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Molecular and cellular mechanisms of motor circuit development.
Kratsios, P., Zampieri, N., Carrillo, R., Mizumoto, K., Sweeney, L.B. and Philippidou, P.
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (40): e1238242024. 2 October 2024

Molecular characterization of nodose ganglia development reveals a novel population of Phox2b+ glial progenitors in mice.
Lowenstein, E.D., Misios, A., Buchert, S. and Ruffault, P.L.
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (28): e1441232024. 10 July 2024

Optogenetic determination of dynamic and cell-type-specific inhibitory reversal potentials.
Burman, R.J., Diviney, T., Călin, A., Gothard, G., Jouhanneau, J.S., Poulet, J.F.A., Sen, A. and Akerman, C.J.
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (20): e1392232024. 15 May 2024


Generation of sharp wave-ripple events by disinhibition.
Evangelista, R., Cano, G., Cooper, C., Schmitz, D., Maier, N. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (41): 7811-7836. 7 October 2020

Synergistic toll-like receptor 3/9 signaling affects properties and impairs glioma-promoting activity of microglia.
Huang, Y., Zhang, Q., Lubas, M., Yuan, Y., Yalcin, F., Efe, I.E., Xia, P., Motta, E., Buonfiglioli, A., Lehnardt, S., Dzaye, O., Flueh, C., Synowitz, M., Hu, Feng and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (33): 6428-6443. 12 August 2020

The VGF-derived peptide TLQP21 impairs purinergic control of chemotaxis and phagocytosis in mouse microglia.
Elmadany, N., de Almeida Sassi, F., Wendt, S., Logiacco, F., Visser, J., Haage, V., Perez Hernandez, D., Mertins, P., Hambardzumyan, D., Wolf, S., Kettenmann, H. and Semtner, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (17): 3320-3331. 22 April 2020

Loss of Piccolo function in rats induces cerebellar network dysfunction and Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia type 3-like phenotypes.
Falck, J., Bruns, C., Hoffmann-Conaway, S., Straub, I., Plautz, E.J., Orlando, M., Munawar, H., Rivalan, M., Winter, Y., Izsvák, Z., Schmitz, D., Hamra, F.K., Hallermann, S., Curtis Garner, C. and Ackermann, F.
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (14): 2943-2959. 1 April 2020


β-secretase BACE1 is required for normal cochlear function.
Dierich, M., Hartmann, S., Dietrich, N., Moeser, P., Brede, F., Johnson Chacko, L., Tziridis, K., Schilling, A., Krauss, P., Hessler, S., Karch, S., Schrott-Fischer, A., Blumer, M., Birchmeier, C., Oliver, D., Moser, T., Schulze, H., Alzheimer, C., Leitner, M.G. and Huth, T.
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (45): 9013-9027. 6 November 2019

Electrophysiological and molecular characterization of the parasubiculum.
Sammons, R.P., Parthier, D., Stumpf, A. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (45): 8860-8876. 6 November 2019

Single synapse indicators of impaired glutamate clearance derived from fast iGlu(u) imaging of cortical afferents in the striatum of normal and Huntington (Q175) mice.
Dvorzhak, A., Helassa, N., Török, K., Schmitz, D. and Grantyn, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (20): 3970-3982. 15 May 2019

A multiple Piccolino-RIBEYE interaction supports plate-shaped synaptic ribbons in retinal neurons.
Müller, T.M., Gierke, K., Joachimsthaler, A., Sticht, H., Izsvák, Z., Hamra, F.K., Fejtová, A., Ackermann, F., Garner, C.C., Kremers, J., Brandstätter, J.H. and Regus-Leidig, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (14): 2606-2619. 3 April 2019


Regulation of the natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (Npr2) by phosphorylation of juxtamembrane serine and threonine residues is essential for bifurcation of sensory axons.
Schmidt, H., Dickey, D.M., Dumoulin, A., Octave, M., Robinson, J.W., Kühn, R., Feil, R., Potter, L.R. and Rathjen, F.G.
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (45): 9768-9780. 7 November 2018

Hippocampal ripple oscillations and inhibition-first network models: frequency dynamics and response to GABA modulators.
Donoso, J.R., Schmitz, D., Maier, N. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (12): 3124-3146. 21 March 2018

Sustained MAPK/ERK activation in adult Schwann cells impairs nerve repair.
Cervellini, I., Galino, J., Zhu, N., Allen, S., Birchmeier, C. and Bennett, D.L.
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (3): 679-690. 17 January 2018


