Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Cell type atlas and lineage tree of a whole complex animal by single-cell transcriptomics.
Plass, M., Solana, J., Wolf, F.A., Ayoub, S., Misios, A., Glažar, P., Obermayer, B., Theis, F.J., Kocks, C. and Rajewsky, N.
Science 360 (6391): eaaq1723. 25 May 2018

Viral infection identifies micropeptides differentially regulated in smORF-containing lncRNAs.
Razooky, B.S., Obermayer, B., O'May, J.B. and Tarakhovsky, A.
Genes 8 (8): 206. 21 August 2017

Detecting actively translated open reading frames in ribosome profiling data.
Calviello, L., Mukherjee, N., Wyler, E., Zauber, H., Hirsekorn, A., Selbach, M., Landthaler, M., Obermayer, B. and Ohler, U.
Nature Methods 13 (2): 165-170. February 2016

Extensive identification and analysis of conserved small ORFs in animals.
Mackowiak, S.D., Zauber, H., Bielow, C., Thiel, D., Kutz, K., Calviello, L., Mastrobuoni, G., Rajewsky, N., Kempa, S., Selbach, M. and Obermayer, B.
Genome Biology 16 : 179. 14 September 2015

Inverse Ising inference with correlated samples.
Obermayer, B. and Levine, E.
New Journal of Physics 16 : 123017. 8 December 2014

Exploring the miRNA regulatory network using evolutionary correlations.
Obermayer, B. and Levine, E.
PLoS Computational Biology 10 (10): e1003860. 9 October 2014

Identification of small ORFs in vertebrates using ribosome footprinting and evolutionary conservation.
Bazzini, A.A., Johnstone, T.G., Christiano, R., Mackowiak, S.D., Obermayer, B., Fleming, E.S., Vejnar, C.E., Lee, M.T., Rajewsky, N., Walther, T.C. and Giraldez, A.J.
EMBO Journal 33 (9): 981-993. 2 May 2014

Dynamics of a semiflexible polymer or polymer ring in shear flow.
Lang, P.S., Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 89 (2): 022606. 27 February 2014

Cascade of reduced speed and accuracy after errors in enzyme-free copying of nucleic acid sequences.
Leu, K., Kervio, E., Obermayer, B., Turk-MacLeod, R.M., Yuan, C., Luevano, J.M., Chen, E., Gerland, U., Richert, C. and Chen, I.A.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (1): 354-366. 9 January 2013

The prebiotic evolutionary advantage of transferring genetic information from RNA to DNA.
Leu, K., Obermayer, B., Rajamani, S., Gerland, U. and Chen, I.A.
Nucleic Acids Research 39 (18): 8135-8147. October 2011

Emergence of information transmission in a prebiotic RNA reactor.
Obermayer, B., Krammer, H., Braun, D. and Gerland, U.
Physical Review Letters 107 (1): 018101. 1 July 2011

Longitudinal response of confined semiflexible polymers.
Thueroff, F., Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 83 (2 Pt 1): 021802. February 2011

Error thresholds for self- and cross-specific enzymatic replication.
Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 267 (4): 653-662. 21 December 2010

Escalation of error catastrophe for enzymatic self-replicators.
Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Europhysics Letters 88 (4): 48006. November 2009

Tension dynamics and viscoelasticity of extensible wormlike chains.
Obermayer, B. and Frey, E.
Physical Review E 80 (4 Pt 1): 040801. October 2009

Freely relaxing polymers remember how they were straightened.
Obermayer, B., Moebius, W., Hallatschek, O., Frey, E. and Kroy, K.
Physical Review E 79 (2 Pt 1): 021804. February 2009

Coupling of transverse and longitudinal response in stiff polymers.
Obermayer, B. and Hallatschek, O.
Physical Review Letters 99 (9): 098302. 31 August 2007

Stretching dynamics of semiflexible polymers.
Obermayer, B., Hallatschek, O., Frey, E. and Kroy, K.
European Physical Journal E 23 (4): 375-388. August 2007

The shape of barchan dunes.
Kroy, K., Fischer, S. and Obermayer, B.
Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (14): S1229-S1235. 13 April 2005

Stress-energy tensor for a massless spin 1/2 field in static black hole spacetimes.
Carlson, E.D., Hirsch, W.H., Obermayer, B., Anderson, P.R. and Groves, P.B.
Physical Review Letters 91 (5): 051301. 1 August 2003

Book Section

Toward living nanomachines.
Mast, C., Möller, F., Kreysing, M., Schink, S., Obermayer, B., Gerland, U. and Braun, D.
In: Living machines: a handbook of research in biomimetics and biohybrid systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 380-389. ISBN 9780199674923 2018


The paradox of dual roles in the RNA world: resolving the conflict between stable folding and templating ability.
Ivica, N.A., Obermayer, B., Campbell, G.W., Rajamani, S., Gerland, U. and Chen, I.A.
Journal of Molecular Evolution 77 (3): 55-63. September 2013


Mixed messages: re-initiation factors regulate translation of animal mRNAs.
Obermayer, B. and Rajewsky, N.
Cell Research 24 (12): 1383-1384. December 2014

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