Touch inhibits cold: non-contact cooling suggests a thermotactile gating mechanism.
Ezquerra Romano, I., Chowdhury, M. and Haggard, P.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 292
(2040): 20243014.
February 2025
Optogenetic determination of dynamic and cell-type-specific inhibitory reversal potentials.
Burman, R.J., Diviney, T., Călin, A., Gothard, G., Jouhanneau, J.S., Poulet, J.F.A., Sen, A. and Akerman, C.J.
Journal of Neuroscience 44
(20): e1392232024.
15 May 2024
Cortical cellular encoding of thermotactile integration.
Schnepel, P., Paricio-Montesinos, R., Ezquerra-Romano, I., Haggard, P. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Current Biology 34
(8): 1718-1730.
22 April 2024
Sensory Schwann cells set perceptual thresholds for touch and selectively regulate mechanical nociception.
Ojeda-Alonso, J., Calvo-Enrique, L., Paricio-Montesinos, R., Kumar, R., Zhang, M.D., Poulet, J.F.A., Ernfors, P. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Communications 15
(1): 898.
6 February 2024
Immediate reuse of patch-clamp pipettes after ultrasonic cleaning.
Jehasse, K., Jouhanneau, J.S., Wetz, S., Schwedt, A., Poulet, J.F.A., Neumann-Raizel, P. and Kampa, B.M.
Scientific Reports 14
(1): 1660.
18 January 2024
Brain-wide connectivity map of mouse thermosensory cortices.
Bokiniec, P., Whitmire, C.J., Leva, T.M. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cerebral Cortex 33
(8): 4870-4885.
15 April 2023
The cellular coding of temperature in the mammalian cortex.
Vestergaard, M., Carta, M., Güney, G. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Nature 614
(7949): 725-731.
23 February 2023
SaFiDe: detection of saccade and fixation periods based on eye-movement attributes from video-oculography, scleral coil or electrooculography data.
Madariaga, S., Babul, C., Egaña, J.I., Rubio, I., Güney, G., Concha-Miranda, M., Maldonado, P.E. and Devia, C.
MethodsX 10
(2023): 102041.
24 January 2023
The host peritoneal cavity harbors prominent memory Th2 and early recall responses to an intestinal nematode.
Yordanova, I.A., Jürchott, K., Steinfelder, S., Vogt, K., Krüger, U., Kühl, A.A., Sawitzki, B. and Hartmann, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 13
: 842870.
28 March 2022
Deep tissue scattering compensation with three-photon F-SHARP.
Berlage, C., Tantirigama, M.L.S., Babot, M., Di Battista, D., Whitmire, C., Papadopoulos, I.N., Poulet, J.F.A., Larkum, M. and Judkewitz, B.
Optica 8
(12): 1613-1619.
20 December 2021
A medullary centre for lapping in mice.
Dempsey, B., Sungeelee, S., Bokiniec, P., Chettouh, Z., Diem, S., Autran, S., Harrell, E.R., Poulet, J.F.A., Birchmeier, C., Carey, H., Genovesio, A., McMullan, S., Goridis, C., Fortin, G. and Brunet, J.F.
Nature Communications 12
: 6307.
2 November 2021
Polysialic acid in the rat brainstem and thoracolumbar spinal cord: distribution, cellular location and comparison with mouse.
Shahbazian, S., Bokiniec, P., Berning, B.A., McMullan, S. and Goodchild, A.K.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 529
(4): 811-827.
March 2021
The worm-specific immune response in multiple sclerosis patients receiving controlled Trichuris suis ova immunotherapy.
Yordanova, I.A., Ebner, F., Schulz, A.R., Steinfelder, S., Rosche, B., Bolze, A., Paul, F., Mei, H.E. and Hartmann, S.
Life 11
(2): 101.
29 January 2021
USH2A is a Meissner's corpuscle protein necessary for normal vibration sensing in mice and humans.
Schwaller, F., Bégay, V., García-García, G., Taberner, F.J., Moshourab, R., McDonald, B., Docter, T., Kühnemund, J., Ojeda-Alonso, J., Paricio-Montesinos, R., Lechner, S.G., Poulet, J.F.A., Millan, J.M. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 24
(1): 74-81.
January 2021
Dynamic conjugate F-SHARP microscopy.
Papadopoulos, I.N., Jouhanneau, J.S., Takahashi, N., Kaplan, D., Larkum, M., Poulet, J. and Judkewitz, B.
Light: Science & Applications 9
(1): 110.
30 June 2020
The sensory coding of warm perception.
Paricio-Montesinos, R., Schwaller, F., Udhayachandran, A., Rau, F., Walcher, J., Evangelista, R., Vriens, J., Voets, T., Poulet, J.F.A. and Lewin, G.R.
