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Fasting in science and clinics - a report on proceedings from the International Scientific Symposium and Conference on Fasting in Berlin (June 2023).
Breinlinger, C., Meiß, S., Hanslian, E., Jordan, St., Boschmann, M., Rajput Khokhar, A., Michalsen, A. and Koppold, D.A.
Complementary Medicine Research 31 (5): 484-491. October 2024

International consensus on fasting terminology.
Koppold, D.A., Breinlinger, C., Hanslian, E., Kessler, C., Cramer, H., Khokhar, A.R., Peterson, C.M., Tinsley, G., Vernieri, C., Bloomer, R.J., Boschmann, M., Bragazzi, N.L., Brandhorst, S., Gabel, K., Goldhamer, A.C., Grajower, M.M., Harvie, M., Heilbronn, L., Horne, B.D., Karras, S.N., Langhorst, J., Lischka, E., Madeo, F., Mitchell, S.J., Papagiannopoulos-Vatopaidinos, I.E., Papagiannopoulou, M., Pijl, H., Ravussin, E., Ritzmann-Widderich, M., Varady, K., Adamidou, L., Chihaoui, M., de Cabo, R., Hassanein, M., Lessan, N., Longo, V., Manoogian, E.N.C., Mattson, M.P., Muhlestein, J.B., Panda, S., Papadopoulou, S.K., Rodopaios, N.E., Stange, R. and Michalsen, A.
Cell Metabolism 36 (8): 1779-1794. 6 August 2024


Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition impacts energy homeostasis and induces sex-specific body weight loss in humans.
Mannaa, M., Pfennigwerth, P., Fielitz, J., Gollasch, M. and Boschmann, M.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 14 (6): 2757-2767. December 2023

SPSB1-mediated inhibition of TGF-β receptor-II impairs myogenesis in inflammation.
Li, Y., Dörmann, N., Brinschwitz, B., Kny, M., Martin, E., Bartels, K., Li, N., Giri, P.V., Schwanz, S., Boschmann, M., Hille, S., Fielitz, B., Wollersheim, T., Grunow, J., Felix, S.B., Weber-Carstens, S., Luft, F.C., Müller, O.J. and Fielitz, J.
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 14 (4): 1721-1736. August 2023

Atrial natriuretic peptide and leptin interactions in healthy men.
Daniels, M.A., Fischer-Posovszky, P., Boschmann, M., Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg, R., Müller, T.D., Sandforth, L., Frank-Podlech, S., Hülskämper, S., Peter, A., Wabitsch, M., Jordan, J. and Birkenfeld, A.L.
Frontiers in Endocrinology 14 : 1195677. 30 June 2023

The Berlin-Buch respiration chamber for energy expenditure measurements.
Mähler, A., Schütte, T., Steiniger, J. and Boschmann, M.
European Journal of Applied Physiology 123 (6): 1359-1368. June 2023

Thrifty energy phenotype predicts weight regain in postmenopausal women with overweight or obesity and is related to FGFR1 signaling.
Spranger, L., Weiner, J., Bredow, J., Zeitz, U., Grittner, U., Boschmann, M., Dickmann, S., Stobäus, N., Schwartzenberg, R.J., Brachs, M., Spranger, J. and Mai, K.
Clinical Nutrition 42 (4): 559-567. April 2023

"suMus," a novel digital system for arm movement metrics and muscle energy expenditure.
Gerhalter, Teresa, Müller, Christina, Maron, Elke, Thielen, Markus, Schätzl, Teresa, Mähler, A., Schütte, T., Boschmann, M., Herzer, René, Spuler, S. and Gazzerro, E.
Frontiers in Physiology 14 : 1057592. 26 January 2023


Exercise blood-drop metabolic profiling links metabolism with perceived exertion.
Opialla, T., Gollasch, B., Kuich, P.H.J.L., Klug, L., Rahn, G., Busjahn, A., Spuler, S., Boschmann, M., Kirwan, J.A., Luft, F.C. and Kempa, S.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 : 1042231. 21 December 2022

