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Tackling metabolic defects in HFpEF.
Wang, R. and Schiattarella, G.G.
European Heart Journal 45 (17): 1494-1496. 1 May 2024


Autoantibodies against the chemokine receptor 3 predict cardiovascular risk.
Müller, F.S., Aherrahrou, Z., Grasshoff, H., Heidorn, M.W., Humrich, J.Y., Johanson, L., Aherrahrou, R., Reinberger, T., Schulz, A., Ten Cate, V., Robles, A.P., Koeck, T., Rapp, S., Lange, T., Brachaczek, L., Luebber, F., Erdmann, J., Heidecke, H., Schulze-Forster, K., Dechend, R., Lackner, K.J., Pfeiffer, N., Ghaemi Kerahrodi, J., Tüscher, O., Schwarting, A., Strauch, K., Münzel, T., Prochaska, J.H., Riemekasten, G. and Wild, P.S.
European Heart Journal 44 (47): 4935-4949. 14 December 2023

Competency-based cardiac imaging for patient-centred care. A statement of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Westwood, M., Almeida, A.G., Barbato, E., Delgado, V., Dellegrottaglie, S., Fox, K.F., Gargani, L., Huber, K., Maurovich-Horvat, P., Merino, J.L., Mindham, R., Muraru, D., Neubeck, L., Nijveldt, R., Papadakis, M., Pontone, G., Price, S., Rosano, G.M.C., Rossi, A., Sade, L.E., Schulz-Menger, J., Weidinger, F., Achenbach, S. and Petersen, S.E.
European Heart Journal 44 (45): 4771-4780. 1 December 2023

2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiomyopathies: developed by the task force on the management of cardiomyopathies of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Arbelo, E., Protonotarios, A., Gimeno, J.R., Arbustini, E., Barriales-Villa, R., Basso, C., Bezzina, C.R., Biagini, E., Blom, N.A., de Boer, R.A., De Winter, T., Elliott, P.M., Flather, M., Garcia-Pavia, P., Haugaa, K.H., Ingles, J., Jurcut, R.O., Klaassen, S., Limongelli, G., Loeys, B., Mogensen, J., Olivotto, I., Pantazis, A., Sharma, S., Van Tintelen, J.P., Ware, J.S. and Kaski, J.P.
European Heart Journal 44 (37): 3503-3626. 1 October 2023


2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death.
Zeppenfeld, K., Tfelt-Hansen, J., de Riva, M., Winkel, B.G., Behr, E.R., Blom, N.A., Charron, P., Corrado, D., Dagres, N., de Chillou, C., Eckardt, L., Friede, T., Haugaa, K.H., Hocini, M., Lambiase, P.D., Marijon, E., Merino, J.L., Peichl, P., Priori, S.G., Reichlin, T., Schulz-Menger, J., Sticherling, C., Tzeis, S., Verstrael, A. and Volterrani, M.
European Heart Journal 43 (40): 3997-4126. 21 October 2022

Serine biosynthesis as a novel therapeutic target for dilated cardiomyopathy.
Perea-Gil, I., Seeger, T., Bruyneel, A.A.N., Termglinchan, V., Monte, E., Lim, E.W., Vadgama, N., Furihata, T., Gavidia, A.A., Arthur Ataam, J., Bharucha, N., Martinez-Amador, N., Ameen, M., Nair, P., Serrano, R., Kaur, B., Feyen, D.A.M., Diecke, S., Snyder, M.P., Metallo, C.M., Mercola, M. and Karakikes, I.
European Heart Journal 43 (36): 3477-3489. 21 September 2022

Translating plasma sodium, stores, and hydration state from mouse to man.
Luft, F.C.
European Heart Journal 43 (35): 3349-3351. 14 September 2022