Neuron 106
(5): 830-841.
3 June 2020
On the presence and functional significance of sympathetic premotor neurons with collateralized spinal axons in the rat.
Farmer, D.G.S., Pracejus, N., Dempsey, B., Turner, A., Bokiniec, P., Paton, J.F.R., Pickering, A.E., Burguet, J., Andrey, P., Goodchild, A.K., McAllen, R.M. and McMullan, S.
Journal of Physiology 597
(13): 3407-3423.
1 July 2019
Multiple two-photon targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from monosynaptically connected neurons in vivo.
Jouhanneau, J.S. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 11
: 15.
May 2019
A novel non-invasive method to detect RELM beta transcript in gut barrier related changes during a gastrointestinal nematode infection.
Ahmed, N., Heitlinger, E., Affinass, N., Kühl, A.A., Xenophontos, N., Jarquin, V.H., Jost, J., Steinfelder, S. and Hartmann, S.
Frontiers in Immunology 10
: 445.
March 2019
Association of a PD-L2 gene polymorphism with chronic lymphatic filariasis in a South Indian cohort.
Venugopal, G., O'Regan, N.L., Babu, S., Schumann, R.R., Srikantam, A., Merle, R., Hartmann, S. and Steinfelder, S.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100
(2): 344-350.
February 2019
Somatostatin 2 receptors in the spinal cord tonically restrain thermogenic, cardiac and other sympathetic outflows.
Bowman, B.R., Bokiniec, P., McMullan, S., Goodchild, A.K. and Burke, P.G.R.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13
: 121.
February 2019
The neural circuits of thermal perception.
Bokiniec, P., Zampieri, N., Lewin, G.R. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 52
: 98-106.
October 2018
Dendrite-specific amplification of weak synaptic input during network activity in vivo.
Ferrarese, L., Jouhanneau, J.S., Remme, M.W.H., Kremkow, J., Katona, G., Rózsa, B., Schreiber, S. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 24
(13): 3455-3465.
25 September 2018
Neuregulin 3 promotes excitatory synapse formation on hippocampal interneurons.
Müller, T., Braud, S., Jüttner, R., Voigt, B.C., Paulick, K., Sheean, M.E., Klisch, C., Gueneykaya, D., Rathjen, F.G., Geiger, J.R.P., Poulet, J.F.A. and Birchmeier, C.
EMBO Journal 37
(17): e98858.
3 September 2018
Somatostatin 2 receptor activation in the rostral ventrolateral medulla does not mediate the decompensatory phase of haemorrhage.
Bokiniec, P., Burke, P.G.R., Turner, A.J., McMullan, S. and Goodchild, A.K.
Shock 50
(3): 331-338.
September 2018
Single synaptic inputs drive high-precision action potentials in parvalbumin expressing GABA-ergic cortical neurons in vivo.
Jouhanneau, J.S., Kremkow, J. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Nature Communications 9
(1): 1540.
18 April 2018
Precisely timed nicotinic activation drives SST inhibition in neocortical circuits.
Urban-Ciecko, J., Jouhanneau, J.S., Myal, S.E., Poulet, J.F.A. and Barth, A.L.
Neuron 97
(3): 611-625.
7 February 2018
Regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis by neuronal cell adhesion molecule 1.
Rathjen, T., Yan, X., Kononenko, N.L., Ku, M.C., Song, K., Ferrarese, L., Tarallo, V., Puchkov, D., Kochlamazashvili, G., Brachs, S., Varela, L., Szigeti-Buck, K., Yi, C.X., Schriever, S.C., Tattikota, S.G., Carlo, A.S., Moroni, M., Siemens, J., Heuser, A., van der Weyden, L., Birkenfeld, A.L., Niendorf, T., Poulet, J.F.A., Horvath, T.L., Tschöp, M.H., Heinig, M., Trajkovski, M., Haucke, V. and Poy, M.N.
Nature Neuroscience 20
(8): 1096-1103.
August 2017
Parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons in primary motor cortex signal reaching.
Estebanez, L., Hoffmann, D., Voigt, B.C. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 20
(2): 308-318.
11 July 2017
Polysialic acid regulates sympathetic outflow by facilitating information transfer within the nucleus of the solitary tract.
Bokiniec, P., Shahbazian, S., McDougall, S.J., Berning, B.A., Cheng, D., Llewellyn-Smith, I.J., Burke, P.G.R., McMullan, S., Muehlenhoff, M., Hildebrandt, H., Braet, F., Connor, M., Packer, N.H. and Goodchild, A.K.
Journal of Neuroscience 37
(27): 6558-6574.
5 July 2017
Scattering compensation by focus scanning holographic aberration probing (F-SHARP).
Papadopoulos, I.N., Jouhanneau, J.S., Poulet, J.F.A. and Judkewitz, B.
