Proteomic insights into circadian transcription regulation: novel E-box interactors revealed by proximity labeling.
Torres, M., Kirchner, M., Marks, C.G., Mertins, P. and Kramer, A.
Genes & Development 38
(21-24): 1020-1032.
November 2024
The transcription factor EGR2 is the molecular linchpin connecting STAT6 activation to the late, stable epigenomic program of alternative macrophage polarization.
Daniel, B., Czimmerer, Z., Halasz, L., Boto, P., Kolostyak, Z., Poliska, S., Berger, W.K., Tzerpos, P., Nagy, G., Horvath, A., Hajas, G., Cseh, T., Nagy, A., Sauer, S., Francois-Deleuze, J., Szatmari, I., Bacsi, A. and Nagy, L.
Genes & Development 34
(21-22): 1474-1492.
1 November 2020
Context-specific regulation of cell survival by a miRNA-controlled BIM rheostat.
Labi, V., Peng, S., Klironomos, F., Munschauer, M., Kastelic, N., Chakraborty, T., Schoeler, K., Derudder, E., Martella, M., Mastrobuoni, G., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Lahmann, I., Kocks, C., Birchmeier, C., Kempa, S., Quintanilla-Martinez de Fend, L., Landthaler, M., Rajewsky, N. and Rajewsky, K.
Genes & Development 33
: 23-24.
7 November 2019
Human stem cell models: lessons for pancreatic development and disease.
Gaertner, B., Carrano, A.C. and Sander, M.
Genes & Development 33
(21-22): 1475-1490.
1 November 2019
Oscillations of MyoD and Hes1 proteins regulate the maintenance of activated muscle stem cells.
Lahmann, I., Bröhl, D., Zyrianova, T., Isomura, A., Czajkowski, M.T., Kapoor, V., Griger, J., Ruffault, P.L., Mademtzoglou, D., Zammit, P.S., Wunderlich, T., Spuler, S., Kühn, R., Preibisch, S., Wolf, J., Kageyama, R. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 33
(9-10): 524-535.
1 May 2019
Mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
Cantù, C., Felker, A., Zimmerli, D., Prummel, K.D., Cabello, E.M., Chiavacci, E., Méndez-Acevedo, K.M., Kirchgeorg, L., Burger, S., Ripoll, J., Valenta, T., Hausmann, G., Vilain, N., Aguet, M., Burger, A., Panáková, D., Basler, K. and Mosimann, C.
Genes & Development 32
(21-22): 1443-1458.
1 November 2018
Maf links Neuregulin1 signaling to cholesterol synthesis in myelinating Schwann cells.
Kim, M., Wende, H., Walcher, J., Kühnemund, J., Cheret, C., Kempa, S., McShane, E., Selbach, M., Lewin, G.R. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 32
(9-10): 645-657.
10 May 2018
Athymic mice reveal a requirement for T-cell-microglia interactions in establishing a microenvironment supportive of Nf1 low-grade glioma growth.
Pan, Y., Xiong, M., Chen, R., Ma, Y., Corman, C., Maricos, M., Kindler, U., Semtner, M., Chen, Y.H., Dahiya, S. and Gutmann, D.H.
Genes & Development 32
(7-8): 491-496.
9 April 2018
Neuronal inhibition of the autophagy nucleation complex extends life span in post-reproductive C. elegans.
Wilhelm, T., Byrne, J., Medina, R., Kolundžić, E., Geisinger, J., Hajduskova, M., Tursun, B. and Richly, H.
Genes & Development 31
(15): 1561-1572.
1 August 2017
Activation of MAPK overrides the termination of myelin growth and replaces Nrg1/ErbB3 signals during Schwann cell development and myelination.
Sheean, M.E., McShane, E., Cheret, C., Walcher, J., Müller, T., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Hoelper, S., Garratt, A.N., Krüger, M., Rajewsky, K., Meijer, D., Birchmeier, W., Lewin, G.R., Selbach, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 28
(3): 290-303.
1 February 2014
A conserved role for Snail as a potentiator of active transcription.
Rembold, M., Ciglar, L., Yáñez-Cuna, J.O., Zinzen, R.P., Girardot, C., Jain, A., Welte, M.A., Stark, A., Leptin, M. and Furlong, E.E.M.
Genes & Development 28
(2): 167-181.
15 January 2014
Two distinct types of neuronal asymmetries are controlled by the Caenorhabditis elegans zinc finger transcription factor die-1.
