Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

Dendritic cells prevent CD95 mediated T lymphocyte death through costimulatory signals.
Daniel, P.T., Scholz, C., Westermann, J., Doerken, B. and Pezzutto, A.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 451 : 173-177. 1 January 1998

Retroviral B7.1 gene transfer in cancer cells protects cytotoxic T cells from deletion by "veto" apoptosis.
Daniel, P.T., Kroidl, A., Cayeux, S., Scholz, C., Sturm, I., Blankenstein, T., Pezzutto, A. and Doerken, B.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 451 : 265-276. 1 January 1998

Analytical Biochemistry

Detection of genomic DNA fragmentation during apoptosis (DNA ladder) and the simultaneous isolation of RNA from low cell numbers.
Daniel, P.T., Sturm, I., Ritschel, S., Friedrich, K., Doerken, B., Bendzko, P. and Hillebrand, T.
Analytical Biochemistry 266 : 110-115. 1 January 1999

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Apoptolidin: Induction of apoptosis by a natural product.
Daniel, P.T., Koert, U. and Schuppan, J.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 : 872-893. 30 January 2006


Synthetic glycosidated phospholipids induce apoptosis through activation of FADD, caspase-8 and the mitochondrial death pathway.
von Haefen, C., Wendt, J., Semini, G., Sifringer, M., Belka, C., Radetzki, S., Reutter, W., Daniel, P.T. and Danker, K.
Apoptosis 16 (6): 636-651. March 2011

BMC Bioinformatics

2D and 3D similarity landscape analysis identifies PARP as a novel off-target for the drug Vatalanib.
Gohlke, B.O., Overkamp, T., Richter, A., Richter, A., Daniel, P.T., Gillissen, B. and Preissner, R.
BMC Bioinformatics 16 (1): 308. 24 September 2015

BMC Cancer

Assessment of free light chains in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with lymphomatous meningitis - a pilot study.
Hildebrandt, B., Mueller, C., Pezzutto, A., Daniel, P.T., Doerken, B. and Scholz, C.
BMC Cancer 7 : 185. 3 October 2007

Genetic dissection of apoptosis and cell cycle control in response of colorectal cancer treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
Sturm, I., Rau, B., Schlag, P.M., Wust, P., Hildebrandt, B., Riess, H., Hauptmann, S., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
BMC Cancer 6 : 124. 10 May 2006

Proapoptotic activity of Ukrain is based on Chelidonium majus L. alkaloids and mediated via a mitochondrial death pathway.
Habermehl, D., Kammerer, B., Handrick, R., Eldh, T., Gruber, C., Cordes, N., Daniel, P.T., Plasswilm, L., Bamberg, M., Belka, C. and Jendrossek, V.
BMC Cancer 6 : 14. 17 January 2006

In B-CLL, the codon 72 polymorphic variants of p53 are not related to drug resistance and disease prognosis.
Sturm, I., Bosanquet, A.G., Hummel, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
BMC Cancer 5 : 105. 18 August 2005

Irradiation specifically sensitises solid tumour cell lines to TRAIL mediated apoptosis.
Marini, P., Schmid, A., Jendrossek, V., Faltin, H., Daniel, P.T., Budach, W. and Belka, C.
BMC Cancer 5 : 5. 14 January 2005

Reevaluation of the 22-1-1 antibody and its putative antigen, EBAG9/RCAS1, as a tumor marker.
Reimer, T.A., Anagnostopoulos, I., Erdmann, B., Lehmann, I., Stein, H., Daniel, P., Doerken, B. and Rehm, A.
BMC Cancer 5 (1): 47. 1 January 2005

Biochemical Journal

GDP dissociation inhibitor D4-GDI (Rho-GDI 2), but not the homologous Rho-GDI 1, is cleaved by caspase-3 during drug-induced apoptosis.
Essmann, F., Wieder, T., Otto, A., Mueller, E.C., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Biochemical Journal 346 (3): 777-783. 15 March 2000

Biochemical Pharmacology

Aurora kinase inhibitor ZM447439 induces apoptosis via mitochondrial pathways.
Li, M., Jung, A., Ganswindt, U., Marini, P., Friedl, A., Daniel, P.T., Lauber, K., Jendrossek, V. and Belka, C.
Biochemical Pharmacology 79 (2): 122-129. 15 January 2010


Non-genotoxic activation of the p53 pathway as a therapeutic strategy for multiple myeloma.
Stuehmer, T., Chatterjee, M., Hildebrandt, M., Herrmann, P., Gollasch, H., Gerecke, C., Theurich, S., Cigliano, L., Manz, R.A., Daniel, P.T., Bommert, K., Vassilev, L.T. and Bargou, R.C.
Blood 106 : 3609-3617. 4 August 2005

Activation of caspase-8 in drug-induced apoptosis of B-lymphoid cells is independent of CD95/Fas receptor-ligand interaction and occurs downstream of caspase-3.
Wieder, T., Essmann, F., Prokop, A., Schmelz, K., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Beyaert, R., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Blood 97 (5): 1378-1387. 1 March 2001

