Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Analytica Chimica Acta

Comparison of modified Matyash method to conventional solvent systems for polar metabolite and lipid extractions.
Sostare, J., Di Guida, R., Kirwan, J., Chalal, K., Palmer, E., Dunn, W.B. and Viant, M.R.
Analytica Chimica Acta 1037 : 301-315. 11 December 2018

Analytical Chemistry

Current practices in lc-ms untargeted metabolomics: a scoping review on the use of pooled quality control samples.
Broeckling, C.D., Beger, R.D., Cheng, L.L., Cumeras, R., Cuthbertson, D.J., Dasari, S., Davis, W.C., Dunn, W.B., Evans, A.M., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Gika, H., Goodacre, R., Goodman, K.D., Gouveia, G.J., Hsu, P.C., Kirwan, J.A., Kodra, D., Kuligowski, J., Lan, R.S.L., Monge, M.E., Moussa, L.W., Nair, S.G., Reisdorph, N., Sherrod, S.D., Ulmer Holland, C., Vuckovic, D., Yu, L.R., Zhang, B., Theodoridis, G. and Mosley, J.D.
Analytical Chemistry 95 (51): 18645-18654. 26 December 2023

Deep learning-assisted peak curation for large-scale LC-MS metabolomics.
Gloaguen, Y., Kirwan, J.A. and Beule, D.
Analytical Chemistry 94 (12): 4930-4937. 29 March 2022

Concepts and software package for efficient quality control in targeted metabolomics studies - MeTaQuaC.
Kuhring, M., Eisenberger, A., Schmidt, V., Kränkel, N., Leistner, D.M., Kirwan, J. and Beule, D.
Analytical Chemistry 92 (15): 10241-10245. 4 August 2020

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Characterising and correcting batch variation in an automated direct infusion mass spectrometry (DIMS) metabolomics workflow.
Kirwan, J.A., Broadhurst, D.I., Davidson, R.L. and Viant, M.R.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405 (15): 5147-5157. June 2013


Cosmeceutical potential of major tropical and subtropical fruit by-products for a sustainable revalorization.
García-Villegas, A., Rojas-García, A., Villegas-Aguilar, M.C., Fernández-Moreno, P., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Cádiz-Gurrea, M.L., Arráez-Román, D. and Segura-Carretero, A.
Antioxidants 11 (2): 203. 21 January 2022

Arthritis & Rheumatology

Shared and distinct gut microbiota in spondyloarthritis, acute anterior uveitis, and Crohn's disease.
Essex, M., Rios Rodriguez, V., Rademacher, J., Proft, F., Löber, U., Marko, L., Pleyer, U., Strowig, T., Marchand, J., Kirwan, J.A., Siegmund, B., Forslund, S.K. and Poddubnyy, D.
Arthritis & Rheumatology 76 (1): 48-58. January 2024


Sex-specific metabolic and functional differences in human umbilical vein endothelial cells from twin pairs.
Lorenz, M., Blaschke, B., Benn, A., Hammer, E., Witt, E., Kirwan, J., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gloaguen, Y., Bartsch, C., Vietzke, A., Kramer, F., Kappert, K., Brunner, P., Nguyen, H.G., Dreger, H., Stangl, K., Knaus, P. and Stangl, V.
Atherosclerosis 291 : 99-106. December 2019

Biology of Sex Differences

Sex-specific molecular signature of mouse podocytes in homeostasis and in response to pharmacological challenge with rapamycin.
Al-Diab, O., Sünkel, C., Blanc, E., Catar, R.A., Ashraf, M.I., Zhao, H., Wang, P., Rinschen, M.M., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Grahammer, F., Bachmann, S., Beule, D., Kirwan, J.A., Rajewsky, N., Huber, T.B., Gürgen, D. and Kusch, A.
Biology of Sex Differences 15 (1): 72. 15 September 2024

Biomarker Insights

Biomarker discovery in animal health and disease: the application of post-genomic technologies.
Moore, R.E., Kirwan, J., Doherty, M.K. and Whitfield, P.D.
Biomarker Insights 2 : 185-196. 1 January 2007