Cochella, L., Tursun, B., Hsieh, Y.W., Galindo, S., Johnston, R.J., Chuang, C.F. and Hobert, O.
Genes & Development 28
(1): 34-43.
1 January 2014
Induction of sarcomas by mutant IDH2.
Lu, C., Venneti, S., Akalin, A., Fang, F., Ward, P.S., Dematteo, R.G., Intlekofer, A.M., Chen, C., Ye, J., Hameed, M., Nafa, K., Agaram, N.P., Cross, J.R., Khanin, R., Mason, C.E., Healey, J.H., Lowe, S.W., Schwartz, G.K., Melnick, A. and Thompson, C.B.
Genes & Development 27
(18): 1986-1998.
15 September 2013
Mutually exclusive signaling signatures define the hepatic and pancreatic progenitor cell lineage divergence.
Rodríguez-Seguel, E., Mah, N., Naumann, H., Pongrac, I.M., Cerdá-Esteban, N., Fontaine, J.F., Wang, Y., Chen, W., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Spagnoli, F.M.
Genes & Development 27
(17): 1932-1946.
1 September 2013
Neural-specific Sox2 input and differential Gli-binding affinity provide context and positional information in Shh-directed neural patterning.
Peterson, K.A., Nishi, Y., Ma, W., Vedenko, A., Shokri, L., Zhang, X., McFarlane, M., Baizabal, J.M., Junker, J.P., van Oudenaarden, A., Mikkelsen, T., Bernstein, B.E., Bailey, T.L., Bulyk, M.L., Wong, W.H. and McMahon, A.P.
Genes & Development 26
(24): 2802-2816.
15 December 2012
Cyclin D3 coordinates the cell cycle during differentiation to regulate erythrocyte size and number.
Sankaran, V.G., Ludwig, L.S., Sicinska, E., Xu, J., Bauer, D.E., Eng, J.C., Patterson, H.C., Metcalf, R.A., Natkunam, Y., Orkin, S.H., Sicinski, P., Lander, E.S. and Lodish, H.F.
Genes & Development 26
(18): 2075-2087.
15 September 2012
Neocortical dendritic complexity is controlled during development by NOMA-GAP-dependent inhibition of Cdc42 and activation of cofilin.
Rosario, M., Schuster, S., Juettner, R., Parthasarathy, S., Tarabykin, V. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 26
(15): 1743-1757.
1 August 2012
Opposing roles of NF-κB in anti-cancer treatment outcome unveiled by cross-species investigations.
Jing, H., Kase, J., Dörr, J.R., Milanovic, M., Lenze, D., Grau, M., Beuster, G., Ji, S., Reimann, M., Lenz, P., Hummel, M., Doerken, B., Lenz, G., Scheidereit, C., Schmitt, C.A. and Lee, S.
Genes & Development 25
(20): 2137-2146.
15 October 2011
Prospective isolation of a bipotential clonogenic liver progenitor cell in adult mice.
Dorrell, C., Erker, L., Schug, J., Kopp, J.L., Canaday, P.S., Fox, A.J., Smirnova, O., Duncan, A.W., Finegold, M.J., Sander, M., Kaestner, K.H. and Grompe, M.
Genes & Development 25
(11): 1193-203.
1 June 2011
The ERGonomics of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal.
Lacadie, S.A. and Zon, L.I.
Genes & Development 25
(4): 289-293.
15 February 2011
The TCT motif, a key component of an RNA polymerase II transcription system for the translational machinery.
Parry, T.J., Theisen, J.W.M., Hsu, J.Y., Wang, Y.L., Corcoran, D.L., Eustice, M., Ohler, U. and Kadonaga, J.T.
Genes & Development 24
(18): 2013-2018.
15 September 2010
C/EBPbetaDeltauORF mice--a genetic model for uORF-mediated translational control in mammals.
Wethmar, K., Bégay, V., Smink, J.J., Zaragoza, K., Wiesenthal, V., Doerken, B., Calkhoven, C.F. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 24
(1): 15-20.
1 January 2010
A large-scale functional RNAi screen reveals a role for CK2 in the mammalian circadian clock.
Maier, B., Wendt, S., Vanselow, J.T., Wallach, T., Reischl, S., Oehmke, S., Schlosser, A. and Kramer, A.
Genes & Development 23
(6): 708-718.
15 March 2009
Deciphering the function of canonical Wnt signals in development and disease: conditional loss- and gain-of-function mutations of beta-catenin in mice.
Grigoryan, T., Wend, P., Klaus, A. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 22
(17): 2308-2341.
