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Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of brainstem, cerebellum and olfactory tissues in early- and late-phase COVID-19.
Radke, J., Meinhardt, J., Aschman, T., Chua, R.L., Farztdinov, V., Lukassen, S., Ten, F.W., Friebel, E., Ishaque, N., Franz, J., Huhle, V.H., Mothes, R., Peters, K., Thomas, C., Schneeberger, S., Schumann, E., Kawelke, L., Jünger, J., Horst, V., Streit, S., von Manitius, R., Körtvélyessy, P., Vielhaber, S., Reinhold, D., Hauser, A.E., Osterloh, A., Enghard, P., Ihlow, J., Elezkurtaj, S., Horst, D., Kurth, F., Müller, M.A., Gassen, N.C., Melchert, J., Jechow, K., Timmermann, B., Fernandez-Zapata, C., Böttcher, C., Stenzel, W., Krüger, E., Landthaler, M., Wyler, E., Corman, V., Stadelmann, C., Ralser, M., Eils, R., Heppner, F.L., Mülleder, M., Conrad, C. and Radbruch, H.
Nature Neuroscience 27 (3): 409-420. March 2024

A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain.
Grandjean, J., Desrosiers-Gregoire, G., Anckaerts, C., Angeles-Valdez, D., Ayad, F., Barrière, D.A., Blockx, I., Bortel, A., Broadwater, M., Cardoso, B.M., Célestine, M., Chavez-Negrete, J.E., Choi, S., Christiaen, E., Clavijo, P., Colon-Perez, L., Cramer, S., Daniele, T., Dempsey, E., Diao, Y., Doelemeyer, A., Dopfel, D., Dvořáková, L., Falfán-Melgoza, C., Fernandes, F.F., Fowler, C.F., Fuentes-Ibañez, A., Garin, C.M., Gelderman, E., Golden, C.E.M., Guo, C.C G., Henckens, M.J.A.G., Hennessy, L.A., Herman, P., Hofwijks, N., Horien, C., Ionescu, T.M., Jones, J., Kaesser, J., Kim, E., Lambers, H., Lazari, A., Lee, S.H., Lillywhite, A., Liu, Y., Liu, Y.Y., López-Castro, A., López-Gil, X., Ma, Z., MacNicol, E., Madularu, D., Mandino, F., Marciano, S., McAuslan, M.J., McCunn, P., McIntosh, A., Meng, X., Meyer-Baese, L., Missault, S., Moro, F., Naessens, D.M.P., Nava-Gomez, L.J., Nonaka, H., Ortiz, J.J., Paasonen, J., Peeters, L.M., Pereira, M., Perez, P.D., Pompilus, M., Prior, M., Rakhmatullin, R., Reimann, H.M., Reinwald, J., Del Rio, R.T., Rivera-Olvera, A., Ruiz-Pérez, D., Russo, G., Rutten, T.J., Ryoke, R., Sack, M., Salvan, P., Sanganahalli, B.G., Schroeter, A., Seewoo, B.J., Selingue, E., Seuwen, A., Shi, B., Sirmpilatze, N., Smith, J.A.B., Smith, C., Sobczak, F., Stenroos, P.J., Straathof, M., Strobelt, S., Sumiyoshi, A., Takahashi, K., Torres-García, M.E, Tudela, R., van den Berg, M., van der Marel, K., van Hout, A.T.B., Vertullo, R., Vidal, B., Vrooman, R.M., Wang, V.X., Wank, I., Watson, D.J.G., Yin, T., Zhang, Y., Zurbruegg, S., Achard, S., Alcauter, S., Auer, D.P., Barbier, E.L., Baudewig, J., Beckmann, C.F., Beckmann, N., Becq, G.J.P.C., Blezer, E.L.A., Bolbos, R., Boretius, S., Bouvard, S., Budinger, E., Buxbaum, J.D., Cash, D., Chapman, V., Chuang, K.H., Ciobanu, L., Coolen, B.F., Dalley, J.W., Dhenain, M., Dijkhuizen, R.M., Esteban, O., Faber, C., Febo, M., Feindel, K.W., Forloni, G., Fouquet, J., Garza-Villarreal, E.A., Gass, N., Glennon, J.C., Gozzi, A., Gröhn, O., Harkin, A., Heerschap, A., Helluy, X., Herfert, K., Heuser, A., Homberg, J.R., Houwing, D.J., Hyder, F., Ielacqua, G.D., Jelescu, I.O., Johansen-Berg, H., Kaneko, G., Kawashima, R., Keilholz, S.D., Keliris, G.A., Kelly, C., Kerskens, C., Khokhar, J.Y., Kind, P.C., Langlois, J.B., Lerch, J.P., López-Hidalgo, M.A, Manahan-Vaughan, D., Marchand, F., Mars, R.B., Marsella, G., Micotti, E., Muñoz-Moreno, E., Near, J., Niendorf, T., Otte, W.M., Pais-Roldán, P., Pan, W.J., Prado-Alcalá, R.A., Quirarte, G.L., Rodger, J., Rosenow, T., Sampaio-Baptista, C., Sartorius, A., Sawiak, S.J., Scheenen, T.W.J., Shemesh, N., Shih, Y.Y.I., Shmuel, A., Soria, G., Stoop, R., Thompson, G.J., Till, S.M., Todd, N., Van Der Linden, A., van der Toorn, A., van Tilborg, G.A.F, Vanhove, C., Veltien, A., Verhoye, M., Wachsmuth, L., Weber-Fahr, W., Wenk, P., Yu, X., Zerbi, V., Zhang, N., Zhang, B.B., Zimmer, L., Devenyi, G.A., Chakravarty, M.M. and Hess, A.
Nature Neuroscience 26 (4): 673-681. April 2023

