winterer, J., Maier, N., Wozny, C., Beed, P., Breustedt, J., Evangelista, R., Peng, Y., D'Albis, T., Kempter, R. and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 19
(6): 1110-1116.
9 May 2017
Investigation of hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity in mice deficient in the actin-binding protein Drebrin.
Willmes, C.G., Mack, T.G.A., Ledderose, J., Schmitz, D., Wozny, C. and Eickholt, B.J.
Scientific Reports 7
: 42652.
15 February 2017
Enhancing inhibitory synaptic function reverses spatial memory deficits in Shank2 mutant mice.
Lim, C.S., Kim, H., Yu, N.K., Kang, S.J., Kim, T.H., Ko, H.G., Lee, J., Yang, J.E., Ryu, H.H., Park, T., Gim, J., Nam, H.J., Baek, S.H., Wegener, S., Schmitz, D., Boeckers, T.M., Lee, M.G., Kim, E., Lee, J.H., Lee, Y.S. and Kaang, B.K.
Neuropharmacology 112
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January 2017
Uwe Heinemann (17.2.1944-8.9.2016).
Beck, H., Draguhn, A., Luhmann, H. and Schmitz, D.
Neuroforum 22
(4): 137-138.
December 2016
Early cortical changes in gamma oscillations in Alzheimer's disease.
Klein, A.S., Donoso, J.R., Kempter, R., Schmitz, D. and Beed, P.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 10
: 83.
26 October 2016
RIM-binding protein 2 regulates release probability by fine-tuning calcium channel localization at murine hippocampal synapses.
Grauel, M.K., Maglione, M., Reddy-Alla, S., Willmes, C.G., Brockmann, M.M., Trimbuch, T., Rosenmund, T., Pangalos, M., Vardar, G., Stumpf, A., Walter, A.M., Rost, B.R., Eickholt, B.J., Haucke, V., Schmitz, D., Sigrist, S.J. and Rosenmund, C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113
(41): 11615-11620.
11 October 2016
Human cerebrospinal fluid monoclonal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor autoantibodies are sufficient for encephalitis pathogenesis.
Kreye, J., Wenke, N.K., Chayka, M., Leubner, J., Murugan, R., Maier, N., Jurek, B., Ly, L.T., Brandl, D., Rost, B.R., Stumpf, A., Schulz, P., Radbruch, H., Hauser, A.E., Pache, F., Meisel, A., Harms, L., Paul, F., Dirnagl, U., Garner, C., Schmitz, D., Wardemann, H. and Prüss, H.
Brain 139
(10): 2641-2652.
1 October 2016
Cell-specific synaptic plasticity induced by network oscillations.
Zarnadze, S., Bäuerle, P., Santos-Torres, J., Böhm, C., Schmitz, D., Geiger, J.R.P., Dugladze, T. and Gloveli, T.
eLife 5
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24 May 2016
Cannabinoid type 2 receptors mediate a cell type-specific plasticity in the hippocampus.
Stempel, A.V., Stumpf, A., Zhang, H.Y., Özdoğan, T., Pannasch, U., Theis, A.K., Otte, D.M., Wojtalla, A., Racz, I., Ponomarenko, A., Xi, Z.X., Zimmer, A. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 90
(4): 795-809.
18 May 2016
Subunit-selective NMDA receptor signaling through BRAG1 and BRAG2 during synapse maturation.
Elagabani, M.N., Briševac, D., Kintscher, M., Pohle, J., Köhr, G., Schmitz, D. and Kornau, H.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291
(17): 9105-9118.
22 April 2016
Cellular and system biology of memory: Timing, molecules, and beyond.
Korte, M. and Schmitz, D.
Physiological Reviews 96
(2): 647-693.
April 2016
Functional architecture of the rat parasubiculum.
Tang, Q., Burgalossi, A., Ebbesen, C.L., Sanguinetti-Scheck, J.I., Schmidt, H., Tukker, J.J., Naumann, R., Ray, S., Preston-Ferrer, P., Schmitz, D. and Brecht, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 36
(7): 2289-2301.
17 February 2016
Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes.
Rost, B.R., Schneider, F., Grauel, M.K., Wozny, C., Bentz, C.G., Blessing, A., Rosenmund, T., Jentsch, T.J., Schmitz, D., Hegemann, P. and Rosenmund, C.
Nature Neuroscience 18
(12): 1845-1852.
December 2015
Serotonin attenuates feedback excitation onto O-LM interneurons.
Böhm, C., Pangalos, M., Schmitz, D. and Winterer, J.
Cerebral Cortex 25
(11): 4572-4583.
