Serotonin transporter-dependent histone serotonylation in placenta contributes to the neurodevelopmental transcriptome.
Chan, J.C., Alenina, N., Cunningham, A.M., Ramakrishnan, A., Shen, Li, Bader, M. and Maze, I.
Journal of Molecular Biology 436
(7): 168454.
1 April 2024
An integrated pharmacological, structural, and genetic analysis of extracellular versus intracellular ROS production in neutrophils.
Ellson, C.D., Goretti Riça, I., Kim, J.S., Huang, Y.M.M., Lim, D., Mitra, T., Hsu, A., Wei, E.X., Barrett, C.D., Otterbein, L.E., Hauser, C.J., Wahl, M., Delbrück, H., Heinemann, U., Oschkinat, H., Chang, C.E.A. and Yaffe, M.B.
Journal of Molecular Biology 434
(9): 167533.
15 May 2022
CellFIE: CRISPR- and cell fusion-based two-hybrid interaction mapping of endogenous proteins.
Secker, C., Kostova, S., Niederlechner, H., Beetz, S., Wendland, I., Liebich, M.J., Polzer, O., Groh, M., Schnoegl, S., Trepte, P. and Wanker, E.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 433
(24): 167305.
3 December 2021
Schizophrenia risk candidate protein ZNF804A interacts with STAT2 and influences interferon-mediated gene transcription in mammalian cells.
Klockmeier, K., Silva Ramos, E., Raskó, T., Martí Pastor, A. and Wanker, E.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 433
(19): 167184.
17 September 2021
Community-wide experimental evaluation of the PROSS stability-design method.
Peleg, Y., Vincentelli, R., Collins, B.M., Chen, K.E., Livingstone, E.K., Weeratunga, S., Leneva, N., Guo, Q., Remans, K., Perez, K., Bjerga, G.E.K., Larsen, Ø., Vaněk, O., Skořepa, O., Jacquemin, S., Poterszman, A., Kjaer, S., Christodoulou, E., Albeck, S., Dym, O., Ainbinder, E., Unger, T., Schuetz, A., Matthes, S., Bader, M., de Marco, A., Storici, P., Semrau, M.S., Stolt-Bergner, P., Aigner, C., Suppmann, S., Goldenzweig, A. and Fleishman, S.J.
Journal of Molecular Biology 433
(13): 166964.
25 June 2021
Megadalton-sized dityrosine aggregates of α-synuclein retain high degrees of structural disorder and internal dynamics.
Verzini, S., Shah, M., Theillet, F.X., Belsom, A., Bieschke, J., Wanker, E.E., Rappsilber, J., Binolfi, A. and Selenko, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 432
(24): 166689.
4 December 2020
The pierced lasso topology leptin has a bolt on dynamic domain composed by the disordered loops I and III.
Danielsson, J., Noel, J.K., Simien, J.M., Duggan, B.M., Oliveberg, M., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A. and Haglund, E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 432
(9): 3050-3063.
17 April 2020
Sclerotiorin stabilizes the assembly of nonfibrillar Abeta42 oligomers with low toxicity, seeding activity, and beta-sheet content.
Wiglenda, T., Groenke, N., Hoffmann, W., Manz, C., Diez, L., Buntru, A., Brusendorf, L., Neuendorf, N., Schnoegl, S., Haenig, C., Schmieder, P., Pagel, K. and Wanker, E.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 432
(7): 2080-2098.
27 March 2020
Recruitment of histone methyltransferase Ehmt1 to Foxp3 TSDR counteracts differentiation of induced regulatory T cells.
Karl, M., Sommer, C., Gabriel, C.H., Hecklau, K., Venzke, M., Hennig, A.F., Radbruch, A., Selbach, M. and Baumgrass, R.
Journal of Molecular Biology 431
(19): 3606-3625.
6 September 2019
Deregulated splicing is a major mechanism of RNA-induced toxicity in Huntington's disease.
Schilling, J., Broemer, M., Atanassov, I., Duernberger, Y., Vorberg, I., Dieterich, C., Dagane, A., Dittmar, G., Wanker, E., van Roon-Mom, W., Winter, J. and Krauß, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 431
(9): 1869-1877.
19 April 2019
Self-assembly of mutant huntingtin exon-1 fragments into large complex fibrillar structures involves nucleated branching.
