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Increased flexibility of brain dynamics in patients with multiple sclerosis.
von Schwanenflug, N., Koch, S.P., Krohn, S., Broeders, T.A.A., Lydon-Staley, D.M., Bassett, D.S., Schoonheim, M.M., Paul, F. and Finke, C.
Brain Communications 5 (3): fcad143. 3 May 2023

Postoperative delirium is associated with grey matter brain volume loss.
Kant, I.M.J., de Bresser, J., van Montfort, S.J.T., Witkamp, T.D., Walraad, B., Spies, C.D., Hendrikse, J., van Dellen, E. and Slooter, A.J.C.
Brain Communications 5 (1): fcad013. 30 January 2023

Early detection of exon 1 huntingtin aggregation in zQ175 brains by molecular and histological approaches.
Smith, E.J., Sathasivam, K., Landles, C., Osborne, G.F., Mason, M.A., Gomez-Paredes, C., Taxy, B.A., Milton, R.E., Ast, A., Schindler, F., Zhang, C., Duan, W., Wanker, E.E. and Bates, G.P.
Brain Communications 5 (1): fcad010. 20 January 2023

Prefrontal-amygdala emotion regulation and depression in multiple sclerosis.
Meyer-Arndt, L., Kuchling, J., Brasanac, J., Hermann, A., Asseyer, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F., Gold, S.M. and Weygandt, M.
Brain Communications 4 (3): fcac152. 13 June 2022

Central stress processing, T-cell responsivity to stress hormones, and disease severity in multiple sclerosis.
Brasanac, J., Hetzer, S., Asseyer, S., Kuchling, J., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Ritter, K., Gamradt, S., Scheel, M., Haynes, J.D., Brandt, A.U., Paul, F., Gold, S.M. and Weygandt, M.
Brain Communications 4 (2): fcac086. 4 April 2022

State-dependent signatures of anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis.
von Schwanenflug, N., Krohn, S., Heine, J., Paul, F., Prüss, H. and Finke, C.
Brain Communications 4 (1): fcab298. 1 February 2022

A novel remitting leukodystrophy associated with a variant in FBP2.
Gizak, A., Diegmann, S., Dreha-Kulaczewski, S., Wiśniewski, J., Duda, P., Ohlenbusch, A., Huppke, B., Henneke, M., Höhne, W., Altmüller, J., Thiele, H., Nürnberg, P., Rakus, D., Gärtner, J. and Huppke, P.
Brain Communications 3 (2): fcab036. 11 March 2021

Subcellular localization and formation of huntingtin aggregates correlates with symptom onset and progression in a Huntington's disease model.
Landles, C., Milton, R.E., Ali, N., Flomen, R., Flower, M., Schindler, F., Gomez-Paredes, C., Bondulich, M.K., Osborne, G.F., Goodwin, D., Salsbury, G., Benn, C.L., Sathasivam, K., Smith, E.J., Tabrizi, S.J., Wanker, E.E. and Bates, G.P.
Brain Communications 2 (2): fcaa066. 3 August 2020

Imaging markers of disability in aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G seropositive neuromyelitis optica: a graph theory study.
Chien, C., Oertel, F.C., Siebert, N., Zimmermann, H., Asseyer, S., Kuchling, J., Scheel, M., Ruprecht, K., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F. and Brandt, A.U.
Brain Communications 1 (1): fcz026. 16 October 2019

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