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Visual quality of life in NMOSD and MOGAD: profiles, dynamics and associations with ageing and vision.
Nicolescu, M., Häußler, V., Paul, F., Oertel, F.C., Schindler, P., Bellmann Strobl, J., Krumbholz, M., Hümmert, M.W., Bütow, F., Tkachenko, D., Trebst, C., Schubert, C., Ayzenberg, I., Schwake, C., Pakeerathan, T., Fischer, K., Aktas, O., Ringelstein, M., Kraemer, M., Warnke, C., Grothe, M., Kaste, M., Angstwurm, K., Kern, P., Kleiter, I., Rommer, P., Winkelmann, A., Walter, A., Weber, M.S., Wickel, J., Giglhuber, K., Then Bergh, F., Senel, M., Tumani, H., Vardakas, I., Dawin, E., Revie, L., Klotz, L., Korporal-Kuhnke, M., Jarius, S., Wildemann, B., Gernert, J.A., Kümpfel, T., Engels, D., Havla, J., Stolowy, N. and Stellmann, J.P.
Journal of Neurology 272 (1): 86. 21 December 2024

Rapid differentiation of MOGAD and MS after a single optic neuritis.
Pakeerathan, T., Havla, J., Schwake, C., Salmen, A., Ringelstein, M., Aktas, O., Weise, M., Gernert, J.A., Kornek, B., Bsteh, G., Pröbstel, A.K., Papadopoulou, A., Kulsvehagen, L., Ayroza Galvão Ribeiro Gomes, A.B., Cerdá-Fuertes, N., Oertel, F.C., Duchow, A.S., Paul, F., Stellmann, J.P., Stolowy, N., Hellwig, K., Schneider-Gold, C., Kümpfel, T., Gold, R., Albrecht, P. and Ayzenberg, I.
Journal of Neurology 271 (11): 7222-7231. November 2024

Hippocampal hub failure is linked to long-term memory impairment in anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis: insights from structural connectome graph theoretical network analysis.
Hechler, A., Kuchling, J., Müller-Jensen, L., Klag, J., Paul, F., Prüss, H. and Finke, C.
Journal of Neurology 271 (9): 5886-5898. September 2024

Sex ratio and age of onset in AQP4 antibody-associated NMOSD: a review and meta-analysis.
Arnett, S., Chew, S.H., Leitner, U., Hor, J.Y., Paul, F., Yeaman, M.R., Levy, M., Weinshenker, B.G., Banwell, B.L., Fujihara, K., Abboud, H., Dujmovic Basuroski, I., Arrambide, G., Neubrand, V. E., Quan, C., Melamed, E., Palace, J., Sun, J., Asgari, N. and Broadley, S.A
Journal of Neurology 271 (8): 4794-4812. August 2024

Evaluation of machine learning-based classification of clinical impairment and prediction of clinical worsening in multiple sclerosis.
Noteboom, S., Seiler, M., Chien, C., Rane, R.P., Barkhof, F., Strijbis, E.M.M., Paul, F., Schoonheim, M.M. and Ritter, K.
Journal of Neurology 271 (8): 5577-5589. August 2024

Improving the sensitivity of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-antibody testing: exclusive or predominant MOG-IgG3 seropositivity - a potential diagnostic pitfall in patients with MOG-EM/MOGAD.
Jarius, S., Ringelstein, M., Schanda, K., Ruprecht, K., Korporal-Kuhnke, M., Viehöver, A., Hümmert, M.W., Schindler, P., Endmayr, V., Gastaldi, M., Trebst, C., Franciotta, D., Aktas, O., Höftberger, R., Haas, J., Komorowski, L., Paul, F., Reindl, M. and Wildemann, B.
Journal of Neurology 271 (7): 4660-4671. July 2024

SARA captures disparate progression and responsiveness in spinocerebellar ataxias.
Petit, E., Schmitz-Hübsch, T., Coarelli, G., Jacobi, H., Heinzmann, A., Figueroa, K.P., Perlman, S.L., Gomez, C.M., Wilmot, G.R., Schmahmann, J.D., Ying, S.H., Zesiewicz, T.A., Paulson, H.L., Shakkottai, V.G., Bushara, K.O., Kuo, S.H., Geschwind, M.D., Xia, G., Pulst, S.M., Subramony, S.H., Ewenczyk, C., Brice, A., Durr, A., Klockgether, T., Ashizawa, T. and Tezenas du Montcel, S.
Journal of Neurology 271 (7): 3743-3753. July 2024