Graded elevation of c-Jun in Schwann cells in vivo: gene dosage determines effects on development, remyelination, tumorigenesis, and hypomyelination.
Fazal, S.V., Gomez-Sanchez, J.A., Wagstaff, L.J., Musner, N., Otto, G., Janz, M., Mirsky, R. and Jessen, K.R.
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (50): 12297-12313. 13 December 2017

NF-κB activation protects oligodendrocytes against inflammation.
Stone, S., Jamison, S., Yue, Y., Durose, W., Schmidt-Ullrich, R. and Lin, W.
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (38): 9332-9344. 20 September 2017

Polysialic acid regulates sympathetic outflow by facilitating information transfer within the nucleus of the solitary tract.
Bokiniec, P., Shahbazian, S., McDougall, S.J., Berning, B.A., Cheng, D., Llewellyn-Smith, I.J., Burke, P.G.R., McMullan, S., Muehlenhoff, M., Hildebrandt, H., Braet, F., Connor, M., Packer, N.H. and Goodchild, A.K.
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (27): 6558-6574. 5 July 2017


Hermes regulates axon sorting in the optic tract by post-trancriptional regulation of Neuropilin 1.
Hörnberg, H., Cioni, J.M., Harris, W.A. and Holt, C.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (50): 12697-12706. 14 December 2016

Interaction of ARC and Daxx: a novel endogenous target to preserve motor function and cell loss after focal brain ischemia in mice.
Donath, S., An, J., Lee, S.L.L., Gertz, K., Datwyler, A.L., Harms, U., Mueller, S., Farr, T.D., Fuechtemeier, M., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Lips, J., Foddis, M., Mosch, L., Bernard, R., Grittner, U., Balkaya, M., Kronenberg, G., Dirnagl, U., Endres, M. and Harms, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (31): 8132-8148. 3 August 2016

SNX27 and SORLA interact to reduce amyloidogenic subcellular distribution and processing of amyloid precursor protein.
Huang, T.Y., Zhao, Y., Li, X., Wang, X., Tseng, I.C., Thompson, R., Tu, S., Willnow, T.E., Zhang, Y.W. and Xu, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (30): 7996-8011. 27 July 2016

Experimental cortical spreading depression induces NMDA receptor dependent potassium currents in microglia.
Wendt, S., Wogram, E., Korvers, L. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (23): 6165-6174. 8 June 2016

Functional architecture of the rat parasubiculum.
Tang, Q., Burgalossi, A., Ebbesen, C.L., Sanguinetti-Scheck, J.I., Schmidt, H., Tukker, J.J., Naumann, R., Ray, S., Preston-Ferrer, P., Schmitz, D. and Brecht, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (7): 2289-2301. 17 February 2016


Functional diversity of subicular principal cells during hippocampal ripples.
Böhm, C., Peng, Y., Maier, N., Winterer, J., Poulet, J.F.A., Geiger, J.R.P. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (40): 13608-13618. 7 October 2015

Distinct functions for anterograde and retrograde sorting of SORLA in amyloidogenic processes in the brain.
Dumanis, S.B., Burgert, T., Caglayan, S., Füchtbauer, A., Füchtbauer, E.M., Schmidt, V. and Willnow, T.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (37): 12703-12713. 16 September 2015

Anatomical organization and spatiotemporal firing patterns of layer 3 neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Tang, Q., Ebbesen, C.L., Sanguinetti-Scheck, J.I., Preston-Ferrer, P., Gundlfinger, A., Winterer, J., Beed, P., Ray, S., Naumann, R., Schmitz, D., Brecht, M. and Burgalossi, A.
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (36): 12346-12354. 9 September 2015

Cross-recognition of a myelin peptide by CD8(+) T cells in the CNS is not sufficient to promote neuronal damage.
Reuter, E., Gollan, R., Grohmann, N., Paterka, M., Salmon, H., Birkenstock, J., Richers, S., Leuenberger, T., Brandt, A.U., Kuhlmann, T., Zipp, F. and Siffrin, V.
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (12): 4837-4850. 25 March 2015


Novel RNA modifications in the nervous system: form and function.
Satterlee, J.S., Basanta-Sanchez, M., Blanco, S., Li, J.B., Meyer, K., Pollock, J., Sadri-Vakili, G. and Rybak-Wolf, A.
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (46): 15170-15177. 12 November 2014

Bifurcation of axons from cranial sensory neurons is disabled in the absence of Npr2-induced cGMP signaling.
Ter-Avetisyan, G., Rathjen, F.G. and Schmidt, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (3): 737-747. 15 January 2014


