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Visualizing sarcomere and cellular dynamics in skeletal muscle to improve cell therapies.
Hüttemeister, J., Rudolph, F., Radke, M.H., Fink, C., Friedrich, D., Preibisch, S., Falcke, M., Wagner, E., Lehnart, S.E. and Gotthardt, M.
eLife 13 : e95597. 17 December 2024

Cell-mechanical parameter estimation from 1D cell trajectories using simulation-based inference.
Heyn, J., Atienza Juanatey, M., Falcke, M. and Raedler, J.
bioRxiv : 2024.09.06.611766. 8 September 2024

Mesenchymal cell migration on one-dimensional micropatterns.
Heyn, J.C.J., Rädler, J.O. and Falcke, M.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 12 : 1352279. 16 April 2024


An integrate-and-fire approach to Ca(2+) signaling. Part II: Cumulative refractoriness.
Ramlow, L., Falcke, M. and Lindner, B.
Biophysical Journal 122 (24): 4710-4729. 19 December 2023

SLAM-Drop-seq reveals mRNA kinetic rates throughout the cell cycle.
Liu, H., Arsiè, R., Schwabe, D., Schilling, M., Minia, I., Alles, J., Boltengagen, A., Kocks, C., Falcke, M., Friedman, N., Landthaler, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Systems Biology 19 (10): e11427. 12 October 2023

Modeling IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) signaling based on its interspike interval statistics.
Friedhoff, V.N., Lindner, B. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 122 (13): 2818-2831. 11 July 2023

On multistability and constitutive relations of cell motion on Fibronectin lanes.
Amiri, B., Heyn, J.C.J., Schreiber, C., Rädler, J.O. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 122 (5): 753-766. 7 March 2023

Disease- and sex-specific differences in patients with heart valve disease: a proteome study.
Nordmeyer, S., Kraus, M., Ziehm, M., Kirchner, M., Schafstedde, M., Kelm, M., Niquet, S., Stephen, M.M., Baczko, I., Knosalla, C., Schapranow, M.P., Dittmar, G., Gotthardt, M., Falcke, M., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Kuehne, T. and Mertins, P.
Life Science Alliance 6 (3): e202201411. March 2023

An integrate-and-fire approach to Ca(2+) signaling. Part I: Renewal model.
Ramlow, L., Falcke, M. and Lindner, B.
Biophysical Journal 122 (4): 713-736. 21 February 2023


Receptor-associated independent cAMP nanodomains mediate spatiotemporal specificity of GPCR signaling.
Anton, S.E., Kayser, C., Maiellaro, I., Nemec, K., Möller, J., Koschinski, A., Zaccolo, M., Annibale, P., Falcke, M., Lohse, M.J. and Bock, A.
Cell 185 (7): 1130-1142.e11. 31 March 2022

On the relation between input and output distributions of scRNA-seq experiments.
Schwabe, D. and Falcke, M.
Bioinformatics 38 (5): 1336-1343. 1 March 2022


Computational toolbox for ultrastructural quantitative analysis of filament networks in cryo-ET data.
Dimchev, G., Amiri, B., Fäßler, F., Falcke, M. and Schur, F.K.M.
Journal of Structural Biology 213 (4): 107808. December 2021

3D MRI of explanted sheep hearts with submillimeter isotropic spatial resolution: comparison between diffusion tensor and structure tensor imaging.
Magat, J., Ozenne, V., Cedilnik, N., Naulin, J., Haliot, K., Sermesant, M., Gilbert, S.H., Trew, M., Haissaguerre, M., Quesson, B. and Bernus, O.
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine 34 (5): 741-755. October 2021

Models of stochastic Ca(2+) spiking : established approaches and inspirations from models of neuronal spikes.
Friedhoff, V.N., Ramlow, L., Lindner, B. and Falcke, M.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 230 (16-17): 2911-2928. October 2021

