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Cardiac MRI strain as an early indicator of myocardial dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Liu, S., Laghzali, O., Shalikar, S., Rusu, M.C., Carrier, L., Niendorf, T. and Ku, M.C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 26 (4): 1407. 7 February 2025


ACE2 knockout mice are resistant to high-fat diet-induced obesity in an age-dependent manner.
Nunes-Souza, V., Alenina, N., Qadri, F., Mosienko, V., Santos, R.A.S., Bader, M. and Rabelo, L.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (17): 9515. 1 September 2024

Undetected neuromuscular disease in patients after heart transplantation.
Bekele, B.M., Gazzerro, E., Schoenrath, F., Falk, V., Rost, S., Hoerning, S., Jelting, Y., Zaum, A.K., Spuler, S. and Knierim, J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (14): 7819. 17 July 2024

Poor decision making and sociability impairment following central serotonin reduction in inducible TPH2-knockdown rats.
Alonso, L., Peeva, P., Fernández-del Valle Alquicira, T., Erdelyi, N., Gil Nolskog, Á., Bader, M., Winter, Y., Alenina, N. and Rivalan, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (9): 5003. May 2024

Effects of bradykinin B2 receptor ablation from tyrosine hydroxylase cells on behavioral and motor aspects in male and female mice.
Franco, T.M., Tavares, M.R., Novaes, L.S., Munhoz, C.D., Peixoto-Santos, J.E., Araujo, R.C., Donato, J., Bader, M. and Wasinski, F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (3): 1490. 25 January 2024

Canonical and non-canonical localization of tight junction proteins during early murine cranial development.
Mak, S. and Hammes, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (3): 1426. 24 January 2024

In vitro functionality and endurance of GMP-compliant point-of-care BCMA.CAR-T cells at different timepoints of cryopreservation.
Jiang, G., Neuber, B., Hückelhoven-Krauss, A., Höpken, U., Ding, Y., Sedloev, D., Wang, L., Reichman, A., Eberhardt, F., Wermke, M., Rehm, A., Müller-Tidow, C., Schmitt, A. and Schmitt, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (3): 1394. 23 January 2024

Targeted proteomics reveals quantitative differences in low-abundance glycosyltransferases of patients with congenital disorders of glycosylation.
Sakson, R., Beedgen, L., Bernhard, P., Alp, K.M., Lübbehusen, N., Röth, R., Niesler, B., Luzarowski, M., Shevchuk, O., Mayer, M.P., Thiel, C. and Ruppert, T.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (2): 1191. 18 January 2024

Caveolin-3 and Caveolin-1 interaction decreases channel dysfunction due to Caveolin-3 mutations.
Benzoni, P., Gazzerro, E., Fiorillo, C., Baratto, S., Bartolucci, C., Severi, S., Milanesi, R., Lippi, M., Langione, M., Murano, C., Meoni, C., Popolizio, V., Cospito, A., Baruscotti, M., Bucchi, A. and Barbuti, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (2): 980. 12 January 2024

Investigating the mitoprotective effects of S1P receptor modulators ex vivo using a novel semi-automated live imaging set-up.
Ludwig, R., Malla, B., Höhrhan, M., Infante-Duarte, C. and Anderhalten, L.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (1): 261. 2024


The interactive complex between cytomegalovirus kinase vCDK/pUL97 and host factors CDK7-cyclin H determines individual patterns of transcription in infected cells.
Schütz, M., Cordsmeier, A., Wangen, C., Horn, A.H.C., Wyler, E., Ensser, A., Sticht, H. and Marschall, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (24): 17421. 13 December 2023

HMGXB4 targets Sleeping Beauty transposition to germinal stem cells.
Devaraj, A., Singh, M., Narayanavari, S.A., Yong, G., Chen, J., Wang, J., Becker, M., Walisko, O., Schorn, A., Cseresznyés, Z., Raskó, T., Radscheit, K., Selbach, M., Ivics, Z. and Izsvak, Z.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (8): 7283. 14 April 2023

