Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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What is extrachromosomal circular DNA and what does it do?
Chiu, R.W.K., Dutta, A., Henssen, A.G., Lo, Y.M.D., Mischel, P. and Regenberg, B.
Clinical Chemistry 66 (6): 754-759. June 2020


Biobanking for metabolomics and lipidomics in precision medicine.
Kirwan, J.A., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Mitchell, T., Pischon, T., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V.
Clinical Chemistry 65 (7): 827-832. 28 June 2019


Preanalytical processing and biobanking procedures of biological samples for metabolomics research: a white paper, community perspective (for "Precision Medicine and Pharmacometabolomics Task Group"-The Metabolomics Society Initiative).
Kirwan, J.A., Brennan, L., Broadhurst, D., Fiehn, O., Cascante, M., Dunn, W.B., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V.
Clinical Chemistry 64 (8): 1158-1182. August 2018

Addressing the perfect storm: biomarkers in obesity and pathophysiology of cardiometabolic risk.
Aleksandrova, K., Mozaffarian, D. and Pischon, T.
Clinical Chemistry 64 (1): 142-153. January 2018


Untargeted metabolic profiling identifies altered serum metabolites of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a prospective, nested case control study.
Drogan, D., Dunn, W.B., Lin, W., Buijsse, B., Schulze, M.B., Langenberg, C., Brown, M., Floegel, A., Dietrich, S., Rolandsson, O., Wedge, D.C., Goodacre, R., Forouhi, N.G., Sharp, S.J., Spranger, J., Wareham, N.J. and Boeing, H.
Clinical Chemistry 61 (3): 487-497. March 2015


MicroRNA signature helps distinguish early from late biochemical failure in prostate cancer.
Lichner, Z., Fendler, A., Saleh, C., Nasser, A.N., Boles, D., Al-Haddad, S., Kupchak, P., Dharsee, M., Nuin, P.S., Evans, K.R., Jung, K., Stephan, C., Fleshner, N.E. and Yousef, G.M.
Clinical Chemistry 59 (11): 1595-1603. November 2013


Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric analysis of DNA on microarrays.
Kepper, P., Reinhardt, R., Dahl, A., Lehrach, H. and Sauer, S.
Clinical Chemistry 52 (7): 1303-1310. July 2006

Adiponectin: a promising marker for cardiovascular disease.
Pischon, T. and Rimm, E.B.
Clinical Chemistry 52 (5): 797-799. May 2006


Multiplexed real-time PCR using universal reporters.
Rickert, A.M., Lehrach, H. and Sperling, S.
Clinical Chemistry 50 (9): 1680-1683. September 2004


Adiponectin: stability in plasma over 36 hours and within-person variation over 1 year.
Pischon, T., Hotamisligil, G.S. and Rimm, E.B.
Clinical Chemistry 49 (4): 650-652. April 2003


Oligonucleotide ligation assay for detection of apolipoprotein E polymorphisms.
Baron, H., Fung, S., Aydin, A., Bähring, S., Jeschke, E., Luft, F.C. and Schuster, H.
Clinical Chemistry 43 : 1984-1986. 1 January 1997


Immunoenzymometric assay of human glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB in diagnosis of ischemic myocardial injury.
Rabitzsch, G., Mair, J., Lechleitner, P., Noll, F., Hofmann, U., Krause, E.G., Dienstl, F. and Puschendorf, B.
Clinical Chemistry 41 (7): 966-978. 1 January 1995


Screening for familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 with improved U937 monocyte proliferation assay.
van den Broek, A.J., Hollaar, L., Schaefer, H.I., van der Laarse, A., Schuster, H., Defesche, J.C., Kastelein, J.J. and van't Hooft, F.M.
Clinical Chemistry 40 : 395-399. 1 January 1994

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