November 2015
Aβ42-oligomer Interacting Peptide (AIP) neutralizes toxic amyloid-β42 species and protects synaptic structure and function.
Barucker, C., Bittner, H.J., Chang, P.K.Y., Cameron, S., Hancock, M.A., Liebsch, F., Hossain, S., Harmeier, A., Shaw, H., Charron, F.M., Gensler, M., Dembny, P., Zhuang, W., Schmitz, D., Rabe, J.P., Rao, Y., Lurz, R., Hildebrand, P.W., McKinney, R.A. and Multhaup, G.
Scientific Reports 5
: 15410.
29 October 2015
Functional diversity of subicular principal cells during hippocampal ripples.
Böhm, C., Peng, Y., Maier, N., Winterer, J., Poulet, J.F.A., Geiger, J.R.P. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 35
(40): 13608-13618.
7 October 2015
Syntaxin 1B is important for mouse postnatal survival and proper synaptic function at the mouse neuromuscular junctions.
Wu, Y.J., Tejero, R., Arancillo, M., Vardar, G., Korotkova, T., Kintscher, M., Schmitz, D., Ponomarenko, A., Tabares, L. and Rosenmund, C.
Journal of Neurophysiology 114
(4): 2404-2417.
1 October 2015
Anatomical organization and spatiotemporal firing patterns of layer 3 neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Tang, Q., Ebbesen, C.L., Sanguinetti-Scheck, J.I., Preston-Ferrer, P., Gundlfinger, A., Winterer, J., Beed, P., Ray, S., Naumann, R., Schmitz, D., Brecht, M. and Burgalossi, A.
Journal of Neuroscience 35
(36): 12346-12354.
9 September 2015
Ryanodine receptor activation induces long-term plasticity of spine calcium dynamics.
Johenning, F.W., Theis, A.K., Pannasch, U., Rückl, M., Rüdiger, S. and Schmitz, D.
PLoS Biology 13
(6): e1002181.
22 June 2015
State-dependencies of learning across brain scales.
Ritter, P., Born, J., Brecht, M., Dinse, H.R., Heinemann, U., Pleger, B., Schmitz, D., Schreiber, S., Villringer, A. and Kempter, R.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9
: 1.
26 February 2015
KCNQ5 K(+) channels control hippocampal synaptic inhibition and fast network oscillations.
Fidzinski, P., Korotkova, T., Heidenreich, M., Maier, N., Schuetze, S., Kobler, O., Zuschratter, W., Schmitz, D., Ponomarenko, A. and Jentsch, T.J.
Nature Communications 6
: 6254.
4 February 2015
Retrograde signaling causes excitement.
Schmitz, D., Breustedt, J. and Gundlfinger, A.
Neuron 81
(4): 717-719.
19 February 2014
Inhibitory gradient along the dorsoventral axis in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Beed, P., Gundlfinger, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Song, J., Boehm, C., Burgalossi, A., Brecht, M., Vida, I. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 79
(6): 1197-1207.
18 September 2013
Role of RIM1α in short- and long-term synaptic plasticity at cerebellar parallel fibres.
Kintscher, M., Wozny, C., Johenning, F.W., Schmitz, D. and Breustedt, J.
Nature Communications 4
: 2392.
3 September 2013
CARbon DIoxide for the treatment of Febrile seizures: rationale, feasibility, and design of the CARDIF-study.
Ohlraun, S., Wollersheim, T., Weiß, C., Martus, P., Weber-Carstens, S., Schmitz, D. and Schuelke, M.
Journal of Translational Medicine 11
: 157.
27 June 2013
Recruitment of oriens-lacunosum-moleculare interneurons during hippocampal ripples.
Pangalos, M., Donoso, J.R., Winterer, J., Zivkovic, A.R., Kempter, R., Maier, N. and Schmitz, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110
(11): 4398-4403.
12 March 2013
Fast network oscillations in the hippocampus: phenomena, mechanisms and open questions between cellular and systemic neurosciences.
Maier, N., Draguhn, A., Schmitz, D. and Both, M.
e-Neuroforum 4
(1): 1-10.
March 2013
Compromised fidelity of endocytic synaptic vesicle protein sorting in the absence of stonin 2.
Kononenko, N.L., Diril, M.K., Puchkov, D., Kintscher, M., Koo, S.J., Pfuhl, G., Winter, Y., Wienisch, M., Klingauf, J., Breustedt, J., Schmitz, D., Maritzen, T. and Haucke, V.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110
(6): E526-E535.
5 February 2013
Schnelle Netzwerkoszillationen im Hippocampus - Phaenomene, Mechanismen und offene Fragen zwischen zellulaeren und systemischen Neurowissenschaften [Rapid network-oscillations in the hippocampus - phenomena, mechanisms and open questions between cellular and systemic neurosciences].
