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Membrane properties and coupling of macroglia in the optic nerve.
Kompier, N., Semtner, M., Walter, S., Kakabadze, N., Steinhäuser, C., Nolte, C. and Kettenmann, H.
Current Research in Neurobiology 7 : 100137. 21 August 2024

Myeloid cells coordinately induce glioma cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic pathways for chemoresistance via GP130 signaling.
Cheng, J., Li, M., Motta, E., Barci, D., Song, W., Zhou, D., Li, G., Zhu, S., Yang, A., Vaillant, B.D., Imhof, A., Forné, I., Spiegl-Kreinecker, S., Zhang, N., Katayama, H., Bhat, K.P.L., Flüh, C., Kälin, R.E. and Glass, R.
Cell Reports Medicine 5 (8): 101658. 20 August 2024

Microglia undergo molecular and functional adaptations to dark and light phases in male laboratory mice.
Mattei, D., Ivanov, A., Hammer, J., Ugursu, B., Schalbetter, S., Richetto, J., Weber-Stadlbauer, U., Mueller, F., Scarborough, J., Wolf, S.A., Kettenmann, H., Wollscheid, B., Beule, D. and Meyer, U.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 210 : 571-583. August 2024

Microglial sex differences in innate high anxiety and modulatory effects of minocycline.
Ugursu, B., Sah, A., Sartori, S., Popp, O., Mertins, P., Dunay, I.R., Kettenmann, H., Singewald, N. and Wolf, S.A.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 119 : 465-481. July 2024

Quantification of microglial engulfment of synaptic material using flow cytometry.
Ugursu, B. and Wolf, S.A.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (207) 31 May 2024


Sex-specific microglia state in the neuroligin-4 knock-out mouse model of autism spectrum disorder.
Guneykaya, D., Ugursu, B., Logiacco, F., Popp, O., Feiks, M.A., Meyer, N., Wendt, S., Semtner, M., Cherif, F., Gauthier, C., Madore, C., Yin, Z., Çınar, Ö., Arslan, T., Gerevich, Z., Mertins, P., Butovsky, O., Kettenmann, H. and Wolf, S.A.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 111 : 61-75. July 2023

Cesium activates the neurotransmitter receptor for glycine.
Fricke, S., Harnau, M., Hetsch, F., Liu, H., Leonhard, J., Eylmann, A., Knauff, P., Sun, H., Semtner, M. and Meier, J.C.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 16 : 1018530. 22 May 2023

Small molecule specifically inhibiting microglial nitric oxide release could become a potential treatment for neuroinflammation.
Jordan, P., Costa, A., Specker, E., Popp, O., Volkamer, A., Piske, R., Obrusnik, T., Kleissle, S., Stuke, K., Rex, A., Neuenschwander, M., von Kries, J.P., Nazare, M., Mertins, P., Kettenmann, H. and Wolf, S.A.
PLoS ONE 18 (2): e0278325. 6 February 2023


Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads.
Paolicelli, R.C., Sierra, A., Stevens, B., Tremblay, M.E., Aguzzi, A., Ajami, B., Amit, I., Audinat, E., Bechmann, I., Bennett, M., Bennett, F., Bessis, A., Biber, K., Bilbo, S., Blurton-Jones, M., Boddeke, E., Brites, D., Brône, B., Brown, G.C., Butovsky, O., Carson, M.J., Castellano, B., Colonna, M., Cowley, S.A., Cunningham, C., Davalos, D., De Jager, P.L., de Strooper, B., Denes, A., Eggen, B.J.L., Eyo, U., Galea, E., Garel, S., Ginhoux, F., Glass, C.K., Gokce, O., Gomez-Nicola, D., González, B., Gordon, S., Graeber, M.B., Greenhalgh, A.D., Gressens, P., Greter, M., Gutmann, D.H., Haass, C., Heneka, M.T., Heppner, F.L., Hong, S., Hume, D.A., Jung, S., Kettenmann, H., Kipnis, J., Koyama, R., Lemke, G., Lynch, M., Majewska, A., Malcangio, M., Malm, T., Mancuso, R., Masuda, T., Matteoli, M., McColl, B.W., Miron, V.E., Molofsky, A.V., Monje, M., Mracsko, E., Nadjar, A., Neher, J.J., Neniskyte, U., Neumann, H., Noda, M., Peng, B., Peri, F., Perry, V.H., Popovich, P.G., Pridans, C., Priller, J., Prinz, M., Ragozzino, D., Ransohoff, R.M., Salter, M.W., Schaefer, A., Schafer, D.P., Schwartz, M., Simons, M., Smith, C.J., Streit, W.J., Tay, T.L., Tsai, L.H., Verkhratsky, A., von Bernhardi, R., Wake, H., Wittamer, V., Wolf, S.A., Wu, L.J. and Wyss-Coray, T.
Neuron 110 (21): 3458-3483. 2 November 2022

