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The STRIPAK complex is required for radial sorting and laminin receptor expression in Schwann cells.
Weaver, M.R., Shkoruta, D., Pellegatta, M., Berti, C., Palmisano, M., Ferguson, S., Hurley, E., French, J., Patel, S., Belin, S., Selbach, M., Paul, F.E., Sim, F., Poitelon, Y. and Feltri, M.L.
Cell Reports 44 (3): 115401. 6 March 2025


Intercellular extrachromosomal DNA copy-number heterogeneity drives neuroblastoma cell state diversity.
Stöber, M.C., Chamorro González, R., Brückner, L., Conrad, T., Wittstruck, N., Szymansky, A., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Koche, R.P., Henssen, A.G., Schwarz, R.F. and Haase, K.
Cell Reports 43 (9): 114711. 24 September 2024

Mutation-induced LZTR1 polymerization provokes cardiac pathology in recessive Noonan syndrome.
Busley, A.V., Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, Ó., Hammer, E., Koitka, F., Mirzaiebadizi, A., Steinegger, M., Pape, C., Böhmer, L., Schroeder, H., Kleinsorge, M., Engler, M., Cirstea, I.C., Gremer, L., Willbold, D., Altmüller, J., Marbach, F., Hasenfuss, G., Zimmermann, W.H., Ahmadian, M.R., Wollnik, B. and Cyganek, L.
Cell Reports 43 (7): 114448. 23 July 2024

Single-cell-resolved interspecies comparison shows a shared inflammatory axis and a dominant neutrophil-endothelial program in severe COVID-19.
Peidli, S., Nouailles, G., Wyler, E., Adler, J.M., Kunder, S., Voß, A., Kazmierski, J., Pott, F., Pennitz, P., Postmus, D., Teixeira Alves, L.G., Goffinet, C., Gruber, A.D., Blüthgen, N., Witzenrath, M., Trimpert, J., Landthaler, M. and Praktiknjo, S.D.
Cell Reports 43 (6): 114328. 25 June 2024

The zebrafish heart harbors a thermogenic beige fat depot analog of human epicardial adipose tissue.
Morocho-Jaramillo, P.A., Kotlar-Goldaper, I., Zakarauskas-Seth, B.I., Purfürst, B., Filosa, A. and Sawamiphak, S.
Cell Reports 43 (3): 113955. 26 March 2024

ciRS-7 and miR-7 regulate ischemia-induced neuronal death via glutamatergic signaling.
Scoyni, F., Sitnikova, V., Giudice, L., Korhonen, P., Trevisan, D.M., Hernandez de Sande, A., Gomez-Budia, M., Giniatullina, R., Ugidos, I.F., Dhungana, H., Pistono, C., Korvenlaita, N., Välimäki, N.N., Kangas, S.M., Hiltunen, A.E., Gribchenko, E., Kaikkonen-Määttä, M.U., Koistinaho, J., Ylä-Herttuala, S., Hinttala, R., Venø, M.T., Su, J., Stoffel, M., Schaefer, A., Rajewsky, N., Kjems, J., LaPierre, M.P., Piwecka, M., Jolkkonen, J., Giniatullin, R., Hansen, T.B. and Malm, T.
Cell Reports 43 (3): 113862. 26 March 2024

Oligodendrocyte-derived LGI3 and its receptor ADAM23 organize juxtaparanodal Kv1 channel clustering for short-term synaptic plasticity.
Miyazaki, Y., Otsuka, T., Yamagata, Y., Endo, T., Sanbo, M., Sano, H., Kobayashi, K., Inahashi, H., Kornau, H.C., Schmitz, D., Prüss, H., Meijer, D., Hirabayashi, M., Fukata, Y. and Fukata, M.
Cell Reports 43 (1): 113634. 23 January 2024


Structural insights into anion selectivity and activation mechanism of LRRC8 volume-regulated anion channels.
Liu, H., Polovitskaya, M.M., Yang, L., Li, M., Li, H., Han, Z., Wu, J., Zhang, Q., Jentsch, T.J. and Liao, J.
Cell Reports 42 (8): 112926. 29 August 2023

Resistance to mesenchymal reprogramming sustains clonal propagation in metastatic breast cancer.
Saini, M., Schmidleitner, L., Moreno, H.D., Donato, E., Falcone, M., Bartsch, J.M., Vogel, V., Würth, R., Pfarr, N., Espinet, E., Lehmann, M., Königshoff, M., Reitberger, M., Haas, S., Graf, E., Schwarzmayr, T., Strom, T.M., Spaich, S., Sütterlin, M., Schneeweiss, A., Weichert, W., Schotta, G., Reichert, M., Aceto, N., Sprick, M.R., Trumpp, A., Scheel, C.H. and Klein, C.
Cell Reports 42 (6): 112533. 27 June 2023

c-Maf-positive spinal cord neurons are critical elements of a dorsal horn circuit for mechanical hypersensitivity in neuropathy.
Frezel, N., Ranucci, M., Foster, E., Wende, H., Pelczar, P., Mendes, R., Ganley, R.P., Werynska, K., d'Aquin, S., Beccarini, C., Birchmeier, C., Zeilhofer, H.U. and Wildner, H.
Cell Reports 42 (4): 112295. 21 March 2023