Maier, N., Draguhn, A., Schmitz, D. and Both, M.
Neuroforum 19
(1): 3-13.
February 2013
A LED-based method for monitoring NAD(P)H and FAD fluorescence in cell cultures and brain slices.
Roesner, J., Liotta, A., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Kovács, R.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 212
(2): 222-227.
30 January 2013
Energy demand of synaptic transmission at the hippocampal Schaffer-collateral synapse.
Liotta, A., Roesner, J., Huchzermeyer, C., Wojtowicz, A., Kann, O., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Kovacs, R.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 32
(11): 2076-2083.
November 2012
Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors depress synaptic transmission onto subicular burst firing neurons.
Kintscher, M., Breustedt, J., Miceli, S., Schmitz, D. and Wozny, C.
(9): e45039.
11 September 2012
Axonal properties determine somatic firing in a model of in vitro CA1 hippocampal sharp wave/ripples and persistent gamma oscillations.
Traub, R.D., Schmitz, D., Maier, N., Whittington, M.A. and Draguhn, A.
European Journal of Neuroscience 36
(5): 2650-2660.
September 2012
Novel APP/Aβ mutation K16N produces highly toxic heteromeric Aβ oligomers.
Kaden, D., Harmeier, A., Weise, C., Munter, L.M., Althoff, V., Rost, B.R., Hildebrand, P.W., Schmitz, D., Schaefer, M., Lurz, R., Skodda, S., Yamamoto, R., Arlt, S., Finckh, U. and Multhaup, G.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 4
(7): 647-659.
July 2012
Segregation of axonal and somatic activity during fast network oscillations.
Dugladze, T., Schmitz, D., Whittington, M.A., Vida, I. and Gloveli, T.
Science 336
(6087): 1458-1461.
15 June 2012
Cannabinoids disrupt hippocampal sharp wave-ripples via inhibition of glutamate release.
Maier, N., Morris, G., Schuchmann, S., Korotkova, T., Ponomarenko, A., Boehm, C., Wozny, C. and Schmitz, D.
Hippocampus 22
(6): 1350-1362.
June 2012
IgA NMDA receptor antibodies are markers of synaptic immunity in slow cognitive impairment.
Pruess, H., Hoeltje, M., Maier, N., Gomez, A., Buchert, R., Harms, L., Ahnert-Hilger, G., Schmitz, D., Terborg, C., Kopp, U., Klingbeil, C., Probst, C., Kohler, S., Schwab, J.M., Stoecker, W., Dalmau, J. and Wandinger, K.P.
Neurology 78
(22): 1743-1753.
29 May 2012
Autistic-like behaviours and hyperactivity in mice lacking ProSAP1/Shank2.
Schmeisser, M.J., Ey, E., Wegener, S., Bockmann, J., Stempel, A.V., Kuebler, A., Janssen, A.L., Udvardi, P.T., Shiban, E., Spilker, C., Balschun, D., Skryabin, B.V., Dieck, S.t., Smalla, K.H., Montag, D., Leblond, C.S., Faure, P., Torquet, N., Le Sourd, A.M., Toro, R., Grabrucker, A.M., Shoichet, S.A., Schmitz, D., Kreutz, M.R., Bourgeron, T., Gundelfinger, E.D. and Boeckers, T.M.
Nature 486
(7402): 256-260.
29 April 2012
Homeostatic regulation of NCAM polysialylation is critical for correct synaptic targeting.
Vogt, J., Glumm, R., Schlueter, L., Schmitz, D., Rost, B.R., Streu, N., Rister, B., Suman Bharathi, B., Gagiannis, D., Hildebrandt, H., Weinhold, B., Muehlenhoff, M., Naumann, T., Savaskan, N.E., Brauer, A.U., Reutter, W., Heimrich, B., Nitsch, R. and Horstkorte, R.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 69
(7): 1179-1191.
April 2012
GluK1 inhibits calcium dependent and independent transmitter release at associational/commissural synapses in area CA3 of the hippocampus.
Salmen, B., Beed, P.S., Ozdogan, T., Maier, N., Johenning, F.W., Winterer, J., Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
Hippocampus 22
(1): 57-68.
January 2012
RIM-binding protein, a central part of the active zone, is essential for neurotransmitter release.
Liu, K.S.Y., Siebert, M., Mertel, S., Knoche, E., Wegener, S., Wichmann, C., Matkovic, T., Muhammad, K., Depner, H., Mettke, C., Bueckers, J., Hell, S.W., Mueller, M., Davis, G.W., Schmitz, D. and Sigrist, S.J.