Massively parallel identification of mRNA localization elements in primary cortical neurons.
Mendonsa, S., von Kügelgen, N., Dantsuji, S., Ron, M., Breimann, L., Baranovskii, A., Lödige, I., Kirchner, M., Fischer, M., Zerna, N., Bujanic, L., Mertins, P., Ulitsky, I. and Chekulaeva, M.
Nature Neuroscience 26 (3): 394-405. March 2023

Identification of early neurodegenerative pathways in progressive multiple sclerosis.
Kaufmann, M., Schaupp, A.L., Sun, R., Coscia, F., Dendrou, C.A., Cortes, A., Kaur, G., Evans, H.G., Mollbrink, A., Navarro, J.F., Sonner, J.K., Mayer, C., DeLuca, G.C., Lundeberg, J., Matthews, P.M., Attfield, K.E., Friese, M.A., Mann, M. and Fugger, L.
Nature Neuroscience 25 (7): 944-955. July 2022

Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions.
Escartin, C., Galea, E., Lakatos, A., O'Callaghan, J.P., Petzold, G.C., Serrano-Pozo, A., Steinhäuser, C., Volterra, A., Carmignoto, G., Agarwal, A., Allen, N.J., Araque, A., Barbeito, L., Barzilai, A., Bergles, D.E., Bonvento, G., Butt, A.M., Chen, W.T., Cohen-Salmon, M., Cunningham, C., Deneen, B., De Strooper, B., Díaz-Castro, B., Farina, C., Freeman, M., Gallo, V., Goldman, J.E., Goldman, S.A., Götz, M., Gutiérrez, A., Haydon, P.G., Heiland, D.H., Hol, E.M., Holt, M.G., Iino, M., Kastanenka, K.V., Kettenmann, H., Khakh, B.S., Koizumi, S., Lee, C.J., Liddelow, S.A., MacVicar, B.A., Magistretti, P., Messing, A., Mishra, A., Molofsky, A.V., Murai, K.K., Norris, C.M., Okada, S., Oliet, S.H.R., Oliveira, J.F., Panatier, A., Parpura, V., Pekna, M., Pekny, M., Pellerin, L., Perea, G., Pérez-Nievas, B.G., Pfrieger, F.W., Poskanzer, K.E., Quintana, F.J., Ransohoff, R.M., Riquelme-Perez, M., Robel, S., Rose, C.R., Rothstein, J.D., Rouach, N., Rowitch, D.H., Semyanov, A., Sirko, S., Sontheimer, H., Swanson, R.A., Vitorica, J., Wanner, I.B., Wood, L.B., Wu, J., Zheng, B., Zimmer, E.R., Zorec, R., Sofroniew, M.V. and Verkhratsky, A.
Nature Neuroscience 24 (3): 312-325. March 2021