Left ventricular remodelling post-myocardial infarction: pathophysiology, imaging, and novel therapies.
Frantz, S., Hundertmark, M.J., Schulz-Menger, J., Bengel, F.M. and Bauersachs, J.
European Heart Journal 43 (27): 2549-2561. 14 July 2022

Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism.
Haghikia, A., Zimmermann, F., Schumann, P., Jasina, A., Roessler, J., Schmidt, D., Heinze, P., Kaisler, J., Nageswaran, V., Aigner, A., Ceglarek, U., Cineus, R., Hegazy, A.N., van der Vorst, E.P.C., Döring, Y., Strauch, C.M., Nemet, I., Tremaroli, V., Dwibedi, C., Kränkel, N., Leistner, D.M., Heimesaat, M.M., Bereswill, S., Rauch, G., Seeland, U., Soehnlein, O., Müller, D.N., Gold, R., Bäckhed, F., Hazen, S.L., Haghikia, A. and Landmesser, U.
European Heart Journal 43 (6): ehab644. 7 February 2022


Canagliflozin and myocardial oxidative stress: SGLT1 inhibition takes centre stage.
Schiattarella, G.G. and Bode, D.
European Heart Journal 42 (48): 4961-4963. 21 December 2021

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in humans and mice: embracing clinical complexity in mouse models.
Withaar, C., Lam, C.S.P., Schiattarella, G.G., de Boer, R.A. and Meems, L.M.G.
European Heart Journal 42 (43): 4420-4430. 14 November 2021


Differential immunological signature at the culprit site distinguishes acute coronary syndrome with intact from acute coronary syndrome with ruptured fibrous cap: results from the prospective translational OPTICO-ACS study.
Leistner, D.M., Kränkel, N., Meteva, D., Abdelwahed, Y.S., Seppelt, C., Stähli, B.E., Rai, H., Skurk, C., Lauten, A., Mochmann, H.C., Fröhlich, G., Rauch-Kröhnert, U., Flores, E., Riedel, M., Sieronski, L., Kia, S., Strässler, E., Haghikia, A., Dirks, F., Steiner, J. K., Mueller, D.N., Volk, H.D., Klotsche, J., Joner, M., Libby, P. and Landmesser, U.
European Heart Journal 41 (37): 3549-3560. 20 October 2020

Salt and cardiovascular disease: insufficient evidence to recommend low sodium intake.
O'Donnell, M., Mente, A., Alderman, M.H., Brady, A.J.B., Diaz, R., Gupta, R., López-Jaramillo, P., Luft, F.C., Lüscher, T.F., Mancia, G., Mann, J.F.E., McCarron, D., McKee, M., Messerli, F.H., Moore, L.L., Narula, J., Oparil, S., Packer, M., Prabhakaran, D., Schutte, A., Sliwa, K., Staessen, J.A., Yancy, C. and Yusuf, S.
European Heart Journal 41 (35): 3363-3373. 14 September 2020


Protease-activated receptor 2 deficiency mediates cardiac fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction.
Friebel, J., Weithauser, A., Witkowski, M., Rauch, B.H., Savvatis, K., Dörner, A., Tabaraie, T., Kasner, M., Moos, V., Bösel, D., Gotthardt, M., Radke, M.H., Wegner, M., Bobbert, P., Lassner, D., Tschöpe, C., Schutheiss, H.P., Felix, S.B., Landmesser, U. and Rauch, U.
European Heart Journal 40 (40): 3318-3332. 21 October 2019

Microbial metabolites as predictive biomarkers: a paradigm shift for cardiovascular risk stratification.
Schiattarella, G.G. and Trimarco, B.
European Heart Journal 40 (32): 2710-2712. 21 August 2019


