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Systems biology approach uncovers candidates for liver-heart interorgan crosstalk in HFpEF.
Strocchi, S., Liu, L., Wang, R., Häseli, S.P., Capone, F., Bode, D., Nambiar, N., Eroglu, T., Santiago Padilla, L., Farrelly, C., Vacca, A., Mascagni, M., Oeing, C.U., Kintscher, U., Jung, S., Diezel, S.A., Liévano Contreras, S.V., Zhou, M., Seldin, M. and Schiattarella, G.G.
Circulation Research 135 (8): 873-876. 27 September 2024

Intramyocardial sprouting tip cells specify coronary arterialization.
Cano, E., Schwarzkopf, J., Kanda, M., Lindberg, E.L., Hollfinger, I., Pogontke, C., Braeuning, C., Fischer, C., Hübner, N. and Gerhardt, H.
Circulation Research 135 (6): 671-684. 30 August 2024

Targeting HFpEF: unlocking the potential of glucagon receptor blockade.
Santiago Padilla, L. and Schiattarella, G.G.
Circulation Research 135 (5): 629-631. 16 August 2024

Lysozyme 1 inflamed CCR2(+) macrophages promote obesity-induced cardiac dysfunction.
Zhang, L., Han, H., Xu, A., Sathe, A., Fu, S., Zhao, J., Cai, W., Yang, Y., Liu, J., Bai, H., Ben, J., Zhu, X., Li, X., Yang, Q., Wang, Z., Gu, Y., Xing, C., Schiattarella, G.G., Cheng, S.Y., Zhang, H. and Chen, Q.
Circulation Research 135 (5): 596-613. 16 August 2024

From gut to heart: role of indole-3-propionic acid in HFpEF.
Vacca, A. and Schiattarella, G.G.
Circulation Research 134 (4): 390-392. 16 February 2024


Integrated proteomics unveils nuclear PDE3A2 as a regulator of cardiac myocyte hypertrophy.
Subramaniam, G., Schleicher, K., Kovanich, D., Zerio, A., Folkmanaite, M., Chao, Y.C., Surdo, N.C., Koschinski, A., Hu, J., Scholten, A., Heck, A.J.R, Ercu, M., Sholokh, A., Chan Park, K., Klussmann, E., Meraviglia, V., Bellin, M., Zanivan, S., Hester, S., Mohammed, S. and Zaccolo, M.
Circulation Research 132 (7): 828-848. 31 March 2023


AKAP18δ anchors and regulates CaMKII activity at phospholamban-SERCA2 and RYR.
Carlson, C.R., Aronsen, J.M., Bergan-Dahl, A., Moutty, M.C., Lunde, M., Lunde, P.K., Jarstadmarken, H., Wanichawan, P., Pereira, L., Kolstad, T.R.S., Dalhus, B., Subramanian, H., Hille, S., Christensen, G., Müller, O.J., Nikolaev, V., Bers, D.M., Sjaastad, I., Shen, X., Louch, W.E., Klussmann, E. and Sejersted, O.M.
Circulation Research 130 (1): 27-44. 7 January 2022

Locus-conserved circular RNA cZNF292 controls endothelial cell flow responses.
Heumüller, A.W., Jones, A. N., Mourão, A., Klangwart, M., Shi, C., Wittig, I., Fischer, A., Muhly Reinholz, M., Buchmann, G.K., Dieterich, C., Potente, M., Braun, T., Grote, P., Jaé, N., Sattler, M. and Dimmeler, S.
Circulation Research 130 (1): 67-79. 7 January 2022


Activation of autophagic flux blunts cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Xie, M., Cho, G.W., Kong, Y., Li, D.L., Altamirano, F., Luo, X., Morales, C.R., Jiang, N., Schiattarella, G.G., May, H.I., Medina, J., Shelton, J.M., Ferdous, A., Gillette, T.G. and Hill, J.A.
Circulation Research 129 (3): 435-450. 23 July 2021

NAD(+) repletion reverses heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
Tong, D., Schiattarella, G.G., Jiang, N., Altamirano, F., Szweda, P.A., Elnwasany, A., Lee, D.I., Yoo, H., Kass, D.A., Szweda, L.I., Lavandero, S., Verdin, E., Gillette, T.G. and Hill, J.A.
Circulation Research 128 (11): 1629-1641. 28 May 2021

