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Donor-derived cell-free DNA monitoring for early diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection after kidney transplantation: a randomized trial.
Akifova, A., Budde, K., Amann, K., Buettner-Herold, M., Choi, M., Oellerich, M., Beck, J., Bornemann-Kolatzki, K., Schütz, E., Bachmann, F., Halleck, F., von Hoerschelmann, E., Koch, N., Schrezenmeier, E., Seelow, E., Waiser, J., Zukunft, B., Eckardt, K.U., Halbritter, J., Kettritz, R., Del Moral, C.L., Lachmann, N., Stauch, D., Niemann, M., Schmidt, D., Halloran, P.F. and Osmanodja, B.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29 November 2024 (In Press)

Pharmacological inhibition of cathepsin S and of NSPs-AAP-1 (a novel, alternative protease driving the activation of neutrophil serine proteases).
Domain, R., Seren, S., Jerke, U., Makridakis, M., Chen, K.J., Zoidakis, J., Rhimi, M., Zhang, X., Bonvent, T., Croix, C., Gonzalez, L., Li, D., Basso, J., Paget, C., Viaud-Massuard, M.C., Lalmanach, G., Shi, G.P., Aghdassi, A., Vlahou, A., McDonald, P.P., Couillin, I., Williams, R., Kettritz, R. and Korkmaz, B.
Biochemical Pharmacology 229 : 116114. November 2024

β(2)-integrins control HIF1α activation in human neutrophils.
Kling, L., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Jerke, U., Rousselle, A., Eckardt, K.U., Schreiber, A. and Kettritz, R.
Frontiers in Immunology 15 : 1406967. 14 October 2024

Avacopan in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies–associated vasculitis in a real-world setting.
Zimmermann, J., Sonnemann, J., Jabs, W.J., Schönermarck, U., Vielhauer, V., Bieringer, M., Schneider, U., Kettritz, R. and Schreiber, A.
Kidney International Reports 9 (9): 2803-2808. September 2024

CD19-gerichtete CAR-T-Zellen schützen vor ANCA-induzierter akuter Nierenschädigung: neue Therapieansätze für Autoimmunerkrankungen.
Kettritz, R.
Nephrologie aktuell 28 (06): 244. July 2024

CD19-targeting CAR T cells protect from ANCA-induced acute kidney injury.
Lodka, D., Zschummel, M., Bunse, M., Rousselle, A., Sonnemann, J., Kettritz, R., Höpken, U.E. and Schreiber, A.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83 (4): 499-507. 12 March 2024

Dysnatriämien - Konzepte und klinische Aufarbeitung [Dysnatremias - concepts and clinical work-up].
Kettritz, R.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 149 (3): 86-92. February 2024


Dipeptidyl peptidase 1 inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach in neutrophil-mediated inflammatory disease.
Chalmers, J.D., Kettritz, R. and Korkmaz, B.
Frontiers in Immunology 14 : 1239151. 14 December 2023

Potassium homeostasis - Physiology and pharmacology in a clinical context.
Kettritz, R. and Loffing, J.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 249 : 108489. September 2023

Kettritz, R.
In: DGIM Innere Medizin. Springer Reference Medizin (SRM) . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, 1-3. 22 August 2023

Urinary T cells identify renal antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis and predict prognosis: a proof of concept study.
Sonnemann, J., Klocke, J., Bieringer, M., Rousselle, A., Eckardt, K.U., Elitok, S., Popovic, S., Bachmann, S., Kettritz, R., Salama, A.D., Enghard, P. and Schreiber, A.
Kidney International Reports 8 (4): 871-883. April 2023

Nierenbeteiligung bei Systemerkrankungen.
Kettritz, R.
In: Geriatrische Nephrologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 153-161. ISBN 978-3-662-65647-1 2023


Protective alpha1-antitrypsin effects in autoimmune vasculitis are compromised by methionine oxidation.
Ebert, M.J., Jerke, U., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Kling, L., Jenne, D.E., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Bieringer, M., Elitok, S., Eckardt, K.U., Schreiber, A., Salama, A.D. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 132 (23): e160089. 1 December 2022

The Case: Is this hemolytic uremic syndrome?
Kettritz, R., Düttmann, W., Brand, A. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 102 (5): 1195-1196. November 2022

Complement is complimentary in membranous nephropathy.
Kettritz, R. and Schreiber, A.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (9): 1631-1633. September 2022

CSF2-dependent monocyte education in the pathogenesis of ANCA-induced glomerulonephritis.
Rousselle, A., Sonnemann, J., Amann, K., Mildner, A., Lodka, D., Kling, L., Bieringer, M., Schneider, U., Leutz, A., Enghard, P., Kettritz, R. and Schreiber, A.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81 (8): 1162-1172. August 2022

