Epigenetic regulatory layers in the 3D nucleus.
Willemin, A., Szabo, D. and Pombo, A.
Molecular Cell 84
(3): 415-428.
1 February 2024
Translation of non-canonical open reading frames as a cancer cell survival mechanism in childhood medulloblastoma.
Hofman, D.A., Ruiz-Orera, J., Yannuzzi, I., Murugesan, R., Brown, A., Clauser, K.R., Condurat, A.L., van Dinter, J.T., Engels, S.A.G., Goodale, A., van der Lugt, J., Abid, T., Wang, L., Zhou, K.N., Vogelzang, J., Ligon, K.L., Phoenix, T.N., Roth, J.A., Root, D.E, Hubner, N., Golub, T.R., Bandopadhayay, P., van Heesch, S. and Prensner, J.R.
Molecular Cell 84
(2): 261-276.
18 January 2024
mRNA stability and m(6)A are major determinants of subcellular mRNA localization in neurons.
Loedige, I., Baranovskii, A., Mendonsa, S., Dantsuji, S., Popitsch, N., Breimann, L., Zerna, N., Cherepanov, V., Milek, M., Ameres, S. and Chekulaeva, M.
Molecular Cell 83
(15): 2709-2725.
3 August 2023
Evolutionary origins and interactomes of human, young microproteins and small peptides translated from short open reading frames.
Sandmann, C.L., Schulz, J.F., Ruiz-Orera, J., Kirchner, M., Ziehm, M., Adami, E., Marczenke, M., Christ, A., Liebe, N., Greiner, J., Schoenenberger, A., Mücke, M.B., Liang, N., Moritz, R.L., Sun, Z., Deutsch, E.W., Gotthardt, M., Mudge, J.M., Prensner, J.R., Willnow, T.E., Mertins, P., van Heesch, S. and Hubner, N.
Molecular Cell 83
(6): 994-1011.e18.
16 March 2023
SAMHD1 controls innate immunity by regulating condensation of immunogenic self RNA.
Maharana, S., Kretschmer, S., Hunger, S., Yan, X., Kuster, D., Traikov, S., Zillinger, T., Gentzel, M., Elangovan, S., Dasgupta, P., Chappidi, N., Lucas, N., Maser, K.I., Maatz, H., Rapp, A., Marchand, V., Chang, Y.T., Motorin, Y., Hubner, N., Hartmann, G., Hyman, A.A., Alberti, S. and Lee-Kirsch, M.A.
Molecular Cell 82
(19): 3712-3728.e10.
6 October 2022
The TRESLIN-MTBP complex couples completion of DNA replication with S/G2 transition.
Zonderland, G., Vanzo, R., Amitash, S., Martín-Doncel, E., Coscia, F., Mund, A., Lerdrup, M., Benada, J., Boos, D. and Toledo, L.
Molecular Cell 82
(18): 3350-3365.
15 September 2022
A high-resolution map of human RNA translation.
Chothani, S.P., Adami, E., Widjaja, A.A., Langley, S.R., Viswanathan, S., Pua, C.J., Zhihao, N.T., Harmston, N., D'Agostino, G., Whiffin, N., Mao, W., Ouyang, J.F., Lim, W.W., Lim, S., Lee, C.Q.E., Grubman, A., Chen, J., Kovalik, J.P., Tryggvason, K., Polo, J.M., Ho, L., Cook, S.A., Rackham, O.J.L. and Schafer, S.
Molecular Cell 82
(15): 2885-2899.e8.
4 August 2022
Proteome-wide quantitative RNA-interactome capture identifies phosphorylation sites with regulatory potential in RBM20.
Vieira e Vieira, C.H., Dauksaite, V., Sporbert, A., Gotthardt, M. and Selbach, M.
Molecular Cell 82
(11): 2069-2083.
2 June 2022
ATACing single cells with phages.
Maschmeyer, P. and Haas, S.
Molecular Cell 82
(2): 234-236.
20 January 2022
Distal and proximal cis-regulatory elements sense X chromosome dosage and developmental state at the Xist locus.
Gjaltema, R.A.F., Schwämmle, T., Kautz, P., Robson, M., Schöpflin, R., Ravid Lustig, L., Brandenburg, L., Dunkel, I., Vechiatto, C., Ntini, E., Mutzel, V., Schmiedel, V., Marsico, A., Mundlos, S. and Schulz, E.G.
Molecular Cell 82
(1): 190-208.e17.
6 January 2022
The IMiD target CRBN determines HSP90 activity toward transmembrane proteins essential in multiple myeloma.
