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Item TypeArticle
Quantitative modeling of signaling in aggressive B cell lymphoma unveils conserved core network.
Klinger, B., Rausch, I., Siebert, A., Kutz, H., Kruse, V., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Kieser, A., Blüthgen, N. and Kube, D.
PLoS Computational Biology 20
(10): e1012488.
1 October 2024
Covering hierarchical dirichlet mixture models on binary data to enhance genomic stratifications in onco-hematology.
Dall'Olio, D., Sträng, E., Turki, A.T., Tettero, J.M., Barbus, M., Schulze-Rath, R., Elicegui, J.M., Matteuzzi, T., Merlotti, A., Carota, L., Sala, C., Della Porta, M.G., Giampieri, E., Hernández-Rivas, J.M., Bullinger, L. and Castellani, G.
PLoS Computational Biology 20
(2): e1011299.
2 February 2024
Multiscale networks in multiple sclerosis.
Kennedy, K.E., Kerlero de Rosbo, N., Uccelli, A., Cellerino, M., Ivaldi, F., Contini, P., De Palma, R., Harbo, H.F., Berge, T., Bos, S.D., Høgestøl, E.A., Brune-Ingebretsen, S., de Rodez Benavent, S.A., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U., Bäcker-Koduah, P., Behrens, J., Kuchling, J., Asseyer, S., Scheel, M., Chien, C., Zimmermann, H., Motamedi, S., Kauer-Bonin, J., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Rinas, M., Alexopoulos, L.G., Andorra, M., Llufriu, S., Saiz, A., Blanco, Y., Martinez-Heras, E., Solana, E., Pulido-Valdeolivas, I., Martinez-Lapiscina, E.H., Garcia-Ojalvo, J. and Villoslada, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 20
(2): e1010980.
February 2024
External mechanical loading overrules cell-cell mechanical communication in sprouting angiogenesis during early bone regeneration.
Dazzi, C., Mehl, J., Benamar, M., Gerhardt, H., Knaus, P., Duda, G.N. and Checa, S.
PLoS Computational Biology 19
(11): e1011647.
13 November 2023
Refphase: Multi-sample phasing reveals haplotype-specific copy number heterogeneity.
Watkins, T.B.K., Colliver, E.C., Huska, M.R., Kaufmann, T.L., Lim, E.L., Duncan, C.B., Haase, K., Van Loo, P., Swanton, C., McGranahan, N. and Schwarz, R.F.
PLoS Computational Biology 19
(10): e1011379.
23 October 2023
Towards reliable quantification of cell state velocities.
Marot-Lassauzaie, V., Bouman, B.J., Donaghy, F.D., Demerdash, Y., Essers, M.A.G. and Haghverdi, L.
PLoS Computational Biology 18
(9): e1010031.
28 September 2022
Multifunctional RNA-binding proteins influence mRNA abundance and translational efficiency of distinct sets of target genes.
Schneider-Lunitz, V., Ruiz-Orera, J., Hubner, N. and van Heesch, S.
PLoS Computational Biology 17
(12): e1009658.
8 December 2021
Neuroblastoma signalling models unveil combination therapies targeting feedback-mediated resistance.
Dorel, M., Klinger, B., Mari, T., Toedling, J., Blanc, E., Messerschmidt, C., Nadler-Holly, M., Ziehm, M., Sieber, A., Hertwig, F., Beule, D., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H., Selbach, M. and Blüthgen, N.
PLoS Computational Biology 17
(11): e1009515.
4 November 2021
On the preservation of vessel bifurcations during flow-mediated angiogenic remodelling.
Edgar, L.T., Franco, C.A., Gerhardt, H. and Bernabeu, M.O.
PLoS Computational Biology 17
(2): e1007715.
4 February 2021
A systematic approach to decipher crosstalk in the p53 signaling pathway using single cell dynamics.
Konrath, F., Mittermeier, A., Cristiano, E., Wolf, J. and Loewer, A.
PLoS Computational Biology 16
(6): e1007901.
26 June 2020
DeepWAS: multivariate genotype-phenotype associations by directly integrating regulatory information using deep learning.
Arloth, J., Eraslan, G., Andlauer, T.F.M., Martins, J., Iurato, S., Kühnel, B., Waldenberger, M., Frank, J., Gold, R., Hemmer, B., Luessi, F., Nischwitz, S., Paul, F., Wiendl, H., Gieger, C., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Kacprowski, T., Laudes, M., Meitinger, T., Peters, A., Rawal, R., Strauch, K., Lucae, S., Müller-Myhsok, B., Rietschel, M., Theis, F.J., Binder, E.B. and Mueller, N.S.
PLoS Computational Biology 16
(2): e1007616.
3 February 2020
Spatial modeling of the membrane-cytosolic interface in protein kinase signal transduction.
