Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
Pancreas organogenesis: from lineage determination to morphogenesis.
Shih, H.P., Wang, A. and Sander, M.
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 29
: 81-105.
October 2013
BMC Developmental Biology
The role of Sox9 in mouse mammary gland development and maintenance of mammary stem and luminal progenitor cells.
Malhotra, G.K., Zhao, X., Edwards, E., Kopp, J.L., Naramura, M., Sander, M., Band, H. and Band, V.
BMC Developmental Biology 14
: 47.
20 December 2014
BMC Genomics
Inferring time series chromatin states for promoter-enhancer pairs based on Hi-C data.
Miko, H., Qiu, Y., Gaertner, B., Sander, M. and Ohler, U.
BMC Genomics 22
(1): 84.
28 January 2021
A vascularized 3D model of the human pancreatic islet for ex vivo study of immune cell-islet interaction.
Bender, R.H.F., O'Donnell, B.T., Shergill, B., Pham, B.Q., Tahmouresie, S., Sanchez, C.N., Juat, D.J., Hatch, M.M.S., Shirure, V.S., Wortham, M., Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Jun, Y., Gaetani, R., Christman, K.L., Teyton, L., George, S.C., Sander, M. and Hughes, C.C.W.
Biofabrication 16
(2): 025001.
11 January 2024
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Heterogeneity of diabetes: β-cells, phenotypes, and precision medicine: proceedings of an international symposium of the canadian institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes and the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Cefalu, W.T., Andersen, D.K., Arreaza-Rubín, G., Pin, C.L., Sato, S., Verchere, C.B., Woo, M., Rosenblum, N.D., Rosenblum, N., Cefalu, W., Andersen, D.K., Arreaza-Rubín, G., Dhara, C., James, S.P., Makarchuk, M.J., Pin, C.L., Sato, S., Verchere, B., Woo, M., Powers, A., Estall, J., Hoesli, C., Millman, J., Linnemann, A., Johnson, J., Pin, C.L., Hawkins, M., Woo, M., Gloyn, A., Cefalu, W., Rosenblum, N., Huising, M.O., Benninger, R.K.P., Almaça, J., Hull-Meichle, R.L., MacDonald, P., Lynn, F., Melero-Martin, J., Yoshihara, E., Stabler, C., Sander, M., Evans-Molina, C., Engin, F., Thompson, P., Shalev, A., Redondo, M.J., Nadeau, K., Bellin, M., Udler, M.S., Dennis, J., Dash, S., Zhou, W., Snyder, M., Booth, G., Butte, A. and Florez, J.
Canadian Journal of Diabetes 45
(8): 697-713.
December 2021
Cancer Cell
Identification of Sox9-dependent acinar-to-ductal reprogramming as the principal mechanism for initiation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Kopp, J.L., von Figura, G., Mayes, E., Liu, F.F., Dubois, C.L., Morris, J.P., Pan, F.C., Akiyama, H., Wright, C.V.E., Jensen, K., Hebrok, M. and Sander, M.
Cancer Cell 22
(6): 737-50.
11 December 2012
N(6)-methyladenine DNA modification in glioblastoma.
Xie, Q., Wu, T.P., Gimple, R.C., Li, Z., Prager, B.C., Wu, Q., Yu, Y., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Gorkin, D.U., Zhang, C., Dowiak, A.V., Lin, K., Zeng, C., Sui, Y., Kim, L.J.Y., Miller, T.E., Jiang, L., Lee, C.H., Huang, Z., Fang, X.., Zhai, K., Mack, S.C., Sander, M., Bao, S., Kerstetter-Fogle, A.E., Sloan, A.E., Xiao, A.Z. and Rich, J.N.
Cell 175
(5): 1228-1243.
15 November 2018
Hybrid periportal hepatocytes regenerate the injured liver without giving rise to cancer.
Font-Burgada, J., Shalapour, S., Ramaswamy, S., Hsueh, B., Rossell, D., Umemura, A., Taniguchi, K., Nakagawa, H., Valasek, M.A., Ye, L., Kopp, J.L., Sander, M., Carter, H., Deisseroth, K., Verma, I.M. and Karin, M.
Cell 162
(4): 766-79.
13 August 2015
Cell Cycle
Progenitor cell domains in the developing and adult pancreas.
Kopp, J.L., Dubois, C.L., Hao, E., Thorel, F., Herrera, P.L. and Sander, M.
Cell Cycle 10
(12): 1921-7.
15 June 2011
Cell Death & Disease
Beta cell dysfunction induced by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 is associated with histone modifications and decreased NeuroD1 chromatin binding.
Urizar, A.I., Prause, M., Ingerslev, L.R., Wortham, M., Sui, Y., Sander, M., Williams, K., Barrès, R., Larsen, M.R., Christensen, G.L. and Billestrup, N.
Cell Death & Disease 14
(7): 399.
5 July 2023
Cell Genomics
Type 1 diabetes risk genes mediate pancreatic beta cell survival in response to proinflammatory cytokines.
Benaglio, P., Zhu, H., Okino, M.L., Yan, J., Elgamal, R., Nariai, N., Beebe, E., Korgaonkar, K., Qiu, Y., Donovan, M.K.R., Chiou, J., Wang, G., Newsome, J., Kaur, J., Miller, M., Preissl, S., Corban, S., Aylward, A., Taipale, J., Ren, B., Frazer, K.A., Sander, M. and Gaulton, K.J.
Cell Genomics 2
(12): 100214.
14 December 2022
Cell Metabolism
The Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge Portal: An open access genetic resource dedicated to type 2 diabetes and related traits.
Costanzo, M.C., von Grotthuss, M., Massung, J., Jang, D., Caulkins, L., Koesterer, R., Gilbert, C., Welch, R.P., Kudtarkar, P., Hoang, Q., Boughton, A.P., Singh, P., Sun, Y., Duby, M., Moriondo, A., Nguyen, T., Smadbeck, P., Alexander, B.R., Brandes, M.K., Carmichael, M., Dornbos, P., Green, T., Huellas-Bruskiewicz, K.C., Ji, Y., Kluge, A., McMahon, A.C., Mercader, J.M., Ruebenacker, O., Sengupta, S., Spalding, D., Taliun, D., Smith, P., Thomas, M.K., Akolkar, B., Brosnan, M.J., Cherkas, A., Chu, A.Y., Fauman, E.B., Fox, C.S., Kamphaus, T.N., Miller, M.R., Nguyen, L., Parsa, A., Reilly, D.F., Ruetten, H., Wholley, D., Zaghloul, N.A., Abecasis, G.R., Altshuler, D., Keane, T.M., McCarthy, M.I., Gaulton, K.J., Florez, J.C., Boehnke, M., Burtt, N.P. and Flannick, J.
Cell Metabolism 35
(4): 695-710.e6.