Heider, M., Eichner, R., Stroh, J., Morath, V., Kuisl, A., Zecha, J., Lawatscheck, J., Baek, K., Garz, A.K., Rudelius, M., Deuschle, F.C., Keller, U., Lemeer, S., Verbeek, M., Götze, K.S., Skerra, A., Weber, W.A., Buchner, J., Schulman, B.A., Kuster, B., Fernández-Sáiz, V. and Bassermann, F.
Molecular Cell 81
(6): 1170-1186.
18 March 2021
Snapshots of native pre-50S ribosomes reveal a biogenesis factor network and evolutionary specialization.
Nikolay, R., Hilal, T., Schmidt, S., Qin, B., Schwefel, D., Vieira-Vieira, C.H., Mielke, T., Bürger, J., Loerke, J., Amikura, K., Flügel, T., Ueda, T., Selbach, M., Deuerling, E. and Spahn, C.M.T.
Molecular Cell 81
(6): 1200-1215.
18 March 2021
Protein synthesis in the developing neocortex at near-atomic resolution reveals Ebp1-mediated neuronal proteostasis at the 60S tunnel exit.
Kraushar, M.L., Krupp, F., Harnett, D., Turko, P., Ambrozkiewicz, M.C., Sprink, T., Imami, K., Günnigmann, M., Zinnall, U., Vieira-Vieira, C.H., Schaub, T., Münster-Wandowski, A., Bürger, J., Borisova, E., Yamamoto, H., Rasin, M.R., Ohler, U., Beule, D., Mielke, T., Tarabykin, V., Landthaler, M., Kramer, G., Vida, I., Selbach, M. and Spahn, C.M.T.
Molecular Cell 81
(2): 304-322.
21 January 2021
Localized inhibition of protein phosphatase 1 by NUAK1 promotes spliceosome activity and reveals a MYC-sensitive feedback control of transcription.
Cossa, G., Roeschert, I., Prinz, F., Baluapuri, A., Silveira Vidal, R., Schülein-Völk, C., Chang, Y.C., Ade, C.P., Mastrobuoni, G., Girard, C., Kumar, A., Wortmann, L., Walz, S., Lührmann, R., Kempa, S., Kuster, B., Wolf, E., Mumberg, D. and Eilers, M.
Molecular Cell 77
(6): 1322-1339.
19 March 2020
A conserved noncoding locus regulates random monoallelic Xist expression across a topological boundary.
Galupa, R., Nora, E.P., Worsley-Hunt, R., Picard, C., Gard, C., van Bemmel, J.G., Servant, N., Zhan, Y., El Marjou, F., Johanneau, C., Diabangouaya, P., Le Saux, A., Lameiras, S., Pipoli da Fonseca, J., Loos, F., Gribnau, J., Baulande, S., Ohler, U., Giorgetti, L. and Heard, E.
Molecular Cell 77
(2): 352-367.
16 January 2020
Polyamines control eIF5A hypusination, TFEB translation, and autophagy to reverse B cell senescence.
Zhang, H., Alsaleh, G., Feltham, J., Sun, Y., Napolitano, G., Riffelmacher, T., Charles, P., Frau, L., Hublitz, P., Yu, Z., Mohammed, S., Ballabio, A., Balabanov, S., Mellor, J. and Simon, A.K.
Molecular Cell 76
(1): 110-125.
3 October 2019
Conserved pseudoknots in lncRNA MEG3 are essential for stimulation of the p53 pathway.
Uroda, T., Anastasakou, E., Rossi, A., Teulon, J.M., Pellequer, J.L., Annibale, P., Pessey, O., Inga, A., Chillón, I. and Marcia, M.
Molecular Cell 75
(5): 982-995.
5 September 2019
Network Rewiring of Homologous Recombination Enzymes during Mitotic Proliferation and Meiosis.
Wild, P., Susperregui, A., Piazza, I., Dörig, C., Oke, A., Arter, M., Yamaguchi, M., Hilditch, A.T., Vuina, K., Chan, K.C., Gromova, T., Haber, J.E., Fung, J.C., Picotti, P. and Matos, J.
Molecular Cell 75
(4): 859-874.
22 August 2019
Regulatory landscaping: how enhancer-promoter communication is sculpted in 3D.
Robson, M.I., Ringel, A.R. and Mundlos, S.
Molecular Cell 74
(6): 1110-1122.
20 June 2019
FIP200 claw domain binding to p62 promotes autophagosome formation at ubiquitin condensates.