Glucose-induced hemodynamic and metabolic response of skeletal muscle in heart failure patients with reduced vs. preserved ejection fraction-a pilot study.
Boschmann, M., Klug, L., Edelmann, F., Sandek, A., von Haehling, S., Düngen, H.D., Springer, J., Anker, S.D., Doehner, W. and Jauert, N.
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9 (12): 456. 13 December 2022

Prediction of activity-related energy expenditure under free-living conditions using accelerometer-derived physical activity.
Jeran, S., Steinbrecher, A., Haas, V., Mähler, A., Boschmann, M., Westerterp, K.R., Brühmann, B.A., Steindorf, K. and Pischon, T.
Scientific Reports 12 (1): 16578. 4 October 2022

Hypoxia differentially affects healthy men and women during a daytime nap with a dose-response relationship: a randomized, cross-over pilot study.
Riveros-Rivera, A., Penzel, T., Gunga, H.C., Opatz, O., Paul, F., Klug, L., Boschmann, M. and Mähler, A.
Frontiers in Physiology 13 : 899636. 24 May 2022

Mental and behavioural responses to Bahá'í fasting: looking behind the scenes of a religiously motivated intermittent fast using a mixed methods approach.
Ring, R.M., Eisenmann, C., Kandil, F.I., Steckhan, N., Demmrich, S., Klatte, C., Kessler, C.S., Jeitler, M., Boschmann, M., Michalsen, A., Blakeslee, S.B., Stöckigt, B., Stritter, W. and Koppold-Liebscher, D.A.
Nutrients 14 (5): 1038. 28 February 2022

Skeletal muscle derived Musclin protects the heart during pathological overload.
Szaroszyk, M., Kattih, B., Martin-Garrido, A., Trogisch, F.A., Dittrich, G.M., Grund, A., Abouissa, A., Derlin, K., Meier, M., Holler, T., Korf-Klingebiel, M., Völker, K., Macedo, T.G., Tortola, C.P., Boschmann, M., Huang, N., Froese, N., Zwadlo, C., Malek Mohammadi, M., Luo, X., Wagner, M., Cordero, J., Geffers, R., Batkai, S., Thum, T., Bork, N., Nikolaev, V.O., Müller, O.J., Katus, H.A., El-Armouche, A., Kraft, T., Springer, J., Dobreva, G., Wollert, K.C., Fielitz, J., von Haehling, S., Kuhn, M., Bauersachs, J. and Heineke, J.
Nature Communications 13 (1): 149. 10 January 2022

Increased salt intake decreases diet-induced thermogenesis in healthy volunteers: a randomized placebo-controlled study.
Mähler, A., Klamer, S., Maifeld, A., Bartolomaeus, H., Markó, L., Chen, C.Y., Forslund, S.K., Boschmann, M., Müller, D.N. and Wilck, N.
Nutrients 14 (2): 253. 7 January 2022

Physical performance and non-esterified fatty acids in men and women after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).
Härdrich, M., Haase-Fielitz, A., Fielitz, J., Boschmann, M., Pivovarova-Ramich, O., Pfeiffer, A.F.H., Rudovich, N., Weylandt, K.H. and Butter, C.
Nutrients 14 (1): 203. 2 January 2022

Skin sodium accumulates in psoriasis and reflects disease severity.
Maifeld, A., Wild, J., Karlsen, T.V., Rakova, N., Wistorf, E., Linz, P., Jung, R., Birukov, A., Gimenez-Rivera, V.A., Wilck, N., Bartolomaeus, T., Dechend, R., Kleinewietfeld, M., Forslund, S.K., Krause, A., Kokolakis, G., Philipp, S., Clausen, B.E., Brand, A., Waisman, A., Kurschus, F.C., Wegner, J., Schultheis, M., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Kelm, M., Wiig, H., Kuehne, T., Müller, D.N., Karbach, S. and Markó, L.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 142 (1): 166-178. January 2022


