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Enhancement of intracellular concentration and biological activity of PNA after conjugation with a cell-penetrating synthetic model peptide.
Oehlke, J., Wallukat, G., Wolf, Y., Ehrlich, A., Wiesner, B., Berger, H. and Bienert, M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 271 (14): 3043-3049. 1 January 2004

Analyses of the CYP11B gene family in the guinea pig suggest the existence of a primordial CYP11B gene with aldosterone synthase activity.
Buelow, H.E. and Bernhardt, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (15): 3838-3846. August 2002

Substrates modulate the rate-determining step for CO binding in cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) - A high-pressure stopped-flow study.
Jung, C., Bec, N. and Lange, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (12): 2989-2996. June 2002

Epoxidation of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol by human CYP1A1 in reconstituted membranes.
Kisselev, P., Schwarz, D., Platt, K.L., Schunck, W.H. and Roots, I.
European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (7): 1799-1805. April 2002

NblA from Anabaena sp PCC 7120 is a mostly alpha-helical protein undergoing reversible trimerization in solution.
Strauss, H., Misselwitz, R., Labudde, D., Nicklisch, S. and Baier, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (18): 4617-4624. 1 January 2002

Functional asymmetry of the ATP-binding-cassettes of the ABC transporter TAP is determined by intrinsic properties of the nucleotide binding domains.
Daumke, O. and Knittler, M.R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (17): 4776-86. September 2001

Covalently crosslinked complexes of bovine adrenodoxin with adrenodoxin reductase and cytochrome P450scc. Mass spectrometry and Edman degradation of complexes of the steroidogenic hydroxylase system.
Mueller, E.C., Lapko, A., Otto, A., Mueller, J.J., Ruckpaul, K. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (6): 1837-1843. 1 January 2001

Defined sequence segments of the small heat shock proteins HSP25 and alphaB-crystallin inhibit actin polymerization.
Wieske, M., Benndorf, R., Behlke, J., Doelling, R., Grelle, G., Bielka, H. and Lutsch, G.
European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (7): 2083-2090. 1 January 2001

Flexibility and stability of the structure of cytochromes P450 3A4 and BM-3.
Anzenbacherova, E., Bec, N., Anzenbacher, P., Hudecek, J., Soucek, P., Jung, C., Munro, A.W. and Lange, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (10): 2916-2920. 1 May 2000

Turkey cytochrome c oxidase contains subunit VIa of the liver type associated with low efficiency of energy transduction.
Huettemann, M., Arnold, S., Lee, I., Muehlenbein, N., Linder, D., Lottspeich, F. and Kadenbach, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 : 2098-2104. 1 April 2000

Mouse Hsp25, a small heat shock protein. The role of its C-terminal extension in oligomerization and chaperone action.
Lindner, R.A., Carver, J.A., Ehrnsperger, M., Buchner, J., Esposito, G., Behlke, J., Lutsch, G., Kotlyarov, A. and Gaestel, M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (7): 1923-1932. 1 April 2000

epsilon-Crystallin from duck eye lens. Comparisonof its quaternary structure and stability with other lactate dehydrogenases and complex formation with alpha-crystallin.
Berr, K., Wassenberg, D., Lilie, H., Behlke, J. and Jaenicke, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (17): 5413-5420. 1 January 2000

Curvature properties of novel forms of phosphatidylcholine with branched acyl chains.
Epand, R.M., Epand, R.F., Decicco, A. and Schwarz, D.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 : 2909-2915. 1 January 2000

Assignment of heme mythyl 1H-NMR resonances of high-spin and low-spin ferric complexes of cytochrome P450cam using one-dimensional and two-dimensional paramagnetic signals enhancement (PASE) magnetization transfer experiments.
Mouro, C., Bondon, A., Jung, C., De Certaines, J.D. and Simonneaux, A.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (1): 216-221. 1 January 2000

Pore-forming peptides of Entamoeba dispar : similarity and divergence to amoebapores in structure, expression and activity.
Nickel, R., Ott, C., Dandekar, T. and Leippe, M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 265 (3): 1002-1007. 1 November 1999

Urokinase activates calcium-dependent potassium channels in U937 cells via calcium release from intracellular stores.
Christow, S.P., Bychkov, R., Schroeder, C., Dietz, R., Haller, H., Dumler, I. and Gulba, D.C.
European Journal of Biochemistry 265 : 264-272. 1 October 1999

Cyanophycinase, a peptidase degrading the cyanobacterial reserve material multi-L-arginyl-poly-L-aspartic acid (cyanophycin) - Molecular cloning of the gene of Synechocystis sp PCC 6803, expression in Escherichia coli, and biochemical characterization of the purified enzyme.
Richter, R., Hejazi, M., Kraft, R., Ziegler, K. and Lockau, W.
European Journal of Biochemistry 263 : 163-169. 1 July 1999