Clinical genetics and outcome of left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy.
Sedaghat-Hamedani, F., Haas, J., Zhu, F., Geier, C., Kayvanpour, E., Liss, M., Lai, A., Frese, K., Pribe-Wolferts, R., Amr, A., Li, D.T., Samani, O.S., Carstensen, A., Bordalo, D.M., Müller, M., Fischer, C., Shao, J., Wang, J., Nie, M., Yuan, L., Haßfeld, S., Schwartz, C., Zhou, M., Zhou, Z., Shu, Y., Wang, M., Huang, K., Zeng, Q., Cheng, L., Fehlmann, T., Ehlermann, P., Keller, A., Dieterich, C., Streckfuß-Bömeke, K., Liao, Y., Gotthardt, M., Katus, H.A. and Meder, B.
European Heart Journal 38 (46): 3449-3460. 7 December 2017

Gut microbe-generated metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide as cardiovascular risk biomarker: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis.
Schiattarella, G.G., Sannino, A., Toscano, E., Giugliano, G., Gargiulo, G., Franzone, A., Trimarco, B., Esposito, G. and Perrino, C.
European Heart Journal 38 (39): 2948-2956. 14 October 2017

Metabolic control and oxidative stress in pathological cardiac remodelling.
Schiattarella, G.G. and Hill, J.A.
European Heart Journal 38 (18): 1399-1401. 7 May 2017

The technical report on sodium intake and cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income countries by the joint working group of the World Heart Federation, the European Society of Hypertension and the European Public Health Association.
Mancia, G., Oparil, S., Whelton, P.K., McKee, M., Dominiczak, A., Luft, F.C., AlHabib, K., Lanas, F., Damasceno, A., Prabhakaran, D., La Torre, G., Weber, M., O'Donnell, M., Smith, S.C. and Narula, J.
European Heart Journal 38 (10): 712-719. 7 March 2017


2016 ESC Position Paper on cancer treatments and cardiovascular toxicity developed under the auspices of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines: The Task Force for cancer treatments and cardiovascular toxicity of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Zamorano, J.L., Lancellotti, P., Rodriguez Munoz, D., Aboyans, V., Asteggiano, R., Galderisi, M., Habib, G., Lenihan, D.J., Lip, G.Y.H., Lyon, A.R., Lopez Fernandez, T., Mohty, D., Piepoli, M.F., Tamargo, J., Torbicki, A. and Suter, T.M.
European Heart Journal 37 (36): 2768-2801. 21 September 2016

Hypertrophic remodelling in cardiac regulatory myosin light chain (MYL2) founder mutation carriers.
Claes, G.R.F., van Tienen, F.H.J., Lindsey, P., Krapels, I.P.C., Helderman-van den Enden, A.T.J.M., Hoos, M.B., Barrois, Y.E.G., Janssen, J.W.H., Paulussen, A.D.C., Sels, J.W.E.M., Kuijpers, S.H.H., van Tintelen, J.P., van den Berg, M.P., Heesen, W.F., Garcia-Pavia, P., Perrot, A., Christiaans, I., Salemink, S., Marcelis, C.L.M., Smeets, H.J.M., Brunner, H.G., Volders, P.G.A. and van den Wijngaard, A.
European Heart Journal 37 (23): 1815-1822. 14 June 2016

Prevention of Cardiac Dysfunction During Adjuvant Breast Cancer Therapy (PRADA): a 2 x 2 factorial, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of candesartan and metoprolol.
Gulati, G., Heck, S.L., Ree, A.H., Hoffmann, P., Schulz-Menger, J., Fagerland, M.W., Gravdehaug, B., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Bratland, Å., Storås, T.H., Hagve, T.A., Røsjø, H., Steine, K., Geisler, J. and Omland, T.
European Heart Journal 37 (21): 1671-1680. June 2016


Pravastatin reverses obesity-induced dysfunction of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells via a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism.
Gu, M., Mordwinkin, N.M., Kooreman, N.G., Lee, J., Wu, H., Hu, S., Churko, J.M., Diecke, S., Burridge, P.W., He, C., Barron, F.E., Ong, S.G., Gold, J.D. and Wu, J.C
European Heart Journal 36 (13): 806-16. 1 April 2015