Giese, W., Milicic, G., Schröder, A. and Klipp, E.
PLoS Computational Biology 14
(4): e1006075.
9 April 2018
Dynamics and heterogeneity of brain damage in multiple sclerosis.
Kotelnikova, E., Kiani, N.A., Abad, E., Martinez-Lapiscina, E.H., Andorra, M., Zubizarreta, I., Pulido-Valdeolivas, I., Pertsovskaya, I., Alexopoulos, L.G., Olsson, T., Martin, R., Paul, F., Tegnér, J., Garcia-Ojalvo, J. and Villoslada, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 13
(10): e1005757.
26 October 2017
Feedback, mass conservation and reaction kinetics impact the robustness of cellular oscillations.
Baum, K., Politi, A.Z., Kofahl, B., Steuer, R. and Wolf, J.
PLoS Computational Biology 12
(12): e1005298.
27 December 2016
SMOG 2: A versatile software package for generating structure-based models.
Noel, J.K., Levi, M., Raghunathan, M., Lammert, H., Hayes, R.L., Onuchic, J.N. and Whitford, P.C.
PLoS Computational Biology 12
(3): e1004794.
10 March 2016
Changes in postural syntax characterize sensory modulation and natural variation of C. elegans locomotion.
Schwarz, R.F., Branicky, R., Grundy, L.J., Schafer, W.R. and Brown, A.E.X.
PLoS Computational Biology 11
(8): e1004322.
21 August 2015
Spatio-temporal model of endogenous ROS and raft-dependent WNT/β-catenin signaling driving cell fate commitment in human neural progenitor cells.
Haack, F., Lemcke, H., Ewald, R., Rharass, T. and Uhrmacher, A.M.
PLoS Computational Biology 11
(3): e1004106.
20 March 2015
Exploring the miRNA regulatory network using evolutionary correlations.
Obermayer, B. and Levine, E.
PLoS Computational Biology 10
(10): e1003860.
9 October 2014
Characterizing protein interactions employing a genome-wide siRNA cellular phenotyping screen.
Suratanee, A., Schaefer, M.H., Betts, M.J., Soons, Z., Mannsperger, H., Harder, N., Oswald, M., Gipp, M., Ramminger, E., Marcus, G., Männer, R., Rohr, K., Wanker, E., Russell, R.B., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Eils, R. and König, R.
PLoS Computational Biology 10
(9): e1003814.
25 September 2014
Phylogenetic quantification of intra-tumour heterogeneity.
Schwarz, R.F., Trinh, A., Sipos, B., Brenton, J.D., Goldman, N. and Markowetz, F.
PLoS Computational Biology 10
(4): e1003535.
17 April 2014
Distribution of the fittest individuals and the rate of Muller's ratchet in a model with overlapping generations.
Metzger, J.J. and Eule, S.
PLoS Computational Biology 9
(11): e1003303.
November 2013
Sensitive detection of viral transcripts in human tumor transcriptomes.
Schelhorn, S.E., Fischer, M., Tolosi, L., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Pfister, H., Lengauer, T. and Berthold, F.
PLoS Computational Biology 9
(10): e1003228.
3 October 2013
Human monogenic disease genes have frequently functionally redundant paralogs.
Chen, W.H., Zhao, X.M., van Noort, V. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 9
(5): e1003073.
May 2013
Revealing a two-loop transcriptional feedback mechanism in the cyanobacterial circadian clock.
Hertel, S., Brettschneider, C. and Axmann, I.M.
PLoS Computational Biology 9
(3): e1002966.
14 March 2013
Adding protein context to the human protein-protein interaction network to reveal meaningful interactions.
Schaefer, M.H., Lopes, T.J.S., Mah, N., Shoemaker, J.E., Matsuoka, Y., Fontaine, J.F., Louis-Jeune, C., Eisfeld, A.J., Neumann, G., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Kawaoka, Y., Kitano, H. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
PLoS Computational Biology 9
(1): e1002860.
3 January 2013
Prediction of drug combinations by integrating molecular and pharmacological data.
Zhao, X.M., Iskar, M., Zeller, G., Kuhn, M., van Noort, V. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 7
(12): e1002323.
29 December 2011
Identifying single copy orthologs in Metazoa.
Creevey, C.J., Muller, J., Doerks, T., Thompson, J.D., Arendt, D. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 7
(12): e1002269.
1 December 2011
Automatic annotation of spatial expression patterns via sparse Bayesian factor models.
Pruteanu-Malinici, I., Mace, D.L. and Ohler, U.
PLoS Computational Biology 7
(7): e1002098.
July 2011
Modeling the evolution of regulatory elements by simultaneous detection and alignment with phylogenetic pair HMMs.