The IgSF cell adhesion protein CLMP and congenital short bowel syndrome (CSBS).
Rathjen, F.G. and Jüttner, R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (6): 5719. 16 March 2023

Tryptophan hydroxylase-2-mediated serotonin biosynthesis suppresses cell reprogramming into pluripotent state.
Sinenko, S.A., Kuzmin, A.A., Skvortsova, E.V., Ponomartsev, S.V., Efimova, E.V., Bader, M., Alenina, N. and Tomilin, A.N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (5): 4862. 2 March 2023

Space omics and tissue response in astronaut skeletal muscle after short and long duration missions.
Blottner, D., Moriggi, M., Trautmann, G., Hastermann, M., Capitanio, D., Torretta, E., Block, K., Rittweger, J., Limper, U., Gelfi, C. and Salanova, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4): 4095. 2 February 2023

Disintegration of the NuRD complex in primary human muscle stem cells in critical illness myopathy.
Schneider, J., Sundaravinayagam, D., Blume, A., Marg, A., Grunwald, S., Metzler, E., Escobar, H., Müthel, S., Wang, H., Wollersheim, T., Weber-Carstens, S., Akalin, A., Di Virgilio, M., Tursun, B. and Spuler, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (3): 2772. 1 February 2023

The effect of renal denervation on T cells in patients with resistant hypertension.
Kantauskaite, M., Vonend, O., Yakoub, M., Heilmann, P., Maifeld, A., Minko, P., Schimmöller, L., Antoch, G., Müller, D.N., Schmidt, C., Duvnjak, B., Zierhut, U., Potthoff, S.A., Rump, L.C., Fischer, J.C. and Stegbauer, J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (3): 2493. 27 January 2023

Target selection for T-cell therapy in epithelial ovarian cancer: systematic prioritization of self-antigens.
Schossig, P., Coskun, E., Arsenic, R., Horst, D., Sehouli, J., Bergmann, E., Andresen, N., Sigler, C., Busse, A., Keller, U. and Ochsenreither, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (3): 2292. 24 January 2023

Serum starvation accelerates intracellular metabolism in endothelial cells.
Lorenz, M., Fritsche-Guenther, R., Bartsch, C., Vietzke, A., Eisenberger, A., Stangl, K., Stangl, V. and Kirwan, J.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2): 1189. 7 January 2023

Cantharidin and its analogue norcantharidin inhibit metastasis-inducing genes S100A4 and MACC1.
Schöpe, P.C., Zinnow, V., Ishfaq, M.A., Smith, J., Herrmann, P., Shoemaker, R.H., Walther, W. and Stein, U.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2): 1179. 7 January 2023


Placental transcriptome profiling in subtypes of diabetic pregnancies is strongly confounded by fetal sex.
Kedziora, S.M., Obermayer, B., Sugulle, M., Herse, F., Kräker, K., Haase, N., Langmia, I.M., Müller, D.N., Staff, A.C., Beule, D. and Dechend, R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (23): 15388. 6 December 2022

LMNA co-regulated gene expression as a suitable readout after precise gene correction.
Wang, H., Krause, A., Escobar, H., Müthel, S., Metzler, E. and Spuler, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (24): 15525. 2 December 2022

Cell-type specific inhibition controls the high-frequency oscillations in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Gurgenidze, S., Bäuerle, P., Schmitz, D., Vida, I., Gloveli, T. and Dugladze, T.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (22): 14087. 15 November 2022

Molecular and functional characterization of BDNF-overexpressing human retinal pigment epithelial cells established by sleeping beauty transposon-mediated gene transfer.
Mattern, L., Otten, K., Miskey, C., Fuest, M., Izsvák, Z., Ivics, Z., Walter, P., Thumann, G. and Johnen, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21): 12982. 1 November 2022