Expression of the death gene Bik/Nbk promotes sensitivity to drug-induced apoptosis in corticosteroid-resistant T-cell lymphoma and prevents tumor growth in severe combined immunodeficient mice.
Daniel, P.T., Pun, K.T., Ritschel, S., Sturm, I., Holler, J., Doerken, B. and Brown, R.
Blood 94 : 1100-1107. 1 August 1999

Immunotherapy of B-cell lymphoma with CD3x19 bispecific antibodies: costimulation via CD28 prevents "Veto" apoptosis of antibody-targeted cytotoxic T cells.
Daniel, P.T., Kroidl, A., Kopp, J., Sturm, I., Moldenhauer, G., Doerken, B. and Pezzutto, A.
Blood 92 (12): 4750-4757. 15 December 1998

British Journal of Cancer

Raltitrexed (Tomudex): an alternative drug for patients with colorectal cancer and 5-fluorouracil associated cardiotoxicity.
Koehne, C.H., Thuss-Patience, P., Friedrich, M., Daniel, P.T., Kretzschmar, A., Benter, T., Bauer, B., Dietz, R. and Doerken, B.
British Journal of Cancer 77 : 973-977. 1 January 1998

Cancer Cell

Oncogene-targeting T cells reject large tumors while oncogene inactivation selects escape variants in mouse models of cancer.
Anders, K., Buschow, C., Herrmann, A., Milojkovic, A., Loddenkemper, C., Kammertoens, T., Daniel, P., Yu, H., Charo, J. and Blankenstein, T.
Cancer Cell 20 (6): 755-767. 13 December 2011

Cancer Letters

MACC1 regulates Fas mediated apoptosis through STAT1/3 - Mcl-1 signaling in solid cancers.
Radhakrishnan, H., Ilm, K., Walther, W., Shirasawa, S., Sasazuki, T., Daniel, P.T., Gillissen, B. and Stein, U.
Cancer Letters 403 : 231-245. 10 September 2017

The BH3-only protein Bim(L) overrides Bcl-2-mediated apoptosis resistance in melanoma cells.
Ploetz, M., Gillissen, B., Quast, S.A., Berger, A., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
Cancer Letters 335 (1): 100-108. 10 July 2013

Cell Death & Disease

Pan-class I  PI3-kinase inhibitor BKM120 induces MEK1/2-dependent mitotic catastrophe in non-Hodgkin lymphoma leading to apoptosis or polyploidy determined by Bax/Bak and p53.
Müller, A., Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Richter, A., Chumduri, C., Daniel, P.T. and Scholz, C.W.
Cell Death & Disease 9 (3): 384. 7 March 2018

Targeted therapy of the XIAP/proteasome pathway overcomes TRAIL-resistance in carcinoma by switching apoptosis signaling to a Bax/Bak-independent 'type I' mode.
Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Richter, A., Overkamp, T., Essmann, F., Hemmati, P.G., Preissner, R., Belka, C. and Daniel, P.T.
Cell Death & Disease 4 : e643. 23 May 2013

Cell Death and Differentiation

Disruption of the VDAC2-Bak interaction by Bcl-x(S) mediates efficient induction of apoptosis in melanoma cells.
Ploetz, M., Gillissen, B., Hossini, A.M., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
Cell Death and Differentiation 19 (12): 1928-1938. December 2012

Differential regulation of the proapoptotic multidomain protein Bak by p53 and p73 at the promoter level.
Graupner, V., Alexander, E., Overkamp, T., Rothfuss, O., De Laurenzi, V., Gillissen, B.F., Daniel, P.T., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Essmann, F.
Cell Death and Differentiation 18 (7): 1130-1139. July 2011

Loss of the tissue-specific proapoptotic BH3-only protein Nbk/Bik is a unifying feature of renal cell carcinoma.
Sturm, I., Stephan, C., Gillissen, B., Siebert, R., Janz, M., Radetzki, S., Jung, K., Loening, S., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Cell Death and Differentiation 13 : 619-627. April 2006

Combined p53/Bax mutation results in extremely poor prognosis in gastric carcinoma with low microsatellite instability.
Mrozek, A., Petrowsky, H., Sturm, I., Kraus, J., Hermann, S., Hauptmann, S., Lorenz, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Cell Death and Differentiation 10 (4): 461-467. 1 April 2003

Mutation of p53 and consecutive selective drug resistance in B-CLL occurs as a consequence of prior DNA-damaging chemotherapy.
Sturm, I., Bosanquet, A.G., Hermann, S., Guener, D., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Cell Death and Differentiation 10 (4): 477-484. 1 April 2003

Cellular and Molecular Immunology

Delayed allogeneic skin graft rejection in CD26-deficient mice.
Zhao, X., Zhang, K., Daniel, P., Wisbrun, N., Fuchs, H. and Fan, H.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology 16 (6): 557-567. June 2019