Metabolic response to daytime dry fasting in Bahá'í volunteers -- results of a preliminary study.
Mähler, A., Jahn, C., Klug, L., Klatte, C., Michalsen, A., Koppold-Liebscher, D. and Boschmann, M.
Nutrients 14 (1): 148. 29 December 2021

Effects of daytime dry fasting on hydration, glucose metabolism and circadian phase: a prospective exploratory cohort study in Bahá'í volunteers.
Koppold-Liebscher, D.A., Klatte, C., Demmrich, S., Schwarz, J., Kandil, F.I., Steckhan, N., Ring, R., Kessler, C.S., Jeitler, M., Koller, B., Ananthasubramaniam, B., Eisenmann, C., Mähler, A., Boschmann, M., Kramer, A. and Michalsen, A.
Frontiers in Nutrition 8 : 662310. July 2021

Thrifty energy phenotype predicts weight regain - results of a randomized controlled trial.
Spranger, L., Bredow, J., Zeitz, U., Grittner, U., Boschmann, M., Dickmann, S., Stobäus, N., Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg, R., Spranger, J. and Mai, K.
medRxiv : 2021.03.25.21254300. 26 March 2021

Resting energy expenditure of master athletes: accuracy of predictive equations and primary determinants.
Frings-Meuthen, P., Henkel, S., Boschmann, M., Chilibeck, P.D., Alvero Cruz, J.R., Hoffmann, F., Möstl, S., Mittag, U., Mulder, E., Rittweger, N., Sies, W., Tanaka, H. and Rittweger, J.
Frontiers in Physiology 12 : 641455. 22 March 2021

Quantifying technical confounders in microbiome studies.
Bartolomaeus, T.U.P., Birkner, T., Bartolomaeus, H., Löber, U., Avery, E.G., Mähler, A., Weber, D., Kochlik, B., Balogh, A., Wilck, N., Boschmann, M., Müller, D.N., Markó, L. and Forslund, S.K.
Cardiovascular Research 117 (3): 863-875. 1 March 2021


Near real-time bedside detection of spinal cord ischaemia during aortic repair by microdialysis of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Simoniuk, U.D., Haunschild, J., von Aspern, K., Boschmann, M., Klug, L., Khachatryan, Z., Bianchi, E., Ossmann, S., Oo, A.Y., Borger, M.A. and Etz, C.D.
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 58 (3): 629-637. September 2020

Effects of dietary protein-load and alkaline supplementation on acid-base balance and glucose metabolism in healthy elderly.
Boschmann, M., Kaiser, N., Klasen, A., Klug, L., Mähler, A., Michalsen, A., Vormann, J., Werner, T. and Stange, R.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74 : 48-56. August 2020

Hypoxia and exercise interactions on skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Mai, K., Klug, L., Rakova, N., Piper, S.K., Mähler, A., Bobbert, T., Schulz-Menger, J., Spranger, J., Boschmann, M. and Luft, F.C.
International Journal of Obesity 44 (5): 1119-1128. May 2020


Impact of brief prewarming on anesthesia-related core-temperature drop, hemodynamics, microperfusion and postoperative ventilation in cytoreductive surgery of ovarian cancer: a randomized trial.
Kaufner, L., Niggemann, P., Baum, T., Casu, S., Sehouli, J., Bietenbeck, A., Boschmann, M., Spies, C.D., Henkelmann, A. and von Heymann, C.
BMC Anesthesiology 19 (1): 161. 22 August 2019

Lifestyle interventions in Muslim patients with metabolic syndrome: a feasibility study.
Aktas, M.F., Mähler, A., Hamm, M., Perger, G., Simon, F., Westenhöfer, J., Luft, F.C. and Boschmann, M.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (5): 805-808. May 2019