Network analysis of large-scale ImmGen and Tabula Muris datasets highlights metabolic diversity of tissue mononuclear phagocytes.
Gainullina, A., Mogilenko, D.A., Huang, L.H., Todorov, H., Narang, V., Kim, K.W., Yng, L.S., Kent, A., Jia, B., Seddu, K., Krchma, K., Wu, J., Crozat, K., Tomasello, E., Dress, R., See, P., Scott, C., Gibbings, S., Bajpai, G., Desai, J.V., Maier, B., This, S., Wang, P., Aguilar, S.V., Poupel, L., Dussaud, S., Zhou, T.A., Angeli, V., Blander, J.M., Choi, K., Dalod, M., Dzhagalov, I., Gautier, E.L., Jakubzick, C., Lavine, K., Lionakis, M.S., Paidassi, H., Sieweke, M.H., Ginhoux, F., Guilliams, M., Benoist, C., Merad, M., Randolph, G.J., Sergushichev, A. and Artyomov, M.N.
Cell Reports 42 (2): 112046. 28 February 2023

MDC1 maintains active elongation complexes of RNA polymerase II.
Pappas, G., Munk, S.H.N., Watanabe, K., Thomas, Q., Gál, Z., Gram, H.H., Lee, M.H., Gómez-Cabello, D., Kanellis, D.C., Olivares-Chauvet, P., Larsen, D.H., Gregersen, L.H., Maya-Mendoza, A., Galanos, P. and Bartek, J.
Cell Reports 42 (1): 111979. 31 January 2023


Mechanisms of IRF2BPL-related disorders and identification of a potential therapeutic strategy.
Sinha Ray, S., Dutta, D., Dennys, C., Powers, S., Roussel, F., Lisowski, P., Glažar, P., Zhang, X., Biswas, P., Caporale, J.R., Rajewsky, N., Bickle, M., Wein, N., Bellen, H.J., Likhite, S., Marcogliese, P.C. and Meyer, K.C.
Cell Reports 41 (10): 111751. 6 December 2022

Pan-claudin family interactome analysis reveals shared and specific interactions.
Suarez Artiles, L., Breiderhoff, T., Girardello, R., Gonschior, H., Rodius, S., Lesur, A., Reimer, U., Ramberger, E., Perez-Hernandez, D., Müller, D., Mertins, P. and Dittmar, G.
Cell Reports 41 (6): 111588. 8 November 2022

Vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory pathology in COVID-19 hamsters after T(H)2-biased immunization.
Ebenig, A., Muraleedharan, S., Kazmierski, J., Todt, D., Auste, A., Anzaghe, M., Gömer, A., Postmus, D., Gogesch, P., Niles, M., Plesker, R., Miskey, C., Gellhorn Serra, M., Breithaupt, A., Hörner, C., Kruip, C., Ehmann, R., Ivics, Z., Waibler, Z., Pfaender, S., Wyler, E., Landthaler, M., Kupke, A., Nouailles, G., Goffinet, C., Brown, R.J.P and Mühlebach, M.D.
Cell Reports 40 (7): 111214. 16 August 2022

Recapitulating early human development with 8C-like cells.
Yu, X., Liang, S., Chen, M., Yu, H., Li, R., Qu, Y., Kong, X., Guo, R., Zheng, R., Izsvak, Z., Sun, C., Yang, M. and Wang, J.
Cell Reports 39 (12): 110994. 21 June 2022

Microglia/macrophage derived human CCL18 promotes glioma progression via CCR8-ACP5 axis analyzed in humanized slice model.
Huang, Y., Motta, E., Nanvuma, C., Kuhrt, L.D., Yuan, Y., Xia, P., Lubas, M., Zhu, S., Schnauss, M., Qazi, N., Hu, F., Zhang, H., Lei, T., Synowitz, M., Flüh, C. and Kettenmann, H.
Cell Reports 39 (2): 110670. 12 April 2022

Polymer physics reveals a combinatorial code linking 3D chromatin architecture to 1D chromatin states.
Esposito, A., Bianco, S., Chiariello, A.M., Abraham, A., Fiorillo, L., Conte, M., Campanile, R. and Nicodemi, M.
Cell Reports 38 (13): 110601. 29 March 2022

The BTB transcription factors ZBTB11 and ZFP131 maintain pluripotency by repressing pro-differentiation genes.
Garipler, G., Lu, C., Morrissey, Al., Lopez-Zepeda, L.S., Pei, Y., Vidal, S.E., Zen Petisco Fiore, A.P., Aydin, B., Stadtfeld, M., Ohler, U., Mahony, S., Sanjana, N.E. and Mazzoni, E.O.
Cell Reports 38 (11): 110524. 15 March 2022


Microglia sense neuronal activity via GABA in the early postnatal hippocampus.
Logiacco, F., Xia, P., Georgiev, S.V., Franconi, C., Chang, Y.J., Ugursu, B., Sporbert, A., Kühn, R., Kettenmann, H. and Semtner, M.
Cell Reports 37 (13): 110128. 28 December 2021

Lymphocyte access to lymphoma is impaired by high endothelial venule regression.
Menzel, L., Zschummel, M., Crowley, T., Franke, V., Grau, M., Ulbricht, C., Hauser, A., Siffrin, V., Bajénoff, M., Acton, S.E., Akalin, A., Lenz, G., Willimsky, G., Höpken, U.E. and Rehm, A.
Cell Reports 37 (4): 109878. 26 October 2021

Regional specialization and fate specification of bone stromal cells in skeletal development.
Sivaraj, K.K., Jeong, H.W., Dharmalingam, B., Zeuschner, D., Adams, S., Potente, M. and Adams, R.H.
Cell Reports 36 (2): 109352. 13 July 2021

