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Jump to: ACE Report | Acta Cardiologica | Acta Physiologica Scandinavica | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | Aerzte Zeitung | Allgemeinarzt | American Journal of Cardiology | American Journal of Hypertension | American Journal of Kidney Diseases | American Journal of Pathology | American Journal of Physiology | American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism | American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology | American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology | American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology | Annual Review of Physiology | Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux | Arzneimittelforschung | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders | Basic Research in Cardiology | Berliner Republik | Biochemical Pharmacology | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | Biologicals | Biology of Reproduction | Biospektrum | Blood Pressure | Blood Vessels | Brain Research | British Journal of Ophthalmology | British Journal of Pharmacology | Cardiology | Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy | Cardiovascular Research | Cell | Cell and Tissue Research | Chinese Medical Journal | Circulation | Circulation Research | Clinical Genetics | Clinical Science | Clinical and Experimental Hypertension | Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology | Curr Circ | Current Opinion in Cardiology | Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension | Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics | Dementia | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift | Deutsches Aerzteblatt | Developmental Brain Research | EMBO Journal | Enciclopedia Medica Italiana | Endocrine | Endocrinology | Endothelium | European Heart Journal | European Journal of Neuroscience | European Journal of Pharmacology | European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section | Experimental Brain Research | Experimental Nephrology | Experimental Physiology | FASEB Journal | FEBS Letters | Folia Biologica Prague | Fortschritte der Medizin | Forum Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft eV | Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology | Gegenworte Zeitschrift fuer den Disput ueber Wissen | Genetics | Genome Research | Genomics | Glia | Herz | Herz Kreislauf | Hormone and Metabolic Research | Human Molecular Genetics | Humboldt-Spektrum | Hypertension | Hypertension Research | Immunopharmacology | Inflammation | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology | Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy | Journal of Clinical Investigation | Journal of Experimental Animal Science | Journal of Human Hypertension | Journal of Hypertension | Journal of Molecular Endocrinology | Journal of Molecular Medicine | Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology | Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology | Journal of Vascular Surgery | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology | Kidney International | Kidney and Blood Pressure Research | Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell | Laboratory Medicine | MED-REPORT | Magazin fuer Pflegepersonal am Universitaetsklinikum Benjamin Franklin | Mammalian Genome | Molecular Aspects of Medicine | Molecular Brain Research | Molecular Reproduction and Development | Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift | Nachrichten aus der Chemie | Nature | Nature Genetics | Nature Medicine | Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation | NeuroReport | Neuroscience | Neuroscience Letters | Neurotoxicity Rresearch | News in Physiological Sciences | Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten | Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases | Pediatric Nephrology | Peptides | Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology | Pharmacological Research | Physiological Genomics | Physiological Research | Politics and the Life Sciences | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Progress in Cardiology | Regulatory Peptides | Renal Physiology and Biochemistry | Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Sciences | Science | Seminars in Nephrology | Steroids | Theriogenology | Transactions of the Association of American Physicians | Transplantation Proceedings | Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine | Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Innere Medizin | Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft | Zeitschrift fuer Biopolitik

ACE Report

Investigating the genetics of hypertension.
Bader, M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
ACE Report 99 : 6-10. 1 January 1993

Acta Cardiologica

The cardiac renin-angiotensin system: a synopsis of current experimental and clinical data.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Acta Cardiologica 46 : 385-397. 1 January 1991

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica

Immobilization stress induces vasodepressor and altered neuroendocrine responses in the adult stroke-prone, spontaneously hypertensive male rat.
Narvaez, J.A., Aguirre, J.A., Haerfstrand, A., Eneroth, P., Ganten, D., Agnati, L.F. and Fuxe, K.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 149 : 491-501. 1 January 1993

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

Transcriptional silencer in intron I of the rat renin gene.
Voigtlaender, T., Ripperger, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 377 : 285-292. 1 January 1995

Aerzte Zeitung

Molekulargenetische Marker sollen Hochdruck-Forschung vorantreiben. Das Renin-Gen hat eine pathophysiologische Relevanz fuer die Hypertonie.
Ganten, D., Kreutz, R. and Lindpaintner, K.
Aerzte Zeitung 135 : 11-13. 1 January 1992


Baildon, R. and Ganten, D.
Allgemeinarzt 8 : 616-619. 1 January 1991

American Journal of Cardiology

Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on tissue renin angiotensin systems.
Lee, M.A., Paul, M., Boehm, M. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Cardiology 70 : C12-C19. 1 January 1992

American Journal of Hypertension

Depressor role of angiotensin AT2 receptors in the (mRen-2)27 transgenic rat.
Nishioka, T., Morris, M., Li, P., Ganten, D., Ferrario, C.M. and Callahan, M.F.
American Journal of Hypertension 11 : 357-362. 1 January 1998

Chronic estrogen treatment in female transgenic (mRen2)27 hypertensive rats augments endothelium-derived nitric oxide release.
Li, P., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Brosnihan, K.B.
American Journal of Hypertension 10 : 662-670. 1 January 1997

Endothelial injury in transgenic (mRen-2)27 hypertensive rats.
Strawn, W.B., Gallagher, P., Dean, R.H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Hypertension 10 : 51-57. 1 January 1997

Chymase- dependent angiotensin II forming system in humans.
Urata, H., Nishimura, H. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Hypertension 9 (3): 277-284. 1 March 1996

Renal and antihypertensive effects of neutral endopeptidase inhibition in transgenic rats with an extra renin gene.
Stasch, J.P., Hirth-Dietrich, C., Ganten, D. and Wegner, M.
American Journal of Hypertension 9 : 795-802. 1 January 1996

The hypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27 in hypertension research characteristics and functional aspects.
Langheinrich, M., Lee, M.A., Boehm, M., Pinto, Y.M. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Hypertension 9 (5): 506-512. 1 January 1996

Estrogen augments the contribution of nitric oxide to blood pressure regulation in transgenic hypertensive rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Brosnihan, K.B., Moriguchi, A., Nakamoto, H., Dean, R.H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Hypertension 7 : 576-582. 1 January 1994

American Journal of Kidney Diseases

No association of converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism with immunoglobulin a glomerulonephritis.
Schmidt, S., Stier, E., Hartung, R., Stein, G., Bahnisch, J., Woodroffe, A.J., Clarkson, A.R., Ponticelli, C., Campise, M., Mayer, G., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 26 (5): 727-731. 1 November 1995

American Journal of Pathology

Angiotensin II induces connective tissue growth factor gene expression via calcineurin-dependent pathways.
Finckenberg, P., Inkinen, K., Ahonen, J., Merasto, S., Louhelainen, M., Vapaatalo, H., Mueller, D., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Mervaala, E.
American Journal of Pathology 163 (1): 355-366. July 2003

Angiotensin II (AT1) receptor blockade reduces vascular tissue factor in angiotensin II-induced cardiac vasculopathy.
Mueller, D.N., Mervaala, E.M.A., Dechend, R., Fiebeler, A., Park, J.K., Schmidt, F., Theuer, J., Breu, V., Mackman, N., Luther, T., Schneider, W., Gulba, D., Ganten, D., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Pathology 157 : 111-122. 1 July 2000

American Journal of Physiology

Functional evidence for alternative ANG II-forming pathways in hamster cardiovascular system.
Nishimura, H., Buikema, H., Baltatu, O., Ganten, D. and Urata, H.
American Journal of Physiology 275 : H1307-H1312. 1 October 1998

Renal function in hypertensive rats transgenic for mouse renin gene.
Springate, J.E., Feld, L.G. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Physiology 266 : F731-F737. 1 January 1994

Ontogenetic regulation of the mouse Ren-2d renin gene in transgenic hypertensive rats TGR(mREN2)27.
Zhao, Y., Bader, M., Kreutz, R., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Zimmermann, F., Ganten, U., Metzger, R., Ganten, D., Mullins, J.J. and Peters, J.
American Journal of Physiology 265 : E699-E707. 1 January 1993

American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism

Physiological characterization of the hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Lee, M.A., Boehm, M., Paul, M., Bader, M., Ganten, U. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 270 : E919-E929. 1 January 1996

Enhanced adrenal renin and aldosterone biosynthesis during sodium restriction in TGR (mREN2)27.
Rubattu, S., Enea, I., Ganten, D., Salvatore, D., Condorelli, G.L., Condorelli, G., Russo, R., Romano, M., Gigante, B., Trimarco, B. and Volpe, M.
American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 267 : E515-E520. 1 January 1994

American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology

Estrogen, nitric oxide, and hypertension differentially modulate agonist-induced contractile responses in female transgenic (mRen2)27 hypertensive rats.
Brosnihan, K.B., Li, P., Figueroa, J.P., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 294 (5): H1995-H2001. 1 May 2008

Primary role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 in cardiac production of angiotensin-(1-7) in transgenic Ren-2 hypertensive rats.
Trask, A.J., Averill, D.B., Ganten, D., Chappell, M.C. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 292 (6): H3019-H3024. 1 June 2007

Role of central AT1 and V1 receptors in cardiovascular adaptation to hemorrhage in SD and renin TGR rats.
Paczwa, P., Szczepanska-Sadowska, E., Lont, S., Ganten, U. and Ganten, D.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 45 : H1918-H1926. 1 June 1999

Cardiovascular, endocrine and body fluid-electrolyte responses to salt loading in mRen-2 transgenic rats.
Li, P., Morris, M., Ferrario, C.M., Barrett, C., Ganten, D. and Callahan, M.F.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 44 : H1130-H1137. 1 January 1998

Mouse and rat plasma renin concentration and gene expression in (mRen2)27 transgenic rats.
Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Edling, O., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 43 : H1450-H1456. 1 January 1998

Endothelial vasoconstrictor of prostanoids modulate contractions to acetylcholine and ANG II in REN-2 rats.
Noll, G., Lang, M., Tschudi, M.R., Ganten, D. and Luescher, T.F.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 272 : H493-H500. 1 January 1997

Vascular angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous system: do they interact?
Hilgers, K.F., Veelken, R., Kreppner, I., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C., Geiger, H. and Mann, J.F.
American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 267 : H187-H194. 1 January 1994

American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology

Decreased susceptibility of cardiac function to hypoxia-reoxygenation in renin-angiotensinogen transgenic rats.
Wagner, K.D., Essmann, V., Mydlak, K., Wirth, M., Gmehling, G., Bohlender, J., Stauss, H.M., Gunther, J., Schimke, I. and Scholz, H.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 283 (1): R153-R160. 1 January 2002

Alterations of the renin-angiotensin system at the RVLM of transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Baltatu, O., Fontes, M.A.P., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Caligiorni, S., Ganten, D., Santos, R.A.S. and Bader, M.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 280 (2): R428-R433. 1 January 2001

Glial angiotensinogen regulates brain angiotensin II receptors in transgenic rats TGR(ASrAOGEN).
Monti, J., Schinke, M., Boehm, M., Ganten, D., Bader, M. and Bricca, G.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 280 (1): R233-R240. 1 January 2001

Estrogen protects transgenic hypertensive rats by shifting the vasoconstrictor-vasodilator balance of RAS.
Brosnihan, K.B., Li, P., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 273 (6 Pt 2): R1908-R1915. 1 December 1997

Role of paraventricular angiotensin AT-1 receptors in salt sensitive hypertension in mRen-2 transgenic rats.
Li, P., Morris, M., Diz, D.I., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Callahan, M.F.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 39 : R1178-R1181. 1 January 1996

American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology

Mechanisms of hypertension in transgenic rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Moriguchi, A., Brosnihan, K.B., Kumagai, H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 266 (4 Pt 2): R1273-R1279. 1 April 1994

Differential regulation of central vasopressin in transgenic rats harboring the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Moriguchi, A., Ferrario, C.M., Brosnihan, K.B., Ganten, D. and Morris, M.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 267 : R786-R791. 1 January 1994

Insulin resistance and hypertension: studies in transgenic hypertensive TGR(mREN-2)27 rats.
Vetter, R., Cusin, I., Ganten, D., Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F., Ferrannini, E. and Jeanrenaud, B.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 267 (6): R1503-R1509. 1 January 1994

High blood pressure maintenance in transgenic mRen-2 vs. Lyon genetically hypertensive rats.
Lo, M., Medeiros, I.A., Mullins, J.J., Ganten, D., Barres, C., Cerutti, C., Vincent, M. and Sassard, J.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 265 : R180-R186. 1 January 1993

Annual Review of Physiology

Transgenic rats: new experimental models for the study of candidate genes in hypertension research.
Paul, M., Wagner, J., Hoffmann, S., Urata, H. and Ganten, D.
Annual Review of Physiology 56 : 811-829. 1994

Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux

Developpement chez le rat d'hypertension a la renine humaine [Development of a model of human renin-dependent hypertension in the rat].
Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Wagner, J., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 89 : 1009-1011. 1 January 1996


The renin-angiotensin paradigm. practical therapeutical consequences of basic research.
Ganten, D.
Arzneimittelforschung 43 : 191-197. 1 January 1993

The renin-angiotensin system in the brain. Localization and functional significance.
Paul, M., Bader, M., Steckelings, U.M., Voigtlaender, T. and Ganten, D.
Arzneimittelforschung 43 : 207-213. 1 January 1993

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

Angiotensin II induced inflammation in the kidney and in the heart of double transgenic rats.
Theuer, J., Dechend, R., Muller, D.N., Park, J.K., Fiebeler, A., Barta, P., Ganten, D., Haller, H., Dietz, R. and Luft, F.C.
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2 : 3. 18 January 2002

Basic Research in Cardiology

Defective suppression of the aldosterone biosynthesis during stroke permissive diet in the stroke-prone phenotype of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Enea, I., De Paolis, P., Porcellini, A., Piras, O., Savoia, C., Russo, R., Giliberti, R., Gigante, B., Rubattu, S., Conte, G., Ganten, D. and Volpe, M.
Basic Research in Cardiology 95 (2): 84-92. 1 April 2000

Mechanisms of cardiac growth. The role of the renin-angiotensin system.
Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Basic Research in Cardiology 87 : 173-181. 1 January 1992

Enhanced cardiac angiotensinogen gene expression and angiotensin converting enzyme activity in tachypacing-induced heart failure in rats.
Finckh, M., Hellmann, W., Ganten, D., Furtwangler, A., Allgeier, J., Boltz, M. and Holtz, J.
Basic Research in Cardiology 86 : 303-316. 1 January 1991

Berliner Republik

Entdeckung und Erfindung : Genomforschung in Deutschland: zu wenig Geld, unsichere Rechtslage.
Ganten, D.
Berliner Republik 4 : 7-9. 1 January 2000

Biochemical Pharmacology

The brain renin-angiotensin system: a model for the synthesis of peptides in the brain (Commentary).
Ganten, D. and Speck, G.
Biochemical Pharmacology 27 : 2379-2389. 1 January 1992

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Alternative splicing of the mRNA coding for the human endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme: a new mechanism for solubilization.
Sugimura, K., Tian, X.L., Hoffmann, S., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 247 : 466-472. 1 January 1998

Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a mouse bradykinin B1 receptor gene.
Pesquero, J.B., Pesquero, J.L., Oliveira, S.M., Roscher, A.A., Metzger, R., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 220 (1): 219-225. 1 January 1996

Extra-hepatic transcription of plasma prekallikrein gene in human and rat tissues.
Ciechanowicz, A., Bader, M., Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 197 : 1370-1376. 1 January 1993


Programme for countering emerging infectious diseases (ProCEID) by prophylatic, diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Mission statement, revised.
Geissler, E. and Ganten, D.
Biologicals 24 : 71-74. 1 January 1996

Biology of Reproduction

Development of parthenogenetic rat embryos.
Krivokharchenko, A., Popova, E., Zaitseva, I., Vil'ianovich, L., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Biology of Reproduction 68 (3): 829-836. 1 March 2003

Infertility in a transgenic rat due to impairment of cytoplasmic elimination and sperm release from the sertoli cells.
Sharpe, R.M., Maguire, S.M., Saunders, P.T.K., Millar, M.R., Russel, L.D., Ganten, D., Bachmann, S., Mullins, L. and Mullins, J.J.
Biology of Reproduction 53 : 214-226. 1 January 1995


Wir brauchen Frische im Geist, Ideen und wirkliches Wollen.
Ganten, D.
Biospektrum 5 : 17-18. 1 January 1997

Molekulare Medizin: Herausforderung fuer die Klinische Pharmakologie (Editorial).
Ganten, D.
Biospektrum 2 : 4. 1 January 1996

Blood Pressure

Angiotensin-converting enzyme-independent pathways of angiotensin II formation in human tissues and cardiovascular diseases.
Urata, H., Nishimura, H., Ganten, D. and Arakawa, K.
Blood Pressure 5, Suppl.2 : 22-28. 1 January 1996

Blood Vessels

Vascular production and regulation of angiotensin.
Hilgers, K.F., Mann, J.F., Hilgenfeldt, U. and Ganten, D.
Blood Vessels 28 : 201-209. 1 January 1991

Brain Research

Enhanced blood pressure buffering role of the brain nitrergic system in renin transgenic rats.
Lon, S., Szczepanska-Sadowska, E., Paczwa, P. and Ganten, D.
Brain Research 842 : 384-391. 25 September 1999

High levels of human chymase expression in the pineal and pituitary glands.
Baltatu, O., Nishimura, H., Hoffmann, S., Stoltenburg, G., Haulica, I.D., Lippoldt, A., Ganten, D. and Urata, H.
Brain Research 752 : 269-278. 1 January 1997

Basic fibroblast growth factor expression and tenascin C immunoreactivity after partial unilateral hemitransection of the rat brain.
Lippoldt, A., Andbjer, B., Gerst, H., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 730 : 1-16. 1 January 1996

Expression of cytochrome P45011B1 mRNA in the brain of normal and hypertensive transgenic rats.
Erdmann, B., Gerst, H., Lippoldt, A., Buelow, H., Ganten, D., Fuxe, K. and Bernhardt, R.
Brain Research 733 : 73-82. 1 January 1996

Evidence for a differential modulation of the alpha-2 adrenoreceptors by angiotensin II in the nucleus tractus solitarii of the spontaneously hypertensive and the wistar kyoto normotensive rats.
Fior, D.R., Yang, S.N., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 679 : 168-177. 1 January 1995

Increased vasopressor actions of intraventricular neuropeptide Y-(13-36) in spontaneously hypertensive versus normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats. Possible relationship to increases in Y2 receptor binding in the nucleus tractus solitarius.
Aguirre, J.A., Hedlund, P.B., Narvaez, J.A., Bunnemann, B., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 684 (2): 159-164. 1 January 1995

On the plasticity of the cerebellar renin-angiotensin system: Localization of components and effects of mechanical perturbation.
Lippoldt, A., Bunnemann, B., Ueki, A., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Hasselrot, U., Metzger, R., Hilgenfeldt, U., Brosnihan, K.B., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 668 : 144-159. 1 January 1994

Photochemically induced focal cerebral ischemia in rat: time dependent and global increase in expression of basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA.
Lippoldt, A., Andbjer, B., Rosen, L., Richter, E., Ganten, D., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F. and Fuxe, K.
Brain Research 625 : 45-56. 1 January 1993

British Journal of Ophthalmology

Demonstration of renin mRNA, angiotensinogen mRNA, and angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA expression in the human eye: evidence for an intraocular renin- angiotensin system.
Wagner, J., Danser, A.H.J., Derkx, F.H.M., Dejong, P.T.V.M., Paul, M., Mullins, J.J., Schalekamp, M.A.D.H. and Ganten, D.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 80 (2): 159-163. 1 February 1996

British Journal of Pharmacology

Dual pathway for angiotensin II formation in human internal mammary arteries.
Voors, A.A., Pinto, Y.M., Buikema, H., Urata, H., Oosterga, M., Roos, G., Grandjean, J.G., Ganten, D. and van Gilst, W.H.
British Journal of Pharmacology 125 : 1028-1032. 1 November 1998


Local renin-angiotensin systems in cardiovascular tissues: localization and functional role.
Stock, P., Liefeld, L., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Cardiology 86 (Suppl.1): 2-8. 1 January 1995

Tissue renin-angiotensin systems and their modulation: the heart as a paradigm for new aspects of converting enzyme inhibition.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Cardiology 79 (Suppl 1): 32-44. 1 January 1991

Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy

The role of neuropeptides in cardiovascular regulation.
Ganten, D., Paul, M. and Lang, R.E.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 5 : 119-130. 1 January 1991

Cardiovascular Research

Lessons from rat models of hypertension: from Goldblatt to genetic engineering.
Pinto, Y.M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Cardiovascular Research 39 (1): 77-88. 1 July 1998


Genetic mapping of a gene causing hypertension in the stroke- prone spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Jacob, H.J., Lindpaintner, K., Lincoln, S.E., Kusumi, K., Bunker, R.K., Mao, Y.P., Ganten, D., Dzau, V.J. and Lander, E.S.
Cell 67 (1): 213-224. 4 October 1991

Cell and Tissue Research

Zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland in a transgenic strain of rat: A morphologic and functional study.
Rocco, S., Rebuffat, P., Cimolato, M., Opocher, G., Peters, J., Mazzocchi, G., Ganten, D., Mantero, F. and Nussdorfer, G.G.
Cell and Tissue Research 278 : 21-28. 1 January 1994

Chinese Medical Journal

Progress in molecular medicine. From experimental genetics to the treatment of hypertensive patients.
Ganten, D., Kreutz, R., Bader, M. and Wagner, J.
Chinese Medical Journal 106 : 375-384. 1 January 1993


Evidence for primary genetic determination of heart rate regulation. Chromosomal mapping of a genetic locus in the rat.
Kreutz, R., Stock, P., Struk, B., Hübner, N., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Circulation 96 (4): 1078-1081. 19 August 1997

Contribution of local renin angiotensin system to cardiac hypertrophy, phenotypic modulation, and remodeling in TGR(mRen2)27 transgenic rats.
Ohta, K., Kim, S.K., Wanibuchi, H., Ganten, D. and Iwao, H.
Circulation 94 (4): 785-791. 15 August 1996

Genetic linkage of the ACE gene to plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity but not to blood pressure: a quantitative trait locus confers identical complex phenotypes in human and rat hypertension.
Kreutz, R., Hübner, N., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Circulation 92 (9): 2381-2384. 1 November 1995

Alteration in coronary artery vascular reactivity of hypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Tschudi, M.R., Noll, G., Arnet, U., Novosel, D., Ganten, D. and Luescher, T.F.
Circulation 89 (6): 2780-2786. June 1994

Tissue renin-angiotensin systems. Their role in cardiovascular disease.
Lee, M.A., Boehm, M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Circulation 87 (Suppl IV): 7-13. May 1993

Circulation Research

Identification of hypertension-related genes through an integrated genomic-transcriptomic approach.
Yagil, C., Huebner, N., Monti, J., Schulz, H., Sapojnikov, M., Luft, F.C., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Circulation Research 96 (6): 617-625. 1 January 2005

Prevention of sympathetic and cardiac dysfunction after myocardial infarction in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
Wang, H., Huang, B.S., Ganten, D. and Leenen, F.H.H.
Circulation Research 94 (6): 843-849. 1 January 2004

It's renin in the brain - Transgenic animals elucidate the brain renin-angiotensin system.
Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Circulation Research 90 (1): 8-10. 1 January 2002

Local angiotensin II generation in the rat heart: role of renin uptake.
Mueller, D.N., Fischli, W., Clozel, J.P., Hilgers, K.F., Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Busjahn, A., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 82 (1): 13-20. 9 January 1998

Regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis by adrenal renin is mediated through AT1 receptors in renin transgenic rats.
Volpe, M., Rubattu, S., Gigante, G., Ganten, D., Porcellini, A., Russo, R., Romano, M., Enea, I., Lee, M.A. and Trimarco, B.
Circulation Research 77 (1): 73-79. July 1995

Gap junction protein connexin40 is preferentially expressed in vascular endothelium and conductive bundles of rat myocardium and is increased under hypertensive conditions.
Bastide, B., Neyses, L., Ganten, D., Paul, M., Willecke, K. and Traub, O.
Circulation Research 73 : 1138-1149. 1 January 1993

The influence of cold stress on the myosin heavy chain expression of cardiac and smooth muscle in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive female rats.
Adler, K., Boels, P., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Morano, I.
Circulation Research 69 (6): 1640-1644. December 1991

The cardiac renin-angiotensin system. An appraisal of present experimental and clinical evidence.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Circulation Research 68 : 905-921. 1 January 1991

Clinical Genetics

A prospective evaluation of the angiotensin-converting enzyme D/I polymorphism and left ventricular remodeling in the 'Healing and Early Afterload Reducing Therapy' Study.
Zee, R.Y.L., Solomon, S.D., Ajani, U.A., Pfeffer, M.A. and Lindpaintner, K.
Clinical Genetics 61 (1): 21-25. January 2002