Chemical Biology & Drug Design

Cellular fingerprints: a novel approach using large-scale cancer cell line data for the identification of potential anticancer agents.
Fuellbeck, M., Dunkel, M., Hossbach, J., Daniel, P.T. and Preissner, R.
Chemical Biology & Drug Design 74 (5): 439-448. November 2009

Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology

Post-transplantation chronic myeloid leukemia.
le Coutre, P., Schwarz, M., Daniel, P. and Doerken, B.
Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology 9 (8): 627-629. August 2011

Computational Biology and Chemistry

Computer-assisted identification of small-molecule Bcl-2 modulators.
Fuellbeck, M., Gebhardt, N., Hossbach, J., Daniel, P.T. and Preissner, R.
Computational Biology and Chemistry 33 (6): 451-456. December 2009

Current Medicinal Chemistry Anti-Cancer Agents

Disruption of cell death signaling in cancer: impact on disease prognosis and response to therapy.
Guener, D., Belka, C. and Daniel, P.T.
Current Medicinal Chemistry Anti-Cancer Agents 3 (5): 319-326. 1 September 2003

EMBO Journal

Induction of cell death by the BH3-only Bcl-2 homolog Nbk/Bik is mediated by an entirely Bax-dependent mitochondrial pathway.
Gillissen, B., Essmann, F., Graupner, V., Staerck, L., Radetzki, S., Doerken, B., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Daniel, P.T.
EMBO Journal 22 (14): 3580-3590. 15 July 2003

Essays in Biochemistry

Guardians of cell death: the Bcl-2 family proteins.
Daniel, P.T., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Belka, C. and Guener, D.
Essays in Biochemistry 39 : 73-88. 1 October 2003

European Journal of Haematology

BCR-ABL positive cells and chronic myeloid leukemia in immune suppressed organ transplant recipients.
le Coutre, P., Reinke, P., Neuhaus, R., Trappe, R., Ringel, F., Lalancette, M., Hemmati, P.G., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
European Journal of Haematology 84 (1): 26-33. 1 January 2010

European Journal of Immunology

Costimulation by CD137/4-1BB inhibits T cell apoptosis and induces Bcl-xL and c-FLIPshort via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and AKT/protein kinase B.
Staerck, L., Scholz, C., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
European Journal of Immunology 35 : 1257-1266. 1 January 2005

Activation and activation-induced death of human tonsillar B cells and Burkitt lymphoma cells: lack of CD95 (Fas/APO-1) ligand expression and function.
Daniel, P.T., Oettinger, U., Mapara, M.Y., Bommert, K., Bargou, R.C. and Doerken, B.
European Journal of Immunology 27 : 1029-1034. 1 January 1997

Involvement of NAK-1, the human nur77 homologue, in surface IgM-mediated apoptosis in Burkitt lymphoma cell line BL41.
Mapara, M.Y., Weinmann, P., Bommert, K., Daniel, P.T., Bargou, R.C. and Doerken, B.
European Journal of Immunology 25 (9): 2506-2510. September 1995

Induction of Bax-alpha precedes apoptosis in a human B lymphoma cell line: potential role of the bcl-2 gene family in surface IgM-mediated apoptosis.
Bargou, R.C., Bommert, K., Weinmann, P., Daniel, P.T., Wagener, C., Mapara, M.Y. and Doerken, B.
European Journal of Immunology 25 : 770-775. 1 January 1995

European Journal of Surgical Oncology

Relevance of Ki-67 antigen expression and K-ras mutation in colorectal liver metastases.
Petrowsky, H., Sturm, I., Graubitz, O., Kooby, D.A., Staib-Sebler, E., Gog, C., Koehne, C.H., Hillebrand, T., Daniel, P.T., Fong, Y. and Lorenz, M.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 27 (1): 80-87. 1 January 2001

Experimental Hematology

CD95/Fas-triggered apoptosis of activated T lymphocytes is prevented by dendritic cells through a CD58-dependent mechanism.
Daniel, P.T., Scholz, C., Essmann, F., Westermann, J., Pezzutto, A. and Doerken, B.
Experimental Hematology 27 : 1402-1408. 1 September 1999

FEBS Letters

Resistance to CD95/Fas-induced and ceramide-mediated apoptosis of human melanoma cells is caused by a defective mitochondrial cytochrome c release.
Raisova, M., Bektas, M., Wieder, T., Daniel, P., Eberle, J., Orfanos, C.E. and Geilen, C.C.
FEBS Letters 473 : 27-32. 4 May 2000

Gene Therapy

Adenoviral transduction of tumor cells induces apoptosis in co-cultured T lymphocytes.
Scholz, C., Staerck, L., Willimsky, G., Blankenstein, T., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Gene Therapy 9 (21): 1438-1446. November 2002


Impact of additional chromosomal aberrations and BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations on the response to nilotinib in Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia.
Kim, T.D., Tuerkmen, S., Schwarz, M., Koca, G., Nogai, H., Bommer, C., Doerken, B., Daniel, P. and le Coutre, P.
Haematologica 95 (4): 582-588. April 2010