Majoros, W.H. and Ohler, U.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(12): e1001037.
16 December 2010
Drug-induced regulation of target expression.
Iskar, M., Campillos, M., Kuhn, M., Jensen, L.J., van Noort, V. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(9): e1000925.
9 September 2010
Calcium signals driven by single channel noise.
Skupin, A., Kettenmann, H. and Falcke, M.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(8): e1000870.
5 August 2010
Intergenic and repeat transcription in human, chimpanzee and macaque brains measured by RNA-Seq.
Xu, A.G., He, L., Li, Z., Xu, Y., Li, M., Fu, X., Yan, Z., Yuan, Y., Menzel, C., Li, N., Somel, M., Hu, H., Chen, W., Paeaebo, S. and Khaitovich, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(7): e1000843.
1 July 2010
TRANSAT-- method for detecting the conserved helices of functional RNA structures, including transient, pseudo-knotted and alternative structures.
Wiebe, N.J.P. and Meyer, I.M.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(6): e1000823.
24 June 2010
New insights into the genetic control of gene expression using a Bayesian multi-tissue approach.
Petretto, E., Bottolo, L., Langley, S.R., Heinig, M., McDermott-Roe, C., Sarwar, R., Pravenec, M., Huebner, N., Aitman, T.J., Cook, S.A. and Richardson, S.
PLoS Computational Biology 6
(4): e1000737.
8 April 2010
Tipping the balance: robustness of tip cell selection, migration and fusion in angiogenesis.
Bentley, K., Mariggi, G., Gerhardt, H. and Bates, P.A.
PLoS Computational Biology 5
(10): e1000549.
30 October 2009
Detection of alpha-rod protein repeats using a neural network and application to huntingtin.
Palidwor, G.A., Shcherbinin, S., Huska, M.R., Rasko, T., Stelzl, U., Arumughan, A., Foulle, R., Porras, P., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Wanker, E.E. and Andrade-Navarro, M.A.
PLoS Computational Biology 5
(3): e1000304.
13 March 2009
Computational lipidology: predicting lipoprotein density profiles in human blood plasma.
Huebner, K., Schwager, T., Winkler, K., Reich, J.G. and Holzhuetter, H.G.
PLoS Computational Biology 4
(5): e1000079.
23 May 2008
Strategies for identifying RNA splicing regulatory motifs and predicting alternative splicing events.
Holste, D. and Ohler, U.
PLoS Computational Biology 4
(1): e21.
25 January 2008
SimulFold: simultaneously inferring RNA structures including pseudoknots, alignments, and trees using a Bayesian MCMC framework.
Meyer, I.M. and Miklos, I.
PLoS Computational Biology 3
(8): e149.
10 August 2007
Enhancer responses to similarly distributed antagonistic gradients in development.
Zinzen, R.P. and Papatsenko, D.
PLoS Computational Biology 3
(5): e84.
11 May 2007
Identification and analysis of genes and pseudogenes within duplicated regions in the human and mouse genomes.
Suyama, M., Harrington, E., Bork, P. and Torrents, D.
PLoS Computational Biology 2
(6): e76 (627-636).
30 June 2006
Recognition of unknown conserved alternatively spliced exons.
Ohler, U., Shomron, N. and Burge, C.B.
PLoS Computational Biology 1
(2): 113-122.
July 2005
Extraction of transcript diversity from scientific literature.
Shah, P.K., Jensen, L.J., Boue, S. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 1
(1): e10.
24 June 2005
microRNA target predictions across seven Drosophila species and comparison to mammalian targets.
Grün, D., Wang, Y.L., Langenberger, D., Gunsalus, K.C. and Rajewsky, N.
PLoS Computational Biology 1
(1): e13.
June 2005
Ten simple rules for implementing open and reproducible research practices after attending a training course.
Heise, V., Holman, C., Lo, H., Lyras, E.M., Adkins, M.C., Aquino, M.R.J., Bougioukas, K.I., Bray, K.O., Gajos, M., Guo, X., Hartling, C., Huerta-Gutierrez, R., Jindrová, M., Kenney, J.P.M., Kępińska, A.P., Kneller, L., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Mühlensiepen, F., Richards, A., Richards, G., Siebert, M., Smith, J.A., Smith, N., Stransky, N., Tarvainen, S., Valdes, D.S., Warrington, K.L., Wilpert, N.M., Witkowska, D., Zaneva, M., Zanker, J. and Weissgerber, T.L.
PLoS Computational Biology 19
(1): e1010750.
5 January 2023
Comments on "Human dominant disease genes are enriched in paralogs originating from whole genome duplication".
Chen, W.H., Zhao, X.M., van Noort, V. and Bork, P.
PLoS Computational Biology 10
(7): e1003758.
31 July 2014
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