Targeting cathepsin C in PR3-ANCA vasculitis.
Jerke, U., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Rousselle, A., Nicklin, P., Kreideweiss, S., Grundl, M.A., Eickholz, P., Nickles, K., Schreiber, A., Korkmaz, B. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (5): 936-947. May 2022

Competitively disrupting the neutrophil-specific receptor-autoantigen CD177:proteinase 3 membrane complex reduces anti-PR3 antibody-induced neutrophil activation.
Marino, S.F., Jerke, U., Rolle, S., Daumke, O. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (3): 101598. March 2022


Cathepsin C inhibition as a potential treatment strategy in cancer.
Korkmaz, B., Lamort, A.S., Domain, R., Beauvillain, C., Gieldon, A., Yildirim, Ö., Stathopoulos, G.T., Rhimi, M., Jenne, D.E. and Kettritz, R.
Biochemical Pharmacology 194 : 114803. December 2021

Hypoxia-inducible factors not only regulate but also are myeloid-cell treatment targets.
Kling, L., Schreiber, A., Eckardt, K.U. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 110 : 61-75. July 2021

NEPHRO-ZEBRA-acute troponin increase in a kidney transplant recipient - the unknown knowns?
Goerlich, N., Klingel, K., Stangl, K., Gaedeke, J., Eckardt, K.U. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Nephrology 34 (3): 931-933. June 2021

Genetic background but not intestinal microbiota after co-housing determines hyperoxaluria-related nephrocalcinosis in common inbred mouse strains.
Ma, Q., Grigorescu, M., Schreiber, A., Kettritz, R., Lindenmeyer, M., Anders, H.J. and Steiger, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 12 : 673423. 21 April 2021

Volumenmanagement bei chronischen Nierenerkrankungen [Volume management in chronic kidney disease].
Kettritz, R., Schirmer, S.H. and Heine, G.H.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 146 (8): 518-524. April 2021

Hyponatriämie - Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapie [Hyponatremia - causes, diagnostic evaluation and treatment].
Kettritz, R.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 146 (3): 176-180. February 2021

Fluorine ((19)F) MRI for assessing inflammatory cells in the kidney: experimental protocol.
Ku, M.C., Schreiber, A., Delgado, P.R., Boehm-Sturm, P., Kettritz, R., Niendorf, T., Pohlmann, A. and Waiczies, S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2216 : 495-507. 2021


67-Jährige Patientin mit Sinusitis, Hautvaskulitis und Nierenversagen [67-year-old female patient with sinusitis, skin vasculitis and kidney failure].
Seelow, E., Rudolph, B., Schreiber, A. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 15 (6): 363-365. November 2020

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin protects from ANCA-induced GN by inhibiting T(H)17 immunity.
Schreiber, A., Rousselle, A., Klocke, J., Bachmann, S., Popovic, S., Bontscho, J., Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Siffrin, V., Jerke, U., Ashraf, M.I., Panzer, U. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 31 (7): 1569-1584. July 2020

Clonal hematopoiesis in patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis.
Arends, C.M., Weiss, M., Christen, F., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Rousselle, A., Kettritz, R., Eckardt, K.U., Chan, W., Hoyer, K., Frick, M., Bullinger, L., Bieringer, M., Schreiber, A. and Damm, F.
Haematologica 105 (6): e264-e267. June 2020

Control of neutrophil influx during peritonitis by transcriptional cross-regulation of chemokine CXCL1 by IL-17 and IFN-γ.
Catar, R.A., Chen, L., Cuff, S.M., Kift-Morgan, A., Eberl, M., Kettritz, R., Kamhieh-Milz, J., Moll, G., Li, Q., Zhao, H., Kawka, E., Zickler, D., Parekh, G., Davis, P., Fraser, D.J., Dragun, D., Eckardt, K.U., Jörres, A. and Witowski, J.
Journal of Pathology 251 (2): 175-186. June 2020

Hyperkalzämie [Hypercalcemia].
Kettritz, R.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 145 (3): 171-174. February 2020

Erkrankungen der Niere: Renale Vaskulopathien einschließlich Vaskulitiden.
Kettritz, R., Mertens, P.R. and Haubitz, M.
In: Rationelle Diagnostik und Therapie in der Inneren Medizin. Elsevier, Munich, G6-1-G6-4. ISBN 978-3-437-06282-7 2020


Schwere Azidose: Differenzialdiagnostik und Therapie [Severe acidosis: differential diagnostics and treatment].
Lehner, L.J., Oppert, M. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 14 (6): 431-437. November 2019

Seltene Elektrolytstörungen [Rare electrolyte disorders].
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrologe 14 (2): 94-99. March 2019

Hyperkaliämie - Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapie [Hyperkalemia - causes, diagnostic evaluation and treatment].
Kettritz, R.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 144 (03): 180-184. February 2019

