Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Caloric restriction induces H(2)O(2) formation as a trigger of AMPK-eNOS-NO pathway in obese rats: role for CAMKII.
García-Prieto, C.F., Gil-Ortega, M., Plaza, A., Manzano-Lista, F.J., González-Blázquez, R., Alcalá, M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, P., Viana, M., Aranguez, I., Gollasch, M., Somoza, B. and Fernández-Alfonso, M.S.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 139 : 35-45. 1 August 2019

Quantification and characterization of radical production in human, animal and 3D skin models during sun irradiation measured by EPR spectroscopy.
Albrecht, S., Elpelt, A., Kasim, C., Reble, C., Mundhenk, L., Pischon, H., Hedtrich, S., Witzel, C., Lademann, J., Zastrow, L., Beckers, I. and Meinke, M.C.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 131 : 299-308. 1 February 2019


Hormetic shifting of redox environment by pro-oxidative resveratrol protects cells against stress.
Plauth, A., Geikowski, A., Cichon, S., Wowro, S.J., Liedgens, L., Rousseau, M., Weidner, C., Fuhr, L., Kliem, M., Jenkins, G., Lotito, S., Wainwright, L.J. and Sauer, S.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 99 : 608-622. October 2016


Mitochondrial DNA deletions inhibit proteasomal activity and stimulate an autophagic transcript.
Alemi, M., Prigione, A., Wong, A., Schoenfeld, R., DiMauro, S., Hirano, M., Taroni, F. and Cortopassi, G.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 42 (1): 32-43. 1 January 2007


Activation of AP-1 through reactive oxygen species by angiotensin II in rat cardiomyocytes.
Wu, S., Gao, J., Ohlemeyer, C., Roos, D., Niessen, H., Koettgen, E. and Gessner, R.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 39 (12): 1601-1610. 24 August 2005


Mitochondrial energy metabolism is regulated via nuclear-coded subunits of cytochrome c oxidase.
Kadenbach, B., Huettemann, M., Arnold, S., Lee, I. and Bender, E.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 29 : 211-221. 1 August 2000


Structure of transient radicals from cytostatic-active p-alkoxyphenols using the continous-flow EPR technique.
Lassmann, G. and Poetsch, S.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 19 : 533-541. 1 January 1995

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