Stochastic reaction-diffusion modeling of calcium dynamics in 3D-dendritic spines of purkinje cells.
Friedhoff, V.N., Antunes, G., Falcke, M. and Simões de Souza, F.M.
Biophysical Journal 120 (11): 2112-2123. 1 June 2021

On the adhesion-velocity relation and length adaptation of motile cells on stepped fibronectin lanes.
Schreiber, C., Amiri, B., Heyn, J.C.J., Rädler, J.O. and Falcke, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (4): e2009959118. 26 January 2021


Proteomic analysis reveals upregulation of ACE2, the putative SARS-CoV-2 receptor in pressure- but not volume-overloaded human hearts.
Stegbauer, J., Kraus, M., Nordmeyer, S., Kirchner, M., Ziehm, M., Dommisch, H., Kelle, S., Kelm, M., Baczko, I., Landmesser, U., Tschope, C., Knosalla, C., Falcke, M., Schapranow, M.P., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Mertins, P. and Kuehne, T.
Hypertension 76 (6): e41-e43. December 2020

The transcriptome dynamics of single cells during the cell cycle.
Schwabe, D., Formichetti, S., Junker, J.P., Falcke, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Systems Biology 16 (11): e9946. 1 November 2020

Optical mapping of cAMP signaling at the nanometer scale.
Bock, A., Annibale, P., Konrad, C., Hannawacker, A., Anton, S.E., Maiellaro, I., Zabel, U., Sivaramakrishnan, S., Falcke, M. and Lohse, M.J.
Cell 182 (6): 1519-1530. 17 September 2020

Phase separation of a PKA regulatory subunit controls cAMP compartmentation and oncogenic signaling.
Zhang, J.Z., Lu, T.W., Stolerman, L.M., Tenner, B., Yang, J.R., Zhang, J.F., Falcke, M., Rangamani, P., Taylor, S.S., Mehta, S. and Zhang, J.
Cell 182 (6): 1531-1544. 17 September 2020

Lamellipodin tunes cell migration by stabilizing protrusions and promoting adhesion formation.
Dimchev, G., Amiri, B., Humphries, A.C., Schaks, M., Dimchev, V., Stradal, T.E.B., Faix, J., Krause, M., Way, M., Falcke, M. and Rottner, K.
Journal of Cell Science 133 (7): jcs239020. 9 April 2020

A statistical view on calcium oscillations.
Powell, J., Falcke, M., Skupin, A., Bellamy, T.C., Kypraios, T. and Thul, R.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1131 : 799-826. 2020


Multiscale modeling of dyadic structure-function relation in ventricular cardiac myocytes.
Cosi, F.G., Giese, W., Neubert, W., Luther, S., Chamakuri, N., Parlitz, U. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 117 (12): 2409-2419. 17 December 2019

Long-term effects of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger inhibition with ORM-11035 improves cardiac function and remodelling without lowering blood pressure in a model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
Primessnig, U., Bracic, T., Levijoki, J., Otsomaa, L., Pollesello, P., Falcke, M., Pieske, B. and Heinzel, F.R.
European Journal of Heart Failure 21 (12): 1543-1552. December 2019

3D high resolution imaging of human heart for visualization of the cardiac structure.
Haliot, K., Magat, J., Ozenne, V., Abell, E., Dubes, V., Bear, L., Gilbert, S.H., Trew, M.L., Haissaguerre, M., Quesson, B. and Bernus, O.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11504 : 196-207. 30 May 2019


On the relation between filament density, force generation and protrusion rate in mesenchymal cell motility.
Dolati, S., Kage, F., Mueller, J., Müsken, M., Kirchner, M., Dittmar, G., Sixt, M., Rottner, K. and Falcke, M.
Molecular Biology of the Cell 29 (22): 2674-2686. 1 November 2018