USH2A is a Meissner's corpuscle protein necessary for normal vibration sensing in mice and humans.
Schwaller, F., Bégay, V., García-García, G., Taberner, F.J., Moshourab, R., McDonald, B., Docter, T., Kühnemund, J., Ojeda-Alonso, J., Paricio-Montesinos, R., Lechner, S.G., Poulet, J.F.A., Millan, J.M. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 24 (1): 74-81. January 2021

Cell-type-specific profiling of brain mitochondria reveals functional and molecular diversity.
Fecher, C., Trovò, L., Müller, S.A., Snaidero, N., Wettmarshausen, J., Heink, S., Ortiz, O., Wagner, I., Kühn, R., Hartmann, J., Karl, R.M., Konnerth, A., Korn, T., Wurst, W., Merkler, D., Lichtenthaler, S.F., Perocchi, F. and Misgeld, T.
Nature Neuroscience 22 (10): 1731-1742. October 2019

Regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis by neuronal cell adhesion molecule 1.
Rathjen, T., Yan, X., Kononenko, N.L., Ku, M.C., Song, K., Ferrarese, L., Tarallo, V., Puchkov, D., Kochlamazashvili, G., Brachs, S., Varela, L., Szigeti-Buck, K., Yi, C.X., Schriever, S.C., Tattikota, S.G., Carlo, A.S., Moroni, M., Siemens, J., Heuser, A., van der Weyden, L., Birkenfeld, A.L., Niendorf, T., Poulet, J.F.A., Horvath, T.L., Tschöp, M.H., Heinig, M., Trajkovski, M., Haucke, V. and Poy, M.N.
Nature Neuroscience 20 (8): 1096-1103. August 2017

A new fate mapping system reveals context-dependent random or clonal expansion of microglia.
Tay, T.L., Mai, D., Dautzenberg, J., Fernández-Klett, F., Lin, G., Sagar, D.M., Datta, M., Drougard, A., Stempfl, T., Ardura-Fabregat, A., Staszewski, O., Margineanu, A., Sporbert, A., Steinmetz, L.M., Pospisilik, J.A., Jung, S., Priller, J., Grün, D., Ronneberger, O. and Prinz, M.
Nature Neuroscience 20 (6): 793-803. June 2017

Small-molecule inhibition of STOML3 oligomerization reverses pathological mechanical hypersensitivity.
Wetzel, C., Pifferi, S., Picci, C., Gök, C., Hoffmann, D., Bali, K.K., Lampe, A., Lapatsina, L., Fleischer, R., Smith, E.S.J., Bégay, V., Moroni, M., Estebanez, L., Kühnemund, J., Walcher, J., Specker, E., Neuenschwander, M., von Kries, J.P., Haucke, V., Kuner, R., Poulet, J.F.A., Schmoranzer, J., Poole, K. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 20 (2): 209-218. February 2017

Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes.
Rost, B.R., Schneider, F., Grauel, M.K., Wozny, C., Bentz, C.G., Blessing, A., Rosenmund, T., Jentsch, T.J., Schmitz, D., Hegemann, P. and Rosenmund, C.
Nature Neuroscience 18 (12): 1845-1852. December 2015