Subiculum as a generator of sharp wave-ripples in the rodent hippocampus.
Imbrosci, B., Nitzan, N., McKenzie, S., Donoso, J.R., Swaminathan, A., Böhm, C., Maier, N and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 35 (3): 109021. 20 April 2021

Parallel genetics of regulatory sequences using scalable genome editing in vivo.
Froehlich, J.J., Uyar, B., Herzog, M., Theil, K., Glažar, P., Akalin, A. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 35 (2): 108988. 13 April 2021

Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the thalamus jointly maintain synaptic activity by supplying metabolites.
Philippot, C., Griemsmann, S., Jabs, R., Seifert, G., Kettenmann, H. and Steinhäuser, C.
Cell Reports 34 (3): 108642. 19 January 2021

Variability of an early developmental cell population underlies stochastic laterality defects.
Moreno-Ayala, R., Olivares-Chauvet, P., Schäfer, R. and Junker, J.P.
Cell Reports 34 (2): 108606. 12 January 2021


USP15 deubiquitinase safeguards hematopoiesis and genome integrity in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia cells.
van den Berk, P., Lancini, C., Company, C., Serresi, M., Sanchez-Bailon, M.P., Hulsman, D., Pritchard, C., Song, J.Y., Schmitt, M.J., Tanger, E., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Huijbers, I.J., Jacobs, H., van Lohuizen, M., Gargiulo, G. and Citterio, E.
Cell Reports 33 (13): 108533. 29 December 2020

Layer 3 pyramidal cells in the medial entorhinal cortex orchestrate up-down states and entrain the deep layers differentially.
Beed, P., de Filippo, R., Holman, C., Johenning, F.W., Leibold, C., Caputi, A., Monyer, H. and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 33 (10): 108470. 8 December 2020

Early life stress regulates cardiac development through an IL4-glucocorticoid signaling balance.
Apaydin, D.C., Jaramillo, P.A.M., Corradi, L., Cosco, F., Rathjen, F.G., Kammertoens, T., Filosa, A. and Sawamiphak, S.
Cell Reports 33 (7): 108404. 17 November 2020

Integrated proteomic and glycoproteomic characterization of human high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
Hu, Y., Pan, J., Shah, P., Ao, M., Thomas, S.N., Liu, Y., Chen, L., Schnaubelt, M., Clark, D.J., Rodriguez, H., Boja, E.S., Hiltke, T., Kinsinger, C.R., Rodland, K.D., Li, Q.K., Qian, J., Zhang, Z., Chan, D.W. and Zhang, H.
Cell Reports 33 (3): 108276. 20 October 2020

4EHP and GIGYF1/2 mediate translation-coupled messenger RNA decay.
Weber, R., Chung, M.Y., Keskeny, C., Zinnall, U., Landthaler, M., Valkov, E., Izaurralde, E. and Igreja, C.
Cell Reports 33 (2): 108262. 13 October 2020

iPSC modeling of RBM20-deficient DCM identifies upregulation of RBM20 as a therapeutic strategy.
Briganti, F., Sun, H., Wei, W., Wu, J., Zhu, C., Liss, M., Karakikes, I., Rego, S., Cipriano, A., Snyder, M., Meder, B., Xu, Z., Millat, G., Gotthardt, M., Mercola, M. and Steinmetz, L.M.
Cell Reports 32 (10): 108117. 8 September 2020

Interactome mapping provides a network of neurodegenerative disease proteins and uncovers widespread protein aggregation in affected brains.
Haenig, C., Atias, N., Taylor, A.K., Mazza, A., Schaefer, M.H., Russ, J., Riechers, S.P., Jain, S., Coughlin, M., Fontaine, J.F., Freibaum, B.D., Brusendorf, L., Zenkner, M., Porras, P., Stroedicke, M., Schnoegl, S., Arnsburg, K., Boeddrich, A., Pigazzini, L., Heutink, P., Taylor, J.P., Kirstein, J., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Sharan, R. and Wanker, E.E.
Cell Reports 32 (7): 108050. 18 August 2020

Afadin signaling at the spinal neuroepithelium regulates central canal formation and gait selection.
Skarlatou, S., Hérent, C., Toscano, E., Mendes, C.S., Bouvier, J. and Zampieri, N.
Cell Reports 31 (10): 107741. 9 June 2020

Attenuated epigenetic suppression of muscle stem cell necroptosis is required for efficient regeneration of dystrophic muscles.
Sreenivasan, K., Ianni, A., Künne, C., Strilic, B., Günther, S., Perdiguero, E., Krüger, M., Spuler, S., Offermanns, S., Gómez-Del Arco, P., Redondo, J.M., Munoz-Canoves, P., Kim, J. and Braun, T.
Cell Reports 31 (7): 107652. 19 May 2020

hGBP1 coordinates chlamydia restriction and inflammasome activation through sequential GTP hydrolysis.
Xavier, A., Al-Zeer, M.A., Meyer, T.F. and Daumke, O.
Cell Reports 31 (7): 107667. 19 May 2020

Loss of m(1)acp(3)Ψ ribosomal RNA modification is a major feature of cancer.
Babaian, A., Rothe, K., Girodat, D., Minia, I., Djondovic, S., Milek, M., Spencer Miko, S.E., Wieden, H.J., Landthaler, M., Morin, G.B. and Mager, D.L.
Cell Reports 31 (5): 107611. 5 May 2020