Enriched environment attenuates enhanced trait anxiety in association with normalization of aberrant neuro-inflammatory events.
Sah, A., Rooney, S., Kharitonova, M., Sartori, S.B., Wolf, S.A. and Singewald, N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21): 13052. 27 October 2022


Reduction of cortical parvalbumin expressing GABAergic interneurons in a rodent hyperoxia model of preterm birth brain injury with deficits in social behavior and cognition.
Scheuer, T., Auf dem Brinke, E., Grosser, S., Wolf, S.A., Mattei, D., Sharkovska, Y., Barthel, P.C., Endesfelder, S., Friedrich, V., Bührer, C., Vida, I. and Schmitz, T.
Development 148 (20): dev.198390. October 2021

Potential effects of nutraceuticals in retinopathy of prematurity.
Tsang, J.K.W., Wolf, S.A., Pompoes, I.M., Joussen, A.M., Lam, W.C., Yang, D. and Lo, A.C.Y.
Life 11 (2): 79. 22 January 2021

Deletion of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3 in microglia impacts brain ischemic injury.
Costa, A., Haage, V., Yang, S., Wegner, S., Ersoy, B., Ugursu, B., Rex, A., Kronenberg, G., Gertz, K., Endres, M., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 91 : 89-104. January 2021


Neuroinflammatory alterations in trait anxiety: modulatory effects of minocycline.
Rooney, S., Sah, A., Unger, M.S., Kharitonova, M., Sartori, S.B., Schwarzer, C., Aigner, L., Kettenmann, H., Wolf, S.A. and Singewald, N.
Translational Psychiatry 10 (1): 256. 30 July 2020

The VGF-derived peptide TLQP21 impairs purinergic control of chemotaxis and phagocytosis in mouse microglia.
Elmadany, N., de Almeida Sassi, F., Wendt, S., Logiacco, F., Visser, J., Haage, V., Perez Hernandez, D., Mertins, P., Hambardzumyan, D., Wolf, S., Kettenmann, H. and Semtner, M.
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (17): 3320-3331. 22 April 2020


let-7 microRNAs regulate microglial function and suppress glioma growth through Toll-like receptor 7.
Buonfiglioli, A., Efe, I.E., Guneykaya, D., Ivanov, A., Huang, Y., Orlowski, E., Krüger, C., Deisz, R.A., Markovic, D., Flüh, C., Newman, A.G., Schneider, U.C., Beule, D., Wolf, S.A., Dzaye, O., Gutmann, D.H., Semtner, M., Kettenmann, H. and Lehnardt, S.
Cell Reports 29 (11): 3460-3471. 10 December 2019


Transcriptional and translational differences of microglia from male and female brains.
Guneykaya, D., Ivanov, A., Perez Hernandez, D., Haage, V., Wojtas, B., Meyer, N., Maricos, M., Jordan, P., Buonfiglioli, A., Gielniewski, B., Ochocka, N., Cömert, C., Friedrich, C., Suarez Artiles, L., Kaminska, B., Mertins, P., Beule, D., Kettenmann, H. and Wolf, S.A.
Cell Reports 24 (10): 2773-2783. 4 September 2018

Distinguishing features of microglia- and monocyte-derived macrophages after stroke.
Kronenberg, G., Uhlemann, R., Richter, N., Klempin, F., Wegner, S., Staerck, L., Wolf, S., Uckert, W., Kettenmann, H., Endres, M. and Gertz, K.
Acta Neuropathologica 135 (4): 551. April 2018

Dataset on the activation of Mueller cells through macrophages upon hypoxia in the retina.
Nuernberg, C., Kociok, N., Brockmann, C., Lischke, T., Crespo-Garcia, S., Reichhart, N., Wolf, S., Baumgrass, R., Eming, S.A., Beer-Hammer, S. and Joussen, A.M.
Data in Brief 16 : 489-500. February 2018