Long-term clinical effects of ventricular pacing reduction with a changeover mode to minimize ventricular pacing in a general pacemaker population.
Stockburger, M., Boveda, S., Moreno, J., Da Costa, A., Hatala, R., Brachmann, J., Butter, C., Garcia Seara, J., Rolando, M. and Defaye, P.
European Heart Journal 36 (3): 151-157. 14 January 2015


A genome-wide association study identifies 6p21 as novel risk locus for dilated cardiomyopathy.
Meder, B., Rühle, F., Weis, T., Homuth, G., Keller, A., Franke, J., Peil, B., Bermejo, J.L., Frese, K., Huge, A., Witten, A., Vogel, B., Haas, J., Völker, U., Ernst, F., Teumer, A., Ehlermann, P., Zugck, C., Friedrichs, F., Kroemer, H., Dörr, M., Hoffmann, W., Maisch, B., Pankuweit, S., Ruppert, V., Scheffold, T., Kühl, U., Schultheiss, H.P., Kreutz, R., Ertl, G., Angermann, C., Charron, P., Villard, E., Gary, F., Isnard, R., Komajda, M., Lutz, M., Meitinger, T., Sinner, M.F., Wichmann, H.E., Krawczak, M., Ivandic, B., Weichenhan, D., Gelbrich, G., El-Mokhtari, N.E., Schreiber, S., Felix, S.B., Hasenfuß, G., Pfeufer, A., Hübner, N., Kääb, S., Arbustini, E., Rottbauer, W., Frey, N., Stoll, M. and Katus, H.A.
European Heart Journal 35 (16): 1069-1077. 21 April 2014


From bench to bedside: the Max Delbruck Center.
Jaques, H.
European Heart Journal 34 (1): 3-4. 1 January 2013


Training and accreditation in cardiovascular magnetic resonance in Europe: a position statement of the working group on cardiovascular magnetic resonance of the European Society of Cardiology.
Plein, S., Schulz-Menger, J., Almeida, A., Mahrholdt, H., Rademakers, F., Pennell, D., Nagel, E., Schwitter, J. and Lombardi, M.
European Heart Journal 32 (7): 793-798. April 2011


Genetic counselling and testing in cardiomyopathies: a position statement of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases.
Charron, P., Arad, M., Arbustini, E., Basso, C., Bilinska, Z., Elliott, P., Helio, T., Keren, A., McKenna, W.J., Monserrat, L., Pankuweit, S., Perrot, A., Rapezzi, C., Ristic, A., Seggewiss, H., van Langen, I. and Tavazzi, L.
European Heart Journal 31 (22): 2715-2726. November 2010


Heritability of left ventricular and papillary muscle heart size: a twin study with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
Busjahn, C.A., Schulz-Menger, J., Abdel-Aty, H., Rudolph, A., Jordan, J., Luft, F.C. and Busjahn, A.
European Heart Journal 30 (13): 1643-1647. July 2009


Adiponectin and risk of acute coronary syndromes: defining the obesity phenotype.
Pischon, T. and Rimm, E.B.
European Heart Journal 28 (3): 274-275. 1 February 2007


Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris: executive summary: The Task Force on the Management of Stable Angina Pectoris of the European Society of Cardiology.
Fox, K., Garcia, M.A., Ardissino, D., Buszman, P., Camici, P.G., Crea, F., Daly, C., De Backer, G., Hjemdahl, P., Lopez-Sendon, J., Marco, J., Morais, J., Pepper, J., Sechtem, U., Simoons, M., Thygesen, K., Priori, S.G., Blanc, J.J., Budaj, A., Camm, J., Dean, V., Deckers, J., Dickstein, K., Lekakis, J., McGregor, K., Metra, M., Morais, J., Osterspey, A., Tamargo, J., Zamorano, J.L., Zamorano, J.L., Andreotti, F., Becher, H., Dietz, R., Fraser, A., Gray, H., Antolin, R.A., Huber, K., Kremastinos, D.T., Maseri, A., Nesser, H.J., Pasierski, T., Sigwart, U., Tubaro, M. and Weis, M.
European Heart Journal 27 : 1341-1381. 1 June 2006