The gut microbiome in hypertension: recent advances and future perspectives.
Avery, E.G., Bartolomaeus, H., Maifeld, A., Marko, L., Wiig, H., Wilck, N., Rosshart, S.P., Forslund, S.K. and Muller, D.N.
Circulation Research 128 (7): 934-950. 2 April 2021

Caveolin3 stabilizes McT1-mediated lactate/proton transport in cardiomyocytes.
Peper, J., Kownatzki-Danger, D., Weninger, G., Seibertz, F., Pronto, J.R., Sutanto, H., Pacheu Grau, D., Hindmarsh, R., Brandenburg, S., Kohl, T., Hasenfuβ, G., Gotthardt, M., Rog-Zielinska, E.A., Wollnik, B., Rehling, P., Urlaub, H., Wegener, J.W., Heijman, J., Voigt, N., Cyganek, L., Lenz, C. and Lehnart, S.E.
Circulation Research 128 (6): e102-e120. 19 March 2021


ATTRACT: arterial flow as attractor for endothelial cell migration.
Georgieva, P.B., Marchuk, D.A. and Gerhardt, H.
Circulation Research 125 (3): 262-264. July 2019

SarcTrack: an adaptable software tool for efficient large-scale analysis of sarcomere function in hiPSC-cardiomyocytes.
Toepfer, C.N., Sharma, A., Cicconet, M., Garfinkel, A.C., Mücke, M., Neyazi, M., Willcox, J.A.L., Agarwal, R., Schmid, M., Rao, J., Ewoldt, J., Pourquié, O., Chopra, A., Chen, C.S., Seidman, J.G. and Seidman, C.E.
Circulation Research 124 (8): 1172-1183. 12 April 2019


Michael Potente: no time to waste.
Williams, R.
Circulation Research 121 (5): 490-491. 18 August 2017

Identification and functional characterization of hypoxia-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress regulating lncRNA (HypERlnc) in pericytes.
Bischoff, F.C., Werner, A., John, D., Boeckel, J.-N., Melissari, M.-T., Grote, P., Glaser, S.F., Demolli, S., Uchida, S., Michalik, K.M., Meder, B., Katus, H.A., Haas, J., Chen, W., Pullamsetti, S.S., Seeger, W., Zeiher, A.M., Dimmeler, S. and Zehendner, C.M.
Circulation Research 121 (4): 368-375. 4 August 2017

A comprehensive TALEN-based knockout library for generating human induced pluripotent stem cell-based models for cardiovascular diseases.
Karakikes, I., Termglinchan, V., Cepeda, D.A., Lee, J., Diecke, S., Hendel, A., Itzhaki, I., Ameen, M., Shrestha, R., Wu, H., Ma, N., Shao, N.Y., Seeger, T., Woo, N.A., Wilson, K.D., Matsa, E., Porteus, M.H., Sebastiano, V. and Wu, J.C.
Circulation Research 120 (10): 1561-1571. 12 May 2017


Resolving lipid mediators maresin 1 and resolvin D2 prevent atheroprogression in mice.
Viola, J.R., Lemnitzer, P., Jansen, Y., Csaba, G., Winter, C., Neideck, C., Silvestre-Roig, C., Dittmar, G., Doering, Y., Drechsler, M., Weber, C., Zimmer, R., Cenac, N. and Soehnlein, O.
Circulation Research 119 (9): 1030-1038. 14 October 2016

CD74-downregulation of placental macrophage-trophoblastic interactions in preeclampsia.
Przybyl, L., Haase, N., Golic, M., Rugor, J., Solano, M.E., Arck, P.C., Gauster, M., Huppertz, B., Emontzpohl, C., Stoppe, C., Bernhagen, J., Leng, L., Bucala, R., Schulz, H., Heuser, A., Weedon-Fekjær, S., Johnsen, G.M., Peetz, D., Luft, F.C., Staff, A.C., Müller, D.N., Dechend, R. and Herse, F.
Circulation Research 119 (1): 55-68. 24 June 2016