Enriched environment attenuates enhanced trait anxiety in association with normalization of aberrant neuro-inflammatory events.
Sah, A., Rooney, S., Kharitonova, M., Sartori, S.B., Wolf, S.A. and Singewald, N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21): 13052. 27 October 2022

Highly conserved interaction profiles between clinically relevant mutants of the cytomegalovirus CDK-like kinase pUL97 and human cyclins: functional significance of cyclin H.
Schütz, M., Müller, R., Socher, E., Wangen, C., Full, F., Wyler, E., Wong, D., Scherer, M., Stamminger, T., Chou, S., Rawlinson, W.D., Hamilton, S.T., Sticht, H. and Marschall, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (19): 11814. 5 October 2022

Analyses of circRNA expression throughout the light-dark cycle reveal a strong regulation of (Cdr1as), associated with light entrainment in the SCN.
Ivanov, A., Mattei, D., Radscheit, K., Compagnion, A.C., Pett, J.P., Herzel, H.P., Paolicelli, R.C., Piwecka, M., Meyer, U. and Beule, D.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (20): 12347. October 2022

Candesartan does not activate PPAR(γ) and its target genes in early gestation trophoblasts.
Neuper, L., Kummer, D., Forstner, D., Guettler, J., Ghaffari-Tabrizi-Wizsy, N., Fischer, C., Juch, H., Nonn, O. and Gauster, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (20): 12326. October 2022

Vascular and liver homeostasis in juvenile mice require endothelial cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A.
Nedvetsky, P.I., Cornelissen, I., Mathivet, T., Bouleti, C., Ou, P., Baatsen, P., Zhao, X., Schuit, F., Stanchi, F., Mostov, K.E. and Gerhardt, H.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (19): 11419. 27 September 2022

Fluorescence spectroscopy of low-level endogenous β-adrenergic receptor expression at the plasma membrane of differentiating human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes.
Gmach, P., Bathe-Peters, M., Telugu, N., Miller, D.C. and Annibale, P.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (18): 10405. 8 September 2022

A preclinical study on brugada syndrome with a CACNB2 variant using human cardiomyocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells.
Zhong, R., Schimanski, T., Zhang, F., Lan, H., Hohn, A., Xu, Q., Huang, M., Liao, Z., Qiao, L., Yang, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, Z., Li, X., Rose, L., Albers, S., Maywald, L., Müller, J., Dinkel, H., Saguner, A., Janssen, J.W.G., Telugu, N.S., Xi, Y., Lang, S., Kleinsorge, M., Duru, F., Zhou, X., Diecke, S., Cyganek, L., Akin, I. and El-Battrawy, I.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (15): 8313. 1 August 2022

In prostate cancer cells cytokines are early responders to gravitational changes occurring in parabolic flights.
Schulz, H., Dietrichs, D., Wehland, M., Corydon, T.J., Hemmersbach, R., Liemersdorf, C., Melnik, D., Hübner, N., Saar, K., Infanger, M. and Grimm, D.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (14): 7876. 17 July 2022

Mitochondrial a kinase anchor proteins in cardiovascular health and disease: a review article on behalf of the Working Group on Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Heart of the Italian Society of Cardiology.
Paolillo, R., D’Apice, S., Schiattarella, G.G., Ameri, P., Borzacchiello, D., Catalucci, D., Chimenti, C., Crotti, L., Sciarretta, S., Torella, D., Feliciello, A. and Perrino, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (14): 7691. 12 July 2022

In vivo inhibition of TRPC6 by SH045 attenuates renal fibrosis in a New Zealand Obese (NZO) mouse model of metabolic syndrome.
Zheng, Z., Xu, Y., Krügel, U., Schaefer, M., Grune, T., Nürnberg, B., Köhler, M.B., Gollasch, M., Tsvetkov, D. and Marko, L.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (12): 6870. 20 June 2022

