Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Sixty years of confronting diabetes and kidney disease.
Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 43 (3): 151426. May 2023


AT1 receptor agonistic antibodies, hypertension, and preeclampsia.
Dechend, R., Mueller, D.N., Wallukat, G., Homuth, V., Krause, M., Dudenhausen, J. and Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 24 : 571-579. 1 December 2004


Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 (2): 79-80. March 2002

Adapting renal and cardiovascular physiology to the genetically hypertensive mouse.
Gross, V. and Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 : 172-179. 1 January 2002

Genetics of obesity and obesity-related hypertension.
Hamann, A. and Sharma, A.M.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 (2): 100-104. 1 January 2002

Congenic rat strains are important tools for the genetic dissection of essential hypertension.
Kreutz, R. and Hübner, N.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 (2): 135-147. 1 January 2002

Hypertension as a complex genetic trait.
Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 : 115-126. 1 January 2002

Statistical gene mapping of traits in humans--hypertension as a complex trait: is it amenable to genetic analysis?
Nothnagel, M. and Ott, J.
Seminars in Nephrology 22, 2 : 105-114. 1 January 2002

Monogenic forms of human hypertension.
Toka, H.R. and Luft, F.C.
Seminars in Nephrology 22 : 81-88. 1 January 2002


The renin-angiotensin system in transgenic rats : characteristics and functional studies.
Wagner, J. and Ganten, D.
Seminars in Nephrology 13 : 586-592. 1 January 1993

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