4 April 2023
Pseudotemporal ordering of single cells reveals metabolic control of postnatal ß cell proliferation.
Zeng, C., Mulas, F., Sui, Y., Guan, T., Miller, N., Tan, Y., Liu, F., Jin, W., Carrano, A.C., Huising, M.O., Shirihai, O.S., Yeo, G.W. and Sander, M.
Cell Metabolism 25
(5): 1160-1175.e11.
2 May 2017
High T gives β cells a boost.
Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Cell Metabolism 23
(5): 761-3.
10 May 2016
Human β cell transcriptome analysis uncovers lncRNAs that are tissue-specific, dynamically regulated, and abnormally expressed in type 2 diabetes.
Morán, I., Akerman, I., van de Bunt, M., Xie, R., Benazra, M., Nammo, T., Arnes, L., Nakić, N., García-Hurtado, J., Rodríguez-Seguí, S., Pasquali, L., Sauty-Colace, C., Beucher, A., Scharfmann, R., van Arensbergen, J., Johnson, P.R., Berry, A., Lee, C., Harkins, T., Gmyr, V., Pattou, F., Kerr-Conte, J., Piemonti, L., Berney, T., Hanley, N., Gloyn, A.L., Sussel, L., Langman, L., Brayman, K.L., Sander, M., McCarthy, M.I., Ravassard, P. and Ferrer, J.
Cell Metabolism 16
(4): 435-48.
3 October 2012
Cell Reports
Integrated in vivo quantitative proteomics and nutrient tracing reveals age-related metabolic rewiring of pancreatic β cell function.
Wortham, M., Benthuysen, J.R., Wallace, M., Savas, J.N., Mulas, F., Divakaruni, A.S., Liu, F., Albert, V., Taylor, B.L., Sui, Y., Saez, E., Murphy, A.N., Yates, J.R., Metallo, C.M. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 25
(10): 2904-2918.
4 December 2018
ECM signaling regulates collective cellular dynamics to control pancreas branching morphogenesis.
Shih, H.P., Panlasigui, D., Cirulli, V. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 14
(2): 169-79.
12 January 2016
A gene regulatory network cooperatively controlled by Pdx1 and Sox9 governs lineage allocation of foregut progenitor cells.
Shih, H.P., Seymour, P.A., Patel, N.A., Xie, R., Wang, A., Liu, P.P., Yeo, G.W., Magnuson, M.A. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 13
(2): 326-36.
13 October 2015
Nkx6.1 is essential for maintaining the functional state of pancreatic beta cells.
Taylor, B.L., Liu, F.F. and Sander, M.
Cell Reports 4
(6): 1262-75.
26 September 2013
Cell Stem Cell
Matters arising: Insufficient evidence that pancreatic β cells are derived from adult ductal Neurog3-expressing progenitors.
Magenheim, J., Maestro, M.A., Sharon, N., Herrera, P.L., Murtaugh, L.C., Kopp, J., Sander, M., Gu, G., Melton, D.A., Ferrer, J. and Dor, Y.
Cell Stem Cell 30
(4): 488-497.
6 April 2023
Epigenetic priming of enhancers predicts developmental competence of hESC-derived endodermal lineage intermediates.
Wang, A., Yue, F., Li, Y., Xie, R., Harper, T., Patel, N.A., Muth, K., Palmer, J., Qiu, Y., Wang, J., Lam, D.K., Raum, J.C., Stoffers, D.A., Ren, B. and Sander, M.
Cell Stem Cell 16
(4): 386-99.
2 April 2015
Stem cell epigenetics: looking forward.
Benitah, S.A., Bracken, A., Dou, Y., Huangfu, D., Ivanova, N., Koseki, H., Laurent, L., Lim, D.A., Meshorer, E., Pombo, A., Sander, M. and Xu, G.L.
Cell Stem Cell 14
(6): 706-709.
5 June 2014
Dynamic chromatin remodeling mediated by polycomb proteins orchestrates pancreatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells.
Xie, R., Everett, L.J., Lim, H.W., Patel, N.A., Schug, J., Kroon, E., Kelly, O.G., Wang, A., D'Amour, K.A., Robins, A.J., Won, K.J., Kaestner, K.H. and Sander, M.
Cell Stem Cell 12
(2): 224-37.
7 February 2013
Cell death and disease
PRDM3 attenuates pancreatitis and pancreatic tumorigenesis by regulating inflammatory response.
Ye, J., Huang, A., Wang, H., Zhang, A.M.Y., Huang, X., Lan, Q., Sato, T., Goyama, S., Kurokawa, M., Deng, C., Sander, M., Schaeffer, D.F., Li, W., Kopp, J.L. and Xie, R.
Cell death and disease 11
(3): 187.
16 March 2020
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology
Differential cell susceptibilities to kras(G12D) in the setting of obstructive chronic pancreatitis.
Shi, C., Pan, F.C., Kim, J.N., Washington, M.K., Padmanabhan, C., Meyer, C.T., Kopp, J.L., Sander, M., Gannon, M., Beauchamp, R.D., Wright, C.V. and Means, A.L.
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 8
(4): 579-594.
31 October 2019
Communications Biology
Transcriptional changes and the role of ONECUT1 in hPSC pancreatic differentiation.
Heller, S., Li, Z., Lin, Q., Geusz, R., Breunig, M., Hohwieler, M., Zhang, X., Nair, G.G., Seufferlein, T., Hebrok, M., Sander, M., Julier, C., Kleger, A. and Costa, I.G.
Communications Biology 4
(1): 1298.
17 November 2021
Prdm12 specifies V1 interneurons through cross-repressive interactions with Dbx1 and Nkx6 genes in Xenopus.
Thélie, A., Desiderio, S., Hanotel, J., Quigley, I., Van Driessche, B., Rodari, A., Borromeo, M.D., Kricha, S., Lahaye, F., Croce, J., Cerda-Moya, G., Ordoño Fernandez, J., Bolle, B., Lewis, K.E., Sander, M., Pierani, A., Schubert, M., Johnson, J.E., Kintner, C.R., Pieler, T., Van Lint, C., Henningfeld, K.A., Bellefroid, E.J. and Van Campenhout, C.
Development 142
(19): 3416-28.
1 October 2015
Hnf1b controls pancreas morphogenesis and the generation of Ngn3(+) endocrine progenitors.
De Vas, M.G., Kopp, J.L., Heliot, C., Sander, M., Cereghini, S. and Haumaitre, C.
Development 142
(5): 871-82.
March 2015
A Sox9/Fgf feed-forward loop maintains pancreatic organ identity.
Seymour, P.A., Shih, H.P., Patel, N.A., Freude, K.K., Xie, R., Lim, C.J. and Sander, M.
Development 139
(18): 3363-72.
September 2012
A Notch-dependent molecular circuitry initiates pancreatic endocrine and ductal cell differentiation.