Arrhythmogenic remodeling of the left ventricle in a porcine model of repaired tetralogy of fallot.
Dubes, V., Benoist, D., Roubertie, F., Gilbert, S.H., Constantin, M., Charron, S., Elbes, D., Vieillot, D., Quesson, B., Cochet, H., Haïssaguerre, M., Rooryck, C., Bordachar, P., Thambo, J.B. and Bernus, O.
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 11 (10): e006059. October 2018

Multiscale modeling and numerical simulation of calcium cycling in cardiac myocytes.
Chamakuri, N., Neubert, W., Gilbert, S., Vierheller, J., Warnecke, G. and Falcke, M.
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 16 (3): 1115-1145. 12 July 2018

Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity.
Merks, A.M., Swinarski, M., Meyer, A.M., Müller, N.V., Özcan, I., Donat, S., Burger, A., Gilbert, S., Mosimann, C., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S. and Panáková, D.
Nature Communications 9 (1): 2161. 4 June 2018

The stretch to stray on time: resonant length of random walks in a transient.
Falcke, M. and Friedhoff, V.N.
Chaos 28 (5): 053117. 23 May 2018

Spatial modeling of the membrane-cytosolic interface in protein kinase signal transduction.
Giese, W., Milicic, G., Schröder, A. and Klipp, E.
PLoS Computational Biology 14 (4): e1006075. 9 April 2018

On the phase space structure of IP(3) induced Ca(2+) signalling and concepts for predictive modeling.
Falcke, M., Moein, M., Tilūnaitė, A., Thul, R. and Skupin, A.
Chaos 28 (4): 045115. 1 April 2018


Life is change - dynamic modeling quantifies it.
Falcke, M.
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 3 : iv-viii. June 2017

Mapping interpuff interval distribution to the properties of inositol trisphosphate receptors.
Cao, P., Falcke, M. and Sneyd, J.
Biophysical Journal 112 (10): 2138-2146. 23 May 2017

Excitability in the p53 network mediates robust signaling with tunable activation thresholds in single cells.
Mönke, G., Cristiano, E., Finzel, A., Friedrich, D., Herzel, H., Falcke, M. and Loewer, A.
Scientific Reports 7 : 46571. 18 April 2017

Proarrhythmic remodelling of the right ventricle in a porcine model of repaired tetralogy of Fallot.
Benoist, D., Dubes, V., Roubertie, F., Gilbert, S.H., Charron, S., Constantin, M., Elbes, D., Vieillot, D., Quesson, B., Cochet, H., Haissaguerre, M., Rooryck, C., Bordachar, P., Thambo, J.B. and Bernus, O.
Heart 103 (5): 347-354. March 2017


Concentration profiles of actin-binding molecules in lamellipodia.
Falcke, M.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 318-319 : 50-57. 1 April 2016

Basic modelling principles: deterministic models.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of calcium signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 97-161. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Hierarchical and stochastic modelling.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of calcium signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 163-205. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Models of calcium signalling.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of Calcium Signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 295-336. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Neurons and other excitable cells.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of Calcium Signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 337-385. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Nonexcitable cells.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of Calcium Signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 245-294. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Nonlinear dynamics of calcium.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of calcium signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 207-242. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

Some background physiology.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of calcium signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 3-27. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016

The calcium toolbox.
Dupont, G., Falcke, M., Kirk, V. and Sneyd, J.
In: Models of calcium signalling. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 43 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 29-96. ISBN 978-3-319-29645-6 2016


A multiscale computational model of spatially resolved calcium cycling in cardiac myocytes: from detailed cleft dynamics to the whole cell concentration profiles.
Vierheller, J., Neubert, W., Falcke, M., Gilbert, S.H. and Chamakuri, N.
Frontiers in Physiology 6 : 255. 24 September 2015