Mechanical heterogeneity in a soft biomaterial niche controls BMP2 signaling.
Brauer, E., Herrera, A., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Görlitz, S., Leemhuis, H., Knaus, P., Kirwan, J.A., Duda, G.N. and Petersen, A.
Biomaterials 309 : 122614. September 2024

Cancer Discovery

Passenger gene coamplifications create collateral therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer.
Bei, Y., Brame, Luca, Kirchner, M., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kunz, S., Bhattacharya, A., Rusu, M.C., Gürgen, D., Dubois, F.P.B., Köppke, J.K.C., Proba, J., Wittstruck, N., Sidorova, O.A., Chamorro González, R., Dorado Garcia, H., Brückner, L., Xu, R., Giurgiu, M., Rodriguez-Fos, E., Yu, Q., Spanjaard, B., Koche, R.P., Schmitt, C.A., Schulte, J.H., Eggert, A., Haase, K., Kirwan, J., Hagemann, A.I., Mertins, P., Dörr, J.R. and Henssen, A.G.
Cancer Discovery 14 (3): 492-507. 1 March 2024


Progression-dependent altered metabolism in osteosarcoma resulting in different nutrient source dependencies.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gloaguen, Y., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Tunn, P.U. and Kirwan, J.A.
Cancers 12 (6): 1371. 27 May 2020

Cardiovascular Research

ISG15 blocks cardiac glycolysis and ensures sufficient mitochondrial energy production during Coxsackievirus B3 infection.
Bredow, C., Thery, F., Wirth, E.K., Ochs, S., Kespohl, M., Kleinau, G., Kelm, N., Gimber, N., Schmoranzer, J., Voss, M., Klingel, K., Spranger, J., Renko, K., Ralser, M., Mülleder, M., Heuser, A., Knobeloch, K.P., Scheerer, P., Kirwan, J., Brüning, U., Berndt, N., Impens, F. and Beling, A.
Cardiovascular Research 120 (6): 644-657. 6 April 2024

Prdm16 mutation determines sex-specific cardiac metabolism and identifies two novel cardiac metabolic regulators.
Kühnisch, J., Theisen, S., Dartsch, J., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kirchner, M., Obermayer, B., Bauer, A., Kahlert, A.K., Rothe, M., Beule, D., Heuser, A., Mertins, P., Kirwan, J.A., Berndt, N., MacRae, C.A., Hubner, N. and Klaassen, S.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (18): 2902-2916. December 2023

Quantifying the impact of gut microbiota on inflammation and hypertensive organ damage.
Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, H., Rauch, A., Chen, C.Y., N'Diaye, G., Löber, U., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Rodrigues, A.F., Yarritu, A., Zhong, C., Fei, L., Tsvetkov, D., Todiras, M., Park, J.K., Markó, L., Maifeld, A., Patzak, A., Bader, M., Kempa, S., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K., Müller, D.N. and Wilck, N.
Cardiovascular Research 119 (6): 1441-1452. May 2023

Cell Metabolism

Fumarate is cardioprotective via activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway.
Ashrafian, H., Czibik, G., Bellahcene, M., Aksentijević, D., Smith, A.C., Mitchell, S.J., Dodd, M.S., Kirwan, J., Byrne, J.J., Ludwig, C., Isackson, H., Yavari, A., Støttrup, N.B., Contractor, H., Cahill, T.J., Sahgal, N., Ball, D.R., Birkler, R.I.D., Hargreaves, I., Tennant, D.A., Land, J., Lygate, C.A., Johannsen, M., Kharbanda, R.K., Neubauer, S., Redwood, C., de Cabo, R., Ahmet, I., Talan, M., Günther, U.L., Robinson, A.J., Viant, M.R., Pollard, P.J., Tyler, D.J. and Watkins, H.
Cell Metabolism 15 (3): 361-371. 7 March 2012

Cell Reports

SorCS2 controls functional expression of amino acid transporter EAAT3 and protects neurons from oxidative stress and epilepsy-induced pathology.
Malik, A.R., Szydlowska, K., Nizinska, K., Asaro, A., van Vliet, E.A., Popp, O., Dittmar, G., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kirwan, J.A., Nykjaer, A., Lukasiuk, K., Aronica, E. and Willnow, T.E.
Cell Reports 26 (10): 2792-2804. 5 March 2019