Shih, H.P., Kopp, J.L., Sandhu, M., Dubois, C.L., Seymour, P.A., Grapin-Botton, A. and Sander, M.
Development 139
(14): 2488-99.
July 2012
Sox9(+) ductal cells are multipotent progenitors throughout development but do not produce new endocrine cells in the normal or injured adult pancreas.
Kopp, J.L., Dubois, C.L., Schaffer, A.E., Hao, E., Shih, H.P., Seymour, P.A., Ma, J. and Sander, M.
Development 138
(4): 653-65.
February 2011
Nkx6-1 controls the identity and fate of red nucleus and oculomotor neurons in the mouse midbrain.
Prakash, N., Puelles, E., Freude, K., Trümbach, D., Omodei, D., Di Salvio, M., Sussel, L., Ericson, J., Sander, M., Simeone, A. and Wurst, W.
Development 136
(15): 2545-55.
August 2009
The transcription factors Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2 possess equivalent activities in promoting beta-cell fate specification in Pdx1+ pancreatic progenitor cells.
Nelson, S.B., Schaffer, A.E. and Sander, M.
Development 134
(13): 2491-500.
July 2007
NKX6 transcription factor activity is required for (α)- and (β)-cell development in the pancreas.
Henseleit, K.D., Nelson, S.B., Kuhlbrodt, K., Hennings, J.C., Ericson, J. and Sander, M.
Development 132
(13): 3139-49.
July 2005
Nkx6.1 controls migration and axon pathfinding of cranial branchio-motoneurons.
Müller, M., Jabs, N., Lorke, D.E., Fritzsch, B. and Sander, M.
Development 130
(23): 5815-26.
December 2003
Region-specific and stage-dependent regulation of Olig gene expression and oligodendrogenesis by Nkx6.1 homeodomain transcription factor.
Liu, R., Cai, J., Hu, X., Tan, M., Qi, Y., German, M., Rubenstein, J., Sander, M. and Qiu, M.
Development 130
(25): 6221-31.
December 2003
Complementary roles for Nkx6 and Nkx2 class proteins in the establishment of motoneuron identity in the hindbrain.
Pattyn, A., Vallstedt, A., Dias, J.M., Sander, M. and Ericson, J.
Development 130
(17): 4149-59.
September 2003
Homeobox gene Nkx6.1 lies downstream of Nkx2.2 in the major pathway of beta-cell formation in the pancreas.
Sander, M., Sussel, L., Conners, J., Scheel, D., Kalamaras, J., Dela Cruz, F., Schwitzgebel, V., Hayes-Jordan, A. and German, M.
Development 127
(24): 5533-40.
December 2000
Developmental Biology
A dosage-dependent requirement for Sox9 in pancreatic endocrine cell formation.
Seymour, P.A., Freude, K.K., Dubois, C.L., Shih, H.P., Patel, N.A. and Sander, M.
Developmental Biology 323
(1): 19-30.
1 November 2008
Analysis of mPygo2 mutant mice suggests a requirement for mesenchymal Wnt signaling in pancreatic growth and differentiation.
Jonckheere, N., Mayes, E., Shih, H.P., Li, B., Lioubinski, O., Dai, X. and Sander, M.
Developmental Biology 318
(2): 224-35.
15 June 2008
Endodermal expression of Nkx6 genes depends differentially on Pdx1.
Pedersen, J.K., Nelson, S.B., Jorgensen, M.C., Henseleit, K.D., Fujitani, Y., Wright, C.V.E., Sander, M. and Serup, P.
Developmental Biology 288
(2): 487-501.
15 December 2005
Developmental Cell
Understanding cell fate acquisition in stem-cell-derived pancreatic islets using single-cell multiome-inferred regulomes.
Zhu, H., Wang, G., Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Kim, D., Miller, M., Goss, G., Kovsky, J., Harrington, A.R., Saunders, D.C., Hopkirk, A.L., Melton, R., Powers, A.C., Preissl, S., Spagnoli, F.M., Gaulton, K.J. and Sander, M.
Developmental Cell 58
(9): 727-743.
8 May 2023
Nkx6 transcription factors and Ptf1a function as antagonistic lineage determinants in multipotent pancreatic progenitors.
Schaffer, A.E., Freude, K.K., Nelson, S.B. and Sander, M.
Developmental Cell 18
(6): 1022-9.
15 June 2010
Developmental Dynamics
ETV5 regulates ductal morphogenesis with Sox9 and is critical for regeneration from pancreatitis.
Das, K.K., Heeg, S., Pitarresi, J.R., Reichert, M., Bakir, B., Takano, S., Kopp, J.L., Wahl-Feuerstein, A., Hicks, P., Sander, M. and Rustgi, A.K.
Developmental Dynamics 247
(6): 854-866.
June 2018
Expression of Sox transcription factors in the developing mouse pancreas.
Lioubinski, O., Müller, M., Wegner, M. and Sander, M.
Developmental Dynamics 227
(3): 402-8.
July 2003
The IsletTester mouse: an immunodeficient model with stable hyperglycemia for the study of human islets.
Waite, E.L., Tigue, M., Yu, M., Lahori, D., Kelly, K., May, C.L., Naji, A., Roman, J., Doliba, N., Avrahami, D., Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Sander, M., Glaser, B. and Kaestner, K.H.
Diabetes 74
(3): 332-342.
March 2025
Integrated physiology of the exocrine and endocrine compartments in pancreatic diseases: workshop proceedings.
Mastracci, T.L., Apte, M., Amundadottir, L.T., Alvarsson, A., Artandi, S., Bellin, M.D., Bernal-Mizrachi, E., Caicedo, A., Campbell-Thompson, M., Cruz-Monserrate, Z., El Ouaamari, A., Gaulton, K.J., Geisz, A., Goodarzi, M.O., Hara, M., Hull-Meichle, R.L., Kleger, A., Klein, A.P., Kopp, J.L., Kulkarni, R.N., Muzumdar, M.D., Naren, A.P., Oakes, S.A., Olesen, S.S., Phelps, E.A., Powers, A.C., Stabler, C.L., Tirkes, T., Whitcomb, D.C., Yadav, D., Yong, Jing, Zaghloul, N.A., Pandol, S.J. and Sander, M.
Diabetes 72
(4): 433-448.
April 2023
Systemic LSD1 inhibition prevents aberrant remodeling of metabolism in obesity.
Ramms, B., Pollow, D.P., Zhu, H., Nora, C., Harrington, A.R., Omar, I., Gordts, P.L.S.M., Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Diabetes 71
(12): 2513-2529.
December 2022
Heterogeneity of diabetes: β-cells, phenotypes, and precision medicine: Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes and the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Cefalu, W.T., Andersen, D.K., Arreaza-Rubín, G., Pin, C.L., Sato, S., Verchere, C.B., Woo, M. and Rosenblum, N.D.