Turco, E., Witt, M., Abert, C., Bock-Bierbaum, T., Su, M.Y., Trapannone, R., Sztacho, M., Danieli, A., Shi, X., Zaffagnini, G., Gamper, A., Schuschnig, M., Fracchiolla, D., Bernklau, D., Romanov, J., Hartl, M., Hurley, J.H., Daumke, O. and Martens, S.
Molecular Cell 74
(2): 330-346.
18 April 2019
R-loops enhance polycomb repression at a subset of developmental regulator genes.
Skourti-Stathaki, K., Torlai Triglia, E., Warburton, M., Voigt, P., Bird, A. and Pombo, A.
Molecular Cell 73
(5): 930-945.
7 March 2019
Small and large ribosomal subunit deficiencies lead to distinct gene expression signatures that reflect cellular growth rate.
Cheng, Z., Mugler, C.F., Keskin, A., Hodapp, S., Chan, L.Y.L., Weis, K., Mertins, P., Regev, A., Jovanovic, M. and Brar, G.A.
Molecular Cell 73
(1): 36-47.
3 January 2019
The chromatin reader ZMYND8 regulates Igh enhancers to promote immunoglobulin class switch recombination.
Delgado-Benito, V., Rosen, D.B., Wang, Q., Gazumyan, A., Pai, J.A., Oliveira, T.Y., Sundaravinayagam, D., Zhang, W., Andreani, M., Keller, L., Kieffer-Kwon, K.R., Pękowska, A., Jung, S., Driesner, M., Subbotin, R.I., Casellas, R., Chait, B.T., Nussenzweig, M.C. and Di Virgilio, M.
Molecular Cell 72
(4): 636-649.
15 November 2018
Exon junction complexes suppress spurious splice sites to safeguard transcriptome integrity.
Boehm, V., Britto-Borges, T., Steckelberg, A.L., Singh, K.K., Gerbracht, J.V., Gueney, E., Blazquez, L., Altmüller, J., Dieterich, C. and Gehring, N.H.
Molecular Cell 72
(3): 482-495.
1 November 2018
Phosphorylation of the ribosomal protein RPL12/uL11 affects translation during mitosis.
Imami, K., Milek, M., Bogdanow, B., Yasuda, T., Kastelic, N., Zauber, H., Ishihama, Y., Landthaler, M. and Selbach, M.
Molecular Cell 72
(1): 84-98.
4 October 2018
mHTT seeding activity: a marker of disease progression and neurotoxicity in models of Huntington's disease.
Ast, A., Buntru, A., Schindler, F., Hasenkopf, R., Schulz, A., Brusendorf, L., Klockmeier, K., Grelle, G., McMahon, B., Niederlechner, H., Jansen, I., Diez, L., Edel, J., Boeddrich, A., Franklin, S.A., Baldo, B., Schnoegl, S., Kunz, S., Purfürst, B., Gaertner, A., Kampinga, H.H., Morton, A.J., Petersén, Å., Kirstein, J., Bates, G.P. and Wanker, E.E.
Molecular Cell 71
(5): 675-688.
6 September 2018
Bacterial RNA biology on a genome scale.
Hör, J., Gorski, S.A. and Vogel, J.
Molecular Cell 70
(5): 785-799.
7 June 2018
RNA helicase DDX1 converts RNA G-quadruplex structures into R-loops to promote IgH class switch recombination.
Ribeiro de Almeida, C., Dhir, S., Dhir, A., Moghaddam, A.E., Sattentau, Q., Meinhart, A. and Proudfoot, N.J.
Molecular Cell 70
(4): 650-662.
17 May 2018
HMGB2 loss upon senescence entry disrupts genomic organization and induces CTCF clustering across cell types.
Zirkel, A., Nikolic, M., Sofiadis, K., Mallm, J.P., Brackley, C.A., Gothe, H., Drechsel, O., Becker, C., Altmüller, J., Josipovic, N., Georgomanolis, T., Brant, L., Franzen, J., Koker, M., Gusmao, E.G., Costa, I.G., Ullrich, R.T., Wagner, W., Roukos, V., Nürnberg, P., Marenduzzo, D., Rippe, K. and Papantonis, A.
Molecular Cell 70
(4): 730-744.e6.
17 May 2018
Circ-ZNF609 is a circular RNA that can be translated and functions in myogenesis.
Legnini, I., Di Timoteo, G., Rossi, F., Morlando, M., Briganti, F., Sthandier, O., Fatica, A., Santini, T., Andronache, A., Wade, M., Laneve, P., Rajewsky, N. and Bozzoni, I.
Molecular Cell 66
(1): 22-37.e9.