Wagner, A.S., Politi, A.Z., Ast, A., Bravo-Rodriguez, K., Baum, K., Buntru, A., Strempel, N.U., Brusendorf, L., Hänig, C., Boeddrich, A., Plassmann, S., Klockmeier, K., Ramirez-Anguita, J.M., Sanchez-Garcia, E., Wolf, J. and Wanker, E.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 430
(12): 1725-1744.
8 June 2018
Pluripotent stem cells for uncovering the role of mitochondria in human brain function and dysfunction.
Zink, A., Priller, J. and Prigione, A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 430
(7): 891-903.
30 March 2018
Structure of AP205 coat protein reveals circular permutation in ssRNA bacteriophages.
Shishovs, M., Rumnieks, J., Diebolder, C., Jaudzems, K., Andreas, L.B., Stanek, J., Kazaks, A., Kotelovica, S., Akopjana, I., Pintacuda, G., Koning, R.I. and Tars, K.
Journal of Molecular Biology 428
(21): 4267-4279.
23 October 2016
DULIP: A dual luminescence-based co-immunoprecipitation assay for interactome mapping in mammalian cells.
Trepte, P., Buntru, A., Klockmeier, K., Willmore, L., Arumughan, A., Secker, C., Zenkner, M., Brusendorf, L., Rau, K., Redel, A. and Wanker, E.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 427
(21): 3375-3388.
23 October 2015
Chromatin dynamics during differentiation of myeloid cells.
Schönheit, J., Leutz, A. and Rosenbauer, F.
Journal of Molecular Biology 427
(3): 670-687.
13 February 2015
Plasticity in the contribution of T cell receptor variable region residues to binding of peptide-HLA-A2 complexes.
Smith, S.N., Sommermeyer, D., Piepenbrink, K.H., Blevins, S.J., Bernhard, H., Uckert, W., Baker, B.M. and Kranz, D.M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 425
(22): 4496-4507.
15 November 2013
Peptide linkage to the α-subunit of MHCII creates a stably inverted antigen presentation complex.
Schlundt, A., Guenther, S., Sticht, J., Wieczorek, M., Roske, Y., Heinemann, U. and Freund, C.
Journal of Molecular Biology 423
(3): 294-302.
26 October 2012
Structural properties of EGCG-induced, nontoxic Alzheimer's disease Aβ oligomers.
Lopez Del Amo, J.M., Fink, U., Dasari, M., Grelle, G., Wanker, E.E., Bieschke, J. and Reif, B.
Journal of Molecular Biology 421
(4-5): 517-524.
24 August 2012
microRNAs and the Operon paper.
Rajewsky, N.
Journal of Molecular Biology 409
(1): 70-75.
27 May 2011
Crystal structures of the bacterial solute receptor AcbH displaying an exclusive substrate preference for beta-D-galactopyranose.
Licht, A., Bulut, H., Scheffel, F.M., Daumke, O., Wehmeier, U.F., Saenger, W., Schneider, E. and Vahedi-Faridi, A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 406
(1): 92-105.
11 February 2011
Altered contractility of skeletal muscle in mice deficient in titin's M-band region.
Ottenheijm, C.A., Hidalgo, C., Rost, K., Gotthardt, M. and Granzier, H.
Journal of Molecular Biology 393
(1): 10-26.
16 October 2009
Dimer formation of a stabilized Gbeta1 variant. A structural and energetic analysis.
Thoms, S., Max, K.E., Wunderlich, M., Jacso, T., Lilie, H., Reif, B., Heinemann, U. and Schmid, F.X.
Journal of Molecular Biology 391
(5): 918-932.
4 September 2009
Alpha-synuclein selectively binds to anionic phospholipids embedded in liquid-disordered domains.
Stoeckl, M., Fischer, P., Wanker, E.E. and Herrmann, A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 375
(5): 1394-1404.
1 February 2008
Optimization of the Gbeta1 domain by computational design and by in vitro evolution: structural and energetic basis of stabilization.
Wunderlich, M., Max, K.E., Roske, Y., Mueller, U., Heinemann, U. and Schmid, F.X.
Journal of Molecular Biology 373
(3): 775-784.
26 October 2007
Optimized Variants of the Cold Shock Protein from in Vitro Selection: Structural Basis of Their High Thermostability.
Max, K.E., Wunderlich, M., Roske, Y., Schmid, F.X. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 369
(4): 1087-1097.