Normobaric hypoxic conditioning in men with metabolic syndrome.
Klug, L., Mähler, A., Rakova, N., Mai, K., Schulz-Menger, J., Rahn, G., Busjahn, A., Jordan, J., Boschmann, M. and Luft, F.C.
Physiological Reports 6 (24): e13949. December 2018

Metabolic, mental and immunological effects of normoxic and hypoxic training in multiple sclerosis patients: a pilot study.
Mähler, A., Balogh, A., Csizmadia, I., Klug, L., Kleinewietfeld, M., Steiniger, J., Šušnjar, U., Müller, D.N., Boschmann, M. and Paul, F.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 : 2819. November 2018

Metabolic barriers to weight gain in patients with anorexia nervosa: a young adult case report.
Haas, V., Stengel, A., Mähler, A., Gerlach, G., Lehmann, C., Boschmann, M., de Zwaan, M. and Herpertz, S.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 9 : 199. May 2018


Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates T(H)17 axis and disease.
Wilck, N., Matus, M.G., Kearney, S.M., Olesen, S.W., Forslund, K., Bartolomaeus, H., Haase, S., Mähler, A., Balogh, A., Markó, L., Vvedenskaya, O., Kleiner, F.H., Tsvetkov, D., Klug, L., Costea, P.I., Sunagawa, S., Maier, L., Rakova, N., Schatz, V., Neubert, P., Frätzer, C., Krannich, A., Gollasch, M., Grohme, D.A., Côrte-Real, B.F., Gerlach, R.G., Basic, M., Typas, A., Wu, C., Titze, J.M., Jantsch, J., Boschmann, M., Dechend, R., Kleinewietfeld, M., Kempa, S., Bork, P., Linker, R.A., Alm, E.J. and Müller, D.N.
Nature 551 (7682): 585-589. 30 November 2017

Branched-chain amino acid catabolism rather than amino acids plasma concentrations is associated with diet-induced changes in insulin resistance in overweight to obese individuals.
Haufe, S., Engeli, S., Kaminski, J., Witt, H., Rein, D., Kamlage, B., Utz, W., Fuhrmann, J.C., Haas, V., Mähler, A., Schulz-Menger, J., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 27 (10): 858-864. October 2017

Systemic and tissue-specific effects of aliskiren on the RAAS and carbohydrate/lipid metabolism in obese patients with hypertension.
Engeli, S., May, M., Nussberger, J., Danser, A.H.J., Dole, W.P., Prescott, M.F., Dahlke, M., Stitah, S., Pal, P., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 11 (8): 488-497. August 2017

Validity and reliability of total body volume and relative body fat mass from a 3-dimensional photonic body surface scanner.
Adler, C., Steinbrecher, A., Jaeschke, L., Mähler, A., Boschmann, M., Jeran, S. and Pischon, T.
PLoS ONE 12 (7): e0180201. 3 July 2017

Longer-term impact of hemiparetic stroke on skeletal muscle metabolism - a pilot study.
Klaer, J., Mähler, A., Scherbakov, N., Klug, L., von Haehling, S., Boschmann, M. and Doehner, W.
International Journal of Cardiology 230 : 241-247. 1 March 2017


Branched-chain and aromatic amino acids, insulin resistance and liver specific ectopic fat storage in overweight to obese subjects.
Haufe, S., Witt, H., Engeli, S., Kaminski, J., Utz, W., Fuhrmann, J.C., Rein, D., Schulz-Menger, J., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 26 (7): 637-642. July 2016

Preserved autonomic cardiovascular regulation with cardiac pacemaker inhibition: a crossover trial using high-fidelity cardiovascular phenotyping.
Heusser, K., Tank, J., Brinkmann, J., Schroeder, C., May, M., Grosshennig, A., Wenzel, D., Diedrich, A., Sweep, F.C.G.J., Mehling, H., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (1): e002674. 13 January 2016

