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Spontaneous single-nucleotide substitutions and microsatellite mutations have distinct distributions of fitness effects.
Plavskin, Y., de Biase, M.S., Ziv, N., Janská, L., Zhu, Y.O., Hall, D.W., Schwarz, R.F., Tranchina, D. and Siegal, M.L.
PLoS Biology 22 (7): e3002698. 1 July 2024

The C-terminus of the prototypical M2 muscarinic receptor localizes to the mitochondria and regulates cell respiration under stress conditions.
Fasciani, I., Petragnano, F., Wang, Z., Edwards, R., Telugu, N., Pietrantoni, I., Zabel, U., Zauber, H., Grieben, M., Terzenidou, M.E., Di Gregorio, J., Pellegrini, C., Santini, S., Taddei, A.R., Pohl, B., Aringhieri, S., Carli, M., Aloisi, G., Marampon, F., Charlesworth, E., Roman, A., Diecke, S., Flati, V., Giorgi, F., Amicarelli, F., Tobin, A.B., Scarselli, M., Tokatlidis, K., Rossi, M., Lohse, M.J., Annibale, P. and Maggio, R.
PLoS Biology 22 (4): e3002582. 29 April 2024


A new human embryonic cell type associated with activity of young transposable elements allows definition of the inner cell mass.
Singh, M., Kondrashkina, A., Widmann, T.J., Cortes, J.L., Bansal, V., Wang, J., Römer, C., Garcia-Canadas, M., Garcia-Perez, J.L., Hurst, L.D. and Izsvak, Z.
PLoS Biology 21 (6): e3002162. 20 June 2023


The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABA(A) receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses.
Schmerl, B., Gimber, N., Kuropka, B., Stumpf, A., Rentsch, J., Kunde, S.A., von Sivers, J., Ewers, H., Schmitz, D., Freund, C., Schmoranzer, J., Rademacher, N. and Shoichet, S.A.
PLoS Biology 20 (3): e3001503. 21 March 2022


Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons.
Orlando, M., Dvorzhak, A., Bruentgens, F., Maglione, M., Rost, B.R., Sigrist, S.J., Breustedt, J. and Schmitz, D.
PLoS Biology 19 (6): e3001149. 21 June 2021


NCX1 represents an ionic Na(+) sensing mechanism in macrophages.
Neubert, P., Homann, A., Wendelborn, D., Bär, A.L., Krampert, L., Trum, M., Schröder, A., Ebner, S., Weichselbaum, A., Schatz, V., Linz, P., Veelken, R., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Aschenbrenner, A.C., Quast, T., Kurts, C., Geisberger, S., Kunzelmann, K., Hammer, K., Binger, K.J., Titze, J., Müller, D.N., Kolanus, W., Schultze, J.L., Wagner, S. and Jantsch, J.
PLoS Biology 18 (6): e3000722. 22 June 2020


Identification of N-linked glycans as specific mediators of neuronal uptake of acetylated α-Synuclein.
Birol, M., Wojcik, S.P., Miranker, A.D. and Rhoades, E.
PLoS Biology 17 (6): e3000318. 18 June 2019


The Ink4a/Arf locus operates as a regulator of the circadian clock modulating RAS activity.
El-Athman, R., Genov, N.N., Mazuch, J., Zhang, K., Yu, Y., Fuhr, L., Abreu, M., Li, Y., Wallach, T., Kramer, A., Schmitt, C.A. and Relógio, A.
PLoS Biology 15 (12): e2002940. 7 December 2017

Statin and rottlerin small-molecule inhibitors restrict colon cancer progression and metastasis via MACC1.
Juneja, M., Kobelt, D., Walther, W., Voss, C., Smith, J., Specker, E., Neuenschwander, M., Gohlke, B.O., Dahlmann, M., Radetzki, S., Preissner, R., von Kries, J.P., Schlag, P.M. and Stein, U.
PLoS Biology 15 (6): e2000784. 1 June 2017


Ryanodine receptor activation induces long-term plasticity of spine calcium dynamics.
Johenning, F.W., Theis, A.K., Pannasch, U., Rückl, M., Rüdiger, S. and Schmitz, D.
PLoS Biology 13 (6): e1002181. 22 June 2015

Dynamic endothelial cell rearrangements drive developmental vessel regression.
Franco, C.A., Jones, M.L., Bernabeu, M.O., Geudens, I., Mathivet, T., Rosa, A., Lopes, F.M., Lima, A.P., Ragab, A., Collins, R.T., Phng, L.K., Coveney, P.V. and Gerhardt, H.
PLoS Biology 13 (4): e1002125. 17 April 2015

Composition, formation, and regulation of the cytosolic c-ring, a dynamic component of the type III secretion injectisome.
Diepold, A., Kudryashev, M., Delalez, N.J., Berry, R.M. and Armitage, J.P.
PLoS Biology 13 (1): e1002039. 15 January 2015


In vitro generation of neuromesodermal progenitors reveals distinct roles for wnt signalling in the specification of spinal cord and paraxial mesoderm identity.
Gouti, M., Tsakiridis, A., Wymeersch, F.J., Huang, Y., Kleinjung, J., Wilson, V. and Briscoe, J.
PLoS Biology 12 (8): e1001937. 26 August 2014