Clinical Science

Renovascular hypertension with low-to-normal plasma renin: clinical and angiographic features.
Rossi, G.P., Pavan, E., Chiesura-Corona, M., Bader, M., Paganini, G., Cesari, M., De Toni, R., Feltrin, G.P., Ganten, D. and Pessina, A.C.
Clinical Science 93 : 435-443. 1 January 1997

Clinical and Experimental Hypertension

Interstrain differences in angiotensin I-converting enzyme mRNA and activity levels. Comparison between stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats.
Costerousse, O., Lindpaintner, K., Paul, M., Ganten, D. and Kreutz, R.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 21 : 377-393. 1 May 1999

Effects of AT1 receptor blockade on blood pressure and the renin-angiotensin system in spontaneously hypertensive rats of the stroke prone strain.
Wagner, J., Drab, M., Bohlender, J., Amann, K., Wienen, W. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 20 : 205-221. 1 January 1998

Mapping of candidate genes for hypertension by fluorescence in situ hybridization on the genome of transgenic rats and mice.
Schmidt, C., Ganten, D., Klenk, A. and Buselmaier, W.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 20 : 185-204. 1 January 1998

Effect of losartan on right ventricular hypertrophy and cardiac angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in pulmonary hypertensive rats.
Kreutz, R., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 18 (1): 101-111. 1 January 1996

Alterations of cardiac alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors and inotropic responsiveness in hypertensive transgenic rats harbouring the mouse renin gene (TGR(mREN2)27).
Tawfik-Schlieper, H., Moll, M., Schmid, B., Schwinger, R.H.G., Paul, M., Ganten, D. and Boehm, M.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 : 631-648. 1 January 1995

Converting enzyme inhibitors differentially affect expression of genes of the renin-angiotensin system.
Keuneke, C., Yacullo, R., Sugiura, M., Mall, G., Metzger, R. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 (3): 551-574. 1 January 1995

Neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in the baroreceptor reflex arc: connections between the nucleus of the solitary tract and the ventrolateral medulla oblongata in the rat.
Palkovits, M., Mezey, E., Fodor, M., Ganten, D., Bahner, U., Geiger, H. and Heidland, A.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 : 101-113. 1 January 1995

The brain renin-angiotensin system: molecular mechanisms of cell to cell interactions.
Lippoldt, A., Paul, M., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 : 251-266. 1 January 1995

The world hypertension league: goals and perspectives.
Ganten, D. and Poetzsch, J.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 (7): 1079-1089. 1 January 1995

Transgenic animals as models for human disease (Review).
Wagner, J., Thiele, F. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 17 (4): 593-605. 1 January 1995

Angiotensinogen mRNA and pressor reactions to angiotensin in brain stem areas of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Chai, C.Y., Hellmann, W., Tseng, C.J., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 15 : 709-725. 1 January 1993

Hypertension summer school 1992.
Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 15 : 617-618. 1 January 1993

Modulation of tissue angiotensinogen gene expression by glycocorticoids, estrogens, and androgens in SHR and WKY rats.
Klett, C., Hellmann, W., Hackenthal, E. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 15 : 683-708. 1 January 1993

Molecular genetics of hypertension.
Kreutz, R., Higuchi, M. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension : 15-34. 1 January 1992

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology

Transgenic rats: tools to study the function of the renin-angiotensin system. Proceedings of the symposium 'angiotensin AT1 receptors: from molecular physiology to therapeutics'.
Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology Suppl.3 : S81-S87. 1 January 1996

Curr Circ

Primary hypertension in Germany: Epidemiology and treatment.
Wagner, J., Haufe, C.C. and Ganten, D.
Curr Circ 3 : 21-24. 1 January 1992

Current Opinion in Cardiology

Cell biology in hypertension.
Kreutz, R. and Ganten, D.
Current Opinion in Cardiology 6 : 680-685. 1 January 1991

Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension

Hormones, autacoids, neurotransmitters, and growth factors.
Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Kurokawa, K.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 4 : B1-B18. 1 January 1995

Hormones, autacoids, neurotransmitters, and growth factors.
Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Kurokawa, K.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 2 : 1-4. 1 January 1993

Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics

Assignment of the kinin receptor B1 and B2 genes (Bdkrb1 and Bdkrb2) to rat chromosome 6q3.2 by FISH and radiation hybrid mapping.
Goesele, C., Gruetzner, F., Pesquero, J.B., Silva, J.A., Junge, T., Ganten, D., Bader, M. and Knoblauch, M.
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 89 (1-2): 51-52. 1 January 2000


Angiotensin II immunoreactivity in the human striatum and hippocampus of elderly controls and patients with senile dementia of the Alzheimer type and multi-infarct dementia.
Savaskan, E., Hoechli, M., Ganten, D. and Chan-Palay, V.
Dementia 2 : 314-323. 1 January 1991

Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

Das estnische Genomprojekt im Kontext der europaeischen Genomforschung [The Estonian Genome Project in the context of European genome research].
Metspalu, A., Koehler, F., Laschinski, G., Ganten, D. and Roots, I.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 129 : S25-S28. 1 January 2004

Isolierte systolische Hypertonie im Alter.
Staessen, J., Ritz, E., Faulhaber, H.D., Gellert, J., Ganten, D. and Amery, A.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 118 : 554-560. 1 January 1993

Primaerer Hyperrenismus. Eine seltene Ursache der sekundaeren arteriellen Hypertonie.
Kreutz, R., Zhou, H., Pfeifer, U., Gasc, J.M., Ganten, D. and Kessler, F.J.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 118 : 1110-1114. 1 January 1993

Molekulargenetik bei arterieller Hypertonie.
Kreutz, R., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 117 : 1461-1461. 1 January 1992

Deutsches Aerzteblatt

Maligne Hypertonie: Pathophysiologie - Klinik - Therapie.
Wagner, J., Ritz, E. and Ganten, D.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt 89 : 2624-2629. 1 January 1992

Developmental Brain Research

Regional expression of angiotensinogen messenger RNA in the brain of one-week-old, adult and old male rats.
Bunnemann, B., Metzger, R., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Developmental Brain Research 73 : 41-45. 1 January 1993

EMBO Journal

High blood pressure in transgenic mice carrying the rat angiotensinogen gene.
Kimura, S., Mullins, J.J., Jacob, H.J., Fuxe, K., Ganten, D. and Kaling, M.
EMBO Journal 11 : 821-827. 1 January 1992

Enciclopedia Medica Italiana

Genetica dell'ipertensione arteriosa.
Endeman, D., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Enciclopedia Medica Italiana 2 : 2887-2897. 1 January 1999


Rats with low brain angiotensinogen do not exhibit insulin resistance during early aging.
Kasper, S.O., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Diz, D.I.
Endocrine 30 (2): 167-174. October 2006


Effects of nephrectomy and adrenalectomy on the renin-angiotensin system on transgenic rats TGR(mRen2)27.
Tokita, Y., Franco-Saenz, R., Mulrow, P.J. and Ganten, D.
Endocrinology 134 : 253-257. 1 January 1994

The role of the adrenal gland in hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Sander, M., Bader, M., Djavidani, B., Masergluth, C., Vecsei, P., Mullins, J.J., Ganten, D. and Peters, J.
Endocrinology 131 (2): 807-814. 1 August 1992

Regulation of hepatic angiotensinogen synthesis and secretion by steroid hormones.
Klett, C., Ganten, D., Hellmann, W., Kaling, M., Ryffel, G.U., Weimarehl, T. and Hackenthal, E.
Endocrinology 130 : 3660-3668. 1 January 1992

Zonal distribution and regulation of adrenal renin in a transgenic model of hypertension in the rat.
Yamaguchi, T., Tokita, Y., Franco-Saenz, R., Mulrow, P.J., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Endocrinology 131 : 1955-1962. 1 January 1992


Endothelial dysfunction in the aorta of transgenic rats harboring the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Arnet, U.A., Novosel, D., Barton, M., Noll, G., Ganten, D. and Luescher, T.F.
Endothelium 6 : 175-184. 1 January 1999

European Heart Journal

Mechanisms of angiotensin II formation in humans.
Urata, H., Nishimura, H. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 16, Suppl.N : 79-85. 1 January 1995

Activation of the renin-angiotensin system in heart failure and hypertrophy - studies in human hearts and transgenic rats.
Paul, M., Pinto, Y.M., Schunkert, H., Ganten, D. and Boehm, M.
European Heart Journal 15 (Suppl.D) : 63-67. 1 January 1994

Tissue angiotensin II system in the human heart.
Urata, H., Hoffmann, S. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 15 (Suppl D): 68-78. 1 January 1994

Cardiac angiotensin-II formation: the angiotensin-I converting- enzyme and human chymase.
Urata, H. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 14 : 177-182. 1 January 1993

European Journal of Neuroscience

Gluco- and mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated regulation of neurotrophic factor gene expression in the dorsal hippocampus and the neocortex of the rat.
Hansson, A.C., Cintra, A., Belluardo, N., Sommer, W., Bhatnagar, M., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (8): 2918-2934. 1 August 2000

European Journal of Pharmacology

Characterization of rat intestinal angiotensin II receptors.
Schinke, M., Doods, H.N., Ganten, D., Wienen, W. and Entzeroth, M.
European Journal of Pharmacology 204 : 165-170. 1 January 1991

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section

Cardiac angiotensin II receptors: studies on functional coupling in Sprague Dawley rats and TGR(aMHC-hAT1) transgenic rats.
Rosenkranz, S., Nickenig, G., Flesch, M., Cremers, B., Schnabel, P., Lenz, O., Krause, T., Ganten, D., Hoffmann, S. and Boehm, M.
European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section 330 : 35-46. 1 January 1997

Experimental Brain Research

Increase of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF,FGF-2) messenger RNA and protein following implantation of a microdialysis probe into rat hippocampus.
Humpel, C., Chadi, G., Lippoldt, A., Ganten, D., Fuxe, K. and Olson, L.
Experimental Brain Research 98 : 229-237. 1 January 1994

Experimental Nephrology

The renin-angiotensin system and renal function in transgenic (mRen2)27 rats.
Gross, V., Lippoldt, A., Bohlender, J., Ganten, D., Ganten, U. and Luft, F.C.
Experimental Nephrology 4, Suppl.1 : 20-26. 1 January 1996

Experimental Physiology

Transgenic animals in cardiovascular disease research.
Bader, M., Bohnemeier, H., Zollmann, F.S., Lockley-Jones, O.E. and Ganten, D.
Experimental Physiology 85 (6): 713-731. 1 November 2000

FASEB Journal

Aspirin inhibits NF-kappa B and protects from angiotensin II-induced organ damage.
Mueller, D.N., Heissmeyer, V., Dechend, R., Hampich, F., Park, J.K., Fiebeler, A., Shagdarsuren, E., Theuer, J., Elger, M., Pilz, B., Breu, V., Schroer, K., Ganten, D., Dietz, R., Haller, H., Scheidereit, C. and Luft, F.C.
FASEB Journal 15 : 1822-1824. 1 January 2001

Reduced cardiac hypertrophy and altered blood pressure control in transgenic rats with the human tissue kallikrein gene.
Silva, J.A., Araujo, R.C., Baltatu, O., Oliveira, S.M., Tschoepe, C., Fink, E., Hoffmann, S., Plehm, R., Chai, K.X., Chao, L., Chao, J., Ganten, D., Pesquero, J.B. and Bader, M.
FASEB Journal 14 (13): 1858-1860. 1 October 2000

FEBS Letters

Expression of the mouse and rat mas proto-oncogene in the brain and peripheral tissues.
Metzger, R., Bader, M., Ludwig, T., Berberich, C., Bunnemann, B. and Ganten, D.
FEBS Letters 357 : 27-32. 1 January 1995

Folia Biologica Prague

Molecular analysis of the sex hormone-binding globulin gene in the rat hypodactylous mutation (Hd).
Liska, F., Gösele, C., Kren, V., Hübner, N. and Krenova, D.
Folia Biologica Prague 50 (2): 63-68. 1 January 2004

Fortschritte der Medizin

Regulation der Herzmuskelzelle auf molekularer Ebene : Pharmakologische und klinische Bedeutung. Franz-Gross-Hypertonie-Symposium Kronberg, 5. - 7. Maerz 1992.
Ganten, D., Mall, G. and Hofmann, F.
Fortschritte der Medizin 110 (Suppl 126): 2-19. 1 January 1992

Forum Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft eV

Das "Wie" und "Wozu" der klinischen Forschung.
Ganten, D.
Forum Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft eV 13 : 21-22. 1 January 1998

Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology

Brain angiotensins in the cardiovascular regulation: usefulness of transgenic animals.
Bricca, G., Schinke, M., Boehm, M., Monti, J., Hof, H., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 11, Suppl.1 : 53s-57s. 1 January 1997

Inhibition of brain renin-angiotensin-system by triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides is associated with modulation of blood pressure power spectrum in rats.
Monti, J., Voss, A., Schinke, M., Boehm, M., Hoff, H., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Bricca, G.
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 11 Suppl. 1 : S116. 1 January 1997

Gegenworte Zeitschrift fuer den Disput ueber Wissen

Blick nach vorn. Ein Interview.
Ganten, D.
Gegenworte Zeitschrift fuer den Disput ueber Wissen 2 : 8-11. 1 January 1998


Rat gene mapping using PCR-analyzed microsatellites.
Serikawa, T., Kuramoto, T., Hilbert, P., Mori, M., Yamada, J., Dubay, C.J., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D., Guenet, J.L., Lathrop, G.M. and Beckmann, J.S.
Genetics 131 (3): 701-721. 1 July 1992

Genome Research

Integrated and sequence-ordered BAC- and YAC-based physical maps for the rat genome.
Krzywinski, M., Wallis, J., Gösele, C., Bosdet, I., Chiu, R., Graves, T., Hummel, O., Layman, D., Mathewson, C., Wye, N., Zhu, B., Albracht, D., Asano, J., Barber, S., Brown-John, M., Chan, S., Chand, S., Cloutier, A., Davito, J., Fjell, C., Gaige, T., Ganten, D., Girn, N., Guggenheimer, K., Himmelbauer, H., Kreitler, T., Leach, S., Lee, D., Lehrach, H., Mayo, M., Mead, K., Olson, T., Pandoh, P., Prabhu, A.L., Shin, H., Taenzer, S., Thompson, J., Tsai, M., Walker, J., Yang, G., Sekhon, M., Hillier, L., Zimdahl, H., Marziali, A., Osoegawa, K., Zhao, S., Siddiqui, A., de Jong, P.J., Warren, W., Mardis, E., McPherson, J.D., Wilson, R., Hübner, N., Jones, S., Marra, M. and Schein, J.
Genome Research 14 (4): 766-779. April 2004

A high-density integrated genetic linkage and radiation hybrid map of the laboratory rat.
Steen, R.G., Kwitek-Black, A.E., Glenn, C., Gullings-Handley, J., Van Etten, W., Atkinson, O.S., Appel, D., Twigger, S., Muir, M., Mull, T., Granados, M., Kissebah, M., Russo, K., Crane, R., Popp, M., Peden, M., Matise, T., Brown, D.M., Lu, J., Kingsmore, S., Tonellato, P.J., Rozen, S., Slonim, D., Young, P., Knoblauch, M., Provoost, A., Ganten, D., Colman, S.D., Rothberg, J., Lander, E.S. and Jacob, H.J.
Genome Research 9 : 1-8. 1 January 1999


High-throughput scanning of the rat genome using interspersed repetitive sequence-PCR markers.
Gosele, C., Hong, L., Kreitler, T., Rossmann, M., Hieke, B., Gross, U., Kramer, M., Himmelbauer, H., Bihoreau, M.T., Kwitek-Black, A.E., Twigger, S., Tonellato, P.J., Jacob, H.J., Schalkwyk, L.C., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D., Lehrach, H. and Knoblauch, M.
Genomics 69 (3): 287-294. 1 November 2000


Human angiotensinogen if highly expressed in astrocytes in human cortical grafts.
Humpel, C., Lippoldt, A., Stroemberg, I., Bygdeman, M., Wagner, J., Hilgenfeldt, U., Ganten, D., Fuxe, K. and Olson, L.
Glia 10 : 186-192. 1 January 1994


Genetics in arterial hypertension - clinical and experimental aspects.
Hübner, N. and Ganten, D.
Herz 20 : 309-314. 1 January 1995

Herz Kreislauf

Neue Strategien zur Praevention und Therapie der Hypertonie (Gespraech anlaesslich des 6th European Meeting on Hypertension, Mailand 4.-7. Juni 1993).
Ganten, D.
Herz Kreislauf 26 : IV-VI. 1 January 1994

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Adrenal renin expression and its role in ren-2 transgenic rats TCR(mREN2)27.
Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 30 : 350-354. 1 January 1998

Human Molecular Genetics

Genome-wide linkage reveals a locus for human essential (primary) hypertension on chromosome 12p.
Gong, M., Zhang, H.Y., Schulz, H., Lee, Y.A., Sun, K., Bähring, S., Luft, F.C., Nürnberg, P., Reis, A., Rohde, K., Ganten, D., Hui, R.T. and Hübner, N.
Human Molecular Genetics 12 (11): 1273-1277. 1 June 2003

Interaction between blood pressure quantitative trait loci in rats in which trait variation at chromosome 1 is conditional upon a specific allele at chromosome 10.
Monti, J., Plehm, R., Schulz, H., Ganten, D., Kreutz, R. and Hübner, N.
Human Molecular Genetics 12 (4): 435-439. 1 January 2003


Woher kommt der Mensch? Wo steht der Mensch? Wohin geht der Mensch?
Ganten, D.
Humboldt-Spektrum 2001 (3-4): 6-9. 2001


Alterations in sympathetic ganglionic transmission in response to angiotensin II in (mRen2)27 transgenic rats.
Aileru, A.A., Logan, E., Callahan, M., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Diz, D.I.
Hypertension 43 (2): 270-275. February 2004

The role of Wnk4 in polygenic hypertension - A candidate gene analysis on rat chromosome 10.
Monti, J., Zimdahl, H., Schulz, H., Plehm, R., Ganten, D. and Hübner, N.
Hypertension 41 (4): 938-942. April 2003

Conserved synteny in rat and mouse for a blood pressure QTL on human chromosome 17.
Zimdahl, H., Kreitler, T., Gösele, C., Ganten, D. and Hübner, N.
Hypertension 39 (6): 1050-1052. 1 June 2002

Alterations in blood pressure and heart rate variability in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Baltatu, O., Janssen, B.J., Bricca, G., Plehm, R., Monti, J., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 37 (2): 408-413. 1 January 2001

Endothelial dysfunction and xanthine oxidoreductase activity in rats with human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Mervaala, E.M.A., Cheng, Z.J., Tikkanen, I., Lapatto, R., Nurminen, K., Vapaatalo, H., Mueller, D.N., Fiebeler, A., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 37 (2): 414-418. 1 January 2001

Expression analysis using oligonucleotide microarrays in mice lacking bradykinin type 2 receptors.
Monti, J., Gross, V., Luft, F.C., Milia, A.F., Schulz, H., Dietz, R., Sharma, A.M. and Hübner, N.
Hypertension 38 (1): E1-E3. 1 January 2001

Responses to central Na+ and ouabain are attenuated in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
Huang, B.S., Ganten, D. and Leenen, F.H.H.
Hypertension 37 (2): 683-686. 1 January 2001

Effect of Bosentan on NF-kappaB, inflammation, and tissue factor in angiotensin II-induced end-organ damage.
Muller, D.N., Mervaala, E.M.A., Schmidt, F., Park, J.K., Dechend, R., Genersch, E., Breu, V., Loeffler, B.M., Ganten, D., Schneider, W., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 36 (2): 282-290. 1 August 2000

Blood pressure-independent effects in rats with human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Mervaalo, E., Mueller, D.N., Schmidt, F., Park, J.K., Gross, V., Bader, M., Breu, V., Ganten, D., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 35 (2): 587-594. 1 February 2000

Angiotensinogen concentrations and renin clearance. Implications for blood pressure regulation.
Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 35 : 780-786. 1 January 2000

Cyclosporin A protects against angiotensin II-induced end-organ damage in double transgenic rats harboring human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Mervaala, E., Mueller, D.N., Park, J.K., Dechend, R., Schmidt, F., Fiebeler, A., Bieringer, M., Breu, V., Ganten, D., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 35 (1): 360-366. 1 January 2000

NF-kappaB Inhibition Ameliorates Angiotensin II-Induced Inflammatory Damage in Rats.
Muller, D.N., Dechend, R., Mervaala, E.M.A., Park, J.K., Schmidt, F., Fiebeler, A., Theuer, J., Breu, V., Ganten, D., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 35 (1): 193-201. 1 January 2000

The brain renin-angiotensin system modulates angiotensin II-induced hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy.
Baltatu, O., Silva, J.A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 35 (1): 409-412. 1 January 2000

Increased central angiotensin and osmotic responses in the Ren-2 transgenic rat.
Nishioka, T., Callahan, M.F., Li, P., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Morris, M.
Hypertension 33 : 385-388. 11 January 1999

Congenic substitution mapping excludes Sa as a candidate gene locus for a blood pressure quantitative trait locus on rat chromosome 1.
Hübner, N., Lee, Y.A., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D. and Kreutz, R.
Hypertension 34 : 643-648. 1 January 1999

Hypertension-induced end-organ damage - A new transgenic approach to an old problem.
Luft, F.C., Mervaala, E., Mueller, D.N., Gross, V., Schmidt, F., Park, J.K., Schmitz, C., Lippoldt, A., Breu, V., Dechend, R., Dragun, D., Schneider, W., Ganten, D. and Haller, H.
Hypertension 33 : 212-218. 1 January 1999

Monocyte infiltration and adhesion molecules in a rat model of high human renin hypertension.
Mervaala, E.M.A., Mueller, D.N., Park, J.K., Schmidt, F., Loehn, M., Breu, V., Dragun, D., Ganten, D., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 33 : 389-395. 1 January 1999

Role of chromosome X in the Sabra rat model of salt-sensitive hypertension.
Yagil, C., Sapojnikov, M., Kreutz, R., Zuercher, H., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Hypertension 33 : 261-265. 1 January 1999

Transcriptional regulation of the rat renin gene by regulatory elements in intron I.
Voigtlaender, T., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 33 : 303-311. 1 January 1999

Converting enzyme determines plasma clearance of angiotensin-(1-7).
Yamada, K., Iyer, S.N., Chappell, M.C., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Hypertension 32 (3): 496-502. 1 September 1998

NK1 receptor antagonist blocks angiotensin II responses in renin transgenic rat medulla oblongata.
Diz, D.I., Westwood, B., Bosch, S.M., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Hypertension 31 : 473-479. 1 January 1998

Salt susceptibility maps to chromosomes 1 and 17 with sex specificity in the Sabra rat model of hypertension.
Yagil, C., Sapojnikov, M., Kreutz, R., Katni, G., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Hypertension 31 : 119-124. 1 January 1998

Enalapril and renal function in hypertensive rats transgenic for mouse renin gene.
Springate, J.E., Feld, L.G. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 30 : 868-872. 1 October 1997

Dose effects of human renin in rats transgenic for human angiotensiogen.
Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 291 : 1031-1038. 1 January 1997

High human renin hypertension in transgenic rats.
Bohlender, J., Fukamizu, A., Lippoldt, A., Nomura, T., Dietz, R., Menard, J., Murakami, K., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 29 (1 Pt 2): 428-434. 1 January 1997

Hypothalamic substance P release: attenuated angiotensin responses in mRen2(27) transgenic rats.
Diz, D.I., Falgui, B., Bosch, S.M., Westwood, B., Kent, J., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Hypertension 29 : 510-513. 1 January 1997

Role of the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of epithelial sodium channel in a model of polygenic hypertension.
Kreutz, R., Struk, B., Rubattu, S., Hübner, N., Szpirer, J., Szpirer, C., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Hypertension 29 : 131-136. 1 January 1997

Human renin-dependent hypertension in rats transgenic for human angiotensinogen.
Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Wagner, J., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 27 : 535-540. 1 January 1996

Permanent inhibition of angiotensinogen synthesis by antisense RNA expression.
Schinke, M., Boehm, M., Bricca, G., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Hypertension 27 : 508-513. 1 January 1996

Role of area postrema in transgene hypertension.
Averill, D., Matsumura, K., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Hypertension 27 : 591-597. 1 January 1996

Salt sensitive hypertension in (mREN-2)27 transgenic rats.
Callahan, M.F., Ping, L., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Morris, M.
Hypertension 27 : 573-577. 1 January 1996

Subcellular localization of angiotensin II immunoreactivity in the rat cerebellar cortex.
Erdmann, B., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 28 : 818-824. 1 January 1996

Synthesis and secretion of natriuretic peptides in the hypertensive TGR(mREN-2)27 transgenic rat.
Marttila, M., Vuolteenaho, O., Ganten, D., Nakao, K. and Ruskoaho, H.
Hypertension 28 : 995-1004. 1 January 1996