Identification of region-specific myocardial gene expression patterns in a chronic swine model of repaired tetralogy of fallot.
Charron, S., Roubertie, F., Benoist, D., Dubes, V., Gilbert, S.H., Constantin, M., Vieillot, D., Elbes, D., Quesson, B., Bordachar, P., Haissaguerre, M., Bernus, O., Thambo, J.B. and Rooryck, C.
PLoS ONE 10 (8): e0134146. 7 August 2015

Mechanical properties of branched actin filaments.
Razbin, M., Falcke, M., Benetatos, P. and Zippelius, A.
Physical Biology 12 (4): 046007. 4 June 2015

Comparison of diffusion tensor imaging by cardiovascular magnetic resonance and gadolinium enhanced 3D image intensity approaches to investigation of structural anisotropy in explanted rat hearts.
Bernus, O., Radjenovic, A., Trew, M.L., LeGrice, I.J., Sands, G.B., Magee, D.R., Smaill, B.H. and Gilbert, S.H.
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 17 (1): 31. 29 April 2015

Quantification of the transmural dynamics of atrial fibrillation by simultaneous endocardial and epicardial optical mapping in an acute sheep model.
Gutbrod, S.R., Walton, R., Gilbert, S., Meillet, V., Jais, P., Hocini, M., Haissaguerre, M., Dubois, R., Bernus, O. and Efimov, I.
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8 (2): 456-465. April 2015

Histopathology in 3D: from three-dimensional reconstruction to multi-stain and multi-modal analysis.
Magee, D., Song, Y., Gilbert, S., Roberts, N., Wijayathunga, N., Wilcox, R., Bulpitt, A. and Treanor, D.
Journal of Pathology Informatics 6 : 6. 24 February 2015


Reliable encoding of stimulus intensities within random sequences of intracellular Ca2+ spikes.
Thurley, K., Tovey, S.C., Moenke, G., Prince, V.L., Meena, A., Thomas, A.P., Skupin, A., Taylor, C.W. and Falcke, M.
Science Signaling 7 (331): ra59. 24 June 2014

Polymerization, bending, tension: What happens at the leading edge of motile cells?
Falcke, M. and Zimmermann, J.
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 223 (7): 1353-1372. June 2014

Structural insights into membrane interaction and caveolar targeting of dynamin-like EHD2.
Shah, C., Hegde, B.G., Morén, B., Behrmann, E., Mielke, T., Moenke, G., Spahn, C.M., Lundmark, R., Daumke, O. and Langen, R.
Structure 22 (3): 409-420. 4 March 2014

Formation of transient lamellipodia.
Zimmermann, J. and Falcke, M.
PLoS ONE 9 (2): e87638. 5 February 2014


A stochastic model of calcium puffs based on single-channel data.
Cao, P., Donovan, G., Falcke, M. and Sneyd, J.
Biophysical Journal 105 (5): 1133-1142. 3 September 2013

On the existence and strength of stable membrane protrusions.
Zimmermann, J. and Falcke, M.
New Journal of Physics 15 : 015021. January 2013


Hierarchic stochastic modelling applied to intracellular Ca(2+) signals.
Moenke, G., Falcke, M. and Thurley, K.
PLoS ONE 7 (12): e51178. 27 December 2012

Membrane waves driven by forces from actin filaments.
Gholami, A., Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
New Journal of Physics 14 : 115002. 2 November 2012

Fundamental properties of Ca(2+) signals.
Thurley, K., Skupin, A., Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects 1820 (8): 1185-1194. August 2012

Adaptive space and time numerical simulation of reaction-diffusion models for intracellular calcium dynamics.
Nagaiah, C., Ruediger, S., Warnecke, G. and Falcke, M.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (20): 10194-10210. 15 June 2012

Actin filament elasticity and retrograde flow shape the force-velocity relation of motile cells.
Zimmermann, J., Brunner, C., Enculescu, M., Goegler, M., Ehrlicher, A., Kaes, J. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 102 (2): 287-295. 18 January 2012

