Combination of copanlisib with cetuximab improves tumor response in cetuximab-resistant patient-derived xenografts of head and neck cancer.
Klinghammer, K., Politz, O., Eder, T., Otto, R., Raguse, J.D., Albers, A., Kaufmann, A., Tinhofer, I., Hoffmann, J., Keller, U. and Keilholz, U.
Oncotarget 11
(41): 3688-3697.
13 October 2020
MYB induces the expression of the oncogenic corepressor SKI in acute myeloid leukemia.
Frech, M., Teichler, S., Feld, C., Bouchard, C., Berberich, H., Sorg, K., Mernberger, M., Bullinger, L., Bauer, U.M. and Neubauer, A.
Oncotarget 9
(32): 22423-22435.
27 April 2018
Ectopic expression of transcription factor BATF3 induces B-cell lymphomas in a murine B-cell transplantation model.
Weiser, C., Petkova, M.V., Rengstl, B., Döring, C., von Laer, D., Hartmann, S., Küppers, R., Hansmann, M.L. and Newrzela, S.
Oncotarget 9
(22): 15942-15951.
23 March 2018
Reactivating TP53 signaling by the novel MDM2 inhibitor DS-3032b as a therapeutic option for high-risk neuroblastoma.
Arnhold, V., Schmelz, K., Proba, J., Winkler, A., Wünschel, J., Toedling, J., Deubzer, H.E., Künkele, A., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H. and Hundsdoerfer, P.
Oncotarget 9
(2): 2304-2319.
Protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 2 (PPP4R2) is recurrently deleted in acute myeloid leukemia and required for efficient DNA double strand break repair.
Herzig, J.K., Bullinger, L., Tasdogan, A., Zimmermann, P., Schlegel, M., Teleanu, V., Weber, D., Rücker, F.G., Paschka, P., Dolnik, A., Schneider, E., Kuchenbauer, F., Heidel, F.H., Buske, C., Döhner, H., Döhner, K. and Gaidzik, V.I.
Oncotarget 8
(56): 95038-95053.
10 November 2017
Analysis of NPM1 splice variants reveals differential expression patterns of prognostic value in acute myeloid leukemia.
Zajac, M., Dolnik, A., Stasiak, G., Zaleska, J., Kielbus, M., Czapinski, J., Schunn, M., Correa, S.C., Glodkowska-Mrowka, E., Sundaram, R.C., Jankowska-Lecka, O., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H., Döhner, K., Stepulak, A., Bullinger, L. and Giannopoulos, K.
Oncotarget 8
(56): 95163-95175.
10 November 2017
Using droplet digital PCR to analyze MYCN and ALK copy number in plasma from patients with neuroblastoma.
Lodrini, M., Sprüssel, A., Astrahantseff, K., Tiburtius, D., Konschak, R., Lode, H.N., Fischer, M., Keilholz, U., Eggert, A. and Deubzer, H.E.
Oncotarget 8
(49): 85234-85251.
17 October 2017
A cellular platform for the evaluation of immune checkpoint molecules.
Jutz, S., Hennig, A., Paster, W., Asrak, Ö., Dijanovic, D., Kellner, F., Pickl, W.F., Huppa, J.B., Leitner, J. and Steinberger, P.
Oncotarget 8
(39): 64892-64906.
12 September 2017
Decitabine inhibits T cell proliferation via a novel TET2-dependent mechanism and exerts potent protective effect in mouse auto- and allo-immunity models.
Wang, X., Wang, J., Yu, Y., Ma, T., Chen, P., Zhou, B. and Tao, R.
Oncotarget 8
(34): 56802-56815.
22 August 2017
RITA displays anti-tumor activity in medulloblastomas independent of TP53 status.
Gottlieb, A., Althoff, K., Grunewald, L., Thor, T., Odersky, A., Schulte, M., Deubzer, H.E., Heukamp, L., Eggert, A., Schramm, A., Schulte, J.H. and Künkele, A.
Oncotarget 8
(17): 27882-27891.
25 April 2017
Epigenetic silencing of miR-520c leads to induced S100A4 expression and its mediated colorectal cancer progression.
Mudduluru, G., Ilm, K., Fuchs, S. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 8
(13): 21081-21094.
28 March 2017
Prospective identification of resistance mechanisms to HSP90 inhibition in KRAS mutant cancer cells.
Rouhi, A., Miller, C., Grasedieck, S., Reinhart, S., Stolze, B., Döhner, H., Kuchenbauer, F., Bullinger, L., Fröhling, S. and Scholl, C.
Oncotarget 8
(5): 7678-7690.
31 January 2017
The GSK461364 PLK1 inhibitor exhibits strong antitumoral activity in preclinical neuroblastoma models.
Pajtler, K.W., Sadowski, N., Ackermann, S., Althoff, K., Schönbeck, K., Batzke, K., Schäfers, S., Odersky, A., Heukamp, L., Astrahantseff, K., Künkele, A., Deubzer, H.E., Schramm, A., Sprüssel, A., Thor, T., Lindner, S., Eggert, A., Fischer, M. and Schulte, J.H.