Mechanism of virus attenuation by codon pair deoptimization.
Groenke, N., Trimpert, J., Merz, S., Conradie, A.M., Wyler, E., Zhang, H., Hazapis, O.G., Rausch, S., Landthaler, M., Osterrieder, N. and Kunec, D.
Cell Reports 31 (4): 107586. 28 April 2020

Cellular importin-α3 expression dynamics in the lung regulate antiviral response pathways against influenza a virus infection.
Thiele, S., Stanelle-Bertram, S., Beck, S., Kouassi, N., Zickler, M., Müller, M., Tuku, B., Resa-Infante, P., van Riel, D., Alawi, M., Günther, T., Rother, F., Hügel, S., Reimering, S., McHardy, A., Grundhoff, A., Brune, W., Osterhaus, A., Bader, M., Hartmann, E. and Gabriel, G.
Cell Reports 31 (3): 107549. 21 April 2020

Disentangling pro-mitotic signaling during cell cycle progression using time-resolved single-cell imaging.
Benary, M., Bohn, S., Lüthen, M., Nolis, I.K., Blüthgen, N. and Loewer, A.
Cell Reports 31 (2): 107514. 14 April 2020

A dynamic folded hairpin conformation is associated with α-globin activation in erythroid cells.
Chiariello, A.M., Bianco, S., Oudelaar, A M., Esposito, A., Annunziatella, C., Fiorillo, L., Conte, M., Corrado, A., Prisco, A., Larke, M.S.C., Telenius, J.M., Sciarretta, R., Musella, F., Buckle, V.J., Higgs, D.R., Hughes, J.R. and Nicodemi, M.
Cell Reports 30 (7): 2125-2135. 18 February 2020

A highly conserved circular RNA is required to keep neural cells in a progenitor state in the mammalian brain.
Suenkel, C., Cavalli, D., Massalini, S., Calegari, F. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 30 (7): 2170-2179. 18 February 2020

Human liver memory CD8(+) T cells use autophagy for tissue residence.
Swadling, L., Pallett, L.J., Diniz, M.O., Baker, J.M., Amin, O.E., Stegmann, K.A., Burton, A.R., Schmidt, N.M., Jeffery-Smith, A., Zakeri, N., Suveizdyte, K., Froghi, F., Fusai, G., Rosenberg, W.M., Davidson, B.R., Schurich, A., Simon, A.K. and Maini, M.K.
Cell Reports 30 (3): 687-698. 21 January 2020


Mesothelial cell HIF1α expression is metabolically downregulated by metformin to prevent oncogenic tumor-stromal crosstalk.
Hart, P.C., Kenny, H.A., Grassl, N., Watters, K.M., Litchfield, L.M., Coscia, F., Blaženović, I., Ploetzky, L., Fiehn, O., Mann, M., Lengyel, E. and Romero, I.L.
Cell Reports 29 (12): 4086-4098. 17 December 2019

Calcium-independent exo-endocytosis coupling at small central synapses.
Orlando, M., Schmitz, D., Rosenmund, C. and Herman, M.A.
Cell Reports 29 (12): 3767-3774. 17 December 2019

let-7 microRNAs regulate microglial function and suppress glioma growth through Toll-like receptor 7.
Buonfiglioli, A., Efe, I.E., Guneykaya, D., Ivanov, A., Huang, Y., Orlowski, E., Krüger, C., Deisz, R.A., Markovic, D., Flüh, C., Newman, A.G., Schneider, U.C., Beule, D., Wolf, S.A., Dzaye, O., Gutmann, D.H., Semtner, M., Kettenmann, H. and Lehnardt, S.
Cell Reports 29 (11): 3460-3471. 10 December 2019

Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockin in mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
Tran, N.T., Sommermann, T., Graf, R., Trombke, J., Pempe, J., Petsch, K., Kühn, R., Rajewsky, K. and Chu, V.T.
Cell Reports 28 (13): 3510-3522. 24 September 2019

Modeling single-molecule conformations of the HoxD region in mouse embryonic stem and cortical neuronal cells.
Bianco, S., Annunziatella, C., Andrey, G., Chiariello, A.M., Esposito, A., Fiorillo, L., Prisco, A., Conte, M., Campanile, R. and Nicodemi, M.
Cell Reports 28 (6): 1574-1583. 6 August 2019

53BP1 supports immunoglobulin class switch recombination independently of its DNA double-strand break end protection function.
Sundaravinayagam, D., Rahjouei, A., Andreani, M., Tupiņa, D., Balasubramanian, S., Saha, T., Delgado-Benito, V., Coralluzzo, V., Daumke, O. and Di Virgilio, M.
Cell Reports 28 (6): 1389-1399. 6 August 2019

Mutant FUS and ELAVL4 (HuD) aberrant crosstalk in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
De Santis, R., Alfano, V., de Turris, V., Colantoni, A., Santini, L., Garone, M.G., Antonacci, G., Peruzzi, G., Sudria-Lopez, E., Wyler, E., Anink, J.J., Aronica, E., Landthaler, M., Pasterkamp, R.J., Bozzoni, I. and Rosa, A.
Cell Reports 27 (13): 3818-3831. 25 June 2019

Transcriptional states and chromatin accessibility underlying human erythropoiesis.
Ludwig, L.S., Lareau, C.A., Bao, E.L., Nandakumar, S.K., Muus, C., Ulirsch, J.C., Chowdhary, K., Buenrostro, J.D., Mohandas, N., An, X., Aryee, M.J., Regev, A. and Sankaran, V.G.
Cell Reports 27 (11): 3228-3240. 11 June 2019