Resource utilization and costs in the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme.
McMurray, J.J., Andersson, F.L., Stewart, S., Svensson, K., Solal, A.C., Dietz, R., Vanhaecke, J., van Veldhuisen, D.J., Oestergren, J., Granger, C.B., Yusuf, S., Pfeffer, M.A. and Swedberg, K.
European Heart Journal 27 : 1447-1458. 1 June 2006


Public awareness of heart failure in Europe: first results from SHAPE.
Remme, W.J., McMurray, J.J., Rauch, B., Zannad, F., Keukelaar, K., Cohen-Solal, A., Lopez-Sendon, J., Hobbs, F.D., Grobbee, D.E., Boccanelli, A., Cline, C., Macarie, C., Dietz, R. and Ruzyllo, W.
European Heart Journal 26 (22): 2413-2421. 31 August 2005

Dilated cardiomyopathy: more genes means more phenotypes.
Osterziel, K.J. and Perrot, A.
European Heart Journal 26 : 751-754. 1 April 2005


Impact of body mass index on outcome in patients after coronary artery bypass grafting with and without valve surgery.
Potapov, E.V., Loebe, M., Anker, S., Stein, J., Bondy, S., Nasseri, B.A., Sodian, R., Hausmann, H. and Hetzer, R.
European Heart Journal 24 (21): 1933-1941. 1 November 2003

The EuroHeart Failure Survey programme - a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. Part 2: treatment.
Komajda, M., Follath, F., Swedberg, K., Cleland, J., Aguilar, J.C., Cohen-Solal, A., Dietz, R., Gavazzi, A., van Gilst, W.H., Hobbs, R., Korewicki, J., Madeira, H.C., Moiseyev, V.S., Preda, I., Widimsky, J., Freemantle, N., Eastaugh, J. and Mason, J.
European Heart Journal 24 (5): 464-474. 1 March 2003

The EuroHeart Failure survey programme - a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. Part 1: patient characteristics and diagnosis.
Cleland, J.G., Swedberg, K., Follath, F., Komajda, M., Cohen-Solal, A., Aguilar, J.C., Dietz, R., Gavazzi, A., Hobbs, R., Korewicki, J., Madeira, H.C., Moiseyev, V.S., Preda, I., van Gilst, W.H., Widimsky, J., Freemantle, N., Eastaugh, J. and Mason, J.
European Heart Journal 24 : 442-463. 1 January 2003


Sympathetic activation and malignant ventricular arrhythmias: a molecular link?
Kalra, P.R., Ponikowski, P.P. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 23 (14): 1078-1080. 1 July 2002

Assessment of myocardial viability by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.
Mahrholdt, H., Wagner, A., Judd, R.M. and Sechtem, U.
European Heart Journal 23 : 602-619. 1 April 2002

From tissue wasting to cachexia: changes in peripheral blood flow and skeletal musculature.
Sharma, R. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 4 (D): D12-D17. 1 April 2002


The role of C-type natriuretic peptide in cardiovascular medicine.
Kalra, P.R., Anker, S.D., Struthers, A.D. and Coats, A.J.
European Heart Journal 22 (12): 997-1007. June 2001

Preservation of exercise capacity and lack of peripheral changes in asymptomatic patients with severely impaired left ventricular function.
Harrington, D., Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.
European Heart Journal 22 (5): 392-399. March 2001

Mutation in the promoter region of the beta-fibrinogen gene and the risk of future myocardial infarction, stroke and venous thrombosis.
Blake, G.J., Schmitz, C., Lindpaintner, K. and Ridker, P.M.
European Heart Journal 22 (24): 2262-2266. 1 January 2001

