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REEV: review, evaluate and explain variants

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Item Type:Article
Title:REEV: review, evaluate and explain variants
Creators Name:Hramyka, D. and Sczakiel, H.L. and Zhao, M.X. and Stolpe, O. and Nieminen, M. and Adam, R. and Danyel, M. and Einicke, L. and Hägerling, R. and Knaus, A. and Mundlos, S. and Schwartzmann, S. and Seelow, D. and Ehmke, N. and Mensah, M.A. and Boschann, F. and Beule, D. and Holtgrewe, M.
Abstract:In the era of high throughput sequencing, special software is required for the clinical evaluation of genetic variants. We developed REEV (Review, Evaluate and Explain Variants), a user-friendly platform for clinicians and researchers in the field of rare disease genetics. Supporting data was aggregated from public data sources. We compared REEV with seven other tools for clinical variant evaluation. REEV (semi-)automatically fills individual ACMG criteria facilitating variant interpretation. REEV can store disease and phenotype data related to a case to use these for phenotype similarity measures. Users can create public permanent links for individual variants that can be saved as browser bookmarks and shared. REEV may help in the fast diagnostic assessment of genetic variants in a clinical as well as in a research context. REEV (https://reev.bihealth.org/) is free and open to all users and there is no login requirement.
Source:Nucleic Acids Research
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Page Range:gkae366
Date:20 May 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae366
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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