Palmitoylation of gephyrin controls receptor clustering and plasticity of GABAergic synapses.
Dejanovic, B., Semtner, M., Ebert, S., Lamkemeyer, T., Neuser, F., Luescher, B., Meier, J.C. and Schwarz, G.
PLoS Biology 12 (7): e1001908. 15 July 2014


HDAC4 reduction: a novel therapeutic strategy to target cytoplasmic huntingtin and ameliorate neurodegeneration.
Mielcarek, M., Landles, C., Weiss, A., Bradaia, A., Seredenina, T., Inuabasi, L., Osborne, G.F., Wadel, K., Touller, C., Butler, R., Robertson, J., Franklin, S.A., Smith, D.L., Park, L., Marks, P.A., Wanker, E.E., Olson, E.N., Luthi-Carter, R., van der Putten, H., Beaumont, V. and Bates, G.P.
PLoS Biology 11 (11): e1001717. November 2013


A genetic basis for mechanosensory traits in humans.
Frenzel, H., Bohlender, J., Pinsker, K., Wohlleben, B., Tank, J., Lechner, S.G., Schiska, D., Jaijo, T., Rueschendorf, F., Saar, K., Jordan, J., Millan, J.M., Gross, M. and Lewin, G.R.
PLoS Biology 10 (5): e1001318. 1 May 2012

Presynaptically localized cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase 1 is a key determinant of spinal synaptic potentiation and pain hypersensitivity.
Luo, C., Gangadharan, V., Bali, K.K., Xie, R.G., Agarwal, N., Kurejova, M., Tappe-Theodor, A., Tegeder, I., Feil, S., Lewin, G., Polgar, E., Todd, A.J., Schlossmann, J., Hofmann, F., Liu, D.L., Hu, S.J., Feil, R., Kuner, T. and Kuner, R.
PLoS Biology 10 (3): e1001283. 13 March 2012


MicroRNA-driven developmental remodeling in the brain distinguishes humans from other primates.
Somel, M., Liu, X., Tang, L., Yan, Z., Hu, H., Guo, S., Jiang, X., Zhang, X., Xu, G., Xie, G., Li, N., Hu, Y., Chen, W., Paeaebo, S. and Khaitovich, P.
PLoS Biology 9 (12): e1001214. December 2011


Structure of a classical MHC class I molecule that binds "non-classical" ligands.
Hee, C.S., Gao, S., Loll, B., Miller, M.M., Uchanska-Ziegler, B., Daumke, O. and Ziegler, A.
PLoS Biology 8 (12): e1000557. 7 December 2010

An integrated micro- and macroarchitectural analysis of the drosophila brain by computer-assisted serial section electron microscopy.
Cardona, A., Saalfeld, S., Preibisch, S., Schmid, B., Cheng, A., Pulokas, J., Tomancak, P. and Hartenstein, V.
PLoS Biology 8 (10): e1000502. 5 October 2010

Ontologies in quantitative biology: a basis for comparison, integration, and discovery.
Jensen, L.J. and Bork, P.
PLoS Biology 8 (5): e1000374. 25 May 2010

Poised transcription factories prime silent uPA gene prior to activation.
Ferrai, C., Xie, S.Q., Luraghi, P., Munari, D., Ramirez, F., Branco, M.R., Pombo, A. and Crippa, M.P.
PLoS Biology 8 (1): e1000270. 5 January 2010


Intracellular serotonin modulates insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells by protein serotonylation.
Paulmann, N., Grohmann, M., Voigt, J.P., Bert, B., Vowinckel, J., Bader, M., Skelin, M., Jevsek, M., Fink, H., Rupnik, M. and Walther, D.J.
PLoS Biology 7 (10): e1000229. 27 October 2009


Selective inflammatory pain insensitivity in the African naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber).
Park, T.J., Lu, Y., Jüttner, R., Smith, E.S.J., Hu, J., Brand, A., Wetzel, C., Milenkovic, N., Erdmann, B., Heppenstall, P.A., Laurito, C.E., Wilson, S.P. and Lewin, G.R.
PLoS Biology 6 (1): e13. 29 January 2008


Variants in a novel epidermal collagen gene (COL29A1) are associated with atopic dermatitis.
Soederhaell, C., Marenholz, I., Kerscher, T., Rueschendorf, F., Esparza-Gordillo, J., Worm, M., Gruber, C., Mayr, G., Albrecht, M., Rohde, K., Schulz, H., Wahn, U., Huebner, N. and Lee, Y.A.
PLoS Biology 5 (9): e242. September 2007


Intermingling of chromosome territories in interphase suggests role in translocations and transcription-dependent associations.
Branco, M.R. and Pombo, A.
PLoS Biology 4 (5): e138. May 2006


Systematic association of genes to phenotypes by genome and literature mining.
Korbel, J.O., Doerks, T., Jensen, L.J., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Kaczanowski, S., Hooper, S.D., Andrade, M.A. and Bork, P.
PLoS Biology 3 (5): e134. 5 April 2005


Transcriptional control in the segmentation gene network of Drosophila.
Schroeder, M.D., Pearce, M., Fak, J., Fan, H., Unnerstall, U., Emberly, E., Rajewsky, N., Siggia, E.D. and Gaul, U.
PLoS Biology 2 (9): E271. September 2004

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