Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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New DNA-analysis techniques (minireview).
Coutelle, C.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 : 3-10. 1 January 1991

Possibilities and limitations of carrier diagnosis in families with Duchenne muscular dystrophy caused by deletions in the major hot spot region using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
Huschenbett, J., Volz, A., Pfeifer, L. and Speer, A.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 : 1205-1212. 1 January 1991

Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
Jantscheff, P., Boettger, V., Price, M., Micheel, B., Kaiser, G., Zotter, S., Kotzsch, M., Grossmann, H. and Karsten, U.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 : 1261-1267. 1 January 1991

Immunoaffinity purification of human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) using monoclonal antibodies.
Kaiser, G. and Micheel, B.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 : 1033-1039. 1 January 1991

Stimulation of endothelial cell migration by thrombin.
Pankonin, G. and Teuscher, E.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 : 1073-1078. 1 January 1991

Improved purification and characterization of membraneous and cytosolic inositol phospholipid-specific phospholipases C from porcine brain cortex.
Hoffmann, B., Seib, C., Hoeer, A., Hoeer, D., Oberdisse, E., Rosenthal, W. and Schultz, G.
Biomedica Biochimica Acta 50 (1): 31-46. 1991

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