Effects of the lercanidipine-enalapril combination vs. the corresponding monotherapies on home blood pressure in hypertension: evidence from a large database.
Mancia, G., Omboni, S., Chazova, I., Coca, A., Girerd, X., Haller, H., Parati, G., Pauletto, P., Pupek-Musialik, D. and Svyshchenko, Y.
Journal of Hypertension 34 (1): 139-148. January 2016


Tracking CNS and systemic sources of oxidative stress during the course of chronic neuroinflammation.
Mossakowski, A.A., Pohlan, J., Bremer, D., Lindquist, R., Millward, J.M., Bock, M., Pollok, K., Mothes, R., Viohl, L., Radbruch, M., Gerhard, J., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Behrens, J., Infante-Duarte, C., Mähler, A., Boschmann, M., Rinnenthal, J.L., Füchtemeier, M., Herz, J., Pache, F.C., Bardua, M., Priller, J., Hauser, A.E., Paul, F., Niesner, R. and Radbruch, H.
Acta Neuropathologica 130 (6): 799-814. December 2015

Clinical effects of phosphodiesterase 3A mutations in inherited hypertension with brachydactyly.
Toka, O., Tank, J., Schächterle, C., Aydin, A., Maass, P.G., Elitok, S., Bartels-Klein, E., Hollfinger, I., Lindschau, C., Mai, K., Boschmann, M., Rahn, G., Movsesian, M.A., Müller, T., Doescher, A., Gnoth, S., Mühl, A., Toka, H.R., Wefeld-Neuenfeld, Y., Utz, W., Töpper, A., Jordan, J., Schulz-Menger, J., Klussmann, E., Bähring, S. and Luft, F.C.
Hypertension 66 (4): 800-808. October 2015

The effect of CCR2 inhibitor CCX140-B on residual albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy: a randomised trial.
de Zeeuw, D., Bekker, P., Henkel, E., Hasslacher, C., Gouni-Berthold, I., Mehling, H., Potarca, A., Tesar, V., Heerspink, H.J.L. and Schall, T.J.
Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 3 (9): 687-696. September 2015

Significant reduction in helicobacter pylori load in humans with non-viable lactobacillus reuteri DSM17648: A pilot study.
Holz, C., Busjahn, A., Mehling, H., Arya, S., Boettner, M., Habibi, H. and Lang, C.
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 7 (2): 91-100. June 2015

Metabolic response to epigallocatechin-3-gallate in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a randomized clinical trial.
Mähler, A., Steiniger, J., Bock, M., Klug, L., Parreidt, N., Lorenz, M., Zimmermann, B.F., Krannich, A., Paul, F. and Boschmann, M.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 101 (3): 487-495. March 2015

On the subjective acceptance during cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging at 7.0 Tesla.
Klix, S., Els, A., Paul, K., Graessl, A., Oezerdem, C., Weinberger, O., Winter, L., Thalhammer, C., Huelnhagen, T., Rieger, J., Mehling, H., Schulz-Menger, J. and Niendorf, T.
PLoS ONE 10 (1): e0117095. 26 January 2015

Welche Bedeutung haben die Ernaehrungswissenschaften fuer die Behandlung der Anorexia nervosa? [Nutrition sciences in the treatment of eating disorders].
Haas, V. and Boschmann, M.
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 65 (1): 33-35. January 2015


Catabolic signaling and muscle wasting after acute ischemic stroke in mice: indication for a stroke-specific sarcopenia.
Springer, J., Schuster, S., Peske, K., Tschirner, A., Rex, A., Engel, O., Scherbakov, N., Meisel, A., von Haehling, S., Boschmann, M., Anker, S.D., Dirnagl, U. and Doehner, W.
Stroke 45 (12): 3675-3683. December 2014

Increased catabolic state in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 patients.
Mähler, A., Steiniger, J., Endres, M., Paul, F., Boschmann, M. and Doss, S.
Cerebellum 13 (4): 440-446. August 2014