The transcription factor EB (TFEB) sensitizes the heart to chronic pressure overload.
Wundersitz, S., Pablo Tortola, C., Schmidt, S., Oliveira Vidal, R., Kny, M., Hahn, A., Zanders, L., Katus, H.A., Sauer, S., Butter, C., Luft, F.C., Müller, O.J. and Fielitz, J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (11): 5943. 25 May 2022

The anti-glucocorticoid receptor antibody clone 5E4: raising awareness of unspecific antibody binding.
Ehlers, L., Kirchner, M., Mertins, P., Strehl, C., Buttgereit, F. and Gaber, T.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (9): 5049. 2 May 2022

Peripheral serotonin deficiency affects anxiety-like behavior and the molecular response to an acute challenge in rats.
Sbrini, G., Hanswijk, S.I., Brivio, P., Middelman, A., Bader, M., Fumagalli, F., Alenina, N., Homberg, J.R. and Calabrese, F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (9): 4941. 29 April 2022

IL11 activates pancreatic stellate cells and causes pancreatic inflammation, fibrosis and atrophy in a mouse model of pancreatitis.
Ng, B., Viswanathan, S., Widjaja, A.A., Lim, W.W., Shekeran, S.G., Goh, J.W.T., Tan, J., Kuthubudeen, F., Lim, S.Y., Xie, C., Schafer, S., Adami, E. and Cook, S.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (7): 3549. 24 March 2022

Simultaneous genetic ablation of PD-1, LAG-3, and TIM-3 in CD8 T cells delays tumor growth and improves survival outcome.
Ciraolo, E., Althoff, S., Ruß, J., Rosnev, S., Butze, M., Pühl, M., Frentsch, M., Bullinger, L. and Na, I.K.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (6): 3207. 16 March 2022

Statins aggravate the risk of insulin resistance in human muscle.
Grunwald, S.A., Haafke, S., Grieben, U., Kassner, U., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E. and Spuler, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (4): 2398. 21 February 2022

Teriflunomide preserves neuronal activity and protects mitochondria in brain slices exposed to oxidative stress.
Malla, B., Liotta, A., Bros, H., Ulshöfer, R., Paul, F., Hauser, A.E., Niesner, R. and Infante-Duarte, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (3): 1538. 28 January 2022

Comparison of FACS and PCR for detection of BCMA-CAR-T cells.
Reichman, A., Kunz, A., Joedicke, J.J., Höpken, U.E., Keib, A., Neuber, B., Sedloev, D., Wang, L., Jiang, G., Hückelhoven-Krauss, A., Eberhardt, F., Müller-Tidow, C., Wermke, M., Rehm, A., Schmitt, M. and Schmitt, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (2): 903. 14 January 2022

Aurora kinase A is involved in controlling the localization of aquaporin-2 in renal principal cells.
Baltzer, S., Bulatov, T., Schmied, C., Krämer, A., Berger, B.T., Oder, A., Walker-Gray, R., Kuschke, C., Zühlke, K., Eichhorst, J., Lehmann, M., Knapp, S., Weston, J., von Kries, J.P., Süssmuth, R.D. and Klussmann, E.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (2): 763. 11 January 2022


Bioprinted cancer model of neuroblastoma in a renal microenvironment as an efficiently applicable drug testing platform.
Wu, D., Berg, J., Arlt, B., Röhrs, V., Al-Zeer, M.A., Deubzer, H.E. and Kurreck, J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (1): 122. 23 December 2021

The receptor AT1 appears to be important for the maintenance of bone mass and AT2 receptor function in periodontal bone loss appears to be regulated by AT1 receptor.
Lima, M.L.S., Martins, A.A., Medeiros, C.A.C.X., Guerra, G.C.B., Santos, R., Bader, M., Pirih, F.Q., Araújo Júnior, R.F., Brito, G.A.C., Leitão, R.F.C., Silva, R.A., Barbosa, S.J.A., Melo, R.C.O. and Araújo, A.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (23): 12849. 27 November 2021

