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An exploratory research report on brain mineralization in postoperative delirium and cognitive decline.
Lammers-Lietz, F., Borchers, F., Feinkohl, I., Hetzer, S., Kanar, C., Konietschke, F., Lachmann, G., Chien, C., Spies, C., Winterer, G., Zaborszky, L., Zacharias, N. and Paul, F.
European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (10): 2646-2664. May 2024

Dorsal root ganglion axon bifurcation tolerates increased cyclic GMP levels: the role of phosphodiesterase 2A and scavenger receptor Npr3.
Schmidt, H., Peters, S., Frank, K., Wen, L., Feil, R. and Rathjen, F.G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 44 (12): 2991-3000. December 2016

Satellite microglia display spontaneous electrical activity uncorrelated with activity of the attached neuron.
Wogram, E., Wendt, S., Matyash, M., Pivneva, T., Draguhn, A. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 43 (11): 1523-1534. June 2016

Impaired presynaptic function and elimination of synapses at premature stages during postnatal development of the cerebellum in the absence of CALEB (CSPG5/neuroglycan C).
Jüttner, R., Montag, D., Craveiro, R.B., Babich, A., Vetter, P. and Rathjen, F.G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (9): 3270-3280. November 2013

Direct binding of GABA(A) receptor β2 and β3 subunits to gephyrin.
Kowalczyk, S., Winkelmann, A., Smolinsky, B., Foerstera, B., Neundorf, I., Schwarz, G. and Meier, J.C.
European Journal of Neuroscience 37 (4): 544-554. February 2013

Axonal properties determine somatic firing in a model of in vitro CA1 hippocampal sharp wave/ripples and persistent gamma oscillations.
Traub, R.D., Schmitz, D., Maier, N., Whittington, M.A. and Draguhn, A.
European Journal of Neuroscience 36 (5): 2650-2660. September 2012

Nigral and striatal regulation of angiotensin receptor expression by dopamine and angiotensin in rodents: implications for progression of Parkinson's disease.
Villar-Cheda, B., Rodriguez-Pallares, J., Valenzuela, R., Munoz, A., Guerra, M.J., Baltatu, O.C. and Labandeira-Garcia, J.L.
European Journal of Neuroscience 32 (10): 1695-1706. November 2010

Autaptic cultures of single hippocampal granule cells of mice and rats.
Rost, B.R., Breustedt, J., Schoenherr, A., Grosse, G., Ahnert-Hilger, G. and Schmitz, D.
European Journal of Neuroscience 32 (6): 939-947. September 2010

Splice-specific roles of glycine receptor alpha3 in the hippocampus.
Eichler, S.A., Foerstera, B., Smolinsky, B., Juettner, R., Lehmann, T.N., Faehling, M., Schwarz, G., Legendre, P. and Meier, J.C.
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (6): 1077-1091. September 2009

NMDA and benzodiazepine receptors have synergistic and antagonistic effects on precursor cells in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Petrus, D.S., Fabel, K., Kronenberg, G., Winter, C., Steiner, B. and Kempermann, G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 29 (2): 244-252. January 2009

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) triggers Ca2+ responses in cultured astrocytes and in Bergmann glial cells from cerebellar slices.
Morara, S., Wang, L.P., Filippov, V., Dickerson, I.M., Grohovaz, F., Provini, L. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 28 (11): 2213-2220. December 2008

Omi / HtrA2 is relevant to the selective vulnerability of striatal neurons in Huntington's disease.
Inagaki, R., Tagawa, K., Qi, M.L., Enokido, Y., Ito, H., Tamura, T., Shimizu, S., Oyanagi, K., Arai, N., Kanazawa, I., Wanker, E.E. and Okazawa, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 28 (1): 30-40. July 2008

CNS-irrelevant T-cells enter the brain, cause blood-brain barrier disruption but no glial pathology.
Smorodchenko, A., Wuerfel, J., Pohl, E.E., Vogt, J., Tysiak, E., Glumm, R., Hendrix, S., Nitsch, R., Zipp, F. and Infante-Duarte, C.
European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (6): 1387-1398. September 2007

Mouse model mimics multiple sclerosis in the clinico-radiological paradox.
Wuerfel, J., Tysiak, E., Prozorovski, T., Smyth, M., Mueller, S., Schnorr, J., Taupitz, M. and Zipp, F.
European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (1): 190-198. July 2007

Axonal accumulation of synaptic markers in APP transgenic Drosophila depends on the NPTY motif and is paralleled by defects in synaptic plasticity.
Rusu, P., Jansen, A., Soba, P., Kirsch, J., Loewer, A., Merdes, G., Kuan, Y.H., Jung, A., Beyreuther, K., Kjaerulff, O. and Kins, S.
European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (4): 1079-1086. February 2007

Enhanced synaptic excitation-inhibition ratio in hippocampal interneurons of rats with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Stief, F., Zuschratter, W., Hartmann, K., Schmitz, D. and Draguhn, A.
European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (2): 519-528. January 2007