6 April 2017
Translation of circRNAs.
Pamudurti, N.R., Bartok, O., Jens, M., Ashwal-Fluss, R., Stottmeister, C., Ruhe, L., Hanan, M., Wyler, E., Perez-Hernandez, D., Ramberger, E., Shenzis, S., Samson, M., Dittmar, G., Landthaler, M., Chekulaeva, M., Rajewsky, N. and Kadener, S.
Molecular Cell 66
(1): 9-21.
6 April 2017
Identification of an RNA polymerase III regulator linked to disease-associated protein aggregation.
Sin, O., de Jong, T., Mata-Cabana, A., Kudron, M., Zaini, M.A., Aprile, F.A., Seinstra, R.I., Stroo, E., Prins, R.W., Martineau, C.N., Wang, H.H., Hogewerf, Wytse, Steinhof, A., Wanker, E.E., Vendruscolo, M., Calkhoven, C.F., Reinke, V., Guryev, V. and Nollen, E.A.A.
Molecular Cell 65
(6): 1096-1108.
16 March 2017
Deciphering the ubiquitin code.
Dittmar, G. and Selbach, M.
Molecular Cell 65
(5): 779-780.
2 March 2017
A finer print than TADs: PRC1-mediated domains.
Torlai Triglia, E., Rito, Tiago and Pombo, A.
Molecular Cell 65
(3): 373-375.
2 February 2017
Stefan Jentsch (1955-2016) Obituary.
Sommer, T., Hoppe, T. and Rape, M.
Cell Press.
15 December 2016
Eyes on translation.
Chekulaeva, M. and Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 63
(6): 918-925.
15 September 2016
Mapping the landscape of a eukaryotic degronome.
Geffen, Y., Appleboim, A., Gardner, R.G., Friedman, N., Sadeh, R. and Ravid, T.
Molecular Cell 63
(6): 1055-1065.
15 September 2016
Sequential poly-ubiquitylation by specialized conjugating enzymes expands the versatility of a quality control ubiquitin ligase.
Weber, A., Cohen, I., Popp, O., Dittmar, G., Reiss, Y., Sommer, T., Ravid, T. and Jarosch, E.
Molecular Cell 63
(5): 827-839.
1 September 2016
OCT4 acts as an integrator of pluripotency and signal-induced differentiation.
Simandi, Z., Horvath, A., Wright, L.C., Cuaranta-Monroy, I., De Luca, I., Karolyi, K., Sauer, S., Deleuze, J.F., Gudas, L.J., Cowley, S.M. and Nagy, L.
Molecular Cell 63
(4): 647-661.
18 August 2016
The Lupus autoantigen La prevents Mis-channeling of tRNA fragments into the human microRNA pathway.
Hasler, D., Lehmann, G., Murakawa, Y., Klironomos, F., Jakob, L., Grässer, F.A., Rajewsky, N., Landthaler, M. and Meister, G.
Molecular Cell 63
(1): 110-124.
7 July 2016
Tissue-specific gene repositioning by muscle nuclear membrane proteins enhances repression of critical developmental genes during myogenesis.
Robson, M.I., de Las Heras, J.I., Czapiewski, R., Lê Thành, P., Booth, D.G., Kelly, D.A., Webb, S., Kerr, A.R.W. and Schirmer, E.C.
Molecular Cell 62
(6): 834-847.
16 June 2016
The CUE domain of Cue1 aligns growing ubiquitin chains with Ubc7 for rapid elongation.
von Delbrück, M., Kniss, A., Rogov, V.V., Pluska, L., Bagola, K., Löhr, F., Güntert, P., Sommer, T. and Dötsch, V.
Molecular Cell 62
(6): 918-928.
16 June 2016
A regression-based analysis of ribosome-profiling data reveals a conserved complexity to mammalian translation.
Fields, A.P., Rodriguez, E.H., Jovanovic, M., Stern-Ginossar, N., Haas, B.J., Mertins, P., Raychowdhury, R., Hacohen, N., Carr, S.A., Ingolia, N.T., Regev, A. and Weissman, J.S.
Molecular Cell 60
(5): 816-827.
3 December 2015
Perspectives on unidirectional versus divergent transcription.
Duttke, S.H.C., Lacadie, S.A., Ibrahim, M.M., Glass, C.K., Corcoran, D.L., Benner, C., Heinz, S., Kadonaga, J.T. and Ohler, U.
Molecular Cell 60
(3): 348-349.
5 November 2015
Circular RNAs in the mammalian brain are highly abundant, conserved, and dynamically expressed.