1 September 2008
Regulation of muscle development by DPF3, a novel histone acetylation and methylation reader of the BAF chromatin remodeling complex.
Lange, M., Kaynak, B., Foerster, U.B., Toenjes, M., Fischer, J.J., Grimm, C., Schlesinger, J., Just, S., Dunkel, I., Krueger, T., Mebus, S., Lehrach, H., Lurz, R., Gobom, J., Rottbauer, W., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S. and Sperling, S.
Genes & Development 22
(17): 2370-2384.
1 September 2008
PU.1 expression is modulated by the balance of functional sense and antisense RNAs regulated by a shared cis-regulatory element.
Ebralidze, A.K., Guibal, F.C., Steidl, U., Zhang, P., Lee, S., Bartholdy, B., Jorda, M.A., Petkova, V., Rosenbauer, F., Huang, G., Dayaram, T., Klupp, J., O'Brien, K.B., Will, B., Hoogenkamp, M., Borden, K.L., Bonifer, C. and Tenen, D.G.
Genes & Development 22
(15): 2085-2092.
1 August 2008
A nonclassical bHLH Rbpj transcription factor complex is required for specification of GABAergic neurons independent of Notch signaling.
Hori, K., Cholewa-Waclaw, J., Nakada, Y., Glasgow, S.M., Masui, T., Henke, R.M., Wildner, H., Martarelli, B., Beres, T.M., Epstein, J.A., Magnuson, M.A., Macdonald, R.J., Birchmeier, C. and Johnson, J.E.
Genes & Development 22
(2): 166-178.
15 January 2008
FoxO transcription factors suppress Myc-driven lymphomagenesis via direct activation of Arf.
Bouchard, C., Lee, S., Paulus-Hock, V., Loddenkemper, C., Eilers, M. and Schmitt, C.A.
Genes & Development 21
(21): 2775-2787.
1 November 2007
Target-specific requirements for enhancers of decapping in miRNA-mediated gene silencing.
Eulalio, A., Rehwinkel, J., Stricker, M., Huntzinger, E., Yang, S.F., Doerks, T., Dorner, S., Bork, P., Boutros, M. and Izaurralde, E.
Genes & Development 21
(20): 2558-2570.
15 October 2007
SIRT1 controls endothelial angiogenic functions during vascular growth.
Potente, M., Ghaeni, L., Baldessari, D., Mostoslavsky, R., Rossig, L., Dequiedt, F., Haendeler, J., Mione, M., Dejana, E., Alt, F.W., Zeiher, A.M. and Dimmeler, S.
Genes & Development 21
(20): 2644-2658.
15 October 2007
Histone deacetylases 1 and 2 redundantly regulate cardiac morphogenesis, growth, and contractility.
Montgomery, R.L., Davis, C.A., Potthoff, M.J., Haberland, M., Fielitz, J., Qi, X., Hill, J.A., Richardson, J.A. and Olson, E.N.
Genes & Development 21
(14): 1790-1802.
15 July 2007
The Polycomb group proteins bind throughout the INK4A-ARF locus and are disassociated in senescent cells.
Bracken, A.P., Kleine-Kohlbrecher, D., Dietrich, N., Pasini, D., Gargiulo, G., Beekman, C., Theilgaard-Moench, K., Minucci, S., Porse, B.T., Marine, J.-C., Hansen, K.H. and Helin, K.
Genes & Development 21
(5): 525-530.
1 March 2007
Whole-genome ChIP-chip analysis of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail suggests integration of diverse patterning processes in the Drosophila embryo.
Zeitlinger, J., Zinzen, R.P., Stark, A., Kellis, M., Zhang, H., Young, R.A. and Levine, M.
Genes & Development 21
(4): 385-390.
15 February 2007
Defective N-sulfation of heparan sulfate proteoglycans limits PDGF-BB binding and pericyte recruitment in vascular development.
Abramsson, A., Kurup, S., Busse, M., Yamada, S., Lindblom, P., Schallmeiner, E., Stenzel, D., Sauvaget, D., Ledin, J., Ringvall, M., Landegren, U., Kjellén, L., Bondjers, G., Li, J.P., Lindahl, U., Spillmann, D., Betsholtz, C. and Gerhardt, H.
Genes & Development 21
(3): 316-331.
1 February 2007
The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells.
Gierl, M.S., Karoulias, N., Wende, H., Strehle, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 20
(17): 2465-2478.
1 September 2006
In vivo commitment to yeast cotranscriptional splicing is sensitive to transcription elongation mutants.