Patients with hypokalemia develop WNK bodies in the distal convoluted tubule of the kidney.
Thomson, M.N., Schneider, W., Mutig, K., Ellison, D.H., Kettritz, R. and Bachmann, S.
American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 316 (2): F292-F300. February 2019


Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment.
Korkmaz, B., Caughey, G.H., Chapple, I., Gauthier, F., Hirschfeld, J., Jenne, D.E., Kettritz, R., Lalmanach, G., Lamort, A.S., Lauritzen, C., Legowska, M., Lesner, A., Marchand-Adam, S., McKaig, S.J., Moss, C., Pedersen, J., Roberts, H., Schreiber, A., Seren, S. and Thakkar, N.S.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 190 : 202-236. October 2018

Consequences of cathepsin C inactivation on membrane exposure of proteinase 3, the target antigen in autoimmune vasculitis.
Seren, S., Rashed Abouzaid, M., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Hirschfeld, J., Soliman, H., Jerke, U., N'Guessan, K., Dallet-Choisy, S., Lesner, A., Lauritzen, C., Schacher, B., Eickholz, Pe., Nagy, N., Szell, M., Croix, C., Viaud-Massuard, M.C., Al Farraj Aldosari, A., Ragunatha, S., Ibrahim Mostafa, M., Giampieri, F., Battino, M., Cornillier, H., Lorette, G., Stephan, J.L., Goizet, C., Pedersen, J., Gauthier, F., Jenne, D.E., Marchand-Adam, S., Chapple, I.L., Kettritz, R. and Korkmaz, B.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (32): 12415-12428. 10 August 2018


Necroptosis controls NET generation and mediates complement activation, endothelial damage, and autoimmune vasculitis.
Schreiber, A., Rousselle, A., Becker, J.U., von Mässenhausen, A., Linkermann, A. and Kettritz, R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (45): E9618-E9625. 7 November 2017

Endothelial NF-κB blockade abrogates ANCA-induced GN.
Choi, M., Schreiber, A., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Scheidereit, C., Kamps, J. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 28 (11): 3191-3204. November 2017

The case: acid-base diagnoses in the 21st century.
Kettritz, R., Ritter, T., Rudolph, B. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 92 (5): 1293-1294. November 2017

Monocytes promote crescent formation in anti-myeloperoxidase antibody-induced glomerulonephritis.
Rousselle, A., Kettritz, R. and Schreiber, A.
American Journal of Pathology 187 (9): 1908-1915. September 2017

Vasculitis: a CLEAR argument for targeting complement in ANCA vasculitis.
Kettritz, R.
Nature Reviews Nephrology 13 (8): 448-450. August 2017

Gene silencing and a novel monoallelic expression pattern in distinct CD177 neutrophil subsets.
Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Bähring, S., Maass, P., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 214 (7): 2089-2101. 3 July 2017

Characterization of the CD177 interaction with the ANCA antigen proteinase 3.
Jerke, U., Marino, S.F., Daumke, O. and Kettritz, R.
Scientific Reports 7 : 43328. 27 February 2017


Lessons from a double-transgenic neutrophil approach to induce antiproteinase 3 antibody-mediated vasculitis in mice.
Schreiber, A., Eulenberg-Gustavus, C., Bergmann, A., Jerke, U. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 100 (6): 1443-1452. December 2016

ISN Nexus 2016 Symposia: translational immunology in kidney disease -- the Berlin roadmap.
Anders, H.J., Rovin, B., Jayne, D., Brunetta, P., Coppo, R., Davidson, A., Devarapu, S.K., de Zeeuw, D., Duffield, J., Eulberg, D., Fierro, A., Floege, J., Frese, S., Guillevin, L., Holdsworth, S., Hughes, J., Kettritz, R., Kluger, M., Krebs, C., Lapteva, L., Levin, A., Li, J., Lightstone, L., Mack, M., Mansouri, L., McAdoo, S., McKinney, E., Panzer, U., Parikh, S., Pusey, C., Putterman, C., Rabelink, T., Radbruch, A., Rees, A., Reilly, M., Reinders, M., Remuzzi, G., Ruggenenti, P., Sacks, S., Schall, T.J., Meyer-Schwesinger, C., Sharma, K., Suzuki, Y., Tomas, N.M. and Zhao, M.H.
Kidney International Reports 1 (4): 327-339. November 2016

Splenic marginal zone granulocytes acquire an accentuated neutrophil B cell-helper phenotype in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Gätjen, M., Brand, F., Grau, M., Gerlach, K., Kettritz, R., Westermann, J., Anagnostopoulos, I., Lenz, P., Lenz, G., Höpken, U.E. and Rehm, A.
Cancer Research 76 (18): 5253-5265. 15 September 2016

Neutral serine proteases of neutrophils.
Kettritz, R.
Immunological Reviews 273 (1): 232-248. September 2016

The case: nonneurological tetraplegia.
Kettritz, R., Gollasch, B., Zaks, M. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 89 (3): 727-728. March 2016