Rybak-Wolf, A., Stottmeister, C., Glažar, P., Jens, M., Pino, N., Giusti, S., Hanan, M., Behm, M., Bartok, O., Ashwal-Fluss, R., Herzog, M., Schreyer, L., Papavasileiou, P., Ivanov, A., Öhman, M., Refojo, D., Kadener, S. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Cell 58
(5): 870-885.
4 June 2015
Single-cell transcriptomics enters the age of mass production.
Junker, J.P. and van Oudenaarden, A.
Molecular Cell 58
(4): 563-564.
21 May 2015
High-resolution chromatin dynamics during a yeast stress response.
Weiner, A., Hsieh, T.H.S., Appleboim, A., Chen, H.V., Rahat, A., Amit, I., Rando, O.J. and Friedman, N.
Molecular Cell 58
(2): 371-386.
16 April 2015
Human promoters are intrinsically directional.
Duttke, S.H.C., Lacadie, S.A., Ibrahim, M.M., Glass, C.K., Corcoran, D.L., Benner, C., Heinz, S., Kadonaga, J.T. and Ohler, U.
Molecular Cell 57
(4): 674-684.
19 February 2015
circRNA biogenesis competes with pre-mRNA splicing.
Ashwal-Fluss, R., Meyer, M., Pamudurti, N.R., Ivanov, A., Bartok, O., Hanan, M., Evantal, N., Memczak, S., Rajewsky, N. and Kadener, S.
Molecular Cell 56
(1): 55-66.
2 October 2014
Unambiguous identification of miRNA:target site interactions by different types of ligation reactions.
Grosswendt, S., Filipchyk, A., Manzano, M., Klironomos, F., Schilling, M., Herzog, M., Gottwein, E. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Cell 54
(6): 1042-1054.
19 June 2014
MOV10 is a 5' to 3' RNA helicase contributing to UPF1 mRNA target degradation by translocation along 3' UTRs.
Gregersen, L.H., Schueler, M., Munschauer, M., Mastrobuoni, G., Chen, W., Kempa, S., Dieterich, C. and Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 54
(4): 573-585.
22 May 2014
The ZFP-1(AF10)/DOT-1 complex opposes H2B ubiquitination to reduce Pol II transcription.
Cecere, G., Hoersch, S., Jensen, M.B., Dixit, S. and Grishok, A.
Molecular Cell 50
(6): 894-907.
27 June 2013
Ubiquitin binding by a CUE domain regulates ubiquitin chain formation by ERAD E3 ligases.
Bagola, K., von Delbrück, M., Dittmar, G., Scheffner, M., Ziv, I., Glickman, M.H., Ciechanover, A. and Sommer, T.
Molecular Cell 50
(4): 528-539.
23 May 2013
The E3 ligase parkin maintains mitochondrial integrity by increasing linear ubiquitination of NEMO.
Mueller-Rischart, A.K., Pilsl, A., Beaudette, P., Patra, M., Hadian, K., Funke, M., Peis, R., Deinlein, A., Schweimer, C., Kuhn, P.H., Lichtenthaler, S.F., Motori, E., Hrelia, S., Wurst, W, Truembach, D., Langer, T., Krappmann, D., Dittmar, G., Tatzelt, J. and Winklhofer, K.F.
Molecular Cell 49
(5): 908-921.
7 March 2013
Sustained PU.1 levels balance cell-cycle regulators to prevent exhaustion of adult hematopoietic stem cells.
Staber, P.B., Zhang, P., Ye, M., Welner, R.S., Nombela-Arrieta, C., Bach, C., Kerenyi, M., Bartholdy, B.A., Zhang, H., Alberich-Jorda, M., Lee, S., Yang, H., Ng, F., Zhang, J., Leddin, M., Silberstein, L.E., Hoefler, G., Orkin, S.H., Goettgens, B., Rosenbauer, F., Huang, G. and Tenen, D.G.
Molecular Cell 49
(5): 934-946.
7 March 2013
Two deubiquitylases act on mitofusin and regulate mitochondrial fusion along independent pathways.
Anton, F., Dittmar, G., Langer, T. and Escobar-Henriques, M.
Molecular Cell 49
(3): 487-498.
7 February 2013
Insights into negative regulation by the glucocorticoid receptor from genome-wide profiling of inflammatory cistromes.
Uhlenhaut, N.H., Barish, G.D., Yu, R.T., Downes, M., Karunasiri, M., Liddle, C., Schwalie, P., Hübner, N. and Evans, R.M.
Molecular Cell 49
(1): 158-171.