In vivo renin activity imaging in the kidney of progeroid Ercc1 mutant mice.
van Thiel, B.S., van der Linden, J., Ridwan, Y., Garrelds, I.M., Vermeij, M., Clahsen-van Groningen, M.C., Qadri, F., Alenina, N., Bader, M., Roks, A.J.M., Danser, A.H.J., Essers, J. and van der Pluijm, I.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (22): 12433. 18 November 2021

The role of centrosome distal appendage proteins (DAPs) in nephronophthisis and ciliogenesis.
Mansour, F., Boivin, F.J., Shaheed, I.B., Schueler, M. and Schmidt-Ott, K.M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (22): 12253. 12 November 2021

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP2) is a key molecule in the MACC1-mediated platelet communication and metastasis of colorectal cancer cells.
Haschemi, R., Kobelt, D., Steinwarz, E., Schlesinger, M., Stein, U. and Bendas, G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (22): 12195. 11 November 2021

From forensics to clinical research: expanding the variant calling pipeline for the precision ID mtDNA whole genome panel.
Cortes-Figueiredo, F., Carvalho, F.S., Fonseca, A.C., Paul, F., Ferro, J.M., Schönherr, S., Weissensteiner, H. and Morais, V.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (21): 12031. 6 November 2021

Age impairs soluble guanylyl cyclase function in mouse mesenteric arteries.
Zhong, C., Xu, M., Boral, S., Summer, H., Lichtenberger, F.B., Erdoğan, C., Gollasch, M., Golz, S., Persson, P.B., Schleifenbaum, J., Patzak, A. and Khedkar, P.H.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (21): 11412. 22 October 2021

Tumor-associated microglia/macrophages as a predictor for survival in glioblastoma and temozolomide-induced changes in CXCR2 signaling with new resistance overcoming strategy by combination therapy.
Urbantat, R.M., Jelgersma, C., Brandenburg, S., Nieminen-Kelhä, M., Kremenetskaia, I., Zollfrank, J., Mueller, S., Rubarth, K., Koch, A., Vajkoczy, P. and Acker, G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (20): 11180. 16 October 2021

Survivin’ acute myeloid leukaemia - a personalised target for inv(16) patients.
Greiner, J., Brown, E., Bullinger, L., Hills, R.K., Morris, V., Döhner, H., Mills, K.I. and Guinn, B.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (19): 10482. 1 October 2021

Altered DNA methylation profiles in SF3B1 mutated CLL patients.
Pacholewska, A., Grimm, C., Herling, C.D., Lienhard, M., Königs, A., Timmermann, B., Altmüller, J., Mücke, O., Reinhardt, H.C., Plass, C., Herwig, R., Hallek, M. and Schweiger, M.R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (17): 9337. 1 September 2021

The role of microbiota in primary sclerosing cholangitis and related biliary malignancies.
Özdirik, B., Müller, T., Wree, A., Tacke, F. and Sigal, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (13): 6975. 1 July 2021

Implications of SGLT inhibition on redox signalling in atrial fibrillation.
Bode, D., Semmler, L., Oeing, C.U., Alogna, A., Schiattarella, G.G., Pieske, B.M., Heinzel, F.R. and Hohendanner, F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (11): 5937. 31 May 2021

AT1 and AT2 receptor knockout changed osteonectin and bone density in mice in periodontal inflammation experimental model.
Lima, M.L.S., Medeiros, C.A.C.X., Guerra, G.C.B., Santos, R., Bader, M., Pirih, F.Q., Araújo Júnior, R.F., Chan, A.B., Cruz, L.J., Brito, G.A.C., Leitão, R.F.C., Silveira, EJ.D., Garcia, V.B., Martins, A.A. and Araújo, A.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10): 5217. 14 May 2021