Diabetes 71
(1): 1–22.
January 2022
Career advancement for women in diabetes-related research: developing and retaining female talent.
Sandoval, D.A., Alonso, L.C., Gannon, M., Sander, M., Sussel, L. and Reusch, J.E.B.
Diabetes 70
(8): 1634-1637.
1 August 2021
Epigenetics and epigenomics: implications for diabetes and obesity.
Rosen, E.D., Kaestner, K.H., Natarajan, R., Patti, M.E., Sallari, R., Sander, M. and Susztak, K.
Diabetes 67
(10): 1923-1931.
1 October 2018
Postnatal β-cell proliferation and mass expansion is dependent on the transcription factor Nkx6.1.
Taylor, B.L., Benthuysen, J. and Sander, M.
Diabetes 64
(3): 897-903.
1 March 2015
Historical perspective: beginnings of the beta-cell: current perspectives in beta-cell development.
Seymour, P.A. and Sander, M.
Diabetes 60
(2): 364-76.
1 February 2011
Diabetes Care
Career advancement for women in diabetes-related research: developing and retaining female talent.
Sandoval, D.A., Alonso, L.C., Gannon, M., Sander, M., Sussel, L. and Reusch, J.E.B.
Diabetes Care 44
(8): 1744-1747.
August 2021
Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism
Mechanisms of β-cell functional adaptation to changes in workload.
Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism 18
(Suppl 1): 78-86.
September 2016
EMBO Journal
Nomenclature for cellular plasticity: are the terms as plastic as the cells themselves?
Mills, J.C., Stanger, B.Z. and Sander, M.
EMBO Journal 38
(19): e103148.
1 October 2019
The role of the adrenal gland in hypertensive transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Sander, M., Bader, M., Djavidani, B., Masergluth, C., Vecsei, P., Mullins, J.J., Ganten, D. and Peters, J.
Endocrinology 131
(2): 807-814.
1 August 1992
FEBS Letters
EU-LIFE charter of independent life science research institutes.
Superti-Furga, G., Agostinho, M., Bury, J., Cook, S., Durinx, C., Ender, A., van Luenen, H., Lund, A.H., Medema, R.H., Miączyńska, M., Nickel, D., Pelicci, P.G., Puisieux, A., Ripatti, S., Sander, M., Schubeler, D., Serrano, L., Sommer, T., Sonne-Hansen, K., Tomančák, P., Vives, J., Vontas, J. and Bettencourt-Dias, M.
FEBS Letters 598
(7): 719-724.
April 2024
Loss of pten and activation of kras synergistically induce formation of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia from pancreatic ductal cells in mice.
Kopp, J.L., Dubois, C.L., Schaeffer, D.F., Samani, A., Taghizadeh, F., Cowan, R.W., Rhim, A.D., Stiles, B.L., Valasek, M. and Sander, M.
Gastroenterology 154
(5): 1509-1523.e5.
April 2018
New insights into the cell lineage of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: evidence for tumor stem cells in premalignant lesions?
Kopp, J.L. and Sander, M.
Gastroenterology 146
(1): 24-6.
January 2014
Embryonic ductal plate cells give rise to cholangiocytes, periportal hepatocytes, and adult liver progenitor cells.
Carpentier, R., Suñer, R.E., van Hul, N., Kopp, J.L., Beaudry, J.B., Cordi, S., Antoniou, A., Raynaud, P., Lepreux, S., Jacquemin, P., Leclercq, I.A., Sander, M. and Lemaigre, F.P.
Gastroenterology 141
(4): 1432-8, 1438.e1-4.
October 2011
Genes & Development
Human stem cell models: lessons for pancreatic development and disease.
Gaertner, B., Carrano, A.C. and Sander, M.
Genes & Development 33
(21-22): 1475-1490.
1 November 2019
Prospective isolation of a bipotential clonogenic liver progenitor cell in adult mice.
Dorrell, C., Erker, L., Schug, J., Kopp, J.L., Canaday, P.S., Fox, A.J., Smirnova, O., Duncan, A.W., Finegold, M.J., Sander, M., Kaestner, K.H. and Grompe, M.
Genes & Development 25
(11): 1193-203.
1 June 2011
Genes and Development
Ventral neural patterning by Nkx homeobox genes: Nkx6.1 controls somatic motor neuron and ventral interneuron fates.
Sander, M., Paydar, S., Ericson, J., Briscoe, J., Berber, E., German, M., Jessell, T.M. and Rubenstein, J.L.
Genes and Development 14
(17): 2134-9.
1 September 2000
Genetic analysis reveals that PAX6 is required for normal transcription of pancreatic hormone genes and islet development.
Sander, M., Neubüser, A., Kalamaras, J., Ee, H.C., Martin, G.R. and German, M.S.
Genes and Development 11
(13): 1662-73.
1 July 1997
Cell of origin affects tumour development and phenotype in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Lee, A.Y.L., Dubois, C.L., Sarai, K., Zarei, S., Schaeffer, D.F., Sander, M. and Kopp, J. L.
Gut 68
(3): 487-498.
March 2019
Human Molecular Genetics
Integration of CTCF loops, methylome, and transcriptome in differentiating LUHMES as a model for imprinting dynamics of the 15q11-q13 locus in human neurons.
Gutierrez Fugón, O.J., Sharifi, O., Heath, N., Soto, D.C., Gomez, J.A., Yasui, D.H., Mendiola, A.J.P., O'Geen, He., Beitnere, U., Tomkova, M., Haghani, V., Dillon, G., Segal, D.J. and LaSalle, J.M.
Human Molecular Genetics 33
(19): 1711-1725.
1 October 2024
Role of tissue renin in the pathophysiology of hypertension in TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
Bader, M., Zhao, Y., Sander, M., Lee, M.A., Bachmann, J., Boehm, M., Djavidani, B., Peters, J., Mullins, J.J. and Ganten, D.
Hypertension 19
(6 Pt 2): 681-686.
1 June 1992
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Nutrient regulation of the islet epigenome controls adaptive insulin secretion.
Wortham, M., Liu, F., Harrington, A.R., Fleischman, J.Y., Wallace, M., Mulas, F., Mallick, M., Vinckier, N.K., Cross, B.R., Chiou, J., Patel, N.A., Sui, Y., McGrail, C., Jun, Y., Wang, G., Jhala, U.S., Schüle, R., Shirihai, O.S., Huising, M.O., Gaulton, K.J., Metallo, C.M. and Sander, M.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 133
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17 April 2023
LIM domain-binding 1 maintains the terminally differentiated state of pancreatic β cells.