Body mass, neuro-hormonal stress processing, and disease activity in lean to obese people with multiple sclerosis.
Meyer-Arndt, L., Brasanac, J., Gamradt, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Maurer, L., Mai, K., Steward, T., Spranger, J., Schmitz-Hübsch, T., Paul, F., Gold, S.M. and Weygandt, M.
Journal of Neurology 271 (4): 1584-1598. April 2024

Predicting disease severity in multiple sclerosis using multimodal data and machine learning.
Andorra, M., Freire, A., Zubizarreta, I., de Rosbo, N.K., Bos, S.D., Rinas, M., Høgestøl, E.A., de Rodez Benavent, S.A., Berge, T., Brune-Ingebretse, S., Ivaldi, F., Cellerino, M., Pardini, M., Vila, G., Pulido-Valdeolivas, I., Martinez-Lapiscina, E.H., Llufriu, S., Saiz, A., Blanco, Y., Martinez-Heras, E., Solana, E., Bäcker-Koduah, P., Behrens, J., Kuchling, J., Asseyer, S., Scheel, M., Chien, C., Zimmermann, H., Motamedi, S., Kauer-Bonin, J., Brandt, A., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Alexopoulos, L.G., Paul, F., Harbo, H.F., Shams, H., Oksenberg, J., Uccelli, A., Baeza-Yates, R. and Villoslada, P.
Journal of Neurology 271 (3): 1133-1149. March 2024

Associations of C-reactive protein with depressive symptoms over time after mild to moderate ischemic stroke in the PROSCIS-B cohort.
Schaeff, V.L.K., Sperber, P.S., Piper, S.K., Giesers, N.K., Gertz, K., Heuschmann, P.U., Endres, M. and Liman, T.G.
Journal of Neurology 271 (2): 909-917. February 2024

Cerebrospinal fluid findings in patients with neurological manifestations in post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Boesl, F., Goereci, Y., Gerhard, A., Bremer, B., Raeder, V., Schweitzer, F., Hoppmann, U., Behrens, J., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F., Wildemann, B., Jarius, S., Prüss, H., Audebert, H.J., Warnke, C. and Franke, C.
Journal of Neurology 271 (1): 59-70. January 2024

Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) - revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part II: Attack therapy and long-term management.
Kümpfel, T., Giglhuber, K., Aktas, O., Ayzenberg, I., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Häußler, V., Havla, J., Hellwig, K., Hümmert, M.W., Jarius, S., Kleiter, I., Klotz, L., Krumbholz, M., Paul, F., Ringelstein, M., Ruprecht, K., Senel, M., Stellmann, J.P., Bergh, F.T., Trebst, C., Tumani, H., Warnke, C., Wildemann, B. and Berthele, A.
Journal of Neurology 271 (1): 141-176. January 2024


Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelits optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) - revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part I: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Jarius, S., Aktas, O., Ayzenberg, I., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Berthele, A., Giglhuber, K., Häußler, V., Havla, J., Hellwig, K., Hümmert, M.W., Kleiter, I., Klotz, L., Krumbholz, M., Kümpfel, T., Paul, F., Ringelstein, M., Ruprecht, K., Senel, M., Stellmann, J.P., Bergh, F.T., Tumani, H., Wildemann, B. and Trebst, C.
Journal of Neurology 270 (7): 3341-3368. July 2023

Optical coherence tomography reflects clinically relevant gray matter damage in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Cagol, A., Fuertes, N.C., Stoessel, M., Barakovic, M., Schaedelin, S., D'Souza, M., Würfel, J., Brandt, A.U., Kappos, L., Sprenger, T., Naegelin, Y., Kuhle, J., Granziera, C. and Papadopoulou, A.
Journal of Neurology 270 (4): 2139-2148. April 2023

Treadmill training with virtual reality to enhance gait and cognitive function among people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial.
Galperin, I., Mirelman, A., Schmitz-Hübsch, T., Hsieh, K.L., Regev, K., Karni, A., Brozgol, M., Cornejo Thumm, P., Lynch, S.G., Paul, F., Devos, H., Sosnoff, J. and Hausdorff, J.M.
Journal of Neurology 270 (3): 1388-1401. March 2023