Nature Photonics 11
(2): 116-123.
February 2017
Small-molecule inhibition of STOML3 oligomerization reverses pathological mechanical hypersensitivity.
Wetzel, C., Pifferi, S., Picci, C., Gök, C., Hoffmann, D., Bali, K.K., Lampe, A., Lapatsina, L., Fleischer, R., Smith, E.S.J., Bégay, V., Moroni, M., Estebanez, L., Kühnemund, J., Walcher, J., Specker, E., Neuenschwander, M., von Kries, J.P., Haucke, V., Kuner, R., Poulet, J.F.A., Schmoranzer, J., Poole, K. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 20
(2): 209-218.
February 2017
Translaminar cortical membrane potential synchrony in behaving mice.
Zhao, W.J., Kremkow, J. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 15
(11): 2387-2399.
14 June 2016
In vivo monosynaptic excitatory transmission between layer 2 cortical pyramidal neurons.
Jouhanneau, J.S., Kremkow, J., Dorrn, A.L. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Cell Reports 13
(10): 2098-2106.
15 December 2015
Functional diversity of subicular principal cells during hippocampal ripples.
Böhm, C., Peng, Y., Maier, N., Winterer, J., Poulet, J.F.A., Geiger, J.R.P. and Schmitz, D.
Journal of Neuroscience 35
(40): 13608-13618.
7 October 2015
Cortical fosGFP expression reveals broad receptive field excitatory neurons targeted by POm.
Jouhanneau, J.S., Ferrarese, L., Estebanez, L., Audette, N.J., Brecht, M., Barth, AL. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Neuron 84
(5): 1065-1078.
3 December 2014
A somatosensory circuit for cooling perception in mice.
Milenkovic, N., Zhao, W.J., Walcher, J., Albert, T., Siemens, J., Lewin, G.R. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Nature Neuroscience 17
(11): 1560-1566.
November 2014
Thalamic control of cortical states.
Poulet, J.F.A., Fernandez, L.M.J., Crochet, S. and Petersen, C.C.H.
Nature Neuroscience 15
(3): 370-372.
22 January 2012
Coherent phasic excitation during hippocampal ripples.
Maier, N., Tejero-Cantero, A., Dorrn, A.L., Winterer, J., Beed, P.S., Morris, G., Kempter, R., Poulet, J.F.A., Leibold, C. and Schmitz, D.
Neuron 72
(1): 137-152.
6 October 2011
Synaptic mechanisms underlying sparse coding of active touch.
Crochet, S., Poulet, J.F.A., Kremer, Y. and Petersen, C.C.H.
Neuron 69
(6): 1160-1175.
24 March 2011
An embedded subnetwork of highly active neurons in the neocortex.
Yassin, L., Benedetti, B.L., Jouhanneau, J.S., Wen, J.A., Poulet, J.F.A. and Barth, A.L.
Neuron 68
(6): 1043-1050.
22 December 2010
Developmental sensory experience balances cortical excitation and inhibition.
Dorrn, A.L., Yuan, K., Barker, A.J., Schreiner, C.E. and Froemke, R.C.
Nature 465
(7300): 932-936.
17 June 2010
Internal brain state regulates membrane potential synchrony in barrel cortex of behaving mice.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Petersen, C.C.
Nature 454
(7206): 881-885.
14 August 2008
Facilitating sensory responses in developing mouse somatosensory barrel cortex.
Borgdorff, A.J., Poulet, J.F.A. and Petersen, C.C.
Journal of Neurophysiology 97
(4): 2992-3003.
1 April 2007
The cellular basis of a corollary discharge.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Science 311
(5760): 518-522.
27 January 2006
Auditory orientation in crickets: pattern recognition controls reactive steering.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102
(43): 15665-15669.
25 October 2005
Mechanisms underlying phonotactic steering in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus revealed with a fast trackball system.
Hedwig, B. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Journal of Experimental Biology 208
(Pt 5): 915-927.
March 2005
Complex auditory behaviour emerges from simple reactive steering.
Hedwig, B. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Nature 430
(7001): 781-785.
12 August 2004
Temporal pattern recognition based on instantaneous spike rate coding in a simple auditory system.
Nabatiyan, A., Poulet, J.F.A., de Polavieja, G.G. and Hedwig, B.
Journal of Neurophysiology 90
(4): 2484-2493.
October 2003
Corollary discharge inhibition of ascending auditory neurons in the stridulating cricket.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Journal of Neuroscience 23
(11): 4717-4725.
1 June 2003
A corollary discharge mechanism modulates central auditory processing in singing crickets.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Journal of Neurophysiology 89
(3): 1528-1540.
March 2003
A corollary discharge maintains auditory sensitivity during sound production.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Nature 418
(6900): 872-876.