Zinc ions are endogenous modulators of neurotransmitter-stimulated capacitative Ca2+ entry in both cultured and in situ mouse astrocytes.
Kresse, W., Sekler, I., Hoffmann, A., Peters, O., Nolte, C., Moran, A. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 21 (6): 1626-1634. 1 January 2005

GluR- and TrkB-mediated maturation of GABA receptor function during the period of eye opening.
Henneberger, C., Juettner, R., Schmidt, S.A., Walter, J., Meier, J.C., Rothe, T. and Grantyn, R.
European Journal of Neuroscience 21 (2): 431-440. January 2005

Gene expression profiling of the rat superior olivary complex using serial analysis of gene expression.
Koehl, A., Schmidt, N., Rieger, A., Pilgram, S.M., Letunic, I., Bork, P., Soto, F., Friauf, E. and Nothwang, H.G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 20 : 3244-3258. 1 December 2004

Characterization of the inhibitory glycine receptor on entorhinal cortex neurons.
Breustedt, J., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Schmieden, V.
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 (7): 1987-1991. April 2004

Connexin43 is not expressed in principal cells of mouse cortex and hippocampus.
Theis, M., Soehl, G., Speidel, D., Kühn, R. and Willecke, K.
European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (2): 267-274. July 2003

Enriched environment and physical activity stimulate hippocampal but not olfactory bulb neurogenesis.
Brown, J., Cooper-Kuhn, C.M., Kempermann, G., van Praag, H., Winkler, J., Gage, F.H. and Kuhn, H.G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 17 (10): 2042-2046. May 2003

Purinergic receptors on microglial cells: functional expression in acute brain slices and modulation of microglial activation in vitro.
Boucsein, C., Zacharias, R., Faerber, K., Pavlovic, S., Hanisch, U.K. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 17 (11): 2267-2276. 1 January 2003

Adult-born hippocampal neurons mature into activity-dependent responsiveness.
Jessberger, S. and Kempermann, G.
European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (10): 2707-2712. 1 January 2003

Interferon-γ differentially modulates the release of cytokines and chemokines in lipopolysaccharide- and pneumococcal cell wall-stimulated mouse microglia and macrophages.
Haeusler, K.G., Prinz, M., Nolte, C., Weber, J.R., Schumann, R.R., Kettenmann, H. and Hanisch, U.K.
European Journal of Neuroscience 16 (11): 2113-2122. December 2002

Genetic determinants of adult hippocampal neurogenesis correlate with acquisition, but not probe trial performance, in the water maze task.
Kempermann, G. and Gage, F.H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 16 (1): 129-136. 11 July 2002

Slow IPSC kinetics, low levels of alpha1 subunit expression and paired-pulse depression are distinct properties of neonatal inhibitory GABAergic synaptic connections in the mouse superior colliculus.
Juettner, R., Meier, J. and Grantyn, R.
European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (11): 2088-2098. June 2001

GABAA-receptor expression in glioma cells is triggered by contact with neuronal cells.
Synowitz, M., Ahmann, P., Matyash, M., Kuhn, S.A., Hofmann, B., Zimmer, C., Kirchhoff, F., Kiwit, J.C.W. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 14 (8): 1294-1302. 1 January 2001

Properties of entorhinal cortex deep layer neurons projecting to the rat dentate gyrus.
Gloveli, T., Dugladze, T., Schmitz, D. and Heinemann, U.
European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (2): 413-420. January 2001

Gluco- and mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated regulation of neurotrophic factor gene expression in the dorsal hippocampus and the neocortex of the rat.
Hansson, A.C., Cintra, A., Belluardo, N., Sommer, W., Bhatnagar, M., Bader, M., Ganten, D. and Fuxe, K.
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (8): 2918-2934. 1 August 2000

Electrophysiological properties of microglial cells in normal and pathologic rat brain slices.
Boucsein, C., Kettenmann, H. and Nolte, C.
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (6): 2049-2058. 1 June 2000

Carbachol-induced changes in excitability and [Ca2+]i signalling in projection cells of medial entorhinal cortex layers II and III.
Gloveli, T., Egorov, A.V., Schmitz, D., Heinemann, U. and Mueller, W.
European Journal of Neuroscience 11 (10): 3626-3636. October 1999

N-cadherin expression in endothelial cells during early angiogenesis in the eye and brain of the chicken: relation to blood-retina and blood-brain barrier development.
Gerhardt, H., Liebner, S., Redies, C. and Wolburg, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 11 (4): 1191-1201. April 1999

Stability and plasticity of primary afferent projections following nerve regeneration and central degeneration.
Belyantseva, I.A. and Lewin, G.R.
European Journal of Neuroscience 11 : 457-468. 1 February 1999

BDNF overexpression induces differential increases among subsets of sympathetic innervation in murine back skin.
Botchkarev, V.A., Botchkareva, N.V., Lommatzsch, M., Peters, E.M.J., Lewin, G.R., Subramaniam, A., Braun, A., Renz, H. and Paus, R.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 : 3276-3283. 1 October 1998