Enzymatic properties of vesicle-reconstituted human cytochrome P450SCC (CYP11A1) - Differences in functioning of the mitochondrial electron-transfer chain using human and bovine adrenodoxin and activation by cardiolipin.
Kisselev, P., Tuckey, R.C., Woods, S.T., Triantopoulos, T. and Schwarz, D.
European Journal of Biochemistry 260 : 768-773. 1 March 1999

Effect of the ionic environment on the molecular structure of bacteriophage SPP1 portal protein.
Jekow, P., Behlke, J., Tichelaar, W., Lurz, R., Regalla, M., Hinrichs, W. and Tavares, P.
European Journal of Biochemistry 264 : 724-735. 1 January 1999

Cleavage of transcription factor SP1 by caspases during anti-IgM-induced B-cell apoptosis.
Rickers, A., Peters, N., Badock, V., Beyaert, R., Vandenabeele, P., Doerken, B. and Bommert, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 261 : 269-274. 1 January 1999

The laminarinase from thermophilic eubacterium Rhodothermus marinus - Conformation, stability, and identification of active site carboxylic residues by site-directed mutagenesis.
Krah, M., Misselwitz, R., Politz, O., Thomsen, K.K., Welfle, H. and Borriss, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 257 : 101-111. 1 October 1998

Hypothermia enhances the biological activity of lipopolysaccharide by altering its fluidity state.
Luhm, J., Schromm, A.B., Seydel, U., Brandenburg, K., Wellinghausen, N., Riedel, E., Schumann, R.R. and Rink, L.
European Journal of Biochemistry 256 : 325-333. 1 September 1998

Mutual conversion of fatty-acid substrate specificity by a single amino-acid exchange at position 527 in P-450Cm2 and P-450Alk3A.
Zimmer, T., Scheller, U., Takagi, M. and Schunck, W.H.
European Journal of Biochemistry 256 (2): 398-403. 1 September 1998

3,5-Diiodothyronine binds to subunit Va of cytochrome-c oxidase and abolishes the allosteric inhibition of respiration by ATP.
Arnold, S., Goglia, F. and Kadenbach, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 252 (2): 325-330. 1 March 1998

Conferring aldosterone synthesis to human CYP11B1 by replacing key amino acid residues with CYP11B2-specific ones.
Boettner, B., Denner, K. and Bernhardt, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 252 : 458-466. 1 January 1998

Site-specific modification of 4.5S RNA apical domain by complementary oligodeoxynucleotides carrying an alkylating group.
Bulygin, K., Malygin, A., Karpova, G. and Westermann, P.
European Journal of Biochemistry 251 : 175-180. 1 January 1998

Immunochemical and functional characterization of an agonist- like monoclonal antibody against the M2 acetylcholine receptor.
Elies, R., Fu, L.X.M., Eftekhari, P., Wallukat, G., Schulze, W., Granier, C., Hjalmarson, A. and Hoebeke, J.
European Journal of Biochemistry 251 : 659-666. 1 January 1998

Cell respiration is controlled by ATP, an allosteric inhibitor of cytochrome-c oxidase.
Arnold, S. and Kadenbach, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 249 (1): 350-354. 1 October 1997

The subunit structure of cytochrome-c oxidase from tuna heart and liver.
Arnold, S., Lee, I., Kim, M., Song, E., Linder, D., Lottspeich, F. and Kadenbach, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 248 : 99-103. 15 August 1997

Identification and characterization of the genes for mitochondrial ribosomal proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Kitakawa, M., Graack, H.R., Grohmann, L., Goldschmidt-Reisin, S., Herfurth, E., Wittmann-Liebold, B., Nishimura, T. and Isono, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 245 : 449-456. 1 January 1997

C-terminal ladder sequencing by an approach combining chemical degradation with analysis by matrix-assisted-laser-desorption ionization mass spectrometry.
Thiede, B., Salnikow, J. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 244 : 750-754. 1 January 1997

Further characterization of a rat hepatoma-derived aldose-reductase-like protein: organ distribution and modulation in vitro.
Zeindl-Eberhart, E., Jungblut, P., Otto, A., Kerler, R. and Rabes, H.M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 247 : 792-800. 1 January 1997

The CO stretching mode infrared spectrum of substrate-free cytochrome P450cam-CO:The effect of solvent conditions, temperature, and pressure.
Jung, C., Ristau, O., Schulze, H. and Sligar, S.G.
European Journal of Biochemistry 235 : 660-669. 1 January 1996