Ediger, B.N., Lim, H.W., Juliana, C., Groff, D.N., Williams, L.T., Dominguez, G., Liu, J.H., Taylor, B.L., Walp, E.R., Kameswaran, V., Yang, J., Liu, C., Hunter, C.S., Kaestner, K.H., Naji, A., Li, C., Sander, M., Stein, R., Sussel, L., Won, K.J., May, C.L. and Stoffers, D.A.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 127
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3 January 2017
Advances in β cell replacement and regeneration strategies for treating diabetes.
Benthuysen, J.R., Carrano, A.C. and Sander, M.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 126
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3 October 2016
Lineage fate of ductular reactions in liver injury and carcinogenesis.
Jörs, S., Jeliazkova, P., Ringelhan, M., Thalhammer, J., Dürl, S., Ferrer, J., Sander, M., Heikenwalder, M., Schmid, R.M., Siveke, J.T. and Geisler, F.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 125
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1 June 2015
Inactivation of specific β cell transcription factors in type 2 diabetes.
Guo, S., Dai, C., Guo, M., Taylor, B., Harmon, J.S., Sander, M., Robertson, R.P., Powers, A.C. and Stein, R.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 123
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August 2013
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Expression of Nkx6 genes in the hindbrain and gut of the developing mouse.
Nelson, S.B., Janiesch, C. and Sander, M.
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 53
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June 2005
Journal of Hypertension
Chronic dexamethasone treatment suppresses hypertension development in the transgenic rat TGR(mREN2)27.
Djavidani, B., Sander, M., Kreutz, R., Zeh, K., Bader, M., Mellon, S.H., Vecsei, P., Peters, J. and Ganten, D.
Journal of Hypertension 13
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1 January 1995
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Generating cells of the gastrointestinal system: current approaches and applications for the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells.
Wang, A. and Sander, M.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 90
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July 2012
The beta cell transcription factors and development of the pancreas.
Sander, M. and German, M.S.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 75
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April 1997
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Sall1 maintains nephron progenitors and nascent nephrons by acting as both an activator and a repressor.
Kanda, S., Tanigawa, S., Ohmori, T., Taguchi, A., Kudo, K., Suzuki, Y., Sato, Y., Hino, S., Sander, M., Perantoni, A.O., Sugano, S., Nakao, M. and Nishinakamura, R.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25
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November 2014
Methods in Molecular Biology
Pancreas development ex vivo: culturing embryonic pancreas explants on permeable culture inserts, with fibronectin-coated glass microwells, or embedded in three-dimensional Matrigel(TM).
Shih, H.P. and Sander, M.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1210
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1 January 2014
Immunohistochemical detection of beta-galactosidase or green fluorescent protein on tissue sections.
Seymour, P.A. and Sander, M.
Methods in Molecular Biology 411
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13 September 2007
Molecular Endocrinology
Transgenic overexpression of the transcription factor Nkx6.1 in β-cells of mice does not increase β-cell proliferation, β-cell mass, or improve glucose clearance.
Schaffer, A.E., Yang, A.J., Thorel, F., Herrera, P.L. and Sander, M.
Molecular Endocrinology 25
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1 November 2011
Pancreatic islet progenitor cells in neurogenin 3-yellow fluorescent protein knock-add-on mice.
Mellitzer, G., Martín, M., Sidhoum-Jenny, M., Orvain, C., Barths, J., Seymour, P.A., Sander, M. and Gradwohl, G.
Molecular Endocrinology 18
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1 November 2004
Molecular Metabolism
Deletion of ABCB10 in beta-cells protects from high-fat diet induced insulin resistance.
Shum, M., Segawa, M., Gharakhanian, R., Viñuela, A., Wortham, M., Baghdasarian, S., Wolf, D.M., Sereda, S.B., Nocito, L., Stiles, L., Zhou, Z., Gutierrez, V., Sander, M., Shirihai, O.S. and Liesa, M.
Molecular Metabolism 55
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January 2022
What is a β cell? - Chapter I in the Human Islet Research Network (HIRN) review series.
Kaestner, K.H., Campbell-Thompson, M., Dor, Y., Gill, R.G., Glaser, B., Kim, S.K., Sander, M., Stabler, C., Stewart, A.F. and Powers, A.C.
Molecular Metabolism 53
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November 2021
Interrogating islets in health and disease with single-cell technologies.
Carrano, A.C., Mulas, F., Zeng, C. and Sander, M.
Molecular Metabolism 6
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September 2017
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Beta-cell dysfunction induced by non-cytotoxic concentrations of Interleukin-1β is associated with changes in expression of beta-cell maturity genes and associated histone modifications.
Ibarra Urizar, A., Prause, M., Wortham, M., Sui, Y., Thams, P., Sander, M., Christensen, G.L. and Billestrup, N.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 496
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1 October 2019
Interpreting type 1 diabetes risk with genetics and single-cell epigenomics.
Chiou, J., Geusz, R.J., Okino, M.L., Han, J.Y., Miller, M., Melton, R., Beebe, E., Benaglio, P., Huang, S., Korgaonkar, K., Heller, S., Kleger, A., Preissl, S., Gorkin, D.U., Sander, M. and Gaulton, K.J.
Nature 594
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17 June 2021
Systematic analysis of binding of transcription factors to noncoding variants.
Yan, J., Qiu, Y., Ribeiro Dos Santos, A.M., Yin, Y., Li, Y.E., Vinckier, N., Nariai, N., Benaglio, P., Raman, A., Li, X., Fan, S., Chiou, J., Chen, F., Frazer, K.A., Gaulton, K.J., Sander, M., Taipale, Ju. and Ren, B.
Nature 591
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March 2021
The 4D nucleome project.
Dekker, J., Belmont, A.S., Guttman, M., Leshyk, V.O., Lis, J.T., Lomvardas, S., Mirny, L.A., O'Shea, C.C., Park, P.J., Ren, B., Politz, J.C.R., Shendure, J. and Zhong, S.
Nature 549
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14 September 2017
Image-based detection and targeting of therapy resistance in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Fox, R.G., Lytle, N.K., Jaquish, D.V., Park, F.D., Ito, T., Bajaj, J., Koechlein, C.S., Zimdahl, B., Yano, M., Kopp, J., Kritzik, M., Sicklick, J., Sander, M., Grandgenett, P.M., Hollingsworth, M.A., Shibata, S., Pizzo, D., Valasek, M., Sasik, R., Scadeng, M., Okano, H., Kim, Y., MacLeod, A.R., Lowy, A.M. and Reya, T.
Nature 534
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16 June 2016
Nature Biotechnology
Sizing up beta cells made from stem cells.
Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Nature Biotechnology 40
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July 2022
Nature Cell Biology
Pancreatic islet-autonomous insulin and smoothened-mediated signalling modulate identity changes of glucagon(+) α-cells.
Cigliola, V., Ghila, L., Thorel, F., van Gurp, L., Baronnier, D., Oropeza, D., Gupta, S., Miyatsuka, T., Kaneto, H., Magnuson, M.A., Osipovich, A.B., Sander, M., Wright, C.E.V., Thomas, M.K., Furuyama, K., Chera, S. and Herrera, P.L.