How does the ryanodine receptor in the ventricular myocyte wake up: by a single or by multiple open L-type Ca(2+) channels?
Schendel, T., Thul, R., Sneyd, J. and Falcke, M.
European Biophysics Journal 41 (1): 27-39. January 2012

Calcium signaling: from single channels to pathways.
Skupin, A. and Thurley, K.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 740 : 531-551. 2012

Modeling morphodynamic phenotypes and dynamic regimes of cell motion.
Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 736 (3): 337-358. 2012


Timescales of IP(3)-evoked Ca(2+) spikes emerge from Ca(2+) puffs only at the cellular level.
Thurley, K., Smith, I.F., Tovey, S.C., Taylor, C.W., Parker, I. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 101 (11): 2638-2644. 7 December 2011

Actin-based propulsion of spatially extended objects.
Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
New Journal of Physics 13 : 053040. May 2011

Metabolic synchronization by traveling waves in yeast cell layers.
Schuetze, J., Mair, T., Hauser, M.J., Falcke, M. and Wolf, J.
Biophysical Journal 100 (4): 809-813. 16 February 2011

Derivation of Ca2+ signals from puff properties reveals that pathway function is robust against cell variability but sensitive for control.
Thurley, K. and Falcke, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (1): 427-432. 4 January 2011


Filament capping and nucleation in actin-based motility.
Faber, M., Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 191 (1): 147-158. December 2010

Leading-edge-gel coupling in lamellipodium motion.
Zimmermann, J., Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 82 (5): 051925. 18 November 2010

Statistical analysis of calcium oscillations.
Skupin, A. and Falcke, M.
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 187 (1): 231-240. September 2010

Calcium signals driven by single channel noise.
Skupin, A., Kettenmann, H. and Falcke, M.
PLoS Computational Biology 6 (8): e1000870. 5 August 2010

Modeling of protrusion phenotypes driven by the actin-membrane interaction.
Enculescu, M., Sabouri-Ghomi, M., Danuser, G. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 98 (8): 1571-1581. 21 April 2010

Efficient and detailed model of the local Ca(2+) release unit in the ventricular cardiac myocyte.
Schendel, T. and Falcke, M.
Genome Informatics 22 (1): 142-155. January 2010


From puffs to global Ca2+ signals: how molecular properties shape global signals.
Skupin, A. and Falcke, M.
Chaos 19 (3): 037111. 18 September 2009

Toward a predictive model of Ca2+ puffs.
Thul, R., Thurley, K. and Falcke, M.
Chaos 19 (3): 037108. 18 September 2009

Introduction to focus issue: intracellular Ca2+ dynamics--a change of modeling paradigm?
Falcke, M.
Chaos 19 (3): 037101. September 2009

Modeling of the modulation by buffers of Ca2+ release through clusters of IP3 receptors.
Zeller, S., Ruediger, S., Engel, H., Sneyd, J., Warnecke, G., Parker, I. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 97 (4): 992-1002. 19 August 2009

Waiting time distributions for clusters of IP3 receptors.
Higgins, E.R., Schmidle, H. and Falcke, M.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 259 (2): 338-349. 21 July 2009

A kinetic model of the inositol trisphosphate receptor based on single-channel data.
Gin, E., Falcke, M., Wagner, L.E., Yule, D.I. and Sneyd, J.
Biophysical Journal 96 (10): 4053-4062. 20 May 2009

Markov chain Monte Carlo fitting of single-channel data from inositol trisphosphate receptors.
Gin, E., Falcke, M., Wagner, L.E., Yule, D.I. and Sneyd, J.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 257 (3): 460-474. 7 April 2009

Clustering of InsP3 receptors by InsP3 retunes their regulation by InsP3 and Ca2+.
Taufiq-Ur-Rahman, Skupin, A., Falcke, M. and Taylor, C.W.
Nature 458 (7238): 655-659. 2 April 2009