Characterization of the human small-ribosomal-subunit proteins by N-terminal and internal sequencing, and mass spectrometry.
Vladimirov, S.N., Ivanov, A.V., Karpova, G.G., Musolyamov, A.K., Egorov, T.A., Thiede, B., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Otto, A.
European Journal of Biochemistry 239 : 144-149. 1 January 1996

cDNA sequence and mRNA tissue distribution of a novel human matrix metalloproteinase with a potential transmembrane segment.
Will, H. and Hinzmann, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 231 (3): 602-608. 1 August 1995

Substrate and product binding sites of yeast fatty acid synthase. Stoichiometry and binding kinetics of wild-type and in vitro mutated enzymes.
Schuster, H., Rautenstrauss, B., Mittag, M., Stratmann, D. and Schweizer, E.
European Journal of Biochemistry 228 : 417-424. 1 March 1995

Mutational effects on the spectroscopic properties and biological activities of oxidized bovine adrenodoxin, and their structural implications.
Beckert, V., Schrauber, H., Bernhardt, R., Vandijk, A.A., Kakoschke, C. and Wray, V.
European Journal of Biochemistry 231 (1): 226-235. 1 January 1995

Cartography of ribosomal proteins of the 30S subunit from the halophilic Haloarcula marismortui and complete sequence analysis of protein HS26.
Engemann, S., Noelle, R., Herfurth, E., Briesemeister, U., Grelle, G. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 234 : 24-31. 1 January 1995

Crystal and molecular structure at 0.16-nm resolution of the hybrid Bacillus endo-1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase H(A16-M).
Hahn, M., Keitel, T. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 232 (3): 849-858. 1 January 1995

Compressibility of the heme pocket of substrate analogue complexes of cytochrome P-450cam-CO: The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Soret band.
Jung, C., Hoa, G.H.B., Davydov, D., Gill, E. and Heremans, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 233 : 600-606. 1 January 1995

NMR studies and restrained-molecular dynamics calculations of a long A+T-rich stretch in DNA: effects of phosphate charge and solvent approximations.
Leijon, M., Zdunek, J., Fritzsche, H., Sklenar, H. and Graeslund, A.
European Journal of Biochemistry 234 (3): 832-842. 1 January 1995

Biochemical characterization of the 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin- reactive hydrogenase from methanosarcina barkeri fusaro.
Michel, R., Massanz, C., Kostka, S., Richter, M. and Fiebig, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 233 (3): 727-735. 1 January 1995

Influence of Ca2+ on conformation and stability of three bacterial hybrid glucanases.
Welfle, K., Misselwitz, R., Welfle, H., Politz, O. and Borriss, R.
European Journal of Biochemistry 229 (3): 726-735. 1 January 1995

Sequence-specific recognition of a repetitive DNA element by a C2H2 zinc-finger protein in Xenopus.
Schafer, U., Rausch, O., Bouwmeester, T. and Pieler, T.
European Journal of Biochemistry 226 : 567-576. 1 December 1994

Differential nuclear localization of protein kinase C isoforms in neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells.
Beckmann, R., Lindschau, C., Haller, H., Hucho, F. and Buchner, K.
European Journal of Biochemistry 222 : 335-343. 1 January 1994

Synthetic post-translationally modified human Abeta peptide exhibits a markedly increased tendency to form beta-pleated sheets in vitro.
Fabian, H., Szendrei, G.I., Mantsch, H.H., Greenberg, B.D. and Oetvoes, L.
European Journal of Biochemistry 221 : 959-964. 1 January 1994

The thermostability of natural variants of bacterial plasminogen- activator staphylokinase.
Gase, A., Birch-Hirschfeld, E., Guehrs, K.H., Hartmann, M., Vetterman, S., Damaschun, G., Damaschun, H., Gast, K., Misselwitz, R., Zirwer, D., Collen, D. and Schlott, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 223 : 303-308. 1 January 1994

Cation binding to a Bacillus (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase. Geometry, affinity and effect on protein stability.
Keitel, T., Meldgaard, M. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 222 : 203-214. 1 January 1994

Arrangement of mRNA at the decoding site of human ribosomes. 18S rRNA nucleotides and ribisomal proteins cross-linked to oligouridylate derivatives with alkylating groups at either the 3' or the 5' termini.
Malygin, A.A., Graifa, D.M., Bulygin, K.N., Zenkova, M.A., Yamkovoy, V.I., Stahl, J. and Karpova, G.G.
European Journal of Biochemistry 226 : 715-723. 1 January 1994

Comparative analysis of the protein components from 5S rRNA protein complexes of halophilic archaebacteria.
Mcdougall, J. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 221 : 779-785. 1 January 1994

X-ray crystallographic and calorimetric studies of the effects of the mutation Trp59Tyr in ribonuclease T1.
Schubert, W.D., Schluckebier, G., Backmann, J., Granzin, J., Kisker, C., Choe, H.W., Hahn, U., Pfeil, W. and Saenger, W.
European Journal of Biochemistry 220 : 527-534. 1 January 1994