Significantly lower antigenicity of incobotulinumtoxin than abo- or onabotulinumtoxin.
Hefter, H., Rosenthal, D., Jansen, A., Brauns, R., Ürer, B., Bigalke, H., Hartung, H.P., Meuth, S.G., Lee, J.I., Albrecht, P. and Samadzadeh, S.
Journal of Neurology 270 (2): 788-796. February 2023


Treatment of MOG antibody associated disorders: results of an international survey.
Whittam, D.H., Karthikeayan, V., Gibbons, E., Kneen, R., Chandratre, S., Ciccarelli, O., Hacohen, Y., de Seze, J., Deiva, K., Hintzen, R.Q., Wildemann, B., Jarius, S., Kleiter, I., Rostasy, K., Huppke, P., Hemmer, B., Paul, F., Aktas, O., Pröbstel, A.K., Arrambide, G., Tintore, M., Amato, M.P., Nosadini, M., Mancardi, M.M., Capobianco, M., Illes, Z., Siva, A., Altintas, A., Akman-Demir, G., Pandit, L., Apiwattankul, M., Hor, J.Y., Viswanathan, S., Qiu, W., Kim, H.J., Nakashima, I., Fujihara, K., Ramanathan, S., Dale, R.C., Boggild, M., Broadley, S., Lana-Peixoto, M.A., Sato, D.K., Tenembaum, S., Cabre, P., Wingerchuk, D.M., Weinshenker, B.G., Greenberg, B., Matiello, M., Klawiter, E.C., Bennett, J.L., Wallach, A.I., Kister, I., Banwell, B.L., Traboulsee, A., Pohl, D., Palace, J., Leite, M.I., Levy, M., Marignier, R., Solomon, T., Lim, M., Huda, S. and Jacob, A.
Journal of Neurology 367 (12): 3565-3577. December 2020

Exome sequencing in 38 patients with intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Sauvigny, T., Alawi, M., Krause, L., Renner, S., Spohn, M., Busch, A., Kolbe, V., Altmüller, J., Löscher, B.S., Franke, A., Brockmann, C., Lieb, W., Westphal, M., Schmidt, N.O., Regelsberger, J. and Rosenberger, G.
Journal of Neurology 267 (9): 2533-2545. September 2020


Can we predict cognitive decline after initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? Results from the German National early MS cohort (KKNMS).
Johnen, A., Bürkner, P.C., Landmeyer, N.C., Ambrosius, B., Calabrese, P., Motte, J., Hessler, N., Antony, G., König, I.R., Klotz, L., Hoshi, M.M., Aly, L., Groppa, S., Luessi, F., Paul, F., Tackenberg, B., Bergh, F.T., Kümpfel, T., Tumani, H., Stangel, M., Weber, F., Bayas, A., Wildemann, B., Heesen, C., Zettl, U.K., Zipp, F., Hemmer, B., Meuth, S.G., Gold, R., Wiendl, H. and Salmen, A.
Journal of Neurology 266 (2): 386-397. February 2019


Optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis and monitoring of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
Albrecht, P., Blasberg, C., Ringelstein, M., Mueller, A.K., Finis, D., Guthoff, R., Kadas, E.M., Lagreze, W., Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Methner, A.
Journal of Neurology 264 (7): 1370-1380. July 2017

Identifying ischemic stroke associated with cancer: a multiple model derived from a case-control analysis.
Kassubek, R., Bullinger, L., Kassubek, J., Dreyhaupt, J., Ludolph, A.C., Althaus, K. and Lewerenz, J.
Journal of Neurology 264 (4): 781-791. April 2017


Importance of cerebrospinal fluid analysis in the era of McDonald 2010 criteria: a German-Austrian retrospective multicenter study in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome.
Huss, A.M., Halbgebauer, S., Öckl, P., Trebst, C., Spreer, A., Borisow, N., Harrer, A., Brecht, I., Balint, B., Stich, O., Schlegel, S., Retzlaff, N., Winkelmann, A., Roesler, R., Lauda, F., Yildiz, O., Voss, E., Muche, R., Rauer, S., Bergh, F.T., Otto, M., Paul, F., Wildemann, B., Kraus, J., Ruprecht, K., Stangel, M., Buttmann, M., Zettl, U.K. and Tumani, H.
Journal of Neurology 263 (12): 2499-2504. December 2016