Advancing cardiovascular, neurovascular, and renal magnetic resonance imaging in small rodents using cryogenic radiofrequency coil technology.
Niendorf, T., Pohlmann, A., Reimann, H.M., Waiczies, H., Peper, E., Huelnhagen, T., Seeliger, E., Schreiber, A., Kettritz, R., Strobel, K., Ku, M.C. and Waiczies, S.
Frontiers in Pharmacology 6 : 255. 12 November 2015

Neutrophil serine proteases exert proteolytic activity on endothelial cells.
Jerke, U., Perez Hernandez, D., Beaudette, P., Korkmaz, B., Dittmar, G. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 88 (4): 764-775. October 2015

Akutes Nierenversagen bei einem lebertransplantierten Patienten [Acute renal failure in a patient with a liver transplant].
Schreiber, A., Rudolph, B., Kahl, A. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 10 (5): 416-418. September 2015

Iatrogene Elektrolytstoerungen [Iatrogenic Electrolyte Disorders].
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Internist 56 (7): 745-752. 1 July 2015

Phagocyte NADPH oxidase restrains the inflammasome in ANCA-induced GN.
Schreiber, A., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 26 (2): 411-424. February 2015

CD177/NB1 receptor expression is dynamically regulated in sepsis patients.
Schreiber, A., Jannerjahn, A. and Kettritz, R.
Immunohematology 31 (3): 128-129. 2015


A patient with a floating kidney and nephrotic syndrome.
Choi, M., Schneider, W., Elitok, S., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical Nephrology 82 (2): 128-132. August 2014

Ein Fall von schwebender Niere und nephrotischem Syndrom [A patient with a floating kidney and nephrotic syndrome].
Choi, M., Schneider, W., Elitok, S., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 43 (10): 444-449. August 2014

Erdheim-Chester disease and knee pain in a dialysis patient.
Rademacher, S., Anagnostopoulos, J., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical Kidney Journal 7 (4): 402-405. August 2014

Serinproteasen und Komplement bei der ANCA-Vaskulitis [Serine proteases and complement in ANCA vasculitis].
Kettritz, R.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 43 (8): 373-377. August 2014

With complements from ANCA mice.
Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25 (2): 207-209. February 2014


The neutrophil in antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-associated vasculitis.
Schreiber, A. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 94 (4): 623-631. October 2013

Transient nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis.
Kettritz, R., Bichet, D.G. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 6 (4): 439-440. 21 June 2013

Presumed osteosarcoma.
Kettritz, R., Mohebbi, N., Claus, T., Kettritz, U., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 6 (3): 338-340. June 2013

β2 integrin-mediated cell-cell contact transfers active myeloperoxidase from neutrophils to endothelial cells.
Jerke, U., Rolle, S., Purfürst, B., Luft, F.C., Nauseef, W.M. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (18): 12910-12919. 3 May 2013

Don't just do something, stand there!
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 6 (1): 96-97. February 2013


A case of strange cardiac rhythms.
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 5 (6): 603-604. December 2012

Please advise on infusing hydrochloric acid.
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 5 (6): 595-596. December 2012

Gastrointestinale Ursachen von metabolischer Alkalose [Metabolic alkalosis in patients with gastrointestinal fluid loss].
Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 7 (6): 481-489. November 2012

Saeure-Basen-Haushalt [Acid-base balance].
Hoyer, J. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 7 (6): 457-459. November 2012

How anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies activate neutrophils.
Kettritz, R.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 169 (3): 220-228. September 2012

Genotypic testing in clinically defined HHT: would Osler approve or turn in his grave?
Kettritz, R., Hinrichs, C., Althoff, C.E. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 42 (2): 128-130. June 2012

Who is teaching 'Fluid and Electrolytes'?
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Kidney Journal 5 (3): 269-271. June 2012

ANCA-assoziierte Vaskulitiden: Neuere Aspekte der Entstehung [Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis: novel aspects in the pathogenesis].
Schreiber, A., Choi, M. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 7 (3): 192-199. May 2012

Purpura und Nierenversagen bei einer Patientin mit colitis ulcerosa [Purpura and renal failure in a patient with ulcerative colitis].
Choi, M., Schneider, W. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 7 (3): 238-242. May 2012

Neutrophil serine proteases promote IL-1beta generation and injury in necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis.
Schreiber, A., Pham, C.T., Hu, Y., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 23 (3): 470-482. March 2012

Severe hypertension with large-vessel arteritis.
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 59 (2): 179-183. February 2012

