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CXCR4 mediates leukemic cell migration and survival in the testicular microenvironment.
Skroblyn, T., Joedicke, J.J., Pfau, M., Krüger, K., Bourquin, J.P., Izraeli, S., Eckert, C. and Höpken, U.E.
Journal of Pathology 258 (1): 12-25. September 2022


Control of neutrophil influx during peritonitis by transcriptional cross-regulation of chemokine CXCL1 by IL-17 and IFN-γ.
Catar, R.A., Chen, L., Cuff, S.M., Kift-Morgan, A., Eberl, M., Kettritz, R., Kamhieh-Milz, J., Moll, G., Li, Q., Zhao, H., Kawka, E., Zickler, D., Parekh, G., Davis, P., Fraser, D.J., Dragun, D., Eckardt, K.U., Jörres, A. and Witowski, J.
Journal of Pathology 251 (2): 175-186. June 2020

Deficiency in IκBα in the intestinal epithelium leads to spontaneous inflammation and mediates apoptosis in the gut.
Mikuda, N., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Kärgel, E., Golusda, L., Wolf, J., Höpken, U.E., Scheidereit, C., Kühl, A.A. and Kolesnichenko, M.
Journal of Pathology 251 (2): 160-174. June 2020

A streamlined mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflow for large-scale FFPE tissue analysis.
Coscia, F., Doll, S., Bech, J.M., Schweizer, L., Mund, A., Lengyel, E., Lindebjerg, J., Madsen, G.I., Moreira, J.M. and Mann, M.
Journal of Pathology 251 (1): 100-112. May 2020


Serotonin synthesis protects the mouse colonic crypt from DNA damage and colorectal tumorigenesis.
Sakita, J.Y., Bader, M., Santos, E.S., Garcia, S.B., Minto, S.B., Alenina, N., Brunaldi, M.O., Carvalho, M.C., Vidotto, T., Gasparotto, B., Martins, R.B., Silva, W.A., Brandão, M.L., Leite, C.A., Cunha, F.Q., Karsenty, G., Squire, J.A., Uyemura, S.A. and Kannen, V.
Journal of Pathology 249 (1): 102-113. September 2019

Multiregion human bladder cancer sequencing reveals tumour evolution, bladder cancer phenotypes and implications for targeted therapy.
Heide, T., Maurer, A., Eipel, M., Knoll, K., Geelvink, M., Veeck, J., Knuechel, R., van Essen, J., Stoehr, R., Hartmann, A., Altmueller, J., Graham, T.A. and Gaisa, N.T.
Journal of Pathology 248 (2): 230-242. June 2019


Distinct roles of CSF family cytokines in macrophage infiltration and activation in glioma progression and injury response.
Sielska, M., Przanowski, P., Wylot, B., Gabrusiewicz, K., Maleszewska, M., Kijewska, M., Zawadzka, M., Kucharska, J., Vinnakota, K., Kettenmann, H., Kotulska, K., Grajkowska, W. and Kaminska, B.
Journal of Pathology 230 (3): 310-321. July 2013


Discovery of a novel tumour metastasis-promoting gene, NVM-1.
Thiele, W., Novac, N., Mink, S., Schreiber, C., Plaumann, D., Fritzmann, J., Cremers, N., Rothley, M., Schwager, C., Regiert, T., Huber, P.E., Stein, U., Schlag, P., Moll, J., Abdollahi, A. and Sleeman, J.P.
Journal of Pathology 225 (1): 96-105. September 2011


Mutations and elevated transcriptional activity of conductin (AXIN2) in hepatoblastomas.
Koch, A., Weber, N., Waha, A., Hartmann, W., Denkhaus, D., Behrens, J., Birchmeier, W., von Schweinitz, D. and Pietsch, T.
Journal of Pathology 204 (5): 546-554. 1 January 2004

Differential Emu enhancer activity and expression of BOB.1/OBF.1, Oct2, PU.1, and immunoglobulin in reactive B-cell populations, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and Hodgkin lymphomas.
Loddenkemper, C., Anagnostopoulos, L., Hummel, M., Joehrens-Leder, K., Foss, H.D., Jundt, F., Wirth, T., Doerken, B. and Stein, H.
Journal of Pathology 202 (5): 60-69. 1 January 2004


Inactivating I kappa B epsilon mutations in Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells.
Emmerich, F., Theurich, S., Hummel, M., Haeffker, A., Vry, M.S., Doehner, K., Bommert, K., Stein, H. and Doerken, B.
Journal of Pathology 201 (3): 413-420. November 2003


Detailed deletion mapping in sporadic breast cancer at chromosomal region 17p13 distal to the TP53 gene: association with clinicopathological parameters.
Seitz, S., Poppe, K., Fischer, J., Nothnagel, A., Estevez-Schwarz, L., Haensch, W., Schlag, P.M. and Scherneck, S.
Journal of Pathology 194 (3): 318-326. 1 January 2001


Mutations in exons 5-8 of the p53 gene, independent of their type and location, are associated with increased apoptosis and mitosis in invasive breast carcinoma.
Van Slooten, H.J., Van de Vijver, M.J., Borresen, A.L., Eyfjord, J.E., Valgardsdottir, R., Scherneck, S., Nesland, J.M., Devilee, P., Cornelisse, C.J. and Van Dierendonck, J.H.
Journal of Pathology 189 (4): 504-513. December 1999

Apoptosis and therapy.
Schmitt, C.A. and Lowe, S.W.
Journal of Pathology 187 : 127-137. 1 January 1999


Endothelin-1-like immunoreactivity in human atherosclerotic coronary tissue: a detailed analysis of the cellular distribution of endothelin-1.
Ihling, C., Goebel, H.R., Lippoldt, A., Wessels, S., Paul, M., Schaefer, H.E. and Zeiher, A.M.
Journal of Pathology 179 : 303-308. 1 January 1996

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