15 June 2007
Insight into catalysis of a unique GTPase reaction by a combined biochemical and FTIR approach.
Chakrabarti, P.P., Daumke, O., Suveyzdis, Y., Koetting, C., Gerwert, K. and Wittinghofer, A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 367
(4): 983-95.
6 April 2007
Promoter crosstalk effects on gene expression.
Hampf, M. and Gossen, M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 365
(4): 911-920.
26 January 2007
Binding site structure of one LRP/RAP complex - implications for a common ligand/receptor binding motif.
Jensen, G.A., Andersen, O.M., Bonvin, A.M.J.J., Bjerrum-Bohr, I., Etzerodt, M., Thogersen, H.C., O'Shea, C., Poulsen, F.M. and Kragelund, B.B.
Journal of Molecular Biology 362
(4): 700-716.
29 September 2006
Structure of the Bet3-Tpc6B core of TRAPP: two Tpc6 paralogs form trimeric complexes with Bet3 and Mum2.
Kuemmel, D., Mueller, J.J., Roske, Y., Henke, N. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 361
(1): 22-32.
4 August 2006
T-rich DNA single strands bind to a preformed site on the bacterial cold shock protein Bs-CspB.
Max, K.E.A., Zeeb, M., Bienert, R., Balbach, J. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 360
(3): 702-714.
14 July 2006
I-BasI and I-HmuI: two phage intron-encoded endonucleases with homologous DNA recognition sequences but distinct DNA specificities.
Landthaler, M., Shen, B.W., Stoddard, B.L. and Shub, D.A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 358
(4): 1137-1151.
12 May 2006
Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the Trypanosoma cruzi cysteine protease inhibitor chagasin.
Salmon, D., Aido-Machado, R., Diehl, A., Leidert, M., Schmetzer, O., de Lima, A.P., Scharfstein, J., Oschkinat, H. and Pires, J.R.
Journal of Molecular Biology 357
(5): 1511-1521.
14 April 2006
Structural basis for the substrate specificity of a Bacillus 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase.
Gaiser, O.J., Piotukh, K., Ponnuswamy, W.N., Planas, A., Borriss, R. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 357
(4): 1211-1225.
7 April 2006
Molecular-scale topographic cues induce the orientation and directional movement of fibroblasts on two-dimensional collagen surfaces.
Poole, K., Khairy, K., Friedrichs, J., Franz, C., Cisneros, D.A., Howard, J. and Mueller, D.
Journal of Molecular Biology 349
(2): 380-386.
3 June 2005
Thermodynamic and structural equivalence of two HLA-B27 subtypes complexed with a self-peptide.
Huelsmeyer, M., Welfle, K., Poehlmann, T., Misselwitz, R., Alexiev, U., Welfle, H., Saenger, W., Uchanska-Ziegler, B. and Ziegler, A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 346
(5): 1367-1379.
1 January 2005
Multivalent scFv display of phagemid repertoires for the selection of carbohydrate-specific antibodies and its application to the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen.
Ravn, P., Danielczyk, A., Jensen, K.B., Kristensen, P., Christensen, P.A., Larsen, M., Karsten, U. and Goletz, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 343
(4): 985-996.
29 October 2004
DNA binding and cleavage by the HNH homing endonuclease I-HmuI.
Shen, B.W., Landthaler, M., Shub, D.A. and Stoddard, B.L.
Journal of Molecular Biology 342
(1): 43-56.
3 September 2004
High-resolution crystal structures of Caldicellulosiruptor strain Rt8B.4 carbohydrate-binding module CBM27-1 and its complex with mannohexaose.
Roske, Y., Sunna, A., Pfeil, W. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 340
(3): 543-554.
9 July 2004
Equilibrium hydrogen exchange reveals extensive hydrogen bonded secondary structure in the on-pathway intermediate of Im7.
Gorski, S.A., Le Duff, C.S., Capaldi, A.P., Kalverda, A.P., Beddard, G.S., Moore, G.R. and Radford, S.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 337
(1): 183-193.
12 March 2004
Induction and myofibrillar targeting of CARP, and suppression of the Nkx2.5 pathway in the MDM mouse with impaired titin-based signaling.