Human Gene Therapy

Adenoviral natural born killer gene therapy for malignant glioma.
Naumann, U., Schmidt, F., Wick, W., Frank, B., Weit, S., Gillissen, B., Daniel, P. and Weller, M.
Human Gene Therapy 14 (13): 1235-1246. 1 September 2003

International Journal of Cancer

p14ARF induces apoptosis via an entirely caspase-3-dependent mitochondrial amplification loop.
Milojkovic, A., Hemmati, P.G., Mueer, A., Overkamp, T., Chumduri, C., Jaenicke, R.U., Gillissen, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 133 (11): 2551-2562. 1 December 2013

Concurrent inhibition of PI3K and mTORC1/mTORC2 overcomes resistance to rapamycin induced apoptosis by down-regulation of Mcl-1 in mantle cell lymphoma.
Mueller, A., Zang, C., Chumduri, C., Doerken, B., Daniel, P.T. and Scholz, C.W.
International Journal of Cancer 133 (8): 1813-1824. 15 October 2013

Silencing of APAF-1 in B-CLL results in poor prognosis in the case of concomitant p53 mutation.
Sturm, I., Bosanquet, A.G., Radetzki, S., Hummel, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 118 : 2329-2336. 1 May 2006

Necrotic death but not irradiation abolishes costimulation of T-cell effector functions and survival by CD80-expressing tumor cells.
Staerck, L., Scholz, C., Blankenstein, T., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 116 (1): 78-86. 1 January 2005

Multigene analysis of Rb pathway and apoptosis control in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma identifies patients with good prognosis.
Guener, D., Sturm, I., Hemmati, P., Hermann, S., Hauptmann, S., Wurm, R., Budach, V., Doerken, B., Lorenz, M. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 103 (4): 445-454. 10 February 2003

Analysis of p53/BAX in primary colorectal carcinoma: low BAX protein expression is a negative prognostic factor in UICC stage III tumors.
Schelwies, K., Sturm, I., Grabowski, P., Scherubl, H., Schindler, I., Hermann, S., Stein, H., Buhr, H.J., Riecken, E.O., Zeitz, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 99 (4): 589-596. 1 June 2002

Bax expression in benign and malignant thyroid tumours: dysregulation of wild-type p53 is associated with a high bax and p21 expression in thyroid carcinoma.
Hermann, S., Sturm, I., Mrozek, A., Klosterhalfen, B., Hauptmann, S., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 92 (6): 805-811. 1 January 2001

Impaired bax protein expression in breast cancer: mutational analysis of the bax and the p53 gene.
Sturm, I., Papadopoulos, S., Hillebrand, T., Benter, T., Luck, H.J., Wolff, G., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
International Journal of Cancer 87 : 517-521. 15 August 2000

Induction of the death-promoting gene bax-alpha sensitizes cultured breast-cancer cells to drug-induced apoptosis.
Wagener, C., Bargou, R.C., Daniel, P.T., Bommert, K., Mapara, M.Y., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
International Journal of Cancer 67 (1): 138-141. 3 July 1996

Expression of the bcl-2 gene family in normal and malignant breast tissue: low bax-alpha expresssion in tumor cells correlates with resistance to apoptosis.
Bargou, R.C., Daniel, P.T., Mapara, M.Y., Bommert, K., Wagener, C., Kallinich, B., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
International Journal of Cancer 60 : 854-859. 1 January 1995

International Journal of Colorectal Disease

Analysis of neuroendocrine differentiation and the p53/BAX pathway in UICC stage III colorectal carcinoma identifies patients with good prognosis.
Grabowski, P., Sturm, I., Schelwies, K., Maaser, K., Buhr, H.J., Doerken, B., Zeitz, M., Daniel, P.T. and Scheruebl, H.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease 21 : 221-230. April 2006


Grundlagen der molekularen Diagnostik und Therapie maligner Tumoren [Basics of molecular diagnostics and therapy of malignant tumors].
Daniel, P.T. and Doerken, B.
Internist 46 (8): 835-846. 12 July 2005

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Bax/Bak-independent mitochondrial depolarization and reactive oxygen species induction by sorafenib overcome resistance to apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma.
Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Richter, A., Preissner, R., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Essmann, F. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (16): 6478-6492. 21 April 2017

p14ARF-induced apoptosis in p53-deficient cells is mediated by the BH3-only protein independent de-repression of Bak through down-regulation of Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL.
Muer, A., Overkamp, T., Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Pretzsch, T., Milojkovic, A., Doerken, B., Daniel, P.T. and Hemmati, P.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (21): 17343-17352. 18 May 2012

DNA damage-induced expression of p53 suppresses mitotic checkpoint kinase hMps1: the lack of this suppression in p53MUT cells contributes to apoptosis.
Bhonde, M.R., Hanski, M.L., Budczies, J., Cao, M., Gillissen, B., Moorthy, D., Simonetta, F., Scheruebl, H., Truss, M., Hagemeier, C., Mewes, H.W., Daniel, P.T., Zeitz, M. and Hanski, C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 : 8675-8685. 31 March 2006

