Dynamic and equilibrium properties of finite-size polymer models of chromosome folding.
Conte, M., Fiorillo, L., Annunziatella, C., Esposito, A., Musella, F., Abraham, A., Bianco, S. and Chiariello, A.M.
Physical Review E 104
(5): 054402.
10 November 2021
Dynamics of a semiflexible polymer or polymer ring in shear flow.
Lang, P.S., Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 89
(2): 022606.
27 February 2014
Longitudinal response of confined semiflexible polymers.
Thueroff, F., Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 83
(2 Pt 1): 021802.
February 2011
Leading-edge-gel coupling in lamellipodium motion.
Zimmermann, J., Enculescu, M. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 82
(5): 051925.
18 November 2010
Introducing the scanning air puff tonometer for biological studies.
Fleury, V., Al-Kilani, A., Boryskina, O.P., Cornelissen, A.J.M., Nguyen, T.H., Unbekandt, M., Leroy, L., Baffet, G., le Noble, F., Sire, O., Lahaye, E. and Burgaud, V.
Physical Review E 81
(2): 021920.
February 2010
Tension dynamics and viscoelasticity of extensible wormlike chains.
Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 80
(4 Pt 1): 040801.
October 2009
Freely relaxing polymers remember how they were straightened.
Obermayer, B., Moebius, W., Hallatschek, O., Frey, E. and Kroy, K.
Physical Review E 79
(2 Pt 1): 021804.
February 2009
Dynamic regimes and bifurcations in a model of actin-based motility.
Enculescu, M., Gholami, A. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 78
(3 Pt 1): 031915.
September 2008
During vertebrate development, arteries exert a morphological control over the venous pattern through physical factors.
Al-Kilani, A., Lorthois, S., Nguyen, T.H., le Noble, F., Cornelissen, A., Unbekandt, M., Boryskina, O., Leroy, L. and Fleury, V.
Physical Review E 77
(5 Pt 1): 051912.
May 2008
Evaluation of higher-order time-domain perturbation theory of photon diffusion on breast-equivalent phantoms and optical mammograms.
Grosenick, D., Kummrow, A., Macdonald, R., Schlag, P.M. and Rinneberg, H.
Physical Review E 76
(6 Pt 1): 061908.
December 2007
Non-Markovian approach to globally coupled excitable systems.
Prager, T., Falcke, M., Schimansky-Geier, L. and Zaks, M.A.
Physical Review E 76
(1 Pt 1): 011118.
24 July 2007
Reversible clustering under the influence of a periodically modulated binding rate.
Straube, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 76
(1 Pt 1): 010402.
July 2007
Wave trains in an excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo model: bistable dispersion relation and formation of isolas.
Roeder, G., Bordyugov, G., Engel, H. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 75
(3 Pt 2): 036202.
March 2007
Dynamics of vascular branching morphogenesis: the effect of blood and tissue flow.
Nguyen, T.H., Eichmann, A., le Noble, F. and Fleury, V.
Physical Review E 73
(6 Pt 1): 061907.
June 2006
Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics.
Thul, R. and Falcke, M.
Physical Review E 73
(6 Pt 1): 061923.
June 2006
Stochastic spreading of intracellular Ca(2+) release.
Falcke, M., Tsimring, L. and Levine, H.
Physical Review E 62
(2 Pt B): 2636-2643.
August 2000
Traveling pulses in anisotropic oscillatory media with global coupling.
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
Physical Review E 56
(1): 635-641.
On the reconstruction and structure of the ECG phase portrait.
Saparin, P.I., Zaks, M.A., Kurths, J., Voss, A. and Anishchenko, V.S.
Physical Review E 54
: 737-742.
1 January 1996
Cluster formation, standing waves, and stripe patterns in oscillatory active media with local and global coupling.
Falcke, M., Engel, H. and Neufeld, M.
Physical Review E 52
(1): 763-771.
July 1995
Influence of global coupling through the gas phase on the dynamics of CO oxidation on Pt(110).
Falcke, M. and Engel, H.
Physical Review E 50
(2): 1353-1359.
August 1994
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