Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Tackling mitochondrial diversity in brain function: from animal models to human brain organoids.
Menacho, C. and Prigione, A.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 123 : 105760. June 2020

Inclusion of temporal information in single cell transcriptomics.
Olivares-Chauvet, P. and Junker, J.P.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 122 : 105745. May 2020


Cardiac arrhythmia and thyroid dysfunction: a novel genetic link.
Purtell, K., Roepke, T.K. and Abbott, G.W.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 42 (11): 1767-1770. November 2010


Colon cancer metastasis: MACC1 and Met as metastatic pacemakers.
Arlt, F. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 41 (12): 2356-2359. December 2009

Epigenomic profiling of cancer cells.
Gargiulo, G. and Minucci, S.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 41 (1): 127-135. January 2009


Cloning and characterization of the genes of the CeqI restriction-modification system.
Izsvak, Z., Jobbagy, Z., Takacs, I. and Duda, E.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 29 : 895-900. 1 June 1997

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