Diagnostic and prognostic stratification in the emergency department using urinary biomarkers of nephron damage a multicenter prospective cohort study.
Nickolas, T.L., Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Canetta, P., Forster, C., Singer, E., Sise, M., Elger, A., Maarouf, O., Sola-Del Valle, D.A., O'Rourke, M., Sherman, E., Lee, P., Geara, A., Imus, P., Guddati, A., Polland, A., Rahman, W., Elitok, S., Malik, N., Giglio, J., El-Sayegh, S., Devarajan, P., Hebbar, S., Saggi, S.J., Hahn, B., Kettritz, R., Luft, F.C. and Barasch, J.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59 (3): 246-255. 17 January 2012

The Case: Intractable diuretic resistance in a young woman - The Diagnosis: Common iliac artery to common iliac vein AV fistula.
Flenner, E., Elgeti, F., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 81 (2): 221-222. 2 January 2012


Simultaneous chemoradiation with cisplatin in a patient with recurrent cervical cancer undergoing hemodialysis: analysis of cisplatin concentrations in serum and dialysate and therapy-related acute toxicity.
Marnitz, S., Kettritz, R., Kahl, A., Lehenbauer-Dehm, S., Foerster, L., Budach, V. and Koehler, C.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 187 (12): 831-834. December 2011

Stoerungen des Wasser- und Elektrolythaushalts [Disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance].
Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 136 (48): 2483-2485. December 2011

Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin distinguishes pre-renal from intrinsic renal failure and predicts outcomes.
Singer, E., Elger, A., Elitok, S., Kettritz, R., Nickolas, T.L., Barasch, J., Luft, F.C. and Schmidt-Ott, K.M.
Kidney International 80 (4): 405-414. August 2011

The Case: Atrial fibrillation after a soccer match - The Diagnosis: Hypokalemic thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP).
Polzin, D., Oppert, M., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 79 (9): 1033-1034. May 2011

Complement receptor Mac-1 is an adaptor for NB1 (CD177)-mediated PR3-ANCA neutrophil activation.
Jerke, U., Rolle, S., Dittmar, G., Bayat, B., Santoso, S., Sporbert, A., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (9): 7070-7081. 4 March 2011

Myeloperoxidase-specific plasma cell depletion by bortezomib protects from anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies-induced glomerulonephritis.
Bontscho, J., Schreiber, A., Manz, R.A., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 22 (2): 336-348. February 2011


The Case: Recurrent metabolic acidosis in a dialysis patient. The Diagnosis: Tartaric acidosis.
Elitok, S., Trump, S., Hampl, H., Leibfritz, D., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 78 (4): 425-426. 2 August 2010

The use of small molecule high-throughput screening to identify inhibitors of the proteinase 3-NB1 interaction.
Choi, M., Eulenberg, C., Rolle, S., von Kries, J.P., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 161 (2): 389-396. August 2010

MYH9 mutation and lupus erythematosus.
Elitok, S., Goebel, U., Bieringer, M., Nagel, M., Schneider, W., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
NDT Plus 3 (2): 128-131. April 2010

Aldosterone abrogates nuclear factor κB-mediated tumor necrosis factor α production in human neutrophils via the mineralocorticoid receptor.
Bergmann, A., Eulenberg, C., Wellner, M., Rolle, S., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Hypertension 55 (2): 370-379. February 2010

Phosphoinositol 3-kinase-gamma mediates antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-induced glomerulonephritis.
Schreiber, A., Rolle, S., Peripelittchenko, L., Rademann, J., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 77 (2): 118-128. 2 January 2010


The case: The eyes have it!
Kettritz, R., Elitok, S., Koepke, M.L., Kuchenbecker, J., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney International 76 (4): 465-466. 2 August 2009

BK channels in innate immune functions of neutrophils and macrophages.
Essin, K., Gollasch, M., Rolle, S., Weissgerber, P., Sausbier, M., Bohn, E., Autenrieth, I.B., Ruth, P., Luft, F.C., Nauseef, W.M. and Kettritz, R.
Blood 113 (6): 1326-1331. 5 February 2009

C5a receptor mediates neutrophil activation and ANCA-induced glomerulonephritis.
Schreiber, A., Xiao, H., Jennette, J.C., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 20 (2): 289-298. February 2009


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging detects cardiac involvement in churg-strauss syndrome.
Wassmuth, R., Goebel, U., Natusch, A., Schneider, W., Kettritz, R., Dietz, R., Luft, F.C. and Schulz-Menger, J.
Journal of Cardiac Failure 14 (10): 856-860. December 2008

Cushing's disease, hypertension, and other sequels.
Singer, E., Strohm, S., Goebel, U., Bieringer, M., Schmidt, D., Schneider, W., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 52 (6): 1001-1005. December 2008

Coiled-coiled domains as a mechanism to stop haemorrhage after renal biopsies.
Pilz, B., Kettritz, R., Bieringer, M. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 23 (8): 2688-2689. August 2008

Pathogenese und Diagnostik von AA-Amyloidosen [Pathogenesis and diagnostics of AA amyloidosis].
Elitok, S. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrologe 3 (4): 285-290. July 2008