Announcement: Focus issue on "Intracellular Ca(2+) Dynamics- A Change of Modeling Paradigm?".
Falcke, M.
Chaos 18 (4): 040201. December 2008

Adaptive numerical simulation of intracellular calcium dynamics using domain decomposition methods.
Nagaiah, C., Ruediger, S., Warnecke, G. and Falcke, M.
Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (11): 1658-1674. November 2008

Stochastic hierarchical systems: excitable dynamics.
Leonhardt, H., Zaks, M.A., Falcke, M. and Schimansky-Geier, L.
Journal of Biological Physics 34 (5): 521-538. October 2008

Dynamic regimes and bifurcations in a model of actin-based motility.
Enculescu, M., Gholami, A. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 78 (3 Pt 1): 031915. September 2008

The role of IP(3)R clustering in Ca(2+) signalinG.
Skupin, A. and Falcke, M.
Genome Informatics 20 : 15-24. June 2008

How does intracellular Ca2+ oscillate: by chance or by the clock?
Skupin, A., Kettenmann, H., Winkler, U., Wartenberg, M., Sauer, H., Tovey, S.C., Taylor, C.W. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 94 (6): 2404-2411. 15 March 2008

Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility.
Gholami, A., Falcke, M. and Frey, E.
New Journal of Physics 10 : 033022. 12 March 2008

Temperature and nitric oxide control spontaneous calcium transients in astrocytes.
Schipke, C.G., Heidemann, A., Skupin, A., Peters, O., Falcke, M. and Kettenmann, H.
Cell Calcium 43 (3): 285-295. March 2008


Quasi-steady approximation for ion channel currents.
Bentele, K. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 93 (8): 2597-2608. 15 October 2007

Reaction rate of small diffusing molecules on a cylindrical membrane.
Straube, R., Ward, M.J. and Falcke, M.
Journal of Statistical Physics 129 (2): 377-405. October 2007

Hybrid stochastic and deterministic simulations of calcium blips.
Ruediger, S., Shuai, J.W., Huisinga, W., Nagaiah, C., Warnecke, G., Parker, I. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 93 (6): 1847-1857. 15 September 2007

Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Europhysics Letters 79 (3): 38003. August 2007

Non-Markovian approach to globally coupled excitable systems.
Prager, T., Falcke, M., Schimansky-Geier, L. and Zaks, M.A.
Physical Review E 76 (1 Pt 1): 011118. 24 July 2007

Reversible clustering under the influence of a periodically modulated binding rate.
Straube, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 76 (1 Pt 1): 010402. July 2007

Mechanism of intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations and interspike interval distributions.
Falcke, M.
In: SPIE Fourth International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise, 20-23 May 2007, Florence, Italy. 8 June 2007

Wave trains in an excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo model: bistable dispersion relation and formation of isolas.
Roeder, G., Bordyugov, G., Engel, H. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 75 (3 Pt 2): 036202. March 2007

Statistical properties and information content of calcium oscillations.
Skupin, A. and Falcke, M.
Genome Informatics 18 : 44-53. 2007


Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 73 (6 Pt 1): 061923. June 2006


Models of the inositol trisphosphate receptor.
Sneyd, J. and Falcke, M.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 89 (3): 207-245. November 2005

Reactive clusters on a membrane.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Biology 2 (1): 51-59. March 2005


Stability of membrane bound reactions.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review Letters 93 (18): 188103. 29 October 2004

A comparison of three models of the inositol trisphosphate receptor.
Sneyd, J., Falcke, M., Dufour, J.F. and Fox, C.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 85 (2-3): 121-140. June 2004

Reading the patterns in living cells - the physics of Ca2+ signaling.
Falcke, M.
Advances in Physics 53 (3): 255-440. May 2004

Release currents of IP(3) receptor channel clusters and concentration profiles.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 86 (5): 2660-2673. May 2004