Nature Cell Biology 20
(11): 1267-1277.
November 2018
Stem cells versus plasticity in liver and pancreas regeneration.
Kopp, J.L., Grompe, M. and Sander, M.
Nature Cell Biology 18
(3): 238-45.
March 2016
Nature Communications
Sequence logic at enhancers governs a dual mechanism of endodermal organ fate induction by FOXA pioneer factors.
Geusz, R.J., Wang, A., Lam, D.K., Vinckier, N.K., Alysandratos, K.D., Roberts, D.A., Wang, J., Kefalopoulou, S., Ramirez, A., Qiu, Y., Chiou, J., Gaulton, K.J., Ren, B., Kotton, D.N. and Sander, M.
Nature Communications 12
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17 November 2021
LSD1-mediated enhancer silencing attenuates retinoic acid signalling during pancreatic endocrine cell development.
Vinckier, N.K., Patel, N.A., Geusz, R.J., Wang, A., Wang, J., Matta, I., Harrington, A.R., Wortham, M., Wetton, N., Wang, J., Jhala, U.S., Rosenfeld, M.G., Benner, C.W., Shih, H.P. and Sander, M.
Nature Communications 11
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29 April 2020
Pancreatic islet chromatin accessibility and conformation reveals distal enhancer networks of type 2 diabetes risk.
Greenwald, W.W., Chiou, J., Yan, J., Qiu, Y., Dai, N., Wang, A., Nariai, N., Aylward, A., Han, J.Y., Kadakia, N., Regue, L., Okino, M.L., Drees, F., Kramer, D., Vinckier, N., Minichiello, L., Gorkin, D., Avruch, J., Frazer, K.A., Sander, M., Ren, B. and Gaulton, K.J.
Nature Communications 10
(1): 2078.
7 May 2019
Nature Genetics
Integrating genetics with single-cell multiomic measurements across disease states identifies mechanisms of beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.
Wang, G., Chiou, J., Zeng, C., Miller, M., Matta, I., Han, J.Y., Kadakia, N., Okino, M.L., Beebe, E., Mallick, M., Camunas-Soler, J., Dos Santos, T., Dai, X.Q., Ellis, C., Hang, Y., Kim, S.K., MacDonald, P.E., Kandeel, F.R., Preissl, S., Gaulton, K.J. and Sander, M.
Nature Genetics 55
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June 2023
Multi-ancestry genetic study of type 2 diabetes highlights the power of diverse populations for discovery and translation.
Mahajan, A., Spracklen, C.N., Zhang, W., Ng, M.C.Y., Petty, L.E., Kitajima, H., Yu, G.Z., Rüeger, S., Speidel, L., Kim, Y.J., Horikoshi, M., Mercader, J.M., Taliun, D., Moon, S., Kwak, S.H., Robertson, N.R., Rayner, N.W., Loh, M., Kim, B.J., Chiou, J., Miguel-Escalada, I., Della Briotta Parolo, P., Lin, K., Bragg, F., Preuss, M.H., Takeuchi, F., Nano, J., Guo, X., Lamri, A., Nakatochi, M., Scott, R.A., Lee, J.., Huerta-Chagoya, A., Graff, M., Chai, J.F., Parra, E.J., Yao, J., Bielak, L.F., Tabara, Y., Hai, Y., Steinthorsdottir, V., Cook, J.P., Kals, M., Grarup, N., Schmidt, E.M., Pan, I., Sofer, T., Wuttke, M., Sarnowski, C., Gieger, C., Nousome, D., Trompet, S., Long, J., Sun, M., Tong, L., Chen, W.M., Ahmad, M., Noordam, R., Lim, V.J.Y., Tam, C.H.T., Joo, Y.Y., Chen, C.H., Raffield, L.M., Lecoeur, C., Prins, B.P., Nicolas, A., Yanek, L.R., Chen, G., Jensen, R.A., Tajuddin, S., Kabagambe, E.K., An, P., Xiang, A.H., Choi, H.S., Cade, B.E., Tan, J., Flanagan, J., Abaitua, F., Adair, L.S., Adeyemo, A., Aguilar-Salinas, C.A., Akiyama, M., Anand, S.S., Bertoni, A., Bian, Z., Bork-Jensen, J., Brandslund, I., Brody, J.A., Brummett, C.M., Buchanan, T.A., Canouil, M., Chan, J.C.N., Chang, L.C., Chee, M.L., Chen, J., Chen, S.H., Chen, Y.T., Chen, Z., Chuang, L.M., Cushman, M., Das, S.K., de Silva, H.J., Dedoussis, G., Dimitrov, L., Doumatey, A.P., Du, S., Duan, Q., Eckardt, K.U., Emery, L.S., Evans, D.S., Evans, M.K., Fischer, K., Floyd, J.S., Ford, I., Fornage, M., Franco, O.H., Frayling, T.M., Freedman, B.I., Fuchsberger, C., Genter, P., Gerstein, H.C., Giedraitis, V., González-Villalpando, C., González-Villalpando, M.E., Goodarzi, M.O., Gordon-Larsen, P., Gorkin, D., Gross, M., Guo, Y., Hackinger, S., Han, S., Hattersley, A.T., Herder, C., Howard, A.G., Hsueh, W., Huang, M., Huang, W., Hung, Y.J., Hwang, M.Y., Hwu, C.M., Ichihara, S., Ikram, M.A., Ingelsson, M., Islam, M.T., Isono, M., Jang, H.M., Jasmine, F., Jiang, G., Jonas, J.B., Jørgensen, M.E., Jørgensen, T., Kamatani, Y., Kandeel, F.R., Kasturiratne, A., Katsuya, T., Kaur, V., Kawaguchi, T., Keaton, J.M., Kho, A.N., Khor, C.C., Kibriya, M.G., Kim, D.H., Kohara, K., Kriebel, J., Kronenberg, F., Kuusisto, J., Läll, K., Lange, L.A., Lee, M.S., Lee, N.R., Leong, A., Li, L., Li, Y., Li-Gao, R., Ligthart, S., Lindgren, C.M., Linneberg, A., Liu, C.T., Liu, J., Locke, A.E., Louie, T., Luan, J., Luk, A.O., Luo, X., Lv, J., Lyssenko, V., Mamakou, V., Mani, K.R., Meitinger, T., Metspalu, A., Morris, A.D., Nadkarni, G.N., Nadler, J.L., Nalls, M.A., Nayak, U., Nongmaithem, S.S., Ntalla, I., Okada, Y., Orozco, L., Patel, S.R., Pereira, M.A., Peters, A., Pirie, F.J., Porneala, B., Prasad, G., Preissl, S., Rasmussen-Torvik, L.J., Reiner, A.P., Roden, M., Rohde, R., Roll, K., Sabanayagam, C., Sander, M., Sandow, K., Sattar, N., Schönherr, S., Schurmann, C., Shahriar, M., Shi, J., Shin, D.M., Shriner, D., Smith, J.A., So, W.Y., Stančáková, A., Stilp, A.M., Strauch, K., Suzuki, K., Takahashi, A., Taylor, K.D., Thorand, B., Thorleifsson, G., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Tomlinson, B., Torres, J.M., Tsai, F.J., Tuomilehto, J., Tusie-Luna, T., Udler, M.S., Valladares-Salgado, A., van Dam, R.M., van Klinken, J.B., Varma, R., Vujkovic, M., Wacher-Rodarte, N., Wheeler, E., Whitsel, E.A., Wickremasinghe, A.R., van