Science 334
(6062): 1565-1659.
16 December 2011
Respiratory alkalosis in children with febrile seizures.
Schuchmann, S., Hauck, S., Henning, S., Grueters-Kieslich, A., Vanhatalo, S., Schmitz, D. and Kaila, K.
Epilepsia 52
(11): 1949-1955.
November 2011
Coherent phasic excitation during hippocampal ripples.
Maier, N., Tejero-Cantero, A., Dorrn, A.L., Winterer, J., Beed, P.S., Morris, G., Kempter, R., Poulet, J.F.A., Leibold, C. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 72
(1): 137-152.
6 October 2011
Activation of metabotropic GABA receptors increases the energy barrier for vesicle fusion.
Rost, B.R., Nicholson, P., Ahnert-Hilger, G., Rummel, A., Rosenmund, C., Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Cell Science 124
(Pt 18): 3066-3073.
15 September 2011
Cellular correlate of assembly formation in oscillating hippocampal networks in vitro.
Baehner, F., Weiss, E.K., Birke, G., Maier, N., Schmitz, D., Rudolph, U., Frotscher, M., Traub, R.D., Both, M. and Draguhn, A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108
(35): E607-E616.
30 August 2011
Complementary sensory and associative microcircuitry in primary olfactory cortex.
Wiegand, H.F., Beed, P., Bendels, M.H., Leibold, C., Schmitz, D. and Johenning, F.W.
Journal of Neuroscience 31
(34): 12149-12158.
24 August 2011
Cell-type-specific modulation of feedback inhibition by serotonin in the hippocampus.
Winterer, J., Stempel, A.V., Dugladze, T., Foeldy, C., Maziashvili, N., Zivkovic, A.R., Priller, J., Soltesz, I., Gloveli, T. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 31
(23): 8464-8475.
8 June 2011
Muskelin regulates actin filament- and microtubule-based GABA(A) receptor transport in neurons.
Heisler, F.F., Loebrich, S., Pechmann, Y., Maier, N., Zivkovic, A.R., Tokito, M., Hausrat, T.J., Schweizer, M., Bähring, R., Holzbaur, E.L., Schmitz, D. and Kneussel, M.
Neuron 70
(1): 66-81.
14 April 2011
Structural and functional plasticity of the cytoplasmic active zone.
Sigrist, S.J. and Schmitz, D.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 21
(1): 144-150.
February 2011
Analysis of excitatory microcircuitry in the medial entorhinal cortex reveals cell-type-specific differences.
Beed, P., Bendels, M.H.K., Wiegand, H.F., Leibold, C., Johenning, F.W. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 68
(6): 1059-1066.
22 December 2010
Detection of input sites in scanning photostimulation data based on spatial correlations.
Bendels, M.H.K., Beed, P., Schmitz, D., Johenning, F.W. and Leibold, C.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 192
(2): 286-295.
15 October 2010
Neuroligin 1 is dynamically exchanged at postsynaptic sites.
Schapitz, I.U., Behrend, B., Pechmann, Y., Lappe-Siefke, C., Kneussel, S.J., Wallace, K.E., Stempel, A.V., Buck, F., Grant, S.G.N., Schweizer, M., Schmitz, D., Schwarz, J.R., Holzbaur, E.L.F. and Kneussel, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 30
(38): 12733-12744.
22 September 2010
Autaptic cultures of single hippocampal granule cells of mice and rats.
Rost, B.R., Breustedt, J., Schoenherr, A., Grosse, G., Ahnert-Hilger, G. and Schmitz, D.
European Journal of Neuroscience 32
(6): 939-947.
September 2010
Munc13-2 differentially affects hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity.
Breustedt, J, Gundlfinger, A, Varoqueaux, F, Reim, K, Brose, N and Schmitz, D.
Cerebral Cortex 20
(5): 1109-1120.
May 2010
Natural spike trains trigger short- and long-lasting dynamics at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses in rodents.
Gundlfinger, A., Breustedt, J., Sullivan, D. and Schmitz, D.
(4): e9961.
1 April 2010
Neuronal selenoprotein expression is required for interneuron development and prevents seizures and neurodegeneration.
Wirth, E.K., Conrad, M., Winterer, J., Wozny, C., Carlson, B.A., Roth, S., Schmitz, D., Bornkamm, G.W., Coppola, V., Tessarollo, L., Schomburg, L., Koehrle, J., Hatfield, D.L. and Schweizer, U.
FASEB Journal 24
(3): 844-852.
March 2010
Synaptic plasticity in the subiculum.
Behr, J., Wozny, C., Fidzinski, P. and Schmitz, D.
Progress in Neurobiology 89
(4): 334-342.