PCNA-mediated degradation of p21 coordinates the DNA damage response and cell cycle regulation in individual cells.
Sheng, C., Mendler, I.H., Rieke, S., Snyder, P., Jentsch, M., Friedrich, D., Drossel, B. and Loewer, A.
Cell Reports 27 (1): 48-58. 2 April 2019

SorCS2 controls functional expression of amino acid transporter EAAT3 and protects neurons from oxidative stress and epilepsy-induced pathology.
Malik, A.R., Szydlowska, K., Nizinska, K., Asaro, A., van Vliet, E.A., Popp, O., Dittmar, G., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Kirwan, J.A., Nykjaer, A., Lukasiuk, K., Aronica, E. and Willnow, T.E.
Cell Reports 26 (10): 2792-2804. 5 March 2019

sgRNA sequence motifs blocking efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing.
Graf, R., Li, X., Chu, V.T. and Rajewsky, K.
Cell Reports 26 (5): 1098-1103. 29 January 2019

Endothelial calcineurin signaling restrains metastatic outgrowth by regulating Bmp2.
Hendrikx, S., Coso, S., Prat-Luri, B., Wetterwald, L., Sabine, A., Franco, C.A., Nassiri, S., Zangger, N., Gerhardt, H., Delorenzi, M. and Petrova, T.V.
Cell Reports 26 (5): 1227-1241. 29 January 2019

Integrated phosphoproteome and transcriptome analysis reveals Chlamydia-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in host cells.
Zadora, P.K., Chumduri, C., Imami, K., Berger, H., Mi, Y., Selbach, M., Meyer, T.F. and Gurumurthy, R.K.
Cell Reports 26 (5): 1286-1302. 29 January 2019

The Wnt-driven Mll1 epigenome regulates salivary gland and head and neck cancer.
Zhu, Q., Fang, L., Heuberger, J., Kranz, A., Schipper, J., Scheckenbach, K., Oliveira Vidal, R., Sunaga-Franze, D.Y., Müller, M., Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Sauer, S. and Birchmeier, W.
Cell Reports 26 (2): 415-428. 8 January 2019

Dynamics of chromatin and transcription during transient depletion of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex.
Klein-Brill, A., Joseph-Strauss, D., Appleboim, A. and Friedman, N.
Cell Reports 26 (1): 279-292. 2 January 2019


Importin α5 regulates anxiety through MeCP2 and sphingosine kinase 1.
Panayotis, N., Sheinin, A., Dagan, S.Y., Tsoory, M.M., Rother, F., Vadhvani, M., Meshcheriakova, A., Koley, S., Marvaldi, L., Song, D.A., Reuveny, E., Eickholt, B.J., Hartmann, E., Bader, M., Michaelevski, I. and Fainzilber, M.
Cell Reports 25 (11): 3169-3179. 11 December 2018

Integrated in vivo quantitative proteomics and nutrient tracing reveals age-related metabolic rewiring of pancreatic β cell function.
Wortham, M., Benthuysen, J.R., Wallace, M., Savas, J.N., Mulas, F., Divakaruni, A.S., Liu, F., Albert, V., Taylor, B.L., Sui, Y., Saez, E., Murphy, A.N., Yates, J.R., Metallo, C.M. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 25 (10): 2904-2918. 4 December 2018

Single-cell transcriptomics characterizes cell types in the subventricular zone and uncovers molecular defects impairing adult neurogenesis.
Zywitza, V., Misios, A., Bunatyan, L., Willnow, T.E. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 25 (9): 2457-2469. 27 November 2018

Dendrite-specific amplification of weak synaptic input during network activity in vivo.
Ferrarese, L., Jouhanneau, J.S., Remme, M.W.H., Kremkow, J., Katona, G., Rózsa, B., Schreiber, S. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 24 (13): 3455-3465. 25 September 2018

Transcriptional and translational differences of microglia from male and female brains.
Guneykaya, D., Ivanov, A., Perez Hernandez, D., Haage, V., Wojtas, B., Meyer, N., Maricos, M., Jordan, P., Buonfiglioli, A., Gielniewski, B., Ochocka, N., Cömert, C., Friedrich, C., Suarez Artiles, L., Kaminska, B., Mertins, P., Beule, D., Kettenmann, H. and Wolf, S.A.
Cell Reports 24 (10): 2773-2783. 4 September 2018

Transient N-6-methyladenosine transcriptome sequencing reveals a regulatory role of m6A in splicing efficiency.
Louloupi, A., Ntini, E., Conrad, T. and Ørom, U.A.V.
Cell Reports 23 (12): 3429-3437. 19 June 2018

Involvement of mossy cells in sharp wave-ripple activity in vitro.
Swaminathan, A., Wichert, I., Schmitz, D. and Maier, N.
Cell Reports 23 (9): 2541-2549. 29 May 2018

Shp-2 is dispensable for establishing T cell exhaustion and for PD-1 signaling in vivo.
Rota, G., Niogret, C., Dang, A.T., Barros, C.R., Fonta, N.P., Alfei, F., Morgado, L., Zehn, D., Birchmeier, W., Vivier, E. and Guarda, G.
Cell Reports 23 (1): 39-49. 3 April 2018

Post-transcriptional regulation by 3' UTRs can be masked by regulatory elements in 5' UTRs.
Theil, K., Herzog, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 22 (12): 3217-3226. 20 March 2018