22 August 2002
Tympanic membrane oscillations and auditory receptor activity in the stridulating cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Journal of Experimental Biology 204
(Pt 7): 1281-1293.
April 2001
Cephalopod-omics: emerging fields and technologies in cephalopod biology.
Baden, T., Briseño, J., Coffing, G., Cohen-Bodénès, S., Courtney, A., Dickerson, D., Dölen, G., Fiorito, G., Gestal, C., Gustafson, T., Heath-Heckman, E., Hua, Q., Imperadore, P., Kimbara, R., Król, M., Lajbner, Z., Lichilín, N., Macchi, F., McCoy, M.J., Nishiguchi, M.K., Nyholm, S.V., Otjacques, E., Pérez-Ferrer, P.A., Ponte, G., Pungor, J.R., Rogers, T.F., Rosenthal, J.J.C., Rouressol, L., Rubas, N., Sanchez, G., Santos, C.P., Schultz, D.T., Seuntjens, E., Songco-Casey, J.O., Stewart, I.E., Styfhals, R., Tuanapaya, S., Vijayan, N., Weissenbacher, A., Zifcakova, L., Schulz, G., Weertman, W., Simakov, O. and Albertin, C.
Integrative and Comparative Biology 63
(6): 1226-1239.
December 2023
Eleven strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions.
Kohrs, F.E., Auer, S., Bannach-Brown, A., Fiedler, S., Haven, T.L., Heise, V., Holman, C., Azevedo, F., Bernard, R., Bleier, A., Bössel, N., Cahill, B.P., Castro, L.J., Ehrenhofer, A., Eichel, K., Frank, M., Frick, C., Friese, M., Gärtner, A., Gierend, K., Grüning, D.J., Hahn, L., Hülsemann, M., Ihle, M., Illius, S., König, L., König, M., Kulke, L., Kutlin, A., Lammers, F., Mehler, D.M.A., Miehl, C., Müller-Alcazar, A., Neuendorf, C., Niemeyer, H., Pargent, F., Peikert, A., Pfeuffer, C.U., Reinecke, R., Röer, J.P., Rohmann, J.L., Sánchez-Tójar, A., Scherbaum, S., Sixtus, E., Spitzer, L., Straßburger, V.M., Weber, M., Whitmire, C.J., Zerna, J., Zorbek, D., Zumstein, P. and Weissgerber, T.L.
eLife 12
: e89736.
23 November 2023
Thermosensory thalamus: parallel processing across model organisms.
Leva, T. and Whitmire, C.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17
: 1210949.
13 October 2023
The cortical states of wakefulness.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Crochet, S.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 12
: 64.
January 2019
Barrel cortex function.
Feldmeyer, D., Brecht, M., Helmchen, F., Petersen, C.C.H., Poulet, J.F.A., Staiger, J.F., Luhmann, H.J. and Schwarz, C.
Progress in Neurobiology 103
: 3-27.
April 2013
Experimental evidence for sparse firing in the neocortex.
Barth, A.L. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Trends in Neurosciences 35
(6): 345-355.
June 2012
New insights into corollary discharges mediated by identified neural pathways.
Poulet, J.F.A. and Hedwig, B.
Trends in Neurosciences 30
(1): 14-21.
January 2007
Corollary discharge inhibition and audition in the stridulating cricket.
Poulet, J.F.A.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191
(11): 979-986.
November 2005
The brain's encoding of warm and cool.
Vestergaard, M. and Poulet, J.
8 February 2023
(In Press)
Matching cell type to function in cortical circuits.
Estebanez, L., Kremkow, J. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Neuron 87
(2): 249-251.
15 July 2015
Keeping an eye on cortical States.
Poulet, J.F.A.
Neuron 84
(2): 246-248.
22 October 2014
Bidirectionally responsive thermoreceptors encode cool and warm.
Bokiniec, P., Whitmire, C.J. and Poulet, J.F.A.
: 2024.11.28.625856.
28 November 2024
The cellular representation of temperature across the somatosensory thalamus.
Leva, T., Whitmire, C., Sauve, I., Bokiniec, P., Memler, C., Horn, B., Vestergaard, M., Carta, M. and Poulet, J.F.A.
: 2024.02.13.580167v2.
27 March 2024
An executive center for the intake of liquids.
Dempsey, B., Sungeelee, S., Bokiniec, P., Chettouh, Z., Diem, S., Autran, S., Harrell, E.R., Poulet, J.F.A., Birchmeier, C., Carrey, H., Genovesio, A., McMullan, S., Goridis, C., Fortin, G. and Brunet, J.F.
: 2021.07.02.450862.
4 July 2021
This list was generated on Wed Feb 19 08:25:48 2025 UTC.