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Item TypeArticle
Epithelial OPA1 links mitochondrial fusion to inflammatory bowel disease.
Bao, L.L., Yu, Y.Q., González-Acera, M., Patankar, J.V., Giessl, A., Sturm, G., Kühl, A.A., Atreya, R., Erkert, L., Gámez-Belmonte, R., Krug, S.M., Schmid, B., Tripal, P., Chiriac, M.T., Hildner, K., Siegmund, B., Wirtz, S., Stürzl, M., Mohamed Abdou, M., Trajanoski, Z., Neurath, M.F., Zorzano, A. and Becker, C.
Science Translational Medicine 17
(781): eadn8699.
January 2025
Increased β(2)-adrenergic signaling promotes fracture healing through callus neovascularization in mice.
Jahn, D., Knapstein, P.R., Otto, E., Köhli, P., Sevecke, J., Graef, F., Graffmann, C., Fuchs, M., Jiang, S., Rickert, M., Erdmann, C., Appelt, J., Revend, L., Küttner, Q., Witte, J., Rahmani, A., Duda, G., Xie, W., Donat, A., Schinke, T., Ivanov, A., Tchouto, M.N., Beule, D., Frosch, K.H., Baranowsky, A., Tsitsilonis, S. and Keller, J.
Science Translational Medicine 16
(743): eadk9129.
17 April 2024
Multiple sclerosis endophenotypes identified by high-dimensional blood signatures are associated with distinct disease trajectories.
Gross, C.C., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, A., Steinberg, O.V., Wirth, T., Lauks, S., Bittner, S., Schindler, P., Baranzini, S.E., Groppa, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Bünger, N., Chien, C., Dawin, E., Eveslage, M., Fleischer, V., Gonzalez-Escamilla, G., Gisevius, B., Haas, J., Kerschensteiner, M., Kirstein, L., Korsukewitz, C., Lohmann, L., Lünemann, J.D., Luessi, F., Meyer Zu Hörste, G., Motte, J., Ruck, T., Ruprecht, K., Schwab, N., Steffen, F., Meuth, S.G., Paul, F., Wildemann, B., Kümpfel, T., Gold, R., Hahn, T., Zipp, F., Klotz, L. and Wiendl, H.
Science Translational Medicine 16
(740): eade8560.
March 2024
Therapeutic inhibition of RBM20 improves diastolic function in a murine heart failure model and human engineered heart tissue.
Radke, M.H., Badillo-Lisakowski, V., Britto-Borges, T., Kubli, D.A., Jüttner, R., Parakkat, P., Lopez Carballo, J., Hüttemeister, J., Liss, M., Hansen, A., Dieterich, C., Mullick, A.E. and Gotthardt, M.
Science Translational Medicine 13
(622): eabe8952.
December 2021
Truncated titin proteins and titin haploinsufficiency are targets for functional recovery in human cardiomyopathy due to TTN mutations.
Fomin, A., Gärtner, A., Cyganek, L., Tiburcy, M., Tuleta, I., Wellers, L., Folsche, L., Hobbach, A.J., von Frieling-Salewsky, M., Unger, A., Hucke, A., Koser, F., Kassner, A., Sielemann, K., Streckfuß-Bömeke, K., Hasenfuss, G., Goedel, A., Laugwitz, K.L., Moretti, A., Gummert, J.F., Dos Remedios, C.G., Reinecke, H., Knöll, R., van Heesch, S., Hubner, N., Zimmermann, W.H., Milting, H. and Linke, W.A.
Science Translational Medicine 13
(618): eabd3079.
3 November 2021
PRMT5 control of cGAS/STING and NLRC5 pathways defines melanoma response to antitumor immunity.
Kim, H., Kim, H., Feng, Y., Li, Y., Tamiya, H., Tocci, S. and Ronai, Z.A.
Science Translational Medicine 12
(551): eaaz5683.
8 July 2020
The mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo2 mediates sensitivity to mechanical pain in mice.
Murthy, S.E., Loud, M.C., Daou, I., Marshall, K.L., Schwaller, F., Kühnemund, J., Francisco, A.G., Keenan, W.T., Dubin, A.E., Lewin, G.R. and Patapoutian, A.
Science Translational Medicine 10
(462): eaat9897.
10 October 2018
High-throughput metabolomic analysis predicts mode of action of uncharacterized antimicrobial compounds.
Zampieri, M., Szappanos, B., Buchieri, M.V., Trauner, A., Piazza, I., Picotti, P., Gagneux, S., Borrell, S., Gicquel, B., Lelievre, J., Papp, B. and Sauer, U.
Science Translational Medicine 10
(429): eaal3973.
21 February 2018
Therapeutic targeting of PGBD5-induced DNA repair dependency in pediatric solid tumors.
Henssen, A.G., Reed, C., Jiang, E., Garcia, H.D., von Stebut, J., MacArthur, I.C., Hundsdoerfer, P., Kim, J.H., de Stanchina, E., Kuwahara, Y., Hosoi, H., Ganem, N.J., Dela Cruz, F., Kung, A.L., Schulte, J.H., Petrini, J.H. and Kentsis, A.