Oligodendrocytes in the mouse corpus callosum maintain axonal function by delivery of glucose.
Meyer, N., Richter, N., Fan, Z., Siemonsmeier, G., Pivneva, T., Jordan, P., Steinhäuser, C., Semtner, M., Nolte, C. and Kettenmann, H.
Cell Reports 22 (9): 2383-2394. 27 February 2018

Nuclear organization in the spinal cord depends on motor neuron lamination orchestrated by catenin and afadin function.
Dewitz, C., Pimpinella, S., Hackel, P., Akalin, A., Jessell, T.M. and Zampieri, N.
Cell Reports 22 (7): 1681-1694. 13 February 2018


Alloimmune responses of humanized mice to human pluripotent stem cell therapeutics.
Kooreman, N.G., de Almeida, P.E., Stack, J.P., Nelakanti, R.V., Diecke, S., Shao, N.Y., Swijnenburg, R.J., Sanchez-Freire, V., Matsa, E., Liu, C., Connolly, A.J., Hamming, J.F., Quax, P.H.A., Brehm, M.A., Greiner, D.L., Shultz, L.D. and Wu, J.C.
Cell Reports 20 (8): 1978-1990. 22 August 2017

Parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons in primary motor cortex signal reaching.
Estebanez, L., Hoffmann, D., Voigt, B.C. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 20 (2): 308-318. 11 July 2017

An integrative framework reveals signaling-to-transcription events in toll-like receptor signaling.
Mertins, P., Przybylski, D., Yosef, N., Qiao, J., Clauser, K., Raychowdhury, R., Eisenhaure, T.M., Maritzen, T., Haucke, V., Satoh, T., Akira, S., Carr, S.A., Regev, A., Hacohen, N. and Chevrier, N.
Cell Reports 19 (13): 2853-2866. 27 June 2017

Systemic virus infections differentially modulate cell cycle state and functionality of long-term hematopoietic stem cells in vivo.
Hirche, C., Frenz, T., Haas, S.F., Döring, M., Borst, K., Tegtmeyer, P.K., Brizic, I., Jordan, S., Keyser, K., Chhatbar, C., Pronk, E., Lin, S., Messerle, M., Jonjic, S., Falk, C.S., Trumpp, A., Essers, M.A.G. and Kalinke, U.
Cell Reports 19 (11): 2345-2356. 13 June 2017

Excitatory microcircuits within superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex.
Winterer, J., Maier, N., Wozny, C., Beed, P., Breustedt, J., Evangelista, R., Peng, Y., D'Albis, T., Kempter, R. and Schmitz, D.
Cell Reports 19 (6): 1110-1116. 9 May 2017

Astrocytes resist hiv-1 fusion but engulf infected macrophage material.
Russell, R.A., Chojnacki, J., Jones, D.M., Johnson, E., Do, T., Eggeling, C., Padilla-Parra, S. and Sattentau, Q.J.
Cell Reports 18 (6): 1473-1483. 7 February 2017

EBI2 is highly expressed in multiple sclerosis lesions and promotes early CNS migration of encephalitogenic CD4 T cells.
Wanke, F., Moos, S., Croxford, A.L., Heinen, A.P., Gräf, S., Kalt, B., Tischner, D., Zhang, J., Christen, I., Bruttger, J., Yogev, N., Tang, Y., Zayoud, M., Israel, N., Karram, K., Reißig, S., Lacher, S.M., Reichhold, C., Mufazalov, I.A., Ben-Nun, A., Kuhlmann, T., Wettschureck, N., Sailer, A.W., Rajewsky, K., Casola, S., Waisman, A. and Kurschus, F.C.
Cell Reports 18 (5): 1270-1284. 31 January 2017


miRNAs are essential for the regulation of the PI3K/AKT/FOXO pathway and receptor editing during B cell maturation.
Coffre, M., Benhamou, D., Riess, D., Blumenberg, L., Snetkova, V., Hines, M.J., Chakraborty, T., Bajwa, S., Jensen, K., Chong, M.M.W., Getu, L., Silverman, G.J., Blelloch, R., Littman, D.R., Calado, D., Melamed, D., Skok, J.A., Rajewsky, K. and Koralov, S.B.
Cell Reports 17 (9): 2271-2285. 22 November 2016

Hypofunctional TrkA accounts for the absence of pain sensitization in the African naked mole-rat.
Omerbašić, D., Smith, E.S.J., Moroni, M., Homfeld, J., Eigenbrod, O., Bennett, N.C., Reznick, J., Faulkes, C.G., Selbach, M. and Lewin, G.R.
Cell Reports 17 (3): 748-758. 11 October 2016

RNF4-dependent oncogene activation by protein stabilization.
Thomas, J.J., Abed, M., Heuberger, J., Novak, R., Zohar, Y., Beltra-Lopez, A.P., Trausch-Azar, J.S., Ilagan, M.X.G., Benhamou, D., Dittmar, G., Kopan, R., Birchmeier, W., Schwartz, A.L. and Orian, A.
Cell Reports 16 (12): 3388-3400. 20 September 2016

A c-Myc/miR17-92/Pten axis controls PI3K-mediated positive and negative selection in B cell development and reconstitutes CD19 deficiency.
Benhamou, D., Labi, V., Novak, R., Dai, I., Shafir-Alon, S., Weiss, A., Gaujoux, R., Arnold, R., Shen-Orr, S.S., Rajewsky, K. and Melamed, D.
Cell Reports 16 (2): 419-431. 12 July 2016