Neutrophil surface presentation of the anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-antigen proteinase 3 depends on N-terminal processing.
von Vietinghoff, S., Eulenberg, C., Wellner, M., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 152 (3): 508-516. June 2008

Short-term heat exposure inhibits inflammation by abrogating recruitment of and nuclear factor-κB activation in neutrophils exposed to chemotactic cytokines.
Choi, M., Salanova, B., Rolle, S., Wellner, M., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
American Journal of Pathology 172 (2): 367-777. February 2008

Autoimmunity in kidney diseases.
Kettritz, R.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 68 (Suppl. 241): 99-103. 2008


Niacin lowers serum phosphate and increases HDL cholesterol in dialysis patients.
Mueller, D., Mehling, H., Otto, B., Bergmann-Lips, R., Luft, F.C., Jordan, J. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2 (6): 1249-1254. November 2007

Beta2-integrins and acquired glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) receptors cooperate in NF-kappaB activation of human neutrophils.
Salanova, B., Choi, M., Rolle, S., Wellner, M., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (38): 27960-27969. 21 September 2007

Febrile temperatures control antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-induced neutrophil activation via inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt.
von Vietinghoff, S., Choi, M., Rolle, S., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Arthritis and Rheumatism 56 (9): 3149-3158. September 2007

Large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity is absent in human and mouse neutrophils and is not required for innate immunity.
Essin, K., Salanova, B., Kettritz, R., Sausbier, M., Luft, F.C., Kraus, D., Bohn, E., Autenrieth, I., Peschel, A., Ruth, P. and Gollasch, M.
American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology 293 (1): C45-C54. 11 July 2007

NB1 mediates surface expression of the ANCA antigen proteinase 3 on human neutrophils.
von Vietinghoff, S., Tunnemann, G., Eulenberg, C., Wellner, M., Cardoso, M.C., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Blood 109 (10): 4487-4493. 15 May 2007


Crescentic glomerulonephritis and malignancy - guilty or guilt by association?
von Vietinghoff, S., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21 (11): 3324-3326. November 2006

Major histocompatibility complex HLA region largely explains the genetic variance exercised on neutrophil membrane proteinase 3 expression.
von Vietinghoff, S., Busjahn, A., Schoenemann, C., Massenkeil, G., Otto, B., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17 (11): 3185-3191. November 2006

The protean face of sarcoidosis revisited.
Kettritz, R., Goebel, U., Fiebeler, A., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21 (10): 2690-2694. October 2006

Posttransplantation malignancy in a patient presenting with weight loss and changed bowel habits: A case report.
Schmitt, R., Kettritz, U., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
BMC Nephrology 7 : 9. 4 May 2006

Apoptosis, proliferation and inflammatory infiltration in ANCA-positive glomerulonephritis.
Kettritz, R., Wilke, S., von Vietinghoff, S., Luft, F. and Schneider, W.
Clinical Nephrology 65 (5): 309-316. May 2006

Fever-like temperatures affect neutrophil NF-kappaB signaling, apoptosis, and ANCA-antigen expression.
Kettritz, R., Choi, M., Salanova, B., Wellner, M., Rolle, S. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17 (5): 1345-1353. May 2006


Pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome.
Schmitt, R., Weichert, W., Schneider, W., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Lancet 366 : 1672. 5 November 2005

Plasma exchange for primary autoimmune autonomic failure.
Schroeder, C., Vernino, S., Birkenfeld, A.L., Tank, J., Heusser, K., Lipp, A., Benter, T., Lindschau, C., Kettritz, R., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
New England Journal of Medicine 353 (15): 1585-1590. 13 October 2005

Lactate in a Laubenpieper.
Derer, W., Elitok, S., Claus, T., Schuett, H., Ruf, R., Kettritz, R., Luft, F.C. and Pilz, B.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 20 : 2851-2854. 12 October 2005

A 77 year-old haemodialysis patient with unexpected alkalosis.
von Vietinghoff, S., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 20 : 2569-2570. 9 August 2005

Adipose tissue metabolism and CD11b expression on monocytes in obese hypertensives.
Boschmann, M., Engeli, S., Adams, F., Gorzelniak, K., Franke, G., Klaua, S., Kreuzberg, U., Luedtke, S., Kettritz, R., Sharma, A.M., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
Hypertension 46 : 130-136. 1 July 2005

Lumpy jaw revisited.
von Vietinghoff, S., Kettritz, U., Fluegel, W., Schneider, W. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 20 (4): 837-839. April 2005

Membrane proteinase 3 and Wegener's granulomatosis.
von Vietinghoff, S., Schreiber, A., Otto, B., Choi, M., Goebel, U. and Kettritz, R.
Clinical Nephrology 64 (6): 453-459. 1 January 2005