Genome-wide polyadenylation maps reveal dynamic mRNA 3'-end formation in the failing human heart.
Creemers, E.E., Bawazeer, A., Ugalde, A.P., van Deutekom, H.W.M., van der Made, I., de Groot, N.E., Adriaens, M.E., Cook, S.A., Bezzina, C.R., Hubner, N., van der Velden, J., Elkon, R., Agami, R. and Pinto, Y.M.
Circulation Research 118 (3): 433-438. 5 February 2016


Identification and characterization of hypoxia-regulated endothelial circular RNA.
Boeckel, J.N., Jae, N., Heumueller, A.W., Chen, W., Boon, R.A., Stellos, K., Zeiher, A.M., John, D., Uchida, S. and Dimmeler, S.
Circulation Research 117 (10): 884-890. 23 October 2015

Platelets play differential role during the initiation and progression of autoimmune neuroinflammation.
Starossom, S.C., Veremeyko, T., Yung, A.W.Y., Dukhinova, M., Au, C., Lau, A.Y., Weiner, H.L. and Ponomarev, E.D.
Circulation Research 117 (9): 779-792. 9 October 2015

Angiotensin II induces skeletal muscle atrophy by activating TFEB-mediated MuRF1 expression.
Du Bois, P., Pablo Tortola, C., Lodka, D., Kny, M., Schmidt, F., Song, K., Schmidt, S., Bassel-Duby, R., Olson, E.N. and Fielitz, J.
Circulation Research 117 (5): 424-436. 14 August 2015

Endothelial alpha-parvin controls integrity of developing vasculature and is required for maintenance of cell-cell junctions.
Fraccaroli, A., Pitter, B., Taha, A.A., Seebach, J., Huveneers, S., Kirsch, J., Casaroli-Marano, R.P., Zahler, S., Pohl, U., Gerhardt, H., Schnittler, H.J. and Montanez, E.
Circulation Research 117 (1): 29-40. 19 June 2015


Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes as an in vitro model for coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis and antiviral drug screening platform.
Sharma, A., Marceau, C., Hamaguchi, R., Burridge, P.W., Rajarajan, K., Churko, J.M., Wu, H., Sallam, K.I., Matsa, E., Sturzu, A.C., Che, Y., Ebert, A., Diecke, S., Liang, P., Red-Horse, K., Carette, J.E., Wu, S.M. and Wu, J.C.
Circulation Research 115 (6): 556-66. 29 August 2014

MicroRNA-133 modulates the β(1)-adrenergic receptor transduction cascade.
Castaldi, A., Zaglia, T., Di Mauro, V., Carullo, P., Viggiani, G., Borile, G., Di Stefano, B., Schiattarella, G.G., Gualazzi, M.G., Elia, L., Stirparo, G.G., Colorito, M.L., Pironti, G., Kunderfranco, P., Esposito, G., Bang, M.L., Mongillo, M., Condorelli, G. and Catalucci, D.
Circulation Research 115 (2): 273-283. 7 July 2014

Stretch-activation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors contributes to the myogenic response of mouse mesenteric and renal arteries.
Schleifenbaum, J., Kassmann, M., Szijártó, I.A., Hercule, H.C., Tano, J.Y., Weinert, S., Heidenreich, M., Pathan, A.R., Anistan, Y.M., Alenina, N., Rusch, N.J., Bader, M., Jentsch, T.J. and Gollasch, M.
Circulation Research 115 (2): 263-272. 7 July 2014

Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 regulates endothelial cell function and vessel growth.
Michalik, K.M., You, X., Manavski, Y., Doddaballapur, A., Zoernig, M., Braun, T., John, D., Ponomareva, Y., Chen, W., Uchida, S., Boon, R.A. and Dimmeler, S.
Circulation Research 114 (9): 1389-1397. 25 April 2014


Discovery and characterization of alamandine, a novel component of the renin-angiotensin system.
Lautner, R.Q., Villela, D.C., Fraga-Silva, R.A., Silva, N.C., Verano-Braga, T., Costa-Fraga, F., Jankowski, J., Jankowski, V., De Sousa, F.B., Alzamora, A.C., Soares, E.R., Barbosa, C.M., Kjeldsen, F., Oliveira, A.C., Braga, J.F., Savergnini, S.Q., Etelvino, G.M., Bastos Peluso, A.A., Passos-Silva, D.G., Ferreira, A.J., Alves, F., Martins, A.S., Raizada, M.K., Paula, R.D., Motta-Santos, D., Klempin, F., Pimenta, A.M.C., Alenina, N., Sinisterra, R.D.M., Bader, M., Campagnole-Santos, M.J. and Santos, R.A.S.
Circulation Research 112 (8): 1104-1111. 12 April 2013