Witt, C.C., Ono, Y., Puschmann, E., McNabb, M., Wu, Y., Gotthardt, M., Witt, S.H., Haak, M., Labeit, D., Gregorio, C.C., Sorimachi, H., Granzier, H. and Labeit, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 336
: 145-154.
1 January 2004
Muscle-type creatine kinase interacts with central domains of the M-band proteins myomesin and M-protein.
Hornemann, T., Kempa, S., Himmel, M., Hayess, K., Fuerst, D.O. and Wallimann, T.
Journal of Molecular Biology 332
(4): 877-887.
26 September 2003
Protein feature based identification of cell cycle regulated proteins in yeast.
de Lichtenberg, U., Jensen, T.S., Jensen, L.J. and Brunak, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 329
: 663-674.
13 June 2003
The complete mouse nebulin gene sequence and the identification of cardiac nebulin.
Kazmierski, S.T., Antin, P.B., Witt, C.C., Huebner, N., McElhinny, A.S., Labeit, S. and Gregorio, C.C.
Journal of Molecular Biology 328
(4): 835-846.
1 May 2003
Assembly of amyloid protofibrils via critical oligomers - A novel pathway of amyloid formation.
Modler, A.J., Gast, K., Lutsch, G. and Damaschun, G.
Journal of Molecular Biology 325
(1): 135-148.
3 January 2003
A novel two-step mechanism for removal of a mitochondrial signal sequence involves the mAAA complex and the putative rhomboid protease Pcp1.
Esser, K., Tursun, B., Ingenhoven, M., Michaelis, G. and Pratje, E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 323
(5): 835-843.
8 November 2002
Common physical properties of DNA affecting target site selection of Sleeping Beauty and other Tc1/mariner transposable elements.
Vigdal, T.J., Kaufman, C.D., Izsvak, Z., Voytas, D.F. and Ivics, Z.
Journal of Molecular Biology 323
(3): 441-452.
25 October 2002
Structure-function analysis of the inverted terminal repeats of the Sleeping Beauty transposon.
Cui, Z., Geurts, A.M., Liu, G., Kaufman, C.D. and Hackett, P.B.
Journal of Molecular Biology 318
(5): 1221-1235.
17 May 2002
Resolution of a disordered region at the entrance of the human sex hormone-binding globulin steroid-binding site.
Grishkovskaya, I., Avvakumov, G.V., Hammond, G.L. and Muller, Y.A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 318
(3): 621-626.
3 May 2002
Selection of large diversities of antiidiotypic antibody fragments by phage display.
Goletz, S., Christensen, P.A., Kristensen, P., Blohm, D., Tomlinson, I., Winter, G. and Karsten, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 315
(5): 1087-1097.
1 January 2002
A standard reference frame for the description of nucleic acid base-pair geometry.
Olson, W.K., Bansal, M., Burley, S.K., Dickerson, R.E., Gerstein, M., Harvey, S.C., Heinemann, U., Lu, X.J., Neidle, S., Shakked, Z., Sklenar, H., Suzuki, M., Tung, C.S., Westhof, E., Wolberger, C. and Berman, H.M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 313
: 229-237.
12 October 2001
Acidic conditions stabilise intermediates populated during the folding of Im7 and Im9 1 1Edited by C. R. Matthews.
Gorski, S.A., Capaldi, A.P., Kleanthous, C. and Radford, S.E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 312
(4): 849-863.
28 September 2001
Comparison of ARM and HEAT protein repeats.
Andrade, M.A., Petosa, C., O'Donoghue, S.I., Mueller, C.W. and Bork, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 309
(1): 1-18.
1 January 2001
Crystal structures of mutant forms of the Bacillus caldolyticus cold shock protein differing in thermal stability.
Delbrueck, H., Mueller, U., Perl, D., Schmid, F.X. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 313
(2): 359-369.
1 January 2001
The 1.85 angstrom resolution crystal structures of tissue factor in complex with humanized Fab D3h44 and of free humanized Fab D3h44: Revisiting the solvation of antigen combining sites.
Faelber, K., Kirchhofer, D., Presta, L., Kelley, R.F. and Muller, Y.A.
Journal of Molecular Biology 313
(1): 83-97.
1 January 2001
Cross-reactive binding of cyclic peptides to an anti-TGFalpha antibody fab fragment: an X-ray structural and thermodynamic analysis.