Dietary omega-3 fatty acids modulate the eicosanoid profile in man primarily via the CYP-epoxygenase pathway.
Fischer, R., Konkel, A., Mehling, H., Blossey, K., Gapelyuk, A., Wessel, N., von Schacky, C., Dechend, R., Muller, D.N., Rothe, M., Luft, F.C., Weylandt, K. and Schunck, W.H.
Journal of Lipid Research 55 (6): 1150-1164. June 2014

Pacemaker current inhibition in experimental human cardiac sympathetic activation: a double-blind, randomized, crossover study.
Schroeder, C., Heusser, K., Zoerner, A.A., Großhennig, A., Wenzel, D., May, M., Sweep, F.C.G.J., Mehling, H., Luft, F.C., Tank, J. and Jordan, J.
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 95 (6): 601-607. June 2014

Inflammation-induced acute phase response in skeletal muscle and critical illness myopathy.
Langhans, C., Weber-Carstens, S., Schmidt, F., Hamati, J., Kny, M., Zhu, X., Wollersheim, T., Koch, S., Krebs, M., Schulz, H., Lodka, D., Saar, K., Labeit, S., Spies, C., Hubner, N., Spranger, J., Spuler, S., Boschmann, M., Dittmar, G., Butler-Browne, G., Mouly, V. and Fielitz, J.
PLoS ONE 9 (3): e92048. 20 March 2014


Anthropometric, hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal responses during 5 days of food and water deprivation.
Papagiannopoulos, I.A., Sideris, V.I., Boschmann, M., Koutsoni, O.S. and Dotsika, E.N.
Forschende Komplementaermedizin 20 (6): 427-433. December 2013

Fasting therapy - an expert panel update of the 2002 consensus guidelines.
Wilhelmi de Toledo, F., Buchinger, A., Burggrabe, H., Hoelz, G., Kuhn, C., Lischka, E., Lischka, N., Luetzner, H., May, W., Ritzmann-Widderich, M., Stange, R., Wessel, A., Boschmann, M., Peper, E. and Michalsen, A.
Forschende Komplementaermedizin 20 (6): 434-443. December 2013

Fasting therapy - old and new perspectives.
Boschmann, M. and Michalsen, A.
Forschende Komplementaermedizin 20 (6): 410-411. December 2013

Long-lasting improvements in liver fat and metabolism despite body weight regain after dietary weight loss.
Haufe, S., Haas, V., Utz, W., Birkenfeld, A.L., Jeran, S., Böhnke, J., Mähler, A., Luft, F.C., Schulz-Menger, J., Boschmann, M., Jordan, J. and Engeli, S.
Diabetes Care 36 (11): 3786-3792. November 2013

Resting energy expenditure and the effects of muscle wasting in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the studies investigating comorbidities aggravating heart failure (SICA-HF).
Tacke, M., Ebner, N., Boschmann, M., Jarius, A., Valentova, M., Fuelster, S., Sandek, A., Schomburg, L., Anker, S.D., Doehner, W. and von Haehling, S.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 14 (11): 837-841. November 2013

Increased catabolic activity in adipose tissue of patients with chronic heart failure.
Szabo, T., Postrach, E., Mähler, A., Kung, T., Turhan, G., Von Haehling, S., Anker, S.D., Boschmann, M. and Doehner, W.
European Journal of Heart Failure 15 (10): 1131-1137. October 2013

mTOR and regulation of energy homeostasis in humans.
Mannaa, M., Krämer, S., Boschmann, M. and Gollasch, M.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 91 (10): 1167-1175. October 2013

Altered expression of cyclin A 1 in muscle of patients with facioscapulohumeral muscle dystrophy (FSHD-1).
Pakula, A., Schneider, J., Janke, J., Zacharias, U., Schulz, H., Hübner, N., Mähler, A., Spuler, A., Spuler, S., Carlier, P. and Boschmann, M.
PLoS ONE 8 (9): e73573. 3 September 2013