Acceleration of TAA-induced liver fibrosis by stress exposure is associated with upregulation of nerve growth factor and glycopattern deviations.
Atorrasagasti, C., Piccioni, F., Borowski, S., Tirado-González, I., Freitag, N., Cantero, M.J., Bayo, J., Mazzolini, G., Alaniz, L.D., Blois, S.M. and Garcia, M.G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10): 5055. 11 May 2021

Is LRP2 involved in leptin transport over the blood-brain barrier and development of obesity?
Sandin, E.S., Folberth, J., Müller-Fielitz, H., Pietrzik, C.U., Herold, E., Willnow, T.E., Pfluger, P.T., Nogueiras, R., Prevot, V., Krey, T. and Schwaninger, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (9): 4998. 8 May 2021

Kidney injury caused by preeclamptic pregnancy recovers postpartum in a transgenic rat model.
Kedziora, S.M., Kräker, K., Markó, L., Binder, J., Sugulle, M., Gauster, M., Mueller, D.N., Dechend, R., Haase, N. and Herse, F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (7): 3762. 5 April 2021

Construction of whole genomes from scaffolds using single cell strand-seq data.
Hills, M., Falconer, E., O'Neill, K., Sanders, A.D., Howe, K., Guryev, V. and Lansdorp, P.M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (7): 3617. 1 April 2021

The role of high-resolution analytical techniques in the development of functional foods.
Fernández-Ochoa, Á., Leyva-Jiménez, F.J., De la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, M., Pimentel-Moral, S. and Segura-Carretero, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6): 3220. 22 March 2021

Genetic deletion of trace-amine associated receptor 9 (TAAR9) in rats leads to decreased blood cholesterol levels.
Murtazina, R.Z., Zhukov, I.S., Korenkova, O.M., Popova, E.A., Kuvarzin, S. R., Efimova, E.V., Kubarskaya, L.G., Batotsyrenova, E.G., Zolotoverkhaya, E.A., Vaganova, A.N., Apryatin, S.A., Alenina, N.V. and Gainetdinov, R.R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6): 2942. 2 March 2021

Energy metabolites as biomarkers in ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy.
Haas, J., Frese, K.S., Sedaghat-Hamedani, F., Kayvanpour, E., Tappu, R., Nietsch, R., Tugrul, O.F., Wisdom, M., Dietrich, C., Amr, A., Weis, T., Niederdränk, T., Murphy, M.P., Krieg, T., Dörr, M., Völker, U., Fielitz, J., Frey, N., Felix, S.B., Keller, A., Katus, H.A. and Meder, B.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (4): 1999. 18 February 2021

hiPSC-derived epidermal keratinocytes from ichthyosis patients show altered expression of cornification markers.
Lima Cunha, D., Oram, A., Gruber, R., Plank, R., Lingenhel, A., Gupta, M.K., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Schmuth, M., Zschocke, J., Šarić, T., Eckl, K.M. and Hennies, H.C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (4): 1785. 2 February 2021


Spatio-temporal bone remodeling after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Schwarz, C.S., Bucher, C.H., Schlundt, C., Mertlitz, S., Riesner, K., Kalupa, M., Verlaat, L., Schmidt-Bleek, O., Sass, R.A., Schmidt-Bleek, K., Duda, G.N., Penack, O. and Na, I.K.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (1): 267. 29 December 2020

Angiotensin-(1-7) prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced autophagy via the Mas receptor in skeletal muscle.
Rivera, J.C., Abrigo, J., Tacchi, F., Simon, F., Brandan, E., Santos, R.A., Bader, M., Chiong, M. and Cabello-Verrugio, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (24): 9344. 8 December 2020

Enzymatic dissociation induces transcriptional and proteotype bias in brain cell populations.
Mattei, D., Ivanov, A., van Oostrum, M., Pantelyushin, S., Richetto, J., Mueller, F., Beffinger, M., Schellhammer, L., Vom Berg, J., Wollscheid, B., Beule, D., Paolicelli, R.C. and Meyer, U.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21): 7944. 1 November 2020