Oncotarget 8
(4): 6730-6741.
24 January 2017
Targeting tachykinin receptors in neuroblastoma.
Henssen, A.G., Odersky, A., Szymansky, A., Seiler, M., Althoff, K., Beckers, A., Speleman, F., Schäfers, S., De Preter, K., Astrahanseff, K., Struck, J., Schramm, A., Eggert, A., Bergmann, A. and Schulte, J.H.
Oncotarget 8
(1): 430-443.
3 January 2017
MYCN and HDAC5 transcriptionally repress CD9 to trigger invasion and metastasis in neuroblastoma.
Fabian, J., Opitz, D., Althoff, K., Lodrini, M., Hero, B., Volland, R., Beckers, A., de Preter, K., Decock, A., Patil, N., Abba, M., Kopp-Schneider, A., Astrahantseff, K., Wünschel, J., Pfeil, S., Ercu, M., Künkele, A., Hu, J., Thole, T., Schweizer, L., Mechtersheimer, G., Carter, D., Cheung, B.B., Popanda, O., von Deimling, A., Koster, J., Versteeg, R., Schwab, M., Marshall, G.M., Speleman, F., Erb, U., Zoeller, M., Allgayer, H., Simon, T., Fischer, M., Kulozik, A.E., Eggert, A., Witt, O., Schulte, J.H. and Deubzer, H.E.
Oncotarget 7
(41): 66344-66359.
11 October 2016
MACC1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by miR-218 in colorectal cancer.
Ilm, K., Fuchs, S., Mudduluru, G. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 7
(33): 53443-53458.
16 August 2016
The anticancer phytochemical rocaglamide inhibits Rho GTPase activity and cancer cell migration.
Becker, M.S., Müller, P.M., Bajorat, J., Schroeder, A., Giaisi, M., Amin, E., Ahmadian, M.R., Rocks, O., Köhler, R., Krammer, P.H. and Li-Weber, M.
Oncotarget 7
(32): 51908-51921.
9 August 2016
Smac mimetic induces cell death in a large proportion of primary acute myeloid leukemia samples, which correlates with defined molecular markers.
Lueck, S.C., Russ, A.C., Botzenhardt, U., Schlenk, R.F., Zobel, K., Deshayes, K., Vucic, D., Döhner, H., Döhner, K., Fulda, S. and Bullinger, L.
Oncotarget 7
(31): 49539-49551.
2 August 2016
Cross-validation of survival associated biomarkers in gastric cancer using transcriptomic data of 1,065 patients.
Szasz, A.M., Lanczky, A., Nagy, A., Foerster, S., Hark, K., Green, J.E., Boussioutas, A., Busuttil, R., Szabo, A. and Gyorffy, B.
Oncotarget 7
(31): 49322-49333.
2 August 2016
The activation of OR51E1 causes growth suppression of human prostate cancer cells.
Maßberg, D., Jovancevic, N., Offermann, A., Simon, A., Baniahmad, A., Perner, S., Pungsrinont, T., Luko, K., Philippou, S., Ubrig, B., Heiland, M., Weber, L., Altmüller, J., Becker, C., Gisselmann, G., Gelis, L. and Hatt, H.
Oncotarget 7
(30): 48231-48249.
26 July 2016
The long non-coding RNA PARROT is an upstream regulator of c-Myc and affects proliferation and translation.
Vučićević, D., Gehre, M., Dhamija, S., Friis-Hansen, L., Meierhofer, D., Sauer, S. and Ørom, U.A.
Oncotarget 7
(23): 33934-33947.
7 June 2016
A new role of the Rac-GAP β2-chimaerin in cell adhesion reveals opposite functions in breast cancer initiation and tumor progression.
Casado-Medrano, V., Barrio-Real, L., García-Rostán, G., Baumann, M., Rocks, O. and Caloca, M.J.
Oncotarget 7
(19): 28301-28319.
10 May 2016
KCNE2 and gastric cancer: bench to bedside.
Abbott, G.W. and Roepke, T.K.
Oncotarget 7
(14): 17286-17287.
5 April 2016
MicroRNA-34a promotes genomic instability by a broad suppression of genome maintenance mechanisms downstream of the oncogene KSHV-vGPCR.
Krause, C.J., Popp, O., Thirunarayanan, N., Dittmar, G., Lipp, M. and Mueller, G.
Oncotarget 7
(9): 10414-10432.
1 March 2016
Effects of RAF inhibitors on PI3K/AKT signalling depend on mutational status of the RAS/RAF signalling axis.
Fritsche-Guenther, R., Witzel, F., Kempa, S., Brummer, T., Sers, C. and Blüthgen, N.
Oncotarget 7
(7): 7960-7969.
20 January 2016
Annexin A1 sustains tumor metabolism and cellular proliferation upon stable loss of HIF1A.