AKAPS act in a two-step mechanism of memory acquisition.
Scheunemann, L., Skroblin, P., Hundsrucker, C., Klussmann, E., Efetova, M. and Schwärzel, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (44): 17422-17428. 30 October 2013

Ontogeny of excitatory spinal neurons processing distinct somatic sensory modalities.
Xu, Y., Lopes, C., Wende, H., Guo, Z., Cheng, L., Birchmeier, C. and Ma, Q.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (37): 14738-14748. 11 September 2013

Na+/K+-ATPase is a new interacting partner for the neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 that downregulates its expression in vitro and in vivo.
de Juan-Sanz, J., Nunez, E., Villarejo-Lopez, L., Perez-Hernandez, D., Rodriguez-Fraticelli, A.E., Lopez-Corcuera, B., Vazquez, J. and Aragon, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (35): 14269-14281. 28 August 2013

RNA-binding protein Hermes/RBPMS inversely affects synapse density and axon arbor formation in retinal ganglion cells in vivo.
Hörnberg, H., Wollerton-van Horck, F., Maurus, D., Zwart, M., Svoboda, H., Harris, W.A. and Holt, C.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25): 10384-10395. 19 June 2013

Serotonin is required for exercise-induced adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Klempin, F., Beis, D., Mosienko, V., Kempermann, G., Bader, M. and Alenina, N.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19): 8270-8275. 8 May 2013

Mitochondrial exchanger NCLX plays a major role in the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling, gliotransmission, and proliferation of astrocytes.
Parnis, J., Montana, V., Delgado-Martinez, I., Matyash, V., Parpura, V., Kettenmann, H., Sekler, I. and Nolte, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (17): 7206-7219. 24 April 2013

Genome-wide expression analysis of ptf1a- and ascl1-deficient mice reveals new markers for distinct dorsal horn interneuron populations contributing to nociceptive reflex plasticity.
Wildner, H., Das Gupta, R., Bröhl, D., Heppenstall, P.A., Zeilhofer, H.U. and Birchmeier, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (17): 7299-7307. 24 April 2013

The pro-neurotrophin receptor sortilin is a major neuronal apolipoprotein E receptor for catabolism of amyloid-β peptide in the brain.
Carlo, A.S., Gustafsen, C., Mastrobuoni, G., Nielsen, M.S., Burgert, T., Hartl, D., Rohe, M., Nykjaer, A., Herz, J., Heeren, J., Kempa, S., Petersen, C.M. and Willnow, T.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (1): 358-370. 2 January 2013


A polymorphic microsatellite repeat within the ECE-1c promoter is involved in transcriptional start site determination, human evolution, and Alzheimer's disease.
Li, Y., Seidel, K., Marschall, P., Klein, M., Hope, A., Schacherl, J., Schmitz, J., Menk, M., Schefe, J.H., Reinemund, J., Hugel, R., Walden, P., Schlosser, A., Volkmer, R., Schimkus, J., Koelsch, H., Maier, W., Kornhuber, J., Froelich, L., Klare, S., Kirsch, S., Schmerbach, K., Scheele, S., Grittner, U., Zollmann, F., Goldin-Lang, P., Peters, O., Kintscher, U., Unger, T. and Funke-Kaiser, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (47): 16807-16820. 21 November 2012

A unilateral negative feedback loop between miR-200 microRNAs and Sox2/E2F3 controls neural progenitor cell-cycle exit and differentiation.
Peng, C., Li, N., Ng, Y.K., Zhang, J., Meier, F., Theis, F.J., Merkenschlager, M., Chen, W., Wurst, W. and Prakash, N.
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (38): 13292-13308. 19 September 2012

Panglial gap junctional communication is essential for maintenance of myelin in the CNS.
Tress, O., Maglione, M., May, D., Pivneva, T., Richter, N., Seyfarth, J., Binder, S., Zlomuzica, A., Seifert, G., Theis, M., Dere, E., Kettenmann, H. and Willecke, K.
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (22): 7499-7518. 30 May 2012

Retromer binds the FANSHY sorting motif in SorLA to regulate amyloid precursor protein sorting and processing.
Fjorback, A.W., Seaman, M., Gustafsen, C., Mehmedbasic, A., Gokool, S., Wu, C., Militz, D., Schmidt, V., Madsen, P., Nyengaard, J.R., Willnow, T.E., Christensen, E.I., Mobley, W.B., Nykjaer, A. and Andersen, O.M.
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (4): 1467-1480. 25 January 2012