Moderate dietary weight loss reduces myocardial steatosis in obese and overweight women.
Utz, W., Engeli, S., Haufe, S., Kast, P., Böhnke, J., Haas, V., Hermsdorf, M., Wiesner, S., Pofahl, M., Traber, J., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Jordan, J. and Schulz-Menger, J.
International Journal of Cardiology 167 (3): 905-909. 10 August 2013

Non-viable lactobacillus reuteri DSMZ 17648 (Pylopass) as a new approach to Helicobacter pylori control in humans.
Mehling, H. and Busjahn, A.
Nutrients 5 (8): 3062-3073. 2 August 2013

Immune cells control skin lymphatic electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure.
Wiig, H., Schröder, A., Neuhofer, W., Jantsch, J., Kopp, C., Karlsen, T.V., Boschmann, M., Goss, J., Bry, M., Rakova, N., Dahlmann, A., Brenner, S., Tenstad, O., Nurmi, H., Mervaala, E., Wagner, H., Beck, F.X., Müller, D.N., Kerjaschki, D., Luft, F.C., Harrison, D.G., Alitalo, K. and Titze, J.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 123 (7): 2803-2815. 1 July 2013

Fatty acid binding protein 4 predicts left ventricular mass and longitudinal function in overweight and obese women.
Engeli, S., Utz, W., Haufe, S., Lamounier-Zepter, V., Pofahl, M., Traber, J., Janke, J., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Schulz-Menger, J. and Jordan, J.
Heart 99 (13): 944-948. July 2013

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate: a useful, effective and safe clinical approach for targeted prevention and individualised treatment of neurological diseases.
Mähler, A., Mandel, S., Lorenz, M., Ruegg, U., Wanker, E.E., Boschmann, M. and Paul, F.
EPMA Journal 4 (1): 5. 18 February 2013

Critical illness myopathy and GLUT4 - significance of insulin and muscle contraction.
Weber-Carstens, S., Schneider, J., Wollersheim, T., Assmann, A., Bierbrauer, J., Marg, A., Al Hasani, H., Chadt, A., Wenzel, K., Koch, S., Fielitz, J., Kleber, C., Faust, K., Mai, K., Spies, C.D., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Spranger, J. and Spuler, S.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 187 (4): 387-396. 15 February 2013


Bioimpedance and bioimpedance vector analysis in patients with anorexia nervosa.
Haas, V., Riedl, A., Hofmann, T., Nischan, A., Burghardt, R., Boschmann, M. and Klapp, B.
European Eating Disorders Review 20 (5): 400-405. September 2012

Comparing single-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis against deuterium dilution to assess total body water.
Haas, V., Schuetz, T., Engeli, S., Schroeder, C., Westerterp, K. and Boschmann, M.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66 (9): 994-997. September 2012

Is metabolic flexibility altered in multiple sclerosis patients?
Mähler, A., Steiniger, J., Bock, M., Brandt, A.U., Haas, V., Boschmann, M. and Paul, F.
PLoS ONE 7 (8): e43675. 28 August 2012

Atrial natriuretic Peptide and adiponectin interactions in man.
Birkenfeld, A.L., Boschmann, M., Engeli, S., Moro, C., Arafat, A.M., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
PLoS ONE 7 (8): e43238. 16 August 2012

Thiazolidinedione response in familial lipodystrophy patients with LMNA mutations: a case series.
Luedtke, A., Boschmann, M., Colpe, C., Engeli, S., Adams, F., Birkenfeld, A.L., Haufe, S., Rahn, G., Luft, F.C., Schmidt, H.H.J. and Jordan, J.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 44 (4): 306-311. April 2012

Aliskiren penetrates adipose and skeletal muscle tissue and reduces renin-angiotensin system activity in obese hypertensive patients.
Boschmann, M., Nussberger, J., Engeli, S., Danser, A.H.J., Yeh, C.M., Prescott, M.F., Dahlke, M. and Jordan, J.
Journal of Hypertension 30 (3): 561-566. March 2012