Irradiation-induced translocation of p53 to mitochondria in the absence of apoptosis.
Essmann, F., Pohlmann, S., Gillissen, B., Daniel, P.T., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Jaenicke, R.U.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (44): 37169-37177. 4 November 2005

Bax-dependent regulation of Bak by voltage-dependent anion channel 2.
Chandra, D., Choy, G., Daniel, P.T. and Tang, D.G.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 : 19051-19061. 1 January 2005

Journal of Cell Biology

Endogenous Bak inhibitors Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL: differential impact on TRAIL resistance in Bax-deficient carcinoma.
Gillissen, B., Wendt, J., Richter, A., Richter, A., Mueer, A., Overkamp, T., Gebhardt, N., Preissner, R., Belka, C., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Cell Biology 188 (6): 851-862. 22 March 2010

Mcl-1 determines the Bax dependency of Nbk/Bik-induced apoptosis.
Gillissen, B., Essmann, F., Hemmati, P.G., Richter, A., Richter, A., Oztop, I., Chinnadurai, G., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Cell Biology 179 (4): 701-715. 19 November 2007

Journal of Cell Science

Bok is a genuine multi-BH-domain protein that triggers apoptosis in the absence of Bax and Bak and augments drug response.
Einsele-Scholz, S., Malmsheimer, S., Bertram, K., Stehle, D., Johaenning, J., Manz, M., Daniel, P.T., Gillissen, B.F., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Essmann, F.
Journal of Cell Science 129 (11): 2213-2223. 1 June 2016

Inhibition of the ER Ca2+ pump forces multidrug-resistant cells deficient in Bak and Bax into necrosis.
Janssen, K., Horn, S., Niemann, M.T., Daniel, P.T., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Fischer, U.
Journal of Cell Science 122 (Pt 24): 4481-4491. 15 December 2009

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Overexpression of the death-promoting gene bax-alpha which is downregulated in breast cancer restores sensitivity to different apoptotic stimuli and reduces tumor growth in SCID mice.
Bargou, R.C., Wagener, C., Bommert, K., Mapara, M.Y., Daniel, P.T., Arnold, W., Dietel, M., Guski, H., Feller, A., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 97 (11): 2651-2659. 1 June 1996

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Dynamic expression profile of p21 WAF1/CIP1 and Ki-67 predicts survival in rectal carcinoma treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy.
Rau, B., Sturm, I., Lage, H., Berger, S., Schneider, U., Haupfmann, S., Wust, P., Riess, H., Schlag, P.M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 21 (18): 3391-3401. 15 September 2003

Analysis of the p53/BAX pathway in colorectal cancer: low BAX is a negative prognostic factor in patients with resected liver metastases.
Sturm, I., Koehne, C.H., Wolff, G., Petrowsky, H., Hillebrand, T., Hauptmann, S., Lorenz, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 17 : 1364-1374. 1 May 1999

Journal of Experimental Medicine

Blocking of transcription factor E2F/DP by dominant-negative mutants in a normal breast epithelial cell line efficiently inhibits apoptosis and induces tumor growth in scid mice.
Bargou, R.C., Wagener, C., Bommert, K., Arnold, W., Daniel, P.T., Mapara, M.Y., Grinstein, E., Royer, H.D. and Doerken, B.
Journal of Experimental Medicine 183 (3): 1205-1213. 1 March 1996

Journal of Immunology

Costimulatory signals through B7.1/CD28 prevent T cell apoptosis during target cell lysis.
Daniel, P.T., Kroidl, A., Cayeux, S., Bargou, R.C., Blankenstein, T. and Doerken, B.
Journal of Immunology 159 (8): 3808-3815. 15 October 1997

Regulation of germinal center B cell differentiation. Role of the human APO-1/Fas (CD95) molecule.
Lagresle, C., Bella, C., Daniel, P.T., Krammer, P.H. and Defrance, T.
Journal of Immunology 154 (11): 5746-5756. 1 June 1995

Activation induces sensitivity toward APO-1 (CD95)- mediated apoptosis in human B cells.
Daniel, P.T. and Krammer, P.H.
Journal of Immunology 152 : 5624-5632. 1 January 1994

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Loss of proapoptotic Bcl-2-related multidomain proteins in primary melanomas is associated with poor prognosis.
Fecker, L.F., Geilen, C.C., Tchernev, G., Trefzer, U., Assaf, C., Kurbanov, B.M., Schwarz, C., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 126 : 1366-1371. June 2006

The Bax/Bcl-2 ratio determines the susceptibility of human melanoma cells to CD95/Fas-mediated apoptosis.
Raisova, M., Hossini, A.M., Eberle, J., Riebeling, C., Wieder, T., Sturm, I., Daniel, P.T., Orfanos, C.E. and Geilen, C.C.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 117 (2): 333-340. 1 August 2001