Circular RNAs and their linear transcripts as diagnostic and prognostic tissue biomarkers in prostate cancer after prostatectomy in combination with clinicopathological factors.
Rochow, H., Jung, M., Weickmann, S., Ralla, B., Stephan, C., Elezkurtaj, S., Kilic, E., Zhao, Z., Jung, K., Fendler, A. and Franz, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21): E7812. 22 October 2020

Microbe-driven genotoxicity in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis.
Hartl, K. and Sigal, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20): 7439. 2 October 2020

eATP/P2X7R axis: an orchestrated pathway triggering inflammasome activation in muscle diseases.
Panicucci, C., Raffaghello, L., Bruzzone, S., Baratto, S., Principi, E., Minetti, C., Gazzerro, E. and Bruno, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (17): 5963. 19 August 2020

The chloroplast RNA binding protein CP31A has a preference for mRNAs encoding the subunits of the chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex and is required for their accumulation.
Lenzen, B., Rühle, T., Lehniger, M.K., Okuzaki, A., Labs, M., Muino, J.M., Ohler, U., Leister, D. and Schmitz-Linneweber, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (16): 5633. 6 August 2020

Mapping the transglycosylation relevant sites of cold-adapted β-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cB.
Rutkiewicz, M., Wanarska, M. and Bujacz, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (15): 5354. 28 July 2020

(Phospho)proteomic profiling of microsatellite unstable CRC cells reveals alterations in nuclear signaling and cholesterol metabolism caused by frameshift mutation of NMD regulator UPF3A.
Michalak, M., Katzenmaier, E.M., Roeckel, N., Woerner, S.M., Fuchs, V., Warnken, U., Yuan, Y.P., Bork, P., Neu-Yilik, G., Kulozik, A., von Knebel Doeberitz, M., Kloor, M., Kopitz, J. and Gebert, J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (15): 5234. 23 July 2020

Norditerpenoids with selective anti-cholinesterase activity from the roots of Perovskia atriplicifolia Benth.
Ślusarczyk, S., Senol Deniz, F.S., Abel, R., Pecio, Ł., Pérez-Sánchez, H., Cerón-Carrasco, J.P., den-Haan, H., Banerjee, P., Preissner, R., Krzyżak, E., Oleszek, W., E Orhan, I. and Matkowski, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (12): 4475. 23 June 2020

Short-term western diet aggravates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with portal hypertension in TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
Cremonese, C., Schierwagen, R., Uschner, F.E., Torres, S., Tyc, O., Ortiz, C., Schulz, M., Queck, A., Kristiansen, G., Bader, M., Sauerbruch, T., Weiskirchen, R., Walther, T., Trebicka, J. and Klein, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (9): 3308. 1 May 2020

O-Vanillin attenuates the TLR2 mediated tumor-promoting phenotype of microglia.
Triller, P., Bachorz, J., Synowitz, M., Kettenmann, H. and Markovic, D.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (8): 2959. 22 April 2020

Differential signaling profiles of MC4R mutations with three different ligands.
Paisdzior, S., Dimitriou, I.M., Schöpe, P.C., Annibale, P., Scheerer, P., Krude, H., Lohse, M.J., Biebermann, H. and Kühnen, P.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (4): 1224. 12 February 2020

Novel basic science insights to improve the management of heart failure: review of the working group on cellular and molecular biology of the heart of the italian society of cardiology.
Ameri, P., Schiattarella, G.G., Crotti, L., Torchio, M., Bertero, E., Rodolico, D., Forte, M., Di Mauro, V., Paolillo, R., Chimenti, C., Torella, D., Catalucci, D., Sciarretta, S., Basso, C., Indolfi, C. and Perrino, C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (4): 1192. 11 February 2020

Speckle tracking echocardiography: new ways of translational approaches in preeclampsia to detect cardiovascular dysfunction.
Kräker, K., Schütte, T., O'Driscoll, J., Birukov, A., Patey, O., Herse, F., Mueller, D.N., Thilaganathan, B., Haase, N. and Dechend, R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3): 1162. 10 February 2020