Opposing actions of angiotensin-(1-7) and angiotensin II in the brain of transgenic hypertensive rats.
Moriguchi, A., Tallant, E.A., Matsumura, K., Reilly, T.M., Walton, H., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Hypertension 25 (6): 1260-1265. 1 June 1995

Angiotensin and bradykinin peptides in the TGR(mREN-2)27 rat.
Campbell, D.J., Rong, P., Kladis, A., Rees, B., Ganten, D. and Skinner, S.L.
Hypertension 25 (5): 1014-1020. 1 May 1995

Altered angiotensinogen amino acid sequence and plasma angiotensin II levels in genetically hypertensive rats: a study on cause and effects.
Huebner, N., Kreutz, R., Takahashi, S., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Hypertension 26 : 279-284. 1 January 1995

Differential gene expression of renin and angiotensinogen in the TGR(mREN-2)27 transgenic rat.
Lee, M.A., Boehm, M., Kim, S., Bachmann, S., Bachmann, J., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 25 : 570-580. 1 January 1995

Effects of human renin in the vasculature of rats transgenic for human angiotensinogen.
Mueller, D.N., Hilgers, K.F., Bohlender, J., Lippoldt, A., Wagner, J., Fischli, W., Ganten, D., Mann, J.F.E. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 26 : 272-278. 1 January 1995

Gene expression of brain nitric oxide synthase and soluble guanylyl cyclase in hypothalamus and medulla of two-kidney, one clip hypertensive rats.
Krukoff, T.L., Gehlen, F., Ganten, D. and Wagner, J.
Hypertension 26 : 171-176. 1 January 1995

Unlike human hypertension, blood pressure in a hereditary hypertensive rat strain shows no linkage to the angiotensinogen locus.
Hübner, N., Kreutz, R., Takahashi, S., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Hypertension 23 (6 Pt 1): 797-801. 1 June 1994

Differential regulation of vascular angiotensin I-converting enzyme in hypertension.
Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Kreutz, R., Zeh, K., Liu, Y., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Hypertension 24 : 280-286. 1 January 1994

Increased cytosolic sodium and reduced Na,K-ATPase activity in transgenic rats.
Tepel, M., Theilmeier, G., Bachmann, J., Barenbrock, M., Spieker, C., Ganten, D., Rahn, K.H. and Zidek, W.
Hypertension 23, Suppl. I : I-198-I-202. 1 January 1994

Mechanism by which angiotensin II stabilizes messenger RNA for angiotensinogen.
Klett, C., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Hackenthal, E.
Hypertension 23 : I120-I125. 1 January 1994

Renal effects of captopril and nitrendipine in transgenic rats with an extra renin gene.
Hirth-Dietrich, C., Stasch, J.P., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 23 : 626-631. 1 January 1994

beta-adrenergic neuroeffector mechanisms in cardiac hypertrophy of renin transgenic rats.
Boehm, M., Moll, M., Schmid, B., Paul, M., Ganten, D., Castellano, M. and Erdmann, E.
Hypertension 24 : 653-662. 1 January 1994

Circadian blood pressure variation in transgenic hypertensive rats.
Lemmer, B., Mattes, A., Boehm, M. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 22 (1): 97-101. July 1993

Angiotensinogen is cleaved to angiotensin in isolated rat blood vessels.
Hilgers, K.F., Hilgenfeldt, U., Veelken, R., Muley, T., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Mann, J.F.
Hypertension 21 : 1030-1034. 1 January 1993

Increased vascular angiotensin formation in female rats harboring the mouse ren-2 gene.
Hilgers, K.F., Peters, J., Veelken, R., Sommer, M., Rupprecht, G., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Mann, J.F.
Hypertension 19 (6 Pt 2): 687-691. 1 June 1992

Role of tissue renin in the pathophysiology of hypertension in TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
Bader, M., Zhao, Y., Sander, M., Lee, M.A., Bachmann, J., Boehm, M., Djavidani, B., Peters, J., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 19 (6 Pt 2): 681-686. 1 June 1992

Genetic variation in hypertensive and control strains - what are we controlling for anyway (editorial).
Lindpaintner, K., Kreutz, R. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 19 : 428-430. 1 January 1992

Genetic basis of hypertension.
Ganten, D., Takahashi, S., Lindpaintner, K. and Mullins, J.J.
Hypertension 18 : III109-III114. 1 January 1991

Transgenic rats: new animal models in hypertension research. Invited lecture.
Ganten, D., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, U., Peters, J., Zimmermann, F., Bader, M. and Mullins, J.J.
Hypertension 17 : 843-855. 1 January 1991

Hypertension Research

Cardiorenal consequences of dual angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase 24.11 inhibition in transgenic rats with an extra renin gene.
Wegner, M., Hirth-Dietrich, C., Knorr, A., Dressel, J., Ganten, D. and Stasch, J.P.
Hypertension Research 19 : 151-159. 1 January 1996

Neutral endopeptidase inhibition potentiates the effects of natriuretic peptides in renin transgenic rats.
Wegner, M., Ganten, D. and Stasch, J.P.
Hypertension Research 19 : 229-238. 1 January 1996

The role of the renin-angiotensin system in cardiovascular disease.
Bader, M., Wagner, J., Lee, M.A. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension Research 17 : 1-16. 1 January 1994


Transcriptional regulatory elements in the rat bradykinin B2 receptor gene.
Pesquero, J.B., Lindsey, C.J., Paiva, A.C.M., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Immunopharmacology 33 : 36-41. 1 January 1996


Tissue distribution of angiotensinogen mRNA during experimental inflammation.
Klett, C., Hellmann, W., Ganten, D. and Hackenthal, E.
Inflammation 17 : 183-197. 1 January 1993

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Conditional expression of mutant M-line titins results in cardiomyopathy with altered sarcomere structure.
Gotthardt, M., Hammer, R.E., Hübner, N., Monti, J., Witt, C.C., McNabb, M., Richardson, J.A., Granzier, H., Labeit, S. and Herz, J.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (8): 6059-6065. 21 February 2003

Sustained long-term potentiation and anxiety in mice lacking the Mas protooncogene.
Walther, T., Balschun, D., Voigt, J.P., Fink, H., Zuschratter, W., Birchmeier, C., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 : 11867-11873. 1 January 1998

Molecular structure and expression of rat bradykinin B2 receptor gene. Evidence for alterative splicing.
Pesquero, J.B., Lindsey, C.J., Zeh, K., Paiva, A.C.M., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 43 : 26920-26925. 1 January 1994

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Angiotensin II AT1-receptor blockade inhibits monocyte activation and adherence in transgenic (mRen2)27 rats.
Strawn, W.B., Gallagher, P.E., Tallant, E.A., Ganten, D. and Ferrario, C.M.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 33 : 341-351. 1 March 1999

Effects of enalaprilat on circadian profiles in blood pressure and heart rate of spontaneously and transgenic hypertensive rats.
Lemmer, B., Witte, K., Makabe, T., Ganten, D. and Mattes, A.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 23 : 311-314. 1 January 1994

Genetics of primary hypertension.
Ganten, D., Schmidt, S. and Paul, M.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 24 : S45-S50. 1 January 1994

The transition from experimental to clinical pharmacology: the renin-angiotensin paradigm.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 22 (Suppl.1) : S14-S29. 1 January 1993

Left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction - does the cardiac renin angiotensin system play a role?
Lindpaintner, K., Niedermaier, N., Drexler, H. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 20 : S41-S47. 1 January 1992

The Gross, Franz Hypertension Symposium Series - Introduction.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 20 : 5-6. 1 January 1992

The brain renin-angiotensin system - localization and general significance.
Bunnemann, B., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 19 (Suppl 6): S51-S62. 1 January 1992

The molecular basis of cardiovascular hypertrophy: the role of the renin angiotensin system.
Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 19 (Suppl 5): S51-S58. 1 January 1992

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

Hemodynamics and metabolism in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats before manifestation of brain infarcts.
Mies, G., Hermann, D., Ganten, U. and Hossmann, K.A.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 19 (11): 1238-1246. November 1999

Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy

The semi-quantitative distribution and cellular localization of angiotensinogen messenger RNA in the rat brain.
Bunnemann, B., Fuxe, K., Metzger, R., Bjelke, B. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 5 : 245-262. 1 January 1992

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Tissue and development specific expression of multiple alternatively spliced transcripts of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase.
Lee, M.A., Cai, L., Hübner, N., Lee, Y.A. and Lindpaintner, K.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 100 (6): 1507-1512. 15 September 1997

Association and cosegregation of stroke with impaired edothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in stroke prone, spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Volpe, M., Iaccarino, G., Vecchione, C., Rizzoni, D., Russo, R., Rubattu, S., Condorelli, G., Ganten, U., Ganten, D., Trimarco, B. and Lindpaintner, K.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 98 (2): 256-261. 15 July 1996

Augmented agonist induced Ca2+-sensitization of coronary artery contraction in genetically hypertensive rats - evidence for altered signal transduction in the coronary smooth muscle cells.
Satoh, S., Kreutz, R., Wilm, C., Ganten, D. and Pfitzer, G.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 94 (4): 1397-1403. October 1994

Increased adrenal renin in transgenic hypertensive rats, TGR(mREN2)27, and its regulation by cAMP, angiotensin II and calcium.
Peters, J., Muenter, K., Bader, M., Hackenthal, E., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 91 (3): 742-747. March 1993

Journal of Experimental Animal Science

New tools for the high throughput characterization of rat genomic DNA samples.
Knoblauch, M., Goesele, C., Zimdahl, H., Hieke, B., Himmelbauer, H., Schalkwyk, L., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D. and Lehrach, H.
Journal of Experimental Animal Science 41 (1-2): 35-37. 1 March 2000

Report on rat chromosome 10.
Knoblauch, M., Jacob, H., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Journal of Experimental Animal Science 40 (1-3): 81-92. 1999

Journal of Human Hypertension

10 years WHL: from its foundation to the world conference on hypertension control: welcome speech.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Human Hypertension 10 Suppl. : U12-U13. 1 January 1996

Hypertension control in the world: an agenda for the coming decade (the 1995 WHL Ottawa Declaration).
Sleight, P., Ganten, D., Chockalingam, A., Dodu, S., Fodor, G., Froehlich, E., Lenfant, C., Moser, M., Mulrow, P., Reddy, S., Ribeiro, A. and Strasser, T.
Journal of Human Hypertension 10 Suppl. : S1-S3. 1 January 1996

Report on the Hypertension Summer School (HTSS) Sept. 15-20, 1991.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Human Hypertension 6 : 247-247. 1 January 1992

Journal of Hypertension

Plasma and kidney angiotensin II levels and renal functional responses to AT1 receptor blockade in hypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Kopkan, L., Kramer, H.J., Huskova, Z., Vanourkova, Z., Baecker, A., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Cervenka, L.
Journal of Hypertension 22 (4): 819-825. 1 April 2004

Differential effects of angiotensin II and angiotensin-(1-7) at the nucleus tractus solitarii of transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Couto, A.S., Baltatu, O., Santos, R.A.S., Ganten, D., Bader, M. and Campagnole-Santos, M.J.
Journal of Hypertension 20 (5): 919-925. May 2002

A gene expression analysis in rat kidney following high and low salt intake.
Barta, P., Monti, J., Maass, P.G., Gorzelniak, K., Müller, D.N., Dechend, R., Luft, F.C., Hübner, N. and Sharma, A.M.
Journal of Hypertension 20 : 1115-1120. 1 January 2002

Differential brain atrial natriuretic peptide expression co-segregates with occurrence of early stroke in the stroke-prone phenotype of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Rubattu, S., Giliberti, R., Ganten, U. and Volpe, M.
Journal of Hypertension 17 (12 Pt 2): 1849-1852. December 1999

Increased pressor function of central vasopressinergic system in hypertensive renin transgenic rats.
Szczepanska-Sadowska, E., Paczwa, P., Lon, S. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 16 : 1505-1514. 1 October 1998

Impaired vasorelaxant responses to natriuretic peptides in the stroke-prone phenotype of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Russo, R., Vecchione, C., Cosentino, F., Natale, A., Mele, A.F., Muscolo, M., Savoia, C., Ganten, D., Rubattu, S. and Volpe, M.
Journal of Hypertension 16 : 151-156. 1 January 1998

Actions of angiotensin and lisinopril on thalamic somatosensory neurons in normotensive, non-transgenic and hypertensive, transgenic rats.
Albrecht, D., Henklein, P. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 15 : 1151-1157. 1 January 1997