Protein abundance control by non-coding antisense transcription.
Huber, F., Bunina, D., Gupta, I., Khmelinskii, A., Meurer, M., Theer, P., Steinmetz, L.M. and Knop, M.
Cell Reports 15 (12): 2625-2636. 21 June 2016

Translaminar cortical membrane potential synchrony in behaving mice.
Zhao, W.J., Kremkow, J. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 15 (11): 2387-2399. 14 June 2016

A diet mimicking fasting promotes regeneration and reduces autoimmunity and multiple sclerosis symptoms.
Choi, I.Y., Piccio, L., Childress, P., Bollman, B., Ghosh, A., Brandhorst, S., Suarez, J., Michalsen, A., Cross, A.H., Morgan, T.E., Wei, M., Paul, F., Bock, M. and Longo, V.D.
Cell Reports 15 (10): 2136-2146. 7 June 2016

Ly6C(hi) monocytes provide a link between antibiotic-induced changes in gut microbiota and adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Moehle, L., Mattei, D., Heimesaat, M.M., Bereswill, S., Fischer, A., Alutis, M., French, T., Hambardzumyan, D., Matzinger, P., Dunay, I.R. and Wolf, S.A.
Cell Reports 15 (9): 1945-1956. 31 May 2016

Structure of the hantavirus nucleoprotein provides insights into the mechanism of RNA encapsidation.
Olal, D. and Daumke, O.
Cell Reports 14 (9): 2092-2099. 8 March 2016

Knockout of the PKN family of Rho effector kinases reveals a non-redundant role for PKN2 in developmental mesoderm expansion.
Quétier, I., Marshall, J.J.T., Spencer-Dene, B., Lachmann, S., Casamassima, A., Franco, C., Escuin, S., Worrall, J.T., Baskaran, P., Rajeeve, V., Howell, M., Copp, A.J., Stamp, G., Rosewell, I., Cutillas, P., Gerhardt, H., Parker, P.J. and Cameron, A.J.M.
Cell Reports 14 (3): 440-448. 26 January 2016

ECM signaling regulates collective cellular dynamics to control pancreas branching morphogenesis.
Shih, H.P., Panlasigui, D., Cirulli, V. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 14 (2): 169-79. 12 January 2016


In vivo monosynaptic excitatory transmission between layer 2 cortical pyramidal neurons.
Jouhanneau, J.S., Kremkow, J., Dorrn, A.L. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 13 (10): 2098-2106. 15 December 2015

Gab1 and Mapk signaling are essential in the hair cycle and hair follicle stem cell quiescence.
Akilli Öztürk, Ö., Pakula, H., Chmielowiec, J., Qi, J., Stein, S., Lan, L., Sasaki, Y., Rajewsky, K. and Birchmeier, W.
Cell Reports 13 (3): 561-572. 20 October 2015

A gene regulatory network cooperatively controlled by Pdx1 and Sox9 governs lineage allocation of foregut progenitor cells.
Shih, H.P., Seymour, P.A., Patel, N.A., Xie, R., Wang, A., Liu, P.P., Yeo, G.W., Magnuson, M.A. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 13 (2): 326-36. 13 October 2015

Quantitative interaction proteomics of neurodegenerative disease proteins.
Hosp, F., Vossfeldt, H., Heinig, M., Vasiljevic, D., Arumughan, A., Wyler, E., Landthaler, M., Hubner, N., Wanker, E.E., Lannfelt, L., Ingelsson, M., Lalowski, M., Voigt, A. and Selbach, M.
Cell Reports 11 (7): 1134-1146. 19 May 2015

An oncogenic role for alternative NF-κB signaling in DLBCL revealed upon deregulated BCL6 expression.
Zhang, B., Calado, D.P., Wang, Z., Froehler, S., Koechert, K., Qian, Y., Koralov, S.B., Schmidt-Supprian, M., Sasaki, Y., Unitt, C., Rodig, S., Chen, W., Dalla-Favera, R., Alt, F.W., Pasqualucci, L. and Rajewsky, K.
Cell Reports 11 (5): 715-726. 5 May 2015

Central role of ULK1 in type I interferon signaling.
Saleiro, D., Mehrotra, S., Kroczynska, B., Beauchamp, E.M., Lisowski, P., Majchrzak-Kita, B., Bhagat, T.D., Stein, B.L., McMahon, B., Altman, J.K., Kosciuczuk, E.M., Baker, D.P., Jie, C., Jafari, N., Thompson, C.B., Levine, R.L., Fish, E.N., Verma, A.K. and Platanias, L.C.
Cell Reports 11 (4): 605-617. 28 April 2015

ROCK-isoform-specific polarization of macrophages associated with age-related macular degeneration.
Zandi, S., Nakao, S., Chun, K.H., Fiorina, P., Sun, D., Arita, R., Zhao, M., Kim, E., Schueller, O., Campbell, S., Taher, M., Melhorn, M.I., Schering, A., Gatti, F., Tezza, S., Xie, F., Vergani, A., Yoshida, S., Ishikawa, K., Yamaguchi, M., Sasaki, F., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Hata, Y., Enaida, H., Yuzawa, M., Yokomizo, T., Kim, Y.B., Sweetnam, P., Ishibashi, T. and Hafezi-Moghadam, A.
Cell Reports 10 (7): 1173-1186. 24 February 2015