Myeloid cells contribute indirectly to VEGF expression upon hypoxia via activation of Müller cells.
Nuernberg, C., Kociok, N., Brockmann, C., Lischke, T., Crespo-Garcia, S., Reichhart, N., Wolf, S., Baumgrass, R., Eming, S.A., Beer-Hammer, S. and Joussen, A.M.
Experimental Eye Research 166 : 56-69. January 2018


You need guts to make new neurons.
Wolf, S.A. and Mattei, D.
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports 4 (4): 353-360. December 2017

Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function.
Piwecka, M., Glažar, P., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Memczak, S., Wolf, S.A., Rybak-Wolf, A., Filipchyk, A., Klironomos, F., Cerda Jara, C.A., Fenske, P., Trimbuch, T., Zywitza, V., Plass, M., Schreyer, L., Ayoub, S., Kocks, C., Kühn, R., Rosenmund, C., Birchmeier, C. and Rajewsky, N.
Science 357 (6357): eaam8526. 22 September 2017

Deep brain stimulation during early adolescence prevents microglial alterations in a model of maternal immune activation.
Hadar, R., Dong, L., Del-Valle-Anton, L., Gueneykaya, D., Voget, M., Edemann-Callesen, H., Schweibold, R., Djodari-Irani, A., Goetz, T., Ewing, S., Kettenmann, H., Wolf, S.A. and Winter, C.
Brain, Behavior and Immunity 63 : 71-80. 7 July 2017

Maternal immune activation results in complex microglial transcriptome signature in the adult offspring that is reversed by minocycline treatment.
Mattei, D., Ivanov, A., Ferrai, C., Jordan, P., Guneykaya, D., Buonfiglioli, A., Schaafsma, W., Przanowski, P., Deuther-Conrad, W., Brust, P., Hesse, S., Patt, M., Sabri, O., Ross, T.L., Eggen, B.J.L., Boddeke, E.W.G.M., Kaminska, B., Beule, D., Pombo, A., Kettenmann, H. and Wolf, S.A.
Translational Psychiatry 7 (5): e1120. 9 May 2017

Cellular and molecular identity of tumor-associated macrophages in glioblastoma.
Chen, Z., Feng, X., Herting, C.J., Alvarez Garcia, V., Nie, K., Pong, W.W., Rasmussen, R., Dwivedi, B., Seby, S., Wolf, S.A., Gutmann, D.H. and Hambardzumyan, D.
Cancer Research 77 (9): 2266-2278. 1 May 2017

Rapid adaptation to microgravity in mammalian macrophage cells.
Thiel, C.S., de Zélicourt, D., Tauber, S., Adrian, A., Franz, M., Simmet, D.M., Schoppmann, K., Hauschild, S., Krammer, S., Christen, M., Bradacs, G., Paulsen, K., Wolf, S.A., Braun, M., Hatton, J., Kurtcuoglu, V., Franke, S., Tanner, S., Cristoforetti, S., Sick, B., Hock, B. and Ullrich, O.
Scientific Reports 7 (1): 43. 27 February 2017

Microglia in physiology and disease.
Wolf, S.A., Boddeke, H.W.G.M. and Kettenmann, H.
Annual Review of Physiology 79 : 619-643. February 2017


Decreased demand for olfactory periglomerular cells impacts on neural precursor cell viability in the rostral migratory stream.
Langenfurth, A., Gu, S., Bautze, V., Zhang, C., Neumann, J.E., Schüller, U., Stock, K., Wolf, S.A., Maier, A.M., Mastrella, G., Pak, A., Cheng, H., Kälin, R.E., Holmbeck, K., Strotmann, J., Kettenmann, H. and Glass, R.
Scientific Reports 6 : 32203. 30 August 2016


Long-lasting pro-inflammatory suppression of microglia by LPS-preconditioning is mediated by RelB-dependent epigenetic silencing.
Schaafsma, W., Zhang, X., van Zomeren, K.C., Jacobs, S., Georgieva, P.B., Wolf, S.A., Kettenmann, H., Janova, H., Saiepour, N., Hanisch, U.K., Meerlo, P., van den Elsen, P.J., Brouwer, N., Boddeke, H.W.G.M. and Eggen, B.J.L.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 48 : 205-221. August 2015

Brain in flames - animal models of psychosis: utility and limitations.
Mattei, D., Schweibold, R. and Wolf, S.A.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 11 : 1313-1329. 27 May 2015