Complementary sensory and associative microcircuitry in primary olfactory cortex.
Wiegand, H.F., Beed, P., Bendels, M.H., Leibold, C., Schmitz, D. and Johenning, F.W.
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (34): 12149-12158. 24 August 2011

Cell-type-specific modulation of feedback inhibition by serotonin in the hippocampus.
Winterer, J., Stempel, A.V., Dugladze, T., Foeldy, C., Maziashvili, N., Zivkovic, A.R., Priller, J., Soltesz, I., Gloveli, T. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (23): 8464-8475. 8 June 2011

Axonally derived neuregulin-1 is required for remyelination and regeneration after nerve injury in adulthood.
Fricker, F.R., Lago, N., Balarajah, S., Tsantoulas, C., Tanna, S., Zhu, N., Fageiry, S.K., Jenkins, M., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C. and Bennett, D.L.
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (9): 3225-3233. 2 March 2011


Neuroligin 1 is dynamically exchanged at postsynaptic sites.
Schapitz, I.U., Behrend, B., Pechmann, Y., Lappe-Siefke, C., Kneussel, S.J., Wallace, K.E., Stempel, A.V., Buck, F., Grant, S.G.N., Schweizer, M., Schmitz, D., Schwarz, J.R., Holzbaur, E.L.F. and Kneussel, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (38): 12733-12744. 22 September 2010

Impact of actin filament stabilization on adult hippocampal and olfactory bulb neurogenesis.
Kronenberg, G., Gertz, K., Baldinger, T., Kirste, I., Eckart, S., Yildirim, F., Ji, S., Heuser, I., Schroeck, H., Hoertnagl, H., Sohr, R., Djoufack, P.C., Juettner, R., Glass, R., Przesdzing, I., Kumar, J., Freyer, D., Hellweg, R., Kettenmann, H., Fink, K.B. and Endres, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (9): 3419-3431. 3 March 2010

The coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor reveals complex homophilic and heterophilic interactions on neural cells.
Patzke, C., Max, K.E., Behlke, J., Schreiber, J., Schmidt, H., Dorner, A.A., Kroeger, S., Henning, M., Otto, A., Heinemann, U. and Rathjen, F.G.
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (8): 2897-2910. 24 February 2010


Cytotoxic CD8+ T cell-neuron interactions: perforin-dependent electrical silencing precedes but is not causally linked to neuronal cell death.
Meuth, S.G., Herrmann, A.M., Simon, O.J., Siffrin, V., Melzer, N., Bittner, S., Meuth, P., Langer, H.F., Hallermann, S., Boldakowa, N., Herz, J., Munsch, T., Landgraf, P., Aktas, O., Heckmann, M., Lessmann, V., Budde, T., Kieseier, B.C., Zipp, F. and Wiendl, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (49): 15397-15409. 9 December 2009

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor reduces amyloidogenic processing through control of SORLA gene expression.
Rohe, M., Synowitz, M., Glass, R., Paul, S.M., Nykjaer, A. and Willnow, T.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (49): 15472-15478. 9 December 2009

Defective respiratory rhythmogenesis and loss of central chemosensitivity in Phox2b mutants targeting retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons.
Dubreuil, V., Thoby-Brisson, M., Rallu, M., Persson, K., Pattyn, A., Birchmeier, C., Brunet, J.F., Fortin, G. and Goridis, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (47): 14836-14846. 25 November 2009

Prostate stem cell antigen is an endogenous lynx1-like prototoxin that antagonizes α7-containing nicotinic receptors and prevents programmed cell death of parasympathetic neurons.
Hruska, M., Keefe, J., Wert, D., Tekinay, A.B., Hulce, J.J., Ibanez-Tallon, I. and Nishi, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (47): 14847-14854. 25 November 2009

Dendritic compartment and neuronal output mode determine pathway-specific long-term potentiation in the piriform cortex.
Johenning, F.W., Beed, P.S., Trimbuch, T., Bendels, M.H.K., Winterer, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (43): 13649-13661. 28 October 2009

Single-trial phase precession in the hippocampus.
Schmidt, R., Diba, K., Leibold, C., Schmitz, D., Buzsaki, G. and Kempter, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (42): 13232-13241. 21 October 2009

Sensory axon-derived neuregulin-1 is required for axoglial signaling and normal sensory function but not for long-term axon maintenance.
Fricker, F.R., Zhu, N., Tsantoulas, C., Abrahamsen, B., Nassar, M.A., Thakur, M., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C., McMahon, S.B., Wood, J.N. and Bennett, D.L.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (24): 7667-7678. 17 June 2009