The polarity protein Scrib is essential for directed endothelial cell migration.
Michaelis, U.R., Chavakis, E., Kruse, C., Jungblut, B., Kaluza, D., Wandzioch, K., Manavski, Y., Heide, H., Santoni, M.J., Potente, M., Eble, J.A., Borg, J.P. and Brandes, R.P.
Circulation Research 112 (6): 924-934. 15 March 2013


FOXOs and sirtuins in vascular growth, maintenance, and aging.
Oellerich, M.F. and Potente, M.
Circulation Research 110 (9): 1238-51. 27 April 2012

Extrinsic notch ligand delta-like 1 regulates tip cell selection and vascular branching morphogenesis.
Napp, L.C., Augustynik, M., Paesler, F., Krishnasamy, K., Woiterski, J., Limbourg, A., Bauersachs, J., Drexler, H., le Noble, F. and Limbourg, F.P.
Circulation Research 110 (4): 530-550. 17 February 2012

Bmp signaling exerts opposite effects on cardiac differentiation.
de Pater, E., Ciampricotti, M., Priller, F., Veerkamp, J., Strate, I., Smith, K., Lagendijk, A.K., Schilling, T.F., Herzog, W., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Hammerschmidt, M. and Bakkers, J.
Circulation Research 110 (4): 578-587. 17 February 2012


Aptamer neutralization of beta1-adrenoceptor autoantibodies isolated from patients with cardiomyopathies.
Haberland, A., Wallukat, G., Dahmen, C., Kage, A. and Schimke, I.
Circulation Research 109 (9): 986-992. 14 October 2011

Arteriogenesis is modulated on bradykinin receptor signaling.
Hillmeister, P., Gatzke, N., Duelsner, A., Bader, M., Schadock, I., Hoefer, I., Hamann, I., Infante-Duarte, C., Jung, G., Troidl, K., Urban, D., Stawowy, P., Frentsch, M., Li, M., Nagorka, S., Wang, H., Shi, Y., le Noble, F. and Buschmann, I.
Circulation Research 109 (5): 524-533. 19 August 2011

Laminin-binding integrins induce Dll4 expression and Notch signaling in endothelial cells.
Estrach, S., Cailleteau, L., Franco, C.A., Gerhardt, H., Stefani, C., Lemichez, E., Gagnoux-Palacios, L., Meneguzzi, G. and Mettouchi, A.
Circulation Research 109 (2): 172-182. 8 July 2011

Redox regulation of soluble epoxide hydrolase by 15-deoxy-Δ-prostaglandin J2 controls coronary hypoxic vasodilation.
Charles, R.L., Burgoyne, J.R., Mayr, M., Weldon, S.M., Hubner, N., Dong, H., Morisseau, C., Hammock, B.D., Landar, A.L. and Eaton, P.
Circulation Research 108 (3): 324-334. 4 February 2011


WNT signaling in adult cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling: lessons learned from cardiac development.
Bergmann, M.W.
Circulation Research 107 (10): 1198-1208. 12 November 2010

Neuregulin 1 sustains the gene regulatory network in both trabecular and nontrabecular myocardium.
Lai, D., Forrai, A., Liu, X., Wolstein, O., Michalicek, J., Ahmed, I., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C., Zhou, M., Hartley, L., Robb, L., Feneley, M.P., Fatkin, D. and Harvey, R.P.
Circulation Research 107 (6): 715-727. 17 September 2010

An energy-sensor network takes center stage during endothelial aging.
Potente, M.
Circulation Research 106 (8): 1316-1318. 30 April 2010

Myocyte enhancer factor 2 and class II histone deacetylases control a gender-specific pathway of cardioprotection mediated by the estrogen receptor.
van Rooij, E., Fielitz, J., Sutherland, L.B., Thijssen, V.L., Crijns, H.J., Dimaio, M.J., Shelton, J., De Windt, L.J., Hill, J.A. and Olson, E.N.
Circulation Research 106 (1): 155-165. 8 January 2010


