Piezo2 voltage-block regulates mechanical pain sensitivity.
Sánchez-Carranza, O., Chakrabarti, S., Kühnemund, J., Schwaller, F., Bégay, V., García-Contreras, J.A., Wang, Lin and Lewin, G.R.
Brain 147
(10): 3487-3500.
October 2024
Clinical and MRI measures to identify non-acute MOG-antibody disease in adults.
Cortese, R., Battaglini, M., Prados, F., Bianchi, A., Haider, L., Jacob, A., Palace, J., Messina, S., Paul, F., Wuerfel, J., Marignier, R., Durand-Dubief, F., de Medeiros Rimkus, C., Callegaro, D., Sato, D.K., Filippi, M., Rocca, M.A., Cacciaguerra, L., Rovira, A., Sastre-Garriga, J., Arrambide, G., Liu, Y., Duan, Y., Gasperini, C., Tortorella, C., Ruggieri, S., Amato, M.P., Ulivelli, M., Groppa, S., Grothe, M., Llufriu, S., Sepulveda, M., Lukas, C., Bellenberg, B., Schneider, R., Sowa, P., Celius, E.G., Proebstel, A.K., Yaldizli, Ö., Müller, J., Stankoff, B., Bodini, B., Carmisciano, L., Sormani, M.P., Barkhof, F., De Stefano, N. and Ciccarelli, O.
Brain 146
(6): 2489-2501.
June 2023
Parallel in-depth analysis of repeat expansions in ataxia patients by long-read sequencing.
Erdmann, H., Schöberl, F., Giurgiu, M., Leal Silva, R.M., Scholz, V., Scharf, F., Wendlandt, M., Kleinle, S., Deschauer, M., Nübling, G., Heide, W., Babacan, S.S., Schneider, C., Neuhann, T., Hahn, K., Schoser, B., Holinski-Feder, E., Wolf, D.A. and Abicht, A.
Brain 146
(5): 1831-1843.
May 2023
The genomic landscape across 474 surgically accessible epileptogenic human brain lesions.
López-Rivera, J.A., Leu, C., Macnee, M., Khoury, J., Hoffmann, L., Coras, R., Kobow, K., Bhattarai, N., Pérez-Palma, E., Hamer, H., Brandner, S., Rössler, K., Bien, C.G., Kalbhenn, T., Pieper, T., Hartlieb, T., Butler, E., Genovese, G., Becker, K., Altmüller, J., Niestroj, L.M., Ferguson, L., Busch, R.M., Nürnberg, P., Najm, I., Blümcke, I. and Lal, D.
Brain 146
(4): 1342-1356.
April 2023
Mutations in TAF8 cause a neurodegenerative disorder.
Wong, K.M., Jepsen, W.M., Efthymiou, S., Salpietro, V., Sanchez-Castillo, M., Yip, J., Kriouile, Y., Diegmann, S., Dreha-Kulaczewski, S., Altmüller, J., Thiele, H., Nürnberg, P., Toosi, M.B., Akhondian, J., Ghayoor Karimiani, E., Hummel-Abmeier, H., Huppke, B., Houlden, H., Gärtner, J., Maroofian, R. and Huppke, P.
Brain 145
(9): 3022-3034.
September 2022
Single-cell sequencing of human midbrain reveals glial activation and a Parkinson-specific neuronal state.
Smajić, S., Prada-Medina, C.A., Landoulsi, Z., Ghelfi, J., Delcambre, S., Dietrich, C., Jarazo, J., Henck, J., Balachandran, S., Pachchek, S., Morris, C.M., Antony, P., Timmermann, B., Sauer, S., Pereira, S.L., Schwamborn, J.C., May, P., Grünewald, A. and Spielmann, M.
Brain 145
(3): 964-978.
March 2022
Beneficial effects of autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in active progressive multiple sclerosis.
Petrou, P., Kassis, I., Levin, N., Paul, F., Backner, Y., Benoliel, T., Oertel, F.C., Scheel, M., Hallimi, M., Yaghmour, N., Hur, T.B., Ginzberg, A., Levy, Y., Abramsky, O. and Karussis, D.
Brain 143
(12): 3574-3588.
December 2020
Aggressive multiple sclerosis - a matter of measurement and timing.