Efficacy of glatiramer acetate in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: a multicenter retrospective study.
Ayzenberg, I., Schöllhammer, J., Hoepner, R., Hellwig, K., Ringelstein, M., Aktas, O., Kümpfel, T., Krumbholz, M., Trebst, C., Paul, F., Pache, F., Obermann, M., Zeltner, L., Schwab, M., Berthele, A., Jarius, S. and Kleiter, I.
Journal of Neurology 263 (3): 575-582. March 2016

Status of diagnostic approaches to AQP4-IgG seronegative NMO and NMO/MS overlap syndromes.
Juryńczyk, M., Weinshenker, B., Akman-Demir, G., Asgari, N., Barnes, D., Boggild, M., Chaudhuri, A., D'hooghe, M., Evangelou, N., Geraldes, R., Illes, Z., Jacob, A., Kim, H.J., Kleiter, I., Levy, M., Marignier, R., McGuigan, C., Murray, K., Nakashima, I., Pandit, L., Paul, F., Pittock, S., Selmaj, K., de Sèze, J., Siva, A., Tanasescu, R., Vukusic, S., Wingerchuk, D., Wren, D., Leite, I. and Palace, J.
Journal of Neurology 263 (1): 140-149. January 2016


Cerebellar neurochemical alterations in spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 appear to include glutathione deficiency.
Doss, S., Rinnenthal, J.L., Schmitz-Hübsch, T., Brandt, A.U., Papazoglou, S., Lux, S., Maul, S., Würfel, J., Endres, M., Klockgether, T., Minnerop, M. and Paul, F.
Journal of Neurology 262 (8): 1927-1935. August 2015

Very late-onset neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder beyond the age of 75.
Krumbholz, M., Hofstadt-van Oy, U., Angstwurm, K., Kleiter, I., Jarius, S., Paul, F., Aktas, O., Buchholz, G., Kern, P., Straube, A. and Kümpfel, T.
Journal of Neurology 262 (5): 1379-1384. May 2015


Detailing intra-lesional venous lumen shrinking in multiple sclerosis investigated by sFLAIR MRI at 7-T.
Mueller, K., Kuchling, J., Doerr, J., Harms, L., Ruprecht, K., Niendorf, T., Wuerfel, J., Paul, F. and Sinnecker, T.
Journal of Neurology 261 (10): 2032-2036. October 2014

Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica: recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS).
Trebst, C., Jarius, S., Berthele, A., Paul, F., Schippling, S., Wildemann, B., Borisow, N., Kleiter, I., Aktas, O. and Kümpfel, T.
Journal of Neurology 261 (1): 1-16. January 2014


Dynamics of saccade parameters in multiple sclerosis patients with fatigue.
Finke, C., Pech, L.M., Soemmer, C., Schlichting, J., Stricker, S., Endres, M., Ostendorf, F., Ploner, C.J., Brandt, A.U. and Paul, F.
Journal of Neurology 259 (12): 2656-2663. December 2012

Can we overcome the 'clinico-radiological paradox' in multiple sclerosis?
Hackmack, K., Weygandt, M., Wuerfel, J., Pfueller, C.F., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F. and Haynes, J.D.
Journal of Neurology 259 (10): 2151-2160. October 2012


Clinical and genetic features in a family with CADASIL and high lipoprotein (a) values.
Gong, M., Rueschendorf, F., Marx, P., Schulz, H., Kraft, H.G., Huebner, N. and Koennecke, H.C.
Journal of Neurology 257 (8): 1240-1245. August 2010


Neuromyelitis and more: the unfolding spectrum of aquaporin 4-related neurological diseases.
Aktas, O. and Hartung, H.P.
Journal of Neurology 256 (11): 1906-1908. November 2009


Bell's palsy: combined treatment of famciclovir and prednisone is superior to prednisone alone.
Minnerop, M., Herbst, M., Fimmers, R., Matz, B., Klockgether, T. and Wuellner, U.
Journal of Neurology 255 (11): 1726-1730. November 2008


A new LMNA mutation causing limb girdle muscular dystrophy 1B.
Spuler, S., Geier, C., Osterziel, K.J., Gutberlet, M., Genschel, J., Lehmann, T.N., Zinn-Justin, S., Gilquin, B. and Schmidt, H.
Journal of Neurology 252 (5): 621-623. May 2005

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