Membrane proteinase 3 expression in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis and in human hematopoietic stem cell-derived neutrophils.
Schreiber, A., Otto, B., Ju, X., Zenke, M., Goebel, U., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 16 : 2216-2224. 1 January 2005

The effect of fever-like temperatures on neutrophil signaling.
Salanova, B., Choi, M., Rolle, S., Wellner, M., Scheidereit, C., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
FASEB Journal 19 (7): 816-818. 1 January 2005

Thyroid function and glomerular filtration - a potential for Grave errors.
Claus, T., Elitok, S., Schmitt, R., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 20 : 1002-1003. 1 January 2005


An expanding flank mass in an anephric patient.
Kettritz, U., Schmitt, R., Popken, G., Kettritz, R., Braesen, J.H., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 44 : 930-936. 1 November 2004

Blue acid blues.
Dreykluft, T., Goebel, U., Taveira, O., Nuernberg, M., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 19 (10): 2668-2671. 1 October 2004

Hard times with hard water.
Kettritz, R., Pilz, B. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 19 (7): 1925-1927. 1 July 2004

Membrane proteinase 3 expression and ANCA-induced neutrophil activation.
Schreiber, A., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 65 (6): 2172-2183. 1 June 2004

Integrins and cytokines activate nuclear transcription factor-κB in human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Choi, M., Rolle, S., Wellner, M. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (4): 2657-2665. 23 January 2004


Colchicum ad nauseum.
Kumar, A., Elitok, S. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18 (10): 2197-2198. October 2003

Inhibition of NF-κ B by a TAT-NEMO-binding domain peptide accelerates constitutive apoptosis and abrogates LPS-delayed neutrophil apoptosis.
Choi, M., Rolle, S., Wellner, M., Cardoso, M.C., Scheidereit, C., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Blood 102 (6): 2259-2267. 15 September 2003

Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome masquerading as ischaemic colitis.
Juergensen, J.S., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W., Koop, H., Hildebrand, T.S., Frei, U. and Eckardt, K.U.
Rheumatology international 23 (4): 204-206. July 2003

Solving electrolyte disturbances with the Ehrlich reagent.
Schreiber, A., Elitok, S. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18 (6): 1217-1219. June 2003

A wretching business: 'how to get the most out of the numbers'.
Bieringer, M. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18 (4): 836-839. April 2003

Myoglobinuria: round up more than the usual suspects.
Elitok, S., Kettritz, U., Braesen, J.H. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18 (3): 615-617. March 2003

Membrane expression of proteinase 3 is genetically determined.
Schreiber, A., Busjahn, A., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14 (1): 68-75. 1 January 2003

Not so acute renal failure with crystals in the urine.
Dehmel, B., Schneider, W., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 18 (1): 209-211. 1 January 2003

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibition by statins inhibits neutrophil activation by ANCA.
Choi, M., Rolle, S., Rane, M., Haller, H., Luft, F.C. and Kettritz, R.
Kidney International 63 (1): 96-106. January 2003


Pericardial effusion in the nephrotic syndrome.
Goebel, U., Mauersberger, B., Kettritz, R., Bohlender, J. and Luft, F.C.
Clinical Nephrology 58 (5): 329-332. November 2002

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase controls antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies - Induced respiratory burst in human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Choi, M., Butt, W., Rane, M., Rolle, S., Luft, F.C. and Klein, J.B.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 13 (7): 1740-1749. 1 July 2002

A particularly private pain.
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 17 (3): 516-518. March 2002

A strange case of hypokalaemia.
Brand, M., Dehmel, B., Cristow, S. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 17 : 297-299. 1 February 2002

TNF-alpha-accelerated apoptosis abrogates ANCA-mediated neutrophil respiratory burst by a caspase-dependent mechanism.
Kettritz, R., Scheumann, J., Xu, Y.X., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Kidney International 61 : 502-515. 1 January 2002

Differential expression of classical nuclear transport factors during cellular proliferation and differentiation.
Koehler, M., Fiebeler, A., Hartwig, M., Thiel, S., Prehn, S., Kettritz, R., Luft, F.C. and Hartmann, E.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 12 (5-6): 335-344. 2002


Renal anaemia of an unusual origin.
Koehler, M., Schneider, W., Goebel, U. and Kettritz, R.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 16 (11): 2263-2264. November 2001

Altered neutrophil homeostasis in kinin B1 receptor deficient mice.
Araújo, R.C., Kettritz, R., Fichtner, I., Paiva, A.C.M., Pesquero, J.B. and Bader, M.
Biological Chemistry 382 : 91-95. 1 January 2001

Role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase in chemoattractant and LPS delay of constitutive neutrophil apoptosis.
Klein, J.B., Buridi, A., Coxon, P.Y., Rane, M.J., Manning, T., Kettritz, R. and McLeish, K.R.
Cellular Signalling 13 : 335-343. 1 January 2001