Ellenberger, D., Flachenecker, P., Fneish, F., Frahm, N., Hellwig, K., Paul, F., Stahmann, A., Warnke, C., Rommer, P.S. and Zettl, U.K.
Brain 143
(11): e97.
November 2020
Protective effects of 4-aminopyridine in experimental optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis.
Dietrich, M., Koska, V., Hecker, C., Göttle, P., Hilla, A.M., Heskamp, A., Lepka, K., Issberner, A., Hallenberger, A., Baksmeier, C., Steckel, J., Balk, L., Knier, B., Korn, T., Havla, J., Martínez-Lapiscina, E.H., Solà-Valls, N., Manogaran, P., Olbert, E.D., Schippling, S., Cruz-Herranz, A., Yiu, H., Button, J., Caldito, N.G., von Gall, C., Mausberg, A.K., Stettner, M., Zimmermann, H.G., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U., Küry, P., Goebels, N., Aktas, O., Berndt, C., Saidha, S., Green, A.J., Calabresi, P.A., Fischer, D., Hartung, H.P. and Albrecht, P.
Brain 143
(4): 1127-1142.
April 2020
Decreased microglial Wnt/β-catenin signalling drives microglial pro-inflammatory activation in the developing brain.
Van Steenwinckel, J., Schang, A.L., Krishnan, M.L., Degos, V., Delahaye-Duriez, A., Bokobza, C., Csaba, Z., Verdonk, F., Montané, A., Sigaut, S., Hennebert, O., Lebon, S., Schwendimann, L., Le Charpentier, T., Hassan-Abdi, R., Ball, G., Aljabar, P., Saxena, A., Holloway, R.K., Birchmeier, W., Baud, O., Rowitch, D., Miron, V., Chretien, F., Leconte, C., Besson, V.C., Petretto, E.G., Edwards, A.D., Hagberg, H., Soussi-Yanicostas, N., Fleiss, B. and Gressens, P.
Brain 142
(12): 3806-3833.
December 2019
Assessment of lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis: practical guidelines.
Filippi, M., Preziosa, P., Banwell, B.L., Barkhof, F., Ciccarelli, O., De Stefano, N., Geurts, J.J.G., Paul, F., Reich, D.S., Toosy, A.T., Traboulsee, A., Wattjes, M.P., Yousry, T.A., Gass, A., Lubetzki, C., Weinshenker, B.G. and Rocca, M.A.
Brain 142
(7): 1858-1875.
July 2019
Rare GABRA3 variants are associated with epileptic seizures, encephalopathy and dysmorphic features.
Niturad, C.E., Lev, D., Kalscheuer, V.M., Charzewska, A., Schubert, J., Lerman-Sagie, T., Kroes, H.Y., Oegema, R., Traverso, M., Specchio, N., Lassota, M., Chelly, J., Bennett-Back, O., Carmi, N., Koffler-Brill, T., Iacomino, M., Trivisano, M., Capovilla, G., Striano, P., Nawara, M., Rzonca, S., Fischer, U., Bienek, M., Jensen, C., Hu, H., Thiele, H., Altmüller, J., Krause, R., May, P., Becker, F., Balling, R., Biskup, S., Haas, S.A., Nürnberg, P., van Gassen, K.L.I., Lerche, H., Zara, F., Maljevic, S. and Leshinsky-Silver, E.
Brain 140
(11): 2879-2894.
1 November 2017
Human cerebrospinal fluid monoclonal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor autoantibodies are sufficient for encephalitis pathogenesis.
Kreye, J., Wenke, N.K., Chayka, M., Leubner, J., Murugan, R., Maier, N., Jurek, B., Ly, L.T., Brandl, D., Rost, B.R., Stumpf, A., Schulz, P., Radbruch, H., Hauser, A.E., Pache, F., Meisel, A., Harms, L., Paul, F., Dirnagl, U., Garner, C., Schmitz, D., Wardemann, H. and Prüss, H.
Brain 139
(10): 2641-2652.
1 October 2016
Neuregulin-1 controls an endogenous repair mechanism after spinal cord injury.
Bartus, K., Galino, J., James, N.D., Hernandez-Miranda, L.R., Dawes, J.M., Fricker, F.R., Garratt, A.N., McMahon, S.B., Ramer, M.S., Birchmeier, C., Bennett, D.L.H. and Bradbury, E.J.