Vascular signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 promotes angiogenesis and neuroplasticity long-term after stroke.
Hoffmann, C.J., Harms, U., Rex, A., Szulzewsky, F., Wolf, S.A., Grittner, U., Lättig-Tünnemann, G., Sendtner, M., Kettenmann, H., Dirnagl, U., Endres, M. and Harms, C.
Circulation 131 (20): 1772-1782. 19 May 2015

Ly6C(high) monocytes control cerebral toxoplasmosis.
Biswas, A., Bruder, D., Wolf, S.A., Jeron, A., Mack, M., Heimesaat, M.M. and Dunay, I.R.
Journal of Immunology 194 (7): 3223-3235. 1 April 2015

Intrathecal heat shock protein 60 mediates neurodegeneration and demyelination in the CNS through a TLR4-and MyD88-dependent pathway.
Rosenberger, K., Dembny, P., Derkow, K., Engel, O., Krüger, C., Wolf, S.A., Kettenmann, H., Schott, E., Meisel, A. and Lehnardt, S.
Molecular Neurodegeneration 10 : 5. 26 February 2015

Glioma-associated microglia/macrophages display an expression profile different from M1 and M2 polarization and highly express Gpnmb and Spp1.
Szulzewsky, F., Pelz, A., Feng, X., Synowitz, M., Markovic, D., Langmann, T., Holtman, I.R., Wang, X., Eggen, B.J.L., Boddeke, H.W.G.M., Hambardzumyan, D., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
PLoS ONE 10 (2): e0116644. 6 February 2015

Glioma-derived versican promotes tumor expansion via glioma-associated microglial/macrophages Toll-like receptor 2 signaling.
Hu, F., a Dzaye, O.D., Hahn, A., Yu, Y., Scavetta, R.J., Dittmar, G., Kaczmarek, A.K., Dunning, K.R., Ricciardelli, C., Rinnenthal, J.L., Heppner, F.L., Lehnardt, S., Synowitz, M., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Neuro-Oncology 17 (2): 200-210. February 2015


Glioma-associated microglial MMP9 expression is upregulated by TLR2 signaling and sensitive to minocycline.
Hu, F., Ku, M.C., Markovic, D., a Dzaye, O.D., Lehnardt, S., Synowitz, M., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
International Journal of Cancer 135 (11): 2569-2578. December 2014

The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 as a novel modulator of neural precursor cell proliferation.
Stock, K., Garthe, A., de Almeida Sassi, F., Glass, R., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Stem Cells 32 (12): 3183-3195. December 2014

Minocycline rescues decrease in neurogenesis, increase in microglia cytokines and deficits in sensorimotor gating in an animal model of schizophrenia.
Mattei, D., Djodari-Irani, A., Hadar, R., Pelz, A., de Cossio, L.F., Goetz, T., Matyash, M., Kettenmann, H., Winter, C. and Wolf, S.A.
Brain Behavior and Immunity 38 : 175-184. May 2014

The subpopulation of microglia sensitive to neurotransmitters/neurohormones is modulated by stimulation with LPS, interferon-γ, and IL-4.
Pannell, M., Szulzewsky, F., Matyash, V., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Glia 62 (5): 667-679. May 2014

Membrane-type 1 metalloproteinase is upregulated in microglia/brain macrophages in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases.
Langenfurth, A., Rinnenthal, J.L., Vinnakota, K., Prinz, V., Carlo, A.S., Stadelmann, C., Siffrin, V., Peaschke, S., Endres, M., Heppner, F., Glass, R., Wolf, S.A. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of Neuroscience Research 92 (3): 275-286. March 2014


Toll-like receptor 2 mediates microglia/brain macrophage MT1-MMP expression and glioma expansion.
Vinnakota, K., Hu, F., Ku, M.C., Georgieva, P.B., Szulzewsky, F., Pohlmann, A., Waiczies, S., Waiczies, H., Niendorf, T., Lehnardt, S., Hanisch, U.K., Synowitz, M., Markovic, D.S., Wolf, S.A., Glass, R. and Kettenmann, H.
Neuro-Oncology 15 (11): 1457-1468. November 2013

GDNF mediates glioblastoma-induced microglia attraction but not astrogliosis.
Ku, M.C., Wolf, S.A., Respondek, D., Matyash, V., Pohlmann, A., Waiczies, S., Waiczies, H., Niendorf, T., Synowitz, M., Glass, R. and Kettenmann, H.
Acta Neuropathologica 125 (4): 609-620. April 2013