10 December 2009
Differential involvement of the extracellular 6-O-endosulfatases Sulf1 and Sulf2 in brain development and neuronal and behavioural plasticity.
Kalus, I., Salmen, B., Viebahn, C., von Figura, K., Schmitz, D., D'Hooge, R. and Dierks, T.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 13
(11-12): 4505-4521.
November 2009
Dendritic compartment and neuronal output mode determine pathway-specific long-term potentiation in the piriform cortex.
Johenning, F.W., Beed, P.S., Trimbuch, T., Bendels, M.H.K., Winterer, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 29
(43): 13649-13661.
28 October 2009
Single-trial phase precession in the hippocampus.
Schmidt, R., Diba, K., Leibold, C., Schmitz, D., Buzsaki, G. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 29
(42): 13232-13241.
21 October 2009
Synaptic PRG-1 modulates excitatory transmission via lipid phosphate-mediated signaling.
Trimbuch, T., Beed, P., Vogt, J., Schuchmann, S., Maier, N., Kintscher, M., Breustedt, J., Schuelke, M., Streu, N., Kieselmann, O., Brunk, I., Laube, G., Strauss, U., Battefeld, A., Wende, H., Birchmeier, C., Wiese, S., Sendtner, M., Kawabe, H., Kishimoto-Suga, M., Brose, N., Baumgart, J., Geist, B., Aoki, J., Savaskan, N.E., Braeuer, A.U., Chun, J., Ninnemann, O., Schmitz, D. and Nitsch, R.
Cell 138
(6): 1222-12235.
18 September 2009
An approach for reliably investigating hippocampal sharp wave-ripples in vitro.
Maier, N., Morris, G., Johenning, F.W. and Schmitz, D.
(9): e6925.
7 September 2009
Role of amyloid-β glycine 33 in oligomerization, toxicity, and neuronal plasticity.
Harmeier, A., Wozny, C., Rost, B.R., Munter, L.M., Hua, H., Georgiev, O., Beyermann, M., Hildebrand, P.W., Weise, C., Schaffner, W., Schmitz, D. and Multhaup, G.
Journal of Neuroscience 29
(23): 7582-7590.
10 June 2009
GluK2-mediated excitability within the superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex.
Beed, P.S., Salmen, B. and Schmitz, D.
(5): e5576.
18 May 2009
The function of glutamatergic synapses is not perturbed by severe knockdown of 4.1N and 4.1G expression.
Wozny, C., Breustedt, J., Wolk, F., Varoqueaux, F., Boretius, S., Zivkovic, A.R., Neeb, A., Frahm, J., Schmitz, D., Brose, N. and Ivanovic, A.
Journal of Cell Science 122
(Pt 5): 735-744.
1 March 2009
Differential cAMP signaling at hippocampal output synapses.
Wozny, C., Maier, N., Fidzinski, P., Breustedt, J., Behr, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 28
(53): 14358-14362.
31 December 2008
A novel control software that improves the experimental workflow of scanning photostimulation experiments.
Bendels, M.H.K., Beed, P., Leibold, C., Schmitz, D. and Johenning, F.W.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 175
(1): 44-57.
30 October 2008
Two different forms of long-term potentiation at CA1-subiculum synapses.
Wozny, C., Maier, N., Schmitz, D. and Behr, J.
Journal of Physiology 586
(Pt 11): 2725-2734.
1 June 2008
Sortilin-related receptor with A-type repeats (SORLA) affects the amyloid precursor protein-dependent stimulation of ERK signaling and adult neurogenesis.
Rohe, M., Carlo, A.S., Breyhan, H., Sporbert, A., Militz, D., Schmidt, V., Wozny, C., Harmeier, A., Erdmann, B., Bales, K.R., Wolf, S.A., Kempermann, G., Paul, S.M., Schmitz, D., Bayer, T.A., Willnow, T.E. and Andersen, O.M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283
(21): 14826-14834.
23 May 2008
Phase precession through synaptic facilitation.
Thurley, K., Leibold, C., Gundlfinger, A., Schmitz, D. and Kempter, R.
Neural Computation 20
(5): 1285-1324.
May 2008
Temporal compression mediated by short-term synaptic plasticity.
Leibold, C., Gundlfinger, A., Schmidt, R., Thurley, K., Schmitz, D. and Kempter, R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105
(11): 4417-4422.
18 March 2008
Neuroscience : Rules of plasticity.
Brecht, M. and Schmitz, D.
Science 319
(5859): 39-40.
4 January 2008
Differential modulation of short-term synaptic dynamics by long-term potentiation at mouse hippocampal mossy fibre synapses.