Neuroactive steroids induce GABA(A) receptor-mediated depolarizing postsynaptic potentials in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells of the rat.
Burg, M., Heinemann, U. and Schmitz, D.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 (9): 2880-2886. September 1998

Functional GABA(A) receptors on human glioma cells.
Labrakakis, C., Patt, S., Hartmann, J. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 : 231-238. 1 January 1998

Glutamate receptor activation can trigger electrical activity in human glioma cells.
Labrakakis, C., Patt, S., Hartmann, J. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 : 2153-2162. 1 January 1998

Evidence that glypican is a receptor mediating beta-amyloid neurotoxicity in PC12 cells.
Schulz, J.G., Megow, D., Reszka, R., Villringer, A., Einhaeupl, K.M. and Dirnagl, U.
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 : 2085-2093. 1 January 1998

Cloning and characterization of a neural cell recognition molecule on axons of the retinotectal system and spinal cord.
Bruemmendorf, T., Spaltmann, F. and Treubert, U.
European Journal of Neuroscience 9 : 1105-1116. 1 January 1997

Epidermal growth factor is a motility factor for microglial cells in vitro: evidence for EGF receptor expression.
Nolte, C., Kirchhoff, F. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 9 : 1690-1698. 1 January 1997

Calcium signalling in mouse bergmann glial cells mediated by alpha1 adrenoreceptors and H1 histamine receptors.
Kirischuk, S., Tuschick, S., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 8 : 1198-1208. 1 January 1996

Maintenance of modality-specific connections in the spinal cord after neonatal nerve growth factor deprivation.
Lewin, G.R. and Mendell, L.M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 8 : 1677-1684. 1 January 1996

Distinct populations of identified glial cells in the developing rat spinal cord slice: ion channel properties and cell morphology.
Chvatal, A., Pastor, A., Mauch, M., Sykova, E. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 7 (1): 129-142. 1 January 1995

Glycine- and GABA-activated currents in identified glial cells of the developing rat spinal cord slice.
Pastor, A., Chvatal, A., Sykova, E. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 7 (6): 1188-1198. 1 January 1995

Peripheral and central mechanisms of NGF-induced hyperalgesia.
Lewin, G.R., Rueff, A. and Mendell, L.M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 6 (12): 1903-1912. 1 December 1994

Muscle afferents innervating skin form somatotopically appropriate connections in the adult rat dorsal horn.
Lewin, G.R. and McMahon, S.B.
European Journal of Neuroscience 5 : 1083-1092. 1 August 1993

Functional topography of the myelin-associated glycoprotein. I. Mapping of domains by electron microscopy.
Fahrig, T., Probstmeier, R., Spiess, E., Meyer-Franke, A., Kirchhoff, F., Drescher, B. and Schachner, M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 5 : 1118-1126. 1 January 1993

Sodium and calcium currents in glial cells of the mouse corpus callosum slice.
Berger, T., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J., Orkand, M. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 : 1271-1284. 1 January 1992

GABA triggers a [Ca2+]i increase in murine precursor cells of the oligodendrocyte lineare.
Kirchhoff, F. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 : 1049-1058. 1 January 1992

Neonatal Anit-Ngf treatment reduces the Adelta-and c-fibre evoked vasodilator responses in rat skin: evidence that nociceptor afferents mediate antidromic vasodilatation.
Lewin, G.R., Lisney, S.J.W. and Mendell, L.M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 : 1213-1218. 1 January 1992

Regulation of afferent connectivity in the adult spinal-cord by nerve growth factor.
Lewin, G.R., Winter, J. and McMahon, S.B.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 : 700-707. 1 January 1992

Heterogeneity in the membrane current pattern of identified glial cells in the hippocampal slice: a combined patch-clamp and ultrastructural study.
Steinhaeuser, C., Berger, T., Frotscher, M. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 (6): 472-484. 1 January 1992

Ca2+ channel expression in the oligodendrocyte lineage.
von Blankenfeld, G., Verkhratsky, A. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 : 1035-1048. 1 January 1992

Single channelrecording from glial cells on the untreated surface of the frog optic nerve.
Marrero, H., Orkand, P.M., Kettenmann, H. and Orkand, R.K.
European Journal of Neuroscience 3 : 813-819. 1 January 1991

The neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) modulates K+ channels in Cultured Glial Precursor Cells.
Sontheimer, H., Kettenmann, H., Schachner, M. and Trotter, J.
European Journal of Neuroscience 3 : 230-236. 1 January 1991

Expression and developmental regulation of a GABAA receptor in cultured murine cells of the oligodendrocyte lineage.
von Blankenfeld, G., Trotter, J. and Kettenmann, H.
European Journal of Neuroscience 3 : 310-316. 1 January 1991


Pro-neurotrophins, sortilin, and nociception.
Lewin, G.R. and Nykjaer, A.
European Journal of Neuroscience 39 (3): 363-374. February 2014


Consensus document on European brain research.
Di Luca, M., Baker, M., Corradetti, R., Kettenmann, H., Mendlewicz, J., Olesen, J., Ragan, I. and Westphal, M.
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (5): 768-818. March 2011

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