Role of amyloid-β glycine 33 in oligomerization, toxicity, and neuronal plasticity.
Harmeier, A., Wozny, C., Rost, B.R., Munter, L.M., Hua, H., Georgiev, O., Beyermann, M., Hildebrand, P.W., Weise, C., Schaffner, W., Schmitz, D. and Multhaup, G.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (23): 7582-7590. 10 June 2009

NKCC1-dependent GABAergic excitation drives synaptic network maturation during early hippocampal development.
Pfeffer, C.K., Stein, V., Keating, D.J., Maier, H., Rinke, I., Rudhard, Y., Hentschke, M., Rune, G.M., Jentsch, T.J. and Huebner, C.A.
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (11): 3419-3430. 18 March 2009


Differential cAMP signaling at hippocampal output synapses.
Wozny, C., Maier, N., Fidzinski, P., Breustedt, J., Behr, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (53): 14358-14362. 31 December 2008

Loss of LR11/SORLA enhances early pathology in a mouse model of amyloidosis: Evidence for a proximal role in Alzheimer's disease.
Dodson, S.E., Andersen, O.M., Karmali, V., Fritz, J.J., Cheng, D., Peng, J., Levey, A.I., Willnow, T.E. and Lah, J.J.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (48): 12877-12886. 26 November 2008

Role of the vesicular chloride transporter ClC-3 in neuroendocrine tissue.
Maritzen, T., Keating, D.J., Neagoe, I., Zdebik, A.A. and Jentsch, T.J.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (42): 10587-10598. 15 October 2008

Folate deficiency induces neurodegeneration and brain dysfunction in mice lacking uracil DNA glycosylase.
Kronenberg, G., Harms, C., Sobol, R.W., Cardozo-Pelaez, F., Linhart, H., Winter, B., Balkaya, M., Gertz, K., Gay, S.B., Cox, D., Eckart, S., Ahmadi, M., Juckel, G., Kempermann, G., Hellweg, R., Sohr, R., Hoertnagl, H., Wilson, S.H., Jaenisch, R. and Endres, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (28): 7219-7230. 9 July 2008

Intermediate progenitors in adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Tbr2 expression and coordinate regulation of neuronal output.
Hodge, R.D., Kowalczyk, T.D., Wolf, S.A., Encinas, J.M., Rippey, C., Enikolopov, G., Kempermann, G. and Hevner, R.F.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (14): 3707-3717. 2 April 2008


Bradykinin-induced microglial migration mediated by B1-bradykinin receptors depends on Ca2+ influx via reverse-mode activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.
Ifuku, M., Faerber, K., Okuno, Y., Yamakawa, Y., Miyamoto, T., Nolte, C., Merrino, V.F., Kitada, S., Iwamoto, T., Komuro, I., Wang, B., Cheung, G., Ishikawa, E., Ooboshi, H., Bader, M., Wada, K., Kettenmann, H. and Noda, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (48): 13065-13073. 28 November 2007

Loss-of-function of human PINK1 results in mitochondrial pathology and can be rescued by parkin.
Exner, N., Treske, B., Paquet, D., Holmstroem, K., Schiesling, C., Gispert, S., Carballo-Carbajal, I., Berg, D., Hoepken, H.H., Gasser, T., Krueger, R., Winklhofer, K.F., Vogel, F., Reichert, A.S., Auburger, G., Kahle, P.J., Schmid, B. and Haass, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (45): 12413-12418. 7 November 2007

Cell-autonomous inhibition of alpha 7-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors prevents death of parasympathetic neurons during development.
Hruska, M., Ibanez-Tallon, I. and Nishi, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (43): 11501-11509. 24 October 2007

Isoform-selective susceptibility of DISC1/phosphodiesterase-4 complexes to dissociation by elevated intracellular cAMP levels.
Murdoch, H., Mackie, S., Collins, D.M., Hill, E.V., Bolger, G.B., Klussmann, E., Porteous, D.J., Millar, J.K. and Houslay, M.D.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (35): 9513-9524. 29 August 2007

Leukoencephalopathy upon disruption of the chloride channel ClC-2.
Blanz, J., Schweizer, M., Auberson, M., Maier, H., Muenscher, A., Huebner, C.A. and Jentsch, T.J.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (24): 6581-9. 13 June 2007

Lbx1 acts as a selector gene in the fate determination of somatosensory and viscerosensory relay neurons in the hindbrain.
Sieber, M.A., Storm, R., Martinez-de-la-Torre, M., Mueller, T., Wende, H., Reuter, K., Vasyutina, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (18): 4902-4909. 2 May 2007