Rohwer, N., Bindel, F., Grimm, C., Lin, S.J., Wappler, J., Klinger, B., Blüthgen, N., Du Bois, I., Schmeck, B., Lehrach, H., de Graauw, M., Goncalves, E., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Tan, P., Grabsch, H.I., Prigione, A., Kempa, S. and Cramer, T.
Oncotarget 7
(6): 6693-6710.
29 December 2015
Loss of CX3CR1 increases accumulation of inflammatory monocytes and promotes gliomagenesis.
Feng, X., Szulzewsky, F., Yerevanian, A., Chen, Z., Heinzmann, D., Rasmussen, R.D., Alvarez-Garcia, V., Kim, Y., Wang, B., Tamagno, I., Zhou, H., Li, X., Kettenmann, H., Ransohoff, R.M. and Hambardzumyan, D.
Oncotarget 6
(17): 15077-15094.
20 June 2015
Heregulin-HER3-HER2 signaling promotes matrix metalloproteinase-dependent blood-brain-barrier transendothelial migration of human breast cancer cell lines.
Momeny, M., Saunus, J.M., Marturana, F., McCart Reed, A.E., Black, D., Sala, G., Iacobelli, S., Holland, J.D., Yu, D., Da Silva, L., Simpson, P.T., Khanna, K.K., Chenevix-Trench, G. and Lakhani, S.R.
Oncotarget 6
(6): 3932-3946.
19 February 2015
The BCL9-2 proto-oncogene governs estrogen receptor alpha expression in breast tumorigenesis.
Zatula, N., Wiese, M., Bunzendahl, J., Birchmeier, W., Perske, C., Bleckmann, A. and Brembeck, F.H.
Oncotarget 5
(16): 6770-6787.
30 August 2014
RAGE mediates S100A4-induced cell motility via MAPK/ERK and hypoxia signaling and is a prognostic biomarker for human colorectal cancer metastasis.
Dahlmann, M., Okhrimenko, A., Marcinkowski, P., Osterland, M., Herrmann, P., Smith, J., Heizmann, C.W., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 5
(10): 3220-3233.
30 May 2014
Loss of CADM1 expression is associated with poor prognosis and brain metastasis in breast cancer patients.
Wikman, H., Westphal, L., Schmid, F., Pollari, S., Kropidlowski, J., Sielaff-Frimpong, B., Glatzel, M., Matschke, J., Westphal, M., Iljin, K., Huhtala, H., Terracciano, L., Kallioniemi, A., Sauter, G., Mueller, V., Witzel, I., Lamszus, K., Kemming, D. and Pantel, K.
Oncotarget 5
(10): 3076-3087.
30 May 2014
BET bromodomain protein inhibition is a therapeutic option for medulloblastoma.
Henssen, A., Thor, T., Odersky, A., Heukamp, L., El-Hindy, N., Beckers, A., Speleman, F., Althoff, K., Schäfers, S., Schramm, A., Sure, U., Fleischhack, G., Eggert, A. and Schulte, J.H.
Oncotarget 4
(11): 2080-2095.
November 2013
CXXC5 (Retinoid-Inducible Nuclear Factor, RINF) is a potential therapeutic target in high-risk human acute myeloid leukemia.
Astori, A., Fredly, H., Aloysius, T.A., Bullinger, L., Mansat-De Mas, V., de la Grange, P., Delhommeau, F., Hagen, K.M., Récher, C., Dusanter-Fourt, I., Knappskog, S., Lillehaug, J.R., Pendino, F. and Bruserud, Ø.
Oncotarget 4
(9): 1438-1448.
September 2013
Adoptive T-cell therapy to treat liver cancer: Is the liver microenvironment key?
Willimsky, G., Protzer, U., Knolle, P. and Heikenwalder, M.
Oncotarget 4
(8): 1117-1118.
August 2013
Cell death sensitization of leukemia cells by opioid receptor activation.
Friesen, C., Roscher, M., Hormann, I., Fichtner, I., Alt, A., Hilger, R.A., Debatin, K.M. and Miltner, E.
Oncotarget 4
(5): 677-690.
16 April 2013
Burkitt lymphomagenesis linked to MYC plus PI3K in germinal center B cells.
Sander, S. and Rajewsky, K.
Oncotarget 3
(10): 1066-1067.
28 October 2012
Systemic shRNA mediated knock down of S100A4 in colorectal cancer xenografted mice reduces metastasis formation.
Dahlmann, M., Sack, U., Herrmann, P., Lemm, M., Fichtner, I., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
Oncotarget 3
(8): 783-797.
7 August 2012
Interleukin-9 (IL-9) and NPM-ALK each generate mast cell hyperplasia as single 'hit' and cooperate in producing a mastocytosis-like disease in mice.
Merz, H., Kaehler, C., Hoefig, K.P., Branke, B., Uckert, W., Nadrowitz, R., Cerny-Reiterer, S., Herrmann, H., Feller, A.C. and Valent, P.
Oncotarget 1
(2): 104-119.
7 June 2010
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 16:09:23 2025 UTC.