Ventricular assist device in severe heart failure - Effects on cytokines, complement and body weight.
Clark, A.L., Leobe, M., Potapov, E.V., Egerer, K., Knosalla, C., Hetzer, R. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 22 : 2275-2283. 1 January 2001

A polymorphism in the endothelin-A receptor gene predicts survival in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Herrmann, S.M., Schmidt-Petersen, K., Pfeifer, J., Perrot, A., Bit-Avragim, N., Eichhorn, C., Dietz, R., Kreutz, R., Paul, M. and Osterziel, K.J.
European Heart Journal 22 : 1948-1953. 1 January 2001

The 6-minute walk test and prognosis in chronic heart failure - the available evidence.
Sharma, R. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 22 : 445-448. 1 January 2001


TNF-alpha system in CHF.
Doehner, W. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 21 : 782-783. 1 May 2000

Prognostic value of changes over time in exercise capacity and echocardiographic measurements in patients with chronic heart failure.
Florea, V.G., Henein, M.Y., Anker, S.D., Francis, D.P., Chambers, J.S., Ponikowski, P. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 21 : 146-153. 1 January 2000

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for prognosis in chronic heart failure: continuous and independent prognostic value from VE/VCO2 slope and peak VO2.
Francis, D.P., Shamim, W., Davies, L.C., Piepoli, M.F., Ponikowski, P., Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 21 : 154-161. 1 January 2000

Non-invasive assessment of vascular function; paradoxical vascular response to intravenous glucose in coronary heart disease.
Leyva, F., Rauchhaus, M., Anker, S.D., Proudler, A.J., Godsland, I.F., Stiefel, P., Coats, A.J., Poole-Wilson, P.A. and Stevenson, J.C.
European Heart Journal 21 : 39-44. 1 January 2000


The impact of cachexia on cardiorespiratory reflex control in chronic heart failure.
Ponikowski, P., Piepoli, M., Chua, T.P., Banasiak, W., Francis, D., Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 20 : 1667-1675. 1 November 1999

Cytokines and neurohormones relating to body composition alterations in the wasting syndrome of chronic heart failure.
Anker, S.D., Ponikowski, P.P., Clark, A.L., Leyva, F., Rauchhaus, M., Kemp, M., Teixeira, M.M., Hellewell, P.G., Hooper, J., Poole-Wilson, P.A. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 20 (9): 683-693. 1 May 1999


Uric acid in chronic heart failure: A marker of chronic inflammation.
Leyva, F., Anker, S.D., Godsland, I.F., Teixeira, M., Hellewell, P.G., Kox, W.J., Poole-Wilson, P.A. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 19 (12): 1814-1822. 1 December 1998

Growth hormone treatment in chronic heart failure: lessons from the first 99 patients.
Cicoira, M., Coats, A.J.S. and Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 19 : 1605-1607. 1 November 1998

Hyperleptinaemia in chronic heart failure. Relationships with insulin.
Leyva, F., Anker, S.D., Egerer, K., Stevenson, J.C., Kox, W.J. and Coats, A.J.S.
European Heart Journal 19 (10): 1547-1551. 1 October 1998

Elective stenting of carotid artery stenosis in patients with severe coronary artery disease.
Waigand, J., Gross, C.M., Uhlich, F., Kramer, J., Tamaschke, C., Vogel, P., Luft, F.C. and Dietz, R.
European Heart Journal 19 (9): 1365-1370. 1 September 1998

Catecholamine levels and treatment in chronic heart failure.
Anker, S.D.
European Heart Journal 19 Suppl F : F56-F61. 1 June 1998

Cachexia in heart failure is bad for you.
Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.
European Heart Journal 19 : 191-193. 1 February 1998