10 January 2013
eIF2γ mutation that disrupts eIF2 complex integrity links intellectual disability to impaired translation initiation.
Borck, G., Shin, B.S., Stiller, B., Mimouni-Bloch, A., Thiele, H., Kim, J.R., Thakur, M., Skinner, C., Aschenbach, L., Smirin-Yosef, P., Har-Zahav, A., Nürnberg, G., Altmüller, J., Frommolt, P., Hofmann, K., Konen, O., Nürnberg, P., Munnich, A., Schwartz, C.E., Gothelf, D., Colleaux, L., Dever, T.E., Kubisch, C. and Basel-Vanagaite, L.
Molecular Cell 48
(4): 641-6.
30 November 2012
The size of the proteasomal substrate determines whether its degradation will be mediated by mono- or polyubiquitylation.
Shabek, N., Herman-Bachinsky, Y., Buchsbaum, S., Lewinson, O., Haj-Yahya, M., Hejjaoui, M., Lashuel, H.A., Sommer, T., Brik, A. and Ciechanover, A.
Molecular Cell 48
(1): 87-97.
12 October 2012
Quantitative live cell imaging reveals a gradual shift between DNA repair mechanisms and a maximal use of HR in mid S phase.
Karanam, K., Kafri, R., Loewer, A. and Lahav, G.
Molecular Cell 47
(2): 320-329.
27 July 2012
The mRNA-bound proteome and its global occupancy profile on protein-coding transcripts.
Baltz, A.G., Munschauer, M., Schwanhaeusser, B., Vasile, A., Murakawa, Y., Schueler, M., Youngs, N., Penfold-Brown, D., Drew, K., Milek, M., Wyler, E., Bonneau, R., Selbach, M., Dieterich, C. and Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 46
(5): 674-690.
8 June 2012
When noisy neighbors are a blessing: analysis of gene expression noise identifies coregulated genes.
Junker, J.P. and van Oudenaarden, A.
Molecular Cell 45
(4): 437-438.
24 February 2012
In vivo and transcriptome-wide identification of RNA binding protein target sites.
Jungkamp, A.C., Stoeckius, M., Mecenas, D., Gruen, D., Mastrobuoni, G., Kempa, S. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Cell 44
(5): 828-840.
9 December 2011
Transcriptome-wide analysis of regulatory interactions of the RNA-binding protein HuR.
Lebedeva, S., Jens, M., Theil, K., Schwanhaeusser, B., Selbach, M., Landthaler, M. and Rajewsky, N.
Molecular Cell 43
(3): 340-352.
5 August 2011
Integrative regulatory mapping indicates that the RNA-binding protein HuR couples pre-mRNA processing and mRNA stability.
Mukherjee, N., Corcoran, D.L., Nusbaum, J.D., Reid, D.W., Georgiev, S., Hafner, M., Ascano, M., Tuschl, T., Ohler, U. and Keene, J.D.
Molecular Cell 43
(3): 327-339.
5 August 2011
Regulation of DNA end joining, resection, and immunoglobulin class switch recombination by 53BP1.
Bothmer, A., Robbiani, D.F., Di Virgilio, M., Bunting, S.F., Klein, I.A., Feldhahn, N., Barlow, J., Chen, H.T., Bosque, D., Callen, E., Nussenzweig, A. and Nussenzweig, M.C.
Molecular Cell 42
(3): 319-329.
6 May 2011
Global analysis of nascent RNA reveals transcriptional pausing in terminal exons.
Carrillo Oesterreich, F., Preibisch, S. and Neugebauer, K.M.
Molecular Cell 40
(4): 571-581.
24 November 2010
Protein quality control in the cytosol and the endoplasmic reticulum: brothers in arms.
Buchberger, A., Bukau, B. and Sommer, T.
Molecular Cell 40
(2): 238-252.
22 October 2010
A cytoplasmic ATM-TRAF6-cIAP1 module links nuclear DNA damage signaling to ubiquitin-mediated NF-κB activation.
Hinz, M., Stilmann, M., Coel Arslan, S., Khanna, K.K., Dittmar, G. and Scheidereit, C.
Molecular Cell 40
(1): 63-74.
8 October 2010
Chaperones get RISC loaded.
Landthaler, M.
Molecular Cell 39
(2): 161-162.
30 July 2010
Short RNAs are transcribed from repressed polycomb target genes and interact with polycomb repressive complex-2.
Kanhere, A., Viiri, K., Araujo, C.C., Rasaiyaah, J., Bouwman, R.D., Whyte, W.A., Pereira, C.F., Brookes, E., Walker, K., Bell, G.W., Pombo, A., Fisher, A.G., Young, R.A. and Jenner, R.G.