Dijk, K.W., Witte, D.R., Yajnik, C.S., Yamamoto, K., Yamauchi, T., Yengo, L., Yoon, K., Yu, C., Yuan, J.M., Yusuf, S., Zhang, L., Zheng, W., Raffel, L.J., Igase, M., Ipp, E., Redline, S., Cho, Y.S., Lind, L., Province, M.A., Hanis, C.L., Peyser, P.A., Ingelsson, E., Zonderman, A.B., Psaty, B.M., Wang, Y.X., Rotimi, C.N., Becker, D.M., Matsuda, F., Liu, Y., Zeggini, E., Yokota, M., Rich, S.S., Kooperberg, C., Pankow, J.S., Engert, J.C., Chen, Y.D.I., Froguel, P., Wilson, J.G., Sheu, W.H.H., Kardia, S.L.R., Wu, J.Y., Hayes, M.G., Ma, R.C.W., Wong, T.Y., Groop, L., Mook-Kanamori, D.O., Chandak, G.R., Collins, F.S., Bharadwaj, D., Paré, G., Sale, M.M., Ahsan, H., Motala, A.A., Shu, X.O., Park, K.S., Jukema, J.W., Cruz, M., McKean-Cowdin, R., Grallert, H., Cheng, C.Y., Bottinger, E.P., Dehghan, A., Tai, E.S., Dupuis, J., Kato, N., Laakso, M., Köttgen, A., Koh, W.P., Palmer, C.N A., Liu, S., Abecasis, G., Kooner, J.S., Loos, R.J.F., North, K.E., Haiman, C.A., Florez, J.C., Saleheen, D., Hansen, T., Pedersen, O., Mägi, R., Langenberg, C., Wareham, N.J., Maeda, S., Kadowaki, T., Lee, J., Millwood, I.Y., Walters, R.G., Stefansson, K., Myers, S.R., Ferrer, J., Gaulton, K.J., Meigs, J.B., Mohlke, K.L., Gloyn, A.L., Bowden, D.W., Below, J.E., Chambers, J.C., Sim, X., Boehnke, M., Rotter, J.I., McCarthy, M.I. and Morris, A.P.
Nature Genetics 54
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May 2022
Single-cell chromatin accessibility identifies pancreatic islet cell type- and state-specific regulatory programs of diabetes risk.
Chiou, J., Zeng, C., Cheng, Z., Han, J.Y., Schlichting, M., Miller, M., Mendez, R., Huang, S., Wang, J., Sui, Y., Deogaygay, A., Okino, M.L., Qiu, Y., Sun, Y., Kudtarkar, P., Fang, R., Preissl, S., Sander, M., Gorkin, D.U. and Gaulton, K.J.
Nature Genetics 53
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April 2021
Nature Medicine
Mutations and variants of ONECUT1 in diabetes.
Philippi, A., Heller, S., Costa, I.G., Senée, V., Breunig, M., Li, Z., Kwon, G., Russell, R., Illing, A., Lin, Q., Hohwieler, M., Degavre, A., Zalloua, P., Liebau, S., Schuster, M., Krumm, Jo., Zhang, X., Geusz, R., Benthuysen, J. R., Wang, A., Chiou, J., Gaulton, K., Neubauer, H., Simon, E., Klein, T., Wagner, M., Nair, G., Besse, C., Dandine-Roulland, C., Olaso, R., Deleuze, J.F., Kuster, B., Hebrok, M., Seufferlein, T., Sander, M., Boehm, B.O., Oswald, F., Nicolino, M., Julier, C. and Kleger, A.
Nature Medicine 27
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November 2021
Nature Metabolism
Every islet matters: improving the impact of human islet research.
Gloyn, Anna L, Ibberson, Mark, Marchetti, Piero, Powers, Alvin C, Rorsman, Patrik, Sander, M. and Solimena, Michele
Nature Metabolism 4
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August 2022
Nature Reviews Endocrinology
A multi-omics roadmap of β-cell failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Wang, G. and Sander, M.
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 17
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November 2021
Generation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells from mouse dorsal spinal cord independent of Nkx6 regulation and Shh signaling.
Cai, J., Qi, Y., Hu, X., Tan, M., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., Li, Q., Sander, M. and Qiu, M.
Neuron 45
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6 January 2005
Different levels of repressor activity assign redundant and specific roles to Nkx6 genes in motor neuron and interneuron specification.
Vallstedt, A., Muhr, J., Pattyn, A., Pierani, A., Mendelsohn, M., Sander, M., Jessell, T.M. and Ericson, J.
Neuron 31
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13 September 2001
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten
Regulation adrenaler Aldosteronsekretion und adrenalen Renins in TGR(mREN2)27.
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1 January 1993
Gesteigerte Aldosteronbiosynthese in TGR(mREN2)27: Funktionelle Bedeutung eines lokalen intraadrenalen Renin-Angiotensin-Systems.
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1 January 1992
PLoS Genetics
Nkx6.1 controls a gene regulatory network required for establishing and maintaining pancreatic Beta cell identity.
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31 January 2013
Control of astrocyte progenitor specification, migration and maturation by Nkx6.1 homeodomain transcription factor.
Zhao, X., Chen, Y., Zhu, Q., Huang, H., Teng, P., Zheng, K., Hu, X., Xie, B., Zhang, Z., Sander, M. and Qiu, M.
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6 October 2014
Urocortin 3 marks mature human primary and embryonic stem cell-derived pancreatic alpha and beta cells.
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14 December 2012
Sox9-haploinsufficiency causes glucose intolerance in mice.
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2 August 2011
Integrated physiology of the exocrine and endocrine compartments in pancreatic diseases.
Mastracci, T.L., Apte, M., Amundadottir, L.T., Alvarsson, A., Artandi, S., Bellin, M.D., Bernal-Mizrachi, E., Caicedo, A., Campbell-Thompson, M., Cruz-Monserrate, Z., El Ouaamari, A., Gaulton, K.J., Geisz, A., Goodarzi, M.O., Hara, M., Hull-Meichle, R.L., Kleger, A., Klein, A.P., Kopp, J.L., Kulkarni, R.N., Muzumdar, M.D., Naren, A.P., Oakes, S.A., Olesen, S.S., Phelps, E.A., Powers, A.C., Stabler, C.L., Tirkes, T., Whitcomb, D.C., Yadav, D., Yong, J., Zaghloul, N.A., Sander, M. and Pandol, S.J.