Chemistry & Biodiversity

A prospective of multiple biopharmaceutical activities of procyanidins‐rich Uapaca togoensis pax extracts: HPLC‐ESI‐TOF‐MS coupled with bioinformatics analysis.
Ibrahime Sinan, K., Aktumsek, A., de la Luz Cádiz‐Gurrea, M., Leyva‐Jiménez, F.J., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Segura‐Carretero, A., Glamocilja, J., Sokovic, M., Nenadić, M. and Zengin, G.
Chemistry & Biodiversity 18 (8): e2100299. 18 August 2021

Clinical Chemistry

Biobanking for metabolomics and lipidomics in precision medicine.
Kirwan, J.A., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Mitchell, T., Pischon, T., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V.
Clinical Chemistry 65 (7): 827-832. 28 June 2019

Preanalytical processing and biobanking procedures of biological samples for metabolomics research: a white paper, community perspective (for "Precision Medicine and Pharmacometabolomics Task Group"-The Metabolomics Society Initiative).
Kirwan, J.A., Brennan, L., Broadhurst, D., Fiehn, O., Cascante, M., Dunn, W.B., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V.
Clinical Chemistry 64 (8): 1158-1182. August 2018

Communications Biology

An integrated host-microbiome response to atrazine exposure mediates toxicity in Drosophila.
Brown, J.B., Langley, S.A., Snijders, A.M., Wan, K.H., Morris, S.N.S., Booth, B.W., Fisher, W.W., Hammonds, A.S., Park, S., Weiszmann, R., Yu, C., Kirwan, J.A., Weber, R.J.M., Viant, M.R., Mao, J.H. and Celniker, S.E.
Communications Biology 4 (1): 1324. 24 November 2021

Current Medicinal Chemistry

Therapeutic targets for phenolic compounds from agro-industrial by-products against obesity.
de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, M., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Del Carmen Villegas-Aguilar, M., Arráez-Román, D. and Segura-Carretero, A.
Current Medicinal Chemistry 29 (6): 1083-1098. 1 February 2022

Disease Models & Mechanisms

Neurofibromin 1 mutations impair the function of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia.
Kuhrt, L.D., Motta, E., Elmadany, N., Weidling, H., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Efe, I.E., Cobb, O., Chatterjee, J., Boggs, L.G., Schnauß, M., Diecke, S., Semtner, M., Anastasaki, C., Gutmann, D.H. and Kettenmann, H.
Disease Models & Mechanisms 16 (12): dmm049861. December 2023

Environmental Pollution

Predicting chronic copper and nickel reproductive toxicity to Daphnia pulex-pulicaria from whole-animal metabolic profiles.
Taylor, N.S., Kirwan, J.A., Johnson, C., Yan, N.D., Viant, M.R., Gunn, J.M. and McGeer, J.C.
Environmental Pollution 212 : 325-329. May 2016

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Metabolomics confirms that dissolved organic carbon mitigates copper toxicity.
Taylor, N.S., Kirwan, J.A., Yan, N.D., Viant, M.R., Gunn, J.M. and McGeer, J.C.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (3): 635-644. March 2016

Food Research International

Revalorization of bioactive compounds from tropical fruit by-products and industrial applications by means of sustainable approaches.
Cádiz-Gurrea, M.L., Villegas-Aguilar, M.C., Leyva-Jiménez, F.J., Pimentel-Moral, S., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Alañón, M.E. and Segura-Carretero, A.
Food Research International 138 (Part B): 109786. December 2020

Food and Chemical Toxicology

Toxicological effect of single contaminants and contaminant mixtures associated with plant ingredients in novel salmon feeds.
Søfteland, L., Kirwan, J.A., Hori, T.S.F., Størseth, T.R., Sommer, U., Berntssen, M.H.G., Viant, M.R., Rise, M.L., Waagbø, R., Torstensen, B.E., Booman, M. and Olsvik, P.A.
Food and Chemical Toxicology 73 : 157-174. November 2014