Lacadie, S.A., Tardiff, D.F., Kadener, S. and Rosbash, M.
Genes & Development 20
(15): 2055-2066.
1 August 2006
mRNA degradation by miRNAs and GW182 requires both CCR4:NOT deadenylase and DCP1:DCP2 decapping complexes.
Behm-Ansmant, I., Rehwinkel, J., Doerks, T., Stark, A., Bork, P. and Izaurralde, E.
Genes & Development 20
: 1885-1898.
15 July 2006
The ubiquitin ligase Rnf6 regulates local LIM kinase 1 levels in axonal growth cones.
Tursun, B., Schlueter, A., Peters, M.A., Viehweger, B., Ostendorff, H.P., Soosairajah, J., Drung, A., Bossenz, M., Johnsen, S.A., Schweizer, M., Bernard, O. and Bach, I.
Genes & Development 19
(19): 2307-2319.
1 October 2005
Histone H3 tail positioning and acetylation by the c-Myb but not the v-Myb DNA-binding SANT domain.
Mo, X., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Laumonnier, Y., Xu, H. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 19
(20): 2447-2457.
29 September 2005
CXCR4 and Gab1 cooperate to control the development of migrating muscle progenitor cells.
Vasyutina, E., Stebler, J., Brand-Saberi, B., Schulz, S., Raz, E. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 19
(18): 2187-2198.
15 September 2005
The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord.
Muller, T., Anlag, K., Wildner, H., Britsch, S., Treier, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 19
(6): 733-743.
1 January 2005
Essential role of BCL9-2 in the switch between beta-catenin's adhesive and transcriptional functions.
Brembeck, F.H., Schwarz-Romond, T., Bakkers, J., Wilhelm, S., Hammerschmidt, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 18
(18): 2225-2230.
15 September 2004
The MTE, a new core promoter element for transcription by RNA polymerase II.
Lim, C.Y., Santoso, B., Boulay, T., Dong, E., Ohler, U. and Kadonaga, J.T.
Genes & Development 18
(13): 1606-1617.
1 July 2004
Endothelial PDGF-B retention is required for proper investment of pericytes in the microvessel wall.
Lindblom, P., Gerhardt, H., Liebner, S., Abramsson, A., Enge, M., Hellstrom, M., Backstrom, G., Fredriksson, S., Landegren, U., Nystrom, H.C., Bergstrom, G., Dejana, E., Ostman, A., Lindahl, P. and Betsholtz, C.
Genes & Development 17
(15): 1835-1840.
1 August 2003
Translational control of SCL-isoform expression in hematopoietic lineage choice.
Calkhoven, C.F., Mueller, C., Martin, R., Krosl, G., Hoang, T. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 17
(8): 959-964.
15 April 2003
Genetic interaction between Wnt/β-catenin and BMP receptor signaling during formation of the AER and the dorsal-ventral axis in the limb.
Soshnikova, N., Zechner, D., Huelsken, J., Mishina, Y., Behringer, R.R., Taketo, M.M., Crenshaw, E.B. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 17
(16): 1963-1968.
1 January 2003
Spatially restricted patterning cues provided by heparin-binding VEGF-A control blood vessel branching morphogenesis.
Ruhrberg, C., Gerhardt, H., Golding, M., Watson, R., Ioannidou, S., Fujisawa, H., Betsholtz, C. and Shima, D.T.
Genes & Development 16
(20): 2684-2698.
15 October 2002
The ankyrin repeat protein Diversin recruits Casein kinase Iepsilon to the beta-catenin degradation complex and acts in both canonical Wnt and Wnt/JNK signaling.
Schwarz-Romond, T., Asbrand, C., Bakkers, J., Kuehl, M., Schaeffer, H.J., Huelsken, J., Behrens, J., Hammerschmidt, M. and Birchmeier, W.
Genes & Development 16
(16): 2073-2084.
15 August 2002
Distinct requirements for TrkB and TrkC signaling in target innervation by sensory neurons.
Postigo, A., Calella, A.M., Fritzsch, B., Knipper, M., Katz, D., Eilers, A., Schimmang, T., Lewin, G.R., Klein, R. and Minichiello, L.
Genes & Development 16
(5): 633-645.
1 January 2002
Intronless homing: site-specific endonuclease SegF of bacteriophage T4 mediates localized marker exclusion analogous to homing endonucleases of group I introns.
Belle, A., Landthaler, M. and Shub, D.A.
Genes & Development 16
(3): 351-362.
WISP-1 attenuates p53-mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage through activation of the Akt kinase.
