Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Candesartan - an inhibitor of monocyte activation in hypertensive patients?
Doerffel, Y., Bresan, V., Stuhlmueller, B., Doerffel, W.V., Pruss, A. and Scholze, J.
Perfusion 15 : 96-101. 1 January 2002

Effects of a low-dose combination of isradipine and an ACE- inhibitor on left ventricular mass and left ventricular performance.
Eichstaedt, H., Pittrow, D. and Stoerk, T.
Perfusion 15 : 317-326. 1 January 2002


Wirksamkeit und Vertraeglichkeit von Crataegus-Extract WS 1442 bei herzinsuffizienten Patienten mit eingeschraenkter linksventrikulaerer Funktion [Efficacy and safety of crataegus special extract WS 1442 in patients suffering from heart failure with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction].
Eichstaedt, H., Stoerk, T., Moeckel, M., Danne, O., Funk, P. and Koehler, S.
Perfusion 14 : 212-217. 1 January 2001


Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie mit dem selektiven Beta-1-Rezeptorenblocker Talinolol.
Homuth, V.
Perfusion 8 (12): 402-418. 1 January 1995

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