Suppression of β1-adrenoceptor autoantibodies is involved in the antiarrhythmic effects of omega-3 fatty acids in male and female hypertensive rats.
Bacova, B.S., Radosinska, J., Wallukat, G., Barancik, M., Wallukat, A., Knezl, V., Sykora, M., Paulis, L. and Tribulova, N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (2): 526. 14 January 2020

Novel loss-of-function variants in CDC14A are associated with recessive sensorineural hearing loss in Iranian and Pakistani patients.
Doll, J., Kolb, S., Schnapp, L., Rad, A., Rüschendorf, F., Khan, I., Adli, A., Hasanzadeh, A., Liedtke, D., Knaup, S., Hofrichter, M.A., Müller, T., Dittrich, M., Kong, I.K., Kim, H.G., Haaf, T. and Vona, B.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1): 311. 2 January 2020

Claudins in the renal collecting duct.
Leiz, J. and Schmidt-Ott, K.M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1): 221. 2020


Assessment of bones deficient in fibrillin-1 microfibrils reveals pronounced sex differences.
Altinbas, L., Bormann, N., Lehmann, D., Jeuthe, S., Wulsten, D., Kornak, U., Robinson, P.N., Wildemann, B. and Kararigas, G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (23): 6059. 1 December 2019

Structural features of tight-junction proteins.
Heinemann, U. and Schuetz, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (23): 6020. 29 November 2019

Excitatory amino acid transporters in physiology and disorders of the central nervous system.
Malik, A.R. and Willnow, T.E.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (22): 5671. 12 November 2019

Molecular mechanisms of kidney injury and repair in arterial hypertension.
Sievers, L.K. and Eckardt, K.U.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (9): 2138. 30 April 2019

New targeted agents in acute myeloid leukemia: new hope on the rise.
Bohl, S.R., Bullinger, L. and Rücker, F.G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (8) 23 April 2019

Placental CX3CL1 is deregulated by angiotensin II and contributes to a pro-inflammatory trophoblast-monocyte interaction.
Nonn, O., Güttler, J., Forstner, D., Maninger, S., Zadora, J., Balogh, A., Frolova, A., Glasner, A., Herse, F. and Gauster, M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3): 641. 2 February 2019


The influence of capsaicin on the integrity of microvascular endothelial cell monolayers.
Kaiser, M., Burek, M., Britz, S., Lankamp, F., Ketelhut, S., Kemper, B., Förster, C., Gorzelanny, C. and Goycoolea, F.M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (1): 122. 30 December 2018

Molecular analysis of sensory axon branching unraveled a cGMP-dependent signaling cascade.
Dumoulin, A., Ter-Avetisyan, G., Schmidt, H. and Rathjen, F.G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (5): 1266. 24 April 2018

S1P signalling differentially affects migration of peritoneal B cell populations in vitro and influences the production of intestinal IgA in vivo.
Kleinwort, A., Luehrs, F., Heidecke, C.D., Lipp, M. and Schulze, T.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (2): 391. 29 January 2018


The effect of low-dose proteasome inhibition on pre-existing atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice.
Wilck, N., Fechner, M., Dan, C., Stangl, V., Stangl, K. and Ludwig, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (4): 781. 7 April 2017


Sleep disorders reduce health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis (Nottingham Health Profile data in patients with multiple sclerosis).
Veauthier, C., Gaede, G., Radbruch, H., Wernecke, K.D. and Paul, F.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (7): 16514-16528. 21 July 2015


Atomistic Monte Carlo simulation of lipid membranes.
Wuestner, D. and Sklenar, H.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15 (2): 1767-803. 24 January 2014


Mechanisms of Lin28-mediated miRNA and mRNA regulation : a structural and functional perspective.
Mayr, F. and Heinemann, U.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14 (8): 16532-16553. 9 August 2013

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