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1 October 2022
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Sox9 plays multiple roles in the lung epithelium during branching morphogenesis.
Rockich, B.E., Hrycaj, S.M., Shih, H.P., Nagy, M.S., Ferguson, M.A.H., Kopp, J.L., Sander, M., Wellik, D.M. and Spence, J.R.
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19 November 2013
Colony-forming cells in the adult mouse pancreas are expandable in Matrigel and form endocrine/acinar colonies in laminin hydrogel.
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110
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5 March 2013
Sustained Neurog3 expression in hormone-expressing islet cells is required for endocrine maturation and function.
Wang, S., Jensen, J.N., Seymour, P.A., Hsu, W., Dor, Y., Sander, M., Magnuson, M.A., Serup, P. and Gu, G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106
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16 June 2009
SOX9 is required for maintenance of the pancreatic progenitor cell pool.
Seymour, P.A., Freude, K.K., Tran, M.N., Mayes, E.E., Jensen, J., Kist, R., Scherer, G. and Sander, M.
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6 February 2007
The MafA transcription factor appears to be responsible for tissue-specific expression of insulin.
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2 March 2004
A novel glucose-responsive element in the human insulin gene functions uniquely in primary cultured islets.
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29 September 1998
Role of adrenal renin in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis corticotropin.
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4 January 1994
Science Advances
In vivo-mimicking microfluidic perfusion culture of pancreatic islet spheroids.
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1 November 2019
Scientific Reports
Transformation of SOX9(+) cells by Pten deletion synergizes with steatotic liver injury to drive development of hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma.
Chen, J., Debebe, A., Zeng, N., Kopp, J., He, L., Sander, M. and Stiles, B.L.
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3 June 2021
Pancreatic exocrine tissue architecture and integrity are maintained by e-cadherin during postnatal development.
Serrill, J.D., Sander, M. and Shih, H.P.
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7 September 2018
Rodent models for studying steroids and hypertension : from fetal development to cells in culture.
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1 January 1995
Tissue Engineering Part C Methods
Evaluation of different decellularization protocols on the generation of pancreas-derived hydrogels.
Gaetani, R., Aude, S., DeMaddalena, L.L., Strassle, H., Dzieciatkowska, M., Wortham, M., Bender, R.H.F., Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Schmid-Schöenbein, G.W., George, S.C., Hughes, C.C.W., Sander, M., Hansen, K.C. and Christman, K.L.
Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 24
(12): 697-708.
December 2018
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Transcriptional mechanisms of pancreatic β-cell maturation and functional adaptation.
Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 32
(7): 474-487.
July 2021
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Systems Biology and Medicine
A systems view of epigenetic networks regulating pancreas development and β-cell function.
Xie, R., Carrano, A.C. and Sander, M.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Systems Biology and Medicine 7
(1): 1-11.
19 February 2015
Single-cell multiome and spatial profiling reveals pancreas cell type-specific gene regulatory programs driving type 1 diabetes progression.
Melton, R., Jimenez, S., Elison, W., Tucciarone, L., Howell, A., Wang, G., Berti, D., Beebe, E., Miller, M., Zeng, C., McGrail, C., VanderStel, K., Korgaonkar, K., Elgamal, R., Mummey, H., Chiou, J., Griffin, E., Kusmartseva, I., Atkinson, M., Preissl, S., Theis, F.J., Sander, M. and Gaulton, K.J.
: 2025.02.13.637721.
17 February 2025
Metabolic control of adaptive β-cell proliferation by the protein deacetylase SIRT2.
Wortham, M., Ramms, B., Zeng, C., Benthuysen, J.R., Sai, S., Pollow, D.P., Liu, F., Schlichting, M., Harrington, A.R., Liu, B., Prakash, T.P., Pirie, E.C., Zhu, H., Baghdasarian, S., Auwerx, J., Shirihai, O.S. and Sander, M.
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28 February 2024
Integration of single-cell multiomic measurements across disease states with genetics identifies mechanisms of beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.
Wang, G., Chiou, J., Zeng, C., Miller, M., Matta, I., Han, J.Y., Kadakia, N., Okino, M.L., Beebe, E., Mallick, M., Camunas-Soler, J., Dos Santos, T., Dai, X.Q., Ellis, C., Hang, Y., Kim, S.K., MacDonald, P.E., Kandeel, F.R., Preissl, S., Gaulton, K.J. and Sander, M.
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2 January 2023
Pancreatic progenitor epigenome maps prioritize type 2 diabetes risk genes with roles in development.
Geusz, R.J., Wang, A., Chiou, J., Lancman, J.J., Wetton, N., Kefalopoulou, S., Wang, J., Qiu, Y., Yan, J., Aylward, A., Ren, B., Dong, P.D.S., Gaulton, K.J. and Sander, M.
eLife 10
: e59067.
5 February 2021
A human ESC-based screen identifies a role for the translated lncRNA LINC00261 in pancreatic endocrine differentiation.
Gaertner, B., van Heesch, S., Schneider-Lunitz, V., Schulz, J.F., Witte, F., Blachut, S., Nguyen, S., Wong, R., Matta, I., Hübner, N. and Sander, M.
eLife 9
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3 August 2020
Sox9 and Sox8 protect the adult testis from male-to-female genetic reprogramming and complete degeneration.
Barrionuevo, F.J., Hurtado, A., Kim, G.J., Real, F.M., Bakkali, M., Kopp, J.L., Sander, M., Scherer, G., Burgos, M. and Jiménez, R.
eLife 5
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21 June 2016
Atypical KCNQ1/Kv7 channel function in a neonatal diabetes patient: hypersecretion preceded the failure of pancreatic β-cells.
Zhou, Z., Gong, M., Pande, A., Margineanu, A., Lisewski, U., Purfürst, B., Zhu, H., Liang, L., Jia, S., Froehler, S., Zeng, C., Kühnen, P., Khodaverdi, S., Krill, W., Röpke, T., Chen, W., Raile, K., Sander, M. and Izsvák, Z.
iScience 27
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19 July 2024
A network of microRNAs acts to promote cell cycle exit and differentiation of human pancreatic endocrine cells.
Jin, W., Mulas, F., Gaertner, B., Sui, Y., Wang, J., Matta, I., Zeng, C., Vinckier, N., Wang, A., Nguyen-Ngoc, K.V., Chiou, J., Kaestner, K.H., Frazer, K.A., Carrano, A.C., Shih, H.P. and Sander, M.
iScience 21
: 681-694.
22 November 2019
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