The protean face of renal sarcoidosis.
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12 : 616-623. 1 January 2001

Role of mitogen-activated protein kinases in activation of human neutrophils by antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
Kettritz, R., Schreiber, A., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12 (1): 37-46. January 2001


Cytomegalovirus colitis during mycophenolate mofetil therapy for Wegener's granulomatosis.
Woywodt, A., Choi, M., Schneider, W., Kettritz, R. and Goebel, U.
American Journal of Nephrology 20 : 468-472. 1 November 2000

TNF-alpha-mediated neutrophil apoptosis involves Ly-GDI, a Rho GTPase regulator.
Kettritz, R., Xu, Y.X., Faass, B., Klein, J.B., Mueller, E.C., Otto, A., Busjahn, A., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 68 : 277-283. 1 August 2000

Necrotizing small-vessel vasculitis confined to the uterine cervix.
Woywodt, A., Schneider, W., Morack, G., Kettritz, R. and Goebel, U.
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 29 : 368-372. 1 June 2000

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor delays neutrophil constitutive apoptosis through phosphoinositide 3-kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways.
Klein, J.B., Rane, M.J., Scherzer, J.A., Coxon, P.Y., Kettritz, R., Mathiesen, J.M., Buridi, A. and McLeish, K.R.
Journal of Immunology 164 : 4286-4291. 15 April 2000

Sudden death and Wegener's granulomatosis of the pituitary.
Woywodt, A., Knoblauch, H., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W. and Goebel, U.
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 29 : 264-266. 1 January 2000


A pain in the arm.
Kettritz, R., Goebel, U., Geipel, D., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 14 : 1593-1594. 1 June 1999

Extracellular matrix regulates apoptosis in human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Xu, Y.X., Kerren, T., Quass, P., Klein, J.B., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Kidney International 55 : 562-571. 1 February 1999


Endothelial cell markers in vasculitis.
Haller, H., Kettritz, R. and Luft, F.C.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 21 (2-4): 280-282. 1 January 1998

Interleukin-8 delays spontaneous and tumor necrosis factor-alpha- mediated apoptosis of human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Gaido, M.L., Haller, H., Luft, F.C., Jennette, C.J. and Falk, R.J.
Kidney International 53 (1): 84-91. 1 January 1998

Spontaneous splenic hemorrhage in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Kettritz, R., Anders, S., Kettritz, R., Schneider, W., Goebel, U. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 31 : 860-862. 1 January 1998


Crosslinking of ANCA-antigens stimulates superoxide release by human neutrophils.
Kettritz, R., Jennette, J.C. and Falk, R.J.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 8 (3): 386-394. 1 March 1997


Apoptosis of endothelial cells induced by the neutrophil serine proteases proteinase 3 and elastase.
Yang, J.J., Kettritz, R., Falk, R.J., Jennette, J.C. and Gaido, M.L.
American Journal of Pathology 149 (5): 1617-1626. November 1996

Disease activity and autoantibodies to endothelial cells in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Goebel, U., Eichhorn, J., Kettritz, R., Briedigkeit, L., Sima, D., Lindschau, C., Haller, H. and Luft, F.C.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 28 : 186-194. 1 January 1996


Animal models in ANCA-vasculitis.
Kettritz, R., Yang, J.J., Kinjoh, K., Jennette, J.C. and Falk, R.J.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 101 (S1): 12-15. July 1995

Wegener`s granulomatosis masquerading as breast cancer.
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Kettritz, U., Thieme, U., Schneider, W. and Luft, F.C.
Archives of Internal Medicine 155 : 205-207. 1 January 1995


Anti-Endothelzell-Antikoerper als Marker der Krankheitsaktivitaet bei der Wegenerschen Granulomatose [Anti-endothelial cell antibody as a marker of disease activity in Wegener's granulomatosis].
Goebel, U., Sima, D., Briedigkeit, L., Kettritz, R., Soennichsen, N. and Natusch, R.
Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Fortbildung 88 (7-8): 541-544. August 1994

Anti-Myeloperoxidase-Antikoerper bei Nieren- und Systemerkrankungen [Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies in kidney and systemic diseases].
Kettritz, R., Goebel, U., Briedigkeit, L., Voigt, B. and Natusch, R.
Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Fortbildung 88 (7-8): 535-539. August 1994


Prognostic factors in Wegener's granulomatosis.
Briedigkeit, L., Kettritz, R., Goebel, U. and Natusch, R.
Postgraduate Medical Journal 69 (817): 856-861. November 1993


Die Differentialdiagnose immunologischer Systemerkrankungen mit Nierenbeteiligung [Differential diagnosis of systemic immunologic diseases with kidney involvement].
Goebel, U., Kettritz, R., Briedigkeit, L. and Natusch, R.
Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Fortbildung 86 (5): 231-235. 10 March 1992

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