Progression of renal failure after subtotal nephrectomy in transgenic rats carrying an additional renin gene [TGR(mREN2)27].
Wagner, J., Klotz, S., Haufe, C.C., Danser, J.A.H., Amann, K., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
Journal of Hypertension 15 : 441-449. 1 January 1997

Angiotensinogen messenger RNA stabilization by angiotensin II.
Klett, C., Printz, M.P., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Eggena, P.
Journal of Hypertension 14, Suppl.4 : S25-S36. 1 January 1996

Development, genotype and phenotype of a new colony of the Sabra hypertension prone (SBH/y) and resistant (SBN/y) rat model of salt sensitivity and resistance.
Yagil, C., Katni, G., Rubattu, S., Stolpe, C., Kreutz, R., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D., Ben-Ishay, D. and Yagil, Y.
Journal of Hypertension 14 : 1175-1182. 1 January 1996

Angiotensin II receptor blockade in TGR(mREN2)27: effects of renin-angiotensin-system gene expression and cardiovascular functions.
Boehm, M., Lee, M.A., Kreutz, R., Kim, S., Schinke, M., Djavidani, B., Wagner, J., Kaling, M., Wienen, W., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 13 : 891-899. 1 January 1995

Chronic dexamethasone treatment suppresses hypertension development in the transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Djavidani, B., Sander, M., Kreutz, R., Zeh, K., Bader, M., Mellon, S.H., Vecsei, P., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 13 (6): 637-645. 1 January 1995

Widespread tissue distribution of human chymase.
Urata, H., Strobel, F. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 12 (Suppl.) (9): S17-S22. 1 November 1994

Dietary salt excess unmasks blunted aldosterone suppression and sodium retention in stroke-prone phenotype of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Volpe, M., Rubattu, S., Ganten, D., Enea, I., Russo, R., Lembo, G., Mirante, A., Condorelli, G. and Trimarco, B.
Journal of Hypertension 11 : 793-798. 1 January 1993

Gene regulation of beta-1-adrenergic receptor in genetically hypertensive rats.
Castellano, M., Paul, M., Beschi, M., Bachmann, J., Rizzoni, D., Porteri, E., Bettoni, G., Cinelli, A., Ganten, D. and Agabiti-Rosei, E.
Journal of Hypertension 11 (Suppl.) : S64-S65. 1 January 1993

Membrane microviscosity does not correlate with blood pressure: a cosegregation study.
McLaren, Y., Kreutz, R., Lindpaintner, K., Bohr, D.F., Ganten, D., Reid, J.L. and Dominiczak, A.F.
Journal of Hypertension 11 : 25-30. 1 January 1993

Modulation of blood pressure and the renin-angiotensin system in transgenic and spontaneously hypertensive rats after ovariectomy.
Bachmann, J., Wagner, J., Haufe, C., Wystrychowski, A., Ciechanowicz, A. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 11 (Suppl.5) : S226-S227. 1 January 1993

Molecular genetics of the SA-gene : cosegregation with hypertension and mapping to rat chromosome 1.
Lindpaintner, K., Hilbert, P., Ganten, D., Nadal-Ginard, B., Inagami, T. and Iwai, N.
Journal of Hypertension 11 (1): 19-23. 1 January 1993

Polymorphism of the angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene Is apparently not related to high blood pressure - dutch hypertension and offspring study.
Schmidt, S., Vanhooft, I.M.S., Grobbee, D.E., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
Journal of Hypertension 11 : 345-348. 1 January 1993

Round table 1. Do transgenic techniques help us to understand hypertension?
Unger, T., Ganten, D., Johnston, C.I., Lever, A.F., Mullins, J.J., Sassard, J. and van Zwieten, P.A.
Journal of Hypertension 11 (Suppl.5) : S374-S379. 1 January 1993

Vascular conversion of angiotensin I in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats.
Hilgers, K.F., Veelken, R., Mai, M., Ganten, U., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Mann, J.F.
Journal of Hypertension 11 : 1053-1059. 1 January 1993

Basic methodology in the molecular characterization of genes.
Bader, M., Kaling, M., Metzger, R., Peters, J., Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 10 : 9-16. 1 January 1992

Angiotensin and cell growth: a link to cardiovascular hypertrophy? [editorial].
Schelling, P., Fischer, H. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 9 : 3-15. 1 January 1991

Glucocorticoid- and estrogen-responsive elements in the 5'- flanking region of the rat angiotensinogen gene.
Feldmer, M., Kaling, M., Takahashi, S., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 9 : 1005-1012. 1 January 1991

Local angiotensin formation in hindlimbs of uremic hypertensive and renovascular hypertensive rats.
Kuczera, M., Hilgers, K.F., Lisson, C., Ganten, D., Hilgenfeldt, U., Ritz, E. and Mann, J.F.
Journal of Hypertension 9 : 41-48. 1 January 1991

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

Contribution of A 12 kDa protein to the angiotensin II-induced stabilization of angiotensinogen mRNA : interaction with the 3'untranslated mRNA.
Klett, C., Bader, M., Schwemmle, M., Ganten, D. and Hackenthal, E.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 14 : 209-226. 1 January 1995

Journal of Molecular Medicine

Evolutionary molecular medicine.
Nesse, R.M., Ganten, D., Gregory, T.R. and Omenn, G.S.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 90 (5): 509-522. May 2012

The evolution of evolutionary molecular medicine : Genomics are transforming evolutionary biology into a science with new importance for modern medicine.
Ganten, D. and Nesse, R.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 90 (5): 467-470. May 2012

How to deal with scientific controversy?
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 80 (12): 745-746. December 2002

Reduced hypertension-induced end-organ damage in mice lacking cardiac and renal angiotensinogen synthesis.
Kang, N.L., Walther, T., Tian, X.L., Bohlender, J., Fukamizu, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 80 (6): 359-366. June 2002

Friedrich Cameron Luft turns 60: bridging the New and the Old World.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 80 (4): 197-199. April 2002

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (7): 353-354. July 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (5-6): 224-225. June 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (4): 159-160. May 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (2-3): 74-75. April 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (1): 4-5. March 2001

Overexpression of the human angiotensin II type 1 receptor in the rat heart augments load induced cardiac hypertrophy.
Hoffmann, S., Krause, T., van Geel, P.P., Willenbrock, R., Pagel, I., Pinto, Y.M., Buikema, H., van Gilst, W.H., Lindschau, C., Paul, M., Inagami, T., Ganten, D. and Urata, H.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (10): 601-608. 1 January 2001

Tissue renin-angiotensin systems: new insights from experimental animal models in hypertension research.
Bader, M., Peters, J., Baltatu, O., Mueller, D.N., Luft, F.C. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 79 (2): 76-102. 1 January 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (11): 592-593. January 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (12): 661-662. 2001

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (9): 472. November 2000

JMM and medical science, past and present.
Ganten, D. and Vogt, P.K.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (8): 397-399. October 2000

Comment on "the prickly pear".
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (8): 403. 1 January 2000

JMM, past and present.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (10): 541-542. 1 January 2000

Regulation of renin: new evidence from cultured cells and genetically modified mice.
Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (3): 130-139. 1 January 2000

Online first publication.
Ganten, D. and Lange, R.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 77 : 455. 1 June 1999

James D. Watson at the Congress of Molecular Medicine.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 75 : 615-617. 1 January 1997

Worse than pulp fiction: fraud in science.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 75 : 689-691. 1 January 1997

Induction of cardiac angiotensin I-converting enzyme with dietary NaCL-loading in genetically hypertensive and normotensive rats.
Kreutz, R., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Liu, Y., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 73 (5): 243-248. 1 January 1995

Tradition, continuity, and renaissance.
Ganten, D.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 73 : 1-3. 1 January 1995

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology

Prevention of cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
Lal, A., Veinot, J.P., Ganten, D. and Leenen, F.H.H.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 39 (3): 521-529. 1 January 2005

Selective activation of cardiac angiotensinogen gene expression in post-infarction ventricular remodeling in the rat.
Lindpaintner, K., Lu, W., Niedermaier, N., Schieffer, B., Just, H., Ganten, D. and Drexler, H.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 25 (2): 133-143. February 1993

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Sexual dimorphism of blood pressure: possible role of the renin- angiotensin system.
Bachmann, J., Feldmer, M., Ganten, U., Stock, G. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 40 : 511-515. 1 January 1991

Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology

Preparation and analysis of transgenic rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 gene.
Lee, M.A., Zhao, Y., Peters, J., Ganten, D., Zimmermann, F., Ganten, U., Bachmann, S., Bader, M. and Mullins, J.J.
Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 3 : 50-54. 1 January 1991

Journal of Vascular Surgery

Genetic mapping in hypertension.
Dzau, V.J., Jacob, H.J., Lindpaintner, K., Ganten, D. and Lander, E.S.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 15 : 930-930. 1 January 1992

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Rats transgenic for human renin and human angiotensinogen as a model for gestational hypertension.
Bohlender, J., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11 (11): 2056-2061. 1 November 2000

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and AT1 receptor blockade modify the pressure-natriuresis relationship by additive mechanisms in rats with human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Mervaala, E., Dehmel, B., Gross, V., Lippoldt, A., Bohlender, J., Milia, A.F., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10 : 1669-1680. 1 August 1999

Pressure-natriuresis and -diuresis in transgenic rats harboring both human renin and human angiotensinogen genes.
Dehmel, B., Mervaala, E., Lippoldt, A., Gross, V., Bohlender, J., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 9 (12): 2212-2222. December 1998

Kidney International

Lipoic acid supplementation prevents angiotensin II-induced renal injury.
Mervaala, E., Finckenberg, P., Lapatto, R., Mueller, D.N., Park, J.K., Dechend, R., Ganten, D., Vapaatalo, H. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 64 (2): 501-508. August 2003

TNF-alpha-accelerated apoptosis abrogates ANCA-mediated neutrophil respiratory burst by a caspase-dependent mechanism.
Kettritz, R., Scheumann, J., Xu, Y.X., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Kidney International 61 : 502-515. 1 January 2002

Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and macrophage infiltration in hypertensive kidney injury.
Hilgers, K.F., Hartner, A., Porst, M., Mai, M., Wittmann, M., Hugo, C., Ganten, D., Geiger, H., Veelken, R. and Mann, J.F.E.
Kidney International 58 : 2408-2419. 1 December 2000

Cerivastatin prevents angiotensin II-induced renal injury independent of blood pressure- and cholesterol-lowering effects.
Park, J.K., Mueller, D.N., Mervaala, E.M.A., Dechend, R., Fiebeler, A., Schmidt, F., Bieringer, M., Schaefer, O., Lindschau, C., Schneider, W., Ganten, D., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Kidney International 58 (4): 1420-1430. 1 October 2000

Angiotensin I converting enzyme and chymase in cardiovascular tissues.
Nishimura, H., Hoffmann, S., Baltatu, O., Sugimura, K., Ganten, D. and Urata, H.
Kidney International 49,Suppl.55 : S18-S23. 1 January 1996

PCR analysis of human renal biopsies - renin gene regulation in glomerulonephritis.
Wagner, J., Drab, M., Gehlen, F., Langheinrich, M., Volk, S., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
Kidney International 46 : 1542-1545. 1 January 1994

Cellular expression of angiotensin type-1 receptor mRNA in the kidney.
Meister, B., Lippoldt, A., Bunnemann, B., Inagami, T., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Kidney International 44 : 331-33. 1 January 1993

Transgenic rats carrying the mouse renin gene - morphological characterization of a low-renin hypertension model.
Bachmann, S., Peters, J., Engler, E., Ganten, D. and Mullins, J.J.
Kidney International 41 : 24-36. 1 January 1992

Changes in the central ANF-system of renovascular hypertensive rats.
Bahner, U., Geiger, H., Palkovits, M., Ganten, D., Klotz, B. and Heidland, A.
Kidney International 39 : 33-38. 1 January 1991

Kidney and Blood Pressure Research

Roles of nitric oxide and oxidative stress in the regulation of blood pressure and renal function in prehypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Vaneckova, I., Kramer, H.J., Novotna, J., Kazdova, L., Opocensky, M., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Cervenka, L.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 28 (2): 117-126. 1 January 2005

Acute effects of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition on renal function in heterozygous Ren-2-transgenic rats on normal or low sodium intake.
Vaneckova, I., Cahova, M., Kramer, H.J., Huskova, Z., Skaroupkova, P., Komers, R., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Cervenka, L.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 27 (4): 203-210. 1 January 2004