Gundlfinger, A., Leibold, C., Gebert, K., Moisel, M., Schmitz, D. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Physiology 585
(Pt 3): 853-865.
15 December 2007
A defect in the ionotropic glutamate receptor 6 gene (GRIK2) is associated with autosomal recessive mental retardation.
Motazacker, M.M., Rost, B.R., Hucho, T., Garshasbi, M., Kahrizi, K., Ullmann, R., Abedini, S.S., Nieh, S.E., Amini, S.H., Goswami, C., Tzschach, A., Jensen, L.R., Schmitz, D., Ropers, H.H., Najmabadi, H. and Kuss, A.W.
American Journal of Human Genetics 81
(4): 792-798.
October 2007
Adenosine modulates transmission at the hippocampal mossy fibre synapse via direct inhibition of presynaptic calcium channels.
Gundlfinger, A., Bischofberger, J., Johenning, F.W., Torvinen, M., Schmitz, D. and Breustedt, J.
Journal of Physiology 582
(Pt 1): 263-277.
1 July 2007
Increased inhibitory input to CA1 pyramidal cells alters hippocampal gamma frequency oscillations in the MK-801 model of acute psychosis.
Kehrer, C., Dugladze, T., Maziashvili, N., Wojtowicz, A., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Gloveli, T.
Neurobiology of Disease 25
(3): 545-552.
March 2007
Enhanced synaptic excitation-inhibition ratio in hippocampal interneurons of rats with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Stief, F., Zuschratter, W., Hartmann, K., Schmitz, D. and Draguhn, A.
European Journal of Neuroscience 25
(2): 519-528.
January 2007
Arc/Arg3.1 is essential for the consolidation of synaptic plasticity and memories.
Plath, N., Ohana, O., Dammermann, B., Errington, M.L., Schmitz, D., Gross, C., Mao, X., Engelsberg, A., Mahlke, C., Welzl, H., Kobalz, U., Stawrakakis, A., Fernandez, E., Waltereit, R., Bick-Sander, A., Therstappen, E., Cooke, S.F., Blanquet, V., Wurst, W., Salmen, B., Boesl, M.R., Lipp, H.P., Grant, S.G.N., Bliss, T.V.P., Wolfer, D.P. and Kuhl, D.
Neuron 52
(3): 437-444.
9 November 2006
Experimental febrile seizures are precipitated by a hyperthermia-induced respiratory alkalosis.
Schuchmann, S., Schmitz, D., Rivera, C., Vanhatalo, S., Salmen, B., Mackie, K., Sipilae, S.T., Voipio, J. and Kaila, K.
Nature Medicine 12
(7): 817-823.
July 2006
Synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibre synapses.
Nicoll, R.A. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6
(11): 863-876.
November 2005
Inactivity sets XL synapses in motion.
Gundlfinger, A. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 47
(5): 623-625.
1 September 2005
Functional GABA uptake at inhibitory synapses in CA1 of chronically epileptic rats.
Stief, F., Piechotta, A., Gabriel, S., Schmitz, D. and Draguhn, A.
Epilepsy Research 66
(1-3): 199-202.
August 2005
Induced sharp wave-ripple complexes in the absence of synaptic inhibition in mouse hippocampal slices.
Nimmrich, V., Maier, N., Schmitz, D. and Draguhn, A.
Journal of Physiology 563
(Pt 3): 663-670.
15 March 2005
Glutamate transporters and metabotropic receptors regulate excitatory neurotransmission in the medial entorhinal cortex of the rat.
Iserhot, C., Gebhardt, C., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Brain Research 1027
(1-2): 151-160.
19 November 2004
Assessing the role of GLUK5 and GLUK6 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 24
(45): 10093-10098.
10 November 2004
Characterization of the inhibitory glycine receptor on entorhinal cortex neurons.
Breustedt, J., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Schmieden, V.
European Journal of Neuroscience 19
(7): 1987-1991.
April 2004
Adenosine gates synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Moore, K.A., Nicoll, R.A. and Schmitz, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100
(24): 14397-14402.
25 November 2003
α1E-containing Ca2+ channels are involved in synaptic plasticity.
Breustedt, J., Vogt, K.E., Miller, R.J., Nicoll, R.A. and Schmitz, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100
(21): 12450-12455.
14 October 2003
Presynaptic kainate receptors impart an associative property to hippocampal mossy fiber long-term potentiation.
Schmitz, D., Mellor, J., Breustedt, J. and Nicoll, R.A.
Nature Neuroscience 6
(10): 1058-1063.
October 2003
Mediation of hippocampal mossy fiber long-term potentiation by presynaptic Ih channels.
Mellor, J., Nicoll, R.A. and Schmitz, D.