Brain 139
(Pt 5): 1394-1416.
May 2016
CHD2 variants are a risk factor for photosensitivity in epilepsy.
Galizia, E.C., Myers, C.T., Leu, C., de Kovel, C.G.F., Afrikanova, T., Cordero-Maldonado, M.L., Martins, T.G., Jacmin, M., Drury, S., Krishna Chinthapalli, V., Muhle, H., Pendziwiat, M., Sander, T., Ruppert, A.K., Møller, R.S., Thiele, H., Krause, R., Schubert, J., Lehesjoki, A.E., Nürnberg, P., Lerche, H., Palotie, A., Coppola, A., Striano, S., Gaudio, L.D., Boustred, C., Schneider, A.L., Lench, N., Jocic-Jakubi, B., Covanis, A., Capovilla, G., Veggiotti, P., Piccioli, M., Parisi, P., Cantonetti, L., Sadleir, L.G., Mullen, S.A., Berkovic, S.F, Stephani, U., Helbig, I., Crawford, A.D., Esguerra, C.V., Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité, D.G.A., Koeleman, B.P.C., Mefford, H.C., Scheffer, I.E. and Sisodiya, S.M.
Brain 138
(5): 1198-1207.
May 2015
Prevalence and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease at the mild cognitive impairment stage.
Vos, S.J.B., Verhey, F., Froelich, L., Kornhuber, J., Wiltfang, J., Maier, W., Peters, O., Ruether, E., Nobili, F., Morbelli, S., Frisoni, G.B., Drzezga, A., Didic, M., van Berckel, B.N.M., Simmons, A., Soininen, H., Kloszewska, I., Mecocci, P., Tsolaki, M., Vellas, B., Lovestone, S., Muscio, C., Herukka, S.K., Salmon, E., Bastin, C., Wallin, A., Nordlund, A., de Mendonca, A., Silva, D., Santana, I., Lemos, R., Engelborghs, S., Van der Mussele, S., Freund-Levi, Y., Wallin, A.K., Hampel, H., van der Flier, W., Scheltens, P. and Visser, P.J.
Brain 138
(Pt 5): 1327-1338.
May 2015
New candidates for CD4 T cell pathogenicity in experimental neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis.
Hoppmann, N., Graetz, C., Paterka, M., Poisa-Beiro, L., Larochelle, C., Hasan, M., Lill, C.M., Zipp, F. and Siffrin, V.
Brain 138
(Pt 4): 902-917.
April 2015
Axonal neuregulin 1 is a rate limiting but not essential factor for nerve remyelination.
Fricker, F.R., Antunes-Martins, A., Galino, J., Paramsothy, R., La Russa, F., Perkins, J., Goldberg, R., Brelstaff, J., Zhu, N., McMahon, S.B., Orengo, C., Garratt, A.N., Birchmeier, C. and Bennett, D.L.
Brain 136
(Pt 7): 2279-2297.
July 2013
Modulation of dendritic cell properties by laquinimod as a mechanism for modulating multiple sclerosis.
Jolivel, V., Luessi, F., Masri, J., Kraus, S.H.P., Hubo, M., Poisa-Beiro, L., Klebow, S., Paterka, M., Yogev, N., Tumani, H., Furlan, R., Siffrin, V., Jonuleit, H., Zipp, F. and Waisman, A.
Brain 136
(4): 1048-1066.
1 April 2013
Essential role of interleukin-6 in post-stroke angiogenesis.
Gertz, K., Kronenberg, G., Kaelin, R.E., Baldinger, T., Werner, C., Balkaya, M., Eom, G.D., Hellmann-Regen, J., Kroeber, J., Miller, K.R., Lindauer, U., Laufs, U., Dirnagl, U., Heppner, F.L. and Endres, M.
Brain 135
(Pt 6): 1964-1980.
June 2012
Primary retinal pathology in multiple sclerosis as detected by optical coherence tomography.
Brandt, A.U., Oberwahrenbrock, T., Ringelstein, M., Young, K.L., Tiede, M., Hartung, H.P., Martin, R., Aktas, O., Paul, F. and Schippling, S.
Brain 134
(Pt 11): e193.
November 2011
Irregular RNA splicing curtails postsynaptic gephyrin in the cornu ammonis of patients with epilepsy.