Journal of Molecular Medicine

Apoptosis resistance, mitotic catastrophe, and loss of ploidy control in Burkitt lymphoma.
Chumduri, C., Gillissen, B., Richter, A., Richter, A., Milojkovic, A., Overkamp, T., Mueller, A., Pott, C. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 93 (5): 559-572. May 2015

Systematic genetic dissection of p14(ARF)-mediated mitochondrial cell death signaling reveals a key role for p21(CDKN1) and the BH3-only protein Puma/bbc3.
Hemmati, P.G., Mueer, A., Gillissen, B., Overkamp, T., Milojkovic, A., Wendt, J., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 88 (6): 609-622. June 2010


Bax expression correlates with cellular drug sensitivity to doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil but not fludarabine, cladribine or corticosteroids in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Bosanquet, A.G., Sturm, I., Wieder, T., Essmann, F., Bosanquet, M.I., Head, F.J., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Leukemia 16 (6): 1035-1044. June 2002

Piceatannol, a hydroxylated analog of the chemopreventive agent resveratrol, is a potent inducer of apoptosis in the lymphoma cell line BJAB and in primary, leukemic lymphoblasts.
Wieder, T., Prokop, A., Bagci, B., Essmann, F., Bernicke, D., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B., Schmalz, H.G., Daniel, P.T. and Henze, G.
Leukemia 15 (11): 1735-1742. 1 November 2001

The kiss of death: promises and failures of death receptors and ligands in cancer therapy.
Daniel, P.T., Wieder, T., Sturm, I. and Schulze-Osthoff, K.
Leukemia 15 (7): 1022-1032. 1 July 2001

Relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with a decrease of the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and loss of spontaneous caspase-3 processing in vivo.
Prokop, A., Wieder, T., Sturm, I., Essmann, F., Seeger, K., Wuchter, C., Ludwig, W.D., Henze, G., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Leukemia 14 : 1606-1613. 1 September 2000

APO-1 (CD95) mediated apoptosis in human T-ALL engrafted in SCID mice.
Luecking-Famira, K.M., Daniel, P.T., Moeller, P., Krammer, P.H. and Debatin, K.M.
Leukemia 8 : 1825-1833. 1 January 1994

Leukemia & Lymphoma

Sequencing of NUMB transcripts in chronic myeloid leukaemia detects two single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Oberender, C., Kaeda, J., Pawlaczyk-Peter, B., Daniel, P., Arnold, R., Doerken, B. and le Coutre, P.
Leukemia & Lymphoma 54 (2): 421-422. February 2013

Long-term follow-up of patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia after stem cell mobilization under imatinib.
Kim, T.D., Schwarz, M., Kreuzer, K.A., Kaeda, J., Movassaghi, K., Grille, P., Daniel, P.T., Doerken, B. and le Coutre, P.
Leukemia & Lymphoma 52 (3): 517-520. March 2011

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Inorganic selenium sensitizes prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through superoxide/p53/Bax-mediated activation of mitochondrial pathway.
Hu, H., Jiang, C., Schuster, T., Li, G.X., Daniel, P.T. and Lue, J.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 5 : 1873-1882. July 2006

Molecular and Cellular Biology

Association of active caspase 8 with the mitochondrial membrane during apoptosis: potential roles in cleaving BAP31 and caspase 3 and mediating mitochondrion-endoplasmic reticulum cross talk in etoposide-induced cell death.
Chandra, D., Choy, G., Deng, X., Bhatia, B., Daniel, P. and Tang, D.G.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 24 : 6592-6607. 1 January 2004

Nature Cell Biology

MTCH2/MIMP is a major facilitator of tBID recruitment to mitochondria.
Zaltsman, Y., Shachnai, L., Yivgi-Ohana, N., Schwarz, M., Maryanovich, M., Houtkooper, R.H., Vaz, F.M., De Leonardis, F., Fiermonte, G., Palmieri, F., Gillissen, B., Daniel, P.T., Jimenez, E., Walsh, S., Koehler, C.M., Roy, S.S., Walter, L., Hajnoczky, G. and Gross, A.
Nature Cell Biology 12 (6): 553-562. June 2010

Nucleic Acids Research

NF-κB regulates DNA double-strand break repair in conjunction with BRCA1-CtIP complexes.
Volcic, M., Karl, S., Baumann, B., Salles, D., Daniel, P., Fulda, S. and Wiesmueller, L.
Nucleic Acids Research 40 (1): 181-195. January 2012


Cooperative effect of p21Cip1/WAF-1 and 14-3-3sigma on cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction by p14ARF.
Hemmati, P.G., Normand, G., Gillissen, B., Wendt, J., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 27 (53): 6707-6719. 4 December 2008

Frequent loss of expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bim in renal cell carcinoma: evidence for contribution to apoptosis resistance.
Zantl, N., Weirich, G., Zall, H., Seiffert, B.M., Fischer, S.F., Kirschnek, S., Hartmann, C., Fritsch, R.M., Gillissen, B., Daniel, P.T. and Haecker, G.
Oncogene 26 (49): 7038-7048. 25 October 2007