Deletions, inversions, duplications: engineering of structural variants using CRISPR/Cas in mice.
Kraft, K., Geuer, S., Will, A.J., Chan, W.L., Paliou, C., Borschiwer, M., Harabula, I., Wittler, L., Franke, M., Ibrahim, D.M., Kragesteen, B.K., Spielmann, M., Mundlos, S., Lupiáñez, D.G. and Andrey, G.
Cell Reports 10 (5): 833-839. 10 February 2015

Analysis of intron sequences reveals hallmarks of circular RNA biogenesis in animals.
Ivanov, A., Memczak, S., Wyler, E., Torti, F., Porath, H.T., Orejuela, M.R., Piechotta, M., Levanon, E.Y., Landthaler, M., Dieterich, C. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 10 (2): 170-177. 13 January 2015


DNA hydroxymethylation profiling reveals that WT1 mutations result in loss of TET2 function in acute myeloid leukemia.
Rampal, R., Akalin, A., Madzo, J., Vasanthakumar, A., Pronier, E., Patel, J., Li, Y., Ahn, J., Abdel-Wahab, O., Shih, A., Lu, C., Ward, P.S., Tsai, J.J., Hricik, T., Tosello, V., Tallman, J.E., Zhao, X., Daniels, D., Dai, Q., Ciminio, L., Aifantis, I., He, C., Fuks, F., Tallman, M.S., Ferrando, A., Nimer, S., Paietta, E., Thompson, C.B., Licht, J.D., Mason, C.E., Godley, L.A., Melnick, A., Figueroa, M.E. and Levine, R.L.
Cell Reports 9 (5): 1841-1855. 11 December 2014

Quantitative dissection and modeling of the NF-κB p100-p105 module reveals interdependent precursor proteolysis.
Yilmaz, Z.B., Kofahl, B., Beaudette, P., Baum, K., Ipenberg, I., Weih, F., Wolf, J., Dittmar, G. and Scheidereit, C.
Cell Reports 9 (5): 1756-1769. 11 December 2014

Perturbation of m6A writers reveals two distinct classes of mRNA methylation at internal and 5' sites.
Schwartz, S., Mumbach, M.R., Jovanovic, M., Wang, T., Maciag, K., Bushkin, G.G., Mertins, P., Ter-Ovanesyan, D., Habib, N., Cacchiarelli, D., Sanjana, N.E., Freinkman, E., Pacold, M.E., Satija, R., Mikkelsen, T.S., Hacohen, N., Zhang, F., Carr, S.A., Lander, E.S. and Regev, A.
Cell Reports 8 (1): 284-296. 10 July 2014

Conservation of mRNA and protein expression during development of C. elegans.
Grün, D., Kirchner, M., Thierfelder, N., Stoeckius, M., Selbach, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Reports 6 (3): 565-577. 13 February 2014


Combined Wnt/β-catenin, met, and CXCL12/CXCR4 signals characterize basal breast cancer and predict disease outcome.
Holland, J.D., Györffy, B., Vogel, R., Eckert, K., Valenti, G., Fang, L., Lohneis, P., Elezkurtaj, S., Ziebold, U. and Birchmeier, W.
Cell Reports 5 (5): 1214-1227. 12 December 2013

Quantitative and qualitative proteome characteristics extracted from in-depth integrated genomics and proteomics analysis.
Low, T.Y., van Heesch, S., van den Toorn, H., Giansanti, P., Cristobal, A., Toonen, P., Schaefer, S., Hübner, N., van Breukelen, B., Mohammed, S., Cuppen, E., Heck, A.J.R. and Guryev, V.
Cell Reports 5 (5): 1469-1478. 12 December 2013

Nkx6.1 is essential for maintaining the functional state of pancreatic beta cells.
Taylor, B.L., Liu, F.F. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 4 (6): 1262-75. 26 September 2013

NSun2-mediated cytosine-5 methylation of vault noncoding RNA determines its processing into regulatory small RNAs.
Hussain, S., Sajini, A.A., Blanco, S., Dietmann, S., Lombard, P., Sugimoto, Y., Paramor, M., Gleeson, J.G., Odom, D.T., Ule, J. and Frye, M.
Cell Reports 4 (2): 255-261. 25 July 2013

SUMO-2 and PIAS1 modulate insoluble mutant Huntingtin protein accumulation.
O'Rourke, J.G., Gareau, J.R., Ochaba, J., Song, W., Raskó, T., Reverter, D., Lee, J., Monteys, A.M., Pallos, J., Mee, L., Vashishtha, M., Apostol, B.L., Nicholson, T.P., Illes, K., Zhu, Y.Z., Dasso, M., Bates, G.P., Difiglia, M., Davidson, B., Wanker, E.E., Marsh, J.L., Lima, C.D., Steffan, J.S. and Thompson, L.M.
Cell Reports 4 (2): 362-375. 25 July 2013

PU.1 level-directed chromatin structure remodeling at the Irf8 gene drives dendritic cell commitment.
Schönheit, J., Kuhl, C., Gebhardt, M.L., Klett, F.F., Riemke, P., Scheller, M., Huang, G., Naumann, R., Leutz, A., Stocking, C., Priller, J., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Rosenbauer, F.
Cell Reports 3 (5): 1617-1628. 30 May 2013


Removal of polycomb repressive complex 2 makes C. elegans germ cells susceptible to direct conversion into specific somatic cell types.
Patel, T., Tursun, B., Rahe, D.P. and Hobert, O.
Cell Reports 2 (5): 1178-1186. 29 November 2012

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