Foerstera, B., Belaidi, A.A., Juettner, R., Bernert, C., Tsokos, M., Lehmann, T.N., Horn, P., Dehnicke, C., Schwarz, G. and Meier, J.C.
Brain 133
(Pt12): 3778-3794.
December 2010
Bone morphogenetic protein-7 release from endogenous neural precursor cells suppresses the tumourigenicity of stem-like glioblastoma cells.
Chirasani, S.R., Sternjak, A., Wend, P., Momma, S., Campos, B., Herrmann, I.M., Graf, D., Mitsiadis, T., Herold-Mende, C., Besser, D., Synowitz, M., Kettenmann, H. and Glass, R.
Brain 133
(Pt 7): 1961-1972.
July 2010
ABC-transporter gene-polymorphisms are potential pharmacogenetic markers for mitoxantrone response in multiple sclerosis.
Cotte, S., von Ahsen, N., Kruse, N., Huber, B., Winkelmann, A., Zettl, U.K., Starck, M., Koenig, N., Tellez, N., Doerr, J., Paul, F., Zipp, F., Luehder, F., Koepsell, H., Pannek, H., Montalban, X., Gold, R. and Chan, A.
Brain 132
(Pt 9): 2517-2530.
September 2009
Differential immune cell dynamics in the CNS cause CD4+ T cell compartmentalization.
Siffrin, V., Brandt, A.U., Radbruch, H., Herz, J., Boldakowa, N., Leuenberger, T., Werr, J., Hahner, A., Schulze-Topphoff, U., Nitsch, R. and Zipp, F.
Brain 132
(5): 1247-1258.
May 2009
Perivascular spaces - MRI marker of inflammatory activity in the brain?
Wuerfel, J., Haertle, M., Waiczies, H., Tysiak, E., Bechmann, I., Wernecke, K.D., Zipp, F. and Paul, F.
Brain 131
(Pt 9): 2332-2340.
September 2008
Epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females: an under-recognized disorder.
Scheffer, I.E., Turner, S.J., Dibbens, L.M., Bayly, M.A., Friend, K., Hodgson, B., Burrows, L., Shaw, M., Chen, W., Ullmann, R., Ropers, H.H., Szepetowski, P., Haan, E., Mazarib, A., Afawi, Z., Neufeld, M.Y., Andrews, P.I., Wallace, G., Kivity, S., Lev, D., Lerman-Sagie, T., Derry, C.P., Korczyn, A.D., Gecz, J., Mulley, J.C. and Berkovic, S.F.
Brain 131
(4): 918-927.
April 2008
Pathological consequences of VCP mutations on human striated muscle.
Huebbers, C.U., Clemen, C.S., Kesper, K., Boeddrich, A., Hofmann, A., Kaemaeraeinen, O., Tolksdorf, K., Stumpf, M., Reichelt, J., Roth, U., Krause, S., Watts, G., Kimonis, V., Wattjes, M.P., Reimann, J., Thal, D.R., Biermann, K., Evert, B.O., Lochmueller, H., Wanker, E.E., Schoser, B.G., Noegel, A.A. and Schroeder, R.
Brain 130
(2): 381-393.
1 February 2007
The invasion promoting effect of microglia on glioblastoma cells is inhibited by cyclosporin A.
Sliwa, M., Markovic, D., Gabrusiewicz, K., Synowitz, M., Glass, R., Zawadzka, M., Wesolowska, A., Kettenmann, H. and Kaminska, B.
Brain 130
(Pt. 2): 476-489.
1 February 2007
A locus on chromosome 15q for a dominantly inherited nemaline myopathy with core-like lesions.
Gommans, I.M.P., Davis, M., Saar, K., Lammens, M., Mastaglia, F., Lamont, P., Van Duijnhoven, G., Ter Laak, H.J., Reis, A., Vogels, O.J.M., Laing, N., van Engelen, B.G.M. and Kremer, H.
Brain 126
(7): 1545-1551.
July 2003
Quantitative assessment of MRI lesion load in multiple sclerosis. A comparison of conventional spin-echo with fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery.
Filippi, M., Yousry, T., Baratti, C., Horsfield, M.A., Mammi, S., Becker, C., Voltz, R., Spuler, S., Campi, A., Reiser, M.F. and Comi, G.
Brain 119
(4): 1349-1355.
August 1996
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 10:59:11 2025 UTC.