Blockade of endothelin receptors attenuates end-organ damage in homozygous hypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Dvorak, P., Kramer, H.J., Baecker, A., Maly, J., Kopkan, L., Vaneckova, I., Vernerova, Z., Opocensky, M., Tesar, V., Bader, M., Ganten, D., Janda, J. and Cervenka, L.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 27 (4): 248-258. 1 January 2004

Enalapril and pressure-diuresis in hypertensive rats transgenic for mouse renin gene.
Springate, J., Vanliew, J. and Ganten, D.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 20 : 1-5. 1 January 1997

Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell

Verbund Klinische Pharmakologie Berlin/Brandenburg. Gentherapie, Pharmakogenetik, Pharmakoepidemiologie.
Ganten, D., Engler, E. and Ruckpaul, K.
Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell 6 : 44-54. 1 January 1995

Vom Gen zur Therapie: Paradigmenwechsel in der Klinischen Pharmakologie.
Ganten, D.
Klinische Pharmakologie aktuell 6 : 35-36. 1 January 1995

Laboratory Medicine

Molekulargenetische Grundlagen und Perspektiven fuer die Diagnostik und Therapie des Bluthochdrucks.
Ganten, D.
Laboratory Medicine 18 : 351-352. 1 January 1994


Diagnostik und Therapie des Bluthochdrucks.
Ganten, D.
MED-REPORT 18 (27): 4-4. 1 January 1995

Magazin fuer Pflegepersonal am Universitaetsklinikum Benjamin Franklin

Die Ethikkommission im Universitaetstsklinikum Benjamin Franklin.
Ganten, D. and Koellwitz, A.A.
Magazin fuer Pflegepersonal am Universitaetsklinikum Benjamin Franklin 25 : 9-10. 1 January 1997

Mammalian Genome

The gene encoding endothelial nitric oxide synthase, Nos3, maps to rat chromosome 4.
Hübner, N., Kreutz, R., Rubattu, S., Lee, Y.A., Ganten, D., Allen, P.D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Mammalian Genome 6 (10): 758-759. 1 January 1995

Molecular Aspects of Medicine

The Future of Molecular Medicine. 4th Berlin Colloquium of the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation in co-operation with the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Berlin-Buch, on Wednesday, May 10, 2000 in Berlin at the Konrad Adenauer Fundation, Tiergartenstr. 35, D-10785 Berlin.
Ganten, D.
Molecular Aspects of Medicine 22 (3): 91-100. June 2001

Molecular Brain Research

Local renin-angiotensin system in the pineal gland.
Baltatu, O., Lippoldt, A., Hansson, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Molecular Brain Research 54 : 237-242. 1 January 1998

Molecular Reproduction and Development

Comparison between PMSG- and FSH-induced superovulation for the generation of transgenic rats.
Popova, E., Krivokharchenko, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Molecular Reproduction and Development 63 (2): 177-182. October 2002

In vitro formation of tetraploid rat blastocysts after fusion of two-cell embryos.
Krivokharchenko, A., Galat, V., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Molecular Reproduction and Development 61 (4): 460-465. 1 January 2002

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Reduction of cardiac hypertrophy in TGR(mREN2)27 by angiotensin II receptor blockade.
Boehm, M., Lippoldt, A., Wienen, W., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 163-164 : 217-221. 1 January 1996

Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Molekulare Medizin: Die Zukunft hat begonnen - ein Lichtblick fuer die Medizin von morgen.
Ganten, D.
Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 135 : 12-13. 1 January 1993

Molekulare Genetik des Bluthochdrucks.
Kreutz, R., Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 133 : 724-728. 1 January 1991

Nachrichten aus der Chemie

Genetisches Wissen fuer Gesundheit und Krankheit [Genetic knowledge for health and disease].
Ganten, D. and Ruckpaul, K.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 48 (7-8): 894-902. July 2000


Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution.
Gibbs, R.A., Weinstock, G.M., Metzker, M.L., Muzny, D.M., Sodergren, E.J., Scherer, S., Scott, G., Steffen, D., Worley, K.C., Burch, P.E., Okwuonu, G., Hines, S., Lewis, L., DeRamo, C., Delgado, O., Dugan-Rocha, S., Miner, G., Morgan, M., Hawes, A., Gill, R., Holt, R.A., Adams, M.D., Amanatides, P.G., Baden-Tillson, H., Barnstead, M., Chin, S., Evans, C.A., Ferriera, S., Fosler, C., Glodek, A., Gu, Z., Jennings, D., Kraft, C.L., Nguyen, T., Pfannkoch, C.M., Sitter, C., Sutton, G.G., Venter, J.C., Woodage, T., Smith, D., Lee, H.M., Gustafson, E., Cahill, P., Kana, A., Doucette-Stamm, L., Weinstock, K., Fechtel, K., Weiss, R.B., Dunn, D.M., Green, E.D., Blakesley, R.W., Bouffard, G.G., de Jong, P.J., Osoegawa, K., Zhu, B., Marra, M., Schein, J., Bosdet, I., Fjell, C., Jones, S., Krzywinski, M., Mathewson, C., Siddiqui, A., Wye, N., McPherson, J., Zhao, S., Fraser, C.M., Shetty, J., Shatsman, S., Geer, K., Chen, Y., Abramzon, S., Nierman, W.C., Havlak, P.H., Chen, R., Durbin, K.J., Egan, A., Ren, Y., Song, X.Z., Li, B., Liu, Y., Qin, X., Cawley, S., Worley, K.C., Cooney, A.J., D'Souza, L.M., Martin, K., Wu, J.Q., Gonzalez-Garay, M.L., Jackson, A.R., Kalafus, K.J., McLeod, M.P., Milosavljevic, A., Virk, D., Volkov, A., Wheeler, D.A., Zhang, Z., Bailey, J.A., Eichler, E.E., Tuzun, E., Birney, E., Mongin, E., Ureta-Vidal, A., Woodwark, C., Zdobnov, E., Bork, P., Suyama, M., Torrents, D., Alexandersson, M., Trask, B.J., Young, J.M., Huang, H., Wang, H., Xing, H., Daniels, S., Gietzen, D., Schmidt, J., Stevens, K., Vitt, U., Wingrove, J., Camara, F., Alba, M.M., Abril, J.F., Guigo, R., Smit, A., Dubchak, I., Rubin, E.M., Couronne, O., Poliakov, A., Hübner, N., Ganten, D., Goesele, C., Hummel, O., Kreitler, T., Lee, Y.A., Monti, J., Schulz, H., Zimdahl, H., Himmelbauer, H., Lehrach, H., Jacob, H.J., Bromberg, S., Gullings-Handley, J., Jensen-Seaman, M.I., Kwitek, A.E., Lazar, J., Pasko, D., Tonellato, P.J., Twigger, S., Ponting, C.P., Duarte, J.M., Rice, S., Goodstadt, L., Beatson, S.A., Emes, R.D., Winter, E.E., Webber, C., Brandt, P., Nyakatura, G., Adetobi, M., Chiaromonte, F., Elnitski, L., Eswara, P., Hardison, R.C., Hou, M., Kolbe, D., Makova, K., Miller, W., Nekrutenko, A., Riemer, C., Schwartz, S., Taylor, J., Yang, S., Zhang, Y., Lindpaintner, K., Andrews, T.D., Caccamo, M., Clamp, M., Clarke, L., Curwen, V., Durbin, R., Eyras, E., Searle, S.M., Cooper, G.M., Batzoglou, S., Brudno, M., Sidow, A., Stone, E.A., Venter, J.C., Payseur, B.A., Bourque, G., Lopez-Otin, C., Puente, X.S., Chakrabarti, K., Chatterji, S., Dewey, C., Pachter, L., Bray, N., Yap, V.B., Caspi, A., Tesler, G., Pevzner, P.A., Haussler, D., Roskin, K.M., Baertsch, R., Clawson, H., Furey, T.S., Hinrichs, A.S., Karolchik, D., Kent, W.J., Rosenbloom, K.R., Trumbower, H., Weirauch, M., Cooper, D.N., Stenson, P.D., Ma, B., Brent, M., Arumugam, M., Shteynberg, D., Copley, R.R., Taylor, M.S., Riethman, H., Mudunuri, U., Peterson, J., Guyer, M., Felsenfeld, A., Old, S., Mockrin, S. and Collins, F.
Nature 428 (6982): 493-521. 1 April 2004

Distinguished scientists back Germany's DFG . .
Jahn, R., Boeck, A., Breiner, K.M., Breunig, K.D., Bujard, H., Campos-Ortega, J., Ganten, D., Grummt, I., Gruss, P., Goridis, C., Huber, R., Hoch, M., Jaeckle, H., Kahmann, R., Koch-Brandt, C., Leptin, M., Michel, H., Noegel, A., Neher, E., Nuesslein-Volhard, C., Pfanner, N., Sandhoff, K., Schoen, A., Schwille, P., Simons, K. and Zrenner, E.
Nature 404 : 922-922. 27 April 2000

Chromosomal mapping of two genetic loci associated with blood-pressure regulation in hereditary hypertensive rats.
Hilbert, P., Lindpaintner, K., Beckmann, J.S., Serikawa, T., Soubrier, F., Dubay, C.J., Cartwright, P., De Gouyon, B., Julier, C., Takahashi, S., Vincent, M., Ganten, D., Georges, M. and Lathrop, G.M.
Nature 353 (6344): 521-529. 10 October 1991

Nature Genetics

Chromosomal mapping of quantitative trait loci contributing to stroke in a rat model of complex human disease.
Rubattu, S., Volpe, M., Kreutz, R., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Nature Genetics 13 : 429-434. 1 January 1996

Nature Medicine

Preimplantation-stage stem cells induce long-term allogeneic graft acceptance without supplementary host conditioning.
Faendrich, F., Lin, X., Chai, G.X., Schulze, M., Ganten, D., Bader, M., Holle, J., Huang, D.S., Parwaresch, R., Zavazava, N. and Binas, B.
Nature Medicine 8 : 171-178. 1 February 2002

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation

Angiotensinogen gene M235T polymorphism is not associated with diabetic nephropathy.
Schmidt, S., Giessel, R., Bergis, K.H., Strojek, K., Grzeszcak, W., Ganten, D., Ritz, E., Willms, B.H.L., Petzold, R., Henrichs, H.R., Rambausek, M., Schwarzbek, A., Schneider, P. and Bosch, A.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 11 : 1755-1761. 1 January 1996

Association of M235T variant of the angiotensinogen gene with familial hypertension of early onset.
Schmidt, S., Sharma, A.M., Zilch, O., Beige, J., Walla-Friedel, M., Ganten, D., Distler, A. and Ritz, E.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10 (7): 1145-1148. 1995

Genetics of primary hypertension.
Schmidt, S. and Ganten, D.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 9 : 473-474. 1 January 1994


Induction of hippocampal glial cells expressing basic fibroblast growth factor RNA by corticosterone.
Hansson, A.C., Sommer, W., Andbjer, B., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
NeuroReport 12 (1): 141-145. 1 January 2001

Antisense oligonucleotide to c-fos induces ipsilateral rotational behaviour to d-amphetamine.
Sommer, W., Bjelke, B., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
NeuroReport 5 (3): 277-280. 13 December 1993


Increased potency of neuropeptide y to antagonize alpha2- adrenoceptor function in the nucleus tractus solitarii of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Yang, S.N., Fior, D.R., Hansson, A., Cintra, A., Castellano, M., Ganten, U., Ganten, D., Agnati, L.F. and Fuxe, K.
Neuroscience 78 : 803-813. 1 January 1997

Localization of angiotensin II AT1 receptor like immunoreactivity in catecholaminergic neurons of the rat medulla oblongata.
Yang, S.N., Lippoldt, A., Jansson, A., Phillips, M.I., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
Neuroscience 81 : 503-515. 1 January 1997

Fast and widespread increase of basic fibroblast growth factor messenger RNA and protein in the forebrain after kainate-induced seizures.
Humpel, C., Lippoldt, A., Chadi, G., Ganten, D., Olson, L. and Fuxe, K.
Neuroscience 57 : 913-922. 1 January 1993

Neuroscience Letters

Cellular localization of angiotensin type 1 receptor and angiotensinogen mRNAs in the subfornical organ of the rat brain.
Lippoldt, A., Bunnemann, B., Metzger, R., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Neuroscience Letters 150 : 153-158. 1 January 1993

The distribution of angiotensin II AT1 receptor subtype messenger RNA in the rat brain.
Bunnemann, B., Iwai, N., Metzger, R., Fuxe, K., Inagami, T. and Ganten, D.
Neuroscience Letters 142 : 155-158. 1 January 1992