Neural circular RNAs are derived from synaptic genes and regulated by development and plasticity.
You, X., Vlatkovic, I., Babic, A., Will, T., Epstein, I., Tushev, G., Akbalik, G., Wang, M., Glock, C., Quedenau, C., Wang, X., Hou, J., Liu, H., Sun, W., Sambandan, S., Chen, T., Schuman, E.M. and Chen, W.
Nature Neuroscience 18 (4): 603-610. April 2015

PIEZO2 is required for mechanotransduction in human stem cell-derived touch receptors.
Schrenk-Siemens, K., Wende, H., Prato, V., Song, K., Rostock, C., Loewer, A., Utikal, J., Lewin, G.R., Lechner, S.G. and Siemens, J.
Nature Neuroscience 18 (1): 10-16. January 2015

A somatosensory circuit for cooling perception in mice.
Milenkovic, N., Zhao, W.J., Walcher, J., Albert, T., Siemens, J., Lewin, G.R. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Nature Neuroscience 17 (11): 1560-1566. November 2014

Microglia emerge from erythromyeloid precursors via Pu.1- and Irf8-dependent pathways.
Kierdorf, K., Erny, D., Goldmann, T., Sander, V., Schulz, C., Perdiguero, E.G., Wieghofer, P., Heinrich, A., Riemke, P., Hoelscher, C., Müller, D.N., Luckow, B., Brocker, T., Debowski, K., Fritz, G., Opdenakker, G., Diefenbach, A., Biber, K., Heikenwalder, M., Geissmann, F., Rosenbauer, F. and Prinz, M.
Nature Neuroscience 16 (3): 273-280. March 2013

An unconventional role for miRNA: let-7 activates Toll-like receptor 7 and causes neurodegeneration.
Lehmann, S.M., Krueger, C., Park, B., Derkow, K., Rosenberger, K., Baumgart, J., Trimbuch, T., Eom, G., Hinz, M., Kaul, D., Habbel, P., Kaelin, R., Franzoni, E., Rybak, A., Nguyen, D., Veh, R., Ninnemann, O., Peters, O., Nitsch, R., Heppner, F.L., Golenbock, D., Schott, E., Ploegh, H.L., Wulczyn, F.G. and Lehnardt, S.
Nature Neuroscience 15 (6): 827-835. June 2012

Thalamic control of cortical states.
Poulet, J.F.A., Fernandez, L.M.J., Crochet, S. and Petersen, C.C.H.
Nature Neuroscience 15 (3): 370-372. 22 January 2012

KCNQ4 K(+) channels tune mechanoreceptors for normal touch sensation in mouse and man.
Heidenreich, M., Lechner, S.G., Vardanyan, V., Wetzel, C., Cremers, C.W., De Leenheer, E.M., Aranguez, G., Moreno-Pelayo, M.A., Jentsch, T.J. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 15 (1): 138-145. 2012

Laminin-332 coordinates mechanotransduction and growth cone bifurcation in sensory neurons.
Chiang, L.Y., Poole, K., Oliveira, B.E., Duarte, N., Bernal Sierra, Y.A., Bruckner-Tuderman, L., Koch, M., Hu, J. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 14 (8): 993-1000. 3 July 2011

Imaging analysis of clock neurons reveals light buffers the wake-promoting effect of dopamine.
Shang, Y., Haynes, P., Pírez, N., Harrington, K.I., Guo, F., Pollack, J., Hong, P., Griffith, L.C. and Rosbash, M.
Nature Neuroscience 14 (7): 889-895. July 2011

Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) currents are dispensable for olfaction.
Billig, G.M., Pal, B., Fidzinski, P. and Jentsch, T.J.
Nature Neuroscience 14 (6): 763-769. June 2011