Frontiers in Immunology

Parasitic nematodes exert antimicrobial activity and benefit from microbiota-driven support for host immune regulation.
Rausch, S., Midha, A., Kuhring, M., Affinass, N., Radonic, A., Kühl, A.A., Bleich, A., Renard, B.Y. and Hartmann, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 : 2282. October 2018

Silent witness: dual-species transcriptomics reveals epithelial immunological quiescence to helminth larval encounter and fostered larval development.
Ebner, F., Kuhring, M., Radonic, A., Midha, A., Renard, B.Y. and Hartmann, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 : 1868. 15 August 2018

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

Exercise blood-drop metabolic profiling links metabolism with perceived exertion.
Opialla, T., Gollasch, B., Kuich, P.H.J.L., Klug, L., Rahn, G., Busjahn, A., Spuler, S., Boschmann, M., Kirwan, J.A., Luft, F.C. and Kempa, S.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 : 1042231. 21 December 2022

Frontiers in Physics

Radiation driven chemistry in biomolecules -- is (V)UV involved in the bioactivity of argon jet plasmas?
Bruno, G., Wenske, S., Mahdikia, H., Gerling, T., von Woedtke, T. and Wende, K.
Frontiers in Physics 9 : 759005. 14 December 2021

In Practice

Metabolomics for the practising vet.
Kirwan, J.
In Practice 35 (8): 438-445. September 2013

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Serum starvation accelerates intracellular metabolism in endothelial cells.
Lorenz, M., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Bartsch, C., Vietzke, A., Eisenberger, A., Stangl, K., Stangl, V. and Kirwan, J.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2): 1189. 7 January 2023

The role of high-resolution analytical techniques in the development of functional foods.
Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Leyva-Jiménez, F.J., De la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, M., Pimentel-Moral, S. and Segura-Carretero, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6): 3220. 22 March 2021

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

Untargeted metabolomic analysis and pathway discovery in perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy.
Denihan, N.M., Kirwan, J.A., Walsh, B.H., Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D.I., Boylan, G.B. and Murray, D.M.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 39 (1): 147-162. January 2019

Journal of Open Source Software

AltamISA: a Python API for ISA-Tab files.
Kuhring, M., Nieminen, M., Kirwan, J., Beule, D. and Holtgrewe, M.
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (40): 1610. 20 August 2019

Journal of Pediatrics

Improvement in the prediction of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with the integration of umbilical cord metabolites and current clinical makers.
O'Boyle, D.S., Dunn, W.B., O'Neill, D., Kirwan, J.A., Broadhurst, D.I., Hallberg, B., Boylan, G.B. and Murray, D.M.
Journal of Pediatrics 229 : 175-181. February 2021

Journal of Proteome Research

Comparing the extraction performance in mouse plasma of different biphasic methods for polar and nonpolar compounds.
Gutmann, F., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Dias, D.B. and Kirwan, J.A.
Journal of Proteome Research 23 (8): 2961-2969. 2 August 2024

TaxIt: an iterative computational pipeline for untargeted strain-level identification using MS/MS spectra from pathogenic single-organism samples.
Kuhring, M., Doellinger, J., Nitsche, A., Muth, T. and Renard, B.Y.
Journal of Proteome Research 19 (6): 2501-2510. 5 June 2020

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Inflammation in children with chronic kidney disease linked to gut dysbiosis and metabolite imbalance.
Holle, J., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Behrens, F., Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Anandakumar, H., Wimmer, M., Vu, D.L., Kuhring, M., Brüning, U., Maifeld, A., Geisberger, S., Kempa, S., Schumacher, F., Kleuser, B., Bufler, P., Querfeld, U., Kitschke, S., Engler, D., Kuhrt, L.D., Drechsel, O., Eckardt, K.U., Forslund, S., Thürmer, A., McParland, V., Kirwan, J., Wilck, N. and Mueller, D.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (12): 2259-2275. December 2022