Molecular Cell 38
(5): 675-688.
11 June 2010
Usa1 functions as a scaffold of the HRD-ubiquitin ligase.
Horn, S.C., Hanna, J., Hirsch, C., Volkwein, C., Schütz, A., Heinemann, U., Sommer, T. and Jarosch, E.
Molecular Cell 36
(5): 782-793.
11 December 2009
A nuclear poly(ADP-ribose)-dependent signalosome confers DNA damage-induced IκB kinase activation.
Stilmann, M., Hinz, M., Coel Arslan, S., Zimmer, A., Schreiber, V. and Scheidereit, C.
Molecular Cell 36
(3): 365-378.
13 November 2009
Ribosomal protein S7 is both a regulator and a substrate of MDM2.
Zhu, Y., Poyurovsky, M.V., Li, Y., Biderman, L., Stahl, J., Jacq, X. and Prives, C.
Molecular Cell 35
(3): 316-326.
14 August 2009
Essential role for DNA-PKcs in DNA double-strand break repair and apoptosis in ATM-deficient lymphocytes.
Callen, E., Jankovic, M., Wong, N., Zha, S., Chen, H.T., Difilippantonio, S., Di Virgilio, M., Heidkamp, G., Alt, F.W., Nussenzweig, A. and Nussenzweig, M.
Molecular Cell 34
(3): 285-297.
15 May 2009
A human snoRNA with microRNA-like functions.
Ender, C., Krek, A., Friedlaender, M.R., Beitzinger, M., Weinmann, L., Chen, W., Pfeffer, S., Rajewsky, N. and Meister, G.
Molecular Cell 32
(4): 519-528.
21 November 2008
Modulation of RNA polymerase assembly dynamics in transcriptional regulation.
Gorski, S.A., Snyder, S.K., John, S., Grummt, I. and Misteli, T.
Molecular Cell 30
(4): 486-497.
23 May 2008
Recurrent initiation: a mechanism for triggering p53 pulses in response to DNA damage.
Batchelor, E., Mock, C.S., Bhan, I., Loewer, A. and Lahav, G.
Molecular Cell 30
(3): 277-289.
9 May 2008
Balancing BMP signaling through integrated inputs into the Smad1 linker.
Sapkota, G., Alarcon, C., Spagnoli, F.M., Brivanlou, A.H. and Massague, J.
Molecular Cell 25
(3): 441-454.
9 February 2007
A genome-wide analysis indicates that yeast pre-mRNA splicing is predominantly posttranscriptional.
Tardiff, D.F., Lacadie, S.A. and Rosbash, M.
Molecular Cell 24
(6): 917-929.
28 December 2006
Essential role for IkappaB kinase beta in remodeling Carma1-Bcl10-Malt1 complexes upon T cell activation.
Wegener, E., Oeckinghaus, A., Papadopoulou, N., Lavitas, L., Schmidt-Supprian, M., Ferch, U., Mak, T.W., Ruland, J., Heissmeyer, V. and Krappmann, D.
Molecular Cell 23
(1): 13-23.
7 July 2006
Cotranscriptional spliceosome assembly dynamics and the role of U1 snRNA:5'ss base pairing in yeast.
Lacadie, S.A. and Rosbash, M.
Molecular Cell 19
(1): 65-75.
1 July 2005
Erk associates with and primes GSK-3beta for its inactivation resulting in upregulation of beta-catenin.
Ding, Q., Xia, W., Liu, J.C., Yang, J.Y., Lee, D.F., Xia, J., Bartholomeusz, G., Li, Y., Pan, Y., Li, Z., Bargou, R.C., Qin, J., Lai, C.C., Tsai, F.J., Tsai, C.H. and Hung, M.C.
Molecular Cell 19
: 159-170.
1 January 2005
The SRF target gene Fhl2 antagonizes RhoA/MAL-dependent activation of SRF.
Philippar, U., Schratt, G., Dieterich, C., Mueller, J.M., Galgoczy, P., Engel, F.B., Keating, M.T., Gertler, F., Schuele, R., Vingron, M. and Nordheim, A.
Molecular Cell 16
(6): 867-880.
22 December 2004
A protein interaction network links GIT1, an enhancer of huntingtin aggregation, to Huntington's disease.