Phosphatidylinositol 3-Akt-kinase-dependent phosphorylation of p21(Waf1/Cip1) as a novel mechanism of neuroprotection by glucocorticoids.
Harms, C., Albrecht, K., Harms, U., Seidel, K., Hauck, L., Baldinger, T., Huebner, D., Kronenberg, G., An, J., Ruscher, K., Meisel, A., Dirnagl, U., von Harsdorf, R., Endres, M. and Hoertnagl, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (17): 4562-4571. 25 April 2007

The induction levels of heat shock protein 70 differentiate the vulnerabilities to mutant huntingtin among neuronal subtypes.
Tagawa, K., Marubuchi, S., Qi, M.L., Enokido, Y., Tamura, T., Inagaki, R., Murata, M., Kanazawa, I., Wanker, E.E. and Okazawa, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (4): 868-880. 24 January 2007


Altered balance of glutamatergic/GABAergic synaptic input and associated changes in dendrite morphology after BDNF expression in BDNF-deficient hippocampal neurons.
Singh, B., Henneberger, C., Betances, D., Arevalo, M.A., Rodriguez-Tebar, A., Meier, J.C. and Grantyn, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (27): 7189-7200. 5 July 2006

Temporal and spatial dynamics of brain structure changes during extensive learning.
Draganski, B., Gaser, C., Kempermann, G., Kuhn, H.G., Winkler, J., Buechel, C. and May, A.
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (23): 6314-6317. 7 June 2006

Structural determinants of M-type KCNQ (Kv7) K+ channel assembly.
Schwake, M., Athanasiadu, D., Beimgraben, C., Blanz, J., Beck, C., Jentsch, T.J., Saftig, P. and Friedrich, T.
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (14): 3757-3766. 5 April 2006

ErbB2 signaling in Schwann cells is mostly dispensable for maintenance of myelinated peripheral nerves and proliferation of adult Schwann cells after injury.
Atanasoski, S., Scherer, S.S., Sirkowski, E., Leone, D., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C. and Suter, U.
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (7): 2124-2131. 15 February 2006

Interaction of the cytosolic domains of sorLA/LR11 with the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and beta-secretase beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme.
Spoelgen, R., von Arnim, C.A., Thomas, A.V., Peltan, I.D., Koker, M., Deng, A., Irizarry, M.C., Andersen, O.M., Willnow, T.E. and Hyman, B.T.
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (2): 418-428. 11 January 2006


New neurons in the adult mammalian brain: Synaptogenesis and functional integration.
Song, H., Kempermann, G., Wadiche, L.O., Zhao, C., Schinder, A.F. and Bischofberger, J.
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (45): 10366-10368. 9 November 2005

Molecular determinants of KCNQ (Kv7) K+ channel sensitivity to the anticonvulsant retigabine.
Schenzer, A., Friedrich, T., Pusch, M., Saftig, P., Jentsch, T.J., Groetzinger, J. and Schwake, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (20): 5051-5060. 18 May 2005

Glioblastoma-induced attraction of endogenous neural precursor cells is associated with improved survival.
Glass, R., Synowitz, M., Kronenberg, G., Walzlein, J.H., Markovic, D.S., Wang, L.P., Gast, D., Kiwit, J., Kempermann, G. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (10): 2637-2646. 9 March 2005

Reduced nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain in kinin B1 receptor knock-out mice.
Ferreira, J., Beirith, A., Mori, M.A., Araújo, R.C., Bader, M., Pesquero, J.B. and Calixto, J.B.
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (9): 2405-2412. 2 March 2005


Assessing the role of GLUK5 and GLUK6 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (45): 10093-10098. 10 November 2004

Role of T-type calcium current in identified D-hair mechanoreceptor neurons studied in vitro.
Dubreuil, A.S., Boukhaddaoui, H., Desmadryl, G., Martinez-Salgado, C., Moshourab, R., Lewin, G.R., Carroll, P., Valmier, J. and Scamps, F.
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (39): 8480-8484. 29 September 2004

CXCR3-dependent microglial recruitment is essential for dendrite loss after brain lesion.
Rappert, A., Bechmann, I., Pivneva, T., Mahlo, J., Biber, K., Nolte, C., Kovac, A.D., Gerard, C., Boddeke, H.W., Nitsch, R. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (39): 8500-8509. 29 September 2004

A gephyrin-related mechanism restraining glycine receptor anchoring at GABAergic synapses.
Meier, J. and Grantyn, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (6): 1398-1405. 11 February 2004