Truncation of titin's elastic PEVK region leads to cardiomyopathy with diastolic dysfunction.
Granzier, H.L., Radke, M.H., Peng, J., Westermann, D., Nelson, O.L., Rost, K., King, N.M., Yu, Q., Tschoepe, C., McNabb, M., Larson, D.F., Labeit, S. and Gotthardt, M.
Circulation Research 105 (6): 557-564. 11 September 2009

Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein suppresses cardiomyocyte contraction. A new link between obesity and heart disease.
Lamounier-Zepter, V., Look, C., Alvarez, J., Christ, T., Ravens, U., Schunck, W.H., Ehrhart-Bornstein, M., Bornstein, S.R. and Morano, I.
Circulation Research 105 (4): 326-334. 14 August 2009

Cyclooxygenase-2-derived prostaglandin F(2α) mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aortae of hamsters with increased impact during aging.
Wong, S.L., Leung, F.P., Lau, C.W., Au, C.L., Yung, L.M., Yao, X., Chen, Z.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Gollasch, M. and Huang, Y.
Circulation Research 104 (2): 228-235. 30 January 2009


Angiotensin(1-7) blunts hypertensive cardiac remodeling by a direct effect on the heart.
Mercure, C., Yogi, A., Callera, G.E., Aranha, A.B., Bader, M., Ferreira, A.J., Santos, R.A., Walther, T., Touyz, R.M. and Reudelhuber, T.L.
Circulation Research 103 (11): 1319-1326. 21 November 2008

Physics meets molecules: is modulation of shear stress the link to vascular prevention?
Buschmann, I.R., Lehmann, K. and le Noble, F.
Circulation Research 102 (5): 510-512. 14 March 2008

Asymmetric involution of the myocardial field drives heart tube formation in zebrafish.
Rohr, S., Otten, C. and Abdelilah-Seyfried, S.
Circulation Research 102 (2): e12-e19. 1 February 2008


Vascular endothelial cell-specific NF-kappaB suppression attenuates hypertension-induced renal damage.
Henke, N., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Dechend, R., Park, J.K., Qadri, F., Wellner, M., Obst, M., Gross, V., Dietz, R., Luft, F.C., Scheidereit, C. and Mueller, D.N.
Circulation Research 101 (3): 268-276. 3 August 2007

Enhancing repair of the mammalian heart.
Santini, M.P., Tsao, L., Monassier, L., Theodoropoulos, C., Carter, J., Lara-Pezzi, E., Slonimsky, E., Salimova, E., Delafontain, P., Song, Y.H., Bergmann, M., Freund, C., Suzuki, K. and Rosenthal, N.
Circulation Research 100 (12): 1732-1740. 22 June 2007

Beta-catenin downregulation is required for adaptive cardiac remodeling.
Baurand, A., Zelarayan, L., Betney, R., Gehrke, C., Dunger, S., Noack, C., Busjahn, A., Huelsken, J., Taketo, M.M., Birchmeier, W., Dietz, R. and Bergmann, M.W.
Circulation Research 100 (9): 1353-1362. 11 May 2007

Critical role for FoxO3a-dependent regulation of p21CIP1/WAF1 in response to statin signaling in cardiac myocytes.
Hauck, L., Harms, C., Grothe, D., An, J., Gertz, K., Kronenberg, G., Dietz, R., Endres, M. and von Harsdorf, R.
Circulation Research 100 (1): 50-60. January 2007


A nuclear receptor corepressor-dependent pathway mediates suppression of cytokine-induced C-reactive protein gene expression by liver X receptor.
Blaschke, F., Takata, Y., Caglayan, E., Collins, A., Tontonoz, P., Hsueh, W.A. and Tangirala, R.K.
Circulation Research 99 (12): e88-e99. 8 December 2006

Direct evidence for endothelial vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 function in nitric oxide-mediated angiogenesis.
Ahmad, S., Hewett, P.W., Wang, P., Al-Ani, B., Cudmore, M., Fujisawa, T., Haigh, J.J., le Noble, F., Wang, L., Mukhopadhyay, D. and Ahmed, A.
Circulation Research 99 (7): 715-722. 29 September 2006