Goehler, H., Lalowski, M., Stelzl, U., Waelter, S., Stroedicke, M., Worm, U., Droege, A., Lindenberg, K.S., Knoblich, M., Haenig, C., Herbst, M., Suopanki, J., Scherzinger, E., Abraham, C., Bauer, B., Hasenbank, R., Fritzsche, A., Ludewig, A.H., Buessow, K., Coleman, S.H., Gutekunst, C.A., Landwehrmeyer, B.G., Lehrach, H. and Wanker, E.E.
Molecular Cell 15
(6): 853-865.
24 September 2004
Human Argonaute2 mediates RNA cleavage targeted by miRNAs and siRNAs.
Meister, G., Landthaler, M., Patkaniowska, A., Dorsett, Y., Teng, G. and Tuschl, T.
Molecular Cell 15
(2): 185-197.
23 July 2004
Ras induces mediator complex exchange on C/EBPβ.
Mo, X.M., Kowenz-Leutz, E., Xu, H. and Leutz, A.
Molecular Cell 13
(2): 241-250.
30 January 2004
A unified nomenclature for protein subunits of mediator complexes linking transcriptional regulators to RNA polymerase II.
Bourbon, H.M., Aguilera, A., Ansari, A.Z., Asturias, F.J., Berk, A.J., Bjorklund, S., Blackwell, T.K., Borggrefe, T., Carey, M., Carlson, M., Conaway, J.W., Conaway, R.C., Emmons, S.W., Fondell, J.D., Freedman, L.P., Fukasawa, T., Gustafsson, C.M., Han, M., He, X., Herman, P.K., Hinnebusch, A.G., Holmberg, S., Holstege, F.C., Jaehning, J.A., Kim, Y.J., Kuras, L., Leutz, A., Lis, J.T., Meisterernest, M., Naar, A.M., Nasmyth, K., Parvin, J.D., Ptashne, M., Reinberg, D., Ronne, H., Sadowski, I., Sakurai, H., Sipiczki, M., Sternberg, P.W., Stillman, D.J., Strich, R., Struhl, K., Svejstrup, J.Q., Tuck, S., Winston, F., Roeder, R.G. and Kornberg, R.D.
Molecular Cell 14
(5): 553-557.
1 January 2004
Healing the wounds inflicted by Sleeping Beauty transposition by double-strand break repair in mammalian somatic cells.
Izsvak, Z., Stuewe, E.E., Fiedler, D., Katzer, A., Jeggo, P.A. and Ivics, Z.
Molecular Cell 13
(2): 279-290.
1 January 2004
Vpu-mediated degradation of CD4 reconstituted in yeast reveals mechanistic differences to cellular ER-associated protein degradation.
Meusser, B. and Sommer, T.
Molecular Cell 14
(2): 247-258.
1 January 2004
DNA polymerase clamp shows little turnover at established replication sites but sequential de novo assembly at adjacent origin clusters.
Sporbert, A., Gahl, A., Ankerhold, R., Leonhardt, H. and Cardoso, M.C.
Molecular Cell 10
(6): 1355-1365.
December 2002
Phosphorylation by protein kinase CK2: A signaling switch for the caspase-inhibiting protein ARC.
Li, P.F., Li, J.C., Mueller, E.C., Otto, A., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Molecular Cell 10
(2): 247-258.
August 2002
The level of C/EBP protein is critical for cell migration during Drosophila oogenesis and is tightly controlled by regulated degradation.
Rorth, P., Szabo, K. and Texido, G.
Molecular Cell 6
: 23-30.
1 July 2000
TRANCE, a TNF family member, activates Akt/PKB through a signaling complex involving TRAF6 and c-Src.
Wong, B.R., Besser, D., Kim, N., Arron, J.R., Vologodskaia, M., Hanafusa, H. and Choi, Y.
Molecular Cell 4
(6): 1041-1049.
December 1999
A C/EBP beta isoform recruits the SWI/SNF complex to activate myeloid genes.
Kowenz-Leutz, E. and Leutz, A.
Molecular Cell 4
(5): 735-743.
November 1999
SH3GL3 associates with the Huntingtin exon 1 protein and promotes the formation of polygln-containing protein aggregates.
Sittler, A., Walter, S., Wedemeyer, N., Hasenbank, R., Scherzinger, E., Eickhoff, H., Bates, G.P., Lehrach, H. and Wanker, E.E.
Molecular Cell 2
(4): 427-436.
October 1998
Identification of a tRNA-specific nuclear export receptor.
Kutay, U., Lipowsky, G., Izaurralde, E., Bischoff, F.R., Schwarzmaier, P., Hartmann, E. and Goerlich, D.
Molecular Cell 1
: 359-369.
1 January 1998
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 16:23:57 2025 UTC.