Cannabinoid receptor CB1 mediates baseline and activity-induced survival of new neurons in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Wolf, S.A., Bick-Sander, A., Fabel, K., Leal-Galicia, P., Tauber, S., Ramirez-Rodriguez, G., Mueller, A., Melnik, A., Waltinger, T.P., Ullrich, O. and Kempermann, G.
Cell Communication and Signaling 8 : 12. 17 June 2010


Additive effects of physical exercise and environmental enrichment on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice.
Fabel, K., Wolf, S.A., Ehninger, D., Babu, H., Leal-Galicia, P. and Kempermann, G.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 3 : 50. 10 November 2009

Adaptive peripheral immune response increases proliferation of neural precursor cells in the adult hippocampus.
Wolf, S.A., Steiner, B., Wengner, A.M., Lipp, M., Kammertoens, T. and Kempermann, G.
FASEB Journal 23 (9): 3121-3128. September 2009

CD4-positive T lymphocytes provide a neuroimmunological link in the control of adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Wolf, S.A., Steiner, B., Akpinarli, A., Kammertoens, T., Nassenstein, C., Braun, A., Blankenstein, T. and Kempermann, G.
Journal of Immunology 182 (7): 3979-3984. 1 April 2009


Sortilin-related receptor with A-type repeats (SORLA) affects the amyloid precursor protein-dependent stimulation of ERK signaling and adult neurogenesis.
Rohe, M., Carlo, A.S., Breyhan, H., Sporbert, A., Militz, D., Schmidt, V., Wozny, C., Harmeier, A., Erdmann, B., Bales, K.R., Wolf, S.A., Kempermann, G., Paul, S.M., Schmitz, D., Bayer, T.A., Willnow, T.E. and Andersen, O.M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (21): 14826-14834. 23 May 2008

Intermediate progenitors in adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Tbr2 expression and coordinate regulation of neuronal output.
Hodge, R.D., Kowalczyk, T.D., Wolf, S.A., Encinas, J.M., Rippey, C., Enikolopov, G., Kempermann, G. and Hevner, R.F.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (14): 3707-3717. 2 April 2008


Cognitive and physical activity differently modulate disease progression in the amyloid precursor protein (APP)-23 model of Alzheimer's disease.
Wolf, S.A., Kronenberg, G., Lehmann, K., Blankenship, A., Overall, R., Staufenbiel, M. and Kempermann, G.
Biological Psychiatry 60 (12): 1314-1323. 15 December 2006

Running in pregnancy transiently increases postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis in the offspring.
Bick-Sander, A., Steiner, B., Wolf, S.A., Babu, H. and Kempermann, G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (10): 3852-3857. 7 March 2006

The endocannabinoid anandamide protects neurons during CNS inflammation by induction of MKP-1 in microglial cells.
Eljaschewitsch, E., Witting, A., Mawrin, C., Lee, T., Schmidt, P.M., Wolf, S., Hoertnagl, H., Raine, C.S., Schneider-Stock, R., Nitsch, R. and Ullrich, O.
Neuron 49 (1): 67-79. 5 January 2006

Adult neurogenesis and neurodegenerative disease.
Steiner, B., Wolf, S.A. and Kempermann, G.
Regenerative Medicine 1 (1): 15-28. January 2006


Neuroprotection by T-cells depends on their subtype and activation state.
Wolf, S.A., Fisher, J., Bechmann, I., Steiner, B., Kwidzinski, E. and Nitsch, R.
Journal of Neuroimmunology 133 (1-2): 72-80. December 2002

Astrocyte-induced T cell elimination is CD95 ligand dependent.
Bechmann, I., Steiner, B., Gimsa, U., Mor, G., Wolf, S., Beyer, M., Nitsch, R. and Zipp, F.
Journal of Neuroimmunology 132 (1-2): 60-5. November 2002


Differential expression of costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 on microglial cells induced by Th1 and Th2 cells in organotypic brain tissue.
Wolf, S.A., Gimsa, U., Bechmann, I. and Nitsch, R.
Glia 36 (3): 414-20. December 2001

Th2 cells support intrinsic anti-inflammatory properties of the brain.
Gimsa, U., Wolf, S.A., Haas, D.., Bechmann, I. and Nitsch, R.
Journal of Neuroimmunology 119 (1): 73-80. 3 September 2001


Kognitives Training bei schizophrenen Erkrankungen [Cognitive training in schizophrenic diseases].
Heim, M., Wolf, S., Göthe, U. and Kretschmar, J.
Psychiatrie Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 41 (6): 367-75. June 1989

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