Bak functionally complements for loss of Bax during p14(ARF)-induced mitochondrial apoptosis in human cancer cells.
Hemmati, P.G., Guener, D., Gillissen, B., Wendt, J., von Haefen, C., Chinnadurai, G., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 25 (50): 6582-6594. 26 October 2006

Combined treatment of colorectal tumours with agonistic TRAIL receptor antibodies HGS-ETR1 and HGS-ETR2 and radiotherapy: enhanced effects in vitro and dose-dependent growth delay in vivo.
Marini, P., Denzinger, S., Schiller, D., Kauder, S., Welz, S., Humphreys, R., Daniel, P.T., Jendrossek, V., Budach, W. and Belka, C.
Oncogene 25 : 5145-5154. 24 August 2006

A novel Bcl-x splice product, Bcl-xAK, triggers apoptosis in human melanoma cells without BH3 domain.
Hossini, A.M., Geilen, C.C., Fecker, L.F., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
Oncogene 25 : 2160-2169. 6 April 2006

Apoptin-induced cell death is modulated by Bcl-2 family members and is Apaf-1 dependent.
Burek, M., Maddika, S., Burek, C.J., Daniel, P.T., Schulze-Osthoff, K. and Los, M.
Oncogene 25 : 2213-2222. 6 April 2006

Induction of p21CIP/WAF-1 and G2 arrest by ionizing irradiation impedes caspase-3-mediated apoptosis in human carcinoma cells.
Wendt, J., Radetzki, S., von Haefen, C., Hemmati, P.G., Guener, D., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 25 : 972-980. 16 February 2006

Equivalent effect of DNA damage-induced apoptotic cell death or long-term cell cycle arrest on colon carcinoma cell proliferation and tumour growth.
Bhonde, M.R., Hanski, M.L., Notter, M., Gillissen, B.F., Daniel, P.T., Zeitz, M. and Hanski, C.
Oncogene 25 : 165-175. 12 January 2006

Arsenic trioxide induces regulated, death receptor-independent cell death through a Bcl-2-controlled pathway.
Scholz, C., Richter, A., Lehmann, M., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 24 (47): 7031-7042. 27 October 2005

Caspase-independent induction of apoptosis in human melanoma cells by the proapoptotic Bcl-2-related protein Nbk/Bik.
Oppermann, M., Geilen, C.C., Fecker, L.F., Gillissen, B., Daniel, P.T. and Eberle, J.
Oncogene 24 : 7369-7380. 4 July 2005

The broad-range cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor UCN-01 induces apoptosis in colon carcinoma cells through transcriptional suppression of the Bcl-xL protein.
Bhonde, M.R., Hanski, M.L., Magrini, R., Moorthy, D., Mueller, A., Sausville, E.A., Kohno, K., Wiegand, P., Daniel, P.T., Zeitz, M. and Hanski, C.
Oncogene 24 : 148-156. 6 January 2005

Type I and type II reactions in TRAIL-induced apoptosis - results from dose-response studies.
Rudner, J., Jendrossek, V., Lauber, K., Daniel, P.T., Wesselborg, S. and Belka, C.
Oncogene 24 : 130-140. 6 January 2005

Arsenic trioxide triggers a regulated form of caspase-independent necrotic cell death via the mitochondrial death pathway.
Scholz, C., Wieder, T., Staerck, L., Essmann, F., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 24 : 1904-1913. 1 January 2005

Loss of p21 disrupts p14ARF-induced G1 cell cycle arrest but augments p14ARF-induced apoptosis in human carcinoma cells.
Hemmati, P.G., Normand, G., Verdoodt, B., von Haefen, C., Hasenjaeger, A., Guener, D., Wendt, J., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 24 (25): 4114-4128. 1 January 2005

TRAIL sensitizes for ionizing irradiation-induced apoptosis through an entirely Bax-dependent mitochondrial cell death pathway.
Wendt, J., von Haefen, C., Hemmati, P., Belka, C., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 24 (25): 4052-4064. 1 January 2005

Multidomain Bcl-2 homolog Bax but not Bak mediates synergistic induction of apoptosis by TRAIL and 5-FU through the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.
von Haefen, C., Gillissen, B., Hemmati, P.G., Wendt, J., Guener, D., Mrozek, A., Belka, C., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 23 (50): 8320-8332. 27 September 2004

Tumor necrosis factor α sensitizes malignant cells to chemotherapeutic drugs via the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway independently of caspase-8 and NF-κB.
Schmelz, K., Wieder, T., Tamm, I., Mueller, A., Essmann, F., Geilen, C.C., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 23 (40): 6743-6759. 2 September 2004

Smac induces cytochrome c release and apoptosis independently from Bax/Bcl-xL in a strictly caspase-3-dependent manner in human carcinoma cells.
Hasenjaeger, A., Gillissen, B., Mueller, A., Normand, G., Hemmati, P.G., Schuler, M., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 23 (26): 4523-4535. 3 June 2004