Impaired endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-mediated dilations and increased blood pressure in mice deficient of the intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel.
Si, H., Heyken, W.T., Woelfle, S.E., Tysiac, M., Schubert, R., Grgic, I., Vilianovich, L., Giebing, G., Maier, T., Gross, V., Bader, M., de Wit, C., Hoyer, J. and Koehler, R.
Circulation Research 99 (5): 537-544. 1 September 2006

Neurogenic mechanisms contribute to hypertension in mice with disruption of the K-Cl cotransporter KCC3.
Rust, M.B., Faulhaber, J., Budack, M.K., Pfeffer, P., Maritzen, T., Didie, M., Beck, F.X., Boettger, T., Schubert, R., Ehmke, H., Jentsch, T.J. and Huebner, C.A.
Circulation Research 98 (4): 549-556. 3 March 2006


Arrestin-independent internalization and recycling of the urotensin receptor contribute to long-lasting urotensin II-mediated vasoconstriction.
Giebing, G., Toelle, M., Juergensen, J., Eichhorst, J., Furkert, J., Beyermann, M., Neuschaefer-Rube, F., Rosenthal, W., Zidek, W., van der Giet, M. and Oksche, A.
Circulation Research 97 (7): 707-715. 30 September 2005

Complement activation in angiotensin II-induced organ damage.
Shagdarsuren, E., Wellner, M., Braesen, J.H., Park, J.K., Fiebeler, A., Henke, N., Dechend, R., Gratze, P., Luft, F.C. and Mueller, D.N.
Circulation Research 97 (7): 716-724. 18 August 2005

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Role of NF-kappaB revisited.
Mehrhof, F.B., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Dietz, R. and Scheidereit, C.
Circulation Research 96 (9): 958-964. 1 January 2005

Identification of hypertension-related genes through an integrated genomic-transcriptomic approach.
Yagil, C., Huebner, N., Monti, J., Schulz, H., Sapojnikov, M., Luft, F.C., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Circulation Research 96 (6): 617-625. 1 January 2005


Cardiac angiotensin is upregulated in the hearts of unstable angina patients.
Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 94 (12): 1530-1532. 1 January 2004

Bradykinin B1 receptor expression induced by tissue damage in the rat portal vein - A critical role for mitogen-activated protein kinase and nuclear factor-kappaB signaling pathways.
Medeiros, R., Cabrini, D.A., Ferreira, J., Fernandes, E.S., Mori, M.A.S., Pesquero, J.B., Bader, M., Avellar, M.C.W., Campos, M.M. and Calixto, J.B.
Circulation Research 94 (10): 1375-1382. 1 January 2004

Prevention of sympathetic and cardiac dysfunction after myocardial infarction in transgenic rats deficient in brain angiotensinogen.
Wang, H., Huang, B.S., Ganten, D. and Leenen, F.H.H.
Circulation Research 94 (6): 843-849. 1 January 2004


A splice mutation in a Syrian autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia family causes a two-nucleotide deletion of mRNA.
Al Kateb, H., Bautz, E.K.F., Luft, F.C. and Bähring, S.
Circulation Research 93 (5): E49-E50. 5 September 2003


Inhibition of hypoxia-induced apoptosis by modulation of retinoblastoma protein-dependent signaling in cardiomyocytes.
Hauck, L., Hansmann, G., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Circulation Research 91 (9): 782-789. 1 November 2002

Mutation in the ARH gene and a chromosome 13q locus influence cholesterol levels in a new form of digenic-recessive familial hypercholesterolemia.
Al Kateb, H., Bähring, S., Hoffmann, K., Strauch, K., Busjahn, A., Nuernberg, G., Jouma, M., Bautz, E.K.F., Dresel, H.A. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 90 (9): 951-958. 17 May 2002

It's renin in the brain - Transgenic animals elucidate the brain renin-angiotensin system.
Bader, M. and Ganten, D.
Circulation Research 90 (1): 8-10. 1 January 2002