Hahn, M., Winkler, D., Welfle, K., Misselwitz, R., Welfle, H., Wessner, H., Zahn, G., Scholz, C., Seifert, M., Harkins, R., Schneider-Mergener, J. and Hoehne, W.G.
Journal of Molecular Biology 314
(2): 293-309.
1 January 2001
Homology among (betaalpha)8barrels: implications for the evolution of metabolic pathways.
Copley, R.R. and Bork, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 303
: 627-641.
3 November 2000
Crystal structures of recombinant histones HMfA and HMfB from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus.
Decanniere, K., Babu, A.M., Sandman, K., Reeve, J.N. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 303
(1): 35-47.
13 October 2000
Sleeping Beauty, a wide host-range transposon vector for genetic transformation in vertebrates.
Izsvak, Z., Ivics, Z. and Plasterk, R.H.
Journal of Molecular Biology 302
: 93-102.
8 September 2000
Characterisation of the newly identified human Ump1 homologue POMP and analysis of LMP7(beta 5i) incorporation into 20 S proteasomes.
Witt, E., Zantopf, D., Schmidt, M., Kraft, R., Kloetzel, P.M. and Krueger, E.
Journal of Molecular Biology 301
(1): 1-9.
4 August 2000
Homology-based method for identification of protein repeats using statistical significance estimates.
Andrade, M.A., Ponting, C.P., Gibson, T.J. and Bork, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 298
(3): 521-537.
5 May 2000
Thermal stability and atomic-resolution crystal structure of the Bacillus caldolyticus cold shock protein.
Mueller, U., Perl, D., Schmid, F.X. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 297
(4): 975-988.
7 April 2000
Structure and function of the mouse DNA methyltransferase gene: Dnmt1 shows a tripartite structure.
Margot, J.B., Aguirre-Arteta, A.M., Di Giacco, B.V., Pradhan, S., Roberts, R.J., Cardoso, M.C. and Leonhardt, H.
Journal of Molecular Biology 297
(2): 293-300.
24 March 2000
Vertebrate-type and plant-type ferredoxins: Crystal structure comparison and electron transfer pathway modelling.
Mueller, J.J., Mueller, A., Rottmann, M., Bernhardt, R. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 294
(2): 501-513.
26 November 1999
Prediction of potential GPI-modification sites in proprotein sequences.
Eisenhaber, B., Bork, P. and Eisenhaber, F.
Journal of Molecular Biology 292
: 741-758.
24 September 1999
Domain organization of Mac-2 binding protein and its oligomerization to linear and ring-like structures.
Mueller, S.A., Sasaki, T., Bork, P., Wolpensinger, B., Schulthess, T., Timpl, R., Engel, A. and Engel, J.
Journal of Molecular Biology 291
: 801-813.
27 August 1999
Proteins can adopt totally different folded conformations.
Damaschun, G., Damaschun, H., Gast, K. and Zirwer, D.
Journal of Molecular Biology 291
: 715-725.
20 August 1999
Eukaryotic signalling domain homologues in archaea and bacteria. Ancient ancestry and horizontal gene transfer.
Ponting, C.P., Aravind, L., Schultz, J., Bork, P. and Koonin, E.V.
Journal of Molecular Biology 289
: 729-745.
18 June 1999
Conformational analysis of single-base bulges in A-form DNA and RNA using a hierarchical approach and energetic evaluation with a continuum solvent model.
Zacharias, M. and Sklenar, H.
Journal of Molecular Biology 289
: 261-275.
4 June 1999
Sequence information within proteasomal prosequences mediates efficient integration of beta-subunits into the 20 S proteasome complex.
Schmidt, M., Zantopf, D., Kraft, R., Kostka, S., Preissner, R. and Kloetzel, P.M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 288
: 117-128.
23 April 1999
Predicting function: From genes to genomes and back.
Bork, P., Dandekar, T., Diaz-Lazcoz, Y., Eisenhaber, F., Huynen, M. and Yuan, Y.P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 283
: 707-725.
6 November 1998
Plasmid pIP501 encoded transcriptional repressor CopR binds to its target DNA as a dimer.
Steinmetzer, K., Behlke, J. and Brantl, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 283
: 595-603.
30 October 1998
Merging extracellular domains: Fold prediction for laminin G- like and amino-terminal thrombospondin-like modules based on homology to pentraxins.
Beckmann, G., Hanke, J., Bork, P. and Reich, J.