Science 295
(5552): 143-147.
4 January 2002
Glutamine uptake by neurons: interaction of protons with system a transporters.
Chaudhry, F.A., Schmitz, D., Reimer, R.J., Larsson, P., Gray, A.T., Nicoll, R., Kavanaugh, M. and Edwards, R.H.
Journal of Neuroscience 22
(1): 62-72.
1 January 2002
Axonal gap junctions between principal neurons: a novel source of network oscillations, and perhaps epileptogenesis.
Traub, R.D., Draguhn, A., Whittington, M.A., Baldeweg, T., Bibbig, A., Buhl, E.H. and Schmitz, D.
Reviews in the Neurosciences 13
(1): 1-30.
Presynaptic kainate receptors at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Schmitz, D., Mellor, J., Frerking, M. and Nicoll, R.A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98
(20): 11003-11008.
25 September 2001
Axo-axonal coupling. a novel mechanism for ultrafast neuronal communication.
Schmitz, D., Schuchmann, S., Fisahn, A., Draguhn, A., Buhl, E.H., Petrasch-Parwez, E., Dermietzel, R., Heinemann, U. and Traub, R.D.
Neuron 31
(5): 831-840.
13 September 2001
Kainate receptors depress excitatory synaptic transmission at CA3-->CA1 synapses in the hippocampus via a direct presynaptic action.
Frerking, M., Schmitz, D., Zhou, Q., Johansen, J. and Nicoll, R.A.
Journal of Neuroscience 21
(9): 2958-2966.
1 May 2001
Enhanced temporal stability of cholinergic hippocampal γ oscillations following respiratory alkalosis in vitro.
Stenkamp, K., Palva, J.M., Uusisaari, M., Schuchmann, S., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Kaila, K.
Journal of Neurophysiology 85
(5): 2063-2069.
May 2001
Presynaptic kainate receptor mediation of frequency facilitation at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Schmitz, D., Mellor, J. and Nicoll, R.A.
Science 291
(5510): 1972-1976.
9 March 2001
Synaptic and nonsynaptic contributions to giant ipsps and ectopic spikes induced by 4-aminopyridine in the hippocampus in vitro.
Traub, R.D., Bibbig, R., Piechotta, A., Draguhn, R. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neurophysiology 85
(3): 1246-1256.
March 2001
Properties of entorhinal cortex deep layer neurons projecting to the rat dentate gyrus.
Gloveli, T., Dugladze, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Neuroscience 13
(2): 413-420.
January 2001
Kainate receptors and synaptic plasticity.
Nicoll, R.A., Mellor, J., Frerking, M. and Schmitz, D.
Nature 406
(6799): 957.
31 August 2000
Synaptic activation of presynaptic kainate receptors on hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Schmitz, D., Frerking, M. and Nicoll, R.A.
Neuron 27
(2): 327-338.
August 2000
Dopamine depresses excitatory synaptic transmission onto rat subicular neurons via presynaptic D1-like dopamine receptors.
Behr, J., Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neurophysiology 84
(1): 112-119.
July 2000
Ripple (approximately 200-Hz) oscillations in temporal structures.
Draguhn, A., Traub, R.D., Bibbig, A. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology 17
(4): 361-376.
July 2000
AMPA receptors jump the synaptic cleft.
Nicoll, R.A., Frerking, M. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Publishing Group.
June 2000
Properties of entorhinal cortex projection cells to the hippocampal formation.
Heinemann, U., Schmitz, D., Eder, C. and Gloveli, T.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 911
: 112-126.
June 2000
Dopamine depresses polysynaptic inhibition in rat subicular neurons.
Behr, J., Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Brain Research 861
(1): 160-164.
7 April 2000
Retigabine strongly reduces repetitive firing in rat entorhinal cortex.
Hetka, R., Rundfeldt, C., Heinemann, U. and Schmitz, D.
European Journal of Pharmacology 386
(2-3): 165-171.
15 December 1999
Carbachol-induced changes in excitability and [Ca2+]i signalling in projection cells of medial entorhinal cortex layers II and III.
Gloveli, T., Egorov, A.V., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Mueller, W.
European Journal of Neuroscience 11
(10): 3626-3636.
October 1999
Potent depression of stimulus evoked field potential responses in the medial entorhinal cortex by serotonin.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
British Journal of Pharmacology 128
(1): 248-254.
September 1999
High-frequency population oscillations are predicted to occur in hippocampal pyramidal neuronal networks interconnected by axoaxonal gap junctions.
Traub, R.D., Schmitz, D., Jefferys, J.G.R. and Draguhn, A.
Neuroscience 92
(2): 407-426.