Variations in truncal body circumferences affect fat mass quantification with bioimpedance analysis.
Haas, V., Engeli, S., Hofmann, T., Riedl, A., Haufe, S., Kast, P., Wiesner, S., Boehnke, J., Jordan, J. and Boschmann, M.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66 (2): 196-200. February 2012

Left ventricular mass and function with reduced-fat or reduced-carbohydrate hypocaloric diets in overweight and obese subjects.
Haufe, S., Utz, W., Engeli, S., Kast, P., Boehnke, J., Pofahl, M., Traber, J., Haas, V., Hermsdorf, M., Mähler, A., Busjahn, A., Wiesner, S., Otto, C., Mehling, H., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Schulz-Menger, J. and Jordan, J.
Hypertension 59 (1): 70-75. January 2012


Myocardial steatosis, cardiac remodelling and fitness in insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant obese women.
Utz, W., Engeli, S., Haufe, S., Kast, P., Hermsdorf, M., Wiesner, S., Pofahl, M., Traber, J., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M., Schulz-Menger, J. and Jordan, J.
Heart 97 (19): 1585-1589. October 2011

A pilot study of chronic, low-dose epoetin-β following percutaneous coronary intervention suggests safety, feasibility, and efficacy in patients with symptomatic ischaemic heart failure.
Bergmann, M.W., Haufe, S., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Mehling, H., Wassmuth, R., Muench, I., Busjahn, A., Schulz-Menger, J., Jordan, J., Luft, F.C. and Dietz, R.
European Journal of Heart Failure 13 (5): 560-568. May 2011

Randomized comparison of reduced fat and reduced carbohydrate hypocaloric diets on intrahepatic fat in overweight and obese human subjects.
Haufe, S., Engeli, S., Kast, P., Boehnke, J., Utz, W., Haas, V., Hermsdorf, M., Maehler, A., Wiesner, S., Birkenfeld, A.L., Sell, H., Otto, C., Mehling, H., Luft, F.C., Eckel, J., Schulz-Menger, J., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Hepatology 53 (5): 1504-1514. May 2011


Cardiorespiratory fitness and insulin sensitivity in overweight or obese subjects may be linked through intrahepatic lipid content.
Haufe, S., Engeli, S., Budziarek, P., Utz, W., Schulz-Menger, J., Hermsdorf, M., Wiesner, S., Otto, C., Haas, V., de Greiff, A., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Diabetes 59 (7): 1640-1647. July 2010

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and postprandial fat oxidation in overweight/obese male volunteers: a pilot study.
Thielecke, F., Rahn, G., Boehnke, J., Adams, F., Birkenfeld, A.L., Jordan, J. and Boschmann, M.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64 (7): 704-713. July 2010

LMNA mutations, skeletal muscle lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance.
Boschmann, M., Engeli, S., Moro, C., Luedtke, A., Adams, F., Gorzelniak, K., Rahn, G., Mähler, A., Dobberstein, K., Krueger, A., Schmidt, S., Spuler, S., Luft, F.C., Smith, S.R., Schmidt, H.H. and Jordan, J.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95 (4): 1634-1643. April 2010

Determinants of exercise-induced fat oxidation in obese women and men.
Haufe, S., Engeli, S., Budziarek, P., Utz, W., Schulz-Menger, J., Hermsdorf, M., Wiesner, S., Otto, C., Fuhrmann, J.C., Luft, F.C., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 42 (3): 215-221. March 2010


The potential role of green tea catechins in the prevention of the metabolic syndrome - a review.
Thielecke, F. and Boschmann, M.
Phytochemistry 70 (1): 11-24. January 2009


Metabolic regulation: Effects of natriuretic peptide interactions.
Birkenfeld, A.L., Boschmann, M. and Jordan, J.
Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2 (5): 607-614. 2007

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