The carbon monoxide stretching modes in camphor-bound cytochrome P450cam: the effect of solvent conditions, temperature, and pressure.
Schulze, H., Ristau, O. and Jung, C.
European Journal of Biochemistry 224 : 1047-1055. 1 January 1994

Aspartate-bond isomerization affects the major conformations of synthetic peptides.
Szendrei, G.I., Fabian, H., Mantsch, H.H., Lovas, S., Nyeki, O., Schoen, I. and Otvos, L.
European Journal of Biochemistry 226 : 917-924. 1 January 1994

Purification and characterization of the 30S ribosomal proteins from bacterium Thermus thermophilus.
Tsiboli, P., Herfurth, E. and Choli, T.
European Journal of Biochemistry 226 : 169-177. 1 January 1994

A tetrameric complex of membrane proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum.
Hartmann, E., Goerlich, D., Kostka, S., Otto, A., Kraft, R., Knespel, S., Buerger, E., Rapoport, T.A. and Prehn, S.
European Journal of Biochemistry 214 (2): 375-381. 1 June 1993

Structural and physico-chemical characteristics of Bordella pertussis adenylate kinase, a tryptophan-containing enzyme.
Gilles, A.M., Sismeiro, O., Munier, H., Fabian, H., Mantsch, H.H., Surewicz, W.K., Craescu, C.C., Barzu, O. and Danchin, A.
European Journal of Biochemistry 218 : 921-927. 1 January 1993

Tissue-type plasminogen-activator mutants imitating urokinase in the peptide link between kringle and protease domains and at selected sites within the protease domain.
Hinzmann, B., Wernicke, D., Pfeifer, M., Zacharias, U., Fischer, B., Eisenmenger, F. and Will, H.
European Journal of Biochemistry 213 : 437-443. 1 January 1993

Three-dimensional structure of the ternary complex between ribonuclease T1, guanosine 3',5'-bisphosphate and inorganic phosphate at 0.19 nm resolution.
Lenz, A., Choe, H.W., Granzin, J., Heinemann, U. and Saenger, W.
European Journal of Biochemistry 211 : 311-316. 1 January 1993

A mutant T7 phage promoter is specifically transcribed by T7-RNA polymerase in mammalian cells.
Lieber, A., Sandig, V. and Strauss, M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 217 : 387-394. 1 January 1993

Conformations and conformational changes of four Phe->Trp variants of the DNA-binding histone-like protein, HBsu, from Bacillus subtilis studied by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy.
Welfle, H., Misselwitz, R., Welfle, K., Schindelin, H., Scholtz, A.S. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 217 : 849-856. 1 January 1993

YmL9, a nucleus-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein of yeast, is homologous to L3 ribosomal proteins from all natural kingdoms and photosynthetic organelles.
Graack, H.R., Grohmann, L., Kitakawa, M., Schaefer, K.L. and Kruft, V.
European Journal of Biochemistry 206 : 373-380. 1 January 1992

Primary structures of ribosomal proteins L3 and L4 from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
Herwig, S., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
European Journal of Biochemistry 207 : 877-885. 1 January 1992

Salt-dependent and protein-concentration-dependent changes in the solution structure of DNA-binding histone-like protein, HBsn, from Bacillus subtilis.
Welfle, H., Misselwitz, R., Welfle, K., Groch, N. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Biochemistry 204 : 1049-1055. 1 January 1992

Secretion-stimulating and secretion-inhibiting hormones stimulate high-affinity pertussis-toxin-sensitive GTPases in membranes of a pituitary cell line.
Offermanns, S., Schultz, G. and Rosenthal, W.
European Journal of Biochemistry 180 (2): 283-287. 15 March 1989

The role of nucleoside-diphosphate kinase reactions in G protein activation of NADPH oxidase by guanine and adenine nucleotides.
Seifert, R., Rosenthal, W., Schultz, G., Wieland, T., Gierschick, P. and Jakobs, K.H.
European Journal of Biochemistry 175 (1): 51-55. 15 July 1988

Identification and characterization of the 35-kDa beta subunit of guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins by an antiserum raised against transducin.
Rosenthal, W., Koesling, D., Rudolph, U., Kleuss, C., Pallast, M., Yajima, M. and Schultz, G.
European Journal of Biochemistry 158 (2): 255-263. 15 July 1986


Modelling of simple and complex calcium oscillations - From single-cell responses to intercellular signalling.
Schuster, S., Marhl, M. and Hoefer, T.
European Journal of Biochemistry 269 (5): 1333-1355. 1 January 2002

The retinoblastoma protein: a master regulator of cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis.
Herwig, S. and Strauss, M.
European Journal of Biochemistry 246 : 581-601. 1 January 1997

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