May 1999
Comparison of the effects of serotonin in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Molecular Neurobiology 17
(1-3): 59-72.
December 1998
Laminar difference in GABA uptake and GAT-1 expression in rat CA1.
Engel, D., Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Frahm, C., Heinemann, U. and Draguhn, A.
Journal of Physiology 512
(Pt 3): 643-649.
1 November 1998
Dopamine suppresses stimulus-induced field potentials in layer III of rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Stenkamp, K., Heinemann, U. and Schmitz, D.
Neuroscience Letters 255
(2): 119-121.
16 October 1998
Interaction between superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus in normal and epileptic temporal lobe.
Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Epilepsy Research 32
(1-2): 183-193.
September 1998
Neuroactive steroids induce GABA(A) receptor-mediated depolarizing postsynaptic potentials in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells of the rat.
Burg, M., Heinemann, U. and Schmitz, D.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10
(9): 2880-2886.
September 1998
Serotonin reduces polysynaptic inhibition via 5-HT1A receptors in the superficial entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neurophysiology 80
(3): 1116-1121.
September 1998
Subthreshold membrane potential oscillations in neurons of deep layers of the entorhinal cortex.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Behr, J., Dugladze, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience 85
(4): 999-1004.
August 1998
Electrical coupling underlies high-frequency oscillations in the hippocampus in vitro.
Draguhn, A., Traub, R.D., Schmitz, D. and Jefferys, J.G.R.
Nature 394
(6689): 189-192.
9 July 1998
Serotonin reduces synaptic excitation in the superficial medial entorhinal cortex of the rat via a presynaptic mechanism.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T., Empson, R.M., Draguhn, A. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Physiology 508
(Pt 1): 119-129.
1 April 1998
Comparison of effects of valproate and trans-2-en-valproate on different forms of epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal and temporal cortex slices.
Sokolova, S., Schmitz, D., Zhang, C.L., Loescher, W. and Heinemann, U.
Epilepsia 39
(3): 251-258.
March 1998
Frequency-dependent information flow from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus.
Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neurophysiology 78
(6): 3444-3449.
December 1997
Effects of serotonin on synaptic and intrinsic properties of rat subicular neurons in vitro.
Behr, J., Empson, R.M., Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Brain Research 773
(1-2): 217-222.
31 October 1997
Prolonged inhibitory potentials in layer III projection cells of the rat medial entorhinal cortex induced by synaptic stimulation in vitro.
Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience 80
(1): 119-131.
September 1997
Morphological and electrophysiological characterization of layer III cells of the medial entorhinal cortex of the rat.
Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M., Dugladze, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience 77
(3): 629-648.
April 1997
Effects of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on Ca2+ uptake in rat hippocampal slices lesioned by glucose deprivation or by kainate.
Alici, K., Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience 77
(1): 97-109.
March 1997
Systemic administration of the phencyclidine compound MK-801 affects stimulus-induced field potentials selectively in layer III of rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Gloveli, T., Iserhot, C., Schmitz, D., Castren, E., Behr, J. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 221
(2-3): 93-96.
17 January 1997
Serotonin blocks different patterns of low Mg2+-induced epileptiform activity in rat entorhinal cortex, but not hippocampus.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience 76
(2): 449-458.
January 1997
Electrophysiological properties of rat subicular neurons in vitro.
Behr, J., Empson, R.M., Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 220
(1): 41-44.
6 December 1996
Serotonin and 8-OH-DPAT reduce excitatory transmission in rat hippocampal area CA1 via reduction in presumed presynaptic Ca2+ entry.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Brain Research 701
(1-2): 249-254.
1 December 1995
Effects of losigamone on synaptic potentials and spike frequency habituation in rat entorhinal cortex and hippocampal CA1 neurones.
Schmitz, D., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 200
(2): 141-143.
17 November 1995
Serotonin reduces inhibition via 5-HT1A receptors in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices in vitro.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neuroscience 15
(11): 7217-7225.
November 1995
Electrophysiology and morphology of a new type of cell within layer II of the rat lateral entorhinal cortex in vitro.
Empson, R.M., Gloveli, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 193
(3): 149-152.
7 July 1995
Serotonin reduces synaptic excitation of principal cells in the superficial layers of rat hippocampal-entorhinal cortex combined slices.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M., Gloveli, T. and Heinemann, U.
Neuroscience Letters 190
(1): 37-40.
28 April 1995
Effects of methysticin on three different models of seizure like events studied in rat hippocampal and entorhinal cortex slices.
Schmitz, D., Zhang, C.L., Chatterjee, S.S. and Heinemann, U.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 351
(4): 348-355.
April 1995
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 20:08:51 2025 UTC.