Science Translational Medicine 9
(414): eaam9078.
1 November 2017
Integrated allelic, transcriptional, and phenomic dissection of the cardiac effects of titin truncations in health and disease.
Roberts, A.M., Ware, J.S., Herman, D.S., Schafer, S., Baksi, J., Bick, A.G., Buchan, R.J., Walsh, R., John, S., Wilkinson, S., Mazzarotto, F., Felkin, L.E., Gong, S., MacArthur, J.A.L., Cunningham, F., Flannick, J., Gabriel, S.B., Altshuler, D.M., Macdonald, P.S., Heinig, M., Keogh, A.M., Hayward, C.S., Banner, N.R., Pennell, D.J., O'Regan, D.P., San, T.R., de Marvao, A., Dawes, T.J.W., Gulati, A., Birks, E.J., Yacoub, M.H., Radke, M., Gotthardt, M., Wilson, J.G., O'Donnell, C.J., Prasad, S.K., Barton, P.J.R., Fatkin, D., Hubner, N., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E. and Cook, S.A.
Science Translational Medicine 7
(270): 270ra6.
14 January 2015
Characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying increased ischemic damage in the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 genetic polymorphism using a human induced pluripotent stem cell model system.
Ebert, A.D., Kodo, K., Liang, P., Wu, H., Huber, B.C., Riegler, J., Churko, J., Lee, J., de Almeida, P., Lan, F., Diecke, S., Burridge, P.W., Gold, J.D., Mochly-Rosen, D. and Wu, J.C.
Science Translational Medicine 6
(255): 255ra130.
24 September 2014
Effective diagnosis of genetic disease by computational phenotype analysis of the disease-associated genome.
Zemojtel, T., Koehler, S., Mackenroth, L., Jaeger, M., Hecht, J., Krawitz, P., Graul-Neumann, L., Doelken, S., Ehmke, N., Spielmann, M., Oien, N.C., Schweiger, M.R., Krueger, U., Frommer, G., Fischer, B., Kornak, U., Floettmann, R., Ardeshirdavani, A., Moreau, Y., Lewis, S.E., Haendel, M., Smedley, D., Horn, D., Mundlos, S. and Robinson, P.N.
Science Translational Medicine 6
(252): 252ra123.
3 September 2014
Lysosomal sorting of amyloid-β by the SORLA receptor is impaired by a familial Alzheimer's disease mutation.
Caglayan, S., Takagi-Niidome, S., Liao, F., Carlo, A.S., Schmidt, V., Burgert, T., Kitago, Y., Füchtbauer, E.M., Füchtbauer, A., Holtzman, D.M., Takagi, J. and Willnow, T.E.
Science Translational Medicine 6
(223): 223ra20.
12 February 2014
TCR-ligand k(off) rate correlates with the protective capacity of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells for adoptive transfer.
Nauerth, M., Weissbrich, B., Knall, R., Franz, T., Dössinger, G., Bet, J., Paszkiewicz, P.J., Pfeifer, L., Bunse, M., Uckert, W., Holtappels, R., Gillert-Marien, D., Neuenhahn, M., Krackhardt, A., Reddehase, M.J., Riddell, S.R. and Busch, D.H.
Science Translational Medicine 5
(192): 192ra87.
3 July 2013
Quantitative image analysis of cellular heterogeneity in breast tumors complements genomic profiling.
Yuan, Y., Failmezger, H., Rueda, O.M., Ali, H.R., Graef, S., Chin, S.F., Schwarz, R.F., Curtis, C., Dunning, M.J., Bardwell, H., Johnson, N., Doyle, S., Turashvili, G., Provenzano, E., Aparicio, S., Caldas, C. and Markowetz, F.
Science Translational Medicine 4
(157): 157ra143.
24 October 2012
Frequent and focal FGFR1 amplification associates with therapeutically tractable FGFR1 dependency in squamous cell lung cancer.
Weiss, J., Sos, M.L., Seidel, D., Peifer, M., Zander, T., Heuckmann, J.M., Ullrich, R.T., Menon, R., Maier, S., Soltermann, A., Moch, H., Wagener, P., Fischer, F., Heynck, S., Koker, M., Schöttle, J., Leenders, F., Gabler, F., Dabow, I., Querings, S., Heukamp, L.C., Balke-Want, H., Ansén, S., Rauh, D., Baessmann, I., Altmüller, J., Wainer, Z., Conron, M., Wright, G., Russell, P., Solomon, B., Brambilla, E., Brambilla, C., Lorimier, P., Sollberg, S., Brustugun, O.T., Engel-Riedel, W., Ludwig, C., Petersen, I., Sänger, J., Clement, J., Groen, H., Timens, W., Sietsma, H., Thunnissen, E., Smit, E., Heideman, D., Cappuzzo, F., Ligorio, C., Damiani, S., Hallek, M., Beroukhim, R., Pao, W., Klebl, B., Baumann, M., Buettner, R., Ernestus, K., Stoelben, E., Wolf, J., Nürnberg, P., Perner, S. and Thomas, R.K
Science Translational Medicine 2
(62): 62ra93.
15 December 2010
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