Su, F., Overholtzer, M., Besser, D. and Levine, A.J.
Genes & Development 16
(1): 46-57.
Activation of the Notch-regulated transcription factor CBF1/RBP-J kappa through the 13SE1A oncoprotein.
Ansieau, S., Strobl, L.J. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 15
(4): 380-385.
1 January 2001
The transcription factor Sox10 is a key regulator of peripheral glial development.
Britsch, S., Goerich, D.E., Riethmacher, D., Peirano, R.I., Rossner, M., Nave, K.A., Birchmeier, C. and Wegner, M.
Genes & Development 15
(1): 66-78.
1 January 2001
Cooperation between C/EBP alphaTBP/TFIIB and SWI/SNF recruiting domains is required for adipocyte differentiation.
Pedersen, T.A., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Leutz, A. and Nerlov, C.
Genes & Development 15
(21): 3208-3216.
1 January 2001
Translational control of C/EBP alpha and C/EBP beta isoform expression.
Calkhoven, C.F., Mueller, C. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 14
(15): 1920-1932.
1 August 2000
Nucleolin and YB-1 are required for JNK-mediated interleukin-2 mRNA stabilization during T-cell activation.
Chen, C.Y., Gherzi, R., Andersen, J.S., Gaietta, G., Juerchott, K., Royer, H.D., Mann, M. and Karin, M.
Genes & Development 14
(10): 1236-1248.
15 May 2000
INK4a/ARF mutations accelerate lymphomagenesis and promote chemoresistance by disabling p53.
Schmitt, C.A., McCurrach, M.E., de Stanchina, E., Wallace-Brodeur, R.R. and Lowe, S.W.
Genes & Development 13
(20): 2670-2677.
15 October 1999
Peripheral nervous system defects in erbB2 mutants following genetic rescue of heart development.
Woldeyesus, M.T., Britsch, S., Riethmacher, D., Xu, L., Sonnenberg-Riethmacher, E., Abou-Rebyeh, F., Harvey, R., Caroni, P. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 13
: 2538-2548.
1 October 1999
Assembly of functionally active Drosophila origin recognition complex from recombinant proteins.
Chesnokov, I., Gossen, M., Remus, D. and Botchan, M.
Genes & Development 13
: 1289-1296.
15 May 1999
Distinct C/EBP functions are required for eosinophil lineage commitment and maturation.
Nerlov, C., McNagny, K.M., Doederlein, G., Kowenz-Leutz, E. and Graf, T.
Genes & Development 12
(15): 2413-2423.
1 August 1998
The ErbB2 and ErbB3 receptors and their ligand, neuregulin-1, are essential for development of the sympathetic nervous system.
Britsch, S., Li, L., Kirchhoff, S., Theuring, F., Brinkmann, V., Birchmeier, C. and Riethmacher, D.
Genes & Development 12
: 1825-1836.
1 January 1998
Single factors direct the differentiation of stem cells from the fetal and adult central nervous system.
Johe, K.K., Hazel, T.G., Mueller, T., Dugich-Djordjevic, M.M. and McKay, R.D.
Genes & Development 10
(24): 3129-3140.
15 December 1996
The c-ros tyrosine kinase receptor controls regionalization and differentiation of epithelial cells in the epididymis.
Sonnenberg-Riethmacher, E., Walter, B., Riethmacher, D., Goedecke, S. and Birchmeier, C.
Genes & Development 10
(10): 1184-1193.
1 January 1996
Novel mechanism of C/EBPbeta (NF-M) transcriptional control: activation through derepression.
Kowenz-Leutz, E., Twamley, G., Ansieau, S. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 8
(22): 2781-2791.
15 November 1994
Myb and NF-M: combinatorial activators of myeloid genes in heterologous cell types.
Ness, S.A., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Casini, T., Graf, T. and Leutz, A.
Genes & Development 7
(5): 749-759.
May 1993
Ectopic expression of a conditional GATA-2/estrogen receptor chimera arrests erythroid differentiation in a hormone-dependent manner.
Briegel, K., Lim, K.C., Plank, C., Beug, H., Engel, J.D. and Zenke, M.
Genes & Development 7
: 1097-1109.
1 January 1993
Transcriptional regulation of the HIV-1 promoter by NF-kappa B in vitro.
Kretzschmar, M., Meisterernst, M., Scheidereit, C., Li, G. and Roeder, R.G.
Genes & Development 6
(5): 761-774.
May 1992
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 16:08:46 2025 UTC.