The complete gene sequence of titin, expression of an unusual approximately 700-kDa titin isoform, and its interaction with obscurin identify a novel Z-line to I-band linking system.
Bang, M.L., Centner, T., Fornoff, F., Geach, A.J., Gotthardt, M., McNabb, M., Witt, C.C., Labeit, D., Gregorio, C.C., Granzier, H. and Labeit, S.
Circulation Research 89 : 1065-1072. 23 November 2001

Regulation of calcium sparks and spontaneous transient outward currents by RyR3 in arterial vascular smooth muscle cells.
Loehn, M., Jessner, W., Fuerstenau, M., Wellner, M., Sorrentino, V., Haller, H., Luft, F.C. and Gollasch, M.
Circulation Research 89 : 1051-1057. 1 January 2001


Ignition of calcium sparks in arterial and cardiac muscle through caveolae.
Loehn, M., Fuerstenau, M., Sagach, V., Elger, M., Schulze, W., Luft, F.C., Haller, H. and Gollasch, M.
Circulation Research 87 : 1034-1039. 24 November 2000

Mice with disrupted BK channel beta 1 subunit gene feature abnormal Ca2+ spark/STOC coupling and elevated blood pressure.
Plueger, S., Faulhaber, J., Fuerstenau, M., Loehn, M., Waldschutz, R., Gollasch, M., Haller, H., Luft, F.C., Ehmke, H. and Pongs, O.
Circulation Research 87 : E53-E60. 24 November 2000


Altered structure, regulation, and function of the gene encoding the atrial natriuretic peptide in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Rubattu, S., Lee-Kirsch, M.A., DePaolis, P., Giliberti, R., Gigante, B., Lombardi, A., Volpe, M. and Lindpaintner, K.
Circulation Research 85 (10): 900-905. 12 November 1999

Regulation of the transient outward K+ current by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II in human atrial myocytes.
Tessier, S., Karczewski, P., Krause, E.G., Pansard, Y., Acar, C., Lang-Lazdunski, M., Mercadier, J.J. and Hatem, S.N.
Circulation Research 85 (9): 810-819. 29 October 1999

Impaired long-chain fatty acid utilization by cardiac myocytes isolated from mice lacking the heart-type fatty acid binding protein gene.
Schaap, F.G., Binas, B., Danneberg, H., van der Vusse, G.J. and Glatz, J.F.C.
Circulation Research 85 : 329-337. 20 August 1999

E2F-1 overexpression in cardiomyocytes induces downregulation of p21CIP1 and p27KIP1 and release of active cyclin-dependent kinases in the presence of insulin-like growth factor I.
von Harsdorf, R., Hauck, L., Mehrhof, F., Wegenka, U., Cardoso, M.C. and Dietz, R.
Circulation Research 85 : 128-136. 23 July 1999

A mammalian myocardial cell-free system to study cell cycle reentry in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes.
Engel, F.B., Hauck, L., Cardoso, M.C., Leonhardt, H., Dietz, R. and von Harsdorf, R.
Circulation Research 85 : 294-301. 1 January 1999

Identification and expression of delta-isoforms of the multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase in failing and nonfailing human myocardium.
Hoch, B., Meyer, R., Hetzer, R., Krause, E.G. and Karczewski, P.
Circulation Research 84 : 713-721. 1 January 1999

Distinct renin isoforms generated by tissue-specific transcription initiation and alternative splicing.
Lee-Kirsch, M.A., Gaudet, F., Cardoso, M.C. and Lindpaintner, K.
Circulation Research 84 : 240-246. 1 January 1999


Overexpression of the sarcolemmal calcium pump in the myocardium of transgenic rats.
Hammes, A., Oberdorf-Maass, S., Rother, T., Nething, K., Gollnick, F., Linz, K.W., Meyer, R., Hu, K., Han, H., Gaudron, P., Ertl, G., Hoffmann, S., Ganten, U., Vetter, R., Schuh, K., Benkwitz, C., Zimmer, H.G. and Neyses, L.
Circulation Research 83 (9): 877-888. 2 November 1998

Expression of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain B in cardiac vessels of normotensive and hypertensive rats.
Wetzel, U., Lutsch, G., Haase, H., Ganten, U. and Morano, I.
Circulation Research 83 (2): 204-209. 27 July 1998