Neurotoxicity Rresearch

Central depletion of angiotensinogen is associated with elevated AT1 receptors in the SFO and PVN.
Kasper, S.O., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D. and Diz, D.I.
Neurotoxicity Rresearch 6 (4): 259-265. 2004

News in Physiological Sciences

The cardiac renin-angiotensin system: a synopsis of current experimental and clinical data.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
News in Physiological Sciences 6 : 227-232. 1 January 1991

Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten

Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 27 : 104-106. 1 January 1998

Molecular structure of rat bradykinin B2 receptor gene.
Pesquero, J.B., Lindsey, C.J., Zeh, K., Paiva, A.C.M., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 24 : 602-604. 1 January 1995

Regulation adrenaler Aldosteronsekretion und adrenalen Renins in TGR(mREN2)27.
Peters, J., Djavidani, B., Sander, M., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 22 : 364-368. 1 January 1993

Expression des Ren-2-Gens der Maus im Duenndarm von DBA/2-Maeusen und transgenen Ratten.
Zhao, Y., Peters, J., Matsuda, T., Mullins, J.J., Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 642-643. 1 January 1992

Gesteigerte Aldosteronbiosynthese in TGR(mREN2)27: Funktionelle Bedeutung eines lokalen intraadrenalen Renin-Angiotensin-Systems.
Peters, J., Djavidani, B., Muenter, K., Bader, M., Sander, M., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 545-546. 1 January 1992

Identification of chromosomal loci associated with genetic hypertension in the rat.
Lindpaintner, K., Hilbert, P., Ganten, D., Georges, M. and Lathrop, M.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 549-551. 1 January 1992

Molekulare Genetik der Hypertonie.
Ganten, D., Pfaff, G.M. and Kreutz, R.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 540-544. 1 January 1992

Renale Renin-mRNA-Expression bei Patienten mit Glomerulonephritis und Hypertonie.
Wagner, J., Paul, M., Haufe, C.C., Volk, S., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 547-548. 1 January 1992

Sexueller Dimorphismus des Blutdrucks bei TGR(mREN2)27: Einfluss von Androgenen.
Bachmann, J., Ganten, U., Stock, G. and Ganten, D.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 21 : 599-601. 1 January 1992

Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases

Update on the renin-angiotensin system. Recent advances in molecular biology.
Wagner, J., Fernandez-Alfonso, M.S., Bachmann, J., Bader, M., Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases 3 : 197-203. 1 January 1993

Pediatric Nephrology

The renin-angiotensin system in transgenic rats.
Wagner, J., Thiele, F. and Ganten, D.
Pediatric Nephrology 10 (1): 108-112. 1 January 1996


Adrenal, kidney, and heart angiotensins in female murine Ren-2 transfected hypertensive rats.
Senanayake, P.D., Smeby, R.R., Martins, A.S., Moriguchi, A., Kumagai, H., Ganten, D. and Brosnihan, K.B.
Peptides 19 : 1685-1694. 1 January 1998

Increased expression of angiotensin peptides in the brain of transgenic hypertensive rats.
Senanayake, P.D., Moriguchi, A., Kumagai, H., Ganten, D., Ferrario, C.M. and Brosnihan, K.B.
Peptides 15 (5): 919-926. 1994

Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Decreased renal haemodynamic response to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase in subtotally nephrectomised rats.
Wagner, J., Wystrychowski, A., Stauss, H., Ganten, D. and Ritz, E.
Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 430 : 181-187. 1 January 1995

Expression of the mouse ren-2 gene in the small intestine is regulated by food intake.
Zhao, Y., Peters, J., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 424 : 199-202. 1 January 1993

Pharmacological Research

Changes of blood pressure and aortic strip contractile responses to ET-1 of heterozygous female transgenic rats, TGR(mRen2)27.
Cargnelli, G., Rossi, G.P., Pessina, A.C., Luciani, S., Debetto, P., Ganten, D., Peters, J. and Bova, S.
Pharmacological Research 37 : 207-211. 1 January 1998

Physiological Genomics

Growth, metabolism and blood pressure disturbances during aging in transgenic rats with altered brain renin-angiotensin systems.
Kasper, S.O., Carter, C.S., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D., Ferder, L.F., Sonntag, W.E., Gallagher, P.E. and Diz, D.I.
Physiological Genomics 23 : 311-317. 30 August 2005

Congenic strains confirm the presence of salt-sensitivity QTLs on chromosome 1 in the Sabra rat model of hypertension.
Yagil, C., Hubner, N., Kreutz, R., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Physiological Genomics 12 : 85-95. 1 January 2003

Angiotensin peptides acting at rostral ventrolateral medulla contribute to hypertension of TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
Fontes, M.A.P., Baltatu, O., Caligiorne, S.M., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Ganten, D., Bader, M. and Santos, R.A.S.
Physiological Genomics 2 : 137-142. 27 April 2000

Physiological Research

Effects of sodium restriction and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition on the course of hypertension, proteinuria and cardiac hypertrophy in Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Vaneckova, I., Skaroupkova, P., Dvorak, P., Certikova-Chabova, V., Tesar, V., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Kramer, J.J.
Physiological Research 54 (1): 17-24. 1 January 2005

Chronic endothelin receptor blockade reduces end-organ damage independently of blood pressure effects in salt-loaded heterozygous Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Opocensky, M., Dvorak, P., Maly, J., Kramer, H.J., Baecker, A., Kopkan, L., Vernerova, Z., Tesar, V., Zima, T., Bader, M., Ganten, D., Janda, J. and Vaneckova, I.
Physiological Research 53 (6): 581-593. 1 January 2004

Role of nNOS in regulation of renal function in hypertensive Ren-2 transgenic rats.
Cervenka, L., Kramer, H.J., Maly, J., Vaneckova, I., Baecker, A., Bokemeyer, D., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Mitchell, K.D.
Physiological Research 51 (6): 571-580. 2002

Politics and the Life Sciences

Biesenthal consensus: Biesenthal vaccine initiative (Vaccines for peace).
Calderon, F., Drozdov, S.G., Fenner, F., Ganten, D., Geissler, E., Horoud, F., Kane, M., L'age-Stehr, J., Langen, P., Leitenberg, M., Melling, J., Morse, S.S., Netesov, S.V., Nixdorff, K., Pearson, G., Sandstroem, G., Subrahmanyam, D., Thraenert, O., Toth, T., Valette, M.L., Wheelis, M.L. and Woodall, J.P.
Politics and the Life Sciences 12 : 101-103. 1 January 1993

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Conditional mutation of the ErbB2 (HER2) receptor in cardiomyocytes leads to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Özcelik, C., Erdmann, B., Pilz, B., Wettschureck, N., Britsch, S., Hübner, N., Chien, K.R., Birchmeier, C. and Garratt, A.N.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (13): 8880-8885. 25 June 2002

Blood pressure reduction and diabetes insipidus in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
Schinke, M., Baltatu, O., Boehm, M., Peters, J., Rascher, W., Bricca, G., Lippoldt, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 : 3975-3980. 30 March 1999

Dissection of a quantitative trait locus for genetic hypertension on rat chromosome 10.
Kreutz, R., Hübner, N., James, M.R., Bihoreau, M.T., Gauguier, D., Lathrop, G.M., Ganten, D. and Lindpaintner, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (19): 8778-8782. 12 September 1995

Role of adrenal renin in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis corticotropin.
Sander, M., Ganten, D. and Mellon, S.H.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (1): 148-152. 4 January 1994

Species specificity of renin kinetics in transgenic rats harboring the human renin and angiotensinogen genes.
Ganten, D., Wagner, J., Zeh, K., Bader, M., Michel, J.B., Paul, M., Zimmermann, F., Ruf, P., Hilgenfeldt, U., Ganten, U., Kaling, M., Bachmann, S., Fukamizu, A., Mullins, J.J. and Murakami, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89 : 7806-7810. August 1992

Progress in Cardiology

Contributions of animal models for understanding hypertension.
Linz, W. and Ganten, D.
Progress in Cardiology 5 : 25-36. 1 January 1992

Regulatory Peptides

Differential regulation of central vasopressin receptors in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Campos, L.A., Couto, A.S., Iliescu, R., Santos, J.A., Santos, R.A.S., Ganten, D., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Bader, M. and Baltatu, O.
Regulatory Peptides 119 (3): 177-182. 15 July 2004

The renin-angiotensin system in the brain: an update 1993.
Bunnemann, B., Fuxe, K. and Ganten, D.
Regulatory Peptides 46 (3): 487-509. 23 July 1993

Renal Physiology and Biochemistry

Differences in rat kidney morphology between males, females and testosterone-treated females.
Oudar, O., Elger, M., Bankir, L., Ganten, D., Ganten, U. and Kriz, W.
Renal Physiology and Biochemistry 14 : 92-102. 1 January 1991

Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Sciences

Transgenic laboratory animals in hypertension research.
van der Giet, M., Hoffmann, S., Urata, H., Ganten, D. and Paul, M.
Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Sciences 22 (2): 205-211. 1 January 1995


A SNP map of the rat genome generated from cDNA sequences.
Zimdahl, H., Nyakatura, G., Brandt, P., Schulz, H., Hummel, O., Fartmann, B., Brett, D., Droege, M., Monti, J., Lee, Y.A., Sun, Y.Y., Zhao, S.Y., Winter, E.E., Ponting, C.P., Chen, Y., Kasprzyk, A., Birney, E., Ganten, D. and Hubner, N.
Science 303 (5659): 807-807. 1 January 2004

Sequence interpretation - Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences.
Nadeau, J.H., Balling, R., Barsh, G., Beier, D., Brown, S.D.M., Bucan, M., Camper, S., Carlson, G., Copeland, N., Eppig, J., Fletcher, C., Frankel, W.N., Ganten, D., Goldowitz, D., Goodnow, C., Guenet, J.L., Hicks, G., de Angelis, M.H., Jackson, I., Jacob, H.J., Jenkins, N., Johnson, D., Justice, M., Kay, S., Kingsley, D., Lehrach, H., Magnuson, T., Meisler, M., Poustka, A.M., Rinchik, E.M., Rossant, J., Russell, L.B., Schimenti, J., Shiroishi, T., Skarnes, W.C., Soriano, P., Stanford, W., Takahashi, J.S., Wurst, W. and Zimmer, A.
Science 291 : 1251-1255. 1 January 2001

Seminars in Nephrology

Congenic rat strains are important tools for the genetic dissection of essential hypertension.
Kreutz, R. and Hübner, N.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 (2): 135-147. 1 January 2002

The renin-angiotensin system in transgenic rats : characteristics and functional studies.
Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Seminars in Nephrology 13 : 586-592. 1 January 1993


Rodent models for studying steroids and hypertension : from fetal development to cells in culture.
Mellon, S.H., Compagnone, N., Sander, M., Cover, C., Ganten, D. and Djavidani, B.
Steroids 60 (1): 59-64. 1 January 1995


Efficiency of transgenic rat production is independent of transgene-construct and overnight embryo culture.
Popova, E., Krivokharchenko, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Theriogenology 61 (7-8): 1441-1453. 1 January 2004

Transactions of the Association of American Physicians

Adrenal renin is released into the circulation of the hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mRen-2)27.
Tokita, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Franco-Saenz, R., Mulrow, P.J. and Ganten, D.
Transactions of the Association of American Physicians CV : 123-132. 1 January 1992

Transplantation Proceedings

Rat embryonic stem cells: a progress report.
Brenin, D.R., Look, J., Bader, M., Hübner, N., Levan, G. and Iannaccone, P.
Transplantation Proceedings 29 : 1761-1765. 1 January 1997

Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine

The tissue renin-angiotensin systems in cardiovascular disease.
Paul, M., Bachmann, J. and Ganten, D.
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 2 : 94-99. 1 January 1992

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Innere Medizin

Die Bedeutung extrarenaler Reninsysteme in der Pathogenese der arteriellen Hypertonie.
Paul, M. and Ganten, D.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Innere Medizin 97 : 539-544. 1 January 1991

Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Kraft fuer den Aufschwung. Biomedizinische Forschung in den neuen Bundeslaendern.
Ganten, D.
Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft 3 : 38-44. 1 January 1994

Zeitschrift fuer Biopolitik

Gezielte Zellvermehrung und spezifische Zelltransplantation. Ein Plaedoyer fuer die Stammzellforschung und fuer eine Klaerung der Begrifflichkeiten.
Ganten, D.
Zeitschrift fuer Biopolitik 2 (1): 25-33. 2003

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