Adenine deoxynucleotides fludarabine and cladribine induce apoptosis in a CD95/Fas receptor, FADD and caspase-8-independent manner by activation of the mitochondrial cell death pathway.
Kloepfer, A., Hasenjaeger, A., Belka, C., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 23 : 9408-9418. 1 January 2004

CD95/Fas signaling in human melanoma cells: conditional expression of CD95L/FasL overcomes the intrinsic apoptosis resistance of malignant melanoma and inhibits growth and progression of human melanoma xenotransplants.
Eberle, J., Fecker, L.F., Hossini, A.M., Wieder, T., Daniel, P.T., Orfanos, C.E. and Geilen, C.C.
Oncogene 22 (57): 9131-9141. 11 December 2003

Induction of apoptosis by enediyne antibiotic calicheamicin gammaII proceeds through a caspase-mediated mitochondrial amplification loop in an entirely Bax-dependent manner.
Prokop, A., Wrasidlo, W., Lode, H., Herold, R., Lang, F., Henze, G., Doerken, B., Wieder, T. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 22 (57): 9107-9120. 11 December 2003

Induction of G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in ovarian carcinoma cells by the anti-inflammatory drug NS-398, but not by COX-2-specific RNA interference.
Denkert, C., Fuerstenberg, A., Daniel, P.T., Koch, I., Koebel, M., Weichert, W., Siegert, A. and Hauptmann, S.
Oncogene 22 (54): 8653-8661. 27 November 2003

Paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in BJAB cells proceeds via a death receptor-independent, caspases-3/-8-driven mitochondrial amplification loop.
von Haefen, C., Wieder, T., Essmann, F., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 22 (15): 2236-2247. 1 April 2003

Ceramide induces mitochondrial activation and apoptosis via a Bax-dependent pathway in human carcinoma cells.
von Haefen, C., Wieder, T., Gillissen, B., Staerck, L., Graupner, V., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 21 (25): 4009-4019. 6 June 2002

Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of p14ARF induces p53 and Bax-independent apoptosis.
Hemmati, P.G., Gillissen, B., von Haefen, C., Wendt, J., Staerck, L., Guener, D., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 21 (20): 3149-3161. 9 May 2002

The apoptosis promoting Bcl-2 homologues Bak and Nbk/Bik overcome drug resistance in Mdr-1-negative and Mdr-1-overexpressing breast cancer cell lines.
Radetzki, S., Koehne, C.H., von Haefen, C., Gillissen, B., Sturm, I., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 21 (2): 227-238. 10 January 2002

Overexpression of caspase-3 restores sensitivity for drug-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cell lines with acquired drug resistance.
Friedrich, K., Wieder, T., von Haefen, C., Radetzki, S., Jaenicke, R., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Doerken, B. and Daniel, P.T.
Oncogene 20 (22): 2749-2760. 17 May 2001

Immediate effects of reversible HTLV-I tax function: T-cell activation and apoptosis.
Chlichlia, K., Moldenhauer, G., Daniel, P.T., Busslinger, M., Gazzalo, L., Schirrmacher, V. and Khazaie, K.
Oncogene 10 (2): 269-277. 19 January 1995

Oncology Reports

Efficacy of triple therapies including ionising radiation, agonistic TRAIL antibodies and cisplatin.
Niyazi, M., Marini, P., Daniel, P.T., Humphreys, R., Jendrossek, V. and Belka, C.
Oncology Reports 21 (6): 1455-1460. June 2009


Molekulare Grundlagen der zielgerichteten Tumortherapie [The molecular bases of targeted tumor therapy].
Daniel, P.
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Dysferlin-peptides reallocate mutated dysferlin thereby restoring function.
Schoewel, V., Marg, A., Kunz, S., Overkamp, T., Siegert Carrazedo, R., Zacharias, U., Daniel, P.T. and Spuler, S.
PLoS ONE 7 (11): e49603. 20 November 2012


Inhibiting the inhibitors: retro-inverso Smac peptides.
Hossbach, J., Michalsky, E., Henklein, P., Jaeger, M., Daniel, P.T. and Preissner, R.
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Radiotherapy and Oncology

Combined action of celecoxib and ionizing radiation in prostate cancer cells is independent of pro-apoptotic Bax.
Handrick, R., Ganswindt, U., Faltin, H., Goecke, B., Daniel, P.T., Budach, W., Belka, C. and Jendrossek, V.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 90 (3): 413-421. March 2009

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

Efficacy of a triple treatment with irradiation, agonistic TRAIL receptor antibodies and EGFR blockade.
Niyazi, M., Marini, P., Daniel, P.T., Humphreys, R., Jendrossek, V. and Belka, C.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 185 (1): 8-18. January 2009


The value of weekly high dose infusional 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
Koehne, C.H., Daniel, P.T. and Doerken, B.
Tumori 83, 1 : S56-S60. 1 January 1997

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