Integrin-induced protein kinase Calpha and Cepsilon translocation to focal adhesions mediates vascular smooth muscle cell spreading.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Maasch, C., Olthoff, H., Kurscheid, D. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 82 (2): 157-165. 1 February 1998

Local angiotensin II generation in the rat heart: role of renin uptake.
Mueller, D.N., Fischli, W., Clozel, J.P., Hilgers, K.F., Bohlender, J., Menard, J., Busjahn, A., Ganten, D. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 82 (1): 13-20. 9 January 1998


High glucose concentrations increase endothelial cell permeability via activation of protein kinase C alpha.
Hempel, A., Maasch, C., Heintze, U., Lindschau, C., Dietz, R., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Circulation Research 81 (3): 363-371. September 1997


Effects of intracellular angiotensin II in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Erdmann, B., Quass, P. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 79 (4): 765-772. 1 October 1996

K+ currents in human coronary artery vascular smooth muscle cells.
Gollasch, M., Ried, C., Bychkov, R., Luft, F.C. and Haller, H.
Circulation Research 78 (4): 676-688. April 1996


Regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis by adrenal renin is mediated through AT1 receptors in renin transgenic rats.
Volpe, M., Rubattu, S., Gigante, G., Ganten, D., Porcellini, A., Russo, R., Romano, M., Enea, I., Lee, M.A. and Trimarco, B.
Circulation Research 77 (1): 73-79. July 1995

Myosin light chain-actin interaction regulates cardiac contractility.
Morano, I., Ritter, O., Bonz, A., Timek, T., Vahl, C.F. and Michel, G.
Circulation Research 76 (5): 720-725. May 1995

Differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the regulation of protein kinase C-alpha.
Haller, H., Lindschau, C., Quass, P., Distler, A. and Luft, F.C.
Circulation Research 76 (1): 21-29. January 1995


Cardiomyocytes differentiated in vitro from embryonic stem cells developmentally express cardiac-specific genes and ionic currents.
Maltsev, V.A., Wobus, A.M., Rohwedel, J., Bader, M. and Hescheler, J.
Circulation Research 75 (2): 233-244. 1 August 1994

The failing human heart is unable to use the frank- starling mechanism.
Schwinger, R.H.G., Boehm, M., Koch, A., Schmidt, U., Morano, I., Eissner, H.J., Ueberfuhr, P., Reichart, B. and Erdmann, E.
Circulation Research 74 (5): 959-969. 1 May 1994

Immunologic identification of Na+, K+ -ATPase isoforms in myocardium. Isoform change in deoxycorticosterone-acetate-salt hypertension.
Sweadner, K.J., Herrera, V.L.M., Amato, S., Moellmann, A., Gibbons, D.K. and Repke, K.R.H.
Circulation Research 74 (4): 669-678. 1 April 1994


Measurement of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition in the heart.
Kinoshita, A., Urata, H., Bumpus, F.M. and Husain, A.
Circulation Research 73 (1): 51-60. 1 July 1993

Gap junction protein connexin40 is preferentially expressed in vascular endothelium and conductive bundles of rat myocardium and is increased under hypertensive conditions.
Bastide, B., Neyses, L., Ganten, D., Paul, M., Willecke, K. and Traub, O.
Circulation Research 73 : 1138-1149. 1 January 1993

Gene injection into canine myocardium as a useful model for studying gene expression in the heart of large mammals.
von Harsdorf, R., Schott, R.J., Shen, Y.T., Vatner, S.F., Mahdavi, V. and Nadal-Ginard, B.
Circulation Research 72 : 688-695. 1 January 1993


The influence of cold stress on the myosin heavy chain expression of cardiac and smooth muscle in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive female rats.
Adler, K., Boels, P., Ganten, U., Ganten, D. and Morano, I.
Circulation Research 69 (6): 1640-1644. December 1991

Morphological, biochemical, and electrophysiological characterization of a clonal cell (H9c2) line from rat heart.
Hescheler, J., Meyer, R., Plant, S., Krautwurst, D., Rosenthal, W. and Schultz, G.
Circulation Research 69 (6): 1476-1486. December 1991

The cardiac renin-angiotensin system. An appraisal of present experimental and clinical evidence.
Lindpaintner, K. and Ganten, D.
Circulation Research 68 : 905-921. 1 January 1991

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