Huntingtin bodies sequester vesicle-associated proteins by a polyproline-dependent interaction.
Qin, Z.H., Wang, Y., Sapp, E., Cuiffo, B., Wanker, E., Hayden, M.R., Kegel, K.B., Aronin, N. and DiFiglia, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 7 (1): 269-281. 7 January 2004


Different mechanisms promote astrocyte Ca2+ waves and spreading depression in the mouse neocortex.
Peters, O., Schipke, C.G., Hashimoto, Y. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (30): 9888-9896. 29 October 2003

Bone marrow-derived cells expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter do not differentiate into astrocytes in vitro and in vivo.
Wehner, T., Bontert, M., Eyupoglu, I., Prass, K., Prinz, M., Klett, F.F., Heinze, M., Bechmann, I., Nitsch, R., Kirchhoff, F., Kettenmann, H., Dirnagl, U. and Priller, J.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (12): 5004-5011. 15 June 2003

Elevation of basal intracellular calcium as a central element in the activation of brain macrophages (microglia): suppression of receptor-evoked calcium signaling and control of release function.
Hoffmann, A., Kann, O., Ohlemeyer, C., Hanisch, U.K. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11): 4410-4419. 1 June 2003

Corollary discharge inhibition of ascending auditory neurons in the stridulating cricket.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11): 4717-4725. 1 June 2003

A mutation in Af4 is predicted to cause cerebellar ataxia and cataracts in the robotic mouse.
Isaacs, A.M., Oliver, P.L., Jones, E.L., Jeans, A., Potter, A., Hovik, B.H., Nolan, P.M., Vizor, L., Glenister, P., Simon, A.K., Gray, I.C., Spurr, N.K., Brown, S.D.M., Hunter, A.J. and Davies, K.E.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (5): 1631-7. 1 March 2003

Segregated expression of AMPA-type glutamate receptors and glutamate transporters defines distinct astrocyte populations in the mouse hippocampus.
Matthias, K., Kirchhoff, F., Seifert, G., Huettmann, K., Matyash, M., Kettenmann, H. and Steinhaeuser, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (5): 1750-1758. 1 March 2003


Lack of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand but presence of its receptors in the human brain.
Doerr, J., Bechmann, I., Waiczies, S., Aktas, O., Walczak, H., Krammer, P.H., Nitsch, R. and Zipp, F.
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (4): RC209. 15 February 2002

Why new neurons? Possible functions for adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Kempermann, G.
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (3): 635-638. 1 February 2002

Glutamine uptake by neurons: interaction of protons with system a transporters.
Chaudhry, F.A., Schmitz, D., Reimer, R.J., Larsson, P., Gray, A.T., Nicoll, R., Kavanaugh, M. and Edwards, R.H.
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (1): 62-72. 1 January 2002


Mild cerebral ischemia induces loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and activation of cell cycle machinery before delayed neuronal cell death.
Katchanov, J., Harms, C., Gertz, K., Hauck, L., Waeber, C., Hirt, L., Priller, J., von Harsdorf, R., Brueck, W., Hoertnagl, H., Dirnagl, U., Bhide, P.G. and Endres, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (14): 5045-5053. 15 July 2001

Dynamics of glycine receptor insertion in the neuronal plasma membrane.
Rosenberg, M., Meier, J., Triller, A. and Vannier, C.
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (14): 5036-5044. 15 July 2001

Kainate receptors depress excitatory synaptic transmission at CA3-->CA1 synapses in the hippocampus via a direct presynaptic action.
Frerking, M., Schmitz, D., Zhou, Q., Johansen, J. and Nicoll, R.A.
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (9): 2958-2966. 1 May 2001

Lack of neurotrophin-4 causes selective structural and chemical deficits in sympathetic ganglia and their preganglionic innervation.
Roosen, A., Schober, A., Strelau, J., Boettner, M., Faulhaber, J., Bendner, G., McIlwrath, S.L., Seller, H., Ehmke, H., Lewin, G.R. and Unsicker, K.
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (9): 3073-3084. 1 May 2001

DNA hypomethylation perturbs the function and survival of CNS neurons in postnatal animals.
Fan, G., Beard, C., Chen, R.Z., Csankovszki, G., Sun, Y., Siniaia, M., Biniszkiewicz, D., Bates, B., Lee, P.P., Kühn, R., Trumpp, A., Poon, C., Wilson, C.B. and Jaenisch, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (3): 788-797. 1 February 2001