Sortilin associates with Trk receptors to enhance anterograde transport and neurotrophin signaling.
Vaegter, C.B., Jansen, P., Fjorback, A.W., Glerup, S., Skeldal, S., Kjolby, M., Richner, M., Erdmann, B., Nyengaard, J.R., Tessarollo, L., Lewin, G.R., Willnow, T.E., Chao, M.V. and Nykjaer, A.
Nature Neuroscience 14 (1): 54-61. January 2011

Roles for the pro-neurotrophin receptor sortilin in neuronal development, aging and brain injury.
Jansen, P., Giehl, K., Nyengaard, J.R., Teng, K., Lioubinski, O., Sjoegaard, S.S., Breiderhoff, T., Gotthardt, M., Lin, F., Eilers, A., Petersen, C.M., Lewin, G.R., Hempstead, B.L., Willnow, T.E. and Nykjaer, A.
Nature Neuroscience 10 (11): 1449-1457. November 2007

RNA editing produces glycine receptor alpha3(P185L), resulting in high agonist potency.
Meier, J.C., Henneberger, C., Melnick, I., Racca, C., Harvey, R.J., Heinemann, U., Schmieden, V. and Grantyn, R.
Nature Neuroscience 8 (6): 736-744. June 2005

Limbic corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 mediates anxiety-related behavior and hormonal adaptation to stress.
Mueller, M.B., Zimmermann, S., Sillaber, I., Hagemeyer, T.P., Deussing, J.M., Timpl, P., Kormann, M.S.D., Droste, S.K., Kühn, R., Reul, J.M.H.M., Holsboer, F. and Wurst, W.
Nature Neuroscience 6 (10): 1100-1107. October 2003

Presynaptic kainate receptors impart an associative property to hippocampal mossy fiber long-term potentiation.
Schmitz, D., Mellor, J., Breustedt, J. and Nicoll, R.A.
Nature Neuroscience 6 (10): 1058-1063. October 2003

A T-type calcium channel required for normal function of a mammalian mechanoreceptor.
Shin, J.B., Martinez-Salgado, C., Heppenstall, P.A. and Lewin, G.R.
Nature Neuroscience 6 (7): 724-730. July 2003

Fast and reversible trapping of surface glycine receptors by gephyrin.
Meier, J., Vannier, C., Serge, A., Triller, A. and Choquet, D.
Nature Neuroscience 4 (3): 253-260. March 2001

Running increases cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult mouse dentate gyrus.
van Praag, H., Kempermann, G. and Gage, F.H.
Nature Neuroscience 2 (3): 266-270. 1 March 1999

Microdomains for neuron-glia interaction: parallel fiber signaling to Bergmann glial cells.
Grosche, J., Matyash, V., Moeller, T., Verkhratsky, A., Reichenbach, A. and Kettenmann, H.
Nature Neuroscience 2 (2): 139-143. 1 February 1999

A role for BDNF in mechanosensation.
Carroll, P., Lewin, G.R., Koltzenburg, M., Toyka, K.V. and Thoenen, H.
Nature Neuroscience 1 : 42-46. 1 May 1998


Optogenetics at the presynapse.
Rost, B.R., Wietek, J., Yizhar, O. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Neuroscience 25 (8): 984-998. August 2022

The role of microglia and macrophages in glioma maintenance and progression.
Hambardzumyan, D., Gutmann, D.H. and Kettenmann, H.
Nature Neuroscience 19 (1): 20-27. January 2016

Microglia: active sensor and versatile effector cells in the normal and pathologic brain.
Hanisch, U.K. and Kettenmann, H.
Nature Neuroscience 10 (11): 1387-1394. November 2007


Triggering the brain's pathology sensor.
Kettenmann, H.
Nature Neuroscience 9 (12): 1463-1464. December 2006


AMPA receptors jump the synaptic cleft.
Nicoll, R.A., Frerking, M. and Schmitz, D.
Nature Publishing Group. June 2000

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