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SPINEPS-automatic whole spine segmentation of T2-weighted MR images using a two-phase approach to multi-class semantic and instance segmentation.
Möller, H., Graf, R., Schmitt, J., Keinert, B., Schön, H., Atad, M., Sekuboyina, A., Streckenbach, F., Kofler, F., Kroencke, T., Bette, S., Willich, S.N., Keil, T., Niendorf, T., Pischon, T., Endemann, B., Menze, B., Rueckert, D. and Kirschke, J.S.
European Radiology 35 (3): 1178-1189. March 2025

Comparison of manual and artificial intelligence based quantification of myocardial strain by feature tracking - a cardiovascular MR study in health and disease.
Gröschel, J., Kuhnt, J., Viezzer, D., Hadler, T., Hormes, S., Barckow, P., Schulz-Menger, J. and Blaszczyk, E.
European Radiology 34 (2): 1003-1015. February 2024

Quantification of myocardial strain assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking in healthy subjects - influence of segmentation and analysis software.
Lim, C., Blaszczyk, E., Riazy, L., Wiesemann, S., Schüler, J., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F. and Schulz-Menger, J.
European Radiology 31 (6): 3962-3972. 4 June 2021

Magnetic resonance T1w/T2w ratio in the middle cerebellar peduncle might be a sensitive biomarker for multiple system atrophy.
Sugiyama, A., Yokota, H., Hirano, S., Cooper, G., Mukai, H., Koide, K., Wang, J., Ito, S., Finke, C., Brandt, A.U., Paul, F. and Kuwabara, S.
European Radiology 31 (6): 4277-4284. June 2021

Optic chiasm measurements may be useful markers of anterior optic pathway degeneration in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders.
Juenger, V., Cooper, G., Chien, C., Chikermane, M., Oertel, F.C., Zimmermann, H., Ruprecht, K., Jarius, S., Siebert, N., Kuchling, J., Papadopoulou, A., Asseyer, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Scheel, M.
European Radiology 30 (9): 5048-5058. September 2020

Multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography of the brain reveals tissue degeneration in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Streitberger, K.J., Fehlner, A., Pache, F., Lacheta, A., Papazoglou, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Ruprecht, K., Brandt, A., Braun, J., Sack, I., Paul, F. and Wuerfel, J.
European Radiology 27 (5): 2206-2215. May 2017

Brain parenchymal damage in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder - a multimodal MRI study.
Pache, F., Zimmermann, H., Finke, C., Lacheta, A., Papazoglou, S., Kuchling, J., Wuerfel, J., Hamm, B., Ruprecht, K., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Scheel, M.
European Radiology 26 (12): 4413-4422. December 2016

Real-time phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging for assessment of haemodynamics: from phantom to patients.
Traber, J., Wurche, L., Dieringer, M.A., Utz, W., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Greiser, A., Jin, N. and Schulz-Menger, J.
European Radiology 26 (4): 986-996. April 2016

Optic radiation damage in multiple sclerosis is associated with visual dysfunction and retinal thinning - an ultrahigh-field MR pilot study.
Sinnecker, T., Oberwahrenbrock, T., Metz, I., Zimmermann, H., Pfueller, C.F., Harms, L., Ruprecht, K., Ramien, C., Hahn, K., Brück, W., Niendorf, T., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U., Dörr, J. and Wuerfel, J.
European Radiology 25 (1): 122-131. January 2015

Ultrahigh field magnetic resonance and colour Doppler real-time fusion imaging of the orbit - a hybrid tool for assessment of choroidal melanoma.
Walter, U., Niendorf, T., Graessl, A., Rieger, J., Krüger, P.C., Langner, S., Guthoff, R.F. and Stachs, O.
European Radiology 24 (5): 1112-1117. May 2014

Value of cardiovascular MR in diagnosing left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy and in discriminating between other cardiomyopathies.
Grothoff, M., Pachowsky, M., Hoffmann, J., Posch, M., Klaassen, S., Lehmkuhl, L. and Gutberlet, M.
European Radiology 22 (12): 2699-2709. December 2012

Comparison of three multichannel transmit/receive radiofrequency coil configurations for anatomic and functional cardiac MRI at 7.0T: implications for clinical imaging.
Winter, L., Kellman, P., Renz, W., Graessl, A., Hezel, F., Thalhammer, C., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Tkachenko, V., Schulz-Menger, J. and Niendorf, T.
European Radiology 22 (10): 2211-2220. October 2012

Development and evaluation of a small and mobile Magneto Alert Sensor (MALSE) to support safety requirements for magnetic resonance imaging.
Martin, C., Frauenrath, T., Oezerdem, C., Renz, W. and Niendorf, T.
European Radiology 21 (10): 2187-2192. October 2011

Prognostic impact of T2-weighted CMR imaging for cardiac amyloidosis.
Wassmuth, R., Abdel-Aty, H., Bohl, S. and Schulz-Menger, J.
European Radiology 21 (8): 1643-1650. August 2011

Toward cardiovascular MRI at 7 T: clinical needs, technical solutions and research promises.
Niendorf, T., Sodickson, D.K., Krombach, G.A. and Schulz-Menger, J.
European Radiology 20 (12): 2806-2816. December 2010

Cardiac chamber quantification using magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla-a pilot study.
von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Frauenrath, T., Prothmann, M., Dieringer, M.A., Hezel, F., Renz, W., Kretschel, K., Niendorf, T. and Schulz-Menger, J.
European Radiology 20 (12): 2844-2852. December 2010

Comparison of left ventricular function assessment using phonocardiogram- and electrocardiogram-triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T.
Becker, M., Frauenrath, T., Hezel, F., Krombach, G.A., Kremer, U., Koppers, B., Butenweg, C., Goemmel, A., Utting, J.F., Schulz-Menger, J. and Niendorf, T.
European Radiology 20 (6): 1344-1355. June 2010

MR spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetisation transfer imaging (MTI), lesion load and clinical scores in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
Bellmann-Strobl, J., Stiepani, H., Wuerfel, J., Bohner, G., Paul, F., Warmuth, C., Aktas, O., Wandinger, K.P., Zipp, F. and Klingebiel, R.
European Radiology 19 (8): 2066-2074. August 2009

Comparison of image quality in magnetic resonance imaging of the knee at 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla using 32-channel receiver coils.
Schoth, F., Kraemer, N., Niendorf, T., Hohl, C., Gunther, R.W. and Krombach, G.A.
European Radiology 18 (10): 2258-2264. October 2008

Highly accelerated cardiovascular MR imaging using many channel technology: concepts and clinical applications.
Niendorf, T. and Sodickson, D.K.
European Radiology 18 (1): 87-102. January 2008

Characterization of myocardial viability using MR and CT imaging.
Krombach, G.A., Niendorf, T., Guenther, R.W. and Mahnken, A.H.
European Radiology 17 (6): 1433-1444. June 2007

Influence of high magnetic field strengths and parallel acquisition strategies on image quality in cardiac 2D CINE magnetic resonance imaging: comparison of 1.5 T vs. 3.0 T.
Gutberlet, M., Schwinge, K., Freyhardt, P., Spors, B., Grothoff, M., Denecke, T., Luedemann, L., Noeske, R., Niendorf, T. and Felix, R.
European Radiology 15 (8): 1586-1597. August 2005

Lymphatic mapping and retrieval of the sentinel lymph node in treatment of early breast cancer.
Bembenek, A., Markwardt, J. and Schlag, P.M.
European Radiology 11 (7): 1191-1194. July 2001

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