Journal of Molecular Biology 275
: 725-730.
1 January 1998
Homology-based fold predictions for Mycoplasma genitalium proteins.
Huynen, M., Doerks, T., Eisenhaber, F., Orengo, C., Sunyaev, S.R., Yuan, Y.P. and Bork, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 280
: 323-326.
1 January 1998
Assessing the reliability of RNA folding using statistical mechanics.
Huynen, M.A., Guttel, R. and Konings, D.A.M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 267
: 1104-1112.
1 January 1997
Ferredoxin from the hyperthermophile thermotoga maritima is stable beyond the boiling point of water.
Pfeil, W., Gesierich, U., Kleemann, G.R. and Sterner, R.
Journal of Molecular Biology 272
: 591-596.
1 January 1997
Genomic organization of M line titin and its tissue-specific expression in two distinct isoforms.
Kolmerer, B., Olivieri, N., Witt, C.C. and Labeit, S.
Journal of Molecular Biology 256
: 556-563.
1 January 1996
Homodimers of chromosomal proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17 in nucleosome cores.
Postnikov, Y., Trieschmann, L., Rieckers, A. and Bustin, M.
Journal of Molecular Biology 252
: 423-432.
1 January 1995
Crystal structure of an RNA dodecamer containing the Escherichia Coli Shine-Dalgarno sequence.
Schindelin, H., Zhang, M., Bald, R., Fuerste, J.P., Erdmann, V.A. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 249
(3): 595-603.
1 January 1995
Amino acid requirements of the nucleocapsid protein of HIV-1 for increasing catalytic activity of a Ki-ras ribozyme in vitro.
Mueller, G., Strack, B., Dannull, J., Sproat, B.S., Surovoy, A., Jung, G. and Moelling, K.
Journal of Molecular Biology 242
(4): 422-429.
30 September 1994
Drosophila kelch motif is derived from a common enzyme fold.
Bork, P. and Doolittle, R.F.
Journal of Molecular Biology 236
: 1277-1282.
1 January 1994
The immunoglobulin fold - Structural classification, sequence patterns and common core.
Bork, P., Holm, L. and Sander, C.
Journal of Molecular Biology 242
: 309-320.
1 January 1994
Secondary structure and temperature-induced unfolding and refolding of ribonuclease T1 in aqueous solution: a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study.
Fabian, H., Schultz, C., Naumann, D., Landt, O., Hahn, U. and Saenger, W.
Journal of Molecular Biology 232
(3): 967-981.
5 August 1993
A method to configure protein side-chains from the main-chain trace in homology modelling.
Eisenmenger, F., Argos, P. and Abagyan, R.
Journal of Molecular Biology 231
(3): 849-860.
5 June 1993
Localization of proteins HL29 and HL31 from Haloarcula- marismortui within the 50-S ribosomal subunit by chemical crosslinking.
Bergmann, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Molecular Biology 232
: 693-700.
1 January 1993
The CUB domain: A widespread module in developmentally regulated proteins.
Bork, P. and Beckmann, G.
Journal of Molecular Biology 231
: 539-545.
1 January 1993
Crystallization of barley (1-3,1-4)-beta-glucanase, isoenzyme II.
Keitel, T., Thomsen, K.K. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Molecular Biology 232
: 1003-1004.
1 January 1993
Prokaryotic members of a new family of putative helicases with similarity to transcripton activator SNF2.
Kolsto, A.B., Bork, P., Kvaloy, K., Lindback, T., Gronstadt, A., Kristensen, T. and Sander, C.
Journal of Molecular Biology 230
: 684-688.
1 January 1993
Crystallization of bovine adrenodoxin-reductase in a new unit cell and its crystallographic characterization.
Kuban, R.J., Marg, A., Resch, M. and Ruckpaul, K.
Journal of Molecular Biology 234
: 245-248.
1 January 1993
Rotamers - to be or not to be? - An analysis of amino acid side-chains conformations in globular proteins.
Schrauber, H., Eisenhaber, F. and Argos, P.
Journal of Molecular Biology 230
: 592-612.
1 January 1993
Crystallization and x-ray examination of bovine adrenodoxin.
Marg, A., Kuban, R.J., Behlke, J., Dettmer, R. and Ruckpaul, K.
Journal of Molecular Biology 227
: 945-947.
1 January 1992
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 08:55:14 2025 UTC.