Modeling the dependence of the period of intracellular Ca2+ waves on SERCA expression.
Falcke, M., Li, Y., Lechleiter, J.D. and Camacho, P.
Biophysical Journal 85 (3): 1474-1481. September 2003

Deterministic and stochastic models of intracellular Ca2+ waves.
Falcke, M.
New Journal of Physics 5 : 96. July 2003

Buffers and oscillations in intracellular Ca2+ dynamics.
Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 84 (1): 28-41. January 2003

On the role of stochastic channel behavior in intracellular Ca2+ dynamics.
Falcke, M.
Biophysical Journal 84 (1): 42-56. January 2003


Stochastic spreading of intracellular Ca(2+) release.
Falcke, M., Tsimring, L. and Levine, H.
Physical Review E 62 (2 Pt B): 2636-2643. August 2000

Discrete stochastic modeling of calcium channel dynamics.
Baer, M., Falcke, M., Levine, H. and Tsimring, L.S.
Physical Review Letters 84 (24): 5664-5667. 12 June 2000

Modeling observed chaotic oscillations in bursting neurons: the role of calcium dynamics and IP3.
Falcke, M., Huerta, R., Rabinovich, M.I., Abarbanel, H.D., Elson, R.C. and Selverston, A.I.
Biological Cybernetics 82 (6): 517-527. June 2000

Dispersion gap and localized spiral waves in a model for intracellular Ca2+ dynamics.
Falcke, M., Or-Guil, M. and Baer, M.
Physical Review Letters 84 (20): 4753-4756. 15 May 2000


Impact of mitochondrial Ca2+ cycling on pattern formation and stability.
Falcke, M., Hudson, J.L., Camacho, P. and Lechleiter, J.D.
Biophysical Journal 77 (1): 37-44. July 1999

Spiral breakup and defect dynamics in a model for intracellular Ca2+ dynamics.
Falcke, M., Baer, M., Lechleiter, J.D. and Hudson, J.L.
Physica D 129 (3-4): 236-252. 15 May 1999


Pattern selection by gene expression in Dictyostelium discoideum.
Falcke, M. and Levine, H.
Physical Review Letters 80 (17): 3875-3878. April 1998


Quantification of transients using empirical orthogonal functions.
Arndt, J., Herzel, H., Bose, S., Falcke, M. and Scholl, E.
Chaos Solitons & Fractals 8 (12): 1911-1920. December 1997

Traveling pulses in anisotropic oscillatory media with global coupling.
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
Physical Review E 56 (1): 635-641. 1997


Cluster formation, standing waves, and stripe patterns in oscillatory active media with local and global coupling.
Falcke, M., Engel, H. and Neufeld, M.
Physical Review E 52 (1): 763-771. July 1995


Pattern-formation during the CO oxidation on Pt(110) surfaces under global coupling.
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
Journal of Chemical Physics 101 (7): 6255-6263. October 1994

Chemical turbulence and standing waves in a surface reaction model: The influence of global coupling and wave instabilities.
Bär, M., Hildebrand, M., Eiswirth, M., Falcke, M., Engel, H. and Neufeld, M.
Chaos 4 (3): 499-508. September 1994

Influence of global coupling through the gas phase on the dynamics of CO oxidation on Pt(110).
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
Physical Review E 50 (2): 1353-1359. August 1994


Traveling waves in the CO oxidation on Pt(110) - Theory.
Falcke, M., Baer, M., Engel, H. and Eiswirth, M.
Journal of Chemical Physics 97 (6): 4555-4563. 15 September 1992

Dispersion-relation and spiral rotation in an excitable surface-reaction.
Baer, M., Falcke, M. and Eiswirth, M.
Physica A 188 (1-3): 78-88. 1 September 1992

Reaction fronts and pulses in the CO oxidation on Pt: therortical analysis.
Baer, M., Falcke, M., Zuelicke, C., Engel, H., Eiswirth, M. and Ertl, G.
Surface Science 269-270 (Pt A): 471-475. 15 May 1992

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