Use of abciximab in interventional cardiology.
Chronos, N., Vahanian, A., Betriu, A., Emanuelsson, H., Goldberg, S., Gulba, D.C. and Van Hout, B.A.
European Heart Journal 19 Suppl. D : D31-D39. 1 January 1998


The mode of onset of ventricular tachycardia: a patient-specific phenomen.
Meyerfeldt, U., Schirdewan, A., Wiedemann, M., Schutt, H., Zimmerman, F., Luft, F.C. and Dietz, R.
European Heart Journal 18 : 1956-1965. 1 January 1997


Vectorcardiographic monitoring to assess early vessel patency after reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction.
Dellborg, M., Steg, P.G., Simoons, M., Dietz, R., Sen, S., van den Brand, M., Lotze, U., Hauck, S., van den Wieken, R., Himbert, D., Svensson, A.M. and Swedberg, K.
European Heart Journal 16 : 21-29. 1 January 1995

Pathogenesis of myocardial fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
Herrmann, H.J., Fiedler, U., Bloedner, R. and Meyer, R.
European Heart Journal 16 : 243-252. 1 January 1995

Mechanisms of angiotensin II formation in humans.
Urata, H., Nishimura, H. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 16, Suppl.N : 79-85. 1 January 1995

Differential influences of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 inhibition and hyperthyroidism on cardiac growth and sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation.
Vetter, R., Kott, M. and Rupp, H.
European Heart Journal 16 (Suppl C): 15-19. 1 January 1995

The beta1 adrenoceptor as antigen: functional aspects.
Wallukat, G., Kayser, A. and Wollenberger, A.
European Heart Journal 16 Suppl.O : 85-88. 1 January 1995


Activation of the renin-angiotensin system in heart failure and hypertrophy - studies in human hearts and transgenic rats.
Paul, M., Pinto, Y.M., Schunkert, H., Ganten, D. and Boehm, M.
European Heart Journal 15 (Suppl.D) : 63-67. 1 January 1994

Tissue angiotensin II system in the human heart.
Urata, H., Hoffmann, S. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 15 (Suppl D): 68-78. 1 January 1994


Cardiac angiotensin-II formation: the angiotensin-I converting- enzyme and human chymase.
Urata, H. and Ganten, D.
European Heart Journal 14 : 177-182. 1 January 1993


The heart in heart failure. Ventricular and myocardial alterations.
Holubarsch, C., Hasenfuss, G., Thierfelder, L., Pieske, B. and Just, H.
European Heart Journal 12 Suppl. C : 8-13. 1 August 1991

Modulation of coronary circulation and the cardiac matrix by the renin-angiotensin system.
Dietz, R., Waas, W., Haberbosch, W., Suesselbeck, T., Fischer, T.A., Hauck, S. and Osterziel, K.J.
European Heart Journal 12 (Suppl F): 107-111. 1 January 1991

Immunocytochemical localization of G-proteins (alpha subunits) in rat heart tissue.
Schulze, W., Koessler, A., Hinsch, K.D., Rosenthal, W., Will-Shahab, L., Kuettner, I., Rada, T., Vannauer, M. and Breter, H.
European Heart Journal 12 (Suppl F): 132-134. 1 January 1991

Supersensitivity to isoprenaline induced in cultured neonatal rat heart cells by certain eicosatetraneoic acids.
Wallukat, G., Kuehn, H. and Wollenberger, A.
European Heart Journal 12 (Suppl F): 145-148. 1 January 1991

Autoantibodies against the beta-adrenergic receptor in human myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy: beta-adrenergic agonism without desensitization.
Wallukat, G., Morwinski, R., Kowal, K., Foerster, A., Boewer, V. and Wollenberger, A.
European Heart Journal 12 (Suppl D): 178-181. 1 January 1991

G protein function in the ischaemic myocardium.
Will-Shahab, L., Rosenthal, W., Schulze, W. and Kuettner, I.
European Heart Journal 12 (Suppl F): 135-138. 1 January 1991

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