Instrumental drift in untargeted metabolomics: optimizing data quality with intrastudy QC samples.
Märtens, A., Holle, J., Mollenhauer, B., Wegner, A., Kirwan, J. and Hiller, K.
Metabolites 13 (5): 665. 16 May 2023

A comparison of solvent-based extraction methods to assess the central carbon metabolites in mouse bone and muscle.
Dias, D.B., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gutmann, F., Duda, G.N., Kirwan, J. and Poh, P.S.P.
Metabolites 12 (5): 453. 18 May 2022

Optimized workflow for on-line derivatization for targeted metabolomics approach by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gloaguen, Y., Bauer, A., Opialla, T., Kempa, S., Fleming, C.A., Redmond, H.P. and Kirwan, J.A.
Metabolites 11 (12): 888. 18 December 2021

Lipid metabolite biomarkers in cardiovascular disease: discovery and biomechanism translation from human studies.
McGranaghan, P., Kirwan, J.A., Garcia-Rivera, M.A., Pieske, B., Edelmann, F., Blaschke, F., Appunni, S., Saxena, A., Rubens, M., Veledar, E. and Trippel, T.D.
Metabolites 11 (9): 621. September 2021

Modified protocol of harvesting, extraction, and normalization approaches for gas chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analysis of adherent cells grown under high fetal calf serum conditions.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Bauer, A., Gloaguen, Y., Lorenz, M. and Kirwan, J.A.
Metabolites 10 (1): 2. 18 December 2019

WiPP: workflow for improved peak picking for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) data.
Borgsmüller, N., Gloaguen, Y., Opialla, T., Blanc, E., Sicard, E., Royer, A.L., Le Bizec, B., Durand, S., Migné, C., Pétéra, M., Pujos-Guillot, E., Giacomoni, F., Guitton, Y., Beule, D. and Kirwan, J.
Metabolites 9 (9): 171. 21 August 2019


Single cell metabolism: current and future trends.
Ali, A., Davidson, S., Fraenkel, E., Gilmore, I., Hankemeier, T., Kirwan, J.A., Lane, A.N., Lanekoff, I., Larion, M., McCall, L.I., Murphy, M., Sweedler, J.V. and Zhu, C.
Metabolomics 18 (10): 77. 1 October 2022

Quality assurance and quality control reporting in untargeted metabolic phenotyping: mQACC recommendations for analytical quality management.
Kirwan, J.A., Gika, H., Beger, R.D., Bearden, D., Dunn, W.B., Goodacre, R., Theodoridis, G., Witting, M., Yu, L.R. and Wilson, I.D.
Metabolomics 18 (9): 70. 27 August 2022

Metabolomics enables precision medicine: "A White Paper, Community Perspective".
Beger, R.D., Dunn, W., Schmidt, M.A., Gross, S.S., Kirwan, J.A., Cascante, M., Brennan, L., Wishart, D.S., Oresic, M., Hankemeier, T., Broadhurst, D.I., Lane, A.N., Suhre, K., Kastenmüller, G., Sumner, S.J., Thiele, I., Fiehn, O. and Kaddurah-Daouk, R.
Metabolomics 12 (9): 149. September 2016

Methods and Protocols in Food Science

Comprehensive identification of plant polyphenols by LC-MS.
Fernández-Ochoa, Á., de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, M. and Segura Carretero, A.
In: Mass spectrometry for food analysis. Methods and Protocols in Food Science . Humana, New York, NY, 31-42. ISBN 978-1-0716-2106-6 26 June 2022

Methods in Molecular Biology

Quality assurance in metabolomics and metabolic profiling.
Kirwan, J.A., Bruning, U. and Mosley, J.D.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2891 : 15-51. 16 January 2025


Recent analytical approaches for the study of bioavailability and metabolism of bioactive phenolic compounds.
Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Cádiz-Gurrea, M.L., Fernández-Moreno, P., Rojas-García, A., Arráez-Román, D. and Segura-Carretero, A.
Molecules 27 (3): 777. 25 January 2022

NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes

Gut microbiota dysbiosis is associated with altered tryptophan metabolism and dysregulated inflammatory response in COVID-19.
Essex, M., Millet Pascual-Leone, B.L., Löber, U., Kuhring, M., Zhang, B., Brüning, U., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Krzanowski, M., Fiocca Vernengo, F., Brumhard, S., Röwekamp, I., Bielecka, A.A., Lesker, T.R., Wyler, E., Landthaler, M., Mantei, A., Meisel, C., Caesar, S., Thibeault, C., Corman, V.M., Marko, L., Suttorp, N., Strowig, T., Kurth, F., Sander, L.E., Li, Y., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K. and Opitz, B.
NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes 10 (1): 66. 1 August 2024

Nature Communications

Clinically used broad-spectrum antibiotics compromise inflammatory monocyte-dependent antibacterial defense in the lung.
Dörner, P.J., Anandakumar, H., Röwekamp, I., Fiocca Vernengo, F., Millet Pascual-Leone, B., Krzanowski, M., Sellmaier, J., Brüning, U., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Pfannkuch, L., Kurth, F., Milek, M., Igbokwe, V., Löber, U., Gutbier, B., Holstein, M., Heinz, G.A., Mashreghi, M.F., Schulte, L.N., Klatt, A.B., Caesar, S., Wienhold, S.M., Offermanns, S., Mack, M., Witzenrath, M., Jordan, S., Beule, D., Kirwan, J.A., Forslund, S.K., Wilck, N., Bartolomaeus, H., Heimesaat, M.M. and Opitz, B.
Nature Communications 15 (1): 2788. 30 March 2024

Nature Reviews Bioengineering

Translating metabolomics into clinical practice.
Kirwan, J.A.
Nature Reviews Bioengineering 1 : 228-229. April 2023

New Journal of Chemistry

New insights on Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. leaves and stem bark extracts: UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS profiles, and biopharmaceutical and in silico analysis.
Sinan, K.I., de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, M., Javier Leyva-Jiménez, F., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Segura-Carretero, A., Glamocilja, J., Sokovic, M., Nenadić, M., Aktumsek, A., Dall'Acqua, S. and Zengin, G.
New Journal of Chemistry 45 (45): 21049-21065. 7 December 2021

Nucleic Acids Research

MetExplore: collaborative edition and exploration of metabolic networks.
Cottret, L., Frainay, C., Chazalviel, M., Cabanettes, F., Gloaguen, Y., Camenen, E., Merlet, B., Heux, S., Portais, J.C., Poupin, N., Vinson, F. and Jourdan, F.
Nucleic Acids Research 46 (W1): W495-W502. 2 July 2018


Mediterranean diet and atrial fibrillation: lessons learned from the AFHRI case-control study.
Neumann, F.A., Jagemann, B., Makarova, N., Börschel, C.S., Aarabi, G., Gutmann, F., Schnabel, R.B. and Zyriax, B.C.
Nutrients 14 (17): 3615. 1 September 2022


A study protocol to characterise pathophysiological and molecular markers of rheumatic heart disease and degenerative aortic stenosis using multiparametric cardiovascular imaging and multiomics techniques.
Mutithu, D.W., Aremu, O.O., Mokaila, D., Bana, T., Familusi, M., Taylor, L., Martin, L.J., Heathfield, L.J., Kirwan, J.A., Wiesner, L., Adeola, H.A., Lumngwena, E.N., Manganyi, R., Skatulla, S., Naidoo, R. and Ntusi, N.A.B.
PLoS ONE 19 (5): e0303496. 13 May 2024

Mass spectrometry based metabolomics comparison of liver grafts from donors after circulatory death (DCD) and donors after brain death (DBD) used in human orthotopic liver transplantation.
Hrydziuszko, O., Perera, M.T.P.R., Laing, R., Kirwan, J., Silva, M.A., Richards, D.A., Murphy, N., Mirza, D.F. and Viant, M.R.
PLoS ONE 11 (11): e0165884. 11 November 2016

Reference Series in Phytochemistry

Bioactive phytochemicals from avocado oil processing by-products.
Cárdenas-Castro, A.P., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Cádiz-Gurrea, M.d.l.L., Segura Carretero, A. and Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G.
In: Bioactive phytochemicals from vegetable oil and oilseed processing by-products. Reference Series in Phytochemistry, 1 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 403-430. ISBN 978-3-030-91380-9 22 March 2023

Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine

High-throughput metabolomics applications in pathogenesis and diagnosis of valvular heart disease.
Mutithu, D.W., Kirwan, J.A., Adeola, H.A., Aremu, O.O., Lumngwena, E.N., Wiesner, L., Skatulla, S., Naidoo, R. and Ntusi, N.A.B.
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 24 (6): 169. June 2023

Scientific Data

Direct infusion mass spectrometry metabolomics dataset: a benchmark for data processing and quality control.
Kirwan, J.A., Weber, R.J.M., Broadhurst, D.I. and Viant, M.R.
Scientific Data 1 : 140012. 10 June 2014

Scientific Reports

Analysis of adherent cell culture lysates with low metabolite concentrations using the Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ p400 HR kit.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Gloaguen, Y., Eisenberger, A. and Kirwan, J.A.
Scientific Reports 12 (1): 7933. 13 May 2022


Identification and validation of small molecule analytes in mouse plasma by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: A case study of misidentification of a short-chain fatty acid with a ketone body.
García-Rivera, Mariel A., Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Brüning, U., Fritsche-Guenther, R. and Kirwan, J.A.
Talanta 242 : 123298. 15 May 2022

Tissue Engineering Part A

Quality assessment by bile composition in normothermic machine perfusion of rat livers.
Muth, V., Strobl, F., Michelotto, J., Gilles, L., Kirwan, J., Eisenberger, A., Marchand, J., Roschke, N., Moosburner, S., Pratschke, J., Sauer, I.M., Raschzok, N. and Gassner, J.M.G.V.
Tissue Engineering Part A 3 July 2024 (In Press)

Toxicology Reports

Omega-3 and alpha-tocopherol provide more protection against contaminants in novel feeds for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) than omega-6 and gamma tocopherol.
Søfteland, L., Berntssen, M.H.G., Kirwan, J.A., Størseth, T.R., Viant, M.R., Torstensen, B.E., Waagbø, R. and Olsvik, P.A.
Toxicology Reports 3 : 211-224. 14 January 2016

Veterinary Record

Parasites and their control in South American camelids in the United Kingdom.
Tait, S.A., Kirwan, J.A., Fair, C.J., Coles, G.C. and Stafford, K.A.
Veterinary Record 150 (20): 637-638. 18 May 2002


Interlaboratory comparison of standardised metabolomics and lipidomics analyses in human and rodent blood using the MxP® Quant 500 kit.
Zararsiz, G.E., Lintelmann, J., Cecil, A., Kirwan, J., Poschet, G., Gegner, H.M., Schuchardt, S., Guan, X.L., Saigusa, D., Wishart, D., Zheng, J., Mandal, R., Adams, K., Thompson, J.W., Snyder, M.P., Contrepois, K., Chen, S., Ashrafi, N., Akyol, S., Yilmaz, A., Graham, S.F., O'Connell, T.M., Kalecký, K., Bottiglieri, T., Limonciel, A., Pham, H.T., Koal, T., Adamski, J. and Kastenmüller, G.
bioRxiv : 2024.11.13.619447. 14 November 2024

Interaction of sortilin with apolipoprotein E3 enables neurons to use long-chain fatty acids as alternative metabolic fuel.
Greda, A.K., Gomes, J.P., Zurawska-Plaksej, E., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Rudolph, I.M., Telugu, N.S., Cömert, C., Kirwan, J., Kunz, S., Rothe, M., Diecke, S., Bross, P. and Willnow, T.E.
bioRxiv : 2024.06.10.598173. 10 June 2024


Depletion of cardiac cardiolipin synthase alters systolic and diastolic function.
Smeir, E., Leberer, S., Blumrich, A., Vogler, G., Vasiliades, A., Dresen, S., Jaeger, C., Gloaguen, Y., Klose, C., Beule, D., Schulze, P.C., Bodmer, R., Foryst-Ludwig, A. and Kintscher, U.
iScience 24 (11): 103314. 19 November 2021

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