The L1-type cell adhesion molecule neuroglian influences the stability of neural ankyrin in the Drosophila embryo but not its axonal localization.
Bouley, M., Tian, M.Z., Paisley, K., Shen, Y.C., Malhotra, J.D. and Hortsch, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (12): 4515-4523. 15 June 2000

Proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells throughout the intact adult rat spinal cord.
Horner, P.J., Power, A.E., Kempermann, G., Kuhn, H.G., Palmer, T.D., Winkler, J., Thal, L.J. and Gage, F.H.
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (6): 2218-2228. 15 March 2000


Isolectin B4-positive and -negative nociceptors are functionally distinct.
Stucky, C.L. and Lewin, G.R.
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (15): 6497-6505. 1 August 1999


TrkB and neurotrophin-4 are important for development and maintenance of sympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the adrenal medulla.
Schober, A., Wolf, N., Huber, K., Hertel, R., Krieglstein, K., Minichiello, L., Kahane, N., Widenfalk, J., Kalcheim, C., Olson, L., Klein, R., Lewin, G.R. and Unsicker, K.
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (18): 7272-7284. 15 September 1998

Experience-induced neurogenesis in the senescent dentate gyrus.
Kempermann, G., Kuhn, H.G. and Gage, F.H.
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (9): 3206-3212. 1 May 1998

Functional cooperation of beta1-integrins and members of the immunoglobulin superfamily in neurite induction.
Treubert, U. and Bruemmendorf, T.
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (5): 1795-1805. 1 March 1998


Epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2 have different effects on neural progenitors in the adult rat brain.
Kuhn, H.G., Winkler, J., Kempermann, G., Thal, L.J. and Gage, F.H.
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (15): 5820-5829. 1 August 1997

Mechanisms of C5a and C3a complement fragment-induced [Ca2+]i signaling in mouse microglia.
Moeller, T., Nolte, C., Burger, R., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (2): 615-624. 15 January 1997


ATP-induced cytoplasmic calcium mobilization in Bergmann glial cells.
Kirischuk, S., Moeller, T., Voitenko, N., Kettenmann, H. and Verkhratsky, A.
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (12): 7861-7871. December 1995

Serotonin reduces inhibition via 5-HT1A receptors in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices in vitro.
Schmitz, D., Empson, R.M. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (11): 7217-7225. November 1995

Localization of thioredoxin in the rat brain and functional implications.
Lippoldt, A., Padilla, C., Gerst, H., Andbjer, B., Richter, E., Holmgren, A. and Fuxe, K.
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (10): 6747-6756. October 1995

GABAA/Benzodiazepine receptors in acutely isolated hippocampal astrocytes.
Fraser, D.D., Duffy, S., Angelidis, K.J., Perezvelazquez, J.L., Kettenmann, H. and MacVicar, B.A.
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (4): 2720-2732. April 1995


Developmental regulation of voltage-gated K+ channel and GABAA receptor expression in Bergmann glial cells.
Mueller, T., Fritschy, J.M., Grosche, J., Pratt, G.D., Moehler, H. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (5): 2503-2514. May 1994


Membrane properties of ameboid microglial cells in the corpus callosum slice from early postnatal mice.
Brockhaus, J., Ilschner, S., Banati, R.B. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (10): 4412-4421. October 1993

Extracellular ATP activates a cation conductance and a K+ conductance in cultured microglial cells from mouse brain.
Walz, W., Ilschner, S., Ohlemeyer, C., Banati, R. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (10): 4403-4411. October 1993

Modulation of hippocampal acetylcholine release - a potent central action of interleukin-2.
Hanisch, U.K., Seto, D. and Quirion, R.
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (8): 3368-3374. August 1993

Nerve growth factor-induced hyperalgesia in the neonatal and adult rat.
Lewin, G.R., Ritter, A.M. and Mendell, L.M.
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (5): 2136-2148. May 1993


Pharmacological characterization of calcium currents and synaptic transmission between thalamic neurons in vitro.
Pfrieger, F.W., Veselovsky, N.S., Gottmann, K. and Lux, H.D.
Journal of Neuroscience 12 (11): 4347-4357. November 1992

On the role of nerve growth factor in the development of myelinated nociceptors.
Lewin, G.R., Ritter, A.M. and Mendell, L.M.
Journal of Neuroscience 12 (5): 1896-1905. May 1992


Developmental changes in the membrane current pattern, K+ buffer capacity, and morphology of glial cells in the corpus callosum slice.
Berger, T., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience 11 (10): 3008-3024. October 1991

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